What to look for when choosing a Chihuahua puppy. How to Choose a Healthy Chihuahua Puppy

Unfortunately, the lack of control and responsibility led to complete chaos in the factory. So illiterate people are engaged in breeding dogs that experts are sometimes horrified by the degree of damage to pedigree lines. If you have to choose a Chihuahua puppy, you want to buy a healthy and mentally balanced dog, get ready for difficulties right away.

You have already familiarized yourself with all the intricacies of keeping the breed and the difficulties of feeding, but further, you will find at least ordeal, you need to choose healthy puppy Chihuahua. The first and, in fact, main question- where to buy a dog. There are several options:

  1. In a large nursery boarding house.
  2. In a private nursery.
  3. From an official breeder.
  4. From hands without documents.

First option- that's great rarity. The content of the boarding house is a very expensive pleasure and similar nurseries high class can only be found abroad. plus in great experience breeder, well-established system of feeding and care. Another advantage is the thorough examination of producers for genetic diseases. The downside is that your future pet is far away and if you do not visit the nursery in person, you will not be able to verify the words of the breeder.

Second option- This is a system according to which the breeder keeps several dogs, and sells his promising puppies under co-ownership agreements. That is, a puppy offered for sale may not be in the breeder's house / kennel (in another city, region, country). Unfortunately, many private kennels are a puppy production line and nothing more, but if you find breeders who really love their dogs, you will be very lucky.

Important! Do not buy a puppy at the first inspection of the litter, think, weigh your feelings, compare and check the data obtained, re-read the breed standard. If the breeder strongly insists on an instant purchase, further negotiations with him are not worth it!

Third option is the purchase of a puppy from a dog that lives with a breeder. In a sense, this choice is optimal, since the seller knows the pros and cons of his dogs. The risk is that the breeder may have little experience or be dishonest, that is, deliberately withhold facts in order to deceive.

Advice: watch the behavior of the seller during the negotiations, decent breeders will literally arrange an interrogation with passion and will think (!) Is it worth giving you their puppy!

All of the above options imply the presence of pedigrees and the high cost of puppies. If you are constrained in financial terms, then we can consider pet-class puppies (without prospects for an exhibition career). Such dogs are cheaper, but are sold with a condition.

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Fourth option- this is a puppy without a pedigree, as experience shows, the favorite option of most people who buy a dog for fun. The absence of a pedigree not only deprives the dog of the right to breeding work, but also carries certain risks. Chihuahuas of unknown origin often have mental problems. In addition, as a bonus, with ill-conceived matings, the risks of developing breed pathologies increase (and there are a lot of them).

Advice: if you want, buy healthy dog, familiarize yourself with the documents and conclusions of veterinary examinations before looking at the puppies themselves. If there are no documents, then it is not worth negotiating!

Puppy gender

Perhaps the choice of the puppy's gender is only decision, which should be accepted intuitively. Already in puppyhood boy and girl behave differently. Usually, females grow and develop faster. Contrary to popular belief, Chihuahua males are more loyal and obedient. Bitches are more picky in education and even in food.

Many would-be owners choose the bore as it won't mark territory. We dare to disappoint you, girls also mark, and not so rarely. A non-breeding male can be castrated, which will forever remove the issue of wet corners. If the boy is a potential producer, it will be easier to potty train him.

Advice: even perfect during puberty well-bred dogs can mark territory. If sterilization or castration is not possible due to breeding value, it is recommended to use hygienic belts for dogs.

The weaker half of the Chihuahua also has advantages. For example, they like to sit on their hands more and bark less. Boys love to guard apartment and owner, which is often fraught with barking under the door. Males are prone to skirmishes with same-sex dogs, even if the opponent is much larger. Girls remain playful as adults and willingly trained, males become proud.

Interesting! The theory does not cover all the features of the development of heterosexual puppies, education also plays a significant role. In the absence of socialization or lack of walks, the dog will be nervous, may begin to bite or run away and this does not depend on gender.

Read also: Dimensions french bulldog from puppy to adult dog

Main selection criteria

First and most important recommendation If you want to choose the right Chihuahua puppy, don't let your emotions run wild! Choosing a pet only by color, eye color or size cannot be called adequate. Unfortunately, many Chihuahua puppies are born sick and successfully sold to inexperienced owners every year. Within a few months, the owners find out that their ward has a hereditary disease, a disease of the musculoskeletal system, is affected by worms, etc. If you are not attracted by the prospect year-round treatment pet and sleepless nights in fear of losing him, you will have to be vigilant at the stage of buying a puppy.

