Apathy emotion. Clouding of consciousness and complete apathy for life - what to do? Apathy



Snezhana Ivanova

Apathy is a depressed state of the psyche, which is characterized by a general breakdown, a decrease in interest in ongoing events and life in general.

Apathy is a depressed state of the psyche, which is characterized by a general breakdown, a decrease in interest in ongoing events and life in general. It is dangerous to be in a state of apathy for a long time. A person is more likely to stop feeling the beauty of the outside world, to focus on their own problems. It is extremely difficult to get out of apathy on your own. To do this, you need to have great will and determination. Most often, with a similar problem, people turn to specialists. The causes of apathy can be concentrated deep in the subconscious, or they can reflect events in personal or social life. The symptoms of apathy are quite vivid - they cannot be overlooked. A person becomes indifferent to everything, lethargic, taciturn. Looking at him, others get the impression that he does not hear the words addressed to him, does not notice anything happening around. Treatment of apathy should be a competent and deliberate step. Before taking a series of decisive actions, you need to know how to deal with apathy.

Reasons for apathy

Like any condition, apathy has its reasons, it never appears from scratch. As a rule, this is the result of long-term dissatisfaction with oneself, refusal to realize important desires and ideas. What are the causes of apathy? Let's try to figure it out!

emotional stress

Prolonged stress is not good for anyone. Apathy is always the result of prolonged emotional stress. Eventually, the nervous system becomes exhausted. The person himself does not notice how quickly he sinks into an oppressed state. That is what ultimately leads to apathy. Apathy in itself has a very destructive effect on a person, makes him endlessly doubt himself and be in painful experiences for a long time. Emotional tension, which lasts long enough, eventually leads to dissatisfaction with life, the emergence of a sense of hopelessness. So a person ceases to believe in his own strength, focuses on problems.

Physical and emotional fatigue

The presence of frequent stress, tense relationships in the team, misunderstanding in the family lead to physical and psychological exhaustion. Fatigue does not contribute to a bright mood and the formation of self-confidence. Apathy quickly arises where there are good reasons for it. If a person does not take care of himself, works hard, does not receive any satisfaction from life, then his strength will soon leave him. Treatment can be long and exhausting. People prone to apathy are advised to avoid stress, strong emotional involvement in a conflict situation. The sooner you determine the cause of apathy, the easier it will be to subsequently get rid of this ailment and begin effective treatment.

High demands on yourself

Another cause of apathy is too fantastic expectations. For example, a person is just starting his way in business and immediately wants to get a high result. But, as you know, without trials and additional efforts, the formation of a personality is impossible. is a problem of very talented and gifted people. By making unnecessarily high demands on oneself, a person does not give himself the right to make a mistake. Everyone can go down the wrong path. Only if for an ordinary person there is nothing terrible in this, then a perfectionist perceives everything through the prism of tragedy. He is overly critical of his own achievements, considers them small and insignificant. This prevents him from fully feeling happy, moving towards the desired goal.

addictive behavior

Any form of addiction sooner or later contributes to the development of apathy. The presence of some form of addiction is a very significant reason for the occurrence of apathy. Addictive behavior implies that a person loses a significant part of himself, loses a sense of self-control and self-respect. Among the main symptoms of addiction are the following: a person ceases to control himself, to notice his real needs and needs. The main thing for him is to satisfy the need for chemicals (if it is alcohol or nicotine addiction), in communication with another person (relationship addiction). Turning into a person with an addiction, a person loses the ability to manage his life, relieves himself of responsibility for what is happening, sinks into apathy.

Disease progression

In some cases, a protracted illness becomes the cause of the development of apathy. Sometimes some kind of ailment captures a person so strongly that he does not have the strength to rejoice. All attention and physical resources are spent only to overcome day by day the feeling of helplessness and the characteristic symptoms of a particular disease. Apathy so covers a person that treatment with medicines does not bring the desired result. The progression of the disease takes away a lot of internal resources from a person. The patient quickly gets tired, tired, does not want to do even his favorite things.

Condemnation and rejection of others

Another reason for the formation of apathy are tensions in society. The syndrome of constant dissatisfaction with one's personality grows, as a rule, from a persistent rejection of others. If a person constantly faces criticism, listens to the dissatisfaction of superiors or relatives, it becomes difficult for him to believe in his own strength. Uncertainty in oneself and the future invariably breeds apathy. A person loses motivation for new achievements, he does not want to change anything in the current situation.

Premenstrual syndrome in women

Some of the fair sex fall into apathy before the start of a new cycle. In these difficult days, women become vulnerable, it is enough just to offend them. Premenstrual syndrome adds a lot of stress and anxiety. This is a very serious reason why the mood deteriorates, tearfulness and resentment increase. Apathy serves as a kind of refuge for a woman to hide from additional obligations and problems. With the help of apathy, the girl seems to resort to cunning and learns to avoid conditions that are unbearable for her at the moment.

