If a runny nose and sneezing than to treat. How to solve the problem

Runny nose and sneezing without fever are the most common symptoms. They can disappear quickly and cause no concern to the patient, or they can develop into an inflammatory process and last for a long time. Why do these signs appear? And do they need to be treated somehow?

When sneezing and a runny nose occur, many people are interested in what caused this to happen. To understand what's wrong, you need to find the cause. Only after this is adequate therapy prescribed.

If you have a runny nose and sneezing, the causes may be hidden:

  • in irritation of the mucous membrane due to dust or chemical substances;
  • in a viral or bacterial infection;
  • in allergic reaction to external stimuli. These include various odors, pet hair, plant pollen, house dust, food products;
  • in a cold;
  • in a long stay in a room where dry and warm air;
  • in non-compliance with hygiene rules.

An irritating factor can also be the unfavorable ecological situation in the city, access to bright light or long-term use of any medication.
If a person’s sneezing and runny nose go away on their own, no special treatment is required. But if these signs continue for more than three days, while the patient's condition only worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Seeing a doctor for sneezing and runny nose

Many patients, when sneezing and runny nose occur, try to ignore these signs. If the symptomatology lasts more than two days, then they begin to take various medicines. But this decision is not correct. Therefore, it is necessary to know in which case it is worth contacting a doctor. These include:

  • feeling of aches in the whole body;
  • the occurrence of a feverish state;
  • manifestation of weakness and general malaise;
  • increase in temperature indicators;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • tearing;
  • cough;
  • fast or weak pulse.

This condition may indicate that a person has running form a cold, influenza infection or other pathological process.

Possible consequences of sneezing and runny nose

Each person thinks about why he sneezes. But this symptom is never taken seriously. Sneezing acts as a defensive reaction when hit in nasal cavity foreign objects.

The situation is different when a person manifests persistent sneezing with a runny nose. This phenomenon can no longer be ignored. If the cause is a viral or bacterial infection, then rhinitis can develop into a chronic type. This type of disease can no longer be completely eliminated, but it will be necessary to observe preventive measures to strengthen immune function.

Another danger is that the infection can spread to nearby organs, leading to the development of sinusitis or another type of sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, and even pneumonia.

Nasal congestion and sneezing most often indicate that the patient has developed an allergic reaction. If the irritant is not eliminated in time, then a person may experience an asthma attack, anaphylactic shock or angioedema.

Treatment for sneezing and runny nose

If the patient has sneezing and a runny nose without fever, treatment should be carried out only after the cause of the disease has been clarified.
If sneezing was single or repeated during the day, this is not a cause for concern. Perhaps the reason was the dry air in the room. To avoid repeated cases, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible. If it's summer time outside, then you can leave the window open.

It is also important to pay attention to air humidification. This will allow the nasal mucosa not to dry out and not cause a protective reaction in the form of a sneeze. For such purposes, you can buy special device, which releases steam. If this is not possible, then it is enough to hang wet towels and diapers in the house.

If sneezing occurs with a cold, then it is important to pay attention to other symptoms: runny nose, fever, cough. To avoid complications, treatment should be started as soon as possible. In such situations, it is better to consult a specialist.

If unpleasant symptoms are caused by a viral or bacterial infection, treatment will include:

  1. in washing the nasal passages. This method is the basis of the healing process. The procedure should be carried out at least six times a day. This will moisturize the mucous membranes and remove all microbes from the nasal cavity. For such purposes, solutions from sea ​​salt, table salt and soda, furatsilina, herbal infusions;
  2. in the use of vasoconstrictors. They are used only if the patient has severe congestion nose with difficulty breathing. Duration of application should not exceed more than five days;
  3. in massaging the area of ​​​​the sinuses and wings of the nose;
  4. in drinking plenty of water and observing bed rest;
  5. in the use of antibacterial or antiviral sprays. It all depends on what kind of infection struck the body;
  6. in warming the legs and hands with hot baths with herbs or mustard, wearing warm woolen socks. Such methods can be resorted to when the patient does not have a temperature.

If the patient has frequent sneezing and a runny nose, then an allergic reaction may also be the cause. Also, the disease is accompanied by tearing, swelling of the nasal region and larynx. At the same time, the temperature indicators remain normal, and the cough is practically absent.

Before treating the pathology, it is necessary to eliminate contact with the irritant. They can be wool, dust or pollen. Upon contact, a response occurs within a few minutes. If it is difficult for the patient to identify the allergen, then it is best to take test samples that will help identify the cause.