Important! There is nothing shameful in saving a life - to shelter and cure a sick Chihuahua puppy. However, if you have taken this step, you should be clear about what health problems have already been diagnosed and how to treat them. Naturally, about payment full cost puppy is out of the question.

The following are techniques for identifying obvious problems. Genetic or latent diseases can only be detected by a veterinarian (and even then not always). Be sure to take the puppy to the doctor before buying it, even if the breeder has opinions from “his doctor”. So p The initial inspection should exclude:

  • The presence of fleas and

Choosing a dog is an individual matter for the future owner. If you have decided on the breed and know that the Chihuahua will be your greatest friend, there are a few more parameters worth considering. An amazing, nimble and at the same time strong and courageous baby can become a wonderful friend for you and even the winner of exhibitions. Who do you want - a boy or a girl, how to choose a Chihuahua puppy and what variety - we will outline all this in our article.

Temperament and appearance

The Mexican Chihuahua has always been famous for its tiny size and strong-willed character. She was revered in ancient times, it was believed that the dog drives away evil spirits and protects its owner. As a guardian angel chihuahua and now is a constant companion of everything female population, and kids are crazy about chihuahuas.

She attracts them with her comical, funny muzzle, puny body and wit in her eyes. It is convenient to take dogs with you to work, traveling, moving, while walking it is convenient to carry under your arm through puddles and obstacles. What can I say, the dog is comfortable in every sense. Does the Chihuahua herself like to live near people, let's see.

In fact, the Chihuahua is fine with everything, if it is properly taken care of. She rides, frankly, like cheese in butter. Modern words from the song “why are you so daring” fit her perfectly. Why do you ask, because the chihu is so cute and petite ....

But her prettiness does not speak of the calmness of the dog, on the contrary, with a Chihuahua you are always like behind a stone wall, of course, she will not be able to cripple the enemy, but she will be able to bark at your enemy or an evil passer-by with pleasure.

She not only has the temper of a winner, but also has selfish inclinations. So if strangers come to you, the dog will not trust them, will growl and in every possible way will not allow contact with you until he realizes that he is also loved and feels your affection. Take her in your arms when guests arrive, talk not only with the guests, but also with her, stroke her and scratch her withers, the chihuahua loves this very much.

Well, by the way, if it is problematic for you to devote so much time to a Chihuahua, it is better to refuse to buy a puppy. The dog suffers a lot from loneliness, it can get sick, and in general, in depression, it will think that it has been abandoned by everyone forever. Chihuahua depression can lead to disastrous consequences.

In addition, the Chihuahua needs care that you won't give to any other breed. at least, they think so. The upbringing and socialization of the Chihuahua is in the first place, because due to its belligerent nature and irascibility, it can find itself in a dead end or even harm its health, get into an accident or become bitten by a big dog.

So, let's move on to the main thing with which we started our conversation - how to choose a Chihuahua, how to choose colors and gender. And also how not to make a mistake when coming to the nursery, and not to choose a sick chihuahua, read on.

Choosing options and varieties

If you do not know what height and size your Chihuahua should be, here are several categories of adult dogs by height, if the height does not match any of the categories, the dog will not be taken to the show:

  • - height 1.5-2 kg;
  • Super mini - 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • Standard - 2.5-3.5 kg.

All this concerns adult, a lower weight indicator is considered preferable at exhibitions, imagine what a dog will look like in young age when you come to buy it, it will easily fit in the palm of your hand and will resemble a rat.

According to the color of the Chihuahua, there are all kinds of colors, the rarest of them is merle. Choose any - red shades, sable color, lilac, colondrino, white, black, tan, blue.

It is up to you whether to choose a short-haired chihuahua, or a long-haired one, both of them shed equally rarely and little. If there are allergies in the family, then long wool should be excluded. Some still like long-haired ones, but then you will have to devote time to your hair every day. At least a simple combing will definitely help to keep the fur in perfect condition and make contact with animals.

Now you need to choose a boy or a girl, who exactly do you want? If you want to breed offspring and have already decided on this, then take a female, if not, a male. If this is indifferent to you, and you want to raise a puppy not for the sake of procreation and the preservation of the qualities of the breed, then you can take anyone that you like.

Subsequently, you will castrate or sterilize him. This procedure is necessary to avoid problems with genitourinary system further. Both sexes shed in exactly the same way, and the character of the girl is more patient than that of the male.

