Description of the breed Miniature Pinscher. Miniature Pinscher: Care Tips All About the Pinscher Dog Breed

Squeeze, grab, squeeze. This is how the verb to pinch is translated from English. From it, presumably, the name of the breed is formed. miniature pinscher. They bred it in Germany, where in 1887 the first monobreed exhibition was held.

So, the outlines of the Pinscher's body are almost square. However, visually, representatives of the breed look elongated. The illusion is achieved due to the leanness of miniature pinschers, thin but strong paws.

The Miniature Pinscher is recognized by the International Association of Cynological Organizations. FCI, by the way, is not supportive of all breeds. The pit bull terrier and the Moscow watchdog, for example, do not exist for her.

For the miniature pinscher, the Federation represents a clear standard. It noted that the representatives of the breed do not have a clearly protruding occiput. The forehead of the miniature pinscher is flat.

The bevel of the head is parallel to the nose. The latter, by the way, is dark in the Pinscher, almost black. Black lips. They are tight to the jaws. Respectively, miniature miniature pinscher not from drooling dogs.

The forehead of the Pinscher passes into the muzzle at a slight angle. However, the junction line is clearly marked. Clearly in the standard, 42 pointed, tightly joined scissor bite teeth are also indicated.

In the description of the compactness of the pinscher, the characteristic "small distance from the last rib to the thigh" is added. Above the defining line is a slightly rounded croup. It goes smoothly into the tail.

Another issue with the chest. She performs strongly. The rest of the chest is wide in moderation, the lower extremity reaches the elbows of the front paws. Their elbows, by the way, are directly planted. There are breeds in which the joints are everted, most often, to the outside. AT miniature pinscher kennel they won't take them.

The paws of the miniature pinscher are called cat's. The mustachioed are reminiscent of tightly shifted arched fingers. In the character of a feline pinscher, there is little. Let's get acquainted with the behavioral attitudes of the breed.

The nature of the miniature pinscher and care for him

Miniature Pinscher in the photo resembles a Doberman and, like the "big brother", belongs to the group of Great Danes. It includes not only pinschers, but also miniature schnauzers. By nature, the hero of the article is closer to the latter.

Representatives of the breed are playful and active. The liveliness of miniature pinschers is combined with natural suspiciousness. This helps to grow a guard out of a dog, but requires the owners to use iron gloves.

Feeling a weakness in the owner, the pinschers turn into domestic tyrants. So, miniature pinscher price rarely interested in families with children, or those who make the first four-legged friend.

The hero of the article is the choice of experienced dog breeders who have training skills, who know how to be the main ones in the “pack”. Intellectually miniature pinscher training given simply. Representatives of the breed are smart, quick-witted.

Combined with endurance, excellent sense of smell, attentiveness and vigilance, this makes excellent hunters out of pinschers. As a rule, representatives of the breed get animals from holes. Duck hunting with a pinscher is rather an exception, although it is an excellent swimmer.

The watchman's instinct in the miniature pinscher wakes up even before six months, usually at 3-4 months. Getting ready for a dull growl at the door. At home, it can be annoying. The owners of pinschers are indulgent towards their barking in the street.

If in the old days they ran after horse-drawn carriages, now they are becoming companions on bike rides and hiking trips. Even the mountains of the miniature pinschers do not care. If the rocks are not sheer, a four-legged friend will be able to climb them.

By the way, in campaigns, the pinscher also shows the qualities of a watchman and a hunter. The dog drives away from the tents and winter quarters the forest dwellers who come to the camp in search of food. If you have to fight and be injured, the Pinscher is ready for a quick recovery. Representatives of the breed are not susceptible to pain, they come out with a positive attitude from many troubles.

Miniature Pinscher nutrition

Despite an active lifestyle and lively character, miniature pinschers tend to be overweight. Buy miniature pinscher and feeding him sausages and sweet gingerbread from the master's table is a bad idea.

Your four-legged friend needs a healthy, balanced diet. Cynologists recommend stopping either on natural products or on dry food. Pinscher fit both diets. Their mixing is contraindicated.

The choice in favor of natural nutrition obliges the owners of miniature pinschers to fill the diet of pets with meat by at least 40%. It is desirable that it makes up all 60% of the products consumed by the dog.

Vegetables and cereals become an addition to meat in the diet of the miniature pinscher. As a rule, dogs eat the latter with great pleasure. The recommendation does not apply to puppies.

