King Charles Spaniel which color is bigger. What is a King Charles Spaniel? Description of the appearance of the breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a pet ideal for active people, families with children and people with disabilities. This breed is flexible, absolutely not aggressive, knows how to fit into the rhythm of human life and adapt to it.

The history of the breed began in the 9th century with the appearance in Britain of such breeds as the Japanese Chin and the Tibetan Spaniel.

In the XIII century, puppies from a mixture of these breeds became widespread. Breeders continued to work and by the 15th century they had bred toy spaniels, small dogs that became favorites of all the royal nobility.

But fashion did not stand still, and over time they gained distribution. As a result of crossing the two royal breeds, the appearance of the toy spaniels has changed. The muzzle was shortened, the head became more round. In the twentieth century, enthusiasts decided to return the former appearance of the breed, which led to the fact that now there are two types of breed of toy spaniels - this is the Cavalier King Charles and King Charles.

Appearance and description of the breed, photos

The first breed standards were established in 1928, but the standard in the International Canine Federation was assigned only in 1955.

This is a very strong, but gracefully built dog with a relatively large head, expressive dark eyes and an elegant color. She is a cheerful, agile, courageous and at the same time calm dog with a devoted look.

Males differ from females in that they are more muscular, stronger and heavier. Height and weight average 30.5-33 cm and 6-8.2 kg, respectively.

Breed standard:

  1. Head. Between the ears, the skull is practically flat; the zygomatic arches and the tubercle at the occiput do not protrude. With a significantly convex forehead, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth. The jaws are strong, the lips with a black border fit snugly together.
  2. Ears set high, long, hanging down along the sides along the cheeks. Their fur is thick and long.
  3. Eyes Cavaliers are round, dark and large. Set wide and rather low. Eyelids have dark edging.
  4. Teeth white and relatively large. The bite has a scissor-like appearance. The incisors are on the same line.
  5. Body. The back is short, straight and muscular. The neck of the gentleman is not long, very strong, dry and muscular. It has a strong scruff, set obliquely. The loin is short and muscular, with a barely noticeable protrusion. The croup is rounded, the shoulder blades are pressed to the back. The chest is deep and slightly broad, with prominent, barrel-shaped ribs. The abdomen is tucked up.
  6. Tail Cavalier set low, rather long. As well as the ears, it is covered with thick and long hair.
  7. Limbs. Forelegs of medium length, parallel to each other, elbows pointing back. The hind legs are parallel to each other, straight and muscular. The lower leg is short, the hocks are lowered, the metatarsus is vertical and short. There are strong pads on the paws, there is long hair between the toes. The nails are black, of medium length, slightly curved and strong.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels must not exceed 33 cm in height.

Coat type and color

In the description of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, it is said that the coat of the breed is thick, long and shiny. It is slightly wavy, but mostly straight and silky. A curly coat, increased curlyness, the absence of adorning hair on the paws and ears, and trimmed wool are considered marriages.

The colors of the breed can be different:

  1. Tricolor. This is the name of the color of Prince Karl - black and white with tan. The pearly white background is symmetrically complemented by bright tan and black spots. Around the eyes are black glasses, small black spots on the muzzle, black ears.
  2. Blenheim or white chestnut. The pearl-white background is symmetrically diluted with chestnut-colored spots. The head and ears of the cavalier are chestnut, and the muzzle is white. There is a dividing white blaze on the forehead, which runs strictly in the middle from the bridge of the nose to the top of the skull and resembles a rhombus. There may be a chestnut stain in the center of the notch that looks like a fingerprint. This is the Blenheim mark. There are chestnut glasses on the white front.
  3. Ruby or red. Solid color of rich chestnut or red with a mahogany hue. The admixture of white spots in the color is not allowed.
  4. Black and tan or King Charles. The main color is deep black. The red palette is made of tan wool. The contours of the lips, eyelids, paw pads and nose may only be black. The presence of white spots is considered a marriage.

The photo shows Cavalier King Charles Spaniels of different colors.

Important. The breed is subject to disqualification not only because of the atypical color and a different color of the spots. Marriage is considered excess or lack of weight, cryptorchidism, cleft lip, amble, undershot bite, as well as flesh-colored nose.

The nature and temperament of the breed

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a highly inquisitive and outgoing breed. These dogs get along well with people, they have a special relationship with children. Therefore, the Cavalier should not be considered as a guard, he is too friendly to show aggression at the right time.

The main thing in the life of a gentleman is regular and full communication with the owners. If you do not pay enough attention to him, then the dog may begin depression and apathy.

The King Charles Spaniel is also a very smart dog who loves children's games and travel. He is also perfect for the role of a nanny, because under no circumstances is he capable of harming a child.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can live in a home with children, have a great time with active owners, and get along great with people in old age. After all, the main thing for him is attention. Even among other pets in the house, he will feel comfortable. Just do not leave the gentleman alone for a long time so that he does not feel abandoned.

Dogs of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed get along well with both adults and children.

Cavalier puppies usually do not harm the property of the owners. But if they do not have enough attention, then he will show his discontent to you through bad deeds, chewing on slippers and furniture.

Dog training and education

Fans of active games and naughty - such a description of the breed can be found in many sources. Therefore, training should be carried out in a playful way. Cavaliers are very intelligent dogs, so they can learn not only any of your commands, but also master tricks.

From what is most suitable for this breed, pitch and go, dancing with a dog and even freestyle, which today is the highest degree of training, can be distinguished.

Grooming is one of the hardest things about keeping a dog. It needs to be combed every day, cut off the hair between the fingers, as well as on the paws and ears. But you can bathe your pet much less often - with obvious pollution, after the end of the molt or before the upcoming exhibition.

The thick coat of the King Charles Spaniel needs daily grooming.

Brushing your teeth is a necessary and regular activity.

Important. While the puppy is small, you can not play tug of war with him. The King Charles Spaniel can have a bad bite.

The nails are clipped as needed, as is the hair between the toes.

You need to take a closer look at your ears. The breed is prone to otitis, so daily observations are needed. Ears are cleaned at least once every two weeks. To do this, use cotton swabs and special tools that not only remove plaque from the auricle, but also disinfect the cavity.

The eyes should also be examined daily and the corners of the eyes should be wiped with a damp cotton swab.

Nutrition and diet

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can eat just about anything. But if you are determined to ensure that your pet lives a long life and is healthy, then the choice of food must be approached with all responsibility. You can feed your dog with natural products or ready-made food, for example:, and others.

The diet of the King Charles Spaniel should not contain pasta and flour products.

In the diet of the gentleman should be the following products:

  • cereals;
  • lean meat;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • dairy products.

It is forbidden to feed sweets, raw fish, pork, sausages, legumes, pasta, bones and potatoes.

The puppy should eat four times a day. And for an adult dog, two meals a day is enough.

Health and longevity

The Cavalier is a long-lived dog. Small spaniels, when properly maintained, can live an average of about 12 years.

