Deviated nasal septum - symptoms, how the operation is performed. Deviated nasal septum - what to do

What is a deviated nasal septum? We will discuss the causes of occurrence, diagnosis and treatment methods in the article by Dr. R. A. Musaev, an ENT specialist with 14 years of experience.

Definition of disease. Causes of the disease

Curvature (deformation) of the nasal septum- is a persistent deviation of the nasal septum to one or both sides of midline, as a result of which the nasal breathing, entailing a number of serious diseases. This pathology is one of the most common diseases of the nasal cavity. According to statistics, a deviated nasal septum affects half of the adult population, and it occurs more often in men than in women.

The diagnosis can be established only after consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist, which includes examination (anterior rhinoscopy), medical history, and additional methods research.

There are a number of reasons for the formation of a deviated nasal septum.

Physiological curvature

This is the most common cause of curvature. Since the nasal septum consists of bone and cartilaginous parts, during constant growth facial skeleton, often non-simultaneous, there is an uneven growth of these tissue structures, i.e. one part is ahead or behind the other.

Deformation due to nasal injury

It occurs due to birth injuries, microtraumas from falls, injuries from fractures of the external bones of the nose, as well as professional injuries (mainly among athletes).

Curvature caused by other diseases

Gradual curvature of the nasal septum can occur when various diseases intranasal structures, such as nasal polyps, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates, foreign bodies(compensatory curvature). At different common diseases(for example, rickets and ) softening of the bone part is possible, which can lead to overtightening and retarded growth of the nasal structures.

Symptoms of a deviated nasal septum

The main symptoms of a deviated nasal septum include the following:

  • Difficulty nasal breathing(partial or complete). It all depends on which direction the septum is curved and in which section. Very often, patients do not feel a lack of nasal breathing, as the body gradually adapts to this volume of breathing.
  • Frequent inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). This occurs due to disruption of aeration in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, complications of the free passage of air flow, disruption of the outflow of secretion contents from the sinuses and its stagnation, and thereby creates favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  • Snoring and OSA (obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome). If nasal breathing is impaired, a person adapts and begins to open his mouth during deep phase sleep, which causes vibration of the uvula of the soft palate and a noise effect. Snoring itself is not as bad as stopping breathing, which can occur.
  • Dry nose and oral cavity . There is a violation of such important processes as purification of inhaled air, warming and humidifying it.
  • Changes in the shape of the entire nose. During the formation and growth of the facial skeleton, “tightening” of the nose (usually the tip) may occur.

  • Are common systemic diseases : hypoxia, anemia, nervous fatigue due to lack of sleep.
  • Frequent exacerbations of pharyngitis. Their appearance is facilitated by problems in the oropharynx and the occurrence of assisted oral breathing. Since the air enters the throat unpurified and unhumidified, irritation and drying of the mucous membrane gradually occurs. It also spreads to the lower respiratory sections.
  • Nosebleeds. On the side where the bulge is located on the nasal septum, the mucous membrane is very thin, so even with a slight impact it is easily damaged.

Pathogenesis of deviated nasal septum

Initially (from birth) the nasal septum is not solid: it consists of separate islands cartilage tissue. Then, during the process of growth, these islands begin to ossify and unite into an osteochondral skeleton, which becomes a support for the back of the exoskeleton of the nose. However, during formation, a malfunction may occur, caused by injury or another cause: the islands overlap each other and the developing nasal septum becomes distorted, preventing free nasal breathing.

The resulting curvature of the nasal septum entails a change in the movement of air through the nose (air flows). This, in turn, leads to constant irritation of the nasal mucosa, maxillary sinuses and nasopharynx, resulting in swelling of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the nasal opening, maxillary sinuses and Eustachian tube.

With the slow and gradual development of the deviation, a person does not have the feeling that breathing is difficult, due to getting used to this species violations.

Classification and stages of development of deviated nasal septum

There are different classifications of deviated nasal septum.

In the Russian usual classification, the following nasal curvatures are distinguished:

  • deformation of the nasal septum;
  • septal ridge;
  • septum thorn;
  • deformation of the anterior (cartilaginous) or bony part of the nose.