After that, the healing process begins, which includes:

  1. flushing the nasal passages with saline solution. Medicinal herbs and other cold remedies allergic type better not to use. Otherwise, puffiness can become even stronger;
  2. taking antihistamines. These drugs allow you to remove swelling from the mucous membranes. AT childhood most often prescribed drops in the form of Fenistil, Zodak, Zirtek. In adulthood, you can use tablets in the form of Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Erius;
  3. use of topical hormonal preparations. Such drugs have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. They are assigned instead vasoconstrictor drops. This includes Nasonex. The drugs should be used only once a day, but the effect occurs only after twelve hours.

With a chronic runny nose, treatment is carried out with the help of conservative methods, which includes:

  • washing the nasal passages;
  • the use of vasoconstrictors;
  • taking homeopathic medicines;
  • the use of immunomodulating and immunostimulating agents to strengthen immune function;
  • the use of warming procedures;
  • conducting physiotherapy.

Preventive measures to prevent sneezing

Sneezing acts as a protective reaction of the body. Therefore, if it occurs once, then there is nothing to worry about.
But if a runny nose, fever, nasal congestion and cough join this symptom, then you should think about it and consult a doctor.

When the patient and the doctor understand why the sneezing appeared, treatment can begin. On average, it lasts from seven to fourteen days, depending on the severity of the case.

In order for the recovery stage to go faster and no longer worry about relapses, you need to follow some rules in the form:

  • strengthening the immune function with the help of immunostimulating agents, vitamin complexes. Drinking these drugs should be courses after consulting a doctor;
  • carrying out hardening procedures and physical exercises;
  • regular ventilation and air humidification;
  • frequent wet cleaning. For infections, disinfectants must be used;
  • implementation of daily walks;
  • sports.

Sneezing and runny nose without fever is not uncommon. By such processes, the human body reacts to external stimuli of various etiologies: viruses, or the presence foreign body. Home treatment should be carried out only after a doctor's examination, provided that the specialist has not found serious problems.

A severe runny nose and frequent sneezing may occur due to the following conditions:

  • acute or chronic rhinitis;
  • as primary symptom viral diseases;
  • allergy;
  • decreased immunity (including as a sign of pregnancy);
  • the presence of foreign objects in the nasal cavity.

Home treatment is unlikely to be harmful, but if the disease is serious, do not neglect medical recommendations.

This disease is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Illness accompanies severe runny nose over a long period. Less commonly, the patient may be bothered by coughing due to mucus getting into the throat.

Non-allergic rhinitis is not characterized by fever, itching of the nasal cavity and lacrimation.

Treatment should be accompanied by the use of a large amount of liquid - herbal or lemon tea. Honey is a good alternative to medicines. It strengthens the overall immunity of the body, if you add it to warm drinks. If rhinitis worsens, honey inhalations will help from sneezing and runny nose.

Recipe. To prepare the composition, you need to take:

  • a sprig of dry or fresh mint;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • liter of boiling water.

Mint leaves should be poured with boiling water and honey added to the liquid (the more it is, the better, but not more than 4 tablespoons). It is better to cover your head with a towel and breathe over the steam for 10-15 minutes. This procedure thins the mucus and contributes to its rapid removal.

Preventive actions

To prevent rhinitis from aggravating, it is necessary to regularly carry out the prevention of the disease. People who are prone to nose diseases will benefit from breathing sea air or just walking in the park more often. You can practice in nature exercise- this will help strengthen the immune system, in particular, the respiratory system.

Morning rinsing of the nose helps with a runny nose. To do this, dilute a little sea salt in warm water and rinse each nostril in turn with a pipette or other suitable device.

allergic rhinitis

This condition is an immune response to volatile allergens, less often food. The disease accompanies a runny nose, sneezing, lacrimation and swelling of the mucous membranes. If these symptoms are present, allergic rhinitis is diagnosed. Treatment should be comprehensive:

  1. The source of the allergy should be removed from the home. It could be a bouquet of flowers, a recently adopted animal, a new carpet, dust on a shelf, or mold on the walls. If nothing like this is found at home, and the allergy continues, it is worth watching the diet.
  2. Must be taken antihistamines during an exacerbation. A suitable medication and its dosage will help you choose an allergist.
  3. To prevent a person from becoming ill, it is necessary to ventilate the room or go outside. Can be applied to the respiratory system gauze bandage, abundantly moistened with water.
  4. If it becomes difficult to breathe, call an ambulance.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid the onset of the disease, it will not be superfluous to strengthen the immune system from the very beginning. early childhood. The child should be given natural products, with an emphasis on vegetables and fruits that do not cause allergies.