Negative changes

Sometimes in the life of every person there are some strong shocks that can seriously affect the psyche. The death of loved ones, irreparable events in society, divorce, betrayal, any other incidents that change the whole way of life, negatively affect the emotional state. A person does not feel in himself the strength to quickly cope with what he has to endure. There is a sense of disaster, helplessness. Apathy does not allow a person to start acting immediately. As a rule, a large amount of time passes before a person begins to accept what happened and finally comes to his senses.

Symptoms of apathy

Apathy manifests itself in a person in a very definite way. Its symptoms are known to every person firsthand. Anyone who has been in this state for at least a short time knows how difficult it is to defeat it and learn to enjoy life again. Consider the main symptoms of apathy.

Emotional indifference

A person in a state of apathy hardly pays attention to what is happening around him. He forgets to even think about satisfying his basic needs: to eat on time, to meet friends. It seems that a sense of joy is blocked inside him, that the personality is lost and does not know which direction to move. Emotional indifference is manifested in the fact that a person constantly has a bad mood. It seems that nothing can cheer him up or give at least a little optimism. Indifference to everything around is a sure symptom of apathy. If a person fails to overcome it for a long time, then interest in life also decreases.

Against the background of emotional indifference, there is a pronounced decrease in appetite. The usual taste of food is lost somewhere and even your favorite dishes cease to bring pleasure. A person can completely refuse food or take it literally by a teaspoon.

Communication restriction

Apathy often causes a person to avoid interaction with other people. It becomes easier and more comfortable for a person to be alone with himself than to communicate with others. The thing is that apathy deprives a person of moral strength and self-confidence. At the same time, it becomes a conscious desire to minimize all communication, since it takes additional energy. Even the closest friends are left out. A person in a state of apathy is not able to actively express himself.

Decreased performance

Strong emotional depression also affects mood. There is a marked decrease in performance. A person begins to feel that he is not able to perform even elementary tasks. Habitual activity brings only suffering, without giving any positive emotions. Treatment should begin, first of all, with the realization of the fact that some part of life is wasted. Instead of the usual state of interest, drowsiness and lethargy suddenly appear. Before important meetings, he begins to sleep, his voice becomes indifferent. These are the true manifestations of apathy. A person who really experiences this condition needs help and support.

Treatment of apathy

Apathy is a state that should not be left to chance. To overcome the painful reluctance to act and make decisions, you need to choose the right treatment and follow some simple recommendations. How to deal with apathy? What needs to be considered for the treatment to be effective?

Regular physical activity

In fact, our emotional state is strongly related to our physical well-being. There is even the term “mental health”, which means all kinds of peace of mind and well-being. Systematic physical exercises help to strengthen the nervous system, maintain mental balance. You will see how the mood will gradually return to normal, the desire to live, create, and perform some actions will appear. Do what you like: ride a bike, get new emotions from playing sports, strive to satisfy your desires. Proper nutrition is also an important factor that will help make the treatment more effective.

Having hobbies and hobbies

How to deal with apathy? If you care about your individual sense of self, you should find something for yourself. Think about what would bring you the most joy? Each person has certain inclinations to any activity. If you carefully analyze your inner world, you can come to very unexpected conclusions. The presence of hobbies is incredibly inspiring, gives strength and charges life with optimism. By doing something that brings inner satisfaction, a person blossoms from the inside, discovers even greater potential and additional opportunities for realization.

Thus, in order to get rid of apathy, you need to become the full owner of your life. Balance your physical and emotional state, then the lowered mood background will leave you forever. Remember that we ourselves manage our lives, and everything that happens is our merit. Take full responsibility for what is happening. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you.

Our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not guess what our psyche asks for. The main reason for the emergence of apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

Want nothing. I sit like a vegetable, there are no desires, no feelings, no aspirations. Complete lack of interest in life. There is not even the strength to move at all and do anything. Go to bed, and better forever.

But before life inside was on fire. There were desires, there were aspirations, it was interesting, and life brought pleasure. Now in the soul - only emptiness. What went wrong, what went wrong? Who to contact for help, what to try?

We understand the causes of the state and with that, with the help of the latest knowledge of our time - system-vector psychology.

Man is the principle of pleasure

What is apathy? A state of indifference and indifference to everything around. How does this even happen? Let's start to understand this from the very beginning: from what a healthy person is.

A person, in essence, is his psyche, that is, a set of desires and properties, which in system-vector psychology are combined into vectors. There are 8 vectors in total, each of which carries its own unique desires and characteristics, determining the values, aspirations, type of thinking and all other features of their owners.

