Dandie Dinmont Terrier: development history, modern standard, puppy selection, care. Kind and cheerful dogs: getting to know the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Extract from the official breed standard and photo

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small hunting dog with a strong personality. This is one of the oldest breeds among terriers.

A characteristic detail of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a fluffy “cap” of thin and delicate hairs on the head.

Height at withers: 20-28 cm
The weight: 8-11 kg. Less weight is preferred.

  • Color: mustard and pepper.
  • Mustard varies from brown to light fawn. The cap of wool in a dog of this color is cream. The limbs are darker than the head.
  • Pepper color starts black and ends with a light gray tint. The cap is silvery, the limbs are red or fawn.
  • The eyes are dark hazel, intelligent and calm. The protein is not visible, the iris completely fills the orbits.
  • The nose is black.
  • The body is long, with short strong legs, reminiscent of a fox.

Disqualifying signs:

  • Monochromatic wool.
  • There is no thick hat made of wool.
  • Underdeveloped muscles of the upper jaw.
  • Erect ears.
  • The hind limbs are shorter than the front ones.
  • Short body with weak muscles.

History of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Dandie Dinmont Terriers were bred in England and later adapted for hunting burrowing animals. These terriers preyed on small predators with expensive wool: weasels, minks, otters, foxes, even badgers and skunks. In addition, they crushed rats, clearing fields and houses from pests.
Representatives of the breed are ideal for climbing holes.

The breed got its name from Walter Scott. In the novel "Guy Mannering" there is a hunter character called Dandy Dinmont or Diamond. He owns articles of dogs from 3 females and 3 males of the same breed, which he calls the immortal six. The man claims that these terriers are able to catch anyone who has hair growing.

Dandy Diamond had a prototype named John Davidson. This man was known as a great hunter and thanked for the success of his dogs.

It is not known which breeds gave rise to the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Perhaps the ancestors were Scottish (extinct) and skye terriers.

Temperament and character

Character pluses:

  • Independence. Dogs can do without human company. If a person is busy, they will gnaw on a toy, communicate with other animals. They do not like to impose.
  • Stable psyche. These dogs easily endure a change of scenery, accept new people.
  • Silence. Dandy Dinmonts bark little and do so only in critical situations.
  • Affection.
  • Loyalty.
  • Stubbornness. Choose the owner once and for all. They can only be one person. Dogs obey other family members if the owner is at home. If he leaves, the terriers do not respond to commands.
  • Recklessness. If during a walk terriers meet an impudent or aggressive dog of the same sex, they will rush into battle. Even if the opponent is a shepherd. These dogs have been trained to protect the home, and they will defend themselves and their owner until their last breath.

Man and dog

By temperament, dogs are suitable for not very active or busy people. They will not get bored alone, but will be happy to walk.

excellent watchman. He is not able to drive away a thief or attacker, but will warn of the incident with a loud bark.

In the city, the dog feels great. Thanks to his calm nature, he will get used to cars and a large number of people.

With kids and other terrier animals easy to get along. He will stand the sloppy behavior of the child and ignore the birds, cats or other pets. Just do not get other dogs of the same sex, otherwise fights are inevitable.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers are not sensitive to temperature changes. In winter, their thick coat protects them from the cold, but in summer it does not allow the rays of the sun to get to the skin.

If you live in a place where the temperature drops below -10 degrees, then you will have to get clothes. In cold weather, put your terrier in a sweater or overalls. In the heat, a dog fan or a special cooling mat will save.

To keep your dog's muscles toned, take him for a walk every day. But avoid routes with steps. Going up and down stairs is bad for the back.

Dogs of this breed unpretentious to food. They do well if they eat lean meats and vegetables. Their diet also includes milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs and heavily boiled oats. Do not forget about vitamin and mineral supplements that the veterinarian will select.
Sometimes you can pamper your Dandie Dinmont Terrier with raw beef bone.

An important point in hair care - trimming. Pinch off dead hairs with your hands, and not with special scissors, otherwise the wool will deteriorate. Brush your dog regularly and take him to the groomer regularly.

Brush your terrier's teeth regularly. To do this, buy a special toothpaste and a dog toothbrush. Clean your dog's ears with cotton swabs soaked in ear cleaner or boiled water. Do this at least once a week.

