Miswak. Salvador Persian root

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I command you to use sivak (the root of the arak tree used for brushing your teeth), as it has ten wonderful properties: 1) cleans teeth; 2) makes the Lord pleased; 3) anger Satan; 4) those who use it are loved by Merciful Allah and the angels; 5) strengthens the gums; 6) promotes the disappearance of mucus; 7) improves the smell in the mouth; 8) extinguishes bile; 9) improves eyesight; 10) destroys bad smell from the mouth and stomach. Sivak is Sunnah". Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Prayer with sivak is seventy times more valuable than prayer read without using it”.(Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani).

Sivak (miswak, misuak) - painted in yellow, tan or grey colour a stick used by Muslims to clean their teeth and freshen their breath. Sivak is made from the roots and branches of Persian Salvador, known to most Muslims under the Arabic name "al-arak" or simply "arak". This remarkable plant has great importance in Everyday life every Muslim, is found wild in the deserts of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Western and South Asia.

The most valued sivak is made from the roots and branches of trees growing in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, but in those countries or places where this tree is not available or for some reason is not available, other plants suitable for this purpose, such as an oil tree, can be used to make sivak. Muslims of Russia in pre-revolutionary times made an excellent sivak from licorice roots. A sign of a good sivak is a fairly strong and pleasant smell, taste and flexibility. Sivak allows you to do without toothpaste, and you can use it any minute, anywhere.

How to use. First you need to scrape off the bark at a distance of 0.5 cm from the end, then chew this place, or smash it with a hammer until it turns into a kind of soft brush, then carefully, but not strongly, wipe the teeth from the outside and inner sides s, along and across. In The Canon of Medicine, Abu Ali Husayn Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina stated that the best tree for the manufacture of toothpicks is one that has astringent properties and a burning taste (arrack and oilseed). In the same place, he wrote about how to use the sivak correctly: “It is also necessary to constantly clean your teeth from what gets stuck in them, without inserting a toothpick deep and far - this harms the gums, loosens the teeth, destroys the shine and enamel of the teeth and predisposes them to the perception of the outflow of vapors that rise from the stomach. If you use a toothpick in moderation, it gives shine to the teeth, strengthens them and the gums, prevents the formation of a hollow and imparts a pleasant smell to the breath.

In the event that sticks from branches or roots have been stored for a long time and have become dry and hard, they should be put in water for a while, where they will swell and become soft.

After using the sivak, it is advisable to wash, as the wife of the Prophet ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) did, whose words on this subject are given in one of the hadiths: “The Prophet used the sivak and let me wash it.” When the bristles at the end of the sivak are worn out, they must be cut off and repeated again.

It is advisable to use Sivak even for those who have no teeth, since this action strengthens the gums, has therapeutic effect on the whole organism and, above all, is Sunnah. Sivak contains natural substances that have a variety of effects on the human body. The most important of them are those that have antibacterial action, equally well suppressing the reproduction of pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract. Another equally important group of tannins prevents bleeding gums. The natural substances contained in the branches and roots of the tree have effective impact on the oral cavity, preventing the development of periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries and the formation of tartar.

The one who has to brush his teeth for the first time and massage his gums with it should be prepared for the fact that its taste will seem somewhat sharp, and a burning sensation will appear in the mouth, somewhat similar to that caused by mustard. But this sensation, which is created by fragrant essential oil, is a testament to good quality and useful action sivak, and they quickly get used to it. It is believed that as a result of massaging the gums and the simultaneous exposure to essential oils, which have a somewhat burning taste, active points located in the oral cavity are excited, which regulate the functioning of the ears, eyes, nose, tongue and pharynx. These points also regulate the work of the digestive organs and of cardio-vascular system. Siwakom massage active points in the oral cavity also contributes to the preservation of a clear mind and memory until the last minutes of life.

Thus, only one sivak, used with faith in the soul and with intention on the lips, is able to replace a mere mortal with a large number of medicines.

The arak tree is a real gift of Allah to people, helping to maintain health, since all its parts contain natural substances that have therapeutic effect.

A decoction of young branches has an anti-febrile and anti-ulcer effect.

