Designations of lines on the hand. Palm reading - palmistry for beginners

Studying palmistry, Aristotle believed that all lines have a Divine explanation; they decipher the individual qualities of a person and predict fate. Fate and will exist in people's lives.

Fate predicts the main path, but the will of a person can change it and prevent disastrous moments. A clue can be found on the lines on the hand, in their combination with each other. These are not predictions - they are understanding and possible foresight that can be changed in specific situations.

Palmists claim that the indicators of the left hand correspond to the moment of birth, and the right - what a person creates himself, as a result of his actions and lifestyle. Elementarily, just by shaking hands, you can get basic information about its owner.

Main lines and their meaning on the right and left

human palms

Name: General characteristics:
Heart lineState of mind, emotionality, sensitivity, intuition, emotions.
Life lineQuality of life, energy, health and illness, vulnerability, performance.
Head or Mind LineThinking, perception of the surrounding world, ambition, memory, concentration.
Line of fate and happinessSuccess, happiness, lifestyle, individual values, ups and downs.
Line of Health or MercuryCondition of organs, physical vitality, occurrence of diseases.

The heart line is the main line and characterizes a person’s emotionality, feelings and intuition.. It originates under the little finger from the very edge of the palm and extends to the middle and index fingers.

For compromising and friendly people, the heart line ends between the fingers of Jupiter (index) and Saturn (middle).

A clearly expressed wide line speaks of deep feelings and a passionate nature. And vice versa, thin and shallow - about isolation and closedness from strangers. A long heart line indicates an open person and easy interaction with society, and short - on its secrecy and unsociability.

For compromising and friendly people, the heart line ends between the fingers of Jupiter (index) and Saturn (middle). The end of the line under the middle finger characterizes a selfish and proud person. If she finishes closer to the index finger, this speaks of a nature that is demanding of itself, of a desire for ideality in everything.

The life line indicates a person’s physical health and illness. It shows life expectancy, but only in combination with the fate line.

Starts between the thumb and index finger, making a semicircle and descends to the wrist. The greater the bend, the stronger the character and will of its owner. And vice versa, people who have a direct life line are cautious and prudent, unsure, especially in a new team.

A sign of a serious but not fatal illness is its interruption and continuation after the break. Just a broken line is a sign of sudden death. A gradual decrease until complete disappearance indicates a long, debilitating illness.

Lines in the palm: the meaning of the life line on the right and left hand is almost the same.

The line of the head or mind on the right and left hand (palm) has the meaning of courage and will, shows how a person thinks, thinks, perceives the world. The obvious dots on it indicate wounds received throughout life.

With a large distance between the lines of the head and life, one can claim that its owner has achieved great success in his endeavors. When they converge, we can talk about failures in life. Blind happiness is predicted by their connection by intermediate lines.

A short line of mind indicates focused, narrow but practical thinking. Long - for extraordinary solutions, philosophical mind, logic. Medium - for balance, balance of thoughts. A wavy line indicates that its owner is distracted by trifles and is overly irritable.

The line of fate or happiness (Apollo) originates at the wrist and goes up to the middle finger (Saturn). It symbolizes success or failure throughout life. It should be noted that it is not always clearly visible and difficult to determine.

Her presence speaks of easy solution problems, about success, about the rare endowment of happiness and good luck.

A large distance between the lines of fate and life indicates freedom of choice and disobedience to the will of others. When relatives or other people have a great influence on a person, their very close location indicates.

Multiple branches and strokes indicate frequent replacement of work, about starting many different things. A clear line going straight up symbolizes achieving great success in work and career growth.

a large distance between the lines of the head and life on the right and left palms can mean the owner achieves great success in his endeavors.

Recognition and success await people who have such a line, at the end of which there is a star or triangle. For general family business and the support of loved ones is shown by a line starting at the base of the thumb and crossing the life line.

The health or Mercury line begins on the hill under the little finger and goes down to the wrist. Its weak expression or absence indicates good health until old age. But visible fragments of the line indicate weak points that may portend danger and require protection.

IN best case scenario it should not come into contact with the life line, otherwise it portends soreness and weakness. Color and pattern also convey information about a person. A red line in the shape of a chain indicates a person’s nervousness and excessive excitement.

Main characteristics of the fingers

Five fingers, the fifth of which is located separately. Four interconnected fingers mean endowed inclinations and impulses. And the thumb indicates the strength of resistance or humility to these addictions. Each of them corresponds to tubercles (or hills) located or adjacent to the fingers.

Accordingly, there are the mounts of Saturn, Jupiter, Apollo, Mercury and Venus. Palm readers and astrologers believe that other planets are too small or far from Earth, so they have virtually no influence.

The shape and length of the fingers characterize the quality and character of a person, and also has an influence on success and triumph in life, on aspirations and opportunities.

Finger name: Early title: Meaning:
BigVenusMind, activity, feelings and will, energy center
PointingJupiterPosition in society, associated with fate, sensuality and variability of character
AverageSaturnHuman destiny, responsibility
NamelessSun, ApolloSpirituality, intuition, role in art
Little fingerMercurySociability, creativity, sociability

A thumb turned 90 degrees indicates frankness and openness.. It connects us to the ideal world. In ancient times, only archbishops and priests of high rank were allowed to wear rings on this finger. He indicates constraint and familiarity in his affairs if the result is kept within 10-20 degrees.

Anger and frustration are visible when the fingertip is wider, relative to its base. The love of art and beauty is characterized by the rounding of the pad of the thumb in relation to the nail. Scars and various marks on the thumb require careful consideration and consideration. They highlight the actions that led to their occurrence.

The presence of a scar on a finger speaks of sorrows and trials in the past. The more pronounced the scar, the greater the pain in a person’s soul.

The index finger is called fateful, it indicates the effectiveness of overcoming life’s difficulties. Rulers, generals, philosophers and sages who understood the meaning of life decorated it with rings. Bearers of the ring on right hand acquire authority and solidity in practical activities, and on the left - in spiritual and emotional ones.

