The dog's eyes are watery - the main reasons. What to do if a dog's eyes are flowing: causes, symptoms and available treatments Dog's eyes are flowing what to do

Tears perform protective function and various kinds of discharge from the dog's eyes indicate violations in the organs of vision. If the discharge continues long enough for a long time, then it's time to look for a reason to save the pet from suffering. In the case of a serious illness, the consequences can lead to a complete loss of vision, so you should not hesitate.

Why do dogs have teary eyes

The reasons why a dog's eyes are watery can have a different origin. First of all, some breeds with structural features of the organs of vision (drooping eyelids, breeds with flat muzzles) are susceptible to this, for which small secretion of the lacrimal glands is the norm and they are observed early age: , poodle, etc.

The simplest reasons secretions are: dust, low air humidity, eyelash or hair in the eyes, injury, (air freshener, food, tobacco smoke and etc.). In this case tears will be transparent and may go away on their own after a while.

If the secreted fluid is greenish or yellowish tint(mucus,), then most likely this is a serious disease, possibly infectious (, inflammation of the lacrimal sacs, volvulus of the eyelids,). Also, “elderly” pets are susceptible to this disease, which, with age, suffer from many chronic diseases And copious discharge Tears are the norm for them.

Treating a dog with watery eyes

If the dog suddenly began to "cry", but otherwise feels fine, then you should remember what changes Lately could cause. Perhaps the diet has changed, then the cancellation of new products will help, or an air conditioner has been installed that “dries out” the air.

You can also check your eyes for foreign bodies(mote, eyelash, wool) or microtrauma and scratches. In this case, regular flushing will help. clean water or saline.

At additional symptoms(, chills, lack of appetite, lethargy) should visit the veterinarian. Only after tests and other examinations can a diagnosis be made. Before the visit, you can drip Novocaine (2% solution) into your eyes so that the dog does not scratch his eyes, aggravating the situation. In the event of an infection, the pet will be treated with antibiotics and eye drops.

Prevention of problems with discharge from the eyes of the dog

  1. As a preventative measure, it is important stick to the diet. It is necessary to exclude harmful products that provoke discharge from the diet.
  2. You always need with you have eye drops (ask the veterinarian) to use them during exacerbations (dust, dry air in summer, pollen in spring).
  3. Owners shaggy breeds recommended trim hair around eyes.

Pet eye care video

More detailed information can be obtained by watching the video of the Pro Animals channel, which tells in detail how to care for the eyes of a pet.

The dog's eyes flow quite often. These selections may vary. When dogs start to fester in the eyes, some owners do not pay attention to this, especially if the dog has a healthy appearance. But in most cases, such discharges indicate serious illness which requires the intervention of an experienced professional veterinarian.

Purulent discharge

Pus appears due to the formation of pyrogenic bacteria, such as Proteus, coccus, Klebsiella and others. Pus can also form due to microbes. The owner of the dog should know that if the pet has pus from the eyes, then this means that available pathogenic flora , and this is a big load on the immune system.

At home, finding the source of the problem is quite difficult. Photos of the dog and stories will also not help determine the diagnosis. There are a lot various reasons, due to which inflammation occurs with further suppuration.

Allergic irritants of the mucous membrane of the eyes

  • the dog's nose may be swollen;
  • swollen lips and fingertips;
  • sneezing and itching are also characteristic.

Allergies can be life-threatening for a dog. Ordinary itching can turn into choking, especially if the allergen is nearby. So you need to see a doctor.

A dog's eyes can also leak if a bacteria or fungus is present. Such an infection can be general or local. If these pathogens are the causes of suppuration, then symptoms can be completely different. from conjunctivitis to early stage and until the disappearance of appetite, fever, development of sepsis. Fungi are much worse, some of their species do not manifest themselves for years.

In this situation, treatment is prescribed with the use antifungal agents or antibiotics. Just for starters need to take an analysis to find out the state of the flora, detect the "enemy" and find out if he has a sensitivity to different drugs. If you do not do tests, then therapy can last for years.

If you think for a long time why the pet's eyes fester, the virus can progress and cause the death of the animal. Viruses such as plague or rabies are very dangerous. They can weaken even a young, full of strength dog.

If the disease appeared due to viruses, then other signs may be present. Each virus has its own course of the disease. But regardless of the type of virus present, the dog always:

  • loss of appetite;
  • the temperature rises;
  • flowing from the nose;
  • there are wheezing in the chest;
  • may be sneezing or coughing;
  • in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea.

There are situations when the manifestations of viruses have hidden form. The malaise is noticeable only by indirect symptoms. So sometimes, leakage from the eyes can be due to viral disease.

