How many victims of "Stalinist repression" were in fact. The scale of Stalin's repressions - exact numbers (13 photos)

In the history of Russia in the 20th century, the repressions of the 1930s occupy a special place. Criticism of the Soviet regime is often based on the condemnation of this particular period, as evidence of the cruelty and unprincipled actions of the leaders at that time. The chronological order of events that occurred at this time, we can find in any history textbook. Many historians discussed this topic, but expressing their personal point of view on certain events, they invariably relied on the goals that were pursued by the authorities in this period, and also analyzed the results of this bloody time in the history of Russia and the USSR.

It is believed that the era of violence and repression began with the very seizure of power in 1917. However, it was in the 30s. account for the peak, at this time was put in camps and shot the largest number of people. History shows that at that time every third person was either repressed or a relative of the repressed.

The first thing that was done during this period was the holding of show trials, the purpose of which appears in the name itself, this is a demonstration of the punitive power of power, and the fact that anyone can be punished for opposition. It is noteworthy that the cases for these trials were fabricated, and for greater clarity, it was stated that all the accused themselves confessed to their crime.

On the one hand, the desire of power to gain a foothold in its dominant position is understandable and natural, on the other hand, too immoral, from a human point of view, and cruel way was chosen for this.

Now we understand that the ruling power always needs some kind of counterweight, which allows you to achieve a balance in the opinions and views of statesmen who are responsible for the contagious aspects of the life of a citizen of the state. The Soviet government desperately tried to completely destroy and remove this counterweight.

Stalinist political repressions of the 30s

Stalin refers to the political repressions carried out in the Soviet Union during the period when the country's government was headed by I.V. Stalin.

Political persecution acquired a massive character with the beginning of collectivization and forced industrialization, and reached its peak in the period dating from 1937-1938. - The Great Terror.

During the Great Terror, the NKVD arrested about 1.58 million people, of which 682 thousand were sentenced to death.

Until now, historians have not come to a consensus regarding the historical background of the Stalinist political repressions of the 1930s and their institutional basis.

But for most researchers, it is an indisputable fact that it was the political figure of Stalin that played a decisive role in the punitive department of the state.

According to declassified archival materials, mass repressions on the ground were carried out in accordance with the planned tasks lowered from above to identify and punish the enemies of the people. Moreover, on many documents the demand to shoot or beat everyone was still written by the hand of the Soviet leader.

It is believed that the ideological basis for the Great Terror was the Stalinist doctrine of intensifying the class struggle. The very mechanisms of terror were borrowed from the time of the civil war, during which non-judicial executions were widely used by the Bolsheviks.

A number of researchers evaluate the Stalinist repressions as a perversion of the policy of Bolshevism, emphasizing that among the repressed there were many members of the Communist Party, leaders and the military.

For example, in the period 1936-1939. more than 1.2 million communists were repressed - half of the total number of the party. Moreover, according to existing data, only 50 thousand people were released, the rest died in the camps or were shot.

In addition, according to Russian historians, Stalin's repressive policy, based on the creation of extrajudicial bodies, was a gross violation of the laws of the Soviet Constitution that were in force at that time.

Researchers identify several main causes of the Great Terror. The main one is the Bolshevik ideology itself, which tends to divide people into friends and enemies.

It should be noted that it was beneficial for the current government to explain the difficult economic situation that prevailed in the country during the period under review as the result of the wrecking activities of the enemies of the Soviet people.

In addition, the presence of millions of prisoners made it possible to solve serious economic problems, for example, providing cheap labor for large-scale construction projects in the country.

Finally, many tend to consider Stalin's mental illness, who suffered from paranoia, to be one of the reasons for political repressions. The fear sown among the masses became a reliable foundation for complete submission to the central government. Thus, thanks to the total terror in the 30s, Stalin managed to get rid of possible political opponents and turn the remaining workers of the apparatus into thoughtless performers.

The policy of the Great Terror caused enormous damage to the economy and military power of the Soviet state.


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Discussion of the topic of Stalin's repressions, in addition to many ideological factors that bring the problem "beyond good and evil", is further complicated by the diversity of the myth about the "cult of personality", formed with different goals and in different periods of time.

Here, for example, is the assessment of Stalin's personality, which was given by the current Prime Minister of Russia D.A. Medvedev:

Nikita Khrushchev in the 1950s used the exposure of the cult of personality as a kind of "shock therapy" to retain and legitimize his own power and avoid responsibility for his own contribution to repression.

In the 60s and 70s, this topic was used against him, and in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, the topic of Stalinist repressions was already inflated to overthrow the CPSU and completely destroy the USSR.

Let's try to understand the numbers a little.

In February 1954, in the name of N. S. Khrushchev, a certificate was prepared, signed by the Prosecutor General of the USSR R. Rudenko, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR S. Kruglov and the Minister of Justice of the USSR K. Gorshenin, which indicated the number of those convicted for counter-revolutionary crimes over the period from 1921 to February 1, 1954. According to this certificate, in total, during this period, 3,777,380 people were convicted by the OGPU Collegium, the NKVD "troikas", the Special Conference, the Military Collegium, courts and military tribunals, including, of them, 642,980 people were sentenced to death, and to detention in camps and prisons for a period of 25 years or less - 2,369,220 people, to exile and expulsion - 765,180 people.

Please note that these are statistics for 32 years. And this is the Civil War, this is a very difficult era after it. These are four years of a terrible war with the Nazis. This is the most difficult period after the Great Patriotic War. This is a fight against numerous gangs of Bandera and the so-called "forest brothers". Among these repressions are Yagoda and Yezhov, and other bloody executioners. In this number and traitors Vlasov. There are also deserters and marauders, crossbowmen, alarmists. Members of the gangster underground. Nazi accomplices who shed blood. Here is the "Leninist Guard", which destroyed a great country to the delight of Russia's enemies. Zinoviev and Kamenev are here. The rest of the Trotskyists are also in this number. Leaders of the Comintern. Executioner Bela Kun, drowning thousands of officers in the Crimea with stones around their necks. That is, the total figure of the repressed, for these 32 years, is very multifaceted, polysyllabic.

If we divide the total number of people shot in the USSR by the number of years, we get less than 22,000 people a year. Is it a lot?

Of course a lot. But let's not forget how difficult those years were. And there were no 10 million executed!

This is, of course, a deliberately conscious lie!

Remember this number: for the period from 1921 to February 1, 1954, 642,980 people were sentenced to death and this is for 32 years.

This is what really happened. This must be known and remembered!

About the allegedly repressed command staff of the Red Army from May 1937 to September 1939 in the amount 40 thousand human. It was precisely such a round figure that was first named by the Ogonyok magazine (No. 26, 1986), followed by Moskovskiye Novosti and then other publications.

Where did it come from such figure?

But where. The fact is that on May 5, 1940, the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the People's Commissariat of Defense, Lieutenant General E. Shchadenko, presented to I.V. Stalin the "Report on the work of the department" for 1939. It said that in 1937-1939, from the ranks of the Red Army was fired 36898 commanders. I emphasize - FIRED!!!

Of these, in 1937, 18,658 people were fired. (13.1% of the payroll of the commanding and political staff), in 1938, 16,362 people were fired, (9.2% of the command staff), in 1939, 1878 people were fired (0.7% of the command staff).

The motives were as follows: 1) by age; 2) for health reasons; 3) for disciplinary offenses; 4) for moral instability; 5) dismissed for political reasons 19,106 (of which, after filing complaints and inspections, 9,247 were reinstated in 1938-1939); 6) arrested, that is, repressed, there were 9579 people of the command staff (of which 1457 people were restored in 1938-1939).

Thus, it can be stated that the number of officers arrested in 1937-1939 (excluding the Air Force and Navy) is 8122 people (3% of the total number of command personnel in 1939).

Of these, about 70 were sentenced to death, 17 were shot - mostly the highest, for example, two of the five marshals (Tukhachevsky for organizing a Trotskyist military conspiracy, Yegorov for participating in espionage, preparing terrorist attacks and participating in a K.R. organization), more one Marshal Blucher was arrested for participating in a fascist military conspiracy that led to unjustified losses and the deliberate failure of the operation on Lake Khasan, but he died in prison. Also, for similar especially dangerous crimes, 5 out of 9 army commanders of the 1st rank (Belov, Yakir, Uborevich, Fedko, Frinovsky) and other representatives of the "fifth column" were shot.

And, finally, the most striking evidence, from the lips of the enemy:

"... The Wehrmacht simply betrayed me, I am dying at the hands of my own generals. Stalin did a brilliant deed, purging the Red Army and getting rid of the rotten aristocracy"(from an interview with A. Hitler given by him to journalist K. Speidel at the end of April 1945)

Used as a source:

Certificate of the 1st Special Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the number of those arrested and convicted in the period 1921-1953. dated December 11, 1953, signed by the head of the archive department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Pavlov, on the basis of which, apparently, a certificate was drawn up sent to Khrushchev for the period from 1921 to 1938 on the affairs of the Cheka-GPU-OGPU-NKVD and from 1939 to mid-1953

E. Shchadenko's report presented to I.V. Stalin "Report on the work of management" for 1939. Interview of A. Hitler given by him to journalist K. Speidel at the end of April 1945


1. To the death penalty 642,980 people, for 32 years.

This number also includes the executed gangs of the Civil War, murderers, robbers, WWII policemen, Vlasovites, deserters, forest brothers and criminals, such as those that we saw in the movie "The meeting place cannot be changed."

2. For 1937-1939, 36,898 commanders were fired from the ranks of the Red Army

During the same period, about 250,000 officers were trained at the military departments.

3. Hitler: I am dying at the hands of my own generals:

During the Second World War, there was not a single coup attempt in the USSR.

In Germany, there were several assassination attempts on Hitler, and several attempts to enter into a separate peace without Hitler.

These figures are confirmed by the historian Igor Pykhalov, who studied the mass of documents stored in state archives. You can see his identical results.

NOW WHEN THE STATISTICS NUMBERS have given us a real idea of ​​STALIN'S REPRESSIONS, a natural question arises:

AND WHO IS TILL THIS DAY SPREADING RUMORS THAT "STALIN WAS A TYRANT WHO FIGHTED OWN PEOPLE"??? After all, the figures show that Stalin did not arrange any GENOCIDE IN THE USSR! On his part, there was a struggle with an internal enemy, which was by no means numerous!

I found the answer to this question as a result of a long study of various aspects of our life: PERjury in a relationship STALIN was engaged and is still engaged in THAT PART JEWS, and basically Only she, which is called ZhIDVOIU(or YIDS) - that is, this is what the demonic part Jewish people, which in all its "glory" has already shown itself during the years of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917 and also during the years of the Civil War of 1918-1922 in Russia.

However, I propose now to return mentally to the times post-revolutionary to the first decades of the twentieth century.

Imagine, here in Russia a terrible bloody Civil War has been going on for two years, and in England, the future Prime Minister Winston Churchill writes a note "Bolshevism and Zionism", which contains the following words and thoughts:

"The conflict between good and evil, constantly taking place in the human heart, has nowhere reached such intensity as in the Jewish race. This is the most striking and powerful example of the dual nature of mankind. The Jews gave us in Christian revelation an ethical system that, even if it is completely separated from supernatural, is the most precious of all that mankind possesses, surpassing all other fruits of wisdom and knowledge put together.On this system, and this faith, since the fall of the Roman Empire, our entire civilization has been built.

It is quite possible that this wonderful race is now in the process of creating a new system of morality and philosophy, as vicious as Christianity was pious, which, if not checked, will irrevocably undermine everything that Christianity has made possible. It seems that both the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist must have been born of the same people, and that this mystical and mysterious race was chosen for the highest manifestation of both the divine and the diabolical...


Russian Jews have played an honorable and successful role in the national life of Russia. As bankers and industrialists they greatly advanced the economic development of Russia, and they were among the first founders of such remarkable organizations as the Russian Cooperative Societies. In politics, they supported mostly liberal and progressive movements. They were among the most determined supporters of friendship with France and Britain.

The strongest resistance to all these spheres of Jewish activity came from the Jewish internationalists. The adherents of their terrible confederation are the dregs of society in those countries where the Jews are persecuted as a race. Most of them, if not all, abandoned the faith of their ancestors and abandoned all hopes for life in the other world. This movement is not something new among the Jews. From the days of Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Karl Marx, and on to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany) and Emma Goldman (United States), this worldwide conspiracy to overthrow civilization and establish society, .. .which is based on envy and impossible equality, gradually expanded. He played his prominent role in the tragedy of the French Revolution, as Mrs. Webster, a contemporary writer, has so ably shown. It was the main source of every subversive movement in the 19th century. Now, this group of exceptional personalities from the scum of the big cities of Europe and America grabbed the Russian people by the hair and established their dominance over a vast empire.


There is no need to exaggerate the role played by these largely non-religious Jewish internationalists in the creation of Bolshevism and in bringing about the Russian Revolution. Of course, this role is very large, probably outweighing all the others. With the exception of Lenin, most of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the Jewish leaders inspire and are the driving force. So the influence of a Russian by nationality, Chicherin, is inferior to the power of Litvinov, formally subordinate to him, and the influence of such Russians as Bukharin or Lunacharsky cannot be compared with the power of the Jews of Trotsky or Zinoviev (the dictator of Petrograd), or Krasin, or Radek. The dominance of Jews in Soviet institutions is even more surprising. Jews, and in some cases Jewish women, play a prominent, if not the main role in the terror of the Cheka.

The same prominent role was played by the Jews during the period when Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. We see the same crazy phenomenon in Germany (especially in Bavaria), where it was facilitated by the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews who are as bad as the worst of Jewish revolutionaries, the role of these latter, given the small percentage of Jews in the population of these countries, is surprisingly great ... "

Here, with regard to these DEMONIC JEWS(ZHIDOV), who committed in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century numerous BLOODY CRIMES, and were produced in the mid-30s STALIN'S REPRESSIONS!

Here is a document, the so-called historical source of these thoughts and these words of W. Churchill - a newspaper publication dated February 8, 1920:

For those readers who learn to think and reason logically, explain: Winston Churchill described ROOT CAUSE, which subsequently caused STALIN'S REPRESSIONS.

First Jewish Jews committed their own ZhIDOVSKIY Sabbath, being under the leadership of Trotsky and Lenin, and after Stalin, when he came to power, arranged for them PURGATORY.

I hope I don't have to explain to anyone what it is. causal relationship?

If someone still does not know, I explain: causality in criminal law, it is an objectively existing connection between a criminal act and socially dangerous consequences that have occurred, the presence of which is a prerequisite for bringing a person to criminal liability ...

Additional material explaining WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE STALIN, what PREVED the so-called STALIN REPRESSIONS, can be found in a separate article:

Comment Alexandra Fomina:

They themselves explain the hatred of the Jews for Stalin in their Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia in the article "Stalin Joseph". Here is just a snippet from that article:

"During the years of the "great terror" (1936-38), most of the Jews who held prominent party and state posts became victims of repression. The party apparatus, which really ruled the country, was almost completely "cleansed" of Jews. Among the apparatchiks of the "call of 1937 "There were almost no Jews. Only two Jews remained in Stalin's inner circle - L. Kaganovich and L. Mekhlis. Although the Jews were among those who directly carried out the terror of the late 1930s, especially in its early stages (G. Yagoda , Ya. Agranov and others), N. Yezhov, who took the post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in 1937, consistently purged Jews from the NKVD bodies. Parallel Trotskyist Center”, contributed to the spread of anti-Semitic sentiments: on one of them, about half, on the other, two-thirds of the defendants were Jews, among them Jews - German emigrants, accused not only of Trotskyism, but also of having links with the Gestapo. "

The policy pursued by Stalin to purge the State Apparatus of Jews led to the fact that by 1939 only about 4% of Jews remained in the leadership of the NKVD, and, lo and behold, for some reason, repressions practically ceased.

