adenoids in children. Why do adenoids grow and become inflamed

If in childhood you did not have a chance to get acquainted with adenoids, you pulled out a lucky lottery ticket. After all, these pathological growths of the lymphoid tissue that forms the nasopharyngeal tonsil is quite common in children and adolescents 3-15 years old. The “juvenile” nature of this disease is explained by physiology: the palatine tonsil experiences the peak of its development precisely in childhood, and then over time it decreases, so adults are insured against adenoids.

If you, having heard the word “tonsil”, try to diagnose adenoids yourself by looking into your child’s mouth, then nothing will come of it. The fact is that the nasopharyngeal tonsil is not the tonsils that can be seen in this way. The localization of adenoids completely excludes the possibility of their detection during examination: they are located almost in the center of the skull, almost opposite the nose.

What is the nasopharyngeal tonsil for? Maybe she, like an appendix, is a useless explosive vestige that can detonate with inflammation at any moment? This is not the correct premise. The lymphatic tissue of the palatine tonsil is part of the body's immune system, which protects it from the ingress and spread of infection.

Reasons for the formation of adenoids

Adenoids can either "solo" alone or be part of a common inflammatory response covering the oral, nasal and pharyngeal cavities. This explains the variety of causes of inflammation of the adenoids:

  • infections carried by the mother during pregnancy and birth trauma. Bookmark internal organs the unborn child occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, infections of the mother during this period can have a negative impact on the development of organ systems and tissues of the baby. Adenoids are no exception, and their possible growth can be affected not only by infection, but also by the mother's intake of various medicines. If we talk about birth injuries, then trauma to the skull or a delay in the birth canal of the mother causes oxygen starvation, and this, in turn, causes infections of the respiratory tract, which are associated with adenoids;
  • frequent diseases of the nasopharynx in childhood - tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, as well as infectious diseases that affect the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx - measles, scarlet fever, etc .;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • weak immunity.

Symptoms of adenoids

Adenoids - a disease that is characterized by a chronic protracted nature. It does not develop in one day, but gradually, having an adverse effect systemically, at the level of the whole organism. Therefore, the symptoms can be general and local. The first are associated with a lack of oxygen: fatigue, delayed mental and physical development, drowsiness, irritability, poor memory. A long-term open mouth eventually leads to the so-called adenoid type of development of the facial skeleton: it stretches, the upper jaw and nasal passages narrow, and the bite is deformed. It is very important to start treatment in a timely manner, because. otherwise, the adenoid facial expression may remain with the child for life.

Local symptoms of adenoids:

  • transition from nasal to oral breathing;
  • or sniffling at night;
  • joining the common cold;
  • hearing loss due to the closure of the connecting channel between the oral and ear cavities of the overgrown tonsil. Hearing impairment is manifested in the child's desire to ask the interlocutor again;
  • nasality due to the blockage of the exit from the nasal cavity by the adenoids.

Diagnosis of adenoids

In addition to assessing the clinical picture, a number of diagnostic methods help to identify the disease:

  • finger research. it simplest method, in which the state of the nasopharynx and the degree of enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is assessed when introduced into the child's mouth index finger. Frankly, this is not the best option for diagnosing adenoids. Finger examination does not give a complete picture reflex contraction throat muscles. The same can be said about posterior rhinoscopy, in which a special mirror is inserted into the nasopharynx, causing the child to gag and irritate the mucous membranes;
  • endoscopic examination. Favorably stands out against the background of the two previous methods for its informativeness and painlessness. Inspection of the nasopharynx is performed using an endoscope that transmits a clear image to the monitor and allows you to record the progress of the examination on an electronic medium;
  • x-ray examination allows you to establish the degree of growth of adenoids;
  • Computed tomography is a reliable but expensive method.

Treatment of adenoids

Treatment of adenoids is not a particular problem for modern otolaryngology. Depending on the stage of the disease and the degree of damage, one of two methods of treatment is resorted to: conservative, based on taking medications, or surgical, which consists in removing the overgrown nasopharyngeal tonsil.

conservative method used on early stages diseases. If the overgrown adenoids cover 2/3 or the entire vomer (the bone that forms nasal septum) or there are signs of chronic inflammation - then a surgical method is used.

As part of conservative treatment adenoids, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antiallergic ( Diazoln, Suprastin, Tavegil, Ketotifen, Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen and etc.). They prevent inflammation and allergic reactions in the nasal cavity: relieve pain, eliminate swelling and discharge from the nose;
  • antiseptics for topical use antimicrobial action. Drops of protargol, pharmacy-made collargol "work" well;
  • multivitamins to strengthen the immune system.

Along with drugs, physiotherapeutic methods are widely used: UHF, UVI, electrophoresis.

Surgical method treatment is used in more serious cases:

  • when it is completely “deaf” with conservative treatment;
  • with an impressive proliferation of adenoids (see above);
  • in the advanced stages of staphylococcal or streptococcal infections (enlarged adenoids serve as an excellent breeding ground for these microbes);
  • the transition of the pathological process to the paranasal sinuses ().

