How to determine by blood who will be born. Is it possible to calculate the conception of a child of a certain gender - a boy or a girl - by updating the blood of the parents?

Useful tips

For centuries, expectant parents had to wait until their child was born to find out its gender.

Now there are different methods for determining the sex of a child, starting from folk signs and ancient Chinese tables to modern medical procedures.

1. How to find out the gender of a child using the table?

According to legend Chinese gender determination chart child was found in an ancient royal tomb in China. It predicts the gender of the child based on the Chinese lunar calendar.

In this case you need to know mother's age at conception And month of conception to determine whether you are having a girl or a boy.

There is no scientific evidence to prove whether this method works, but you can test it on your friends and family.

2. Gender of the child by date of conception

According to this method, the sex of the unborn child is determined by date of conception and depends on the type of sperm.

It is believed that Y sperm, which will lead to the birth of a boy, is faster and less hardy than sperm with the X chromosome, which is slower but more persistent.

Thus, if conception occurs 2-3 days before a woman ovulates, then you are more likely to give birth to a girl. If conception took place directly on the day of ovulation or shortly before it, then the likelihood of having a boy is higher.

The day of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal temperature or using home ovulation tests.

3. Calculate the sex of the child by blood

According to this theory, the gender of the unborn child can be determined based on renewal of parents' blood. It is believed that in women the blood is renewed once every 3 years, and in men - once every 4 years. The gender of the child is determined by which parent has “fresher” blood.

For example, a woman is 26 years old and a man is 28 years old. If we divide 26 by 3 we get 8.6, and if we divide 28 by 4 we get 8. Since the remainder of a woman (8.6) is greater than that of a man, the probability of having a boy is greater.

It is also worth remembering that in the case of blood donation and transfusion, operations, childbirth and other blood losses, it is worth taking the date of the last blood loss.

Gender of the child by blood type

Another entertaining theory for determining the sex of the unborn child is based on blood type and Rh factor of parents. The intersection of your mother's and father's blood types, as well as the Rh factors, indicates whether you are having a boy or a girl.

4. Gender of the child according to signs

There are many signs of determining the sex of a child, which our grandmothers and mothers also resorted to. Of course, these methods are not considered reliable since they have not been validated. Some of them seem to be true because they are approximately 50 percent accurate, and there are others that have been partially scientifically proven.

Gender of baby by belly

If you carry your baby low - you have a boy, if high - you have a girl. There is also an opinion that if expectant mother a pointed belly shape means there will be a boy, and a more rounded shape means a girl.

However, according to experts, the shape of the abdomen is determined by the muscles, uterine tone and position of the child, and not by the gender of the baby.

According to the latest data, Breast volume is the best indicator of the sex of the unborn child. Women carrying girls have larger breasts during pregnancy (an average of 8 cm) than women carrying boys (an average of 6.3 cm). This is because boys produce more testosterone and require more energy from the mother, which suppresses breast growth more.

Gender of baby based on heartbeat

According to the signs, if you have a girl, the fetal heart rate will be above 140 per minute, and if it’s a boy, then less than 140. In fact, the fetal heartbeat changes as the child grows and develops, as well as as the child becomes more active. However, it has been scientifically proven that the heart rate of girls increases more during childbirth than that of boys.

Folk signs for determining the gender of a child

The couple will have girl If:

The mother's appearance deteriorated and acne appeared

Dad started gaining weight

Mom has a craving for sweets

The expectant mother suffers from severe morning sickness

Parents age over 40 years

If hung wedding ring above the stomach, it moves back and forth

The couple will have boy If:

Mother's appearance has improved

Dry hands and cold feet

Cravings for salty and sour

Mother is stressed

Significantly increased appetite and calorie consumption

If you hang a wedding ring over your stomach, it moves in a circle

5. Gender of the child according to ultrasound

One of the most accurate methods for determining the sex of a child during pregnancy is ultrasound or ultrasonography, during which high-frequency sound waves create an image of your baby inside the uterus.

An ultrasound is not performed to determine the sex of the child, but to find out whether the child is developing correctly.

Depending on the length of your pregnancy and the position of the fetus, your doctor can tell you for sure whether you are carrying a boy or a girl.

At what time can you determine the sex of a child?

Ultrasound of a boy

Ultrasound of a girl

Most often, the method of determining the sex of a child by ultrasound is the most accurate. between 18 and 26 weeks of pregnancy. Although new ultrasound technologies can determine the sex of a child for more early 12-13 weeks.