Charles Spaniels will rarely get sick if they initially acquire a healthy puppy that does not have such hereditary defects as hearing and vision problems, diseases of the hip and knee joints. To do this, you need to carefully study the medical record of mom and dad, as well as their pedigree.

Diseases of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Although the health of gentlemen can be called strong, they can also suffer from some diseases:

  1. Chronic valvular heart disease.
  2. Cryptorchidism.
  3. Legg-Perthes disease.
  4. Hydrocephalus.
  5. Hanging tongue syndrome.
  6. Disease of the intervertebral discs.
  7. Glaucoma.
  8. Turn of the century.

King Charles Spaniels can develop eye problems.

Some Cavaliers, like other squash-faced dogs, sometimes have trouble breathing and begin to snore. Their ears and eyes are prone to infections, also due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure.

Since the breed is extremely active, it is not uncommon for injuries from falls from a height - fractures and dislocations.

Puppy selection and price

Today, many of our compatriots are eyeing this breed. And, of course, the question arises about the cost of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally due to the fact that prices completely depend on the pet's pedigree. If these are puppies of titled parents, then they themselves are potential champions. And in this case, the cost of a puppy will vary within $ 1,500. If a puppy with a simple origin, or for some reason he cannot fight for the title, then the price will be almost two times lower.

Many potential owners look for their dogs on bulletin boards. There, the cost of puppies is lower than in specialized nurseries, but there, no one will give you guarantees regarding the health and pedigree of a gentleman.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a companion dog for active people, families with children and animals, and even the elderly. Cavaliers are accommodating, not aggressive and know how to perfectly adapt to their master and the rhythm of his life.

The British believe that these dogs relieve stress and call them "creating comfort." Therefore, gentlemen are often acquired by people who have a lot of stress at work. Since childhood, members of the royal courts of Holland and Great Britain have kept such companions with them.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

History of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These small dogs have a rather ancient history. Similar dogs were brought to Britain by the Celts in the ninth century. Since the 13th century, fearless dogs of white-red and white-black colors have been mentioned in the songs of the minnesingers.

Such dogs become ladies' favorites at the court of English kings. They were even used for hunting, but over time, the breed became purely decorative, decorating rich living rooms. Cavaliers can be seen on the canvases of such famous artists as Titian, Watteau, Van Dyck.

There are many amazing stories associated with this breed. For example, one of these dogs accompanied Mary Queen of Scots to her execution.

The breed was named after King Charles II, who lived in the 17th century. Although he was not directly related to the breeding of dogs, during the years of his reign there were no closed doors for small spaniels at court.

And the breed was said to be a dog "which the king himself created".
The modern look of this breed originated from the American breeder Roswell Eldridge. In Europe and especially in the UK, this breed is extremely popular, although there are not many such dogs in Russia yet.

The ancestors of the breed can be found on the canvases of famous European painters. Among these works of art, the work “Children of Charles 1st”, written by Anthony van Dyck, stands out in particular. Sitting next to the king's two sons and daughter are two charming spaniels. Dogs barely look like modern representatives of the breed, but in their features and postures all the traits inherent in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are guessed: aristocratic beauty, sociability, energy and self-confidence. The picture was painted in 1635, and the breed itself is even older. For several centuries, Charles Spaniels have been transformed more than once to please the capricious fashion and customs of English aristocrats. The current breed type has existed for a little less than a century.

With a residence permit in the palace

The English ancestors of this miniature brave man were not bred for glamorous ladies and secular receptions. The main duty of the breed was to track down small game: ducks, pheasants, hazel grouses and rabbits. The dogs were larger, stronger and had a sharper sense of smell. Their fearlessness and strength are mentioned in some Minnesinger songs written in the 13th century.

However, King Charles Spaniels were famous not only for their outstanding hunting qualities, but also for their charming appearance. Smooth curves of the body, ideal proportions, long silky hair, kind eyes - well, how can one resist such beauty?

It is not surprising that the royals doted on four-legged hunters. Such conspicuous dogs should not be kept in dirty kennels. Soon, the pets received a permanent residence permit in luxurious palaces. And since they regularly accompanied their owners, dogs began to be increasingly depicted on paintings. In addition to van Dyck, they were painted by Watteau, Gainsborough, Stubbs and Titian.

close to the king

Among the famous English monarchs, Henry 8th, Elizabeth, Mary Stuart, Charles 1st and Charles 2nd were great admirers of dogs. It is obvious that cute pets have become popular not only among aristocratic hunters, but also among well-known ladies in high society. They say that after the execution of Queen Mary of Scots, Mary Stuart, in her puffy skirts, they found a Charles Spaniel who never parted with his mistress for a second. The pet was barely pulled away from the body, and two days later the poor thing died of anguish.

A sad fate befell King Charles 1st. This renowned black spaniel connoisseur took his best pet, Tramp, with him even to the end. They say the faithful dog spent more than one month with the captive king in the dungeon of Carisbrooke Castle and was present during the execution of the owner. The dog was sheltered by the rebels and demonstrated to people on the streets to once again remind that the king, who disagreed with their conditions, was defeated.

As you can see, brave and loyal pets stayed next to high-ranking owners both in the hours of their triumph and in the moments of defeat, sharing with them any hardships of fate. But monarchs appeared and left, and the breed still lived in palace bliss, despite the wars and uprisings experienced, because even conspirators and opponents of kings liked it.

A find for a collector

King Charles Spaniels not only became the heroes of paintings. In the middle of the 17th century, thanks to Queen Victoria and her passion for dogs, Staffordshire masters became interested in the breed. The potters molded and fired thousands of clay figurines of charming pets. These figurines have become very popular among the workers of Great Britain. And today collectors hunt for these works of art.

Father of the breed

The breed reached its peak under Jolly King Charles II. his name “Charles” can be transliterated from English as “Charles”, so these spaniels got their name in honor of the Stuart dynasty and the monarch himself.

During his reign, the breed was bred at an unprecedented pace. They say that the king was accompanied everywhere by a retinue of charming dogs. He often played with them and walked, forgetting about important state affairs. These dogs lived in the palace as full members of the royal family. They were allowed to attend audiences, church services and public holidays.

They say that one day the king got tired of conventions and issued a special decree according to which King Charles Spaniels have the right to appear in any public places, even in the English Parliament. Moreover, according to some rumors, a funny decree is still in effect today. As you can see, the monarch was very fond of his dogs. Once he even allowed the pet to whelp on the royal bed.

By the way, the breed at that time was not bred in kennels. Dogs were born right in the palace, and then the king gave the puppies to trusted people in east London. They raised, educated and prepared pets for palace life. After a course of good manners, the monarch took the best dogs for himself, and the rest were sold to wealthy Londoners. Soon, King Charles Spaniels became a truly popular breed.

comfort dogs

By the will of fashion

By the middle of the 18th century, the preferences of aristocratic hunters had changed. New breeds of hunting dogs entered the arena, and medium-sized and pretty King Charles Spaniels less and less participated in the chase and much more often basked on the knees of eminent ladies and their ardent gentlemen.