Wipe your eyes with special means. Nails should be trimmed as soon as they grow back. After cutting, file the claws with a nail file.

Education and training

Dandie Dinmont Terrier different stubbornness. Training will require a lot of patience, time and endurance.

As soon as the dog is 4-5 months old, start teaching basic commands. First of all, your pet must remember "No".

If you are a beginner, do not try to handle the training yourself, it is better to take your pet to a dog handler and train with other dogs in a group. This will help your pet become less aggressive towards members of its own species and gender.

Health and longevity

Representatives of the breed live on average 11-14 years old. First of all, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is prone to the following diseases:

  • Back pain such as prolapsed vertebral discs. Long format dogs are prone to back problems. If he moves awkwardly, does not like to run, or flinches when touched on his back, hurry to the veterinarian. To avoid problems, do not let your dog climb stairs or steep slopes.
  • Glaucoma causing blindness. This is a hereditary disease. Glaucoma can be treated with medication or surgery. If your dog's eyes are watery, he can't see well at night, and he's scratching his face, visit your veterinarian.

How much and where to buy

There is no National Breed Club in the country, a puppy can only be bought from breeders. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a very rare dog. In 2012, there were only 60-70 individuals in Russia.

Puppy price: $1300-$1500

Photo of the breed

A selection of photos of Dandie Dinmont Terriers.

If you want to get yourself an original pet with an unusual appearance and small size, be sure to pay attention to such a breed as the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. With the right and regular approach to education, the pet will definitely be friendly towards children and other pets. The advantages of this breed include fearlessness and lack of molting. It is these qualities that many owners pay attention to when choosing a pet. How to properly care for pets, and what is the price of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier?

How the breed originated

The first mention of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier appeared as early as 55 BC in Britain. In the old days, the British met small dogs on the street that hunted rodents and small game. Many called representatives of this breed "earthen", because they hunted in the ground. Terriers are able to sneak quietly and slowly, wait for rodents in holes, and also get them even from hard-to-reach places. Over time, the British began to take pets to hunt for a bear or a badger. At the same time, the small growth of animals did not frighten anyone - when they saw the beast, they could immediately grab onto its throat.

To this day, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog is in demand among owners of private houses, which need to be constantly protected from small pests, weasels and martens.

Breeders still argue about the origin of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed. However, they managed to come to the conclusion that the pets are descended from Bedlington Terriers and Skye Terriers, by mixing blood. That is why pets have such an unusual hat.

Breed Dandie Dinmont Terrier: standard

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog was first officially recognized back in 1955. At this time, the Cynological Association outlined the breed standards that every purebred dog should have.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog breed must have the following standards:

  • growth averages 20-28 cm;
  • the weight of the pet varies in the range of 8-11 kilograms;
  • coat color can be mustard and pepper;
  • the head of the animal is large, corresponds to the size of the body, with well-developed jaws;
  • the forehead is large and convex;
  • the skull is wide - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes it narrows slightly;
  • the head is covered with thick and soft hair, which is slightly longer than on the body;
  • the nose is small, black in color and slightly convex;
  • the eyes are round, small in size, set wide apart, their protein is not visible - usually the cornea is painted in a dark hazel color;

  • hanging ears, slightly shifted to the back of the head;
  • the neck is strong and well developed, as seen in many photos;
  • the body is long and quite flexible;
  • paws are short, strong, straight and widely spaced (this can be seen in many photos);
  • claws are black, small in length, but sharp;
  • double type wool - the undercoat is soft, and the top layer of wool is hard, which provides the animal with uniform heating of the body.

Height and weight parameters for females and males may differ. You can find out how the Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog breed should look like in the photo of these animals.

Character features

Dandies can be not only hunters, but also pets. You can get them for single people and families with children - in any case, the puppy will not be bored. Often, pets are brought in to protect the territory - they serve excellently and in any case are ready to come to the defense of the owner.

Many photos of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier show that they can easily live in a small apartment, but in this case, the owner will have to take long walks, during which the puppy will actively run and play, since the Dandies are quite mobile. However, they will need to be closely monitored so that the animal does not begin to hunt.

