Features of blowing ears using Politzer. How to blow out the ears using the Politzer method Blowing out the auditory tubes in children

Ear pathologies come in a variety, and many of them have such a feature that they entail a decrease in the level of hearing perception, sometimes completely. Perception to the ears largely depends on the level of patency of the channels located deep in the ears. Sometimes this factor suffers from disturbances due to obstacles, for example, water. In this case, it is relevant to carry out a procedure such as blowing the auditory tubes according to Politzer.

Let's find out what the features of this event are and what is required for its smooth and high-quality implementation.

Indications for blowing out the auditory tube

This event is prescribed within the competence of an ENT specialist, which is based on a complete examination of the patient’s disease. The technique is used in therapeutic and diagnostic tasks. There are several significant indications for its implementation:

  • otitis media in children and adults (in this case, the method allows you to remove serous fluid and improve ear functions);
  • if there is deformation (or suspected deformation) of the eardrum;
  • in case of feeling of severe ear congestion due to changes in pressure;
  • in a case associated with a violation of the Eustachian tube, but in this case you should only count on a short-term effect;
  • in case of insufficient audibility of sounds, rustling and noise in the ears, congestion and pain in the head;
  • The event is often used for diagnostic purposes to assess the patency of pipes and ventilation during drainage.

Thus, Politzer ear blowing is an effective measure, and if you provide a competent approach to it, you can achieve a good result.

Preparatory activities

To prepare for the operation, it is necessary to follow a strict algorithm of actions.

  1. Clear the nasal cavity so that air can pass freely along its path in the stream.
  2. Remove accumulated mucus formations by blowing your nose well.
  3. Treat the mucous membrane using special vasoconstrictor solutions and compositions to eliminate swelling.
  4. If the patient has a sufficiently high pain threshold, it is permissible to treat the nasal mucosa with analgesics.

Politzer blowing is a procedure that requires mandatory preparation. Therefore, a specialist should arm himself with a set of tools and carry out all the necessary measures.

Features of the procedure

It is performed in a medical office using a device such as a Politzer balloon. It is a rubber bulb equipped with a hollow hose. It is on this element that different sized tips are attached. They are selected individually by a specialist. This is due to the fact that the width of a child’s nostril differs from the same indicator, for example, in an adult man.

Blowing is carried out in compliance with a certain technology:

  1. Take the tip of the bulb and the nozzle, which is selected according to the size and inserted into the nostril.
  2. The doctor clamps it to fix the nozzle. And with the help of his other hand, the doctor holds the pear.
  3. Next, the patient must pronounce certain words, making their syllables rhythmic.
  4. When one of the vowel sounds is pronounced, the doctor sharply presses the pear.
  5. This ensures that air enters the nostril, and then, after several channels, into the tympanic area.

During the procedure, the patient’s head should be tilted so that it is possible for water, pus, and exudate to flow out unhindered. Sometimes, to restore lost hearing, ear blowing is carried out only 1-2 times.

But if there is a severe pathological phenomenon, the measures can last for several weeks. It provides a course of therapy, and one course includes 5-10 sessions. This technique acts as an integral part of complex therapy.

Are there any contraindications

The Politzer balloon may have restrictions on its use, as well as complete prohibitions on the use of this technique:

  • acute processes of infection in the nasopharynx and ear canals;
  • infectious phenomena of viral and bacterial nature;
  • the patient has mental disorders and neurological ailments;
  • An important contraindication to the use of the technique is a runny nose.

These are contraindications for blowing out the ears at home. A rational approach to the event guarantees improved overall health and good hearing.

Can complications occur?

If ear purging was carried out in disregard of general rules and safety precautions, carelessly and carelessly, there is a possibility of several difficulties:

  • deformation of the elements of the inner ear;
  • otitis media of purulent type;
  • nose bleed;
  • seizures;
  • fainting;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis.

During the procedure, many patients complain of noise in the ears. If you decide to blow out your ears yourself at home, you should not do this; strict supervision by a specialized physician is required.

