How to properly feed Scottish cats. Scottish fold: how to properly feed a kitten from a month to a year? Feeding a kitten by age

Representatives of the Scottish Fold breed are very peaceful and unpretentious creatures. Their diet includes a wide selection of products, but it is worth considering a few features, which will be discussed below. The optimal food for Scottish Fold cats is industrial food, both dry and canned. In addition to specialized cat food, selected based on the age (kitten, adult cat) and the level of activity of the cat (calm, moderate, active), representatives of the breed can be fed with the following products, which will be discussed below.

A cat with an "average" level of activity should receive a basic amount of calories. For a calm pet who is mostly at home and does not expend much energy, you may need ten percent less food than recommended on food packages. At the same time, an active pet that plays all day may require 20-40 percent more than the base amount of food.

Your cat should always have free access to fresh, clean water. The water bowl should be washed every day.

Cats require taurine, an amino acid that is essential for normal heart function, vision, and reproduction. While most mammals can synthesize taurine from other amino acids in the body, cats cannot. Since taurine is found only in animal protein foods, cats need a meat-based diet to meet their body's needs.

Like humans, too hot or cold weather can increase a cat's energy requirements. Extra energy is required to keep warm or cool, so you may want to consult your veterinarian about a feeding schedule in such cases. If the pet is recovering from surgery or is suffering from an illness, there may also be an increase in nutritional requirements to speed up the healing process. Discuss with your veterinarian how to adjust your cat's diet during illness or recovery.

As a general rule, it is recommended to feed cats twice a day. Measure out the recommended daily amount as indicated on the cat food package and divide it into two meals. The interval between doses is from eight to twelve hours. Try to adjust to your cat's needs by observing her behavior: whether she eats all the food, how often she goes to the bowl, and so on.

Some cat owners work to a strict schedule that does not allow them to feed their pet twice a day. Don't worry - cats can be safely fed in other ways that meet the needs of both the pet and the owner. It is perfectly acceptable to give food in small portions more than twice a day, or put in a bowl at a time the daily portion of food. However, in this case, you need to ensure that the animal does not overeat and the food remains fresh. If there are difficulties with this, then special devices are sold that give out certain amounts of food at the appointed time - so the animal will not be tempted to eat everything at once.

Feeding Scottish Fold kittens at the age of 1-2 months

If you need to take care of kittens in their first few months of life, prepare to transition them gradually from milk to regular cat food.

Newborn lop-eared kittens receive good nutrition from their mother's milk during the first four weeks of life. Mother's milk is 100 percent suitable for their needs, so you don't have to feed them anything extra.

In the event that the mother cat is ill, unable to produce enough milk, or if the kittens were found without a mother, a milk replacer may be needed. If you have this situation, contact your veterinarian for food selection and feeding recommendations.

During the first weeks of life, a kitten's weight can double or even triple. This rapid growth will continue, but gradually the rate will decrease. Large amounts of energy and nutrients are needed to support this impressive growth.

Make sure the food you choose is formulated specifically for kittens. Your pet should be fed this food until it reaches maturity, at about one year of age.

By the time the Scottish Fold kittens are 1 month old, they should be given a small amount of specialized dry kitten food, although milk is still the main food. This gradual introduction process is important in transitioning kittens to adult cat food. Most cats breastfeed their kittens for about two months. By this time, 80 percent of the kitten's total nutrient intake should come from solid food.

Babies separated from their mothers can be fed moistened food at three weeks of age. Use formulated milk substitutes to wet kitten food and gradually reduce the amount of milk.

You can use the free method of feeding - this means that the kitten has access to food at any time he wants. In this way, dry food is mainly given, since it does not disappear and does not dry out during the day. If you have a dog at home, then make sure that he does not eat cat food (dogs love it very much).

Also make sure that there is always fresh water in the kitten's access area. At first, curious kittens will likely play with their food more than eat it, but eventually they will get used to eating it instead of throwing it around the bowl. At the age of 2 months and beyond, the main diet should be dry food in order to support the growth and development of a small Scottish fold kitten!