Man unconsciously always strives for pleasure. Everything he does in his life, he does it out of a desire to have fun. Feeling a desire for something, a person goes to realize it. Getting what he wants, he enjoys, and then the desire doubles. Further, we make more efforts, but then the pleasure from achieving the goal is already greater.

The barrier is that our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not guess what our psyche asks for. The main reason for the emergence of apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

What are they, our unconscious desires?

To understand how apathy arises and how to deal with it, let's take a closer look at what desires a person lives in each vector.

  • Owners strive for superiority - social and material. For them, the status in society, the opportunity to earn good money for their work is important.
  • For owners, the main value is family, children and home. In society, respect and recognition are important to them. They are the best professionals, masters of their craft.
  • For representatives, the meaning of life is love, warm, heartfelt relationships. They want emotional connections with people.
  • For people with the main request is the knowledge of the forces that govern this world and the people around, the knowledge of their destiny, the meaning of appearing on this earth.

To understand how to treat apathy, you need to formulate the exact cause of apathy. It will sound like this: "I want and I don't get."

Reasons for apathy

1) We do not realize, and therefore do not realize our desires.

A person is disoriented and often makes mistakes, he realizes not his desires, but those imposed by society. For example, a person with an anal vector seems to feel that he wants a family, but from all sides they shout: “First you need a career, then a family! You will create a family - you will not wait for a career! And he tries, plows, to build a career. Inside, there is constant dissatisfaction. It's like you're not doing what's right for you.

A person does not know himself and is making efforts in the wrong place. It is invested - but it does not receive pleasure. Again he makes efforts - again he receives nothing. And then there is no energy for anything, and I don’t want to do anything. There is a state of apathy.

2) Bad script or traumatic experience.

A person may be fully aware of his desires, but something may prevent him from getting what he wants.

For example, in the skin vector, this could be a fail scenario. It is formed in childhood when a child with a skin vector is beaten or humiliated. As a result, the child is retrained unconsciously to enjoy not from achievements and victories, but from failures and failures. Consciously, he sets himself big goals, wants status, money, and unconsciously relaxes and calms down if nothing happened again.

When a person is unaware of such a scenario, he can beat like a fish on ice, but never achieve anything. Until the scenario for failure is understood and worked out, nothing will change. Then it gradually quenches frustration, knocks down the desire that a person not be so hurt from endless fruitless efforts.

People with a visual vector are very emotional and sensitive. Their main desire is love. With all their hearts, they strive for her - for a warm, tender relationship. But it doesn't always work out to build emotional connections. A person can suffer, try, but never get what he wants. And after the mass of pain experienced, he already resigns himself and does not try anymore. And wants nothing...

Injuries in the visual vector are also possible: there has been a strong shock, for example, the loss of loved ones, and the psyche, in order to save itself, turns on a protective mechanism and blocks emotional sensitivity. Then a person experiences a complete or partial shutdown of emotions, he feels emotional emptiness. But this is a temporary state.

3) Desire gets into time trouble.

It happens that a desire is quite felt and realized, but in given life circumstances it is not possible to realize it. This happens, for example, with women on maternity leave, when they do not have the opportunity to do their favorite job, communicate with people, “go out”.

fading desires

When a desire is not realized for a long time, it turns into frustration, into internal tension. When frustrations (“I want and don’t get”) accumulate for a long time, a person constantly feels pain and dissatisfaction. He becomes aggressive - he begins to hate everyone, get annoyed, yell or throw tantrums, that is, "dump" his shortages on others. All this aggression begins to corrode him from the inside. This manifests itself in the form of psychosomatic illnesses and disorders.

And then, gradually, the psyche begins to curtail desires in order to save a person. This is a kind of mercy of nature. A person becomes lethargic, without energy, does not want anything, and can no longer. It just completely fades away. No desire - no life.

How can this happen, for example, in a woman with an anal vector? Her main value is family, home, children. But in those situations when the family broke up or loved ones died, an inner emptiness sets in, often women call this state emotional burnout. For whom to knit warm socks? Who should bake pies? Whom to meet after work, whom to take care of? The meaning of life is lost, emptiness inside. Gradually comes to not be so painful to live.

Complete apathy and depression

The sound vector stands separately in the hierarchy of desires. His desires are the only ones not connected with the material world. If earthly desires (in the remaining seven vectors) are fully realized by people, then the desires of the sound vector are most often not realized.

Desires in the sound vector are desires to reveal the structure of the world, what is hidden, the reasons for our birth, the meaning of life, our destiny. If these desires are not fulfilled, a person completely loses interest in anything, does not want to communicate with people, loses the meaning of any daily activities, feels physical weakness, drowsiness, calling it chronic fatigue syndrome. in the sound vector - a consequence of severe conditions, depression, this is complete weakness and despair from the inability to fill one's sound desires.