The easiest ways to organize an event

When considering the question of how to blow out your ears, it is worth noting that there are several key methods of this therapy:

  • the Valsalva method involves taking a deep breath, covering the nostrils and attempting to exhale through the nose, for this purpose an effort is made to push the air mass;
  • Toynbee's technique involves closing the nostrils with your fingers and taking a sip of water into your mouth, you need to repeat these measures until the congestion completely disappears;
  • The Otovent method is a simplified option under consideration; to implement it, you need to buy special equipment with a nozzle and use the given technology.

As for purging the ear according to Politzer, this method is good, but it is recommended to leave it to a more experienced and competent specialist.

Self-blowing of the auditory tube can be dangerous only if you do not consult an ENT doctor for advice and neglect the general rules. In other cases, you should not be afraid of holding this event. During the first procedure, there is a possibility of unusual and unpleasant sensations, but as soon as addiction occurs, the procedure will become commonplace and will not cause problems. In addition, when the ear elements are blown through, the hearing organs are treated with special preparations, which avoids pain.

The pear must be used wisely and rationally. As a result of incompetent attempts to carry out the event, there is a risk of complete rupture of the eardrum if you do not calculate the force with which you press the pear. There is also a possibility of infection in the ear canal area.

So, we looked at how to blow out your ear. As you can see, the organs are ventilated quite simply without much discomfort in the ears. The event is useful and doable at home. But a mandatory requirement is to contact a specialist who can make sure that there are no contraindications.

The Eustachian tube is a small canal that connects the ear to the nose. The patency of the Eustachian tube can be impaired due to colds and allergies. Serious cases require observation by an otolaryngologist. Mild cases can be managed at home with home remedies, over-the-counter medications, and prescription solutions.


Treating ear plugs at home

    Symptoms Colds, allergies, infections and swelling lead to disruption of the passage of air through the Eustachian tube. Due to changes in pressure, fluid accumulates in the inner ear, and then the following symptoms appear:

    Movements of the lower jaw. This is a very simple technique called the Edmonds maneuver. Push your lower jaw forward and move it from side to side. If the ear is not severely blocked, this method will effectively restore normal air flow.

    Use the Valsalva technique. This method forces air flow through the blocked passage, so it must be done carefully. The strong flow of air when exhaling can cause rapid changes in blood pressure and heart rate.

    Try Toynbee's method. Like the Valsalva technique, the Toynbee technique is designed to relieve ear congestion. But instead of changing air pressure when breathing, Toynbee's method uses changing air pressure when swallowing. To perform the Toynbee method, do the following:

    • pinch your nostrils;
    • take a sip of water;
    • swallow;
    • Repeat the process until you feel the ear congestion go away.
  1. Blow up the balloons with your nose. It sounds ridiculous, but this method effectively equalizes the pressure in the ears. Unfortunately, a special device for this technique (Otovent) is not sold in Russia, but you can order it online or make it yourself. It is a ball with an attachment for the nostril. You may already have attachments for a nasal aspirator at home - in this case, making such a device yourself will not be difficult.

    Swallow with your nose pinched. This is the Lowry method. Before simply swallowing, you need to increase the pressure, as if straining. When you hold your breath and strain, you will feel the air trying to escape through all the passages. This can be difficult for some people to swallow. Be patient and you will feel a click in your ears.

    Apply a heating pad or warm towel to your ear. This will relieve pain and may relieve ear congestion. The heat from the compress can relieve swelling and increase the patency of the Eustachian tube. If you are using a heating pad, place a cloth between your skin and the heating pad to avoid getting burned.

    Use nasal decongestants. Ear drops will not help with congestion in the ears because the connection between the ear and nose is located in a place inaccessible to the drops. Therefore, in such cases, vasoconstrictor nasal sprays are used. Place the spray dispenser in one nostril almost perpendicular to your face. Inhale forcefully after spraying, just enough to force the liquid into the back of your throat, but not so much that you swallow it or suck it into your mouth.