The passion of high society for miniature pets seriously affected the breeding of the breed. Over time, even the appearance of spaniels has changed. From the brave four-legged ancestors they inherited a long silky coat and a character famous for its lightness of the rise.

By the end of the century, the breed became more refined, decreased in size and finally turned into a parlor dog, unable to go hunting. The muzzle of the dog was seriously shortened and became upturned with a flattened nose, the skull became domed, and the eyes were wide-set.

Not a single fashionable establishment of those years could do without a new Charles Spaniel, peacefully dozing on a down pillow. The former variety was still found on the outskirts, but every year their number decreased, and by the beginning of the 20th century these four-legged hunters had finally disappeared.

Chasing a legend

A new variety of King Charles Spaniels soon received the unspoken name of the Toy Spaniel. Although King Edward 8th, a longtime fan of the breed, opposed what he believed to be a derogatory name, it stuck in the US and most European countries. In the homeland of the breed, the historical name has been preserved. After the First World War, the American cynologist Roswell Eldridge became interested in the breed. In the early 1920s, the researcher came to the UK to attend the largest dog show, Crufts. He was inspired by the paintings of European painters and was looking for the legendary Charles Spaniels of the former type with a classic red and white color.

The breeder offered a big reward to those who would provide him with a dog that even approximated the pets of the English kings. Initially, his search yielded no results. Local cynologists explained to the guest that they had already tried to revive that old variety more than once, but puppies with such a shape of the head and muzzle quickly died.

Fortunately, Eldridge did not abandon his idea. He found a breeder, Alice Pitt, who managed to obtain and raise viable dogs, somewhat reminiscent of hunting spaniels. It was her pets that became the basis for the revival of the breed.

Old new "cavalier"

In two years, Alice and Roswell have done the impossible: they have bred a new King Charles Spaniel. In many ways, he was like his magnificent ancestor. Such a flat wide head and high-set ears. And he turned out to be larger than toy spaniels - the weight of the resulting breed ranged from 5-9 kg. It soon turned out that these pets are able to take part in the hunt, albeit for a short time.

Already in 1928, the first standard appeared. And although until 1945 the breed was not considered unique and took part in exhibitions along with miniature King Charles Spaniels, it was nevertheless given a separate name, adding the word "cavalier", i.e. supporter of King Charles. Since 1955, the International Canine Association has recognized the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. However, both breeds are still confused.

Appearance and standard

This is a graceful and free-moving dog, about 30-33 cm high and weighing 5-8 kg. She has large round eyes, an elongated muzzle, high-set ears with adorning strands. The body of the gentleman is not stretched, the back is straight.

The tail is also straight, making one line with the back. He is in constant motion. Can be docked, although this is not required.
The coat of the Cavalier is silky and long, but not curly, although a slight wave is possible. On the paws, ears and tail, the adorning coat should be long.

Of course, it was not possible to achieve complete resemblance to the legendary ancestors. For too long, Charles Spaniels have been inoculated with the genes of decorative dogs, in particular pugs. In fact, it was already a new breed with its own unique features and characteristics.

Modern Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have a rather flat head and a very expressive nose. The muzzle reaches a length of at least 3.8 cm, which is quite rare for miniature dogs. The eyes are round and wide apart, but not protruding like those of the King Charles Spaniels.

The ears, paws and tail of the dog are decorated with elongated silky hair. From the bottom of the body of the hair is also long. May be slightly wavy, but without full curls.

The standard allows for four color options for Cavaliers: bleinheim (distinct red-chestnut markings on a pearly white surface), tricolor (black markings on a pearly white surface), black and tan (black with tan markings) and ruby.

Character Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The character of this little spaniel corresponds to his cavalier rank. This is a pet of the whole family, sociable and loving to be in the spotlight. He adores people and, in particular, children. Willingly barks, declaring a good mood. True, he cannot be a watchman, because he sees friends in all people.

The main interest in this life is communication with their masters. Therefore, without attention, the dog becomes drowsy, fall into apathy, lose interest in entertainment and walks.

She is very smart and always ready to understand what they want from her.
The Cavalier is ready to travel with the owners and enjoys it. He loves to participate in children's games with squealing and fun fuss and even endures swaddling and riding in a doll carriage. The gentleman will not offend the child, he is very gentle and patient.

It is also suitable for older people due to its friendliness and ease of maintenance. He is able to adapt to the lifestyle and temperament of any person.
Sometimes King Charles Spaniels can be timid, most often with strangers. They need to get used to becoming playful and gentle. They get along well in the same house with other animals.

If mishandled, a small spaniel may bite in defense of itself.
This is a calm and obedient dog, originally intended to be a companion.

In general, such a pet treats even strangers well, by default considering them friends. So you can’t instill guard skills in him. But he is quite capable of hunting. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels love to chase moving objects, whether it's a tossed stick, a neighbor's cat, or a passing bike.

So you should definitely train him to execute standard commands. The breed responds well to affection and treats during training. In addition, she is smart enough, so she learns quickly. And yet, so that there are no problems, it is better not to let your pet off the leash in the city.

An important quality of the breed is their serious need for attention and affection. These dogs cannot imagine their existence without their owners, so they are most comfortable in large families, where they rarely stay at home alone. If they do not have enough communication, then pets can bark loudly, whine and gnaw on furniture. If the situation does not change for the better, the nervous pet will become terrified of the slightest parting with the owner.

Sometimes the problem is aggravated by the fact that the pet is not used to people and other animals enough. Due to poor socialization, he becomes very timid. Self-doubt is clearly manifested in unfamiliar situations - a pet can behave aggressively, restlessly or stupidly.

Dogs of this breed are very easy to keep. It is best to keep them in an apartment or in a house. They are not picky about food.
This is a fairly sedentary breed of dog and does not need much physical activity. A daily short walk is enough.

It is advisable to regularly cut the hair between the toes or on the surface of the foot. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the dog's ears. In the gentleman, they are poorly ventilated and this contributes to development.

Of course, the coat of such a pet must be regularly looked after. But it won't take long. It is enough to wipe it once a day with a bristle brush, and then detangle with a metal comb and give it a beautiful shape with a comb.

Hair on the elbows, behind the ears and between the hind legs needs to be combed especially carefully. It takes no more than five minutes, especially if you do not plan a show career for the dog. Occasionally, the dog needs to be bathed. More attention will have to be paid to her fluffy hanging ears, because a lot of dirt accumulates there during walks. They need to be brushed and trimmed regularly. The same applies to the paws of a pet: so that dust and debris do not cling to the cute “pants”, the coat must be trimmed. If somewhere the wool is still strayed into tangles, do not cut them, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pads. Apply hair conditioner, leave for a while, and then try to detangle. Everything should be easy! Just make sure that the pet does not lick the product from the wool.

