How much does a chihuahua weigh at 2 months. Everything you need to know about the Chihuahua: origin, breed standard

Chihuahuas are dogs for which they create their own world. This is due to the character, size, temperament and features. Basically, life revolves around a pet.

Chihuahua sizes: weight, height, coat color, proportions and physique were established in 1954 by the Kennel Club in England. The name of the breed is adopted by the same name with the Mexican state.

Legend has it that dogs lived in natural conditions, but during ancient civilization"Toltec" were caught, trained, domesticated, which is confirmed by the images on the buildings and the remains in the tombs, which date back to 300 BC.

According to dog handlers, the Chihuahua is the smallest breed on earth. The body is proportional, elegant.

Aristocratic behavior is always with a proudly raised head and a tail twisted towards the waist.

The tail creates a vertical half ring over the back. Length adult dog 2-3 cm less than the height at the withers.

Males have a square shape. Girls of smaller stature, the body is elongated, this is due to reproductive characteristics They are shorter and smaller.

A special table regulates the permissible forms of the body, ears, the location of the teeth, chest, which guarantees admission to exhibitions and mating with thoroughbred partners.

Height, weight, features

Chihuahua breed standard: stretch index is determined up to 110. The ideal is a square body. The growth rate is within 30 - 38 cm. Weight ranges from 1.5 - 4 kg. Allowed body weight in the range of 500 g - 1.5 kg. Exceeding 4 kg will result in disqualification.

When judging two animals, the smaller one gets the highest score. Therefore, the animal should not be overfed, you should not limit outdoor games, walks.


Round in shape, large, dark. Light eyes are acceptable, but are not an indicator of the purity of the breed according to established standards.


The dog has large, with developed muscles, erect ears: under 45% of the horizontal of the forehead: wide at the base, gradually tapering towards the tips. The size of the ears is similar to the distance between the eyes. AT calm state drop slightly as the muscles relax. The state of the animal is determined by the ears: calmness, alertness, fun or fear.

Bite and teeth

The number of teeth adult: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars, 10 molars. As a result, 42.
Overshot, jaw misalignment is a deviation from the standard. Dogs must have a straight or bite, all teeth, if one or more are missing, does not lead to disqualification, but this is a disadvantage.

Chest, back

Wide and harmoniously developed. The ribs are rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The body is slender, without thinness. Athletic physique: lean, this is due to an active lifestyle. The back is muscular, the croup is strong.

Head and neck

The head is large, the shape of an apple is figurative - the standard of the Chihuahua breed. Unlike other dogs, an uncovered gap remains between the bones of the skull throughout life.

They are vulnerable and prone to injury. The forehead is large with prominent eyebrows, which makes a noticeable transition between the muzzle and the skull.

Rounded cheekbones, a short muzzle, adjacent lips close the teeth, make the appearance cheerful and aristocratic. The neck of females is thinner than that of males.

The nose is upturned, a characteristic fold between the eyes. Lips, cheeks dry.


The forelegs, when viewed from the side, create a straight vertical line with the elbow joint. Back, with developed muscles and convenient for running and jumping angle of connection of various joints.

Elbows are strong, pasterns are strong, flexible, provide free movement. The gait is active, soft, sweeping. The limbs are small with protruding fingers, the pads are elastic, the nails grow long and curved. Profitable fingers need prompt removal.

Color, coat

The Chihuahua standard includes 2 varieties: long-haired and smooth-haired. In the first case, the coat is short adjacent to the body. In the second, the coat is soft, wavy or straight, pleasant to the touch.

The color is varied with various color combinations: white, chocolate, black, lilac, fawn, cream, blue, brindle. The value of a Chihuahua does not depend on color. The nose is the same color as the fur. Hairless dogs are a deviation from the norm.


A small dog is a long-liver among dogs. 12-16 years is considered the norm for these animals. Correct standards are a guarantee of longevity. healthy dog, without pathology, bad heredity gets sick less, eats normally, grows well and lives longer.