Veterinarians do not advise using the mixed version, citing the fact that in this case it is difficult to avoid an overdose of vitamin products. An imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body causes disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The choice of food depends on the employment of the owners, their financial capabilities, and the taste preferences of the pet. It should be remembered that the diet should be varied, but at the same time balanced. Obesity is dangerous for the health of any cat.

It is best to feed the animals according to a schedule and a pre-compiled menu. Neutered cats usually face the problem of overweight, so their diet is given special attention.

Many pet owners argue about the correct choice of feed. Some insist on a natural diet, while others say that industrial feed is much healthier and tastier. It is difficult to prove someone is right in this situation.

In addition, in fresh meat and fish delicacies there may be worm larvae, which is fraught with the development of helminthiasis. To avoid infection, you will need to boil or bake a dish for cats, because fried food is harmful not only to the human body, but also the cat's stomach suffers from it.

Ready food does not take much time to feed. It is enough to pour a certain portion in order to clearly know that the pet will not starve until the evening.

What to feed at 2 months and at an older age?

After a month and a half, portions are gradually increased, but the number of feedings is reduced to 4-5 times. At the age of 4 - 5 months, feeding should be done 4 times a day, at 6 - 7 months - 3 times a day, and after 12 - 14 months, the Scottish cat is already fed twice a day.

At home, you can also use the continuous method of feeding Scottish Fold kittens: in this case, food is not removed from the bowl and the kitten can approach it whenever it wants. The food needs to be changed as often, depending on what you are feeding your lop-eared kitten.

For example, dry food may be present in the bowl all the time, while canned food and natural food are changed 4 times a day.

It is important not only to properly feed, but also to water the Scottish Fold kitten. Water should be in a separate container (metal or plastic). If you decide to purchase a plastic bowl, buy it in a specialized store so as not to get a fake: poor quality plastic may contain harmful substances.

Change the water 2 times a day and make sure that no pieces of food get into it.

Food for pregnant and lactating cats

During pregnancy, the Scottish cat should be fed in small portions. Calcium-rich foods (cottage cheese, cheese, fermented baked milk) or nutritional supplements should appear in the diet. Liver and greens best meet the needs of the expectant mother. Lactating cats begin to eat more, because it takes a lot of calories to produce milk.

When asked how to feed a cat after childbirth, veterinarians answer that the same as for kittens, then the milk will be absorbed in the best way. But in the diet of a nursing mother there should be enough protein - 30%.

But what to feed a lactating Scottish Fold cat? In general, the diet for recently born lop-eared beauties does not change much. However, it is worth adding a spoonful of bone meal to a single serving, and pouring a few drops of fish oil on food once a week. Do not forget about vitamins: during this period, animals need additional support with microelements.

Many owners acquire pets for various reasons. The choice is often stopped on cats or dogs. Scottish fold cats have an accommodating character and extreme tenderness. By nature, Scots are smart pets and caring for them is not a big deal.

Scottish fold care

The Scottish cat should be combed out using a special device - a furminator. The device will remove dead hair and give the animal an attractive appearance. You can also comb out the pet's fur with a special brush, it is enough to use it several times a week. Such grooming procedures prevent tangling of the animal's hair and the formation of hairballs in the stomach. If necessary, purchase pastes to remove lumps. Bathing a lop-eared Scot is worth no more than once in 1-2 months with the help of shampoos.

Daily care includes hygiene procedures: moisten a swab or napkin with clean water, wipe the eyes and nose of the animal. The cat's ears are cleaned with cotton swabs once a week. Brush your teeth daily or several times a week with a meat-flavored toothpaste and brush. Cats need such a need with natural feeding.

Ready-made food for the animal helps to clean the enamel right in the process of eating. However, checking your mouth is essential to avoid bad breath, gum disease, and tartar. It is advisable to carry out procedures for brushing teeth, washing and combing from the first months of a cat's life. In the future, the animal will not be stressed and will take the care processes for granted.

