Szondi test: who scares you? Who scares you face test. Doubting

This test was created in the 20th century by the Hungarian psychiatrist Leopold Szondy. His main goal was to identify the deepest internal impulses that are under the yoke of the individual. The test is based on disgust or, conversely, sympathy for people in specially selected photos. Szondi believed that we tend to project the traits that irritate us in ourselves or, conversely, attract us, onto others.


Look at the portraits of these 8 people and choose the person you would never want to meet in a dark alley in the evening, because his appearance disgusts or frightens you. Now you can find out the characteristics of the selected portrait.


Please do not misinterpret the test results. They in no way mean that you have a mental disorder. The only reason it is needed and why it was created is to identify the prerequisites for suppressed internal impulses and impulses in accordance with psychoanalytic theory.

In the original, the test consists of 6 series (sets) of 8 portraits, each of which presents: a homosexual, a sadist, an epileptic, a catatonic, a schizophrenic, a person with depression and a maniac. A shorter and therefore perhaps less accurate version is presented here.

Test transcript:

1. Sadist

Most likely, as a child you suppressed manifestations of authoritarianism in your own behavior, cravings for dominance and bad inclinations. If you have chosen a portrait of this teacher, in your subconscious you suppress offensive and humiliating impulses towards others.

In general, you are a peaceful and harmless person, always ready to help others. If you work in an office, your boss may find it difficult to manage you. When you don’t want to do something, you artificially create obstacles (for example, deliberately being late for work or walking around showing that you’re not in the mood). In the face of difficulties or bullies, you take a stand passive resistance and neglect, which eventually exhausts the source of your problems.

2. Epileptic

When talking about personality disorders that involve disorders of the brain (as is the case with epilepsy), it should be noted character traits this diagnosis, such as: impulsiveness, irritability, sudden outbursts of anger and aggression. If this plump, round-headed man gives you a feeling of fear or disgust, then most likely, as a child you suppressed precisely such manifestations of feelings.

Most likely, you are a kind, peace-loving person. By being peaceful and friendly, you come across as a responsible person who is capable of self-control. You are firm and stable in your feelings and easily connect with people, ideas and events.

3. Catatonic

The characteristic features of this mental disorder are excessive stimulation of the imagination, which makes it sick, and negativism. In case you have been called negative feelings this man, you most likely have suppressed mental hyperactivity, which (if not sent deep into the subconscious) makes you lose touch with reality.

You are by nature a conservative, suspicious of various kinds change and innovation. You are incredulous timid person having difficulty adapting to new things. Your greatest fear is losing self-control. You are touchy, uptight and very reserved. Never deviate from your “code of conduct.”

4. Schizophrenic

The personality of a schizophrenic is characterized by severe apathy, distortion of thoughts and the manifestation of incompatible emotions. If the sight of this stone “poker face” gives you goosebumps, it means that as a child you suppressed indifference towards others and were afraid to abstract yourself from things and events.

As a person, you are a fairly sociable person. You believe in the power of communication and truly enjoy being around people. At the same time, this very “sociability” can be deceptive, and behind it a secretive and introverted person. Your relationships with people are often superficial, as if they lack real feelings. And deep down, you feel that you don’t need those around you at all, just as you don’t need interaction with them.

5. Hysterical

Hysterical traits - superficiality, emotional instability, narcissism and exhibitionism. If it is this strange woman who evokes the strongest fear and disgust in you, then perhaps it is only because in the depths of your soul you hide an insatiable thirst for attention and self-affirmation.

You give the impression of a humble person with a strong inner spirituality. However, in reality, behind a shy and quiet person there is a personality who has an irresistible desire to charm and enchant those around him. You pay a lot of attention to your behavior and appearance, try to look elegant, if not “brand new,” complementing your look with stylish accessories. People like you tend to choose rare or unusual professions and hobbies.

6. Depressed person

Low self-esteem, inferiority complex and guilt are the main symptoms of depression. If your choice fell on this particular person, most likely, deep down you are depressed and are carefully trying to keep it under control.

You can easily be described as a carefree and easy-going person. You radiate activity, self-confidence and optimism. Sometimes, however, the “sad clown” awakens in you, and then melancholy comes out. You may be withdrawn and suspicious at times. The fact that you are trying to “bury” depressive impulses forces you to take on the role of a general psychologist and search for answers to other people’s questions and problems.

