Allergic psoriasis: a special type of multifactorial disease. Allergic psoriasis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Allergies and psoriasis are two common, but completely different diseases that can be combined with each other. The development of these pathologies is influenced by third-party causes, so there is no need to look for a close relationship between them - there is none.

How to distinguish allergies from psoriasis?

Both diseases have a direct connection with the immune system, but the reasons for their development differ from each other.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly begins to fight against its own healthy cells.

An allergy is an immune response to an external irritant. For example, the body may react acutely to pet hair, various pills or foods.

Some patients mistake the appearance of psoriasis for an allergic disease.

A person unfamiliar with medicine can easily confuse the symptoms of these pathologies with each other, since in both cases itching and rashes appear on the skin.

Most often, a person perceives the symptoms of psoriasis as an allergy, since the latter ailment is more common.

It would be great if at this stage the patient turns to a specialist to clarify the correct diagnosis, and does not begin to treat the disease on his own. Otherwise, the pathological process can be aggravated, since these conditions require completely different therapeutic approaches.

Let's look at how to distinguish psoriasis from allergies in the following table.

FORM OF RASHESPsoriatic plaques rise slightly above the surface of the skin, have clear boundaries and silvery scales. In the absence of treatment, foci of inflammation begin to progress, growing and merging into single spots.Allergic rashes do not have clear contours; they can be in the form of small and large spots, in severe cases, a continuous swollen hyperemic surface. After the end of contact with the allergen, the rashes disappear.
LOCALIZATIONRashes appear on limited areas of the skin. Most often on the scalp, back and sacrum, bends of the knees and elbows.The rash appears on any part of the body.
ITCHYIn most cases not strong.Pronounced, sharp.
SURFACE OF RASHESDry.Normal, no different from healthy parts of the body.

How are these diseases similar?

Both diseases - allergies and psoriasis - appear against the background of a malfunction of the immune system, as a result of which the body begins to produce more T-lymphocytes than necessary. Both pathologies are caused by a genetic factor.

Exacerbation of both allergies and psoriasis begins due to nervous disorders, excess ultraviolet radiation and deterioration of the body's immune defense as a result of the presence of chronic pathologies in it. Certain medications can worsen their course.

Let's look at these provoking factors in more detail.

The effect of stress on psoriasis and allergies

If a person has psoriasis, stress may have a part to do with it. Especially when it comes to the onset of the disease.

Stress can also worsen the well-being and general condition of a person with an allergic disease. With psycho-emotional stress, the entire body functions in an enhanced mode, and therefore allergies can manifest themselves more acutely.

Under stress, a person's immune system is weakened. For this reason, psoriasis may recur and allergies may worsen.

The effect of medications on psoriasis and allergies

Experts have long noticed that tablets used in the fight against allergic disease sometimes affect the course of psoriasis - improving or, conversely, worsening the pathological process. A striking example is Prednisolone, which is often prescribed for allergies. After the end of treatment, the allergy goes away, and psoriasis flares up with renewed vigor, and vice versa.

The same can happen if other tablets or external agents are used. The reason for this phenomenon is unknown, but most likely it is due to the mechanism of action of the drugs themselves or to a banal coincidence.

The influence of the season on psoriasis and allergies

Exacerbation of psoriasis and allergies can occur at the same time of year. This rule is only valid for people who suffer from both diseases at the same time. Neither one nor the other pathology affects each other; the cause of relapse is weather conditions.

Psoriasis with allergies

The concept of allergy in psoriasis is quite vague. In this case, psoriasis develops due to allergies with persistent disruption of the immune system. Irritants entering the human body cannot be eliminated due to certain factors, for example, the lack of adequate treatment or its ignorance, which leads to the development of pathology.

Failure of the immune system provokes a condition in which immune cells, whose task is to fight pathogenic factors, cannot cope with their goal.

They mistake healthy cells for damaged ones, and sick ones for healthy ones, against the background of which the body stops fighting the disease properly, worsening it. The result of this is allergic psoriasis.


It is possible to distinguish the symptoms of psoriasis from allergies with high accuracy in laboratory conditions. A correct diagnosis is necessary for patients who simultaneously have signs of both diseases, since they can worsen each other.

For psoriasis, histological scrapings are taken from the lesions. Specific skin tests and blood tests can help identify allergies.


ALLERGY TREATMENT. It flows much easier. To eliminate the body's hypersensitivity reaction, it is necessary to exclude contact with the irritant and carry out conservative treatment, including antihistamine tablets and external steroids.

TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS. It is more complicated, its main goal is to alleviate the patient’s well-being and eliminate the external manifestations of the disease, as well as prolong remission. Conservative therapy is selected individually depending on the age and health status of the patient. According to indications, the patient is prescribed ointments for external use with birch tar, naphthalan, ichthyol, and steroids. It is important to supplement treatment with medications for psoriasis by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits and eliminating stress factors.

As mentioned above, allergic psoriasis is a rather relative phenomenon that is not recognized in official medicine. Treatment for this condition includes allergy and psoriasis medications. The basis of therapy is the following points:

Treatment should be carried out under medical supervision. Only a specialist will accurately determine the difference between allergies and psoriasis and select the necessary treatment package.

How to distinguish ringworm from allergies

Allergic diseases are widespread nowadays. The clinical manifestations of allergies are very diverse. For diagnosis and timely treatment, it is necessary to distinguish skin diseases from each other.

Human skin is a mechanical barrier to external influences of various factors. Upon contact with foreign substances to which the body has developed sensitization, an inflammatory reaction develops.

All allergens are different in their structure and morphology. By origin the following groups can be distinguished:

  • Animal origin (animal hair, fluff, saliva);
  • Plant allergens (pollen, sap, pigments);
  • Synthetic substances (cosmetics, household chemicals);
  • Drug sensitization (various medications);
  • Food products (chocolate, fruits).

The mechanism of development of a skin reaction to exposure to an allergen is associated not only with the direct effect of a foreign protein. An important role is played by the detoxification function of the skin, as a result of which many harmful substances are eliminated through the pores.

With a food allergy, a certain allergen enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, so rashes can appear in different parts of the body.

A characteristic feature of allergies is the polymorphism of the disease, the result of which is the involvement of other organs and their systems in the pathological process.

In allergic diseases, a pathological process can be observed in the following organs:

  • Dermatitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • Pharyngitis, tracheitis;
  • Allergic bronchitis;
  • Atopic reactions in the form of angioedema, bronchial asthma and anaphylactic shock.

All pathological processes in immediate type reactions are accompanied by pronounced processes of tissue infiltration, abundant secretion of serous fluid and the development of edema.

The first hallmark of rubella is an increase in body temperature and inflammation of the lymphatic formations. Such symptoms are not observed in allergic syndrome.

In addition, skin lesions caused by the body's hypersensitivity to antigen have a clear localization of the rash. When the pathogenesis is caused by rubella, the rash in the first stages concentrates on the skin of the face, then spreads throughout the body.

Chicken pox always begins with a fever and a feeling of severe weakness. Next, rashes occur throughout the body: first, single light red bubbles with watery contents appear on the body, then their number increases within 2 days, after which the rash gradually subsides.

The allergy occurs without fever and can progress as long as the antigen affects the body.

Respiratory pathologies often manifest themselves with fever and myalgia, then these signs are accompanied by symptoms typical of a cold (runny nose, cough), which disappear within a week.

Allergies, especially to household dust and pollen, are characterized by a long period of disease, and when a person is in unfavorable conditions for him, a repeated exacerbation will always occur.

It is not difficult to recognize lichen: it affects the skin in a special way - large round pink spots appear on the body, within which small pimples are concentrated. The affected skin peels and itches.

Lichen spots have clear dark pink borders. Dermatological signs of allergies are scattered fine-bubble rashes, watery blisters, papular formations without clearly defined outlines.

Psoriasis is characterized by a convex papular rash, usually round in shape, on top of which there is a whitish scaly coating framed by a pink ring. At the time of remission, traces of psoriasis remain on the skin - pigment spots. The main areas affected by the epidermis are the scalp, elbows, knees, back, nail plates, palms and soles of the feet.

When a person experiences any symptoms that are misleading about the nature of the origin of the pathogen, there is no need to hesitate and engage in fortune-telling; it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital for examination and diagnosis. Only a specialist can accurately determine what is associated with dermatological or respiratory pathogenesis.

Clinical picture

Clinical manifestations of allergic psoriasis have some features. The differences are related to the key influence of the allergen on the development of the disease.

Features Psoriasis Allergy

Multifactorial vomiting:

  • Irritants;
  • Skin microtraumas;
  • Exposure to toxins;
  • Stress factor.