For an operation to remove the adenoids (adenotomy), it is not necessary to go to the hospital: it can also be performed in outpatient settings in the clinic. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, short-term general anesthesia. The surgeon's instrument is a special annular knife - adenotome. In a nutshell about the operation itself: the surgeon presses the tongue with a spatula so that it does not interfere with further manipulations. Then the adenome is introduced into the pharynx. When it reaches the vomer, it is directed up to the stop and the overgrown lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is cut off with a sharp explosive movement of the adenotome back with a downward turn. Ready. You can take out the adenoid and forget about the adenoids as nightmare. It remains only to blow your nose and breathe through your nose. And the inevitable bleeding quickly stops and after 2 hours (a follow-up examination is also necessary), the patient can go home.

There is more modern way removal of adenoids - endoscopic (as you can see, endoscopy is used not only in diagnostic purposes). Here, instead of an adenoid, an endoscope is used.

The day after the operation, the child should spend in bed. And about physical activity should be scored for a longer period - at least two weeks. There are also dietary restrictions: rough and hot food should be excluded. You do not need to bathe in the bath these days, wash in hot water.

Prevention of adenoids

As a prophylaxis of adenoids, you can advise:

  • strengthen immunity by hardening, playing sports or regular walks on fresh air;
  • enrich the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, which are a natural source necessary for the body vitamins and minerals;
  • timely treat rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

Persistent colds, difficulty nasal breathing, incessant runny nose - all this concomitant signs adenoids. Almost 50% of all children face this disease. What are adenoids and where are they located? Why do they increase? How to understand that a pathology is developing? How are adenoids treated and is it possible to cope with the disease without surgery? Let's figure it out together.

What are adenoids?

Adenoids are often called nasopharyngeal tonsils, and if the doctor says that the child has "adenoids", this means that the tonsils have become inflamed and increased in size. They are located in the throat, at the junction of the pharynx with nasal cavity. Everyone has these tonsils - and in adults they are in the same place as in children.

The disease usually affects babies from 2-3 to 7 years old. With age, the nasopharyngeal tonsils decrease, and the gap between them increases. For this reason, persistent adenoid hypertrophy is rarely diagnosed in people over 14 years of age. The inflammatory process can develop at the age of 14-20 years, however, the number of patients of this age suffering from adenoids is insignificant.

Stages and forms of the disease

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The pathological process is classified according to the degree of tissue growth nasopharyngeal tonsils. It should be borne in mind that only their persistent hypertrophy matters. An increase is diagnosed only if 15-20 days have passed since recovery from a viral infection, while the size of the adenoids has not returned to normal.

There are the following stages of the disease:

  • 1 degree. Hypertrophied nasopharyngeal tonsils are enlarged and cover no more than a third of the lumen of the nasopharynx. Difficulties with nasal breathing in the patient are observed only during sleep. Snoring is noted.
  • 1-2 degree. Up to half of the nasopharyngeal lumen is blocked by lymphoid tissue.
  • 2 degree. 2/3 of the nasal passages are closed by adenoids. The patient experiences difficulty with nasal breathing around the clock. There are speech problems.
  • 3 degree. It becomes impossible to breathe through the nose, as the adenoids completely block the nasopharyngeal lumen.

Causes of enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsils

Adenoids in children appear both as an independent disease and as pathological process accompanying inflammation in the nasal cavity or nasopharynx. Why does disease occur? Sometimes the reason is genetic predisposition or birth trauma.

Inflammation in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx provokes the development of adenoids

Also allocate the following reasons the fact that adenoids grow in a child:

  • frequent viral diseases, including SARS;
  • tonsillitis in a chronic form;
  • viral infections carried by the mother during pregnancy;
  • weakened immunity;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diphtheria;
  • scarlet fever;
  • whooping cough;
  • long stay in dusty rooms, living in areas with polluted air or near industrial enterprises;
  • artificial feeding (artificial ones do not receive the mother's immune cells);
  • reaction to vaccination (rare).

What do the symptoms of inflammation look like?

Most often, adenoids become inflamed in children from 2-3 to 7 years old (when the child first goes to kindergarten or school).

Adenoids are easy to see when examining the throat

However, sometimes inflammation develops in a one-year-old child, less often in an infant. How to find out that a pathology has arisen? There is a complex characteristic features that form a specific clinical picture.