7. Maniac

Characteristic manic traits are overexcitement, overestimation of oneself, extroversion and a tendency to waste money and emotions. If this particular face seemed very disgusting to you, this means that the state of delight in you can develop into exaltation, and then it’s not far from drifting into mysticism.

You are a person who does not like provocations, noise and din. In life, you are an example of prudence, endurance and restraint. Being practical and thrifty, you always keep your own behavior under control.

8. Dissociative identity disorder

This is what it is mental condition, in which at least two alter personalities coexist in one person, each of which has its own view of the world and ways of interacting with the surrounding reality. If this woman scared you, then you probably had problems with self-determination as a child.

In life, you probably have a tendency to clearly and definitely confirm your belonging to certain gender. This is “girl-girl” or “man-man”. Men with this feature often strive to always and in everything look macho, and ladies - to seem like the embodiment of female sexuality, to flirt and attract the opposite sex.

People have always strived to know themselves, to reveal all facets of their personality, to shed light on the dark, unknown sides of the soul. Hungarian psychiatrist Leopold Szondi lifted the veil behind which our demons are hiding.

One day he discovered that people with the same mental disorders liked each other. The fact is that patients unconsciously identify certain similarities in facial features and regard them as attractive or unattractive. This feature formed the basis Szondi portrait test.

To illustrate, a psychiatrist took 48 photographs of patients and grouped them on 6 cards. Each of them has portraits, with the help of which you can reveal how mental illness a person suffers.

Editorial "So simple!" suggests taking a shortened version of the Szondi test. Look at these 8 photos and choose a person whose appearance frightens and disgusts you.

Szondi test


  1. Sadist
    Most likely, you are suppressing the beginnings of an authoritarian personality. This means that you are inclined to dominate and subjugate. If you chose the image of this person, then you are subconsciously trying to suppress your despotic attitude towards others.

    In reality, you are a completely peace-loving person, a leader by nature, and have authority in the team. Sometimes conflicts arise with your superiors because you are difficult to manage. The ability to create an atmosphere of mutual respect around is your dignity. When troubles arise, you prefer to go with the flow. This is the main source of all problems.

  2. Epileptic
    If this man is unpleasant to you, then inexplicable aggression and anger lurks within you. In addition, this speaks of your inherent impulsiveness and irritability. However, the manifestation of these feelings was dulled in childhood.

    Now everyone knows you as a good-natured, completely balanced and stable person in your emotions. They are willing to make contact with you and make friends. You approach any task responsibly and with great enthusiasm.

  3. Catatonic
    Sick imagination and negativism are distinctive features of this mental disorder. With this syndrome, internal experiences are brighter and more pleasant than those that a catatonic person experiences in everyday life. In other words, a person loses touch with reality due to an overactive imagination.

    You hold conservative views and do not like change and innovation. It is difficult for you to trust people, this is due to your timidity and tightness. You always follow the usual line of behavior, you are afraid of losing your composure.

  4. Schizophrenic
    Wouldn't you like to meet this woman in the gateway? This means that as a child you suppressed apathy, indifference and mixed emotions. Schizophrenics are characterized by isolation, inability to act, difficulties in communication, and secrecy.

    In fact, your character is distinguished by sociability, sociability, and sincerity. You do not like to spend time alone with yourself, you prefer large companies. However, deep down in your soul, you realize that your relationships with others are artificial; you could easily do without them.

  5. Hysterical
    Hysterical disorders are accompanied by emotional instability, narcissism syndrome, thoughtlessness and exhibitionism. If you have chosen the image of this woman, then you have a smoldering desire inside you to attract attention and assert yourself in any way.

    You can be described as a spiritual, modest, rather principled person. You strive to please others, you carefully monitor your appearance, trying to follow fashion. Typically, people of this type choose original hobbies and unusual professions.

  6. Depressed man
    If you don’t like this woman, then you are prone to depression, which lies dormant somewhere in the depths of your consciousness. Almost everyone knows characteristic features This condition includes low self-esteem, complexes, feelings of anxiety and guilt.

    In reality, everything is different. You are an easy and carefree person, you lead active image life and charge those around you with positivity. Sometimes you are prone to melancholy, isolation and suspicion. To hide depressive background, you have to be a psychologist for everyone you know.