Blenheim spot

There is a beautiful legend about chestnut and white Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. In 1704, the Duke of Marlborough fought at the Battle of Blenheim in Bavaria. During these hours his wife was at home in England and was very worried about her husband. A pregnant dog sat on the woman’s lap all the time, and the duchess, out of excitement, stroked her head without interruption. Finally, the good news came - the husband returns home with a victory. When, after a few days, the dog whelped, it was found that in the center of the white “cap” on the top of the head all the puppies had a red spot. Since then, this trait has been considered outstanding among breeders.


Small spaniels at 10-12 years old. Most often, representatives of this breed have such diseases as chronic valvular heart disease, Legg-Perthes disease, intervertebral disc disease, hydrocephalus, cryptorchidism, epilepsy.

Jumping from high surfaces, they often get a dislocation of the patella, and due to their small stature, eye injuries and diseases such as glaucoma, torsion of the eyelid are not uncommon.

Also, some Cavaliers, like dogs with flattened muzzles, are prone to breathing problems and snoring. Their eyes and ears are prone to infections, and in some generations, hanging tongue syndrome occurs.

The health of Charles Spaniels is quite strong. The main thing is to choose a puppy without hereditary diseases, which often include heart defects, diseases of the knee and hip joints, hearing and vision disorders. In order not to be mistaken, you should carefully study the medical record of the puppy's parents and his pedigree before buying. And, of course, it is important to take care of the pet, protect it from troubles and not overload it with physical activity.

However, regular walks and games are vital for the pet. Without them, he will become sad and begin to gain weight. Due to the predisposition to heart disease, such a turn can end in failure.

Try to take your pet to the vet every year. This applies to both young and old dogs. Hereditary eye diseases, including dysplasia, retinal atrophy, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, appear with age. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of success.

dog healer

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel lives in the US state of California and heals people. Dog Duke has undergone serious training under the guidance of a psychotherapist-trainer, and has been engaged in animal therapy for several years now. He is not at all afraid of unfamiliar places and easily comes into contact with people. And he was also trained not to take food without a command, even if he really likes it. Most often, the dog works with the victims of fires, among whom there are children. His main task is to distract the child from grief and help him switch.

puppy price

Depending on the purpose of the puppy, its cost can fluctuate quite significantly. A dog that does not claim to participate in exhibitions and breeding is worth from 800 dollars.

For a potential champion, they may ask and 1500 dollars. It is better to buy a puppy in a kennel, because there are guarantees that the dog is purebred and had the right care and all the necessary vaccinations.

Through the centuries

For several centuries in a row, the ancestors of the King Charles Spaniels successfully hunted together with their noble owners. They easily and measuredly ran after the horse and could track down small game. Later they were moved from the kennels to the royal chambers - the owners wanted to see their pets as often as possible.

In a word, these dogs were never left alone, so the thirst for communication is in their blood. Add friendliness, resourcefulness and playfulness here - and you get a great companion. The breed is ideal for large families, pensioners, people working at home. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will get along with any member of the family.

Royal spaniels have proven their loyalty for centuries. It is known that the young Princess Victoria adored her tricolor pet Dash. They became friends when she was 12 years old. And he passed away when the girl was 21 years old. By that time, she had already ruled England for three years.

In memory of the deceased pet, the queen wrote an epitaph, which was carved on the dog's gravestone: “There was no selfishness in his affection. There was no malice in his playfulness. There was no betrayal in his loyalty. Passerby! If you want to be loved while alive and die sincerely mourned, then letting the dog Dash be an example for you. These words are the best description of the character of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Photo Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is a miniature, good-natured dog that has become ideal pets, has earned affection and love in many countries. A miniature dog is smart, pleasant in communication, easy to train, friendly with people, patient in dealing with small ones.

Can live in small apartments, does not require painstaking care. Affectionate and devoted to the owner, able to make their own decisions, does not show aggression for no reason.

The mini-dog was a constant companion of the British elite, lived in the palaces of the nobility and royalty. Aristocracy and good breeding in the baby's blood.

The history of the Kings goes back a long time. She came to us from Great Britain. The ancestors of our hero in the ninth century came to Britain with the Celts. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a cute, small dog, loved for its cheerful and cheerful disposition.

This baby of a decorative breed does not at all give the impression of a fragile, defenseless animal. He is ready to become a friend for children and a favorite of the whole family. Not to be confused with our popular Cocker Spaniels.

They can be found in the songs of the minnesingers. It is also believed that the breed came from China and Japan. They can be found in the songs of the minnesingers. It is also believed that the breed came from China and Japan.
King becomes famous in the XIII century, among high society. The breed fell in love in Britain and France.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has become a favorite of English kings, princes and court ladies.
They were hunted like with other spaniels: Russian, English, American Cocker Spaniels. Dogs showed good qualities, but still occupied the cell as a decorative, domestic breed.

At that time, it was fashionable to depict the owners with their cute pets in the pictures. And on many canvases of famous masters: Van Dyck, Titian, Watteau - it is King Charles. There are interesting stories about this breed.

They say that when Mary Stuart was about to be executed, it was this dog that accompanied her.
In 1882, the Miniature Spaniel Club was formed in Britain. 10 years have passed and Kenel Club has registered the breed under its current name.

  • Then it was fashionable to have small pets with a flattened muzzle. Often the dog was crossed with pugs, as well as with Pekingese.

From such a union, babies were born with flat faces and slightly bulging eyes. Thanks to Prince Edward, the name remained the same, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, against the wishes of some breeders, to give the name to the Toy Spaniel breed.

Now there are two breed standards, they are sometimes confused. The breed standard was drawn up in 1928, and in 1955 the International Cynological Association recognizes the breed.

Standard and description of appearance

Charles Spaniel is a small, cute dog, harmoniously and well built. The owner of a beautiful, silky coat, there are slight waves, the coat is not straight, but without the formation of small curls. Cheerful and sociable, she will happily spend time both on an active walk and in the arms of her owner.

  • Height at the withers - 30–33 cm. Her weight is 5–8 kg. Graceful dog with easy movements.

Muzzle and head

The head with a convex forehead is almost flat between the ears, with an elegant muzzle, high-standing, hanging, fluffy ears. The length of the back of the nose is 3.7–3.8 cm, a distinctive breed property.

A large nose, depending on the color of the coat, is dark brown or black. The cute face is slightly tapered with tightly closing and well-fitting lips that do not have fleas. Cheeks are densely filled under the eyes. Muzzle too light or narrow is undesirable.

The eyes are round, widely spaced, but not protruding. Ears - set high enough, cartilage of medium hardness, do not stand, hang down along the line of the cheekbones, richly covered with hair. The lips tightly cover the entire jaw and teeth, without wrinkling or sagging. The teeth are strong, white, of medium size, in a complete set. The pet has a bite - scissor-shaped, full. Not to be confused with the King Charles Spaniel. He's having a snack.

