What nose should a healthy cat have? Why Cats Have a Wet Nose and Should You Worry A cat has a very wet nose.

In the article I will talk about why a cat has a wet nose and why it is like that. I will note the signs by which the deterioration in the health of a cat is determined. I will consider the structure of the organ and tell you how to care for it.

In representatives of the cat family, a wet, cool nasal organ is one of the main indicators of the animal's health. The mucous membrane has glands that secrete a moisturizing secret to the surface.

A cat's nose is called a nasal mirror by veterinarians.

Humid has a cool temperature. This helps to slow down the process of evaporation of moisture from the surface.

In some cases, not related to the health of the cat, the organ remains dry for an indefinite time:

  • During sleep and after waking up cats;
  • Increased air temperature in the room;
  • If the animal is near the battery;
  • During stress;
  • During the period of physical activity of the cat (active games);

Moisture on the surface of the earlobe collects odor molecules and transfers the information received to the receptors. Smells convey to the cat a huge layer of information about the events taking place around it. If the organ ceases to function normally, it will be difficult to find prey and recognize the neighbor's cat.

About 70 million olfactory organ cells help the cat to recognize the smell. In humans, the number of these cells does not exceed 20 million.

To find out the temperature of food, the pet brings the nasal organ to the surface. If the food is too hot or stale, the animal will not eat.

To search for prey, the cat stands against the wind and draws in air. In addition, Jacobson's organ, located on the upper palate, helps her. Through it, the animal passes the smell and transmits information to the brain.

If the pet sniffs the air and leaves the mouth half open, at this moment the olfactory organ in the mouth is working.

Cooling of the feline body occurs through the surface of the lobe. In this case, the nose becomes dry, and the cat moisturizes it by licking.

The structure of the body of cats

The pattern formed by the dots on the cat's nose is unique.

The nose of a cat is a complex olfactory organ. It consists of two airways (nostrils) separated by cartilage. The bridge of the nose is hard, covered with short hair. The lobe is soft, devoid of hair and covered with thin, sensitive skin.

The nasal passages lead to a labyrinth of ethmoid shells, in which odor molecules are held until it is recognized. Olfactory cells are responsible for the perception of smell, which identify it and transmit it to the olfactory center of the brain. If the room is dusty and any strong smell is present, the olfactory ability is reduced.

The shape of the organ depends on the cat's belonging to a particular one. For example, the Persian has a short muzzle, while the Siamese has a straight profile. Animals with a natural form are the least prone to diseases of the respiratory system.

Is it necessary to take care of a cat's nose?

Care of a healthy nose on the part of a person is not required. The pet removes dirt and dust from the surface on its own, in the process of washing.

Cats with a flat face cannot clear their nose on their own. To clean it, use cotton swabs, wiping the hair around the organ with them. Dried dirt is soaked with vaseline oil and removed.

The use of veterinary drugs for the care of a cat's nose is carried out only on the recommendation of the attending veterinarian.

When to worry

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, a dry nasal apparatus indicates possible health problems. To make sure that your health is deteriorating, pay attention to the following signs:

  • Lethargy, lack of interest;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Dull coat;
  • Copious discharge;
  • Bad smell;
  • hot ears;
  • loose stools or change in color or odor of urine;
  • Change in color of mucous membranes;
  • violation of coordination;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Vomit;

If any of the signs of deterioration in health is found, inserting a thermometer into the anus. The normal temperature is 38-39 degrees.

Hypothermia, drafts, being in a damp room, contact with sick animals, eating cold food, contact with chemicals and smoke leads to respiratory diseases.

If a cat has a light nose, then it is easy to detect a change in its color:

During active physical activity, the nose acquires a bright pink color.

If any sign of deterioration in health is found, contact a veterinarian. Self-medication is unacceptable and leads to a worsening of the course of the disease. The time spent searching for the cause on the Internet and consulting with friends can cost the cat its life.

The nose for a cat is a full-fledged organ, without which it is difficult to imagine the existence of an animal. Only by its appearance it is possible to identify the disease in a timely manner, and immediately take action. It is unfortunate that many owners have no idea what a healthy cat's nose should look like. Think this is a joke? Then look closely at it: it can be wet or dry, and watching it is of great importance.

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The nose of a healthy animal

In its structure, a cat's nose is no different from a human's: two nasal passages separated in the middle by cartilage. The differences start further. These passages lead to a labyrinth of lattice shells, which have a very high sensitivity. If necessary, cats can retain this or that smell and even filter it from impurities in order to feel as accurately as possible. Contamination on the surface of the nose reduces its sensitivity, so it must always be kept clean.