The first month they need only mother's milk. Its replacement can be specialized mixtures. From a month, the stomachs of newborns perceive goat and cow's milk, liquid cereals, cooked on them.

From 1.5-2 months, when the puppies have adapted to cereals, ground beef is introduced into the diet. After a couple of days, you can give finely chopped fillets. Soups with a small addition of cereals begin to be given simultaneously with minced meat.

Up to 2 months, puppies are fed with natural products. After that, you can switch to special dog food. It is important to choose items with a high protein content. From 2 months, the percentage of products in the diet of miniature pinschers is compared with the requests of adult dogs. The only difference is the number of feedings.

Up to 7 months, adolescents need 2 feedings per day. Adult Pinschers eat 5-6 times, drinking plenty of water with meals. Therefore, next to the feed bowl, there must be a container with clean water.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the miniature pinscher

Representatives of the breed are fully formed by 9 months. The first estrus in bitches can be already in the year. Breeding is difficult. Representatives of the breed are the golden mean between Dobermans and that terriers.

So, males and females began to appear with a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, slightly bulging eyes, thin-boned. Do you recognize Toy? Therefore, breeding miniature pinschers is close to getting offspring from poodles. Some puppies from the litter are recorded in small ones, others in dwarf ones, and still others in toi.

When breeding a breed, it is important to prune in time miniature pinscher ears. They also buy tails. Until the 2000s, this was the rule. Now, the Russian Cynological Association admits completely natural dogs to exhibitions.

However, if you do not cut off their tails and ears before the age of one month, until the cartilage has grown stronger, you have to engage in staging. Must comply with the standard. About the ears in it, for example, it is said: - "Triangular, standing high."

Therefore, those who refused docking miniature pinscher, stock up on plaster. Suitable and textile glue. It is necessary to fix the dog's ears in the desired position, repeating the procedure until the result is fixed.

Trained dogs that have received an exhibition rating of “very good” and above, with a pedigree, are officially allowed for breeding. Miniature Pinscher Knitting paid in such cases. The owner of the dog receives the money. Often conspire on the basis of the sale of puppies. By the way, young dogs are also given away on account of mating.

There are usually 4-5 puppies in a miniature pinscher litter. Representatives of the breed live, with good care, for about 15 years. 10 of them are reproductive. It is allowed to knit miniature pinschers annually. It becomes clear why some professionally breed thoroughbred four-legged animals. Find out prices for puppies.

The price of a miniature pinscher and reviews about it

The cost of a miniature pinscher depends on the pedigree. If it is full of show champions, puppies will be bought for 50,000 rubles. With a mediocre pedigree, breeders' requests, as a rule, do not exceed 20,000 rubles.

The price tag can skyrocket during periods of breed popularity. Her outbursts are often associated with films, songs, dogs that celebrities get. There are also periods when no one needs miniature pinschers. Breeders have to keep puppies for months. These are not puppies at all, but young dogs. Is this not a reason to give four-legged for nothing?

The Miniature Pinscher is the most popular breed in Europe. These miniature dogs are distinguished by endurance, attractive appearance and wonderful character. They can be called differently: miniature pinscher, miniature pinscher, royal pinscher.

Description of the breed

Miniature Pinscher first appeared in Germany. At first, dogs of this breed guarded horses and were excellent companions for people on trips over long distances. In addition, they were also excellent hunters of rats or mice. In the future, miniature pinschers became domestic dogs.

The Miniature Pinscher (Doberman) is a small dog that differs from the German Pinscher in its size. She is also very similar to a Doberman, which is why she is also called a mini-Doberman.

  1. The height of the dog does not exceed thirty centimeters, and it weighs no more than five kilograms. It is comparable in size to a Toy Terrier, Yorkie or Japanese Spitz.
  2. The jaws are elongated and rather strong.
  3. The eyes are oval and dark in color.
  4. The ears are usually erect or slightly hanging down.
  5. The tail is small.
  6. The coat is short and smooth, of a brilliant shade.
  7. Paws are even and muscular.
  8. The neck is quite long and thin.
  9. Miniature Pinschers have a slender and muscular build with a broad chest.

Gallery: miniature pinscher (25 photos)

Color and character

Miniature pinschers are two-color and one-color. Unicolors are brown-red or reddish in color. Two-color are only black and tan. Tan is located above the eyes, on the chest and neck.

The Dwarf Doberman is a very active, attentive, affectionate, loyal and intelligent dog. They get along well with people and small children, but they do not like excessive affection, so they can show aggression.

