How often should you wash your domestic cat? Bathing a kitten

Everyone has known about the unsettled relationship between cats and water for a long time. These fluffy and affectionate animals are accustomed to providing themselves with bathing procedures using their specific language. Hence, their owners have a logical question - do they need to wash cats?

Opinions on this matter are divided into two categorical camps - for and against. Most cats simply cannot tolerate water, and even more so, swimming. Therefore, the procedure at home can become stressful not only for the animal, but also for the owner. But this is only if you do not bathe your pets according to the rules.

When should you bathe your pets?

By nature, most cats are very clean animals. In any time free from sleep, food or entertainment, they lick their fur and put their fur coat in order.

One might decide that the issue of pet hygiene has been resolved. But that's not true. There are times when cats need to be washed with human intervention.

Even if nothing happens from such cases, you should not refuse to bathe your pet.

Changed environmental conditions, synthetic feed, dirty water and air leave a negative impact on the condition of the fur and skin of pets. The best way care is bathing.

How often should cats be washed?

Despite the serious difference of opinion, experts recommend bathing cats periodically. To find out how often cats need to be washed, you should look at the conditions in which they are kept:

  • A domestic animal that does not go outside needs bathing once a season.
  • If cats live in urban environments, walk outside and return to the house, then they should be bathed more often - once every 1-2 months.
  • A village animal that is allowed to roam everywhere only needs to be washed 3-5 times a year.
  • Hairless breeds need to be bathed more often - every two weeks in the summer, every month in the winter.

What's the best way to wash your mustachioed friends?

Owners often use regular human shampoo or soap to wash their pets. Not everyone knows that this should not be done - you cannot bathe cats with ordinary or even children's products. A special shampoo with a special composition is developed for their skin type. There are two types of shampoo:

  • Liquid shampoo– cares for the coat thanks to the natural ingredients it contains.
  • Dry shampoo– a product for applying to animal fur without using water. If it absolutely refuses to be bathed, then you can use the combing method using a dry cat wash. Visually, the shampoo resembles baby powder.

How to bathe cats correctly?

Each procedure for washing a pet must be carried out according to the rules. Any caring owner must know how to approach a pet. Main stages:

  • First you need to comb the wool, untangle the tangles, if any;
  • protect your ears with cotton balls;
  • clear space in the bathroom from any foreign objects that the animal can throw off;
  • Fill the bathroom with a basin of warm water up to about the level of Murka’s belly. It is advisable to do this without the presence of an animal;
  • The body temperature of the cat family is slightly higher than that of humans, therefore the water temperature should be between 37-38°;
  • the pet needs to be calmed down, carefully placed in a container of water and given time to get used to it;
  • You need to water your pet carefully from a ladle or glass, avoiding the area near the ears;
  • Apply shampoo evenly to wet fur and leave for 1-2 minutes;
  • it is very important to rinse completely detergent, as it weighs down the coat and dries out the skin;
  • There is no need to rub the cat with a towel after washing. It is enough to wrap your pet in it and allow the fabric to simply absorb moisture;
  • If the animal’s nerves are fine, then you can use a hairdryer to dry it.

Recommendations for bathing felines

In order for any hygiene procedure to be carried out correctly, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Kittens can be bathed for the first time no earlier than they reach 4 months of age, when their baby teeth have already fallen out. It will be better if his mother takes care of him all this time.
  • Adults need to be bathed at least 2-3 times a year. The main attention should be paid to the breed and color. There is no need at all for water hygiene procedures in certain breeds.
  • Animals should not be washed if the home is cold enough to avoid colds him.
  • It is better not to wash pregnant animals at all, only in extreme cases.

To answer this question, just look out the window. What do we see there? Roads, cars, exhaust fumes, dust... Germs are everywhere, and if a pet walks on its own outside the walls of the apartment, then rest assured that its fur cannot be clean.

But with domestic cats, who have an idea of ​​the street only by the view from the window, the situation is approximately the same. Bacteria and germs enter the house on our outerwear and shoes, spread through the air - and inevitably settle on the fur of pets. When a cat washes itself, these substances enter the stomach and often cause the development of chronic diseases. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend bathing your pets, because this is not only a way to keep them well-groomed appearance, but also concern for health.

How often should you wash your cat?

Now we know that it is not only possible to bathe cats, but also necessary. Just with what frequency?

If your pet often goes outside, then you need to wash it as needed, but at least once every 2 months. A cat that does not leave the apartment only needs to be washed once every 3-4 months, and we must not forget about regular brushing! Hairless animals tend to be bathed even more often.

Cat Wash Products

It is recommended to bathe pets using special products that can effectively remove all dirt from the fur. Only water is powerless to get rid of excess sebum and unpleasant odors It won't work without shampoo. Use only special high-quality products for cats, as they effectively cleanse the skin and fur without washing away the natural protective layer, and also nourish them with beneficial elements.