Predominant influence of a specific allergen:

Morphology of rashes

  • Flat-shaped with the presence of scales (80% of cases);
  • Papule;
  • Vesicle;
  • Erythematous.

Localization of the rash

  • Outer surface of joints;
  • Back;
  • Inner thighs;
  • Other places on the body that are subject to friction.
  • Location of pathogen exposure;
  • With systemic influence of the allergen, nonspecific localization of rashes may occur.

Duration of the pathological process

Periods of relapse and remission are distinguished depending on the influence of various provoking factors.

The relationship between allergen exposure and the appearance of rashes is determined.

How to recognize psoriasis at an early stage

Reddish-pink rashes on the body, covered with rough silvery scales, are characteristic manifestations of the inflammatory process of epidermal cell division. You can take a closer look at the structure of changes in keratinocytes in photographs on the Internet.

Each type of disease has its own varieties. For example, some people at the stationary stage of the disease develop a Voronov's rim - a soft, rounded ring along the edge of plaque-like spots that may shine.

Signs of psoriasis

Psoriasis belongs to a group of chronic skin lesions. In almost all patients, psoriasis, once it appears, begins to progress and covers increasingly large areas of the skin. To stop the development of the disease, it is necessary to notice the first signs of psoriasis in time and begin its treatment.

In order not to start the disease and prevent it from developing into a chronic, difficult-to-treat form, you should contact a specialist - a dermatologist - for prescriptions. The specialist will assess the severity of symptoms and the need to use certain medications.

Against the background of psoriasis, one should be extremely careful when using any medications, since they can provoke a relapse and aggravate the course of the disease. You should not use dietary supplements and vitamins uncontrollably, and if you are prescribed medications for another disease, be sure to inform your doctor about the presence of psoriasis.

Immediately after discovering psoriatic changes on the skin, try to spend more time in the fresh air, the sun, swim and sunbathe in the summer, trips to the sea are very useful. Take care of your skin using special products and protect it from injury.

A diet that excludes alcohol, limits fats and sweets, smoked foods and foods containing preservatives will be very useful for preventing the development of exacerbation of the disease. It is important to take care of stabilizing the neuropsychic state, since it is stress that provokes severe exacerbations of psoriasis and significantly aggravates its course.

Try to avoid conflict situations in the family and at work, provide yourself with the opportunity to have proper rest and sleep. Walking in the fresh air and warm baths with sea salt are extremely useful in terms of relaxing effects and improving skin health.

  • Allergy 325
    • Allergic stomatitis 1
    • Anaphylactic shock 5
    • Urticaria 24
    • Quincke's edema 2
    • Hay fever 13
  • Asthma 39
  • Dermatitis 245
    • Atopic dermatitis 25
    • Neurodermatitis 20
    • Psoriasis 63
    • Seborrheic dermatitis 15
    • Lyell's syndrome 1
    • Toxidermy 2
    • Eczema 68
  • General symptoms 33

Many people with psoriasis experience allergies. In order to find out whether a person has an allergy, as a rule, it is necessary to undergo numerous tests. And, despite the fact that a visit to an allergist will certainly be beneficial, specialists cannot always identify what a person is allergic to, or rather what products cause an allergic reaction. It is especially bad if a person is being treated for psoriasis, and the products that help him with this cause allergies.

Pulse allergy test.

There are several procedures to identify allergies. One of them involves measuring the pulse and is described below. Remember that everyone, including those with psoriasis, reacts differently to allergens, and some reactions can be very severe (even fatal), so any procedure is not recommended without the supervision of a qualified professional.

Read also: Food for psoriasis.

The pulse test can be used to detect allergies not only to food, but also to pollen, cigarette smoke and chemicals. This test can be carried out as soon as the person wakes up. To do this, you need to measure your pulse and write down its value. Next, you need to choose foods or drinks that may be possible allergens and eat and drink them. Then the pulse is measured again and its value is recorded. After this, after 15 minutes you need to measure your pulse again.

When taking your heart rate to detect allergies, you should not do anything (such as carrying heavy objects, walking on stairs, playing sports, etc.) that could affect your heart rate.

After these 15 minutes, you need to check if there are any changes in your heart rate. Depending on the results, it will be clear whether the heart rate has changed compared to the original value. An increase of 10 beats may mean that a person is allergic to the food or drink they just consumed. Knowing this, you can make a note to avoid these foods or drinks in the future.

During the day (after complete calmness), you can conduct another pulse allergy test.

