Preparations for stopping estrus in dogs. How can you solve the leak problem? Does a dog need mating

Different-sex animals in the house, an exhibition from day to day, aggression and disobedience of the bitch during the hunting season, marks and brown spots throughout the apartment ... There are an infinite number of reasons why owners think about the question: “How to prevent a dog from estrus?”. The possibility of walking without restrictions, exhibitions is very attractive all year round, cleanliness in the apartment and other amenities that have to be sacrificed for two months annually.

The heat itself and all the inconveniences associated with this period are the result of hormonal changes, a consequence of the constant "restructuring" of the body from the state of "I want" to the state of "I don't want, and it's useless." To stop a dog from estrus as soon as the hunting period has begun, or to completely prevent the onset of hunting, you need to intervene in a complex natural process that affects not only the genitals, but the entire body as a whole. In modern veterinary medicine, only hormones are capable of such a “feat”.

Homeopathic and even phytotherapeutic preparations for estrus control exist, but they are ineffective. Sometimes it is possible to postpone the onset of estrus for a week and / or partially resolve some behavioral problems. But in most cases, it is harmless, but useless pills, potions, etc.

There are two ways to stop a dog in heat with hormonal drugs. In the first case, the remedy is used during the rest period, once every 3-5 months: estrus does not occur at all, until the drug is discontinued. In the second case, the remedy is given at the very beginning of estrus in order to suppress all processes that stimulate estrus: estrus stops once or is postponed for some time (individually). In both cases, the body is saturated with sex hormones, more often synthetic ones (natural ones act softer, which means they are less effective). Those. Contrasex, Stop sex, Stop Intimacy, Kovinan, Ex-5, Pilkan, etc. - This is a narrow list of the same hormones in different packages.

Of course, this is very convenient: one injection (tablet, potion - no difference), and you can forget about all the inconveniences associated with the onset of the hunting period. Yes, and advice on how to stop a dog from estrus is so attractive! And it is safe, and there are no contraindications, and without side effects. Only if hormonal drugs were really safe, women would have switched to pills long ago, forgetting about pads and the need to limit themselves every month.

Fortunately, veterinarians are well aware of all the consequences of hormonal "contraception" for animals. Therefore, these drugs are not very popular. To side effects include:

If the owner considers the prevention of estrus in the dog as a temporary measure, i.e. in the future is going to receive offspring from a girl, he should be aware of the following side effects:

  • violation of the cycle, hidden estrus;
  • infertility;
  • protracted childbirth;
  • the birth of dead and non-viable offspring;
  • infertility.

The risk of complications is extremely high, even if you use hormonal drugs in full accordance with the instructions. Count on "What if you're lucky?", realizing possible consequences is hardly reasonable. Trust the advice of friends "And we give pills, and nothing ..."? But the whole point is that the consequences often occur with age, and not immediately after the use of such funds.

You have decided to get a puppy, but you cannot decide who to take - a boy or a girl. Numerous advisers scare that a girl is difficult, a girl is in heat! What is estrus and how to survive it?

Stages of the sexual cycle

In dogs, estrus occurs twice a year, and the older the dog, the longer the interval between estrus. The first estrus occurs at the age of 6-12 months. Duration - about 18-20 days. In general, the dog's sexual cycle consists of four stages.

Forerunner (proestrus). During this period, the eggs actively mature. The average duration of proestrus is 10 days. The dog becomes restless and naughty, begins to mark the territory, excreting urine often and in small quantities. Blood flow to the external genitalia increases, the vulva (genital loop) increases in size, spotting of varying intensity appears. The vestibule of the vagina is edematous and hyperemic. The female does not allow males during this period.

Heat (estrus). At this time, ovulation occurs - the release of eggs from the ovaries into the horns of the uterus. The duration of estrus is on average 7 days, sometimes 2–12 days. The female is ready for mating, she lets the males approach her. When touched on the back, it pulls up the sexual loop and takes the tail to the side. The discharge brightens, becomes slimy and transparent. The vulva is maximally enlarged.

Post-oestrus (diestrus, metestrus). All signs of heat and excitement gradually disappear, the dog calms down. Lasts about 60-65 days. During this period, the development of pregnancy or false pregnancy if there was no mating.

Period of sexual rest (anestrus). During the period of sexual dormancy in the uterus, recovery processes, the ovaries are inactive, preparations are underway for a new cycle. Duration varies from 60 to 180 days.

Estrus characterizes the sexual maturity of the animal, readiness for mating and bearing offspring. However, it does not always coincide with the physiological. Knitting a dog in the first estrus is not recommended, because physically her body is not yet developed, not ready for such increased loads like pregnancy, childbirth and feeding puppies.

Does a dog need mating

If you decide to marry your bitch to a male, remember that mating is not necessary to keep the animal healthy. It is carried out for the purpose of obtaining offspring. This process is justified within the framework of the nursery, when the breed is improved by systematic, thoughtful mating.

