How does an osteopath work? Myths about osteopathy

An osteopath is a highly qualified doctor who is able to identify and cure complex disorders of organs and systems through manual techniques, i.e. engaged in a special section of medical science - osteopathy.

In carrying out their practice, osteopaths are of the opinion that it is impossible for a single organ to suffer. They believe that the whole organism is in suffering, and in order to cure it, it is necessary to eliminate the main cause of the existing disease.

Osteopaths specialize in three areas:

  1. structural osteopathy, solving problem with regards to musculoskeletal system.
  2. Visceral osteopathy, entirely devoted to the pathology of internal organs.
  3. Cranial osteopathy, regulating the relationship of the bones of the skull.

Osteopaths in their practice observe the principles of the anatomical, physiological and mechanical unity of the human body, the relationship of function with structural features and movement as the basis of the life of the body.

What methods do osteopaths use?

First of all, these doctors use no other tools than their own hands. By layer-by-layer palpation (“palpation”) of the human body, the doctor is able to determine the organ due to which the body is in a state of malaise or even a serious illness, the localization of a spasmodic muscle, a displaced bone structure. The specialist is based on his feelings, because the tissues of a healthy and diseased body differ in consistency, temperature and density.

Aiming and accurately acting on many signal points, the osteopath treats the suffering organ, which will subsequently have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Of course, for successful practice, osteopaths must know with honors the anatomy of the human body, its physiological features in normal and pathological conditions, to have strong sensitive hands and fingers, an attentive attitude towards their patients.


What does an osteopath treat? Of course, in the first place in the work of this specialist are diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use to cure joints natural remedy recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky ... Read more»

These include:

  1. Rheumatic affection of the joints.
  2. Persistent muscle spasms.
  3. Violations of correct posture (scoliosis, flat back, round or round-concave back).

Also, osteopathic doctors are engaged in manual therapy of persistent headaches, rapid heart rate, neuroses, problems with gastrointestinal tract, neuralgia, painful menstruation in women. Their sessions are especially useful for children with an injury received at birth and resulting in deformations of certain bone structures in the baby's body.

obese people varying degrees or overweight bodies should not avoid going to an osteopath: the actions of this doctor normalize the metabolic processes in the body and bring them into a natural balance with other processes occurring in the body.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant pain in the back and joints? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working remedy, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more»

Additional diagnostic methods used by osteopaths

Any osteopathic doctor prescribes a series of specific tests and tests to his patients. diagnostic techniques. Judging by the results obtained, a specialist can confirm the pathology that was determined by him manually, or suspect additional organs with impaired function.


  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. General urine analysis.
  4. Coprological research.
  5. X-ray study.
  6. Ultrasound (ultrasound examination).
  7. CT ( CT scan).
  8. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
  9. Reflex diagnostics.

Contraindications to visiting an osteopath

Sessions with this doctor are contraindicated for those people who have acute or chronic disorders cerebral circulation, malignant neoplasms, heavy bleeding and heavy infectious lesions organs and systems. When seeking help in these cases, destabilization of the body systems is possible, and the doctor will not be able to fully provide assistance.

Patient opinion

Some people actively advise visiting this specialist, as he has helped with back problems, prolonged headaches, neurological disorders, prolapse of the pelvic organs in women after the birth of a child. Others refer to the activity of osteopaths to the “placebo” effect or even speak negatively about the practice of these doctors.

But do not forget that the effect of visiting sessions of osteopaths depends not only on the specialist himself, but also on the susceptibility of the patient's body to manual therapy.

How to forget about pain in the back and joints?

We all know what pain and discomfort are. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise a hand, step on a foot, get out of bed.

An osteopath is a specialist with a medical education who deals with the improvement of the human body through an integrated approach to the problem. The main task of the osteopath is to establish the cause of the failure in the body and its elimination.

The use of osteopathic techniques is possible at any age in both sexes. The possibility of using this method of treatment and restrictions on its use will be assessed by the osteopath only during an individual examination of the patient.

What is osteopathy

Osteopathy is a branch of medical science. She views the human body as single system in which each organ functions in close connection with all other organs. In addition, the organs are in constant motion. The appearance of an obstacle to the movement of an organ, a violation in the work of any cell affects the health of the whole organism.

Based on this, a violation of the functioning of one of the organs leads to the fact that the load on others increases. Other organs cannot work with constant overload for a long time. As a result of such shifts, fertile ground for the development of diseases appears.

The same external manifestations of the disease (for example, back pain as a result of displacement of the vertebrae) in different patients have different reason. Therefore, it is not enough just to eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to influence the cause of suffering.

The body, from the point of view of the osteopath, seeks to heal itself. The task of the osteopath is to push him to this. The osteopath copes with it by acting on certain areas of the body, pressing on the necessary points, stretching the corresponding muscle tendons. Giving the right impetus to action, the osteopath forces the human body to activate internal mechanisms to eradicate the cause of the disease.

What diseases does an osteopath deal with?

Based on the basic principles described above, an osteopath deals with the following diseases:

The osteopath is able to eliminate Negative consequences previous injuries.

Principles of influence on the body

A qualified doctor - an osteopath affects the patient's body without using any painful techniques. A specialist in this field does not need to resort to bitter pills, unpleasant injections and traumatic operations. The osteopath has in his arsenal skillful hands, a smart head, a kind heart, a deep understanding of the fundamentals of the functioning of the human body.

Osteopathy implies a complex effect on the body, and not the treatment of a specific organ. This approach uses minimal amount procedures. All procedures are safe and painless even for tiny children. However, the result of such an impact is felt very quickly. This method does not have a large number of contraindications and restrictions. This allows it to be used in cases in which other methods of treatment are powerless.

The technique does not involve the use of expensive medicines, which, moreover, also provide Negative influence on the patient's body.

