All about the long life of dogs. Average life expectancy of dogs of different breeds

Many owners or those who just want to get a four-legged friend are wondering how long dogs live? Unfortunately, the lifespan of beloved pets is short, especially for large breeds.

Once you still have to say goodbye to the animal, but it is possible to extend its life if you properly care for it, fully feed it and just love it.

How many years do dogs live

How many years do dogs live at home? With good maintenance, nutrition and care, the average life expectancy of a small breed is 12-13 years.

After about this time, you need to prepare for a sad moment. Rarely, but still there are long-lived dogs, whose age reaches 15-20 years.

There are several world records that have been set by the oldest dogs in the world. Their age has exceeded 20 years. So australian dog lived until the age of 29.

Such a maximum is subject to pets, surrounded by affection, attention, love and care. The mutts do not manage to live a long and happy life, being in a constant struggle for food and the right to be under the sun.

More chances for small breeds reside long life, up to about 14-16 years old than in large counterparts.

Much less live big dogs, them average age is with sufficient nutrition and care - 9-11 years. The larger the dog, the shorter its life.

How long does a dog live, life expectancy by breed

Breed Years of life (average) / years
tibetan mastiff 12-15
mastino nafletano 8-10
st bernard 9-11
caucasian, bulldog10-12
Dog, Doberman10-13
Terrier, German Shepherd 10-15
Cocker Spaniel 11-15
samoyed dog12-13
Husky, Poodle 12-16
Dachshund, Akita Inu, Collie, Pug 12-15
Chinese Crested 13-15
Maltese, Spitz16-20
Basset Hound, Rottweiler 9-12

The table immediately shows the advantage of small breeds over large dogs. Such sad statistics speaks of what weight and height has on the body. big influence, it wears out quickly.

Therefore, among frequent illnesses giants have heart disease and joint problems. Quite a few factors affect life cycle pet.

Among the main reasons short lifebad heredity, breed diseases, poor nutrition, insufficient care and physical activity.

Life expectancy of different breeds

Before you buy pet Find out what life expectancy he has. You must initially be prepared for a sad event and pre-prepare for it.

Many are interested in how the age of dogs is equated to human years. The table below shows some interesting facts:

Dogs/age (years) People / age (years)
1,0-1,5 20
2 24
5 36
10 55
12 65
15 75
20 100

As you can see from the table, dogs go into "retirement" at the age of 10, during this period you need to pay Special attention not only diet, but also monitor the condition of the pet.

Frequently asked Questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions on the Internet:

With sufficient nutrition and the absence of breed diseases, the pet will delight the owner for a long time;

  • How long do Chinese crested dogs live?? The Chinese downy breed lives in a family for up to 15 years, its average age is 11-13 years;
  • How long do Alabai live? One of the large and large breeds, although the age can reach the age of 15, but basically they live 11-13;
  • What is the length of the dog Yorkshire Terrier ? The age of terriers can reach 16 years, the average life expectancy is 12-14.

This includes the Jack Russell Terrier, Dachshunds, Bear Spitz and many Spitz dogs. But toy terriers, unfortunately, live a maximum of 11 years, since small dogs live less.

Russian toy terriers are the smallest representatives of terriers, their weight does not exceed 3 kg, they are characterized by breed diseases, which is why their life cycle is so short;

  • How many years do Pekingese and pugs live? On average, they will live 11-13 years, the maximum age is 15;
  • How long do huskies and huskies live? One of the most popular and beloved breeds around the world lives no more than 15 years, on average 12-13;
  • How many live large dogs ? For example Chow Chow 12-15 years old, Labradors 10-14, Boxers 9-12, and everyone's favorite German Shepherd 9-13.

The life cycle of a large breed depends on where exactly the dog lives, whether it is surrounded by love, whether it receives enough vitamins and physical activity;

  • How many years do mongrel dogs live? Many believe that yard dogs live longer because they have good immunity, they are not picky about food and are more hardy.

Perhaps this is true, but still a lonely existence, where you need to get your own food every day, fight for your territory or own a female, shorten life for many years.

Average duration life does not differ from thoroughbreds and also depends on growth and build, can reach 15 years;

How long does a rabid dog live

If a dog has such a diagnosis, then, unfortunately, not at all. It is unfortunate, but if your pet has become infected with such insidious disease, you need to put him down. There is no cure for rabies in animals. Therefore, to protect the dog you need to vaccinate.

The latent period of the disease is several weeks, sometimes even a year. Until the first signs of the disease appear, it is impossible to recognize that the disease has begun in the animal. In addition to inexplicable aggression, a fear of water (rabies) is manifested.

