Menses in early pregnancy. First month of pregnancy Normal periods at 1 month of pregnancy

In any "community" of pregnant women, the flow of stories about insidious periods during pregnancy does not dry out. Some women find out about pregnancy 2-3 months after its onset, and not at all because of their “denseness”, but because they continue to menstruate all this time - a situation that seems to exclude pregnancy and even suspicion of it. I myself know a certain lady, a neighbor down the street, who gave birth to six children (now adults), of which only two she really wanted and knew that she was pregnant. The rest were born unexpectedly, despite the fact that the lady visited the gynecologist. But pregnancy was discovered in her every time already at the time when even ardent atheists consider abortion murder, and all this time she menstruated. Yes, this woman was very full, with a big belly, it was difficult to feel something there, probably there were serious hormonal disruptions, and our district gynecologist was not very professional and sat in an empty office all year round. And yet - why? How does it happen?

Menstruation during pregnancy in the first month

Menstruation during the first month of pregnancy is generally normal. In the middle of the cycle, fertilization happened, but the fertilized egg might not reach the right place (it takes 7-15 days) and the hormonal background did not have time to change - the body reacted as usual - the usual menstruation began and ended. It shouldn't happen next month. It happens that the estrogen background is lower than necessary. Pregnancy hormones are already working, pregnancy is developing, and estrogens suddenly “fell” - well, you never know why! - and this is always spotting, and they come exactly when they should have begun, if not for pregnancy. Since a stable hormonal background in our time is a rather rare thing, some women menstruate for 3-4 months without the threat of termination of pregnancy. There are also cases in the literature of the simultaneous maturation of two eggs (from different ovaries, usually this happens in turn), when one of them is fertilized and the second is rejected, causing menstruation, but this situation is quite rare and complicated.

Spotting or still menstruation during pregnancy?

What is important to know? Firstly, any bloody discharge with the established fact of pregnancy is not the norm! This is an indicator of a greater or lesser imbalance of sex hormones, which means it is a reason to consult a doctor. Secondly, under the guise of menstruation that has come, a completely different, more formidable pathology can be masked - a miscarriage that has begun. Therefore, all the same, the doctor cannot be bypassed. The difference between the first situation and the second is that periods against the background of pregnancy are always insignificant, sometimes appear only when a woman moves, disappear at night and are never accompanied by pain. Even small. Prolonged, nagging pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, bright, sudden bleeding, even on the usual days of menstruation, can be a reason not only for going to the clinic - sometimes for calling an ambulance!

Is it dangerous to continue menstruation during pregnancy for the unborn child?

It is necessary to be examined seriously, to check the level of all the necessary hormones and what else the doctor will prescribe. If, due to ongoing menstruation, you found out about pregnancy after the first month, do as you planned. If the child is desired, continue to carry the pregnancy and do not be afraid that due to bleeding, he will be born some kind of weak, sick, with defects, etc. Fortunately, hormones do not affect the formation of the fetus, its organs and systems. The dirty environment, the medications taken, and a lot more affect - but not the balance of hormones - let's rejoice at least this!

Pregnancy automatically excludes menstruation - a well-known fact. Therefore, the appearance of menstruation in the first month of pregnancy, to put it mildly, is surprising. What does the alarm symptom indicate and can it be considered normal? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article.

According to the laws of female physiology, critical days and pregnancy are mutually exclusive concepts. In the development of the menstrual cycle, there are 3 main "segments": preceding ovulation (follicular), ovulation and final ovulation (luteal). At the beginning of the cycle, the inner walls of the uterus build up the endometrium. If during the period of ovulation the meeting of the female and male germ cells does not take place, the thickened endometrium begins to gradually exfoliate in order to leave the uterus along with the blood at the end of the cycle. Such a "cycle" occurs in the female body every month.

Another scenario is also possible, when during ovulation, as a result of the fusion of gametes, a zygote is formed. Driven by the villi of the fallopian tube, the fetal egg soon finds itself in the uterus, where it attaches to one of its walls. Successful implantation is a signal for increased production of progesterone. The "pregnancy" hormone prevents endometrial detachment and, conversely, helps to strengthen it. It is because of this idea of ​​nature that menstruation is absent not only during the first month after ovulation, but also throughout pregnancy. Very often, ladies put the concept of any blood secretions from the genital tract into the word "monthly". In fact, this is not entirely correct, because the appearance of blood from the vagina can be caused not only by the menstrual cycle.