Mechanical and chemical injuries

A leak from the eyes can also be due to an injury, for example, due to a speck or twig that got into the dog's eye. If the owner himself saw how his pet injured his eye, then you can immediately go to the pharmacy buy special drops, after consulting with a specialist. In most cases, with injuries in a dog, pus comes out of one eye (with an injury to one eye). If a dog hits its head, both eyes may water.

If the dog's eyes fester and they are red, then the cornea and skin of the eyelids are inflamed from a volatile substance. Some sensitive dogs don't respond well detergents , "Whiteness" fumes, washing powder and others chemicals. In most cases, eye irritation leads to severe tearing. If the dog is always near the irritant, then pus may appear.

Suppuration may be due to illness internal organs, systemic diseases, eyelid eversion, blockage tear ducts. In the case when the cause of suppuration is not determined independently, you need to do comprehensive examination to discover all the hidden ailments. Early inspection is very important. If the eyes are festering old dog, then everything must be done in as soon as possible, because her immunity is weakened and old healed diseases can be renewed.

First aid for increased lacrimation

If the dog's eyes are flowing, you need to give her first aid. This will slightly improve the condition of the eyes until you contact the veterinarian.

So first aid is what you need wet a gauze pad V warm water and carefully remove purulent accumulations in the corners. Do it carefully, do not push. Instead of water, you can take a neutral liquid designed for eye care. Wait a while for the hair around the dog's eyes to dry. Next, you need to drip the centuries with a substance a wide range actions. You need to do this 2 times a day.

If there is too much pus, it must be removed as it arrives with a sterile gauze swab. Don't use cotton wool because it leaves lint. Also, tea leaves, non-strained decoctions should not be used, because small particles can irritate the conjunctiva.

After a few days, the eyes will be a little clearer. However, you still need a pet. see a qualified veterinarian, because only he can accurately diagnose and cure it. Temporary improvement indicates the removal of signs of the disease. However, it is necessary to determine the reason why the eyes fester, so that the situation does not worsen.

If your pet is dear to you, then it is better not to risk his health and contact an experienced veterinarian in time. Then your pet will have a long and happy life without any ailments.

Often our pets suffer various diseases. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to trace and prevent any disease in time. It often happens that a dog's stomach starts to hurt sharply, and they are running out of breath. hind legs barely moving. It happens that in dogs various secretions accumulate in the eyes, which also need to be explained. Today we will look at the causes of red eyes in dogs, as well as why our pets have watery eyes. There can be many reasons. Let's figure it out.


There may be several explanations for why a dog's eyes water. One of the main reasons can be breed feature. It is so inherent in nature that a certain structure of the eyes can cause the eyes to water. Many owners begin to sound the alarm when they see that their pet is almost roaring with bitter tears. In addition to the characteristics of the breed, the cause may also be the allocation sebaceous glands. That is, this is a common occurrence, which in many dogs begins at the age of puppies.

Also, the cause of discharge can be dust, allergies, dust or wool in the eyes. Therefore, your pet must be carefully looked after to avoid such a problem. However, as you already understood, this may just be a physiological phenomenon.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the selection. If the tears are transparent, then this normal phenomenon and you shouldn't be scared. If you find that the discharge is greenish or yellowish in color, then most likely this is a disease associated with infection and you need the help of a doctor.

As for the redness of the eyes, here, too, several causes can be distinguished, both associated with the disease and not associated with diseases.

Let's look at non-disease causes:

  1. If you find redness in the eyes of an animal, you should pay attention Special attention how the dog behaves. If you have not noticed that the dog has become less active, then perhaps the reason lies in the fact that your pet has experienced stress. As a rule, this happens after a fight with other dogs. In this case, leave the dog, and she will come to her senses. This redness is due to the fact that the pressure in the blood vessels is disturbed.
  2. During the summer heat, dogs often like to bask in the sun. Unfortunately, they cannot control themselves and warm themselves in the literal sense of the word - to the point of losing their pulse. If you see that the dog began to breathe heavily and his whites turned red, you should immediately transfer him to a cool room and let him come to his senses.
  3. As a result of injury whites may also turn red. It could be in the process of fighting again. As a rule, after a fight in dogs, redness of the eye and tears are observed at the same time. In this case, the dog will not even try to scratch the eye, but, as a rule, will hide and close it.

The reasons that are associated with diagnoses of a different plan:

  • Inversion of the eyelids- a common phenomenon, due to which squirrels begin to turn red. Of course, no one is immune from this, but such a diagnosis can accompany a dog from birth.
  • Another common reason could be conjunctivitis. Often such a diagnosis is made in dogs that have been susceptible to weakening immune system. The infection that got into the eye aggravated general state animal and went into development. This is expressed in greenish clots, which must be treated immediately.
  • Also a common cause may be an elementary allergy. Only in addition to redness of the eyes, you will notice that your pet began to sneeze often.