The sound vector is dominant, which means that if its desires are not fulfilled, then it gradually reduces the desires in other vectors (the desire for communication, family, money, love, etc.). Gradually, a person completely loses the meaning in life, can hate people, constantly strive for loneliness.

He does not want to communicate with anyone, and he needs to answer the questions that others constantly ask him. A person does not understand what he wants, where to move, more often he does not want anything at all. A complex emotional disorder arises - a person is alive, but psychologically, emotionally, he seems to die, he lives simply on the machine, in apathy.

How to get rid of apathy and depression in order to return to a full life? Revealing the device of the psyche at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, the sound person forgets about depression, he wakes up with a completely unbridled interest in life and a desire to live.

Apathy: what to do if you do not want anything

The advice of a systemic psychologist: to realize your natural desires, use the principle of pleasure in life, corresponding to the internal structure of your psyche.

When a person realizes his own nature, his true unconscious desires, already at this stage, his energy is released. This makes it possible to start moving in your life not at random, but in the right direction, with knowledge of your device. Treatment of apathy is a problem to be solved.

You no longer have to get bad experiences. In addition, you will be able to free yourself from the fetters of previous experience, from obstacles that prevent your desires from being filled.

Script for failure, resentment, bad experience, procrastination (postponing for later), fears, panic attacks, phobias. All these problems are worked out at the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology is a multifaceted knowledge about the human psyche, about what drives us from the inside. For people with a sound vector, the study of this knowledge is the greatest pleasure available in our time.

It's time to come back to life. This world is waiting for you - alive, energetic, waiting for the realization of your talents! Not a single person is born just like that - this world needs him, and each person is able to become happy when he realizes himself according to the properties inherent in him by nature. confirm this. These people were able to return to life from their depressions and apathies:

“There was a certain anticipation of new discoveries every coming day. I began to go out into the street and now I can’t sit still for a minute. A new source of energy appeared inside - the thirst for life. Understanding myself, the components of my psyche (vector) and their needs, I clearly realize that I have no right to do something other than my own business in life and be in the wrong place!!”

And you, too, can beat apathy. Start with a free online training "Systemic Vector Psychology", which will take place in the near future. .

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology» Apathy Apathy is characterized by severe depression, self-doubt, an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, and depersonalization is also often observed.


Pozharisky I.

Many people today suffer from apathy. Some do not even realize how much they were captured by this disease, which caused a constant […]

Many people today suffer from apathy. Some do not even realize how much they were captured by this disease, which caused a constant bad mood. Apathy is a state in which a person ceases to control his own emotions. It begins to seem as if there are only negative moments in life, you do not want to make efforts even for the necessary actions. Apathy is characterized by severe depression, self-doubt, an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, and derealization and depersonalization are also often observed. Apathy makes you feel like a worthless loser who no one needs.

Reasons for apathy

It takes time and good reason for apathy to develop. From the outside it seems that everything happens by itself, for no reason. It should be noted that there are reasons, and they are quite understandable. Let's consider them in more detail.

Emotional turmoil

Some life events turn out to be so unthinkable and unpredictable that they plunge into shock. Faced with the loss of a loved one or betrayal of a partner, a person can become indifferent, indifferent to everything around. It just takes time to restore peace of mind, to develop new positive programs. Such a process cannot happen quickly. The work of grief requires great inner concentration, affects the resources of the individual. It is emotional upheavals that so deprive a person of the inner core that he loses the ability to think clearly. It is impossible to make decisions in this state. Apathy becomes a defensive reaction of the psyche, which does not allow destructive information to penetrate even more into consciousness. With the help of apathy, the individual gets the opportunity to isolate himself from ongoing events that do not suit him.


In some cases, the cause of apathy is the habit of always doing everything perfectly. This is actually extremely unhelpful for further development. A person gets used to constantly working at a high level and demands the maximum result from himself even when it is absolutely not necessary. Perfectionism, if it is manifested too sharply, harms the personality, makes it work to the limit of its capabilities. Apathy comes as a result of wasting one's internal resources. The person becomes lethargic, lacking initiative, unable to take responsibility.