Adults need to quit smoking. To prevent symptoms allergic rhinitis Worth signing up for a pool.

The onset of a cold or flu

Any cold begins with a runny nose and other symptoms without an initial fever. This is due protective properties an organism that begins to abundantly secrete liquid exudate in order to get rid of the virus that has entered the nasal cavity. Sneezing with a cold is accompanied by itching and sore throat. The sooner treatment is started in such a case, the more likely it is to recover quickly.

So, if an adult has a runny nose and sneezing, and so far without a temperature, how can they be treated?

Herbal inhalations

Inhalation treatment will help clear the sinuses, have a tonic and antibacterial effect. It is necessary to breathe over the steam daily until the condition improves. Such procedures are contraindicated in sinusitis and other purulent diseases.

How to treat a runny nose:

  • Linden;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Oak bark;
  • needles.

Additional hydration of the nasal mucosa will also help stop sneezing. For these purposes, you can use olive oil or honey. If treated with folk methods, the cold does not recede immediately. Therefore, in order not to run more serious illness, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the advisability of such treatment.

The use of medicinal teas and nutritional strength

Herbal tea is a wonderful cold remedy. With a runny nose and sneezing, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. This will help the body cope with a viral infection faster. You should definitely add honey, lemon, rose hips and St. John's wort to tea - these are the strongest natural antibiotics. It is better to take this medicine warm.

To relieve the excessive burden on the body and help it cope with the disease, you should switch to lighter foods. It is necessary to focus on vegetables, fruits and cereals, avoiding overeating and heavy meat products. It is better to give up everything fried and fatty.

Other causes of runny nose and sneezing

Sometimes a person can sneeze without apparent reason. In some cases, this may indicate a pregnancy in a woman or a foreign body in the nose of a child. Before you get rid of a runny nose and sneezing, these causes must be excluded.

As a symptom of pregnancy

Sometimes a woman accidentally finds out about her pregnancy after she begins to be treated for cold symptoms with the help of pills. In some they are weakly expressed, in others they are more intense. Sneezing and a runny nose in the early stages signal a general decrease in immunity that occurs in the girl's body so that the barely born fetus is not rejected.

What to do to alleviate the condition in this case? It is worth replacing medicines - with vegetables and fruits, strong teas - with light herbal decoctions, avoiding stress and heavy loads. Usually a runny nose goes away on its own, without additional interventions in the body.

The child has

Before you stop sneezing in a child, it is worth examining his nasal cavity. The kid could put it in foreign object which caused the discomfort. It is necessary to help the baby to sneeze several times - this can solve the problem. If the manipulations did not help, you should not get rid of the object in the nose on your own, it is better to seek help from an otorhinolaryngologist. Self-medication in such a case is unacceptable.

Of course, not always the appearance of a runny nose and sneezing is associated with the above conditions. A person can sneeze several times a day for no apparent reason, and this is an absolute norm.

The runny nose will disappear in a matter of days. Try this tool...

Sneezing and runny nose are the body's response to being hit. infectious agent or foreign body in the nasal cavity. These symptoms are indicative of a respiratory illness, a cold, or seasonal allergies. But despite the fact that a person under these conditions can feel quite tolerable, they must be treated.


With a runny nose and sneezing, the body tries to completely get rid of the microparticles that have entered the nasopharynx. Also, similar symptoms can occur in the following conditions:

  • hypothermia (rain, air conditioning, drafts);
  • allergic reactions to wool, flowering, domestic ticks;
  • old bedding and pillows, in which dust accumulates over time;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • dry air in the room;
  • harmful working conditions.

Severe runny nose and sneezing is not in all cases accompanied by fever. In an adult, this condition with respiratory diseases indicates a decrease in the immune response.

Swelling of the nasal mucosa

Swelling of the nasal mucosa and leads to profuse rhinorrhea. Vasodilation only contributes to the release of the liquid part of the blood (plasma) from the vascular bed into the surrounding tissues. And the addition of waste products of bacteria or viruses leads to the fact that stop sneezing and runny nose without drug therapy becomes difficult.

The acute form of rhinitis is manifested not only by swelling of the mucosa. Patients complain of general malaise, itching or feeling of dryness in the nose. Such manifestations occur with influenza, measles, rubella, adeno viral infection.