Body and body

Miniature, but with strong bones. The back is of medium width, the loin without sagging, rather wide. Well-defined muscles throughout the body. The shoulder is not short, together with the shoulder blade they form a right angle. The chest is not wide, with well-spread ribs. Strong with a flat back. The loin is short. Tail and back in one line, constantly moving joyfully wagging. It must not rise too high. Previously, the tail was always stopped, the third part was removed. Now this is optional. The neck is neither long nor short, the shape is slightly curved.

Limbs and paws

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the owner of the limbs of medium length, not thick, straight and even, stand parallel, there is no eversion in the elbows and paws. Thigh broad, well muscled, strong. Movement is free, fast, not constrained. The thigh forms an even angle. Paws are small, oval fingers with strong claws, collected in a dense ball.

The joints are beautifully curved. Cow or goat paws are not allowed. The paws are richly feathered, and light, parallel movements of the paws add grace.

Tail: not long, saber-shaped, abundantly covered with hair, not docked. In a calm state - raised, on the same level with the back. It can be thrown on the back, forming a large ring.

Wool and acceptable colors

Silky, beautiful, sometimes slightly wavy, long coat. Curly is not allowed. There are beautiful fringes on the paws, ears and tail.
Bright, shiny and glossy. The undercoat is not pronounced, but quite well. There is no specific smell, the shedding is relatively average, the coat is pleasant to the touch.

Among all representatives, dogs with a color - bleinheim are highly valued. The name of the color comes from historical events, at the place of the same name - Bleinheim, as evidence of memory and respect for the military actions of that time.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel color

According to the standard, there are four types of colors of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed:

  • Black with reddish markings. Their location is paws, chest, back of tail, back of ears, cheeks and above the eyes. It is desirable that the tan be a bright contrasting color. White spots are not welcome.
  • Ruby. Full red coat, should not have light marks.
  • Blenheim. Color, where on a white background, clearly defined spots, bright chestnut color. The pride of the breed is a diamond-shaped mark on the forehead. The rest of the marks diverge symmetrically.
  • Tricolor. The pronounced borders between black and white with tan marks on the muzzle are the eyes, cheeks, ears on the inside, as well as paws and tail.

Any other colors and combinations in the color of the breed are undesirable.

Key Features of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

  1. Character: Charles Spaniel - the owner of a calm, complaisant character, easily trained, aimed at interacting with a person, trying to please. Will be a true friend, happy to join a mini trip, go fishing. Ideal for families and singles, as well as older owners.
  2. Smart and freedom-loving, she can show perseverance and natural passion.
  3. In the past, the spaniel was used for hunting and catching small rodents and pests.
  4. An intelligent dog, requires regular exercise and maintenance of his mental abilities.
  5. It can be sad at home alone, it is hard for long-term absences of the owners, it can yearn.
  6. She is not picky, but loves to eat, with lack of walking and physical activity, she can gain excess weight, which is highly undesirable.
  7. It cannot be a security guard and a bodyguard, it is friendly and not conflict, but in stressful situations it will stand up for loved ones. Peaceful and friendly, which makes her vulnerable to danger, friendly even to strangers.

Deviations and shortcomings of the exterior

Disqualifying vices are a set of imperfections of dimensional, external type and characteristic behavior.

These include:

  1. Tall or small stature;
  2. Violations of the proportion of the body;
  3. Heavy or light skeleton;
  4. Short shoulder;
  5. Short type neck, wide neck;
  6. Narrow waist;
  7. sagging back;
  8. Malocclusion, jaw misalignment;
  9. Mucosal opacity;
  10. different eye color;
  11. Small or too big ears;
  12. Large head;
  13. Narrow hip;
  14. Deviations in character (increased aggressiveness, cowardice);
  15. tail wrinkle;
  16. No exit of the testicles into the scrotum in males;
  17. Not typical coat and eye color;
  18. Lack of a complete set of teeth;
  19. Long and large shoulder blade;
  20. Short tail;
  21. Violation of the free type of movement;
  22. high forehead;
  23. Wide nose;
  24. Long neck;
  25. Round and deep chest.

If the deficiency does not affect the quality of life, the pet will live an active and long life. Serious deviations from the exterior, forbid representatives to participate in exhibitions and breed breeding.

The nature and behavior of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The character of this royal dog is reflected in the name - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is perky, loving attention and communication with others, however, like a Cocker Spaniel. An excellent family dog: adoring everyone living in the house, not bringing any special problems due to its size.

Be sure to become a good friend to your children, whom he simply adores. He will be happy to participate in noisy pranks and rush headlong down the street, along with his little owners.
Will endure fashionable dressing up or riding in a toy truck. Differs in patience, loves affection.

  • The gentleman will not allow himself to offend the child. At the same time, it is not as fragile a breed as the Chihuahua. They sometimes need to be protected from children.

Thanks to quick wit, intelligence, as well as ease of maintenance and friendliness, it will perfectly brighten up the life of pensioners. He will gladly adapt to the pace and lifestyle of his beloved owner. Sometimes the King Charles shows shyness often with strangers.

Give them time and they will become playful and gentle. Having more pets, do not be afraid, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will get along with other pets. But the little prince has dignity and pride. If mistreated, he can protect himself.

The only thing you should not expect from a king is the qualities of a guard. By nature and by standard, this is a companion and perceives all people as friends. But the ability of the hunter remained very tolerable.

Charles Spaniel - will be a wonderful friend and companion for a child, it is recommended to have a pet for a child at a more conscious age.

Perceives only one owner, hard going through the change, you can not give the animal in adulthood. A prerequisite for content is communication with a person, active games with toys, the opportunity to spend time nearby. The less attention the dog receives, the harder it will be to live in a common area. They require time, the appearance of affection and care from all family members.

  • Sometimes, he can be stubborn, mischievous, likes to drive pigeons. Very vocal dogs, can often bark, if not taught during the basics of socialization, then in adulthood there may be problems with noise.

An active dog, inquisitive, will be happy to learn new things, loves the learning process, after OKD you can teach various tricks that will bring joy not only to the owner, but also to the dog itself. It is important for an animal to show a person that he is ready to do whatever he wants. When the owner is happy, the dog is happy.

Hygiene, maintenance and care

Perfectly adapted for apartment life. Does not go over in food. A medium-sized dog, while at home, demonstrates a calm behavior. He doesn't need a lot of work.

The fur is easy to care for. Enough brushing every day. It is advisable to cut the fur between the fingers from time to time. You need to be careful about the ears, as they are hanging and poorly ventilated, which leads to otitis media. Sometimes a pet needs to be bathed, paying a little more attention to fluffy ears. They need to be cleaned regularly.

The need for proper organization of hygiene measures comes first after nutrition. Regularity and attentive attitude will help to avoid health problems and preserve a pretty appearance.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not recommended to be trained to the tray, they are active animals, they need a full range and exercise. In childhood, the toilet can be replaced by a disposable diaper. Just in case the dog is not accustomed to outdoor management. As soon as the dog wakes up, put him on a diaper, wait until he goes to the toilet, then praise him.