    • Try any of the above methods after using the drops - they may be more effective after using the spray.
  2. Take an antihistamine if the congestion is due to allergies. Although antihistamines are not intended to treat ear congestion, they may be effective in relieving allergic swelling. Consult with an allergist to prescribe the most effective drug.

    • Please note that antihistamines are not recommended for people with ear problems.

    Medical solution to the problem

    1. Therapeutic nasal sprays. Regular over-the-counter medications can be used, but prescription vasoconstrictors are most effective. If you suffer from allergies, ask your doctor to prescribe steroid and/or antihistamine nasal sprays.

      Take antibiotics for an ear infection. Often, a blocked eustachian tube is not harmful to health and does not last long, but it can sometimes lead to an ear infection. If the blockage does not go away for a long time, contact your otolaryngologist to prescribe treatment. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics for temperatures over 39°C for more than two days.

      • Take your medications as directed. Take the full course of antibiotics, even if you feel better.
    2. Discuss the possibility of a myringotomy with your doctor. In severe cases, the doctor may recommend a surgical solution to the problem. There are two surgeries, and myringotomy is the quickest option. During this operation, the surgeon makes a thin incision in the eardrum and removes excess fluid from the middle ear. It may seem counterintuitive, but it is necessary for the incision to heal. slowly. If the incision is left open for a long enough period of time, the swelling of the eustachian tube may subside. If the ear heals quickly (in less than 3 days), fluid will again accumulate in the middle ear and symptoms will return.

      Consider other pressure equalization methods. Another surgical method of getting rid of congestion in the ear is used for advanced processes. Just as with a myringotomy, the doctor makes an incision in the eardrum and suctions out the fluid that has accumulated in the middle ear. A small tube is inserted into the incision to assess the condition of the middle ear during the healing period. The tube is removed on its own after 6–12 months. This method is used in patients with chronic diseases of the Eustachian tube.

      • Be sure to protect your ears from water if you have tubes in your eardrums. Use earplugs or cotton balls when swimming and showering.
      • If water gets through the tube into the middle ear, it can cause inflammation.
    3. Treat the cause. A blocked eustachian tube usually indicates another medical condition, accompanied by mucus discharge and swelling. The most common illnesses include colds, flu, sinus infections and allergies. Do not start these diseases to prevent ear inflammation. Treat colds and flu at the first symptoms, and consult your doctor for allergies and sinus infections.

    • If you know you have fluid in your ears, do not use earwax removers. They can cause infection because they are liquid and not wax.
    • If you have ear pain, do not lie horizontally.
    • Drink not cold water, but some warm drink, such as tea.
    • Try chewing a few papaya tablets in your mouth. Papayotine, the main ingredient in unripe papaya, is an excellent mucus dissolver.
    • You can also try fenugreek.
    • Place an extra pillow under your head to help drain fluid from your nose while you sleep.
    • For pain caused by blocked ears, ask your doctor to prescribe pain-relieving drops. To relieve pain, you can also try over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, or naproxen.
    • Wear a hat that covers your ears to keep your head cool.

Blowing the auditory tubes is an effective method of equalizing external and internal pressure on the eardrum. Physiotherapeutic manipulations can eliminate local manifestations of ear diseases such as tubotympanitis (eustachitis), catarrhal and diffuse otitis. The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate the feeling of stuffiness in the ears and prevent rupture of the eardrum.

To normalize the pressure inside the ear, it is necessary to restore the patency of the Eustachian tube. It is she who performs the ventilation function, connecting the ear cavity with the nasopharynx. At the level of the posterior wall of the oropharynx, the auditory canal ends with a one-way valve called the tubal ridge. It opens only when yawning and swallowing, which helps redirect air masses into the eardrum and, accordingly, equalize external and internal pressure on the eardrum.

Purpose of blowing

By performing ear blowing at home, you can eliminate the feeling of congestion and fluid transfusion in the middle ear cavity. The most common causes of discomfort are:

  • otitis;
  • barotrauma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blockage of the ear canal with wax;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs;
  • a sharp change in pressure when diving under water or taking off on airplanes.