Injuries on it show disappointment and the next difficult choice. For example, on the left hand it shows that one should forget about complexes and shortcomings. It is recommended not to engage in self-criticism and find a solution that turns out to be correct. This is a harbinger that a person deserves better and more.

The length of a finger characterizes a person’s dignity and pride. The larger it is, the more capricious and domineering its owner is. Its short length is an indicator of shyness and indecisiveness. Accordingly, the average length speaks of a balanced character and self-confidence.

The middle finger signifies responsibility, reliability, trust, authority and leadership. People with short fingers have artistic abilities. But it also characterizes a certain irresponsibility and lack of internal energy. Those who want to wear a ring on this finger are trying to increase their self-confidence.

The finger of Saturn symbolizes visible emotions, the fate of a person. The greatest width of the joint in the middle shows the sensuality of a person. If it is narrow, it speaks of abstinence and spiritual tranquility. The variability and weakness of character is indicated by the clearly smaller size of the first joint (on which the nail is located) in relation to the others.

Owners of a strong and smooth ring finger- These are balanced, but sensual natures, prone to music and art.

The ring finger is associated with the heart and characterizes spirituality human nature, clairvoyance, instincts, and Creative skills. It symbolizes love, the manifestation of feelings, which is why wedding rings are worn on Apollo’s finger. Its shape and length speaks of a connection with creativity, experiences, the development of intuition and a tendency to make predictions.

Owners of a strong and even finger are balanced, but sensual natures, prone to music and art. Usually, Apollo's long finger belongs to talented people, sophisticated people with good taste. But it can also betray arrogance, pride and arrogance.

Damage on it draws attention to possible disagreements with a loved one or with work colleagues. Slight tilt to the side index finger can speak about the exceptional abilities of a person who does not work according to his vocation. A slight tilt to the side towards the little finger indicates a critical attitude towards oneself. Such people will be helped by encouragement, praise, and support.

In palmistry, the little finger is called the finger of Mercury, in honor of the God of merchants and speakers. It is on it that people associated with sales and communication wear jewelry. Such a talisman helps to establish contacts, gain trust, and resolve financial issues.

A very long little finger will tell about a very cunning and resourceful owner, ready to deceive. Too short - about shyness and problems in communication, about immaturity. Its innate crookedness indicates the exaggerations and lies of its owner. If the finger sticks out to the side, then this person is independent and independent.

Lines on the palm and signs:

Meaning of right and left hand:

Everyone at least once tried to look behind the veil of secrecy and find out their future. To do this, people resort to fortune telling on coffee grounds, pour wax, and try to see the figures in the glow of a candle on the wall. You can find out approximately what to expect from the future if you carefully examine your hand. Find out what the lines on the palm mean, how to correctly decipher their meaning, and which hand should be examined in more detail - the right or left.

Fortune telling by hand

Palmistry is a science that teaches you to read patterns on the palms and recognize their meaning. Fortune telling by hand has been practiced since ancient times, and was very popular in Eastern countries. Knowledge about the meanings of the lines on the hands was initially kept secret, but today anyone can master the basics of palmistry. For a novice researcher, it is important to learn not only the meaning of the lines on the palm, but also to master the algorithm for their construction and sequence.

First, carefully examine the surface of your hand. This will not only help in further predicting the future and deciphering signs. For example, if the hands are too large in relation to the body, then such a person is very slow and careful. Small brushes speak either of mobility, expressiveness of character, or, conversely, of the terrible laziness of their owner. In any case, when the hands are not proportional to the body, this means that the person has a personality imbalance.

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the skin. Tough speaks of good health and hard work. Its owner is self-confident, has a strong and complex character. Soft skin found in subtle, artistic natures. However, it is worth considering here that the skin may become soft or too hard due to certain circumstances, for example: during pregnancy, when serious illnesses, in vegetarians or elderly people.

Pale hands indicate lack of initiative and weak character of their owner. Red skin on the hands is traditionally considered an indicator of hot temper and bad character. The color of the palms is not only an indicator inner world person, but also determines health. Eg, pale skin may indicate problems with thyroid gland, yellowness - about abnormalities in the liver, a grayish-marble tint - about problems with the heart.

Lines on the hands and their meaning

After a visual assessment of the hands, it is worth moving on to examining the tubercles. Experienced palmists call these hills hills and believe that such signs indicate the presence of talents and help to decipher the patterns on the hand in more detail. A pronounced, high hill is a sign of activity in relation to what this hill means. The exact description and location of all the hills is described in the table:


Location on the hand

What does it mean

Hill of Venus

In the space between the wrist and thumb.

Talks about sexuality.

Mount of Apollo

Under the ring finger.

Talks about talents, the degree of creative development.

Hill of Mercury

Base of the little finger.

Indicates whether you have a predisposition for business.

Mount of Mars

Near the right edge of the palm, between the thumb and index finger.

Near the rib - speaks of physical development. On the opposite side - about temperament, perseverance, mental strength.

Mount of Saturn

Under the middle finger.

Shows the level of intellectual development.

Mount of Jupiter

Under the index finger.

Indicates whether you have ambition. The measure of one's own "I".

Main lines on the hand

After a preliminary examination of the palms, you can begin to directly study the internal curves. You should start with the most important areas: heart, intellect, happiness, health, life, destiny. To begin with, it’s worth getting a general idea by comparing their location, clarity and other characteristics. The clearer the main indicators are, the better. The presence of many wavy lines and intersections is considered an unfavorable sign. Try to draw up a rough picture of the future for yourself by studying the meaning of the lines on your hand with explanations.


It starts from the edge of the hand and may end under the index finger. This line indicates how emotional and sociable a person is, what is the health of this organ. It can be read in any direction, and its meaning should be interpreted as follows:

  • If the beginning is directly under the index finger, a person is selective in his personal life; under the middle finger, in relationships a person thinks, first of all, about himself. If it starts in the middle of the palm, it means that you have a very amorous person in front of you.
  • When the heart line is completely absent, it means that a person is guided by logic in business. A weak, barely visible line indicates stinginess of emotions.
  • A straight and short beam indicates that love is very important to the person in front of you in life. A long line with many curves is about the ability to freely express one’s feelings. Wavy indicates that there will be many partners in life.
  • When the heart line is interrupted or many small lines cross it, this indicates the presence of psychological trauma.


