Liberation of the territory of the USSR and European countries. Liberation of the USSR

In 1944, the Soviet Army launched an offensive on all sectors of the front - from Barents Sea to Cherny. In January, the offensive of units of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts began, supported by the Baltic Fleet, the result of which was the complete liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade, which lasted 900 days, and the expulsion of the Nazis from Novgorod. By the end of February, in cooperation with the troops of the Baltic Front, the Leningrad, Novgorod and part of the Kalinin regions were completely liberated.

At the end of January, the offensive of the troops of the Ukrainian fronts in Right Bank Ukraine began. Fierce fighting broke out in February in the area of ​​the Korsun-Shevchenko group, and in March - near Chernivtsi. At the same time, enemy groups were defeated in the Nikolaev-Odessa area. Since April we have turned around offensive operations in Crimea. On April 9, Simferopol was taken, and on May 9, Sevastopol.

In April, having crossed the river. Prut, our armies have transferred military operations to the territory of Romania. The state border of the USSR was restored for several hundred kilometers.

The successful offensive of Soviet troops in the winter - spring of 1944 accelerated opening of a second front in Europe. On June 6, 1944, the Anglo-American troops landed in Normandy (France). However, the main front of the Second World War continued to be the Soviet-German one, where the main forces of Nazi Germany were concentrated.

In June - August 1944, the troops of the Leningrad, Karelian fronts and the Baltic Fleet, having defeated Finnish units on the Karelian Isthmus, liberated Vyborg, Petrozavodsk and on August 9 reached state border with Finland, whose government ceased hostilities against the USSR on September 4, and after the defeat of the Nazis in the Baltic states (mainly in Estonia) declared war on Germany on October 1. At the same time, the armies of the Belarusian and Baltic fronts, having defeated enemy troops in Belarus and Lithuania, liberated Minsk, Vilnius and reached the border of Poland and Germany.

In July - September, parts of the Ukrainian fronts liberated all of Western Ukraine. On August 31, the Germans were driven out of Bucharest (Romania). In early September Soviet troops entered the territory of Bulgaria.

In the fall of 1944, fierce battles began for liberation of the Baltic states- Tallinn was liberated on September 22, Riga on October 13. At the end of October, the Soviet Army entered Norway. In parallel with the offensive in the Baltic states and in the North, in September-October, our armies liberated part of the territory of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. The Czechoslovak Corps, formed on the territory of the USSR, took part in the battles for the liberation of Czechoslovakia. The troops of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, together with the armies of Marshal F.I. Tolbukhin, liberated Belgrade on October 20.

The result of the offensive of the Soviet Army in 1944 was complete liberation of the territory of the USSR from fascist invaders and transferring the war to enemy territory.

Victory in the fight against Nazi Germany was obvious. It was achieved not only in battles, but as a result of the heroic work of the Soviet people in the rear. Despite the enormous destruction caused national economy country, its industrial potential was constantly increasing. In 1944, Soviet industry surpassed military production not only in Germany, but in England and the USA, producing about 30 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, more than 40 thousand aircraft, over 120 thousand guns. The Soviet Army was abundantly provided with light and heavy machine guns, machine guns and rifles. The Soviet economy, thanks to the selfless labor of workers and peasants, won a victory over all European industry taken together, which was almost entirely placed at the service of Nazi Germany. The restoration of the national economy began immediately on the liberated lands.

It should be noted the work of Soviet scientists, engineers and technicians who created first-class weapons and provided them to the front, which largely determined the victory over the enemy.
Their names are well known - V. G. Grabin, P. M. Goryunov, V. A. Degtyarev, S. V. Ilyushin, S. A. Lavochkin, V. F. Tokarev, G. S. Shpagin, A. S. Yakovlev et al.

The works of remarkable Soviet writers, poets, composers (A. Korneychuk, L. Leonov, K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, M. Sholokhov, D. Shostakovich, etc.) were sent to the service of wartime, the education of patriotism and the glorification of the military traditions of the Russian people. ). The unity of the rear and the front was the key to victory.