A healthy cat's nose performs many other tasks. For example, the air inhaled by an animal is cleaned and heated in it. The outer skin is highly sensitive to temperature, so it's easy for your pet to tell what food is in front of them without even touching it.

The shape of the nasal cavity in a cat can be different depending on the breed. The most healthy nose in terms of physiology in cats of traditional breeds. Conversely, pets with a flattened face very often have breathing problems due to the irregular shape of the nasal openings and septum.

Many owners are worried about what should be the color of the cat's nose? This directly depends on the color and age of the fluffy. So in older cats, the color may be darker, and even age spots may appear. Sometimes its color can change depending on the season, for example, by winter, the hairline can noticeably darken. But this does not mean that something threatens the health of domestic cats, even if it has become a different color.

So, having decided on the features of this organ, we approached the question, what should a healthy pet's nose be like? First of all, clean. Otherwise, a nose that is cold and slightly damp to the touch is considered normal.

Kitten's nose

For a kitten, his nose is even more important than for an adult cat. From the first days of life, while the eyes of a newborn kitten are not yet open, it is with his help that he gets to his mother for feeding and warming. As with adult animals, a healthy kitten's nose should be slightly damp and cold, but not dry. Only after sleep, active play or in a state of serious stress can it be warm or even hot. If the kitten's nose is dry for several hours, then this is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Why is the nose wet?

You may have wondered more than once: why is the cat's nose wet? To understand the reason, one should turn to the ancestors of the cats, and remember who they are. Without exception, all cats have a predatory nature, their instinct is sharpened to track down prey, so a moderately wet nose is more of a norm than a deviation. A moist surface helps to better capture the smell from the air, accurately identifying prey. Humidification of the nose occurs in two ways: with the help of fluid released from the mucous membrane, and with the help of saliva when the cat licks itself.

You should be wary only if the cat's nose is dry. This may indicate a problem with the intestines. Which one - the veterinarian will tell you, but most often this happens due to stagnation of wool in the body. As a preventive measure, you can give special food or paste for cats, but consultation with a specialist is required.

If the nasal surface remains dry for a long time, then the problem can be much more serious. No one is entirely sure why this is so, but a cat's dry nose may be indicative of a viral infection in cats as well. In this case, it is worth immediately starting treatment, at least with drops, and only then find out the cause and wait for other symptoms.

In any case, as you have already understood, if a wet nose is absolutely normal, because it is a kind of indicator of good health. It helps to constantly monitor the condition of the pet, and, if necessary, quickly take appropriate measures.

Video "Cat scratches its nose"

The video shows how funny the cat scratches its nose.

Cats nose is constantly wet due to the production of moisture by the sweat glands located on the nose or rhinaria (its bald part). A small part of the moisture enters the surface of the nose through the nasolacrimal canal, which drains the fluid that covers the surface of a healthy eye.

Why do they have a wet nose?

A moist nose is needed by cats for several purposes. First, it plays a small (because of its size) role in body temperature regulation. Secondly, molecules adhere better to a wet nose. smells, and it better defines direction where these smells come from.

There is also a philtrum on the nose - a narrow depression along which odors dissolved in the liquid (mainly poorly perceived volatile aromatic substances like pheromones) through the ducts in the mouth enter the vomeronasal organ, where they are analyzed. Thus, the moisture on the nose plays a certain, but still poorly understood role in sexual behavior animals.

In the vast majority of cats, a wet nose is indicator of health. If a cat becomes ill, she drinks less water, which also reduces the flow of fluid in her body, and she stops sweating and moistening her nose. However, there is a small percentage of cats for which a dry nose is the norm.

The cat's nose is a complex system designed not only to recognize odors, but also serves as an indicator of the state of health. Watching a pet, we are interested in what a wet nose means in a cat. Let's take a closer look.

The question of why a cat has a nose is stupid. But “why does a cat have a wet nose” is quite interesting.

Mirror - a leather nose in animals. A healthy cat has a cool, slightly damp nose leather. This condition is due to the presence of special glands on it that moisturize the skin.

Such a structure of the “sniffing” apparatus is necessary so that the smell that the animal is trying to analyze stays near the receptor for a longer time. Molecules carrying information about the aroma settle on the sticky mucus that covers the pet's nose, and tell him important information. With the help of a damp mirror, the cat not only catches the smell, but also feels the direction from where the scent came from.