Up to 18 weeks intrauterine development, male and female genital organs are more similar and therefore the likelihood of error is high. More late dates also make this task more difficult due to the tighter position of the fetus.

It is worth remembering that if the child is in an awkward examination position or crosses his legs, this may hide the genital area from observation.

Gender of the child: is ultrasound wrong?

Ultrasound is not a 100 percent method, and the likelihood of error depends on several factors:

Gestational age (the higher, the more accurate)

Equipment (3D ultrasound is usually more accurate)

Professionalism of the doctor performing ultrasound

Mother's weight (the fatter the mother, the lower the image quality)

Fetal positions

Exist more precise methods determining the sex of the unborn child (almost 100 percent), but they are carried out as necessary and are accompanied great risk for pregnancy. This amniocentesis(amniotic sac puncture) and chorionic villus biopsy. They are carried out at an earlier stage: in the first and early second trimester.

Amniocentesis is performed between 15-18 weeks pregnancy. The doctor inserts a long needle to take a sample of amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac, which contains the baby's cells. Typically, this test is ordered if there is increased risk anomalies in the child and disorders associated with the sex of the child.

Chorionic villus biopsy is performed between 11 and 14 weeks, and this method is also used only if the child has a possibility of developing disorders.

Of course, it is important for every parent that their child is born healthy and strong. However, for many no less important issue is half a baby. Some people dream of a boy, while others, on the contrary, want to have only a girl. There are many methods for calculating when exactly you need to conceive in order for a child of a particular gender to appear in the family. Do they give everything exact result, the issue is controversial. There is a method based on renewing the blood of the parents.

What is the theory of blood renewal?

The method of predicting the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents has its roots in ancient times (see also:). Even then people knew that human body Almost everything changes periodically - from blood and tissues to mucous membranes and cells. This knowledge has reached the modern world.

Such physical changes continue throughout life. However, in women and men, similar changes occur through different period time. The fair sex renews itself every three years, but the stronger sex renews its internal reserves less often - once every four years. It is these temporary differences that give rise to attempts to determine the sex of a child by the blood of the mother and father.

Let us dwell in more detail on the renewal of blood based on modern research, and not old beliefs. Blood consists of a large number of different elements and blood bodies. Red blood cells rightfully bear the title of the longest living. The number of these blood cells in an adult it reaches 25 trillion. The process of updating them takes on average about 120 days, that is, they are updated in 4 months. As for platelets and leukocytes, their life cycle is only a few days.

Drawing conclusions from this, we can say that the theory about blood renewal every 3 and 4 years is wrong. Despite this, many mothers continue to calculate the gender of the child before conception in this way, and often they manage to correctly determine the gender of the baby. According to statistics, the chance of correctly finding out the gender of the unborn baby is 68–88%, and these are impressive numbers, especially for an erroneous approach. For this reason, the technique still remains popular among expectant mothers and fathers.

How can you plan the sex of your child using the blood renewal method?

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It’s clear what the method is based on, but how can such a theory be applied to determine sex before conception? main idea is that the baby will “choose” the gender of the parent whose blood is younger. If the mother has recently renewed her blood, then the family will have a daughter, if the father has a son.

The main task is to determine who has younger blood at the time of pregnancy planning - a man or a woman. There are two ways to calculate who will be born after childbirth, a boy or a girl:

  1. Using special tables based on the age update calendar. They have come to us from very ancient times. Horizontally in the table the full age of the future father is indicated, and vertically - the mother. The intersection of these lines will answer the question of interest. For example, if at the time of planning a child the mother was 32 and the father was 36, then after the birth a boy will appear. This is a simple method, but whether such a test should be trusted is up to parents to decide.
  2. Calculation. Without using a table, you can calculate the sex of the child yourself. Counting will also not take much time and effort. To determine gender, you need to divide the number full years moms are by 3, and dads are by 4, then just compare the quotient of the division. Whichever parent has the lower result will pass on their gender to the baby. For example, mom is 22 and dad is 27. We divide 22 by three and get 7.3, and divide 27 by 4 and get 6.75. Dad's value is less than mother's, which means there is a high probability of having a boy. If the values ​​are equal, then there is a chance of becoming parents of twins. This is possible if the blood of both parents was renewed in the same year.

There is a third option for calculating who will be born, a boy or a girl. To calculate this, you need to know the year of birth of each parent and the year in which the family wants to plan the conception. For example, my mother was born in 1994, which means that her blood was renewed in 2015, her father was born in 1998, and his blood was changed in 2016. If you conceive in 2016, a son will be born, since the father’s blood is younger.