In 1945, the Soviet Army had an absolute numerical superiority in manpower and equipment. Germany's military potential was significantly weakened, since it actually found itself without allies and raw material bases. Considering that the Anglo-American troops did not show much activity with the development of offensive operations, the Germans still maintained their main forces on the Soviet-German front - 204 divisions. Moreover, at the end of December 1944, in the Ardennes region, the Germans, with a force of less than 70 divisions, broke through the Anglo-American front and began to push back the Allied forces, over which there was a threat of encirclement and destruction. January 6, 1945 Prime Minister In England, W. Churchill turned to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin with a request to speed up offensive operations. True to their allied duty, Soviet troops on January 12, 1945 (instead of 20) launched an offensive, the front of which extended from the shores of the Baltic to the Carpathian Mountains and was 1200 km. A powerful offensive was carried out between the Vistula and Oder - towards Warsaw and Vienna. By the end of January there was Oder forced, Breslau liberated. Released on January 17 Warsaw, then Poznań, April 9 - Koenigsberg(now Kaliningrad), April 4 - Bratislava, 13 - Vein. The result of the winter offensive of 1915 was the liberation of Poland, Hungary, East Prussia, Pomerania, Denmark, parts of Austria and Silesia. Brandenburg was taken. Soviet troops reached the line Oder - Neisse - Spree. Preparations began for the assault on Berlin.

Back in early 1945 (February 4-13), a conference of leaders of the USSR, USA, and Great Britain met in Yalta ( Yalta Conference), at which the issue of post-war world order. An agreement was reached to end hostilities only after the unconditional surrender of the fascist command. The heads of government came to an agreement on the need to eliminate Germany's military potential, the complete destruction of Nazism, military contingents and the center of militarism - the German General Staff. At the same time, it was decided to condemn war criminals and oblige Germany to pay reparations in the amount of $20 billion for damage caused during the war to the countries with which it fought. Was previously confirmed decision on the creation of an international body to maintain peace and security - United Nations. The USSR government promised the allies to enter the war against Japanese imperialism three months after the surrender of Germany.

In the second half of April - early May, the Soviet Army launched its final attacks on Germany. On April 16, the operation to encircle Berlin began, ending on April 25. After a powerful bombardment and artillery shelling, stubborn street fighting ensued. On April 30, between 2 and 3 p.m., a red flag was hoisted over the Reichstag.

On May 9, the last enemy group was eliminated and Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia, is liberated. Hitler's army ceased to exist. On May 8, in the Berlin suburb of Karlhorst, it was signed act of unconditional surrender of Germany.

The Great Patriotic War ended with the final defeat of Nazi Germany and its allies. The Soviet Army not only bore the brunt of the war on its shoulders, liberated Europe from fascism, but also saved the Anglo-American troops from defeat, giving them the opportunity to fight the small German garrisons.

Victory Parade on Red Square - June 24, 1945

On July 17, 1945, a conference of heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain met in Potsdam ( Potsdam Conference), who discussed the results of the war. The leaders of the three powers agreed to permanently eliminate German militarism, Hitler's party (NSDAP) and prevent its revival. Issues related to Germany's payment of reparations were resolved.

After the defeat of Nazi Germany, Japan continued to conduct military operations against the United States, England and other countries. Japan's military actions also threatened the security of the USSR. The Soviet Union, fulfilling its allied obligations, declared war on Japan on August 8, 1945, after rejecting the offer of surrender. Japan occupied large territories of China, Korea, Manchuria, and Indochina. On the border with the USSR, the Japanese government kept a million-strong Kwantung Army, threatening a constant attack, which distracted significant forces of the Soviet Army. Thus, Japan objectively helped the Nazis in the war of aggression. On August 9, our units went on the offensive on three fronts, Soviet-Japanese War. The entry of the USSR into the war, which Anglo-American troops had been unsuccessfully waging for several years, dramatically changed the situation.

Within two weeks it was completely destroyed main strength Japan - Kwantung Army and its supporting units. In an effort to raise its “prestige,” the United States, without any military necessity, dropped two atomic bombs to the peaceful Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Continuing the offensive, the Soviet Army liberated South Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Manchuria, and a number of cities and ports North Korea. Seeing that continuation of the war is pointless, September 2, 1945 Japan surrendered. Japan's defeat the second World War . The long-awaited peace has arrived.