The leaves of the plant, which tasted like mustard, were added to food by the locals as a seasoning and harvested as fodder for camels. The juice of the leaves, which has a local irritant effect, was applied externally as a rub for rheumatism, and taken orally, was considered an antidote to poisons of all kinds.

Sweetish in taste, having a strong aromatic smell, edible fruits replaced candies for the locals, which, moreover, had a healing effect. They served as a drug that stimulated nervous system in depression, had a diuretic and carminative effect.

The resin, which is abundantly released at the site of damage to the bark of the trunks, was used as incense and was part of cosmetics.

AT old days the peoples who lived in the desert obtained from the ashes the salt they needed so much.

It should always be remembered that a sivak is not just a toothbrush, and therefore, before using it, you need to make a mental intention to cleanse for the sake of Allah.

HOME REMEDY ● To make a sivak, you first need to carefully chew the tip of purchased ready-made sticks or twigs of suitable size (for example, apricot tree or birch) for 5-10 minutes to make it plastic enough. Then, with the softened end of the stick, remove plaque from the teeth, for which rub each tooth from the outer and inner sides, the gum around each tooth and gently massage the gums as a whole.

Reviews Natural dentifrice - Salvador Persian root (Miswak)

Every morning begins with the fact that we brush our teeth. This procedure has become so much a habit and there is no doubt about its safety. However, most modern toothpastes contain such unsafe ingredients as sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, ethylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, antibiotics. a wide range actions (eg triclosan). These ingredients are not recommended for use even when washing the body and hair. The mucous membrane of the mouth absorbs various chemical substances, and contact with unsafe components of toothpaste can cause serious harm to human health.

However, there is a safe natural alternative to a toothbrush and toothpaste - a cleaning stick made from the root of Salvadora Persica (Salvadora Persica), also well known as Miswak (Sivak). Such sticks have been used since ancient times and have not lost their popularity in the east until our time. The cleaning stick DOES NOT contain dyes, fragrances and other chemicals. It's 100% natural product- just the root of the plant. The World Health Organization recommended it for use back in 1986. According to studies, brushing with miswak is more preferable than brushing with toothpastes in terms of preventing gum disease.

Miswak (Sivak) - this is brushing your teeth and what you clean your teeth with, remove food debris, remove plaque. (Arabic) In general, the concept of miswak (sivak) is applied to a tree knot, twig or root, as well as other objects that massage the gums and clean the teeth. Exist different variants spellings: miswak, meswak, meshwak, sivak, sevak, miswak, misvak, meswak, miswak, meshwak, mefaka, siwak, sewak.

Roots or twigs of various trees can be used as miswak: mustard tree (arak), neem tree, olive tree, orange tree and others. It is used both fresh and dry. Miswak (sivak) can be used to clean and whiten teeth, remove food debris, massage gums, clean tongue. traditional remedy oral hygiene, like a toothbrush plus toothpaste.

Most effective for oral hygiene fresh roots plants of Salvadora Persian (Salvadora Persica). It is a plant with a fibrous structure of branches and roots, also known as the Peelu tree. The main country of growth is Pakistan. Also grows in Africa, Central and South-East Asia. The roots of the plant are more suitable for brushing teeth than the twigs, because they are softer and contain more useful substances.

The root of Salvador Persian contains more than 25 natural substances useful for the teeth and oral cavity: calcium, silicon dioxide, sodium bicarbonate (soda), tannic acids (tannins), cellulose, essential oils, mustard oil, fragrant resins, fluorine, alkaloids, mineral salts, benzyl isocyanate, sulfur compounds, b-sitosterol, vitamin C, saponins, flavonoids, trimethylamine, chlorides, etc.

How it works?
A stick for cleaning teeth from the root of Salvador Persiana has a fibrous structure. If you wet the tip of the stick, peel it by 5-10 mm, and chew it with your teeth, then the wood fibers turn into a brush. This brush is convenient to clean the teeth from food debris and plaque. Thanks to the content a large number bioactive substances ensure the result: pure and healthy teeth, strong gums.

