Chihuahua weight by month. How does a chihuahua change as it grows

The fatness of animals within the same breed may vary. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. The weight of the puppy's parents.
  2. His own weight at birth.
  3. Feeding regimen and diet.

The norms for an adult dog are prescribed in the standard of the breed to which it belongs. To check whether the puppy's body weight corresponds to them, the Chihuahua weight table by months will help. In the simplest version, a range is prescribed, falling into which is the norm. There are more detailed options, which take into account the weight of the puppy at birth.

How is weight gained?

Representatives of small breeds grow most actively and gain weight in the period up to 6 months. Usually by 8-10 months they are almost the standard of an adult dog. Below is a table to guide you.

Age, monthsWeight (g) at birth 70 gWeight (g) at birth 80 g
1 110-200 115-230
2 230-315 255-370
3 340-460 425-570
4 485-600 625-740
5 625-710 795-880
6 715-765 910-970

It is very important not to overfeed the dog until six months. A proper diet is the foundation of your pet's health. An overfed dog may have a tendency to become obese for the rest of its life. Besides, overweight body causes health problems. The Chihuahua weight table allows you to evaluate the correctness of the diet and feeding regimen.

If it was not at hand, then you can focus on approximate numbers. So, at 3 months, a puppy should weigh half as much as an adult dog. However, in order to avoid health problems, it is better to consult a veterinarian or find a resource that has a weight table. Chihuahuas are small dogs for which a difference of even 30 g can be significant.

What are the dangers of being overweight?

Excessive fatness causes discomfort to the dog, depriving it of the joy of active games. Obese dogs are more difficult to tolerate heat, they are prone to heart disease and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

A responsible owner who wants to raise a healthy dog ​​must pay great attention to developmental indicators during the puppy's growth. A Chihuahua weight table will be of great help in this. Dogs live 14-16 years, and the puppyhood period is the foundation of all future life.

Selected for exhibitions, body proportions and weight are important. Not growth indicators, as many believe, are the main ones, but weight and proportions in accordance with the table of standard values.

Let's bring general description chihuahua dogs, her appearance, standard. We will also find out whether it is worth buying a puppy with other indicators that do not correspond to the table, and why.

In outline

When choosing, pay attention to the behavior, appearance of the dog and weight indicators. Chihuahua, born from healthy parents and having a good pedigree, has good health, is active.

If a dog has one of the following signs, you need to think about whether to buy such a puppy:

  • Aggression, lethargy, whining, alertness, cowardice;
  • Watery eyes or have purulent discharge;
  • Ears dirty and bad breath;
  • Strongly bulging or sunken eyes;
  • Between the eyes and the nose, not a visible equilateral triangle is formed, but another figure;
  • Body proportions and weight do not correspond to growth indicators (a table of these indicators is given below);
  • Lips that do not tightly cover the teeth, the tongue is constantly visible from the mouth;
  • The skull is not rounded (the standard provides for equal proportions of the head - a skull in height and width, similar to an apple);
  • There is no slight curve at the top of the neck;
  • The muzzle is equal to the width or height of the head (correct - the muzzle is always shorter).

All these indicators are typical for both an adult Chihuahua and a puppy. When purchasing a puppy, you need to ask what weight the dog was born with and how much it weighs now.

It can be seen that girls of the same age as boys are always larger. Greater weight and body proportions are needed in order to subsequently safely bear offspring. Boys have a square physique, while girls have an elongated one.

Weight indicators by age

Many mistakenly believe that growth indicators are fundamental, and the greater they are in height, the more correctly the dog will develop and grow. In fact, dogs of this breed grow (gain weight) up to 12 months, but skeletal system up to 7, whether she will recover and grow quickly depends rather on her hereditary predisposition.

It is also known that what fewer puppies in the litter, the stronger their health, so pay attention to this fact. For example, let's take the proportions of the body of an adult dog that weighs 2 kg, its height at the withers should be in the range of 17-23 cm. Permissible indicators weights in this case are up to 3 kg of weight, but not less than two.

To make it clear, the spine grows (growth in height) up to 1.5 months, and weight gain at this age is weak. After 6 months, the puppy is actively gaining weight and by 8 months, girls may have their first estrus.

It is best to purchase a two-month-old puppy, when the skeleton is already formed, you will see the original size and know that much more dog will not grow, it will only gain weight and increase in breadth due to the mass and expansion of the chest.

The Chihuahua weight and height table is detailed by month (standard) in the canine world organization, consider the weight parameters relative to age.

Ideal proportions (table)

Find out how much a Chihuahua weighs according to age using this table:

Does your puppy meet the given parameters or not?

In any case, it will be easier for you to determine if he is healthy, and whether you buy a puppy is up to you. If you do not attend exhibitions, then small deviations from the standard are allowed, the main thing is not to take a puppy less than the weight of dwarf chihuahuas - 71 grams, and also born with a weight of about 200 grams.

And take into account the parameters of the head, muzzle, body length (it should be a little more than the height). Does your puppy meet the given parameters or not?

Chihuahuas are dogs for which they create their own world. This is due to the character, size, temperament and features. Basically, life revolves around a pet.

Chihuahua sizes: weight, height, coat color, proportions and physique were established in 1954 by the Kennel Club in England. The name of the breed is adopted by the same name with the Mexican state.

The legend says: dogs lived in natural conditions, but during the period ancient civilization"Toltec" were caught, trained, domesticated, which is confirmed by the images on the buildings and the remains in the tombs, which date back to 300 BC.

According to dog handlers, the Chihuahua is the smallest breed on earth. The body is proportional, elegant.

Aristocratic behavior is always with a proudly raised head and a tail twisted towards the waist.

The tail creates a vertical semicircle above the back. The length of an adult dog is 2-3 cm less than the height at the withers.

Males have a square shape. Girls of smaller stature, the body is elongated, this is due to reproductive characteristics They are shorter and smaller.

A special table regulates the permissible forms of the body, ears, the location of the teeth, chest, which guarantees admission to exhibitions and mating with thoroughbred partners.

Height, weight, features

Chihuahua breed standard: stretch index is determined up to 110. The ideal is a square body. The growth rate is within 30 - 38 cm. Weight ranges from 1.5 - 4 kg. Allowed body weight in the range of 500 g - 1.5 kg. Exceeding 4 kg will result in disqualification.

When judging two animals, the smaller one gets the highest score. Therefore, the animal should not be overfed, you should not limit outdoor games, walks.


Round in shape, large, dark. Light eyes are acceptable, but are not an indicator of the purity of the breed according to established standards.


The dog has large, with developed muscles, erect ears: under 45% of the horizontal of the forehead: wide at the base, gradually tapering towards the tips. The size of the ears is similar to the distance between the eyes. AT calm state drop slightly as the muscles relax. The state of the animal is determined by the ears: calmness, alertness, fun or fear.

Bite and teeth

The number of teeth in an adult: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars, 10 molars. As a result, 42.
Overshot, jaw misalignment is a deviation from the standard. Dogs must have a straight or bite, all teeth, if one or more are missing, does not lead to disqualification, but this is a disadvantage.