Contraindications to the technique

There are certain conditions in which the osteopathic doctor is forced to recommend that the patient abandon this treatment method, or combine it with others. This is established during the examination of the patient.

Contraindications to use will be the following, life-threatening patient conditions:

Possibility of use in children

A pediatric osteopath is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pathology in young patients. A number of pathological conditions in children can be corrected using osteopathic techniques. At the same time, the osteopath does not need to use painful and sometimes traumatic methods of treatment.

Correction of pathologies in newborns is possible if they are detected in a timely manner. It is best if the baby is shown to a specialist - an osteopath no later than the 14th day of life. Mommy should take care of examining her crumbs in the following cases:

Do not neglect the advice of an osteopath even if the child has a deformed skull. This may be a manifestation of the consequences of a difficult birth or a violation of the development of the bones of the skull. It must be remembered that a deformed skull is not only a cosmetic defect. First of all, this shape of the skull negatively affects the functioning of brain structures.

Parents should remember that visiting an osteopath does not preclude consultation with a pediatrician. Examination of the child by two specialists always complements each other.

What examinations will an osteopath need?

For a more accurate deepening into the cause of the disease, it is very important for an osteopath to carry out the following diagnostics:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Special research methods will also be needed - hardware reflex diagnostics, craniosacral, structural and visceral diagnostics. Craniosacral osteopathy allows you to determine functional state bones cranium and the state of circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Structural osteopathy is a set of techniques aimed at diagnosing and then restoring mobility in the musculoskeletal system. The technique is aimed at identifying the root cause of pain in the spine and joints.

Visceral osteopathy is designed to identify violations of the function of internal organs. Special measures of influence can improve the mobility of internal organs and restore their normal functioning.

The difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor

Manual therapy is the daughter of osteopathy. This is a method of influencing the body, which has incorporated part of the diagnostic methods and treatment methods that have long been used in osteopathy. However, there is a definite difference between these two directions in medicine.

Manual therapy involves the impact on the pathological link, eliminating the problem that has arisen (for example, pain). The osteopath looks at the “root” of the problem, looks for the primary source of suffering and eliminates its cause, not its effect.

Manual therapy eliminates pain using the same painful techniques. In the arsenal of an osteopath, there is the possibility of correction using neurological adaptive mechanisms. The osteopath knows which place to press, which areas of the body to stretch in order to achieve an effect on the cause of the disease. Restoration of function in the affected area goes through the restoration of micromobility, improvement of blood flow and lymph outflow from the diseased area.

The chiropractor quickly eliminates the symptom without affecting the cause. As a result, the symptom is able to return after some time. The osteopath, influencing the cause of suffering, pushes the body to self-healing. This makes it possible not to return to the problem over time.

In addition, the osteopath affects the body as a whole, improving the functioning of all organs. A chiropractor deals with a specific segment of the human body, without affecting the functioning of the body as an integral system in a complex way.

An osteopath, unlike a chiropractor, has no age restrictions. Her methods are acceptable both for children of the first days of life and for the elderly. In addition, the osteopath manages to help in the advanced stages of diseases, which a chiropractor cannot do.

To stay always healthy, such a doctor recommends following a few simple rules:

  • a healthy lifestyle is the basis of longevity;
  • proper nutrition will help to maintain the health inherent in nature for a long time;
  • the back should always be straight;
  • periodic visits to the doctor for preventive purposes will make it possible to timely identify a health problem; the implementation of all medical recommendations will help to eliminate it in the shortest possible time and with maximum effect.

Parents should be attentive to the health of their baby. It must be remembered that the causes of future diseases are laid even in the period of intrauterine development. That is why, future parents should take care of their health even before the conception of a new life. Therefore, the osteopath should examine them in advance. Timely diagnosis and elimination of the root causes of possible suffering in a newborn should be carried out already in the first days of your baby's life.

Important fact:
Joint diseases and excess weight are always associated with each other. If you effectively reduce weight, then your health will improve. Moreover, this year it is much easier to reduce weight. After all, there was a tool that ...
Says a famous doctor >>>

Plagiocephaly in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

To describe the irregular, oblique shape of the skull in medicine, the term "plagiocephaly" is used. This deformity occurs as a result of premature and/or improper fusion of the sutures between the bones of the skull in infants. For the treatment of craniofacial deformity, reconstructive surgery methods are used to restore the shape of the head, provide normal growth skull and child brain development.

  • Possible causes of plagiocephaly in a child
  • Classification
  • Symptoms of plagiocephaly, photo
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Helmet for plagiocephaly

Possible causes of plagiocephaly in a child

Signs of plagiocephaly of varying severity are found in every second baby. Approximately 10% of these babies need treatment. Many factors can cause flattening of the back of the head or the temporal part of the head. The bones of the skull in babies are very soft and can deform even from the pressure of a pillow. It is important for parents to be aware of the possibility of such a pathology and take timely measures to correct it.

A beveled head shape can appear in a small child for the following reasons:

  • congenital anomaly of development - unilateral fusion (synostosis) of the coronary suture;
  • compression of the skull during fetal development;
  • forced position of the baby's head during sleep;
  • muscle pathology.

Approximately 6 out of 10,000 newborns have a congenital fusion of one of the cranial sutures (craniosynostosis). The reasons for this anomaly are unknown.

During fetal development, the skull of the fetus can be deformed if it is incorrectly located in the uterus, as well as in case of difficult movements, for example, with oligohydramnios or multiple pregnancies.

If a child is born prematurely, the bones of his skull are very soft. Such children often spend the first days of their lives in the ward. intensive care in special cuveuses; may be necessary artificial ventilation lungs. Immobility promotes rapid development acquired deformity.

Unilateral congenital muscular torticollis is a condition of increased tone of the cervical muscles, as a result of which the child's head tilts or turns. This is one of the most common causes plagiocephaly.

A long stay, and especially a child’s sleep in a car seat, on swings and other devices with a hard surface, can lead to a change in the shape of the head.