The body also serves as an instrument for thermoregulation. The body of the animal gets rid of extra degrees with the help of areas not covered with wool: a mirror, llama pads.

A running cat is cooled with a wet nose. Such a small tool allows the murka to choose the body temperature she needs for hunting and resting.

healthy cat nose

There is an opinion that the nose of healthy felines should be cold and wet. This is partly true, however, such a theory needs to be clarified.

There are situations when the cat's mirror is dry, but this is not a deviation from the norm:

  • The cat just woke up. During sleep, the nose usually dries up and remains so for some time after waking up.
  • During the heat, it happens that the lobe dries up.
  • In a calm state, a cat can be content with a dry organ of smell.

A healthy cat is able to keep its nose in good condition. If, for example, the animal is hot, it licks the earlobe, and it becomes wet again. Also, to normalize the state of the epithelium (lining the mucous membrane), sneezing occurs. Thus, the mucous membrane is moistened and cleaned of dust. Another way to cleanse the nasal cavity is long-term washing with a paw.

The task of the owner is to monitor the health of the animal. You should worry when the cat's nose remains dry for a long time for no apparent reason. You need to see a doctor if the mirror is covered with a crust, scales, or mucus flows from the nose of the cat. This situation indicates the presence of the disease.

Nose care

In a healthy state, a cat does not need help with care. An exception may be breeds with a flat muzzle, such as Persians. In such pets, the nasal passages are much shorter than usual, which eventually leads to the development of various pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Even healthy pets are at risk, so you need to inspect the animal's nose regularly.

Any deviations should be a reason for a visit to a specialist:

  • Discharge, lacrimation;
  • Formation of dry crusts;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Mucus coming from one nostril;
  • Wheezing, snoring in sleep.

Flat-faced breeds need the help of an owner. It is necessary to clear the nasal passages from the discharge regularly and as it accumulates.

How to clean a Persian's nose

To clean the nose of a Persian cat, you will need a small syringe without a needle, saline and cotton swabs. You may need help, so get an assistant in advance.

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the area around the muzzle with a damp swab. Then a few milliliters of saline are drawn into the syringe.
  2. Fix the cat and inject half a milliliter of liquid into each nostril. The cat may start to sneeze. This is a sign that the nasal passages are clearing.
  3. After the end of the procedure, wipe the muzzle with a napkin.

For manipulations, you need to use only clean objects, and napkins should be odorless. It is also important to ensure that their particles do not remain on a wet mirror.

The hair on the muzzle should be wetted, but in no case should it be rubbed or exerted.

Even healthy Persian cats need cleaning, because in the course of selection, their natural shape of the skull has changed, deforming the upper respiratory organs. The shortened path of air from the external environment to the larynx leads to the fact that oxygen does not have time to warm up. For this reason, Persians and other flat-faced breeds should be protected from drafts and cold.

Dangerous symptoms

The fact that the cat periodically sneezes should not cause concern. However, if such a symptom is observed often, you need to take a closer look at the pet.

The health of a cat's nose is evidence of the normal functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, any disturbances in the functioning of the sniffing organ should attract the attention of the owner.

Difficulty breathing in conjunction with general malaise may indicate the presence of an infection in the body. Alarm symptoms:

  • "Clogged nostrils";
  • lethargy;
  • Decreased or lack of appetite;
  • Runny nose;
  • Attacks of sneezing.

The frequent appearance of crusts around the nose should also alert the owner. If mucosal rejection builds up too much, there may be a problem inside the nose itself.

Malaise can be caused by both trauma and internal bacterial infections. Often the second reason arises as a result of the first.

Often, small kittens inhale miniature objects (beads, grains) during the course, which leads to blockage of the nasal passage. If mucus is secreted from only one nostril, you need to carefully examine the pet, and bring him to the hospital if the cause is not identified.

An aggressive odor can also cause a reaction from the respiratory system. Remember that the sense of smell in animals is 15 times stronger than human. Therefore, even the most harmless at first glance aromas can make the cat hide its face.

Some of the smells can provoke an allergy in a pet, so it is imperative to hide all household chemicals and spices from it.

Cat noses are an amazing system for recognizing not only smells, but also other environmental signals. Like wool, a snuff organ can tell a lot about its furry owner. Therefore, the answer to the question “should the nose always be wet?” can be answered “no”. But it shouldn't dry out either.

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