What do scientists think about calculating the sex of an unborn child based on the renewal of the parents' blood?

Although many parents manage to calculate the gender of the child, and spreadsheet tests also give a high percentage of matches, scientists do not take this method seriously. Doctors consider the idea that it is realistic to calculate the sex of a child by changes in the blood to be superstition.

The method based on blood renewal, as well as tables and calculations in accordance with it, are not able to take into account even all the nuances concerning this valuable biological fluid. If you rely solely on such a test before conception, then it would be useful to take into account the factors of blood loss that affect the process of blood change, leading to its earlier passage.

The process of blood renewal is influenced by:

  • transfusion and donation of donor blood;
  • surgical intervention;
  • injuries;
  • childbirth;
  • spontaneous and induced abortion.

Doctors believe that even minor injuries or cuts can trigger blood renewal. Without carrying out laboratory research It is impossible to say exactly when the blood was renewed, which means the result of the calculations is also controversial.

This opinion of experts does not interfere ordinary people consider the methodology reliable, trust it and carry out calculations. Women all over the world often resort to a blood renewal test to calculate the sex of their unborn baby in a few minutes.

What actually determines the sex of the baby and is it possible to “order” it?

According to research by biologists who have scientific basis and received worldwide recognition, if the sperm that fertilized the eggs was a carrier of the X chromosome, then the baby would be female, if the sperm fertilized the eggs, then a boy would be born. The blood or age of mom and dad have no effect on this process.

Those wishing to give birth to a child of a certain gender “by order” should take into account that sperm carrying the Y chromosome are more mobile, but less tenacious, and their counterparts carrying the X chromosome move more slowly but live longer. Therefore, in order to conceive a boy, a man and a woman need to have sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation, and for the birth of a girl, 3-4 days before it.

However, this method can also misfire. It is absolutely possible to “order” a son or daughter only in the case of in vitro fertilization and subsequent transfer of embryos of the desired sex.

There are many ways to calculate the sex of a child. These are the ancient Chinese calendar and Japanese tables. One of the newest is a method for renewing the blood of parents. Will help make calculations easier online table, where you can enter the birth data of your parents, and it will give the required result.

By blood renewal

By date of birth

Father 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1 991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Conception date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 2019

How does the method work?

IN scientific world There is a theory that after a certain period a person’s blood is completely renewed. This period differs for men and women. Thus, in the fair sex, renewal occurs once every three years, and in the stronger sex - once every four years.

The sex of the child is determined by the sex of the parent whose blood is younger at the time of conception. You can find out using your date of birth. Determining sex by parental blood can be done manually, but you can use online calculator, which greatly simplifies the calculations.

How does the calculator work? First, you need to enter the birth dates of your parents in the lines provided. Then the calculator itself will determine the period when the Last update blood from both parents and will give the result - the sex of the child.

To determine gender based on the blood of the parents, it is necessary to know the date of conception. Remember that it is determined not by the first delay of menstruation, but by the day of ovulation, i.e. 2 weeks before the start of your expected period. If you already know about pregnancy, but are in doubt about the day of conception, you can consult a gynecologist or wait for the first ultrasound. Then you will know exactly the date when fertilization occurred.

The method of determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents was known back in Ancient China. Modern scientists have updated it, adapted it to modern reality, and now future parents can use it to satisfy their curiosity.

Can there be exceptions?

Like any rule, the method of determining the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents has its exceptions. These are situations where heavy blood loss has occurred. In this case most of blood is renewed, and the countdown begins from this moment.

What situations can lead to large blood loss?

  1. surgical operations;
  2. uterine bleeding in women associated with miscarriage, abortion or pathology;
  3. provision own blood as a donor;
  4. blood transfusion;
  5. accidents, injuries, as a result of which a lot of blood was lost.

How reliable is the method?

A calculator or table for determining the sex of a child by blood renewal does not give 100% results. This must be taken into account if you want to find out the gender of the baby.

Sometimes it happens that parents do not remember the date of the operation or donation blood. In this case, the calculations become more complicated, and the result produced by the calculator or table is questionable.

A calendar or table for determining the sex of a child by blood renewal has received conflicting reviews.

On the one hand, it is very easy to calculate. To obtain the result, you do not need to know any exceptional data or rely on the calendar of another country, for example, as in the Chinese table. On the other hand, no one can say exactly when the last major blood renewal occurred. The woman may have had heavy periods or other gynecological reasons as a result of which she lost a large number of blood. Then the calculator stops working 100%.