At home, representatives of this breed perfectly share the territory with other animals, but they do not favor them on the street, so it is better to keep dogs on a leash while walking in crowded places.

Many photos of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog breed show that they are especially good with children. With them, they like to run, play noisy games, and also just frolic. Many breeders claim that the dandy:

  • cheerful;
  • curious;
  • brave;
  • active;
  • contact;
  • devotees.

But still, representatives of this breed have some disadvantages. Dandies are often stubborn and often make their own decisions. It is these character traits that may not allow the owner and the pet to establish relations. However, if you start raising a puppy from an early age, such conflicts can be avoided.

Breeders are not advised to have same-sex pets, as each of them will constantly try to occupy a hierarchical level. In this case, the owners will become constant witnesses to conflict situations.

Almost every Dinmont is jealous. They can only accept animals they have grown up with. Therefore, as the dog grows older, you should not start a puppy or a cat, as this can lead to adverse consequences.

As you know, dogs lend themselves well to education and training, but they must be regular. The approach to this breed must be tough, but it should not use rudeness and excessive pressure. The best option is playful exercise with treats and verbal rewards.

If the owner constantly uses brute force, the pets will simply stop obeying him. Therefore, it is imperative to be gentle and caring with dogs - then the pet, without hesitation, will be able to give his life for his master.

Haircut and maintenance dandy

Grooming the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a must for every member of the breed. Since shedding in a dog of this breed does not occur in the same way as in other dogs, the pet needs to be cut regularly. Also, this must be done due to the fact that the dandy has too coarse wool. Therefore, in order to comb it, you need to use soft combs.

However, the haircut of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier should not be done “full” - it is enough to periodically remove the loose hair on the body. On the head, many owners leave a fur hat, which is the decoration of the breed.

It is especially important to regularly clean the hair around the fingers, around the eyes, on the stomach and around the anus. You can find out what dandy haircuts are in the photo.

Important! Grooming a Dandie Dinmont Terrier should be carried out by a master who knows how best to cut the animal, and what nuances need to be taken into account during the procedure.

Feeding the Dandy Terrier

Representatives of this breed should eat a balanced and healthy diet. As a rule, breeders are advised to choose special feeds, however, it is sometimes difficult to choose high-quality products. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the weight and height of the dog, the activity and course of any diseases.

To make your pet feel good, it is recommended to choose super-premium or holistic food. They differ from others in quality, and also contain natural meat.
Also in the diet must be cottage cheese, meat and vitamin supplements. But sweets, flour products and other harmful dandy ingredients are forbidden to be given, as this can lead to digestive problems.

An animal's access to clean water is a prerequisite.

Since pets are not large in size or weight, they usually eat little. Therefore, nutrition must be varied and nutritious. Only in this way the owner will be able to maintain the health of his pet.


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is naturally in excellent health. Each of its representatives has a strong and strong immune system, so diseases in dogs are extremely rare. The most common diseases in pets are:

  • epilepsy;
  • glaucoma;
  • back health problems.

To avoid vision problems, timely haircut of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is important.

Although the pet's immune system is excellent, it still needs regular vaccinations to help protect the animal from dangerous diseases.

Dinmont Terrier price

The price of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier varies between 300-600 dollars. Puppies with a good pedigree and from famous parents will cost a little more.

Looking at the photo of the Dandy Terrier, you can see that this is a cheerful and cheerful breed that will be an excellent watchman and hunter if the dog is properly educated.

Where and when did the terrier breed appear? It is generally accepted that these breeds originate from Britain, but not everything is clear in their history. Only in recent centuries have there been references to terrier breeds, and they began to be entered into stud books no earlier than the 19th-20th centuries.