Basic properties.
- Miswak removes food debris, freshens breath, eliminates bad smell, strengthens teeth and gums.
- The oils contained in the plant cleanse the teeth of plaque and remove tartar. The bleaching components eliminate staining and mottling of tooth enamel, silicon substances whiten teeth. Calcium provides remineralization of tooth enamel.
- The extract of this tree in its action on pathogenic flora similar to such antibacterial and anti-caries substances as triclosan and chlorhexidine, but unlike them, it does not suppress beneficial flora. It has been clinically established that after using Miswak, the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases by up to 75%, and the effect persists for 2 days from the moment of use. Suppresses growth Staphylococcus aureus. Effective against fungi Albicans Candida.
- Miswak helps with caries of adult and children's teeth. Thanks to the contained fluorine, both prevention and treatment of the disease are ensured. Reduces bleeding and inflammation of the gums, thanks to the content of tannin. Relieves inflammation and facilitates the eruption of new teeth, thanks to the content of trimethylamine. Due to its antibacterial properties, it is effective in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Reduces toothache
- Miswak improves vision, has a beneficial effect on vocal cords, promotes the process of digestion in the stomach, eliminates the lethargy of the body, raises the general tone of a person, and helps to get rid of smoking.

Main advantages:
- Miswak cleaning stick is 100% natural, environmentally friendly pure product, just the root of the plant.
- Miswak cleaning stick does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, dyes, fragrances and other harmful substances.
- Miswak cleaning stick has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties no side effects.
- The Miswak Cleaning Stick is more effective than most toothpastes, cleans the teeth from plaque, enamel stains, removes tartar and whitens teeth.
- The Miswak cleaning stick allows you to brush your teeth less often due to the long-term maintenance of the optimal microflora of the oral cavity.
- Miswak Cleaning Stick fully biodegrades environment and does not pollute nature

Beneficial effects:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Painkiller
- Enamel remineralization
- Suppression of stone growth

Comparison of the main components of toothpaste and miswak:

Toothpaste Ingredients:

Salvador root contains:

Triclosan- Synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic. Kills most microorganisms, both pathogenic and natural microflora inherent in human body. Since the pathogenic microflora is restored much faster than the beneficial one, then permanent application paste with an antibiotic leads to the opposite result.

Sodium lauryl sulfate- foaming agent. Causes stomatitis and ulcerative lesions oral cavity. Dries out the mucous membrane of the mouth, can cause irritation of the gums, can increase the pain of stomatitis, cause various diseases gastrointestinal tract, cataracts, poisoning and cancer. This substance is especially dangerous for children, as children often swallow toothpaste.

Fluorine and its derivatives- prevents the development of caries. Since many fluorine compounds are toxic, their content in toothpaste should be strictly limited. Fluoride derivatives adversely affect the growth of teeth. Growing teeth become discolored and stained (fluorosis). An excess of fluorine is the cause of arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and allergic reactions.

Whitening ingredients- remove plaque caused by coffee, tobacco, etc. Most of these substances have a powerful abrasive effect, so the frequent use of pastes with brightening components causes damage to the enamel.

Parabens - preservatives, with good antibacterial and antifungal properties. There is an opinion that parabens can negatively affect endocrine system and cause cancer. Clinical Research There is no evidence to prove or disprove this opinion. Possible allergic reactions.

propylene glycol - humectant, attracts and binds water. Allergic reactions and irritations are possible. Displaces components important for the health of the mucous membrane. May interfere with liver and kidney function.

benzyl alcohol- antiseptic, can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

Tannic acid - cleans gums and teeth, heals small wounds and stops the flow of blood from them, prevents decay, has an astringent effect. Protects against stomatitis and gingivitis. Has antitumor activity. The calming effect of tannic acid on the digestive organs is known. It has the ability to remain on the mucous membrane of the mouth for a long time, and thus accumulate layer by layer on the surface of the enamel of the teeth, protecting them from caries.

bicarbonate soda- effectively cleans teeth, preserving their natural whiteness and shine, neutralizes bacterial acids, gives freshness

Essential oils- exhibit antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties, prevent the formation of gases, putrefactive processes and act as an anesthetic, prevent the formation of tartar.

Flavonoids- neutralize free radicals, protecting cells from destruction of membranes and intracellular structures. Protect tissues from damage caused by excessive release of so-called histamines (substances released during inflammatory processes and allergies).