Growth and upbringing

Grow fast. Monthly weight gain and growth slows down in boys by 9 months, in girls with the appearance of the first estrus.

  • By the age of one and a half years, the dog is fully formed physically and emotionally, it is an adult. It is necessary to accustom to the toilet, walks, order.

A Chihuahua's bedding or mattress is a toy, not a resting place. They occupy the whole apartment.

They love armchairs, sofas to have a sufficient view, hide in a dog house to feel protected. They are afraid of drafts. It is necessary to transport in plastic carriers or soft bags.

Character and temperament

cheerful dog, little stressed, has a lightning-fast reaction and high endurance. Small sizes do not interfere with being bold.

Gait and running energetic, free this is not a lazy animal. A sensitive intellectual is one of the well-deserved characteristics.

They are curious, nimble, active, do not get tired of playing, are exclusively attached to the owners, love guests. However, care must be taken to avoid injury.

The dog is small, fragile, constantly spinning underfoot, jumping on sofas, climbing to doors, into cabinets.

Chihuahua quickly and accurately takes on the character of the owner, but does not get along well with other breeds.

Curiosity may prompt you to spend hours watching a working computer or an owner reading a book.

Dogs are clean, quickly get used to their own toilet. severe stress may cause involuntary urination.

Deviations from the norm

For a Chihuahua, the standard is an indicator of the health and purity of the breed. Some deviations are allowed:

Double teeth; Ears: acute form; sloping croup; Slight jaw deformity: Arched or sagging back; short neck; Elbows turned out, hind legs close set; Short limbs. not wide rib cage;

  • Dog Flaws Affecting Cynologists' Evaluation
    Bulging, small eyes, deep set; Malocclusion; Narrow skull or elongated muzzle. Dislocated kneecaps.

Faults leading to disqualification:

Non-healing large fontanel on the head; Manifestations of aggression or excessive fearfulness; Baldness of some parts of the body;

Long-haired breeds have very thin, too long hair;

Short, long hanging ears; Atypical structure: chihuahua growth, which is above normal, thin long legs, lean torso, small head; Stretched body; If there is no tail; Straight (tick-shaped), bulldog bite.
A dog with deviations; physical or mental, is not allowed to exhibitions and matings.

Since obaki, chihuahuas are true and devoted friends who sincerely become attached to the owner and prefer his hugs to a variety of games and entertainment. Wherein dogs are very smart and will never draw attention to themselves with aggression. Choosing a Chihuahua breed is a great choice for those who want to have a small pet or are looking to breed a puppy.

Chihuahua character

The character of the dogs of this breed is formed early, as they mature quickly. By 12 months they are already fully formed. both physically and psychologically.

One of interesting features chihuahua is ability to understand people feel their mood. A Chihuahua will never approach an angry, irritated or conflicted person.

Good adaptability is characteristic of these dogs and, if necessary, get used to new circumstances. Chihuahua will not suffer and get hung up on trifles if living conditions will be more than modest.

These dogs are also very proud, which greatly complicates their educational process. That's why dog socialization should be at the head of training. Since these animals mature very early, this process should be started from 2-3 months. For socialization to be successful, the owner should devote more time to the chihuahua– take them out for walks more often, play with the dog, introduce them to other people and animals, especially dogs of the same breed. The main thing is that the Chihuahua does not feel aggression.

Absolutely all Chihuahuas are very curious. This is evidenced not only by their desire to carefully examine every corner of the home, but also by love. for a long time observe what the owner is doing, even if it is the most ordinary actions.

Chihuahuas are incredibly temperamental and agile. They express their emotions loudly and for absolutely any reason. Experienced veterinarians believe that chihuahua with long hair are softer, while the short-coated Chihuahua is slightly more agile and assertive. Do not confuse this with anger - Chihuahuas can be jealous of the owner, but they are always devoted to him.

Dogs of this breed, unlike others dwarf breeds, have a stable psyche and a very brave heart. They are absolutely not cowardly, and they can look arrogantly at some things. But sometimes these animals do not tolerate stressful situations and can even make a puddle.