But evolution and breeding - the factors in the emergence of breeds - acted long before that. In 43 AD Britain became a Roman province. He first mentioned terriers in 55 AD. Roman Pliny the Elder. His compatriots penetrated the British Isles to present-day Wales and everywhere met small dogs there, with whom they hunted animals living in holes and rock crevices - foxes, badgers. They called these dogs "terraria" (from the Latin word "terra" - "earth"). Later, the English name of the dogs of this subgroup arose. At home, "earth dogs" were first described in the 11th century. In 1576, the court doctor John Caius mentioned in his book "On English Dogs" burrowing dogs "terrars", which kill the beast in a hole or drive it out. In many parts of Britain, farmers and peasants kept these brave dogs, used them to hunt even bears, as well as to guard their homes, look after children, and sometimes they were used to herd livestock. They destroyed rodents and helped fight small predators.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier- an old breed of burrow terriers. It was distributed mainly in the border area between England and Scotland, which is traditionally called the Borderland. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier was indispensable for hunting in the narrow rocky burrows of that area. The breed gained fame and popularity thanks to the novels and short stories by Walter Scott, who described in detail hunting with low-legged Dachs-like terriers with long ears and a tuft on his head. The hero of the novel Tai Mennering, "farmer and hunter Dandy Dinmont, kept six terriers of this breed. The novel was published in 1814, and since then these terriers have been called Dandie Dinmont Terriers. By the way, the breed has changed little since then.

According to the images and descriptions of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed of the late 18th century, it can be concluded that the Dandie Dinmont and Bedlington descended from the same ancestors. Most of all dandy spread in the 1870s. Today, this original terrier remains a fairly rare breed. This dog is an excellent companion, preferring to be the only friend and protector of his master. This healthy and hardy dog ​​often lives to 15 years or more. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier remains an excellent fox hunter: he is strong and vicious, has a powerful low voice that does not match his height, small size allows him to penetrate any hole. Hunting with several Dende Dinmont Terriers at once is not recommended, as the dogs can fight among themselves.

Extracts from the standard

General form. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a short-legged terrier with an elongated, strong and flexible body and short limbs. The length of the body from the withers to the base of the tail is 2.5-5 cm less than twice the height. Height at the withers. 20-25 cm. Weight. 8-11 kg.

Head. Large, broad between the ears, with a convex rounded forehead, tapering towards the muzzle. Muzzle with powerful jaws. The length of the forehead relative to the length of the muzzle is 5:3. The nose is large, black.

Eyes. Large, widely spaced, rounded. At one of the exhibitions in Europe, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier received a special prize "For the most beautiful eyes".

Ears. Hanging, rather large, wide at the base, rounded at the ends.

Neck. Strong.

Frame. elongated. The chest is deep, with rounded ribs. The topline is gently curved.

limbs. The forelimbs are short and powerful. The hind limbs are longer than the forelimbs and wider set. The claws are strong, the front paws are larger than the hind ones.

Tail. 20-25 cm long, carried straight, moving above the line of the back.

hairline. About 5 cm long, coarser and darker on the body and on top of the tail, not attached; on the head it forms a fluffy necessarily light cap, on the muzzle - a mustache and a beard, at the ends of the ears - soft tassels, from below the tail - a dewlap. Soft fluffy coat is an elongated undercoat. The soft tuft on the head and the “tassels” at the ends of the ears, as well as the “edge” on the underside of the body and on the limbs, must be carefully combed, and the dead hard hair on the upper part of the body and tail should be carefully pinched off periodically without damaging the undercoat.

Color. Colors of "pepper" or "mustard". "Pepper" - from blue-black to silver-gray; "mustard" - from reddish-red with a bronze tint to pale fawn. At the same time, the crest on the head is white with a creamy tint, on the limbs it is darker. Often there is a white spot on the chest.

Olga Mishchikha, magazine "Drug" (dogs)

This type of terrier is considered one of the most ancient. Like other breeds of this branch, such animals were bred to fight rodents and other small pests. It is believed that the breed comes from somewhere in Scotland. In addition, these dogs were often used to hunt small game, such as badgers and otters. Dandie Dinmont Terriers look very funny, in terms of body structure they resemble a dachshund because of their short legs and long torso. But their fur is different. On the muzzle there is something like a false mustache and beard, and on the head is a cap.

The breed is quite ancient, so among the legends about the history of its appearance, it is difficult to distinguish between truth and fiction. But experts still came to some consensus. It is believed that the breed got its name from one of the characters in Walter Scott's book "Guy Mannering". The first mention of it dates back to the 1700s.

It is believed that the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed was obtained by crossing the old Scottish Terriers, Bedlington Terriers and Otterhounds (hounds that were used to hunt otters). Indeed, now these dogs have qualities seen in all three breeds.

In addition to small pests, hunters trained dogs on all animals living in holes, because their small size just allows them to drive game out of a safe house. Such terriers were loved not only by hunters, but also by itinerant artists, artisans and Scottish gypsies.

Despite its considerable age, the breed was officially registered only in 1918. The international breed standard was developed a little later.

Appearance Features

The breed standard provides for two main colors - mustard and pepper. Mustard includes all shades from light fawn to reddish brown. The color of the "cap" on the head is light cream. On the paws, the hair is darker. Pepper color includes colors ranging from blue-black to silver-gray. The "hat" on the head can be light or silver.

According to the standard, the hair on the front legs should be slightly lighter than the main color of the skin. White paws do not fit into the breed standard. But white spots on the chest and paws are quite acceptable.

Doggies grow to be medium in size, their height, as a rule, does not exceed 25 cm, while it is believed that the smaller the growth, the more the pet fits the breed standard. But the weight with this growth can reach 11 kg.

The coat of Dandie Dinmont Terrier dogs is double, the undercoat is soft, but the hairline itself is quite hard to the touch. On the back, the hairs are slightly longer and they fall down. The length of the hair on the front legs can reach 5 cm. A fluffy “cap” must be present on the head. There are tassels on the ears, and something similar to a mustache and beard on the muzzle.

The paws of the representatives of the breed are short, muscular, widely spaced. The pads are thick. The hind limbs are slightly longer than the forelimbs. The tail is even and can reach 25 cm in length, set on medium. When at rest, the tail is slightly lower than the back, and when excited, it stands upright.

The ears are hanging, shifting from the back of the head to the side, their length can reach 10 cm. Wool grows inside. The neck is strong and muscular, often almost the same width as the back. The body is long, flexible and strong. The back is curved, the upper bend point is in the lumbar region.


Despite their toy appearance, dogs of this breed have a fighting character and are practically not afraid of anyone. They have well-developed fangs, and in other respects they are not much inferior to service dogs. They will not hesitate to rush to protect the owner or their territory, so walking only on a leash is preferable.

At home, such pets practically do not show aggression, rarely bark, but they are not averse to playing with children or just frolic. So do not be surprised, for example, by gnawed slippers standing alone unattended. The pet is naughty not out of harm, but out of character, so it is advisable to simply remove everything of value away. But such a dog can take children even in the absence of parents, so Dandy Dinmont Terriers sometimes make good nannies.

Representatives of the breed are smart, active and moderately playful. But by nature, they are introverts and will feel uncomfortable in a crowd of people, and they will be distrustful of individual strangers. The animal is attached to only one person, considering it to be its owner, but it also coexists quite peacefully with the rest of the household. Terriers can show aggression towards other people's dogs, and sometimes they can even start a fight on a walk, so at these moments you should be especially careful and not let your pet off the leash.

Keeping such terriers with rodents is highly discouraged. After all, hunting for them is an ancient specially formed instinct and the ability to do so is one of the main characteristics of the breed. In extreme cases, it is worth making sure that the rodents and the dog do not intersect. But with cats and other animals, terriers get along quite peacefully, they can only drive them sometimes as a game.

Due to the characteristics of the Dandie Dinmont terrier breed, they are excellent hunters, for example, for the same rabbits, and with proper training, for all game that lives in holes. In addition, these dogs can become excellent companions, the main thing is not to leave the animal alone for a long time, his pets do not tolerate it well.

Care and maintenance

Representatives of the breed are not demanding to the content. They will be comfortable both in the house or apartment, and in the open air. The main thing is that the pet walks enough, and he has enough physical activity, and he will be able to adapt to almost any conditions.

Thanks to the thick, but crisp coat structure, the dog does not need to be brushed and bathed frequently. Is it worth paying a little closer attention to the head and ears.

Regarding trimming, the opinions of experts differ, someone says that a haircut is required 2-3 times a year, and someone thinks that this procedure is enough to carry out only from time to time to remove dead hairs. In any case, the implementation of this procedure is more preferable in the summer heat, and not in the winter cold.

