How is thuja oil used for adenoids. Thuja oil is an excellent remedy for the common cold

Treatment respiratory diseases recommend using natural natural remedies. Thuja oil from the common cold is useful for adults and children. Use diluted with olive or vaseline oil homeopathic remedy with a small content of thuja extract.

Useful properties and composition

Thuja oil is antiseptic, analgesic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drug. It is used to treat colds and respiratory diseases. Aromatic oil remedy has a vasoconstrictive effect, restores nasal breathing, relieves puffiness, liquefies thick mucus and promotes its release.

Useful Ingredients:

  • tannins;
  • pinipicrin;
  • pinene;
  • aromatic resins;
  • sabinene;
  • saponins;
  • cedrol;
  • cardiophyllene;
  • sesquiterpene alcohol.

The essential oil contains thujone. This substance has an abortive property, so the medicine is categorically contraindicated in pregnant women. For the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids, not used essential oil, and a homeopathic oil remedy, in which the concentration of thuja oil is lower, about 15%. Auxiliary components in such medicines are vaseline or olive oil. Homeopathic medicines with thuja can be used to treat children.

Preparations containing thuja oil:

  • Tuya Edas-801;
  • Thuya DN;
  • Tuya GF.

Thuja oil is never used in pure form because it is considered hazardous. As a rule, preparations containing a small percentage of it are sold in pharmacies. You can buy them without a doctor's prescription. Price, depending on the manufacturer, from 150 to 300 rubles. The bottles of frosted brown glass contain a clear yellowish liquid, which has a characteristic smell of coniferous plants. Shelf life from the date of manufacture - 2 years.

Medicinal homeopathic preparations with thuja oil substance help to eliminate inflammatory processes, increase immunity. They are used to remove congestion in the organs respiratory system. This effective remedy for the treatment of adenoids. It works great with pathogenic flora, which is the cause of many respiratory diseases. With it, you can cure a runny nose, thin and remove mucus that has stagnated in the nasal passages.

Important! Preparations with thuja oil have regenerating properties. They are used to heal wounds, cracks, burns and scratches on the skin. The process of epithelialization accelerates, the wound heals much faster.

Indications for use

For what diseases is the remedy used:

  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis.

Contraindications for use:

  • during pregnancy;
  • children under 3 years old, as it has little toxicity, can cause an allergic reaction and lead to laryngo- or bronchospasm;
  • with an allergy to thuja;
  • you can not bury your nose with undiluted essential oil;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • smoking and alcoholic drinks reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Precautionary measures:

  • before use, do a tolerance test, for this purpose, a medicine based on thuja is brought to the patient's nose and his reaction is monitored, if there is no cough or breathing problems, the remedy can be used;
  • conduct a skin reaction test, for this, the wrist is lubricated with oil and waiting for redness to appear;
  • avoid contact with mucous membranes;
  • you can not swallow the oil medicine, if it enters the stomach, you need to call an ambulance, drink water and take activated charcoal.

Thuja oil is used to treat sinusitis. It acts on bacteria in the mucus maxillary sinuses. He is assigned to early stage the development of the disease. The oil is instilled into the nose for one week.

Thuja oil is effective for the treatment of adenoids. If children have problems with nasal breathing, constant runny nose, nasal voice, they need to use the drug. The drug improves the condition of the nasopharynx, but it should be used only at the very beginning of the disease. On late stages the problem is solved with surgical operation. Oil is dripped into each nostril for one month.

Important! If children have inflammation of the adenoids of the first or second degree, then it is possible to cure the disease with the help of thuja oil. A positive effect occurs in 70% of patients.

How to use thuja oil

To avoid side effects(allergies, burns), thuja oil should be treated according to the doctor's recommendation and instructions. Clean nose before use. You can wash it with the help of such means: Aqua Maris, Quicks, Aqualor, Marimer. Then you need to lie on your back and tilt your head back.

Thuja oil is dripped into the child's nose, 2 drops in each nostril. Carry out the procedure no more than 3 times a day. Then you need to lie down for about 10 minutes so that the medicine gets into the right area. From what age can thuja oil be used? Essential oil is used from the age of 18, a homeopathic thuja remedy can be used from the age of 3 with the permission of a doctor.

Treatment rules:

  • first, drip 2 drops of Protargol into each nostril to clear the nose;
  • 20 minutes after cleanser use thuja oil;
  • in each nostril you need to drip 2 drops three times a day;
  • treatment is carried out for 6 weeks.

