Zelenka instructions for use for children. What Zelenka Helps: Traditional and Unexpected Uses

On the pharmacy shelves you can find a lot of antiseptic preparations, they differ in the specifics of use, as well as in their cost. But do not think that more expensive in this case means better. After all, many cheap drugs that have been used for decades to disinfect various wound surfaces turn out to be very effective in the fight against possible infections and bacteria. Today we will talk about such a well-known antiseptic as brilliant green. Experts call it a solution of brilliant green.

What is the composition of Zelenka?

The medicinal composition initially looks like a powder, which is difficult to dissolve in alcohol and water. It can be used for industrial purposes for painting fabrics, wood, varnishes, etc. Doctors usually use an alcohol solution of this substance, the concentration active component in which it can vary from one tenth of a percent to two percent, and depends on the recommended dosage.

In a pharmacy, brilliant green can be purchased as the same powder designed to create an aqueous solution. In addition, it is also produced as a one percent and two percent alcohol solution, which is usually based on 57% ethanol. The medicinal composition is suitable for external use.

Accordingly, each glass vial of brilliant green contains one or two grams of a synthetic substance called brilliant green. In addition, it contains up to one hundred milliliters of ethyl alcohol (57-60%).

Now brilliant green can also be purchased in the form of a so-called medical felt-tip pen - a pencil. In this form, it becomes especially convenient to use, as it cannot splash and spill.

Zelenka - instructions for use:

This medicinal composition, as we have already mentioned, is an antiseptic and effective disinfectant. It has a remarkable antimicrobial effect, but it cannot damage tissues and penetrate them in significant quantities. Brilliant Green is affordable, easy to use and high efficiency. Due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in its composition, the effect of its use only increases.

A solution of Brilliant Green is able to cope with Staphylococcus aureus and diphtheria bacillus. It is characterized fast action and a high degree activity against gram-positive bacteria and most pathogenic fungi.

Zelenka is an antiseptic mild action, it does not dry the skin and cannot burn it, in addition, it stimulates regenerative processes in tissues.

What are the indications for use of Zelenka?

Zelenka is loved by many residents of our huge country. It is a wonderful first aid when applied to small wounds, cuts and scrapes. Among other things, this antiseptic is suitable for the treatment of fresh postoperative and post-traumatic cicatricial changes. This tool is so safe that it is used even in the treatment of small children - newborns and infants. Literally in the first days of life, brilliant green is applied to umbilical wound to achieve a disinfecting effect, dry it and speed up the regeneration processes.

In older children, this medicine is usually applied to insect bites and vesicles that occur with chickenpox. In this case, the medicine not only has an antiseptic effect, but also copes with itching and dries the rash a little.

The instructions for Brilliant Green indicate that this product can be used as a adjuvant therapy when correcting purulent inflammatory lesions skin, including furunculosis, carbunculosis, as well as pyoderma and local staph infection.

Zelenka can also be used to correct infectious and inflammatory eye lesions. So with its help, blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids) is often treated, as well as meibomitis ( domestic barley) and hordeolum ( traditional barley). In this case, the medicine is carefully applied to the eyelids or to their edges.

A solution of Brilliant Green is one of the essential elements of the first-aid kit for residents of Russia and most of the CIS countries. However, in European countries it is not customary to use it, due to the fact that brilliant green gives the patient an unaesthetic appearance and has a poorly understood mechanism of action.

Application features

A solution of Brilliant Green, unlike many other antiseptics, is usually applied directly to the wound. In addition, a healthy epidermis is also treated near the site of the lesion. However, remember that you should not use an excessive amount of the drug, as the dye can seep deep enough. This is fraught with a rather long-term coloration of the skin in greenish tones. Reapplying is carried out if the skin and the wound are discolored. If the wound is completely bandaged, then the treatment is carried out at each dressing. The interval between application of the drug should not be less than twenty-four hours.

It should be noted that the solution of Brilliant Green cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to its components. Also, this remedy is not applied to bleeding wounds, mucous membranes and weeping skin. Among other things, you should not combine brilliant green with iodine, and those disinfectants that contain chlorine and alkali.

