Why does the back and stomach hurt during menstruation. When should I see a doctor for pain during menstruation?

Often, women turn to a gynecologist because they have lower back pain, while there is no menstruation, the pregnancy test is also negative.

Pain can be caused, but usually it is mild, and very few women experience severe discomfort during this period.

If the discomfort continues after menstruation, and in general in their absence, it is urgent to consult a doctor to undergo an examination.

Main causes of violations

When the lower back hurts, but there is no menstruation, a number of problems in the body can be suspected.

  1. Hormonal shift. It leads to strong contractions of the uterus and pain, as well as to a violation of the excretion of fluid, which provokes swelling of tissues that put pressure on sensitive nerve endings. Soreness is often accompanied by general weakness, migraine, chills.
  2. Hyperthyroidism. In addition to pain in the lumbar region, you can notice a deterioration in appetite, sleep, severe emotional instability and premenstrual syndrome.
  3. Anatomically abnormal location of the uterus. When the body of the uterus is located too close to the nerve endings, pulling sensations may appear in the lower abdomen and in the lumbosacral region.
  4. Hyperstimulation of the ovaries. Usually after the use of hormonal drugs (for example, for the treatment of infertility).
  5. Endometriosis. This is a disease caused by the ingress of particles of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) outside the uterus and their growth in other areas of the body (from the abdominal organs to the lungs) - under the influence of hormones, these foci continue to bleed, and then collapse.
  6. Cysts, tumors of the genital organs. In this case, the lower back hurts, there is no menstruation, which may be due to the growth of neoplasms that compress the nerve endings and disrupt blood flow (which can later lead to tissue necrosis).
  7. Inflammation of the appendages. It manifests itself as pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

These are just some of the factors, and the true cause of the ailment can only be established at a doctor's appointment.

It is important to urgently consult a specialist with an increase in the mammary glands (especially if discharge appears from them), with the appearance of unusual and / or sharp-smelling discharge from the genitals, diffuse nature of pain and fever.

And, of course, in the case when the menstruation has passed, and the soreness persists.

Relationship between pain and menstruation

Many people know that a woman suffers from pain mainly during periodic bleeding. At other times of the cycle, when there are no periods, she feels normal.

And if after the end of menstruation, the lower back still hurts, this problem is unlikely to be related to the menstruation itself or to ovulation - usually this is a consequence of some kind of pathology.

In this case, it hurts in the abdomen, but sometimes it radiates more strongly to the back, in particular, to the lumbar region.

If, with pain in the back, menstruation does not begin, although the period has already come, it is likely due to either a violation of the functions of the genital organs or pregnancy.

In addition, the first signs of pregnancy are a bit like the approach of menstruation - it can “pull” and “tingle” the lower abdomen and lower back. Usually, the following symptoms also join:

  • frequent urination;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • small spotting;
  • headache;
  • increased salivation and a change in taste, the appearance of intolerance to odors;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • growing tenderness of the breast.

It is difficult for a layman to distinguish pain radiating to the lower back from sensations that signal problems with the spine.

It must be understood that the vertebral pathology has no connection with menstruation, the nature of the pain does not change and does not depend on the beginning or end of the cycle.

In the case of gynecological problems, the pain syndrome varies. For example, with endometriosis, cramping or aching pains that radiate to the lower back and rectum persist for a long time and intensify a week or two to three days before menstruation.

It is important to understand why the lower back hurts during menstruation, as this is often associated with the presence of serious diseases in the reproductive organs of a woman. More than half of the fair sex during menstruation experience discomfort in the back.