You can alternate thuja oil with Argolife. For one week, rinse the nose with Protargol and instill a thuja remedy, and for another week, continue to use a cleansing spray, but with Argolife. For the third week, use only thuja medicine, 2 drops in each nostril three times a day.

How to treat purulent rhinitis, sinusitis in adults? Diseases are treated as follows: 3-4 drops are instilled into each nasal passage 3 times a day. The dose for children with prolonged rhinitis or sinusitis is less: 2 drops in each nostril three times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

If the runny nose does not go away, you need to switch to another drug. For example, Rhinocinesin can be used. This homeopathic remedy is used for prolonged rhinitis with purulent discharge. Apply 3 drops three times a day for a week.

For the treatment of adenoids, inhalations are done. Once a day, before going to bed, you should breathe steam over a pot of water, to which a few drops of thuja oil are added. Take 4 drops in a glass of boiling water. Inhale warm steam for 10 minutes. Do not cover your head with a towel. Do not inhale near a hot pot for children under 5 years old, they can tip over boiling water on themselves. It is forbidden to breathe too hot steam, its temperature should be about 45 degrees.

Thuja medicine is used for polyps. It is instilled three times a day, 3 drops in each nostril. With frequent rhinitis, to prevent the disease, you can drip 2 drops 2-3 times a day. Thuja ointment from the common cold is used to treat rhinitis infectious nature and in inflammatory processes in the sinuses. Nasal passages are lubricated thin layer three times a day for one week. You can lay turundas for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day. Nasal ointment is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

Thuja oil is used to treat colds and runny nose. A diluted homeopathic remedy is dripped into the nose or made with it steam inhalation. It is used to treat adenoids on initial stage diseases.


A plant called thuja is familiar to many, our ancestors considered it a symbol of longevity and used oil pressed from thuja needles and cones to prevent and treat many diseases, including infectious ones. Regular readers of my blog know that I pay a lot of attention to various vegetable oils, both essential and food, which are very popular due to their beneficial properties and ease of use. However, among the many oils, thuja essential oil is used very rarely due to its toxicity.

IN medical practice homeopathic thuja oil is widely used, which is made according to certain rules. The main principle of homeopathy is the principle of similarity, that is, like should be treated with like. Such treatment spurs the body's defenses, and it can cope with the disease on its own without potent drugs.

This thuja oil has more low concentration active substances, acts gently and has no serious contraindications. Today we are with you dear readers, consider what help this oil provides to the children's body, including how to use thuja oil for adenoids and runny nose for children. After all, it is children who need to choose the most natural and safe treatment. But not only about children, of course, will be discussed. This oil is good for adults too.

Useful properties of thuja oil

Tui oil is rich in tannins, aromatic resins, phytoncides, glycosides plant origin, antioxidants. Due to this composition, thuja oil has many useful properties.

  • Thuja oil is valued primarily for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal effects.
  • The oil has a vasoconstrictive effect, capable of restoring nasal breathing during a runny nose.
  • It has wound healing, hemostatic and analgesic properties.
  • Possessing an immunostimulating effect, the oil strengthens the body's defenses, promotes speedy recovery with infectious diseases.
  • The tonic properties of thuja allow you to deal with anxiety, irritability, fatigue.
  • Restore mental and physical activity.
  • In many sources you can find information about the antitumor properties of thuja, it is successfully used in traditional medicine to remove warts and papillomas.
  • The ability of thuja oil to expel helminths from the body is also known.

Buy thuja oil only at a pharmacy, when buying, you need to distinguish between essential oil and homeopathic, since the essential oil, due to its high toxicity, is used only externally and only according to the doctor's indications.

Tui oil. Instructions for use

When buying oil, be sure to read the instructions so as not to exceed the dosage and do no harm. Oil is produced by various companies, you can find such names as Edas - 801, Tuya DN, Tuya GF.

pharmachologic effect

Improves metabolic processes in tissues, improves secretory function skin and mucous membranes.

Indications for use

atrophic chronic rhinitis, nasal polyps, adenoids, condylomas, warts, diseases of the oral mucosa, inflammation of the middle ear.

Dosage and administration

  • At skin diseases and warts, a small amount of oil is applied pointwise 2-3 times a day to the affected areas of the skin.
  • For diseases of the nasal cavity, 3-4 drops are instilled into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day.
  • With inflammation of the middle ear in the outer ear canal introduce turundas soaked in a small amount of oil, and also lubricate the skin behind the auricle with one drop of oil.
  • With stomatitis and periodontal disease, the affected areas of the mucosa are lubricated with oil several times a day after meals.