There is also a classification proposed by Dr. Ranko Mladin, a leading European rhinosurgeon (Croatia, Zagreb). It divides the deformation of the nasal septum into seven main types:

  1. a slight lateral displacement of the nasal septum in the area of ​​the valve, which does not interfere with its function;
  2. slight lateral displacement of the nasal septum in the area of ​​the valve with disruption of its function;
  3. deviation of the nasal septum opposite the anterior end of the middle turbinate;
  4. a combination of the second and third types on opposite sides of the nasal septum;
  5. the location of the ridge in the basal sections of the nasal septum on one side, the opposite side is straight;
  6. the location of the ridge in the anterobasal sections on one side, the “gorge” on the opposite side;
  7. a combination of all of the above types of deformities (the so-called crushed nasal septum with post-traumatic deformities).

This classification is most convenient for operating rhinologists. It allows you not only to determine the type of curvature of the nasal septum, but also makes it possible to choose a method surgical correction which fits best.

In addition to the above classifications, there is a division of curvatures of the nasal septum into C-shaped deviation, S-shaped deviation, as well as the ridge or spike of the nasal septum, their various combinations, complex post-traumatic deformations of the nasal septum that do not fit into any of the above mentioned categories.

Complications of a deviated nasal septum

A deviated nasal septum can cause patients to develop reflex neuroses caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the nasal mucosa. This is especially true for types of deformation such as spines and ridges, which in some cases cut into shells quite deeply. Irritation can be provoked by reflex changes, both in the nose and in organs that are nearby or distant.

Rhinogenic reflex disorders, that is pathological processes in the nose, lead to the development of hypertension, eye diseases, laryngeal spasms, headaches and other conditions.

Diagnosis of a deviated nasal septum

In order to find out whether surgery on the nasal septum is required, you must undergo comprehensive diagnostics: external examination by an ENT doctor, rhinoscopy (anterior and posterior), as well as additional laboratory research and analyses.

An external (physical) examination by an otolaryngologist allows you to assess appearance patient's nose. In addition, nasal breathing is assessed: cotton wool is brought in turn to each nostril, the fibers of which vibrate with each inhalation and exhalation.

Also, the examination of each nostril separately is carried out to assess the patient’s sense of smell: by closing his eyes, the person must determine the smell emanating from the cotton wool. If the nasal septum is deviated, the threshold of smell will be reduced.

During rhinoscopy (anterior or posterior), the nasal cavity is examined using special instruments.

Anterior rhinoscopy is necessary for a better examination of the nasal cavity and the formations there. For this, a nasal dilator and a special probe are used. Using anterior rhinoscopy, you can see polyps in the nasal passages, hematomas, abscesses and tumors in the nasal cavity.

Posterior rhinoscopy is an examination of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity from the mouth, which is performed using a spatula and a special mirror.

In addition, the following research methods have now begun to be carried out:

  • X-ray of the skull: to assess condition paranasal sinuses nose and identifying anomalies in the development of the bone skeleton;
  • CT scan of skull bones: to identify / deformation in the posterior parts of the nasal cavity;
  • endoscopy of the nasal passages and nasopharynx- V modern world this method began to gain popularity.

Treatment of deviated nasal septum

Treatment is only possible surgical method(emergency or planned), there is no alternative.

The operation is called septoplasty. It is performed endonasally - without incisions on the facial skin. The operation involves removing, modeling (straightening) and re-implanting part of the nasal septum that was deviated. In this case, the mucous membrane is preserved.

Conditions surgical treatment:

  • It is best to carry out treatment in a hospital for about 4-6 days, since complications may arise both during the operation and after (bleeding);
  • Only a qualified doctor who has experience working in a hospital can perform the operation;
  • prescribing anesthesia according to indications - can be endotracheal or local (nasal injection with ultracaine solution);
  • the patient must undergo full examination to identify concomitant diseases;
  • after the operation, tampons are inserted into the nasal passages, which are removed on days 2-3, so during this period it is imperative to carefully care for the nasal passages in order to avoid adhesions (synechias);
  • children can undergo surgery at the age of 14-16 years, but if necessary, a child can be operated on at a later age early age; this should be done by a pediatric ENT surgeon and only in a specialized children's hospital;
  • physical activity after surgery is not possible before a month, the patient’s general ability to work is restored in 5-8 days; You should also not overcool.