When paralysis of the jaw and facial nerves, the pet can not drink and eat normally. Therefore, how long a dog with rabies lives depends on its immune strength and incubation period rabies.

Vaccination pet produced according to the schedule, it is impossible to skip it for the health of the animal, and yours in particular. At the first manifestations of the disease, you should not approach the dog, you need to urgently call a veterinarian or service.

Self-help to an animal is fraught with a bite and infection, only a specialist knows what to do in such cases. You just have to mentally say goodbye to your beloved dog before the doctor arrives.

How long do dogs live with diseases

Depending on the degree of damage to the organ and proper care of the pet, its time on the ground can be significantly extended by following the doctor's recommendations.

There are disappointing forecasts of doctors, but with good maintenance and nutrition, the pet pleases the owners with its presence for many more years.

Let's take a look at the diseases most common in dogs, and what are the chances for a long and happy life for them.

TOP of the most dangerous pathologies for the life of dogs

Cirrhosis of the liver in dogs

Causes of the disease:

  1. Intoxication by organisms with pesticides;
  2. Poor quality food, economy food option;
  3. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, selenium, pyridoxine;
  4. Chronic hepatitis, hepatosis, cholecystitis;
  5. Pathology of the heart.

The disease in the animal world is quite rare, but it is not worth risking and endangering the life of a pet. But if this happened, and your dog got sick, you need to constantly monitor his condition, especially when the disease was revealed in the early stages.

In such cases, it is possible to increase its life cycle by several years, no one can say for sure how long the dog will live. On the late stages diseases, doctors recommend euthanasia so as not to torment the animal.

Oncological diseases

Why animals get sick, for example, with lymphosarcoma, has not yet been studied. It is believed that the development of oncology is influenced by breed predisposition and many other factors. The following breeds are at risk:

  • Boxer;
  • Rottweiler;
  • St. Bernard;
  • Bassethound;
  • Retriever;
  • Airedale.

dangerous age for possible development oncology - 6-11 years. On the later dates detection of the disease, the prognosis is deplorable, the animal lives no more than 2 months.

If cancer is detected in the early stages, there is a chance that the dog will live up to 12 months or more. No one knows how oncology will behave in dogs after surgery.

A long recovery process, chemotherapy, the pet's age and immunity will show how much his body can cope with an insidious disease.

kidney disease

Various pathologies and disorders of the kidney with renal failure, with proper care, nutrition and supportive therapy, prolong the life of a pet for many years.

At acute form diseases timely appeal and detection of pathology can guarantee full recovery of kidney function.

The chronic form is difficult to treat, but with stable test results, the dog can live normally with occasional relapses of PN.

Pyelonephritis - Another common disease of the kidneys and pelvis among animals. bacterial infection genital organs often provokes pathology.

When the pet's condition changes, lethargy, refusal to eat, fever should be a reason to go to the veterinarian. If you do not help the dog in a timely manner, it may die within a day.

Abdominal ascites

Seeing an uncharacteristic bloating of the peritoneum in an animal, the dog constantly sits down to take a breather, immediately consult a veterinarian to find out the cause of such a condition, which means the pathology of some internal organ.


  1. Tumor formations;
  2. Diseases of the heart, liver;
  3. Improper nutrition;
  4. Pathology of the urinary excretory system;
  5. Peritonitis.

Dropsy may disappear when the underlying disease is identified and conservative treatment if it lends itself to it.

If the pathology is much more serious, for example, liver or heart disease, then everything will depend on the severity of the disease and the body's ability to fight the disease.

Cardiovascular diseases

DCM in dogs (dilated cardiomyopathy) is increasingly diagnosed in animals and is the leading pathology of the heart.

This disease affects large and giant breeds of dogs (Newfoundland, Doberman, Great Dane, Boxer), but this group also includes a small breed - Cocker Spaniel.

Males are most susceptible to the disease. Enough dangerous pathology heart, so if you find symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath in your pet, contact the veterinarian immediately. Heart failure is risky sharp deterioration condition of the animal, coma and death are possible.

Mental disorders

Seizures with epilepsy are not a new and incurable disease. Seizures will be repeated periodically, the most important thing is to create all the conditions so that they do not recur and be able to help the dog in a timely manner. Pathology can be congenital and acquired.

Causes of the acquired disease:

  • Dropsy of the brain (hydrocephalus);
  • Oncology of the brain, trauma;
  • Intoxication of the body with arsenic, lead;
  • Deficiency in blood glucose levels;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Pathology of the liver (cirrhosis);
  • Heart disease (failure).