If the child has difficulty trying to breathe through the nose, constantly breathing through the open mouth, while the nose is stuffed up, and there is no discharge from it, this is main symptom, by which it can be suspected that the baby has enlarged tonsils. You need to see an otolaryngologist. What do they look like external symptoms, can be seen in the photo to the article. The list of symptoms is given below:

  1. frequent tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis;
  2. headache is noted;
  3. the timbre of the voice changes and becomes nasal;
  4. in the morning, the mucous membranes of the mouth dry up, there is a dry cough;
  5. in a dream, a small patient snores, sniffles, asthma attacks may occur (see also:);
  6. sleep is disturbed - the child sleeps with his mouth open, wakes up, cries (more in the article:);
  7. otitis often develops, the baby complains of earache, hearing impairment;
  8. the child gets tired quickly, looks lethargic, becomes capricious and irritable;
  9. appetite worsens.

What can be dangerous adenoids?

Adenoids in a child negatively affect breathing and speech, and are also dangerous for their complications. The most common consequence is frequent colds. On the overgrown tissues, mucous deposits accumulate, in which bacteria actively multiply. Babies with adenoids can tolerate colds up to 10-12 times a year. Also, hypertrophy of the tonsils can provoke:

  • deformation of the incisors in the upper jaw and drooping lower jaw (the so-called "adenoid face");
  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • enuresis;
  • functional heart murmurs;
  • anemia
  • persistent speech disorders requiring treatment by a speech therapist;
  • weakening of memory and concentration due to insufficient saturation of the brain with oxygen (the result is poor academic performance);
  • hearing loss;
  • frequent otitis;

With adenoids, the child may suffer from frequent otitis
  • hearing loss;
  • sinusitis - more than half of all diagnosed cases develop as a result of adenoids;
  • chronic inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils (chronic adenoiditis) - during exacerbations, there is a strong fever up to 39 ° C.

Diagnostic methods

Adenoids are characterized by a specific clinical picture, which allows the otolaryngologist to recognize the disease based on the examination and questioning of the patient. There are several pathologies that have similar symptoms, so during diagnosis it is important to differentiate them from adenoids.

In the examination and differential diagnosis of adenoids, the following methods are used:

  1. computed tomography (a type of diagnostic based on scanning using x-rays);
  2. endoscopy;
  3. x-ray examination (used to check the condition of the tonsils in rare cases);
  4. posterior rhinoscopy (examination allows you to determine the condition of the nasopharyngeal tonsils, is carried out using a mirror);
  5. finger probing - in this way, the tonsils are rarely checked, since the technique is considered outdated, painful and uninformative.

Diagnosis of adenoids

Complex treatment

What to do when a child is diagnosed with adenoids? Most immediately think about their removal. However, you can not resort to surgical intervention. Removal is carried out only in extreme cases, when conservative methods of treatment do not work. The treatment regimen usually includes vasoconstrictor and antiseptic drugs, nasopharyngeal lavage, and sometimes antibiotic therapy.

Vasoconstrictor and drying drops

With severe swelling in the nose, which prevents the patient from sleeping and eating normally, as well as before medical and diagnostic procedures the doctor will recommend instilling vasoconstrictor and drying drops into the nose. It should be borne in mind that they do not treat adenoids, but contribute to temporary relief of the condition:

  • Small patients are usually prescribed Nazol-baby, Sanorin for children, children's Naphthyzinum (we recommend reading:). There are restrictions - you can not use these funds for more than 5-7 days in a row.
  • If the adenoids are accompanied by an abundant secretion of mucus, then drying drugs are prescribed, such as.

Washing the nasopharynx

Washing the nasopharynx is a useful procedure, but only if the parents know how to properly carry it out.

If there are doubts about one's own strengths and skills, then it is better to sign the baby up for washing with a doctor - if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, there is a risk of infection in the middle ear and, as a result, the development of otitis media. For washing, you can use:

  1. Aquamaris solution;
  2. still mineral water;
  3. saline;
  4. saline solution (1 hour (we recommend reading:). l. salt per 0.1 boiled water);
  5. decoctions medicinal herbs(calendula, chamomile).

Antiseptic preparations

To disinfect the surface of the mucous membranes of the inflamed nasopharyngeal tonsils, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, reduce swelling and reduce inflammation, the doctor will prescribe drugs antiseptic action. In the treatment of adenoids in children, drugs such as:

  • Miramistin;
  • Derinat (we recommend reading:);
  • Kollargol.


Use in the treatment of adenoids antibacterial drugs, including funds local action, can only be prescribed by a doctor. Antibiotics are included in the therapeutic regimen in cases where the patient has developed adenoiditis.

Sometimes in the treatment of adenoids, doctors prescribe Amoxiclav

Antibiotics do not help reduce the size of the tonsils, in addition, with their uncontrolled use, microorganisms develop resistance to drugs.

Name of the drugActive ingredientRelease formAge restrictions, years
SorfadexGramicidin, dexamethasone, framycetinDropsfrom 7 years old
AmoxiclavAmoxicillin, clavulanic acidTablets, powder for suspension, solution for intravenous administrationfrom 12 years old / no restrictions / from 12 years old
SumamedAzithromycin dihydrateTablets 125, 500 mg, capsules, powder for suspensionfrom 12 years / from 3 years / from 12 years / from 6 months
Suprax SolutabCefiximeWater soluble tabletsfrom 6 months (with caution)

Physiotherapy treatment

Treatment of adenoids should be complex. Physiotherapeutic methods complement drug treatment. Doctors often prescribe a nose quartz procedure.