If your pet cannot boast of a pedigree exterior and a long pedigree, you do not attend exhibitions and other cynological events with her, think about whether you need puppies and whether you intend to search for their future owners.

How to avoid unwanted pregnancy in dogs

It should be noted that the bitch is able to become pregnant within just one week, sometimes 12 days. The rest of the time, males may be interested in the female, even trying to mate her, but coitus outside the estrus period is impossible.

With the onset of estrus, the always calm dog becomes nervous and naughty, runs away during a walk and gladly lets males in. How to avoid unwanted pregnancy?

  • Do not let your pet off the leash, replace the tape measure with a regular, shorter one.
  • Do not walk with her in places where dogs congregate, so as not to fight off a pack of males.
  • Purchase an estrus odor neutralization spray from the pet store and use it during every walk. Sanitary panties for your pet will also be useful. They will also protect upholstered furniture from blood stains.
  • If the male is mounting, hurry up and drive him away. If the dogs are already in the castle, do not forcefully disengage them, as this is fraught with physical and mental trauma for animals.

And of course, contraception plays an important role in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. It is irreversible and reversible. Irreversible contraception is sterilization, reversible (temporary) is the use of hormonal drugs.

Sterilization (castration) of bitches - abdominal operation held under general anesthesia. Most often, the uterus and ovaries are removed. This completely relieves the dog of the manifestations of estrus, the possibility of pregnancy, and also significantly reduces the risk of mammary gland diseases.

Hormonal drugs

It should be understood that the dog cannot be constantly taking hormonal drugs, and estrus will resume as soon as it passes. pharmacological effects. Therefore, contraceptives are given to the dog only if estrus should come at the wrong time, for example, during your vacation, when the dog is overexposure, the timing of estrus coincides with the exhibition or competition. Sometimes hormonal drugs are prescribed by a veterinarian to regulate the sexual cycle or for other purposes. Before using contraceptives, you should consult a specialist.

Hormonal contraceptives are available in three dosage forms: tablets, suspensions, injections. AT recent times was developed new form- drops on the withers.

Pharmacological properties of drugs:

  • decrease in sexual arousal and manifestations of aggression;
  • decrease in the level of gonadotropic hormones, cessation of estrus;
  • lengthening the stage of anestrus (sexual dormancy) up to 6 months.

Drops on the withers "Ovostop"

This drug has a unique three-component composition: megestrol, proroxan, melatonin.

  • Megestrol acetate. Promotes the transition of proestrus immediately to the stage of sexual rest (anestrus) without estrus and a stage after it.
  • Proroxan. Due to the effect on the receptors responsible for the behavioral manifestations of estrus, it blocks unpleasant manifestations estrus: excessive vocalization, search for a sexual partner, aggressive behavior, the development of stress. This substance does not directly affect the reproductive system.
  • Melatonin. The adaptogen hormone is responsible for the seasonal and daily rhythm of the body. Helps to improve the quality of wool, normalize shedding. Also this active substance helps to slow down the aging process of the body and has a sedative effect.

The drug "Ovostop" - drops at the withers - is packaged in convenient plastic pipettes. Available in two types: for bitches weighing less than 5 kg (2 pipettes of 1 ml) and for bitches weighing from 5 to 15 kg (2 pipettes of 2 ml).

Advantages: single application with a duration of action up to 6 months, convenient way applied to the skin in the withers.


  • The drug is not used in immature, pregnant and lactating animals.
  • Contraindicated in animals with diseases genitourinary system, tumors of the mammary glands, hormonal disorders, diabetes.
  • Contraindicated in lymphoma autoimmune diseases, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, myeloma.
  • Contraindicated in epilepsy.
  • Contraindicated in chronic renal failure.
  • Individual sensitivity possible!


Tablet preparations - "Four with a tail", "EX-5T" - are used to delay and interrupt estrus. The tablets are small, they can be crushed and hidden in a piece of treat, and for non-aggressive dogs, simply put on the root of the tongue, close the mouth and make a few stroking movements along the throat. Usually the drug is given 1-2 hours before meals.


Presented in the form of drops "EX-5", "EX-7.5" for oral administration. They are dripped onto the tongue from a bottle with a dropper. You can also hide the product in a treat and give it to your dog. Features of the reception are associated with the appointment - the delay in estrus or its interruption.

Megestrol-based preparations should not be prescribed to dogs and cats:

  • starting from 3 days from the start of estrus;
  • immature, pregnant and lactating animals;
  • animals with diseases of the reproductive system, tumors of the mammary glands, diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders;
  • with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Important: Before using drugs, consult with veterinarian and read the instructions.

Estrus in dogs is a natural process that indicates the puberty of the female. The first estrus appears at 6-12 months, less often - in the period up to 2 years.

If at 2 years old the dog has not passed the first estrus, a veterinarian consultation is necessary. Frequency - 1-2 times a year. If estrus occurs more often, the risk of hormonal disorders remains.

Estrus in dogs

Estrus lasts in dogs for 3 weeks, in some cases - up to a month.

The course of estrus in dogs depends on the breed of the animal. Look closely at the pet to understand the features and ease the dog's estrus period.

How is the process of estrus in dogs

Determining the start of estrus in a dog is not difficult. Symptoms of the beginning of estrus in dogs - the animal begins to urinate more often, spotting appears, behavior changes, interest in the female increases. Before estrus, molting begins.

The first estrus in dogs is an important stage. Passes after changing teeth, but exact time impossible to predict. Estrus in dogs of small breeds mainly begins at 6-10 months, the signs are clearly visible. The terms show a greater run-up - from 6 to 13 months. The first estrus is inactive: the blood discharge is small, the males practically do not pay attention. But there is no need to relax your vigilance.

If the owner intends to breed a dog in the future, it is necessary to accurately trace the time of the beginning of the first and subsequent estrus: mating usually begins on the third cycle!

The sexual cycle of a dog consists of 4 cycles:

  • First cycle. Proestrus, or forerunner, lasts approximately 7-10 days.

The first signs of estrus appear in a dog - blood flow to the genitals increases, the vulva swells, the first bloody discharge appears (in a small volume). It is advisable to purchase special panties for your pet.

Ovulation does not pass: the dog is not ready for mating. The behavior of the dog during estrus changes significantly - it is either excitable, or playful, or naughty. During walks, he actively explores the territory, constantly makes marks with urine. Plays with males.

  • Second cycle. Estrus, or rut, directly estrus.

Ovulation occurs (in the first two days from the beginning of the cycle), but the female is able to let the males in for mating for a number of days. It occurs 10 days after the appearance of the first bleeding. Pet agrees to let the opposite sex in. To obtain a pedigree litter, after mating with a male, the female is protected from encroachment by males.

Allocations in specified time at different breeds dogs are different. Normally, estrus, readiness for mating occurs when the discharge becomes light pink or finally stops, and the vulva swells strongly. During the estrus period, the bitch begins to let the males in: raises the pelvis, tightens the noose, takes the tail away for convenience and freezes.

There is a period when dogs are in heat. The reddish discharge disappears, the loop decreases in size, the female stops letting the males continue to experience an increased interest in the dog. The duration period is 10 days.

If there is no pregnancy, the body gradually returns to a state of rest. Simultaneously in the metaestrus cycle in dogs elevated level the "pregnancy hormone" progesterone, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred. Dogs have false pregnancies.

  • Fourth cycle. Anestrus, or sexual rest, duration - 100-150 days.

Estrus in dogs varies in frequency: in domestic animals - often twice a year, in autumn and late winter, less often - only once. In yard bitches and northern dogs, mainly once a year, in early spring: puppies are born in the warm season.

How many days does the vacancy last

It occurs twice a year, the duration is 20-28 days, approximately 3-4 weeks. Owners should take into account the number and frequency of empty spaces. If a pet has estrus 3-4 times a year, it is supposed to bring the pet to the veterinarian. Frequent processes talk about hormonal disorders in the body of the animal.

There are, however, differences due to body weight, the size of the dog. In representatives of the Laika breed, a pustovka occurs once a year. In older dogs, periods of rest begin to increase, the number of pups per year decreases. Signs of estrus become mild, barely noticeable. old dog quite able to still be able to lure a male, mate and become pregnant.

If estrus in dogs lasts a month, and periods of rest are about six months, then the schedule must be observed for a long time. If the owners notice that the discharge has become more frequent, the discharge has become pronounced, it has become plentiful, immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

The main responsibility of the dog owner is considered to be strict control over the upcoming estrus. Moreover, the control is carried out regardless of the performed or non-conducted matings. Knowledge will help you react in time if the emptying is delayed. If the moment has come, make sure that the period has not gone unnoticed.

When the estrus is completely absent, you should immediately take the dog to an appointment with a veterinarian.

Signs and symptoms of heat

If the owners know the subtleties of the habitual behavior of the dog, it will be easy to determine the period of the onset of the emptying. The behavior of the pet will change dramatically. When period will pass, the dog after estrus will become the same in behavior.

The pet becomes naughty, active and playful. Hormones "boil" and, subject to an ancient instinct, the female becomes cheeky in behavior.

The main signs of the onset of estrus:

  1. Increased urge to urinate.
  2. Increased interest in members of the opposite sex.
  3. Bleeding at the dog's resting place.

At first, the dogs do not let the males. The period of fertilization has not yet come. After a week, the discharge changes color, becomes straw-colored, acquires a slimy consistency. Later, the female becomes excitable. Now dogs are able to provoke males to mate. It is expressed in a similar way: the female stands in a pose and takes her tail to the side at the sight of a male. The behavior persists for a week, possibly less. The owner is required to follow and mark the days of readiness on the calendar, if desired, to knit.

When estrus begins, dogs leave behind characteristic bleeding. You should buy special underpants for dogs. Dog handlers recommend forcing the pet to lick the discharge. And this should be done from the time of the first emptying. If you do not want to dress up your pet in shorts, it is advisable to roll up the carpets.

First heat

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the puberty of a dog. Most inexperienced owners are confused by the process: people have little idea when the first estrus occurs in dogs - what to do and how to properly care for it.

The names are different: estrus, pustovka. The first estrus occurs when the animals reach sexual maturity. For small representatives, the first emptying can begin at 7 months. At large breeds the estrus period can occur in 1.5 years. Puberty combined with the process of active molting of the animal, experienced owners they already know in advance that the estrus period will soon begin at the pet.

If we talk about the duration of estrus in dogs, the exact dates are not called. As a rule, the first vacancy is the shortest in terms of the time interval. Perhaps a weak manifestation, expressed in a small amount of blood, which weakly attracts males. In young females, the first heat may not be true. Able to end suddenly, ovulation does not occur. Do not relax: the dog may again come empty. The pet will start hunting with ovulation.

Estrus in representatives of various breeds

The first estrus in dogs belonging to small breeds occurs at six months. There are no strict indicators: the body of the animal is individual. Watch carefully so that a hefty male does not get close to the pet. This will seriously affect the health of the pet.

In large representatives of the species, estrus time in dogs occurs after a year. There are no specific deadlines. And at 18 months, the onset is considered normal.

Favorable time for mating and conception occurs on the 15th day after the onset of estrus. The excitation of the dog reaches the limit, the case with the male is recommended these days.

What to do during estrus: rules for the owner

If the owner's plans do not include knitting a bitch during estrus, it is important to be careful during this period.

Keep your dog on a leash and don't let it go. Calm and well-bred pets become uncontrollable: they are eager to instantly run away from the owner and not respond to the usual commands.

Keep your eyes on the dog and keep away from males. Remember: if a male has mounted a bitch, it will be impossible to pull it apart. The above applies to thoroughbreds and small dogs: a large male who decides to copulate with a small female is capable of causing harm.

During estrus, try not to go to exhibitions and festivals: there is a high risk of accidental mating, sudden changes in the nature of the pet will provide trouble.

Do not bathe your dog in questionable waters: the possibility of infection of the genital tract during estrus is extremely high.

An open question for owners is the sterilization of a dog during estrus. There is no unequivocal opinion among doctors. There is no difference in the technique of performing the operation during the period of estrus and rest, the difficulty arises during anesthesia - excitable animals during the rut can painfully endure anesthesia. It is up to the owner to decide when to sterilize.

If the appearance of puppies in a dog is a long-awaited and happy moment, you should not relax: there are some peculiarities in estrus after childbirth. Estrus occurs after childbirth in dogs after 4 months, if the litter is large and the female feeds the puppies for a long time, the period stretches to six months. The estrus begins in recently given birth dogs: frequent urination, bleeding, licking loops. The estrus lasts 3-4 weeks. It is important to monitor the dog during walks, keep it on a leash at all times.

Problematic estrus in dogs

Sometimes pet owners are perplexed: why the dog does not have estrus.

Bloodless estrus in dogs does not depend on the breed. The options are different: signs appear: a change in command, a swollen loop, but there is no discharge. Rarely, there are no signs of estrus, but the process passes.

If you are planning puppies, they will help laboratory research: a blood test and a vaginal smear will determine whether the pet has entered estrus.

Bloodless estrus is an unnatural process, to avoid problems in the future, get examined by a veterinarian. This will help determine if the hormonal background What is the health status of the dog.

An alarming situation is when a dog does not stop estrus. A visit to the doctor and tests are simply necessary.

The reasons are different - from hormonal failure to vulvovaginitis and tumors. Protracted estrus speaks of serious health troubles in adult dogs. In young females, in rare cases, there is a "protracted juvenile proestrus", the first or second estrus. The dog is cheerful, and the tests show no anomalies.

How to properly control the behavior of a bitch and a male

What to do and how to walk the current dog? First of all, make sure that the pet is constantly nearby. Try not to let the dog off the leash without a reason and constantly call. Keep in mind that the dog's behavior has changed, the dog is able to weakly listen to commands.

A well-bred pet rarely ignores the owner's commands. If we talk about a dog, the owners of the dog must obey unquestioningly. But on a walk there are a lot of outbred mongrels.

If you're worried about a possible unwanted pregnancy, just stay extremely careful. Knowing the duration of the process, the owners can control the process and protect the pet from the attacks of foreign males.

Features of estrus in a dog

Real story

The owner of the dog came to the site:

“There was a question about mating and estrus. They took the dog to a neighboring town for mating. An analysis was made in advance for readiness for mating (for progesterone). On the 13th day of estrus, the mating was successful. On that day, the discharge from the loop was light, transparent with a pinkish tint. The dog was sent for mating by courier, during the trip the dog apparently caught a cold. The dog pees frequently. I had to drip Kanefron N (40 cap. 3 r / d) 3 days - 5-7 days after mating. It seems that the situation has improved, the state of health is good, as well as appetite, stool. But now (day 20 of estrus) they stand out from the loop dark discharge by the type of "daub". Is this normal?


After estrus, a dog has specific discharge from the loop. Normally they are light and transparent. Normal physiological leucorrhoea is odorless. If the dog is cold, has been ill, the discharge may take on a bloody tint, have an admixture of pus, a sharp bad smell. Changes physiological process indicate the presence of serious violations in canine "gynecology", requiring urgent intervention by a veterinarian.

As a rule, a sedative for dogs is required in three cases - when you are going on the road, when the bitch is in heat, when the pet is too aggressive. In this article, we will tell you what kind of sedative to give the dog in each of these cases.

Can a dog be sedated?

Many do not know whether it is possible to give a dog a sedative, so the first answer is yes, you can. Only not human, but special means for pets. After all, human and dog organisms are different, respectively, to obtain the same result, different substances are required.

First of all, we note that many sedatives are made on the basis of natural and herbal substances. Of the advantages of this approach is the low probability of allergies, and of the minuses, the remedy acts differently on each dog. As a result, you often have to sort through several until you find an effective one.

Calming during heat

The remedies listed below do not overcome your pet's procreation instinct, but they do help to calm dogs during sexual arousal. Before using any of them, read the instructions for use!

  • "Sex barrier" - drops for bitches that inhibit sexual arousal. They are used to delay and shift estrus, regulate estrus, and prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • "SexControl" - sedative pills, are used to correct the behavior and reduce the sexual activity of males, to interrupt and delay estrus in females.
  • "Stop-Intim" - pills for correcting the behavior of dogs during the period of sexual hunting. There is an option for males that reduces their attraction to bitches, and for bitches, delaying and estrus interruptions.
  • "Four with a tail"- a drug in the form of tablets, designed to regulate sexual desire in dogs and cats.
  • "EX-5", "EX-7.5" - reduces sexual activity in males, shifts and interrupts estrus in females.
  • "ContrSex Neo" - tablets for dogs and cats that eliminate problems associated with sexual activity (aggressiveness, territory marking, prevention of pregnancy, increased excitability, etc.).

Anti-aggression sedatives

  • is an herbal remedy that helps to correct overly aggressive and hostile dog behavior. This may be sexual aggression, an attempt to dominate the owner, aggression as a result of fear or phobia, aggression associated with the pet's hyperactivity.
  • "Fiteks" - drops soothing dogs with intraspecific aggression. The remedy is quite universal, it can be used to reduce hyperactivity, during transportation, to relieve stress at exhibitions, with fears and phobias.

Relaxation on the go

  • "Stop-stress" - drops and tablets designed to reduce the excitation of the dog during stress, which is usually the move / flight. It is also used for phobias, increased sexual arousal (together with contraceptives) and aggression without visible reasons.
  • "Vetspokoin" - sedative drops and tablets for dogs, used to prevent stress on the road (when transported to cars, planes) and relieve symptoms of motion sickness. They also help with phobias, increased sexual arousal, excessive anxiety.
  • "Fospasim" - drops and injections used for neurosis, phobias (fear of noise - fireworks, thunderstorms, etc.), stress (transportation, weaning a puppy from its mother, parting with the owner), increased excitability.
  • "Sanal Relax" - a sedative in the form of tablets, reduces stress on the road from the trip, prevents motion sickness. It also helps in other stressful situations (noises, exhibitions, haircuts, etc.).

Funds for other occasions

  • "Adaptil" - a spray that is inserted into the outlet and sprayed itself around the apartment. Recommended for stressful situations
    for example, fear of fireworks, thunderstorms, when moving a puppy to new family, after a visit to the veterinarian, etc.
  • "SENTRY Calming Collar" - a calming collar, helps the dog to calm down in stressful situations.
  • "Help Dog" is a pheromone spray that calms the dog in various stressful situations.
  • "Zylkene" food supplement in powder form, added to feed. Helps the animal to more easily endure stressful situations.

Folk remedies

In addition to special preparations, sedative effect some also have herbal remedies that can be used for dogs. Usually they are present in any pharmacy, they can be used at home, previously advised by a veterinarian to determine the dosage. Here are some:

  • Valerian is an herb that is effective in helping with panic and nervous anxiety. It is used in small doses for several days. The usual dosage is 5-15 drops 3-4 times a day, depending on the weight of the dog.
  • Passion flower - can be used for animals suffering from negative influence stressful situation showing jealousy,
  • Motherwort is a more effective herb than valerian, but should be used after consulting a veterinarian.
  • Baikal skullcap- helps even with the most acute nervous states dogs. Dosage 5-20 drops depending on weight, applied 2 times a day.

Of course, we didn't list everything. sedative drug for dogs, there are many more different means. However, this list is quite enough to find out what exactly needs to be applied for your pet. Although it is always better to contact the veterinarian, because even aggression or fear can be symptoms that something hurts the animal.

It must also be remembered that all these tools are only auxiliary and in most cases it is necessary A complex approach. For example, in order to avoid excessive aggression and disobedience, a pet must be brought up with early age, and in order not to use drugs during estrus for many years, it is better.

Sedative for dogs - reviews

Review about "Stop stress" Elena writes. I have, very excitable. Hearing the barking of a dog on the street, he immediately runs to the balcony to answer, the noise behind the entrance doors - immediately defend the territory there. At the same time, he is cowardly, very afraid of fireworks and explosions of firecrackers. Another problem is bitches who are in heat, after meeting with them on a walk, he cannot sit still, eats badly, etc.

In all these cases, I use STOP STRESS for dogs of small breeds, I follow the dosage strictly according to the instructions. This drug relieves excessive excitability and a nervous or frightened dog turns back into normal dog. For a year, about 3-4 weeks, you have to apply STOP STRESS, and I recommend it to you if the same situations happen with a dog.

By the way, many people write that this kind of music helps to calm their pets:

Review of Sentry Calming Collar Allah writes. When traveling to Turkey, we used a soothing collar with pheromones to make the dog feel better during the flight. The name of the collar is Sentry Calming collar for dogs, at that time the price was about 800 rubles. The collar is packed in a foil bag, the smell from it is somewhat reminiscent of baby powder (not sharp, but noticeable).

For ours, it turned out to be a little long, but it can simply be cut off in this case. They put it on 12 hours before departure, then put it on when traveling by bus and when they left one in the room. Whether he helped - I don’t know, I want to think that yes. The dog turned a little in the carrier, a little worried. But this is his first flight and a long journey, maybe without a collar it would be worse.

Prices sedatives

  • "Sex barrier" (10 tablets) ~ 135 rubles;
  • "Sex barrier" (3 ml) ~ 225 rubles;
  • "Four with a tail" ~ 55 rubles;
  • "STOP-INTIM" (12 tablets) ~ 145 rubles;
  • "EX-5" (2 ml) ~ 145 rubles;
  • "Stop stress" (15 ml) ~ 180 rubles;
  • "Cat Bayun" (fl 10 ml) ~ 125 rubles;
  • "Fitex" (10 ml) ~ 130 rubles.

The indicated prices are indicative, relevant at the time of writing the article (May 2017), may differ depending on the pet store / veterinary pharmacy and change significantly over time.

That's all. What sedatives for dogs do you use? What was the result? Share your experience in the comments below!

Stimulation of sexual cycles (induction of estrus and ovulation)

Indications for carrying out hormonal stimulation in dogs and cats that have reached breeding age (primary anaphrodesia), the absence of sexual cycles in young bitches and cats or the cessation of sexual cycles in adult females (secondary anaphrodesia) may serve.

In dogs, veterinary specialists with the use of hormonal preparations in most cases, especially with secondary anaphrodisia, manage to cause estrus and hunting, i.e. external signs ovulation, but it is much more difficult to ensure ovulation of the egg. Dog owners need to keep in mind that even if successful ovulation eggs, the fertilization of such a bitch in an induced female will be significantly lower than with the spontaneous manifestation of sexual cycles.

To stimulate estrus and ovulation in bitches, experts suggested big number various schemes for the use of estrogen, FFA, FSH, LH, CG and GnRH, both separately and in various combinations. It should be borne in mind that these schemes have not yet been sufficiently verified and are most likely of an exploratory nature and can be used by practitioners as indicative. Let's consider some of them:

  • FFA or ovariotropin (gravohormone). These drugs are administered to the bitch subcutaneously or intramuscularly at a dose of 50-250 IU daily or at a dose of 200-15000 IU (100 IU / kg of body weight) once a week until the bitch shows signs of proestrus (estrus) and estrus (hunting), but not longer than within 3 weeks. FFAs are used by veterinarians separately or additionally stimulate ovulation by intravenous or intramuscular injection CG at a dose of 500-1000 IU (10-20 IU / kg) on ​​the 1st day after the onset of the estrous phase of the cycle in the dog. Mating or artificial insemination of bitches is carried out on the first day of estrus and is repeated every 24-48 hours - only 2-3 times.
  • FFA at a dose of 20 IU / kg - daily for 9 days, and on the 10th day 500-1000 IU hCG is injected (per dog). When such treatment is carried out, ovulation occurs in about 50% of bitches. At the same time, bloody discharge from the genitals appears on the 7-10th day from the start of FFA injections, the proestrus stage in the dog is shortened and lasts 2-3 days, passing into the estrus stage, which lasts up to 5-9 days.
  • FFA at a dose of 20-50 IU / kg - once every 6 days or daily for 9 days, followed by a double injection of 500-1000 IU hCG or 50 μg Hn-RG. HCG is administered at intervals of 24 hours on the 1st and 2nd day of oestrus (hunting), and Gn-RH at intervals of 6 hours on the 1st day of oestrus.
  • FSH at 0.75 mg/kg - intramuscularly daily for 10 days, followed by a double injection of hCG at 500 IU with an interval of 24 hours or GnRH at 25-50 mcg with an interval of 6 hours.
  • Estrogen preparations in combination with FFA and CG - intramuscularly estradiol benzoate 0.1-0.5 mg every 2-3 days from three to four injections or folliculin (estrone) 0.1-0.3 mg daily for 5-6 days.

Usually on the 4-7th day from the start of treatment, bitches develop proestral spotting, which lasts up to 7 days. Specialists on the 4-8th day after the appearance spotting FFA is injected at 25-50 IU at intervals of 48 hours until the dog appears in the estrus stage, which can be determined using a vaginal cytological examination. Some authors recommend administering FFA at a dose of 200-400 IU or 20 IU/kg with an interval of 24-48 hours, and on the 1st day, 100-500 IU hCG is injected into an estrus dog. The effectiveness of such hormonal stimulation of the female dog, which is assessed by the results of fertilization, is generally low.

If some authors managed to achieve fertilization in induced pustovka in 50-60% of females and even in 86% of females, then other authors did not receive satisfactory results. The effectiveness of stimulation may depend on both the initial functional state ovaries, and on the ratio of hormonal - active substances(FSH and LH) in different series of FFA.

AT last years to induce pustovka in bitches, instead of gonadotropic drugs, prolactin inhibitors - bromocriptine or ergoline - a derivative (ED) began to be used. When feeding ED for 4-10 days or more, pustovka occurs in 100% of females, of which 85.7 were subsequently fertilized, 78.6% were whelped (K.Arbeiter, 1987).

In cats stimulation of estrus and estrus by veterinarians is carried out using FFA, FSH or estrogens. For ovulation of eggs, mating with a cat is used or CG or Hn-RG is administered to the cat. It should be noted that the ovaries of cats, as animals with reflex ovulation, are very sensitive to FFA or FSH. Long-term use of these drugs in cats can lead to the formation in the ovaries follicular cysts or premature luteinization of the follicles. To stimulate estrus in cats, the following schemes for the use of drugs are proposed:

  • FFA or ovariotropin (gravohormone) is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously for no more than 7 days according to the following scheme: on the 1st day - 100 IU; 2nd and 3rd day - 50IE each, and the next 5 days - 25IE each;
  • FSH - subcutaneously or intramuscularly, 1-2 ml (25-50 IU) per day until signs of estrus appear. In order to avoid ovarian hyperstimulation, this drug is not recommended to be administered for more than 5 days. In the absence of a positive effect after 5-6 weeks, repeat the course of injections;
  • estrogenic drugs (estradiol benzoate, etc.) these drugs are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at a dose of 0.001-0.01 mg every 2-3 days.

At the same time, when signs of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle appear, if natural mating is envisaged, there is no need to use hCG or Gn-RG, since ovulation stimulates sexual intercourse itself. For a greater guarantee of ovulation, it is recommended to mate 2-3 times a day on the 2nd and 3rd days from the onset of estrus. At artificial insemination it is necessary to preliminarily induce ovulation with injections of hCG 250 IU on the 1st and 2nd day of estrus or an injection of GnRH at a dose of 25 mg on the 2nd day of estrus. After the introduction of hCG, ovulation occurs on average after 26 hours.

Temporary suppression of manifestations of sexual cyclicity

In addition to castration (ovariectomy), which completely excludes the possibility of manifestations of the female's sexual activity, animal owners sometimes have a need to delay the onset of the next stage of sexual cycle excitation for some time or to suppress the estrus and hunting that have already begun. In such cases, pet owners can use hormonal drugs.

Dogs. In order to delay the start of the vacancy for a long period time, it is recommended to start hormonal treatment with progestogens in the phase of the inactive state of the ovaries - no earlier than 3 months after the last one and no later than one month before the expected emptying. If these conditions are not observed, then complications may appear in animals - the development of pyometra, mixometra, glandular cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium and other metropathies.

Apply subcutaneously or intramuscularly one of the following progestogenic drugs:

  • medroxyprogesterone acetate (Perlutex) - at a dose of 30-100 mg per animal or 2-3 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Injection this drug done every 5-6 months;
  • chlormadione acetate (gestafortin) - 20-40 mg (1-3 mg / kg) once every 4-6 months;
  • delmadinone acetate (tardastrene, tardasteks) - 20-60 mg (1.5-2.5 mg / kg) once every 5-6 months;
  • proligeston (delvosterone) - 100-600 mg (10-30 mg / kg) once every 5 months. At the same time, the minimum dose based on 1 kg of body weight is prescribed very large dogs, and the maximum is small. Proligeston, unlike other progestogens, practically does not cause complications and can be used during the entire metestrus and anestrus.

Currently in veterinary clinics to suppress sexual hunting in bitches and cats, a drug from this group is used Kovinan. To suppress sexual desire for cats, Covinan is used at a dose of 1 ml per animal (for large cats weighing more than 7 kg, the dosage can be increased to 1.5 ml). For bitches, veterinarians select the dose of the drug individually (from 10 to 33 mg / kg), depending on the weight of the animal. So for example, animals weighing 10-20 kg are injected with 2.5-3.5 ml; weighing 20-30kg 3.5-4.5ml; 30-45kg 4.5-5.5ml. For the development of persistent anestrus, Kovinan is used in bitches and cats according to the following scheme:

  • first injection during anestrus (for bitches and cats) or proestrus (for bitches);
  • the second injection 3 months after the first injection of the drug;
  • third injection 4 months after the second injection
  • then the drug is administered every 5 months.

If females treated with Covinan according to the indicated scheme show signs of proestrus (forerunner), then it is necessary to make an extraordinary injection of the drug in the appropriate dose to prevent unwanted estrus.

The further scheme of application depends on the interval at which injections were made before the occurrence of undesirable signs of proestrus:

  • if the interval between successive injections was 5 months, then after an extraordinary injection, Cavinon is administered after 4 months.

To shift (push back) the dates of the start of the empty period by a short time hormonal treatment begins, if possible, no later than 10 days before the expected date of the onset of the emptying. At the same time, progestogens are prescribed orally: megestrol acetate - 0.5 mg / kg per day or medroxyprogesterone acetate - 0.2-0.5 mg / kg, 17-acetoxyprogesterone - 0.5-0.2 mg / kg, norethisterone acetate - 0.2-1.0 kg daily or delmadinone acetate - 0.25-0.5 mg / kg once a week, etc. After stopping the administration of drugs, the start-up may occur at different times depending on the dose of gestagens and the duration of their use.

In the event that the owner of the animal wants to interrupt, suppress the dog’s already started pustovka, this should be done no later than the 3rd day from the onset of proestral bleeding. Give progestogens inside, as above, but the doses of drugs are doubled in the first 3-4 days of treatment.

Specialists should keep in mind that the introduction of progestogens (except for proligeston) during the period of estrogens, when estrogens predominate in the dog's body, significantly increases the risk of various metropathies (prolonged vacancy, endometritis, etc.), about which the specialist should warn the owner of the animal.

Cats. Veterinarians use the following progestogens to delay for a short or long time the onset of the stage of arousal of the sexual cycle in a cat:

  • megestrol acetate or medroxyprogesterone acetate - orally 2.5 mg or norethinondron 0.5 mg 2 times a week. After the abolition of giving the drug, estrus and hunting occur within 14 days.
  • norethinodrone enanthate (deposited form) - subcutaneously at a dose of 1mk / kg. A single injection of the drug prevents the onset of estrus and hunting for 3 months.
  • chlormadinone acetate - subcutaneously at 20-30 mg per animal once every 3 months; for greater reliability, the second injection is best done earlier - 3 weeks after the first.
  • proligeston (delvosterone) - subcutaneously at a dose of 1 ml once every 4 months.
  • delmadinone acetate - subcutaneously at a dose of 2 mg / kg once every 4-6 months.

If it is required to suppress, to interrupt the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle that has already begun, progestogens are prescribed in double doses and (or) they are administered more often. For example, give inside megestrol acetate 2.5 - 5 mg daily for 6-8 days or administer the drug intramuscularly at a dose of 25-100 mg once.

After the start of giving drugs, sexual arousal in a cat stops after 2-3 days and does not appear for 2-3 weeks. If it is lethal to prolong the period of sexual rest, then the cat is fed megestrol acetate 1.2-2.5 mg 2 times a week or injected intramuscularly at 25-100 mg with an interval of 1-1.5 months. Instead of megestrol acetate, other listed drugs can be used, but proligeston is the most effective: a single administration of it at a dose of 1 ml stops sexual arousal in a cat, suppressing it for 3.5-5.5 months.