Starts between the thumb and index finger and goes in a straight line. This band determines the level of intellectual development, thirst for knowledge, and style of behavior. What do these lines on the palm mean:

  • The absence of a dash indicates that the person is lazy. A weakly expressed ribbon indicates forgetfulness and poor concentration. Pronounced - about good memory and a sharp mind.
  • The short curve of the Mind speaks of practicality. The long one is about the ability to concentrate on goals, but excessive selfishness.
  • If it is direct, it means that you are a realist by nature and use logic. Wavy or curved is characteristic of creative individuals.
  • When the ray of the mind originates from the line of life, you have a strong will.
  • Interrupted small lines indicate inconsistency in decision making, lack of clear meaning, and intrapersonal conflict.


Originates between the index finger and thumb. Outwardly, it resembles an arc that twists towards the base of the wrist. This trait determines physical state, health, making important life decisions. Consider the life lines on your hands and their meaning:

  • If they are poorly visible, very thin, the person is in constant voltage, often gets nervous. A clear line of life speaks of a measured flow of existence.
  • Long and deep indicates good health, strong immunity and a large reserve vital energy. Short but deep – the ability to overcome life’s difficulties with ease.
  • The presence of bends indicates a lack of vital energy. A straight line that runs close to the thumb means that its owner is very careful when making decisions and gets tired quickly.
  • The semicircle indicates great enthusiasm. A lot of straight life speaks of a large supply of energy and good health.
  • A sudden interruption of a straight line indicates a change in lifestyle. If the life index intersects with the minor lines on both hands, it means that the person may have difficulties in life, health problems, or that his life may be going in several directions at once.


It is responsible for a person’s character, his individuality, and determines the presence of factors over which he has no power. This vertical curve runs from the wrist to the middle finger. You can interpret the lines of fate on your hand and their meaning as follows:

  • A deep red line indicates that this person independently controls his own destiny.
  • If it originates from the middle of the palm in the place where the ray of life passes, its owner very early begins to understand what he wants and goes towards his goal himself. When the origin lies at the base of the thumb, a person has strong relationships with friends and relatives.
  • When a line is interrupted or suddenly changes direction, there can be many sudden changes in life.


It determines material success, health status, and often appears in middle age or when a life trait is barely noticeable. Its border runs from the base of the little finger, crossing the palm towards the thumb. What do the lines on the palm mean:

  • Wavy speaks of health problems. Direct, uninterrupted - about the ability to do business, a predisposition to wealth.
  • Absence of the trait means there will be few health problems. Many interrupted horizontal lines are common health problems; a person is prone to accidents.
  • When it is enclosed in a square, you will be protected from adversity. If it is interrupted or forms two circles, serious diseases will appear in the future.
  • When the rays of mind, health and life form a triangular figure, this means that you will be lucky in life.


It is not always present on the palm, but its presence is always only positive. The line of happiness always begins at the wrist and can reach the ring finger. Palmists claim that it does not in any way affect the affections of the heart or relationships in a couple, but only shows success in life. The presence of a clearly visible line of happiness indicates the ability to believe in the success of your plan, the ability to see beauty in the world around you and boundless happiness.

Secondary lines on the hand

Not only the main lines on the hand and their meaning, but also minor minor lines help to view a person’s personality, determine his character type, relationships and state of health. If you see a hand all dotted with small horizontal or vertical lines, there is a high probability that its owner will use his nervous system to the fullest in his life. Inner side the brush of a calm person, on the contrary, has very few small features. Only an experienced palmist can decipher them all, but for beginners it is better to focus on a few.


This trait appears only in people who have a sixth sense. Owners of such symbols have highly developed intuitive abilities; they can anticipate the onset of important events in your own life or in the fate of loved ones. Such people often have prophetic dreams; they may be mediums or have psychic abilities, especially if they encounter a double ray of Intuition.

Direct Intuition begins at the bottom of the palm, under the little finger. Options for what the lines on the hand mean:

  • If the line is clear and has smooth boundaries, it means that you are very receptive to the world around you and may have superpowers.
  • The beam bends towards the center or edge - this means that its owner can anticipate important changes in his life and can prevent danger.


These dashes show matters of the heart that have happened in the past or are coming in the future. They start from the base of the little finger (on the Mount of Mercury) and stretch to the middle of the thumb, sometimes affecting outside brushes There may also be several such lines. It is believed that by the depth of these straight lines one can judge how much it will be happy marriage, how many partners there will be in life and how long the relationship with them will last.

To determine these indicators, the straight line is visually divided into three segments of 25 years each. The line at the top of the palm means youth, in the center - middle age, at the bottom - old age. If the direct line of Love is pronounced, its owner is very amorous. When it is often interrupted, it is difficult for a person to build a serious relationship. One clear line without intersections indicates a strong attachment to one person.


These vertical lines can be found near the edge of the palm at the base of the little finger. They show how many children there will be; this number also includes failed pregnancies, miscarriages and forced abortions. If a woman is destined to have twins, they will be joined at the base and resemble the English letter "B". Clearer edges indicate the birth of boys, dull ones indicate that there will be girls in the family. As a rule, such quantitative indicators of children appear on the palms of women.

Drawings on the palms

In addition to vertical and horizontal stripes, you can find real designs on the palms. They help to decipher the future in more detail and have their own meaning. Of the wide variety of figures, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • A dot is a small speck that looks more like a punctuation mark. This pattern is often present on the main bends and means an obstacle that has arisen, a problem, an obstacle that prevents you from moving further towards your goal. If there are a lot of such figures in the palm, this may mean that the problem reoccurs periodically.
  • A square is a very good sign, which means that its owner has strong angel custodian or other protector. When a square is formed at the break of the main lines, this indicates that you can easily get out of the current situation. difficult situation.
  • Lattice is a symbol that is the opposite in meaning to a square. The appearance of this pattern anywhere on the palm promises trouble. Recently appeared lattices indicate that you do not adequately assess the current problem and may make the wrong decision and waste time.
  • Crosses - speak of an imminent change in life. Their appearance is ambiguous: they can witness favorable events or carry a negative meaning. It is important to carefully consider the crosses, because they can be a simple intersection of minor lines and do not carry a semantic load.
  • Chains of islands - this symbol indicates that you are wasting your vitality. Such signs often appear on the palms of those people who are depressed, despairing or experiencing an emotional crisis.
  • Triangles are a sign that appears on the palm very rarely. It means that you have a sharp mind, can think quickly and easily get out of unexpected situations.