  7. Maniac
    Mania is accompanied by excessive excitement, inflated self-esteem, wastefulness and over-emotionality. If you chose this picture, then there is a maniac hiding inside you.

    In life, you are the type of person who prefers to remain in the shadows, avoids any provocations and conflicts, and is also opposed to noisy parties and any fuss. You can safely be called a model of sanity.

  8. Split personality
    If you have ever had the feeling that two different personalities coexist within you, then this is understandable. The predisposition to this disorder justifies the choice of the portrait of the young man. You probably had difficulties with self-determination as a child.

    You clearly feel your gender identity. It is important for people of this type to demonstrate their femininity or masculinity to everyone around them. Relationships with the opposite sex are very important to them.

The Hungarian psychoanalyst Leopold Szondy in 1939 published a unique test for identifying certain types of mental disorders and behavioral deviations.

For the visual series, Szondi selected 48 photographs of mentally ill people and grouped them on six cards. Each card has portraits that help identify people suffering from one or another psychological illness.

If the patient's choice is confirmed on four or more cards, the likelihood that the diagnosis is correct increases. We are publishing a shortened version of the Szondi test, which simply draws an emotional portrait of a person and is designed to reveal his hidden qualities.

Look at the picture below and choose the person who scares or disgusts you.

1. Sadist
If this portrait of a teacher scares you, it means that as a child you suppressed authoritarian tendencies in yourself.

People around you know you as a harmless and peaceful person who is always ready to help. At the same time, it is difficult for your superiors to manage you. If you don't want to do something, then you deliberately create obstacles in the way of completing the task. When faced with difficulties, you choose a passive position, which ultimately tires the offenders.

2. Epileptic
People with this disorder are characterized by impulsivity and irritability. You may experience uncontrollable outbursts of anger or aggression, but you try your best to control yourself and control your emotions.

In everyday life you are very kind and friendly, and those around you consider you a responsible person. You easily establish contact with people and are constant in your feelings.

3. Catatonic
This mental disorder characterized by excessive stimulation of the imagination, causing the person to become painfully excited. Most likely, you are forced to suppress your mental hyperactivity, because otherwise you may begin to lose touch with reality.

You are a conservative, so you are extremely cautious and even suspicious of innovation and innovation. By nature you are timid and distrustful, and your greatest fear is losing self-control. You are quite touchy, constrained and reserved, and in life you try not to deviate from your principles.

4. Schizophrenic
If, when you look at a person with an impenetrable poker face, goosebumps run down your skin, this means that as a child you suppressed your indifference to others, and were also afraid to abstract yourself from things and events.

In general, the personality of a schizophrenic is characterized by severe apathy, manifestation of inappropriate emotions, as well as distortion of thoughts. At the same time, others consider you sociable and cheerful, however, this opinion can be deceptive.

Your relationships with others are often superficial, and deep down you feel that you could do just fine without the people around you, and most of these people you don’t need at all.

5. Hysterical
The main features of a hysteric are emotional instability, strong narcissism and superficiality. If the woman in the picture causes you an irresistible fear, this means that inside you lies a desire to attract everyone's attention and to assert yourself.

Outwardly, you give the impression of a quiet and modest person with a rich inner world, but in fact, behind the appearance of a quiet person lies a personality who wants to charm those around him at all costs.

Appearance is of great importance to you. You always try to look brand new, always complementing your wardrobe with stylish accessories. You have a penchant for choice. unusual professions and there is an original hobby available.

6. Depressed person
The main symptoms of depression are an inferiority complex and feelings of guilt. And if the person in picture #6 scares you, it means that you may have the problems listed below, even if you try to hold on.

To those around you, you seem to be a carefree person who is extremely easy-going. You literally glow with optimism and exude unshakable self-confidence. However, sometimes sadness comes over you, and then you become withdrawn and suspicious. Because you try to hide the depression deep inside, you try to be everyone's psychologist, solving other people's problems.

7. Maniac
Overexcitement, extroversion, a tendency to waste money and overestimation of one’s own strengths are the hallmarks of a maniac. Such people have a risk that the state of delight will develop into exaltation.