I want to explain one more dark nuance in our amazing and full of tragic pages of history.

As I have already indicated above, the demonic part of Jewry, which really exists and which is not difficult to calculate from "to its fruits", inherent PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, and with it this jewish inherent: sexual perversion, sadism, shamelessness, arrogance, megalomania... and this characteristic series is crowned by the YIDS' BENEFITS TO PERJURIES, to MIMICRY and to compose FALSE (DISINFORMATIONAL) MYTHS.

Sexual perversion and sadism- these are two faithful companions. No wonder Nazi Adolf Hitler was sexually pervert, although he lived with a woman - Eva Braun, and he came to power in Germany, as you know, with active support homosexual Ernst Röhm, one of the leaders of the German National Socialists and the head of the "assault detachments" ("SA").

Reference: national socialism(German Nationalsozialismus, abbreviated as Nazism) is a form of social organization that combines socialism with extreme nationalism and racism, as well as the name of the ideology that justifies this kind of social order. National Socialism in the head of homosexual Ernst Röhm was a very paradoxical ideology that combined various elements of socialism, nationalism, racism, fascism and anti-Semitism, moreover, selective anti-Semitism, which allowed the German National Socialists to hate not all Jews in a row, but only a certain part of them. .

Reference: in 1920, replacing Karl Mayr as head of the propaganda department of the IV military district, Ernst Röhm met Hitler and became one of the first members of the NSDAP. At that time, Röhm, together with Georg Escherich, a member of the Land Hunting Council, created the Bavarian people's militia (German: Einwohnerwehren), designed to circumvent the restrictions on the number of armed forces imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. To provide him with weapons and ammunition, Ryom created huge caches, which were later enough to arm a third of the Wehrmacht created in 1935. However, in 1921 the organization was banned. After this failure, Röhm came to the conclusion that in order to seize power, the support of the general population is necessary. Hitler turned out to be the most suitable candidate for solving this problem. To ensure the safety of Hitler, Röhm organized a mobile group from the soldiers of the 19th mortar company. On its basis, the party order service was created, later renamed the physical culture and sports department, and then the assault squad (German: Sturmabteilung, abbreviated as SA). Röhm was also looking for officers for command positions. The basis of the leadership of the SA was made up of people from the headquarters of the 2nd Naval Brigade, disbanded for participation in the Kapp Putsch, led by its commander, Captain 3rd Rank Hermann Erhardt. Almost immediately, disagreements began to arise between Röhm and Hitler over the goals and objectives of the SA. Hitler saw in the assault squads groups of fighters ready to carry out any task of the party leadership. Rem, on the other hand, perceived the SA as the core of the future revolutionary army. In this he was supported by the military authorities of Bavaria, who considered attack aircraft as reserve units. In addition, for the latter, Röhm and Erhardt were the only authorities, and they ignored the NSDAP. In order to strengthen his influence in the SA, Hitler appointed Hermann Goering as commander of the detachments, and then, as a counterbalance, created his personal guard, which later turned into the SS ... " .

1933 Adolf Hitler and the famous homosexual stormtrooper Ernst Röhm.

Homosexual scandals in Germany in the 1930s

Reference: in 1931, Erns Rohm was at the center of a scandal. Supporters of Walter Stennes, the deposed stormtrooper commander of Berlin, expressed clear dissatisfaction with the appointment of a homosexual, who, in their opinion, dishonored the Sturmabteilung, ("storm troopers", abbreviated as SA), to the leadership post. Ryom was also convicted of using his official position for personal gain. Trustees from among the stormtroopers found sexual partners for him, whom Ryom later appointed to positions in the SA. If the chosen one showed infidelity or discontent, he was severely beaten. The meetings took place at the Bratwurstglöckl. Röhm openly visited the favorite establishments of homosexuals "Kleist-Casino" and "Silhouette" together with the new leadership of the Berlin assault squads. Hitler, in response to the information that compromised Ryoma, who came to him, said that he would make a decision when evidence was provided to him. And the evidence soon emerged. The social-democratic newspaper "Münchner Post" began to publish stories about the adventures of Rem and his letters were published. Trying to find the source of the information leak, Röhm instructed journalist Georg Bell to meet with Karl Mayr, who by that time had become a Democrat. Mayr said that some of the NSDAP leaders were planning the physical elimination of Ryom. And, indeed, the supreme judge of the Buch party, after Hitler's next refusal to remove Ryoma from his post, planned the murder of some of the top leaders of the SA, but due to the indecision of the performers, the plan failed. However, after it became known about Ryom's contacts with Mayr, a new scandal erupted..." .

What parallels with this topic are there in our recent history, I told in a separate article:

It would be appropriate to say that Stalin and all his inner circle knew very well about the close connection of homosexuality with fascism. In particular, Stalin spoke more than once on this subject with the writer Maxim Gorky. And after Hitler suspected Erst Röhm and his "storm brigades" of preparing a putsch and arranged for them to meet "Night of the Long Knives", as a result of which on July 1, 1934, Ryom was killed along with thousands of his associates, Gorky formulated a kind of RECIPE, how to defeat fascism! He published it in May of the same year in the Izvestia newspaper:

Look now through this "prism" to the events that are taking place today in Ukraine!

Over the past years there have followed one after another homosexual scandals!

And buggers who ended up in the Kiev leadership are now giving their "colleagues from the people" arrange in Kyiv gay parades, and their opponents are openly beaten by the forces of the Ukrainian police, so as not to interfere with the holding of gay parades!

The cry of people being beaten by the Ukrainian riot police is noteworthy: "buggers defend buggers!!!" This happened on May 25, 2013.

Make a conclusion: if today we are talking about revival of fascism in Ukraine, then it is reborn in the mail homosexuality, and a leading role in the revival FASCISM is playing again THE DEMONIC PART OF WORLD JEWRY, so called Yids with very characteristic, recognizable faces.

President of Ukraine - Petro Poroshenko (Valtsman on his father's side), Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk - "the famous Jew of Ukraine", head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman.


The question of the repressions of the thirties of the last century is of fundamental importance not only for understanding the history of Russian socialism and its essence as a social system, but also for assessing the role of Stalin in the history of Russia.

This question plays a key role in the accusations not only of Stalinism, but, in fact, of the entire Soviet government. To date, the assessment of the “Stalinist terror” has become in our country a touchstone, a password, a milestone in relation to the past and future of Russia. Do you judge? Decisively and irrevocably? Democrat and common man! Any doubts? - Stalinist!

Let's try to deal with a simple question: did Stalin organize the "great terror"? Maybe there are other causes of terror, about which common people - liberals prefer to remain silent?

So. After the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks tried to create a new type of ideological elite, but these attempts stalled from the very beginning. Mainly because the new "people's" elite believed that by their revolutionary struggle they fully earned the right to enjoy the benefits that the "elite" anti-people had by birthright.

In the noble mansions, the new nomenclature quickly settled in, and even the old servants remained in place, they only began to call them servants. This phenomenon was very wide and was called "kombarstvo".

Even the right measures proved ineffective, thanks to massive sabotage by the new elite. I am inclined to attribute the introduction of the so-called "party maximum" to the correct measures - a ban on party members receiving a salary greater than the salary of a highly skilled worker.

That is, a non-party plant director could receive a salary of 2000 rubles, and a communist director only 500 rubles, and not a penny more.

In this way, Lenin sought to avoid the influx of careerists into the party, who use it as a springboard in order to quickly break into the grain places. However, this measure was half-hearted without the simultaneous destruction of the system of privileges attached to any position.

By the way. V.I. Lenin strongly resisted the reckless growth in the number of party members, which was later taken up in the CPSU, starting with Khrushchev. In his work “Childhood disease of leftism in communism,” he wrote: “We are afraid of the excessive expansion of the party, because careerists and rogues who deserve only to be shot inevitably strive to cling to the government party.”

Moreover, in the conditions of the post-war shortage of consumer goods, material goods were not so much bought as distributed. Any power performs the function of distribution, and if so, then the one who distributes, he uses the distributed.

Therefore, the next step was to update the upper floors of the party.

Stalin stated this in his usual cautious manner at the XVII Congress of the CPSU (b) (March 1934).

In his Report, the General Secretary described a certain type of workers interfering with the party and the country: “... These are people with well-known merits in the past, people who believe that party and Soviet laws are not written for them, but for fools. These are the same people who do not consider it their duty to carry out the decisions of the party organs...

What are they counting on by violating Party and Soviet laws? They hope that the Soviet authorities will not dare to touch them because of their old merits. These arrogant nobles think that they are irreplaceable and that they can violate the decisions of the governing bodies with impunity ... ".

The results of the first five-year plan showed that the old Bolshevik-Leninists, with all their revolutionary merits, are not able to cope with the scale of the reconstructed economy. Not burdened with professional skills, poorly educated (Yezhov wrote in his autobiography: education - unfinished primary), washed in the blood of the Civil War, they could not "saddle" the complex production realities.

Formally, the real power in the localities belonged to the Soviets, since the party did not have any legal authority. But the party bosses were elected chairmen of the Soviets, and, in fact, they appointed themselves to these positions, since the elections were held on a non-alternative basis, that is, they were not elections.

And then Stalin undertakes a very risky maneuver - he proposes to establish real, and not nominal, Soviet power in the country, that is, to hold secret general elections in party organizations and councils at all levels on an alternative basis.

Stalin tried to get rid of the party regional barons, as they say, in a good way, through elections, and really alternative ones. Considering Soviet practice, this sounds rather unusual, but it is true nonetheless. He expected that the majority of this public would not overcome the popular filter without support from above.

In addition, according to the new constitution, it was planned to nominate candidates to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR not only from the CPSU (b), but also from public organizations and groups of citizens.

What happened next? On December 5, 1936, the new Constitution of the USSR was adopted, the most democratic constitution of that time in the whole world, even according to the ardent critics of the USSR. For the first time in Russian history, secret alternative elections were to be held. By secret ballot.

Despite the fact that the party elite tried to put a spoke in the wheel even at the time when the draft constitution was being created, Stalin managed to bring the matter to an end.

The regional party elite understood very well that with the help of these new elections to the new Supreme Soviet, Stalin plans to carry out a peaceful rotation of the entire ruling element. And there were about 250 thousand of them. By the way, the NKVD was counting on about this number of investigations.

Understand something they understood, but what to do? I don't want to part with my chairs. And they perfectly understood one more circumstance - in the previous period they had done such a thing, especially during the Civil War and collectivization, that the people with great pleasure would not only not have chosen them, but also would have broken their heads. The hands of many high regional party secretaries were up to the elbows in blood.

During the period of collectivization in the regions there was complete arbitrariness. In one of the regions Khataevich, this nice man, actually declared a civil war in the course of collectivization in his particular region.

As a result, Stalin was forced to threaten him that he would shoot him immediately if he did not stop mocking people. Do you think that comrades Eikhe, Postyshev, Kosior and Khrushchev were better, were less "nice"? Of course, the people remembered all this in 1937, and after the elections these bloodsuckers would have gone into the woods.

Stalin really planned such a peaceful rotation operation, he openly told the American correspondent in March 1936, Howard Roy, about this. He stated that these elections would be a good whip in the hands of the people to change the leadership, he said it directly - "a whip." Will yesterday's "gods" of their districts tolerate the whip?

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, held in June 1936, directly aimed the party elite at new times. When discussing the draft of the new constitution, A. Zhdanov, in his extensive report, spoke quite unambiguously: “The new electoral system ... will give a powerful impetus to improving the work of Soviet bodies, eliminating bureaucratic bodies, eliminating bureaucratic shortcomings and perversions in the work of our Soviet organizations.

And these shortcomings, as you know, are very significant. Our party organs must be ready for the electoral struggle...”. And he went on to say that these elections would be a serious, serious test of Soviet workers, because the secret ballot gives ample opportunities to reject candidates who are undesirable and objectionable to the masses, that party organs are obliged to distinguish such criticism FROM HOSTILE ACTIVITY, that non-party candidates should be treated with all support. and attention, because, to put it delicately, there are several times more of them than party members.

In Zhdanov's report, the terms "intra-party democracy", "democratic centralism", "democratic elections" were publicly voiced. And demands were put forward: to ban the "nomination" of candidates without elections, to ban voting at party meetings by a "list", to ensure "an unlimited right to reject candidates nominated by party members and an unlimited right to criticize these candidates."

The last phrase referred entirely to the elections of purely party bodies, where there had not been a shadow of democracy for a long time. But, as we see, the general elections to the Soviet and party bodies have not been forgotten either.

Stalin and his people demand democracy! And if this is not democracy, then explain to me what, then, is considered democracy ?!

And how do the party nobles who gathered at the plenum react to Zhdanov's report, the first secretaries of the regional committees, regional committees, and the Central Committee of the national communist parties? And they miss it all! Because such innovations are by no means to the taste of the very “old Leninist guard”, which has not yet been destroyed by Stalin, but is sitting at the plenum in all its grandeur and splendor.

Because the vaunted "Leninist guard" is a bunch of petty satrapchiks. They are used to living in their estates as barons, single-handedly managing the life and death of people. The debate on Zhdanov's report was practically disrupted.

Despite Stalin's direct calls to discuss the reforms seriously and in detail, the old guard with paranoid persistence turns to more pleasant and understandable topics: terror, terror, terror! What the hell are reforms?!

There are more urgent tasks: beat the hidden enemy, burn, catch, reveal! The people's commissars, the first secretaries - all talk about the same thing: how they recklessly and on a large scale reveal the enemies of the people, how they intend to raise this campaign to cosmic heights ...

Stalin is losing patience. When the next speaker appears on the podium, without waiting for him to open his mouth, he ironically throws: - Have all the enemies been identified or are there still? The speaker, the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee, Kabakov, (another future "innocent victim of the Stalinist terror") lets the irony fall on deaf ears and habitually crackles about the fact that the electoral activity of the masses, so you know, is just "quite often used by hostile elements for counter-revolutionary work ".

They are incurable!!! They just don't know how! They don't want reforms, they don't want secret ballots, they don't want a few candidates on the ballot. Foaming at the mouth, they defend the old system, where there is no democracy, but only the "boyar volushka" ...

On the podium - Molotov. He says practical, sensible things: you need to identify real enemies and pests, and not throw mud at all, without exception, "captains of production." We must finally learn to DIFFERENTIATE THE GUILTY FROM THE INNOCENT.

It is necessary to reform the bloated bureaucratic apparatus, IT IS NECESSARY TO EVALUATE PEOPLE ON THEIR BUSINESS QUALITIES AND DO NOT LIST THE PAST ERRORS. And the party boyars are all about the same thing: to look for and catch enemies with all the ardor! Eradicate deeper, plant more! For a change, they enthusiastically and loudly begin to drown each other: Kudryavtsev - Postysheva, Andreev - Sheboldaeva, Polonsky - Shvernik, Khrushchev - Yakovlev.

Molotov, unable to stand it, openly says:

- In a number of cases, listening to the speakers, one could come to the conclusion that our resolutions and our reports went past the ears of the speakers ...

Exactly! They didn't just pass - they whistled... Most of those gathered in the hall do not know how to work or reform. But they perfectly know how to catch and identify enemies, they adore this occupation and cannot imagine life without it.