Why do periods occur in the first months of pregnancy

Vaginal discharge with some blood or blood clots is indeed very easy to confuse with real menstruation. The situation in some cases is further complicated by the fact that a woman may doubt whether she is in a position or not. Perplexed expectant mothers come to the doctor's office with the following question: "Does menstruation go in the first month of pregnancy?" The gynecologist will undoubtedly clarify the situation - this is not menstruation, but bleeding, similar to menstruation. The phenomenon, unfortunately, is not rare, and sometimes even extremely dangerous.

In the first month of pregnancy, imaginary periods occur for several reasons:

  • high probability of miscarriage;
  • non-developing pregnancy;
  • ectopic attachment of the embryo.

If a newly-made expectant mother is threatened with a spontaneous miscarriage in the first month, she will find a discharge that looks like a meager period. You can also note the pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen. The most common reason for what is happening is an unpredictable immune response of the female body. The embryo is perceived as a foreign element, so the body tends to push it out.

Signs of a non-developing or frozen embryo do not appear immediately. The most eloquent harbingers of pathology are considered "menstruation" in the first month of pregnancy in the form of moderate dark discharge, the absence of hypersensitivity and softening of the mammary glands, as well as acute pain in the abdomen. In most cases, pregnancy stops developing due to congenital anomalies in the process of embryo formation, chromosomal "breakdowns" or uterine hypertonicity.

There is pain in the case of an ectopic pregnancy. Unpleasant sensations are then localized in the area of ​​attachment of the embryo, each time intensifying with a sharp change in the position of the body or at the moments of any active movements. The external manifestation of the pathology is called scant bleeding of a dark color. Long and heavy periods in the first month of pregnancy is the most favorable outcome in such a situation. This indicates spontaneous detachment of the embryo.

Pathologies such as non-developing and ectopic pregnancy are usually eliminated by surgery. Otherwise, the complication of the pathology will lead to the death of the pregnant woman.

All the deviations in the development of pregnancy mentioned above pose a great danger to the health of a woman. If the state of health only worsens, you can not do without emergency medical care. In most cases, severe pain is accompanied by fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, bradycardia and general malaise.

When menstruation in the first month of pregnancy is not dangerous

The release of blood from the genital tract during the bearing of a baby is an alarming sign, but not in all cases. Sometimes the appearance of a certain amount of mucus mixed with blood is dictated by physiological reasons, so there is absolutely nothing to worry about. The explanation for the fact that “menstruation” came in the first month of pregnancy can be a number of factors:

  • the introduction of the fetal egg into the fleecy layer of the endometrium of the uterus. Very rarely, but still, blood is released at the time of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. Usually it looks like a weak selection of a smearing character. Minor bleeding occurs as a result of microtrauma due to damaged endometrial vessels. In most cases, there is no blood, so the moment of justification of the embryo in the uterus passes unnoticed by the woman;
  • unusual structure of the reproductive organ. For example, if the uterus is bicornuate, the embryo is attached to one part of it, and the other at the same time is still subject to menstrual bleeding. This is exactly the situation when regular periods are observed in the first month of pregnancy. This pathology occurs in a small percentage of women;
  • fusion of gametes just before the date of the next menstruation. The onset of pregnancy is quite realistic right before the onset of critical days, if ovulation is late. Menstruation begins "according to the calendar", since the woman's hormonal background does not have time to rebuild and does not yet meet the conditions optimal for the normal development of the embryo;
  • hormonal disorder. Progesterone deficiency or an excessive concentration of androgens in the blood of a woman causes prolonged brownish vaginal discharge, which in principle is not dangerous. Hormone therapy can help restore normal hormone levels. The circumstances are such that the patient of the endocrinologist may not know for a long time that she has become a future mother, therefore she leads a habitual lifestyle (bad habits, the use of serious drugs), which does not benefit the fetus;

  • the appearance of one mature egg from the follicle of each ovary, one of which met with a spermatozoon, and the second died. For this reason, planned periods during pregnancy in the first month can only be once and at the earliest possible date. If blood appears in the second month, this is an obvious violation;
  • increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs. With the onset of pregnancy, blood flow to this area increases significantly, so a woman may find minor blood smears on underwear more than once. Most often, this phenomenon is observed after intimacy or examination by a gynecologist. The source of blood is the damaged mucous membrane of the uterus, which is very vulnerable during this period;
  • the presence of endometriosis, as well as benign neoplasms of the endometrium and myometrium.