Chihuahuas do not like to be yelled at and do not tolerate mistreatment.. They can be seriously offended and “hide” in their house or between pillows, but they always try to meet their owner halfway.

In addition, these dogs have an excellent memory and are very accurate. They can even be taught to bring light objects to the owner and use the simplest household appliances.

Chihuahua life span

Toy breed dogs live slightly longer than other dog breeds. Average duration chihuahua life with proper care and proper feeding will be about 11-18 years.

Chihuahua dog sizes

Chihuahua growth is usually from 15 centimeters to 23, and The ideal weight is one and a half to three kilograms. A dog weighing less than 500 grams or more than three kilograms is not allowed.

Chihuahua dogs, depending on height and weight, can be divided into several categories:

  • standard(this category includes dogs whose weight is from 2, 3 to 3 kilograms);
  • small standard (includes chihuahuas, which weigh from 1.8 to 2.3 kilograms);
  • mini(belong to animals weighing from 1.5 kilograms to 1.8 kilograms);
  • super mini(includes dogs that weigh less than 1.5 kilograms).

The body itself is also taken into account and appearance animal. For example, the lighter the skeleton, the larger the dog will appear, and the heavier the skeleton, the smaller it will look. Also, the dog should not appear very flimsy or thin with long legs, nor too big and short with short legs. A stocky and moderately well-fed Chihuahua is considered ideal. If this is a male, then the height of the withers should be equal to the length from the base of the tail to the withers, and the bitches should have a more “stretched” body.

It is worth noting that keeping a dog weighing less than 1.5 kilograms requires special regime nutrition and better care because these animals are less viable. They should not be allowed to jump off tall furniture (sofas, armchairs, beds, etc.) on their own, as such Chihuahuas are more prone to various injuries limbs. They may also catch colds more often.

Possible colors of the Chihuahua

This breed is unique in its number of colors. There are both traditional colors and very rare ones. The standard does not in any way prohibit combinations of colors and their diversity.

The most popular and traditional color is red (red). It can be monochromatic, or it can be distinguished by the presence of a white mark on the paws or a white mask. Incredibly popular spotted red color immediately with a black and white mask. There is also a sable color - red with a black mask. It may also include white markings.

The most rare colors are blue, pure white, black, brindle, chocolate, chocolate and tan, as well as all their combinations and variants.

Until what age do chihuahuas grow?

The growth of dogs of this breed ends at about 6-7 months.. At six months, you can most likely determine the height of the dog.

Usually, as early as six months, the growth of the dog stops and until 9-10 months the formation, expansion and “strengthening” of the body begins, especially the head and chest area.

Chihuahua weight chart

All data is approximate and depends on the feeding of your Chihuahua.

Chihuahua puppy cost and price range in major cities

In general, prices for Chihuahua puppies range from $250-$5,000. Naturally, if we compare the cost of puppies in Moscow, Belarus and Ukraine, in the capital of Russia they will be much higher. The same can be said about puppies from peripheral kennels - they will cost much less than in large cities.

For example, in Moscow, Chihuahua puppies of "mini" and "super mini" sizes cost from 1000 to 3000 dollars (females from 1500 to 3000 dollars, males from 1000 to 2000 dollars). Breed class puppies will cost 800-1200 dollars, and pet class puppies - 250-800 dollars. At the same time, a dog without a pedigree can be purchased for 250-700 dollars. And in Belarus you can find a Chihuahua puppy from $150 to $700.

In Ukraine, a Chihuahua puppy can be purchased for about 2000-45000 hryvnia.

Depending on his age, how many months will he grow and how much will he weigh when he grows up? And what if, despite the seemingly good care and proper feeding, chihuahua badly gaining weight?

Chihuahuas belong to those breeds, the weight of whose representatives does not depend on gender. If others have more large dogs, it is believed that the male should be larger than the female and this is clearly indicated in the standard, then with the Chihuahua everything is different.