IN Lately Patients often have questions about laser correction curvature of the nasal septum. What kind of method is this, and how effective is it?

Speaking about the laser technique, it should be noted that it differs from septoplasty:

  1. Laser correction is carried out by cutting the nasal mucosa with a laser beam (to avoid bleeding from the wound), and then the operation is carried out traditional way. It is worth noting that for this cut it is not necessary to use a laser; you can use any coagulator with a cutting attachment (for example, surgitron);
  2. If there is a slight deformation of the cartilaginous (anterior) part of the septum, during laser correction an incision is also made, detachment of the mucous membrane along with the perichondrium from the cartilage, isolation of the cartilage and heating with a laser beam to the state of “plasticine”; Afterwards the cartilage is straightened and the wound is sutured. Although no complications were observed after such an operation, the essence of the technique is no different from septoplasty: still an operation, still an incision and tamponade.

It follows that laser correction essentially similar to classic method treatment. However, the choice of therapy and tactics surgical treatment should be done by a doctor with experience.

As with any operation, there are also complications in the treatment of a deviated nasal septum:

  • formation of septal hematomas;
  • nosebleeds in the early and late postoperative period;
  • perforation of the septum;
  • formation of septal abscess.

Forecast. Prevention

In general, the prognosis with timely diagnosis and treatment (surgery) is favorable. It is not recommended to delay treatment, citing fear of surgery or searching alternative treatment. Apart from surgical treatment, a deviated septum cannot be corrected. And therefore, it is better to spend one hour on an operation than to suffer for the rest of your life from lack of nasal breathing.


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Persistent, long-lasting and often recurring runny nose, otitis media, sinusitis and other ENT diseases can be a consequence of a deviated nasal septum. This pathology is common, and both children and adults suffer from it. Deviation of the nasal septum in most cases occurs due to developmental abnormalities bone structure skulls

The nasal septum is a thin cartilaginous plate that divides the nasal cavity into two halves. This plate is sandwiched between two rigid bone formations that make up the floor and arch. A deviated nasal septum occurs when the growth of the cartilaginous plate outpaces the growth of the skull bones. In this case, under the pressure of the bone, the nasal septum bends, taking various shapes: C-shaped, S-shaped and others. The cartilaginous tissue of the septum is covered with a mucous membrane, which makes up the tissue inner surface nose

Protrusions of a deviated nasal septum impede the normal passage of air through the nose, and the mucous membrane cannot fully perform its important functions of warming and purifying the inhaled air. This is the reason for frequent colds: chronic rhinitis, which is often accompanied by sinusitis, which, in turn, aggravates the situation. A deviated nasal septum, due to obstruction of the nasal passages, already leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the body, and an inflamed, swollen mucous membrane worsens this condition significantly. Chronic oxygen starvation occurs.

Oxygen starvation, and even constant, does not leave its mark on the body. Its result can be different, from persistent headaches to loss of potency, and this is always a very bad result. Children with such with pathology, they generally lag behind their peers in learning, adults are also unable to concentrate, sleep is disturbed, irritability and nervousness occur. People often spend years being treated for chronic runny nose, headaches, sleep disorders and other things, not suspecting that the problem is a deviated nasal septum.

Meanwhile, a deviated nasal septum is completely removable. To do this, a simple surgical intervention is performed to return the cartilage to its correct shape. anatomical shape. However, surgical treatment is usually used in adults, when the formation of the skull bones has already been completed. Treatment of deviated septum in children consists of general strengthening of the body and prevention of infectious diseases.