Discharge or menstruation in the first month of pregnancy: what are they

Distinguishing regular periods from discharge mixed with blood is quite simple. Pathological rejection of fragments of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus, to which the fetal egg has already attached, can cost the embryo life. That is why doctors consider this phenomenon not as menstruation, but as bleeding.

Not all bleeding is deadly, however, the expectant mother is advised to carefully monitor her well-being. If menstruation at an early stage of pregnancy began on the basis of a hormonal disorder, but the woman feels good at the same time, then such bleeding does not bode well for her.

However, there are bleedings that indicate the development of an internal inflammatory process, an ectopic pregnancy, or the approach of a spontaneous abortion. If the expectant mother is not yet aware of her delicate situation, she should at least be alerted by the following symptoms:

  • painful heavy bleeding of a very dark color;
  • watery discharge with sharp pain;
  • scanty menstruation;
  • the appearance of blood in the middle of the monthly cycle;
  • the absence of PMS, but at the same time, swelling of the mammary glands persists even after the end of menstruation.

To prevent the development of complications, if you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should seek medical help.

Danger of menstruation during pregnancy

Isolation of blood from the genital tract of a woman during pregnancy at the earliest possible date is associated with a certain risk:

  1. Bleeding after implantation of the fetal egg, commensurate in duration and abundance with the usual secretions on critical days, promises the expectant mother the loss of the embryo. Bleeding, which is accompanied by cramping pain, leads to the same deplorable result.
  2. A meager discharge of blood, even if of a regular nature, as a rule, does not pose a serious danger to a woman and her unborn child. To clarify the situation, one cannot do without consulting a competent specialist.
  3. In extremely rare cases, menstruation in its usual sense persists for the entire period of pregnancy, and as a result, a completely healthy baby is born. This unique phenomenon is explained by the fact that occasionally the female body retains the hormonal background that preceded pregnancy. Despite the fact that in such a situation the child has a chance to be born normal, the entire gestation period is called critical.
  4. Literally in the first few days of pregnancy, only one menstruation is permissible. Here again, hormones are involved that have not yet obeyed the physiological laws of procreation. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, the expectant mother needs to realistically assess her well-being and, at the first deterioration, immediately contact a medical institution. Sharp painful sensations against the background of the release of scarlet blood indicate an incipient miscarriage. In this case, immediate hospitalization is indicated. If all rehabilitation measures are carried out in a timely manner, there is a chance to save the embryo.

Menstruation during pregnancy: important to know

Even if you are just planning for a child, it will be useful for you to take note of the following information:

  1. In the first week of an “interesting” position, a woman may experience blood discharge of varying intensity. They are different from menstruation, but in most cases are not dangerous. However, if blood appears after 12 weeks of pregnancy, you need to urgently seek medical help.
  2. If the discharge mixed with blood in the early stages of pregnancy is as intense as on ordinary critical days, a miscarriage is most likely to occur.
  3. Prolonged profuse discharge of blood with throbbing acute pain in the abdomen also indicates spontaneous abortion.
  4. If you recently took contraceptive synthetic drugs, then after their cancellation, the body will not immediately get used to the natural hormonal background. That is why even after the implantation of the fetal egg, the so-called false periods may appear. They begin on the same days that a normal period is expected. Practice shows that the phenomenon is not dangerous, but it is necessary to inform the attending physician.

If you are already aware of your pregnancy thanks to a rapid test or blood test, remember: any bleeding should now be considered primarily as a pathology and always seek clarification from the antenatal clinic.

