Treat adenoids in a 5-year-old child. How to treat adenoids in a child - drugs and folk remedies

The nasopharyngeal tonsils perform important function- they help protect the body from microbes that enter the mouth along with air, food, liquid, etc. If they increase, microorganisms penetrate inside and weaken the immune system. It is important for parents to know how to cure adenoids in a child without surgery, eliminating the risk of health problems.

The correct name for adenoids is adenoid vegetations. The disease most often occurs at the age of 3-7 years. If the child is prone to frequent colds and otitis, perhaps his adenoids have become inflamed.

Common causes of adenoids:

  1. Congenital developmental disorders lymphatic system. In addition to the adenoids, there is a deterioration in the functions of the thyroid gland.
  2. Allergic diseases.
  3. Frequent colds, contributing to an increase in the size of lymphoid tissues (their function is to retain those trapped in oral cavity bacteria and viruses).
  4. immunodeficiency states.

Diagnosis of adenoids in children

The main methods of diagnosis are palpation and laboratory diagnostics. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.


If rhinoscopy is not possible, the nasopharynx is examined by touch.

Some doctors are skeptical about the palpation method for detecting adenoids. The main reason is the possibility of infection, in addition, the procedure itself is painful and unpleasant. However, this method allows you to accurately determine the boundaries of overgrown adenoids and the intensity of their growth.

Laboratory diagnostics

If adenoids are suspected, a more complete examination of the child is required.

In addition to examining a pediatrician, it is necessary to consult with the following specialists:

  • an allergist-immunologist, he assesses the degree of susceptibility of the child's skin to allergens;
  • a neurologist if epileptiform seizures and headaches appear;
  • endocrinologist, with the existing signs of thyroid hypofunction and thymomegaly.

When conducting laboratory diagnostics children are assigned general analysis urine and blood, immunoglobulin E is examined, nasal culture tests are carried out for the absence of foreign microflora, sensitivity to the compounds included in the treatment. ELISA analysis and PCR diagnostics are carried out, where the degree of infection and the presence of other viruses are determined.

The main role in the diagnosis belongs to the otolaryngologist. It determines all the required data for subsequent treatment. Rhinoscopy, endoscopic rhinoscopy, epipharyngoscopy are performed.

The doctor must determine the color of the adenoids, the size of the soft overgrown tissues, the form of the disease. To clarify the data, a lateral radiography of the nasopharynx is used.

Degrees of adenoids

There are several degrees of adenoids, which determine the urgency and method of treatment, the level of danger to the body.

Adenoid size:

  • 1 degree. Adenoids are small. In 80% of cases, enlarged tissues of the pharyngeal tonsil block the nasal passages by 20-30%. The adenoids are located at the top of the holes that connect the pharynx with the nasal canals and the bone, which is part of the nasal septum (vomer).
  • 2 degree. Closed 30-65% of the entire part of the nasopharynx.
  • 3 degree. A strong increase in the tonsil of the nasopharynx, it either completely or 3/4 blocks the paths connecting the nasal canals and the pharynx. Coulter closed.


  • 1 degree. During the day, the child is able to breathe through the nose, and it becomes more difficult to detect the disease. Irregular rhythm and difficulty in breathing appear only at night after taking a supine position. The size of the adenoids increases, the respiratory passages overlap. Snoring and light snore during sleep may occur.
  • 2 degree. Breathing through the nose becomes difficult both at night and during the day. It is easier for the child to breathe through the mouth. There is snoring at night.
  • 3 degree. Breathing through the nose becomes impossible due to the complete overlap of the nasopharynx with enlarged adenoids. The child breathes exclusively through the mouth.


  • 1 degree. No problems are observed.
  • 2 degree. Hearing worsens in rare cases.
  • 3 degree. Hearing problems almost always occur. The adenoids increase in size, air is not able to penetrate through the channels to the auditory (Eustachian) tube, which serves to smooth out the difference in atmospheric pressure with the cavity in the middle ear. Because of this, sounds are perceived worse. Often this leads to otitis media (inflammation eardrum and adjacent internal cavity).

Treatment of adenoids

The first degree of adenoids does not require surgical intervention. The second - at the discretion of the doctor, on the third, as a rule, the adenoids are removed by the surgical method.

There are a number of methods of conservative treatment that give a positive result. Here is some of them:

  1. The most effective method is washing the nasopharynx. Sometimes several procedures can reduce the size of the adenoids to the required size. Fill a rubber canister (syringe) with warm water or herbal decoction. Enter the contents into the nose.
  2. Mix beetroot juice (preferably freshly squeezed) with honey in a ratio of 2:1. Instill the mixture 5 times, 6 drops into each nostril at regular intervals.
  3. Salt heat up convenient way and pour into a cloth shell. Put the child under the covers, attach salt bags to the heels.
  4. Warm up 1 kg of salt and add 2 drops of sage, essential oil. Use salt for inhalation. For 1 liter of water, 3 tbsp. l. brine. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  5. Grind St. John's wort and add butter (unsalted) butter in a ratio of 1:4. Put the contents in a water bath. Dilute the resulting decoction with drops of celandine at the rate of 5 drops for each teaspoon of the decoction. Stir. Bury 4 times a day, 2 drops in the nostril. Treat for 10 days, then take a break for 14 days and start therapy again.

For the treatment of adenoids in a child, different techniques. Often, after surgery, a relapse occurs, because the operation eliminates only the consequences, not the cause.

Consequences of untimely treatment of adenoids

It is important to determine the increase in adenoids in a timely manner in order to prevent possible negative consequences:

  • inflammation prevents the normal flow of air, causing congestion in the nasal mucosa. A runny nose can cause the development of otitis media;
  • the growth of the facial skeleton is disturbed, deformations occur;
  • there is an incorrect bite;
  • facial expression becomes sluggish;
  • skin is irritated gastrointestinal tract due to infections entering there in the form of mucus, it is disturbed;
  • rib cage develops incorrectly due to constant breathing through the mouth;
  • possible development of anemia;
  • when inhaling cold air, angina develops, protracted bronchitis;
  • with large sizes of adenoids, the voice changes;
  • sleep becomes restless, snoring appears;
  • memory weakens (in case of severe violations), attention worsens, frequent headache appears;
  • hearing loss due to poor ventilation tympanic cavity and etc.