Ten-day courses of laser therapy also help young patients. Another effective way to improve nasal breathing after the second session is breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method.

Nose quartz

Folk remedies

Before using any traditional medicine, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Some recipes can harm inflamed nasopharyngeal tonsils with the wrong approach to treatment. In addition, the selection of a suitable composition will depend both on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and on the stage of the disease.

Popular home remedies include:

  1. Salt wash. 1 tsp sea ​​salt pour boiling water into a glass, stir thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. Add 2 drops of iodine. Cool to room temperature. Rinse the nasopharynx twice a day for 10 days.
  2. Mix oak bark (20 g), St. John's wort (10 g), mint leaves (10 g). Pour a glass of boiling water and cook on the slowest fire for 3 minutes. Let it brew for 1 hour. Strain through cheesecloth. For 14 days, instill 4 drops of decoction into each nostril into the patient's nose (repeat the procedure twice a day).
  3. antiseptic oils. The treatment consists of three consecutive courses, each lasting 14 days (42 in total). In the first two weeks, three times a day, 3 drops are instilled into each nostril of the patient. eucalyptus oil. The next 14 days use sea buckthorn oil. The treatment is completed with a course of cedar oil or tea tree oil.


Adenoid vegetation is sometimes subject to surgical removal. It is carried out at 2-3 stages of the disease, when pathological changes pose a threat to the life and health of the patient, as well as in the absence of the effect of the use of conservative methods of treatment.

Adenotomy is performed by laser resection. This technique has a number of advantages:

  • fast recovery;
  • low level of trauma;
  • excision is highly accurate;
  • the ability to carry out endoscopic control;
  • the laser has a cauterizing effect, due to which the risk of bleeding becomes minimal;
  • less painful way.

Prevention of adenoids in children

There is no specific prevention of the growth of adenoids in a child. To prevent disease, attention must be paid to strengthening the natural defensive forces organism.

To do this, it is important to constantly monitor the microclimate in the children's room (humidity is especially important), to avoid overheating and hypothermia.

Hardening will help prevent a number of diseases, including adenoids. You need to regularly walk in the fresh air, it is useful physical activity, nutritious and varied food. If the pathology has already developed, then you need to seek help as soon as possible. qualified specialist- then there is a chance to cure adenoids by conservative methods and avoid complications.

Adenoids in children inflammatory process flowing into pharyngeal tonsils, and characterized by an increase in their size. This disease is typical only for children aged from one to fifteen years, the most frequent exacerbations occur in the period from three to seven years. With age, such tonsils decrease in size, and then generally atrophy. It manifests itself in various forms and degrees, depending on factors and pathogens.

Symptoms of the disease are mild and develop rather slowly. The first signs that a child may have such an inflammatory process are frequent colds, nasal congestion and mild hearing loss, which causes parents to seek medical attention. Physicians often inadvertently diagnose a disease during scheduled inspection or when parents contact them for a completely different reason.

The disease can cause detrimental effect on the body with incomplete, incorrect and untimely treatment, because the adenoids can grow to such a size that they block the entire nasopharynx, which is why air does not enter the body in sufficient quantities.

Adenoids can be treated mainly with the help of operations, but among physicians there are those who disagree with this method of eliminating the disease.


For the most part, the occurrence of adenoiditis in children is promoted by frequent illnesses or history. But also the reasons can be:

  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the tonsils;
  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • infectious and chronic diseases, such as, or;
  • irrational nutrition enriched with carbohydrates, due to which the child's body does not receive enough vitamins and proteins;
  • ecology, air pollution;
  • not healthy lifestyle mother's life during pregnancy, alcohol and nicotine abuse;
  • child's smoking. Nowadays, there is an increasing trend towards early addiction to such addiction;
  • allergic reactions to what the child inhales along with the air;
  • genetic predisposition.


According to the degree of leakage, adenoids in a child can be:

  • With acute inflammation- appears as a result of the influence of bacteria and infections;
  • chronic - which exists in the body for a long time, with periods of exacerbations and weakening of symptoms.

According to the prevalence of inflammation, the following degrees of adenoids are distinguished:

  • first degree - the infection spreads to the third part upper division nasopharynx, while the child cannot fully breathe through the nose only at night;
  • second degree - the process advances to half of the nasopharynx. Difficulty breathing is observed in the daytime, snoring is heard at night;
  • third degree - the adenoids have expanded to such an extent that they blocked the entire nasopharynx and can be seen when the mouth is opened. The child cannot breathe through his nose, he does it only through his mouth.

Treatment of adenoids in children with the second and third degree is carried out only through surgical operations.