Is pregnancy and menstruation possible in the first month of pregnancy? Is there any danger in this? When a woman has a delay in the menstrual cycle, this indicates a possible conception.

Doctors are not surprised or scared if a woman has her period at the beginning of pregnancy. It is believed that such a phenomenon can occur if conception occurs at the end of the cycle, that is, the embryo has not yet fixed in the uterus (it needs some time for this) and the female body has not yet responded to the presence of a new life. In this case, in the first month of pregnancy, periods are possible, which are considered normal. If in the next cycle menstruation stops, then everything is fine. But provided that in the next months the woman again has full periods, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, the fetal egg is fixed in the uterine wall for 1-2 weeks. From this moment, pregnancy occurs, and menstruation may be discharge that accompanies the fixation of the embryo. As a rule, such bleeding is not very heavy, but if a woman had meager periods before conception, then she may well confuse this process with them.

After fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg begins its journey to the place of attachment - to the uterus. Once in the reproductive organ, it connects to the uterine layer, which can be injured. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that, for reasons not yet understood, the place of attachment may change, which again leads to injury and bleeding.


Etiology of the phenomenon

It is possible to talk about the normal appearance of menstruation during the bearing of a child only in the first month. Further, such a condition may already be pathological, and if any bleeding occurs, an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed.

As mentioned above, in the first month the embryo is attached to the uterine walls, this may be accompanied by damage to small vessels that are located in the endometrium. Naturally, the blood will come out, which can be confused with menstruation, especially if conception occurred in the middle of the cycle. Attachment of the embryo is carried out after a couple of weeks, which coincides with the end of the cycle and the arrival of menstruation. This phenomenon is completely safe for both mother and unborn child.

However, there is also another reason. Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy may indicate hormonal disorders. They can be the result of inflammatory processes in the female area, infections, stress, etc. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the nature of menstrual bleeding and contact a specialist if they change. In such a situation, in the first month of pregnancy, a reaction similar to menstruation is also not dangerous, the main thing is that this does not happen again. But it’s still worth reporting the incident to the doctor, you may have to slightly adjust the hormonal background so that the growth and development of the embryo proceeds correctly.

A woman who has her period during the first month of pregnancy should not confuse it with bleeding. The latter is a dangerous symptom for both mother and baby. The causes of bleeding can be different, they can only be determined by diagnostic means. The main difference between bleeding and menstruation is severe pain. In the first case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Other reasons

The appearance of menstruation in the first month of pregnancy may be associated with douching or sexual intercourse. If the cause was hormonal disorders, then perhaps they were provoked by drugs, stress, inflammation, poor ecology and many other factors.

Rarely enough, but there is also such a situation when two eggs mature in one cycle, while the process occurs in both ovaries. One of them is fertilized, and life is born in it, and the second is excreted by the body, which is menstruation.

If a woman had cervical erosion before pregnancy, then in the first weeks she may experience discharge, but they cannot be called full-fledged menstruation, it is rather meager spotting. It is quite possible to treat erosion, being in an interesting position. In addition, there are cases when self-healing occurs. This phenomenon is most likely associated with an increase in the concentration of hormones during pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is also accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and slight spotting. This is the name of the sudden cessation of development and growth of the embryo. A woman experiences discomfort, which in its intensity resembles pain during menstruation, and the most important sign of a missed pregnancy is the abrupt cessation of swelling in the chest.

If toxicosis was noted, then you also stop it, the basal temperature drops, that is, the whole body says that there is no pregnancy. Often the woman herself feels the moment when the embryo has already stopped developing. This pregnancy cannot be saved. The causes of pathology can be viral diseases or stressful situations. The final diagnosis should be made by the doctor, but it is not worth delaying the visit and waiting for the fetus to begin to develop. The embryo may begin to decompose in utero, and this threatens with sepsis.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is another pathology that is accompanied by bleeding. Modern medicine has not yet found a way in which such a pregnancy could be maintained, it must be interrupted. In this case, the embryo is not attached to the uterine wall, but in any other place in the abdominal cavity. Most often this happens in the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are not intended for the development of life in them, and there is no place for the growth of the fetus in them, therefore, with the development and increase in the size of the embryo, the organ may burst, which will lead to its removal (in the most favorable outcome).