Almost all of us from childhood know about such a tool as brilliant green. Its composition, however, is not familiar to everyone. From what and how is this tool made?

Zelenka: composition of the drug

Your parents probably smeared your abrasions, insect bites and wounds more than once with the good old remedy. This antiseptic allows you to disinfect the wound and prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria. Today it is used for coloring wood and paper, in the manufacture of varnishes and laboratory tests. In the European Union and America, the drug is prohibited, because. Zelenka production is one of the dirtiest in chemical industry. Perhaps soon this remedy will remain only a memory for the inhabitants of Russia. And it will be replaced by more environmentally friendly and effective means. Also, such a medicine cannot be called aesthetic - green arms and legs in children look even more or less, but what if an adult comes to work in this form?

Zelenka: what is it made of?

In fact, this remedy is a dye that was obtained not in the medical, but in the chemical industry from natural indigo in the distant 19th century. The resulting substance was distinguished by various and bright shades and was suitable for coloring almost any surface. Later it turned out that the substance can be produced from coal tar. This is how the predecessor appeared. modern greenery- rosolic acid. At first, the brilliant green, the composition of which we are studying, was used only as a dye, but soon the scientists realized that the remedy had and antiseptic properties. The scope of the drug is gram-positive bacteria. The remedy is used for cuts, abrasions, cracks, pyoderma, blepharitis and herpes. Distinctive feature in that Zelenka is not absorbed into the blood when applied to whole skin. If the agent enters the wound, it penetrates into the bloodstream only in an extremely small amount. But such a remedy as brilliant green should not be applied to the mucous membranes. The composition will cause a burn or lead to a secondary infection. The solution must not be taken orally, otherwise severe poisoning and hypoxia may occur.

What is greenery made of?

In dry form, it is a powder or lumps of golden-green color. To obtain the agent, benzaldehyde is condensed with diethylaniline. The resulting substance is oxidized with manganese or lead oxide. The resulting carbinolic base is then reacted with oxalic acid. The finished product is a 1-2% solution of tetraethyl-4,4-diaminotriphenylmethane oxalate in 57% ethanol.

The drug is poorly soluble in water (1 to 50) and in ethanol. The agent mixed with isopropyl alcohol has Blue colour, dissolved in ethanol and water - saturated green. As a component, the substance is contained in Novikov's liquid (collodion, tannin, Castor oil, brilliant green, 96% ethanol) and corn fluid (collodion, salicylic acid, 96% ethanol, brilliant green). The drug is incompatible with medicines containing alkalis, active iodine and chlorine.

For the manufacture of "brilliant green", familiar to most of us since childhood, they use the so-called brilliant green - an aniline dye of the triphenylmethane series, first synthesized in Germany in 1879. This substance in dry form is a small lumps or powder of golden-green color with a shiny surface. What does the "brilliant green" that lubricates abrasions consist of? The drug is obtained by dissolving this solid dye in water or medical alcohol. Interestingly, almost nowhere in the world, except for the countries of the former CIS, this tool in medical practice do not use, considering it ineffective and unaesthetic.

In medicine, a 1-2% alcohol (less often - water) solution of brilliant green is used. effective against gram-positive bacteria, but it has practically no effect on gram-negative ones. sensitive to him Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, diphtheria bacillus. Zelenka, the composition of which is quite simple, is used for processing operating field and scars - both postoperative and post-traumatic. An alcohol solution of brilliant green is spotted on the eyelids with incipient styes and meibomites (internal styes). This simple procedure often helps prevent the development of the disease - inflammation stops for initial stage. With blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids), "brilliant green" is also used. The composition of this drug, however, is such that it can cause irritation and even burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Therefore, when lubricating them with eyelids, special care must be taken.

A good effect is the use of "brilliant green" in complex carbunculosis, pyoderma. After lubricating it skin The affected area is usually covered with a bandage antibacterial ointment. At severe forms antibiotics are prescribed orally. With scratches, abrasions, wounds of a small area, the most popular means also remains "green".