Why pain occurs

Painful discomfort in the lumbar spine can appear in women shortly before the onset of menstruation, persist throughout menstrual bleeding and remain for several days after them. The causes of pain are the onset of hormonal imbalance during this period. It also has to do with physiology. The muscles of the abdominal cavity are reduced - as provided by nature. The body of the uterus also contracts. The receptors responsible for pain respond with pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

These are not all the causes that provoke pain. Doctors also note the following:

  1. In a woman's body, the hormone estrogen is elevated. It usually increases in women aged 30 and older. During this period, any change, including hormonal imbalance, responds with pain and or other discomfort. The focus of pain is in the lower abdomen, but the back and legs also suffer from it.
  2. Incorrect position of the uterus in some women can cause back pain during menstruation. For example, the uterus deviates to the back. With menstrual bleeding, it increases slightly and affects the nerve endings. This is the source of pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar spine.
  3. If a woman has a genital infection, her back also begins to hurt during menstruation. This contributes to the exacerbation of inflammation.
  4. The use of intrauterine contraceptives often causes back pain during menstruation. Not all women can use such funds. Therefore, they should think about changing them. Lower back pain - perhaps this is the initial signal for the development of serious diseases of the female genital organs due to an improperly selected contraceptive.
  5. During menstruation, water balance may be disturbed. The genitourinary system swells due to the resulting stagnation of fluid, which leads to pain in the lower back and causes discomfort.
  6. Some representatives of the weaker sex have to constantly lift weights. This will definitely affect the body. Excessive load gradually leads to the prolapse of the uterus, which will affect more significant pain manifestations.

The causes of pain during menstruation are too different. Some of them are a natural process, while others are a signal of a failure in health. If you do not deal with this yourself, then you should visit a doctor. Only a doctor can properly diagnose the disease and prescribe the right treatment.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

Pain in the lower back during menstruation can be of a different nature. A woman should understand in which case she should immediately consult a doctor. The following symptoms can become such signals:

  • lower back pain lasts a long time and is very severe;
  • during menstruation, the body temperature rises significantly, the woman is shivering, severe weakness sets in;
  • sore joints;
  • taking painkillers does not relieve severe pain in the abdomen, lower back and throughout the back;
  • discharge from the genitals exude an unpleasant odor;
  • when urinating, a woman experiences discomfort and discomfort;
  • menstrual bleeding is too heavy;
  • during menstruation, a woman feels severe itching in the groin area.

Pain is not a disease, it is a signal that something is wrong in the body.

A woman can experience such symptoms with infertility, with ectopic pregnancy, with various inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

But only a doctor can diagnose the disease.

Pain in the lower back during menstruation, which does not stop for a long time, is an alarm signal. The doctor will refer the patient to an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity, ovaries and fallopian tubes. After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will begin the course of treatment.

Treatment of the problem

Many women take painkillers to relieve pain. It helps for a while, the pain goes away. But the very cause that causes such a state does not disappear. You should find out why discomfort appears during menstruation, and treat the disease itself. But painkillers won't hurt. Therefore, they can relieve pain.

You can truly get rid of the pain syndrome only after finding out the cause that caused it. The doctor prescribes a course of therapy. Self-medication is not recommended.

But if the back hurts during menstruation, then a woman can help herself by other means:

  1. You can massage active points daily. Such actions will relieve stress, restore the functioning of the endocrine system, and balance the hormonal background. But massage should be done regularly. This will take time, but the effect of pain medication is much less than that of a massage.
  2. 2 weeks before the onset of menstruation, it is recommended to perform special physical exercises. They will not become burdensome for the body, and the result will affect quite quickly - lower back pain during menstruation will weaken and gradually disappear altogether.
  3. A change in diet will help improve the condition. You should reconsider your diet, excluding fatty and salty foods, alcoholic beverages from it.
  4. During menstruation, a woman should avoid heavy loads in order to give the muscles of the abdominal cavity and spine a rest. At this time, they need to be in a relaxed and calm state. These muscles are located next to the body of the uterus.
  5. Sugary carbonated drinks cause fermentation in the abdominal cavity. It can also cause pain in the abdomen and lower back. Harmful intake of soda and stomach.

Do not forget about traditional medicine. Her simple advice often helps in different situations. If during menstruation the lower back hurts, then dry warmth and rest can be provided to the back. This will take the pain away for a while.

If the pain does not go away, then a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided. It is necessary to seek help from a specialist and get rid of the true cause of discomfort. In serious situations, homemade recipes will not help.

A few gymnastic exercises that can help

Before performing gymnastic exercises, it is advisable to find out exactly why the lower back and abdomen hurt during menstrual bleeding. Sometimes you can do harm by performing some actions, and not alleviate the painful condition.