Harmful and constant sleep on the back. Although this position of the baby helps prevent sudden infant death syndrome, the baby's head must be turned regularly, as well as periodically laying the baby on the tummy.

Finally, rickets can contribute to the development of positional plagiocephaly.


Depending on the causes of development, congenital and acquired plagiocephaly are distinguished.

The most serious form of pathology is a congenital anomaly of development (craniosynostosis), accompanied by premature closure of one of the sutures between the bones of the skull. Frontal and parietal bones separates the coronal suture, with its synostosis (fusion), anterior plagiocephaly occurs. Between the parietal and occipital bones a lamboid suture is located, with its synostosis, posterior plagiocephaly occurs. The fusion of the sutures leads to a growth retardation of the corresponding half of the skull and a pronounced deformity of the head.

Acquired plagiocephaly can be deformative (occurs in the prenatal period as a result of an incorrect position of the fetus, oligohydramnios, etc.) and positional (develops after birth due to excessive pressure on the bones of the baby's head).

Symptoms of plagiocephaly, photo

Pathology is accompanied by a flattening of the occiput, usually on the right. Part of the skull seems to be shifting forward. In severe cases, forehead asymmetry occurs, the opening of the orbit expands, and the auricle moves.

Most children have congenital torticollis - an increased tone of the neck muscles, causing the child to sleep on one side. This leads to facial asymmetry. If surgical correction is not performed within the first 6 months of life, the deformity will persist for life.

Severe plagiocephaly leads to impaired brain function and learning difficulties in 40% of patients. At the age of three, 25% of these children have speech problems. Light degree deformity does not cause nervous dysfunction, but may lead to a cosmetic defect.

In older children, plagiocephaly may be accompanied by the following signs:

  • asymmetry of the face and skull;
  • difficulties in the selection of glasses and sports helmets;
  • inability to wear short hair;
  • malocclusion.

Diagnosis of the disease

Plagiocephaly is one of the three main types of skull deformation. If you look at the child's head from above, you can see that it has the shape of a beveled oval. Also, during examination, asymmetric facial features, uneven ears, a convex or sloping forehead may be noticeable.

When probing in the area of ​​the fused seam, a small roller is determined. Light pressure in the fusion zone reveals the immobility of the bones. These signs help to distinguish between craniosynostosis ( congenital anomaly) and acquired plagiocephaly (change in shape due to bone deformation).

Additional diagnostics is carried out using radiography of the bones of the skull - craniography. With craniosynostosis, there is no typical enlightenment in the area of ​​the affected suture.

The best method for diagnosing skull deformities is 3D computed tomography, which allows you to create a 3D model of the head. It is indicated only if it is necessary to surgically correct the malunion of the cranial bones.

Treatment of the disease

"Flat Head Syndrome", or positional plagiocephaly, is fairly easy to recognize and responds well to treatment.

If a child is diagnosed with plagiocephaly, within two months after that, it is recommended physical measures treatment. These include regular turning of the baby's head to the sides and perhaps more frequent laying out on the tummy. With torticollis, it is useful to hang bright toys on the opposite side of the crib so that the child tries to examine them. An orthopedic doctor will show you massage techniques that stretch tight neck muscles.

With plagiocephaly, osteopathic doctors also offer their help. There are no studies on the effectiveness of this treatment.

With insufficient effectiveness of such procedures, orthopedic helmets are used. The bones of the baby's skull are very soft and these devices help to correct the shape of the head as the baby grows. Efficiency conservative treatment with mild forms of the disease, it approaches 100%, with moderate severity - 80%.

In severe cases, especially with congenital fusion of the cranial sutures, in the first 6-12 months of life, it is necessary to perform a surgical correction - correction of the deformity with the help of special staples. If the operation is performed later, it will cause extensive tissue damage, and its cosmetic effect will be worse.

If the intervention is performed on time, it does not lead to neurological and other complications. The main risk factor is the loss of blood during the operation. However, modern neurosurgical technologies allow to reduce it to a minimum.

Helmet for plagiocephaly

If moderate plagiocephaly does not disappear within 2 months of treatment, the child is shown the use of an orthopedic helmet. This is a lightweight plastic device that fits over the head and fits snugly around it. The kid must be in such a helmet most days, including sleeping in it. Remove the helmet only when swimming and therapeutic gymnastics for the neck muscles.

The most common side effects of this treatment are:

  • skin irritation;
  • sweating and bad breath;
  • painful sensations.

The helmet restores the shape of the head faster than physical rehabilitation, however, the effectiveness of such a device is generally the same as that of special exercises. A child under the age of 1 year is recommended to wear it for 3 to 6 months. With a slight deformation of the head, an orthopedic helmet is not used.

Orthopedic helmets are produced by foreign manufacturers. The most popular DocBand products are made of lightweight non-allergenic plastic. Such a helmet does not interfere with the natural growth of the head, practically does not cause side effects; treatment results are maintained over time. DocBand is a lightweight and convenient device, children quickly get used to it. It is intended for babies under 2 years of age. Specialists of clinics in Spain and the USA can pick it up. At an older age, an orthopedic helmet will not allow you to correct the deformity of the head.

Another brand of orthopedic helmets is Ballert. These products have no seams, contain several layers of soft lining, which allows you to adjust their size.

Locband helmets, like other similar devices, are custom-made and help to cope with the deformation of the skull. The cost of an orthopedic helmet exceeds $1,000.

Orthopedic helmets are not suitable for primary treatment craniosynostosis. However, after a successful operation, they can be used to protect postoperative area and further correction of the shape of the head.

In Russia they usually use physical methods rehabilitation, and in severe deformities - surgical treatment.

Plagiocephaly is a congenital or acquired oblique deformity of the skull. It can be associated with both premature fusion of the cranial sutures and flattening of the bones under pressure. Pathology is diagnosed during examination and radiography of the skull.