The composition of the drug allows you to use it even for treatment infants. A solution of brilliant green treats the umbilical wound of a newborn child, lubricates pimples and insect bites. When treating large surfaces, for example, with diaper rash or allergic diathesis, use its 1% aqueous solution. Such a “brilliant green” (its composition is completely harmless) will not harm delicate baby skin. Finally, “bubbles” with chickenpox are lubricated with this remedy: after such treatment, they not only dry out better, but also practically do not itch. The child scratches the rash less, they do not become infected, heal faster and do not leave marks.

When treating abrasions with brilliant green, babies often cry. You can try to distract an upset child by inviting him to paint the skin on his own (and over time, the place of abrasion) in or, together with his mother, “blow” on the wound on which the “brilliant green” was applied.

"What is greenery made of?" - a long detailed answer to the baby’s question or a fairy tale invented on the go on this topic will also help to calm him down. However, it should be borne in mind that there are cases of individual intolerance to brilliant green; their symptoms are intense burning and itching. Therefore, when sensitive skin it is better to lubricate the child with abrasions and cuts with another remedy - for example, Feniran wound healing gel.

Unlike other popular antiseptic brilliant green, it does not burn the skin and mucous membranes, so it can be used to treat not only the surface around the wound, but also the wound itself. Re-treatment is carried out at each dressing, and in the treatment of rashes or bites - as the color of the "green" on the skin begins to fade.

Brilliant Green should not be used with iodine-containing medicines. Store it in a dark, cool place: solutions - no more than two years, the powder has no expiration date.

Adults and children are familiar with the medicine for treating scratches and abrasions - brilliant green (popularly called brilliant green).

Folk instructions for greenery

What is greenery made of?

In the production of greenery, an aniline dye of the triphenylmethane series is used. This discovery took place in 1879 in Germany. The dry substrate consists of small lumps or is a green powder with a glossy surface. The liquid preparation familiar to us is obtained by dissolving this solid dye in water or rubbing alcohol.

An aqueous solution of brilliant green is used mainly for the treatment of mucous membranes and the pharmacy accepts orders for its manufacture. An alcohol solution is commercially available all the time.

About the release form

The product is produced in the form of a 1-2% alcohol or aqueous solution in 10 ml vials.

About the shelf life of the solution and powder

Shelf life expires after 2 years, the powder has no expiration date.

The action of brilliant green

The demand for the product lies in the fact that its use leads to immediate sterilization, the destruction of all pathogens. However, there may be undesirable consequences- Irritation and burning. This explains the reasons for its exclusively external use.

What is smeared with greenery? Application

The remedy is prescribed by doctors in the treatment of pustular infection, for example, pyoderma (pustular skin lesions).

The drug is used in the treatment of blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids). He is also subject to such diseases as gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomonas and AIDS, however, if there is a possibility of their external neutralization. In addition, the "green medicine" is widely used in gynecological procedures. Zelenka remarkably sterilizes wound surfaces. It is noteworthy that thanks to its properties, brilliant green also finds its place in surgery.

The surgical field, post-operative post-traumatic scars can be treated with this antiseptic as well.

Lubricate the eyelids alcohol solution brilliant green if barley starts. In the treatment of meibomitis (internal barley), "our" drug also plays a role. Its inclusion in the number of medicines can reduce the duration of treatment.

An aqueous solution of brilliant green 1% is indispensable when caring for a child at any age: they, it is they who lubricate the umbilical wound of a newborn, diaper rash, pimples. In addition, they do not do without it in the treatment of chickenpox, which helps to reduce rashes, itching and residual effects.

Brilliant green has bactericidal capabilities, adversely affects microorganisms, stops the growth of yeast fungi of the genus Candida.

Zelenka or iodine?! Note!

Brilliant green is recognized by experts as more soft remedy in action in comparison with iodine and manganese, so it is used from birth.