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Deviated nasal septum– a very common deviation that occurs in children and adults. Normally, the septum is located in the middle and separates the left and right halves of the nose. When curved, the shape of the cartilaginous plate changes; it deviates to the right or left, which changes the division of air between the cavities of the nose and disrupts its functions. Nasal breathing becomes difficult, snoring appears, inflammatory changes develop in the mucous membrane, and the help of a specialist is required.

How is the nasal septum structured?

The nasal cavity is the beginning of the respiratory system and has a rather complex structure. It is a channel shaped like a prism. A plate passes exactly in the middle of the cavity and separates the passages. The anterior part of the septum is represented by cartilaginous tissue, mobile and soft, which protrudes outward and forms the nose. The posterior part is formed by bony plates.

Ideally nasal septum should be strictly in the middle, but in almost 80% of adults and children it deviates to one side or the other. This is due to the fact that the anterior part of the septum is easily displaced and is susceptible to injury. Many patients have a cartilaginous plate twisted, deviations such as spines, humps and ridges are formed.

In the nasal cavity, air moves in an arc; when you inhale, it flows from top to bottom to the internal passages, and when you exhale, it is removed by the lower nasal passages. When nasal septum changed, nasal breathing changes. In case of significant curvature The cartilaginous plate creates negative pressure in the cavity, which causes the septum to be pressed against the wings of the nose. In this case, one nasal passage is completely excluded from respiratory process. Displacements of the septum can be physiological, post-traumatic, or compensatory.

About physiological factors

In newborns nasal septum consists mainly of cartilage with small areas of ossification. As it develops, bone tissue is formed and its posterior part is transformed. The nasal plate is finally formed by the age of 10; as a rule, it is perfectly smooth. With age, the cartilaginous septum can become deformed due to physiological factors.

  • Imbalance between bone and cartilage tissue. During development, tissue formation may be uneven. Similar curvature are manifested by a displacement of the cartilaginous septum to the side or the appearance of characteristic ridges and pronounced spines.
  • The bones of the skull develop unevenly. This can lead to changes in the size of the nasal cavity and the septum does not have enough space and becomes deformed.

Post-traumatic causes

  • Injuries to the nose and damage to the nasal septum.
  • Fractures of the nasal bones.
  • Cartilage dislocations.

Even minor injuries to cartilage and bone tissue can provoke abnormal growth and deformation of the septum and lead to the need surgical interventions.

Compensatory changes in the shape of the nasal septum

  • The presence of polyps, tumors and other neoplasms in the nasal cavities.
  • Presence in the nose foreign objects, with which the cartilaginous plate interacts.
  • Chronic lesions of the nasal mucosa, vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases.
  • Proliferation of the walls of the nasal turbinates and an increase in their pressure on nasal septum. At the point of their connection with the cartilaginous plate, it develops curvature.

Characteristic symptoms

Severe deformity nasal septum significantly impairs the quality of life and requires surgical treatment. Most often patients are concerned following symptoms:

  • Regular swelling and “stuffiness” of the nose on both sides or only on one.
  • Impaired nasal breathing.
  • Disturbing snoring and snoring at night.
  • Frequent nosebleeds, which occur due to the fact that the mucous membrane becomes significantly thinner.
  • Violation of facial aesthetics due to the asymmetrical shape of the nose. Quite often together with cartilaginous plates bends and his back.
  • Increased incidence of diseases persistent cough, runny nose, heat, sore throat.
  • Dryness in the nasal cavities.
  • Hearing acuity decreases.
  • Olfactory functions decrease.
  • Absent-mindedness appears, memory suffers, and performance decreases due to the fact that nasal breathing is impaired and less oxygen enters the blood.

A patient who notices these symptoms should come to an appointment with an otolaryngologist. Neglect own health leads to suffering the immune system, cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.

Patients suffering chronic sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the paranasal sinuses, you should definitely consult a specialist about the need leveling nasal septum.

Degree of severity of deviated septum

There are 3 types curvatures.

  • Type 1 – slight displacement of the septum from the midline.
  • Type 2 – medium displacements, when the protruding part of the plate is located in the middle of the lateral surface and the midline of the nose.
  • Type 3 – significant displacements when the protruding part of the nasal plate is close to the lateral surface.