The pain that occurs during an ectopic pregnancy is nothing more than an attempt by the tube to push out the fetal egg. They are very sharp and can give into the anus, leg, hypochondrium and collarbone. Also, the woman feels dizzy, nausea and weakness. If you do not see a doctor in time, then intra-abdominal bleeding may begin, the woman's condition will worsen, and the pain will intensify.

Bloody discharge from the vagina is the rejection of the uterine membrane, which was created for implantation. When a tube ruptures, a woman begins to experience very severe pain, her pulse quickens, blood pressure drops, cold sweat and loss of consciousness may appear. These symptoms indicate that a large amount of blood has spilled into the abdominal cavity. Based on the foregoing, an ectopic pregnancy must be diagnosed and terminated very urgently.

Diagnosis of pathological processes

You can identify pathology during pregnancy by looking at a blood test for hCG. Its level tends to decrease, not increase. In the case of some abnormal processes, the result will be several times lower than the norm. If there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, then an ultrasound should be done - there will be no fetal egg in the uterus.


If a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed, then the size of the fetal egg will be much smaller than it should be at this time. There will also be no heartbeat. A complete and deep examination is indicated when the size of the uterus is too small and does not correspond to the norm at a certain gestational age, and its increase is not expected.

The expectant mother should carefully monitor her health and, at the slightest deviation, consult her doctor. After all, now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for another life.

Usually, a delay in menstruation for several days indicates a possible pregnancy. It is on this basis that a woman first makes herself such a diagnosis, after which she either turns to a specialist or conducts a test at home. But sometimes a woman is already pregnant, and menstruation continues to go according to schedule, and the expectant mother does not even think about conception. Despite any arguments, pregnancy during menstruation is possible, this has been proven both at the scientific level and by life examples. What cases of menstruation during pregnancy are considered the norm, and which carry a health hazard?

Expert opinions

If a woman has her period in the first month of pregnancy, as a rule, experts do not see anything wrong with this. This may be due to conception at the end of the cycle. In this case, the fetal egg does not have time to gain a foothold in the uterus, and the body, accordingly, does not respond with any reaction to the presence of a new body, so the next cycle comes on time.

In some cases, menstruation comes early. Pregnancy with this phenomenon proceeds normally, and menstruation should stop on the next cycle. If they continue, then the necessary examination should be carried out.

Summing up all the available facts, as well as analyzing the opinions of specialists and women who have experienced menstruation during pregnancy, we can definitely say that the presence of the first menstruation cannot indicate pathology and any diseases that can harm health. They are considered normal during conception in the second half of the cycle. Also, do not confuse bleeding with menstruation. To do this, it is worth remembering the signs of both phenomena, which are detailed in this article.

But still, in order to prevent possible complications, as well as for your own peace of mind, it is more expedient for every woman who continues menstruation during the alleged pregnancy to visit a specialist who will conduct all the necessary examinations and prescribe, if necessary, the correct treatment or prevention.

As a rule, a woman learns about pregnancy not earlier than the fourth, or even the fifth week of the term. One of the signs of conception is the absence of menstruation. But there are situations when the next menstruation occurs during pregnancy, which are meager, shorter in duration.

The cause of bleeding can be an ectopic pregnancy, prerequisites for miscarriage, hormonal failure, overstrain, trauma, or infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital area. Sometimes it happens that in the female body the production of eggs continues in the presence of one fertilized one. A rather rare phenomenon, characteristic of the first month of pregnancy, is due to the egg not reaching the implantation site.

The presence of menstruation during pregnancy is a reason to visit a gynecologist. Any type of bloody discharge is not the norm, especially when accompanied by pulling pain, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. If such symptoms do not disappear, but rather only intensify, then an ambulance should be called.

ICD-10 code

N92 Abundant, frequent and irregular menstruation

Why do periods start during pregnancy?

The presence of menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy is considered quite common. Fertilization occurs in the middle of the cycle, and the fetal egg reaches "its place" in seven to fifteen days. Changes at the hormonal level have not yet had time to occur, which is why menstruation begins during pregnancy. The next month, as a rule, the situation is getting better.