The successes of the Allied armies in 1943 and especially the advance of the Russians on the Ukrainian Front could not but affect the plans and calculations of the German command. Now Hitler's advisers put forward a proposal that next year should be for German armies year of defense of the “European fortress” (Festung Europa). This slogan, adopted by Hitler, closely echoed the motto put forward by Frederick the Great during the Seven Years' War. The lack of unity in the enemy camp then allowed Frederick to save himself and Prussia by inflicting counterattacks on them separately.

But unlike Frederick's entourage in 1944, Hitler's leadership, on its own initiative, did not want to abandon its overextended positions - especially in the Baltic and Black Sea - and reduce communications. By the time they realized the urgency of using this opportunity for an orderly retreat, it had already been lost.

By the beginning of 1944, an economic victory over Germany was achieved. The military-technical equipment of the Red Army has significantly improved, and it has accumulated experience in offensive operations. Cooperation developed within anti-Hitler coalition. However, Germany still remained a formidable adversary. She carried out mobilization measures and created powerful defensive lines.

During the winter and spring of 1944, Soviet troops carried out operations on the flanks of the German front: under Leningrad, Novgorod and on Ukraine(“ten Stalinist blows”). In January 1944, the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, which lasted 900 days (from September 8, 1941), the enemy was thrown back to the line Narva - Pskov. Major offensive operations took place in Ukraine. In anticipation of their fronts, the fronts were reorganized and renamed (for example, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Ukrainian Fronts appeared). The operations were carried out in two stages: January–February and March–May.

During operations on the southern sector of the Soviet-German front, the Red Army reached the foothills Carpathians(by mid-April 1944) and to the border with Romania, released Nikolaev, Odessa, forced Dniester. By May 9, the “city of Russian glory” was liberated Sevastopol.

On June 6, Anglo-American troops landed in Normandy. The long-awaited second front finally became a reality, and Germany, after all, now found itself between two fires. Strategic cooperation between the Western Allies and Russia was becoming a more pressing need than before, and, fully aware of this, the Russians resumed their offensive. In the context of the opening of a second front, Soviet troops launched attacks in different directions. From June 10 to August 9 was held Vyborg-Petrozavodsk operation, as a result of which Finland signed a truce with the USSR and left the war.

During the summer campaign of 1944, an operation was carried out to liberate Belarus ("Bagration"). Operation Bagration was approved by headquarters on May 30, 1944. On the eve of the operation, June 20, Belarusian partisans paralyzed railway communications behind enemy lines. It was possible to misinform the enemy about the upcoming course of the operation. The operation began on June 23, 1944. In this battle, Soviet troops secured air supremacy for the first time. The offensive was carried out on the flanks of Army Group Center. On the very first day, Soviet troops broke through the enemy’s defenses and liberated Vitebsk, then Mogilev. By July 11, the enemy group in the area was eliminated Minsk. By mid-July, fighting began for Vilnius. During the summer campaign, the liberation of the territory of Ukraine and Belarus ended, and the liberation of the Baltic states began. Soviet troops reached the 950-kilometer line of the USSR state border.

By the fall of 1944, the occupiers were expelled from the territory of the USSR, and the liberation of the countries of Eastern Europe from the fascists began. The Soviet Union provided significant assistance in the formation of Polish, Romanian, and Czechoslovak formations. The Red Army took part in the liberation Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Norway. The largest operations in Europe were: Vistula-Oder, East Prussian, Belgrade, Yassko-Kishinev. The Red Army's contribution to the liberation of the East European countries difficult to overestimate. More than 3.5 million died in battles on Polish soil alone. Soviet soldiers. The Red Army played a significant role in saving the city-museum of Krakow. To preserve the monuments of Budapest, the commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front I.S. Konev decided not to bomb the city.

Attempts to accuse the Red Army of the fact that its liberation campaign was at the same time an “export of revolution” are largely controversial, since the imposition of the Soviet model of socialism on the countries of Eastern Europe began no earlier than 1948-1949, already in the conditions of “ cold war" However, the presence of a contingent of Soviet troops in Eastern European countries throughout long period time played a big role in the formation of “pro-communist” regimes.