Vitamin C- antioxidant. It has a whitening and regenerating effect, tones, improves protective properties organism.

Silica Helps remove stains and whiten teeth.

Resins - like tannic acid, they form a caries-protective layer over the enamel.

Alkaloids - have a bactericidal effect and stimulate the gums.

chlorides- prevent the formation of stones and remove stains

Calcium- provides remineralization of tooth enamel.

Product quality.
We supply only fresh roots of Salvador Persiana (Miswak) in vacuum packaging. The sticks are flexible, with a light cut. The taste of Miswak is close to mild horseradish with minty tones. The smell is fresh, without acidity. Products are made especially for us and shipped by air within two weeks of production. Further, the products arrive at our warehouse, which provides the necessary temperature regime. This is very important to maintain product quality.

The miswak we supply is 15cm long and 8-12mm thick. These parameters provide optimal consumer properties of this natural toothpick, namely moderately spicy taste, flexible, soft but strong bristles, ease of use.

The quality of Miswak depends on many factors. These are the season and time of collection, the thickness of the roots, the processing technology, the conditions of transportation and storage, and a number of other parameters. With over 3 years of experience in using Miswak as a natural dentifrice, we have set stringent product quality requirements and ensured that our suppliers comply with them. That is why our Miswak compares favorably in its cleaning, taste and preventive properties with other similar products on the market, as you can see for yourself by comparing it with miswak from other suppliers.

It was Soap Nuts LLC that first introduced Miswak to the market of ecological goods in Russia and the CIS. We have the most extensive experience in the supply and use of Miswak in Russia

Soap Nuts LLC has made a lot of efforts to ensure that such unusual products as a natural toothbrush - a Miswak cleaning stick, are provided with all the necessary documentation and have the opportunity to be sold absolutely legally on the territory of Russia. The product has a certificate of State registration and Declaration of Conformity.

Certificate of State Registration No. RU. Issued on 02.02.2012 by the Office Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being in the city of Moscow.

Brushing your teeth is a daily routine modern people can't get by even a day. To carry it out, manufacturers, in addition to the standard toothbrush and toothpaste, offer a huge selection of different oral care products. At the same time, each manufacturer tries to present its product with the highest quality and the safest possible. This information is in most cases false. Are there any oral hygiene products that are truly safe for health and effective in fighting plaque? Yes, they are, one of them is Sivak.

What is a Sivak wand?

A natural brush made from the root of Salvador Persian or the arak tree can be safely called an alternative to our usual toothbrush and paste. The device is better known as Miswak (Sivak).

Cleaning sticks were used in ancient times, they are still used in the East today. Miswak does not contain fragrances, dyes and other chemical components. The naturalness of this product is 100%, because it is an ordinary root or branch of a plant.

Sivak is a wand small size. One of its ends is split so that you can brush your teeth with it. Miswak, depending on the length, is of two types:

  • 5 cm;
  • 15 cm.

In order to obtain a cleaning stick, it is necessary, using a knife or teeth, to remove the dense bark of the plant in order to get to its delicate fibers. They should be loosened up a bit. This completes your safety brush. After numerous tests, it has been proven that for the prevention of gum disease, instead of toothpaste and brushes, it is better to use a natural Sivak stick.

Dried and fresh Sivak

There are two types of Sivak:

  • dried;
  • fresh.

What is the difference between them? Dried stick for brushing teeth does not require any special conditions storage. Dried Miswak does not have a very pleasant taste, and most of its beneficial properties are lost.

Fresh Sivak differs from dried in soft fibers, thanks to which it does not injure the gums so much and brings more benefits to the mucous membrane oral cavity. It is characterized by the presence of a sharp specific aroma and pleasant taste.

Fresh Miswak is excellent remedy to neutralize the unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity. Unlike dry cleaning sticks, fresh ones do not lose their useful properties and provide comfort in use. The only downside is that they require special storage conditions. It can be very difficult to find and purchase fresh Miswak, so it is used more often in dry form.