How to read lines

Experienced palmists and fortune tellers never undertake the study of only one hand, considering this activity a waste of time. The passage of time, the series of events that take place are always imprinted on right hand. What a person secretly dreams about, thinks about, plans to do, his potential capabilities are shown on the left palm. This same palm speaks of the possibility of obtaining wealth, honors, and recognition in society.

To understand exactly what the lines on the palm mean, you need to correctly identify your leading (dominant) hand. As a rule, this is exactly the hand with which a person holds a fork or spoon, writes, and does the main work. For most people, the right palm is dominant. If a person is left-handed, then the meaning of the right and left palms switch places.

While working on reading fate, you should carefully examine both hands, making notes on paper about the differences found. The noted differences can be harbingers of various difficulties in the spiritual, emotional, physical or sexual spheres of a person’s life. You should begin to interpret them very carefully. For example, if the end of the Heart straight line on one hand falls on the Mount of Jupiter, and on the other palm - the point between Jupiter and Saturn, this person is very changeable in love.

On the right

The meaning of straight lines in the palm of the right (dominant) hand is always something that has already happened in life or will happen in the near future. This also denotes a person’s consciousness, his open character, that is, what others see. On this hand, the achievements achieved are identified, plans already outlined and clear decisions made are indicated. The real side of life is always closely compared with what is destined by fate and indicated on the palm of the left (non-working) hand.

On the left

This hand represents inner experiences and that side of character that remains hidden from the outside world. The left palm can be conditionally called “what I want,” because its rays mean secret desires, what you would like to achieve or get from life, aspirations. Direct Mind, Heart and Life here show the level of emotional and sexual saturation of a person. This is where malfunctions occur nervous system before the consequences of stress and strong emotional experiences.


It's no secret that the interpretation of the lines on the hand is the foundation on which such a major trend in esotericism as palmistry is based. Any person who intends to master the art of reading fate using the lines on the palm must first become familiar with what lines exist and what information about a person they can carry.

However, in palmistry there is such a concept as “rare lines”, which, although they occur infrequently, can have no less significant significance, no less accurately reveal the characteristics of a person’s character and innate temperament, no less reliably indicate possible events that await a person in his future life. This article is devoted to describing the features of rare lines in palmistry.

Watch the video “Rare lines on the hand”

Widow's line on the hand

Many people who turn to palmists for help are interested in the issue of relationships - love, marriage. We all want to know where a relationship with this or that person will lead us, whether we can build a successful marriage, whether there are any warnings of fate that we should keep in mind when building our personal lives.

And one of these omens is the widow’s line on the hand. The widow's sign is a fairly rare line. In many cases, it is acquired and can form in women after any severe mental trauma, breaking up a relationship with a loved one, divorce, and so on. The widow's mark is a line that runs around the base of the little finger and is more common on the left hand.

But one should not assume that the presence of a widow line is a death sentence, since one should first pay attention to other lines - the line of fate, marriage, the line of the Heart. In addition, the presence of a widow's line on the hand does not necessarily mean a predisposition to losing a spouse in early age, in some cases this means that the woman will outlive her husband (which happens quite often, since the life expectancy of women is on average higher than that of men)

Fame line on the hand (celebrity line)

The line of glory on the hand, or as it is also called, the line of Apollo, is considered one of the most favorable in palmistry and endows a person with such a line with optimism and joy throughout life, a talent that helps him achieve success and fully realize his potential. This line rises from the top of the Mount of the Moon, and stretches, without interruption, towards the ring (Apollo) finger. The life of a person with such a line is filled with harmony and light, he does not encounter any tragic trials on his life’s path, and all his endeavors lead to success.

In addition, these people have charisma and charm, which allows them to achieve fame in their chosen field. The longer the line of fame, the more powerful the impact it will have on a person’s destiny. However, it is not always possible to say that a person with the Apollo line will spend his entire life carefree and joyful.

It is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the line itself - success is guaranteed if it is straight, does not intersect other lines and segments, is not broken and is the same in depth. Well, if it ends with a star, then this means that its owner will most likely acquire world fame and recognition.

Line of clairvoyance (intuition, psychic)

There is also such a rather rare line in palmistry as the line of clairvoyance, indicating that a person has pronounced extrasensory abilities. This line is present in people who have a developed sixth sense, can predict the outcome of upcoming events, feel people well, and see prophetic dreams.

The line of clairvoyance describes a clear semicircle from the Mount of the Moon towards the Mount of Mercury. People who have it have enormous potential in the field of clairvoyance and it needs to be developed. U different people the line of clairvoyance has different properties, which also need to be paid attention to.

For example, the presence of a cross on it indicates that a person has a tendency to dive deeply into himself, and, closing himself off from others, seems to live in another dimension. However, such people can become either great clairvoyants or go crazy, depending on where they direct the energy and potential they have. Sometimes there is a triangle on the line of clairvoyance, which also indicates that a person has every chance of becoming a great master, provided that he develops his psychic abilities.

There are such concepts in palmistry as “empty hand” and “ full hand" By “empty hand” we mean a palm on which only the main lines are present and the secondary ones are almost absent. From the outside, people with such palms may seem balanced and somewhat indifferent to what is happening around them. However, in reality, under the guise of calm, such people have a variety of feelings and emotions raging, which the person does not give an outlet for, suppressing them within himself.

That is why, having crossed the threshold of middle age, such people very often face many health problems, since suppressed emotions find a way out in the fact that they begin to affect the physical body. People with this type of palm are incredibly stubborn, try not to let people get close to them and rarely live a bright, rich life.