Chest, back

Wide and harmoniously developed. The ribs are rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The body is slender, without thinness. Athletic physique: lean, this is due actively life. The back is muscular, the croup is strong.

Head and neck

The head is large, the shape of an apple is figurative - the standard of the Chihuahua breed. Unlike other dogs, an uncovered gap remains between the bones of the skull throughout life.

They are vulnerable and prone to injury. The forehead is large with prominent eyebrows, which makes a noticeable transition between the muzzle and the skull.

Rounded cheekbones, a short muzzle, adjacent lips close the teeth, make the appearance cheerful and aristocratic. The neck of females is thinner than that of males.

The nose is upturned, a characteristic fold between the eyes. Lips, cheeks dry.


The forelegs, when viewed from the side, create a straight vertical line with the elbow joint. Back, with developed muscles and convenient for running and jumping angle of connection of various joints.

Elbows are strong, pasterns are strong, flexible, provide free movement. The gait is active, soft, sweeping. The limbs are small with protruding fingers, the pads are elastic, the nails grow long and curved. Profitable fingers need prompt removal.

Color, coat

The Chihuahua standard includes 2 varieties: long-haired and smooth-haired. In the first case, the coat is short adjacent to the body. In the second, the coat is soft, wavy or straight, pleasant to the touch.

The color is varied with various color combinations: white, chocolate, black, lilac, fawn, cream, blue, brindle. The value of a Chihuahua does not depend on color. The nose is the same color as the fur. Hairless dogs are a deviation from the norm.


A small dog is a long-liver among dogs. 12-16 years is considered the norm for these animals. Correct standards are a guarantee of longevity. Healthy dog, without pathologies, bad heredity gets sick less, eats normally, grows well and lives longer.

Growth and upbringing

Grow fast. Monthly weight gain and growth slows down in boys by 9 months, in girls with the appearance of the first estrus.

  • By the age of one and a half years, the dog is fully formed physically and emotionally, it is an adult. It is necessary to accustom to the toilet, walks, order.

A Chihuahua's bedding or mattress is a toy, not a resting place. They occupy the whole apartment.

They love armchairs, sofas to have a sufficient view, hide in a dog house to feel protected. They are afraid of drafts. It is necessary to transport in plastic carriers or soft bags.

Character and temperament

cheerful dog, little stressed, has a lightning-fast reaction and high endurance. Small sizes do not interfere with being bold.

Gait and running energetic, free this is not a lazy animal. A sensitive intellectual is one of the well-deserved characteristics.

They are curious, nimble, active, do not get tired of playing, are exclusively attached to the owners, love guests. However, care must be taken to avoid injury.

The dog is small, fragile, constantly spinning underfoot, jumping on sofas, climbing to doors, into cabinets.

Chihuahua quickly and accurately takes on the character of the owner, but does not get along well with other breeds.

Curiosity may prompt you to spend hours watching a working computer or an owner reading a book.

Dogs are clean, quickly get used to their own toilet. Severe stress can cause involuntary urination.

Deviations from the norm

For a Chihuahua, the standard is an indicator of the health and purity of the breed. Some deviations are allowed:

Double teeth; Ears: acute form; sloping croup; Slight jaw deformity: Arched or sagging back; short neck; Elbows turned out, hind legs close set; Short limbs. Not a wide chest;

  • Dog Flaws Affecting Cynologists' Evaluation
    Bulging, small eyes, deep set; Malocclusion; Narrow skull or elongated muzzle. Dislocated kneecaps.

Faults leading to disqualification:

Non-healing large fontanel on the head; Manifestations of aggression or excessive fearfulness; Baldness of some parts of the body;

Long-haired breeds have very thin, too long hair;

Short, long hanging ears; Atypical structure: chihuahua growth, which is above normal, thin long legs, lean torso, small head; Stretched body; If there is no tail; Straight (tick-shaped), bulldog bite.
A dog with deviations; physical or mental, is not allowed to exhibitions and matings.

A dog is a faithful and devoted friend for a person, but giving his loyalty, he expects the same from his master. Chihuahua is decorative pet dog who needs self-care.

There are a lot of features for which this type of dog has become so popular. Everyone can buy a pet, but not everyone knows that for this dog you need to strictly take into account the table of weight and height.

For the correct maintenance of your dog, you will need: a Chihuahua weight table that will help you learn about all the subtleties of this breed. This breed is considered the smallest in the famous Guinness Book of Records.

Standard weight

The weight standard comes from the table that was compiled professional specialists. After long studies and observations.

Experienced experts - cynologists can accurately determine the correct development of this species. It is necessary to track the dynamics of weight for normal growth and your dog's weight.

The weight table will help you take care of your pet's performance effectively. It is possible to determine the exact weight, only with an error of 150 grams. Healthy weight up to 3 kg. in an adult.

Features of the weight category

For correct use tables, you need to know the initial mass of your pet. At birth, a newborn Chihuahua is incredibly small and its body weight is 5% of the mother's. This is an ambiguous statement; when several kutyat are born, their mass decreases.

After little puppies are born, they very quickly gain the missing indicators. Naturally, birth weight is measured, it shows how well the puppy was fed from the mother.

The growth of puppies approximately ends at the age of six months. The natural features and nature of the movement of the Chihuahua affect their performance.

Three month old chihuahua

In this period life cycle dogs, it weighs half the size of an adult. When acquiring this breed of decorative dogs, many prefer more miniature cuties.

It is impossible to know exactly how it will grow, but it is approximately possible. If you pay attention to certain features, for example: a thin skeleton, small paws and a head.

These are all signs that this puppy will be more miniature.

If the dog is more "square", then it will grow more massive.

Its appearance and accuracy depend on the severity of the bones and the structure of the skeleton. All of them are not overall, but only miniature.

What is the table for?

Accordingly, it is necessary for the correct adjustment of the development of the dog. So that the owner clearly knows how to feed the pet and in what quantities.

The standard exists to help and apply to all types of dogs. Health and normal development it is very important for a pet, so every owner needs a weight table. The growth of the dog is rapid or vice versa stops abruptly.

Table in detail

The table itself is very easy to use and easy to work with. It indicates the initial body weight at birth. From it, further indicators are calculated.

Body weight is measured for 26 consecutive weeks inclusive and at 18 months. Birth weight varies from 71 g to 156 g. Having examined the Chihuahua weight table in more detail, you can understand exactly what weight an adult dog will have.

What you need to know about breed size

The Chihuahua weight table will clearly show what your baby will become, but for now let's talk about the breed in general. Due to their miniature size, the Chihuahua requires a more gentle attitude, and care for these babies should be even more thorough. The progress of the puppy's development depends on this, which in the final will affect its height and weight.

If we consider the weight of a chihuahua according to the standard, then it must correspond to the following indicators:

  1. If at birth the baby weighs 70-100 grams, then in adulthood such a puppy will grow to 1.5-2 kg.
  2. If a newborn sneeze weighs 100-120 grams, then an adult pet will weigh about 1.7-2.5 kg.
  3. If the newborn puppy turned out to be large and weighs from 130 to 170 grams, then in adulthood such a dog will weigh 2.5-3 kg.