To reliably find out who will be born, you need to connect all possible methods: the parents’ blood type, Chinese and Japanese tables (online calculator), ultrasound results. Then you will have the opportunity to compare the results of this test and find out the likelihood of having a boy or a girl.

Also, think about how important it is for you to know the gender of your baby before birth. If we're talking about about the hereditary transmission of any diseases exclusively through the male or female line, then one online calculator will clearly not be enough. Complex medical research and calculations that will provide indications for maintaining or terminating the pregnancy. If you are just planning a child, and its gender is important to you, contact specialists and use several methods.

In case of ordinary curiosity, treat the method of determining the sex of a baby by blood renewal as a fortune-telling, the result of which the calculator does not always give reliably. Use other means to help. If in reality everything happens differently, it will not be a disappointment for you. You will accept the baby as he is.

Often a young family dreams of a boy or a girl. And when a child is born, there comes a certain disappointment associated with the discrepancy between the desired gender. Many have resorted to long ago known method having medical justification and high probability successful calculations are determining the sex of the child by updating the blood of the parents.

Doctors can announce the sex of the unborn child to the lucky ones before the birth of the child, or during pregnancy. An ultrasound machine allows you to perform such a miracle. But, unfortunately, he may make mistakes and does not guarantee the data is 100% accurate.

But this miracle is not enough for young families. And today floor planning is quite accessible, as, indeed, it has always been available. Determining the sex of an embryo using renewed blood gives a 90% correct result. In 90% of cases, children are programmed as part of the blood of the couple.

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    How is the calculation done?

    Calculating the sex of a child based on blood renewal is a simple process. Blood has the ability to renew itself.

    The female renewal cycle occurs once every 3 years, the male renewal cycle occurs once every 4 years. In the case when female cycle passed earlier - the sex of the embryo will be female, if the male cycle passed earlier - the sex of the embryo will be male.

    In this case important role the Rh factor plays a role. If the mother is a carrier negative Rh factor, then the gender of the baby will depend on whose blood is more “stagnant” (the update was 2.5-3 years ago).

    • there was any operation;
    • donor parent;
    • the mother was already giving birth;
    • you have ever lost a lot of blood (in an accident, etc.);
    • an abortion was performed;
    • there was a miscarriage.

    If one of the above points occurred, then the calculation begins from the date of the last blood change.

    An example of calculating the sex of a baby

    To make the picture of determining the sex of a child by blood clear, an example is given.

    Birth of the mother on September 2, 1995. The blood was not removed from the mother’s body for the reasons given above.

    Birth of father on February 24, 1993. In 2008, an operation was performed. That is, there was interference in the blood system.

    When starting the calculation, it should be remembered that the renewal cycle in women is more frequent (1 ruble/3 years), in men it occurs less frequently (1 ruble/4 years). Having carried out simple calculations, we can affirmatively say that the mother’s blood is fresh. The last cycle was in 2016.

    My father was on the operating table in 2008. This is the date when the blood was supposed to be renewed for the last time. This is where we need to start. We add 4 years of the cycle to the date of 2008, we get 2016. In this case, the month is also considered, since the years coincide. The man was born in February, and the woman in September. This means the mother's blood is fresher. We need to wait for the girl.

    The result is a very simple formula that reveals the secret of how to plan a floor:

    reference date + 3 (women)/4 (men) years = update date.

    There is another formula that can be used to make calculations based on the renewed blood of a couple and tell how to determine the sex of the child. Mom or Dad's years are divided into 3 or 4 years. The figure behind the comma is considered. If the father has less, then a boy will be born, and vice versa. Example: mother is 22 years old, father is 27. We divide 22/3, and 27/4. The following results are obtained: 22/3=7.3, 27/4=6.7. The result was the number 3 for the mother and 7 for the father after the comma. The mother's blood will be more "fresh" and the child will be female.

    The age of mom and dad is divided into 3 years (women) / 4 years (men) = the smaller number after the decimal point determines the gender.

    If the difference between the numbers is small, then the parents will remain in the same ignorance. The baby can be born either male or female, and this technique will not help parents clarify the situation. It is possible that one and the other parent have a zero after the comma - then there is the possibility of having twins.

    The influence of blood type and Rh factor

    It is not difficult to determine the sex of a child based on the renewal of the parents’ blood, but it is important to know some nuances. Today, 4 antigen sets have been recognized. In some historical sources it is indicated that previously all people had only group I. This is connected with life and the halo of habitat. Perhaps that is why Rh factor I is considered the most ancient. Later, people had the opportunity to settle in other lands. Changes in diet, general climatic conditions led to changes in blood composition, additional II and Group III. The mixing and changing of antigens continued. As a result, IV appeared - the youngest blood group.