Chemical composition and properties

The composition of the Miswak stick includes more than 25 natural ingredients, the main ones being:

Each of the listed components special effect on teeth and mouth. Sivak, both fresh and dry, has mass positive properties, among which:

Advantages and disadvantages of dental sticks

Key benefits of dentifrice sticks include:

Sivak has practically no flaws. Is it an exception to general rules, which include:

  • undesirable use in the presence of dental rhinestones or braces;
  • small surface area, which makes brushing teeth more time-consuming.

How to use Sivak for teeth?

Using a Miswak cleaning stick is no more difficult than using a toothbrush. First you need to pull it out of the vacuum package, clean the tip of the stick from the bark, and disconnect the fibers from each other. The length of the cleaned area should be 0.5-1 cm. The bark can be easily removed by hand, but it can also be cut with a knife. When cleaning, the bark does not crumble, but is removed in one solid piece. To make it easier, Sivak should be wetted with water.

After the tip of the stick for teeth has been cleaned of bark, it must be chewed. Sivak after such a procedure will resemble a brush.

Cleansing your teeth with a natural Sivak stick is like regular brushing. Movements are made in a horizontal direction, starting from the edge of the teeth and up to their middle.

After completing the cleaning procedure, the Miswak stick should be rinsed warm water. Every 2-3 uses, the used fibers must be cut off, as they beneficial features dry up. The procedure prevents the accumulation of pathogenic microbes on the fibers.

A miswak stick or an organic toothbrush can completely replace traditional hygiene products and become a solution for people with periodontal tissue problems. Miswak (sivak) for teeth is a stick made from the branches or roots of the arak tree. To use a sivak for cleaning, it is enough to chew a twig from one end and clean the surface of the teeth and gums with natural bristles.

The history of miswak began a very long time ago, even in pre-Islamic times, sivak was used for brushing teeth in the countries of the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

The natural cleanser was then called the chewing stick. Now it has already become known how many useful properties this branch has, therefore it is not surprising that it has been used for so long and a positive effect has been observed.

The miswak stick has no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to its individual components. Chewing sivak can be given to small children from 4 months. Of course, this should be done under the strict supervision of the parents, as the child may swallow the miswak.

Miswak Benefits

A dentifrice stick is a good replacement for a regular toothbrush, but it's not as popular. Why is miswak so good? Unlike a toothbrush, the stick contains components that prevent cavities, strengthen gums, and help soothe pain.

Siwak Organic Toothbrush is ideal for people who often deal with bad breath.

Miswak for teeth polishes the enamel well, in case of slight pigmentation, a whitening effect is also noticeable. It affects not only locally, the properties are not limited to a positive effect on the teeth and oral cavity.

Miswak stick improves appetite, disease prevention gastrointestinal tract. Sivak has a positive effect on the vocal cords.

It can be a good alternative to a teether during the baby's first teeth. Early teething is known to promote cavities, chewing miswak sticks can prevent this.

How to use siwak for teeth

To brush your teeth, the stick must first be prepared. To do this, you need to chew it. The brush is ready for use when all the fibers are separated, up to 10 jaw compressions are enough for this. chewing teeth. If the siwak is still tough, chew more.

Miswak teeth are cleaned in the same way as brushing. With a brush, you need to walk along the gums, making a massage. Attention should be paid to the tongue, removing the plaque with a stick.

After application, you need to cut off the used brushes with scissors and place the stick in a glass or case. It should be stored in a cool place and preferably away from water. Miswak loves the cold, so the stick can be kept in the refrigerator.

Positive properties

Miswak in its composition contains more than 20 natural substances, including fluorine, mineral salts, essential oil, vitamin C, which positively affect the condition of the oral cavity and teeth. Dentists agree on the effectiveness of the stick in the prevention of carious and non-carious dental diseases.

While cleaning, she copes with bad smell, plaque, and small bristles penetrate into the interdental spaces, where hard stone likes to accumulate.

The benefits of siwak for the oral cavity:

  • eliminates halitosis, after cleaning, an unpleasant odor is neutralized;
  • enamel is strengthened, which prevents the destruction of hard tissues;
  • removes soft plaque, which prevents the accumulation of hard deposits;
  • well cleans the spaces between the teeth;
  • relieves pain in periodontal disease;
  • helps in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane.