Are there any of these people who you find most frightening or disgusting? These choices can reveal a lot about you, according to the work of 20th century Hungarian psychiatrist Leopold Szondi. He developed this test to identify deep internal impulses, hidden under layers of consciousness. He assumed that a person projects onto others those traits that frighten or attract him in himself. This is what the test is based on. Choose the most unpleasant portrait and learn something new about yourself.

Test transcript:
1. Sadist
Most likely, as a child you suppressed manifestations of authoritarianism in your own behavior, cravings for dominance and bad inclinations. If you have chosen a portrait of this teacher, in your subconscious you suppress offensive and humiliating impulses towards others.

In general, you are a peaceful and harmless person, always ready to help others. If you work in an office, your boss may find it difficult to manage you. When you don’t want to do something, you artificially create obstacles (for example, deliberately being late for work or walking around showing that you’re not in the mood). In the face of difficulties or bullies, you adopt an attitude of passive resistance and ignorance, which eventually exhausts the source of your problems.

2. Epileptic
Speaking about personality disorders that relate to brain disorders (as in the case of epilepsy), it is necessary to note the characteristic features of this diagnosis, such as: impulsivity, irritability, sudden outbursts of anger and aggression. If this plump, round-headed man gives you a feeling of fear or disgust, then most likely, as a child you suppressed precisely such manifestations of feelings.

Most likely, you are a kind, peace-loving person. By being peaceful and friendly, you come across as a responsible person who is capable of self-control. You are firm and stable in your feelings and easily connect with people, ideas and events.

3. Catatonic
The characteristic features of this mental disorder are excessive stimulation of the imagination, which makes it sick, and negativism. If this man has caused you negative feelings, you are most likely suppressing mental hyperactivity, which (if not sent deep into the subconscious) makes you lose touch with reality.

You are by nature a conservative, suspicious of all kinds of changes and innovations. You are a distrustful, timid person who has difficulty adapting to new things. Your greatest fear is losing self-control. You are touchy, uptight and very reserved. Never deviate from your “code of conduct.”

4. Schizophrenic
The personality of a schizophrenic is characterized by severe apathy, distortion of thoughts and the manifestation of incompatible emotions. If the sight of this stone “poker face” gives you goosebumps, it means that as a child you suppressed indifference towards others and were afraid to abstract yourself from things and events.

As a person, you are a fairly sociable person. You believe in the power of communication and truly enjoy being around people. At the same time, this very “sociability” can be deceptive, and behind it a secretive and withdrawn person can hide. Your relationships with people are often superficial, as if they lack real feelings. And deep down, you feel that you don’t need those around you at all, just as you don’t need interaction with them.

5. Hysterical
Hysterical traits - superficiality, emotional instability, narcissism and exhibitionism. If it is this strange woman who evokes the strongest fear and disgust in you, then perhaps it is only because in the depths of your soul you hide an insatiable thirst for attention and self-affirmation.

You give the impression of a humble person with a strong inner spirituality. However, in reality, behind a shy and quiet person there is a personality who has an irresistible desire to charm and enchant those around him. You pay a lot of attention to your behavior and appearance, try to look elegant, if not “brand new,” complementing your look with stylish accessories. People like you tend to choose rare or unusual professions and hobbies.

6. Depressed man
Low self-esteem, inferiority complex and guilt are the main symptoms of depression. If your choice fell on this particular person, most likely, deep down you are depressed and are carefully trying to keep it under control.

You can easily be described as a carefree and easy-going person. You radiate activity, self-confidence and optimism. Sometimes, however, the “sad clown” awakens in you, and then melancholy comes out. You may be withdrawn and suspicious at times. The fact that you are trying to “bury” depressive impulses forces you to take on the role of a general psychologist and search for answers to other people’s questions and problems.

7. Maniac
Characteristic manic traits are overexcitement, overestimation of oneself, extroversion and a tendency to waste money and emotions. If this particular face seemed very disgusting to you, this means that the state of delight in you can develop into exaltation, and then it’s not far from drifting into mysticism.

You are a person who does not like provocations, noise and din. In life, you are an example of prudence, endurance and restraint. Being practical and thrifty, you always keep your own behavior under control.

8. Dissociative identity disorder
This is a mental state in which at least two alter personalities coexist in one person, each of which has its own view of the world and ways of interacting with the surrounding reality. If this woman scared you, then you probably had problems with self-determination as a child.