Contraindications and side effects

If the dosage is observed, it does not have side effects, it is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy, epilepsy.

Thuja oil for adenoids for children

What are adenoids and why are they dangerous for a child? Many of you are familiar with this problem that occurs in children between the ages of 2 and 14. Adenoids are abnormal growths of lymphoid tissue. nasopharyngeal tonsil, which leads to mucosal edema and impaired nasal breathing. The child breathes through the mouth, although there is no runny nose, and if a runny nose appears, then it becomes protracted. These are the first signs of adenoids that have appeared, which should alert parents.

Adenoids are the focus chronic infection, they must be treated, otherwise the child will have serious health problems:

  • hearing worsens;
  • speech is disturbed;
  • growth is disturbed facial bones and teeth;
  • slows down the development of the chest;
  • the middle ear often becomes inflamed;
  • often there are constant companions of adenoids - pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • the child often and for a long time suffers from colds;
  • the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen, which affects the child's performance at school;
  • nervous disorders appear.

If the disease is in mild stage, then doctors offer conservative treatment, these are physiotherapy procedures, taking vitamins and immunostimulants, washing the nose with special solutions and instillation into the nose medicines, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, kill microbes and relieve swelling.

If the process is started, then most likely the doctors will suggest removing the adenoids, but the operation is a huge stress for the child. It is better not to start the development of the disease, but to start treating it as soon as possible.

Thuja oil is successfully used for adenoids in children, it relieves swelling and inflammation, kills bacteria, and enhances the body's defenses.

How to bury thuja oil in the nose of children

I repeat that it is impossible to instill pure essential oil of thuja into a child’s nose, you need to buy homeopathic oil or other preparations based on it in a pharmacy, in which the content of thuja oil does not exceed 15%.

  • Rinse the child's nasal passages with salted water from a pipette, tilting his head forward over a basin or sink, let him blow his nose.
  • Thuja oil for adenoids for children, according to the instructions, 2-3 drops are instilled into each nostril, the child should sit with his head slightly thrown back.
  • After instillation, the child should be laid horizontally for 5 to 10 minutes.

Do the procedure daily for a month, then take a break for a month, and if the problem persists, instill thuja oil with adenoids for more long time. You'll have to be patient, because conservative treatment may take several months, sometimes it is necessary to conduct 3-4 courses until a complete cure.

I suggest watching a video in which the famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky talks about adenoids, how to prevent this disease, how to treat it, and when an operation is needed.

Thuja oil for a cold

Thuja oil for a cold is also used, but not in acute period when it literally flows from the nose. Like any oil, thuja oil with a very wet mucosa can disrupt the function of the epithelium, which will lead to even more swelling and deterioration.

As soon as the runny nose enters the stage when thick, difficult-to-separate mucus accumulates in the nose, turning into crusts, dryness is felt in the nasal passages, homeopathic thuja oil can be instilled into the nose. It will soften dried mucus and help remove it, moisturize the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, and facilitate nasal breathing.

Thuja oil for sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, a serious disease caused by infectious processes in the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Often sinusitis develops with lingering runny nose when the outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinuses is disturbed, leading to inflammatory processes in them.

If in the background prolonged runny nose there is pressure in the nose, there are severe headaches in the forehead and temples, the body temperature has risen, purulent discharge from the nose, you must definitely contact the ENT doctor, as these signs may indicate inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses.

When it comes to children, careful attention to outward signs diseases, as children cannot always explain what exactly they feel. Sinusitis is fraught with serious complications, therefore medical assistance necessary.

IN complex treatment sinusitis, various folk remedies in the form of nasal drops, inhalations, irrigations, washings. Thuja oil for sinusitis provides significant assistance:

  • kills microbes,
  • softens mucus and pus accumulated in the sinuses,
  • due to its vasoconstrictive properties, it relieves mucosal edema,
  • improves nasal breathing
  • facilitates the outflow from the inflamed sinuses of its pathogenic contents.

Thuja oil for sinusitis is instilled 3-4 drops into each nostril 2-3 times a day for at least 10 days. In the future, you need to look at how you feel, if necessary, the course of oil treatment can be repeated after a short break.