Prevention of adenoids in children

Immunity and adenoids in the body of a child are closely related. As health improves, the risk of inflammation decreases. Immunity increases in case of:

  • proper selection of clothing (according to the weather);
  • restrictions on the use of antibiotics;
  • healthy microclimate in the family;
  • the use of vitamin complexes;
  • a healthy wholesome diet;
  • finding a child in the fresh air;
  • increasing physical activity.

These simple tips can have a beneficial effect on the body. It should be remembered that it is easier to eliminate the essence of the problem than to deal with the consequences later.

Useful video about adenoids in children

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Children who are not yet in school often get sick various diseases. For example, it can be adenoids. The fact is that the child's body does not have time to adapt to environment, so a painful condition arises. After all, in young age the immune system is just being formed, in connection with this, the baby is constantly flowing, a clear liquid is released. If adenoids were diagnosed in the hospital, then they certainly need to be treated. What is the best way to do this, only the doctor knows - drug therapy or surgery.

The overgrown lymphatic tissue is located in the nose and pharynx. This organ is responsible for immunity, therefore, with inflammation, the tonsils increase in size, closing the airways. Adenoids in a child at 4 years old is a painful and uncomfortable situation. In advanced form, the disease can greatly affect hearing, memory and speech. Moreover, the baby may have problems breathing through the nasopharynx. In order to quickly cure the disease, it is necessary to determine the causes of the disease in a timely manner.

Causes of adenoids in children 4 years old

Note that tissue development is slow. The disease grows due to diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. The growth of the disease occurs when infections and microbes enter the body. If within a certain time the tonsils did not return to their original state, then the child becomes ill again with adenoids.

But constant colds are not the only element in the occurrence of adenoids, there are other reasons:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Diseases that provoke the appearance of adenoids: measles, rubella, scarlet fever, influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough.
  3. Difficult pregnancy. During pregnancy, the mother can suffer viral infections that lead to fetal complications. Also, negative consequences can be caused by antibiotics, drugs, hypoxia, birth injuries.
  4. Unbalanced diet, overfeeding. It is not recommended to feed the child sweet, spicy or salty. It is necessary to look at what products contain preservatives, stabilizers, dyes or flavors.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Weak immune system, chronic diseases.
  7. Living near plants, factories, industrial zones. The health of the baby is negatively affected by dry air, dust, gases and household chemicals.

Experts believe that children in contact with huge amount people are at risk. The fact is that constant contact with potentially sick people leads to certain consequences. Even small swellings or growths can block the airways to some extent, causing discomfort when breathing through the nose. If you do not turn to a specialist in time, then the child may develop other diseases.

It is also worth remembering that there are three degrees of the disease:

  1. The initial degree of adenoids is practically not noticeable, so it is difficult to recognize. Although it can manifest itself at night, when the baby is sleeping. Sometimes in a horizontal position, the child begins to snore, this is a clear sign of adenoids.
  2. II degree of adenoids occurs with more obvious signs: partial overlap of the nasopharynx, fatigue and nervousness, shortness of breath.
  3. When the nasopharynx is completely blocked, this means that the child has III degree. The baby constantly breathes through his mouth and feels unwell. If the adenoids are not cured in time, then the lymphoid tissue can develop into a more complex stage.

Signs of adenoids in a 4-year-old child manifest themselves in different ways, so it is important to diagnose the disease early in order to eliminate all negative consequences.

What are the symptoms?

When a child gets SARS, adults often have to stay at home to monitor the recovery process. However, few people can guess that even a simple cold can cause adenoids. In this case, you need to seek help from a health worker as soon as possible so that he conducts a thorough examination. It is best to conduct examinations regularly, then the likelihood of getting sick with adenoids will decrease.

The main manifestation of adenoids in a child at the age of four is difficulty in nasal breathing and nasal congestion. During the examination, the otolaryngologist must confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a highly effective treatment. However, it is worth remembering that there are a number of factors that cause the disease:

  1. At night, the baby does not sleep well, breathes through the mouth, snores and even cries.
  2. During dreams, the child may have suffocation, apnea.
  3. Dry cough, sometimes drying of the mucosa.
  4. At some point, the baby begins to show nasality when talking.
  5. Regular headaches, dizziness.
  6. Rhinitis, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis.
  7. Hearing loss, frequent otitis. Discomfort in the nasopharynx.
  8. The behavior of the baby also changes: nervousness, lethargy, fast fatiguability, moodiness and irritability. As a rule, the child does not absorb information well.

When a child has more adenoids for a long time, the pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophies. At this very moment, the baby may have fever body, nasal congestion, weakness, runny nose, purulent discharge and enlarged tonsils. Of course, parents are interested in how to treat a 4-year-old child from adenoids? This question will be answered by a highly qualified doctor. It is also worth independently studying the issue of treatment of adenoiditis.

How to treat adenoids in a child 4 years old?

If a child has signs of adenoids, then you should definitely contact a local specialist. Doctors with the help of special tools will conduct a thorough examination and diagnosis: taking an anamnesis and examining the nasopharynx. The doctor during the examination analyzes the degree of the disease, the condition of the mucous membrane, the presence of inflammation. Methods such as pharyngoscopy, anterior and posterior rhinoscopy, endoscopy, radiography, allow a more detailed study of the adenoids.

Pharyngoscopy - examination of the nasopharynx in children with hypertrophied tonsils.

Anterior rhinoscopy - examination of the nasal passages using a medical mirror.

Posterior rhinoscopy - Through the oropharynx, the doctor examines the adenoids. This technique allows you to determine the size, condition and function of the adenoids. Sometimes this inspection option delivers discomfort to kid.

Endoscopy - is considered the most informative and advanced analysis of the disease. The endoscope displays a picture on a large screen, which allows the doctor to analyze Current state baby. Endoscopy allows you to find out the cause of adenoids, the degree, the presence of edema and pus. However, this procedure is local anesthesia because the device causes pain.