As for other pets, then they can only get along with them if they have grown up with them since childhood. They are distrustful of strangers and dogs and may even attack.

Based on the reviews of people who keep such dogs, it is safe to say that the zwerg is great for home keeping.

Rules of care and maintenance

To keep your dog healthy and happy, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Walks should be long and active. If you do not follow this rule, then the pinscher will misbehave in your home.
  2. Miniature Pinschers do not tolerate heat and cold. Therefore, in hot weather, they need to walk in the shade, and in cold weather, put on a special warm suit for them.
  3. You can bathe the dog only in a warm room, as it can easily freeze and get sick.
  4. Clean your ears and gas regularly.
  5. The smooth-haired Pinscher needs to be brushed once a week. Use a special brush for this.
  6. Keep an eye on the condition of the claws. Cut them with special nail cutters.
  7. At ten months, they have puberty, so they can be aggressive.
  8. Brush your dog's teeth once a week with a special brush.

When you get a pet, be sure to ask what he was fed in order to stick to the same diet. Pinscher nutrition must be balanced.

If the puppy has recently been weaned from mother's milk, then at first it must be continued to be fed with milk, only goat's milk, which is quite fatty and more like dog's milk.

An older dog's diet should consist mainly of meat (40%) - beef or horse meat. Poultry can be given occasionally. Pork is strictly prohibited for Miniature Pinschers.

30% of the diet should consist of vegetables. They can be boiled or raw. The remaining 30% includes fermented milk products and cottage cheese, as well as cereals cooked in meat broth. Porridges are prepared from different cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet and others. Salt must not be added during cooking!

If you decide to switch your pet to dry food then choose carefully. For full development, it must have all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In order not to harm your pet, it is better to consult a veterinarian, he will help you with the right choice.

It is forbidden to give the dog food from the table! Our food contains salt and fats that will harm your pet. Make a feeding schedule for your mini pinscher and stick to it. And don't forget the water. It must always be clean and fresh. If properly cared for, a miniature pinscher can live for about twenty years.

Before purchasing a dog, you need to make sure that By the time it arrived, everything was ready:

  1. The dog should have its own cozy place where it will sleep or just relax. It must be prepared before buying a pet.
  2. To prevent the dog from being electrocuted, you need to remove all the wires and close the sockets.
  3. Purchase special items for the care of the miniature pinscher: shampoo, comb, nail clippers, warm clothes and more.
  4. Don't forget to buy toys, a collar and a leash.
  5. Decide in advance where your pet will eat. Get two bowls - one for food and one for water.

Training and education

The Miniature Pinscher differs from other dogs in that he is easy to train. Training must begin at an early age. This process must be approached seriously and responsibly.

Be sure to praise your pet for the executed commands, pet him and then success is guaranteed!

Pet diseases and treatment

Most often, the zwerg is prone to such diseases., as:

In order for the pet to be healthy, the owner must carry out vaccinations on time.

The German Smooth Pinscher gave rise to two very popular European dog breeds. One of them is a Doberman, which attracted not only aristocrats, but also lovers of fighting dogs. The other is, rather, a smaller copy of the latter, which, for its miniature appearance, was called the miniature pinscher ("miniature" in German - "dwarf"). If you are not averse to making a new friend, then the description of the miniature pinscher breed will come in handy.

Origin story

The first mention of the breed dates back to the 15th century. According to cynologists, her homeland is the city of Württemberg. This place was famous for a huge number of horse farms, where horses of the highest class were raised. Among the owners of stagecoaches, the miniature pinscher dog breed was especially popular. Her skills as a hunter earned her the nickname "stable storm". Extraordinary strength, agility, endurance and helped the representatives of this breed to easily deal with hundreds of rats that were simply swarming in the stables and stalls. However, cynologists seriously took up this canine representative only in the second half of the 19th century, and only in 1878 at an exhibition in Hanover, an amazing breed of dogs, the miniature pinscher, was presented to the world.