Although a person cannot isolate himself from everything in the world, knowing what causes his allergies and what triggers psoriasis outbreaks can make his life much easier.

Allergic psoriasis is typical for patients with dry, thin skin and a history of frequent allergies. The pathology manifests itself on the scalp, elbows, and wrists. The main difference from dermatitis is a long treatment process, a chronic wave-like course; it is impossible to get rid of allergic psoriasis forever.

Skin rashes due to allergies are not similar to psoriatic plaques, for this reason differential diagnosis is difficult, and it becomes difficult to distinguish between diseases. The likelihood of illness can be increased by intolerance to certain foods, course use of medications, and frequent stressful situations.

Often, psoriasis is the result of a long-term allergic reaction, so there is a close relationship between them. With allergies, food products are not broken down enough in the intestines, and small molecular compounds enter the bloodstream.

In this case, the skin regards them as a foreign agent and tries to fight the compounds. As a result:

  1. epidermal cells die;
  2. due to a failure of the immune system, new, pathological cells appear;
  3. the process of growth of psoriatic plaques begins.

However, allergies and psoriasis are not always related to each other. Some patients suffer from aggravated allergy status all their lives, but they never develop psoriasis.

Among the causes of allergic psoriasis, doctors identify prolonged contact with household chemicals. With constant interaction with detergents or cleaning powders, a contact allergy develops. With repeated interactions, negative reactions worsen, and concomitant diseases gradually develop.

Predisposing factors also include the use of external agents, which:

  • not quite suitable for the body;
  • are allergenic;
  • provoke disruptions in the formation of healthy cells.

Another common reason is intolerance to certain foods. Psychosomatics can often provoke health problems.

The presence of allergens does not cause plaques to appear in every patient. Psoriasis occurs in approximately ten percent of allergy sufferers. To prevent an allergy from developing into psoriasis, a person must have genetic prerequisites. To date, scientists have discovered as many as 15 genes that regulate immune responses and contribute to the development of the pathological condition.

What is this article about?

Symptoms and possible complications

The occurrence of the disease is based on malfunctions in the immune system. The human body tries to create epidermal cells as quickly as possible, but they become “superfluous” and begin to rise above the surface of the integument in the form of plaques.

The main signs of psoriasis are papules on the skin, located as if above neighboring tissues. Over time, papules can merge with each other and form characteristic grayish or white plaques.

Gradually, the pathological areas of tissue become covered with scales and become very flaky. When you scratch the scales, the skin underneath them bleeds, hurts a lot, and causes a lot of discomfort.

The allergic form of psoriasis can form in areas of previous atopic dermatitis, in other words, where rashes or other changes on the body were previously located.

The disease is complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, these can be lesions:

  1. bacteria;
  2. fungi.

Infected tissues are rejected and necrosis develops. If the infection has penetrated deep into the tissues, gradual damage to the remaining internal organs and subcutaneous fat is observed.

In patients, the disease can occur in the form of psoriatic erythroderma, when huge blisters appear on the surface of the skin. The worsening of the condition is provoked by sepsis, that is, blood poisoning. In this case, there is a direct threat to human life.

The allergic form of psoriasis can be recognized by specific symptoms. There are several nuances here that help you see the difference. If psoriasis affects the scalp, it manifests itself as severe dandruff.

The allergic type of pathology often affects areas where hair is absent:

  • behind the ears;

When the hands and feet are affected, identification occurs by keratinized thickenings of the integument. Indentations form on the nail plates, very reminiscent of a fungal disease. Lesions on the body are individual in nature; there are no clear instructions on this matter; treatment methods will also differ.

Moreover, it makes no difference whether a child or an adult is sick.

Diagnostic measures, treatment

Signs of an allergy are not just rashes on the body; the disease is characterized by general or local swelling, itching, and hyperemia. Psoriasis is characterized by areas of tissue that rise above the integument with severe peeling.

How to distinguish allergies from psoriasis? To make a diagnosis, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor determines the disease based on visual examination, clinical data and medical history. If the signs are vague, you will need to undergo laboratory tests: blood tests, epidermal cytology.

The basis of treatment is the use of external local agents. Non-hormonal or may be used. The preparations moisturize dry skin, promote the growth of healthy tissue, and relieve inflammation.

The goal of treatment is to combat allergens; you will need to determine the source of the problem and eliminate it. If you cannot get rid of the allergen, you need to try to reduce the time you interact with it.