How to choose a puppy

In order not to be mistaken and to know how to choose the right Chihuahua puppy, you need to come to the nursery several times and look closely, ask and study the situation. If you immediately do not like the conditions of keeping puppies in the kennel, and you notice bad care for dogs, it is worth looking for another organization. How to proceed further, if you have already liked one of the puppies and how to choose the right one, read on.

Each dog is individual, some run up to you, try to get to know you faster - they wag their tail and direct their gaze clearly at you. And others will be wary at first, and then they will approach, both of which are the norm. But if you throw some small object after the acquaintance, and the dog is not interested in it, then you should be wary.

A healthy puppy of 2-3 months is always curiously watching everything that surrounds him and will definitely react to a fallen object. Aggression or cowardice are vices, such puppies are not allowed to show, they often get sick, they are not contact, therefore they are brought up poorly. That is why the heredity in these dogs plays important role, study the pedigree, look at the parents and learn about all the illnesses of the Chihuahua relatives.

Also pay attention, if something is wrong with the puppy, his appearance will tell about it:

  • Excessively large physique, thick limbs and excess weight. The scammers call this chihuahua type- English, but the international standard for this type of this breed does not exist, please note - you can be fooled;
  • Too small head, with strongly bulging eyes;
  • A head with a weakly pronounced stop - the transition of the forehead to the bridge of the nose - a vice;
  • A short and blunt muzzle can give out a hardware, a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pinscher;
  • Feel the tail and joints - shifts, breaks - all this indicates soreness and shortcomings;
  • If the puppy is lame or has a different position of the front or hind limbs- sound the alarm;
  • If the puppy has inflammation and discharge from the eye, it smells unpleasant from the ears, it flows from the nose, or vice versa, the nose is hot - these are signs of illness;
  • Look for a small litter, then Great chance that the puppy will be strong and healthy.

Most importantly - do not buy a puppy from the market or from hands, it is dangerous, without documents, such fragile comrades as a chihuahua come across not with the best set of genes. A proven nursery, your knowledge and plus intuition - all this will help you choose a puppy. And let this choice be not the easiest, but productive and correct, good luck with your acquaintance with the Chihuahua!

Breed chihuahua dog, then it is worth arming yourself with knowledge on its correct acquisition. She is unpretentious, able to satisfy the needs of the owner who gravitates towards small pupils. So let's heed the advice. experienced breeders and veterinarians.

When making a choice, first of all, understand: do you need a dog for exhibitions, winning titles or for the soul? A third option is possible - breeding representatives of the breed. If your goal is fame, awards, championship, then you should buy a puppy chihuahua breeds after a complete change of teeth. This is eight or nine months old. However, at this age, the character of the dog is already established, habits have developed, and it will be difficult to change them, adjust them to suit yourself. Yes, and breeders usually will not keep a puppy until this age. Most often they are sold at the age of two or two and a half months, that is, after the first vaccination. By this period, young chihuahuas are already weaned from their mother, they are active, inquisitive and independent. From the age of a month, bitches feed their cubs reluctantly, because they have sharp teeth. For this reason, breeders sometimes put up chihuahua puppies for sale at a month and a half. At this age, they are all touching, sweet, funny. But with all this, you should pay attention to such points when buying:

  1. Puppy appearance. He must be neat, clear skin and no purulent discharge from the eyes. His nose is clean and warm. The puppy must be well fed. it external signs healthy dog.
  2. Exterior. In this breed, the length of the muzzle and the shape of the dog's head are important, which should not be flat. The muzzle of a purebred Chihuahua is neither long nor narrow. This may be a sign of his relationship with the pinscher or toy. If she's dumb, then the puppy is probably a Pekingese mix. The length of the muzzle is equal to a third of the length of the head. The transition from it to the muzzle (it is called stop) should be sharp, with a well-defined forehead. The back of a young representative of the breed in a standing position should be flat. The tail of a purebred puppy does not have a kink, it is slightly bent, but not twisted into a ring.
  3. Paws. The front legs of a Chihuahua puppy are straight. Angles should be expressed on the back. But in young age it is difficult to see them, because most often the lack of angles is clearly defined visually only at 4-7 months.
  4. Number of dog teeth. Ideally, at 8 weeks, a young representative of the breed should have six incisors on top and the same number on the bottom. Sometimes part of the incisors hatch after two months of age. There should be two fangs at the top and bottom.
  5. Correct bite. This is a very important feature. You should know that the puppy upper teeth at correct bite should cover the bottom. However, there is no guarantee that when a puppy's teeth change to permanent ones, the bite will also remain correct. If it is initially not correct, then, of course, when changing teeth, the chances for this increase. Incomplete closure of the puppy's jaws, which is accompanied by their curvature or distortion, only worsens with age. This is acceptable for a sofa pet, but for a show participant and a dog that will be used to breed puppies, it is categorically unacceptable. In this case, the dog in the future will see the tip of the tongue from the mouth. That is, the Chihuahua breed in terms of bite is unpredictable. It is for this reason that it is impossible to foresee anything until the complete change of the puppy's teeth.
  6. Puppy options. If you have looked after the largest puppy in the litter, this does not mean at all that he will grow up to be the largest. Also, do not believe in the myth that large parents, which you may be shown, will have the same offspring.
  7. Mahler. So in dogs they call what we call in baby temechko. A Chihuahua puppy should have one. Even in an adult representative of the breed, it sometimes does not grow completely. The presence of Malera is a sign of the breed of a dog.

Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs in the breed classifier. The height of the male is less than 23 cm at the withers, the bitch is less than 20 cm, average weight- 3 kg. Despite their miniature size, the character of the representatives of the breed is determined and demanding. Little sneezes in a week subdue the inhabitants of the house: dogs, cats and even owners. Keeping a Chihuahua in an apartment does not require special skills from the owner, and even a child can raise a dog.

What do you need for a chihuahua puppy

Before buying a puppy, equip the apartment for his needs. Make a list of what you need for a chihuahua and care for him , and go to the pet store. Be sure to buy:

  • a sunbed, a tray, a sleeping mat, a pillow - these things indicate to the puppy his place in the house;
  • litter box and diapers, litter box training spray;
  • hygiene products for cleaning the toilet;
  • two ceramic bowls - deep for water and low for food;
  • hair care tools - brush, combs, nail cutter, shampoos;
  • carrier cage - when you bring the puppy to the apartment, it can be used as a home booth;
  • nylon collar, leash - check the carabiners when buying;
  • feed, anthelmintic drugs, vitamins;
  • means for removing dirt from the eyes and ears;
  • arena - limits the space for movement and prevents injury;
  • toys.

Hair care

Remember when buying a Chihuahua - their coat is short or long. Short-haired individuals do not need care, it is enough to comb them with a brush 2-3 times a week, removing the hair that has come out with a damp (not wet!) Cloth.

Comb a long-haired sneeze daily with a comb with blunt incisors. First, comb the hair on the neck and withers, then on the back and sides, and finally on the tail and paws. For better glide spray the comb with water from a spray bottle.

Teach your puppy about grooming and washing. It is necessary to wash an adult dog, provided that it is kept in an apartment, twice a year. Buy a pet shampoo before bathing your Chihuahua. Human remedies dry out the skin. Before washing, comb out the sneeze and remove mats. Put an anti-slip mat in the bath, put your dog on it and turn it on warm water(40 degrees).

Dilute a drop of shampoo in water and lather the hair. Avoid getting water and product in eyes and ears. Rinse thoroughly until the last drop. After washing, dry the skin with a towel or a warm hair dryer.

It is not necessary to cut or shave the coat - a shorn Chihuahua looks stupid and is not able to completely restore the coat again.

Ear and claw treatment

  • Buy a quality expensive nail cutter and hemostatic powder in case you hit a vessel. Put the sneeze on the table and fix it.
  • Determine the border of the sensitive area - on white claws it is a pink stripe, on dark ones the border is not visible and is determined intuitively, by the protrusion of the claw.
  • Holding the nail clipper at a 45 degree angle, trim the nail.
  • Treat the rest of the Chihuahua's claws in the same way. If the dog is impatient, take a couple of breaks during the trimming process.

Order :

  • Wrap your finger with gauze soaked in a chlorhexidine solution containing active substance 20% or in ear cleaning lotion.
  • Gently take the sneeze by the ear and remove wax from visible areas.
  • Move inside the ear, taking out the sulfur lumps from there.
  • Many animals love ear cleaning, but if your Chihuahua is not one of them, be extremely careful.