As a result, the lumen in the auditory canal, which communicates the ear with the nasopharynx, is greatly narrowed. This leads to disruption of the ventilation function of the Eustachian tube and the development of negative pressure in the ear cavity. Inside the organ of hearing, oxygen is constantly absorbed by the tissues of the mucous membranes. For this reason, low pressure is created in it, which causes the eardrum to retract into the middle ear cavity.

Pressure changes and blockage of the ear canal lead to the accumulation of serous effusions in the ear, which is one of the main reasons for the sensation of fluid transfusion in the hearing organ.

Correctly performed blowing of the auditory tubes at home leads to an increase in their lumen and restoration of drainage and ventilation functions.

Indications for use of the procedure

Before resorting to a physiotherapeutic procedure, you should consult a specialist. Incorrect manipulation can cause serious barotrauma, up to the rupture of the eardrum. In addition, blowing is not recommended for myringitis, i.e. inflammation of the tympanic membrane. A sudden change in pressure can lead to pain and inflammation in the inner ear.

You can perform manipulations to restore pressure if you have the following symptoms:

  • feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • severe hearing loss;
  • stuffy ears;
  • constant “clicking” in the head;
  • disturbances in coordination of movements.

In the presence of serious ear diseases, blowing is performed on an outpatient basis using a special catheter or a Politzer device.

The above signs in 90% of cases indicate accumulation of fluid in the ear cavity and, accordingly, blockage of the ear canal. However, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of the manipulations depends on the frequency and correctness of special exercises.

How to blow out your ears at home? There are at least 10 methods for independently blowing the auditory tubes. Most of them were developed to prevent barotrauma in professional divers, submariners, pilots, etc. Many of them can be used as additional physiotherapeutic treatment for ear diseases and the consequences of otitis media.

To open the mouth of the ear canal and restore normal pressure inside the ear, the following can be used:

  • Valsalva maneuver - exhaling air with the nose and mouth closed;
  • Lowry technique - swallowing with blocked nostrils and closed mouth;
  • Frenzel maneuver - the use of the tongue as a blower of air into the nasal and oral cavity;
  • Otovent technique - blowing out the ear canals using an air balloon pumped with a special bulb;
  • Edmonds maneuver - exhalation with parallel extension of the lower jaw with the nose and mouth blocked;
  • Toynbrie technique - imitation of swallowing water with blocked nostrils.

Most of the above techniques do not require the use of special devices. However, to achieve the desired therapeutic results, it is important to perform physical therapy procedures correctly. The simplest but most effective ways to restore normal patency of the auditory canals are described below.

Valsalva method

The Valsalva method is one of the simplest methods of blowing out the ear canals, which is used to relieve local manifestations of tubotympanitis and catarrhal otitis. To implement the technique, you need to take a deep breath and, pressing your nostrils to the nasal septum, exhale through your nose.

Important! Do not exhale sharply during the procedure, as this may damage parts of the inner ear.

Performing the Valsalva technique forces air into the nasopharynx, allowing it to penetrate the ear canal. This helps to increase the lumen in the Eustachian tube and the outflow of fluid from the middle ear. However, it should be noted that blowing out the ears at home can cause the following complications:

  • damage to the ear labyrinth due to sudden and strong exhalation;
  • infection of the middle ear when pathogens enter the nasopharynx;
  • rupture of the eardrum when high internal pressure is created.

Before performing a physiotherapeutic procedure, it is advisable to clear the nasal passages of mucus. To prevent pathogenic flora from entering the ear canal, you need to rinse your nose with saline solution.

The technique is based on forcing air into the Eustachian tube not during forced exhalation, but during swallowing. At the moment of swallowing saliva, the opening of the auditory canal widens. With swelling of the mucous membrane The nasopharynx in the oral cavity increases air pressure, which penetrates the tympanic cavity and thereby restores normal pressure on the eardrum.