Doesn't it seem strange to you that this "executioner" Stalin directly imposed democracy, and his future "innocent victims" ran away from this democracy like hell from incense. Yes, and demanded repression, and more.

In short, it was not the “tyrant Stalin,” but precisely the “cosmopolitan Leninist party guard,” who ruled the roost at the June 1936 plenum, buried all attempts at a democratic thaw. She did not give Stalin the opportunity to get rid of them, as they say, in a GOOD way, through the elections.

Stalin's authority was so great that the party barons did not dare to openly protest, and in 1936 the Constitution of the USSR was adopted, and nicknamed Stalin's, which provided for the transition to real Soviet democracy. However, the party nomenklatura reared up and carried out a massive attack on the leader in order to convince him to postpone the holding of free elections until the fight against the counter-revolutionary element was completed.

Regional party bosses, members of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, began to whip up passions, referring to the recently revealed conspiracies of the Trotskyists and the military: they say, it is only necessary to give such an opportunity, as hidden kulak underdogs, clergymen, former white officers and nobles, Trotskyists-saboteurs will rush into politics .

They demanded not only to curtail any plans for democratization, but also to strengthen emergency measures, and even introduce special quotas for mass repressions by region, supposedly in order to finish off those Trotskyists who escaped punishment. The party nomenklatura demanded the powers to repress these enemies, and it won these powers for itself.

And then the small-town party barons, who made up the majority in the Central Committee, frightened for their leadership positions, begin repressions, first of all, against those honest communists who could become competitors in future elections by secret ballot.

The nature of the repressions against honest communists was such that the composition of some district committees and regional committees changed two or three times in a year. Communists at party conferences refused to be members of city committees and regional committees. We understood that after a while you can be in the camp. And that's the best...

In 1937, about 100,000 people were expelled from the party (24,000 in the first half of the year and 76,000 in the second). About 65,000 appeals accumulated in district committees and regional committees, which there was no one and no time to consider, since the party was engaged in the process of denunciation and expulsion.

At the January plenum of the Central Committee in 1938, Malenkov, who made a report on this issue, said that in some areas the Party Control Commission restored from 50 to 75% of those expelled and convicted.

Moreover, at the June 1937 Plenum of the Central Committee, the nomenklatura, mainly from among the first secretaries, actually delivered an ultimatum to Stalin and his Politburo: either he approves the lists submitted "from below" subject to repression, or he himself will be removed.

The party nomenklatura at this plenum demanded authority for repression. And Stalin was forced to give them permission, but he acted very cunningly - he gave them a short time, five days. Of these five days, one day is Sunday. He expected that they would not meet in such a short time.

But it turns out that these scoundrels already had lists. They simply took lists of kulaks, former white officers and nobles, wrecking Trotskyists, priests, and simply ordinary citizens who had served time in prison, and sometimes not who did, classified as class alien elements.

Literally on the second day, telegrams from the localities went - the first comrades Khrushchev and Eikhe. Then, in 1954, Nikita Khrushchev was the first to rehabilitate his friend Robert Eikhe, who was shot in justice for all his cruelties in 1939.

Ballot papers with several candidates were no longer discussed at the Plenum: reform plans were reduced solely to the fact that candidates for elections would be nominated “jointly” by communists and non-party people. And from now on, there will be only one candidate in each ballot - for the sake of rebuffing intrigues.

And in addition - another verbose verbiage about the need to identify the masses of entrenched enemies.

Stalin also made another mistake. He sincerely believed that N.I. Yezhov was a man of his team. After all, for so many years they worked together in the Central Committee, shoulder to shoulder. And Yezhov has long been the best friend of Evdokimov, an ardent Trotskyist.

For 1937-38 troikas in the Rostov region, where Evdokimov was the first secretary of the regional committee, 12,445 people were shot, more than 90 thousand were repressed. These are the figures carved by the "Memorial" society in one of the Rostov parks on the monument to the victims of ... Stalinist (?!) repressions.

Subsequently, when Yevdokimov was shot, an audit found that in the Rostov region he lay motionless and more than 18.5 thousand appeals were not considered. And how many of them were not written! The best party cadres, experienced business executives, the intelligentsia were destroyed ... But what, he was the only one like that.

In this regard, the memoirs of the famous poet Nikolai Zabolotsky are interesting: “A strange confidence was ripening in my head that we were in the hands of the Nazis, who, under the nose of our government, found a way to destroy Soviet people, acting in the very center of the Soviet punitive system.

I told this guess of mine to an old party member who was sitting with me, and with horror in his eyes he confessed to me that he himself thought the same thing, but did not dare to hint about it to anyone. And indeed, how else could we explain all the horrors that happened to us ... "

But back to Nikolai Yezhov. By 1937, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, G. Yagoda, staffed the NKVD with scum, obvious traitors and those who replaced their work with hack work. N. Yezhov, who replaced him, followed the lead of the hacks and, in order to distinguish himself from the country, turned a blind eye to the fact that NKVD investigators opened hundreds of thousands of hack cases against people, mostly completely innocent. (For example, Generals A. Gorbatov and K. Rokossovsky were sent to prison.)

And the flywheel of the “great terror” began to spin with its infamous extrajudicial triples and limits on the highest measure. Fortunately, this flywheel quickly crushed those who initiated the process itself, and Stalin's merit is that he made the most of the opportunities to clean up the upper echelons of power from all kinds of bastards.

Not Stalin, but Robert Indrikovich Eikhe proposed the creation of extrajudicial reprisals, the famous "troikas", similar to Stolypin's, consisting of the first secretary, the local prosecutor and the head of the NKVD (city, region, region, republic). Stalin was against it. But the Politburo voted.

Well, in the fact that a year later it was precisely such a trio that leaned Comrade Eikhe against the wall, there is, in my deep conviction, nothing but sad justice. The party elite directly joined in the massacre with rapture!

And let's take a closer look at him, the repressed regional party baron. And, in fact, what were they like, both in business and moral, and in purely human terms? What did they cost as people and specialists? ONLY THE NOSE FIRST CLAMP, I RECOMMEND SOULLY.

In short, party members, military men, scientists, writers, composers, musicians and everyone else, up to noble rabbit breeders and Komsomol members, ate each other with rapture (four million denunciations were written in 1937-38). Who sincerely believed that he was obliged to exterminate the enemies, who settled scores. So there is no need to talk about whether the NKVD beat on the noble physiognomy of this or that “innocently injured figure” or not.

The party regional nomenklatura has achieved the most important thing: after all, in conditions of mass terror, free elections are not possible. Stalin was never able to carry them out. The end of a brief thaw. Stalin never pushed through his block of reforms. True, at that plenum he said remarkable words: “Party organizations will be freed from economic work, although this will not happen immediately. This takes time."

But, again, back to Yezhov N.I. Nikolai Ivanovich was a new man in the "bodies", he started well, but quickly fell under the influence of his deputy: Frinovsky (former head of the Special Department of the First Cavalry Army). He taught the new People's Commissar the basics of Chekist work right "in production." The basics were extremely simple: the more enemies of the people we catch, the better. You can and should hit, but hitting and drinking is even more fun.

Drunk on vodka, blood and impunity, the People's Commissar soon frankly "floated". He did not particularly hide his new views from others. “What are you afraid of? he said at one of the banquets. After all, all power is in our hands. Whom we want - we execute, whom we want - we pardon: - After all, we are everything. It is necessary that everyone, starting from the secretary of the regional committee, walk under you.

If the secretary of the regional committee was supposed to go under the head of the regional department of the NKVD, then who, one wonders, was supposed to go under Yezhov? With such personnel and such views, the NKVD became mortally dangerous for both the authorities and the country.

It is difficult to say when the Kremlin began to realize what was happening. Probably somewhere in the first half of 1938. But to realize - they realized, but how to curb the monster? It is clear that by that time the People's Commissar of the NKVD had become deadly dangerous, and it had to be "normalized".

But how? What, raise the troops, bring all the Chekists to the courtyards of the administrations and line them up against the wall? There is no other way, because, having barely sensed the danger, they would simply have swept away the authorities.

The same NKVD was in charge of protecting the Kremlin, so the members of the Politburo would have died without even having time to understand anything. After that, a dozen “blood-washed” would be put in their places, and the whole country would turn into one large West Siberian region with Robert Eikhe at the head. THE COMING OF THE HITLER TROOPS THE PEOPLES OF THE USSR WOULD BE ACCEPTED AS HAPPINESS.

There was only one way out - to put your man in the NKVD. Moreover, a person of such a level of loyalty, courage and professionalism that he could, on the one hand, cope with the management of the NKVD, and on the other, stop the monster. It is unlikely that Stalin had a large selection of such people. Well, at least one was found. But what - Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich.

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia, a former Chekist, a talented manager, in no way a party idler, a man of action. And how it appears! For four hours, the "tyrant" Stalin and Malenkov persuade Yezhov to take Lavrenty Pavlovich as First Deputy. Four o'clock!!!

Yezhov is being pressured slowly - Beria is slowly taking control of the People's Commissariat of State Security into his own hands, slowly placing loyal people in key positions, just as young, energetic, smart, businesslike, not at all like the previous barons snickering.

Elena Prudnikova, a journalist and writer who devoted several books to researching the activities of L.P. Beria, said in one of the TV programs that Lenin, Stalin, Beria are three titans whom the Lord God in His great mercy sent to Russia, because, apparently He still needed Russia. I hope that she is Russia and in our time He will need it soon.

In general, the term "Stalin's repressions" is speculative, because it was not Stalin who initiated them. The unanimous opinion of one part of the liberal perestroika and current ideologists that Stalin thus strengthened his power by physically eliminating his opponents is easily explained.

These wimps simply judge others by themselves: if they have such an opportunity, they will readily devour anyone they see as a danger. No wonder Alexander Sytin, a political scientist, doctor of historical sciences, a prominent neo-liberal, in one of the recent TV programs with V. Solovyov, argued that in Russia it is NECESSARY TO CREATE A DICTATORY OF TEN PERCENT OF A LIBERAL MINORITY, which then will definitely lead the peoples of Russia into a bright capitalist tomorrow.

Another part of these gentlemen believes that supposedly Stalin, who wanted to finally turn into the Lord God on Soviet soil, decided to crack down on everyone who had the slightest doubt about his genius. And, above all, with those who, together with Lenin, created the October Revolution.

Like, that's why almost the entire "Leninist guard" innocently went under the ax, and at the same time the top of the Red Army, who were accused of a never-existing conspiracy against Stalin. However, a closer study of these events raises many questions that cast doubt on this version.

In principle, thinking historians have had doubts for a long time. And doubts were sown not by some Stalinist historians, but by those eyewitnesses who themselves did not like the "father of all Soviet peoples."

For example, the memoirs of the former Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Orlov (Leiba Feldbin), who fled our country in the late 1930s, having taken a huge amount of state dollars, were published in the West at one time. Orlov, who knew well the "inner kitchen" of his native NKVD, wrote directly that a coup d'état was being prepared in the Soviet Union.

Among the conspirators, according to him, were both representatives of the leadership of the NKVD and the Red Army in the person of Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky and the commander of the Kyiv military district, Iona Yakir. The conspiracy became known to Stalin, who took very tough retaliatory actions ...

And in the 80s, the archives of Joseph Vissarionovich's main opponent, Lev Trotsky, were declassified in the United States. From these documents it became clear that Trotsky had an extensive underground network in the Soviet Union.

Living abroad, Lev Davidovich demanded from his people decisive action to destabilize the situation in the Soviet Union, up to the organization of mass terrorist actions.

In the 1990s, our archives already opened up access to the protocols of interrogations of the repressed leaders of the anti-Stalinist opposition. By the nature of these materials, by the abundance of facts and evidence presented in them, today's independent experts have drawn three important conclusions.

First, the overall picture of a broad conspiracy against Stalin looks very, very convincing. Such testimonies could not be orchestrated or faked to please the “father of nations”. Especially in the part where it was about the military plans of the conspirators.

Here is what the well-known historian and publicist Sergei Kremlev said about this: “Take and read the testimony of Tukhachevsky given to him after his arrest. The very confessions of conspiracy are accompanied by a deep analysis of the military-political situation in the USSR in the mid-30s, with detailed calculations on the general situation in the country, with our mobilization, economic and other capabilities.

The question is whether such testimony could have been invented by an ordinary NKVD investigator who was in charge of the marshal's case and who allegedly set out to falsify Tukhachevsky's testimony?! No, these testimonies, and voluntarily, could only be given by a knowledgeable person no less than the level of the deputy people's commissar of defense, which was Tukhachevsky.

Secondly, the very manner of the conspirators' handwritten confessions, their handwriting spoke of what their people wrote themselves, in fact voluntarily, without physical influence from the investigators. This destroyed the myth that the testimony was rudely knocked out by the force of "Stalin's executioners", although this was also the case.

Thirdly. Western Sovietologists and the emigre public, having no access to archival materials, were forced to actually suck their judgments about the scale of repressions. At best, they contented themselves with interviews with dissidents who either themselves had been imprisoned in the past, or cited the stories of those who had gone through the Gulag.

A. Solzhenitsyn set the highest bar in assessing the number of “victims of communism”, when in 1976 in an interview with Spanish television about 110 million victims. The ceiling of 110 million announced by Solzhenitsyn was systematically reduced to 12.5 million people of the Memorial society.

However, based on the results of 10 years of work, Memorial managed to collect data on only 2.6 million victims of repression, which is very close to the figure announced by Zemskov almost 20 years ago - 4 million people.

After the archives were opened, the West did not believe that the number of those repressed was much less than R. Conquest indicated. In total, according to archival data, for the period from 1921 to 1953, 3,777,380 were convicted, of which 642,980 people were sentenced to capital punishment.

Subsequently, this figure was increased to 4,060,306 people at the expense of 282,926 shot under paragraphs. 2 and 3 Art. 59 (especially dangerous banditry) and Art. 193 24 (military espionage and sabotage). Where the blood-washed Basmachi, Bandera, Baltic "forest brothers" and other especially dangerous, bloody bandits, spies and saboteurs entered. There is more human blood on them than there is water in the Volga. And they are also considered innocent victims of Stalinist repressions. And Stalin is blamed for all this.

(Let me remind you that until 1928, Stalin was not the sole leader of the USSR. AND HE RECEIVED FULL POWER OVER THE PARTY, THE ARMY AND THE NKVD ONLY FROM THE END OF 1938).

These figures are at first glance scary. But only for the first. Let's compare. On June 28, 1990, an interview with the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR appeared in the national newspapers, where he said: “We are literally being overwhelmed by a wave of criminality. Over the past 30 years, 38 MILLION OUR CITIZENS have been under trial, investigation, in prisons and colonies. It's a terrible number! Every ninth…”.

So. A crowd of Western journalists came to the USSR in 1990. The goal is to familiarize yourself with open archives. We got acquainted with the archives of the NKVD - they did not believe it. They demanded the archives of the People's Commissariat of Railways. We got acquainted - it turned out 4 million. They did not believe it. They demanded the archives of the People's Commissariat of Food. We got acquainted - it turned out 4 million repressed. We got acquainted with the clothing allowance of the camps. It turned out - 4 million repressed.

Do you think that after that, articles with the correct numbers of repressions appeared in the Western media in batches. Yes, nothing of the sort. They still write and talk about tens of millions of victims of repressions.

I want to note that the analysis of the process called “mass repressions” shows that this phenomenon is extremely multi-layered. There are real cases there: about conspiracies and espionage, political trials against hard-nosed oppositionists, cases about the crimes of the presumptuous owners of the regions and the Soviet party officials who “floated” from power.