Based on the feasibility dogs of this breed, it can be argued that the weight of the bitch should be from 2 to 3 kg, otherwise problems may arise during the bearing of puppies and childbirth.

The male can be much smaller, but its weight should not be less than 500 grams.

Many people think that a Chihuahua sitting in a teacup, bowl or handbag looks very cute. But dogs weighing less than 1.8 kg may have. Very small Chihuahuas tolerate both cold and heat worse, they have weaker immunity and they have a more fragile physique. In addition, mini and micro girls of this breed cannot give birth to puppies. The optimal weight for a girl of this breed can be considered a weight from 2 to 2.7 kg. For males, much smaller sizes are also acceptable - a Chihuahua boy can weigh even 0.5-0.6 kg, although the best weight for him can be considered a weight from 1.3 to 2.7 kg.

Puppy weight by month

This table shows the weight gain of a Chihuahua puppy by week and month:

Puppy weight Dwarf Small Average Big
At birth 70-79 g 80-119 g 120-144 g 145-170 g
Week 1 106-113 g 142-184 g 198-227 g 255-269 g
2 weeks 142-156 g 184-255 g 284-312 g 354-383 g
3 weeks 170-198 g 227-312 g 369-397 g 454-496 g
1 month 200-230 g 270-370 g 455-485 g 540-650 g
2 months 315-370 g 455-610 g 680-765 g 825-1050 g
3 months 425-540 g 625-855 g 940-1050 g 1165-1400 g
4 months 570-710 g 855-1110 g 1250-1390 1535-1815
5 months 680-855 g 995-1305 1480-1645 1815-2150
6 months 745-945 g 1110-1450 g 1645-1845 2015-2410
Seven months 855-1035 g 1225-1655 1810-2045 2215-2670
8 months 965-1125 g 1340-1505 2100-2245 g 2415-2930
9 months 1000-1200g 1400-1860 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
10 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
11 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
12 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 1700-1900 2500-3000 g

As can be seen from the table of weight by age, on average, representatives of this breed grow up to 8-10 months.


In girls, growth can slow down dramatically or even stop completely after the onset of the first estrus. Even if she grows up after that, it will be quite insignificant, but the Chihuahua bitch can gain weight for several more months.

Some puppies-boys, having reached a certain height, also stop growing. As a rule, this is due to hereditary causes.

adult chihuahua size

Despite the fact that the breed standard does not indicate the height at the withers, in standard dogs of this breed it is usually 18-23 cm. At the same time, unlike more large breeds, it is desirable that the Chihuahua girls were larger than the boys.

The length of the body, depending on the size of the dog and the allowable stretch index of 110, will be from 19.8 to 25.3 cm, while the minimum is taken to be 18 cm at the withers, and the maximum is 23 cm.

The circumference of the chest, depending on the size and weight, can be from 26 to 37 cm, given that the weight of the dog is approximately 1-3 kg.

What affects the growth of a puppy?

The height and weight of a Chihuahua puppy is affected by how hereditary factors as well as health status. How much active image life is led by a pet, can also affect what size it reaches.

The main factors that affect the development of a puppy:

  • genetics. For representatives of this breed, it depends on heredity to what age the puppy will grow. Chihuahuas of some lines grow faster, others - more slowly. In addition, heredity also affects when a Chihuahua bitch starts her first estrus, after which, if she grows, then quite a bit;
  • cultivation quality. The fashion for mini-dogs has spawned a trend towards weight loss in Chihuahua puppies. This, in turn, has led some dishonest breeders, who would be more properly called breeders, to deliberately underfeed the babies of this breed so that they do not grow and remain miniature at the time of sale. Considering that Chihuahuas move to their new owners quite late - after three or even four months, it is not difficult to guess what consequences such cultivation can lead to. As a result of underfeeding, puppies really do not grow well and do not gain weight, but in addition to this, they can also get beriberi, allergies, severely weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, as well as chronic diseases various systems and organs;
  • illness. After the majority serious illnesses the growth of the dog slows down or even completely stops;
  • . Chihuahuas should receive a full-fledged quality food, while keeping in mind that these dogs are prone to overeating and weight gain. Therefore, it is very important to accurately measure the size of a pet's portion to almost a gram. And in order for him to be healthy and grow well, you need to feed a chihuahua either prepared food premium, or better, super-premium or holistic. If the dog eats, then it is necessary that she receive a lot of protein foods, as well as foods containing calcium;
  • activity. If a Chihuahua moves a lot, then he trains his muscles and develops physically. At the same time, it leaves excess weight, which, perhaps, the pet managed to dial. Also, puppies that are willing to run and play grow faster in height.