Radiography - an x-ray of the nasopharynx is taken. Although now this method is practically not used, as it is very harmful to the health of the baby.

If during the examination a hearing impairment was detected, the doctor sends the child to an audiogram.

To prescribe a highly effective treatment for a child, the doctor considers the following factors: the degree of adenoids, symptoms, signs, causes, complications, etc. Treatment is conservative therapy or surgery.

  • Medical treatment

Stages I and II are cured with medication. When the adenoids are still small and absent clear signs in the nasopharynx, then the doctor decides in favor of drug therapy. Although this treatment is carried out, if there are no contraindications to certain drugs. The third degree of the disease suggests that drug treatment is ineffective, and the only option to get rid of adenoids is to perform an operation.

High-quality drug therapy relieves inflammation and swelling, and also eliminates a runny nose with pus and mucus. Medicines strengthen the immune system. There are several important groups of drugs:

  1. Galazolin, farmazolin, naphthyzinum, rinazolin, sanorin - vasoconstrictor drops.
  2. Diazolin, suprastin, loratadine - antihistamines.
  3. Flix, Nasonex - anti-inflammatory hormonal nasal sprays.
  4. Protargol, collargol, albucid - antiseptics.
  5. Solutions for cleaning the nasopharynx - Quix and Nosomarin.
  6. Vitamins and pills that strengthen the immune system.

Sometimes it happens that the growth of lymphoid tissue is caused by an allergy of the body. In this case, the doctor prescribes to the child antihistamine tablets. As for homeopathic remedies, they are taken at the I degree as a preventive measure. The doctor himself decides which medicines to prescribe to the child, it is not recommended to make decisions on his own. The entire treatment process must be carried out under the supervision of medical specialists.

  • Physiotherapy

On the recommendation of a doctor, physiotherapy may be prescribed to improve the effectiveness of treatment. Now hospitals have devices that work on a laser, this procedure called laser therapy. The course of treatment is 10 sessions. In this way, this therapy removes swelling, improves well-being and normalizes nasal breathing.

The doctor may also apply ultraviolet irradiation and UHF on the nose area, ozone therapy, electrophoresis with drugs. In addition, an excellent option for treatment is therapeutic exercises, rest in a sanatorium or at sea.

  • Folk remedies

A highly effective method for the treatment of adenoids in children 4 years old are folk remedies. They are also prescribed by a doctor initial stage ailment. As a rule, drugs are not accompanied by complications and contraindications, therefore they are taken as additional funds. For example, a solution is often used sea ​​salt for washing the nasopharynx. In the pharmacy, you can buy decoctions of oak bark, solutions of chamomile and calendula, and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Although the baby may have an allergic reaction to some folk remedies, therefore, the choice of the drug should be taken carefully and seriously.

  • Adenotomy

If drug therapy does not help, then the doctor decides to remove the adenoids. This method is chosen if all other procedures did not help get rid of the disease. To avoid psychological trauma, the operation is carried out under local anesthesia. Removal of the disease occurs very quickly, and after the operation the baby is allowed to go home.

Indications for surgery:

  1. Sinusitis.
  2. Hearing, speech and memory impairment.
  3. Repeated inflammation of the nasopharynx.
  4. Facial deformity.
  5. Difficulty breathing through the nose.
  6. Lack of positive results with drug therapy.

However, there are contraindications to adenotomy:

  1. birth defects.
  2. Disease of the blood, heart, kidneys.
  3. Heavy bleeding.
  4. inflammatory processes.

innovative endoscopic technique delivers a minimum of trouble to the child and is painless. New technologies have enabled doctors to quickly and efficiently perform their work.

Complications of the disease

Children have very weak immunity, therefore, when there is no proper treatment, adenoids cause certain complications. This usually happens in the second and third degrees. Among them are the following complications:

  1. Respiratory tract diseases in the storage stage.
  2. ARI, ARVI, frequent colds.
  3. Changes facial bones.
  4. Impairment of speech, hearing and memory.
  5. Chest deformity.
  6. Purulent discharge from the nose.
  7. Information is poorly assimilated, problems arise at school.

In any case, the child must undergo a course of treatment prescribed by a highly qualified doctor.


If a child has a tendency to allergic reactions or has heredity to adenoiditis, then it is necessary to carry out preventive actions. For example, the famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends giving the child time to recover from colds. It is very important to protect the child from contact with potential sick people.

Prevention measures:

  1. Hiking in parks and forest.
  2. Active sports: hockey, swimming pool, athletics, tennis.
  3. Balanced diet. It is not advised to take sweets, salty and spicy foods.
  4. Adjustment of the room humidity level.
  5. Compliance with the daily routine.
  6. Rest on the sea, in sanatorium, on resorts.
  7. Reception of a vitamin-mineral complex.
  8. Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
  9. Regular visits to the doctor.
  10. Accommodation in an ecologically clean place.

If you follow all preventive measures, then adverse effects can be avoided.

Adenoiditis ( adenoid growths) is a bacterial inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, an increase in its size, leading to difficulty breathing, purulent mucous discharge from the nose, and even snoring.

Most often, adenoiditis appears in children aged three to seven years and it is extremely difficult to cure it, especially when it is not immediately noticed.

What are adenoids?

Normally, adenoids are lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, immune organ, which produces immunoglobulins, and they, in turn, neutralize viruses that enter the body.

At healthy development in children, from about 8-9 years old, the adenoids begin to gradually decrease in size, and by the age of 14-15 they atrophy, having fulfilled their function.

Symptoms of adenoiditis

The presence of inflamed tonsils in a child is a sure sign that the immune system is sounding the alarm.

You can identify the disease in a timely manner by the following symptoms:

  • the child breathes through the mouth;
  • nasal breathing is difficult;
  • there was a nasality in the voice;
  • snore;
  • sniffle.

In this case, the child may not have a runny nose.