How to self-bleed your ears? To eliminate congestion and heaviness in the head, you need to do the following:

  1. press your nostrils to the nasal septum;
  2. take a small amount of water into your mouth;
  3. swallow the water.

The procedure must be repeated until a click occurs in the ears, signaling the equalization of internal and external pressure. This method of blowing out ear tubes is one of the safest, so it can be used to eliminate the symptoms of otitis media in children over 5 years old.

Otovent method

The Otovent method is a home analogue of the Politzer method of blowing ear tubes. To perform the procedure, you need to purchase a so-called “Otoventa” balloon at the pharmacy. The simple device is a balloon with a plastic tip that is inserted into the nostril to clear the eustachian tube. During the procedure, there is virtually no risk of a critical increase in pressure inside the ear, which is due to the high elasticity of the ball used.

To eliminate congestion and normalize the outflow of fluid from the ear, it is advisable to perform physiotherapeutic manipulations daily for 4-5 days. How to blow out your ear at home?

  • press one nostril to the nasal septum;
  • insert the tip of the Otoventa balloon into the second nostril;
  • take a breath and try to inflate the balloon with your nose;
  • Perform similar manipulations with the second nostril.

The success of the technique will be indicated by a characteristic click in the ear.

Most people do self-deflation incorrectly due to poor control of the nasopharyngeal muscles. To take control of the muscles of the palate, nasopharynx and epiglottis, you should perform a few simple exercises. Some of the most effective ones include:

It is advisable to do the above exercises 3-4 times a day until the patient feels complete control over the muscles of the soft palate and epiglottis. The ability to control the muscles of the nasopharynx increases the efficiency of procedures for blowing out the auditory tubes by at least 30-40%.

Blowing the auditory tubes is an effective method of equalizing external and internal pressure on the eardrum. Physiotherapeutic manipulations can eliminate local manifestations of ear diseases such as tubotympanitis (eustachitis), catarrhal and diffuse otitis. The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate the feeling of stuffiness in the ears and prevent rupture of the eardrum.

To normalize the pressure inside the ear, it is necessary to restore the patency of the Eustachian tube. It is she who performs the ventilation function, connecting the ear cavity with the nasopharynx. At the level of the posterior wall of the oropharynx, the auditory canal ends with a one-way valve called the tubal ridge. It opens only when yawning and swallowing, which helps redirect air masses into the eardrum and, accordingly, equalize external and internal pressure on the eardrum.

Purpose of blowing

By performing ear blowing at home, you can eliminate the feeling of congestion and fluid transfusion in the middle ear cavity. The most common causes of discomfort are:

  • otitis;
  • barotrauma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blockage of the ear canal with wax;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs;
  • a sharp change in pressure when diving under water or taking off on airplanes.

As a result, the lumen in the auditory canal, which communicates the ear with the nasopharynx, is greatly narrowed. This leads to disruption of the ventilation function of the Eustachian tube and the development of negative pressure in the ear cavity. Inside the organ of hearing, oxygen is constantly absorbed by the tissues of the mucous membranes. For this reason, low pressure is created in it, which causes the eardrum to retract into the middle ear cavity.

Pressure changes and blockage of the ear canal lead to the accumulation of serous effusions in the ear, which is one of the main reasons for the sensation of fluid transfusion in the hearing organ.

Correctly performed blowing of the auditory tubes at home leads to an increase in their lumen and restoration of drainage and ventilation functions.

Indications for use of the procedure

Before resorting to a physiotherapeutic procedure, you should consult a specialist. Incorrect manipulation can cause serious barotrauma, up to the rupture of the eardrum. In addition, blowing is not recommended for myringitis, i.e. inflammation of the tympanic membrane. A sudden change in pressure can lead to pain and inflammation in the inner ear.

You can perform manipulations to restore pressure if you have the following symptoms:

  • feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • severe hearing loss;
  • stuffy ears;
  • constant “clicking” in the head;
  • disturbances in coordination of movements.