If you see that it is rushing about and looking for a place, immediately put it on a diaper. It is forbidden to scold when the deed is done, but you did not have time, only at the moment of fault, otherwise the pet will not understand what he was guilty of.

Feeding and Diet Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Be sure to choose a balanced diet or make a diet from natural foods.

Small puppies eat often: 4-5 times a day until the age of 4 months from 5-6 to 3-4 times, from 8-9 to 3 times, by the age of 11-12 months, transition to an adult, 2 meals a day.

  • For puppies up to 4 months old, the food is soaked - not with boiling water, warm or cold, boiled water.

Dry food for Charles Spaniel

The ideal solution would be production feed. It contains everything necessary for the animal, it is easy to store and count. Does not require additional additives, rarely causes allergic reactions and indigestion.

Preference is given to well-known super-premium and premium brands. Feed is selected based on age, breed and health indicators. Charles Spaniel puppies - get the same food that they ate from the breeder, the transition to another type of food or another manufacturer - gradual, in small quantities, adding to the usual food.

natural feeding

Products for natural nutrition are selected only from the permitted list. They should be - fresh, meat - after freezing, offal - cooked, fish - boiled, without entrails and bones. Vegetables and fruits - are given raw, finely chopped or grated.

Allowed products:

  1. Lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey);
  2. Seafood and fish (cooked, cleaned of bones and entrails);
  3. Offal: boiled, alternating (liver, lung, heart, brain, stomach);
  4. Milk: low fat, without additives and dyes (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir);
  5. Eggs: not often 1 - 2 times a week;
  6. Kashi: boiled in water or broth, without spices and salt (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  7. Vegetables: raw - zucchini, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers;
  8. Seasonal fruits: peaches, apples, melon, pear, watermelon, apricot;
  9. Fresh greens and leaf lettuce;
  10. Bone meal, vegetable oil, vitamins and mineral complexes.

It is forbidden to feed:

  1. Human food and pieces;
  2. Give tubular, fish bones, fish head, dried fish;
  3. Any spices;
  4. Smoked meats, sausages and various sausages;
  5. Plum, citrus, grapes;
  6. Fat meat;
  7. legumes;
  8. Sweet;
  9. Potatoes, only raw - rarely;
  10. Tomatoes - rare;
  11. Pasta;
  12. Bakery;
  13. Sweets, chocolates, marmalade;
  14. Salo;
  15. River fish.

Socialization, training and education

The puppy will take time to get used to the new home. The owner will need:

  1. To accustom to a collar and walking on a leash;
  2. Place for a puppy;
  3. new people;
  4. Extraneous sounds, other pets;
  5. Busy streets, crowded places, the sound of cars;
  6. Nail trimming and ear trimming;
  7. Fireworks, the sound of thunder, the train.

Go outside more often - immediately after sleeping and eating, so the Charles Spaniel will get used to walking faster. At first, descending the stairs on your hands, climbing up - you can do it yourself. When walking, use new routes, walk along roads to get used to the noise of cars and traffic. Allow contact with other animals and people.

It is necessary to start training from 2 - 3 months of age, use the reward system. Simple commands necessary for life are offered for study. Duration and difficulty increase gradually.

  • Name and nickname of the pet (calling the name as often as possible);
  • Sit;
  • Lie;
  • Place;
  • It is forbidden;
  • Can;
  • Stand;
  • To me.

Time for training no more than 30 - 40 minutes a day, alternate with active games, giving the opportunity to relax. Treat and praise, only after the complete execution of the command.

It is forbidden to punish, shout, use force and rudeness. As a praise: goodies and a kind word from the owner. The dog is smart enough and tries to please a person in order to earn praise. After the basics of training, from 4 - 5 months you can go to classes with a professional, as well as recreational - sports activities.

Health and longevity

Timely vaccinations and vaccinations will help to avoid many serious diseases. Proper feeding and maintaining good physical activity will help increase life expectancy.

  • Life expectancy is on average about 13-16 years.
  1. Small spaniels have the following diseases:
  2. valvular heart disease,
  3. cryptorchidism,
  4. Epilepsy,
  5. Hydrocephalus,
  6. Legg-Perthes disease.
  7. There are problems with the vertebral discs.
  8. Having a small stature, the gentleman often gets injured. For example, jumping from a height. There are eye diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, inversion of the eyelid. By the way, this problem also happens in Cocker Spaniels.

Cavaliers snore, there are problems with breathing. Hanging tongue syndrome is rare. Charles are strong, healthy dogs. To keep your health normal, sometimes show your veterinarian.

Purchasing a puppy - how to choose a charles spaniel

Before you buy a baby, decide on its purpose, as the price can fluctuate greatly. When choosing a baby in a kennel, you will have guarantees that the dog was properly cared for, and that the parents are highly pedigree.
A puppy is chosen based on the main indicators of the standard, harmony of physique and character. The indicators of parents, titles and health of the mother are taken into account.

  • Pay attention to the general condition;
  • Behavior of mother and puppy;
  • The kid should be sociable, curious, friendly;
  • Skin, mucous membranes and coat - clean, in good condition;
  • Movements are free;
  • Must not be afraid or aggressive;
  • Puppies at an early age - well-fed, a little clumsy;
  • A good appetite.

The total cost is made up of individual indicators of the exterior, future prospects in exhibitions, breeding. Puppies leave for new homes only after primary vaccinations at the age of 1.5 - 2 months. At this point, they will have a stigma and a puppy metric with vaccination dates stamped.

After the document is changed to an adult pedigree. Bitches can cost more, the best puppy of the litter will definitely be controlled by the breeder.

How much does a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cost?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies qualifying under the standard for the title of potential champion can cost $1,500.

  • On average, the cost of a puppy: from 30 to 80 thousand rubles.

Video about Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a universal animal, because in his person people who adhere to an active lifestyle will find a wonderful companion, and families with children and the elderly will find a true friend. These dogs have a docile nature, do not show aggression towards a person and perfectly adapt to the rhythm of the owner's life.

These dogs won great love from the British, according to whom, they help them relieve stress. This explains why they are often called "creating comfort." Because of this, Cavaliers are most in demand among people who are often stressed at work. However, dogs of this breed are popular not only with ordinary people, but also with high-ranking people - they can often be seen with members of the royal courts in Holland and Great Britain.

Appearance and standard

Cavaliers are rather graceful animals that are small in size: their height is about 30-33 cm, and their weight is 5-8 kg. In appearance, every detail attracts attention: large round eyes, elongated muzzle, high-ranking ears, which make beautiful strands attractive. The trunk of these dogs is not stretched, the back is straight.

The tail is also straight, which forms one line with the back. It never stands still, although it can be docked in some animals.