Stages of adenoiditis

Depending on the growth of inflamed tonsils, adenoiditis is divided into three degrees:

  1. The edema covers about a third of the nasopharynx, while the child's breathing is free, there are no hearing impairments, breathing discomfort occurs only during sleep.
  2. Edema covers about half of the nasopharynx, hearing deteriorates, breathing becomes difficult during sleep, snoring appears.
  3. Adenoids stop working immune function, edema completely covers the nasopharynx, breathing and hearing are severely impaired.

If no measures are taken in the first stages of the disease in children, inflammation will spread not only to adjacent organs, but also to all body systems.

Possible complications of the disease

What changes and complications can occur if adenoids are not treated:

Chronic and purulent otitis media

The tonsils are in close proximity to the Eustachian (auditory) tube, as a result, inflamed adenoids block the mouth ear canal and the child begins to hear worse).


In an inflamed state, the adenoids cease to fulfill their protective function, after which the pharynx becomes an ideal environment for the vital activity of viruses and microbes. Infections weaken all body systems, contribute to the emergence of chronic infectious and allergic diseases.

Frequent colds

The mucous secretions in the nasopharynx are defensive reaction organism, pathogenic bacteria are excreted with them. With adenoiditis, the outflow of mucus is difficult, which creates favorable conditions for the development of colds.

Children with inflamed adenoids often get sick, and their recovery periods are short.


With frequent breathing through the mouth, the chest begins to develop abnormally, which leads to anemia.

Reduced performance

Due to difficulty breathing, the child's body does not receive about 15-20% of oxygen, as a result, there is oxygen starvation which negatively affects the functioning of the brain.

Children with adenoids suffer from increased fatigue, are less attentive in the classroom.

Speech disorders

Inflamed tonsils negatively affect the development of the facial bones of the skull and teeth, in science there is even a term: "adenoid type of face." Due to irreversible structural changes the child's speech becomes defective, he stops pronouncing some sounds, nasally, speaks through the nose.

It is very important to notice signs of speech impairment in time, as often parents get used to the child’s incorrect articulation and consider it normal.

Respiratory system diseases

The mucus accumulated in the nasopharynx descends into the respiratory tract, causing various inflammatory processes: rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis.

Complications that flowed from childhood to adult life almost impossible to cure. That is why, noticing a child's sniffling or breathing problems, parents should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of adenoiditis

Adenoids can not always be seen with the naked eye, their inflammation can only be reliably diagnosed by an otolaryngologist using an x-ray of the nasopharynx or endoscopy.

On the this moment endoscopy (examination of the nasopharynx using a rhinoscope, i.e. a special camera) is the most exact method diagnostics and is safe even for the smallest children. There is also an old and still popular method: a special mirror placed in the oral cavity.

How to treat inflamed adenoids?

Tonsil removal surgery

The practice of removing tonsils is still quite common, however contemporary experience treatment of adenoids recognized this practice as obsolete.

Why is removal considered an obsolete treatment?

The reasons for this conclusion are as follows:

  1. Tonsils cannot be removed completely, as the tissue tends to recover.
  2. The operation does not solve the problem (it is not the cause of the disease that is eliminated, but the consequence, the symptom), and repeated removal is often required.
  3. Adenoids are a natural barrier to the penetration of viruses into the body (doctors say that when adenoids are removed at the age of 3-5, children begin to get sick much more often).
  4. The surgical method is a shock for the child's psyche, moreover, complications may arise, such as paralysis of the upper palate, fusion of the soft palate and rear wall pharynx, stenosis, scarring auditory tubes and others.

  1. Not always the cause of snoring and difficulty breathing is adenoiditis (this may be chronic sinusitis, and allergies, and curvature of the nasal septum, and even a tumor).

How is the operation performed?

Adenotomy is last resort when all others failed. It is carried out with a scalpel or laser (this is the most common method), and is prescribed only in the case of the third degree of adenoiditis and a serious threat to the life of the child.

In what cases can adenotomy be performed?

Remember that any surgical intervention is undesirable for children under the age of five, as it can cause mental disorders from stuttering to various phobias.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that babies with asthmatic and allergic diseases adenotomy is often contraindicated: removal of the tonsils can lead to complications and worsen the child's condition.

Non-surgical methods

Today, there are ways to effectively treat inflamed tonsils without surgery. Therefore, if the doctor made a diagnosis without making sure that it was adenoids, or immediately wrote out a referral for surgery, you should contact another specialist, since reliable data on the disease can only be obtained after an examination.

Remember that in addition to otolaryngology, it is worth checking the child for allergic reactions, it is quite possible that extensive inflammation of the nasopharynx is a consequence of prolonged exposure to allergens on the body. The tests are expensive, but can help avoid surgery.


First of all, parents should try to cure the child with the help of homeopathic medicines. medicines.

Research has shown that homeopathic preparations can cause a short-term outflow of lymph from the nasopharynx, but they help to reduce the size of the tonsils only in 10% of cases.

Most commonly prescribed drugs:

  • protargol, which has a "drying" effect (drip 5-7 drops with the head tilted back and hold it in this position for 2 minutes), collargol,
  • dioxidine (dilute 1:1 with saline),
  • rhinosept,
  • albucid,
  • pinosol,
  • sofradex,
  • the most effective - granules Job-baby;

Complex treatment

It is produced according to methods developed in special clinics and consists of a number of procedures.

  1. Application of anti-inflammatory agents. Suitable drops, for example, drops tea tree and special sprayers, for example, avamys spray.
  2. Washing - removal of pus from the surface of the mucous membranes: the introduction of a solution (1-2 tablespoons of sea salt per glass warm water) into one nostril and suction from the other. It is important that the procedure is carried out by a doctor, otherwise you can drive the pus even deeper.
  3. Physiotherapy - quartzization of the nose and throat, as well as laser therapy - conducting a light guide into the throat through the nose.

Spa therapy

The method is expensive, but really helps to improve the health of the child: firstly, salty sea water, saturated with iodine, quickly and effectively relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is also very useful to dive.

Sunbathing, a warm southern climate and vitamin-rich fruits will help strengthen the immune system, that is, eliminate the very cause of inflammation of the adenoids.