A feature of miswak is that it replaces not only a brush, but also a paste. The presence of more than twenty-five components in the plant eliminates the need to use additional funds.

Sivak Features

A toothpick differs in shape from a regular toothbrush, and therefore cleaning is somewhat different. The anterior crowns can be cleaned with the tip of a brush, but the lingual and palatal surfaces must be brushed with the side bristles. Movements should be done standard, that is, sweeping, from the gum edge to the cutting surface of the crown.

There are dried and fresh sivak. Their difference lies in the fact that it is easier to use fresh, it injures the gums less and is more useful for the oral mucosa. It tastes good, has a specific Strong smell but neutralizes well unpleasant odor in the mouth. Fresh knots of a tree retain more useful properties, but it is more difficult to get them and save them, therefore dry twigs are more often used.

Dried miswak is less demanding on storage conditions, and it has an almost unlimited shelf life. They must be used in the same way. Dried sticks may not taste good, but most of the health benefits are retained.

Miswak, which can be purchased in Russia, contains preservatives to extend the life. Food ingredient, rowan extract does not affect the beneficial properties. The shelf life of sivak sticks is 2 months, in the refrigerator - 3-4 months.

What is the price

The cost of a natural toothbrush differs depending on the length and thickness. A small stick 15 cm long costs about 150 rubles. They are sold individually vacuum packed. Some manufacturers add flavoring - lemon, mint.

Sivak Sewak al-Falah - produced in Pakistan, have a length of 15 cm, are sold in vacuum packaging one at a time, the cost is about 150 rubles.

The Al-Khaleej branch is a black stick, does not require the use of toothpaste, the cost is 80-100 rubles.

Sivak Khair - made in Pakistan, has a length of 15 cm, cost - 90-120 rubles.

Before buying, it is important to make sure that the miswak, like the others medicinal substances, is vacuum packed.

At the same time, you can purchase a case for convenient storage. You should not immediately switch to cleaning the oral cavity with such a stick. It is better to use it between regular brushing of teeth, and when the skills of cleaning each tooth appear, then you can switch to a sivak stick. Without consulting a dentist and the opinion of a specialist in this regard, you can not do.

How to use Miswak?

1. Peel about 1 cm of Miswak from the bark - lightly bite the bark around the circumference, squeeze it between the teeth and pull it back (the bark will easily give in). Or simply plan (remove) 1 cm of the bark with a knife.

2. Press the Miswak with your teeth - the end you cleaned, chew lightly so that the stick becomes soft, and the fibers separate and become like a familiar brush.

3. Thoroughly clean your teeth, tongue, while not forgetting to massage the gums (this is especially useful when using Miswak - and it is a pleasure, unlike synthetic toothbrushes).

4. After brushing your teeth, cut off the used brush and put the Miswak back in the vacuum package (or case)! This will keep it in natural level moisture.

Store Miswak in a dry place protected from the sun and moisture at room temperature (16-20°C).

Be sure to return Miswak in a vacuum package or use a case, this will prevent rapid loss of moisture.

If for some reason your wand has dried up and decreased in size (and this will not happen if you follow the instructions above) - put the wand in water overnight, it will pick up required amount moisture, and will be ready to use again! (only the used end of the stick should be soaked, or after soaking the whole stick, dry it, which will prevent quick spoilage, keep the stick dry)

Frequently Asked Questions on Using Miswak

1. At what age can children use Miswak?
Babies can be given little bits of Miswak to chew from about 4-5 months of age. Miswak facilitates teething. However, Miswak should only be given to a baby under the supervision of an adult to avoid swallowing the stick or injuring the throat.

2. How to store an open wand?
The wand you are using this moment, can be stored together with your hygiene items in the bathroom. A stick that was purchased for future use and is not yet used is best stored in a cool place in the package - in the refrigerator, on the door or in the fruit compartment. You should not store Miswak in the freezer, because. freezing - thawing negatively affects the quality of Miswak, like any natural product from plants.