Addictive behavior

Another reason for the development of apathy. Any addiction destroys the personality, promotes addiction. The fact is that a person loses a colossal part of his personality, loses his individuality, addicted, for example, to alcohol or drugs. He is no longer able to answer for himself. Addiction often causes uncontrolled aggression and the onset of complete apathy. Addictive behavior devastates from the inside, contributes to loneliness, the formation of a sense of isolation from the world. Apathy appears as a consequence, as a result of a wrong attitude to the world.

physical ailments

Diseases, especially chronic ones, often contribute to the onset of apathy, becoming the cause of immersion in one's own experiences. Any prolonged illness deprives a person of moral strength. At some point, it begins to seem to him that joy does not exist, since there is no reason to smile. Long-term treatment, the need to visit a hospital and stay in it largely depersonalizes, makes you wary of yourself. People whose health becomes a cause for pronounced concern do not believe in a happy future, do not make plans for self-realization, and do not want to move in the direction of the desired goal.

bad relationship

Unsatisfactory relationships with people also often cause apathy. When there is no proper understanding among relatives, a feeling of uselessness, even rejection, is formed. A person often cannot understand what is happening to him until it turns out that there is no one to help him. Negative feelings become constant companions of those who are faced with such as unrequited love . Bad relationships with others often contribute to the fact that the individual becomes even more withdrawn into himself. Apathy in him becomes the cause of the development of distrust of the world. Still, everyone needs to feel needed and in demand.

Symptoms of apathy

Apathy manifests itself in a person in a certain way. It cannot be confused with any other condition. That measure of depression, which is present with apathy, can cause significant damage to mental health. What are the symptoms of apathy? Let's try to figure it out.

indifference to everything

Feeling overwhelmed is a clear symptom of apathy. Indifference to everything appears due to deep immersion in the problem. The fact is that a person can be truly happy only when he sees the meaning in life, and it consists of many components: personal happiness, success at work, self-realization. Apathy destroys all this, leaving only emptiness and despair in the soul. Such a state incredibly depersonalizes the individual, makes him look like other people who find themselves in a similar position. Personal boundaries are erased, fear and anxiety for their future settle in the soul.


A person immersed in apathy often ceases to follow how he looks. Many people stop looking in the mirror, it becomes unpleasant for them to watch their own reflection. Sloppiness is a characteristic symptom of apathy. It appears because the individual is too much focused on their own experiences. At a certain point, he may be faced with the fact that one of his relatives will turn away from him with disgust precisely because of progressive slovenliness. The habit of wearing old dirty clothes, not washing for a long time further fences off from people. A person runs the risk of dissolving in his apathy, becoming completely alone.

Decreased appetite

Apathy makes you forget about the need to eat on time. An individual can sit in one place for hours, staring at one point, or sleep for days, escaping from deep feelings. Decreased appetite is dictated by the fact that anxious thoughts interfere with feeling hunger as a physiological reaction. Everything is obscured by an uncontrollable feeling of anxiety, which sometimes seems impossible to overcome. Loss of appetite is a symptom of apathy and depression.

Lack of initiative

Apathy makes a person consider himself worthless, ruthlessly wastes his internal resources. The individual becomes weak and weak-willed, he has no desire to work on himself, to do something. Even if there is an understanding within oneself that it is necessary to make attempts at self-improvement, on the external plane there is not enough strength to bring the desired to life. All because apathy does not allow you to believe in yourself, to be convinced of your own viability.

Speech disorder

Apathy harms the personality, almost completely destroys it. Being in this state, the individual often cannot understand what is happening to him. It becomes difficult to answer everyday questions, to participate in a conversation. His speech slows down, there is no reaction to some stimuli. With impaired speech, memory impairment is also noted: forgetfulness, absent-mindedness appear. A slow reaction can lead to uncontrollable consequences. There are cases when people, being in apathy, became victims of accidents: attacks, traffic accidents, etc.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a symptom of apathy. In apathy, a person experiences an incredible decline in strength. He has absolutely no vital energy left in order to start acting. Realization of existing desires is constantly postponed for an indefinite period. At the same time, fatigue is often observed so strong that you have to overcome yourself even in order to perform elementary actions: move around the apartment, go shopping.

How to deal with apathy?

Apathy as a condition necessarily needs to be corrected. You can not stay in it for a long time, it is fraught with irreversible consequences. It is best to start treating apathy as soon as it appears. It is not recommended to delay the actions, because then it will be more difficult to do. However, many people unconsciously delay this moment precisely because they do not know how to deal with overwhelming despair and anxiety.

Physical activity

This is the first thing to start with the treatment of apathy. The fact is that physical activity cannot be replaced by anything. If you stop moving, then the problem will only get worse over time. A person is so arranged that even small exercises can help to cope with obsessive states. That's why it's worth signing up for dances, more walking down the street. Taking daily walks, you will free yourself from additional mental anguish. Do not neglect the morning exercises. If you have the strength for systematic gymnastics, you can include it in your daily routine.