When the disease worsens, immunostimulants are taken to help:

  • activation of immunity;
  • tissue restoration;
  • accelerating healing.

It happens that an adult is prescribed immunosuppressants to reduce the body’s defense response and reduce the rate of production of new skin cells.

Each patient is given an individual treatment regimen, consisting of recommendations and medications. To the main course of treatment, the doctor will add tablets to cleanse the liver and normalize the functioning of the intestines.

Phototherapy is becoming an effective method. However, it is not suitable for every patient; minimal dosages are prescribed to check the body’s response. In some countries, hydrotherapy is prescribed to get rid of psoriasis.

There are certain types of fish that eat growths on the skin without injuring healthy areas of tissue. After a course of hydrotherapy, remission is observed for six months or more. Factors also important:

  1. sufficient sleep;
  2. hardening;
  3. high-quality nutritious food.

Spa treatment is recommended. Recently, this approach has shown its best side; more and more new treatment methods, complexes and treatment schemes are being developed and implemented. This allows you to effectively combat allergic, autoimmune, arthropathic psoriasis.

There are specialized sanatoriums focused on the treatment of dermatological diseases.

Under constant medical supervision, procedures are carried out and a diet is prescribed, which allows the problem to be eliminated in a short time and a relapse to be prevented.


With severe allergies, psoriasis worsens, creating conditions for plaque growth and the formation of new lesions. Treatment agents should be selected individually depending on the root cause of the disease.

Non-hormonal ointments are prescribed (Davonex, Vishnevsky's liniment), they are applied to the affected areas. Using fatty baby creams and Vaseline helps a lot. The products can be used 5-6 times a day; the skin should be lubricated especially carefully after water procedures.

The duration of treatment ranges from a couple of weeks to several months. It is recommended to use zinc ointment; the product creates an excellent protective barrier. It is also permissible to use ointments made on the basis of medical solid oil. The substance effectively fights foci of infection, plaques, and protects the integument from the occurrence of new cases of pathology. Tar preparations can be used; they are applied to the face, palms, and arms.

Patients are prescribed hormonal ointments based on glucocorticosteroid substances. For local application:

  • inflammation is relieved;
  • regeneration is activated;
  • swelling and itching are relieved.

Positive dynamics of allergic psoriasis is observed with the use of Elokom and Dermovate. The medications are applied several times a day in a thin layer, the duration of therapy is no more than one month, otherwise addiction develops. For this reason, treatment begins with non-hormonal medications; one should switch to glucocorticosteroids in the absence of positive dynamics.

Antihistamines are recommended for oral administration; for allergic dermatitis and eczema, they block histamine receptors and inhibit the production of histamines by cells. Doctors note that the most popular medications are the new generation of medications:

  1. Ketotifen;
  2. Desal;
  3. Tavegil;
  4. Zodak;
  5. Loratadine.

Immunomodulators are aimed at suppressing the function of T-lymphocytes; the newest drugs in this group include Alefacept and Efalizumab.

To improve immunity, vitamin therapy is indicated; a dermatologist prescribes oral multivitamins; course treatment is carried out at least once every six months. Immune, hormonal drugs, antiallergic drugs for psoriasis are taken under the supervision of the attending physician, subject to constant monitoring of the body’s condition and blood counts.

Treatment can be supplemented with traditional methods of getting rid of pathology. As patient reviews show, alternative medicine recipes are very effective. Therapy is mandatory; after prescribing an individual treatment regimen, the patient must visit the doctor from time to time to monitor the dynamics of the disease and the body’s reactions to the treatment. If necessary, the treatment plan is adjusted, dosages are changed, the frequency of use of drugs is used, or analogues are prescribed.

The relationship between allergic reactions and psoriasis is described in the video in this article.

Experts disagree on whether the term “allergic psoriasis” is correct, or whether these diseases are completely independent of each other and should not be combined into one. However, the pathogenesis of an allergic reaction and psoriatic lesions have common features - these diseases arise due to “malfunctions” in the immune system.

Some patients may have an allergic form of psoriasis

What is allergic psoriasis

Both diseases may well manifest themselves in the same patient, and their exacerbations may be provoked by common allergens. For example, psoriasis may be aggravated by inhaling or eating allergens. In this case, two options are possible - a simultaneous picture of manifestations of allergies (skin, respiratory or intestinal) and psoriasis (specific skin rashes, joint syndrome).

