How to draw an adorable dog with a simple pencil. How to draw a charming dog with a simple pencil Video: how to draw a Border Collie dog in full growth

The Collie, or Scottish Sheepdog, is a breed of dog used to herd livestock, and is also popular as a show dog, as it is very beautiful. Collies can be long-haired and short-haired.

History of the breed

The birthplace of the breed is Scotland and Northern England. When breeding the breed, the main attention was paid to those qualities of a dog that are necessary in order to protect, graze, and direct domestic animals to pens. The local peasants involved in the selection of the breed, first of all, wanted to have energetic, quick-witted, devoted helpers for the shepherds. Eventually, a population of dogs was obtained that met these requirements and received the name Collie or Shetland Sheepdog.

The origin of the breed name is not known for certain. One of the most common versions: her name is associated with a breed of Scottish sheep, which have a remarkable color (black mask on the muzzle and black tail) and are called "colley". For a long time, collie dogs were almost unknown outside the borders of the region, where they helped shepherds graze and guard sheep.

Queen Victoria of England and Scotland in 1860 saw a collie during a trip to Scotland and brought several dogs to London. This event marked the beginning of the growth of the popularity of the breed and its widespread distribution. Acquiring collies because of the demands of fashion and prestige, people further appreciated the qualities of the dogs of the breed: devotion, intelligence, charm and fearlessness. Currently, collies have many adherents all over the planet.

Breed requirements are set by the FCI standard No. 156.

The nature of the breed

The character traits of a collie are determined by the purpose of the breed - it is a shepherd's helper, a shepherd dog. To fulfill this role, the collie has all the necessary qualities: intelligence, endurance, hard work, fearlessness, devotion to the owner, care for the wards.

After the breed goes beyond the boundaries of the region of its original habitat (Scotland, Northern England), the Collie becomes very popular as a companion dog. In this capacity, elegant beautiful dogs of the breed show kindness, intelligence, playfulness, caring, responsibility. It is the Collie's love and affection for people that makes her an ideal companion.

Collie is a shepherd dog, therefore, in her nature there is a need to observe everything that happens in her herd. Therefore, a long-term maintenance of a collie in an aviary, and even more so any maintenance on a leash, is unacceptable. For dogs of the breed, being in communication with people is a vital necessity. Sensitive to the slightest rudeness shown to them, collies suffer greatly from the rude indifference towards them from the owners.

By their nature, collies are excellent nannies who conscientiously and with pleasure take care of their wards. Friendly good-natured collies, when the situation requires it, fearlessly stand in the way of anyone who poses a danger to her clients. Dogs are receptive to training material and easily trained.

Appearance description

The appearance of a collie gives the impression of a refined, harmoniously built dog, evoking a feeling of calm dignity. Dogs of the breed, as a rule, are medium-sized individuals: the weight varies from twenty-one to twenty-four kilograms, and the height measured at the withers is from fifty-five to sixty centimeters for males, from fifty to fifty-five centimeters for females. Collie bones are light to medium.

The body is muscular, strong. Head with a flat skull, gradually tapering from the ears to a black lobe at the tip of the nose. The front or side view of the head is wedge-shaped. Eyes of medium size, by no means small, almond-shaped, set somewhat obliquely. Collie eyes are dark brown. In blue merle individuals, the eye color may be blue (mottled blue).

The ears are small, located not far, but not close to each other. The neck is strong, with well-developed muscles, has a fairly pronounced bend. The back is strong, the loin is slightly raised. Deep chest, fairly broad behind shoulder blades. The long tail reaches to the hock.

The coat of the collie is dense, the hairline is smooth and hard to the touch; the undercoat is dense, soft and fluffy. The hair on the muzzle is short and smooth, and on the collar and mane it is lush.

The standard allows three colors:

  • sable: from light gold to mahogany juicy;
  • tricolor: mostly black with fiery markings;
  • blue merle: silvery blue with black spots.

We have already drawn a portrait of a dog. - a dog with a very cute, but peculiar muzzle. I would say the pug's nose is shortened to the limit. And so I decided to compensate for this matter, and today we will learn how to draw a collie's head. That's really someone's muzzle elongated so elongated. This collie lives in our podezd and her name is Diana. A wonderful dog: when she jumps on the grass in the summer with some amazing angular grace and her long white-red hair flutters, you feel the joy of life so directly. And now to business. Let's start with the right profile.

The forehead is sloping, the nose is long-long. The mouth is ajar and the tongue is visible, even Diana's tongue is graceful, like a petal. The lips are slightly retracted and teeth are visible, very large, white sharp teeth. We see only the right eye - it looks small because it is narrowed. The ears are shaggy, no, this is not the right word, let's say - fluffy and do not stand up, but bend forward from the middle, the neck is also in furs.

There is a right collie profile. But we are learning, so we will complicate the task.

Now mentally expand it and draw a left profile.

Well, here we again need to emphasize a long straight nose, a funny bend of the ears and an open mouth: not a grin and not a smile, apparently it is just being ventilated.