Do the second vaccination (DHPPI + Lepto) at 8 weeks, repeat - at 10-11 weeks, the third - after the change of milk teeth, the next (DHPPI + Lepto + Rabies) - once a year. A week before each vaccination, deworm with a suspension. A feature of the vaccination of sneezes is the intolerance of rabies vaccination by puppies. Therefore, the first time they do it one year old dogs. After the second vaccination, endure a ten-day quarantine - do not let your pet go for a walk, make sure that he does not get cold.

Size is usually a conscious choice of the buyer. You must clearly understand that the small size of a sneeze is a breed anomaly. Mini-sized puppies (up to 1800 gr.) are more likely than medium-sized puppies to be at risk related to health. Such puppies often have a shorter life expectancy, weaker immunity, weaker skeletal system and more often poor appetite. These puppies require more careful supervision than medium-sized dogs. In cases where an ordinary puppy can get a normal domestic injury, get up and run further, the minik can be very seriously injured or die. In puppyhood, there is a fairly high risk of death, in this regard, we advise you to buy a minica at the age of 3.5-5 months.


You must immediately understand that the show career for such puppies is closed (for dogs less than 1700 gr.). So you can safely ignore special attention when buying on the type of bite and the number of teeth. Very often, small sneezes have an abnormally large spring on their heads, which can be one of the causes of hydrocephalus in a puppy. Although in our experience I can say that if a puppy with a large spring (molera) survives and feels fine up to 3-5 months, then most likely there will be no further problems. Ask the breeder about the size of the spring and the behavior of the puppy. If the puppy is active enough, does not react to weather changes, this is very good sign. If the puppy sleeps all the time and shows rather little activity, constantly trembling, whining, this is a bad sign. But you should also take into account that small puppies develop much more slowly than their average counterparts, so do not be surprised that littermates are already running around the apartment at full speed and minis are mostly next to their mother on a sunbed (although it happens the other way around).

How to determine how much a puppy will weigh?

How to determine that the puppy you are buying will be a minicom and that he will not grow up to a medium or larger size? 40 years of breeding experience in our kennel shows that a 100% guarantee for the exact weight of a puppy in adulthood cannot be given. Some breeders who are absolutely sure that this puppy will be a minik even prescribe the estimated weight in the purchase agreement (very rarely), and of course it often happens that the minik grows into a medium-sized dog. The thing is that puppies from different litters develop at different rates. In one litter, small puppies are born, which in the first 2-3 months develop rather slowly and gain weight, but after 3 months of age they begin to grow intensively and gain weight, and as a result, a medium-sized dog grows. And it happens that a bitch gives birth to large puppies that actively gain weight in the first months of life and then the growth rate decreases significantly, and a dog may turn out to be smaller than the average size. In addition, you must take into account the factor of how many puppies are in the litter. Especially often in large litters of 4 or more puppies small puppies are born. Simply by virtue of the fact that in the womb each of them will not get enough nutrients and therefore they are born small in size and later gain their weight back to normal.

In litters where 1-2 puppies are born, the situation is reversed: - they are born large, each of the puppies gets plenty of milk, they quickly gain weight, but most often they do not grow to a larger size laid down by genetics. The small weight of the puppy may also be due to poor diet puppy, weak bones and peculiarities of his anatomy. For example, it might be about big dog having a lean physique and light bones. Unscrupulous breeders may well interpret such a dog as a mini chihuahua.

So what should you look for when buying a mini? First of all, the age of the puppy and its weight. The older the puppy, the more accurately you can make a prediction regarding its size. For example, if at 3 months a puppy weighs 700 grams (average 1000-1500), then we can assume that it will be smaller than the average size. If a 4-month-old puppy retains its small size and low weight, then in this case you can practically have no doubt that it will not change dramatically in size.

Guarantee a certain exact weight of the puppy in 1.5-2.5's one month old in the highest degree This is a manifestation of unprofessionalism on the part of the breeder. Ensure that 2 one month old puppy it will grow exactly one and a half kilograms - stupid. Unscrupulous breeders often use this trick when promising a client that the puppy will weigh 1.5 kg. to sell the puppy faster. But in reality, it can turn out to be 2-2.3. I will give an example from my own experience. I will give data from my 2 litters. One puppy at 3 months weighed 700 grams. in a year and a half it began to weigh 2 kg., another minik in 3 months weighed 800 in a year and a half began to weigh 1550 gr.