Pathology may not particularly affect the life expectancy of a pet if the owner follows correct regimen food, exercise, and medication.

The most important thing is to find out what provokes seizures, learn how to recognize and prevent them. In such cases, the animal will live for a very long time.

How to extend the life of a pet

Acquiring yourself four-legged friend, you need to understand what responsibility lies on you for his health and life, respectively. You can extend your pet's stay with you if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Sufficient physical activity;
  2. Balanced and high-quality nutrition, premium food;
  3. Timely visit to the doctor;
  4. pass annual survey at the veterinarian;
  5. Care and maintenance that a particular breed requires, depending on whimsicality;
  6. Engage in early education, explain to the animal what is possible and what is not. His life also depends on this, for example, on the street he will be able to behave correctly, crossing the road not to fall under a car, etc.

The most important thing is your love for the dog, and no matter how long she lives, the main thing is to be happy. Tell us about your friend, how long did he live near you before he left. Subscribe to our site. Lots of new information ahead.

The average life expectancy of dogs cannot be judged unambiguously. As in humans, this indicator depends on a number of different factors. Moreover, even in the same family, with equal care, dogs of the same breed can live for a different number of years.

The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for the longest life span of a dog. The long-lived dog turned out to be an Australian shepherd dog, who lived a little less than 29 years.

How many years do dogs live depending on various factors

The life expectancy of dogs depends on the state of their health and gender, on the quality of care for the dog. The following describes how long dogs live depending on various factors.

Bitches, for example, live 1-2 years longer than males. Equally obvious is the relationship between dog size and life expectancy. So, the heart of a St. Bernard and his entire body wears out faster than a toy terrier. Record holders for longevity are representatives of small breeds. In general, they live one and a half times longer than large ones.

Castration (sterilization) contributes to a longer lifespan. Sexually active dogs are at higher risk of developing malignant tumor and some diseases associated with the genital organs.

Average life expectancy of dogs different breeds is currently 12.8 years. Previously, this figure was much less.

The life of dogs is divided into different periods: milk, which in most breeds lasts up to 2 months (while the puppy feeds mainly on mother's milk); puppy - lasts an average of up to 10 months; teenage - up to 1-1.5 years; youthful - from 1.5 to 3 years; mature - from 5 to 7 years; advanced - 7-8 or 10-12 years.

Table "Average life expectancy of dogs by breed"

Below is a table "The average life expectancy of dogs by breed", from which you can find out how many years dogs live.


Average life expectancy, years


miniature poodle

Yorkshire Terrier

miniature schnauzer

Maltese dog (maltese)


Boston Terrier

welsh corgi

Labrador Retriever

Golden retriever

standard poodle

Cocker Spaniel

Siberian Husky

German Shepherd



King Charles Spaniel

German dog

Bulldog (English Bulldog)

Pet life span

Harsh statistics confirm that a dog's age is much shorter than a human's. It depends on many factors: features of the breed, living conditions, nutrition, and even emotional state. There is a saying that small dogs remain puppies until old age. Indeed, breeds such as chihuahuas or dachshunds live much longer than sheep dogs.

The life expectancy of dogs of different breeds is very different. The difference can be from 5 to 10 years. For example, Caucasian Shepherd can live at least 7 years, and French lapdog - 16. When choosing a pet, you should pay special attention to this. There are certain statistics on the lifespan of four-legged pets.

  • bassets, Great Danes, caucasian shepherd dogs, english bulldogs from 8 to 13 years old.
  • Bolonki, Chihuahua, large poodles from 13 to 17 years.
  • Boxers, German Shepherds, Huskies, Staffordshire Terriers about 10 years old.
  • Yorkshire terriers, pugs, toy terriers for over 13 years.

Despite the fact that the average life expectancy of dogs is 12 years, many owners can boast of pets that have long crossed this mark and are in excellent condition. The Guinness Book of Records recorded a unique case, when a dog named Blue was only one month short of his 29th birthday. The long-liver lived in Australia and was a shepherd dog.

The reason for this long period serves life not only proper care but also stay on fresh air and regular physical activity. This proves once again how important for the animal comfortable conditions content.

What determines the lifespan of dogs?

It is difficult to give a definite answer, what is the life expectancy of dogs. Reality can often compete with statistics. The life of dogs can take place in various conditions that have a direct impact on health and general state dog. In addition, there are a number of overriding factors.