The wealth of the gentleman is his woolen cover, which is formed by silky and long hair. This coat, which can sometimes be wavy, adorns the paws, ears and tail.

Modern representatives of this breed have certain differences from their legendary ancestors. This is quite understandable, because selection work has been carried out on Charles Spaniels for a long time to give them the genes of decorative dogs. Therefore, they can be considered a completely new breed that has unique features and characteristics.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniels offered today to everyone have a very flat head and an extremely expressive nose. The muzzle is quite small and has a length of at least 3.8 cm, which is not so often seen in miniature dogs. The eyes are rounded and set wide apart, but they cannot be considered fully bulging, which the King Charles Spaniel possesses.

Silky hair is present on the ears, paws and tail of the dog. Moreover, the cover in these areas is noticeably longer than in others, including in the lower part of the body. There may be a slight waviness effect, but there are no full curls.

Within the framework of the standard under consideration, it is customary to single out several types of color of cavaliers:

  • bleynheim (spots of red-chestnut shade on a pearly white surface);
  • tricolor (spots of black on a pearly white surface);
  • black and tan (spots of a reddish-brown shade interspersed with black);
  • ruby.

Character Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This animal, small in size, demonstrates the character to match its royal title. He treats all households very well, loves communication and used to being the center of attention. He is especially not indifferent to people, first of all, to children. They are not used to hiding a good mood, demonstrating it in public. But you should not expect that a good guard will grow out of him - for him even strangers are potential friends.

These little dogs cannot imagine their life without communication with the owner. If she is deprived of attention, then she will become drowsy, an apathetic state will develop, she will no longer be interested in entertainment and walks, as before. The Cavalier has a well-developed mind and easily understands what is required of them.

The favorite pastime of the King Charles Spaniels is to travel with the owner, and this brings him great joy. Also, he will not refuse the opportunity to participate in children's games, and for this he is even ready to put up with the fact that he will be swaddled and rolled in a doll stroller. King Charles Spaniel for kids always affectionate, therefore, he will quietly endure the trials that will fall on his lot.

He will also bring a lot of pleasant moments to the elderly, because for them he will become a friendly animal that will not create much trouble in care. In principle, the Cavalier gets along with any people due to the ability to adapt to the lifestyle and temperament of its owner.

But there are times when King Charles Spaniels become timid. Usually they behave this way if strangers are in front of them. It takes time for them to become playful and gentle creatures again. They easily establish good relationships with other pets.

Small King Charles Spaniels do not take brute force very well, so in their own defense they may begin to bite.


These dogs have a calm personality and unquestioningly follow the orders of the owner, which makes them excellent candidates for the role of a companion.

In principle, King Charles Spaniels take strangers well, immediately including them in their list of friends. Therefore, you can not even try to grow a guard out of them. Cavaliers are more suitable for hunting. One of their favorite pastimes is to chase moving objects, and this can be a thrown stick, a neighbor's cat or a passing bicycle.

King Charles Spaniels easy to teach standard commands. If you train them with affection, using treats in addition to it, then they will prove themselves as diligent students. It is worth considering that dogs have a developed intellect, so lessons will be given to them easily. But even trained gentlemen can create certain problems during walks. Therefore, it is recommended to keep these dogs on a leash outside.

They cannot live without attention and affection. Since they are very demanding on communication, they feel best in large families, where they will always have a companion. But with a lack of communication, they begin to behave completely differently: they can cause problems not only with loud barking, but also with damage to furniture. If this continues further, then this can greatly change the character of the animal, which in the future will make you shiver, realizing that he will again have to be left alone without a master.

This situation can be explained by the fact that the dog is not used to being in the company of other people and animals. Because of this, she starts to become very timid. If she finds herself in an unfamiliar situation for her, then her behavior changes dramatically - the dog becomes aggressive, restless, and sometimes stupid.

These dogs do not cause much trouble to the owners. They feel most comfortable in an apartment or house. You can feed them almost your favorite foods, which give most dogs of other breeds. Due to the fact that these dogs lead a sedentary lifestyle, they do not require high physical activity. A short walk is enough for them, which must be arranged every day.

During grooming, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the coat: first of all, this concerns the area between the toes on the paws and the surface of the feet, where it is necessary to cut the protruding hairs. We must not forget about the ears of the dog. Due to the nature of the breed, they are poorly ventilated, which increases the risk of developing otitis media.

The coat of gentlemen deserves special attention and requires regular care. However, this is not as difficult an operation as it might seem at first. All that the owner needs to do is to wipe it once a day with a bristle brush. After that, you need to iron it with a metal comb and give it a beautiful look with a comb.

Particular attention should be paid to grooming the hair on the elbows, behind the ears and between the hind legs. This procedure takes a maximum of 5 minutes, of course, unless you have plans to prepare the dog for participation in the exhibition. If necessary, the dog should be bathed. You need to be especially attentive to her fluffy hanging ears, because during walks it is in these places that a lot of dirt forms.

In addition to the fact that these places need to be regularly maintained clean, wool must also be trimmed. Similarly, you need to do with the dog's paws: if you want his attractive panties to always be clean, then you will have to regularly cut the hair in this part of the body. If you notice that tangles have formed in certain places, you should not immediately resort to the help of scissors. Take a hair conditioner, apply to the area and let it soak in, after which you can easily untangle the hair. But during this operation, constantly watch your pet so that he does not begin to lick off the product from the coat.


The life expectancy of small spaniels is quite long and is 10-12 years old. During their lifetime, they can be affected by diseases such as:

The most dangerous for them is jumping from a height of the surface, as this can lead to a dislocation of the patella. Since these animals are quite small, they can often injure the eyes, which, among other things, can be affected by the following diseases:

  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • twist of the century.

Among the representatives of this breed there are such individuals who have a flattened snout and this increases their risk of breathing problems and snoring. Sufficiently vulnerable parts of the body are the eyes and ears, which can easily get infections. In some gentlemen, hanging tongue syndrome may occur.

In general, King Charles Spaniels are generally healthy. A dog will not give you problems if you choose your puppy very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that he does not have hereditary diseases:

  • heart defects;
  • diseases of the knee and hip joints;
  • hearing and vision impairments.

You will simplify the task for yourself if you carefully read the medical record of the puppy's parents and his pedigree before buying. But after the puppy is in your house, you also need to look after him all the time and not create high physical exertion for him.

Keep in mind that without regular walks and play, it will be extremely difficult for a King Charles Spaniel puppy to grow normally. This can lead not only to the development of apathy in him, but also to weight gain. Considering that dogs of this breed prone to heart disease, it can end extremely tragically.

Make it a rule to have your dog checked by the veterinarian once a year. And this should be done in any case, regardless of how old your pet is. Remember that hereditary eye diseases - dysplasia, retinal atrophy, cataracts, corneal dystrophy - may not appear immediately, but after some time.

It would be better if you identify diseases at the initial stage and immediately begin treatment. Then you will have a better chance that your pet will recover quickly.