There are cases when the hormonal background is debugged, the embryo develops, and menstruation still appears. These deviations from the norm, which are not a threat of termination of pregnancy, are detected within three to four months after conception with a decrease in estrogen levels.

In the theory of obstetrics, there is data on the simultaneous maturation of two eggs belonging to different ovaries. In this case, one egg is fertilized and the second is rejected, causing menstruation during pregnancy. This situation is very rare and complex.

It is important to remember that spotting is also a symptom of spontaneous abortion, so if you have heavy bleeding and severe pain, seek medical help immediately.

Periods during pregnancy

The life that arises inside a woman radically changes not only her physiology. The expectant mother develops a special feeling - the instinct of conservation, which dictates a woman's behavior and eating habits, warning against danger. Therefore, women's anxiety is completely understandable if menstruation began during pregnancy. The stories of girlfriends that someone you know also had discharge throughout the pregnancy should not be a criterion for you. If menstruation occurs at any stage of embryonic development, seek professional advice.

Menstruation during early pregnancy is the most dangerous. Common causes of spotting - hyperandrogenism ("off scale" of the male hormone) or lack of progesterone are successfully and quickly resolved by prescribing special drugs. More complex situations, like an ectopic pregnancy, require an immediate response and surgical intervention.

On the other hand, the detection of blood discharge at the beginning of gestation may indicate the process of attachment of the fetal egg to the endometrium of the uterus, which does not pose a threat of miscarriage.

If you have periods during pregnancy

Every month, an egg matures in the female body. In the absence of fertilization, it collapses. Together with the blood, the remnants of the egg and particles of the endometrium, which forms the walls of the uterus, are brought out. If conception has come, then progesterone is actively produced. The function of the hormone is to activate the growth of the endometrium to secure the embryo and prevent contractile uterine activity.

Blood discharge during gestation is not menstruation. Factors influencing the appearance of spotting or more obvious discharge can be pathologies, hormonal "malfunctions". Also, the cause of discharge is the detachment of the fetal egg and the possibility of miscarriage.

Violation of the production of progesterone is a common reason why menstruation occurs during pregnancy. A small amount of the hormone contributes to the appearance of blood. In such a condition, the doctor prescribes hormone-containing drugs that prevent the threat of miscarriage.

When two embryos are born, sometimes one of them is rejected (developmental pathologies, improper implantation, etc.) and, as a result, menstruation during pregnancy.

Days of menstruation during pregnancy

The appearance of spotting on the days of menstruation during pregnancy at any stage of gestation requires consultation, sometimes examination by a specialist. Most often, women experience a similar phenomenon in the first trimester, and the fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth and thirteenth weeks are considered dangerous. The presence of blood is associated with the discharge of the fetal egg and the likelihood of miscarriage. The reason for this may be:

  • lack of progesterone, which preserves pregnancy at the initial stage, in case of malfunctions in the work of the "yellow body";
  • an increase in the amount of the male hormone androgen, which provokes the discharge of the fetal egg;
  • the egg was attached in the wrong place (in the presence of fibroids, endometriosis);
  • stopping the development of the embryo, the appearance of defects, genetic pathologies;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Why do you feel sick during menstruation during pregnancy?

Toxicosis is one of the symptoms of the onset of conception, with which half of the pregnant women have to get along. But is it always a safe signal? As it turned out, nausea can indicate a number of pathologies:

  • toxicosis and missed pregnancy - a sharp change in state from severe nausea and weakness to full vigor at the beginning of the term may indicate the death of the embryo. Sometimes there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and spotting;
  • toxicosis and ectopic pregnancy - the development of the fetus outside the uterus has the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy. A woman is sick during menstruation during pregnancy as a result of a rupture of the fallopian tube;
  • toxicosis and multiple pregnancy - one of the embryos is rejected (more often due to genetic disorders, malformations), and the second continues to develop.

If you feel sick and have vaginal discharge, it is best to visit a gynecologist to avoid adverse consequences. A timely visit to the hospital will bring moral peace and allow you to save the pregnancy in case of possible deviations.

Menstruation during pregnancy is a pathological process that can be called rather threatening bleeding with a possible spontaneous miscarriage. A serious signal should not be ignored, especially if the expectant mother herself has the slightest concern.