Also, chronic rhinitis can be a symptom of not only diseases of the respiratory system. Abundant discharge from the nose can disturb with infectious myocarditis, kidney disease and pathologies of the endocrine system.

Sneezing and runny nose are a sign of a serious illness and are not considered independent disease. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the cause, not the effect.

Allergy manifestations

Allergic rhinitis is manifested by a runny nose, sneezing, massive swelling of the mucous membrane and unbearable itching. It is important to isolate the allergen, which led to the development of such a condition.

  1. Seasonal allergies occur during the period of active flowering of all kinds of plants.
  2. A year-round runny nose can disturb the patient due to the abundance of dust or the presence of household allergens.

Snot and sneezing are far from the only manifestations of allergies. Characteristic for this disease are itching, redness skin, strong lacrimation. Many patients complain of irritability, headache, sleep disturbance.

It is quite difficult to cure allergies. However, it is possible to remove some symptoms and thereby significantly improve the quality of life. Anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs can quickly get rid of sneezing and runny nose for the entire period of exposure to the allergen. With a runny nose without fever, aromatherapy with mint, eucalyptus or lemon oil brings the expected effect.


Sneezing and runny nose occur with every cold. They occur immediately after hypothermia or an infectious agent enters the body, and precede the manifestation of other symptoms.

On the initial stages disease, the sneezing reflex manifests itself more pronounced, then fades somewhat. During the temperature-free period of the disease, it is recommended to drink hot tea or uzvar, soak your feet in water with the addition of mustard powder.

But if the snot flows in a stream, then it is better to turn to traditional methods of treatment.

  1. Nasal sprays of vasoconstrictor action contribute to a sharp decrease in edema. When choosing these drugs, it is important to correctly observe the dosage and frequency of administration. The mechanism of action of vasoconstrictor drops is a local effect on adrenaline receptors, due to which narrowing occurs vascular wall. One of the pitfalls of this group of drugs can be considered rapid addiction. That is why before you get rid of a runny nose with their help, you must carefully read the instructions.
  2. Moisturizing drops, such as Aquamaris or Aqualor, are rarely used as the main drug. Such drops will not remove sneezing and an annoying runny nose, but they will well moisturize the overdried mucous membrane and stimulate the normal functioning of the glands.
  3. Drops from antiviral action effective only in determining the pathogen. How to treat a runny nose viral disease a trusted physician would be better advised.
  4. Drops with the addition of essential oils have an antiseptic effect. They can be attributed to homeopathic remedies and take with any of their types of rhinitis. Many of them also have a refreshing and decongestant effect.
  5. Aerosol antibacterial drops from the common cold are effective, respectively, for the disease bacterial etiology. Since they have an exclusively local effect, they are allowed for the treatment of children and pregnant women.

In the fight against sneezing, washing the nasal passages with salted water or a furatsilin solution will help. It is better not to use potassium permanganate, as it causes a gag reflex and has a very specific smell.

Before you treat your own runny nose and other manifestations of colds, you should seek a qualified medical care. A complex approach to therapy will allow you to quickly get rid of not only the depressing symptoms, but also their very cause.

Recipe herbal tea chamomile (click on image)

If you have symptoms of a cold, it is best to seek medical attention. After all, the doctor will tell you how to stop rhinorrhea and get rid of annoying sneezing. With a cold, it is extremely important to follow not only medical recommendations, but also a sleep and rest regimen. It is important to get enough sleep and not overload the body with physical or mental stress.

To prevent dehydration, you should consume a large number of warming drinks (tea, compote, herbal decoctions). Rinsing even with ordinary salt water helps to quickly get rid of pathogenic flora and their metabolic products.

With a large amount of discharge, we remove it with a special aspirator. Different models of nozzle pump are presented in pharmacies and are provided with detailed instructions.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of mucosal edema with the help of proven traditional medicine. With just appeared itching in the nasal cavity and sore throat can help hot tub with aromatic oils (eucalyptus, mint, thyme) and a large cup of tea with lemon and raspberry jam.

And what to do with an already progressive runny nose? Washing the nasal cavity with saline can lead to the desired result. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon of table or sea salt in 0.5 liters of boiled warm water. After thorough washing, we drip 2-3 drops of aloe juice into each nostril and the mucosal edema is removed as if by hand!