How is diagnosis carried out?

At the CELT clinic, a thorough examination of the patient by an otorhinolaryngologist is carried out. During the preliminary examination, the ENT doctor assesses the effectiveness of nasal breathing, examines the nasal cavity and the state of smell. Using special instruments, rhinoscopy is performed to assess the degree of curvature of the nasal septum.

Anterior rhinoscopy is performed using nasal dilators as well as probes. This method helps detect tumors, polyps, various hematomas and inflammatory processes. Posterior rhinoscopy involves examining the nose from the oral cavity. For examination, diagnostic mirrors and spatulas are used.

In addition to rhinoscopy, assess the degree curvature allows MRI and CT scanning of the skull. Computer diagnostics helps to install anatomical features nose, identify head injuries that could lead to a deviated septum.

Our doctors

When is surgery necessary?

Surgical straightening of the nasal plate is performed only if the problem cannot be solved with medication. Operation called septoplasty, and it is performed from the age of 18 (by this age the septum is finally formed).

Operation shown in following cases:

  • At pronounced violation nasal breathing.
  • When curved areas clog the exits from the sinuses and cause the development of sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • At operations to improve the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty).

How is surgery to correct a nasal septum performed?

In the clinic, CELT is minimally invasive operation correction of the nasal septum is carried out by experienced otolaryngologists and plastic surgeons. The intervention is carried out under general anesthesia, on the same day the patient is discharged home. Plate alignment occurs by removing the curved part, shifting it to the middle, or straightening it using special equipment. After corrections The shape of the partition is securely fixed in the correct position.

Separation inside the dew in the form of a small cartilaginous plate and connective tissue called the nasal septum. The curvature of the nasal septum is noticeable by the very shape of the nose - the nostrils with such a pathology have different sizes. This is wrong not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a physiological point of view human body, because in most such cases it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

Causes of a deviated nasal septum

Usually there is a hereditary predisposition to this pathology. Second most popular reason irregular shape septums – physical injuries. Injury is possible even during the period of gestation in the womb. In some cases, this occurs directly during childbirth.

The plate can be deformed due to long-term congestion one part of the nose. So the body independently tried to adapt to full breathing through one nostril.

Types and types of pathology

This defect is divided into the following types:

  1. Physiological - transmitted from generation to generation by inheritance or arises due to abnormal development facial bones.
  2. Compensatory - occurs in cases where other diseases do not allow one of the nostrils to breathe fully, as a result of which the other widens to let in as much air as possible.
  3. Traumatic – classic fracture.

Among the forms of pathology discussed are:

  • change in shape;
  • spike – curved cartilage directed downwards;
  • bone ridge – protrudes in a certain direction;
  • mixed curvature - a combination of several of the above types.

Symptoms and signs

If a person has visually noticeable asymmetry of the nose, then most likely he has a deformed septum. Visualization of deformation is the most common way to determine this pathology.

However, most people do not experience discomfort and live with this disease without needing to eliminate it. But there are also cases when this illness creates difficulties in Everyday life with its manifestations.

A person should consider whether he has the problem under discussion if he notices the following symptoms of a deviated nasal septum:

  • difficulty drawing in air masses through the nose;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • chronic form of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • Loud snoring;
  • allergy;
  • dry nose;
  • severe fatigue due to lack of oxygen;
  • frequent headaches;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • instability of the body in relation to infections;
  • cough, pain and sore throat.

Dear readers, greetings! Almost all people have a deviated nasal septum in one way or another. Perhaps some of you have undergone treatment to correct your nasal septum. Those who are undergoing such an operation are faced with a choice: what is better – treatment of a deviated nasal septum without surgery or laser treatment. Let's figure out together which option is better to choose.

Deviated nasal septum - causes and symptoms

The nasal septum does a lot important functions: it humidifies the inhaled air, warms it, and ensures balance in the distribution of air in the right and left nostril. Of course, we must not forget about the sense of smell. The functions of warming and moisturizing come to naught with a deviated septum. Most often, this disease affects adult men, less often – women, and very rarely – small children.