  • genetic predisposition. When breeding expensive breeds of pets, inbreeding is used. At the same time, breeders pay the main attention not to the health of the offspring, but to the number and exterior, not taking into account the average term parents' lives.
  • Breed features. Behind recent decades As a result of selection, scientists have fixed in animals a considerable number of unnatural abilities that directly affect their health. Dogs with flattened muzzles often suffer from disturbances in respiratory system. Animals with bare or wrinkled skin are prone to inflammation and allergic reactions. Exceptionally large body sizes add extra stress to the heart.
  • Medium life expectancy of dogs depends on the quality of the environment, proper and timely nutrition. At home, it is much easier to provide comfortable content. Accordingly, such pets live much longer than street mongrels.

Although according to statistics small dogs live longer and those whose features are not distorted by the vigorous activity of breeders, it is in the power of each owner to surround the pet with caress and care to make him another long-liver.

It is important to remember that the resistance of a pet to illness and stress depends entirely on the psychological, physical and emotional development, which falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner.

How to determine the age of a dog?

Knowing the ratio of the life scale of a four-legged friend and a person is not enough to determine the average age of each specific dog. You can visually estimate how old a pet is by several indirect or direct signs. Primarily it is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the animal. In old age, the dog may show signs of heaviness, it becomes inactive, the back loses its elasticity, and the stomach drops.

The lifespan affects the pet's coat. AT young age it is softer and silkier, and in the elderly it turns gray, dull, sometimes looks oily. Besides, clear sign aging is a cloudy eye condition. Over time, they lose their clarity and transparency, appear characteristic discharge. The most accurate way to determine age is by the condition of the teeth.. Starting from the age of 7, the front teeth or hooks begin to wear down, and from the age of 9 they fall out according to a certain pattern.

Is it possible to extend the life of a pet?

How many years do dogs live , largely depends not only on genetic data or breed characteristics. Each dog can take an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records as another long-liver. In order for a pet to please with thunderous barking, devotion and love for as long as possible, it is necessary with from his very young age to provide proper care: monitor nutrition, ensure proper physical activity, regular walks in the fresh air.

How long do dogs live , depends on the conditions in which they were kept in their first 5 years. This leaves an imprint on how the old age of the animal will pass. The manifestation of all kinds of diseases, hearing and vision impairment, heart problems, musculoskeletal system etc.

If the animal has reached the bar at 10 years old, it is time for him to provide special conditions existence. An elderly pet is worth see the veterinarian regularly. The sooner professional doctor reveals the presence of a disease, the greater the chance of fast treatment, no complications. The food should already be softer and easier to digest. In no case should you provoke a set excess weight. This will affect the vessels, cardiac activity, and the respiratory system.

By old age, every pet acquires a whole "bouquet" of diseases. Animals become sensitive to the weather, more prone to emotional stress. During this period, they especially need love and care, constant attention, affection. Now it remains only to thank the four-legged friend for all the happy moments presented and come to terms with the upcoming parting.

No matter how hard the loss is, having lost the first dog, you cannot deprive yourself of communication with the second, third, and so on. Many are afraid to experience the pain of separation again. However, it is worth looking into the eyes little puppy who is looking for his friend, loving host. He needs warmth and care so much. Is it possible to deprive a baby of this joy, because his age is much shorter than ours!

Dogs become a full-fledged member of the family, which for years gives the people around him a lot of positive emotions. However, the dog age is not as long as we would like, and its duration depends on many factors. There are long-lived record holders who can be next to a person 18-20 years old, but there are also those who, even with favorable conditions do not live past 10 years of age. However, care and attention from the owner can significantly increase the life span of the pet.

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    Average life expectancy of dogs

    Determining the life expectancy of stray dogs is quite difficult, because there is no official data on this issue. Some experts believe that life in extreme conditions significantly reduces average equal to 14 years. Others claim the opposite, that mutts have more strong immunity, transmitted to offspring by inheritance, and can outlive many thoroughbred fellow tribesmen.