Leisure time for a pet, each owner can organize on their own, or use the range of the store. You will need a claw sharpener so that the animal does not spoil the furniture and wallpaper in the apartment, as well as cat toys. The Scots love the attention and care of people, communication with animals should not be neglected. The cat will be able to rest on an open or closed bed. Next to the stove bench, you can place a tray with wood or clay filler. The owner constantly needs to monitor the cleanliness in the tray, lop-eared pets are clean animals and an unpleasant smell leads to the search for a new place for toilet needs.

Pet food and nutrition

Small kittens from two to four months eat food up to six times a day. The kitten will mature and in the period of 4-6 months feeding is reduced to four times. In the age period of 6-8 months, Scottish cats eat three to four times a day. Closer to the year, the pet switches to two meals a day, in the morning and in the evening. Water for the pet is regularly changed to clean water at least once a day.

The nutrition of lop-eared Scots is divided into natural, industrial, or mixed. Each diet has its pros and cons:

  1. Natural food that the owner prepares especially for the pet. Meat is used in low-fat varieties, mainly from chicken, rabbit, veal. Meat can be boiled or given raw. The product should be finely chopped and slightly heated. As a rule, meat products are mixed with boiled or raw vegetables. Cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots are suitable for cats. You can also mix meat with bran or cereals from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice groats. Meat is sometimes replaced with liver, heart, stomachs. To do this, boil and grind, then mix with vegetables, porridge. You can lightly season the pet dish with sunflower, olive, linseed oils. Greens are necessary in the diet of the animal, you can give parsley, lettuce. Fish products are given no more than twice a week. Fish for the Scot is chosen only from the sea, boiled and finely chopped, removed from the bones. Every day you can give fermented milk products, choosing low-fat varieties of yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir. It is better not to use sour cream, cream or milk in the pet's diet. It is useful to give vitamins in the autumn and spring seasons, which will make up for the lack of minerals and amino acids. Vitamins are prescribed by a veterinarian.
  2. Industrial food is divided into dry prepared food and wet food. This option saves a lot of time for the owner, you only need to open the jar before eating. It is recommended to be interested in the composition before buying. A small amount or complete absence of meat in the product, as well as the presence of animal, vegetable fats and cereals - is possible with cheap and low-quality production. Such food will adversely affect the health of the animal. It is better to choose food marked premium or extra class.
  3. A mixed type of food for cats contains the alternation of industrial food with natural food. For example, in the morning, feed a Scot with ready-made products, and cook natural food in the evening. Many owners have a negative attitude towards mixed feeding, they believe that the combination leads to difficult digestion of the pet.

Fold-eared Scots love cleanliness, food should only be given in clean bowls and fresh. Overfeeding the animal leads to overweight, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Ready-made food for the Scottish Fold cat should be used in accordance with the age of the pet.

Today, this breed is quite popular, which means that owners often ask questions about how to feed Scottish kittens. In order for these "plush" creatures to look beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to satisfy the needs of their body for good nutrition. If the mother feeds the baby, then her milk is enough for him for about 20 days. If even before this age he shows anxiety, constantly cries, it means that he no longer has enough milk, he must begin to supplement. This is probably the most difficult test - to feed newborn crumbs, but it is quite feasible. What to feed Scottish kittens under the age of three weeks? Warm goat's or cow's milk will do. This natural product is much better than infant formula.

Artificial feeding

If the cat died or abandoned its offspring, then you can only feed the babies from the bottle yourself. How to feed newborn Scottish kittens, we have already noted. You should not take mixtures for feeding children, organisms in humans and animals are significantly different. But goat's milk is considered the best option. The main problem is that it is necessary to feed the wards approximately every two hours, and sometimes even more often, because if one of them woke up and started crying, then all the other fluffy lumps would soon wake up. Be patient: you will have to take almost maternity leave and take care of your pets!