For sinusitis, it is recommended to rinse the nose with a small syringe or medical syringe without a needle. For such washings, it is best to prepare a decoction or infusion of chamomile, sage or St. John's wort, adding 15 drops of thuja oil per liter of liquid. Such washings are especially important in the presence of thick and difficult to separate purulent contents in the maxillary sinuses.

IN childhood is common symptom colds and viral infections preventing the baby from breathing. To eliminate such unpleasant symptom use both medicines and folk remedies. One of the gifts of nature, used against the common cold, is thuja oil.


The oil obtained from thuja has pronounced vasoconstrictor property, so it effectively copes with a prolonged runny nose, when the mucous membrane is thinned and overdried. Thuja oil also has t tonic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating action. In addition, this oil is noted bactericidal, antiviral and antiseptic properties.

Release form

It is sold as a 100% essential oil, as well as homeopathic remedy in which thuja oil is combined with vaseline.

homeopathic thuja oil

Balm with thuja extract

In addition, such oil can be prepared independently, gulf 1 part washed, dried and chopped needles with ten parts of olive oil. The mixture is covered with a lid and kept in a dark place for ten days, and after filtering used in the treatment of chronic rhinitis.

Self-made oil - guaranteed quality product


  • Chronic purulent rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • hypertrophy of the adenoids.
  • Chronic rhinitis, occurring in an atrophic form.

In addition, this drug is used to get rid of warts, nasal polyps, periodontal disease, acne, aphthous stomatitis, otitis and diseases of the joints.

When is it not allowed to drip?

The use of thuja oil should be careful in any case, but there are situations when similar treatment contraindicated:

  • With individual intolerance.
  • In case of acute cold.
  • At serious problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • If the child has asthma.
  • With epilepsy.

To determine if a child is allergic to such remedy, it is recommended to slightly dilute the oil and lubricate the skin behind the ear or on the wrist. The appearance of redness or swelling will tell you that thuja oil cannot be used in the treatment of a runny nose in this child.

Also it is important to observe the dosages and treat with thuja oil only if indicated to such a remedy, otherwise the use of such a drug may result in CNS depression, an asthma attack, interruptions heart rate, vomiting, tingling sensation and severe dryness in the nose.

In the absence of indications, thuja oil is not recommended.

Instructions for use

To prepare a solution from thuja oil that can be used to wash the nasal passages, you should take 100 ml of chamomile and sage infusion. For its preparation, take 1 tsp. herbs and pour them with 100 ml of boiling water, then insist for several hours, and after cooling, filter. In that herbal infusion add up to 20 drops of thuja oil (most often 10 or 15 drops).

A sick child is instilled with at least one drop in each nasal passage. Maximum children can instill up to 3 drops in each nostril. The frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a day.

Washing is completed when the symptoms of chronic rhinitis disappear. If the indication for the use of thuja oil are enlarged adenoids, the instillation is carried out in courses - the nose is instilled for 2 weeks, then a break is taken for 2 weeks, after which the drug is dripped for another 2 weeks.

For more information about the use of the beneficial properties of thuja, see the video:

How to use essential aroma oil?

The use of thuja essential oil is permissible only in an aroma lamp. Due to the saturation of the air with such aroma oil, the premises will be disinfected, destroying pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

If the aroma is unsaturated, it inhalation will be a stimulus to work immune system , and also non-aggressively disinfects the nasopharyngeal mucosa and reduces swelling respiratory tract.

It is recommended to saturate the air with vapors of thuja essential oil once or twice a day.. This is justified not only during the illness of the child, but also for the preventive purpose during the season of the SARS epidemic.

Inhalation of thuja vapor helps relieve swelling of the nasopharynx

An excellent solution is a decoction of thuja needles

Such a decoction affects the respiratory mucosa even more effectively than thuja oil.. At the same time, it can be dripped to children and with normal state mucosa, and when secreting mucus.

Before use, the child must blow his nose, and only after that, 3-4 drops of decoction are instilled into each nasal passage.

To prepare it, dried or green thuja branches (a tablespoon) are poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and insisted for one hour, and then filtered.

Thuja is an evergreen tree with soft needles, which is widely used in modern landscape design.

These neat trees can be seen on city streets, in front gardens, and in country gardens. But thuja is not only a beautiful element of a flower bed! Thuja oil from the common cold is considered one of the most effective, proven and safe. It quickly facilitates breathing, reduces the amount of mucus secreted, relieves swelling and kills all known viruses and microbes.