Before talking about how much a Chihuahua weighs in adulthood, let's look at what stages the development of these tailed animals is divided into. As a rule, puppies develop in several stages, starting with prenatal development when, thanks to proper care of the mother’s body, the foundations of health and babies are laid. Here, a lot still depends on heredity and control of reproduction according to the club's standard.

From the moment of birth to 12 weeks, breeders are responsible for the condition of the babies, and after a month and a half to six months, it is the prerogative of the owners. During this period, there is an intensive growth of the Chihuahua, that is, at this age it will already be seen how big the dog will be. In addition, during this period it is necessary not only to monitor the main indicators, but also to observe how the animal is gaining weight, because the body is subject to multiple changes.

Mini Chihuahua - how to understand it?

Each breed of dog has its own standards, and sneezes, of course, are no exception. However, often along with the sale of the Chihuahua standard, you can also find advertisements for the sale of mini puppies. For many dog ​​breeders who are not very deeply familiar with the breed, this raises a lot of questions. What is this mini and how much should such a dog weigh?

It should be noted that separate breed mini-chihuahua does not exist, under this species puppies are sold, which for some reason were born with a lower weight than the average dog. Miniature sneezes do not have as many advantages as disadvantages.

Among these are the following:

  • a number of health problems, especially with the cardiovascular system and reproductive;
  • female mini sneezes should not become pregnant, since pregnancy and childbirth is a very big burden on the whole body;
  • not recommended for families with children, since the bones of the minik are so fragile that even a child can break them;
  • the most important thing is that the internal organs in such a small body may not function quite correctly, which reduces the life expectancy of sneezes by about 2 times.

Such risks are not entirely justified, but we will not discourage you from taking them, since small puppies still were born and will be born, but with proper care your four-legged friend will be able to live a quality life.

How does a chihuahua grow?

As we have said, sneezes grow depending on how they were born. What height and weight do they reach on average? The ideal growth of sneezes is 18-25 cm, and the most optimal weight is 1.5 - 2 kg.

For the convenience of owners, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the chihuahua weight table by months, and we will briefly talk about how chihuahuas grow by weeks.

The monthly growth table looks like this:

As you can see, according to this Chihuahua growth chart, it is very easy to understand how many kilograms your dog can grow.


Chihuahuas are wonderful dogs that can become long-lived. With proper care and nutrition, this friend can live with you for 12-15, or even more years. However, when choosing a puppy, it is very important to determine its height and weight in order to understand what kind of dog it will be in adulthood, and also to understand what subtleties of care must be taken into account.

What size is your Chihuahua?

Characteristics of the breed

The Chihuahua breed is active and agile. They have high intelligence, respect their master and are always devoted to him. They love a lot of attention and are also inquisitive and playful. Though a dog of this breed small size She is quite brave and strong. During a walk, the pet likes to play with other four-legged friends, so the owner must control it.

They do not immediately go to strangers, first they look closely. Experienced dog breeders claim that the Chihuahua breed is endowed with the character of a terrier. She is quite bold and vigilant. Gets along well with his brothers. If there are children at home, it is better not to buy a pet, as it will protect itself and thereby be able to bite the child. They show their love and affection to the owner, they are constantly nearby.

Animal dimensions

Chihuahua has small parameters. This is the smallest breed in the world, so the owner must forget about health. The puppy has an average weight of about 100 grams. If the female gave birth to many cubs, then the weight may be less, so you should not worry much. Even the smallest puppies can manage to gain all the necessary kilograms in a short period of time.

An adult dog has a height of 15-23 cm, and its weight should be no more than 3 kg. The weight standard varies in proportion to the age of the pet. Basically, the boy has more height and weight than the girl. If a person is going to take his dog to an exhibition, then they may be disqualified if the mass is more than 3 kg or less than 500 g.

Breed types

Since Chihuahuas can differ from each other, they were divided into categories by which dogs can be judged:

  • Supermini has a minimum weight of 1.5 kg.
  • Mini dogs reach 1.5-1.8 kg.
  • Small dogs have a maximum weight of 1.8-2.3 kg.
  • Chihuahua standard 2.3-3 kilograms.

When buying a puppy, it is worth looking at the size of the head, the thickness of the paws and the appearance of course, it is also worth looking at the backbone. If the puppy has thin bones, then it will weigh very little, so the owner must decide that the weight of the pet or height will be more important to him.

Appearance and torso of dogs

It is considered incorrect that a dog is judged only by its weight and height. It is also necessary to look at his appearance and the thickness of the bones:

  1. If a dog has light bones, it will appear much larger than it is.
  2. Heavy bones, on the contrary, make the dog very small.

It is not considered a breed standard if the dog is too thin with long legs, as well as small in stature with thick legs. Ideal Breed has a dense build and not high growth. In male dogs, the height in the mane should be equal in length from the withers to the beginning of the tail. Girls of this breed may have a slightly longer body size than the male. The length of these rocks can reach from 20 to 30 centimeters.

The coat of a pet can be short and long. What kind of ears do the Chihuahua breed have? The ear can be sharp and weighty, which is why many owners want to stop them. Thus, the pet will look more attractive, especially if he has short hair.

Breed features

In order for the animal to grow and develop well, it needs proper care and a special diet and diet, especially for dogs weighing 1.5 kilograms. If you fulfill all the features, the pet will be able to live 11-15 happy years.

For proper formation and proper weight gain in the aisles of the norm, you need to control that the dog does not run, does not jump from high altitude. For such small animals, jumping from a sofa or chair, as well as steps and curbs on the street, is considered high. Such jumps can create a lot of problems for small Chihuahuas. It is also worth making sure that the pet does not get sick, so walking with him in bad weather is prohibited. It is necessary to exclude drafts in the house where the animal lives. Thus, the owner will be able to raise a healthy, beautiful and devoted dog.

What can determine the weight and size of a dog?

A puppy of this breed will grow as long as its change of teeth lasts. Basically it lasts up to about 7-9 months. When weight gain occurs, it is very clearly visible. Further, up to 9-10 months, there will be the final stage of bone formation. During this period, the chest and head begin to grow stronger, as well as the torso expands. You can find out exactly how tall the dog will be at about 6 months.

The future owners of the Chihuahua are concerned about the final result of growth, but the forecast is not always accurate, the discrepancies can be several grams. To determine exactly, you need to look in which litter the puppy will appear. If the mother had a lot of puppies, then they will all be small, but they will have time to gain their weight later. A newborn puppy usually weighs about 5 percent of its mother's weight.

At three months, a puppy weighs half the weight of an adult dog. Growth begins to stop after five months, but provided that he is healthy, eats properly, has a good bite and lives in normal conditions. Often, exemplary parents can have mini babies, so you should not rely on the size chart when choosing a puppy. If a person wants a small dog, then it is worth waiting until he grows up.

How puppies grow

Often people think that the sooner the dog grows in height, the better and stronger his health will be. The weight and height of dogs of this breed do not intersect at all during the period of growing up. Up to 1.5 months, the puppy grows only in height, and by two months you can accurately assess what the pet will become in the future.