The description of the miniature pinscher breed always begins with its size. The weight of the animal ranges from 4 to 6 kg, and the height is approximately 25-30 cm, however, some representatives reach 40-45 cm at the withers, but they are already called medium. People have an erroneous opinion that all small dogs are considered. However, this is not so, in fact, only some representatives can be attributed to such a breed. The miniature pinscher dog looks quite muscular and at the same time graceful. In fact, this is a reduced copy of its German progenitor with the appearance of a Doberman.

body structure

According to the international classification, these dogs are classified as Great Danes, a group of schnauzers and pinschers. They are famous for their very proportional body. Description of the miniature pinscher breed:

  • The head is slightly elongated. The muzzle is in full proportion to the skull.
  • The eyes have a regular oval shape, usually black or dark brown.
  • The nose is almost always black.
  • The ears are set high.
  • Both the upper and lower jaws are equally well developed; in view of this feature, the bite - “scissors” is strongly visible.
  • The neck is rather long, thin and graceful.
  • The body is elongated and very taut, the relief of the muscles is pronounced.
  • The dog's coat should be short and shiny, lying fairly close to the body.
  • The limbs are thin, but very strong. The hind legs are slightly shorter than the front.
  • The tail is set rather high, without kinks. It has a crescent or saber shape.


It is not uncommon for show dogs to undergo unpleasant surgical procedures to correct their appearance. Ear cropping in a miniature pinscher is a procedure that is carried out in puppyhood, but preferably up to 3-4 months, until the teeth have changed. Most often they are given the form of standing candles. But if the owner wants to leave the ears hanging, their rounded edges are cut off to look like the letter “V”. The tail should be treated in the same way, but docking is done in the first week of life, leaving 2 or 3 vertebrae. Since this is not a fighting dog, trimming the ears or not is the personal choice of the owner. For the exhibition, both docked and regular miniature pinscher are suitable. Reviews of the owners of the breed show that the dog easily tolerates the operation, the main thing is not to forget to massage and treat wounds in time.


The traditional color of the miniature pinscher is brown, which varies depending on the saturation and admixture of shades (usually ranging from brick red to mustard yellow). This coloration is acceptable for show dogs. However, sandy and even black and tan miniature pinscher are often found. Owner reviews indicate that a darker coat color gives the dog a masculine and aggressive appearance.

Many pet lovers often doubt whether it is possible to keep a dog like a miniature pinscher at home. Feedback from happy hosts is a significant factor in resolving this issue. The short coat of the dog does not require complex care, and the molting process is almost invisible. If you need a dog that will have enough space for activity in a small apartment, then the miniature pinscher is ideal. There are many rumors about the breed regarding its susceptibility to colds and other diseases. This is because future owners should take into account: this dog does not tolerate extreme cold, so keeping it outside in an aviary or booth is unacceptable.


Despite the fact that this dog is a born hunter, it is very friendly and devoted to people. If you immediately firmly and confidently designate yourself as its owner, then the dog will obey you implicitly. In no case should you give slack with her, otherwise she will certainly take the lead. This is a very energetic and active breed. It is believed that she even has a sense of humor, as she simply loves to fool around and make people laugh. The description of the miniature pinscher breed always begins with the fact that it is an excellent watchman. This instinct begins to manifest itself at the age of 3-4 months. And even if you are embarrassed by the miniature size of the dog, be sure that he will make every effort so that strangers do not enter the house. It should be noted that he will make an excellent companion and companion, since outdoor games are one of his favorite activities. He is very hardy and capable of prolonged physical exertion. The dog will be a good partner for a morning run or even a bike ride. Children can take the dog with them to play ball or frisbee in the park, go rollerblading. The main thing is to remember that it requires not only a firm hand, but also sincere goodwill. Only by combining these two factors, you will get a true devoted friend who will be ready to follow his master to the ends of the world!

The subtleties of training

It is believed that the miniature pinscher is a rather freedom-loving dog, but training usually does not cause difficulties. Impeccable leadership qualities can only become a problem if the owner is too soft or cannot clearly articulate his requirements. It is best to start learning from an early age. If you immediately show the dog who is in charge here, you will never have problems with disobedience. The capriciousness of the miniature pinscher is often expressed in arbitrariness or unreasonable bouts of barking, but a slight increase in voice can return it to its previous state. In general, it is rarely possible to hear any sounds from this dog; these dogs use heart-rending cries only in extreme cases. This breed is not too susceptible to pain and is almost unforgiving. But it is better not to abuse the whip method in training.

Basic rules of care

The miniature pinscher is ideal for a city apartment. This breed does not require complex constant care. Her coat is very short and therefore absolutely does not need daily combing. Bathe your dog at least 4 times a year. Very frequent contact with water and detergents can lead to flaking of the skin and hair loss. So even if your dog gets dirty (which is extremely rare, since the miniature pinscher cannot stand dirt), it's best to just wipe it with a slightly damp cloth. Particular attention should be paid to the ears, they must be regularly cleaned and monitored so that there is no suppuration or inflammation. So that they always stand erect and do not sag, do not forget to do regular massage of the lobes. Also remember that the dog is very sensitive to temperature changes, it can not be walked in cold and wet weather. For these cases, special outerwear for miniature pinschers is sold. If you have parquet or expensive flooring at home, you can go to the veterinarian and this breed has very sharp and tough ones, it inherited this quality from its progenitors-hunters. Particular attention should be paid to the diet of the miniature pinscher, as these dogs are very prone to obesity. Therefore, do not overfeed your pet and make sure that he receives a sufficient amount of daily physical activity, especially in winter. There are practically no restrictions on food, this breed, like many others, cannot eat a lot of sweets, as this leads to ear diseases.


This breed is quite jealous and domineering, so the dog will rarely tolerate competition from other pets. But if she manages to seize leadership and concentrate the main part of the owner’s attention on herself, there will be no problems. On the other hand, these dogs are prone to herd living, and if suddenly you keep several representatives of this breed, they will develop their own hierarchy and team spirit. If you have your own plot or garden, be prepared for the fact that your favorite flower beds may have several minks or holes. Some miniature pinschers still have a very strong hunting instinct, and they are constantly looking for shelter for mice or moles. Do not look at the dogs, in the house she can easily jump on the table or even the windowsill. Therefore, on days when you are away from home, try to limit your dog to the kitchen, where he can harm himself or ruin appliances and utensils.

Like any breed, miniature pinschers love to gnaw everything. So, in order to avoid conflicts with the pet, remove shoes, securities and wires away. But all these difficulties are nothing compared to the charge of positive energy that this dog will give you! Good care, proper training, gradualness and perseverance will help turn even the most inveterate bully into a dog worthy of the proud title of miniature pinscher. A description of the breed will help you choose a good puppy that will become a member of your family in the future. But in order to avoid problems with the pedigree, it is better to buy a dog in specialized kennels or from professional breeders.

The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) is an ambiguous and colorful breed.

Despite the established opinion that decorative small dogs, for the most part, are gentle and spoiled creatures.

Possessing an active character and indefatigable temperament, he crosses out any doubts and stereotypes.

This confirms his true mission as a hunter and protector.

To raise a miniature pinscher, you will have to show imagination and patience, as dogs have an excellent memory, and they will perfectly remember an evil attitude.

Germany is considered the homeland of the pygmy pinscher, where it has been known since the 15th century.

Various hypotheses are put forward for its appearance, up to the origin from the ancient breed of “peat bog” dogs living in Switzerland, whose description is similar to pinschers.

In the homeland of the pygmy pinscher, a coachman was used to accompany the crews. Living in the stables, he hunted rats and small rodents there.

One hypothesis about the name of the breed is connected with this, where the origin from the English “to pinch” is considered - to grab.

The popularity of the dog breed persisted for several centuries, until the advent of the era of mechanical engineering.

The pygmy pinscher quickly spread throughout Europe, migrated to Switzerland, and then to England.

In the 19th century, serious work began on selection and derivation of the standard. But with the invention of the automobile, the miniature pinscher lost its usefulness and was on the verge of extinction.

Positioning as a companion dog saved him from extinction, and in the 20th century the breed was again in demand. France took the lead in breeding the pygmy pinscher.

The miniature pinscher standard establishes it as a smaller version, but without a trace of flaws or deformities.

Miniature Pinschers have a well-built body, with well-developed muscles, compact square format.

The weight of the dog is 3-4 kg with a height of 25-30 cm.

Description of acceptable color options: fawn and black with tan on the paws, chest, under the tail, and also above the eyes or on the throat. The coat is short, but thick and shiny.

Attempts to develop a brown and tan color were not officially recognized by the FCI, but were approved in America.

Appearance description: an elongated head with a wedge-shaped muzzle is located on a slightly arched neck, which gives the appearance of a pygmy pinscher a proud look.

Medium-sized eyes have an oval cut and a dark color. The ears are large, set high, at the age of 3-5 months.

Housing compact: the length of the body is approximately equal to its height at the withers. The tail is set high, docked if desired, but it should be noted that many European countries do not allow docked representatives to participate in exhibitions.

Paws are long and straight, located in parallel, a characteristic run with a high throw of the paws.

The Miniature Pinscher is often compared to other small breeds, but in fact, its character bears little resemblance to conventional wisdom.

He is not pampered like a Japanese Chin, and not as dependent on a person as a Chihuahua.