Light exercise can reduce pain. Exercises will not burden the body too much and will not take up precious time (and you should not spare it for your own health). Not only the back, but the whole body, these exercises will benefit, improve muscle tone.

To perform the first exercise, you need to lie on your stomach. Put your palms under you, after clenching them into fists. Rest your forehead on the floor. Bring your legs together and do not unclench them during the exercise. Inhale, hold your breath, raise your legs brought together. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Breathe deeply and calmly. Lower your legs slowly.

For the second exercise, you should lie on your back. Bend both legs at the knees. Place your palms under your lower back. Swing your knees for 2 minutes in both directions alternately - to the right, to the left. Watch your breathing - it should be even, calm. Breathe deeply. Lower your hands down, under the buttocks. Continue to breathe in the same spirit. Finish swinging your knees from side to side. Begin to alternately pull them up to the chin and lower them. After completing the exercise, straighten the body. Place your hands on your stomach. Lie down in this relaxed state for 1-2 minutes. Follow calm breathing.

If the lower back hurts during menstruation, then these exercises should be performed regularly and a few days before menstruation. They are not difficult, do not require a lot of time.

But if your back or stomach hurts too much during menstruation, then you need to consult a specialist. The doctor will refer the patient for tests and other types of diagnostics, identify the disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

Natural processes take place in the female body every month. Menstruation helps to prepare again for a possible pregnancy. It would seem that everything that happens during menstruation should also be a natural process. But then why does the back hurt during menstruation? Is this a kind of normal reaction of the body to what is happening on critical days? Let's look at all these painful processes, what causes them and how to deal with them.

The female body becomes very sensitive at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. This is due to various biological processes, into which there is not much point. The main thing to understand is that pain receptors become more sensitive. It turns out that previously unnoticed pain during menstruation begins to cause real discomfort.

If the uterus is tilted back for various physiological reasons, the woman will be prone to various pains, not only in the abdomen and lower back (found everywhere), but also throughout the back.

Two out of three women regularly experience pain in the back and lower back during menstruation.

If your back hurts during menstruation, this can be either a normal reaction of the female body on critical days or a signal of a serious illness. Most often, the lower back aches, and pains along the entire back are rarer, one might say an atypical situation. How pronounced problems are with the back depends on the duration, frequency and intensity of pain.

What can cause back pain during menstruation

Do not wonder if your back can hurt during menstruation. During this period, anything can hurt. Consider the most popular causes of such pain.

  1. Hormonal imbalance is common at the beginning of the cycle. It is fraught with the appearance of various pains.
  2. With an increase in the amount of estrogen hormones in the female body, menstruation begins to flow more and more painfully. Therefore, the back may begin to ache, which was not there before.
  3. An imbalance between prostaglandins and sex hormones usually leads to pain in the lower abdomen. However, due to the specifics of the body, pain syndromes can go to the back.
  4. Back pain during menstruation can occur due to pathology of the uterus.
  5. Inflammation of the genitourinary system in some cases can cause aching sensations in the back and lower back.
  6. The water balance is disturbed. The fluid does not leave the body as it should, which causes swelling of the tissues.

There are other reasons that can provoke back pain during menstruation. If the pain does not go away, but intensifies, then you should consult a doctor. Also, a doctor's consultation may be required in cases where the back continues to hurt after the end of menstruation.

A striking example is the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which is impossible to diagnose by yourself. Because of such problems, the back also hurts during menstruation. Associated syndromes usually present, such as nausea with vomiting, poor sleep, and weight loss.

Other causes of pain

Although the back began to hurt around the same time that menstruation began, but this may not be interconnected. It should be understood what causes back pain that is not related to the female cycle:

  • excessive muscle load. If the back hurts, then in 85% of cases this is due to the load on the spinal muscles. Problems arise not only when lifting weights, but also because of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • intervertebral hernia. It usually occurs in older people. Without a special study, it will not be possible to identify it;
  • compression fracture is rare, and most often such a diagnosis is made in older people;
  • other rare diseases that cause chronic back pain. During menstruation, the pain just intensifies.