    Over the course of one human life such serious changes in the blood cannot occur, so people resort to possible and accessible ways calculation that allows you to plan the sex of the child. Another motivating factor is that medicine does not deny them.

    Blood renewal in women occurs more often, taking into account the three-year cycle and possible various interventions in the blood system: operations, first, second, etc. childbirth.

    Women with group I have significant priority over all men. Such a woman will give birth to a girl if her husband has group II, III or IV. If both mother and father I have the oldest group, then the probability of having a girl is higher, since blood renewal in females occurs more often.

    How to find out the sex of a child by blood type:

    1. 1. Mom II gr. + dad I gr. = male (if the father has fresher blood).
    2. 2. Mom II gr. + dad I gr. = female (if the mother’s blood is “fresher”).
    3. 3. Mom III gr. + dad I gr. = always male (for the father, the 1st group is the oldest. If this is the second child, and the first was not born more than a year ago, then it is more likely to be a girl, since the mother has renewed blood cells).
    4. 4. Mom IV gr. + dad I gr. = always a boy (no exceptions).

    Based on the chronology of the appearance of Rh factors, it is easy to draw the following conclusions:

    • woman with I gr. or II gr. will give birth to a girl in a marriage with a man from the 3rd grade. or IV gr.;
    • woman with III gr. will give birth to a girl in marriage with a man from the IV group;
    • woman with II gr., III gr., IV gr. will give birth to a boy in marriage with a man from the 1st grade;
    • woman with III gr., IV gr. will give birth to a boy in marriage with a man from the 1st grade, 2nd grade;
    • woman with IV gr. will give birth to a boy in marriage with a man with I, II, III gr.

    So, in most cases, a woman has a better chance of giving birth to an assistant, especially if she does not make preliminary calculations based on gender. Maybe this is why there are more women on earth than men. The first blood group always has priority due to its antiquity, and if its owner is female, then this is the determining factor. If the blood of the parents is the same Rh factor, the woman is still at her best, since her renewal occurs more often. A man wins only if his blood is renewed earlier.

    The method of determining the sex of a child by the blood of the parents has significant advantages:

    • reliability up to 90%;
    • the method is scientifically based;
    • prevalence (many couples around the world use this method before conceiving);
    • you can use an online calculator to determine the sex of a child;
    • availability (you can calculate it manually or online for free).

    Another method is to calculate gender using two tables. The first contains data on the age of the parents and the blood renewal rate, the second - the month of birth of one of the parents and the month of conception of the child. But this method counting makes it possible to determine who will be a boy or a girl already when the child is conceived, and not to “model” his gender.

    The table below draws a line horizontally and vertically. The following numbers are displayed in turn: month of birth of mother + month of conception, month of birth of mother + month of conception. Then you need to add the coefficient from the first table with the figure in the second. Whoever has the lower number will have a child of that gender.

    How to conceive a boy?

    Male sperm can be of two types:

    • X-sperm;
    • Y-sperm.

    X have oval heads, they are slow, their survivability is higher, they have higher strength, but there are always fewer of them than Y.

    Ys have round heads, they are fast, they have low survivability, they are very fragile, but there are many more of them than Xs.

    The egg is always X-type.

    As a result, two options are possible:

    • X-ovum+X=XX (girl);
    • X-ovum+Y=XY (boy).

    Knowing this, you can slightly increase your chances of conceiving a male child.

    All you need is more Y sperm. It is also important to provide the Y sperm with a ready egg. The ovulation period is calculated and sexual activity is stopped (3-4 days before conception) for better sperm accumulation.

    You need to conceive on the 1st day of ovulation. At this time, the vaginal environment becomes more alkaline, and “male” Ys survive better than Xs. This creates the most favorable environment for Y sperm on the day of ovulation. “Sperm boys” gain greater mobility and “sperm girls” cannot overtake them and become the first to fertilize the egg. The accuracy of this conception method is very high.