King Charles Spaniel puppy price

Prices for puppies of King Charles Spaniels can differ in a fairly large range and depend on the purpose of the purchase. If you need a dog that you are going to use as a pet, then it will cost you priced at least $800.

To get a King Charles Spaniel puppy that can grow into a potential champion, you will have to shell out $1,500. It is recommended to apply for a puppy in a kennel, in this case you can be sure that you will get a thoroughbred dog there, which has been properly looked after and given the necessary vaccinations.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were able to become popular primarily due to the fact that feel great in any family. Therefore, if you are looking for an affectionate friend for your children, then you can not go wrong by choosing a Cavalier puppy for them. A distinctive feature of these animals is the absence of aggression, so you can be sure that even an adult cavalier will not harm your children.

The King Charles Spaniel or Toy Spaniel is an exceptional companion dog that is equally well suited to families with children, the young and active or the elderly. Miniature spaniels are smart and docile, they can adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners and do not require complicated care. The British themselves call them "dogs that create comfort."

These small dogs have a very ancient history. It begins around the 9th century, when very similar dogs were brought to the island by the Celts. In the 13th century, during the reign of King Knut, they began to be actively used for hunting, but several centuries later, miniature spaniels were already kept at court as companions, as evidenced by numerous paintings by artists of that time.

King Charles I was very fond of small spaniels, he did not go anywhere without two or three of his dogs, he even had to adopt a special decree that allowed the ruler to appear with king spaniels in the House of Parliament, where before that it was forbidden to enter with any living creatures. By the way, this law is still in force today. And when the ruler was dying, not a single dog left the bed. As a mark of respect, his son Charles II named the breed after his father.

In the 18th century, the fashion for dogs with short muzzles came to England, which were imported from China and Japan, and spaniels began to be crossed with chins and pugs, because of which their appearance changed slightly, their ears sank lower, their heads became more rounded, and the tail was bent. The character also changed slightly, stubbornness and notes of independence appeared in it. Puppies with a short muzzle were selected for breeding; as a result, the old type was practically lost.

In 1885, the first breed club of the King Charles Spaniel was founded and the official standard was approved, and all colors got their name: tricolor dogs were called Prince Charles, black and tan and toy spaniels - King Charles, red - ruby ​​spaniels, and red and white - blenheims. In 1902, the kennel club wanted to finally rename the breed to the English Toy Spaniel, as it was called in other countries of the world, in particular in America, but fans of the breed turned to the king with a request to leave the historical name and he agreed.

Appearance and breed standards

The King Charles Spaniel is a small decorative dog with a slightly flattened muzzle, almost square in size. Weight - 4-5.5 kg, height - 25-27 cm.

The head is rounded with a deep transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The muzzle is wide, short. The bridge of the nose is straight. The nose is black, with well-opened nostrils. Hanging ears, widened at the base, set moderately low, covered with long hair. The eyes are round, dark in color. The dentition is complete, the bite is undershot. The neck is strong, not long, with a slightly convex scruff. The body is moderately stretched. The chest is deep, but not too broad. The back is straight. The croup is slightly sloping. The tail is long, carried no higher than the back, can be curled like a pug, so they are sometimes docked, trying to keep the maximum length. The limbs are strong, set parallel.

The coat is straight or wavy, an incomplete curl is allowed. On the ears, neck, underside of the body, on the limbs and tail, the hair is longer. Four colors are registered: black and tan, blenheim (chestnut on white), tricolor (black and tan with white) and ruby ​​​​(saturated red).

education training

Raising a King Charles Spaniel is no different than raising other dogs. They are accommodating and obedient, but not without character, sometimes they can test the owner by doing things that they are not allowed to do, usually innocently jumping into bed or stealing slippers. It is important to accustom a small pet to public places, to introduce them to other people and animals. For that spaniel, there is nothing worse than rough treatment and team upbringing. This position of the owner can lead to destructive behavior. But attention and friendliness will help to grow a true friend

The concept of training is not entirely applicable to the decorative breed, but the basic spaniel commands are easy to learn. In addition, they never mind to separate a trick and perform it with pleasure.

King Charles is a sedentary dog ​​breed that does not need active physical activity and is content with only short-term walking. To more active loads, the dog must be accustomed gradually.

Character and psychological portrait

The temperament of the little spaniel is fully consistent with his vocation as a companion. These are sociable, friendly and quick-witted dogs that love to be the center of attention, adore people, always adapt to the mood and rhythm of the owner's life, and are rarely persistent. Actually, communication with the owner is the main goal of King Charles. Without attention, the pet can become lethargic, lose interest in walks and games.

Due to their docile nature, they get along well with other animals. They treat children well, they are ready to play for a long time and frolic with the child, they will not offend even the smallest and endure any pranks. Here, rather, you need to keep track so that the child does not have time to harm the dog, rather than vice versa.

The King Charles Spaniel is a decorative dog that does not need a wide living space and will feel comfortable in an apartment of any size. Caring for a king is easy. Dogs are combed weekly with a soft brush. They don't need haircuts. Between the toes of the paws, it is recommended to cut the wool so that dirt does not clog in it. Claws are trimmed periodically. Bathe not often, as it gets dirty. Regularly inspect and clean the ears and wipe the eyes.

You can feed King Charles with both natural food and dry food, the main thing is that the diet is healthy and appropriate for the age and physical activity of the pet. If the dog eats dry food, it must be provided with free access to drinking water. King Charles is a sedentary breed, so it is important to overfeed him.

Health and longevity

Among the diseases that are more common in small spaniels are the following:

  • valvular heart disease;
  • Disease of the intervertebral discs;
  • Patterson's disease (aseptic necrosis of the femur);
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Hydrocephalus;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Eye diseases (glaucoma, cataract, eyelid torsion);
  • In some generations, a genetic defect called hanging tongue syndrome is noted.

Due to careless jumping from a height, kings can dislocate the kneecap. Like other breeds with short muzzles, they sometimes snore during sleep or active physical activity and do not tolerate too hot and humid weather. Toy spaniels are also prone to otitis media because their auricles are poorly ventilated. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Choosing a puppy and the price of a king charles spaniel

It is better to choose a puppy in a good nursery, which can guarantee the purity of the breed. Babies are taken away from the mother at the age of 30-40 days, during this period you can come to the bride. The puppy must meet all the characteristic breed characteristics. Sometimes dogs have dewclaws, they are trimmed at the age of 3-5 days, by the time of weaning the wounds are already healing and overgrown with hair. Puppies should be clean, well developed physically, with a good appetite. They should not have swelling of the joints or ribs, twisted limbs and other symptoms of rickets.

Depending on the class, the price of a King Charles puppy can vary significantly. Dogs that do not claim to win in exhibitions or participate in breeding cost about 800 dollars, and for a potential champion they will ask from 1500 USD.


Pictures of King Charles Spaniels: