Average cat weight - how much should an adult cat weigh. Length, weight and size of the Scottish cat

Cats are a unique embodiment of hyperactivity and laziness, however, the owners of such animals can attest to this themselves. That their pet dives in long sleep, otherwise he behaves so actively that you get tired of his games. Such interesting behavior of felines can be explained by metabolic processes occurring in the feline body. At the same time, most cats (of course, if their owners follow our recommendations) do not suffer from obesity (more on) and do not look emaciated. By the way, do you know how much should a cat weigh? If you find it difficult to answer this question, we suggest finding it in our new publication ...

What determines the weight of a cat

Of course, by and large, the weight domestic cat depends on the conditions of its maintenance, on the diet (find out), the degree of love and attention from the owners, on breed predisposition(more about) and on the state of health of the animal. As you can see, quite a lot of factors affect the performance of your pet's weight category. Therefore, to say that the normal weight for a feline is “x” kilograms would be as wrong as to say that all types of cars should consume “x” liters of gasoline per kilometer of road.

What weight should a cat have

And, although we will not tell you the exact indicator, there are some predetermining factors. So, the weight of a domestic cat on average ranges from 2 to 7 kilograms. At the same time, the weight of individual individuals of the breed can reach 11 or more kilograms. So, for example, it is known that

the largest and heaviest cat weighed 21.3 kilograms.

However, from a veterinary point of view, such excessive fatness is a sign of obesity and poor health. So, don't try to beat the world record by fattening up your pet.

But, back to the average weight for cats - the weight range is too large. Also, it is necessary to remember about the features of the individual body structure - even in one breed there are large individuals, but there are also small ones. An adult cat can weigh as much as 2.7 kilograms, while a teenage cat can weigh more than 5 kilograms.

How to determine the degree of fatness of a cat

So, you and I need to determine the degree of fatness of the cat. If she is thin - she should be fed more, if she has signs of obesity - it's time to put the cute meowing creature on a diet. To answer the question, just pat your cat on the back. If during stroking you do not feel the spine of the animal under your hands, or the vertebrae are weakly palpable, it will not be superfluous to put the pet on a diet or at least on light food. If, on the contrary, the vertebrae bulge out, your cat is malnourished and her body weight is below normal. True, this is also possible when the body is infected with worms (o) or with some other diseases. Therefore, you will also need to make sure that your cat is healthy and does not have worms.

In a cat whose body weight is within the normal range, the spine should consist of vertebrae, you should feel them, but they should not stick out from under the skin ...

How to weigh a cat

If you need to not only visually determine the degree of fatness of a cat, but also find out its exact weight, we suggest that you weigh the animal. True, we will immediately make a reservation - far from all types of scales are suitable for such a procedure. You can take ordinary floor electronic. But whether you can make the cat stand on them for a few seconds calmly until the result appears on the scoreboard is not an easy task. Alternatively, you can weigh yourself with the cat in your arms, then weigh yourself (without the cat), and subtract the second from the first mass. The difference will be the weight of your cat.

If you need to weigh big cat, and a small kitten - floor scales will not suit you. Use better ordinary kitchen electronics. Gently place the kitten in the bowl and evaluate the result. Remember to reset the scale to zero before weighing your baby.

Why you need to know the exact weight of a cat

As a rule, small kittens are weighed at birth, and if they are suspected that they are not gaining weight well and are malnourished (find out). And, here adults are weighed in order to determine the dosage of the medicine (read how to give the cat medicine), the volume of servings during feeding. Also, if you are going , some carriers are interested in the weight of the cat and if it is within allowable norms– the animal travels with you in the cabin and not in the luggage compartment. The weight of the cat also helps you keep track of how the animal is developing and how it meets the standards of its breed. This information becomes a hint for you to be able to read. So,

if for Maine Coon cats a weight of 5 kilograms is a sign of malnutrition, then for Abyssinian cats It's already a symptom of obesity.

And, in the first and in the second case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures.

Interesting fact, domestic cats that do not go outside for a walk weigh more than their relatives with the right to freely go outside.

A special role in the life of a cat is occupied by a period of active growth, when the animal is gaining weight. It occurs in the first six months of life pet. Therefore, it is important to know what the weight of a kitten should be by months. For these purposes, there special table. It will help to track this indicator throughout the entire period of growth of the animal and correct the shortfall or overshoot in time.

Determination of weight domestic kitten- a great way to assess its growth and development. If the mass is gaining slowly, this indicates health problems. Also, problems with well-being can be in a nursing cat. Second reason bad set is a shortage nutrients(for example, many cubs were born in the litter).

Kittens are characterized rapid growth, because in vivo they leave their mother at 12-16 weeks of age. Therefore, at the beginning of their life, they should eat a balanced and high-calorie meal. Every week, the cub should gain 50-100 g. If the animal is gaining less, it must be taken to the veterinarian. But there are times when a pet has a temporary stabilization of this indicator. Then the set resumes and goes at an accelerated pace.

For each breed of cats, there is a special table that indicates the normal weight of the animal, depending on its age. This is important to know, since the norm is directly dependent on two indicators - age and breed.

Therefore, you can find out how much a kitten of a particular breed should weigh without any problems. Do not forget that this indicator is seriously affected by a complete, balanced and rational diet.

In the first days after birth

Newly born babies have a mass of about 70-130 g. In the first days of life, the cubs practically do not move and do not see anything. At this time, their main task is to eat, sleep and grow. As a result of this regimen, they should gain 10-15 g per day.

Up to a month

In the first 3-6 days, babies weigh in the range of 85-200 g. By the end of the first week of life, this figure is 140-285 g. At this time, the eyes begin to open in animals, a reaction to extraneous smells and sounds appears, they become more active.

Therefore, kittens in the first month of their life need a full-fledged enhanced nutrition. For this, there is an expansion of the diet. It is added dairy products. Gradually, the transition of animals from breastfeeding to self-catering dry food or natural food. Their weight during this period is about 500-700 g.

Up to three months

An animal at the age of 2 months already behaves like an adult. At this time, the mother is less and less likely to feed the babies with milk, since the body of the kittens is already quite ready for self-feeding. Therefore, the second month is a great time to transfer the pet to a new owner. By this age, the weight of kittens is 1-1.4 kg.

After 4 weeks, animals should eat at least 5 times a day. Every time the pets are given a fresh portion of food. During this period, it is already necessary to decide what exactly the animal will eat: dry food or natural products. Three-month-old kittens weigh about 1.7-2.3 kg.

A detailed graph of weight gain in domestic cats and cats is as follows:

  • newborn babies: females - 116-145, males - 118-147 g;
  • 1 week: 240-260, 240-280 g;
  • 2 weeks: 340-400, 350-420 g;
  • 4 weeks: 560-740, 630-820 g;
  • 6-8 weeks: 1.15-1.4, 1.2-1.5 kg;
  • 10-12 weeks: 1.7-2.3, 1.8-2.3 kg;
  • 14-16 weeks: 2.6-3.6, 2.7-3.8 kg;
  • 5 months: 2.9-4.3, 3.2-5.5 kg;
  • 6 months: 3.2-4.5, 3.9-6 kg;
  • 7 months: 3.5-4.9, 4.2-6.5 kg;
  • 8 months: 3.8-5.2, 4.5-6.9 kg;
  • 9 months: 4.1-5.5, 5-7 kg;
  • 10 months: 4.2-5.8, 5.3-7.7 kg;
  • 11 months: 4.3-6.1, 5.6-8 kg;
  • 1 year: 4.5-6.8, 5.7-9 kg.

After 1 year, the mass of animals directly depends on the breed and nutrition.

Gain control

You need to control the increase in a kitten every month. First, a kitchen scale is used. When the animal becomes larger, it is weighed on floor scales.

The monthly set should be 100-150 g.

The body weight of the pet must be checked against the table calculated for a particular breed. The measurements taken are recorded in a special diary.

According to various international studies, domestic cats and dogs are predisposed to obesity due to overfeeding by their loving hosts. So, for example, in the USA, 58% of cats kept at home weigh more than it should be according to the norms.

At first glance, nothing serious at least most owners think so, but excess weight can lead to dangerous diseases. For example, to the development, arthritis, skin diseases, heart and breathing problems.

What weight is considered normal for pets?

It depends on the breed of the cat.

  • non-pedigreed specimens usually weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg;
  • ideal weight for - from 3 to 5.5 kg;
  • Siamese cats feel best when their weight does not drop below 2.5 kg and does not exceed 4.5 kg.

There are also visual ways to determine if your cat's weight is within limits.

Feel the ribs and spine of the animal. Should normally be felt thin layer fat between bone and skin. If the ribs are visible, it means that it is not harmful for the cat to gain weight. But if the ribs are palpable with difficulty, obesity is evident.

There is another way: look at the cat from above. Yes, don't be surprised! At healthy cat a waist should be clearly visible, which is smaller in diameter than rib cage.

What to do if your cat is overweight?

Medical examination

Of course, first of all, the weight of your pet depends on the diet and food he consumes. However, be sure to check out veterinarian. First, he will prescribe several tests to identify possible diseases, a sign of which is weight gain. Secondly, be sure to ask for recommendations regarding the diet of your ward.

You may need a special diet.

More sports and less food!

Try to reduce one-time portions of food and do not fall for cat tricks like persistent purring and demonstrative falls into a "hungry faint" after eating a delicious bowl.

Do not give the cat or cat all at once daily allowance food.

If your pet has gained too much weight, do not feed him dry food, rich in carbohydrates and fats, offer canned food instead.

Choose food according to your cat's age and set aside at least 5-10 minutes a day to play with your pet. A few minutes of active movements, running and jumping will be the minimum necessary for her to keep her body in good shape.

Marina Karetnaya specially for Murchiki

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Many factors influence how much a Scottish cat weighs at 6 months, at 1 year, or at any other age. First of all, this is genetics: what genes she received from mom and dad, she inherits such dimensions. There are Scottish cats that are quite miniature, which are closer to the lower limit in weight, but you don’t need to get better, because. they have less bones. And there are, on the contrary, cats that appearance closer to the British because of large body. Open the photo gallery below and compare for yourself. All cats in the photo are of normal build, without obesity and without malnutrition, but their weight is very different. a photo

Also, the nature of the diet greatly affects the weight: if it is balanced and the cat receives as many calories as it needs (no more and no less), then it will be slimmer, if it overeats, it can become obese or simply have more body weight within the normal range.

In addition, the moment of onset of puberty is also important. In cats, when estrus begins, growth is stunted. And sometimes, if estrus is too frequent, for example, 1-2 times a month, growth may stop altogether. The intensity of growth and weight gain is significantly reduced after sterilization, however, the risk of obesity in the future increases due to increased appetite.

How old are Scottish cats?

As for how Scottish kittens are born, it depends not only on the genetics of the parents, but also on the number of kittens in the litter: the more there are, the less each will weigh. However, kittens born of different weights may eventually even out with age: every day they will gain 10-20 grams up to 1 month, and at the age of 1 to 6 months - up to 100 grams per day.

Kittens need to grow balanced diet. For the formation skeletal system calcium is important, but calcium without phosphorus leads to an overabundance, which is fraught with negative consequences. In addition, calcium without vitamin D is not absorbed. Therefore, all trace elements that come through food must be in harmony. At all little kitty receives everything she needs from her mother through milk for 1 month and, if the mother eats a balanced diet, the kittens get stronger. And if the mother receives less of some trace elements, children can get, for example, rickets. Read about how to feed weaned kittens.

As can be seen from our table, Scottish kittens grow intensively up to about 8 months, then growth slows down, but still changes are noticeable up to 1 year. Further, from 1 year to 2 years, the Scottish cat is still growing a little, but this is not significant: during this time, it can gain about 0.5-0.7 kg as much as possible, unless, of course, there are some nutritional failures and the cat , for example, does not become obese.

With cats, these figures shift: intensive growth occurs up to 1 year, and then the Scottish cat can grow up to 2.5 years, but not significantly.

Starting at 4 months old, your pet is already a teenager. Theoretically, if a female cat lived on the street and she went into heat, adult cats would perceive her as a sexually mature female and could come into contact with her. Similarly, other cats could fight with a large six-month-old male, perceiving him as an equal.

At six months, a teenage kitten has already gained 70% of its body weight, so in the future it should gain the missing 30% as a maximum.

Scottish cat size

The answer to the question of what size a Scottish cat or cat depends not only on their weight, but also on their body length. There are miniature cats that do not grow much in length, respectively, and their body weight should be less. In general, Scottish cats are of medium size. normal length Scottish cat or a cat (excluding the tail) is in the region of 55 cm, plus or minus.

The height of Scottish cats, that is, the height from the floor to the withers, in a standing position on four legs, is approximately 30 cm. This is important to consider when choosing a carrier, because. the cat must be able to stand in it in full height without bending down. The same applies to the tray-house.

If your cat performs at exhibitions, then not only her overall size but also the length of the tail and limbs. Ideally, the tip of the tail should reach the shoulder blades when laid along the body. The paws should not be too thick and short, like those of the British: we recall that the bones of the Scots are lighter and more elegant.

Body Scottish cat- from medium size to a large, rectangular format - not a square, rounded lines, proportionate at the level of the shoulders and croup. Too stretched or massive body is considered a fault. Wide chest. The head is round like a ball, pronounced whiskers (mustache) and chin.

Pets, just like people, can experience weight problems. Cats living in urban apartments often lead an inactive lifestyle, and they get too much food. As a result, the pet has an excess of fat cells, which negatively affect general state health. Animals experience problems with cardiac activity, are prone to developing arthritis and other pathologies. internal organs. Therefore, the weight of a cat must be maintained within certain limits, and for this you should know the accepted norms, depending on age and breed.

visual inspection

To determine the condition of the animal, it is necessary to carefully examine its physique. The state of the limbs and abdomen is determined when looking at the profile, the lumbar region and waist are assessed when viewed from above. The weight of a cat can also be "calculated" with manual palpation. For this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs is probed with fingers. Moreover, if the bones stick out at the slightest pressure, then the animal is malnourished, if it is necessary to make an effort to probe them, then most likely the pet is obese.