But there are also many falsified cases: settling scores in the corridors of power, sitting around at work, communal squabbles, literary rivalry, scientific competition, persecution of clergymen who supported the kulaks during collectivization, squabbles between artists, musicians and composers.

AND THERE IS ALSO CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY - THE MILLNESS OF THE INVESTIGATORS AND THE MILLNESS OF THE INFORMERS. But what has not been found is the cases concocted at the direction of the Kremlin. There are reverse examples - when, at the will of Stalin, someone was taken out from under execution, or even released altogether.

There is one more thing to be understood. The term “repression” is a medical term (suppression, blocking) and was introduced specifically to remove the question of guilt. Imprisoned in the late 30s, which means he is innocent, as he was “repressed”.

In addition, the term "repression" was put into circulation to be used initially in order to give an appropriate moral coloring to the entire Stalinist period without going into details.

The events of the 1930s showed that the main problem for the Soviet government was the party and state "apparatus", which consisted to a large extent of unprincipled, illiterate and greedy co-workers, leading party members-talkers, attracted by the fat smell of revolutionary robbery.

Such an apparatus was exceptionally inefficient and uncontrollable, which was like death for the totalitarian Soviet state, in which everything depended on the apparatus.

It was from then on that Stalin made repression an important institution of state administration and a means of keeping the "apparatus" in check. Naturally, the apparatus became the main object of these repressions. Moreover, repression has become an important instrument of state building. Stalin assumed that it was possible to make a workable bureaucracy out of the corrupted Soviet apparatus only after SEVERAL STAGES of repressions.

Liberals will say that this is the whole of Stalin, that he could not live without repressions, without the persecution of honest people. But here is what American intelligence officer John Scott reported to the US State Department about who was repressed. He found these repressions in the Urals in 1937.

“The director of the construction office, who was engaged in the construction of new houses for the workers of the plant, was not satisfied with his salary, which amounted to a thousand rubles a month, and a two-room apartment. So he built himself a separate house. The house had five rooms, and he was able to furnish it well: he hung silk curtains, set up a piano, covered the floor with carpets, etc.

Then he began to drive around the city in a car at a time (this happened in early 1937) when there were few private cars in the city. At the same time, the annual construction plan was completed by his office by only about sixty percent. At meetings and in the newspapers, he was constantly asked questions about the reasons for such poor performance. He answered that there were no building materials, not enough labor, and so on.

An investigation began, during which it turned out that the director embezzled state funds and sold building materials to nearby state farms at speculative prices. It was also discovered that there were people in the construction office whom he specially paid to do his "business".

An open trial took place, lasting several days, at which all these people were judged. They talked a lot about him in Magnitogorsk. In his accusatory speech at the trial, the prosecutor spoke not about theft or bribery, but about sabotage. The director was accused of sabotaging the construction of workers' housing. He was convicted after he fully admitted his guilt, and then shot.”

And here is the reaction of the Soviet people to the purge of 1937 and their position at that time. “Often, workers are even happy when they arrest some “important bird”, a leader whom they for some reason disliked. Workers are also very free to express their critical thoughts both in meetings and in private conversations.

I've heard them use the strongest language when talking about bureaucracy and poor performance by individuals or organizations. ... in the Soviet Union, the situation was somewhat different in that the NKVD, in its work to protect the country from the intrigues of foreign agents, spies and the onset of the old bourgeoisie, counted on the support and assistance from the population and basically received them.

Well, and: “... During the purges, thousands of bureaucrats trembled for their seats. Officials and administrative employees who had previously come to work at ten o'clock and left at half past five and only shrugged their shoulders in response to complaints, difficulties and failures, now sat at work from sunrise to sunset, they began to worry about the successes and failures of the led enterprises, and they actually began to fight for the implementation of the plan, savings and for good living conditions for their subordinates, although before this they did not bother at all.

Readers interested in this issue are aware of the incessant moaning of liberals that during the years of the purge, the "best people", the most intelligent and capable, perished. Scott also hints at this all the time, but, nevertheless, he seems to sum it up: “After the purges, the administrative apparatus of the entire plant was almost one hundred percent young Soviet engineers.

There are practically no specialists from among the prisoners, and foreign specialists have actually disappeared. However, by 1939 most of the departments, such as the Railroad Administration and the coking plant of the plant, began to work better than ever before.

In the course of party purges and repressions, all prominent party barons, drinking away the gold reserves of Russia, bathing with prostitutes in champagne, seizing noble and merchant palaces for personal use, all disheveled, drugged revolutionaries disappeared like smoke. And this is FAIR.

But to clean out the snickering scoundrels from the high offices is half the battle, it was also necessary to replace them with worthy people. It is very curious how this problem was solved in the NKVD. Firstly, a person was placed at the head of the department who was alien to the kombartvo, who had no ties with the capital's party top, but a proven professional in business - Lavrenty Beria.

The latter, secondly, ruthlessly cleared out the Chekists who had compromised themselves, and thirdly, carried out a radical reduction in staff, sending people who seemed to be not vile, but unsuitable for retirement or to work in other departments. And, finally, the Komsomol conscription to the NKVD was announced, when completely inexperienced guys came to the bodies instead of deserved pensioners or shot scoundrels.

But ... the main criterion for their selection was an impeccable reputation. If in the characteristics from the place of study, work, place of residence, along the Komsomol or party line, there were at least some hints of their unreliability, a tendency to selfishness, laziness, then no one invited them to work in the NKVD.

So, here is a very important point that you should pay attention to - the team is formed not on the basis of past merits, professional data of applicants, personal acquaintance and ethnicity, and not even on the basis of the desire of applicants, but solely on the basis of their moral and psychological characteristics.

Professionalism is a gain, but in order to punish any bastard, a person must be completely unstained. Well, yes, clean hands, a cold head and a warm heart - this is all about the youth of the Beria draft. The fact is that it was at the end of the 1930s that the NKVD became a truly effective special service, and not only in the matter of internal cleansing.

During the war, the Soviet counterintelligence outplayed German intelligence with a devastating score - and this is the great merit of those very Beria Komsomol members who came to the bodies three years before the start of the war.

Purge 1937-1939 played a positive role - now not a single boss felt his impunity, there were no more untouchables. Fear did not add intelligence to the nomenklatura, but at least warned it against outright meanness.

Unfortunately, immediately after the end of the great purge, the world war that began in 1939 prevented the holding of alternative elections. And again, the question of democratization was put on the agenda by Iosif Vissarionovich in 1952, shortly before his death. But after Stalin's death, Khrushchev returned the leadership of the entire country to the party. And not only.

Almost immediately after Stalin's death, a network of special distributors and special rations appeared, through which the new elites realized their predominant position. But in addition to formal privileges, a system of informal privileges quickly formed. Which is very important.

Since we touched on the activities of our dear Nikita Sergeevich, let's talk about it in a little more detail. With a light hand or the language of Ilya Ehrenburg, the period of Khrushchev's rule was called the "thaw". Let's see what Khrushchev did during the Great Terror?

The February-March Plenum of the Central Committee of 1937 is underway. It is from him, as it is believed, that the great terror began. Here is the speech of Nikita Sergeevich at this plenum: “... We need to destroy these scoundrels. Destroying a dozen, a hundred, a thousand, we are doing the work of millions. Therefore, it is necessary that the hand does not tremble, it is necessary to step over the corpses of enemies for the benefit of the people.

But how did Khrushchev act as First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee and the Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks? In 1937-1938. out of 38 senior leaders of the MGK, only 3 survived, out of 146 party secretaries, 136 were repressed. It's hard to understand where in the Moscow region he managed to find 20,000 kulaks who fell under repression. In total, in 1937-1938, he personally repressed 55,741 people.

But, perhaps, speaking at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Khrushchev was worried that innocent ordinary people were shot? Yes, Khrushchev did not care about the arrests and executions of ordinary people. His entire report at the 20th Congress was devoted to Stalin's accusations that he imprisoned and shot prominent Bolsheviks and marshals. Those. elite.

Khrushchev in his report did not even mention the repressed ordinary people. What kind of people should he worry about, “women are still giving birth”, but the cosmopolitan elite, the lapotnik Khrushchev, was oh, what a pity.

What were the motives for the appearance of the revealing report at the 20th Party Congress?

First, without trampling his predecessor in the dirt, it was unthinkable to hope for Khrushchev's recognition as a leader after Stalin. Not! Stalin, even after his death, remained a competitor for Khrushchev, who had to be humiliated and destroyed by any means. Kicking a dead lion, as it turned out, is a pleasure - it does not give back.

The second motive was Khrushchev's desire to return the party to managing the economic activities of the state. To lead everything, for nothing, without answering and not obeying anyone

The third motive, and perhaps the most important, was the terrible fear of the remnants of the "Leninist Guard" for what they had done. After all, all of their hands, as Khrushchev himself put it, were up to the elbows in blood. Khrushchev and people like him wanted not only to rule the country, but also to have guarantees that they would never be dragged on the rack, no matter what they did while in leadership positions.

The 20th Congress of the CPSU gave them such guarantees in the form of indulgence for the release of all sins, both past and future. The whole riddle of Khrushchev and his associates is not worth a damn thing: it is THE IRRESSIBLE ANIMAL FEAR SITTING IN THEIR SOULS AND THE PAINFUL THIRST FOR POWER.

The first thing that strikes the de-Stalinizers is their complete disregard for the principles of historicism, which everyone seems to have been taught in the Soviet school. No historical figure can be judged by the standards of our contemporary era. He must be judged by the standards of his era - and nothing else. In jurisprudence, they say this: "the law has no retroactive effect." That is, the ban introduced this year cannot apply to last year's acts.

Historicism of assessments is also necessary here: one cannot judge a person of one era by the standards of another era (especially the new era that he created with his work and genius). For the beginning of the 20th century, the horrors in the position of the peasantry were so commonplace that many contemporaries practically did not notice them.

The famine did not begin with Stalin, it ended with Stalin. It seemed like forever - but the current liberal reforms are again dragging us into that swamp, from which we seem to have already got out ...

The principle of historicism also requires the recognition that Stalin had a completely different intensity of political struggle than in later times. It is one thing to maintain the existence of the system (although Gorbachev failed to do so), but it is another thing to create a new system on the ruins of a country ravaged by civil war.

The resistance energy in the second case is many times greater than in the first.

It must be understood that many of those killed under Stalin themselves were going to quite seriously kill him, and if he hesitated even for a minute, he himself would have received a bullet in the forehead. The struggle for power in the era of Stalin had a completely different sharpness than now: it was the era of the revolutionary "Praetorian Guard" - accustomed to rebellion and ready to change emperors like gloves.

Trotsky, Rykov, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev and a whole crowd of people who were accustomed to killings, as to peeling potatoes, claimed the supremacy ...

For any terror, not only the ruler is responsible before history, but also his opponents, as well as society as a whole. When the outstanding historian L. Gumilyov was asked already under Gorbachev whether he was angry with Stalin, under whom he was in prison, he answered: “But it was not Stalin who imprisoned me, but colleagues in the department” ...

Well, God bless him with Khrushchev and the 20th Congress of the CPSU. Let's talk about what the liberal media are constantly talking about, let's talk about Stalin's guilt.

Liberals accuse Stalin of shooting about 700,000 people in 30 years. The logic of the liberals is simple - all the victims of Stalinism. All 700 thousand.

Those. at that time there could be no murderers, no bandits, no sadists, no molesters, no swindlers, no traitors, no wreckers, etc. All victims for political reasons, all crystal clear and decent people.

Meanwhile, the CIA analytical center Rand Corporation, based on demographic data and archival documents, calculated the number of repressed people in the Stalin era. It turned out that less than 700 thousand people were shot from 1921 to 1953. Stalin had real power somewhere from 1927-29.

At the same time, no more than a quarter of cases fall to the share of those sentenced to an article under the political article 58. By the way, the same proportion was observed among the prisoners of the labor camps.

“Do you like it when they destroy their people in the name of a great goal?” the liberals continue. I will answer. The people - no, BUT THE BANDITS, THIVES AND MORAL FREAKS - YES. BUT I DON'T LIKE IT ANY MORE WHEN YOUR OWN PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED IN THE NAME OF FILLING THEIR POCKETS WITH BUBBLE, hiding behind beautiful liberal-democratic slogans.

Academician Tatyana Zaslavskaya, a great supporter of reforms, who at that time was part of the administration of President Yeltsin, admitted a decade and a half later that in just three years of shock therapy in Russia alone, middle-aged men died 8 million (!!!). Yes, Stalin stands on the sidelines and nervously smokes a pipe. Didn't improve.

However, your words about Stalin's non-involvement in the massacres of honest people are not convincing, the LIBERALS continue. Even if this is allowed, then in this case he was simply obliged, firstly, to honestly and openly admit to the whole people in the committed lawlessness, secondly, to rehabilitate the unjustly victims and, thirdly, to take measures to prevent such lawlessness in the future. None of this has been done.

Again a lie. Dear. You just do not know the history of the USSR.

As for the first and second, the December Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1938 openly recognized the lawlessness committed against honest communists and non-party people, adopting a special resolution on this matter, published, by the way, in all central newspapers.

Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, noting "provocations on an all-Union scale", demanded: Expose careerists who seek to distinguish themselves ... on repression. To expose a skillfully disguised enemy ... seeking to kill our Bolshevik cadres by carrying out measures of repression, sowing uncertainty and excessive suspicion in our ranks.

Just as openly, the entire country was told about the harm caused by unjustified repressions at the XVIII Congress of the CPSU (b) held in 1939.

Immediately after the December Plenum of the Central Committee in 1938, thousands of illegally repressed people, including prominent military leaders, began to return from places of detention. All of them were officially rehabilitated, and Stalin personally apologized to some.

Well, and about, thirdly, I have already said that the NKVD apparatus almost suffered the most from repressions, and a significant part was brought to justice precisely for abuse of official position, for reprisals against honest people.

What liberals do not talk about is the rehabilitation of innocent victims.

Immediately at the December Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1938, criminal cases began to be reviewed and released from the camps. It was produced: in 1939 - 230 thousand, in 1940 - 180 thousand, until June 1941 another 65 thousand.

What liberals are not talking about yet. About how they fought the consequences of the great terror. With the advent of Beria L.P. In November 1938, 7,372 operational officers, or 22.9% of their payroll, were dismissed from the state security agencies for the post of People's Commissar of the NKVD in November 1938, of which 937 went to jail.

And since the end of 1938, the country's leadership has achieved the prosecution of more than 63 thousand NKVD workers who allowed falsification and created far-fetched, fake counter-revolutionary cases, OF WHICH EIGHT THOUSAND WAS SHOT.

I will give only one example from the article by Yu.I. Mukhina: "Minutes No. 17 of the Meeting of the Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on Judicial Affairs"

In this article Mukhin Yu.I. writes: “I was told that this type of documents was never laid out on the Web due to the fact that free access to them was very quickly banned in the archive. And the document is interesting, and something interesting can be gleaned from it ... ".

Lots of interesting things. But most importantly, the article shows what the NKVD officers were shot for after L.P. Beria came to the post of People's Commissar of the NKVD. Read. The names of those shot on the slides are shaded.

Note: You can view the slide in full size by clicking on the picture and selecting the "Original" link.

P O T O C O L No. 17

Meetings of the Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on Judicial Affairs

Chairman - comrade Kalinin M.I.

Present: t.t.: Shklyar M.F., Ponkratiev M.I., Merkulov V.N.