The healing properties of thuja were known to doctors ancient east, and in Europe until the 16th century, remedies based on this plant were considered almost the only cure for the common cold and cold. Unfortunately, in Russia, thuja is not yet very common. However, today there are many recipes that allow you to make miraculous remedies that increase immunity, heal the mucous membrane and relieve even the most protracted runny nose.

The use of thuja for medicinal purposes

Thuja needles are used for making healing decoctions, which become a real salvation for patients bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, intestinal infections. Moreover, in European countries there is a special order to plant thuja on the territory of all tuberculosis dispensaries and infectious diseases clinics.

Thuja oil from the common cold has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-allergic, regenerating effect on the nasal mucosa.

However, it is important to understand that thujone, which is part of it, is very toxic substance therefore, oil, decoction and ointment from thuja are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for patients with epilepsy.

In the pharmacy, you can buy ready-made thuja oils from the common cold, the price of which is low. One of them is a drug called Edas-801. It is produced in glass vials with a capacity of 25 ml and serves to normalize the functioning of the secretory elements of the mucous membrane and skin, as well as to regenerate epithelial cells. According to the instructions, this thuja oil from a runny nose can be instilled 3-4 drops into each nostril twice a day.

However healing remedies you can make your own. One of the most popular recipes reads:

Thoroughly rinse and chop the thuja needles, pour with high-quality olive oil. One part of needles should be 10 parts of oil. Pour into glass jar with an airtight lid and put in a dark cool place, insist for 10 days.

This oil can be used as drops 2-3 times a day. In this case, three drops of the composition should be instilled into each nostril.

Thuja oil inhalations

However, when severe runny nose and nasal congestion, the effectiveness of simple instillation is extremely small. Inhalations with thuja oil have a more pronounced effect. To do this, add 5 drops of oil to one glass of boiling water. Put the glass on the table and, bending down, direct the flow of steam to the nose area. Cover the top with a large towel. During the procedure (10-15 minutes) you will feel a noticeable relief of well-being - breathing will be restored, the runny nose will begin to recede.

Nasal wash solution with thuja

Thuja oil from a cold for an adult and a child can also be used to wash the nasal passages. To begin with, you should prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile and calendula. Mix the herbs in equal proportions and pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with a quarter cup of boiling water. When the product has cooled, add 15-20 drops of thuja oil there, strain thoroughly. During an illness, the nose should be washed with such a decoction twice a day, and during an epidemic for preventive purposes - once a day.

Aromatherapy with thuja oil

Thuja oil from a cold, the price of which will please even the most zealous housewife, is ideal for aromatherapy sessions. To do this, prepare an aroma lamp, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized store.

However, it will be successfully replaced by a wide vessel with hot water.

Aromatic baths with thuja oil from the common cold

Aromatic baths will be another pleasant addition to the treatment of rhinitis. To carry out such a procedure, the bath must be filled warm water, and then add 5-7 drops of thuja essential oil there. Now you can safely enjoy the aromas emitted by the water. However, do not forget that such a remedy is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women!

Ointment based on thuja - a sure remedy for a cold

Thuja from the common cold can be used not only in the form oil formulations but also in the form of an ointment. Ointment "Tuya" from the common cold is sold in almost any pharmacy. It is inexpensive, and, judging by the reviews, it differs high efficiency. As part of the product, only thuja essential oil and petroleum jelly, so you can use the ointment for both an adult and a child. The main thing is to ensure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction.

The ointment quickly softens and soothes the nasal mucosa without causing it to dry out, form crusts, or adenoid elements. With its help, the production of normal mucous secretions is stimulated, due to which a quick and natural recovery occurs.

According to experts, Tuya ointment is one of the simplest and most available funds treatment of chronic rhinitis of a catarrhal nature.

The scheme of application is extremely simple: swabs soaked in the composition should be placed in the nasal passages twice a day for 5-10 minutes. The procedures are repeated for one to two weeks. Reviews suggest that already on the second day of treatment, the patient feels a noticeable relief from the common cold.

Drawing conclusions

Tui-based products have long proven their effectiveness. Oils, solutions, decoctions and ointments are considered one of the most effective, simple and affordable weapons in the fight against acute and chronic runny nose, sinusitis, adenoiditis. Reviews only confirm these statements. Ointment and thuja oil from a cold can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

ABOUT medicinal properties thuja oil and how to use it in medicine is described in the next video.

03.09.2016 18570

Children's runny nose- This characteristic symptom colds, SARS and other diseases provoked by hypothermia or contact with a sick person carrying bacteria. If the flow of mucus from the nose does not pass within long time or lumps of pus are noted in the discharge, then it is necessary to use "heavy artillery", otherwise acute rhinitis can easily become chronic.