Of course, a couple of weeks of rest cannot completely get rid of inflammation, so this method should be considered auxiliary.

Folk remedies

In addition, folk remedies that help cure adenoiditis at home are also very effective.

Solutions for instillation into the nose

  • a solution of thuja oil (namely, a solution, thuja for the nose, and not the oil itself, since it is quite caustic; drip 2-3 drops into the nose);
  • mumiyo (1 tablet per 1/3 glass of water, drip into the nose 3-4 times a day, the result is noticeable after 2-3 weeks);
  • beet juice (drip into the nose);
  • Kalanchoe juice (houseplant; drip into the nose);
  • decoctions of herbs: calendula, sage, eucalyptus, St. John's wort (drip into the nose, also add a few drops of honey to the decoction);
  • celandine (tear out several plants with a root during the flowering period, rinse, grind, squeeze out the juice (this is easier to do through cheesecloth), leave the pulp in a jar under a water seal for fermentation for a couple of weeks at room temperature, then filter it again; the resulting liquid can take a long time stored in the refrigerator; instill 3-4 drops into the nose of children (maybe a slight and short burning sensation); drip for 2-3 weeks).

Means for oral administration

  • badger, mutton or pork fat / lard (eat; quickly and effectively strengthens the immune system, adenoiditis disappears);
  • leaf infusion black currant(30 g of dried leaves pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes; drink warm one glass 3 times a day before meals);
  • fish oil (to slow down the growth of adenoids);


Also effective tool against inflammation of the tonsils are steam inhalation with eucalyptus liquid for inhalation, kalanchoe juice, calendula or soda (twice a day).

Prevention of adenoiditis and measures to strengthen immunity

In the case when the tonsils have already been removed and / or there are fears that the adenoids will become inflamed again, it is necessary to take preventive measures and measures to strengthen the immune system.

These include:

  1. Multivitamins (especially vitamins C and D, as well as preparations with high content calcium);
  2. Honey (used inside; honey contains almost the entire periodic table, it has a general strengthening effect on the body);

  1. Hardening (for example, swimming pool, pouring cold water etc.; you need to be especially careful with this method, the main thing is to temper the body gradually);
  2. Active sports (athletics, dancing, figure skating, football, etc.; in addition, doctors have developed whole sets of exercises that strengthen and heal the respiratory system);
  3. Comprehensive nutrition;
  4. Timely observance of hygiene rules;
  5. Regular medical examination.

Summing up

It must be remembered that the body of each person is unique, one helps one, the second - another. It is not always easy to cure the disease, but it is always possible. In any case, when faced with a problem, we must solve it, even if this requires trying dozens of ways.

I would like the tips and methods of treatment listed in the article to be useful to you, parents. Health to you and your kids!

Adenoids are one of the most common ENT pathologies in children. preschool age. If the disease is not recognized and treated in time, it will lead to serious consequences. The most radical treatment is surgical method, but in the early stages, drug therapy helps well.

What are adenoids?

Adenoids are characterized by a significant proliferation of the palatine tonsil, which leads to uncomfortable sensations and breathing problems in the child. Such a bacterial pathology often manifests itself in children 3-7 years old. Adenoid tissue helps fight infections that enter the body during breathing, being a kind of trap for them. Under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, it swells, and when it improves, it decreases.

Many parents often confuse the symptoms of the disease at an early stage with common cold and do not attach much importance to them, trying to cure the child on their own. Adenoids cannot be diagnosed without complete examination at the otolaryngologist, according to the results of which treatment is prescribed.

Symptoms and signs of adenoiditis in children

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In healthy children, adenoids in the nasopharynx do not show any symptoms. They occur only after colds or viral infections that provoke the growth of adenoid tissue. Symptoms of adenoiditis vary depending on the stage of progression of the inflammatory process (more details in the article:). There are three degrees of adenoids in children.

1 degree

Adenoids of the 1st degree do not have pronounced signs. At the initial stage of inflammation, they occupy a third of the nasopharynx and do not interfere with breathing. In most cases, grade 1 adenoids are diagnosed only when passing scheduled inspection at the doctor's.

To prevent the transition of the disease to the next stage, you should contact the pediatrician if the child has:

  • heavy breathing in a dream, loud sniffing;
  • feeling of congestion;
  • sluggish state during the day;
  • watery discharge from the nose.

The horizontal position of the body contributes to an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil, which causes respiratory failure in the baby. Lack of oxygen during sleep often leads to nightmares. Children do not sleep well, complain of constant fatigue.

The disease at stage 1 can be cured with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunostimulating drugs. Washing the nasal passages and inhalation help well.

Parents should know the first symptoms of hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil in order to prevent the transition of the disease to severe form, which does not fit conservative methods treatment. Signs such as breathing through the mouth and the appearance of snoring in a child serve as a reason for a visit to the pediatrician.

Degrees of enlargement of adenoids in children

2 degree

Adenoids of the second degree have more pronounced signs, since the lymphoid tissue already covers 50% of the nasal passages. This leads to serious respiratory problems. With timely diagnosis, the disease can be cured with physiotherapy and drug therapy.

Adenoids of the 2nd degree can be recognized when a child has:

  • loud snoring and sniffling during sleep;
  • changes in the timbre of the voice;
  • prolonged runny nose;
  • lethargy and chronic fatigue;
  • hearing impairment;
  • distraction and poor sleep;
  • lack of appetite.

Adenoid hypertrophy grade 2 may affect further physiological development baby. Hypoxia causes problems with the functioning of the brain, which affects mental capacity child. Violation of the patency of the nasal passages leads to the fact that the child constantly breathes through the mouth. Wrong position jaw during breathing contributes to its gradual deformation.

Against the background of pronounced adenoids of 2-3 degrees, the child may develop otitis

Another severe consequence of grade 2 adenoid vegetations is otitis media. Hearing loss in a child occurs due to clogging of the auditory opening with an enlarged tonsil. In the absence of ventilation between the nasal cavity and the middle ear, serous fluid accumulates in the ear cavity, which becomes the main cause of inflammation and leads to otitis media.