During the autumn 1944 offensive, the Red Army advanced to the Vistula, capturing three bridgeheads on the left bank. In December, there was a lull on the Soviet-German front, and the Soviet command began to regroup forces. The Germans, taking advantage of this, struck on the Western Front in the Ardennes, forcing the Anglo-American troops to retreat and go on the defensive. True to its allied duty, the USSR postponed the timing of the decisive offensive from January 20 to January 12, 1945. During the Vistula-Oder operation, the Soviet fronts - the 1st Ukrainian ( I.S. Konev), 1st Belorussian ( G. K. Zhukov), 2nd Belarusian ( K.K. Rokossovsky) - managed to break through the German defenses on the Vistula and by the end of February, having covered almost 500 km, they reached the Oder. There were 60 km left to Berlin.

Reasons for the delay of the Berlin operation:

  • the presence of a powerful defense on the Oder;
  • significant losses suffered by the 2nd Belorussian Front in Pomerania;
  • heavy battles waged by the 3rd Belorussian Front ( I.D. Chernyakhovsky) in East Prussia;
  • stubborn battles near Budapest.

The conditions for carrying out the Berlin operation only developed in mid-April 1945. The Germans erected powerful defensive lines on the approaches to Berlin, especially in the area of ​​Küstrin and Seelow. Goebbels declared total war. The Soviet command managed to create a significant superiority in force over the enemy. The operation should involve three fronts - the 1st, 2nd Belarusian and 1st Ukrainian. After conducting reconnaissance in force on April 14 and 15, the troops went on the offensive on April 16. By April 20, Zhukov's front began to bypass Berlin from the north, and Konev's front from the south. On April 24, a 300,000-strong enemy group was surrounded in the Berlin area.

On April 25, troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front met on the Elbe in the Torgau region with American troops advancing from the west. By April 30, Soviet troops fought their way to the center of Berlin - the Reich Chancellery and the Reichstag. Hitler committed suicide. On May 2, 1945, General Chuikov accepted the surrender of the German garrison, and on May 9 in Berlin, in the presence of Soviet, British, American and French representatives, Field Marshal Keitel signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. On the USSR side it was signed by G.K. Zhukov. In accordance with the act of surrender, all surviving groups of German troops during next day laid down their arms and surrendered.

May 9 was declared Victory Day, but another operation was carried out on May 9–11 - Prague. Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front provided assistance to the rebel Prague and eliminated a large group of German troops located there. On June 24, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow on Red Square.

Liberation of the territory of the USSR and European countries. Victory over Nazism in Europe (January 1944 - May 1945)

By the beginning of 1944, Germany's position was deteriorating sharply, its material and human reserves were depleted. However, the enemy was still strong. The Wehrmacht command switched to tough positional defense. The production of military equipment of the USSR in 1944 reached its peak. Soviet military factories produced 7-8 times more guns, 6 times more guns, almost 8 times more mortars, and 4 times more aircraft than before the war. Over 24 thousand km restored railways. Agriculture Thanks to the heroic work of the collective farm peasantry, we achieved an increase in the production of bread and livestock products. The country's sown area has increased by 16 million hectares compared to 1943.

The Supreme High Command set the Red Army the task of clearing Soviet soil of the enemy, beginning to liberate European countries from the occupiers, and ending the war with the complete defeat of the aggressor on its territory.

The main content of the winter-spring campaign of 1944 was the implementation of consistent strategic operations Soviet troops as part of four Ukrainian fronts on the right bank of Ukraine. In a strip stretching up to 1,400 km, during which the main forces of the Nazi Army Groups “South” and “A” were defeated and access to the state border, the foothills of the Carpathians and the territory of Romania was opened. At the same time, the troops of the Leningrad, Volkhov and 20th Baltic fronts defeated Army Group North, liberating the Leningrad and part of the Kalinin regions. In the spring of 1944, Crimea was cleared of the enemy.

In these favorable conditions, the Western Allies, after two years of preparation, opened a second front in Europe in northern France. On June 6, 1944, the combined Anglo-American forces, having crossed the English Channel and Pas-de-Calais, began the Normandy landing operation, the largest during the war, and in August already entered Paris.