    Regarding the life span of domestic dogs, there is accurate statistical information that will allow the new owner to determine how old his puppy can live at home. The average indicators characteristic of each breed are presented in the table.

    average life expectancy breeds

    7-8 years old

    • Irish wolfhound.
    • English mastiff.
    • Bernese Mountain Dog.
    • Dog of Bordeaux.
    • Newfoundland
    9-10 years old
    • Akita Inu.
    • English bulldog.
    • Bullmastiff.
    • Boerboel.
    • Doberman.
    • Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
    • Cane Corso.
    • Moscow watchdog.
    • Neapolitan Mastiff.
    • German dog.
    • Rottweiler.
    • St. Bernard.
    • Tibetan mastiff
    11-12 years old
    • American Akita.
    • American bulldog.
    • American Cocker Spaniel.
    • English Cocker Spaniel.
    • English setter.
    • English dog.
    • Dogo Argentino.
    • Basset hound.
    • Border Collie.
    • Beauceron.
    • Bull Terrier.
    • Dalmatian.
    • Golden retriever.
    • German Shepherd.
    • German boxer.
    • Pekingese.
    • Giant Schnauzer.
    • Airedale
    13-14 years old
    • Australian Shepherd.
    • Australian Terrier.
    • Belgian Shepherd.
    • Beagle.
    • Bobtail.
    • Boston Terrier.
    • Collie.
    • Labrador.
    • Laika.
    • Pug.
    • Poodle.
    • Siberian Husky.
    • Scottish Terrier.
    • Staffordshire Terrier.
    • Dachshund.
    • Sheltie.
    • shih tzu
    15-16 years old
    • Yorkshire Terrier.
    • German spitz.
    • Toy Terrier.
    • Maltese (Maltese).
    • Chihuahua

    Looking at the table, one can easily determine that massive large dogs live much less than representatives of small or dwarf breeds. Experts explain this dependence by the fact that the heart and other organs of Great Danes, Mastiffs or Newfoundlands wear out much faster from excessive stress.

    Many dog ​​owners mistakenly believe that one year of a pet's life is equal to 7 years of a human's life. This myth became popular in the 50s of the last century, when the average human life expectancy was 70 years, and dogs (excluding breed) - 10 years.

    In fact, this information is out of date. Dogs mature much faster: in the first 2 years there is their rapid growth and maturation, by the age of 5 they reach an average age. human standards age, and then begin to age slowly. So, a one-year-old male can be equated to a 15-year-old teenager, after reaching 2 years the age of the dog is already 24 years old, and starting from the third year of life, 4-5 years must be added to this figure.

    Factors affecting pet longevity

    The lifespan of dogs depends on internal and external factors, which in one way or another can extend or shorten the life of a pet.


    The set of genes received from parents determines the predisposition to various diseases.

    Almost every breed has its own weak link, For example:

    • dachshunds often have problems with the spine and joints;
    • Rottweilers are more likely to develop infections in the nasopharynx;
    • in Pekingese, the heart and respiratory system suffer;
    • Great Danes develop arthritis or heart defects.


    Inadequate or unbalanced nutrition leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the dog's body. Regular overfeeding contributes to obesity, which, in turn, provokes liver, cardiovascular and endocrine system, skin and joint problems, and even blindness.

    If you feed your pet with dry economy class food or leftovers from your table, health problems cannot be avoided.


    The secret to longevity lies in an active lifestyle. This postulate can be considered true not only in relation to humans, but also to pets. The life expectancy of representatives of the same breed depends on how often they frolic in the fresh air. At the same time, it is important not only to take the dog out of the house so that he can relieve himself, but also to provide him with regular training for the mind and body.

    Dogs that prefer soft sofas or their owners' knees live significantly less than their counterparts of the same breed, leading active image life. So, service dogs or shepherd dogs are daily exposed to serious physical activity so they can boast longer duration lives than those of their peers, who rarely manage to run outside.


    In terms of responding to an unfavorable environment, dogs differ little from humans. Any stressful situation provokes the release of adrenaline into the blood and disruption of the coordinated work of the body. The risk group includes pets who are often alone or forced to live in dysfunctional families.

    Correcting the situation is quite simple: you need to play with the animal for at least a few minutes a day, talk, communicate, surround with attention and care, and not leave it alone for a long time. It must be remembered that constant stress and psychological tension lead to disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and shorten the time allotted to the dog.

    From stress and loneliness, those animals that were put on a chain to guard the yard also suffer. They resemble prisoners who are forced to run all their lives along a stretched wire or across an area of ​​several square meters. Over time, the psyche of a defenseless animal changes, and far from being better side, and a cute yard dog becomes aggressive and uncontrollable.

    Lack of upbringing

    A dog that does not obey its owner can harm not only others, but also itself. A pet that does not understand commands can easily run out onto the road and get hit by a car or get into a fight with a stronger opponent.

    Education and the ability to follow commands will be useful not only for large breeds of dogs, but also for small dogs: lapdogs, Pekingese, toy terriers and Yorkies, who are usually led around the city on a leash.