In six months, the dog should grow three times its size, and twice its height. It is in the first six months that puppies are formed. Everything directly depends on the owner, because care and nutrition play an important role in the life of a pet. If a person does not know how to properly care for and raise a Chihuahua puppy, then it is better to purchase an older dog.

In the first month of life, the puppy develops muscles and bones. This process is quite complicated, and at this point it is worth taking care of balanced diet. After all, the wrong food will complicate the growth of the dog and cause many diseases. Otherwise, the bones will develop incorrectly, the dog will be underdeveloped. With years of growing up, this problem can no longer be corrected.

When the pet is well formed, and the structure of his body is correct, the time of massive growth comes. The puppy is gaining weight, the torso increases, becomes stronger. At this stage, the animal no longer grows in height, but only gains weight. At eight months chihuahua puppy becomes a full-fledged dog. And female dogs can bear children and breed. A pregnant dog bears cubs for 40-45 days, and of course gets better. The mass of the female increases by 25 grams every day, and the belly also grows.

The correct proportions of the dog

The difference in length and height in the breed is always present. It is always slightly smaller in height than in length. Males are always larger and have a square shape. Females, on the contrary, are slightly longer. The head of the dogs is quite massive, resembling an apple in appearance. Skull height and width should be the same. The forehead stands out from the background of the head.

The size of the head narrows towards the nose. In animals, the cheekbones are poorly visible, and the lips are round, teeth are hidden behind them. In dogs small nose, which is often raised to the top. The color of the earlobes in dogs is different, so any color is the norm. The eyes are round and large, also considered the norm. But if the eyes stick out too much, then it's bad.

Chihuahuas often lose their eyeballs. a big problem such breeds. But at the same time, the eyes and nose are formed into a triangle evenly and correctly. The body is strong and slightly long. The back is massive, the loin is prominent.

How to work with the weight table?

When caring for a puppy, it is worth paying attention to the norms during the period of weight gain by weeks and months. Proportions can be calculated with individual characteristics dogs, but they must comply with the norm. If care and feeding are correct, puppies increase in weight every week until 18 months of age. The weight of the animal directly depends on the owner from birth and throughout life.

Dog weight chart

The breed weight table gives the numbers are not exact, but they are almost close to the standards. The weight of the newly born dog must be 5 percent of that of the mother's dog. At the age of three months, the puppy has a mass of about half an adult pet. By the year, the pet stops growing and gaining weight.

When the puppy was just born, its weight is 100 grams. If the female gave birth to several puppies, then the weight may be lower, but over time it reaches the norm.

Looking at the table, the owner will be able to see how much weight his pet is gaining, whether he is healthy or with deviations.

If the weight is more than expected, it must be reduced. For this, the pet is put on a diet so as not to get obese. If, on the contrary, the mass is less than expected, one more feeding is added to the pet's diet so that it cannot weaken.

But besides this, every owner must understand that dogs of this breed grow rapidly and stop abruptly in growth and weight. Such indicators are considered the norm for such breeds. If a person wants to breed Chihuahua dogs, he must know all the subtleties of the breed. He must know all the ratios in weight, and help the pet develop properly.

Initially, the weight itself depends on the weight category at birth. The indicators in the table and in life may not be accurate and differ by 10-20 grams. Such a difference is considered the norm, because the pet goes to the toilet every day and at the same time loses grams. The goal of the owner is to weigh the pet every day and make a comparison if the numbers do not big difference, you can not worry, the dog will still gain its own. With proper care and nutrition, the puppy will be able to grow up healthy and beautiful.

Chihuahua character

The character of the dogs of this breed is formed early, as they mature quickly. By 12 months they are already fully formed. both physically and psychologically.

One of the interesting features of the Chihuahua is ability to understand people feel their mood. A Chihuahua will never approach an angry, irritated or conflicted person.

Good adaptability is characteristic of these dogs and, if necessary, get used to new circumstances. Chihuahua will not suffer and get hung up on trifles if living conditions will be more than modest.

These dogs are also very proud, which greatly complicates their educational process. That's why dog socialization should be at the head of training. Since these animals mature very early, this process should be started from 2-3 months. For socialization to be successful, the owner should devote more time to the chihuahua– take them out for walks more often, play with the dog, introduce them to other people and animals, especially dogs of the same breed. The main thing is that the Chihuahua does not feel aggression.

Absolutely all Chihuahuas are very curious. This is evidenced not only by their desire to carefully examine every corner of the home, but also by their love for a long time to observe what the owner is doing, even if these are the most common actions.

Chihuahuas are incredibly temperamental and agile. They express their emotions loudly and for absolutely any reason. Experienced veterinarians believe that chihuahua with long hair are softer, while the short-coated Chihuahua is slightly more agile and assertive. Do not confuse this with anger - Chihuahuas can be jealous of the owner, but they are always devoted to him.

Dogs of this breed, unlike others dwarf breeds, have a stable psyche and a very brave heart. They are absolutely not cowardly, and they can look arrogantly at some things. But sometimes these animals do not tolerate stressful situations and can even make a puddle.

Chihuahuas do not like to be yelled at and do not tolerate mistreatment.. They can be seriously offended and “hide” in their house or between pillows, but they always try to meet their owner halfway.

In addition, these dogs have an excellent memory and are very accurate. They can even be taught to bring light objects to the owner and use the simplest household appliances.

Chihuahua life span

Toy breed dogs live slightly longer than other dog breeds. Average duration chihuahua life with proper care and proper feeding will be about 11-18 years.

How to properly feed a Chihuahua can be found in our article.

Chihuahua dog sizes

Chihuahua growth is usually from 15 centimeters to 23, and The ideal weight is one and a half to three kilograms. A dog weighing less than 500 grams or more than three kilograms is not allowed.

Chihuahua dogs, depending on height and weight, can be divided into several categories:

  • standard(this category includes dogs whose weight is from 2, 3 to 3 kilograms);
  • small standard (includes chihuahuas, which weigh from 1.8 to 2.3 kilograms);
  • mini(belong to animals weighing from 1.5 kilograms to 1.8 kilograms);
  • super mini(includes dogs that weigh less than 1.5 kilograms).

The body itself and the appearance of the animal are also taken into account. For example, the lighter the skeleton, the larger the dog will appear, and the heavier the skeleton, the smaller it will look. Also, the dog should not appear very flimsy or thin with long legs, nor too big and short with short legs. A stocky and moderately well-fed Chihuahua is considered ideal. If this is a male, then the height of the withers should be equal to the length from the base of the tail to the withers, and the bitches should have a more “stretched” body.

It is worth noting that keeping a dog weighing less than 1.5 kilograms requires a special diet and better care because these animals are less viable. They should not be allowed to jump off tall furniture (sofas, armchairs, beds, etc.) on their own, as such Chihuahuas are more prone to various injuries limbs. They may also catch colds more often.

Possible colors of the Chihuahua

This breed is unique in its number of colors. There are both traditional colors and very rare ones. The standard does not in any way prohibit combinations of colors and their diversity.

The most popular and traditional color is red (red). It can be monochromatic, or it can be distinguished by the presence of a white mark on the paws or a white mask. Incredibly popular spotted red color immediately with a black and white mask. There is also a sable color - red with a black mask. It may also include white markings.