Okay, the collie's profile is very peculiar and recognizable, and the full face is just right. Let's deal with it. How to draw a dog's muzzle full face? Here we will help the ability to draw. Let's draw the middle line of the muzzle, designate the line of the eyes and their locations.

Let's denote the nose, the muzzle is tilted down and therefore the open mouth is not impressive: only the shoeing of the teeth on the lower jaw is slightly visible. The eyes are somewhat slanted and very widely spaced (well, that is, wide on such a narrow muzzle), but the eyebrows with a house give the dog's muzzle some kind of surprised melancholy expression. The forehead is narrow. The ears are bent and tilted towards the viewer. The fur on the neck is fluffy-fluffy. So, there is a pencil sketch, the portrait is quite recognizable, colloquial. Now we need to draw it with a marker.

The darkest eyes and nose-nose, well, by God, black and shiny, and the lips are also black ... wow. We draw pads near the nose, where the mustache grows from (I always want to call them “moustache” (but in fact the mustache and mustache are two-story dandy mustaches, similar to a pagoda).

Probably, since the advent of "Carlson" Lindgren, all parents know exactly what is needed for the happiness of the whole family. Dog for kids! It is for this reason that a year ago we had a sandy-gold lump, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which was named Gray. This miracle quickly became a member of the family and everyone's favorite. And that is why, when we decided to learn how to draw a dog with a pencil, the choice fell on the representative of this breed.

The history of the appearance of the "portrait" of Gray

For a week we “ran” after our dog, recalling “Prostokvashino” with a more than prophetic statement about our case: “I ran after her for half a day to take pictures!” But we never got a good photo. Our tomboy managed to successfully avoid imprinting. That tail, then his nose all the time turned out to be closer to the lens. Having suffered, we went another, simpler way. It turned out that finding a suitable photo on the Internet, similar to our Gray dog, is easy. It is for him that we can draw a dog in stages.

But while we were looking for "Gray", my child and I saw that the choice of potential models is huge. We could draw a husky with a pencil in stages, or a German shepherd, or even a husky. All of these are beautiful, graceful and intelligent dogs. Each of the representatives of their breed has characteristic features that are unique to them, but there are also personal qualities and features common to all dogs, for which we love them so much and value their friendship. For example, loyalty and the ability to rejoice at the owner, obedience and frankness (they cannot hide their emotions at all).

Already at the initial stages of working on a drawing of a dog, when we just examined the varieties of these pets, we learned that they also differ in temperament, for example, there are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic, we got carried away. We wanted to learn how to draw not just an animal with four paws, ears and a tail, but also learn how to draw kind and grinning dogs, we wanted to try to draw a spaniel, a dachshund or a shepherd dog in stages with a pencil. But it will be later. In the meantime, our "test of the pen." Today we will show the dog in pencil in stages, and it will be our one-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We took him as a model.

Work plan

It turned out to be not at all difficult to draw a dog with a pencil in stages, if you move exactly according to the plan. What does it include:
  • Training;
  • Image of the paws and body of the animal;
  • Work on the muzzle of our pet;
  • Picture formatting.
The step-by-step work plan is clear and simple, it helps even people and children inexperienced in art to quickly master the technique of depicting dogs.

Step by step image of a dog

Stage 1. Preparation

It includes, first of all, the organization of the workplace.

Learning to draw, starting with auxiliary lines. We make two ovals that only touch each other. Required: the upper oval is almost 2 times smaller in size than the lower one. And it looks more like an uneven circle.

Even for beginners, this stage will not be difficult, and even a child will cope with it. But in the future, it would be nice if parents helped their baby in step-by-step drawing.

Stage 2. Image of the paws and body of the animal

How to draw paws for a dog? To do this, draw lines down from the lower oval, at the end of which there will be soft pads. The front paws are fully visible, we make them in their entire length, taking into account the proportions. Back - only one is visible, and since it is bent, we depict its upper part as an egg-shaped figure along the lower right side of the oval. And already a small part of the dog's paw comes from it.

Draw the dog's neck with two curved lines. On the left side, we make the body a little larger.

We make a small circle at the bottom of the upper oval, which will also go to the lower one.

Stage 3. Work on the muzzle of our pet

How to correctly complete all the details of the head? To do this, we divide the upper oval with two arcuate lines, horizontal and vertical, into 4 parts.

On the one that runs horizontally, the eyes will be located.

The drawn small circle is also divided in half by a vertical line. In the middle of it will be located the nose of the dog.

On the sides of the muzzle we make hanging ears characteristic of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

We depict the eyes, we perform the nose of the animal more accurately.

Stage 4. Designing the picture

We have mastered the basic principles that help us understand how to draw. There are nuances left that will make our picture look like the original. Namely, we perform “fingers” on the paws, do not forget about the tail.

We remove all unnecessary lines. We provide the necessary details.

Outline each part of the picture with the desired color. Do not forget that the Rhodesian Ridgeback, although a smooth-haired breed, still has tiny hairs.

Now, having selected the desired color, decorate the picture. Our Gray appears before us.

This picture is quite simple. Having already mastered a little, you can try more complex models, for example, figure out how to draw husky dog or some other breed. Good luck with this!