Daily regime

Thinking about how to deal with apathy, you should take into account such a thing as the correct daily routine. This important component will save you from significant mistakes that can lead to even greater losses and defeats. Apathy as such tends to accumulate if no effort is made to eliminate it. Proper treatment of apathy is never complete without building an effective routine. Your body must get used to going to bed at certain hours, eating at a time when you are hungry. Gradually, you will learn to feel your needs and desires.


How to deal with the feeling of isolation from the world? When treating apathy, it is advisable to travel. It is advisable to do this as much as possible to get the necessary impressions. Of course, everyone has different financial opportunities, but it is recommended not to spare money for spiritual recovery.


Interaction with close people in many ways helps to overcome the subjective feeling of uselessness. Treatment of apathy is impossible if there is no opportunity to express your love and affection. Communication is an indispensable tool in the fight against emotional disorders and depression. You just need to be able to find people who will be able to listen, understand, and be able to advise something. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a warm relationship with loved ones that there is a desire to share all their thoughts and feelings. You cannot limit yourself in interacting with other people. The more communication, the better, the sooner you will be able to recover, restore lost spiritual strength.


They are not always recommended, only in the most difficult situations, when the usual positive actions and the support of loved ones are not enough. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you really need it. What drugs are usually prescribed? It is recommended to take "Novopassit", "Persen" or "Glycine". In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe strong tranquilizers to help you get rid of disturbing thoughts.

Thus, a pronounced state of apathy is a serious reason to think about your life. Apathy as a psychological disorder necessarily needs treatment. The right approach to treatment is needed, which will help overcome the feeling of inner hopelessness. Can ask for help at the center of psychology of Irakli Pozharisky. Working with a specialist will be helpful. You will be able to understand the disturbing situation, outline the path of inner liberation.

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A crisis

Apathy is a specific emotional state characterized by an indifferent attitude towards the world around and one's own life. In this state, a person shows indifference to relatives and friends, becomes taciturn, detached, emotionless. In time, undiagnosed and untreated disease can lead to serious mental disorders.

Causes and symptoms

The development of the disease can be provoked by external factors or internal problems in the body. External causes of apathy include the following:

  1. A heavy workload is a difficult, routine activity that causes severe psychological stress and can lead to emotional burnout. The disease also affects people who are forced to work in a very intensive mode for a long time.
  2. Stress and conflict situations - strong long-term worries about problems at work, quarrels with loved ones or the loss of a loved one can cause a state of apathy.
  3. The lack of the possibility of self-realization and satisfaction of one's needs - after long persistent attempts to earn money or find an interesting job, a person gives up, which leads to a loss of interest in life.

Internal causes of apathy are often associated with various diseases, such as: schizophrenia, diabetes mellitus, premenstrual cider, thyroid dysfunction. This also includes severe addictions: drug addiction and alcoholism. This disease can develop during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth.

Symptoms of the disease are usually rather mild, which makes early diagnosis difficult. Often the patient himself and those around him do not even know about the progressing disease. Symptoms can be very different, but there are several main signs of apathy:

  • fatigue and drowsiness - even when performing simple actions, a person feels weak and powerless;
  • avoidance of communication - the patient always strives for loneliness, reluctantly answers questions, speech becomes slow and monotonous, devoid of intonation and emotional coloring;
  • indifference to any type of activity and ongoing events - a person plunges into himself, absolutely not reacting to what is happening around him;
  • pessimistic mood - life and the future are presented to the patient in a "black color", he is haunted by a feeling of hopelessness.

In severe cases, the state of apathy leads to the fact that a person refuses to eat and other necessary needs of the body, becomes absent-minded, gloomy and gloomy.


In some cases, apathy is a natural defensive reaction of the body to physical and moral exhaustion. This state helps a person to restore strength and energy, to think about the current situation, make an important decision and evaluate his lifestyle. In this case, apathy lasts no more than a couple of weeks. A person independently overcomes the disease without any negative consequences.

The situation is more complicated with prolonged apathy, which can provoke serious mental disorders. A chronic disorder develops. What kind of apathy can lead to? Protracted apathy can turn into a depressive state, which causes irreparable harm to the body. The consequences of prolonged apathy can be divided into three groups:

  • physiological;
  • psychological;
  • social.

Physiological consequences are expressed in the development of a number of diseases and a decrease in the quality of life. The most vulnerable is the cardiovascular system. Deep experiences lead to disruption of its work, the formation of blood clots, heart rhythm failure, heart attack.

An apathetic state can lead to sleep disturbance, insomnia, despite constant fatigue and weakness, a person cannot fall asleep.

Short-term sleep does not improve the situation, and the patient, even after waking up, feels overwhelmed. Lack of proper rest, indifferent attitude to nutrition and constant bad mood lead to a decrease in immunity. A person often begins to get sick with colds, viral infections, and chronic diseases present in the body can become aggravated. In addition to this, the appearance worsens, hair, nails become weak, inflammation appears on the skin. In a state of apathy, the individual ceases to take care of himself, is indifferent to how he looks.