Certain muscle groups can hurt due to excessive exercise.

Having figured out why the back hurts during menstruation, it's time to think about treatment.

When you need a doctor

It should be clearly understood that there are situations when you can cope on your own, but if you need a doctor, then you should not self-medicate. Seeking medical attention is mandatory in the following situations.

  1. The pain intensifies every day and does not go away with menstruation.
  2. The bleeding became more intense.
  3. If your back hurts a lot during menstruation, and painkillers help only for a while.
  4. Back pain is accompanied by high fever, chills, sweating, aching muscles or joints.
  5. In addition to pain, there are symptoms of infection (itching, strange discharge, strange smell, problems with urination, discomfort in the genital tract).

First you need to go to the gynecologist, and he will already determine what additional examinations will need to be done.

What to do with pain

A woman must think about what to do if her back hurts during menstruation. It is extremely important to understand that pain is a manifestation of some kind of problem, so painkillers only eliminate the symptom for a while. You can go one of the following ways:

  • take prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors;
  • use various hormonal drugs;
  • use antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • use sedatives;
  • engage in non-malignant treatment.

If it was decided not to wait out the back pain, but to do something about it, then you should definitely consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself even more.

Nature has so determined that it is a woman who is destined to endure a maximum of pain in her entire life: during childbirth, during menstruation, during stress, with gynecological diseases. Menstruation is a natural cycle for a woman, but it is rarely painless. Only a few do not wonder why the lower back hurts during menstruation, because they are lucky: “these” days pass calmly and without pain. Most women suffer from aching, jerking pains either in the lower abdomen or in the lower back itself.

Most of all, those who have not yet given birth complain of such back pain. Some experts explain this by the fact that the uterus opens and a semblance of childbirth occurs. Indeed, sometimes the pains are cramping in nature and can be quite aggressive. However, if the lower back hurts during menstruation, it is necessary to identify the cause. In medicine, there is such a thing as irradiation. This means that pain as a symptom can be anywhere, while the primary focus will be in a completely different place. So, during menstruation, any of the pathologies can be detected.

It must also be said that there are amazing anomalies. For example, there were several cases when girls came to an appointment with complaints of back pain during critical days. At the same time, menstruation was on time, without delay. The only feature was the scarcity of blood. As a result, it turned out that the girl was in a position, and this despite the fact that there had been no manifestations before.

During ovulation, the lower back hurts in many girls and women. Sometimes the hormonal background changes under the influence of external factors and lower back pain is replaced by soreness of the chest, especially the nipples. The female body is unique, therefore, with severe pain, the opinion of a gynecologist and, at a minimum, ultrasound of the female organs is necessary.

Pain in the lower back during menstruation can be caused by various reasons:

  • heredity;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathologies in the structure and position of the uterus: curvature, bends, twists;
  • inflammation in the uterus or ovaries;
  • embedded spiral.

In general, putting a spiral as a means of protection has become a popular way. However, rarely does anyone understand that the spiral is a foreign object. The body perceives it as a normal implant and may not accept it. As a result, the uterus rejects the spiral, bleeding opens. In other cases, the spiral can grow into living tissue, which will provoke inflammation, suppuration. In both cases, there may be pain during ovulation, extending to the coccyx, back, and groin. Even a successful spiral that has taken root correctly can cause active contractions of muscle tissue, which provokes pain during menstruation.

The lower back hurts on such days and when changes or disturbances occur in the hormonal background. If there are fibroids or tumors in the uterus, this can also cause pain. The formation of cysts on the ovaries can trigger an inflammatory process involving the uterus. Various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system can serve as factors for the appearance of pain in the lower back during menstruation.

Another reason is premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This syndrome appears about ten days before the first day. The symptoms of PMS are very diverse, from physiological malaise to mental disorder. Back pain in this case is just one of the many symptoms.

This syndrome has a whole list of symptoms and signs, in addition to lower back pain:

  1. headaches;
  2. change of mood;
  3. activity or passivity in relation to the partner;
  4. rashes of any kind on the skin;
  5. nausea, false toxicosis;
  6. drowsiness;
  7. convulsions;
  8. temperature jumps;
  9. confused speech.