Soap and human shampoos, on the contrary, are categorically unsuitable for animals in terms of pH level and negatively affect the condition of the skin and coat. Unsuitable products often cause dandruff and dermatitis, and the coat becomes dull and lifeless after using them.

Regular shampoos for kittens are especially dangerous. No matter how thoroughly you rinse your cat after washing, the chemical will still remain on it. If it gets into the stomach when washing, it is highly likely to provoke serious eating disorder. While special means Completely safe for kittens and cats. Properly selected shampoos and conditioners (in accordance with the type and condition of the coat) are the key to your pet’s ideal fur coat, its beauty and health.

Should a cat be washed while shedding?

It will also be useful to bathe your pet during shedding. Washing speeds up the process, allows you to remove a significant amount of excess hair and, accordingly, avoid possible problems with digestion.

Who should not be bathed?

You cannot wash cats after vaccination and throughout the quarantine period. It is recommended to bathe kittens after changing teeth.

You need to be extremely careful with pregnant animals. The washing procedure itself does not cause any harm to them, however, the stress that often accompanies bathing can be a threat to the health of both the cat itself and its future offspring. In addition, the risk of injury increases while swimming. Trying to jump out of the bath, your pet may hurt himself. That is why bath procedures It is better not to subject expectant mothers to this. But how can you keep them clean in this case?

If the cat is slightly dirty, just use a regular damp cloth and a comb. But if you need to clean all the fur, then dry shampoo, which is used without water, comes to the rescue. It is simply applied to the coat and combed out, removing excess oil, dirt and unpleasant odors.

Drying the cat after washing

Contrary to what most people think, after washing a cat it is not at all necessary to dry it with a hairdryer or try to create greenhouse conditions for it. Healthy pet It will dry easily at average room temperature. The only thing is that there should be no drafts in the room, otherwise the cat may catch a cold.

Do not forget that for many animals the bathing procedure is a real stress. Be gentle with your pet, talk to him and do not punish him in any way, because he is not capricious, but truly afraid. Get your pets used to bathing with early years life, so that in the future they will treat this procedure more calmly.

Cats spend every day hygiene procedures independently, using the tongue. These creatures do not like water. And for many, bathing is a real stress. Therefore, many owners wonder whether it is possible to wash cats, and is it even necessary?

There are situations in which you simply cannot do without a shower, for example:

When asked if cats can be bathed, experienced breeders They answer that it is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, even if the pet does not go outside, harmful bacteria enter the room through the air and settle on the fur. That's why water procedures are still necessary. The main thing is to know how to wash, with what and how often.

If you bathe a cat, how often?

So, it’s still worth bathing your pets. But how many times can you wash a cat without harming it? Experts say that it is not advisable to get involved in water procedures. After all, these animals do not have sweat glands. Sebaceous glands secrete a certain amount of secretion, which protects against dryness. Frequent bathing washes away this secretion, and the skin becomes overdried: dandruff appears, cracks appear, and hair begins to fall out. Therefore, when swimming, it is important to know when to stop.

It should be noted that how often you can wash a cat depends on the pet’s lifestyle, its breed and the time of year.

If the animal walks outside or in the yard every day, it needs to be bathed once every 2 months. But the cats living in rural areas, it is recommended to wash more often. Cats of the Sphynx, Elf, Bambino, Cojona and other hairless varieties should be bathed every 2 weeks in the summer, and a little less often in the winter - every month. European cats and British “teddies” do not need water treatments.

If your pet is pregnant or nursing, then experts advise washing it only if absolutely necessary. After all, water is stressful for these animals. And in such a period this is not at all advisable. During illness, with a weakened immune system, bathing after vaccination is also not recommended.

The question of how often you can bathe cats is clear. But at what age should it be carried out? similar procedures? Breeders believe that it is necessary to accustom an animal to a shower from an early age. It is better to start washing after baby teeth fall out. And this is approximately 4 months old. In the first months of life, it is desirable that the mother cat take care of the baby’s cleanliness.

Features of bathing your pet

Let's look at how to wash a cat, regardless of its age. If an animal is afraid of the noise of the shower, then better procedure carry out in a basin. There shouldn't be too much water. It is enough that it only touches the abdomen. The water temperature should be pleasantly cool. It is important to avoid fuss, laughter, and screaming so as not to frighten your pet. You need to put the cat in a basin, carefully rinse it, lather it with a special shampoo and rinse thoroughly. And then blot the wool with a dry towel.

If your pet is calm in nature, you can bathe it from the shower. To do this, you need to lay a soft towel on the bottom of the bath, adjust the water temperature and start bathing. Some experts recommend soaking the wool and rinsing off the shampoo not with a stream of water, but with a wet sponge.