Particular attention should be paid to the coat on the belly and paws, where it is longer and can stray into tangles. Sometimes it may be necessary to trim the hair on the ears and paws, otherwise the pet will look disheveled. Dandie Dinmont Terriers should not be bathed often.

In good conditions, with due attention and care, dogs of this breed live from 11 to 14 years.

Health and nutrition

Unlike most pedigreed dogs, Dandie Dinmont Terriers are surprisingly healthy. In part, this was due to centuries of natural selection. However, due to the elongated body, representatives of the breed are at risk of developing diseases of the intervertebral discs.

It is also important to consider that all terriers have low pain sensitivity, that is, from the outside, you can not notice the mechanical injury of the pet.

The diet of this variety of terriers, in principle, does not differ in composition from the standard food for active dogs. Both natural and dry food are suitable, as long as the food is balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to calorie content, since due to the activity of representatives of this breed, the resulting feed must cover energy costs.

Due to their size, this breed requires very little food. But if it was decided that the pet would receive not dry, but natural food, then the main part of such nutrition should be meat and vegetables. From these ingredients, porridge is cooked for the pet, in which salt and spices cannot be added. After the animal has eaten, there should be no food left in the bowl, if this is not the case, the bowl is washed and the portion is reduced.

Despite the rather good health, the breed still has a predisposition to certain diseases, such as:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Problems with the spine;
  • Allergy to certain types of food (with an improperly formed diet).

The nuances of training

Dogs are rather capricious and if you do not pay due attention to their upbringing and training, they will try to take the leading place in the pack, which is fraught with difficulties with maintenance.

Nevertheless, pets are quite smart and easy to train, and even a beginner can handle teaching an animal simple commands. But for something more complex, such as hunting or circus tricks, it is better to use the services of a professional dog handler.

With all the simplicity of training, it is worth paying attention that representatives of this breed tend to be stubborn, so it is important to be persistent and consistent in your requirements for the animal, but in no case be rude or raise your voice.

It is advisable to start training from early childhood, at the same time teaching the pet to concentrate. The fact is that these dogs get bored with monotonous training pretty quickly, so sometimes you need to be strict (but not rude), and you also need to be patient to achieve good results.


The breed is most widespread in Scotland, but you can also buy a puppy in Russia. Official nurseries are located in major cities. The cost of an average dog fluctuates in the range of 20 - 60 thousand rubles. The price depends on many factors, including celebrity parents, the presence or absence of documents, and so on.

When buying, it is important to consider that puppies will be darker in color than adults. At the age of 8 months, their coat gradually begins to lighten, and the color is fully formed only by the age of three. In addition, it is desirable to pay attention to the behavior of the dog. A healthy puppy will be moderately active and will definitely show interest in a new person who has come to meet him.

To buy, you should carefully choose a breeder. It is important to make sure of his conscientiousness and decency. The proposed puppy must have all the documents and vaccinations required by age.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds, bred in the 18th century in Scotland. Today the dog is considered decorative, but a few decades ago it was an excellent hunter with a strong, strong-willed character.

The history of the origin of the Dandy Terrier began in the distant XVIII century, in Scotland. By crossing the Old Scottish Terrier and the Bedlington Terrier, a new breed was born, which, with its outstanding original appearance and cheerful, playful character, quickly won success among the nobility.
Bedlington Terrier Many Dinmont Terriers were favorites among members of the royal family, including Queen Victoria herself.

Did you know? The dog got its name in honor of the protagonist of Walter Scott's novel "Guy Mannering" Dandy Dinemond, who was the owner of six such terriers.

At the beginning of their existence, dogs were used as hunters for badgers, weasels, foxes, skunks, and various rodents. They also showed excellent watchdog qualities, protecting the house from rodents, including mice and rats.

Today it is extremely rare to meet representatives of this breed. In most cases, they are kept as pets and almost never use their hunting skills.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small, nimble dog that has a funny appearance and a kind, independent disposition.

External data and standard

A feature of the appearance of a dog of this breed, by which it is distinguished from others, is a characteristic fluffy “cap” on the head of thin and delicate white hairs. A pale pink “hat” is allowed.