The causes of curvature can be not only injuries, but also improper growth of the skull bones, polyps and tumors in the nose, an overdeveloped nasal concha, which presses and bends the septum.

Of course, a person himself is unlikely to be able to understand whether he has a deviated nasal septum, but there are some symptoms that indicate this:

  • irregular nose shape,
  • constant runny nose,
  • headache,
  • snoring and sleep apnea(short-term cessation of breathing during sleep),
  • constant colds,
  • cough and sore throat,
  • ear pain.

Consequences of a deviated nasal septum

The nasal passages play a huge role in protection respiratory tract: This is where the inhaled air is warmed, humidified and disinfected.

Slight deviation of the septum in one direction or another unpleasant consequences does not cause health problems. But if the curvature is significant, significant health problems may arise.

Thus, a deviated septum affects the direction of air passing through the nasal passages, causes microtrauma and inflammation of the mucous membrane, reducing barrier protection. As a result, conditions are created for the proliferation of microbes in the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. All this leads to the development of rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis.

The inflamed nasal mucosa allows the penetration of various allergens, and this can lead to gradual development or exacerbation bronchial asthma or other allergic diseases.

A deviated septum prevents sufficient number inhaled air. As a result, the brain suffers due to lack of oxygen. If septal deformation is observed for a long time, chronic brain hypoxia occurs. This in turn leads to headaches, sleep disturbances, hearing problems, and a slow reaction to events. This is very dangerous, especially in childhood and can lead to mental retardation.

The immune system also suffers, such people get sick more often respiratory infections, they may experience intestinal disorders.

All these negative aspects significantly worsen the quality of life and even, as scientists have noted, lead to a reduction in life by 5–6 years.

Treatment of deviated nasal septum without surgery

For most people, a deviated nasal septum does not cause discomfort. The presence of a deformed nasal septum does not always require surgery. If the manifestations of curvature are not critical, then the problems that arise are treated conservative methods: appoint vasoconstrictor drops nasal sprays, antibiotics, antihistamines, nasal rinsing.

You can resort to treatment at home, which I will talk about a little later. But this does not always help, and if there is a result, it is short-term. And then you have to resort to surgery.

Nowadays, medicine has come a long way. And now deformed nasal septum is treated without surgery. Methods such as laser treatment, septoplasty, and endoscopy have proven to be effective methods of non-surgical correction.

You can see how rhinoseptoplasty is done in this video. A similar operation is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient is in fully conscious and any discomfort he doesn't have it.

Deviated nasal septum - laser treatment

At the end of the last century, a completely new and effective method Treatment of a deviated nasal septum - laser chondroseptoplasty. The method does not have side effects and contraindications, it can be performed on an outpatient basis.

The essence of the operation is to heat a section of cartilage tissue with a laser to a certain temperature, as a result of which it becomes soft and elastic, which allows a special tool to give the septum the correct shape, fix it with a tampon soaked in oil for a day.

Such an intervention is short-lived and also has much more low level risk of bleeding. This method is much less traumatic than surgery.

Usage laser radiation There is no burn to the nasal mucosa. The patient is discharged after a few hours; the patient does not need special observation after the operation. And the tampon is removed after a day. This method is suitable for minor curvatures; in other cases, surgery will be required.

Deviated nasal septum - surgery

Septoplasty - surgery to eliminate deviated nasal septum. Unlike rhinoplasty, the purpose of the operation is not to restore the correct shape of the nose, but to improve nasal breathing. Most operations take place within 60 minutes; the duration of the operation depends on the individual structure and condition of the nasal septum. If correction of the shape of the nose is required to be combined with septoplasty, a complex operation called rhinoseptoplasty is performed.

However, to understand whether surgery is needed (this can only be treated surgically), it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist, conduct a thorough diagnosis and examination. The doctor will be able to externally assess the problem and find out whether the sense of smell is impaired. Further using special devices The nasal cavity and nasopharynx are examined.