The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on how much he weighed at birth.

A pet that weighs 70 to 80 grams at birth will grow up very small - or even. A puppy weighing 80-120 grams at birth would be a low standard. And medium and large Chihuahuas at birth weigh 120-145 and 145-170 grams.


The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on the number of litters. So, if a bitch gave birth to 1-3 babies, then among them there may be both large and medium-sized dogs. And if 4 or more puppies were born, then in this case they will be either mini or small standards.

What to do if the weight is behind the norm?

First of all, this issue worries the owners of Chihuahua girls, since females whose weight is 2 kg or more are allowed for breeding.

But the owners of the boys of this breed may be concerned that the pet does not live up to the standard, while some of them are worried that the male may be disqualified at the show, while others are worried that standard and large Chihuahuas better health than their smaller mini and, especially, micro relatives.

What to do if the weight of a chihuahua does not reach the requirements of the standard?

First, you need to find out what the lack of weight or height may be associated with. If this is a hereditary problem, for example, if the puppy belongs to a line whose representatives grow up late, then you just need to wait until the pet is fully grown and fully grown.

In the event that a Chihuahua puppy does not grow well due to improper rearing or due to being transferred to early age diseases, then you need to consult with a veterinarian and ask him to prescribe the most suitable vitamin and mineral supplements or other drugs for your pet.

Sometimes it makes sense to reconsider the nutrition of a pet or the conditions of its maintenance.

So, for example, for a chihuahua eating natural food, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein products in the diet, and it would be better not to meat, but to fermented milk. The ideal option here is cottage cheese, because in addition to protein, it also contains calcium, which is also necessary for proper growth dogs.

If the dog eats ready feed, then you need to try to transfer it to a higher quality feed, for example, transfer from premium to super-premium class.

Longer and more active walks with a Chihuahua will also be useful, however, you need to make sure that the pet does not overwork.

It should be remembered that the weight and size of puppies and adult dogs, which is given in the tables, is average, and that not all dogs, due to their individual features the actual weight will correspond to it.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Chihuahuas are not large. These dogs, according to the breed standard, must weigh no more than 3 kg, and the lower permissible limit for their weight is 0.5 kg.

How quickly a puppy of this breed grows and what height and weight it reaches depends on many reasons, but feeding and caring for a pet plays a significant role in this.

If a chihuahua eats fully and efficiently, if he has never had serious problems with health, if he moves a lot, then such a dog has every chance of reaching an average height and weight.

Future owners of puppies of this breed are advised to ask the breeder before buying how much this or that baby weighed at birth, since this will help to more accurately determine the size of the dog when it is an adult.

Useful video

Useful and Interesting Facts about chihuahua:

In contact with

Chihuahua growth can be somewhat stepped: often the most little puppy in the litter catches up with their peers by the age of 1 year. The best way determining the future size of a dog - to study its pedigree. Dimensions and others physical characteristics considered to be hereditary. Genes that are passed on chihuahua puppy from the mother, determine the future size of the dog. Studying 3 generations gives an accurate representation of height and weight.

Monthly weight change

Newborn Chihuahuas weigh 100g. Puppies grow rapidly during the first month after birth and double their size in a few days.

Representatives of this breed reach adult levels throughout the year. During this time, they go through several stages. rapid growth and weight gain. If the puppy does not add either in height or in weight within a month, it should be taken to the veterinarian. The recommended weighing frequency is once a month.