In the treatment of the common cold, not only the drugs offered traditional medicine, but also simple folk remedies. Of particular interest is thuja oil, which carefully and effectively fights against diseases of the airways. Medicines based on this tool, improve the patient's well-being and bring the moment of recovery closer. Thuja oil for the nose is of two types: essential (100% concentration) and homeopathic (15%).

Thuja oil properties

The therapeutic effect of the oil in the common cold is due to the following properties thuja:

  • antibacterial;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • disinfectant;
  • antiallergic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • regenerating.

How does it help with a cold?

This remedy can only be used in homeopathic form. Parents need to be very careful with this tool. If the doctor has prescribed a child this drug for the treatment of a cold, then do not forget to ask for the name of a particular medicine and purchase at the pharmacy exactly what the doctor ordered.

A homeopathic remedy is a remedy with a very low concentration active substance. The drops intended for children contain the essential oil of the evergreen Thuja Western. In the instructions for homeopathic remedies, next to the name active component the degree of its dilution is indicated: the letter D means decimal dilution, C means hundreds, and the number next to it indicates the number of dilutions (*10 or *100, depending on the previous letter).

All homeopathic medicines with thuja oil passed the procedure state registration in Russia, they are included in medical encyclopedias. All of them are domestically produced, but from various manufacturers. They can be used for a long time, until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

Concentrated thuja oil for a runny nose in children is not used for the following reasons:

  • high toxicity:
  • the risk of serious allergies that may interfere with breathing;
  • pungent odor, which in the case of young children (under five years old) can lead to laryngospasm - sudden attack suffocation.

Essential thuja remedy can only be used in aroma burners (3-5 drops per 14 m2). The device will purify the air from pathogenic bacteria. And the inhalation of a weakly concentrated odor activates the work defensive forces body, carefully disinfect the mucous membranes of the airways, reduce swelling of the epithelium of the nasal cavity.

For washing the nasal passages, a low-concentrated solution is used. To prepare it, you need homeopathic drops (10-20) and ½ cup herbal decoction from equivalent proportions of chamomile and salvia.

Instillation of the nasal passages with a homeopathic remedy can be considered a method intensive care recommended for complex inflammation of the nasal mucosa, proliferation of adenoid tissue. The minimum dose is 1 drop in each pass, the maximum dose is 3.

Weakly concentrated oil can be prepared with your own hands, the main thing is to know the uncontaminated areas where the thuja grows. The collected needles are washed, dried, and then poured with olive oil. 10 parts of oil are spent on one part of needles. The finished mixture is removed in a dark place for 10 days. After the specified period, the agent is filtered and 5% thuja oil is obtained.

Tui occurs with the following frequency:

  • fumigating an apartment or enriching the air with essential vapors of thuja oil is carried out a maximum of 1-2 times a day;
  • washing the nose with a non-concentrated solution - 2 times - in the morning and evening;
  • thuja oil in the nose - 2-3 times a day.

How to use thuja oil for children when instilled?

  1. It is necessary to drip a homeopathic remedy into a previously cleaned nose. Sprays are used for rinsing. sea ​​water(Aquamaris, Dolphin, etc.).
  2. Sometimes, before using thuja oil, doctors recommend treating the nasal passages with an anti-inflammatory agent.
  3. 2 drops of the drug are instilled into each nasal passage. The course of treatment should be continued for 14 days. After that, the nasopharynx is treated with sea water for another two weeks and a second course is carried out.
  4. After instillation, the child needs to lie on his back for 10 minutes.

Oil Treatment Precautions

Concentrated thuja oil vasomotor rhinitis must be taken with extreme caution. The “tree of life” contains a poisonous component, which, when it gets into human body V large quantities causes significant harm to health.


  1. acute form of rhinitis;
  2. asthma;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  5. children under 3 years of age;
  6. individual intolerance.

Thuja oil for a runny nose in children is used only on the prescription of the attending physician and strictly following the instructions for use. The medicine must be kept out of the reach of children. Even if it seems to you that the child is already independent and can hold and use the pipette by himself, it is important that the treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of the parents.

To determine the response child's body on the preparation, apply a small amount of a weakly concentrated product on the wrist or behind the ear. If swelling, redness, sharp allergic reaction, then quickly rinse off the product with skin, treat the problem area with cream and give the child an antihistamine.