3 degree

Grade 3 adenoids in children lead to a complete absence of nasal breathing, in which the air is warmed, cleaned and moistened. When breathing through the mouth, the process of supplying oxygen to organs and tissues continues, but along with cold air, dust and bacteria enter the body.

Running hypertrophy of the adenoids leads to characteristic changes:

  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose or mouth;
  • snoring and strong sniffling;
  • nasality in the voice, when clarity in pronunciation is disturbed;
  • deformation of the face, in which there are no nasolabial folds, the lower part is extended, the teeth are on upper jaw bent, and the chin becomes flat;
  • deterioration of memory, concentration and attention;
  • stuffiness in the ears;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • frequent colds and acute respiratory infections;
  • drowsiness and rapid fatigue;
  • general weakness.

Grade 3 adenoids in a child lead to a lack of oxygen in the body, which affects the mental and physical development baby. He is difficult to cope with tasks, does not get along with his peers.

Causes of formations

Adenoid vegetation - frequent illness in children aged 3 to 7 years. The risk group does not include babies under one year old. To adolescence adenoid tissue takes correct form and does not interfere with breathing. In adults, adenoid hypertrophy is very rare, but this is not a reason to ignore the disease, since the inflamed area is a constant source of pathogenic bacteria.

There are several main reasons for the formation of adenoids in preschool children:

  • genetic predisposition. An enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil in some children is a hereditary anomaly in which thyroid function is impaired.
  • Complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Education adenoid vegetation in babies, in some cases, it becomes a consequence of viral infections suffered by the mother at 6-9 weeks of gestation, as well as taking medications that are contraindicated when carrying a child. The appearance of adenoids may be associated with birth trauma, pathology of fetal development, or oxygen starvation.
  • Vaccinations and diseases transferred during infancy.
  • unbalanced diet, a large number of in the diet food additives and sweets.
  • Infectious diseases - measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, rubella, scarlet fever.
  • Frequent colds, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, viral infections.

There are many reasons for the increase in adenoids, so frequent colds of the child can contribute to this process.
  • Allergy.
  • Low immunity.
  • Bad ecology.
  • Household items and toys made of toxic materials.

Diagnosis of pathology

To compile a complete clinical picture of the disease, the otolaryngologist clarifies complaints and examines the patient in several ways:

  • pharyngoscopy - examination of the overgrown tonsil through the oral cavity using a special spatula and a mirror;
  • anterior rhinoscopy - examination of the nasal passages after instillation of a vasoconstrictor;
  • posterior rhinoscopy - examination of the inflamed area using a special mirror.

Radiography of adenoids varying degrees gravity

If at initial examination the diagnosis was confirmed, the otolaryngologist prescribes a number of additional examinations to determine the condition of the mucous membrane and the size of the inflammation:

  • Endoscopy is performed by inserting a thin tube into the nose, equipped with a camera and a flashlight. The camera image during the examination of the nasopharynx is transmitted to the monitor. If necessary, a photo is provided to the patient. Endoscopy helps to accurately determine the size of the adenoids and the nature of the inflammation.
  • A radiographic picture is taken in a lateral projection, while the child needs to open his mouth.
  • By using bacterial culture determine the composition pathogenic microflora in the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • Allergy analysis.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging allows to exclude a cerebral herniation at the time of diagnosis.
  • Laboratory tests (OAK and OAM, ELISA diagnostics, cytological examination).

After determining the degree of the disease, the doctor decides whether the patient needs to be operated on. If the removal of adenoid tissue is not required, the doctor prescribes a treatment regimen based on the results of the examination.

Treatment without surgery

Hypertrophy of adenoid tissues of 1 and 2 degrees can be cured without surgery. Why expose a child to surgery when positive results can be achieved medical therapy? When prescribing a treatment regimen, it is necessary to observe A complex approach, at which they are combined general therapy and local effects on the nose pharyngeal tonsil.

General therapy includes the following types medicines:

  1. antiallergic - Diazolin, Suprastin, Cetrin, Fencarol in a course of 5-10 days (we recommend reading:);
  2. vitamin complexes;
  3. immunostimulants - Imudon, Tsitovir, Apilak, IRS 19 (we recommend reading:);
  4. antibiotics (in acute purulent form of the disease).

Local treatment involves the use of:

  1. Drops in the nose, relieving swelling and eliminating runny nose. Sanorin, Nazol, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil are used to prepare the nose for washing (we recommend reading:).
  2. Salt solutions for washing - saline, Okomistin, Furacilin, Dekasan, Elekasol.
  3. Turunda soaked drug- Albucid, Sinoflurin, Avamys, Nasonex).
  4. Inhalations in a nebulizer with Mentoclar, Fluimucil, Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan.

Persistent therapeutic effect observed from cryotherapy, in which an applicator is inserted into the nose to spray drops liquid nitrogen on the inflamed surface of the adenoid tissue. The procedure for a child is absolutely painless, strengthens the immune system, reduces swelling, and has a beneficial effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

How are adenoids removed?

Surgery (adenotomy) is prescribed when there are no results from drug treatment. The surgical procedure is not complicated and takes no more than 15 minutes. Adenoids are best removed in autumn or winter, as it is difficult to avoid bleeding in summer. The operation is carried out by one of three methods:

  1. Classical adenotomy is done after preliminary anesthesia. The surgeon inserts a special instrument (adenot) into the oral cavity and removes the nasopharyngeal tonsil.
  2. Endoscopic adenotomy is performed only under general anesthesia. A tube is inserted into the nasal passage, equipped with a camera to monitor the operation process on the monitor. The surgeon crushes the overgrown adenoid tissue and removes it with a special suction.
  3. Laser adenotomy is the least traumatic procedure. The "soldering" of the vessels damaged during the removal of the adenoids is done. The laser is used as the main tool.

Before deciding whether to remove grade 3 adenoids for a child surgically, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. It is better to check with the doctor in advance, at what age the child can be operated on.