PMS is tolerated differently by each, it usually ends on the very first day from the beginning of the menstruation itself. However, some symptoms may persist until the process is completely terminated.

Drawing pains as a sign of pregnancy

Normally, menstruation begins around the same day of each month. But sometimes failures occur, for example, against the background of severe stress. In this case, the cycle may shift, there is a delay. But it also happens that menstruation should already go, but they are not there, and at the same time, the lower back is strongly pulled. This is an alarming sign that indirectly indicates serious disorders or the presence of pregnancy.

The main signs that can tell about pregnancy during menstruation:

  • slight brown discharge;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • changes in taste sensations;
  • pain in the pelvis or uterus;
  • "lumbago" in the uterus;
  • increased sensitivity of the breast, in particular, the nipples.

Additionally, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness joins. But there is such a definition in medicine as false pregnancy. This is a condition that may also cause lower back pain, discharge like a menstrual “daub”. However, the pregnancy itself will not be available.

Experts believe that if menstruation occurs on time, there are no significant time shifts, then these days pass with minimal pain. It is hard for those who have not yet given birth or have not become pregnant at all.

Very often, pain occurs against the background of water imbalance, especially if any type of diabetes is present. If you consume a lot of fluid, but during the day it does not leave the body, internal and external tissues inevitably swell. Edema can touch any part of the tissue, which will cause pain in the legs, lower back during critical days.
You need to understand that the genitourinary system is one and therefore it is vulnerable to infections.

In most cases, such pain occurs:

  1. with endometriosis;
  2. myoma;
  3. infertility;
  4. improper pregnancy (intrauterine);
  5. infection, more often descending, in the urinary tract;
  6. spiral protection.

In some cases, the problem lies in the anatomical features of the structure of the uterus.. For example, if it is arched or deflected towards the back, there is pressure on the nerve roots. There is a more complex pathology in which the uterus is infantile (underdeveloped). Infantilism here may be a birth defect, or may be due to early age.

Lower back pain during ovulation can be due to active contractions of the uterus itself. Some women do not feel these contractions, but others experience excruciating pain with every contractile movement. It is especially difficult for those who have high sensitivity: their pain receptors react more sharply.
This receptor response can be enhanced by hormonal balance, which changes with age. For example, after the age of 35, the value of estrogen and prostaglandins sharply increases in the body, and this is directly related to increased pain. There are women who naturally have an overabundance of these hormones. Without treatment and attempts to equalize the indicators, the situation will only worsen. These hormones are needed to force the uterus to contract. And the more there are at the time of menstruation, the more such contractions and the pain only grows.

Three out of five women experience lower back pain during their period. Every month they feel how pain receptors give their response to the contraction of the abdominal muscles. Aching pains in the lower abdomen and lower back appear even before the onset of menstruation, and sometimes continue after them. Menstrual pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is medically called dysmenorrhea. Why this condition appears during menstruation, and how to alleviate the symptoms, will become known after a detailed diagnosis.

The main reasons may be the following:

  • Constant spasm of the muscles of the pelvis and belt;
  • Inflammation and swelling of the internal female organs;
  • Unnatural hormonal changes.

Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea

Most often, the answer to the question of why the lower back begins to hurt during menstruation lies in the peculiarities of the position of the uterus. If the uterus is located closer to the spine, then its changes during menstruation can affect the nerves in this area. There are pains in the lower back during menstruation. For the same reason, the stomach can hurt. Infectious diseases and related inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system can also become a source of back pain during menstruation.

Secondary congenital dysmenorrhea is a phenomenon in which a woman experiences menstrual pain due to the fact that the uterus was not initially formed correctly. The organ from birth is bent or has rudimentary processes.

This also includes the pathology of the double uterus. Acquired secondary dysmenorrhea occurs due to chronic inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, oncological processes and fibroids, and serious hormonal problems. These situations are more specific and require a more thorough medical approach.

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Hormonal background

The result is chronic contractions of the uterine muscles, which vaguely resembles childbirth. If a woman suffers from increased sensitivity of the nerves, the pain during such contractions can be very severe.