Outwardly, the miniature pinscher is similar to, but in character and temperament they have many differences.

Miniature Pinschers require active long walks, while toy terriers need short walks.

Toy Terriers are egocentric and can be aggressive towards others.

The Miniature Pinscher requires a firm hand and can be self-willed; but with proper training, he gets along well with others and behaves as decently as his master requires.

The Miniature Pinscher has a denser structure, a broad chest, but its paws are shorter, relative to the proportions of the terrier, which has a more graceful body type.

Also, toy terriers can have variations in coat length: be short and long-haired. A miniature pinscher can only have a black nose, a toy terrier can have brown and black.

The ears are only erect, in the Miniature Pinscher they allow the last third to hang down.

The structure of the forehead of the breeds also differ: the toy terrier has a convex forehead; dwarf pinschers - flat, with an implicit transition to the muzzle.

By nature, it belongs to the category of service dogs, while the toy terrier is decorative.

Miniature Pinschers are not picky about keeping: they live perfectly in a city apartment or a private house.

The dog does not require specific care for the coat, it is enough to comb it out once a month, and remove old hairs with a damp cloth.

You also need to regularly examine the ears and eyes, cleaning them as needed. If desired, the owner docked the tail and ears.

Claws are trimmed only if they have not worn off on their own.

Remains with the owner: the miniature pinscher eats both dry food and natural food.

It is only important to monitor how much he eats, as representatives of the breed do not know how to control their appetite and are prone to obesity.

The miniature pinscher has an explosive temperament, its character requires active games and long walks. Easily finds contact with children, and is very loyal to the owner.

It is difficult to train in that it seeks to take a leadership position, and if the owner relaxes, it will easily turn into a dominant one.

Physical punishment is unacceptable: no matter how much time passes, he will remember the mistreatment and move away from the person.

Dogs live up to 15 years and are considered centenarians.

The Miniature Pinscher is prone to barking and is suspicious of strangers, making it an excellent watchdog. He will always warn the owner with a loud bark if he feels something is wrong.

Photo gallery

In our photo selection you can once again look at these miniature dogs with a difficult character. Their attractive appearance and small size should be of interest to owners of small homes.

The miniature pinscher, or miniature pinscher, is an old breed of dog from Germany. He is a smaller copy of the smooth-haired pinscher. Outwardly, it looks a bit like a Doberman, but miniature. In the past, the dog was used as a rat catcher in the stables and a stagecoach guard.

The production of automobiles almost destroyed the breed, because its services were no longer needed. But enthusiasts "retrained" the dog, and the miniature pinscher became a home companion. His character is not easy, the manners of the sole owner of the stables remained, but this does not frighten most of the owners.

Description of the breed

The Miniature Pinscher is an elegant, muscular dog of small size, smooth coat, with slender thin legs and a square body outline. It is a reduced copy of the standard pinscher. A brief description of the breed is as follows:

  • The average height of a dog is 25-30 cm.
  • Weight - 4-6 kg.
  • The head is elongated, the occipital tubercle is not pronounced, the forehead is flat, without wrinkles, runs parallel to the back of the nose.
  • The transition is clearly defined, but slightly pronounced.
  • The nose is black.
  • The muzzle is in the form of a blunt wedge.
  • The lips are smooth, black, tight-fitting, the corners are closed.
  • Chewing muscles are well developed on strong jaws, the cheekbones of the dog are not pronounced.
  • The bite is scissor-shaped, the dental formula is complete, the teeth are close to each other.
  • The eyes are dark, oval in shape, the eyelids are pigmented, tightly fitting.
  • The ears are set high on the head, stand or hang on the cartilage, triangular. If the ears hang, their inner edge is pressed against the cheekbones and turned slightly forward. The folds of the ears are parallel, do not go beyond the top line of the head.
  • Neck with a noble bend, elongated, with a smooth transition to the withers, dry, no dewlap, the skin fits snugly to the neck.
  • The back line slopes slightly towards the croup. The back itself is strong, short, its highest point is the withers.
  • The loin is strong, the distance from the lower rib to the thigh is small, which is why the Miniature Pinscher looks compact.
  • The croup is slightly rounded, smoothly turning into a ponytail.
  • The chest is of medium width, oval, descending to the elbows, its front part is clearly indicated by a sternum chip.
  • The tummy is not very tucked up, the line between the tummy and the breast curves gently.
  • The tail is normal or docked.
  • The shoulder blades are oblique, on both sides they protrude distinctly above the vertebrae of the thoracic region, the angle of inclination is 50 °. The shoulders are strong and muscular.
  • The front legs are straight, rather widely spaced, strong and springy, the tarsi are rounded, the toes are arched, and the claws are black.
  • The thighs are elongated, with strong muscles, the shins are sinewy. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front.