According to the severity of symptoms:

  • initial - signs of the disease are practically not observed, so it is difficult for parents to suspect the disease;
  • medium - there is a slight nasal congestion, at night the child breathes through his mouth. Attentive parents will take this as a clear expression of the disease;
  • severe - with a very pronounced expression of signs of adenoiditis.


In children, it proceeds slowly and practically without symptoms, especially in the earliest stages (with the first degree of the disease). The first thing that usually worries parents is frequent colds in a child. If you consult a doctor at this stage, the treatment will not be difficult.

In the second and third stages, the following symptoms are expressed:

  • congestion and copious excretion nasal fluids;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • children's snoring during sleep;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • coughing fits;
  • nasal voice, timbre goes down;
  • speech is not as intelligible as before;
  • slight hearing loss
  • a constantly open mouth because the child cannot breathe through the nose;
  • headache;
  • lethargy and irritability;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • inattention, which is why learning suffers;
  • decreased or loss of appetite;
  • body temperature rises.


untimely and wrong treatment disease can lead to the following consequences:

  • hearing problems;
  • allergic reactions that were not there before the disease;
  • memory impairment;
  • malocclusion;
  • deformation of the nasal septum;
  • change in the shape of the chest;
  • chronic , and .


If parents have found one or more of the above symptoms, then you should immediately take the child for examination to the pediatrician. The doctor examines the patient, listens to complaints, finds out the intensity of symptoms and possible reasons occurrence of the disease. If the picture of the disease does not seem clear enough to him, he may appoint an ENT consultation. For more accurate diagnosis The following examinations of the patient are carried out:

  • endoscopy is the most effective method, thanks to which you can see in detail the state of the nasopharynx;
  • radiography - allows you to find out the exact size of the adenoids;
  • pharyngoscopy;
  • rhinoscopy of the anterior and posterior part of the nasopharynx with the help of special instruments;
  • finger research.


To date, in medicine, there are many disputes on the topic - how to remove adenoids in children. There are several ways to treat adenoids - drug therapy and surgery. But in recent times comes to the fore latest way removal of adenoids in children - laser.

Treatment with drugs is based on the use of:

  • antibacterial and vasoconstrictor sprays - to relieve swelling;
  • nasal lavage - carried out for the outflow of mucus;
  • antiviral and antipyretic agents;
  • antiallergic pharmaceuticals;
  • antibiotics (only in case of complications);
  • vitamins C, D and calcium.

Removal of adenoids in children with the help of surgery is most often performed only when the second and third degrees of the disease appear or when serious consequences. There are no special contraindications to the operation, the exception is the unwillingness of the parents or the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. The duration of the operation is no more than fifteen minutes. After surgery, the child should be limited from:

  • strong physical exertion;
  • eating too hot food and cold drinks;
  • taking hot baths;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Many parents want to avoid surgery and not carry out complete removal adenoids in children, so as not to expose an already weak body to even greater risk. Therefore, in medical practice there is alternative ways treat adenoids:

  • laser;
  • herbal medicine;
  • folk methods.

Treatment of adenoids folk remedies should take place only in conjunction with other methods, and not be the only means of therapy. Folk methods elimination of the symptoms of the disease consist of:

  • nasal lavage sea ​​water;
  • infusions from - coltsfoot, plantain and sage leaves, calendula flowers;
  • decoctions - lingonberries, raspberries, cranberries, oak bark, birch, elderberry, linden flowers and string;
  • juices of carrots and radishes - drink or bury in the nose.


Preventive remedies for adenoids in children consist of:

  • strengthening immunity through hardening and constant exercise;
  • timely treatment viral and infectious diseases;
  • balanced nutrition, which should provide the body with vitamins, proteins and calcium;
  • abstinence or complete cessation of smoking in the presence of a child;
  • avoiding contact with people infected with influenza or SARS;
  • compliance with nasal hygiene;
  • regular trips to the sea;
  • home herbal herbal medicine and washes.

Is everything correct in the article from a medical point of view?

Answer only if you have proven medical knowledge

Parents whose child is prone to colds should be aware that the beginning of most problems is an enlarged tonsil. Adenoids in children, the symptoms and treatment of which parents should know, can create a lot of trouble, although their original purpose was to protect against microbes that enter the body with the air inhaled by the nose.

The tonsils increase with any inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, however, after recovery, the size is restored. The protracted course of the disease leads to the growth of lymphoid tissue. Parents of preschoolers have to decide whether to remove the tonsils or refuse it.

An adenoid is a tonsil located in the nasopharynx and consisting of lymphoid tissue. Its main function is the production of special protective cells - lymphocytes, capable of neutralizing microbes. The causes of defective changes are transferred infectious diseases or hereditary factors.

Adults have adenoids of microscopic size or completely atrophied. Children from 3 to 10 years old have sufficiently developed lymphoid formations. It depends on their immunity acting in mode increased load to protect the baby's body from all kinds of infections.