3. How long can the soaked end of the stick be used - until it wears itself out or is cut off? And if cut, when?
Hygiene and maximum "usefulness" of Miswak sticks is ensured when using a one-time cleaned piece of stick, i.e. using a new cleaned piece of Miswak each time, cutting off the used one after each brushing of the teeth and gums. Yogis strongly recommend using the brush only once, because. It is believed that after use the brush becomes very infected and it is better not to brush your teeth at all than to use the brush again. That is why they do not use conventional reusable toothbrushes. Do not forget about the most valuable substances released by the stick when wet and brushing your teeth, the amount of which will naturally decrease significantly after each use. But even after the first use, Miswak retains its shape and is ready to be used again - this is for extreme cases when a person is away from home, on a hike, etc.

4. How to clean them? Even after I chewed the brush, the stick is too hard. How long does it take to chew it?
You need to chew until the moment when all the fibers are separated from each other. Based on experience, this is achieved in 5-10 strong compressions of the brush with the side teeth. Thin sticks are chewed faster, thick ones a little longer. In addition, the stiffness of chewed sticks is also different. Thin ones are softer, thick ones are more rigid. If the stick was stored without packaging and dried up, then it should be soaked beforehand. Dry sticks have very stiff bristles. It should also be borne in mind that it is desirable to clean the teeth themselves with the side surface of the brush, i.e. not with the tip of the brush, but with the surface of its fibers. It is convenient to clean the front surface of the teeth by rotating the wand around its axis, and the movements for cleaning the back surface of the teeth are approximately the same as when removing excess paint from a paint brush on the edge of a can. The fiber tips should only be cleaned between the teeth.

5. Is it possible to use this stick if the front teeth of the restoration are “extended” (+ nerves removed)?
Can. None of our customers complained that the artificial teeth somehow suffered from Miswak. On the contrary, everyone was very pleased. The color of the extended filling is adjusted to the natural color of your teeth. In addition, since Miswak does not contain aggressive whitening components, its use does not affect the color of artificial inserts - fillings. It should be remembered that various chemicals For teeth whitening, only natural teeth are whitened, but artificial teeth are not. Therefore, when using them, the seal may stand out.

6. Is pregnancy or breastfeeding a contraindication for use?
Miswak can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy, as a rule, they limit the use of substances that can affect the contractile activity of the uterus or can cause allergies in the child in the future, but Miswak does not have these properties. In this regard, it is much safer than toothpastes (read the general comparative characteristic toothpaste and miswak) .

It is believed that during breastfeeding, mothers should exclude certain spices from the diet, for example, horseradish. The taste of milk may not be pleasant to the child. Miswak tastes a bit like horseradish, but it is much softer. In addition, you do not eat Miswak, so it is unlikely that it will affect the taste of milk. On the other hand, Miswak has a beneficial effect on digestion, which is good for both mother and child.

7. How to clean the inside of the teeth?
Inner surface teeth are cleaned with the side surface of the brush, i.e. not the end of the brush, but its side surface of the fibers. Sweeping movements, approximately the same as when removing excess paint from a paint brush on the edge of a can. You can also cut off a small piece of the stick about 2 mm, chew it in your mouth and then roll your tongue along the inside and outside of the teeth.

8 . What is Miswak?
Miswak (Sivak) - this is brushing your teeth and what you clean your teeth with, remove food debris, remove plaque. (arab.)

The concept of miswak (sivak) is applied to a tree knot, twig or root, as well as other objects that massage the gums and clean the teeth. As a rule, roots or twigs of various trees are used as miswak: mustard tree, olive tree, etc. Roots and twigs can be used immediately or dried and stored in a dry form.

9. What is the difference between fresh miswak and dried miswak?
Fresh miswak is more pleasant to use, its fibers are soft and flexible, and do not damage the gums. The taste of fresh miswak is pleasant, refreshing, pronounced. Most importantly, fresh miswak is healthier. it contains many more useful substances. However, fresh miswak has a significantly limited shelf life, in addition, it is also demanding on storage conditions (cool place). Dried miswak does not require special storage conditions and its shelf life is practically unlimited. However, dried miswak loses most their unique properties, and its taste is not as pleasant as that of fresh.

10. What is the difference between Miswak root sticks and sticks made from twigs?
Root miswak is more flexible and juicy. They are more convenient to use. Twigs are tougher and less juicy.