In the presence of serious ear diseases, blowing is performed on an outpatient basis using a special catheter or a Politzer device.

The above signs in 90% of cases indicate accumulation of fluid in the ear cavity and, accordingly, blockage of the ear canal. However, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of the manipulations depends on the frequency and correctness of special exercises.

How to blow out your ears at home? There are at least 10 methods for independently blowing the auditory tubes. Most of them were developed to prevent barotrauma in professional divers, submariners, pilots, etc. Many of them can be used as additional physiotherapeutic treatment for ear diseases and the consequences of otitis media.

To open the mouth of the ear canal and restore normal pressure inside the ear, the following can be used:

  • Valsalva maneuver - exhaling air with the nose and mouth closed;
  • Lowry technique - swallowing with blocked nostrils and closed mouth;
  • Frenzel maneuver - the use of the tongue as a blower of air into the nasal and oral cavity;
  • Otovent technique - blowing out the ear canals using an air balloon pumped with a special bulb;
  • Edmonds maneuver - exhalation with parallel extension of the lower jaw with the nose and mouth blocked;
  • Toynbrie technique - imitation of swallowing water with blocked nostrils.

Most of the above techniques do not require the use of special devices. However, to achieve the desired therapeutic results, it is important to perform physical therapy procedures correctly. The simplest but most effective ways to restore normal patency of the auditory canals are described below.

Valsalva method

The Valsalva method is one of the simplest methods of blowing out the ear canals, which is used to relieve local manifestations of tubotympanitis and catarrhal otitis. To implement the technique, you need to take a deep breath and, pressing your nostrils to the nasal septum, exhale through your nose.

Important! Do not exhale sharply during the procedure, as this may damage parts of the inner ear.

Performing the Valsalva technique forces air into the nasopharynx, allowing it to penetrate the ear canal. This helps to increase the lumen in the Eustachian tube and the outflow of fluid from the middle ear. However, it should be noted that blowing out the ears at home can cause the following complications:

  • damage to the ear labyrinth due to sudden and strong exhalation;
  • infection of the middle ear when pathogens enter the nasopharynx;
  • rupture of the eardrum when high internal pressure is created.

Before performing a physiotherapeutic procedure, it is advisable to clear the nasal passages of mucus. To prevent pathogenic flora from entering the ear canal, you need to rinse your nose with saline solution.

The technique is based on forcing air into the Eustachian tube not during forced exhalation, but during swallowing. At the moment of swallowing saliva, the opening of the auditory canal widens. With swelling of the mucous membrane The nasopharynx in the oral cavity increases air pressure, which penetrates the tympanic cavity and thereby restores normal pressure on the eardrum.

How to self-bleed your ears? To eliminate congestion and heaviness in the head, you need to do the following:

  1. press your nostrils to the nasal septum;
  2. take a small amount of water into your mouth;
  3. swallow the water.

The procedure must be repeated until a click occurs in the ears, signaling the equalization of internal and external pressure. This method of blowing out ear tubes is one of the safest, so it can be used to eliminate the symptoms of otitis media in children over 5 years old.

Otovent method

The Otovent method is a home analogue of the Politzer method of blowing ear tubes. To perform the procedure, you need to purchase a so-called “Otoventa” balloon at the pharmacy. The simple device is a balloon with a plastic tip that is inserted into the nostril to clear the eustachian tube. During the procedure, there is virtually no risk of a critical increase in pressure inside the ear, which is due to the high elasticity of the ball used.

To eliminate congestion and normalize the outflow of fluid from the ear, it is advisable to perform physiotherapeutic manipulations daily for 4-5 days. How to blow out your ear at home?

  • press one nostril to the nasal septum;
  • insert the tip of the Otoventa balloon into the second nostril;
  • take a breath and try to inflate the balloon with your nose;
  • Perform similar manipulations with the second nostril.

The success of the technique will be indicated by a characteristic click in the ear.