The coat of the miniature pinscher is short and smooth. Color - black and tan and red, almost fox. Brown coat with tan is now recognized only in the United States. Docking is prohibited in many countries, so you can often see in the photo that the pygmy toy pinscher has a long tail.

Disadvantages of the breed

The miniature pinscher breed can have a number of disadvantages. Minuses are any deviations from the standard. Some conformation errors will lead to complete disqualification, others may simply cause underestimation at the show or the price of the puppy. Here are a number of shortcomings that are acceptable, but undesirable, for which they can be given a low mark at the exhibition:

  • Reduced or enlarged size, squat or rough physique.
  • Rough or apple-shaped head, wrinkles on the forehead, narrowed muzzle.
  • Incorrect bite, bright eyes, the dimensions of which do not fit into the standard.
  • Neck with a dewlap, very long or with a bulge.
  • Too high or long legs, turned out elbows, hocks.
  • Changed gait.
  • Thin coat, white blotches, irregular fawn pattern.
  • Body dimensions and height deviate from the standards by 1-2 cm.

The Miniature Pinscher is disqualified from the show and is not allowed to breed if it has serious deviations. These include:

  • Aggressive or cowardly behavior
  • Serious violations in the structure of the jaws.
  • Wrong monkey profile.
  • Noticeable deviations from the breed, underdevelopment of some parts of the body or general.
  • Wrong color.
  • Sizes that deviate from the standard by more than 2 cm.

The description of the breed is supplemented by numerous photos and videos that will help to consider its features.

dog character

The miniature dog of the miniature pinscher breed has a difficult character, which complicates its maintenance by inexperienced owners. It belongs to the smallest service dogs and is fully consistent with its purpose. While the dwarf pinschers served in the stables, they got used to doing the work on their own, because the dog is independent, with pronounced leadership qualities, lively and active. He is often stubborn, if the pinscher is not properly trained, he becomes uncontrollable.

Dogs love to bark, because the miniature pinscher is a security guard, and his character is appropriate. In a loud voice, he warns the owner about the danger, uninvited guests. He is suspicious of all strangers, especially when the puppy was not socialized in time. A brave little dog will rush to protect the owner even on the street.

Chooses one pet in the house. The rest of the family is friendly, but can be stubborn and disobey.

The miniature pinscher plays well with the child. It is not advised to get a dog if the children are very young and have not yet learned how to handle animals correctly. One dog does not like to stay, he starts to feel sad and bored. After all, dogs are herd animals, they love company, miniature pinscher is no exception.

With other animals, the pygmy pinscher, like many other types of dogs, gets along only if it lives with them from early childhood. A puppy may well find a common language with a cat or dog, especially when he initially comes to their territory. An adult miniature pinscher hardly tolerates the neighborhood of other animals. Rodents are perceived as prey. Fights with cats and other dogs. The royal nature of the dog makes him become the leader of the pack in any company. Proper training helps to avoid these problems. A well-bred dog is a joy for both a child and an adult.

Pinscher training

The dwarf pinscher and his character are not easy, he needs proper education. Dog breeders without experience are not recommended to start a breed. Stubborn, independent, with the manners of a leader, he will quickly establish his own rules if he does not show in time who is the boss in the house. Training should be carried out from the first days of the puppy's stay in the apartment. It is necessary to set clear limits, otherwise the miniature miniature pinscher will begin to establish its own laws, it will become a capricious and naughty child. Maintaining and caring for it will turn into a series of problems and troubles.

Training begins with the puppy learning his name. Then he is taught the commands “Come to me”, “No”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Walk”. The Zwingpinscher loves to chase abandoned objects and bring them back to their owner. Already from the first months, he can learn the command "Apport". In the future, classes are made more difficult. The Miniature Pinscher is a smart and quick-witted dog that enjoys working. Dogs are trained in agility, IPO, Frisbee, etc. What type of training is best is up to the owner to decide.