A one-year-old Chihuahua may be considered an adult, but he will become fully developed later, at 12-18 months. At this stage, the dog's muscles grow and the chest grows. Weight, according to the breed standard - 1.5-3 kg, height - 15-23 cm.

Chihuahua weight table depending on age (weight is indicated in grams):

Based on the data that a puppy has at 8 weeks, we can assume its weight in adulthood:

Physique changes

Chihuahua puppies are round and full. They have body fat on the body they need to provide warmth and reserve nutrients. At this age, you should not worry about the fact that the dog is overweight. Puppies are very energetic, they have no problems with thyroid gland and other disorders that provoke the formation overweight body.

During the first year and a half, the Chihuahua's physique will become more slender. As they grow older, puppies look harmonious and elegant.

Health problems that prevent a dog from being active cause weight gain. This applies to aging Chihuahuas. If quantity exercise decreases, but calorie intake remains the same, the pet will have problems with body weight.

Factors that affect size

The size, weight and height of an adult will depend on several factors:

  • parent size;
  • diet;
  • activity level;
  • the presence of inherited genes that manifest themselves through several generations.

RKF breed standard

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world.

Dogs have a compact body. It is important that the pet's skull is shaped like an apple and that he holds his long tail very high in the form of a semicircle with a tip that is directed towards the waist.

The body length must be more height at the withers. In boys, it should be almost square. In bitches, a more extended body is acceptable.

Stretch index, according to the standard of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) - up to 110.

The Chihuahua breed standard was adopted by the English Kennel Club in 1954. It describes the main parameters that the dog must meet - weight and chihuahua growth, body types, coats, colors, body proportions. What else is said in the standard about this breed, as well as how much mini dogs grow, you will learn from this article.

The main parameters included in the breed standard:

  • general form;
  • proportions;
  • character;
  • head;
  • frame;
  • limbs;
  • movement;
  • wool cover;
  • color;
  • dimensions;
  • limitations;
  • vices.

Until how many months these mini dogs grow are of interest to many potential buyers. The main development of the skeleton lasts up to six months, after which the growth of the dog is inhibited. Up to twelve months, mainly the skull and chest begin to develop. Thus, it is possible to determine the growth of an adult animal already at the age of six months.

General form

Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. This mini breed has an elegant appearance and compact body structure: the height at the withers is proportional to the weight of the animal. She always proudly and high holds a medium length, twisting in a semicircle, tail. The tail should always be directed towards the flat line of the loin.

The structure of the skull of a mini dog has a bright distinguishing feature, not inherent in other breeds: a small gap is formed between its bones called a fontanelle, which almost never overgrows.


The height at the withers is slightly less than the length of the Chihuahua's body. The boys of this breed, girls, have an almost square body shape due to the presence reproductive function, grow a little differently and have a slightly elongated physique.


Dogs of this breed have a cheerful and mentally stable disposition, as well as a quick reaction. Chihuahuas are always proud of themselves and extremely courageous. They have a very curious nature and hardy temperament.


The skull of the Chihuahua is very large, with an apple-shaped shape, the width and height of which are equal. The voluminous forehead has pronounced eyebrows.

Due to the bulge of the forehead, the transition to the muzzle is clearly visible.

The muzzle of a mini dog, wide closer to the base, tapers towards the nose. The short muzzle with poorly defined cheekbones has rounded, tight-fitting lips, the dry and taut structure of which should completely cover the teeth.

The small nose may be slightly upturned. The standard allows any color of the nose that matches the coat.

Large, round, Chihuahua eyes have an expressive, slightly sly look. Widely spaced ocelli suggest a deep furrow between them. They should not be too convex. Eye color is dark, matching the color wool cover, although the standard also allows light color.

If you look at the Chihuahua from the front, then according to the standard, the eyes and nose of a mini dog form an equilateral triangle.

The standard allows for both scissor and level bites. But undershot or vice versa - overshot is already considered a defect. The kit may not be complete - they do not attach much importance to this.