1. Listened

G ... Sergey Ivanovich, M ... Fedor Pavlovich, by the decision of the military tribunal of the NKVD troops of the Moscow Military District of December 14-15, 1939, were sentenced to death under Art. 193-17 p. b of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for making unreasonable arrests of command and Red Army personnel, actively falsifying investigation cases, conducting them using provocative methods and creating fictitious K / R organizations, as a result of which a number of people were shot according to the fictitious ones they created materials.


Agrees with the use of execution to G ... S.I. and M…F.P.

17. Listened. And ... Fedor Afanasyevich was sentenced to death under Art. 193-17 p.b of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for being an employee of the NKVD, making mass illegal arrests of citizens of railway workers, falsifying interrogation protocols and creating artificial C/R cases, as a result of which over 230 people were sentenced to death and to various terms of imprisonment for more than 100 people, and of the latter, 69 people have been released at this time.


Agree with the use of execution against A ... F.A.

Have you read? Well, how do you like the dearest Fedor Afanasyevich? One (one!!!) investigator-falsifier summed up 236 people under execution. And what, he was the only one like that, how many of them were such scoundrels? I gave the number above. That Stalin personally set tasks for these Fedors and Sergeys to destroy honest people?

By the way. These 8,000 executed NKVD investigators are also included in the MEMORIAL list as victims of "Stalin's repressions".

What are the conclusions?

Conclusion N1. Judging Stalin's time only by repressions is the same as judging the activities of the chief physician of a hospital only by the hospital's morgue - there will always be corpses there.

If you approach with such a measure, then every doctor is a bloody ghoul and a murderer, i.e. deliberately ignore the fact that the team of doctors successfully cured and prolonged the life of thousands of patients and blame them only for a small percentage of those who died due to some inevitable misdiagnosis or died during serious operations.

But even in the teachings of Jesus, people see only what they want to see. Studying the history of world civilization, one has to observe how wars, chauvinism, the "Aryan theory", serfdom, and Jewish pogroms were justified by Christian doctrine.

This is not to mention the executions "without the shedding of blood" - that is, the burning of heretics. And how much blood was shed during the crusades and religious wars? So, maybe because of this, to ban the teachings of our Creator? Just like today, some wimps propose to ban the communist ideology.

If we look at the mortality graph of the population of the USSR, with all the desire, it is impossible to find traces of "cruel" repressions, and not because they did not exist, but because their scale is exaggerated.

What is the purpose of this exaggeration and inflation? The goal is to instill in the Russians a guilt complex similar to the guilt complex of the Germans after the defeat in World War II. The "pay and repent" complex.

But the great ancient Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius, who lived 500 years before our era, even then said: “Beware of those who want to impute guilt to you. For they want power over you."

Do we need it? Judge for yourself. When the first time Khrushchev stunned all the so-called. truth about Stalin's repressions, then the authority of the USSR in the world immediately collapsed to the delight of the enemies. There was a split in the world communist movement. We have quarreled with great China, and tens of millions of people in the world have left the communist parties.

Eurocommunism appeared, denying not only Stalinism, but also, what is scary, the Stalinist economy. The myth of the 20th Congress created distorted ideas about Stalin and his time, deceived and psychologically disarmed millions of people when the question of the fate of the country was being decided.

When Gorbachev did this for the second time, not only the socialist bloc collapsed, but our Motherland - the USSR collapsed.

Now the team of Putin V.V. he is doing this for the third time: again he speaks only of repressions and other "crimes" of the Stalinist regime. What this leads to is clearly seen in the Zyuganov-Makarov dialogue. They are told about development, new industrialization, and they immediately begin to switch arrows to repression. That is, they immediately break off a constructive dialogue, turning it into a squabble, a civil war of meanings and ideas.

Conclusion N2. Why do they need it? To prevent the restoration of a strong and great Russia. It is more convenient for them to rule a weak and fragmented country, where people will pull each other's hair at the mention of the name of Stalin or Lenin. So it is more convenient for them to rob and deceive us. The policy of "divide and conquer" is as old as the world. Moreover, they can always dump from Russia to where their stolen capital is stored, children, wives and mistresses live.

Conclusion N3. And why do the patriots of Russia need it? It’s just that we and our children don’t have another country. Think about this first before you start cursing our history for repressions and other things. After all, we have nowhere to fall and retreat. As our victorious ancestors said in similar cases: there is no land for us behind Moscow and beyond the Volga!

Only, after the return of socialism to Russia, one must be vigilant and remember Stalin's warning that as the socialist state is built, the class struggle intensifies, that is, there is a threat of degeneration. And so it happened, and certain segments of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the KGB were among the first to be reborn.

The Stalinist party inquisition did not work properly.

Based on materials from books and articles by Elena Anatolyevna Prudnikova, Yuri Ignatievich Mukhin and other authors.

Copy of someone else's materials

“But Comrade Stalin made a toast to the Russian people!” - Stalinists usually answer any reproaches addressed to the Soviet leader. A good life hack for all future dictators: kill millions, rob, do whatever you want, the main thing is to say the right toast once.

The other day, the Stalinists in LiveJournal drove away the wave about the release of another book by Zemskov, a researcher of repressions in the USSR. This book was presented by them as a super-real truth about the mega lies of liberals and scoundrels about Stalin's repressions.

Zemskov was one of the first researchers to come to grips with the issue of repression, and has been publishing materials on this topic since the early 1990s, i.e. already 25 years. Moreover, the Stalinists usually claim that he was the first researcher to get into the KGB archives. It is not true. The archives of the KGB are still closed for the most part, and Zemskov worked in the Central State Archive of the October Revolution, now the State Archive of the Russian Federation. The records of the OGPU-NKVD are kept there from the 1930s to the 1950s.

In the book itself, no new shocking facts and figures are given, he has been writing about all this for many years - it is not clear why the Stalinists suddenly got so excited and even perceived Zemskov’s work almost as their victory. Well, let's analyze the most popular Stalinist post in LiveJournal, including Zemskov's figures (in all cases of quoting this post, the spelling and punctuation of the original are preserved. - ed.).

no, that's a lie.

About 3.5 million were dispossessed, and about 2.1 million were deported (Kazakhstan, North).

in total, about 2.3 million passed during the period of 30-40, including the “declassed urban element” such as prostitutes and beggars.

(I noticed how many schools and libraries were in the settlements.)

many people successfully escaped from there, were released upon reaching 16 years of age, released due to admission to study at higher or secondary educational institutions.

The total number of dispossessed Zemskov was estimated at 4 million people. In his polemic with Maksudov, he explains that he took into account only the peasants who had been dispossessed. At the same time, he did not take into account those persons who indirectly suffered from the dispossession policy, that is, they themselves were not robbed by the state, but, for example, were unable to pay taxes and were subjected to fines. Approximately half of the dispossessed were sent to a special settlement, the other was simply confiscated property without being sent to the ends of the earth.

Together with the kulaks, the so-called. antisocial element: vagabonds, drunkards, suspicious individuals. All these people were sent to settle in the uninhabited regions. Special settlements were to be located no closer than 200 km from cities. The special settlers themselves were engaged in the arrangement and maintenance of the overseers, from whose salary a part of the funds for the maintenance of the settlements was deducted. The most popular places of deportation were Kazakhstan, Novosibirsk Region, Sverdlovsk Region and Molotovskaya (now Perm Territory). Since the peasants were often expelled during the cold season, transported in disgusting conditions without food, and often unloaded in a frozen bare field, the death rate among the dispossessed was enormous. Here is what Zemskov writes in his work “The Fate of the Kulak Exile. 1930-1954":

“The first years of the stay of special settlers in the “kulak exile” were extremely difficult. Thus, in a memorandum from the leadership of the Gulag dated July 3, 1933, to the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the RCT, it was noted: supply of dependents - from / settlers in the forest at the rate of issue per month: flour - 9 kg, cereals - 9 kg, fish - 1.5 kg, sugar - 0.9 kg. From January 1, 1933, by order of the Soyuznarkomsnab, the supply norms for dependents were reduced to the following sizes: flour - 5 kg, cereals - 0.5 kg, fish - 0.8 kg, sugar - 0.4 kg. As a result, the situation of special settlers in the timber industry, especially in the Ural region and the Northern Territory, has deteriorated sharply ... Everywhere in the household plots of Sevkrai and the Urals, there have been cases of eating various inedible surrogates, as well as eating cats, dogs and the corpses of fallen animals ... On the basis of hunger, sharply increased morbidity and mortality among migrants. In the Cherdynsky district, up to 50% of s/settlers fell ill from starvation... Because of the famine, a number of suicides took place, crime increased... Hungry s/settlers steal bread and livestock from the surrounding population, in particular, from collective farmers... Due to insufficient supply, labor productivity has sharply decreased, production rates have fallen in some household plots to 25%. Exhausted special settlers are not able to work out the norm, and in accordance with this they receive a smaller amount of food and become completely unable to work. Cases of death from starvation from / migrants at work and immediately after returning from work were noted ... "

The infant mortality rate was especially high. In the memorandum of G.G. Berries dated October 26, 1931 in the name of Ya.E. Rudzutak noted: “The morbidity and mortality from / immigrants is high ... Monthly mortality is 1.3% of the population per month in Northern Kazakhstan and 0.8% in the Narym Territory. Among the dead, there are especially many children of younger groups. So, at the age of up to 3 years, 8-12% of this group dies per month, and in Magnitogorsk - even more, up to 15% per month. It should be noted that, in the main, high mortality does not depend on epidemic diseases, but on housing and household disorder, and child mortality increases due to the lack of necessary nutrition.

The newcomers to the “kulak exile” had birth and death rates that were always significantly worse than those of the “old-timers”. For example, as of January 1, 1934, out of 1,072,546 special settlers, there were 955,893 who entered the "kulak exile" in 1929-1932. and 116,653 in 1933. In total, in 1933, 17,082 were born in the "kulak exile" and 151,601 people died, of which 16,539 were born and 129,800 died respectively, "new settlers" - 543 and 21 801. If among the "old-timers" during 1933 the death rate was 7.8 times higher than the birth rate, then among the "new settlers" it was 40 times higher.

As for the "massive number of schools", he gives the following figures:

“In September 1938, there were 1,106 primary, 370 incomplete secondary and 136 secondary schools, as well as 230 vocational education schools and 12 technical schools in the labor settlements. There were 8280 teachers here, 1104 of them were labor settlers. 217,454 children of labor settlers studied in educational institutions of labor settlements.

Now for the number of fugitives. Indeed, there were not so few of them, but a third was found. A large number of those who fled probably died, since the special settlements were located very far from the inhabited places.

“The desire of labor settlers to break free caused a mass exodus from the “kulak exile”, since it was incomparably easier to escape from a labor settlement than from a prison or camp. Only from 1932 to 1940, 629,042 people fled from the "kulak exile", and 235,120 people were returned from the run during the same period.

Later, special settlers were given small indulgences. So, their children could go to other places to study, if they “didn’t stain themselves with anything.” In the late 1930s, the children of kulaks were allowed not to register with the NKVD. Also in the 1930s, 31,515 "improperly deported" kulaks were released.

“Is it true that 40 million were convicted?

no, that's a lie.

from 1921 to 1954, 3,777,380 people were convicted of counter-revolutionary crimes, of which 642,980 people were sentenced to CMN.

During this entire period, the total number of prisoners (not only “political ones”) did not exceed 2.5 million, during this time about 1.8 million died, of which about 600 thousand were political. The lion's share of deaths occurred in 42-43 years.

Writers such as Solzhenitsyn, Suvorov, Lev Razgon, Antonov-Ovseenko, Roy Medvedev, Vyltsan, Shatunovskaya are liars and falsifiers.

You see, the Gulag or prisons were not "death camps" like the Nazis, every year 200-350 thousand people came out of them, the term of which ended.

The figure of 40 million comes from an article by historian Roy Medvedev in Moskovskiye Novosti in November 1988. However, there is a clear distortion here: Medvedev wrote about the total number of victims of Soviet policy over 30 years. Here he included the dispossessed, those who died of starvation, those convicted, deported, etc. Although, it must be admitted, the figure is significantly exaggerated. About 2 times.

However, Zemskov himself, for example, does not include the victims of the 1933 famine among the victims of repression.

“The number of victims of repression often includes those who died of starvation in 1933. Undoubtedly, the state, with its fiscal policy, then committed a monstrous crime against millions of peasants. However, their inclusion in the category of “victims of political repressions” is hardly justified. These are the victims of the economic policy of the state (an analogue is the millions of Russian babies who were not born as a result of the shock reforms of the radical democrats of Russia).

Here he, of course, wags very ugly. Hypothetical unborn, which simply cannot be counted, and people who actually lived, but died, are two big differences. If someone undertook to count the unborn in Soviet times, the numbers there would be sky-high, in comparison with which even 40 million would seem small.

Now let's take a look at the numbers of those executed and convicted for counter-revolution. The above figures of 3,777,380 people convicted and 642,980 people shot are taken from a certificate prepared for Khrushchev by the USSR Prosecutor General Rudenko, the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs Kruglov and the USSR Minister of Justice Gorshenin in 1954. At the same time, Zemskov himself in his work “Political Repressions in the USSR (1917-1990)” explains:

“At the end of 1953, another certificate was prepared by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In it, on the basis of statistical reporting of the 1st Special Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of those convicted for counter-revolutionary and other especially dangerous state crimes for the period from January 1, 1921 to July 1, 1953 was 4,060,306 people (January 5, 1954 in the name G. M. Malenkov and N. S. Khrushchev were sent letter No. 26/K signed by S. N. Kruglov with the content of this information).

This figure was made up of 3,777,380 convicted of counter-revolutionary crimes and 282,926 for other especially dangerous state crimes. The latter were convicted not under the 58th, but under other equivalent articles; first of all, according to paragraphs. 2 and 3 Art. 59 (especially dangerous banditry) and Art. 193 24 (military espionage). For example, part of the Basmachi was convicted not under the 58th, but under the 59th article.

In the same work, he refers to Popov's monograph “State Terror in Soviet Russia. 1923-1953: sources and their interpretation. In the total number of convicts, their figures completely coincide, but, according to Popov, a little more was shot - 799,455 people. There is also a summary table by year. Very interesting numbers. The sharp increase since 1930 is striking. Immediately 208,068 convicts. For example, in 1927 only 26,036 people were convicted. In terms of the number of those shot, the ratio also differs by 10 times in favor of 1930. Throughout the 1930s, the number of those convicted under Article 58 exceeded the number of those convicted in the 20s. For example, in the “softest” year of 1939, after large-scale purges, 63,889 people were convicted, while in the most “fruitful” year of 1929, 56,220 people. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in 1929 the mechanisms of mass terror were already in motion. For example, in the first year after the Civil War, only 35,829 people were convicted.

The year 1937 beats all records: 790,665 convicts and 353,074 executed, almost every second of those convicted. But in 1938 the proportions of those convicted and executed were even higher: 554,258 convicted and 328,618 sentenced to capital punishment. After that, the figures return to the beginning of the 30s, but with two bursts: in 1942 - 124,406 convicts and in the post-war years 1946 and 1947 - 123,248 and 123,294 convicts, respectively.

Litvin in the text "Russian historiography of the Great Terror" refers to two more documents:

“Another document that is often resorted to is the final certificate “On violations of the law during the period of the cult” (270 pages of typewritten text; signed by N. Shvernik, A. Shelepin, Z. Serdyuk, R. Rudenko, N. Mironov, V. Semichastny; compiled for the Presidium of the Central Committee in 1963).