In terms of interpretation, such palms cause almost no difficulties for palmists, but we must not forget that even a barely noticeable and, as it may seem, insignificant line on an “empty hand” can have a colossal impact on a person’s fate.

Line of voluptuousness

The line of voluptuousness is considered one of the unfavorable ones. It means that a person is prone to base desires, has a weakness for physical, bodily pleasures, as well as money, and all his innermost desires are aimed precisely at this. Such people are not interested in spiritual development and in most cases live their lives exclusively in the material sphere.

This line characterizes people with high sensitivity and passion, who need to beware bad habits, such as alcohol, since there is a high probability that the person will get caught under severe dependence and thereby ruin his life. The line of voluptuousness, sometimes called the line of Neptune, the Milky Way, is a loop that connects the Mount of the Moon (the beginning of the line) and the Mount of Venus (the end of the line). The unfavorable influence of this line can be neutralized by the straight line of the Head, since in this case a person is more inclined to make reasonable decisions and more rational behavior. People who have a line of voluptuousness on their palm need to develop willpower, beware of bad habits and engage in spiritual development.

The monkey fold is an extremely rare phenomenon, characteristic of only 3-4% of people. In such people, the heart line and the head line are connected into one clear line that horizontally crosses the entire surface of the palm and is called the monkey line, or the simian line (which means “ape-like” in English).

It is called “monkey” because it is extremely similar to the pattern on the palms of some primates. Very often, people with the Simian line have thoughts and emotions intertwined, and they cannot clearly distinguish where feelings end and common sense begins. For this reason, it is possible in their lives various kinds problems and difficulties in relationships with others.

These are most often very assertive and stubborn people who will stand their ground to the last. This feature allows them to pursue their ambitious goals to the end, at any cost, sometimes even to the detriment of themselves and others.

You should pay attention to the position of the line on the palm - if it is shifted closer to the fingers - this indicates that a person is more influenced by emotions, but if the position of the Simian line is such that it is shifted closer to the wrist, then such people are more controlled reason. If the fold is located exactly in the middle of the palm, then we can say that the ratio of common sense and emotions in such people will be relatively balanced.

Most often, the monkey fold is found on only one hand. For example, if a line runs along the left hand, but there is no line on the right, then such a person can be characterized as quite unpredictable in unusual situations. Under unusual circumstances, such a person may behave completely inappropriately. Such people have high degree anxiety and excitability. They often remain misunderstood in society, and therefore often become outcasts.

Simian line on both hands

Simian Line

If the Simian line on at least one hand is very rare, then cases when it is observed on both hands are even rarer. According to medical sources, the Simian line on both hands often appears in people who have a predisposition to various mental disorders, including in people with Down syndrome.

However, this does not mean that those with a monkey-like palm will necessarily have any mental health problems. Proof of this - great amount famous and influential people with the Simian fold.

The common feature that unites all these people is constant internal tension, nervousness and inability to relax. Focusing too much on a goal can be detrimental to their physical and emotional health.

In addition, they often find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions. In general, the life of people who have the Simian line on both hands is often accompanied by significant shocks, losses and extreme extreme situations, however, their inner strength allows them to cope with the trials that fate sends them.

Maniac line

It is found in palmistry and such a line is quite scary name- line of a maniac. Even if we ignore the esotericism, we can find scientific explanation the relationship between the presence of certain lines (which in palmistry are called the Maniac Line) and a person’s manic tendencies.

This dependence has long been proven by specialists who deal with criminology and examine the palm prints of mentally unstable criminals. Returning to the esoteric meaning, it should be noted that, of course, these lines do not mean that a person who has a maniac line will necessarily become a particularly dangerous criminal.

She says that in the lives of these people there will be many difficulties, adversities and trials, and in general their fate will be quite difficult. As many people know, those who become maniacs are those who in life, most often in childhood, experienced terrible adversity and received some kind of severe psychological trauma.

This is exactly what special marks on our palm warn about, and they also indicate an unbalanced human nervous system, his aggression and cruelty. The maniac line most often manifests itself as an overly broad and deep Life line. Intricate designs at the base of the thumb, scars on the Mount of Venus and Mars, as well as a violation of the line of the belt of Venus are also referred to by palmists as “maniac lines”.

Travel line

According to palmists, what kind of travel is destined for a person can also be determined by the drawings on the palm. The lines on a person’s right hand will help tell a lot about how a person’s fate will develop regarding travel and trips. Travel lines are located on the edge right palm, near the Life line, and can be located either on the hill

Moon, or a little higher. Travel lines usually reflect exactly those trips in a person’s life that will have a significant impact on his destiny. That is, a person can travel around different countries the world, and this will have virtually no effect on his worldview, then these lines may not be on his palm.

Or he can make one trip, perhaps not even very far, but at the same time fateful, then this will definitely affect the person’s hand. The travel line will be clearer and longer, the greater the impact the trip has on the person. In addition, palmistry allows you to determine approximate time wanderings - the closer the line is to the wrist, the sooner it will happen.

Based on the nature of the lines, it is also possible to determine the approximate geography of past and future trips. Sometimes there are additional marks on the travel line, the meaning of which should be heeded. The square that can be seen on the travel line is a favorable sign; it tells us that the trip will be successful and will not bring any negative events.

Another sign indicating that the journey will not only be successful, but will bring a fateful acquaintance, which can subsequently lead to a move, is a vertical line perpendicular to the travel line and intersecting it. Well, marks such as a circle and a cross warn a person about the danger that awaits a person on a trip.

The line of attachment on a person’s hand is located closer to the edge of the palm on the Mount of Mercury. It is located near the heart line, below it is the health line. The line of attachment accurately reflects the emotional state of a person throughout his life, as well as the heartfelt affections that will be encountered along the person’s life path.

Depending on the location, the line will indicate how successful a person’s relationship with a partner is: the higher this line is (that is, the closer to the fingers), the more favorable the circumstances will be in this area, and vice versa: if the line gravitates closer to the wrist, then the person will face trials in his personal life.