The most rare colors are blue, pure white, black, brindle, chocolate, chocolate and tan, as well as all their combinations and variants.

Until what age do chihuahuas grow?

The growth of dogs of this breed ends at about 6-7 months.. At six months, you can most likely determine the height of the dog.

Usually, as early as six months, the growth of the dog stops and until 9-10 months the formation, expansion and “strengthening” of the body begins, especially the head and chest area.

All data is approximate and depends on the feeding of your Chihuahua.

Chihuahua puppy cost and price range in major cities

In general, prices for Chihuahua puppies range from $250-$5,000. Naturally, if we compare the cost of puppies in Moscow, Belarus and Ukraine, in the capital of Russia they will be much higher. The same can be said about puppies from peripheral kennels - they will cost much less than in large cities.

For example, in Moscow, Chihuahua puppies of "mini" and "super mini" sizes cost from 1000 to 3000 dollars (females from 1500 to 3000 dollars, males from 1000 to 2000 dollars). Breed class puppies will cost 800-1200 dollars, and pet class puppies - 250-800 dollars. At the same time, a dog without a pedigree can be purchased for 250-700 dollars. And in Belarus you can find a Chihuahua puppy from $150 to $700.

In Ukraine, a Chihuahua puppy can be purchased for about 2000-45000 hryvnia.

RKF breed standard with explanation

The Chihuahua standards of the Russian and International Cynological Federations do not have any fundamental differences.

The breed is classified:

  • group 9 (companion dogs),
  • section 6 (chihuahua),
  • working class is missing

The Chichuahua is a tightly built and at the same time elegant dog, nimble, lively, a typical fidget with an unlucky muzzle expression.

The weight

A difference from 500 g to 3 kg is allowed. Ideal indicators include from 1.5 to 1.8 kg. Individuals heavier than 3 kg will be disqualified.


To evaluate dogs of this breed, only the weight of the individual serves as a criterion; height at the withers is not a criterion when evaluating an individual of this breed. The standard does not specify a strict framework for growth.

The distance from the ground to the withers should be slightly less than the length of the body. The square format for males is the most preferred. In females, a more extended format is possible. According to the latest changes in the standard, the stretch index cannot exceed 110.


Consists of two departments:


Skull in the form of an apple of good roundness. A parietal fontanel is possible, but it is more advantageous when it is absent. The forehead is strongly marked.

The front is divided into parts.

  • The muzzle is dry, compressed. When viewed from the side, it is straight, and closer to the nose it is pointed and raised up.
  • Cheekbones - clear lines.
  • The eyes are slightly protruding, large and almost round in shades of brown or black. Dark iris is preferred.
  • Teeth and jaws. Misalignment, undershot bite and other deformations associated with the bite of the animal are not allowed. A straight or scissor jaw setting is considered normal.
  • Ears - somewhat reminiscent of a cat's. Do not hang, the auricle is open. Ideally, they form an almost isosceles triangle. At rest, they are slightly lowered to the temples, forming an angle of 45 degrees.


The breed standard specifies the ideal properties and proportions of each body part.

The neck is not short, with tight fitting skin. The scruff is slightly pronounced. In long-haired Chihuahuas, a lush "mane" is required. The thickness of the neck may vary depending on the sex of the individual.

  • Topline and withers. The back is parallel to the floor with a slight elevation at the withers.
  • The back is not wide, but rather dense.
  • Loin - the muscles are clearly expressed.
  • Croup - wider than many representatives miniature breeds. Both flat and slightly inclined are allowed.
  • Chest - the chest is quite wide, rounded in shape. It gives the impression of being massive. Barrel-shaped breasts are not allowed.
  • The bottom line - a taut shape is emphasized by clear lines.
  • The tail is set high. Smooth, pointed at the end. Directed upwards with a slight rounding. The length is equal to half the length of the back. The coat matches the body. Long-haired Chihuahuas have a longer tail, usually curled and resembling a headdress.


The forelimbs, when correctly set, are straight and even, regardless of the angle. Can't be called short. The shoulders have visible musculature. The breed is always distinguished by clear angles of the shoulder blades and forearms. The elbows are close to the body. Paws are small. The standard does not recognize the similarity of paws with cat or hare. Fingers should be well apart. The nails are quite convex.

Hind legs have strong muscles and pronounced angles of the hip, knee and hock joints. The hock joint is equal in length to the elbow joint. The Achilles tendon is well developed. When viewed from the back, the legs are well apart.


Chihuahua walks like a leader. The steps are wide, and the lunge is strong, with a powerful push. The gait is free and slightly springy. The hind legs go exactly behind the front. The head is raised and looks strictly in the direction of movement. The back is straight and strong.

wool cover

The skin is soft, thin and elastic in any area of ​​the body.

Chihuahuas have several variations of coat:

  • Smooth-haired. The hair is short, lying close to the body. Individuals with an undercoat are rarely born - then the length of the coat is slightly longer. A mandatory rule is the softness and shine of wool. Hairless dogs are disqualified.
  • Longhaired. The hair is longer and the coat is silkier. Slightly wavy, but even better. The hair stands out in length in the area of ​​the ears, on the back near the withers, on the hind limbs (forming panties) and on the tail. Individuals with too long or curly hair are not allowed.


There are many varieties of Chihuahua colors. There are no restrictions specified in the standard for both Smooth and Longhairs.

The breed has about 70 types of colors. But the most common are just a few:

  • Red (Red): Full red or red with white markings;
  • Golden fawn: looks like a less intense red or cream;
  • Black and Tan: The base tone is black, but fades to brighter on the legs or other parts of the dog's body.
  • Spotted: Most often medium-sized spots on white coats.

Less common and considered uncharacteristic for this breed colors:

  • white,
  • black,
  • chocolate,
  • brindle,
  • blue.

Mini individuals

AT official standard chihuahua no mention of mini. This is due to the fact that the classification appeared only thanks to the breeders. Mini began to be called bred individuals, whose weight did not exceed 1 kg, as well as supermini weighing 500 grams. In Russia, for example, dogs weighing from 800 g to 1 kg are popular. This bred miracle the size of a rat can be called a thoroughbred Chihuahua, and even more so, it is impossible to specify any standards for it.

What is the difference between a mini chihuahua and a standard one?

The two varieties can only be distinguished by size. Coloring, the shape of the skull and the main proportions of the body, the mini is a complete copy of its larger relative. Even the character is indistinguishable. Mini, you might say, is just a Chihuahua puppy that will never grow up.

Monthly weight table

The most correct and accurate prediction of how much a pet should weigh can be given by its pedigree. The size, like some other parameters, is inherited. But to determine the approximate weight, you can use the Chihuahua weight table.