One breeder can say from his assumptions that the dog will be 1.5 kg and the other will play it safe and make a forecast of 2 kg. and it may turn out that the first breeder who guaranteed you one and a half, the dog will grow, for example, 1900 gr. and the second breeder's dog can grow up to 1400 gr. (although both dogs will be minis).

weight statistics

If a breeder says he's going to be a mini and gives a specific adult weight, ask him for his current weight and age and try to make a rough estimate for yourself compared to medium sized puppies. Your assessment may turn out to be much more truthful than the assessment of the owner interested in selling.
Here are approximate statistics based on the weight data of puppies from our kennel:
2 months
minik - 250-700 gr. medium- 900- 1300

3 months
minik-400-900 medium 1300-1500

At the age of four months, it is desirable that the minik weighs not much beyond the border of 1 kilogram.

If you are told that a puppy weighs 900-1200 grams at 3 months, then keep in mind that one and a half kg. He probably won't weigh. And there will be 2000-2400 (and this is also a medium-sized specimen).

Reviews from mini chihuahua owners.

Judging by customer reviews, breeders often make mistakes with the exact weight, downplaying the future weight of an adult dog. But less often they are mistaken with the very definition of the type of puppy. 1.5 kg. and 2.1 is included in the definition of a mini-chihuahua.

Sometimes they promise one and a half and it grows up to 3.5, but this happens less often. This may be due to ignorance of the buyer himself and a clear desire to deceive on the part of the breeder. Here you must act with the motto - trust but verify! The competition of sellers is very high and not all sellers are, unfortunately, respectable.

Weight Formula

Exist various tables weights and dog weight formula. For example, multiplying the three-month-old weight of a Chihuahua puppy by 2 gives you the approximate adult weight. As you can see from the above example, unfortunately it does not always work. tables on the internet chihuahua weight in relation to age. This is all a rather rough toolkit, but it can still be used as a rough forecast.

Keep in mind that some breeders may underestimate the actual weight of a puppy by 100 grams or more on the day of weighing. Ask to weigh the puppy in your presence to see for yourself. You may be surprised that yesterday on the phone you were told that he weighs 400 and upon arrival it turns out to be 650 grams.


Of course, some breeders say that they conclude a contract. And for some clients it magically works! The vast majority of contracts are drawn up in such a way that they protect the interests of the breeder and not the buyer. The value of such a contract for the buyer is zero. If you are buying a mini Chihuahua and are offered a contract as a guarantee of weight, make sure that the contract contains a clause for a full refund or other penalty for the breeder if his predicted adult size is large.

Ask your seller if he is ready to fix his unfounded guarantees in the contract? And is he ready to return 100% of the cost of the puppy back if his forecast does not come true, let's say in a year and a half? It is one thing to promise, and another thing to be financially responsible for your words ...

I have not seen any such agreement in which the breeder imposes any fines or refunds on himself in case of violation of his promises. I know only 1 case according to the client's story that there was a partial refund under the contract (but this is most likely an exception to the rule).

In most cases, the contract when buying a puppy does not give any advantages. Not a single breeder will guarantee the future health of a puppy (and this is the most important thing). If the breeder wants to deceive you with weight, then in such an agreement there will simply be no guarantees regarding weight. With regards to breed, here, too, virtually nothing can be guaranteed. What kind of dog will be in adult form and it is very difficult to predict whether it will have breed defects. Apirina Mexicano kennel does not guarantee the exact weight. I tell you the weight of the puppy information about the parents and the estimated, but not the exact weight.

Minor Chihuahua Prediction Factors.

If possible, find out about the fate of the puppies of the last litter. It may turn out that there has already been a similar litter from the same male and female. And if there were minis, then you can find out what grew out of them. In this case, you will be able to assess not only the size but also the exterior of the current litter by already grown puppies from the previous litter (although it happens that a double litter may differ significantly from the previous one) As a rule, mini chihuahuas are born in all nurseries, including from parents of the middle and big size. But still, if the mother and (or) father of these puppies are small representatives of the breed, then the likelihood of a mini Chihuahua appearing is much higher. You can also take into account the previous data on litters from a giving birth to a bitch or an already mated male. For example, a male from our kennel Vikonte Oli Baro very often gives small puppies although in itself it is a male of medium, not small size.

Price mini chihuahua

Small representatives are usually much more expensive. chihuahua medium size. And than smaller size the more expensive they are. Beauty, the uniqueness of the puppy and his health also greatly affect the price. For example, a mini with a pedigree, beautiful head with a short muzzle with a good short powerful body and active temperament will be much more expensive than a mini with a narrow, small head, long muzzle, and a thin physique with a cowardly temperament.