The psychological consequences of prolonged apathy are expressed in a number of adverse symptoms. A person ceases to believe in himself, feels powerless and helpless. Against this background, all kinds of phobias and fears can develop, which will be quite difficult to eradicate in the future.

After a prolonged state of indifference, disturbances in memory and orientation in time may occur. A person forgets important events, people, his daily activities, does not understand what month, year, day of the week, finds it difficult to answer morning outside the window or evening.

Social consequences affect all spheres of human life. Impaired memory and attention, inability to concentrate, slowness and lack of desire to perform any activity can lead to job loss. The longer the state of apathy lasts, the more the efficiency decreases and the probability of dismissal of a person increases. Closeness, the desire for loneliness and unwillingness to communicate do not always find understanding on the part of relatives. Over time, contacts with close friends may be interrupted, family relationships may be destroyed.

This is not a complete list of the negative consequences of prolonged apathy. Over time, the disease progresses faster and faster and can lead to complete disability of the patient.


Before treating apathy, it is necessary to find out what led to the onset of the disease. Whether it was a stressful situation or excessive fatigue at work. At the initial stage of the disease, you can do without drug treatment. First of all, the patient needs to have a good rest.

You can go on a trip.

Traveling and changing places can give the necessary shake-up to the body and bring a person out of a lethargic state.

In the event that it is not possible to take a long vacation, it is necessary to observe the regime of work and rest. Daily activities should include outdoor walks and moderate physical activity. Sports restore the functioning of the nervous system, increase the tone of the body and help to cope with apathy. With a mild degree of the disease, they effectively help: entertainment, interesting activities, going to the cinema, the theater, meeting friends, communicating with nature.

More severe stages of the disease are treated only in conjunction with a specialist. In order for the patient to correctly assess his condition and agree with the need for treatment, the help of a psychologist is required. Treatment may include psychoanalysis, hypnosis, and cognitive therapy.

Drug treatment of apathy is indicated with a significant deterioration in a person's condition, leading to complete indifference. Depending on the severity of the disease and individual characteristics, the doctor may prescribe the following types of drugs:

  • antidepressants are used in an apathetic state, turning into depression;
  • tranquilizers and drugs with a sedative effect are prescribed if apathy is accompanied by various phobias and fears, the patient experiences a feeling of anxiety and panic;
  • vitamins and stimulant drugs are prescribed to maintain the body and stimulate the blood circulation of the brain.

Tiredness and unwillingness to do anything is a condition well known to each of us, and it is completely normal if it occurs periodically, after hard work or emotional stress. But sometimes the feeling of apathy appears too often and interferes with the normal life of a person, and it is very difficult to cope with chronic indifference to everything. What is apathetic syndrome and how to get rid of it?

Why does it occur

"Apathy" - the meaning of this term from other Greek - insensibility, denotes a psychopathological condition in which there are violations of will, behavior and emotions. The patient not only does not want to do anything, he loses the impulse to perform any action, including self-care and satisfaction of natural needs.

Psychologists and psychotherapists around the world have noted an increase in the number of patients who have clouded consciousness and complete apathy for life. This is associated with a sharp change in the "acceleration" of the pace of life of a modern person, which the psyche cannot cope with.

Apathy and fatigue can develop as a protective reaction of the body to excessive stress, it develops in those situations when all the resource capabilities of the nervous system and body are depleted, and continued existence at such a pace will lead to destruction. In order to save the psyche and the body as a whole, the patient develops indifference to life, which helps him cope with exhaustion. But, if a patient suffering from apathy syndrome is not provided with timely assistance, there is very little chance of self-recovery, since lack of interest and constant fatigue prevent him from doing his own treatment and making enough efforts to recover.

The reasons for apathy can be different:

  • Diseases - any somatic, endocrine, infectious diseases, especially chronic or long-term ones, cause depletion of the body and can cause a breakdown and development of apathy, as a protective reaction.
  • Physical and nervous exhaustion - with constant overload, lack of sleep, improper and unbalanced nutrition, apathy can also occur due to the exhaustion of the body and nervous system. So, spring apathy can occur against the background of beriberi, frequent colds and vitamin D deficiency in winter.
  • Psychological reasons - stress, severe emotional experiences, moral trauma, and so on often cause severe apathy. Women and children are especially susceptible to this.
  • Unfavorable environment - difficulties at work, problems with studies or personal life may seem like something insignificant to others. But, if this situation persists for a long time, it can have an extremely harmful effect on the psyche and cause the development of various neurological disorders, including apathy.