Most people do self-deflation incorrectly due to poor control of the nasopharyngeal muscles. To take control of the muscles of the palate, nasopharynx and epiglottis, you should perform a few simple exercises. Some of the most effective ones include:

It is advisable to do the above exercises 3-4 times a day until the patient feels complete control over the muscles of the soft palate and epiglottis. The ability to control the muscles of the nasopharynx increases the efficiency of procedures for blowing out the auditory tubes by at least 30-40%.

Viral and infectious diseases can cause short-term or complete loss of hearing activity. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of its occurrence as early as possible and select the appropriate treatment that will restore hearing.

Modern medicine offers several proven methods that help normalize the patient’s well-being in a short time. One of these is Politzer blowing. Let's look at how to blow out your ears correctly and not harm your health.

What is Politzer blowing?

Politzer ear blowing is a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure that helps normalize auditory activity. During the procedure, a thin tube is inserted into the middle ear. A stream of air is supplied through it under pressure.

It is necessary to conduct an examination of the Eustachian tube in a specialized institution. Blowing your ear on your own can cause damage to the eardrum and complete hearing loss.

Before inserting an air tube into the ear, the doctor clears the nasal passage. Mucus and crusty formations are removed from it. If these requirements are neglected, then during the application of pressure the risk of foreign particles entering the area of ​​the Eustachian tube increases.

Why do you need to blow out your ears?

Frequent inflammatory processes of the middle ear require accurate diagnosis. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify the cause of the occurrence of purulent foci and prevent their further occurrence.

Timely contact with an experienced ENT specialist helps reduce the risk of complete deafness

The presence of pathogenic microflora inside the ear is accompanied by the appearance of wax plugs, which can cause serious discomfort.

What are the indications for ear blowing?

In medical practice, there are a number of indications for this manipulation. These include the following changes in the body:

  • A sharp deterioration in auditory activity;
  • The appearance of autophony after prolonged otitis media;
  • Diagnostics in the field of drainage and ventilation functions for the auditory tube;
  • Changes and deformation of the eardrum;
  • The presence of exudate inside the middle ear;
  • Prolonged pain syndrome;
  • Feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • Diagnosis of eustachitis.

If you experience any changes in your health after suffering from viral or infectious diseases, you should seek medical help. Correctly selected treatment helps maintain hearing activity.

How to prepare for ear rinsing?

This diagnosis and treatment must be carried out by a highly qualified ENT doctor. The specialist will correctly insert the air tube and select the desired pressure level.

The first step is to clear the nasal passages of foreign particles. If the patient has inflammation of the mucous membranes at the time of examination, then the procedure is strictly prohibited.

To eliminate discomfort, the patient's nose is treated with vasoconstrictor drops and solutions. They allow you to reduce sensitivity when introducing a foreign body.

Before carrying out this manipulation, the patient must take antihistamines, which will reduce swelling and prevent allergic reactions.

You need to blow out your ears according to this principle:

  1. The tip of the Politzer balloon is carefully inserted into the cleaned nostril. To create a seal, the wing of the nose is pressed tightly against the plastic surface. Using an otoscope, the patient's external canal is connected to the ear canal of the attending physician.
  2. Next, the patient must follow the specialist’s recommendations. At this time, he will count from 0 to 5. At the moment of pronouncing vowel sounds, the balloon is gently compressed. As a result, air pressure moves into the area of ​​the Eustachian tube.
  3. If there are any obstructions in the structure of the middle ear, the patient and doctor feel a clicking sound. In the absence of pathological changes, the same sound is heard.

To normalize and restore auditory activity, 10 procedures will be needed. If serous or purulent fluid is present in the middle ear cavity, a sharp decrease in noise level is noted. In this case, the patient hears the sound of a bursting bubble.

Blowing out ears at home

Discomfort during a conversation can be manifested by extraneous noise or clicking in the ears. Symptoms such as these indicate changes in hearing function. Let's consider whether it is possible to carry out ear blowing at home.

It is necessary to carry out such a procedure yourself, taking into account possible negative consequences.