There are several indications for surgery. In addition to the appearance of a clear cosmetic effect, patients can get rid of constant nasal congestion, rhinitis, otitis media, headaches and sinusitis. Surgery will be required only if nasal breathing is constantly difficult, frequent rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis occur, and there is a risk of atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Medicine is constantly evolving, so surgery to correct a nasal septum is considered simple and takes no more than two hours. In this case, unnecessary cartilage that puts pressure on the septum is removed, and if there are no complications, the patient is discharged.

There are contraindications for the operation:

  • pregnancy,
  • acute conditions and fever,
  • convulsions,
  • oncological or endocrine diseases,
  • age up to 16 years, surgery can be performed on children after 6 years of age if there are serious indications.

After such an operation, complications may arise:

  • frequent nosebleeds,
  • perforation (appearance of a hole) in the nasal septum,
  • purulent inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

Despite the apparent simplicity, you need to be prepared for a long rehabilitation period. It lasts about two months. During the first week, the nose is washed by doctors, then you will have to do it yourself. Antibiotics, painkillers and hormone therapy so that the healing process goes faster.

The fact is that after the operation, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, and it takes quite a long time for it to go away; nasal breathing is difficult; you will have to breathe only through your mouth. But after rehabilitation, sensations and smell return. Of course, as with any surgical intervention, there is a risk of complications, but with the right approach they should not arise.

It is worth remembering that after surgery, during illness, you cannot use nasal drops with xylometazoline. The fact is that the mucous membrane quickly gets used to this drug and begins to swell without it, dependence occurs. Thus, if it comes to this, the effect of the operation will be negated.

Treatment of a deviated nasal septum at home

At home, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to correct a deviated nasal septum. But to alleviate the condition - to remove headache, removing swelling in the nasal passages, improving nasal breathing is quite possible. To do this, use lotions and nasal baths, use internal infusions, use essential oils, massage, and breathing exercises.

  1. Massage. It is best to massage the sinus area with a propolis-based cream. I suggest you use Tentorium cream, about it healing properties. The cream is applied to the skin of the nasal or frontal sinuses and rub in for 10 minutes. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times during the day.
  2. Will help relieve swelling essential oils sage, eucalyptus, . Add a few drops essential oil in a glass warm water, moisten cotton pads and apply them to the paranasal sinuses for 10 minutes.
  3. Nasal rinsing or salt. Add 1.5 teaspoons of salt to a glass of water (200 ml) and stir. You can rinse your nose by pouring through the spout of a teapot saline solution or suck in the solution through your nose, the solution should pour out through your mouth.
  4. Nasal rinsing can be done using infusions of chamomile, sage, and wormwood. A teaspoon of dried herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 20 minutes and washed as described above.
  5. Burying sunflower, olive, flaxseed, corn oil into the nose. A few drops will help clear your nasal passages and make breathing easier.
  6. Breathing exercises will help get rid of swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages, making nasal breathing easier. There are several techniques breathing exercises. You can take turns breathing through each nostril or inhale air in small portions through your nose, hold your breath for 5 seconds and exhale long. These exercises can be done several times a day. In general, try to breathe only through your nose while walking, running, swimming, singing, cycling, skating and skiing.

How does a deviated nasal septum affect military service?

Someone is probably wondering: are they recruited into the army with a deviated nasal septum? This is the answer I found on the Internet.

A deviated nasal septum in itself is not grounds for exemption from conscription. With a deviated nasal septum, you can be exempt from conscription into the army ONLY if the deviated nasal septum is accompanied by persistent breathing problems with respiratory failure of the first degree.

Today I told you about the pros and cons of treating a deviated nasal septum. How you will be treated: without surgery, prefer laser treatment or want to limit yourself to treatment at home - it’s up to each person. However, we can say with confidence that after surgery and rehabilitation the patient discovers new world With big amount smells, the quality of life certainly improves.

Dear readers, was this information useful to you? Perhaps some of you have already undergone treatment for a deviated nasal septum, share your impressions in the comments. Most likely, such information will be useful to your friends, share it by clicking on the social buttons. networks below the article. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog news, there will be many more interesting things!

Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.