  1. Another breed name: Dandie Dinmont, Dandie Dinmont, Dandie Dinmont Terrier.
  2. Country (homeland): Scotland, UK.
  3. Group: small terriers.
  4. Height at withers: males - 25-29 cm, female - 20-25 cm.
  5. Body mass: 8-10 kg (preferably a smaller weight).
  6. Color of two types: mustard (from red to chocolate, interspersed with red), pepper (from light gray to blue). There may be small white markings on the chest and toes. Large spots are considered a disadvantage.
  7. Lifespan: 11-14 years old.

Number and date of the breed standard: FCI standard No. 168. Breed standard approved in 1997.

Dandy Terriers have an elongated body, short strong limbs, thick hair up to 5-6 cm. The dog has a rather large head with a wide forehead and well-developed jaws.
The muzzle is slightly elongated, with expressive, very kind big dark brown eyes, a black nose.

On the muzzle of the dog there is a characteristic beard and mustache. The tail of the pet is hanging, saber-shaped, about 20 cm long; ears - hanging, small, located on the head low.

Important! The disqualifying features of the breed are: monochromatic color, lack of thick hair in the form of a cap on the head, erect ears, short body with weak muscles.

The Terrier has a rather controversial disposition. On the one hand, he:

  • medium active;
  • playful;
  • independent, can freely spend time in his own company;
  • silent, very rarely barks, the possible danger and reaction to "strangers" is considered an exception;
  • sweet and tender;
  • loyal. The dog is strongly attached to his master, remains faithful to him until the end of his life. At the same time, he is friendly to other members of the family.

In addition, the dog has excellent intellectual abilities, lends itself perfectly to training, but quickly loses interest in tasks of the same type, as a result of which it becomes inattentive.

It is recommended from an early age to teach the terrier to follow the simplest commands, treat him moderately strictly, demandingly, and do not forget to remind him who is the owner.
Training is carried out sequentially, while making sure that the dinmont does not get bored.

As for the shortcomings of the breed, here are a few:

  • stubborn character. The dog chooses one owner, and if he is at home, then he obeys the commands of all households. In the absence of the owner, the dog does not respond to the commands of others;
  • lack of fear. During a walk, if a terrier notices an aggressive dog, he will rush at it without fear, even with a strong difference in size.

To unfamiliar dandy treats with distrust and extreme caution, may react hostilely to them, so the dog should be walked on a leash.

Buying a puppy is a serious and responsible business. The first thing that is recommended to pay attention to is the reputation of the breeder and his attitude towards the animal.
He must also provide all documents for the dog, including a vaccination card.

When meeting with a puppy, you need to look at his behavior: he must be quite active, show curiosity towards others.
You can buy a small purebred dandy terrier with a good pedigree from breeders at a price of 900 to 1700 USD. e.

Did you know?The smallest dog in history is the Yorkshire Terrier Sylvia. She died in 1945 at the age of 2 years, her height at the withers was 6.3 cm, the length from the tip of her nose to the base of the tail was 9.5 cm and her weight was 113 g.

Due to their small size, compact terriers can live in any area - be it an apartment or an aviary.

The main task of the owner is to allocate a permanent habitat for the pet, not to let him sleep on the beds. Dogs feel especially calm in decorative small houses, a bed with a mattress, etc.
A prerequisite for keeping a Dinmont Terrier is daily long walks in the fresh air, which pets really need. They prefer enhanced physical activity, active dynamic games, jogging.

Elderly terriers require careful care. The physical features of their physique often provoke back problems. Then the dog becomes lethargic, inactive, loses interest in others. In such cases, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian.

Competent and proper care of dandy terriers is simple. They are unpretentious in food, tolerate cold and heat well, and lend themselves well to training.

The owner should pay special attention to the care of the animal's coat. Every day you need to comb the dog, and dead hairs must be removed with your hands, and not with scissors, since the coat can deteriorate.

A soft thick brush is recommended to remove tangles that can form on the stomach and paws. It is systematically necessary to cut the hair on the paws, in the ears, beard, inguinal zone.
This will not only prevent the appearance of tangles, but also give the pet a beautiful, well-groomed appearance.

For bathing the dog, special shampoos for dogs and warm water are suitable. Bathing your pet is often not recommended.