Such people tend to look at their partner through rose-colored glasses; they give much more and do not know how to receive, which leads them to disappointment and suffering.

Destination line

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The line of destiny is also known in palmistry as the “line of fate.” It originates at the base of the palm and, depending on its further trajectory, one can judge how a person’s fate will develop in different periods his life. Firstly, it should be said that the deeper this line, the more a person is susceptible to the influence of fate, that is, in order to change what is destined, he will have to make a lot of effort. Secondly, the discontinuity of the line of destiny suggests that during the entire period of a person’s life, a wide variety of changes in his destiny are possible, which are mainly associated with external circumstances.

If the line originates adjacent to the Life line, this indicates that the person realizes his destiny quite early. Such people will achieve success on their own, without outside help. The line of destiny, starting from the thumb and crossing the Life line, indicates that a person will have very powerful support from friends and relatives throughout his life.

To all those who are interested in palmistry, who want to look into the future by studying the unique patterns on a person’s palm, I would like to remind you that the presence of one or another line on the hand is not a death sentence. We are all born with certain talents and inclinations, oddities and characteristics, and we are all destined for certain circumstances, events and trials.

But this is not something predetermined once and for all. Our life flows and changes, and we can always consciously change its course if we really want it and make the necessary efforts. Our destiny is in our hands, and if we begin to engage in self-development, then we will not need to be afraid of major losses and bitter disappointments that are “written” on our hands.

As we change, our lines on our palms change. Palmistry allows you to find out what our strengths, and where you should be careful and vigilant. Knowing the features of the lines on the hands, including those rarely found, we will be able to look behind the curtain of fate, learn its secrets and everything that is hidden from our eyes.

If you want to look into the future or learn a lot of interesting things about a person, then you should look at the palm. Information about how to correctly read the lines on the palm is no secret today, and everyone can use it for fortune telling, which is called.

Lines on the palm - meaning on the right hand

The right hand is considered active (vice versa for a left-handed person) and lines are depicted on it, telling about the changes that have occurred with a person since birth. What do the lines on the right palm mean:

  1. Life Line. This trait cannot tell about life expectancy. It can be used to determine a person’s condition, as well as learn about serious life changes.
  2. Heart Line. It can be used to determine a person’s emotional state, possible ups and downs in the love sphere. This line will also tell you about the condition of the heart.
  3. Line of Fate. Not everyone can find such a strip on their hand, since not everyone believes in fate and in their destiny. This line on the right hand shows how much external factors influence a person.
  4. Line of Mind. This strip shows a person's abilities, his intelligence and thirst for knowledge. If it is curved, then its owner is a creative person.

These are the four main lines, but there are also minor ones that can tell a lot of useful and interesting information. Let's look at a few of them.

Health Line. It can be used to determine a person’s material and physical well-being. If it is clear, then its owner has an entrepreneurial touch.

Glory Line. It seems to strengthen the influence of the line of fate and improve social life. If it is clearly visible, it means that the person is satisfied with his work.

Marriage Line. Small stripes symbolize the presence of a serious relationship. Marriage is indicated by clearly distinguishing lines. The closer the stripe is to the base of the little finger, the later this relationship will occur.

The ancient occult art of palm reading is called palmistry. The lines on the hand are one of the key elements when making a prediction. They, in combination with additional signs, help to look into the past, predict the future, and determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person.

Passive and active hand in palmistry

The science of deciphering lines helps to compare different signs into the big picture and add up predictions for the future of those waiting specific person as truthfully and correctly as possible.

Before reading the lines on your hand, you need to pay attention to the fact that in palmistry the concept of active and passive palm is of great importance. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life and influences his future and actions.

During fortune telling, it is important to understand the meaning of both palms. For a right-handed person, the active hand is the right, and for a left-handed person, the active hand is the left. The pattern of the active hand itself plays a leading role in the prediction.

The lines on the left palm are responsible for events from the past, his innate character traits and hidden talents.

It is also important to understand what the lines on the right hand mean. By active hand predict events that await a person in the future, determine special traits acquired during the past days. Therefore, the future can be correctly and correctly deciphered only by the stripes on the right hand.

Main lines on the palm

In palmistry, the lines on the palm are conventionally divided into major and minor. Each trait tells about a certain area of ​​the owner’s life. What matters is its appearance and what signs are located on it. This can radically change its influence on a person’s destiny.

Palmists distinguish four main lines:

  • Life;
  • Hearts;
  • Heads;
  • Fates.

It often happens that only three main lines of the hand can be read on a person’s hand, since not everyone has a stripe of Fate. The absence of any of the stripes also has its own interpretation. If you correctly decipher each of them, you can find out what needs to be corrected in the life and behavior of an individual.

In the modern world, reading palm lines is more accessible and simpler because there are resources that provide information with pictures and explanations. With their help, you can find out the name and description of a particular trait.

Life Line

The Life Line is one of the most important and significant lines in palmistry. It originates just above the thumb and goes around the Mount of Venus. This line can tell the most important information about human life. It can be predicted possible difficulties and the dangers that a person will face along the path of life.

Depending on the appearance of the line, its meaning may also vary.

  1. Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the length of the Life Line affects how long its owner will live, but this is not so. This designation of lines on the hand in palmistry determines only the condition physical health. A long line indicates strong immunity and high energy potential.
  2. A clear line of Life indicates that a person is successful, full of strength and ambition. People with a fuzzy streak have problems with self-esteem and the respect of others.
  3. A straight line indicates a calm and measured life. If the line bends or is a broken line, then along the way the owner will face many trials, losses and struggles for a place in the sun.
  4. If parallel to the main line of Life there is another small stripe on the hand, then in the fate of this person there will be someone very close to him in spirit, with whom they will go through all the difficulties together.
  5. If this stripe is missing on the palm, it is bad sign. A difficult life filled with anxiety awaits such a person.

Signs and symbols on the line

Various symbols and signs located on the strip also mean a lot during fortune telling. In order not to miss anything, you need to study in detail the meaning of each of them and check your palm for the presence of symbols.