If the thyroid gland begins to show excessive activity, the general hormonal background is seriously affected, which becomes a source of insomnia and pulling back pain.

With age, the level of estrogen in a woman's body becomes higher. on critical days.

Another hormone, progesterone, causes similar symptoms. This hormone is normally responsible for the development of pregnancy processes, but if during another period its concentration rises abnormally, it also causes spasms of the uterine muscles, and as a result, the lower back hurts during menstruation. Intrauterine contraceptives can be a source of pain that pulls in the lumbosacral region. A foreign body in the uterus causes irritation of the nerves and activates the synthesis of progesterone.

Water metabolism disorder

The disturbed water level in the female body can make the lower back ache during menstruation. If moisture does not leave the tissues on time and in the proper volume, puffiness appears, which also puts pressure on the nerves and causes pain during menstruation.

In some cases, the result can be a sudden appearance of excess weight. If moisture accumulates very quickly, the spine experiences a sharply increased load, the muscles supporting it begin to tighten more and cause pain. To prevent swelling, use diuretics, but do not forget to consult a gynecologist.

To understand why during the cycle there are back pain during menstruation, you need to visit a gynecologist, and then, if necessary, a urologist, traumatologist and other doctors.

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Sometimes it turns out that menstrual back pain is not related to women's health at all and is the result of neurological pathology. In addition, the problem may lie in pleurisy or kidney disease. Hormonal disorders may or may not be observed. Such diagnostic difficulties arise because the body of a woman during menstruation is activated, and all problems come out.

If pain occurs after critical days, immediately visit a doctor and demand a complete diagnosis, since such symptoms often indicate serious problems, such as:

  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • tumor or cyst;
  • Hemorrhage in the ovaries.

Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea

If the diagnosis revealed inflammation of the gynecological organs, focus only on the advice of a specialist, forget about self-treatment. The side effects of some anti-inflammatory drugs will only cause more harm. When it hurts a lot during critical days, you should not, like many women, drink analgin or no-shpu in large quantities. They will only mask your problem for a few hours. There are also stronger medications.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Drugs such as nimesil, ibuprofen and diclofenac not only help to cope with the symptoms, but also have a therapeutic effect. NPS temporarily reduce the production of those hormones that create excessive tension in the uterine muscles. It is desirable to use them either the first three days of menstruation, or a couple of days before their onset. It is permissible to use anesthetics based on paracetamol. Do not forget about the side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - gastric and intestinal ulcers, cardiac problems, drug-induced hepatitis.

Combined oral contraceptives

Such drugs affect the hormonal background of a woman, reducing the level of progesterone leading to muscle spasms. The uterine endometrium also becomes thinner, the excess thickness of which is often just the source of heavy and painful periods.

Do not abuse oral contraceptives, because their illiterate and frequent use can provoke infertility or breast cancer.

Self massage

What should I do if the side effects of these medications cause concern, but my back pain does not go away during menstruation? It will be useful to perform relaxing exercises: lying face up, bend your knees, and place your palms under the lower back. Bend your knees in different directions for a couple of minutes. Then place your palms under your buttocks and breathe deeply into your belly.

Influence active points. They are below the navel - one at a distance of two, the other at a distance of four fingers. You will be able to understand that it is them by the greatest sensitivity. Apply pressure to each of them for a couple of minutes, remembering to breathe deeply.

Painful ovulation

Ovulation is an important moment of the monthly cycle, during which some girls also experience discomfort and pain in the lumbosacral or abdominal region. This phenomenon is called ovulatory syndrome.

Unpleasant sensations can be as follows:

  • Constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Sensations resembling pulling menstrual pains;
  • Pain localized to the right in the abdomen;
  • Ejected blood clots.

If such symptoms are haunting, perhaps their source is a rupture of the follicle wall and a small amount of blood entering the abdominal cavity. The blood irritates the tissues and the girl feels pain. However, if the ovulatory syndrome does not repeat itself over and over again and does not cause sharp pain, there is nothing to worry about. This is just a signal that the most successful time for conception has come. What should be remembered by young couples who dream of becoming parents.