The certificate contains the following data: in 1935-1936. 190,246 people were arrested, 2,347 of them were shot; in 1937-1938 1,372,392 people were arrested, 681,692 of them were shot (according to the decision of extrajudicial bodies - 631,897); in 1939-1940 121,033 people were arrested, 4,464 of them were shot; in 1941-1953 (i.e. over 12 years) 1,076,563 people were arrested, of which 59,653 were shot. In total, from 1935 to 1953, 2,760,234 people were arrested, of which 748,146 were shot.

The third document was compiled by the KGB of the USSR on June 16, 1988. The number of those arrested in 1930-1935 indicated in it. - 3,778,234, of which 786,098 people were shot.

In all three sources, the figures are approximately comparable, so it would be logical to focus on 700-800 thousand shot during the years of Soviet power. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the countdown is only from 1921, when the Red Terror began to decline, and the victims of the Bolsheviks in 1918-1920, when they actively used the institution of hostages and mass executions, are not taken into account at all. However, the number of victims is rather difficult to calculate for a number of reasons.

Now for the Gulag. Indeed, the maximum number of prisoners did not exceed 2.5 million people. At the same time, the highest number of prisoners was observed in the post-war years, from 1948 to 1953. This is due to both the abolition of the death penalty and the tightening of legislation (especially in the section on theft of socialist property), as well as an increase in the number of prisoners from annexed Western Ukraine and the Baltics.

“You mean the Gulag or prisons were not “death camps” like the Nazis, every year 200-350 thousand people came out of them, the term of which ended.”

Here Comrade Stalinist confuses something. The same Zemskov in his work “The Gulag (Historical and Sociological Aspect)” gives figures for all years from the moment the camp system appeared until 1953. And according to these figures, the reduction in the number of prisoners is not noticeable. Maybe every year 200-300 thousand were released, only they were brought in to replace even more. How else to explain the constant increase in the number of prisoners? For example, in 1935 there were 965,742 prisoners in the Gulag, and in 1938 - 1,881,570 people (do not forget about the record number of those who were shot). Indeed, 1942 and 1943 saw a record rise in prison deaths, with 352,560 and 267,826 deaths respectively. At the same time, the total number of the camp system in 1942 was 1,777,043 people, that is, a quarter of all prisoners died (!), Which is comparable to the German death camps. Maybe it was due to the difficult food conditions? But Zemskov himself writes:

“During the war, with a decrease in food standards, output standards simultaneously increased. A significant increase in the level of intensification of the work of prisoners is evidenced, in particular, by the fact that in 1941 in the Gulag the output per one man-day worked was 9 rubles. 50 kopecks, and in 1944 - 21 rubles.

Not "death camps"? Oh well. Somehow there are no noticeable differences from the German camps. There, too, they were forced to work more and more, and fed less and less. And what, by the way, with the 200-300 thousand released annually? Zemskov has an interesting passage on this subject:

“During the war in the Gulag, the previously existing practice of applying by the courts on conditional early release of prisoners on the basis of credits for the term of the served sentence of working days, on which the prisoners fulfilled or exceeded the established production standards, was canceled. The procedure for the full serving of the sentence was established. And only in relation to individual prisoners, excellent students of production, who gave high performance indicators for a long period of stay in places of deprivation of liberty, a special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR sometimes applied parole or a reduction in the sentence.

From the first day of the war, the release of those convicted of treason, espionage, terror, sabotage was stopped; Trotskyists and rightists; for banditry and other especially grave state crimes. The total number of detainees with release until December 1, 1944 was about 26 thousand people. In addition, about 60,000 people whose term of imprisonment had ended were forcibly left at camps for “free hire”.

Parole was canceled, some who served time were not released, and those who were released were forcibly left as civilian employees. Good idea, Uncle Joe!

“Is it true that the NKVD repressed our prisoners and repatriates?

no, that's a lie.

Of course, Stalin did not say: "We do not have retreated or captured, we have traitors."

The policy of the USSR did not put an equal sign between "traitor" and "captured". The traitors were considered "Vlasovites", policemen, "Krasnov's Cossacks" and other scum that the traitor Prosvirnin slandered. And even then, the Vlasovites did not receive not only VMN, but even prisons. They were sent into exile for 6 years.

Many traitors did not receive any punishment when it turned out that they had joined the ROA under torture by starvation.

Most of those who were forcibly taken to work in Europe, having successfully and quickly passed the check, returned home.

A myth is also a statement. that many repatriates did not want to return to the USSR. Another blatant lie about the total repression of repatriates. In reality, only a few percent were convicted and sent to serve time. I think it is obvious that among the repatriates there were former Vlasovites, punishers, policemen.

The question of the repatriation of Soviet citizens is indeed shrouded in a significant number of myths. Starting from "they were shot right at the border" and ending with "the humane Soviet government did not touch anyone and even treated everyone to delicious gingerbread." This is due to the fact that all data on the topic remained classified until the end of the 80s.

In 1944, the Office of the Authorized Council of People's Commissars (Council of Ministers) of the USSR for Repatriation Affairs was established. It was headed by Fedor Golikov. Before the war, he served as the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Red Army, but immediately after the outbreak of the war, he was removed from his post and sent as head of the military mission to Britain and the United States. A few months later he was recalled and appointed to command the army. The military leader from him turned out to be so-so, and in 1943 Golikov was recalled from the front and never returned.

Golikov's department was faced with the task of transporting approximately 4.5 million Soviet citizens from Europe to the USSR. Among them were both prisoners of war and those sent to work. There were also those who retreated with the Germans. At the talks in Yalta in February 1945, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed on the mandatory forced repatriation of all Soviet citizens. The desire of Soviet citizens to remain in the West was not taken into account.

Moreover, Western countries and the USSR lived in different civilizational dimensions. And if in the USA and Britain it was unconditionally recognized that a person can live in any country where he wants, then in the Stalinist USSR even an attempt to escape to another country was considered the gravest counter-revolutionary crime and was punished accordingly:

Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR as amended in 1938

58-1a. Treason to the Motherland, i.e. actions committed by citizens of the USSR to the detriment of the military power of the USSR, its state independence or the inviolability of its territory, such as: espionage, disclosure of military or state secrets, defection to the side of the enemy, flight or flight abroad are punishable by capital punishment- execution by firing squad with confiscation of all property, and under extenuating circumstances - imprisonment for a term of 10 years with confiscation of all property.

In those countries that were occupied by the Red Army, the issue was resolved simply. Indiscriminately, all Soviet citizens and White Guard emigrants were sent to the USSR. However most of Soviet citizens was by that time in the zone of the Anglo-American occupation. All Soviet citizens were divided into three categories: the smallest - soldiers of the ROA, Khivs and simply haters of the Soviet regime, either collaborating with the Germans, or simply hating collective farms and other Soviet dirty tricks. Naturally, they tried with all their might to avoid extradition. The second group is Western Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians who became Soviet citizens in 1939. They also did not want to return to the USSR and became the most privileged group, since the United States did not officially recognize the annexation of the Baltic states and practically none of this group was extradited. The third, most numerous, are ordinary Soviet citizens, either captured or Ostarbeiters. These people were born and raised in the Soviet system of coordinates, where the word "emigrant" was a terrible curse. The fact is that in the 1930s there was a wave of "defectors" - people in responsible Soviet positions who refused to return to the Stalinist USSR. Therefore, an attempt to escape abroad began to be considered the gravest counter-revolutionary crime, and defectors were defamed in the Soviet press. An emigrant is a traitor, a Trotskyist hireling, a Judas and a cannibal.

Ordinary Soviet citizens quite sincerely did not want to stay abroad, many of them realistically assessed their low chances of getting a good job without knowledge of languages ​​and education. In addition, there were fears for relatives, because they could suffer. However, this category agreed to return only if they were not threatened with any punishment.

For the first few months, the Americans, and especially the British, willingly betrayed everyone indiscriminately, with the exception of the Ukrainians and the Balts. Then the famous took place. But already from the end of 1945, with the beginning of a sharp deterioration in relations between the USSR and Western countries, extradition became predominantly voluntary. That is, only those who themselves wanted to repatriate. In parallel, the camps were checked by the British and Americans for the presence of people capable of useful intellectual work. They were looking for engineers, designers, scientists, doctors, offering them to move to the West. The Office of Repatriation was very unhappy with these proposals. A struggle has begun for the minds of the inhabitants of the camps for displaced persons. And the struggle with comic shades. Each side sought to supply the camps with their own propaganda media and to prevent the infiltration of enemy media. It got to the point of absurdity: in one camp, the Western press began to spread: “Soviet man, in the USSR Stalin will shoot you right on the border,” after which the mood in the camp changed in favor of staying. As soon as the Soviet press appeared in the same camp: “A Soviet citizen, an American political instructor is lying, in a Soviet country they don’t beat you, but they feed you well” - and the mood in the camp immediately changed in favor of returning.

In 1958, a book by Bryukhanov, who served as an officer in this Directorate, was published in the USSR. It is entitled "That's how it was: On the work of the mission for the repatriation of Soviet citizens (Memoirs of a Soviet officer)." Bryukhanov recalled:

“When we happened to be in the camps, we used every opportunity to distribute newspapers and magazines to people. I confess that we did this in defiance of the British ban, but deliberately violated the British instructions, because we knew that our compatriots were under the constant influence of anti-Soviet propaganda. We considered it our duty to counter the floods of intoxicating lies with the word of truth. The displaced, hungry for news from their homeland, snapped up newspapers with lightning speed and immediately hid them. The displaced looked forward to the distribution of newspapers with such impatience that the British authorities tried to put an end to it.

We asked the British command to give us the opportunity to address our compatriots by radio. As expected, the case dragged on. In the end, we were allowed to speak only in Russian. The British authorities explained this again by the fact that they do not recognize Ukraine as a separate republic, and do not consider the Baltic states to be part of the Soviet Union.

The work on repatriation was carried out on the basis of Golikov's order of January 18, 1945, which read:

“Prisoners of war and civilians liberated by the Red Army were subject to direction:

The soldiers of the Red Army (private and non-commissioned officers) who were in captivity - to the army SPP, after checking them in the established order - to the army and front-line spare parts;

- officers who were in captivity - in the special camps of the NKVD;

Those who served in the German army and special combatant German formations, Vlasovites, policemen and other suspicious persons - in the special camps of the NKVD;

The civilian population - to the front-line SPP and border PFP of the NKVD; of them, after verification, men of military age - to the spare parts of the fronts or military districts, the rest - to the place of permanent residence (with a ban on sending to Moscow, Leningrad and Kyiv);

- residents of border areas - in the PFP of the NKVD;

- orphans - to children's institutions of the People's Commissariat of Education and the People's Commissariat of Health of the Union Republics.

Some Soviet citizens managed to marry foreigners during their stay abroad. In their case, a simple instruction worked. If the family does not yet have children, then women should be forcibly returned to the Soviet Union without a spouse. If a couple has children, do not return a Soviet citizen, even if she and her husband themselves express a desire to come.

Zemskov in his work “Repatriation of Displaced Soviet Citizens” gives the following figures as of March 1, 1946:

“Repatriated - 4,199,488 people. Sent to the place of residence (with the exception of the three capitals) - 57.81%. Sent to the army - 19.08%. Sent to work battalions - 14.48%. Transferred to the disposal of the NKVD (i.e. subjected to repression) - 6.50%, or 272,867 people of the total.

Basically, these were officers who were taken prisoner, as well as military personnel of the ROA and other similar units, village elders, etc. The LiveJournal post states that they received 6 years of settlement, but this is a lie. They were received only by ordinary military personnel, and even then in those cases when they excused themselves by the fact that they entered the service under duress. In the event that there was even the slightest suspicion of deliberate treasonous activity, they were given from 10 to 25 years in the camps. The officers of these formations were automatically convicted under a counter-revolutionary article and also received from 10 to 25 years. In 1955, those who survived were amnestied. As for the prisoners, they were sent to labor battalions, and the captured officers were carefully checked and often sent either to a camp or to a special settlement if there were suspicions that they had surrendered voluntarily. There were also such cases as with major generals Kirillov and Ponedelin, who were captured in August 1941, were declared traitors in absentia, after the war they spent 5 years under investigation and were eventually shot. Together with them, Lieutenant General Kachalov was also declared a traitor in absentia. But it turned out that Kachalov died in battle and was not taken prisoner. His grave was found and his identity established, but Comrade Stalin could not be mistaken, therefore, until Stalin's death, Kachalov was considered a traitor and traitor and was not rehabilitated. These are the Soviet paradoxes.

Approximately every tenth Soviet citizen was able to avoid returning. In total, 451,561 people managed to get away from the Soviet comrades. Most of them were Western Ukrainians - 144,934 people, Latvians - 109,214 people, Lithuanians - 63,401 people and Estonians - 58,924 people. As already mentioned, the Allies provided them with patronage and did not consider them Soviet citizens, so none of them were handed over to the Soviet side if they themselves did not want to leave. All the OUN members who were in the Soviet camps got there from the territories occupied by the Soviet army. Russians are in the minority on this list. Only 31,704 people escaped extradition.

The main wave of repatriation ended by 1946, but until the 1950s, the Soviet authorities did not give up trying to return Soviet citizens. However, those who were forcibly repatriated remained suspicious in the USSR. Golikov wrote to Abakumov:

“At present, the repatriation of Soviet citizens from the British and American zones of occupation in Germany has completely distinctive features from the repatriation carried out earlier. Firstly, people enter our camps who, in most cases, had guilt before the Motherland; secondly, for a long time they were and are in the territory of British and American influence, they were subjected there and are subjected to intense influence of all kinds of anti-Soviet organizations and committees that have built their nests in the western zones of Germany and Austria. In addition, Soviet citizens who served in Anders' army are currently entering the camps from England. In 1947, 3269 people were admitted to the camps of Soviet citizens from the British and American zones. repatriates and 988 people who served in the army of Anders. There is no doubt that among these citizens, trained intelligence officers, terrorists, and agitators who have gone through the appropriate schools in the capitalist countries are arriving in the USSR.

In the same place, Zemskov testifies that the fate of the officers was worse. If the captured privates, as a rule, were released and sent back to the army, then the officers were interrogated with prejudice and looked for a reason to punish them:

“It should be noted that the “competent authorities”, while maintaining the principle of non-application of Article 193, at the same time stubbornly tried to put many repatriate officers behind bars under Article 58, charging them with espionage, anti-Soviet conspiracies, etc. The officers sent to the 6-year-old special settlement, as a rule, had nothing to do with General A.A. Vlasov, or anyone like him. Moreover, the punishment in the form of a special settlement was determined by him only because the state security and counterintelligence agencies could not find compromising material sufficient to imprison them in the Gulag. Unfortunately, we were unable to establish the total number of officers sent to the 6-year special settlement (according to our estimates, there were about 7-8 thousand of them, which was no more than 7% of the total number of officers identified among the repatriated prisoners of war). In 1946-1952. some of those officers who in 1945 were reinstated in the service or transferred to the reserve were also repressed. They did not leave alone the officers who were lucky enough to avoid repressions, and they were periodically summoned for “interviews” to the MGB bodies until 1953.

Moreover, from the content of the documents of the departments of L.P. Beria, F.I. Golikov and others, it follows that the top Soviet leaders, who decided the fate of the repatriate officers, were confident that they had treated them humanely. Apparently, by "humanism" they meant that they refrained from the Katyn method (execution of Polish officers in Katyn) of solving the problem of Soviet repatriate officers and, saving their lives, went along the path of isolating them in various forms (PFL, Gulag , "reserve divisions", special settlement, worker battalions); according to our estimates, at least half were even left free.”