What to do?

A question that torments all dog owners. Of course, seeing how the pet is suffering, I want to help him and cure him as soon as possible. In order to identify the cause of tears and redness of the eyes, it is necessary to observe the dog and show it to the doctor. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the diagnosis by collecting analysis. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment can begin. Consider the treatment of major diseases.

When conjunctivitis is necessary:

  • As often as possible, rinse the eyes with a cotton swab dipped in tea;
  • Do not allow the pet to be in a draft or that the wind gets into the eyes;
  • Keep dust and dirt out of your dog's eyes;
  • Keep other dogs away from your pet to avoid infection;

For the best treatment, you need to see a doctor. It is the veterinarian who will select the ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect. Treat the dog's eyes and do not allow your pet to scratch the affected areas with his paw.

Disease of the cornea

In this case, you will need diet and increase your protein intake. Antibiotics may also be prescribed. Using antibiotics in treatment, it is necessary to provide decent nutrition to the dog. This implies an increase in protein foods in the diet. To relieve inflammation, you will need to wash your eyes with antiseptic solutions.

Inflammation of the eye

In case of inflammation of the eye in-depth study. After all, with inflammation, the main task is to preserve the vision of the pet. It is also essential to measure eye pressure. Inflammatory disease requires emergency care and medical intervention. Therefore, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian immediately in order to determine the treatment.

For other causes of redness, as well as tears, it is necessary to identify the cause. Allergies are also common. In this case, you will have to limit and even exclude some foods from the dog's diet. It is also necessary to show the animal to the doctor, perhaps something else needs to be done for treatment.

Do not self-medicate and in any case do not select an anti-inflammatory drug on your own.

When a dog's eyes begin to water, each loving host asks himself the question - what to do? Let's talk about when you can help your pet on your own, and when you need to seek help from a veterinarian.

Is itchy eyes normal?

Is teary eyes always a problem in dogs? No, there are a number of cases where a little tearing is considered normal. For example, if your dog on a walk has wetter eyes than usual, don't worry. Most likely, dust from the road or wind interferes with it.

For some breeds of dogs, increased lacrimation is typical - for Spitz, Yorkie, Chihuahua and others. However, always carefully monitor the nature of the secretions - they should be transparent and not accumulate in such an amount that the animal's hair gets wet. The eyes should not be red.

Here are some of the most common diseases.

Tearing eyes - how to deal with it

If you still start self-treatment, remember - if there is no improvement within three to five days, then you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian. How can you help your dog at home?

If a foreign object gets into the eye, try rinsing it out. For this, barely warm boiled or pharmacy distilled water is suitable. Do the same if you get in your eyes chemical elements– air freshener, deodorant, hairspray and any other aerosols, for example. Make sure it's not chemical burn cornea.

One of folk ways- wipe your eyes with a decoction of chamomile or strong brewing of black tea. Solutions of chlorhexidine, furacilin or boric acid. Use a separate cotton pad for each eye, wipe from the outer corner to the inner.

Tearing eyes in a puppy

The condition of the puppy's eyes must be carefully monitored. At healthy puppies eyes clear and clean, not red. Do not go into the eyes once again with a cotton swab (and even more so with a finger!), If there is no discharge. If you still notice that the puppy's eyes are watery, check and eliminate the following factors:

  • dusty apartment;
  • spraying aerosols around the animal;
  • too much sweets in the baby’s menu (eliminate it altogether, teary eyes in a puppy is only one of the negative scenarios, sweets can cause much more serious diseases);
  • foreign body in the eye.

If none of the above applies to your case, then contact your veterinarian, he will establish real reason the puppy is not feeling well and will tell you what to do.

In the next video, you will learn how to properly clean your pet's eyes.

Often an alternative traditional medicine ordinary tea brewing is performed. Try making strong tea and rinsing your pet's eyes with it, it might help.

What not to do with tearing

  • Never wash an animal's eyes with hydrogen peroxide! This results in toxic burns and can be extremely dangerous.
  • Don't let your dog rub his eyes. Take advantage protective collar if the dog stubbornly tries to scratch the sore eye.
  • Do not open your eyes by force! With such injuries, the eye can leak.
  • Be careful with self-treatment. Many hormonal preparations(gels and drops) at misuse can only worsen the situation. Because of them, your beloved dog can permanently lose his sight.

Always soberly assess the situation and do not delay going to the vet!

Video "How and how to wash the eyes of a dog"

In the next video, the famous Chihuahua blogger Sophie will tell you how to properly care for the eyes of your beloved dog.