Continuing to develop the strategic initiative, Soviet troops in the summer of 1944 launched a powerful offensive in Karelia, Belarus, Western Ukraine and Moldova. As a result of the advance of Soviet troops in the north, on September 19, Finland, having signed an armistice with the USSR, withdrew from the war, and on March 4, 1945 declared war on Germany. During the Iasi-Kishenev operation, 22 fascist German divisions and Romanian troops located at the front were destroyed. This forced Romania to withdraw from the war on the side of Germany and, after the anti-fascist uprising of the Romanian people on August 24, to declare war on it.

In September-November, troops of the three Baltic and Leningrad fronts cleared almost the entire Baltic territory of fascists. Thus, during the summer and autumn of 1944, on the Soviet-German front, the enemy lost 1.6 million soldiers and officers, 20 of his divisions and 22 brigades were defeated. The front came close to the borders of Nazi Germany. In East Prussia he stepped over them. With the opening of the second front, the position of Nazi Germany worsened. Squeezed in the grip of two fronts, she could no longer freely transfer forces from the West to the East, she had to carry out a new total mobilization in order to somehow make up for the losses at the front.

During the winter campaign of 1945, further coordination of the military operations of the armed forces of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition was developed. So, after the counter-offensive of the Nazi troops in the Ardennes, the Anglo-American troops found themselves in a difficult situation. Then, at the request of W. Churchill, the Soviet armies in mid-January 1945, in agreement with the Anglo-American command, went on the offensive from the Baltic to the Carpathians earlier than planned and thus provided effective assistance to the Western allies.

In early April, Western Allied forces successfully encircled and then captured 19 enemy divisions in the Ruhr region. After this operation, Nazi resistance on the Western Front was practically broken. Using favorable conditions, Anglo-American-French troops launched an offensive in the center of Germany. By mid-April, we reached the Elbe River, where a historic meeting of Soviet and American soldiers took place near the city of Torgau on April 25, 1945. On May 2, the troops of the German Army Group C in Italy capitulated, a day later the act of surrender of German troops in Holland was signed, north - western Germany and Denmark.

In January - early April 1945, as a result of a powerful strategic offensive on the entire Soviet-German front with the forces of ten fronts, the Soviet army inflicted a devastating situation on the main enemy forces. During the East Prussian, Vistula-Oder, West Carpathian and completion of the Budapest operations, Soviet troops created the conditions for further attacks in Pomerania and Silesia, and then for an attack on Berlin. Almost all of Poland and Czechoslovakia, as well as the entire territory of Hungary, were liberated. The attempt of the new provisional German government, which was headed by Grand Admiral K. Doenitz on May 1, 1945 after the suicide of A. Hitler, to achieve a separate peace with the USA and Great Britain failed. The most reactionary elements of the ruling circles of Great Britain and the United States, secretly from the USSR, tried to negotiate with Germany. The Soviet Union continued to strive to strengthen the anti-Hitler coalition. Decisive victories of the Soviet Armed Forces contributed to the success of the Crimean Conference of 1945. The leaders of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, at which issues related to the defeat of Germany and its post-war situation were agreed upon. An agreement was also reached on the USSR's entry into the war against imperialist Japan 2-3 months after the end of the war in Europe.

During the Berlin operation, troops of the 1st and 2nd Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts, with the support of two armies of the Polish Army, defeated 93 enemy divisions and captured about 480 thousand people. Great amount captured military equipment and weapons. On May 8, 1945, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany to the participating countries of the leading powers of the anti-Hitler coalition was signed.

May 9 became Victory Day over Nazi Germany. In connection with the end of the war in Europe, the 1945 Berlin Conference of the heads of government of the great powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain - took place. The problems of the post-war world order in Europe were discussed and decisions were made on a number of issues.

1. Liberation of the USSR

At the beginning of 1944, 6.5 million Soviet soldiers opposed 5 million invaders. The advantage in technology was 1: 5 – 10 in various types.