Terrier teeth need regular cleaning. To do this, you need to purchase a special toothbrush and paste for dogs, clean several times a week.
Annual visits to the dentist will help you avoid problems with your teeth and keep them healthy. Bad breath may indicate the development of caries or gum disease. Only a doctor will help to deal with the problem.

Terrier eyes and ears require systematic care and inspection. Ears should be examined daily to avoid the development of various pathologies: inflammation, swelling, discharge, unpleasant odor.

But the cleaning itself is often not necessary, it is enough to scrape out dirt and excess sulfur with a cotton swab or disk several times a week.

Dogs of this breed are often prone to a disease such as ocular glaucoma.. Therefore, you should regularly wipe your pet's eyes with special lotions or chamomile infusions, as well as conduct a daily visual inspection.
In the presence of inflammation, "white veil" in the eyes, tearing or other disorders, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Due to their small size, Dandy Terriers eat very little. The main products in their diet should be vegetables and lean meats.

It is also allowed to regularly pamper your pet with cottage cheese, milk, eggs, various. When feeding with natural products, it is necessary to supplement the menu with vitamin and mineral supplements.

The process of feeding an adult animal is simple:

  • before serving, the products are boiled without adding salt and crushed;
  • after the dog has eaten, his bowl is thoroughly cleaned;
  • uneaten pieces of food are necessarily thrown away, and the next portion is slightly reduced.

Dry complexes can be used as food for the terrier, the choice of which depends on the weight and age of the dog.

Important! In most cases, the transition to inexpensive dry food from the "economy" series has an amazing effect on the dog's appearance: the coat becomes thick, smooth and shiny, the pet radiates health and feels great. However, you need to understand that this effect is short-term, and when it ends, the dog will have problems with the liver and kidneys.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of puppies:

  • in the first months of life, small terriers are fed 5-6 times a day with liquid food;
  • the transition to a more solid diet is carried out gradually and only after teething;
  • puppies are given chopped meat without fat, veins and cartilage;
  • the first six months the basis of the menu are boiled vegetables, meat, milk, unsalted cottage cheese, eggs. After six months, it is allowed to feed puppies with boiled oatmeal, buckwheat.

Dogs of any age should not be given smoked meats, sweets, fried and peppery foods. Occasionally, you can pamper your pet with a beef bone without veins.

Important!Due to the peculiarities of the body structure of terriers, they should not be overfed. This can lead to serious and severe diseases of the digestive system.

By nature, Dinmont Terriers have excellent, strong immunity, resistant to many diseases. The "weak" side of the breed is their back.

With age, it weakens, begins to hurt, prolapse of the vertebral discs can be observed. If the dog begins to limp, moves awkwardly, prefers rest to active games, you should immediately consult a doctor.
To avoid problems with the spine, you should not allow your pet to run up stairs or steep descents / ascents.

Another “weak link” of terriers is the tendency to develop glaucoma of the eyes, the first signs of which are tearing, poor visibility at night, and scratching of the eyes with paws.

Glaucoma is a hereditary severe disease that causes blindness. It is important to recognize the disease in time and consult a doctor who will offer appropriate therapy: medication or surgery.

Dinmonts are wonderful dogs with a calm temperament, sociable and loyal character.

They willingly walk with their owners, accompany them when shopping, walking, hiking, but at the same time they are not afraid of loneliness and will find something to do.
The main advantages of keeping terriers include:

  • unpretentiousness in nutrition;
  • ease of maintenance and care;
  • excellent health and resistance to various diseases;
  • excellent ability to train;
  • loyalty and devotion to the owner;
  • the absence of an unpleasant specific smell of "dog";
  • great for breeding in small apartments.

At the same time, when keeping a dandy, you may encounter some problems related directly to the natural disposition of the animal:

  • tendency to get involved in a fight;
  • great passion for hunting;
  • the need for frequent walks;
  • problems with the spine;
  • the need for regular grooming, two visits to the grooming salon per year;
  • passion for pranks and dog "pranks".

Despite its compact size, the Dandy Terrier is a strong-willed, courageous and courageous dog that should be treated like a real big dog.
Dinmoths are prone to dominance, but they obey their master unquestioningly and are ready to defend him to the end in case of danger. However, it is important to teach a pet to obedience from an early age through persistent, demanding, but gentle training.