It is important to remember that you should not wet your cat’s head: water can get into the ears and cause inflammation.

Therefore, it is enough to simply wipe your head with a damp palm. After bathing, you should protect the animal from drafts until the fur is completely dry. Otherwise, your pet may catch a cold.

If your pet is an ardent opponent of water, then you can purchase dry shampoo for cats, which is similar in effectiveness to regular liquid shampoo. In addition, this option can be used if you need to clean only part of the fur.

How to wash your pet?

Pet stores offer a wide range of cleaning products for cats. The choice depends on your pet’s skin type and coat length. For example, in addition to regular ones, there are dry shampoos, spray shampoos, and tinted options.

Jerob brand products are very popular today. This manufacturer is the only one that initially produced products exclusively for representatives of the cat family. Other companies focus mainly on dogs. The company produces universal shampoos, tinted shampoos, and for specific breeds. There is also a range of cleansing sprays and conditioning creams. On average, you can buy Jerob for cats for 1000-2000 rubles.

Many owners, not knowing how to wash their cat if there is no special shampoo, take ordinary human shampoo. laundry soap or other cleaning agent. But can these funds be used?

Let's take a closer look:

Laundry soap contains alkali, which in high concentrations causes burns. If the soap is poorly washed off, the animal may, while licking the fur, swallow its remnants, and this can lead to poisoning. Bathing a cat with this soap can cause allergies, itching and rashes. The coat will become worse: it will look sleek and faded.

Some owners believe that laundry soap is an excellent remedy from fleas. It will be much more effective to buy insecticidal shampoo, a collar or drops for the withers. And soap can only be used to wash a cat’s paws after a walk outside.

So if the cat shampoo is on this moment no, it is better to postpone bathing until the moment when it is purchased. Shampoo for cats is sold in any pet store or veterinary pharmacy. And the price is quite reasonable.

Cleaning your cat's ears

Caring for a cat involves more than just bathing and brushing its fur. This includes cleaning ears. Cleaning your ears is not a pleasant operation. You need to accustom your pet to this procedure from childhood so that it becomes commonplace for her.

Some cat owners are sure that this pet no need to wash. She can wash herself and lick herself, but bathing only harms her. Other owners are firmly convinced that this animal also periodically needs to take water procedures and this benefits them. Then another question arises: how often can cats be bathed? And if you wash your cat, what shampoo should you use?

Many people know that a cat can lick itself. His saliva not only contains active ingredients, but also has acidity, which dissolves any contamination. Cats have rough tongues due to... large quantity small and sharp protrusions-papillae. These animals lick themselves instinctively and, if the cat is healthy, then it always keeps itself clean.

However, dirty basements, garbage, a lot of germs, exhaust gases lead to the need to wash the cat so that it does not become infected with anything. If you don't let your cat go outside, it still won't solve the problem. Harmful bacteria enter the apartment along with human clothing, but such completely domestic cats should be washed less often than walking cats.

How often can cats be washed?

Cats that are not allowed outside are bathed once every three months, and the owner must also brush her periodically. If the owner lives in the city, then a pet that walks in the yard every day should be washed once every one and a half to two months. An animal living in a village and walking along rural streets is washed three to five times a year. Hairless cats should be bathed more often - every two weeks in summer, once a month in winter.

  • Many owners do not know at what age to bathe a kitten. Of course, early accustoming to water will allow you to bathe an adult cat without any problems in the future. But it is worth knowing that temperature changes have a bad effect on tiny kittens. It is better that in the first months the mother cat takes care of their cleanliness. After the baby teeth fall out (4 months), you can wash the kitten for the first time;
  • How often should you bathe a kitten? It depends on his reaction to the first bath. It’s good if he is not afraid of water and will happily jump into the bathtub. If a kitten plays with water, you should not scold it. But still, most animals do not like water procedures, so the kitten should then be bathed after changing its milk teeth;
  • Adult cats need to be washed 2-3 times a year. The number of baths depends on the breed. Persians, especially pure white and peach ones, can be washed once every 2-3 months. Absolutely do not require water procedures breeds such as British Teddies and European cats. The Sphinx is only wiped with a wet cloth;
  • You should not bathe cats if the room is very cold. A wet animal can easily get sick. It is not advisable to wash animals during illness, after vaccinations, so as not to expose weakened immunity to even greater stress;
  • A pregnant or lactating cat is washed if absolutely necessary, so as not to create a stressful situation.

When should you wash your cat?

There can be several reasons for bathing cats. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The appearance of a kitten in the house

If the kitten was adopted from a shelter or domestic cat, then it is completely unnecessary to wash it, because in these cases it should be clean. If a kitten is picked up on the street, you definitely need to give it a bath. In this case, it is necessary, for preventive purposes, to use special shampoos. This will not only make it clean, but also will help identify possible skin problems that will need to be cured.