Signs of menstruation during pregnancy

"Fetal ablution" or "colored pregnancy" are medical terms that characterize the appearance of menstruation after conception. According to experts, periods in the first months of pregnancy sometimes occur, but acquire their own distinctive features. The cycle may fail (lengthening / shortening), blood discharge becomes more scarce (less often more abundant).

Sometimes the signs of menstruation during pregnancy do not have significant differences with the usual menstruation - nipple engorgement, sudden mood changes, changes in taste preferences, headache, weakness and drowsiness, increased or decreased appetite, etc.

If you suspect a possible pregnancy, then you can use the test. Bleeding will not affect accuracy as the pregnancy test is sensitive to hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which increases in the blood and then in the urine. Home testing is more plausible the longer the gestational age, and depends on the sensitivity of the test.

First period during pregnancy

Low hormone levels are the main cause of bleeding after conception. Which of the women today can boast of a normal hormonal background? Small, painless, the first menstruation during pregnancy can be observed when moving. Such discharge often ends at night and is not a cause for concern. A woman is still advised to consult a gynecologist.

Causes of menstruation through the fetus:

  • lack of progesterone in violation of the functions of the corpus luteum;
  • the phenomenon of hyperandrogenism - detachment of the fetal egg as a result of the production of a large amount of the male hormone androgen;
  • incorrect attachment of the egg - a “frozen” pregnancy, genetic type disorders that provoke a miscarriage;
  • development of pregnancy outside the uterus.

Pregnancy fading is a condition in which the embryo stops developing and dies. There are scanty, smearing discharges.

An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous with a possible rupture of the fallopian tube, therefore, if the first menstruation occurs during pregnancy, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

What are periods during pregnancy?

In the process of implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine cavity, sometimes there is a violation of the integrity of the endometrium, resulting in bleeding. Such discharges last until the egg is completely located in the uterine cavity.

What are periods during pregnancy? Sometimes there is a scanty discharge of dark red or brown color. As practice shows, the so-called "washing of the fetus" passes on its own, it can be of a minor painful nature.

The reason for the smearing type of discharge can be physiological features - the presence of doublings, a pronounced saddle shape of the uterus, etc. The presence of abundant scarlet blood with painful sensations of a pulling, cramping appearance is an alarm signal for termination of pregnancy.

Whatever the period during pregnancy, you should consult a specialist who will prescribe a series of examinations, or, if necessary, immediately call for emergency medical care.

Heavy periods during pregnancy

The presence of blood-like discharge in the period after conception is not the norm. It is important for the expectant mother to understand that a few drops on the linen result from the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, but heavy periods during pregnancy are already a pathology. Factors that cause bleeding:

  • miscarriage - scarlet, profuse discharge appears with aching, cramping attacks of pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • pregnancy fading - the cause may be the presence of genetic pathologies of the fetus, and the symptoms are the same as with a miscarriage;
  • pregnancy outside the uterus - characterized by heavy bleeding, difficult to diagnose early. An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by all the signs of a normal conception - toxicosis, fatigue / weakness, swelling of the mammary glands, an increase in basal temperature. Rejection of the fetus or rupture of the fallopian tube occurs with a pain syndrome of a sharp, cramping type and profuse bleeding;
  • placental presentation (location in the area of ​​​​the internal pharynx) - takes place in the second or third trimester of gestation. Bleeding can be quite strong, threatening abortion.

Painful periods during pregnancy

Painful periods during pregnancy are a good reason to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist. After the onset of fertilization, menstruation stops, and the exfoliation of the uterine mucosa in this case is called bleeding or spontaneous abortion.

Low progesterone levels can cause miscarriage. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs to maintain pregnancy at an early stage - utrozhestan, duphaston and others. The problem of miscarriage is associated with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the uterus is not able to withstand the increasing load with the growth of the embryo and its neck begins to open. This condition is a consequence of traumatic childbirth, abortion, in which non-extensible scars are formed.