However, in this case, the abolition of the death penalty and the refusal to persecute most of the repatriates were not based on suddenly acquired humanism, but on forced necessity. Due to huge losses, the USSR needed workers to restore the destroyed infrastructure. In addition, most of the conditional “Vlasovites” did not serve on the Eastern Front at all and could not commit any crimes with all their will.

Let's summarize some figures: 3.8 million convicted under the counter-revolutionary article, 0.7 million sentenced to death, 4 million subjected to dispossession. Approximately half of them were sent to a special settlement or to camps, the rest were simply deprived of their property with a ban on living in their settlement, but without exile to Siberia. About a million and a half more deported Kalmyks, Chechens, Balkars, Greeks, Latvians, etc. Thus, about 9.3 million inhabitants of the USSR suffered directly for political reasons. This does not take into account the victims of the Red Terror during the Civil War, since no one has established their exact number due to the peculiarities of the terror itself.

If we also add indirect damage, for example, the famine caused by the surplus appraisal of 1921-22 - about 5 million people, the famine of 1932 caused by collectivization - from 3 to 7 million victims for various researchers, add people who are forced to give up everything and flee from Bolsheviks in emigration, -1.5-3 million people after the Civil War (according to Polyan "Emigration: who and when left Russia in the 20th century") plus 0.5 million after World War II, then the figure is 19.3 - 24.8 million people, one way or another affected by the actions of the Bolsheviks.

This figure does not include people convicted under the extremely harsh criminal legislation of the Stalinist era (“the law on three spikelets”, criminal liability for being late for work or absenteeism), which were later considered excessive even by Stalinist standards and the punishment for those convicted was reduced ( for example, according to the same “three spikelets”). There are still hundreds of thousands of people.

In any case, the joy of the Stalinists is not entirely clear. If Zemskov proved that there were no victims at all, this could be understood, but he only corrected the figures for the victims of repression, and the Stalinists celebrate this correction as a victory. As if something had changed from the fact that under Stalin they shot not a million, but 700 thousand people. For comparison, under fascism in Italy - yes, yes, the very FASCISM that the Russian Federation is still fighting against - during the entire reign of Mussolini, 4.5 thousand people were convicted on political matters. Moreover, the repression there began after street fighting with the communists, and in 1926 alone, 5 (!) assassination attempts were made on Mussolini. With all this, the main punishment was not imprisonment, but exile. For example, the leader of the Italian communists, Bordiga, was sent into exile for three years, after which he lived quietly in Italy and was not persecuted. Gramsci was sentenced to 20 years, but later the term was reduced to 9 years, and he did not hammer permafrost with a crowbar in the Far North, but wrote books in prison. Gramsci wrote all his works while in prison. Palmiro Togliatti spent several years in exile, after which he calmly left for France, and from there to the USSR. The death penalty in Italy was used, but only for murder or political terror. In total, under Mussolini, 9 people were executed during his 20 years in power.

Just think about what a broken world we live in if the state is still fighting the corpse of fascism, who killed 9 people in 20 years, and at the same time openly glorifies the dictator, under whom more than 600 thousand citizens of the USSR were killed in just two years, not counting indirect victims of Stalin's policy!

This post is interesting as an indication, probably, of all irresponsible sources, the names of their authors, as well as numbers according to the principle: who is more?
In short: good material for memory and reflection!

Original taken from takoe_sky in

"The concept of dictatorship means nothing more than power unrestricted by any laws, absolutely not constrained by any rules, based directly on violence."
V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin). Sobr. Op. T. 41, p. 383

"As we move forward, the class struggle will intensify, and the Soviet government, whose strength will grow more and more, will pursue a policy of isolating these elements." I.V. Dzhugashvili (Stalin). Works, vol. 11, p. 171

Vladimir Putin: “Repressions crushed people without considering nationalities, beliefs, or religions. Entire estates in our country became their victims: Cossacks and priests, ordinary peasants, professors and officers, teachers and workers.
There can be no justification for these crimes.”

How many people in Russia / USSR were destroyed by the communists under Lenin-Stalin?


This is a subject of constant controversy, and this extremely important historical topic needs to be sorted out. For several months I studied all the possible and available materials on the network, at the end of the article there is an extensive list of them. The picture turned out to be more than sad.

There are a lot of words in the article, but now you can confidently poke any communist face into it (mild pardon for my French), broadcasting that "there were no mass repressions and deaths in the USSR."

For those who do not like long texts: according to dozens of studies, the Leninist-Stalinist communists destroyed at least 31 million people (direct irretrievable losses without emigration and the Second World War), a maximum of 168 million (including emigration and, most importantly, demographic losses from the unborn ). See the section "Statistics of total numbers". The most reliable figure seems to be direct losses of 34.31 million people - the arithmetic average of the sums of several of the most serious works on actual losses, which in general do not differ very much from each other. Not counting the unborn. See "Average figure" section.

For ease of reference, this article is divided into several sections.

"Pavlov's Help" - an analysis of the most important myth of the neo-Commies and Stalinists about "less than 1 million people were repressed."
"Average figure" - calculation of the number of victims by years and topics, with the ghost of the corresponding minimum and maximum figures from sources, from which the arithmetic average figure of losses is derived.
"Statistics of total numbers" - statistics on total numbers from the 20 most serious studies found.
"Used materials" - quotes and links in the article.
"Other important related materials" - interesting and useful links and information on the topic, not included in this article or not directly mentioned in it.

I would be grateful for any constructive criticism and additions.

Pavlov's help

The minimum figure of the dead, which all neo-communists and Stalinists adore, “only” 800 thousand people were shot (and no one else was killed according to their mantras) - is given in a 1953 certificate. It is called "Reference of the special department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the number of those arrested and convicted by the bodies of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD of the USSR in 1921-1953." and is dated December 11, 1953. The certificate is signed by acting. the head of the 1st special department, Colonel Pavlov (the 1st special department was the accounting and archival department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), which is why its name “Pavlov’s certificate” is found in modern materials.

This reference in itself is false and absurd a little more than completely,, and because. it is the main and main argument of the neocomms - it must be analyzed in detail. True, there is a second document, no less beloved by the neo-Communists and the Stalinists, a memorandum to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Comrade Khrushchev N.S. dated February 1, 1954, signed by the Prosecutor General R. Rudenko, the Minister of Internal Affairs S. Kruglov and the Minister of Justice K. Gorshenin. But the data in it practically coincides with the Help and, unlike the Help, does not contain any details, so it makes sense to analyze the Help.

So, according to this Certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR for the years 1921-1953, a total of 799.455 were shot. Excluding the years 1937 and 1938, 117,763 people were shot. 42.139 shot in the years 1941-1945. Those. during the years 1921-1953 (excluding the years 1937-1938 and the years of the war), during the struggle against the White Guards, against the Cossacks, against priests, against kulaks, against peasant uprisings, ... a total of 75,624 people were shot (according to "quite reliable" data). Only in the 37s under Stalin did they slightly increase activity in purges of "enemies of the people". And so, according to this information, even in the bloody times of Trotsky and the cruel "Red Terror", it turns out, it was quiet.

I will give for consideration an excerpt from this certificate for the period 1921-1931.

Let us first pay attention to the data on those convicted for anti-Soviet (counter-revolutionary) propaganda. In 1921-1922, at the height of the fiercest struggle against counter-terrorism and the officially declared "Red Terror", when people were seized only for belonging to the bourgeoisie (bespectacled man and white hands), no one was arrested for counter-revolutionary, anti-Soviet propaganda (according to the Help). Openly agitate against the Soviets, speak at rallies against the surplus appraisal and other actions of the Bolsheviks, curse the blasphemous new government from church ambos, and nothing will happen to you. Direct freedom of speech! In 1923, however, 5,322 people were arrested for propaganda, but then again (until 1929) complete freedom of speech for anti-Sovietists, and only starting from 1929 did the Bolsheviks finally begin to “tighten the screws” and persecute counter-revolutionary propaganda. And such freedom and patient perception of anti-Soviet people (according to an honest document, for many years NOT A SINGLE one imprisoned for anti-government propaganda) occurs during the officially declared "Red Terror", when the Bolsheviks closed down all opposition newspapers and parties, imprisoned and shot clergymen for what they said is not what is needed ... As an example of the complete falsity of these data, one can cite a surname index of those shot in the Kuban (75 pages, of those surnames that I read - all were acquitted after Stalin).

For 1930, on the item convicted for anti-Soviet agitation, it is generally modestly noted that "There is no information." Those. The system worked, people were condemned, shot, but no information was received!
This certificate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the “No information” in it directly openly confirms and is documentary evidence that many information about the punishments carried out were not registered and generally disappeared.

Now I want to analyze the point of the fascinating Help on the number of executions (VMN - Capital Punishment). In the Certificate for 1921, 9,701 were shot. In 1922, only 1,962 people, and in 1923, in general, only 414 people (12,077 people were shot in 3 years).

Let me remind you that this is still the time of the "Red Terror" and the ongoing civil war (which ended only in 1923), a terrible famine that claimed several million lives and was organized by the Bolsheviks, who took almost all the bread from the "class alien" breadwinners - the peasants, and also the time of peasant uprisings caused by this surplus and famine, and the most severe suppression of those who dared to be indignant.
At a time when, according to the official Information, the number of executions was already small in 1921, in 1922 it was still greatly reduced, and in 1923 it almost stopped altogether, in reality, due to the most severe requisitioning, a terrible famine reigned in the country, dissatisfaction with the Bolsheviks intensified and the opposition became more active, everywhere peasant uprisings broke out. The unrest of the dissatisfied, opposition and uprisings, the Bolshevik leadership demands to be suppressed in the most severe way.

Church sources give data on those killed as a result of the implementation of the wisest "general plan" in 1922: 2,691 priests, 1,962 monks, 3,447 nuns were (Russian Orthodox Church and Communist State, 1917-1941, M., 1996, p. 69). In 1922, 8,100 clergymen were killed (and the most honest Information claims that in total, including criminals, 1,962 people were shot in 1922).

The suppression of the Tambov uprising of 1921-22. If we recall how this was reflected in the surviving documents of that time, then Uborevich reported to Tukhachevsky: "1000 people were taken prisoner, 1000 were shot", then "500 people were taken prisoner, all 500 were shot." And how many of these documents were destroyed? And how many such executions were not reflected in the documents at all?

Note (curious comparison):
According to official figures, 24,422 people were sentenced to death in the peaceful USSR from 1962 to 1989. An average of 2,754 people over 2 years in a very calm, peaceful time of golden stagnation. In 1962, 2,159 people were sentenced to death. Those. in the benevolent times of the "golden stagnation" they were shot, it turns out more than during the cruelest "red terror". According to the Information for 2 years 1922-1923, only 2,376 were shot (almost as many as in 1962 alone).

In the Certificate from the 1st Special Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on repressions, only those convicts who were officially registered as "contra" are included. Bandits, criminals, violators of labor discipline and public order, of course, were not included in the statistics of this Certificate.
For example, in the USSR in 1924, 1,915,900 people were officially convicted (see: Results of the Decade of Soviet Power in Figures. 1917-1927. M, 1928. S. 112-113), and according to the Information through the special departments of the Cheka-OGPU this year only 12,425 people were convicted (and only they can officially be considered as repressed; the rest are just criminals).
Do I need to remind you that in the USSR they tried to declare that we do not have political people, there are only criminals. Trotskyists were sued as wreckers and saboteurs. The rebellious peasants were suppressed as bandits (even the Commission under the RVSR, which led the suppression of peasant uprisings, was officially called the “Commission for Combating Banditry”), etc.

I will give two more facts to the wonderful statistics of the Help.

According to the well-known archives of the NKVD, which are cited by those who refute the scale of the Gulags, the number of prisoners in prisons, camps and colonies at the beginning of 1937 was 1.196 million people.
However, in the census conducted on January 6, 1937, 156 million people were received (without the population rewritten by the NKVD and the NPO (that is, without the special contingent of the NKVD and the army), and without passengers on trains and ships). The total population according to the census was 162,003,225 people (including contingents of the Red Army, NKVD and passengers).

Considering the size of the army at that time 2 million (specialists give the figure 1.645.983 on 1.01.37) and assuming that there were about 1 million passengers, we get approximately that the NKVD special contingent (prisoners) by the beginning of 1937 was about 3 million. Close to our calculated specific number of 2.75 million prisoners was indicated in the certificate of the NKVD provided by the TsUNKhU for the 1937 census. Those. according to another OFFICIAL certificate (and also, of course, true), the actual number of prisoners was 2.3 times higher than the generally accepted one.

And one more, last example from official, truthful information about the number of prisoners.
In a report on the use of prisoner labor in 1939, it is reported that there were 94,773 of them in the UZHDS system at the beginning of the year, and 69,569 at the end of the year. (In principle, everything is fine, it is these data that the researchers simply reprint and make up the total amount of prisoners from them. But the trouble is, another interesting figure is given in the same report) The prisoners worked, as stated in the same report, 135,148,918 people days. Such a combination is impossible, since if 94 thousand people worked every day without days off during the year, then the number of days worked by them would be only 34.310 thousand (94 thousand for 365). If we agree with Solzhenitsyn, who claims that the prisoners were supposed to have three days off per month, then 135,148,918 man-days could be provided by approximately 411 thousand workers (135,148,918 for 329 working days). Those. and here the OFFICIAL distortion of reporting is about 5 times.

Summing up, it can be emphasized once again that the Bolsheviks / Communists far from recorded all their crimes, and what was nevertheless recorded was then repeatedly subjected to purges: Beria destroyed compromising evidence on himself, Khrushchev cleared the archives in his favor, Trotsky, Stalin, Kaganovich also did not they were very fond of keeping “ugly” materials for themselves; similarly, the leaders of the republics, regional committees, city committees, and departments of the NKVD cleaned out the local archives for themselves. ,

And yet, knowing full well about the then-existing practice of executions without trial or investigation, about the numerous purges of archives, the neo-Commies sum up the remnants of the lists found and give the final figure of less than 1 million executed from 1921 to 1953, this includes criminals sentenced to capital punishment. The falsity and cynicism of these statements "beyond good and evil" ...

Average figure

Now about the real numbers of communist victims. These numbers of people killed by the communists are made up of several main points. The numbers themselves are listed as the minimum and maximum I have encountered in various studies, with an indication of the study / author. The numbers in the items marked with an asterisk are for reference only and are not included in the final calculation.

1. "Red Terror" from October 1917 - 1.7 million people (Commission Denikin, Melgunov), - 2 million.

2. Epidemics of 1918-1922 - 6-7 million,

3. Civil war of 1917-1923, losses on both sides, soldiers and officers killed and died of wounds - 2.5 million (Polyakov) - 7.5 million (Aleksandrov)
(For reference: even the minimum figures are more than the death toll for the entire First World War - 1.7 million.)

4. The first artificial famine of 1921-1922, 1 million (Polyakov) - 4.5 million (Aleksandrov) - 5 million (with 5 million indicated in the TSB)
5. Suppression of peasant uprisings of 1921-1923 - 0.6 million (own calculations)

6. Victims of forced Stalinist collectivization of 1930-1932 (including victims of extrajudicial repressions, peasants who died of starvation in 1932 and special settlers in 1930-1940) - 2 million.