    To increase your chances of having a boy:

    1. 1. You should not make love 3-4 days before the estimated day of ovulation. The number of sperm cells will be higher.
    2. 2. For expectant fathers, hot baths are excluded, according to at least, within 7 days.
    3. 3. The concept operates only during the act of love aimed at creating a fruit.
    4. 4. Sexual contact after conception is carried out using contraceptives (condoms).
    5. 5. When creating a fetus, bringing the state to orgasm is the best state.
    6. 6. Enjoy longer foreplay to achieve maximum sperm concentration.
    7. 7. The position should provide deep penetration.
    8. 8. Coffee before the act of love (2 hours before) will increase the number of sperm.
    9. 10. No lubricants are used.

    Diet for conceiving a boy

    Two months before conception you should adhere to special diet, which will acidify the body and allow sperm boys to survive. In order to conceive a boy, future parents:

    • Must eat meat, potatoes, pickles, sausages, mushrooms, bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches and figs.
    • Drink tea, coffee and fruit juices.
    • Eliminate dairy products, cabbage, nuts and beans from your diet.
    • It is undesirable to eat eggs, shrimp, cheese, nuts, milk chocolate and green salad, drink milkshakes, soft water and mineral water with calcium.

    This diet gives good results. It helps create a more acidic environment. This affects the biochemical composition of the egg, which becomes more favorable for conceiving a boy.

    How to conceive a girl?

    In creating a female child, the combination and matching of chromosomes is also important.

    As it became clear from the above, the female egg and the “female” chromosomes coincide. But to conceive a girl, certain conditions are also needed, the right time and condition.

    Girls' time is 2-3 days before ovulation. It is at this moment that the egg is predisposed to accepting “female” X sperm. The environment and condition are perfect. It is enough for a woman to keep a calendar of her cycle, and then it will be easy to calculate a favorable day.

    To increase your chances of having a girl:

    1. 1. The position should provide shallow penetration (classical).
    2. 2. Acts of love can be performed both before and after the day of conception.
    3. 9. The duration of sperm fixation in the body is 20 minutes.

    Grandmothers knew and performed certain actions that, in their opinion, helped to conceive a girl:

    • before the act of love, a “female” object (comb, mirror) was placed under the pillows;
    • the room where the act of conception takes place should be decorated in pink color(pink curtains, bedspread, bed linen, wallpaper);
    • act of love in summer time can be carried out in nature, it is advisable to do this under fruit tree female(apple tree, pear tree);
    • rain or frost are helpers in this matter;
    • the name of the month does not play a special role, but the name of the day of the week is chosen in the feminine gender (Wednesday).

    How did you find out the sex of the child before?

    Among the people, grandmothers often used various items to say to the expectant mother who she will have. They took a thread and a needle. IN eye of a needle they threaded the thread, pulled through and hung the needle. The result was a kind of pendulum. He was kept on outstretched arm. If the needle rotated in a circle, this meant that a female baby would be born, if parallel, it meant a male baby.

    Traditional methods are not as common as methods with medical justification, but they can also be used. You can only resort to folk methods, or you can double-check the results obtained by the methods given above.

    "Grandmother's" methods:

    1. 1. Determining gender by the moon. The moon plays an important role in human life. The birth of a child is no exception to this. Knowing the sign of conception, you can tell who will be born. There are 6 male and 6 female signs in the zodiac calendar. If the Moon was in female sign, there will be a girl, and vice versa.
    2. 2. Determination of sex by the shape of the abdomen. The mother's tummy can give away the sex of the embryo. A round shape indicates a female gender, an elongated shape indicates a male gender.
    3. 3. Determination of sex by movements. The embryo begins to push and show its activity at 16-24 weeks. While waiting for this wonderful moment, mother should be very attentive. If it started on the left side, then this is a sure sign of female gender, if on the right - male.
    4. 4. Determination of sex by toxicosis. Kids often get their mother into very unpleasant situations, severe conditions toxicosis. Boys are especially tormented. If the mother often feels nauseous, vomits endlessly, feels dizzy, and generally feels unwell - this discomfort is brought on by the boy. Girls also bring some discomfort. But they treat their mother lovingly and rarely give her any trouble. There is almost no toxicosis with the girl.
    5. 5. Determination of sex by breasts. Breasts can also indicate the sex of the embryo. A dark colored areola indicates female field, lighter tone - about the male gender.
    6. 6. Determining gender by appearance. Pregnancy brings unusual beauty to a woman. Expectant mothers are never ugly. But there are several signs that indicate the sex of the baby. If there is a girl at heart, then the mother may develop wrinkles, pimples, and spots on her face. If there is a boy under your heart, then the skin becomes smooth, toned, and elastic.
    7. 7. Determination of gender by nutrition. When a girl is pregnant, the mother is attracted to sweets, the boy forces the mother to eat citrus fruits and meat.