Laser adenotomy using high-precision laser equipment

The procedure does not work for two reasons:

  1. With a predisposition to hypertrophy of the adenoid tissues after adenotomy, the pharyngeal tonsil grows again after a while.
  2. Adenoids perform a protective function in the body - they create a barrier to pathogenic bacteria. Their removal is dangerous for the health and immunity of the child.

After adenotomy, it is necessary to protect the baby from bacterial infections and viral diseases. To avoid recurrence of the disease, in the postoperative period, it is necessary to carry out drug treatment.

Preventive actions

To prevent inflammation of the adenoids, it is necessary to remember about preventive measures:

  • hardening of children;
  • contrast shower when bathing;
  • timely treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • balanced diet;
  • taking complex vitamin preparations;
  • prophylactic drug therapy.

Adenoids in a child give parents a lot of trouble and anxiety. Main question Do I need to have surgery or can I get by? conservative treatment. Is it necessary to give the child a lot of pharmaceutical drugs or adenoids can be cured at home using drugs alternative medicine parents ask. This is the question we will try to answer.

Symptoms and signs

Adenoids are an increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which is also called the palatine. This ailment causes nasal breathing disorders up to total absence ability to breathe through the nose. Often, adenoids cause pathological hearing loss in a child.

The nasopharyngeal tonsil consists of lymphoid tissue, the main purpose of which is to participate in immune processes. In other words, it should be a kind of "barrier" to viruses and other unpleasant "guests" that most often enter the body through the nasopharynx.

Children get sick more often than adults viral infections, since their immunity is not fully formed, it is immature. It is clear that the adenoids, which are at the forefront of the body's natural defenses, "get" more than other participants in the immune process. This explains the wide spread of the disease among children, especially between the ages of 3 and 7 years.

Inflammation causes the growth of lymphoid tissue, the tonsil thickens. According to how it is modified, doctors determine the degree of the disease.

  • First degree. The tonsil is enlarged, the growth is insignificant, does not exceed half of the lumen. Nasal breathing is slightly impaired.
  • Second degree. The nasopharyngeal tonsil has grown so much that it closes two or three gaps. Nasal breathing is significantly impaired.
  • Third degree. The pharyngeal tonsil is inflamed and enlarged, there is no nasal breathing, as it closes the lumen almost entirely.

adenitis in acute form accompanied by fever, sometimes mucous or purulent discharge from the nose appears, but the first and main symptom Attentive parents will never miss - the child's nose does not breathe. Chronic form the disease is accompanied by chronic dry cough, unproductive (without sputum), aggravated at night. In all cases, the child's voice changes, he begins to "nasal". In most cases, the child's facial expressions change, an "adenoid mask" appears, which is characterized by an open mouth, relaxation of facial muscles, and salivation.

The pharyngeal tonsil performs a barrier function in absolutely all children, but not every baby becomes inflamed. Doctors say that children have a certain predisposition to adenitis. Most often, ENT doctors make such a diagnosis for babies who have a hereditary predisposition to allergies (mom or dad are chronic allergies). Often, adenoids torment children with reduced immunity, especially those living in ecologically unfavorable areas, often suffering from SARS and influenza. This disease is often the result improper treatment rhinitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases

Very rarely, the disease is congenital in nature, when the growth of the tonsil occurred in the womb. By medical statistics, the likelihood of such a pathology increases in pregnant women who smoke and in mothers who, while carrying a baby, continue to work in hazardous industries or use medicines uncontrollably.

Adenoids themselves are treated differently. Most doctors tend to recommend adenotomy, the so-called surgery to remove overgrowth. But not always, but only when the child is given a 2-3 degree, if the tonsil has closed more than two-thirds of the lumen.

About the difficulties that arise in children's adenoid and how to be treated in this case, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next video.

If the baby has chronic adenoids, they are treated mainly conservatively with the use of washing for the nose and throat, instillation of medications - glucocorticoids. At the same time, a special diet is recommended for the child, special conditions climate, as well as physiotherapy.

What is the danger

With an almost constantly stuffy nose with adenoids, the child breathes through his mouth. At first glance, this is not scary. In fact, during mouth breathing, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs dry up in the baby. This causes frequent morbidity, inflammatory processes in respiratory system. Difficulties with normal breathing also lead to the fact that children's body chronically lacks oxygen, which is so important for him, oxygen starvation of the brain occurs, and this is a very dangerous condition for children.

Sometimes the growths can block the Eustachian tube, which connects the throat to the ear. As a result, otitis media develops, and mucus stasis significantly reduces the child's hearing. "Adenoid mask" - a change in the facial skeleton, it is unsafe. If the cause of its appearance (adenoids) is not eliminated in time, then the child develops an abnormal bite and in early age there is a high predisposition to caries.

Very often adenoids are main reason tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. And coughing fits with adenoitis can trigger the mechanism of the onset of bronchial asthma in the child's body.

Can folk remedies help?

Folk remedies in the treatment of an overgrown pharyngeal tonsil are considered effective way cope with the disease, but only in cases where the degree of the disease does not require mandatory surgical intervention. Although easy-to-prepare and non-toxic folk recipes can also help at the recovery stage after an adenotomy performed by a surgeon.

If you are thinking about treating adenoids in a child with traditional medicine, the first thing to do is to consult with your doctor. If the doctor does not mind, you can proceed.

Aromatherapy treatment options for adenoid can be seen in the following video.

With any treatment of this disease, both with medication and with home non-drug, it is important to follow the principles of such therapy and the procedure:

  • Removal of inflammation, swelling, elimination of mucus from the nasal passages.
  • Restoration of nasal breathing.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Physiotherapy procedures (if allowed in specific case doctor).
  • Creation of a favorable microclimate.
  • Breathing exercises.

We wash the nose

You can prepare a remedy for these purposes according to one of the following recipes:

    Salt. Plain salt found in every hostess. To make a nasal rinse, you need to take a teaspoon of salt and a glass of boiled, pre-cooled to room temperature water. Thoroughly stir the salt, rinse both nasal passages every 2-3 hours.