Mild plagiocephaly is common. In most cases, it goes away with the growth of the child. It is recommended to turn the baby over more often, put it on the tummy. Severe plagiocephaly requires surgery in the first year of life. Orthopedic helmets are widely used abroad, but their effectiveness has not been proven.

Physiological immaturity of the hip joint in newborns (underdevelopment)

Let's start with immaturity hip joints in a child, this is a slowdown in the development of the joints, while dysplasia is precisely the wrong formation of the joints.

These two concepts are often confused. At the same time, they constantly overlap, and until recently, both conditions were called dysplasia. Now the concepts and terms are delimited, such a delimitation was necessary not only from the point of view of the diagnostic definition of the problem, but also for the choice of a more accurate and correct treatment.

Types of dysplasia and immaturity

Dysplasia can be conditionally divided into several types, first of all, it is always a physiological or pathological type, the immaturity of the hip joints goes according to gradation to dislocation or subluxation.

It can be noted that, as such, immaturity of the joints is the least dangerous degree development of dysplasia in newborns.

However, if the disease is left unattended and timely treatment is not started, complications begin over time.

They concern the delay in ossification, after which the articular cartilage, in the time allotted for this, does not go into the state of the bone.

The child continues to grow and the disorders in the joint remain unchanged, without treatment the disease itself, that is, the immaturity of the joints, does not go away.

After some time, an untreated problem can develop into arthrosis of the hip joint, as a result - gait disturbance and constant pain.

From the point of view of treatment, subluxation or predislocation of the joint is considered the most dangerous precedent. This is an underdevelopment in which there is no displacement of the femoral head.

As for the most complex type of dysplasia, here doctors unambiguously call a dislocation of the femoral head.

Ignoring this type leads to the fact that in newborns the skeleton develops incorrectly, one leg remains shorter than the other, and gait is disturbed.

The problem is that such violations remain irreversible, that is, if in childhood if the issue is not resolved, then in adolescence or in adulthood it will no longer be possible to correct the violation of gait.

Another possible complication is the development of the so-called false joint. In this case, the joint will develop in the direction of the dislocated femoral head.

Due to this development, the motor development of the newborn begins to be disturbed, subsequently there are frequent pain in the joints, the discrepancy in the length of the legs can eventually reach 10-15 centimeters.

Signs and symptoms

The problem of diagnosing is that it is impossible to ask a newborn about his subjective feelings.

Therefore, it is so important to detect the disease in time for a number of specific signs that parents should first of all know about.

  • According to the standards accepted in medicine, the legs of a newborn should be retracted in different directions by 150 - 170 degrees, of course, the asymmetry of the legs should be observed, if the angle of retraction of the child's legs is less than the standard one, it is necessary to contact an orthopedist.
  • If parents notice that the child has different leg lengths, you should immediately contact an orthopedist to find out the cause and prescribe treatment.
  • The gluteal and inguinal folds of the newborn require special attention. They must be symmetrical, any asymmetry is a reason to see a doctor.
  • Another sign of the development of immaturity of the hip joint in a child can be a click when moving the leg. This is a distinctive sound that is hard enough to miss or ignore.

How to recognize the disease

In the hospital, subluxation and dislocation of the hip joint in a newborn is determined almost immediately.

While the immaturity of the joints can be detected a month after birth, this problem is not so pronounced, and it is quite difficult to notice it immediately.

A planned examination of a newborn by an orthopedist must be carried out, and this is done at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after birth. At each such inspection, there is the possibility of setting correct diagnosis, so ignore scheduled inspections not worth it.

In addition, hip dysplasia can be bilateral, and this type is even more difficult to recognize in the later stages of development.

Only visual examination and examination by an orthopedist should not be stopped.

As soon as the child is one month old, you can go for an ultrasound of the hip joints of newborns. Ultrasound is completely harmless to the child and helps to determine with high accuracy if there is a pathology of the joints.

Reasons for the development of the problem

The immaturity of the hip joint, as a rule, is a congenital ailment, and it leads to an unbalanced diet of a woman during pregnancy and vitamin deficiency, calcium deficiency.

As a result of a lack of essential trace elements, connective tissues in the fetus begin to form incorrectly.

In addition, we note a number of reasons for the development of the disease:

  • Hereditary, genetic predisposition,
  • endocrine diseases in a woman during pregnancy,
  • infectious diseases during pregnancy,
  • late pregnancy,
  • toxicosis,
  • the threat of premature termination of pregnancy,
  • protracted or vice versa too fast delivery,
  • malposition.

Despite the fact that an orthopedist can detect dysplasia already in the first months after the birth of a child, it is rather difficult to determine it, since it practically does not manifest itself.

The main signs can be observed after 3 months or even after six months of life.

Interestingly, underdevelopment of the hip joints can appear after swaddling a child too tightly, and the consequences of such an approach to swaddling may not appear immediately, but decades later in the form of the development of arthrosis already in an adult.

The most severe way to detect dysplasia is when parents notice that the child is limping while walking. It means that physiological problem already fixed, one leg is shorter than the other, and the situation can be corrected only by surgical intervention.

What is used in treatment

If the immaturity of the hip joint was detected during, up to six months of the child's life, and started timely treatment, then after 6 months all the functions of the joint should fully return to normal, even if the deviations were quite serious.

Conservative treatment is based on the following approaches:

  • On the early dates the disorder can be treated using special splints and spacers. The bottom line is that they spread the child's legs in different directions. They are used to stimulate the proper development and growth of joints in a newborn.
  • A course of special vitamin therapy and professional massage are prescribed.
  • A course of magnetotherapy and electrophoresis is prescribed using phosphorus and calcium for treatment. The course helps to improve blood circulation and saturate the hip joints of the child with the necessary substances.
  • If possible, you should contact an osteopath. Correct, soft manual impacts help to restore the balance of the bone structure.
  • As an option for preventive measures for immaturity of the hip joints, it is recommended to use wide swaddling of the child.