7. The second artificial famine of 1932-1933 - 6.5 million (Aleksandrov), 7.5 million, 8.1 million (Andreev)

8. Victims of political terror in the 1930s - 1.8 million

9. Those who died in places of detention in the 1930s - 1.8 million (Aleksandrov) - more than 2 million

ten*. "Lost" as a result of Stalin's corrections of the population censuses of 1937 and 1939 - 8 million - 10 million.
According to the results of the first census, 5 TsUNKhU leaders were shot in a row, as a result, the statistics were "improved" - "increased" the population by several million. These figures are probably distributed in paragraphs. 6, 7, 8 and 9.

11. Finnish War 1939-1940 - 0.13 million

12*. Irretrievable losses in the war of 1941-1945 - 38 million, 39 million according to Rosstat, 44 million according to Kurganov.
The criminal mistakes and orders of Dzhugashvili (Stalin) and his henchmen led to colossal and unjustified casualties among the personnel of the Red Army and the civilian population of the country. At the same time, there were no massacres of the civilian non-belligerent population by the Nazis (except for Jews). Moreover, it is only known about the targeted destruction of communists, commissars, Jews and partisan saboteurs by the Nazis. The civilian population was not subjected to genocide. But of course, it is impossible to isolate from these losses the part in which the communists are directly to blame, so this is not taken into account. Nevertheless, the death rate of prisoners in Soviet camps over the years is known, according to various sources, this is about 600,000 people. This is entirely on the conscience of the communists.

13. Repressions 1945-1953 - 2.85 million (together with paragraphs 13 and 14)

14. Famine of 1946-47 - 1 million

15. In addition to deaths, the country's demographic losses also include irretrievable emigration as a result of the actions of the communists. In the period after the coup of 1917 and the beginning of the 1920s, it accounted for 1.9 million (Volkov) - 2.9 million (Ramsha) - 3 million (Mikhailovsky). As a result of the war of 41-45, 0.6 million - 2 million people did not want to return to the USSR.
The arithmetic average of losses is 34.31 million people.

Used materials.

Calculation of the number of victims of the Bolsheviks according to the official methodology of the USSR State Statistics Committee

The well-known incident of the summary statistics of the repressed in cases of the State Security Service ("Pavlov's certificate") in terms of the number of executions in 1933 (although this is actually defective statistics from the summary certificates of the State Security Service, deposited in the 8th of the Central Administration of the FSB), disclosed by Alexei Teplyakov http://corporatelie.livejournal .com/53743.html
It resulted in an underestimation of the number of those shot by at least 6 times. And perhaps more.

Repressions in the Kuban, a surname index of the executed (75 pages) (of those that I read, everyone was rehabilitated after Stalin).

Stalinist Igor Pykhalov. "What are the scales of the 'Stalinist repressions'?"

Census of the USSR (1937) %D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%A1%D0%A1%D0%A1%D0 %A0_%281937%29
Red Army before the war: organization and personnel

Archival materials on the number of prisoners in the late 30s. Central State Archive of the National Economy (TSGANKh) of the USSR, Fund of the People's Commissariat - Ministry of Finance of the USSR

Article by Oleg Khlevnyuk on massive distortions of the statistics of the Turkmen NKVD in 1937-1938. Hlevnjuk O. Les mecanismes de la "Grande Terreur" des annees 1937-1938 au Turkmenistan // Cahiers du Monde russe. 1998. 39/1-2.

A special investigative commission to investigate the atrocities of the Bolsheviks, the Commander-in-Chief of the All-Union Socialist Republic, General Denikin, cites the numbers of victims of the Red Terror only for 1918-19. - 1.766.118 Russians, of which 28 bishops, 1.215 clergymen, 6.775 professors and teachers, 8.800 doctors, 54.650 officers, 260.000 soldiers, 10.500 policemen, 48.650 police agents, 12.950 landowners, 355.250 representatives of the intelligentsia, 193.015.350 peasants %B4%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8 %D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0 %B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8E_%D0%B7%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%8F %D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0 %BE%D0%B2#cite_note-Meingardt-6

Suppression of peasant uprisings 1921-1923

The number of victims during the suppression of the Tambov uprising. A large number of Tambov villages and villages were wiped off the face of the earth as a result of sweeps (as punishment for supporting the "bandits"). As a result of the actions of the occupying and punitive army and the Cheka in the Tambov region, according to Soviet data, at least 110 thousand people were killed. Many analysts call the figure of 240 thousand people. How many “Antonovites” were destroyed later from organized famine
The Tambov security officer Goldin said: “For the execution, we do not need any evidence and interrogations, as well as suspicions and, of course, useless, stupid office work. We find it necessary to shoot and shoot.”

At the same time, almost all of Russia was engulfed in peasant uprisings. In Western Siberia and the Urals, the Don and Kuban, the Volga region and the central provinces, the peasants came out against the Soviet power, who had fought yesterday against the whites and interventionists. The scale of the performances was enormous.
book Materials for the study of the history of the USSR (1921 - 1941), Moscow, 1989 (compiled by Dolutsky I.I.)
The largest of them was the West Siberian uprising of 1921-22. D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D1%82%D0% B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%281921%E2%80%941922%29
And all of them were suppressed by this government with approximately the same extreme measure of cruelty, briefly described on the example of the Tambov province. I will give only one extract from the protocols on the methods of suppressing the West Siberian uprising:

Fundamental research of the largest historian of the revolution and the Civil War S.P. Melgunov “Red Terror in Russia. 1918-1923" is a documentary evidence of the atrocities of the Bolsheviks, committed under the slogan of the fight against class enemies in the first years after the October Revolution. It is based on testimonies collected by the historian from various sources (the author was a contemporary of those events), but primarily from the printed organs of the Cheka itself (VChK Weekly, Red Terror magazine), even before his expulsion from the USSR. Published according to the 2nd, supplemented edition (Berlin, Vataga publishing house, 1924). You can buy on Ozone.
The human losses of the USSR in the Second World War - 38 million. A book by a team of authors with an eloquent title - "Washed with blood"? Lies and truth about losses in the Great Patriotic War". Authors: Igor Pykhalov, Lev Lopukhovsky, Viktor Zemskov, Igor Ivlev, Boris Kavalerchik. Publishing house "Yauza" - "Eksmo, 2012. Volume - 512 pages, of which by authors: And Pykhalov - 19 pp., L. Lopukhovsky in collaboration with B. Kavalerchik - 215 pp., V. Zemskov - 17 pp., I. Ivlev - 249 pp. Circulation 2000 copies.

The anniversary collection of Rosstat, dedicated to the Second World War, indicates the figure of the country's demographic losses in the war at 39.3 million people.

Genby. "The Demographic Cost of Communist Rule in Russia"

The terrible famine of 1933 in figures and facts

Underestimated by 6 times the statistics of executions in 1933, detailed analysis

Calculation of the number of victims of the communists, Kirill Mikhailovich Alexandrov - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher (major in History of Russia) of the Encyclopedic Department of the Institute of Philological Research, St. Petersburg State University. Author of three books on the history of anti-Stalinist resistance during World War II and more than 250 publications on national history of the 19th-20th centuries.

Repressed census of 1937.

Demographic losses from repressions, A. Vishnevsky

Censuses 1937 and 1939 Demographic losses by the balance method.

Red terror - documents.

On May 14, 1921, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) supported the expansion of the rights of the Cheka in relation to the application of capital punishment (CMN).

On June 4, 1921, the Politburo decided "to give the Cheka a directive to intensify the struggle against the Mensheviks in view of the intensification of their counter-revolutionary activities."

Between January 26 and 31, 1922. V.I. Lenin - I.S. Unshlikht: “The publicity of revolutionary tribunals is not always; to strengthen their composition with “your” [i.e. VChK - G.Kh.] people, to strengthen their connection (any) with the Cheka; to increase the speed and force of their repressions, to increase the attention of the Central Committee to this. The slightest increase in banditry, etc. should entail martial law and executions on the spot. The Council of People's Commissars will be able to quickly carry it out if you do not miss it, and it is possible by telephone ”(Lenin, PSS, vol. 54, p. 144).

In March 1922, in a speech at the 11th Congress of the RCP(b), Lenin declared: "Our revolutionary courts must be shot for public proof of Menshevism, otherwise these are not our courts."

May 15, 1922. "vol. Kursk! In my opinion, it is necessary to expand the application of shooting ... to all types of activities of the Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, etc. ... ”(Lenin, PSS, vol. 45, p. 189). (According to the figures from the Reference, it follows that the use of executions, on the contrary, was rapidly reduced in these years)

Telegram dated August 11, 1922, signed by Deputy Chairman of the State Political Administration of the Republic I. S. Unshlikht and Head of the Secret Department of the GPU. T. P. Samsonov, ordered the gubernatorial departments of the GPU: "immediately liquidate all active Socialist-Revolutionaries in your area."

March 19, 1922 Lenin, in a letter addressed to members of the Politburo, explains the need right now, using a terrible famine, to launch an active campaign to expropriate church property and inflict a "mortal blow on the enemy" - the clergy and the bourgeoisie: The greater the number of representatives of the reactionary clergy and the reactionary bourgeoisie will succeed we shoot on this occasion, so much the better: it is necessary right now to teach this public a lesson so that for several decades they will not even dare to think about any resistance<...>» RTSKHIDNI, 2/1/22947/1-4.

Pandemic "Spanish flu" 1918-1920. in the context of other influenza pandemics and "bird flu", M.V. Supotnitsky, Ph.D. Sciences

S.I. Zlotogorov, "Typhus"

Statistics on the total numbers from the studies found:

I. The most minimal direct victims of the Bolsheviks according to the official methodology of the USSR State Statistics Committee, without emigration - 31 million 31
If it is impossible to establish the number of victims of military "communism" through the Bolshevik archives, then is it possible to establish here, apart from speculation, anything corresponding to reality? It turns out that it is possible. Moreover, quite simply - through the bed and the laws of ordinary physiology, which no one has yet canceled. Men sleep with women regardless of who has snuck into the Kremlin.
Note that it is in this way (and not by compiling lists of the dead) that all serious scientists (and the State Commission of the USSR State Statistics Committee, in particular) calculate the loss of life during the Second World War.
Total losses of 26.6 million people - the calculation was made by the Department of Demographic Statistics of the USSR State Statistics Committee in the course of work as part of a comprehensive commission to clarify the number of human losses of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. - Mobupravlenie GOMU of the General Staff of the AFRF, d.142, 1991, inv. No. 04504, sheet 250. (Russia and the USSR in the wars of the twentieth century: Statistical research. M., 2001. p. 229.)
31 million people seems to be the lowest point in the regime's death toll.
II. In 1990, statistician O.A. Platonov: “According to our calculations, the total number of people who did not die of their own death from mass repression, famine, epidemics, wars amounted to more than 87 million people in 1918-1953. And in total, if we add up the number of people who died not of their own death, who left their homeland, as well as the number of children that could be born to these people, then the total human damage to the country will be 156 million people.

III. Outstanding philosopher and historian Ivan Ilyin, "The size of the Russian population".
"All this is only for the years of the Second World War. Adding this new shortfall to the previous one of 36 million, we will get a monstrous sum of 72 million lives. This is the price of the revolution."

IV. Calculation of the number of victims of the communists, Kirill Mikhailovich Alexandrov - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher (major in History of Russia) of the Encyclopedic Department of the Institute of Philological Research, St. Petersburg State University. Author of three books on the history of anti-Stalinist resistance during World War II and more than 250 publications on national history of the 19th-20th centuries.
"Civil War 1917-1922 7.5 million.
The first artificial famine of 1921-1922 over 4.5 million people.
Victims of the Stalinist collectivization of 1930-1932 (including victims of extrajudicial repressions, peasants who starved to death in 1932 and special settlers in 1930-1940) ≈ 2 million
Second artificial famine of 1933 - 6.5 million
Victims of political terror - 800 thousand people
1.8 million died in places of detention.
The victims of the Second World War ≈ 28 million people.
Total ≈ 51 million."

V. Data from the article by A. Ivanov "Demographic losses of Russia-USSR" -
"... All this makes it possible to judge the total losses of the country's population with the formation of the Soviet state, caused by its internal policy, its conduct of civil and world wars during 1917-1959. We have identified three periods:
1. The establishment of Soviet power - 1917-1929, the number of casualties - over 30 million people.
2. The costs of building socialism (collectivization, industrialization, liquidation of the kulaks, the remnants of the "former classes") - 1930-1939. - 22 million people.
3. World War II and post-war difficulties - 1941-1950 - 51 million people; Total - 103 million people.
As you can see, this approach, using the latest demographic indicators, leads to the same assessment of the amount of human casualties suffered by the peoples of our country during the years of the existence of Soviet power and the communist dictatorship, which was reached by different researchers who used different methods and different demographic statistics. This once again indicates that 100-110 million human victims of building socialism is the real "price" of this "building."
VI. The opinion of the liberal historian R. Medvedev: ““Thus, the total number of victims of Stalinism reaches, according to my calculations, figures of about 40 million people” (R. Medvedev “Tragic Statistics // Arguments and Facts. 1989, February 4-10. No. 5 (434), p. 6.)

VII. Opinion of the commission for the rehabilitation of victims of political repressions (headed by A. Yakovlev): "According to the most conservative estimates of the specialists of the commission for rehabilitation, our country lost about 100 million people during the years of Stalin's rule. This number includes not only the repressed themselves, but also those doomed to the death of their family members and even children who could have been born, but never were born. (Mikhailova N. Underpants of counter-revolution // Prime Minister Vologda, 2002, July 24-30. No. 28 (254). P. 10.)

VIII. Fundamental demographic research of the team led by Doctor of Economic Sciences Professor Ivan Koshkin (Kurganov) “Three figures. About human losses for the period from 1917 to 1959.
"Nevertheless, the widespread belief in the USSR that all or most of the human losses in the USSR are associated with military events is wrong. The losses associated with military events are grandiose, but they far from cover all the losses of the people during the Soviet period. They, contrary to popular belief in the USSR, they account for only a part of these losses.Here are the corresponding figures (in million people):
The total number of casualties in the USSR during the dictatorship of the Communist Party from 1917 to 1959 110.7 million - 100%.
Losses in wartime 44.0 million - 40%.
Losses in non-military revolutionary times 66.7 million - 60%.

P.S. It was this work that Solzhenitsyn mentioned in a famous interview with Spanish television, which is why it causes especially fierce hatred of the Stalinists and neo-Commi.

IX. The opinion of the historian and publicist B. Pushkarev is about 100 million.

X. The book edited by the leading Russian demographer Vishnevsky "Demographic Modernization of Russia, 1900-2000". The demographic loss from the communists is 140 million (mainly due to unborn generations).

XI. O. Platonov, the book "Memoirs of the national economy", losses in total 156 million people.
XII. Russian emigrant historian Arseny Gulevich, book "Tsarism and Revolution", the direct losses of the revolution amounted to 49 million people.
If we add to them the losses due to the birth deficit, then with the victims of the two world wars, we get the same 100-110 million people destroyed by communism.

XIII. According to the documentary series "History of Russia of the XX century", the total number of direct demographic losses suffered by the peoples of the former Russian Empire from the actions of the Bolsheviks from 1917 to 1960. is about 60 million people.

XIV. According to the documentary "Nicholas II. A thwarted triumph", the total number of victims of the Bolshevik dictatorship is about 40 million people.

XV. According to the forecasts of the French scientist E. Teri, the population of Russia in 1948, without unnatural deaths and taking into account normal population growth, should have been 343.9 million people. At that time, 170.5 million people lived in the USSR, i.e. demographic losses (including unborn) for 1917-1948. - 173.4 million people

XVI. Genby. the demographic cost of communist rule in Russia is 200 million

XVII. Summary tables of victims of Lenin-Stalin repressions