Another option is that only the picture of psoriasis appears after contact with allergens (most often occurs with contact allergies - dyes, household chemicals, animal hair). It is to describe this situation that the term allergic psoriasis was introduced.

The disease manifests itself only after contact with the allergen

How does the disease manifest itself?

The disease has a typical clinical picture of psoriasis - itching, peeling of the skin, formation of plaques that merge with each other, and erosions under them.

The main feature of this disease is the appearance of symptoms immediately after contact with allergens (no more than 4 days).

Typical localization of lesions is the skin of the extremities, back, scalp, forehead (psoriatic crown). The rash goes through a number of transformations characteristic of psoriasis:

  • Small spots on inflamed skin.
  • Scales that merge with each other, the skin around them is dry.
  • Plaques are the result of the fusion of scales, they continue to merge with each other, the skin itches.
  • Crusts and erosions are the result of plaques falling off.

Patients complain of severe itching

What are the provoking factors?

In the typical course, exacerbations of psoriasis are seasonal, but due to external factors, additional exacerbations may occur. In psoriasis, the triggering factor is allergens. Most often these are contact irritants:

  • Household chemicals, detergents.
  • Animal fur.
  • Clothes and bed linen.
  • Latex products.

Less common are food or airborne allergens. This allows us to establish a connection between allergies and psoriasis. It is assumed that due to pathologies in the immune system, instead of a typical allergic reaction, an exacerbation of psoriasis occurs. But the exact reasons for this phenomenon have not been established.

One of the most common allergens is wool.

How to distinguish psoriasis from allergies

Both diseases can be present at the same time and share common symptoms. They are characterized by severe itching, redness and swelling. In the early stages, the elements of the rash look the same. Differences appear after 2-3 days, depending on how the disease progresses.

Psoriasis is characterized by dry skin and progressive changes in the rash with the appearance of characteristic scales and plaques. Allergies have a variety of manifestations. They can change even in the same patient during different exacerbations. It is difficult to compare the intensity of itching, but with psoriasis it is always unbearable.

How is pathology diagnosed?

Diagnosis of the disease begins with an examination. The doctor sees characteristic changes on the skin, and usually these are enough to make a preliminary diagnosis. To ensure its accuracy, a skin biopsy is necessary. Usually it allows you to identify the differences between psoriasis and allergies and determine characteristic changes in the skin.

To identify the cause, special tests must be performed

Allergic psoriasis is characterized by the presence of both a specific picture based on the results of a biopsy and the presence of antibodies in the blood (which is characteristic of allergies and uncharacteristic of psoriasis).

Allergy tests can identify an allergen or several allergens.

Why is it dangerous?

Like any type of psoriasis, the allergic type causes a number of dangerous complications. In particular, constant itching, which forces the patient to scratch the damaged areas, becomes an entry point for infection, and bacteria penetrate the skin. Constant itching itself causes sleep disturbances, neuroses and even psychoses.

In addition, against the background of such psoriasis, severe manifestations of allergies, including Quincke's edema, easily occur. Allergic psoriasis is complicated by skin pathologies - exfoliative dermatitis, Lyell's syndrome.

From this video you can learn about the treatment of allergic skin diseases:

What are the features of treatment

To treat this disease, a combination of several different drugs is used. Only complex therapy is effective in the case of allergic psoriasis. In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to identify the allergen and eliminate contact with it. If this cannot be done, you should eliminate as many allergens as possible. The drugs used for pathology are listed in the table.

Group of drugsExacerbationRemission
AntihistaminesUsed in tablets to relieve itchingAnti-allergy tablets for psoriasis can be used for preventive purposes
CorticosteroidsUsed in tablets and ointments to stop the inflammatory response
CytostaticsPrescribed for rapid relief of exacerbationUsed to reduce pathological activity of the immune system
SedativesUsed to reduce itching, combat insomnia, and prevent neuroses
Local antisepticsNecessary for the prevention of bacterial complicationsCan be used for prevention if the skin is severely affected
General strengthening agents Strengthens the body's resistance to adverse factors

Is there prevention?

Psoriasis and allergies are chronic diseases, and the causes of their occurrence are not completely clear. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about reliable prevention of these pathologies. We can only talk about preventing exacerbations. To do this, it is necessary to exclude the allergen and take preventive medications on time. A healthy diet and moderate hardening of the body will be beneficial - this will allow you to become more resistant to external factors that cause skin damage.