In alternative medicine there is effective method to restore the working capacity of internal organs, correct tone and return to the right place. treatment in a way called osteopathy consists in influencing the body with the movement of the hands in order to correct the defects that have arisen in the anatomical structure of the body.

The medical method "osteopathy" was named that way in the second half of the 19th century by the American E.T. Still. The scientist deduced the basic principles of a variety of manual therapy under this name. Still created a world-famous osteopathic school in the US. The founder developed the main concept of the healing technique. The body is perceived as something indivisible and requires an integrated approach to treatment.

In domestic open spaces, a therapy called osteopathy has already been practiced for about two decades. In 2003, this therapeutic direction was officially approved by the Ministry of Health of our country.

At first glance, this medical technique may appear to be a subdivision manual treatment, but it's not. Key differences from manual technique affect the different approaches of manual therapists and osteopaths to the treatment of ailments that patients treat.

From the point of view of manual therapy, the root of many ailments lies in problems with the spine. However, this method of osteopathy does not take into account many of the nuances associated with the mobility of the vertebra, its relative position or the formation of bends. The osteopathic specialist views the human body as complex mechanism closely linking all the details. In practice, at least 70% of the ailments associated with the spine stem from gaps in the functioning of the internal organs. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, feels an excessive load on the ligaments, ignores metabolic pathologies, he runs the risk of developing chronic back pain.

The osteopath uses in his methodology to correct the functionality of all components of the nervous system, focusing on the brain and spinal cord, peripheral parts of the nervous system. Next, there is a complete adjustment of the systems of internal organs.

Osteopathy not only quickly suppresses the symptoms, but also with great certainty determines the root of the disease in order to eliminate it. How deeply the doctor understands the intricacies of the anatomical structure of the body and functionality our body, so successful will be the results of curing the patient.

Osteopathy - the principle of perception of the human body

Specialists in the field of osteopathy consider the human body as a single three-dimensional musculoskeletal, nervous and mental system, which is constantly adapting to new circumstances of stay and development in the environment. Any failure in one of these three elements leads to an imbalance in the work of the others.

An osteopathic lesion means the presence of a complex of various body lesions (dysfunctions) in a patient:

  • musculoskeletal;
  • neurovegetative;
  • organ;
  • vascular;
  • mental.

Therapy osteopathy analyzes the problems that have arisen as damage to the whole organism, and not to a separate organ or specific system. The symptom that has arisen is only a consequence of a latent ailment. Often the true cause of the disease lies not at all where they are looking for it. Sometimes health problems are caused, at first glance, by completely unrelated organs. In other words, even the jaw is sometimes to blame for lumbar pain, and problems with the foot are to blame for toothache. Although it sounds strange and even funny, everything in the body is more interconnected than we think.

The key principle of the osteopathic treatment technique is to focus on launching the body's hidden resources for self-healing. There are several areas of osteopathic therapy:

  • to solve problems of the musculoskeletal system (structural);
  • for the correction of bone details of the skull (cranial).

Session or osteopathic therapy and diagnostics

Starting from the first consultation with an osteopath in without fail will follow up on:

  • how the patient holds his head;
  • how to sit on a couch or chair;
  • How does he keep his posture.

The doctor will examine the results of laboratory tests, ultrasound and tomography. The specialist will ask about examining the patient, using a special diagnostic technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor's hands are able to feel the slightest deviations and anomalies in the location of bones and ligaments. An experienced osteopath knows the key points on the body that will signal the organ that needs treatment. By muscle tension, it is able to read malfunctions in the systems of internal organs.

For therapy, the osteopath selects different types of techniques. Structural are distinguished by a more active, and at the same time mild effect to relieve spasms and limit movement of the limbs. The doctor uses his hands and the emphasis on the spine as leverage. The passive (functional) technique is distinguished by even greater softness of the doctor's movements, it corresponds to the natural rhythms of movement in the body (for example, breathing). At first glance, it may seem that the osteopath has absolutely no effect on the patient. This is absolutely not true. Its impact is much deeper than the procedures given by a chiropractor. At the end of the passive session of osteopathy the patient must undergo a special test to compare the initial state and the improvements that occurred after delicate medical manipulations. As a rule, a treatment session lasts from 40 to 120 minutes. A huge plus for the patient is the complete relaxation and relaxation of the body during the osteopathic session and after the procedures.

Indications and contraindications for osteopathy

Indications for osteopathy in children

Due to the mild effect on the body, the technique is suitable even for the treatment of infants. Compared to other manual methods, osteopathic treatment does not cause complications in the course of treatment:

  • consequences of birth trauma and surgery
  • enuresis (urinary incontinence)
  • encephalopathy
  • strabismus
  • seizures and epilepsy syndrome
  • attention disorders
  • nervous disorders
  • psychomotor and speech delays
  • problems with intellectual maturation
  • neurological ailments
  • headaches
  • hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome
  • ENT diseases
  • violation of the musculoskeletal system (torticollis, impaired posture, flat feet, etc.)
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Factors for treatment in adults:

  • post-traumatic syndrome
  • consequences of surgery
  • pain in the head and migraines
  • dizziness and cerebrovascular accident
  • high intracranial pressure
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (intercostal neuralgia, sciatica, pain in the joints and in the spine, osteochondrosis)
  • chronic gynecological diseases(inflammation of the appendages, the formation of adhesions in the small pelvis, hormonal disruptions, sexual infantilism, cycle disorders and pain discomfort during menstruation, some types of infertility)
  • ENT diseases (bronchitis, snusitis, rhinitis, hearing problems, ear congestion)
  • Various diseases of different systems of internal organs
  • dystonia
  • chronic fatigue and exhaustion of the body
  • impotence and frigidity.
  • a narrow range of organic or mental illnesses
  • transmission of severe infections
  • tumor formations
  • thrombosis.