  • pharmaceutical camomile. herbal collection this useful plant can be bought at any pharmacy. To prepare a rinse, you need 1 teaspoon of vegetable raw materials and 100 ml. water. For about a quarter of an hour, everything is boiled in a water bath, and then infused under the lid until completely cooled. The decoction must be carefully filtered before washing to avoid getting into the nasal cavity. smallest particles plant fragments.

  • Calendula. Dried flowers and crushed calendula leaves in the amount of a teaspoon should be brewed with boiling water (1 cup). Pour the infusion into a thermos and keep there for about an hour. Then cool, strain through several layers of gauze and rinse the nasal passages with this remedy. The tool can also be used for gargling.

Relieve swelling and inflammation

This will help natural remedies, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Aloe. cut leaf houseplant you need to keep it in the refrigerator for several hours, after which cuts are made on it and the juice is squeezed out with the help of gauze. Bury it in the child's nose, you need 3-5 drops in each nasal passage. Aloe juice can be diluted for small children boiled water or saline in half. Fresh juice is prepared before each instillation.

  • Eucalyptus essential oil. This is a glorified means of combating adenoids. AT pure essential oil, of course, in a nose it is impossible to drip. To prepare drops, you will need another one, base oil. You can take vaseline. For a teaspoon of the "base" you will need about 3 drops of the essential component. The resulting mixture should be instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day. After the procedure, the child should lie down with his head thrown back so that the drops can envelop the tonsil as best as possible.
  • Propolis. This powerful anti-inflammatory agent can be used by children after 5 years of age and provided that they are not allergic in general and to bee products in particular. When preparing an ointment effective against adenoids, you will need a teaspoon of propolis (not tincture), and 10 of the same butter. Put everything in a glass or ceramic dish, put it in a water bath, wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Stir and chill. Store the ointment in the refrigerator, apply to the nasal mucosa twice a day with cotton turundas or a cotton swab.

  • Carnation. This spice not only improves the taste of culinary delights, but also helps to cope with adenoids. Dip ten buds in half a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for an hour. Then be sure to strain the product, cool and drip into the nose up to 4 times a day. Cloves perfectly relieve inflammation and reduce swelling of the overgrown pharyngeal tonsil.

We strengthen immunity

For these purposes, you can use time-tested recipes for herbal and berry teas. Tea from the leaves and berries of black currant works very well for adenoids. It not only strengthens the immune system in general, but also prevents the further growth of the palatine tonsil.

Effectively stimulates work immune system baby echinacea. This plant is contraindicated for children under one year old. You can use pharmacy tincture, or you can cook it yourself. For 100 gr. chopped herbs will need about a glass of hot water. Fifteen minutes, the product is kept in a steam bath, and then cooled and filtered. The child is given to drink 50-60 ml several times a day.

You can mix a teaspoon of aloe juice into tea or compote for a child, we talked about it above. Another powerful natural immunostimulant is honey. It can also be given neat or added to drinks if the child is not allergic and is over 3 years old.

Ginger, rose hips, cranberry juice and garlic, which can be introduced into the child's diet, will help raise the child's immunity. In addition, make it a rule to walk with your child more often and longer, give him to the sports section so that he moves as much as possible.


As for inhalations and warming compresses on the nasal cavity, then you should be extremely careful. Not all children diagnosed with adenoids are allowed such procedures. Only with the permission of a doctor can you do inhalations with a saline solution, with fir and eucalyptus oils, with infusion pine buds, calcined salt and mineral water. Warm compresses with honey, mustard cakes are made on the nose. Breathing hot steam with adenoids is strictly prohibited.


Children with overgrown palatine tonsil need the sea air. It is optimal if they are often taken to the sea. But even if this is not possible, parents can create the “right” microclimate conducive to recovery at home. Firstly, the air temperature in the room where the baby lives should not be lower than 18 and not higher than 20 degrees. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the humidity of the air. This is very important parameter for children with respiratory diseases.

It is also useful to get a home quartz lamp.

Breathing exercises

Usually, children are prescribed gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method. There are quite a few different exercises in the system, aimed at a variety of pathologies.

How to do breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method, you can see in the next video.

The danger of self-medication

Without consulting a doctor, treatment of adenoids can lead to a deterioration in the child's condition. Indeed, at home it is impossible to carry out the whole complex of diagnostic actions, which in this case are mandatory.

It happens that parents refuse the operation and prefer to treat a child with adenoids of the third degree using traditional medicine. Of course, refusing surgery is legal right mothers and fathers, but they are also responsible for the consequences of such treatment, and first of all, to their own child.

For those who doubt, I can cite some interesting statistics that were brought out by ENT doctors of one of the Moscow children's clinics: more than half established diagnoses"Adenoids of the third degree" occur in children who had previously been treated for a long time and to no avail with folk remedies and with the help of homeopathy at home. Almost 70% of them, in the end, still had to undergo surgery, because the disease at the time of treatment was extremely advanced.

What not to do

  • If a child has been diagnosed with adenoids, he should eat right. You can not feed the child with salty foods, pickled and canned foods, sour berries and fruits, as the acid strongly irritates the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil and contributes to the progress of the disease.
  • The child should not be supercooled, drink too cold or too hot drinks.
  • Parents should not try to treat the affected and enlarged tonsil on their own with antiseptics. All the advice that you can burn it and stop the growth with iodine is detrimental to the child.
  • With exacerbation of adenitis, you can not take the child to the bath, sauna and pool.

  • Try to follow the therapeutic procedure: before instilling drops into the nose, the passages must be rinsed. If there are dry crusts, they should be removed. After the first day of treatment, it is necessary to introduce means for immunostimulation. Then physiotherapy, if allowed by the doctor. To breathing exercises you can go only when nasal breathing is restored.
  • It is better to carry out inhalations with the use of special devices- inhaler or nebulizer. If the child inhales hot vapors healing decoction from a saucepan, covered with a towel with his head, he can have a burn of the nasal mucosa, larynx, trachea and bronchi. With this diagnosis, hot vapors are contraindicated, otherwise you will not be able to inhale medicinal formulations without a device. Avoid inhalations and warm compresses if your child has a fever.