Age / Weight of the newborn, gr. 70 80 85 100 110 120 130 145 155
Week 1 106 113 142 156 184 198 227 255 269
4 weeks (1 month) 198 227 269 312 369 452 482 539 595
8 weeks (2 months) 312 369 454 539 610 680 765 822 936
12 weeks (3 months) 425 539 624 737 851 936 1049 1162 1276
16 weeks (4 months) 567 709 851 964 1106 1247 1389 1531 1673
20 weeks (5 months) 680 851 992 1162 1304 1474 1644 1814 1985
25 weeks (6 months) 765 946 1134 1332 1503 1701 1899 2070 2269
18 months 908 1135 1362 1589 1816 2043 2270 2497 2724

Estimated weight by one and a half years with a weight of 2 months:


This aspect is unique and depends on huge amount facts. This breed has a lifespan of 12 to 20 years. If we talk about averages, then this is about 14 years. By dog ​​standards, Chihuahuas are considered to be long-lived.

Despite its tiny size, this dog has managed to win millions human hearts around the world. Chihuahuas are loved not only because of their appearance, but also for their ability to live and enjoy life.

History of the origin of the chihuahua

There are many legends about the appearance of this breed. Some believe that the Chihuahua is descended from Mexican wolves.

Someone believes that the African fox is a distant relative of this breed, since they are similar in size to the ears and eyes. There are people who believe that Egypt is the birthplace of the smallest dogs.

The main story of the origin of the Chihuahua, which is considered to be the official one, says that this breed lived in the days of ancient civilizations.

With the help of excavations in Mexico, scientists have confirmed that ancient people The Toltecs really existed.

Images of dogs on the stones, which were found during excavations, are very similar to modern chihuahuas. Ancient writings say that the Toltecs called such dogs titichi. Also, clay sculptures were found, which were molded in the form of such dogs.

According to history, after the victory of the Aztecs over the Toltecs, they took these dogs for themselves. In the tombs of ancient peoples, burial places of people with titichi were found. Scientists have presented many versions of why they did this.

Some believed that dogs were buried with people so that they would take on the sins of their owners. There is a version that so ancient people expressed their love for this breed.

The first time people were given the opportunity to look at a Chihuahua was in 1890. When the President of Mexico gave his beloved singer a bouquet of flowers, from which a small dog looked out.

In Russia, the first time the Chihuahua appeared in 1959. When two such dogs were presented to Khrushchev from Castro.

Chihuahua breed standards

Chihuahua very little dog, its average weight is only three kilograms. And the height of the dog at the withers, you can find out by its weight, they should be even.

The tail of the dogs of this breed is always wrapped in a ball and always directed towards the line of the waist. Also a feature of the Chihuahua is the fontanel on the head, which does not overgrow in a lifetime.

Head Standards:

  • The skull is of medium length, shaped like an apple. The length of the head, vertically and horizontally, is even;
  • Sufficiently convex forehead;
  • The lips are rounded, well cover the dog's teeth;
  • The nose is small in size, almost always has the color of the main color;
  • The eyes are round, large, widely spaced between each other. The color can be both dark tones and light;
  • The taste of the Chihuahua is direct. Scissor taste is also not considered a defect;
  • The ears of dogs of this breed are disproportionately large. When the dog is calm, the ears lie down, if the dog has an alarming condition, then the ears stand up.

Hull structure standards:

  • The body is strong, has a square shape. Bitches are slightly longer than males;
  • The back and belly of the dog are quite muscular;
  • Rounded ribs;
  • The tail is long and tucked into a crescent. But it can also be in another form; for example, in a ball, like a husky.

Important: You need to be careful with the Chihuahua's head so as not to damage the place where the fontanel is located.

Chihuahua limb standards:

  • The forepaws are long, practically without muscles;
  • The hind legs are stronger. The joints on them are quite developed;
  • The dog's claws are slightly bent;
  • The Chihuahua has quite sensitive paw pads;
  • During movement, the Chihuahua's head is directed up and straight;
  • The gait is very energetic.

Wool standards:

  • Chihuahua can be either short-haired or long-haired;
  • The coat should be soft to the touch;
  • The head and neck are shorter than the rest of the body;
  • If the dog is short - woolly, then it is similar on the ears. Long-haired representatives have the longest hair on the ears.

Important: Chihuahuas should not shed. If the dog sheds, this indicates its deviation from the standard.

Color standard

Chihuahua color can be almost any. There are dogs of black, white, red, lilac color, they can be listed endlessly. Also, there are dogs with a combination of different colors, usually in this case three colors.

Temperament standards:

  • The nature of these dogs is very calm, they do not behave aggressively;
  • Chihuahuas are very jealous animals. But even if the dog does not like that their owner will lisp with other animals, he will not show aggression;
  • They are very curious dogs, so if you let them go outside, they can run away, becoming interested in what not to be;
  • They are very energetic and often on the move;
  • When a Chihuahua feels fear, he may urinate.

Chihuahua sizes

Many people know that a chihuahua is a very small dog, and it really is so that an adult dog grows no more than 30 centimeters and no heavier than 3 kilograms. In general, the size of the Chihuahua is divided into four categories and, depending on the size of the dog, it is assigned to one of them.

1. Dwarf:

  • At birth - 70-80 grams;
  • 1 month 200-230 grams;
  • 2 month 315-370 grams;
  • 3 months - 425-540 grams;
  • 4 months - 570-710 grams;
  • 5 months-635-880 grams;
  • Six months-745-945 grams;
  • Adult - no more than 1200 grams.

2. Small:

  • At birth -90-120 grams;
  • 1 month - 270-370 grams;
  • 2 month-455-610 grams;
  • 3 months - 740-845 grams;
  • 4 months - 855-1111 grams;
  • 5 month -1111-1300 grams;
  • Six months-1160-1435 grams;
  • Adult -1435-1900 grams.

3. Medium:

  • At birth -125-135 grams;
  • 1 month 455-485 grams;
  • 2 month-680-765 grams;
  • 3 month -940-1050 grams;
  • 4 months - 1250-1390 grams;
  • 5 month-1480-1680 grams;
  • Half a year-1645-1845 grams;
  • Adult-2100-2300 grams.

4. Large:

  • At birth, 145-175 grams;
  • 1 month -540-650 grams;
  • 2 month-825-1050 grams;
  • 3 months - 1165-1400 grams;
  • 4 months - 1535-1815 grams;
  • 5 month -1815-2150 grams;
  • Half a year-2015 -2410 grams;
  • Adult - 2.5-3 kg.


Chihuahuas are the oldest breed of dogs, they are distinguished by their height, as well as intelligence and calmness, which is rarely endowed with any other dog. But when choosing a dog of this breed, you need to be extremely careful not to buy a dog with a defect.

Important: Serious deviations from the standard:

  • Aggression. normal dog this breed should be calm;
  • Small ears;
  • Baldness;
  • Too long hair;
  • Weight more than three kilograms;
  • No tail;
  • Large spring;
  • Short neck;
  • No teeth.

How puppies grow

Many mistakenly believe that the faster a Chihuahua grows in height, the healthier and stronger it will be. In fact, in a Chihuahua, height and weight do not intersect in periods of growing up. So, up to 1.5 months, the puppy grows almost only in height. And, already by two months, you can visually assess what your pet will be like in the future.