Self-diagnosis and treatment

If you feel a headache or cramps in the neck, then try to gently knead soft tissues in the area of ​​the occiput. After such a session of osteopathy, the usual dousing with cold water will be appropriate, cold and hot shower. Avoid pressure on the area of ​​the temples and eyeballs. Do not try to carry out all the manipulations yourself. Osteopathy session and osteopathy treatment must be performed by a qualified physician.

People who face daily office work at the computer experience neck pain. To get rid of this discomfort in the workplace, you need to put both hands on the back of your head. Then it is easy to press them and pull the head down and forward. In this position of a certain stretch, you need to stay for about 5-7 seconds. Such manipulations will help relieve tension in the ligaments and expel pain.

Today on the site we will talk about osteopathy, a rather young direction of alternative medicine, we will talk about indications and contraindications for the use of osteopathic techniques and techniques in the treatment of various diseases.

And although this direction is young, today there are 5,288 osteopaths in the world (as of April 4, 2018) in the British charter, they are also in large clinics in the Russian Federation.

What is osteopathy - science or quackery

Medical definition of osteopathy: a system of therapy that is based on the concept that the body can heal itself when all its parts are in normal structural relationships.

Osteopathy takes a holistic approach to health care, embracing both modern medical knowledge and ancient oriental practices when warranted.

Osteopathy mainly focuses on the correct relationship between bones, muscles and connective tissues.

Osteopathy is a diagnostic and treatment system a wide range diseases. It deals with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that good health human depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues. This is a kind of alternative medicine when professionals recognize diseases musculoskeletal system and internal organs of the patient using only one tool - do it yourself.

Osteopaths work to restore all parameters of the body without the use of pharmacological drugs or surgery. They use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, increase blood flow to cells, and improve the body's own natural functioning mechanisms.

And although not all traditional doctors consider osteopathy a science, answering the question “is osteopathy a quackery or not”, they believe that without chemical or surgical effects, osteopathic techniques are simply meaningless manipulations along with bioenergetics, continuing to argue with its followers and adherents from year to year .

Nevertheless, there is ample evidence of improvement in the condition of patients after the use of osteopathic techniques. This, as in many other areas of knowledge, it is necessary to find a knowledgeable and practicing osteopath in order to hope for an adequate result.

Scheme of the spine for exposure by an osteopath

Osteopaths, unlike chiropractors, work with their hands not on the vertebrae themselves, but on the surrounding muscles, ligaments, correspondence scheme different parts spine for all sorts of problems in the body they simply need.

Often osteopaths are in parallel medical specialists in the field of neurology, orthopedics, traumatology.

Regulation of osteopathy

All osteopaths are regulated by the General Council for Osteopathy (GOsC). They are required to renew their registration annually. GOsC verifies that osteopaths have valid occupational insurance, are in good health, and meet mandatory continuing professional development requirements.

The name "osteopath" is protected by law. Specialists are registered with the CES, which sets and promotes high standards of competence, behavior and safety.

Patients of osteopaths are young and old people, manual workers, office workers, pregnant women, children and athletes. Symptoms with which osteopaths are treated are different: discomfort in the back, changes in posture during fetal development in pregnant women, postural problems caused by difficult or pathological childbirth resulting from traumatic deformity, progression of arthritis, osteochondrosis.

History of osteopathy

Osteopathy emerged as a supposed reform of medicine in the 1870s. Andrew Still, after losing several family members to encephalitis epidemics, was determined to rethink the foundations of medical therapy to bring them into line with the laws of nature.

While health care relied heavily on inefficient traditional drug therapy. Throughout his life, the doctor tried to find perfect methods of curing ailments. Having passed the military years of practice, he gained experience and discovered a lot of new things.

The renowned surgeon conducted extensive anatomical and physiological research and developed treatment protocols consistent with his research, which were called osteopathic manipulation. He expressed himself in terms of a mechanical and electrical principle consistent with the science of the day.

As a result of his success in the clinic, he was encouraged to teach others his methods, and in 1892 the first American school of osteopathy was opened in Kirkville-Missouri. The success of his students was enormous. His methods began to cure many serious ailments that had not previously been cured.

Still's student was introduced the concept of cranial osteopathy and the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM). It has been studied in all schools of osteopathy.

After half a century, this branch of medicine was recognized by all public services and has been used everywhere. And half a century later, it appeared in Russia. In 1994, for the first time, a school of osteopathy was created in St. Petersburg. Its development was crowned with success and further growth in this area. This method of medicine was recognized by all structures of the country, new schools appeared.

Techniques and techniques of osteopathy or how an osteopath treats

There are many different methods based on osteopathic philosophy of restoration. These methods allow all body structures to work with maximum efficiency and restore lost functions. The following are just a few of the many techniques in the field of osteopathy.