Kittens are 2 weeks old

Approximately on the 12th day, for the first time, it is allowed to offer purrs real food. It can be pureed meat or boiled fish. Now the most important thing is not the result itself (how much the kids will eat), but to give them the opportunity to try so that their intestinal microflora gradually gets used to such products. We will tell you in detail what to feed Scottish kittens, and what to give is absolutely not worth it. So you can be sure that the diet is correct.

Feeding a one month old kitten

We continue our conversation and smoothly move on to how to feed Scottish kittens at 1 month old. Usually at this time, shaggy handsome men move to live with their new owners and begin to fully eat from a bowl. Now they should have meat in their diet. Necessarily after treatment with steam or boiling water. It can be pureed beef or chicken, in addition, it is very important to add vegetables and fruits to the diet.

If you don’t train your pet to eat healthy now, you will never be able to. It is very important to gradually accustom kittens to eating pieces of meat in order to develop chewing muscles and strengthen teeth. How to feed Scottish kittens with dry food, it’s better to work a little now, preparing fresh portions of food for your pets up to 10 times a day. Gradually, the kittens grow, and portions of meat and fish should increase accordingly. Do not forget that fresh meat is something that is absolutely impossible to feed Scottish kittens at 1 month old. To treat the baby with raw meat, it must first be frozen in the freezer. It must be remembered that it is undesirable to give fatty meat, chicken or beef is best suited.

Your pet is two months old

Surely the breeders gave you some information, told you how to feed Scottish Straight kittens. Indeed, in order for your pet to look chic, you need to provide a complete diet, and not scraps from your table. The baby is growing rapidly, but you already know how to feed Scottish kittens (1.5 months).

The amount of food consumed has not yet increased, and the kitten still asks to eat at least 8 times a day. Usually, sellers warn that by about 2 months, the need for calcium in kittens increases greatly. If you do not give them cottage cheese and fish, the ears may not stand up, and the bones will remain weak. Calcium is necessary for any kitten, but in this case, the breeders emphasize, apparently, so that if the ears do not stand up, there will be no complaints against them. Sea fish can be given raw, but river fish - only boiled. Be sure to clean it of bones. In large quantities, fish can harm the body of a cat, as it contains many mineral salts that can cause urolithiasis. But this problem is relevant only if you feed the cat with one raw fish or for a long time.

Features of the diet at this age

Speaking about what to feed Scottish kittens (2 months), it is necessary to mention the high need of the body for vitamins. To replenish the consumed microelements, it is necessary to give the kittens vitamin flour from germinated wheat or oats. Be sure every breeder should know how to feed Scottish kittens at 2 months. The basis of the diet will continue to be raw frozen meat and boiled boneless fish 2-3 times a week. Dairy products are an important component of the diet, it can be kefir or curdled milk, cottage cheese, but it is not recommended to give yogurt, as they contain sugar. The daily portion is still small, only 150 g. At the same time, it needs to be divided into 6-10 meals.

Nutrition for a three-month-old kitten

Now the baby's diet is changing somewhat, he has already grown significantly, has grown stronger and has become like an adult cat in miniature. Let's look at how to feed Scottish kittens at 3 months. The older the kitten becomes, the less its body requires milk, moreover, with age, the number of enzymes responsible for the processing of milk decreases significantly. Therefore, now cottage cheese and kefir should be given no more than three times a week a little.

Many are interested in how to feed Scottish kittens (3 months), that is, continue natural feeding or buy good ready-made food? Every veterinarian has their own opinion on this matter. But most experts advocate giving the baby natural food. Now the number of feedings should be reduced to 4-6 per day, but the portions should be increased. The amount of food fed in one day does not exceed 220 g. These rules must be followed up to 6 months.