  1. A line crossing the Life line means that a person is destined to experience a strong emotional shock, which will then have an impact on his entire life.
  2. The cross is also a negative sign. It means Hard times for its owner, possible severe stress and tension.
  3. If there are breaks in the line, then this is a sign of health problems.
  4. A person with a triangle sign on the Life stripe is often distinguished by high skills in communicating with people, knows how to effectively resolve conflicts, and is able to find mutual language with anyone.
  5. The circle or island sign is a symbol of a serious, often incurable, physical or mental illness.
  6. The cross symbol warns of a life-threatening situation.

Life line location

It is also worth paying attention to the location of the Life line. If it reaches towards the center, this is a good sign. Such a person will always have a lot of energy and vitality for all his endeavors. This is a strong personality who is able to overcome any obstacles in his path with a smile on his face.

When the line is too close to the base of the thumb, it is a sign of a weak and insecure person. He is prone to frequent apathy, is afraid to try new things and easily gives up; he cannot complete a single task.

People whose Life line starts higher than usual are very dependent on the opinions of others. They try to please everyone, love to be the center of attention and stand out from the crowd.

Head Line

The Line of Mind (Head) is located just above the Life stripe and runs through the middle of the palm. It determines the way a person thinks, his intellectual abilities. The appearance of this strip may also differ.

  1. If the Head line is long, this means that its owner is a person prone to critical thinking and analysis of the situation. He is able to make long-term plans and predict possible development events. A short streak occurs in people whose thinking is concentrated on performing practical and solitary tasks.
  2. How clear the Mind strip is determines the quality of a person’s memory. The more visible the line is, the better it is.
  3. A straight line indicates that a person makes decisions based on logical considerations. People with a curved line of Mind will always have their emotions and feelings as a priority.
  4. A person whose line of Mind bifurcates towards the end is prone to inconstancy and often requires changes in his field of activity.
  5. When such a stripe is completely absent from the palm, this is a sign of a lazy person without a purpose in life. Such a person may also have a tendency towards severe mental disorders.

Head line location

Usually the Mind strip is located close to the Life strip. If the distance between them is small, then this is a positive sign. This is a person with a broad range of thinking, open to new ideas and views. He sets goals for himself and boldly goes towards them, not paying attention to obstacles or the condemnation of others.

It also happens that the lines of Life and Mind originate at the same point. In this case, the person is calm and balanced. He assesses the situation sensibly and always gives preference to a stable, familiar way of life. Taking care of his family is his main value.

If the Mind strip departs from the middle of the Life line, then its owner is not distinguished by critical thinking. Such a person does not have his own opinion, and the herd instinct is clearly expressed. Such individuals quite often become victims of religious sects and prefer to be part of some subculture or social group.

Signs and symbols on the line

On the line of the Head there are also many signs that have a fateful significance for a person’s life. To decipher hidden information, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. A person with a triangle symbol on the Mind strip is distinguished by determination and fearlessness, and is always ready for rash actions.
  2. A cross on this strip indicates that a person is prone to self-deception and thinks subjectively and narrowly.
  3. If the shape of the line resembles a chain, this means that its owner often has difficulty concentrating his attention on one task.
  4. A break or line on the line indicates possible difficulties at work. Financial problems are possible.
  5. One of the worst signs is the star. This may be a symbol of heavy psychological state, severe stress and even suicidal tendencies.

Heart Line

The Love (Heart) Line begins under the little finger and usually ends between the index and middle fingers. It talks about a person’s emotional state and his success in relationships. To guess by this strip, you first need to pay attention to its appearance:

  1. A person with a long line of Heart lives with faith in his ideals. He has high moral qualities and principles. He tries to make the world a better place. If the line is short, then this is a sign of a person who thinks only about himself.
  2. If the line is deep and clear, then its owner is a sensitive person. He takes other people's experiences to heart and is easily stressed. When the line is thin and unclear, we can say about its owner that he is used to hiding his feelings, rarely opens his heart to others, is often silent and withdrawn in communication.
  3. The owner of a direct streak of feelings will have a long and happy romantic story. Those who have this trait bent will face problems in their personal lives.
  4. Sometimes on the Heart line you can see branches in the form of small stripes. If they reach towards the top of the palm, then this person is a romantic person with high ideals. Downward stripes indicate uncertainty and fear of taking the first step.
  5. If the Heart line is absent in the palm, then such a person should be expected to have a cruel attitude towards others.

Line location

If the Heart line crosses the entire palm, then its owner is a kind and sympathetic person who is always ready to sympathize and help in a difficult situation. He actively shows concern for people close to him.

When the stripe ends under the middle finger, then we can say with confidence that it is faithful man who prefers a quiet and calm family life. He easily establishes contact with new acquaintances and adapts to a new society. When the line ends under the index finger, then its owner is rather impulsive and romantic personality, following the first call of her heart.

A line located close to the Head stripe indicates that a person prefers to make choices based on logical reasoning. Such a person is constrained in expressing his feelings and emotions and keeps to the side.

Signs and symbols on the line

Among the most influential symbols that can appear on the feeling strip are the following:

  1. If there is an island sign on the strip, this indicates that the person will have to for a long time live with strong feelings of guilt. This will drain him emotionally and physically.
  2. A small line crossing the main line is a sign of an external problem in a relationship with a partner. This could be a rival, parents or friends who oppose the relationship.
  3. The cross on the Feelings strip indicates big problems in personal life and emotional trauma experienced in this area.
  4. When a gap is visible on the strip, you should be prepared for difficulties and severe long-term stress.
  5. The square symbol warns of difficult, non-reciprocal love.
  6. The star sign brings its owner luck and good fortune in all his affairs.
  7. If there is a triangle on the strip, then this person is able to control his emotions.

Line of Fate

It is located in the center of the palm and crosses it vertically. This stripe determines the individual’s individuality: her lifestyle and own way, bright character traits.

By appearance This stripe can tell you a lot about a person.