  1. Cranial osteopathy is a special approach within the concept of osteopathy that affects the cerebrospinal fluid and central nervous system, creating an impact on the body in general and initiating its inherent ability to heal itself. Practitioners of cranial osteopathy use a manual approach to achieve these goals as part of the practice of osteopathic medicine. After several injuries in childhood, a certain part of the body, the head, may hurt. By contacting a specialist, this ailment will be diagnosed and eliminated. After such a session, a certain place may hurt for a day or two.
  2. Visceral manipulation combines the relationship of the structure and function of internal organs as a place for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The manipulation of the viscera can be successfully used in the treatment of internal dysfunction of organs, the musculoskeletal system and many other painful conditions.
  3. Myofascial release. This procedure is designed to treat primarily myofascial structures that are ubiquitous throughout the body. This is usually a problem for people who have frequent physical exercise or those who play sports. After long and exhausting workouts, some people suffer from severe pain and are no longer able to perform the same as before. Their cause is dysfunction of the muscle and connective tissue. To eliminate such ailments, there is a special set of exercises and stretches with the help of certain balls so that the body can work freely and smoothly.
  4. lymphatic technique. Lymphatic fluid movement is how your body transports extracellular material such as waste and nutrients. Many techniques of this kind involve increasing the breath and spreading chest and belly. lymphatic system, unlike arterial, is a low pressure system that occurs in response to negative intrathoracic pressure in the chest during the respiratory cycle. Lymphatic stagnation or poor lymphatic movement leads to the pooling of these fluids and the accumulation of waste in the body and the lack of proper distribution of nutrients.
  5. Muscle-energy technique. Often muscles and joints are limited in movement due to muscular spasm. In chronic cases, this can lead to fibrosis, which is the body's inappropriate response to lack of movement, creating denser collagen fibers that lock joints together. With the help of this technique, you can solve this problem and forget about it forever.
  6. Chapman reflexes were first described by Dr. Frank in 1920, who described the palpation lesions as "little tapioca pearls" (hard, partially fixed, and located under the skin in the deep fascia). These points are useful as a diagnostic tool for associating internal pain with a specific pathology. Chapman's point is an external physical representation of an internal dysfunction or pathology of an organ system. These points can be used diagnostically and for treatment.

What does osteopathy treat, indications for use

Osteopathy successfully treats neurological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, perinatal problems. Its methods restore broken reflex connections in the body, eliminate stagnation, psycho-emotional clamps, and reduce muscle hypertonicity.

This branch of medicine is able to cure many disorders in the body, such as:

  • Diseases of the back, joints and muscles (distortion of posture, osteochondrosis, hernia, sciatica, arthritis, kyphosis).
  • Diseases of the nose or throat (otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis).
  • Neurological ailments (dizziness, headache, prolonged sleep disturbance, high blood pressure,).
  • Damage to internal organs (, gastritis, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, problems with the urinary and gall bladder, kidneys, hepatitis, cirrhosis, bronchitis).
  • Men's reproductive system(prostatitis, impotence, prostate adenoma).
  • female reproductive system (irregular menstrual cycle, adnexitis, problems with conceiving a child, ).
  • Postoperative period ( , ).
  • Diseases of children (perinatal encephalopathy, brain dysfunction, irritability, curvature of the cervical vertebrae, developmental problems, defects in the legs and fingers, reduced immunity).
  • Pregnancy and postpartum recovery period (problems with the spine, preparatory procedures for childbirth).
  • Quite often, osteopathic techniques help to correct weight.

What does a pediatric osteopath treat?

Recommend visits to a pediatric osteopath in the first month of a baby's life after caesarean section, with breech or face presentation of the fetus, delivery with forceps or vacuum, prematurity, intensive stimulation labor activity, use the help of osteopaths, if the baby screams a lot, often spits up, with episodic, coldness of the extremities.

There is an effect of treatment with osteopathy when blocking the nasolacrimal canal in a newborn, strabismus, epilepsy, congenital dislocation hips.

For older children, the help of a good pediatric osteopath will be needed for torticollis, flat feet, delayed development of speech, motor skills, mental development, osteopathic techniques are used for cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy).

Contraindications for osteopathy

Treatment with osteopathy is not carried out with the following pathologies:

  • Stroke, cardiac arrest, severe arrhythmia,.
  • Bleeding.
  • Acute infectious diseases and fever.
  • Leukemia.
  • Severe manifestations of osteoporosis (bone fragility).
  • Bechterew's disease.
  • , acute psychosis and others.

What to Expect After an Osteopathy Session

After treatment, some people feel great relief, others may have some discomfort for a day or so.

Usually, osteopaths advise to come for a second examination in 3-7 days to make sure that the treatment has a positive result. Advice may be given on proper lifestyle and exercise to speed up recovery.

Usually a course of 5-8 osteopathic interventions is prescribed with a frequency of visits 1 or 2 times a week. Even such a relatively short exposure triggers self-regulation mechanisms.

In addition to improving the condition in specific diseases, in adults after sessions of osteopathy, there are signs of rejuvenation of the body, an improvement in appearance, the disappearance of edema, metabolism and digestive processes are normalized.

Cost of osteopathy not small, it depends on the city, the professionalism of the doctor, the number of these same doctors in the city, and, as a rule, it will be at least 2-2.5 thousand, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is much more - the price reaches 10 thousand per appointment.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, anatomy and physiology, which form the basis of medicine, have developed rapidly: new perspectives have opened up, sciences have developed, and new methods of treatment have been developed.

It was at that time that early diagnosis of many diseases became possible, cardiology developed by leaps and bounds, new philosophy medicine - osteopathy (Greek: suffering of the bones). It is aimed at studying the causes of pathology and restoring health, and is not limited to finding a diagnosis and relieving symptoms.

The key principle of osteopathy is that the body is a single system.

To explain in more detail the whole essence of osteopathic techniques, the founder of the philosophy, Dr. Still, wrote a book that has not lost its relevance today. Especially now, when for the treatment of many pathologies it is used complex therapy The popularity of various methods of alternative medicine is growing every day. For achievement therapeutic effect, an osteopathic specialist performs massage manipulations, gently influencing the internal organs of the patient.

Osteopathy: what is it in simple words

Osteopathy is a field of alternative medicine that allows you to identify and treat violations of the interaction of organs and parts of the patient's body (anatomical and physiological).

In the process of treatment, the causes of disorders are eliminated, the functions of the body are restored. The essence of osteopathy stems from the idea that nature has endowed the body with everything necessary for self-healing. Using the sensitivity of his hands, the specialist works with the patient's body, enhancing its natural ability for self-healing, self-healing. As can be seen from the definition, osteopathy does not have a scientific basis, but is based on a belief in the capabilities of the body. It has nothing to do with ordinary, traditional, scientific medicine. Therefore, anyone who exposes himself osteopathic treatment, does this at your own peril and risk - it is impossible to assume the consequences.

Although these treatments do not scientific justification and not recognized traditional medicine, they are widely used in neurological clinics in many countries. In addition to massage, the philosophy of osteopathy includes: homeopathy, reflexology, bioenergetics and other techniques. Chinese medicine however, these methods are scientifically unfounded.

Some unfortunate specialists call themselves osteopaths after watching videos on the Internet and learning a few massage movements. But everything is not so simple. To comprehend this complex philosophy, specialists receive higher medical education. This allows you to study all the features of the functioning of the body, which is extremely necessary in the work of an osteopath.

What does an osteopath treat?

The task of an osteopath is not to straighten the back or knead the muscles. Its main goal is to determine exactly where the failure occurred, which organ provoked it. The osteopath has a great responsibility, because he alone acts as a diagnostician, therapist, neurologist, chiropractor, orthopedist.

How an osteopath works: by determining the areas where spasms have occurred, the doctor detects swelling in areas with limited mobility. Edema is formed in those places where blood and lymph stagnate. By acting on a particular part of the body, he achieves desired result on the affected area.


  1. Diseases of the ENT organs.
  2. With pathologies of the spine: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia of the spine, etc.
  3. Diseases of a neurological nature: intercostal neuralgia, intracranial pressure (pathological), migraines, headaches from overexertion, etc.
  4. Pathology of the respiratory tract.
  5. Gastrointestinal disorders: gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, etc.
  6. Disorders in the urogenital area: painful menstruation, inflammation of the prostate, infertility, erectile dysfunction.
  7. recovery period after surgical intervention or injury, fracture.
  8. During pregnancy, you can improve the condition of the body as a whole: back pain subsides, swelling disappears, toxicosis ceases to bother.
  9. Increasingly, osteopathy is used to prepare a woman for delivery: the bones become more mobile, which makes childbirth easier and safer for the baby.
  10. Osteopathy for infants is especially important, because this philosophy allows you to detect and correct what is irreparable in adults and older children (birth trauma, the consequences of a rapid delivery).
  11. If the child has cerebral palsy, flat feet, developmental delay, hydrocephalus, frequent colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc., he needs the help of a pediatric osteopath.


Osteopathic therapy should be used for treatment very carefully, only as prescribed by a doctor. Since this technique has a number of contraindications and can lead to a deterioration in well-being, you should not make an appointment with an osteopath for the following pathologies and conditions:

Types of osteopathy

Osteopathic treatment has several directions:

  1. Structural- its techniques resembles manual therapy. Used to work with the spine, joints, ligaments, muscles. The osteopath massages certain parts of the body, restoring the patient's mobility. A good effect can be achieved with diseases of the joints, bones: arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, defects in the structure of the foot, the consequences of injuries, and many others.
  2. Fundamentals of visceral (internal) osteopathy- normalize the work of internal organs and systems. With the help of this direction they treat: respiratory organs, high blood pressure, heart muscle, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, enuresis, gynecological diseases, pathologies.
  3. Cranial- the most delicate of the methods of osteopathy, based on the identification of involuntary vibrations of organs and systems of the human body. Relieves tissues from stress tension, improves psycho-emotional state. Effective method treatments for people of all ages. Experienced specialists, touching with their hands, reveal signs of diseases in any part of the body. If you look at the treatment process from the outside, it seems that the doctor's hands are on the patient's sacrum or head. This is an illusion. The osteopath "probes" the microscopic movements of the cranial bones, the spine, and at the same time improves blood circulation, fluid circulation in the spinal cord. Nice results noted after osteopathy cervical with osteochondrosis and osteopathy of the pelvis.
  4. craniosacral- improves the work of the craniosacral system: cranial bones, brain, spinal cord, spine, coccyx, circulatory system in the spinal cord and brain. Using the technique of delicate massage, the specialist affects the structures of the skull and spine. During treatment, internal organs and joints relax, pinched nerve fibers are eliminated. The patient's immunity is strengthened, the psychological state is normalized, the mood improves. This direction is used to treat the consequences of a stroke, headaches, dizziness, memory impairment and other disorders of a neurological or mental nature.

In addition to the above, there are general osteopathic exercises when stretching, tissue revitalization techniques are used. With slow circular movements, focusing on the locations of peripheral joints, the doctor relaxes the body, normalizes the reflex communication between nerves and muscles.

Very often, the cause of scoliosis is a non-mechanical curvature of the spine. Pathology occurs if the distribution of loads in the brain and spine is disturbed. More than 95% of newborns are born with a predisposition to scoliosis (displacement of bones, cranial membranes), and only half of the condition returns to normal. Osteopathy for scoliosis helps to identify spasmodic areas, normalize their mobility, and correct the position of bones and muscles. After osteopathy of the spine, the very cause of scoliosis disappears, the body gradually straightens.

Increasingly, osteopathy is used to treat all kinds of osteochondrosis. Especially when we are talking about the most serious, collar zone. With the development pathological condition the cervical muscles are overstressed, the vertebrae of the neck begin to shift, the vessels are pinched. This leads to the fact that the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, the person begins unbearable headaches. To cope with an insidious disease, the patient is prescribed osteopathy of the neck. Delicately acting on the necessary points with his hands, the doctor copes with the problem without bringing discomfort to the patient.

Foot osteopathy

Especially often people with various pathologies feet. More than half of the children in the world are diagnosed with flat feet. If you don't give given state due, and most importantly - timely attention, the defect will remain for life and entail the following complications:

  • corns, calluses;
  • degenerative-dystrophic processes in the joints, destroying cartilage tissue and leading to disability;
  • pain in the back;
  • swelling, varicose veins, ulcers.

Osteopaths successfully deal with flat feet, clubfoot, joint deformities and other disorders in the structure of the foot.