In six months, the Chihuahua should become 3 times larger. Two in height. It is the first six months that are, so to speak, “construction”. The more correctly the owner takes care of the pet during this period, the healthier and more attractive the dog will become. So, if a person does not have experience caring for a baby, then it is better to buy an already more mature dog. During the first six months of his life, the Chihuahua experiences the formation of tubular bones. This is a complex process in which improper feeding or the occurrence of any disease in a puppy is unacceptable. Otherwise, the bones will form incorrectly and the dog will become disproportionate. Unfortunately, this will not be fixed in the future.

After the dog has successfully survived the period of formation of tubular bones, it is time for massive growth. The puppy gains weight, his chest becomes stronger and wider. At this stage, the pet almost does not grow in height. This process does not stop, but is properly slowed down.

AT 8 chihuahua months becomes full adult. Some female dogs are even ready to breed.

What should be the proportions of the dog

The height of the Chihuahua should be slightly less than the length. Men are more massive and have a square body shape. Females, on the contrary, have a slightly elongated body shape. cranial box the chihuahua is quite large, somewhat reminiscent of the shape of an apple. The width and height of the skull should ideally be equal in length. The forehead stands out very strongly against the background of the whole head.

The width of the head narrows towards the nose. The dog has slightly pronounced cheekbones and rounded lips that tightly hide the teeth underneath. The dog has a small nose, which is often turned up. There is no standard nose color, so any color is normal.

Big and round eyes are the norm. However, if they are too convex, this is already bad. After all common problem of these mini dogs is the prolapse of eyeballs.

At the same time, the eyes and nose, if you look at the dog from the front, form a uniform triangle. The body of the dog is strong and slightly long. The back is distinguished by a massive loin.

Monthly weight table

The chihuahua weight table by month gives only approximate data that are close to the standards.

So, the weight of a newborn dog should be approximately 5% of the mother's body weight. The weight of a chihuahua at 3 months is approximately half of its future full weight. By almost a year, the growth and weight gain of the dog ends. Newborn puppies on average weigh no more than 100 grams. If the dog brought several chuhuahuas, then their weight will be slightly lower than at the birth of one individual. But, this is not a problem, as babies quickly gain weight. Below is the weight of the Chihuahua by month in the table. As already described above, these are average indicators that are close to the norm.

Based on the table, the owner can understand whether his dog is of sufficient weight or vice versa, it is necessary to reduce it. You can build on this by adjusting your pet's diet. If its weight exceeds the norm by a decent amount of grams, then you can enter light diet to avoid obesity. And vice versa. If the pet does not reach the norm, you can slightly increase the diet. But, again, it is worth remembering that Chihuahuas can grow quickly and then stop abruptly. And to some extent this is the norm.

Basics of the standard

The main parameters included in the breed standard:

  • general form;
  • proportions;
  • character;
  • head;
  • frame;
  • limbs;
  • movement;
  • wool cover;
  • color;
  • dimensions;
  • limitations;
  • vices.

Until how many months these mini dogs grow are of interest to many potential buyers. The main development of the skeleton lasts up to six months, after which the growth of the dog is inhibited. Up to twelve months, mainly the skull and chest begin to develop. Thus, it is possible to determine the growth of an adult animal already at the age of six months.

General form

Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. This mini breed has an elegant appearance and a compact body structure: the height at the withers is proportional to the weight of the animal. She always proudly and high holds a medium length, twisting in a semicircle, tail. The tail should always be directed towards the flat line of the loin.

The structure of the skull of a mini dog has a bright distinguishing feature, not inherent in other breeds: a small gap is formed between its bones called a fontanelle, which almost never overgrows.


The height at the withers is slightly less than the length of the Chihuahua's body. The boys of this breed, girls, have an almost square body shape due to the presence reproductive function, grow a little differently and have a slightly elongated physique.


Dogs of this breed have a cheerful and mentally stable disposition, as well as a quick reaction. Chihuahuas are always proud of themselves and extremely courageous. They have a very curious nature and hardy temperament.


The skull of the Chihuahua is very large, with an apple-shaped shape, the width and height of which are equal. The voluminous forehead has pronounced eyebrows.

Due to the bulge of the forehead, the transition to the muzzle is clearly visible.

The muzzle of a mini dog, wide closer to the base, tapers towards the nose. The short muzzle with poorly defined cheekbones has rounded, tight-fitting lips, the dry and taut structure of which should completely cover the teeth.

The small nose may be slightly upturned. The standard allows any color of the nose, corresponding to the color of the coat.

Large, round, Chihuahua eyes have an expressive, slightly sly look. Widely spaced ocelli suggest a deep furrow between them. They should not be too convex. Eye color is dark, matching the color wool cover, although the standard also allows light color.

If you look at the Chihuahua from the front, then according to the standard, the eyes and nose of a mini dog form an equilateral triangle.

The standard allows for both scissor and level bites. But undershot or vice versa - overshot is already considered a defect. A set of teeth may not be complete - they do not attach much importance to this.

The large ears of the animal are set high, wider at the base, tapering to a rounded tip. When the dog is calm, they hang at a forty-five degree angle, and when excited, they take an upright position and become closer to each other.

The high-set neck has a slight bend at the top, without dewlap. In males, it is more powerful.


A strong, harmoniously built body is slightly elongated, since the height of the almost unexpressed withers is slightly less than its length. A straight, strong back has a muscular loin. The wide croup has a slight slope.

The deep chest of wide volume has round ribs and is rounded to the elbow joint of the forelegs. A barrel-shaped chest is a flaw. The abdomen is noticeably tucked up.

In males, the body is almost square in shape, in females it is slightly longer.

Chihuahuas have two body structures:

  • cobby - dense and heavy;
  • dir - "deer-like", elegant.

The even tail of medium length is set high. It is thick, and gradually tapers towards the tip. In an excited state, the dog's tail is held either high with a slight bend, or along the back, without touching it. If the tail has a sickle-shaped structure, then contact with the back or thigh is allowed.


Stable and strong front legs form a straight line with the elbows and are parallel to each other. When viewed from the side, it can be seen that the pastern is elastic and slightly oblique. The elbows are strongly pressed to the body.

Well developed hind legs are set vertically and also parallel to each other, with a good hock angulation. Narrow posture or weakness in the limbs is considered a defect.

The limbs have soft paw pads and long toes with slightly elongated claws. Pay attention to how many fingers the puppy has. Dewclaws must be removed.


The energetic gait of the Chihuahua is very graceful and light. Mini dogs have cobby type hind limbs stronger repelled from the ground than in dogs of the dir type. The Chihuahua always holds its head proudly and high when moving.

wool cover

Chihuahua hair comes in two types:

  • short;
  • long.

The short coat lies close to the body of the dog and has smooth and soft hairs of a straight structure. In the presence of undercoat, the length of his hair will be slightly longer, as well as on the neck, tail. On the head, ears, the hair is the shortest, in the throat area it is practically absent.

The long-haired coat has thin and soft hairs of an even structure. Light waves are allowed, but not curly. Longer hairline located in the following places: ears, neck, paws, tail, chest. The body of the dog should not be covered with too long and thick hair.


There are as many colors as you like in the Chihuahua color palette - from banal white to rare blue. Blacks, browns, sables, greys, reds—whatever shade they have. According to the standard, the color of these small dogs can be one, two or three colors.