    Determining the sex of a child by blood and “programming” it is not so difficult. Blood renewal plays a significant role in determining sex. There are various factors individual characteristics, situations that could affect the birth of a boy or girl. And, having taken into account all the nuances, you can say with up to 90% probability who will be born. Makes it easier to calculate the sex of a child using an updated online blood calculator. You can double-check the result using other methods given above.

The birth of a child is the most long-awaited and touching moment in anyone’s life. married couple. Even in the planning process, future parents are curious to know who their baby will be - a protective son or a beautiful daughter. Since ancient times, our ancestors knew how to guess the gender of a baby based on the period of blood renewal.


Even our distant ancestors knew that everything on our planet is subject to cyclical changes: cell renewal internal organs and skin, blood, etc. According to this technique, depending on the life cycle, we have two types of blood - “old” and “fresh”.

Along with blood, other tissues of the body are renewed. In the process of such renewal, a person, like a reptile, “sheds” old cells. Blood cells are amazing because not only their chemical composition they reflect the state of human health, but also carry all the genetic information about the subject. Through blood, genetic information about his parents is transmitted to the unborn child during the process of conception.

Thanks to the cyclical renewal of blood, even today it is possible to determine the sex of the child.

Information Because of physiological characteristics organisms of a man and a woman, the cyclicity of blood renewal in both sexes differs from each other. In women, renewal occurs once every 3 years, in men - every 4 years. This is due to the presence of monthly menstruation in women. Some scientists suggest that the secret of women's longevity lies in the fact that their blood is renewed much more often than men.

Calculation of the sex of the child by blood renewal

The gender of the child is calculated based on the renewal of the parents’ blood using a fairly simple principle - the parent who was “younger” at the time of the baby’s conception passes on their gender to the child.

If it is in your interests to know what color to buy baby clothes, plan to conceive a child using the blood renewal method. To do this, use the following calculation scheme:

  • Divide the father's age by 4;
  • Divide the mother's age by 3;
  • Compare the remainders: the parent who has the smaller remainder (younger blood) will pass on their gender to the baby.

Example The potential father of the child is 34 years old at the time of conception. Dividing his age by 4, we get 8. Thus, the remainder is 2. Let's say the mother of the alleged child is 25 years old. We divide her age by 3, we get 8, the remainder is 1. Thus, from the calculation we see that a married couple should expect the birth of a boy, since the father has the “youngest” blood.

If the calculation turns out that the remainder is equal to each other, then the probability of having a boy or a girl based on the renewal of the parents’ blood is 50/50. In addition, if the blood balance matches, a married couple has a chance of becoming parents of twins!

Information Remember that sex determination calculations based on blood renewal should be carried out only in a column, and not on a calculator. Otherwise, the results obtained may differ greatly from the actual ones.


An important role in blood renewal is played by childbirth, operations, i.e. any factors leading to blood loss.

If one of the future parents acted as a donor, had a blood transfusion, or had another major blood loss (surgery, injury, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, etc.), blood renewal to determine the sex of the unborn child should be calculated in a different way.

Example If you have lost more than 1 liter of blood or this amount has been infused into you, consider that you have completely renewed it. For example, a woman had a blood transfusion at age 25. Her next blood update is scheduled to occur at 28.

It should be remembered that blood loss from menstruation does not fundamentally affect blood renewal. Due to its presence in women, renewal occurs 1 year more often than in men.

How to determine the sex of a child without calculating blood renewal?

You can determine the sex of a child using the blood renewal method without making calculations yourself. You can use ready-made tables and a calculator that will perform all the calculations for you.

Those potential parents who have no history of major blood loss or blood transfusions can resort to the table. Otherwise, the tabular data is not relevant for determining the sex of the baby.

Mother's age


Father's age


Determining the sex of a baby using the blood renewal method does not provide a 100% guarantee. Still, as in the exact sciences, this method produces its own small errors. When calculating the sex of the baby using the table, remember the nuances and your individual characteristics. For example, we may have large blood losses (more than 1 liter) during menstruation, endometriosis, or low blood clotting, which is why your wounds bleed for a long time.

Information In people suffering diabetes mellitus, blood coagulation is fundamentally different from healthy people.

Japanese calendar

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the science of numerology. In ancient times, our ancestors took it as seriously as you and I take mathematics, physics or chemistry. Scientists of those times believed that it was no coincidence that a person was born on a certain day, month, year, hour. They assumed that numbers were a magic formula, by reading which you could find out how your destiny would turn out.

Numerology as a science is not dead. Many people take it seriously, even today. is based on a numerological method of determining the gender of a baby, calculated by comparing the birth months of the parents.

You can determine the sex of a newborn by special table. To begin, select the month of birth of the expectant mother in the first column, and the father from the first line. The number at the junction of two cells will indicate the gender of the unborn baby.

Next, we interpret the resulting number. To do this, let's turn to the second table. We select the month of conception of the baby in the table. At the top of the table, select the previously obtained result. From it we draw a vertical line to the expected month of conception. Next we draw a horizontal line. The crosses located under the “boy” and “girl” columns indicate the likelihood of having a child of one gender or another. For example, in the example we are considering, the “girl” column contains the most crosses. This suggests that, most likely, a female baby will be born.

Sex determination calculator based on blood renewal

The assumption that in women the blood is renewed every 3 years, and in men every 4 years, lies at the basis of this method. The cyclic state of the blood is indicated by the residual coefficient. The younger the blood, the smaller the remainder. The gender of the baby is passed on to the parent who has “younger” blood. Previously, in the 90s, in family planning centers abroad, geneticists independently compiled a table for a married couple to help plan the gender of their unborn child. This table was calculated based on the date of birth of both parents.

Today, thanks to the great breakthrough in computer technology, the need for such consultations has completely disappeared. It is now possible to calculate and plan the sex of the child online. Probably, many will not believe this, because previously in the USA, married couples shelled out a lot of money for such consultations. And today, thanks to special online calculators, it has become possible to plan the sex of a child for free.

Information The work of the sex determination calculator by blood renewal calculates in what time period a couple can have a boy and in what period a girl. The program is based on the cyclicity of blood renewal and the dates of birth of both parents.

If the calculation is done manually or using a table, the age of the parents is taken into account, then the online calculator also takes into account the dates and months of birth. Such a detailed calculation provides much more accurate information, because each person’s blood is renewed individually, depending on his biological age.

Reliability of the method

Scientists today do not give a clear answer as to what factors mainly influence the gender of a child. Speaking about calculating the sex of the baby using the blood renewal method, gynecologists disagree. Some talk about a 50/50 hit, others believe that in 80% of cases, the method pays off. Let's look at what geneticists say regarding the formation of a child's gender.

During fertilization, two cells merge – male and female. A woman's egg carries only X chromosomes, while sperm can contain any set of X and Y chromosomes. If there is at least one Y chromosome in the sperm, a male child is born.

Information Thus, we can say that blood renewal does not in any way affect the process of formation of the baby’s gender. Genetic scientists believe that all methods: tables, online calculators and independent calculations in a column do not provide any true information.

Despite negative criticism from geneticists, married couples claim the opposite. Moreover, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology conducted an independent survey, according to which 65% of parents surveyed confirmed the effectiveness of the method of determining the sex of a child by updating the blood.

In addition to the cyclicity of blood renewal, the biochemical composition of the blood also plays an important role. The blood type and Rh factor of the parents also influence the formation of the baby’s gender.

Baby's gender based on blood type

The method is based on the hypothesis that the blood type of future parents plays an important role in the formation of the baby’s gender. The relationship between blood groups affects the sex of the fetus. Certainly, official medicine exposes this method to great criticism. Anyway, this hypothesis has its supporters.

By Rh factor

You can calculate the sex of the baby by comparing the Rh factor of the future parents. It's quite simple: if the Rhesus factors are different, the parents will have a girl, if they are the same, then it will be a boy. The method we have considered is subject to much more criticism, because there are only 20% of people on the planet with a negative Rh factor. From this we conclude that if the Rh factor played great importance in the formation of the sex of a child, then 80% of the planet's population would consist of men.


We have discussed the method of determining the sex of a child by renewing the blood of both parents. Now you know everything about this ancient method by which our distant ancestors planned the gender of their baby. Everyone must draw conclusions for themselves. Most parents believe in this method. Undoubtedly, both for ordinary people and for scientists, the only fact that remains is that human blood, like everything in the world, is subject to cyclical changes and has its own renewal phases.

If you want to determine the sex of the baby using the blood update method, be sure to take into account all the data to ensure the reliability of the result. Never forget that change life cycle bleeding occurs, not always systematically. As a result of certain external interventions (surgeries, childbirth, blood donation, etc.), it is updated ahead of schedule.

Today, the only way to be absolutely certain about the gender of your unborn baby is. Using ultrasound, determine the gender of the baby no earlier than the 20th week.