Pain and periods during pregnancy are the first sign of a miscarriage. Abortion can be complete (all the fetal egg came out) and incomplete (only part of the fetal egg came out). With an incomplete abortion, medical intervention may be necessary, since the condition is dangerous by the resumption of bleeding. At the initial stage of spontaneous abortion, in most cases it is possible to keep the pregnancy in a hospital, so it is important to call an ambulance when cramping and severe pain appears against the background of bleeding.

Scanty periods during pregnancy

At the first stage of embryo development, spotting vaginal discharge is possible. The process of penetration of the fetal egg into the uterine wall is accompanied by small ruptures of the endometrial mucosa and a slight appearance of blood. Scanty periods during pregnancy are sporadic or recur until the embryo reaches the size of the uterus.

Weak, spotting brown or red discharge usually does not cause discomfort and goes away on its own. If necessary, you can undergo an ultrasound diagnosis to assess the condition of the fetal egg.

Insignificant periods during pregnancy are observed in the presence of diseases - erosion, polyps, etc. The cause of the discharge may be the presence of neoplasms. Therefore, a consultation with a gynecologist is recommended if any amount of blood is detected during gestation.

Heavy periods during pregnancy

The onset of gestation occurs when exposed to progesterone and estrogen, which increase blood flow to the cervical region, which can cause short and not heavy bleeding.

Cramps of the lower abdomen and strong periods during pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, pose a threat to a woman's life and require immediate hospitalization. One of the causes of heavy bleeding is an ectopic pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube, ovary or abdominal cavity. The fertilized egg develops to the size of the fallopian tube, and then an abortion occurs or the tube ruptures (may be without bleeding). Sudden, sharp pain during rupture of the fallopian tube is replaced by loss of consciousness. The woman needs to be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. Tubal abortion is characterized by pain and subsequent bleeding. In this situation, surgical intervention is also necessary.

Abundant menstruation during pregnancy is a consequence of infectious diseases as a result of inflammation of the cervix. With an urgent appeal to a gynecologist, most diseases are successfully cured in the process of gestation, without harming the fetus.

Full periods during pregnancy

The female physiology is such that the lack of fertilization leads to the rejection of the inner uterine layer (endometrium), causing bleeding. The endometrium serves as a place for the attachment of the embryo, therefore, in the event of conception and the appearance of blood, we are talking about various disorders.

According to gynecologists, full periods during pregnancy are completely excluded. But bleeding, which is a threat of termination of pregnancy, can develop due to some factors. Discharge, reminiscent of menstruation in the amount of blood and duration, often entails the loss of a child.

Bleeding is possible in the first months after conception, when pregnancy occurs immediately after the usual cycle. Let us recall the survivability of spermatozoa in the female womb up to seven or eight days. Menstruation during pregnancy can be triggered by the moment of introduction of the fetal egg into the endometrium, damage to the cervix during intercourse, and infectious diseases.

The appearance of any discharge at any gestation period is a necessity for a medical consultation, ultrasound or other diagnostics.

Pain during menstruation during pregnancy

The causes of discharge with blood after conception may not be harmless at all, and the consequences are deplorable. Diseases of the expectant mother (endometriosis, fibroids), genetic pathologies during the development of the embryo, ectopic pregnancy, unfavorable attachment of the fetus, an excess of male hormone are factors that cause menstruation during pregnancy.

Various kinds of discharge (scanty or, on the contrary, abundant), supported by pain, are an alarming sign. A timely appeal to a gynecologist will avoid many problems with bearing.

Similar to contractions, covering the entire abdomen and lower back, pain during menstruation during pregnancy is a good reason to call an ambulance. An independent trip to the doctor can cause an abortion.


Sex during menstruation during pregnancy

Few couples prefer intimacy during their period. Gynecologists warn against physical love on critical days due to the particular vulnerability of the cervix (pathogens freely penetrate the reproductive organ) and recommend using a condom. The onset of conception also imposes its own restrictions on having sex: due to medical contraindications, with the threat of miscarriage and multiple pregnancy, at the initial stage of embryo development.

It is better not to practice sex during menstruation during pregnancy, since the presence of secretions in itself can be a dangerous condition, portending a miscarriage, developmental pathologies, the presence of an ectopic pregnancy and hormonal imbalance. Intimacy in these cases can increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.