Small dogs are fully grown by the age of twelve months. The breed standard does not indicate the exact height of the dog, but with proper development adult chihuahua have a height of 15-23 centimeters at the withers. Preferably low stature. By six months, the growth of the dog stops, then it only gains weight.

The Chihuahua weight chart below will show you the approximate size of a mini dog as it matures.

According to the standard, ideally, the weight of adult males should be 1.3-2.7 kilograms, and females - 1.5-2.7 kilograms.


Any deviation from the parameters of the standard is considered a serious shortcoming. These include the following items:

  • narrow skull;
  • flat skull;
  • small eyes;
  • large bulge of the eyes;
  • large length of the muzzle;
  • sharp ears;
  • fully hanging ears;
  • small neck;
  • arched or concave spine;
  • strongly sloping croup;
  • large body length;
  • barrel-shaped ribs;
  • narrow set of front paws;
  • elbows strongly extending from the body;
  • short or crooked legs;
  • small chest;
  • displacement of the cup in the knees;
  • displacement of the jaw;
  • a short or completely twisted ponytail with an improper fit;
  • completely thin hairline;
  • extra teeth;
  • unexpressed stop.

When purchasing a puppy of the Chihuahua breed, one must take into account many factors in order not to make a mistake in the choice. First of all, look at the weight and height of the baby. In our review, we rely on breed standards, which are reflected in the table of weight and height of the Chihuahua by weeks, from the first day of life to the end of the growth period at 18 months of age. In no case do not consider the above figures as a dogma, but it makes sense to rely on them if you want to ensure the harmonious development of your pet from the first days of life!


Chihuahuas are one of the smallest dog breeds in the world, so you need to be careful about the characteristics of the body of such a baby. Average weight a newborn puppy does not exceed 100 g, and with a multiple litter it can be even less, but you should not worry. Even the smallest puppies have every chance to catch up with their brothers and sisters before 5 months of age. adult dog has a height of 15 to 23 cm, and should weigh no more than 3 kg. The standard weight depending on age is shown in the Chihuahua weight table. Usually it turns out that the male is taller and heavier than the bitch. At what rate, if you want to represent your pet at shows, a chihuahua will be disqualified by the commission? If its weight is more than 3 kg or less than 500 g. The table clearly shows how the weight of a chihuahua grows by months up to 18 months of age.


Chihuahua height and weight differences have given rise to several categories in which miniature dogs are judged:

  • Super mini (weight less than 1.5 kg);
  • Mini (individuals weighing 1.5-1.8 kg);
  • Small (1.8-2.3 kg);
  • Standard (the most common category for dogs weighing 2.3 to 3 kilograms).

When buying a puppy, focus more on the size of the head, the thickness of the paws, the appearance in general, and also pay attention to the skeleton. A thin-boned puppy will weigh less than its more square brother, so choose what is more important to you: size or weight.

Body and appearance

It is wrong to rely only on the weight and height of a Chihuahua when assessing the conformity of a dog to breed standards. Here it is necessary to take into account also the general appearance and skeleton:

  • A light-boned Chihuahua will look heavier than it actually is;
  • Heavy bones make the dog look small.

A thin or flimsy dog ​​with long limbs, as well as too short or large with short legs, does not correspond to the breed.

What is the ideal of the Chihuahua breed? It should be a stocky and moderately well-fed dog. In males, the height at the withers must match the length from the withers to the base of the tail. Bitches are allowed to have a longer body than males.

Breed features

If you want your pet to grow normally, he needs to provide quality care and a special diet, especially if he weighs less than 1.5 kg. Only then will your pet have a chance to live a long and happy life. dog life, and this is about 11-15 years.

For harmonious development and good weight gain within the normal range, make sure that the dog does not jump on its own from a high height for it, that is, from furniture, steps, curbs, benches in the yard and other things. Such jumps can end up very sad for tiny chihuahuas. Also, make sure that your pets do not catch colds: do not walk them in cold and rainy weather, and also exclude any drafts at home.

What determines height and weight

Chihuahua puppies grow up until the change of teeth is completed, and this usually happens at 7-9 months. Weight gain is clearly visible by week in the Chihuahua growth and weight chart. Then, up to 9-10 months of age, the final formation of the skeleton of the dog will take place, including the expansion and strengthening of the body, especially in the chest and head. Already in six months, you can specifically determine the final growth of your pet.

Future owners are very worried about the forecast of the final growth of the puppy, but this is rarely guessed with an accuracy of grams.

See in which litter your future pet appeared. If there are a lot of puppies, the baby will be very small, but then he will definitely gain desired weight. A newborn Chihuahua usually weighs about 5% of its mother's total weight.

3rd one month old puppy already weighs half the weight of an adult dog. Growth stops after 5 months from the moment of birth, subject to health and a properly balanced diet.

It's very common for standard parents to have miniature babies, so don't rely too much on the size chart when choosing a puppy. If you definitely want a small chihuahua, then wait until he grows up.

How to work with a table

When caring for a puppy, pay attention to the weight gain standards by week, which are shown in the table. They can be calculated in accordance with the individual characteristics of your pet, but they must be within the limits indicated in the table by week. With good care and a balanced diet, puppies gain a certain number of grams in weight every week until the age of 18 months. It will depend only on you how much your dog will weigh, starting from the first month of life by weeks.

Birth weight 71 g 78 g 85 g 99 g 113 g 120 g 128 g 142 g 156 g
Week 1 106 113 142 156 184 198 227 255 269
2 weeks 142 156 184 198 255 284 312 354 383
3 week 170 198 227 255 312 369 397 454 496
4 week 198 227 269 312 369 452 482 539 595
5 week 227 255 312 369 425 482 553 624 680
6 week 255 312 354 425 496 567 624 680 765
7 week 284 340 411 482 553 624 695 765 851
8 week 312 369 545 539 610 680 765 822 936
9 week 340 425 496 567 652 737 822 907 992
10 week 369 454 539 624 709 794 879 964 1077
11 week 397 482 595 680 765 879 964 1049 1191
12 week 425 539 624 737 851 939 1049 1162 1276
13 week 454 567 680 794 907 1021 1134 1247 1389
14 week 482 624 737 851 964 1106 1219 1332 1474
15 week 539 652 794 907 1049 1162 1304 1446 1588
16 week 567 709 851 964 1106 1247 1389 1531 1673
17 week 595 737 879 1021 1162 1304 1446 1616 1758
18 week 624 794 939 1049 1219 1361 1531 1701 1843
19 week 652 822 964 1106 1247 1418 1588 1758 1899
20 week 680 851 992 1162 1304 1474 1644 1814 1985
21 weeks 709 879 1021 1191 1361 1531 1701 1871 2041
22 week 725 907 1049 1219 1389 1588 1758 1928 2098
23 week 737 936 1077 1247 1418 1616 1814 1985 2155
24 week 745 940 1106 1276 1446 1644 1843 2013 2211
25 week 765 946 1134 1304 1474 1673 1871 2041 2240
26 week 775 964 1145 1332 1503 1701 1899 2070 2269
18 months 908 1135 1362 1589 1816 2043 2270 2497 2724