    Frequent childbirth

    The body of females after pregnancy requires at least a year to full recovery. Regular childbirth and periods of feeding, accompanied by hormonal changes organism, significantly undermine the health of the dog. And the offspring is getting weaker every time.


    The maximum age of the animal will depend on the conditions in which it is from day to day. Too hot or cold climate, lack of basic care and regular nutrition lead to a significant reduction in the life of four-legged pets.

    Health care

    Prevention of diseases, regular vaccinations and timely treatment at the first sign of malaise - the key to a long and happy life beloved dog. If you do not take into account the breed's propensity for certain pathologies or postpone a visit to the veterinarian on the back burner, the disease will become chronic.

    An important role is played by the sterilization of the pet. In neutered dogs, life expectancy is increased, as the risk of developing cancer genitals. Moreover, the earlier the operation is performed, the less likely the appearance of tumors.

    How to extend the life of a four-legged friend?

    Based on the foregoing, we can derive several rules, the observance of which will help extend the life of your beloved dog.

    rule Description
    Provide nutritious foodCook if possible natural food, which is based on cereals and meat products. If there is no time or desire to cook cereals, meat and vegetables, buy feed highest quality. Dog food is not something to save on
    Control the weight of the animalThe weight of representatives of each breed must correspond to generally accepted indicators. The excessive love of the owner, who, looking into the sad pleading eyes, every time stuffs the dog with delicacies, will certainly turn into obesity. Moreover, fat is deposited not only under the thickness of the skin, but also on internal organs four-legged friend. It's especially important to watch your weight. old dog, which is no longer so frisky and active. For example, if a family pet pug gains 15 kg, you need to sound the alarm and urgently take decisive action. Otherwise, the dog will become disabled and will not last long.
    Daily exercise and walkEven if the dog has already reached an advanced age and he wants to sleep and rest more, he must be encouraged to physical activity. It can be a few circles around the house or a leisurely walk to the nearest square. If the dog's body does not experience at least minimal stress, the animal will die much earlier.
    Train your pet's brainConstant mental stress is just as important as physical. Dogs, like people, age more slowly if they have something to do: play with new toys, perform various teams, every time to walk on a new route. These are simple and pleasant entertainment gift to family pet positive emotions, will help keep the vigor of the body and a sharp mind
    Take regular visits to the veterinarianThis must be done once a quarter, and if the animal does not tolerate transportation, at least 2 times a year. Visits to the doctor are needed not only for vaccinations, but also for preventive purposes. It will not be difficult for an experienced eye of a specialist to recognize serious illness on the early stage, when visible symptoms not yet available

It is impossible to answer exactly how long domestic dogs live. Life expectancy is an individual value and depends on many factors: breed, genetic features, quality of keeping and feeding, conditions external environment. There are average data that The life expectancy of dogs ranges from 10-13 years. There is information recorded in the Guinness Book of Records that a shepherd dog has lived in Australia for more than 28 years.

Breeds such as dachshund, terriers, lapdogs, small, dwarf and toy poodle, may live 15-17 years. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that small-sized animals adapt more easily to external conditions, their genetic system is not overloaded, and they are less prone to hereditary diseases.

Large breeds live on average 10-12 years. The aging of a massive pet begins according to the observation of specialists after 6 years.

Representatives of such giant breeds as Argentine Mastiff, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland and others, unfortunately, do not differ in longevity - life expectancy does not exceed 8-10 years.

Zoological scientists believe that large dogs age and die earlier than their miniature relatives due to the fact that their body is highly susceptible to growth hormone. Increasing the mass from birth to puberty by almost 50 times, large breeds are subject to the rapid accumulation of free radicals in the body, leading to aging of cells and tissues.

Spayed dogs live much longer than sexually active counterparts. The reasons lie in the following:

  • in a sterilized female, the risk of premature death due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth is negated;
  • in castrated males, there is a decrease in the incidence of the genitourinary organs;
  • the percentage of development of pyometra, oncological pathology in the uterus and mammary glands decreases significantly;
  • their behavior changes: the dog becomes more attached to a person, does not take part in aggressive “showdowns” and fights during sexual hunting, which significantly reduces the risk of death from injuries and bites.

The life expectancy of operated pets is on average 1-1.5 years longer than unsterilized relatives.

How long do dogs live depending on the breed:

Breed average life expectancy

an average of about 13 years;


some individuals are able to live up to 20 years of age.

However, with housing maintenance in unfavorable conditions environmental situation in large cities, the life expectancy of dogs can be significantly reduced - up to 12-15 years;

Bigley at least 16 years old, but lovers of the breed believe that no more than 15 years. Obviously, the longevity of the breed is directly dependent on factors such as nutrition and early detection genetic diseases;
Sheepdogs up to 14 years old, one year less on average lives belgian shepherd- 13 years old, German - up to 12 years old, Caucasian - up to 10 years old;
Akita Inu no more than 15 years, while the dog age of males is much shorter than that of females;
Toy Terrier 12-14 years old, but with proper care and attention they can live for more than 15 years;
Rottweiler 9-12 years old;
Boxer 11 years;
Pekingese 20 years, if the conditions of detention are ideal. In most cases, the average life expectancy of this breed is 12-14 years;

life expectancy in this case will be influenced by many factors. We can say with confidence that the age of animals living on the street is much shorter than their outbred relatives, who were sheltered by new owners.

Homeless mongrels die from diseases, under the wheels of cars, in a fight with other animals.

Life expectancy for dog cancer determined by many factors:

    • tumor type,
    • process stage,
    • the age of the animal
    • comorbidities,
    • well-chosen treatment.

Modern veterinary medicine has a sufficient arsenal of both surgical methods getting rid of the disease, and chemotherapy approaches. Extends the life of a sick pet and application laser methods treatment. In a number of cases it is possible even for several years, in neglected cases it takes months.

An animal infected with the rabies virus, not only poses a danger to humans, but is itself doomed to death. hidden period viral infection can last from a few days to one year. With the development of expressed clinical signs days count. As a rule, the dog dies in 5-12 days.

Diseases that can shorten the life of a pet: oncology, kidney failure, heart defects, leukemia, immunodeficiency, canine distemper, tuberculosis, echinococcosis.

Read more in our article on how long dogs live.

Read in this article

General data, how long dogs live at home

Many owners, looking at their fluffy and mischievous puppies, wonder how long dogs live at home. Households want the four-legged family member to please with their presence for a long time, every day filling a person’s life with beauty, peace and joy.

Reply exact number even the most competent specialist and expert cynologist will not be able to answer such a question. The life expectancy of a furry pet is an individual value and depends on many factors:

  • breed,
  • genetic traits
  • quality of maintenance and feeding,
  • environmental conditions.

However, there are average data, according to which the life expectancy of dogs ranges from 10-13 years. There are among the four-legged pets and long-lived champions. So, there is information listed in the Guinness Book of Records that a shepherd dog has lived in Australia for more than 28 years.

Many cynologists and dog lovers, not unreasonably, believe that the years lived by a pet are directly dependent on the breed and size.


Having opted for an animal small size, owners want to know how long small dogs live at home. Long-term observations of representatives of miniature breeds give reason to believe that it is among them that centenarians should be looked for.

Breeds such as dachshund, terriers, lapdogs, small, pygmy and toy poodles can live in a house with an owner for a long life in dog terms - 15-17 years. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that small-sized animals adapt more easily to external conditions, their genetic system is not overloaded, and they are less susceptible to hereditary diseases.

toy poodle


Having opted for a puppy of a large breed, the owner must understand that the life expectancy of such an individual will not be significant by dog ​​standards - 10-12 years. The aging of a massive pet begins according to the observation of specialists after 6 years.

Representatives of such giant breeds as the Argentine Mastiff, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland and others, unfortunately, do not differ in longevity. The average life expectancy of representatives of these breeds does not exceed 8-10 years.

Newfoundland and Argentine Mastiff

Zoological scientists believe that large dogs age and die earlier than their miniature relatives due to the fact that their body is highly susceptible to growth hormone. Increasing the mass from birth to puberty by almost 50 times, large breeds are subject to the rapid accumulation of free radicals in the body, leading to aging of cells and tissues.

Thus, complex selection work with large individuals left a negative imprint on the life expectancy of the giants of the canine tribe.


Thinking about an operation to remove the reproductive organs and gonads in dogs, the owner is also interested in the question - how long do sterilized dogs live at home.

For many years of practice in carrying out operations for sterilization or castration of animals, both domestic and foreign veterinary specialists are unanimous in the opinion that such individuals live much longer than their sexually active counterparts. Experienced dog breeders and doctors attribute this dynamic to a number of factors.

First of all, in a sterilized female, the risk of premature death due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth is negated. In castrated males, there is a decrease in the incidence of the genitourinary organs. The percentage of development, oncological pathology in the uterus and mammary glands in females undergoing surgery decreases significantly.