General strengthening of immunity with a mixture of honey, lemon and ginger root will help the body to quickly cope with the disease. Tea is prepared in the following proportion: 1 cup boiling water, 2 cm fresh root ginger, 2 teaspoons honey and a slice of lemon. Ginger is better to grate to get a fragrant gruel. And honey should be added when the drink cools down a bit to preserve everything. beneficial features this product. Proven recipes can relieve the symptoms of a cold and generally have a positive effect on the state of the immune system.

The act of sneezing is very important for the body. Without it, a person would constantly become infected colds, even with a sufficient level of immunity. All kinds of allergens, all kinds of pollutants from the inhaled air would constantly enter his lungs.

Sneezing is a protective reaction that saves from many diseases.

The act of sneezing, the causes of its occurrence

In one day, the human nose filters and disinfects about 15 cubic meters of air. It not only purifies the air, but also warms it and moisturizes it with the help of mucus produced by the epithelium of the mucous membrane. With each breath, the nasal passages enter great amount foreign agents, each of which can cause constant or occasional frequent sneezing.

All these provoking factors can be divided into the following groups:

  • Alien microflora, various viruses and bacteria
  • Dust particles, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke
  • Certain chemicals that are allergens for a particular person
  • Sudden change in ambient light or temperature (going from darkness to bright light or from heat to extreme cold)
  • Polyps in the nasal cavity, severe curvature of the nasal septum
  • Change hormonal background during gestation (constant sneezing in most pregnant women).

In case of contact with the nasal mucosa annoying factors of various origin, nerve endings located in the cells of the ciliated epithelium are activated closer to the exit from the nasal cavity. If this barrier is passed, then a mucous layer 0.06 mm thick stands up to protect the body. When overcoming it, foreign agents stimulate the nerve endings located in upper divisions nasal cavity.

The flow of nerve impulses enters the brain center of sneezing, from where signals are sent to the corresponding muscle groups. The glottis and eyes close, pulmonary pressure increases sharply, the muscles of the neck and torso contract, and a strong exhalation occurs with a characteristic sound.

Sometimes the invasiveness of the microflora (the ability to overcome local immunity) is so high that even strong and repeated sneezing does not save from infection.

Infectious origin of sneezing

Runny nose and sneezing are common symptoms of a cold. The causes of the disease are respiratory viruses and bacteria, which have a special tendency to damage the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. At first, inflammation is viral in nature, then, when a bacterial component is attached, it becomes combined.

Runny nose and sneezing are very closely related in the early stages of a cold.

This is due to the massive introduction of harmful microflora into the mucous membrane, the destruction of a large number epithelial cells, an increase in protective mucus formation. An increase in body temperature is one of the signs inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. Mild forms of the disease can also occur with normal temperature, but in the clinical picture of the common cold there are always abundant mucous membranes. purulent discharge, severe violation of nasal breathing, decreased sense of smell.

How to get rid of sneezing infectious rhinitis? Only through it complex treatment. This is a decrease in body temperature with the help of antipyretics, a decrease in swelling and the production of secretions using vasoconstrictor drugs. It is necessary to wash the nasal cavity to remove the contents, which consist of dead microorganisms, their toxins, and destroyed epithelial cells. After all, they are the cause of the protective reaction in infectious rhinitis.

Sneezing and runny nose without fever: allergy?

And sneezing when exposed to an allergic agent is quite common in any age categories. Poor ecology, poor quality of food and water, hereditary factor are the causes of sensitization of the body, that is, the formation of the ability to respond to certain substance atypical reaction.

Sneezing occurs only during the period of action of the allergen. It can be episodic, seasonal (when certain plants bloom) or permanent, when contact with the allergen cannot be ruled out. Characterized by the absence elevated temperature body, profuse clear nasal discharge. Lachrymation is often associated, the cause of which is allergic conjunctivitis.

To get rid of sneezing allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to avoid the influence of the allergen and reduce the manifestations of inflammation. If it was not possible to exclude contact with the antigen, then nasal lavage can be done.

Sneezing is especially effective in seasonal responses to flowering herbs and flowers. Also used are vasoconstrictors, antihistamines and hormonal preparations, means of barrier action.

If a person sneezes in the background full health, in conditions with increased air pollution or the content of chemicals in it, it is desirable to change the situation to a more environmentally friendly one. It is recommended to do daily nasal rinses saline solutions or herbal decoctions. When working in some industries, protective masks or respirators are required.

Sneezing protects us from the influence of many harmful factors. But often it is one of the symptoms of diseases. Therefore, it is important to know in which situations sneezing requires complex therapy under the guidance of the attending physician.