Improper purging can cause an increase in pressure inside the ear canal, which will subsequently be accompanied by severe headaches.

Valsalva maneuver

You can get rid of discomfort yourself at home. The Valsalva method was developed for this purpose. It is one of the simplest and safest ways to restore hearing function.

It is often used to eliminate the symptoms of catarrhal otitis or tubotympanitis. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of congestion in the ears when talking.

To do this, the patient needs to take a deep breath. At this time, the wings of the nose are pressed tightly against the bony septum to create a tight seal. Exhalation is done through the nose. Air removal should be carried out smoothly, without sudden movements. If this requirement is neglected, the risk of deformation in the structure of the eardrum increases.

When performed correctly, the patient feels significant relief when exhaling. If there is recurrent congestion, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. This sign indicates the presence of wax plugs or purulent contents inside the middle ear.

Lowry technique

This method has some similarities with the Valsalva method. The patient should swallow air with his mouth closed and his nose tightly pinched.

During the process of swallowing, the Eustachian tube opens. The tongue is pressed tightly against the palate, thereby creating the desired level of pressure in the middle ear.

This method is widely used by experienced underwater hunters. This allows them to normalize their well-being after immersion in water to great depths.

Edmonds maneuver

When swallowing air, it is necessary to tense the palate and muscles in the larynx area. The jaw should be pushed forward.

When the muscles of the mouth and larynx are tense, the jaw region gradually moves forward 5 cm from its original position. At this time, the pressure in the middle ear begins to equalize.

When performing this technique, the patient may experience unpleasant changes, which include the appearance of clicking and autophony. Regular repetition of this method helps prevent the appearance of wax plugs inside the ear canal.

Toynbee technique

A similar technique was named after the British ENT doctor Joseph Toynbee. This man has developed an effective method for properly opening the eustachian tube.

The essence of this technique lies in the correct swallowing of air. To do this, the patient must inhale a small amount of oxygen and exhale it through a closed mouth and nose.

To create a tightness, the wings of the nose are pressed against the septum, thereby creating an optimal level of pressure inside the middle ear. The entire area of ​​the tongue presses on the palate. The air is evenly distributed throughout the larynx.

Are there complications after Politzer blowing?

Improper implementation of the ear blowing technique entails a number of serious changes that negatively affect human health. The most common pathologies are:

  • Contusion syndrome in the area of ​​the eardrum;
  • Deformation and rupture of the eardrum;
  • The appearance of purulent otitis media;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • The occurrence of emphysema in the subcutaneous and peripharyngeal tissue.

During the procedure, the patient may experience unpleasant sensations of nausea and severe dizziness.

Such symptoms indicate serious changes in the structure of the middle ear. You should not endure pain, which indicates the presence of a foreign body or improper placement of the balloon.

What is the effect after blowing out the ears?

Experienced specialists highlight a number of advantages of this method of restoring auditory activity. These include the following changes:

  • Normalization of well-being. During a conversation, a person stops hearing extraneous sounds. Speech becomes more intelligible and clear;
  • Preventing the appearance of wax plugs. Improper ear care is accompanied by the appearance of wax deposits, which form a foreign body. Their untimely removal is accompanied by the appearance of purulent otitis media;
  • The technique of blowing out the ear canals allows you to normalize immune defense;
  • Prevents the appearance of chronic and acute inflammatory processes in the middle ear cavity;
  • Helps restore auditory function after serious illnesses;
  • Removes congestion in the ears;
  • The technique normalizes blood pressure and improves well-being.

To carry out this manipulation, you must have a clear understanding of the anatomical structure. Incorrect or sudden insertion of the rubber tip of the tube may cause deformation or rupture of the eardrum. As a result, the person permanently loses hearing function.

It can only be restored surgically using artificial material. As a rule, such a procedure is expensive and difficult to carry out.

Remember that when initial symptoms appear, you must urgently seek help from highly qualified specialists. This will normalize overall well-being and prevent further development of inflammatory processes.