In adolescents, tonsils are spontaneously reduced to a minimum and cease to aggravate well-being, provided that initially the problem was dealt with seriously and competently. Recently, adenoids have been detected in a child and their symptoms in the nose, even at a younger age.

Distinctive features of adenoiditis

The medical name for the pathological growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsils is glandular hypertrophy, and their inflammation is called adenoiditis. It is necessary to differentiate swollen adenoids in a child and adenoiditis in children, the symptoms and treatment of it resemble the pathology of the palatine tonsils with angina. In the event of its transition to a chronic form, there is a possibility of serious complications and the spread of infection to the heart, kidneys, joints.

The clinical picture is characterized by the appearance of mucous purulent discharge from the nose and throat, fever, difficulty breathing. Often, an acute illness involves the nearby organs of hearing in the inflammation of the adenoids in a child, the manifestation is stuffy ears, pain in them and a decrease in sound perception. Symptoms and treatment of adenoiditis in children are manifested:

  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • lagging behind in mental and physical development;
  • increased fatigue;
  • deterioration in academic performance;
  • concentration disorder;
  • lethargy with parallel sleep disturbance;
  • refusal to eat.

On the website of Dr. Komarovsky there are photos and videos about the signs of adenoids and their therapy, as well as patient reviews.

Insidiousness of the growths of the tonsils

Adenoids in a 3-year-old child are threatened with recurring ailments associated with the impossibility of voluntary respiration through the nose. healthy mucosa and paranasal sinuses covers a secret that detains almost all pathogens. The fact that air is obstructed creates an environment conducive to infection and inflammation in the upper respiratory tract: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Large tonsils are dangerous with difficulty in swallowing food, breathing. These difficulties make the baby’s sleep restless, he wakes up from lack of air, cries for fear that he might suffocate. Enlargement of the tonsils is often the culprit for children with enuresis. All these signs and symptoms of adenoids in children signal the need to contact a specialist.

Often tonsils are complicated by hearing loss when the gland blocks auditory tube keeping air out of the middle ear. The result is a loss tympanic membrane elasticity, affecting the perception of sound. For the same reasons, adenoid expansions lead to recurrent otitis media.

A serious consequence of the growths of the tonsils is acute adenoiditis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which are quite serious. Chronic inflammation is a regular source of infection that spreads germs throughout the body.

The tonsils affect the backlog in school, due to oxygen deficiency due to lack of air, which affects mental abilities.

The list of pathologies that occur in children against the background of adenoid vegetations is much longer. This is just the one that is the most common. The composition of the blood may change, a disorder may appear nervous system, interruptions in kidney function. Even one of a number of these signs will allow a specialist to diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Factors that cause inflammation in a child

The causes of adenoids in children 3 years old are due to:

  • hereditary predisposition associated with an anomaly in the arrangement of the lymphatic and endocrine systems, in which the functions of the thyroid gland often decrease, and the symptoms of adenoids in children are replenished with indifference, puffiness and a tendency to be overweight;
  • pathological gestation and birth trauma, mainly suffered by a woman at any stage of pregnancy with a viral or infectious disease, taking antibiotics and other toxic drugs;
  • the nature of breastfeeding, vaccinations and various diseases in young years;
  • overeating and abuse of sweets;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions in relatives and the baby himself;
  • weak immunity;
  • environmental situation in the region of residence - with stale dusty air, proximity to chemical enterprises, unsanitary conditions at home.

All these reasons for the appearance of adenoids in children should be taken into account by parents as a preventive measure in order to prevent the onset of the disease. Adults who themselves suffered from it in childhood should pay attention to the symptoms so as not to miss the inflammation in the tonsils and start healing in time.

Signs and therapy of inflamed tonsils

At home, it is impossible to determine adenoids in children, their symptoms and carry out treatment: they are not visible. This can only be done by an otolaryngologist using a special mirror.

Significant differences in the growths of the tonsils are:

  • frequent long runny nose, difficult to cure;
  • difficulty in nasal respiration even in the absence of rhinitis;
  • regular discharge from the nose, leading to skin itching in the nose area;
  • inhalation through an open mouth with sagging at the same time mandible, and the facial expression becomes indifferent;
  • disturbing and shallow sleep of the baby;
  • snoring and sniffing in a dream, sometimes stopping breathing;
  • paroxysmal nocturnal suffocation;
  • systematic morning cough;
  • reflex random body movements, nervous contractions, blinking;
  • the appearance of nasal and illegibility of speech, a change in the timbre of the voice;
  • indifference, anemic;
  • overwork, irascibility, hysteria;
  • lack of oxygen leading to headache;
  • hearing loss, characterized by the fact that children ask again all the time.

Classification and varieties of adenoids

The degree of leakage in children allows us to classify the problem into:

  • acute inflammation that appears under the influence of infection;
  • chronic, existing in the body for a long time, having periodic exacerbations and weakening.