Scottish kitten after six months

You have already passed the most difficult stage, the pet has grown up a lot and can now switch to the diet of an adult cat. You already know from your own experience how to feed small Scottish kittens, but now you can safely switch to three meals a day. The daily portion is approximately 250 g, while the proportion of meat products should not be less than 40 g. By about 11 months, it will be possible to transfer the baby to two meals a day, which is optimal for adult cats. The diet should contain vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, vitamin supplements, fish.

natural feeding

Let's look at the recommendations of experienced veterinarians in order to know exactly what to feed Scottish kittens. It must be raw frozen beef, about 30 g for a kitten and 120 for a cat. Chicken can be given every day, but offal - no more than twice a week. Twice a week you can give egg yolk, but it is better not to feed the protein at all. Milk - only for kittens up to 3 months. Milk porridge is also given only to kittens, it is better for adults to offer vegetables. But dairy products can be every day. Vegetables and grains should be alternated.

You can’t feed a cat from your table, give her soups and salads, bones are strictly prohibited. Not suitable for cats and fatty meats, as well as spicy, salty and fatty foods. Do not forget about it, canned food and sausage are not at all what a "plush" handsome man needs for full growth and development. Any sweets are contraindicated for cats, this applies to sweets and dried fruits, everything that contains sugar in large quantities. Don't forget that chocolate is poison for cats. If you want her to live a long and happy life, then forget about spoiling her with fried, fatty and sweet things. And it is better to refuse such a diet yourself. It is impossible for a cat to have legumes, as well as potatoes. Never salt your food. Any spices are harmful to the animal.

Feeding dry food

This is very convenient, especially if you are a busy person. It is very important that you ask before purchasing a pet who Scottish kittens are, how to feed them, how to care for them, and how to treat them in case of illness. If you choose ready-made food, you can save your time, besides, be sure that the cat receives all the necessary mineral and vitamin substances. However, keep in mind that ready-made food, both canned and dry, can only be given to adult animals. Therefore, up to a year, you still have to cook for the baby yourself.

A very important nuance: you need to choose only high-quality food from trusted manufacturers, because the health of your pet depends on it. Good can be considered products of the brands "Ekanuba", "Hills", "Purina Pro Plan", "Royal Canin". Cheap food like "Kitty Cat" should not be given. They contain by-products (bones, wool, feathers, skins) as sources of protein and a lot of dyes, flavors and mineral salts.

They are rapidly gaining fame. They are loved for their incredibly touching appearance: big kind eyes and miniature ears and a calm meek character. Since this breed appeared as a result of a gene mutation, it is natural that some features of feeding and keeping are characteristic of it. Therefore, let's figure it out together how to feed a Scottish Fold kitten, how to care for him and how to properly raise your cat!

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What to feed a cat?

The nutrition of a Fold cat or otherwise Scottish Fold should be balanced and complete. Veterinarians and experienced breeders do not recommend experimenting with feeding and not giving pedigreed cats leftovers from the table.

Approved Products

Absolutely all veterinarians give advice and claim that feeding Scottish fold dry food is the right thing to do. At the same time, the food should be premium, economy options bought in supermarkets are not suitable for a thoroughbred cat. Good quality food is sold in specialized veterinary pharmacies, pet stores, pet clubs. Royal Canin food has earned a good reputation for itself, cats eat it with pleasure. In addition, please note that for the nutrition of different age groups, it is recommended to give different types of food, taking into account the age needs of furry pets.

If feeding with purchased food is unacceptable or expensive for the owner, because the same Royal Canin is an expensive pleasure, then you can cook food for your cat yourself at home. In any case, the cat needs to be cooked separately, you should not share your grubs with him. After all, cat food should not contain salt or contain it quite a bit. Choose for your Scot any type of meat (preferably poultry or beef) and a couple of types of cereals, it is better to give rice, oatmeal or buckwheat. Cook the porridge separately and mix it with finely chopped thermally processed meat.

In addition to the meat that you will give your cat, once a week you can give him liver or boneless fish. Excessive liver feeding can lead to hypervitaminosis A, and this can cause fusion of the cervical vertebrae.

As for vegetables, according to most veterinarians, they are of no fundamental benefit to the cat. But the most useful for the cat will be boiled carrots. Remember that if you feed a thoroughbred cat with self-cooked meals, be sure to add vitamin-mineral complexes and calcium to them.