If the cat gets dirty

Not all cats are absolute cleanliness. Some can only lick the sides or wipe your head with your paw, leaving areas such as:

  • tail;
  • butt;

Therefore, the owners themselves finish what they started, giving the cat a good bath.

Also, walking cats can get dirty with dirt, dust, and bring home burrs and cobwebs on their fur. So that all this good does not end up on upholstered furniture or bed, the animal must be bathed. Even indoor cats that never go outside can get dirty by turning over a pot of soil, carelessly going to relieve themselves, and so on.

Animal molt

Many breeds are artificially bred, so owners must take special care of them. Animals are bathed in order to soften the skin and fur, which dry out very strongly in a heated room.

If your cat has fleas, you can wash it with flea shampoo. Some of them cannot cope with this task and, in order not to wash your pet often because of this, can be used more strong remedies in the form of drops or sprays. They are applied to the animal’s fur and washed off after two days.

There are also veterinary shampoos with tar that treat skin diseases in animals. It should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Preparation for the exhibition

Elite purebred cats require appropriate care. Before various exhibitions they are washed with special shampoos, adding shine to the coat and increasing its volume. Such shampoos are very expensive, but the wool looks great.

These are the reasons why animals are bathed. But don't get too carried away with it. Many owners wash their pets on purpose to make fun of their pitiful wet appearance. Such careless animal owners should know that they lack sweat glands, and the amount of secretion that is released sebaceous glands, protects against dryness. If you bathe your cat too often, the water begins to wash away the secretions and the skin becomes dry. It becomes covered with cracks, peels off, and the hair begins to fall out.

What is the best shampoo to wash a cat?

Human shampoo, even baby shampoo, should not be used to bathe cats. Special shampoos with a special composition have been developed for these animals, which can be used for sensitive skin.

  1. Liquid shampoo contains natural ingredients who care for the fur.
  2. Dry shampoo is similar to baby powder, which is applied to the animal's fur and then combed out along with the dirt. Used when the cat absolutely does not want to get into the water.

Cat fur has special protection against dirt. But often, this protection does not work. Therefore, it is worth finding out how often you can wash a cat and whether it can be done at all? In fact, washing is not a disaster for the fluffy, although he does not like it. And if you do not carry out water procedures often, the cat will not experience much stress.

How often should you wash your cat with flea shampoo?

As for the frequency of bathing, a domestic cat can be washed no more than once every 3 months. This may be quite enough for his hygiene.

But a street tramp living in a private house should be bathed approximately once every 1.5 months. After all, the degree of its pollution is much higher. And the risk of his diseases is high.

Sphinxes (hairless cats) have the worst luck. They are bathed once every 2 weeks in the warm season and once a month. V winter time. After all, skin gets dirty faster than thick fur.

When performing a water ritual, you should use flea shampoo or another detergent. But don't use your own shampoos and soaps. They can harm your pet.

Wash cats and cats exclusively with shampoos from a pet store. There is a large selection of products for various breeds. Choose the optimal solution and make your cat cleaner.

Preparing to bathe a cat

This procedure should have several necessary nuances that will relieve stress in the animal:

  1. Comb the cat's fur. She shouldn't get confused;
  2. Buy your animal earplugs for swimming to prevent water from getting into the ear;
  3. Use only warm water, not hot and not ice;
  4. Place a mat on the bottom of the bathing basin to prevent your cat's paws from slipping.

Often there is a concentrated shampoo on sale that must be diluted with water. Read the instructions before you start washing.

When all preparations are completed, it is worth performing the following manipulations:

  • Wet the animal's fur and apply shampoo to it;
  • Lather the cat and rinse off the foam;
  • Apply conditioner (if used) and rinse after a minute;
  • Dry the animal with a towel;
  • Comb the coat after it has dried.

Remember, many animals are afraid of hair dryers. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it. Let the fluffy dry naturally. This way he will experience minimal stress and may develop a love for water in the future.

Features of bathing

You can bathe a cat from the age of 4 months. It is at this time that the animal begins to mature. Small kittens are susceptible to colds. It is not advisable to get them wet.

A pregnant cat should not be bathed. This may cause milk loss. The animal is under stress during this period. And even a simple bath can ruin his health.

Many pets do not behave well in the bathroom. Don't punish them for this. They will not understand what you need and will become even more afraid. Be calm. And your beast will do the same.

If the cat cannot get used to water, then use dry shampoo. It is applied to the surface of the wool and then combed out with a comb. This is a good alternative to water.

In general, you must decide for yourself how often you can wash your cat. After all, a lot depends on the life and personal characteristics of the animal. But you can’t learn to completely abandon such a ritual. Even clean cats sooner or later require hygiene procedures.

Interesting article.