Zelenka is an antiseptic and acts as an analogue of ethyl alcohol and alcohol tincture of iodine. But brilliant green should not be equated with iodine-containing drugs. Their difference lies not only in color scheme. Yes, iodine and brilliant green antiseptics. But iodine has a more pronounced drying effect.

Zelenka - belongs to the category of softer and weaker antiseptics, has the ability to stimulate wound healing and does not dry the skin. It is recommended to use brilliant green in cases where fabrics the size of a five-ruble coin or more are processed. However, Zelenka is banned when we are talking about bleeding or allergies.

It should be noted that this tool does not practical application in international medical practice. In other countries, a remedy such as Mercurochrome is used instead. Like Miramistin, this replacement is not entirely correct, due to the fact that Mercurochrome is also a flawed drug.

About Application

Instructions for use of Zelenka prescribes the use of the indicated drug for external use only. Brilliant green is applied externally in the form of 1-2% alcohol and aqueous solutions. area of ​​skin requiring medical intervention, to be processed 2-3 times a day.

For small patients and for mucosal injuries in adults, lubricate 1% aqueous solution dye.

What does the herb cure?

The drug is used for eye diseases, minor skin lesions, for viral diseases such as herpes, chicken pox. In addition, there are indications for the use of brilliant green when installed the following diagnoses: folliculitis, boils, abscesses, aphthae, streptococcal infections.

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Brilliant green instantly kills bacteria on the skin and mucous membranes, and also suppresses yeast fungi genus Candida. Often the solution is equated with iodine, but this is not very correct. The drug, unlike iodine, has antiseptic action, while not exerting increased interstitial pressure, therefore, "green" is not used to warm up a certain area (bronchi, feet, etc.).

A drug with a specific color and a wide range of properties is successfully used not only in medicine, but also in medical microbiology, in industry, in agriculture, in analytical chemistry and even in art.

Solution composition

Brilliant green alcohol solution can only be obtained synthetically. Depending on the area in which the drug will be used, its components are taken in different volumes. The composition of brilliant green or "brilliant green", created for medicinal purposes, is as follows (per 100 ml of the drug):

  • brilliant green 1.0 g;
  • ethanol 60% up to 100 ml.

The antiseptic is available in glass bottles of 10 ml or 15 ml. Best before date this drug is two years.

In pharmacies, you can also find brilliant green in powder form, which must be diluted with water or liquid yourself. The required dilution concentration depends on the manufacturer's instructions.

Brilliant green as part of other preparations

Despite the fact that brilliant green is an independent drug that has a lot of useful properties, it is also used to create other drugs. All products containing this substance have an antiseptic property.

Novikov liquid

The medicine is used to treat abrasions and cracks in all areas of the skin. Consists of brilliant green 20% by volume, ethanol 96% also 20%, castor oil 50% by volume and collodion.

corn fluid

This medical product used to treat wounds, like brilliant green itself. The preparation consists of one part of 96% ethanol, eight parts of collodion and 0.01 part of brilliant green.

Some companies produce bactericidal adhesive plasters impregnated with the listed antiseptics or with brilliant green itself, which are used when a wound has already formed at the site of the corn. A bactericidal impregnated patch promotes rapid healing.

Toxic effects of brilliant green

At medical applications brilliant green may cause individual intolerance or allergic reaction in the form of itching or hives. If the solution gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, quite uncomfortable sensations appear:

  • burning;
  • lacrimation;
  • burn (only in some cases).
Indications for the use of brilliant green

Despite the fact that the "brilliant green" is a fairly common medicine, it is still necessary to know in which cases it is really useful. At infectious disease eye blepharitis, minor skin lesions (including wounds, burns in small areas, cuts), viral diseases skin (for example, herpes, chicken pox, and so on).

Brilliant green is also used to lubricate the skin in case of skin diseases, including:

The use of a brilliant green alcohol and aqueous solution can be exclusively external, namely for lubricating damaged skin. It is necessary to apply green paint to wounds and scratches two to three times a day. In the case of damage to the mucous membrane, it is necessary to use the drug with a 1% aqueous dye solution.