The large ears of the animal are set high, wider at the base, tapering to a rounded tip. When the dog is calm, they hang at an angle of forty-five degrees, and when excited, they take a position and become closer to each other.

The high-set neck has a slight bend at the top, without dewlap. In males, it is more powerful.


A strong, harmoniously built body is slightly elongated, since the height of the almost unexpressed withers is slightly less than its length. A straight, strong back has a muscular loin. The wide croup has a slight slope.

The deep chest of wide volume has round ribs and is rounded to elbow joint front paws. A barrel-shaped chest is a flaw. The abdomen is noticeably tucked up.

In males, the body is almost square in shape, in females it is slightly longer.

Chihuahuas have body structures:

  • cobby - dense and heavy;
  • dir - "deer-like", elegant.

The even tail of medium length is set high. It is thick, and gradually tapers towards the tip. In an excited state, the dog's tail is held either high with a slight bend, or along the back, without touching it. If the tail has a sickle-shaped structure, then contact with the back or thigh is allowed.


Stable and strong front legs form a straight line with the elbows and are parallel to each other. When viewed from the side, it can be seen that the pastern is elastic and slightly oblique. The elbows are strongly pressed to the body.

Well developed hind legs are set vertically and also parallel to each other, with a good hock angulation. Narrow posture or weakness in the limbs is considered a defect.

The limbs have soft paw pads and long toes with slightly elongated claws. Pay attention to how many fingers the puppy has. Dewclaws must be removed.


The energetic gait of the Chihuahua is very graceful and light. Mini dogs have cobby type hind limbs stronger repelled from the ground than in dogs of the dir type. The Chihuahua always holds its head proudly and high when moving.

wool cover

Chihuahua hair comes in two types:

  • short;
  • long.

The short coat lies close to the body of the dog and has smooth and soft hairs of a straight structure. In the presence of undercoat, the length of his hair will be slightly longer, as well as on the neck, tail. On the head, ears, the hair is the shortest, in the throat area it is practically absent.

The long-haired coat has thin and soft hairs of an even structure. Light waves are allowed, but not curly. Longer hairline located in the following places: ears, neck, paws, tail, chest. The body of the dog should not be covered with too long and thick hair.


There are as many colors as you like in the Chihuahua color palette - from banal white to rare blue. Blacks, browns, sables, greys, reds—whatever shade they have. According to the standard, the color of these small dogs can be one, two or three colors.


Small dogs are fully grown by the age of twelve months. The breed standard does not indicate the exact height of the dog, but with the correct development adult chihuahua have a height of 15-23 centimeters at the withers. Preferably low stature. By six months, the growth of the dog stops, then it only gains weight.

The Chihuahua weight chart below will show you the approximate size of a mini dog as it matures.

According to the standard, ideally, the weight of adult males should be 1.3-2.7 kilograms, and females - 1.5-2.7 kilograms.


Any deviation from the parameters of the standard is considered a serious shortcoming. These include the following items:

  • narrow skull;
  • flat skull;
  • small eyes;
  • large bulge of the eyes;
  • large length of the muzzle;
  • sharp ears;
  • fully hanging ears;
  • small neck;
  • arched or concave spine;
  • strongly sloping croup;
  • large body length;
  • barrel-shaped ribs;
  • narrow set of front paws;
  • elbows strongly extending from the body;
  • short or crooked legs;
  • small chest;
  • displacement of the cup in the knees;
  • displacement of the jaw;
  • a short or completely twisted ponytail with an improper fit;
  • completely thin hairline;
  • extra teeth;
  • unexpressed stop.


Defects for which you can receive disqualification are the following defects:

  • too light physique;
  • heavy weight, more than three kilograms;
  • lack of a tail;
  • parts of the tail or ears are removed;
  • bald patches on the skin;
  • too long body;
  • in males - the absence of testicles, undeveloped or not completely lowered testes into the scrotum.

Tell me, does your Chihuahua fit the parameters of the standard? How old is your little dog?