Without such additives, the processes of bone mineralization can be disrupted, which in turn causes alimentary hyperparateriosis (weakness of the limbs). Hyperparateriosis increases the likelihood of accidental injury, in especially advanced cases, it can cause fractures of the limbs or spine.

Products under the ban

In fact, almost all products for your Fold cat will be banned, except for those that we have already mentioned. Smoked meats, bones, salty, spicy or fatty foods are especially harmful. In no case do not give the cat food that has spoiled, but you feel sorry for throwing it away. The question of what to feed the Scottish Fold cat is very important, and what can pass without problems for the yard Vaska, for him can end in tears.

Quite controversial is the issue of milk in the diet of the lop-eared. The fact is that milk in the body of an already grown kitten is not absorbed or is not completely absorbed, so the benefits of it are quite controversial. In addition, undigested milk carbohydrates, in particular lactose, cause fermentation in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and can cause distress. Therefore, it is better to abstain from milk in the diet of your cat too, or at least give it infrequently.

And another taboo is raw meat. In rare cases, when you are 100% sure of its quality, it is acceptable for a cat to eat it, while in other cases it can cause toxoplasmosis infection.

Nutritional features of kittens

Lop-eared cats are not recommended to be taken away from the mother-cat earlier than after 1.5-2 months. Earlier weaning from mother's milk can negatively affect the health of your pet in the future. Therefore, do not rush to take a kitten into the family, let him get stronger, and cat's milk will help him in this as well as possible. The first feeding for a monthly Fold can be a specialized food for kittens "Royal Canin Baby Intensive", it is made in the form of a gentle mousse and the kids eat it without problems. In addition, he can be given oatmeal with lean chicken breast in addition to mother's milk.

The smallest kittens need to be fed often - 6-10 times a day. In addition, from a month to five, a kitten is given low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat sour-milk products no more than 2-3 times a week. Boiled milk can be given up to 5 months, then it is better to exclude it.

As for ready-made feeds, the first of them is Royal Canin Baby Intensive, from two months you can gradually accustom yourself to Royal Canin Baby 34, and after 5-6 months you can switch to Royal Canin Kitten Intensive 12 or " Royal Canin Kitten 36". These feeds are given to a kitten up to 1 year old, after which it is already considered an adult and it can be switched to adult grubs.

What kind of care does a Scot need?

Fold-eared Scots are considered to be absolutely unpretentious in keeping cats with a wonderful character. Basic care for the Fold will consist of regular nail clipping, combing and keeping the fur coat clean. In addition, the cat should have its own corner, where she can do herself a “manicure”. You can take care of a short coat of Folds about once a week, since their fur is not long, it will not be difficult. And the docile nature of the cat will make this procedure very simple.

By the way, despite the fact that the Scots are short-haired breeds, they are recommended to periodically do “hairstyles”. The fact is that they have a plentiful undercoat, which can intensively shed. And the right haircut solves this problem.

The cat does not need frequent bathing, but it is still impossible to completely avoid this event. In addition, you need to take care of your pet's eyes and ears. Due to the anatomical features, the Folds are predisposed to inversion of the eyelids, so if you notice “tears” in your cat, go ahead to see the veterinarian.

If there are crusts in the corners of the eyes that the kitten cannot remove on its own, use special cosmetic wipes for the eyes. Check your pet's ears and mouth once a week. This is the basic care that is characteristic of Folds. A cat with an accommodating character should be taught to all procedures from childhood, then he will not be afraid of them and will trust you without any problems.

The subtleties of education

Raising the Folds is, one might say, sheer pleasure. They absorb information very quickly and easily and are easy to learn. They become attached to a person easily and require constant communication, however, it is not in their nature to be intrusive. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the cat, try to show him your care and love from the first days, and in your absence, be sure to leave toys for the baby.

Folds have been accustomed to the tray since a month, just as quickly they figure out where to sharpen their claws. If you plan to breed these beautiful pussies, then be guided by the fact that seals begin to knit from 12-14 months, and cats - from 10-11.

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