On January 27, the blockade of Leningrad, which lasted 900 days, was lifted. In the spring of 1944, Crimea was liberated and Soviet troops reached the state border in the Carpathian Mountains region. By the summer of 1944, the state border of the USSR was completely restored. Military operations were transferred to the Baltic states and Eastern European countries. Finland, Romania and Bulgaria declared war on Germany, which meant the collapse of the Hitlerite military bloc. On June 6, 1944, Anglo-American troops landed in France, united with the French resistance and opened a second front in Europe.

2. Liberation of Europe

The European campaign of Soviet troops caused discontent in the United States and Great Britain. The efforts of the Wehrmacht Intelligence Agency were devoted to the development of these contradictions. In September - October 1944, Churchill traveled to the USA and the USSR with the aim of agreeing on the division of Europe into occupation zones. The United States did not support this initiative.

Successfully developing the offensive and taking advantage of the support of the local population, the Soviet army liberated the countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In January 1945 fighting were transferred to German territory.

From February 4 to February 11, 1945, a meeting between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill took place in Yalta (Crimea). The conference discussed the plan for the defeat of Germany, the terms of its surrender and the post-war structure of Europe. At the conference it was decided to create the United Nations (UN).

3. Fall of Berlin

In the first half of April, the operation to capture Berlin began. The Nazis carefully fortified the city and mobilized 14-year-old children and old people into the army. On April 24, the city was surrounded, and on April 25, Soviet troops joined forces with the Allies on the Elbe River. On April 29, the storming of the Reichstag began, on May 1, Hitler committed suicide, on the night of May 8-9, the new German government capitulated, and on May 9, the German garrison in Prague surrendered. By May 11, all centers of resistance in Europe were destroyed.

4. Potsdam Conference

From July 17 to August 2, a conference was held in Potsdam (Germany) with the participation of Stalin, Truman and Churchill. The conference decided

– transfer East Prussia (Kaliningrad region) to the USSR;

– try Nazi leaders as war criminals.

During the conference, Truman (US President) announced the possession of nuclear weapons.

5. War with Japan

On August 9, the USSR declared the start of war with Japan and began military operations in Northern China. On August 6, the United States carried out a nuclear bombing of the city of Hiroshima, and on August 9, Nagosaki. On September 2, 1945, Japan surrendered. This marked the end of World War II.

6. Results of the war

During the war, dictatorial regimes in Germany, Italy and Japan were destroyed. In many countries, communists came to power, and a world system socialism. During the war, 27 million Soviet citizens and more than 50 million Europeans died.

In 1945–46, a trial over the leaders of the Nazi Party. 24 people appeared before the international tribunal, of whom 11 were sentenced to death penalty, the rest to various prison terms. Nuremberg Tribunal banned the activities of the National Socialist Party, and it was decided to search for war criminals who escaped justice and bring them to trial without a statute of limitations.

Reasons for the victory of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition:

– qualitative superiority of allied forces;

– assistance to the allies of the conquered peoples;

– fast economic development allies.

Ticket 18. (1). Patriotic War of 1812. Foreign campaign of the Russian army. People's memory of the events of 1812

1. Russian foreign policy before the start Patriotic War

In 1789, a revolution took place in France, as a result of which the royal power was overthrown and a republic was established. The monarchical states of Europe tried to create a coalition against republican France and destroy the republic through military intervention. However, these coalitions quickly disintegrated due to contradictions between its participants. After Napoleon Bonaparte came to power, France itself switched to direct aggression against European states. After the betrayal of the Russian troops in Switzerland by the allies, Emperor Paul abruptly changed his foreign policy course. He broke old alliances and moved towards rapprochement with France. The foreign policy of Emperor Alexander I was characterized by maneuvering between the interests of England (Russia's largest trading partner) and France (the most powerful European state). Alexander I tried to pursue a policy of appeasement towards France. However, the continuation of France's aggressive actions led to the creation of a new anti-French coalition from Russia and Austria with the support of England. After the defeat of the coalition troops at Austerlitz in November 1805, Alexander I was forced to enter into peace negotiations with Napoleon. As a result of negotiations, on June 25, 1807, an agreement was signed in Tilsit, according to which: 1) the territory of Europe was divided into spheres of influence of Russia and France; 2) Russia joined the economic blockade of England. However, Russia soon withdrew from this unfavorable treaty, which made war with Napoleon inevitable.