In addition, sterilization of animals changes their behavior. The dog becomes more attached to the person, does not take part in aggressive "showdowns" and fights during sexual hunting. This greatly reduces the risk of death of the animal from injuries and bites. More obedient sterilized individuals are less likely to get into traffic accidents.

According to veterinary specialists, the life expectancy of operated pets is on average 1-1.5 years longer than that of unsterilized relatives. This scientific fact speaks in favor of a surgical method for controlling sexual behavior in animals.

How long do dogs live by breed?

For many years of keeping, experienced dog breeders have come to the conclusion that the life expectancy of four-legged family members is directly dependent on their breed.


Residents of megacities are increasingly choosing miniature breeds as furry companions and want to know how long Chihuahua dogs live at home. According to the observation of experienced cynologists, on average, pets of this breed live for about 13 years. Dogs have a nervous temperament, which is often the cause of the development of problems with cardiovascular system and causes the death of the animal.


AT recent times one of popular breeds became a husky. Owners who decide to get themselves an adorable puppy with unusual blue eyes, should have an idea of ​​how long husky dogs live at home. Representatives of this hardy and cheerful breed are considered to be long-livers in the world of furry friends.

Some individuals are able to live up to 20 years of age. However, according to veterinary specialists and experienced dog breeders, when living in an apartment in an unfavorable ecological situation in large cities, the life expectancy of dogs can be significantly reduced. According to the observation of cynologists, the average duration of husky pets is 12-15 years.


About how many beagle dogs live at home, experienced dog breeders do not have consensus. Foreign breeders consider this breed to be long-lived dogs and take at least 16 years for their age. Domestic lovers and connoisseurs of these cheerful and sociable dogs believe that their average life expectancy is no more than 15 years.

Obviously, the longevity of the breed is directly dependent on factors such as nutrition and early detection of genetic diseases.


Among the shepherd dogs, the Australian can be considered long-livers. Her life expectancy is 14 years. A Belgian Shepherd lives a year less on average - 13 years. The owners of the popular german shepherd are often interested in how long dogs live at home. The average life expectancy of a German Shepherd, according to cynologists, is 12 years. Even less - 10 years lives a larger breed - the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Akita Inu

The breed of oriental blood Akita Inu has an average life expectancy of no more than 15 years. At the same time, the canine age of males is much shorter than that of females.

Toy Terrier

Popular in metropolitan areas miniature breed the toy terrier is able to please its household members for 12-14 years. Miniature creatures with proper care and attention can live for more than 15 years.


A miniature representative of the Pekingese breed can live to a very advanced age - 20 years, if the conditions of detention are ideal. In most cases, the average life expectancy of individuals of this breed is 12-14 years.


Not a single specialist will undertake to answer unambiguously the question - how long mongrel dogs live at home. Life expectancy in this case will be influenced by many factors. We can say with confidence that the age of animals living on the street is much shorter than their outbred relatives, who were sheltered by new owners. Homeless mongrels die from diseases, under the wheels of cars, in a fight with other animals.

Watch this video about how long dogs of different breeds live on average:

How long can an animal live if diagnosed with cancer?

Hearing from a veterinary specialist such a difficult diagnosis as oncological disease, the owner wants to know how long the pet will live. Life expectancy in this situation is determined by many factors: the type of tumor, the stage of the process, the age of the animal, concomitant diseases, and well-chosen treatment.

Modern veterinary medicine has a sufficient arsenal of both surgical methods for getting rid of the disease and chemotherapeutic approaches. Prolongs the life of a sick pet and the use of laser treatments. In some cases, it is possible to extend the dog's age and significantly improve the quality of life for several years. In advanced cases, the bill goes for months.

Chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer in dogs

How long do dogs infected with rabies live?

An animal infected with a virus is not only a danger to humans, but is itself doomed to death. The latent period of a viral infection can last from several days to one year. With the development of pronounced clinical signs, days count. As a rule, the dog dies in 5-12 days.

Diseases that can shorten the life of a pet

Diseases have a huge impact on life expectancy. In addition to oncological ailments, the days of a four-legged family member are significantly reduced by kidney failure, leukemia, and immunodeficiency. The greatest danger is infectious diseases- a plague of carnivores,.

The life expectancy of dogs is largely determined by their breed, conditions of detention. Small animals live longer - up to 15-17 years. Large individuals delight households of 8-12 years old with their presence. This feature should be considered when choosing a breed.

The life expectancy of four-legged pets is influenced by the presence of a particular pathology. Oncological diseases, heart defects, infectious diseases significantly reduce the life of a furry friend.