In life, you probably have a tendency to clearly and definitely confirm your belonging to a certain gender at all costs. This is “girl-girl” or “man-man”. Men with this feature often strive to always and in everything look macho, and ladies - to seem like the embodiment of female sexuality, to flirt and attract the opposite sex.

The Hungarian psychoanalyst Leopold Szondy in 1939 published a unique test for identifying certain types of mental disorders and behavioral deviations.

For the visual series, Szondi selected 48 photographs of mentally ill people and grouped them on six cards. Each card has portraits that help identify people suffering from one or another psychological illness.

If the patient's choice is confirmed on four or more cards, the likelihood that the diagnosis is correct increases. We are publishing a shortened version of the Szondi test, which simply draws an emotional portrait of a person and is designed to reveal his hidden qualities.

Look at the picture below and choose the person who scares or disgusts you.

1. Sadist
If this portrait of a teacher scares you, it means that as a child you suppressed authoritarian tendencies in yourself.

People around you know you as a harmless and peaceful person who is always ready to help. At the same time, it is difficult for your superiors to manage you. If you don't want to do something, then you deliberately create obstacles in the way of completing the task. When faced with difficulties, you choose a passive position, which ultimately tires the offenders.

2. Epileptic

People with this disorder are characterized by impulsivity and irritability. You may experience uncontrollable outbursts of anger or aggression, but you try your best to control yourself and control your emotions.

In everyday life you are very kind and friendly, and those around you consider you a responsible person. You easily establish contact with people and are constant in your feelings.

3. Catatonic

This mental disorder is characterized by excessive stimulation of the imagination, causing the person to become painfully agitated. Most likely, you are forced to suppress your mental hyperactivity, because otherwise you may begin to lose touch with reality.

You are a conservative, so you are extremely cautious and even suspicious of innovation and innovation. By nature you are timid and distrustful, and your greatest fear is losing self-control. You are quite touchy, constrained and reserved, and in life you try not to deviate from your principles.

4. Schizophrenic
If, when you look at a person with an impenetrable poker face, goosebumps run down your skin, this means that as a child you suppressed your indifference to others, and were also afraid to abstract yourself from things and events.

In general, the personality of a schizophrenic is characterized by severe apathy, the manifestation of inappropriate emotions, and distortion of thoughts. At the same time, others consider you sociable and cheerful, however, this opinion can be deceptive.

Your relationships with others are often superficial, and deep down you feel that you could do just fine without the people around you, and most of these people you don’t need at all.

5. Hysterical

The main features of a hysteric are emotional instability, strong narcissism and superficiality. If the woman in the picture causes you an irresistible fear, this means that inside you lies a desire to attract everyone's attention and to assert yourself.

Outwardly, you give the impression of a quiet and modest person with a rich inner world, but in fact, behind the appearance of a quiet person lies a personality who wants to charm others at all costs.

Appearance is of great importance to you. You always try to look brand new, always complementing your wardrobe with stylish accessories. You have a penchant for choosing unusual professions and have an original hobby.

6. Depressed person

The main symptoms of depression are an inferiority complex and feelings of guilt. And if the person in picture #6 scares you, it means you may have the problems listed below, even if you try to hold on.]

To those around you, you seem to be a carefree person who is extremely easy-going. You literally glow with optimism and exude unshakable self-confidence. However, sometimes sadness comes over you, and then you become withdrawn and suspicious. Because you try to hide the depression deep inside, you try to be everyone's psychologist, solving other people's problems.

7. Maniac

Overexcitement, extroversion, a tendency to waste money and overestimation of one’s own strengths are the hallmarks of a maniac. Such people have a risk that the state of delight will develop into exaltation.]

In life, you are a model of prudence and integrity. Those around you know you as a person with iron restraint. You are practical and reasonable, always monitoring your behavior. But if you go off the rails, no one will care...

8. Split personality

Scientifically it is called dissociative identity disorder. With this disorder, two or more personalities coexist in one person, each of which has its own special worldview. If you are frightened by the image of a pale youth, this may mean that you have problems with self-determination.

In life, such persons strive at all costs to emphasize their heterosexuality. Men with a split personality tend to appear macho, and women - fatal seductresses.

It’s amazing how closely our subconscious is connected to visual images! And if the test results accurately described your character, share the article with your friends, let them also learn more about their hidden demons.