1725 - formation of sectoral management bodies - collegiums, abolition of orders. The activities of the boards were determined by the General Regulations (1720). 1719 - creation of 50 provinces, which became the main administrative-territorial unit 1720 - second urban reform - introduction of magistrates instead of town halls 1721 - establishment of the Holy Synod. In the Spiritual Regulations, which determined the order...

The area of ​​synonyms and synonymous phrases. The turn to the bookish-rhetorical, Slavicized style, caused by the “second South Slavic influence” from the end of the 14th century, is an extremely important stage in the history of Russian literary language. Without a correct assessment it becomes incomprehensible a large number of Slavic elements, words and phrases, which still exists in Russian...

people. To a large extent, it is a form of spiritual adaptation to the environment, a way of imparting meaning to habitual, everyday actions and deeds. The influence of the geographical environment is diverse. The main natural factors of the settlement zone Eastern Slavs, the ancestors of the Russians who appeared in the 6th century on the territory of modern Ukraine, was its continental character. The sea, with its...

Row – ancestral community (primitive human herd), early primitive and late primitive (early and late tribal). primitive neighboring (proto-peasant) communities - and corresponds to the main stages of primitive history. However, the taxonomy of some stages remains controversial, which is why their number differs among different scientists. There are four of them, if we consider the two middle ones as being of the same order with...

The victories of the Red Army in 1943 meant a radical change not only on the Soviet-German front, but also in World War II as a whole. They increased the contradictions in the camp of Germany's allies. On July 25, 1943, the fascist government of B. Mussolini fell in Italy, and the new leadership led by General P. Badoglio declared war on Germany on October 13, 1943. The Resistance movement intensified in the occupied countries. In 1943, the fight against the enemy was carried out by 300 thousand partisans of France, 300 thousand of Yugoslavia, over 70 thousand of Greece, 100 thousand of Italy, 50 thousand of Norway, and partisan detachments other countries. In total, 2.2 million people took part in the Resistance movement.
The coordination of the actions of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition was facilitated by meetings of the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain. The first of the Big Three conferences took place from November 28 to December 1, 1943 in Tehran. The main ones were military issues - about the second front in Europe. It was decided that no later than May 1, 1944, Anglo-American troops would land in France. A declaration on joint actions in the war against Germany and on post-war cooperation was adopted, and the issue of the post-war borders of Poland was considered. The USSR took upon itself the obligation to enter the war against Japan after the end of the war with Germany.
In January 1944, the third and final stage of the Great Patriotic War began. By this time, Nazi troops continued to occupy Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, a significant part of Belarus, Ukraine, the Leningrad and Kalinin regions, Moldova and Crimea. Hitler's command kept the main, most combat-ready troops of about 5 million people in the East. Germany still had significant resources to fight the war, although its economy had entered a period of serious difficulties.
However, the general military-political situation, in comparison with the first years of the war, changed radically in favor of the USSR and its Armed Forces. By the beginning of 1944, there were more than 6.3 million people in the active army of the USSR. The production of steel, cast iron, coal and oil production increased rapidly, and the eastern regions of the country were developed. The defense industry produced 5 times more tanks and aircraft in 1944 than in 1941.
Before Soviet Army the task was to complete the liberation of its territory, to assist the peoples of Europe in overthrowing the fascist yoke, and to end the war with the complete defeat of the enemy on its territory. The peculiarity of offensive operations in 1944 was that the enemy was struck in advance by powerful attacks on various directions of the Soviet-German front, forcing him to disperse his forces and making it difficult to organize an effective defense.
In 1944, the Red Army struck German troops a series of crushing blows that led to the complete liberation of Soviet land from the fascist invaders. Among largest operations the following can be distinguished:

January-February - near Leningrad and Novgorod. The 900-day blockade of Leningrad, which had lasted since September 8, 1941, was lifted (during the blockade, more than 640 thousand residents died of hunger in the city; the food standard in 1941 was 250 g of bread per day for workers and 125 g for the rest);
FebruaryMarch - liberation of Right Bank Ukraine;
AprilMay - liberation of Crimea;
June-August - Belarusian operation;
July-August - liberation of Western Ukraine;
early August - Iasso-Kishinev operation;
October - liberation of the Arctic.
By December 1944, all Soviet territory was liberated. On November 7, 1944, the Pravda newspaper published Order No. 220 of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief: “The Soviet state border,” it said, “has been restored all the way from the Black Sea to the Barents Sea” (for the first time during the war, Soviet troops reached the state border USSR March 26, 1944 on the border with Romania). All of Germany's allies withdrew from the war - Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary. Hitler's coalition completely collapsed. And the number of countries that were at war with Germany was constantly increasing. On June 22, 1941 there were 14 of them, and in May 1945 there were 53.

The successes of the Red Army did not mean that the enemy ceased to pose a serious military threat. An army of almost five million confronted the USSR in early 1944. But the Red Army was superior to the Wehrmacht both in numbers and in firepower. By the beginning of 1944, it numbered more than 6 million soldiers and officers, had 90 thousand guns and mortars (the Germans had about 55 thousand), an approximately equal number of tanks and self-propelled guns, and an advantage of 5 thousand aircraft.
The successful course of military operations was also facilitated by the opening of a second front. On June 6, 1944, Anglo-American troops landed in France. However, the main one remained the Soviet-German front. In June 1944, Germany had 259 divisions on its Eastern Front, and 81 on the Western Front. Paying tribute to all the peoples of the planet who fought against fascism, it should be noted that it was the Soviet Union main force, which blocked A. Hitler’s path to world domination. The Soviet-German front was the main front where the fate of humanity was decided. Its length ranged from 3000 to 6000 km, it existed for 1418 days. Until the summer of 1944 -
Liberation of the territory of the USSR by the Red Army
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the time of the opening of the second front in Europe - 9295% of the ground forces of Germany and its allies operated here, and then from 74 to 65%.
Having liberated the USSR, the Red Army, pursuing the retreating enemy, entered in 1944 into the territory of foreign countries. She fought in 13 European and Asian countries. More than a million Soviet soldiers gave their lives for their liberation from fascism.
In 1945, the offensive operations of the Red Army assumed an even larger scale. The troops launched a final offensive along the entire front from the Baltic to the Carpathians, which was planned for the end of January. But due to the fact that the Anglo-American army in the Ardennes (Belgium) was on the brink of disaster, the Soviet leadership decided to begin hostilities ahead of schedule.
The main attacks were carried out in the Warsaw-Berlin direction. Overcoming desperate resistance, Soviet troops completely liberated Poland and defeated the main Nazi forces in East Prussia and Pomerania. At the same time, strikes were carried out on the territory of Slovakia, Hungary and Austria.
In connection with the approaching final defeat of Germany, issues of joint actions by the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition at the final stage of the war and in peacetime became acute. In February 1945, the second conference of the heads of government of the USSR, USA and England took place in Yalta. The conditions for the unconditional surrender of Germany were worked out, as well as measures to eradicate Nazism and turn Germany into a democratic state. These principles are known as "4 D" - democratization, demilitarization, denazification and decartelization. The allies agreed to general principles solving the reparation issue, that is, the amount and procedure for compensating the damage caused by Germany to other countries (the total amount of reparations was set at 20 billion US dollars, of which the USSR was to receive half). An agreement was reached to join Soviet Union into the war against Japan 23 months after the surrender of Germany and the return to him Kuril Islands and southern part of Sakhalin Island. In order to maintain peace and security, it was decided to create international organization- UN. Its founding conference was held on April 25, 1945 in San Francisco.
One of the largest and most significant at the final stage of the war was the Berlin operation. The offensive began on 16 April. On April 25, all roads leading from the city to the west were cut. On the same day, units of the 1st Ukrainian Front met with American troops near the city of Torgau on the Elbe. April 30 began the assault on the Reichstag. On May 2, the Berlin garrison capitulated. May 8 - The surrender was signed.
IN last days The war of the Red Army had to fight stubborn battles in Czechoslovakia. On May 5, an armed uprising against the invaders began in Prague. On May 9, Soviet troops liberated Prague.