The training of the Miniature Pinscher should be based on a reward system. Physical punishment of this breed is not recommended. Starting classes, it is recommended to study the temperament and character of the dog, its inclinations. All dogs can learn the standard obedience system, but the speed of command execution largely depends on their quick wits. Properly identified natural abilities will help teach Zwingpinscher puppies many interesting tricks. You need to train a dog regularly, showing firmness and perseverance.

dog care

Miniature Pinscher and caring for him are simple. Puppies are recommended to have their tail docked. But in many countries, in particular, Germany and the UK, docking is prohibited, therefore dogs with undocked tails are allowed to show. To carry out or not to carry out the procedure, the owner decides for himself.

The coat of dogs is short, so it is not particularly necessary to take care of it at home. It is enough to comb it once a week with a shaper or a stiff brush. After a walk, you can wipe the pinscher with a towel.

Bathe the dog a couple of times a year, periodically clean with a spray or dry shampoo. To clean the ears and trim the claws of miniature pinscher puppies, they are taught from an early age so that the animals normally perceive this procedure.

Miniature Pinscher Miniature Pinscher Content Features

Miniature Pinscher. Miniature Pinscher.

Miniature Pinscher (miniature pinscher, miniature pinscher). About the breed of dogs.

Zwingpinschers eat a lot, so you need to carefully monitor their diet, because it is very easy to overfeed a small dog, and being overweight provokes illness. It is difficult to choose the right diet for natural nutrition, because you need to feed pygmy pinschers with a small amount of food. Will they get everything they need from a few spoonfuls of common foods? Therefore, it is advised to buy ready-made food for the pygmy pinscher, but only of high quality. It is completely balanced, contains vitamins and microelements. Dry food can be alternated with canned food, which dogs willingly eat. Training can be accompanied by treats with delicious treats.

Pinscher breeding

All types of miniature pinschers can be easily bred. In order for the puppies to receive a passport with a pedigree, matings should be registered in clubs, for example, in the NKP Pinscher. Females are allowed to mate at approximately 1.5 years old, after the third estrus. Males should be knitted at 2 years old. The temperament of the dwarf miniature pinscher is excellent, no help is required during mating. The boy and girl of this breed are approximately the same size, therefore they come into contact easily.

In order to guarantee pregnancy, mating is repeated after 2-3 days. Miniature Pinscher is a prolific breed, most matings are crowned with success. Before bringing dogs together, they are dewormed and consulted by a veterinarian.

After mating, they try not to overload the bitch, they give a full meal. Pregnant dogs need animal proteins, sour milk containing calcium. You can buy special varieties of food for pregnant dogs.

Miniature Pinscher puppies appear approximately 55-65 days after mating. Most of them are healthy and quickly get back on their feet. The dog takes good care of its offspring, it has enough milk, which the kids eat with pleasure. Already in the first weeks, puppies can be given names. Many owners prefer to give the dog English or German, Japanese ones are now very popular. In kennels, puppies are named according to certain rules, but each owner has the right to change the nickname and name the pet in his own way.

dog health

The Zwinger is a healthy breed as it has been naturally bred and has worked hard in the past. Sick puppies of the miniature pinscher with such selection were immediately rejected. The life expectancy of dogs is about 15 years, proper care and maintenance can increase it. With all the positive indicators of health, a number of diseases are characteristic of pygmy pinschers, which are rare, but occur:

  • diabetes;
  • Legg-Calve-Perthes syndrome;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • dislocation in the shoulder joint;
  • pannus;
  • degenerative progressive changes in the retina;
  • dystrophic changes in the eye cornea;
  • entropion or inversion of the eyelid in puppies;
  • increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma);
  • clouding of the lens (cataract).

In order to diagnose and properly treat diseases in time, the Miniature Pinscher must regularly undergo examinations by a veterinarian and a canine ophthalmologist. All puppies are vaccinated at 2 months, and a month later, a revaccination is carried out, which is repeated every year.

Choosing a puppy

The miniature pinscher breed is quite common, so finding a puppy will not be a problem. You need to choose the best nursery correctly, look at reviews about it. The breeder must provide all certificates and permits, after the purchase of the dog - the accompanying documents. It is important to see with your own eyes the conditions in which small dogs and their mother are kept. All litter must be healthy, the room clean and odorless. It is best to take from the group the most active mini-pinscher puppy.

How much does a miniature pinscher cost? In many ways, the price of a dog depends on the quality of the pedigree, compliance with the standard, so before buying it is better to carefully study it, consider photos and videos of how the breed should look like. They will help to clearly imagine the correct structure of the dog.

In Russia, an elite puppy costs 25-30 thousand rubles, an ordinary puppy costs 6-10 thousand rubles.