  1. A clear line of Fate indicates a strong personality, high goals and a desire for constant development. If it is poorly visible, then this is a sign of a weak-willed and insecure person.
  2. If the stripe resembles a chain in its shape, it means that its owner will have an unstable life, full of changes, ups and downs.
  3. A split at the end of the line indicates that a person will face a painful separation from someone close and dear.
  4. An uneven, torn line indicates many problems and difficulties that will have to be overcome on the way to the goal.
  5. The absence of such a stripe on the palm is a sign that a person is not able to choose his own path in life. His fate was predetermined.

Line location

It is important to pay attention to who this streak originates from, since the character of the individual and her entire life path depend on this. If the line begins at the center of the wrist, then this is a sign of a balanced and strong character. Such a person is always responsible for his words and actions, is able to sensibly assess the situation and make decisions.

When the line originates on the Life strip, then it can be said about its owner that the main priority in his life is family values ​​and stability in everything.

The beginning of the stripe on the lunar hill speaks of a hot-tempered and emotional character, mobility and social activity. Such people are open to communication and self-development.

Signs and symbols on the line

To learn more about a person’s lifestyle, you need to look at the signs located on the Fate strip. The most common of them are:

  1. The line crossing the line, as well as the island sign, indicate that great things await the owner of these symbols. financial difficulties. Sometimes this can lead to a person starting to steal.
  2. The cross on the strip is a symbol of the problems of advancement along career ladder. Difficulties may arise with implementation in the professional sphere.
  3. If there is a square symbol in the palm of your hand, then this is a prediction of changes for the better.
  4. The triangle indicates that a person, when solving problems that arise in his life, prefers to make decisions using logic.
  5. The star on the stripe of Fate is a sign emotional exhaustion and problems at work.

Secondary lines

In addition to the main ones, there are lines on the hand that are called minor. They are less pronounced in the palm and concern more specific areas human life. They can also be found in special drawings with explanations. Deciphering these bands also requires certain knowledge. There are no signs on the palms that are simply created by a random coincidence of lines.

The decoding must be as correct as possible. To do this, use resources that contain palmistry with explanations and appropriate visual support. Among them are the following features:

  • Health;
  • Marriage;
  • Glory;
  • Travel.

Health Line

The Health Band, or as palmists call it, Mercury, originates on the Mount of Mercury and vertically crosses almost the entire palm. It helps to learn about possible and already existing problems with the health of the owner, upcoming operations, etc. This may be due to the condition of the internal organs, nervous system, mental health, etc.

The absence of such a line is considered a good sign, because a person does not have serious illnesses. If the Health bar is clearly visible on the palm, long and clear, this is a sign serious problems with a physical or mental state. In this case, it is worth doing a full medical examination.

It is important to pay attention to special signs located in the area of ​​this trait, because with their help you can understand what problem the owner has:

  1. Any line that crosses the Health line indicates one or another possible illness.
  2. The symbol of the island is a sign of a severe, incurable, often chronic, disease associated with internal organs person.
  3. A break in this band is often associated with liver problems.
  4. If there is a star symbol on the line, then such a person has a high tendency to infertility.
  5. Small dots located on the main stripe are signs of chronic headaches and exhaustion of the nervous system, which can subsequently lead to serious breakdowns.
  6. Square and triangle are good signs. They say that a person’s illness is curable. You should expect a full recovery soon.

Line of Intuition

On the Mount of Venus you can find a rare feature - the line of Intuition. It means that a person has hidden extrasensory abilities or clairvoyance, okay developed intuition. If the line is thin and interrupted, then the person does not yet know about his abilities or simply does not pay due attention to them. A clear and deep streak of Intuition indicates that its owner is able to control his supernatural abilities.

Signs that appear on the Intuition strip:

  1. The island sign indicates the high intellectual abilities of the owner. It is also a symbol of a stubborn and changeable character.
  2. A gap in the strip means that a person has a scattered mind - it is difficult for him to concentrate on performing one specific task.
  3. If there is a triangle symbol on the line, then its owner skillfully uses his abilities and gets the maximum benefit from them.
  4. If the line of Fate resembles a chain, then this indicates serious mental disorders and instability.

If you know what the lines on the right palm mean and what place the Intuition trait occupies in this picture, you can focus on developing this particular feeling.

Marriage Line

The Marriage Stripe is a small line under the little finger, located parallel to the arc of the Heart. It is very popular among women. Sometimes there may be several such traits - this means that a person will marry several times. The number of Marriage bars indicates the number of possible unions.

A long and clear stripe indicates that the union will be strong, long and happy. If the line ends with a fork or is completely broken, then this indicates a conflict in the relationship, a difficult separation.

The Marriage Line may be completely absent from the palm. This means that the person is either not interested family life, or there will be no real and strong feelings in his destiny.

Signs that influence the meaning of the Marriage strip:

  1. A star is considered one of the most negative signs. Its presence in the palm of your hand indicates that one of the partners does not experience real feelings, but only takes advantage of his position.
  2. The symbol of the cross represents the problems that the couple will face in their relationship. They can be conflicts, relationships on the side, misunderstandings.
  3. An island on the strip indicates that a person will have to suffer a lot because of his feelings.
  4. Dots or specks on the Marriage line are harbingers of the loss of a spouse.

Children's Line

The lines that extend from the Marriage stripe are called Children's lines. Using them, adults can determine how many children there will be, what gender and from what union.

The number of traits indicates how many children a person can potentially have. If there are four such features on the hand, then there can be two, three, but no more than four children. You need to tell fortunes about children as follows:

  1. If the line extending from the Marriage stripe is clear and deep, it means that a boy will be born. If the line is hard to see, then you need to wait for the girl.
  2. In the case when the Children's trait bifurcates, then this is a symbol of twins.
  3. Violations on the line of Children are a sign of abortion or miscarriage. This deviation occurs more often in women.

Glory Line

This line crosses vertically the entire palm parallel to the Success stripe. Decoding this trait allows one to determine the social status of an individual, relationship with others and success in professional activities.

To do this, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Breaks and damage on the line indicate that the owner of this sign will face difficulties on the way to reaching the top.
  2. If the stripe ends at the base of the index finger, then a person should look for himself in the field of art.
  3. The absence of a line on the hand does not mean that its owner will not achieve success, but only that he will not attract much attention to himself with his activities.