Accompanying symptom - runny nose - is divided into 4 types:

  1. Habitual catarrhal rhinitis, often observed in acute respiratory ailments. Distinguished by transparent watery compartments, usually does not need special measures, except for the use of nasal drops that block excess fluid. However, the diagnosis of tonsil disease aggravates the course of a respiratory disease.
  2. Hay fever usually occurs in babies prone to seasonal intolerance. This type of runny nose is not cured on its own due to the fact that drug therapy in an allergy-prone baby can be complicated by anaphylaxis. Adenoids should be surgically removed because:

they are an unfavorable moment in combination with allergies;

increase the aggressive effect of stimuli;

cause asthma and asthma attacks.

  1. Rhinorrhea of ​​infectious etiology, the culprit of which are streptococci and staphylococci that have fallen into the tonsils. This type of runny nose indicates pathological intoxication. child's body. From the nostrils a thick, stinking liquid of a greenish color is discharged. Necessary complex treatment adenoids in children with antiviral agents and antibiotics. Medicines are prescribed according to the results of the tests. Stationary monitoring is recommended, since adenoids in a 3-year-old child whose symptoms are diagnosed become a regular source of new forms of viruses.

  1. Chronic sinusitis is characterized by prolonged swelling, redness, and inflammation in the nose. He is accompanied by nasal congestion, continuous runny nose, nasal voice. It is the tonsils that cause the recurrence of sinusitis. Physicians recommend as effective therapy surgical debridement of the nasal cavity - cutting the adenoid layer from the tonsils simultaneously with drug therapy, which the patient needs to repeat after six months. The duration and sluggish course of sinusitis leads to inflammation of the tonsils.

Degrees of adenoids in children

The growths of the tonsils are divided into degrees according to the size of the vegetation:

The 1st degree is manifested in babies by difficult nighttime breathing due to an increase in a sleepy state, and the growths block the nasal passages from behind by a third. Surgical removal not required.

At the 2nd degree, the child's respiration through the nose is disturbed around the clock, he is dozing with his mouth wide open, snoring. The nasopharynx is blocked by 2/3, but still does not need to be removed.

The 3rd degree is characterized by hyperplasia of the tonsils to a maximum value, air does not enter through the nose at all. Layers can affect the auditory tube, provoke otitis and lead to hearing loss. This degree is quite severe, seriously complicating the well-being of the baby.

Oral respiration dries the mucous membrane of the pharynx, becoming a factor leading to ENT diseases: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, hearing impairment, mental retardation. Moreover, prolonged shallow breathing leads to chest deformity and anemia.

For the same reason, a violation of the maxillofacial bones and teeth often occurs, the so-called adenoid type of face is formed: with a half-open mouth, an elongated drooping jaw and noticeably protruding incisors.


An experienced doctor can easily diagnose the disease correctly. Sometimes one glance is enough to suspect tonsils. However, the reason for the inaccurate statement of the conclusion sometimes lies in the lack of experience or excessive haste. The impossibility of respiration does not necessarily mean the presence of adenoids.

Factors can be allergic rhinitis, deviated septum nose, neoplasm. A qualified doctor will correctly determine the degree of the disease with the help of voice coloring, diction. A true conclusion is obtained only after a detailed examination of the patient, consisting of certain actions:

  • from the initial questioning of the child and finding out the family history of diseases;
  • the oldest diagnostic method, often used in children's clinics, is a digital examination;
  • from the examination by means of special mirror instruments;
  • from x-ray(the imperfection of the method - the inability to show inflammation, edema, mucus, you can see only an increase in the tonsils);
  • in the application of the most modern methods - endoscopy and computed tomography, which with great correctness recognize the size of the build-up and the culprit of their expansion, the features of the course, the presence of pus, edema, the status of nearby organs.

Examination of an otolaryngologist by outdated methods cannot show correct results. Palpation of the tonsils and rhinoscopy, which often causes vomiting, are painful and painful for children. Endoscopy provides more information, but this method also has disadvantages. A narrow elongated tube with a television camera is inserted into the nasal cavity. The painfulness of this procedure requires anesthesia of the mucosa, while using lidocaine, which can irritate the membrane and even cause allergies. If parents are not sure that the child will easily endure this procedure, it is necessary to do an allergen test on the eve of the examination or abandon this method.


There are two main types of therapy for children's adenoids - surgical and conservative. The choice of method depends on the stage of growth and the presence of consequences. Non-surgical healing is considered the most reliable, leading course in the healing of the tonsils. It is carried out with a small degree of enlargement of the tonsils or contraindications to surgical intervention. Parents should try all potential methods to avoid adenotomy before making a decision to consent to surgery.