11. Can the use of these sticks be combined with homeopathic treatment?
Of course, but as in any other case, it is better to consult your doctor. Among our customers, many use OTC drugs and there have been no cases of their antidoting.

12. Doesn't it damage the enamel?
Miswak does not damage the enamel, because it does not contain abrasive components. However, in case of increased abrasion of tooth enamel, and in case of inflammatory periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease), it is recommended to use a thinner Miswak, because his brushes are softer. You should also make sure that the Miswak does not dry out, because. a dried miswak has a much stiffer tassel. Optimal conditions storage - in a bag in the refrigerator. And of course, especially in cases with inflammatory diseases we strongly advise you to use a new, cleaned piece of Miswak each time. This will allow you to get maximum benefit from active ingredients that Miswak possesses.

13. My teeth hurt after brushing with Miswak. I don't rub hard, just to clean it properly. What to do?
The following recommendations should be followed.

Brush your teeth only with a WET stick. If the stick is dry - pre-soak;
- the tips of the fibers should be cleaned only between the teeth;
- clean the front surface of the teeth by rotating the stick around its axis, across the tooth, so that the rotation is directed from the gum to the edge of the tooth;
- side teeth back surface clean the front teeth with sweeping movements, approximately the same as when removing excess paint from a paint brush on the edge of a can ..

14. What is their expiration date?
Shelf life in closed packaging is 12 months at a temperature not higher than +15C, open packaging should be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. At room temperature, the shelf life is reduced by 2-3 times.

15. Is it true that Miswak whitens teeth?
Truth. Miswak whitens teeth very well, but only to their natural color! J

16. Today I took it to clean and the gums and corners of the lips sting a lot. Before that everything was fine. With what it can be connected?
Most likely, this is due to the fact that some kind of infection has appeared in the oral cavity. The spicy Miswak juice serves as an indicator. In this case, it is recommended to carry out cleaning procedures more often and each time with a fresh brush. It is also recommended in such cases to cut off a small piece of Miswak (2-3 mm) and chew it thoroughly for several minutes.

17. What is the taste and smell of these sticks?
The sticks have the taste and smell of horseradish, but without bitterness, softer and more tender. Thick sticks - with a sharper and richer taste and smell, thin sticks are more delicate in taste. A slightly salty aftertaste may be present, but the stick should not be too salty. A strong sweet-salty taste indicates the use of some synthetic ingredients for canning and storage. We do not supply such products.

18. On one of the sticks there is a white coating in places, is it damaged?
No, the sticks are not damaged. white plaque- this is the exposed salt contained in a plant that grew on brackish soil. This is normal for this product.

19. I forgot to put the stick in the refrigerator, how to understand that it has gone bad?
If the stick has lain out of the refrigerator at normal room temperature for several days, then nothing will happen to it. The main sign of product spoilage is bloating for Miswak when sealed and sour when opened.

20. I took the stick out of the bag and kept it in the bathroom in a glass with brushes. After a few days, the stick dried up and was hard to clean. Can anything be done?
It is necessary to soak the tip of the stick in warm water for some time. The wand will soften again and it will be comfortable to use. So it will be necessary to soak each new tip. Do not soak the whole stick at once, because a soaked stick will quickly deteriorate.

21. Should Miswak be smeared with toothpaste? And how to do it?
Miswak replaces not only toothbrush but also pasta. Miswak contains more than 25 components beneficial for teeth. So there is no need for toothpaste. This is the main advantage of Miswak.

22. Can I brush my teeth with Miswak if I have braces?
During treatment with a bracket system, you can not chew, bite and gnaw. Since the use of Miswak is associated with chewing an initially fairly hard stick, then common use Miswak is undesirable.

We can suggest carefully trying the following use case:

1. Miswak must be chosen thinner, because. it will have a softer brush.
2. Clamp the Miswak with scissors and twist it in different sides then. the outer bark is easily removed.
3. You can knead Miswak with the help of improvised means, just as you do it with your teeth to the state of a brush and only then use it.
4. The resulting brush can already be used for brushing your teeth. To extract juice, you can lightly bite it. it's already soft enough.

You can also make an infusion of Miswak like any plant and use it as a mouthwash.