After the ribs, the waist and abdomen are evaluated. In a cat, it is very sensitive, so care must be taken when palpating. If you hold two palms from the waist to pelvic bones, you should get the shape of an hourglass. If this sensation does not arise, then the weight of the cat is most likely overweight.

Next, the abdomen is examined. Softness should be felt under the fingers. But if it hangs heavily or is swollen, then nutritional adjustment is necessary. A sunken stomach indicates a lack of nutrition or illness.

Underweight and its causes

If a cat is viewed hip bones and ribs, and the spine has a minimal layer of fat, then the animal is underweight. At the same time, the neck is thin, the stomach is sunken and the limbs have an unhealthy appearance. In this case, the pet should be shown to a specialist for an appointment. medical nutrition and clarifying the problem. Often the reason for the lack of weight are worms.

You can determine the lack of weight by the following signs:

  • easily palpable when stroking;
  • a layer of fat is minimal or completely absent;
  • muscle mass poorly palpable;
  • vertebrae are visible;
  • the abdominal fold is poorly palpable, the abdomen is sunken.

Obesity and problem solving

The weight of a cat is considered overweight if the waist is not palpable, the ribs are covered with a layer of fat, the stomach protrudes and has a spherical shape. Fat deposits can also be seen on the limbs, in the lumbar region and muzzle. To help the animal, you should contact your veterinarian for the appointment of corrective nutrition and recommendations for physical activity.

If the breeder decided to act independently, then it is important to observe the principle of gradualness. A sharp decline weight can lead to health problems, which the cat is already weakened. The diet should be less high-calorie. It is best to choose a special medicinal food for obese animals.

It is important to prevent overeating and control the diet of your pet. Therefore, of course, it is possible to pamper an animal with a treat, but it is important to observe reasonableness. Obesity brings to the life of a cat not only discomfort during movement, but is also fraught with the development of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure and joint problems.

normal animal weight

The weight of an adult cat may vary depending on the breed. For determining normal parameters specialists use specially developed data. But the given parameters should be taken as information for reflection, because they may differ depending on individual characteristics animal, its sex and state of health. For example, weight british cat has several standards. If a shorthair can weigh from 4 to 8 kg, then for a longhair the norm is from 3 to 7 kg. Below are the average weight data popular breeds cats.

  • Bengal - 3.5-6.8 kg.
  • Bombay - 3.0-6.0 kg.
  • Cornish Rex - 3.0-5.0 kg.
  • Siamese - 3.0-5.0 kg.
  • Maine Coon - 4.0-10.0 kg.
  • Scottish - 2.7-6.0 kg.

As you can see, the weight of the Scottish cat and the Maine Coon has a large range. Therefore, in addition to standards, one must be guided by both age and visual inspection. And the given norms show only the lower and upper bounds.

normal weight cat

An animal with a normal weight has a harmoniously folded body and a well-defined waist. If you look at the cat from above, then its body resembles an hourglass. The ribs are palpable, but do not protrude and lack a large layer of fat. The side view shows a well tucked up abdomen.

However, visual inspection should take into account the characteristics of the breed. If some cats look sophisticated, then others are always heavy and stocky. It happens that the breed standard does not exclude the presence of a small abdominal fold.

Ideal weight

Before putting an animal on a diet or, conversely, fattening it, you should familiarize yourself with the standards and characteristics of the breed to which the cat belongs. Dimensions and weight also depend on gender.

So, males of the Make-Coon, Ragamuffin and British Shorthair can weigh up to 10-12 kg, and at the same time they will not show signs of obesity. Females always weigh less. But the Japanese Bobtail, Peterbald or Cornish Rex cannot be heavier than 5 kg. Females weigh even less - 2-3 kg.


Active growth of a cat and weight gain occurs up to a year. Normal domestic cat, excluding breed, weighs an average of 3-6 kg. Females are always lighter by 2-3 kg. If a pet is diagnosed with a lack or excess of weight, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian to find out the cause and eliminate it. The specialist will also recommend proper diet, which contributes to normal digestion and satisfies the pet with all the necessary nutrients.

Being overweight or underweight is always a sign of health problems. Exceeding the norm causes malfunctions in cardiac activity, can provoke the development diabetes, gives complications to the joints and reduces life expectancy.

Lack of weight is manifested not only due to poor nutrition. It may signal some problems. The causes may be worms, metabolic disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract and even cancer.