Traditional healing is carried out simultaneously in a number of ways. With local therapy:

  • instill vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory drops (galazolin, sanorin);
  • wash the nose with medications (albucid, protargol);
  • use drugs to locally enhance immunity (imudon);
  • general strengthening drugs are used:
  • prescribe multivitamins and trace elements;
  • prescribe antiallergic drugs (suprastin, claritin);
  • offer immunostimulating substances.

The use of physiotherapeutic methods is considered very effective.

Medicamentous treatment of tonsils primarily involves scrupulous elimination of the secret. Only cleaning allows the use of local preparations; excess discharge seriously impairs the effectiveness of healing.

Methodology laser therapy now is enough effective way. Many experts consider it harmless, although no one has studied security. Laser therapy helps to reduce swelling of the lymphoid tissue, increase immunity, and reduce inflammation.

Homeopathy is considered the most safe method healing, but its impact is purely individual: sometimes it gives excellent results, in other cases it hardly helps. It is advisable to try this method, since it is safe, it is possible to combine it with other methods. To increase the chances of a full recovery, the drug should be selected by an experienced homeopath. The most effective drugs are lymphomyosot - a comprehensive German-made homeopathic medicine - and thuja oil.

Surgical removal of adenoids

Sometimes surgical removal of the tonsils (adenotomy) is the only possible way out of the situation. This operation is considered quite simple in the practice of otolaryngologists. Surgical intervention is prescribed only in cases where all other methods have been tried that did not bring positive result, and the patient is diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 of regularly progressing tonsils.

Surgery is especially necessary for facial deformities. It is performed regardless of age, even infants. Moreover, doctors recommend not to delay time, but to carry out manipulations before the start of the school period, so that the success of training does not suffer.

Most recently, the removal of the tonsils was carried out without anesthesia, since there are no pain receptors in the adenoid tissue. Nowadays, opinions have changed, adenotomy began to be performed using anesthesia - local or general. Adults are usually local anesthesia, the drug is applied by spraying or smearing with a swab, which allows patients to be conscious without experiencing pain.

Toddlers are given general anesthesia so that they do not survive psychological trauma, for example, at the sight of blood, and this allows the doctor not to be nervous. However, the decision to use the method of anesthesia is made individually, depending on the situation.

There are only 2 methods of surgical intervention to remove adenoids: traditional and endoscopy. The first method involves the use of special tools. An important disadvantage of this method is that the impact zone is out of sight of the doctor. Not completely removed tonsils are fraught with relapse.

For endoscopic adenotomy, modern technologies, allowing the surgeon to see the organ and act quite clearly, without missing residues and without touching excess tissue. This method is becoming more and more popular, although the traditional method continues.

The duration of the operation of adenotomy is about an hour, then medical supervision is necessary during the day. The temperature increased after the operation should not be categorically knocked down with drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, so as not to cause bleeding.

Repeated removal of tonsils is not performed. It does not always provide a complete cure. The source of infection after a while may appear elsewhere, which is why it is necessary to find out where the focus of inflammation is located by making an analysis that also determines sensitivity to antibiotics. After that, therapy is prescribed with the help of those drugs to which susceptibility has been identified.

Treatment with home remedies

Healing adenoids is a long process and requires patience. At home, it is recommended to use folk remedies:

  1. Rinsing the throat with eucalyptus infusion, for this, 100 g of dry leaves are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and settled for 6 hours in a thermos, then filtered. Washing is carried out three times a day. Recovery occurs in six months.
  2. Instillation of aloe juice three times a day, and the microdose must be strictly observed - 2 drops at a time. The event is recommended to be carried out throughout the whole year in order to consolidate the result, which appears quite quickly.
  3. A decoction of celandine, brewed according to the recipe: 2 tbsp. l. dried mixture in 2 cups of water, serves to wash the throat, or freshly squeezed juice - it is dripped into the nostrils 2 drops twice a day for a month and a half. Together, these methods are not used.
  4. Instillation into the nose of tea tree oil, sea buckthorn, arborvitae. The method is rather complicated, requiring preliminary preparation: rinsing the nose with a saline solution, applying vasoconstrictor drugs to release the bondage. When free breathing appears, the drug begins to drip according to the scheme: sea buckthorn is applied 4 ml into each nostril twice a day for 2 weeks. For thuja and tea tree, the procedure is repeated.

There are other ways to treat tonsils at home, the effectiveness of which is tested in practice and requires an individual approach.

Preventive measures

The rules to follow to avoid infection are simple and accessible:

  • maximum provision of appropriate climatic conditions at the place of stay of the child, which consists in humidifying and ventilating the room and maintaining sterility;
  • compliance with the regime good sleep, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the baby;
  • formulating a balanced diet, including rich in vitamins food that will support the child's immunity;
  • strengthening the child's body, increasing its resistance due to active image life, regular physical activity, attending additional classes;
  • gradual hardening;
  • the appointment of vitamin preparations;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • walks in the open air;
  • limiting the time of using electronic devices.

These simple principles will help protect the baby from problems with inflammation of the tonsils.