Nobody can say exactly why apathy occurs and how to overcome apathy, in each case, various factors influence the occurrence of pathology, and treatment for each patient should also be selected individually. Only in this way will the fight against apathy be effective and the person will be able to return to normal life without the danger of repeating an unpleasant episode.

Symptoms of apathy

The state of apathy is quite difficult to distinguish from the usual breakdown and chronic fatigue. In apathy syndrome, in addition to physical manifestations, behavioral and emotional ones are of great importance. If a person has all 3 types of symptoms, the likelihood that he has an apathetic syndrome is much higher.

Signs of apathy:

  • Weakness- with apathy, a person does not leave a constant feeling of fatigue, any work and any action requires a lot of effort and often seems impossible, even if the amount of work and load have not increased.
  • Decreased performance- this symptom echoes the previous one, the performance of work in full with a disease becomes impossible or requires too much effort from a person.
  • Lack of interest in the environment- bouts of apathy are characterized by a partial or complete lack of interest in something. The patient is not interested in anything happening around him, regardless of the importance of what is happening.
  • Decreased motor activity- apathetic syndrome is characterized by a person's unwillingness to make unnecessary movements. Sleep and rest become a favorite pastime, and it becomes very difficult to persuade the patient to go in for sports, take walks or just go somewhere.
  • Constant sleepiness- the desire to sleep can occur immediately after waking up and not disappear throughout the day. Even prolonged sleep and rest do not help the patient gain strength.
  • Concentration disorder, memory loss- the state of apathy prevents a person from concentrating, making any effort, it is difficult for him to remember something or do any mental work.
  • Refusal of any entertainment, hobbies- apathy for everything manifests itself in all spheres of life, even very beloved past activities become uninteresting and unnecessary.
  • Refusal to communicate- the patient avoids communication, prefers to spend time alone and does not make contact even with close friends and relatives.
  • Reluctance to leave home- prolonged apathy makes a person spend more and more time at home, in severe cases he may completely refuse to leave his house or room.
  • Depression, decreased mood- a change in mood or even clouding of consciousness is also characteristic of apathy. A person can periodically “fall out” of reality, constantly feel sadness, irritation or aggression. This symptom signals that it is time for the patient to think about how to deal with apathy.
  • Anxiety, fears- constant anxiety, fear of the future, trouble or various phobias are also often present in this pathology.

Sometimes the patient develops an apathetic stupor - a condition in which a person completely stops responding to the environment, while he is conscious, aware of everything that happens and can react. His muscles are relaxed, his reflexes are intact, and he can answer questions, eat, and perform urination, but still refuse to move or leave his bed. In this situation, only a doctor should decide how to treat apathy.

Another variant of the disease is prelaunch apathy. This condition occurs in people before any important event, for example, in athletes before the start. Prelaunch apathy occurs due to excessive nervous and physical stress - "burnout" or a negative attitude towards the future. It is characterized by lethargy, lack of interest in the future, deterioration of all physical and mental indicators. How to overcome apathy in this case, everyone decides for himself - someone copes with this state, and someone refuses the upcoming test. It is important to understand that even with a favorable outcome, the appearance of such symptoms should not be ignored, since it is very difficult to defeat apathy on your own and, as a rule, the patient needs the help of a doctor or psychologist.


How to get rid of apathy, especially if the patient has all the signs of pathology, including clouding of consciousness, can only be said by a specialist who deals with treatment.

There are different ways to get out of a state of apathy. In mild cases, it is enough to change the lifestyle, rest more and eat right, while in others, drug therapy and the help of a psychotherapist are needed.

Treatment for apathy includes:

  • Finding out the cause of the pathology
  • Lifestyle change
  • Psycho-emotional unloading
  • Taking medication
  • Help of a psychotherapist.

The answer to the question of how to cope with apathy can only be given by the patient himself - when he accurately determines its cause. This will help not only to understand how to cure apathy, but also to prevent its development in the future. Sometimes a patient needs treatment for somatic diseases, normalization of hormonal levels, or simply taking vitamins.

Lifestyle changes play a critical role in combating apathy. Chronic fatigue, excessive stress and constant lack of sleep always lead to various health problems, and only a complete change in lifestyle helps to eliminate these consequences.

The ability to relax and relieve emotional stress is the best way to normalize the state of the nervous system. It can be both physical methods of relaxation, and various hobbies, hobbies or special techniques: yoga, breathing exercises, and so on.

Medications are also needed when looking for an answer to the question: how to get out of apathy. They help relieve stress, fears, improve sleep and appetite. In mild cases, treatment includes taking vitamins, adaptagens, herbal sedatives, in more severe cases, taking antidepressants and antipsychotics.

The psychotherapist helps the patient understand the reasons for the development of such behavior and learn how to avoid such situations in the future that can lead to apathy.