Svetlana Fus’s diet is a competent approach to the problem. Proper nutrition according to Svetlana Fus: menu for the week

Nutritionist Svetlana Fus is known for her unique nutrition system, which allows thousands of people suffering from excess weight to lose weight and regain their health. Svetlana Fus has a higher medical education and has been working in the gastroenterology department for more than fifteen years, which means her advice on proper nutrition is based on scientific facts. In addition, the author of the diet itself, using her technique, lost a large number of extra pounds, which once again confirms the effectiveness of her weight loss system.

Nutritionist Svetlana Fus

According to Svetlana Fus, the human body is a complex mechanism within which it is easy to upset the balance. Therefore, the nutritionist strongly recommends against losing weight seasonally, exposing the body to severe stress, and eating only healthy foods so that extra pounds are not deposited on the figure.

What is the essence of Svetlana Fus’s weight loss method?

Svetlana herself always emphasizes that the weight loss system she developed cannot be called a diet, because it does not have the deadlines and specific rules inherent in strict diets. It is rather a special balanced nutrition system that turns into a lifestyle.

Moreover, the author of the technique insists that various diets, especially hungry ones, are extremely harmful, since they significantly slow down metabolic processes in the body, worsen the biochemical composition of the blood and negatively affect appearance. The nutritionist immediately warns that you should not expect quick results from the nutritional system she has compiled, because the faster the result, the higher the likelihood of side effects. Optimal weight loss is no more than 2 kg per week.

Svetlana Fus in the kitchen

The daily calorie content of Svetlana Fus’s system is a maximum of 2000 calories, ideally you need to keep it to 1500 calories. At the same time, the critical minimum calories for women is 1200 per day. That is, in fact, the nutritionist suggests losing weight by significantly limiting the calories you get from food.

But the author of the method allows for one amendment: if a person leads an active lifestyle or plays sports several times a week, then the diet can be increased by 400 calories per day. This is necessary not only to maintain the necessary energy supply, but also to build muscles, which in the future will help burn calories more efficiently.

Svetlana Fus offers a number of rules with the help of which it will be easier to bring your weight back to normal, both from a physiological and psychological point of view.

  • Hearty breakfast. To start all processes in the body, a person needs a complete breakfast, consisting of complex carbohydrates and proteins. The ideal option is in combination with nuts, dried fruits or low-fat cottage cheese. They are also considered an excellent breakfast option in any form, and there should always be 1-2 more whites than yolks. As a complex carbohydrate in a protein breakfast, you can use whole grain bread or black bread without sugar and yeast. At the same time, the nutritionist does not advise forcing yourself to eat breakfast. If the morning meal is difficult, then you can replace it with a cup of coffee with biscuits, and eat a full meal a few hours later, as soon as the desire arises. An important condition: before lunch you need to eat two times, albeit in small portions.
  • Tea and coffee on an empty stomach are prohibited. Svetlana Fus’s own research has shown that strong tea drunk on an empty stomach can aggravate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis, ulcers and bulbitis. In addition to irritating the mucous membrane, drinking tea on an empty stomach can disrupt the acid balance of the stomach and worsen the digestive process during the day. Therefore, it is better to drink a cup of warm tea an hour after eating. The same goes for coffee. If the desire to drink a drink is great, then it is better to eat whole grain toast along with coffee.
  • Fractional meals. Strict adherence to five small meals a day ensures optimal metabolic rate and the necessary amount of energy throughout the day. The daily diet should be structured in such a way that the heaviest meal of the day is breakfast or lunch, and the lightest meal is dinner. An acute feeling of hunger during the day is unacceptable. At the same time, the author of the method believes that dinner can be periodically replaced with a fermented milk drink, especially if a little more was eaten during the day than allowed.
  • No fasting days. Svetlana Fus considers new-fangled trends that are promoted as a way to lose weight to be absurd. The fact is that the body deprived of food not only experiences stress, but also perceives fasting as a signal for emergency accumulation of fats in the depot, since there is a risk to life. After a fasting day, the body again receives food and, as a rule, in greater quantities than usual. The stomach stretches, the relaxed pancreas begins to work hard to digest food, mobilizing all its strength. According to the nutritionist, the problem with fasting days is that a person is not always able to resist the temptation to eat plenty after a fasting day, which is why the whole body suffers. As a result, instead of losing a kilogram or two, more weight is gained.
  • Late dinner is allowed. Surprisingly, Svetlana Fus believes that starving yourself after six o’clock in the evening is not at all necessary, because many people at this time are just coming home after a working day and, naturally, want to have a snack. The main thing in this matter is the size and calorie content of portions. The best choice for a late dinner should be protein foods, such as low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, chicken fillet or low-fat fish. The only condition is to finish eating four hours before bedtime, so as not to overload the body during the night's rest.
  • You can't wash down your food. This fact is not new, but Svetlana Fus scientifically confirmed it. According to the nutritionist, after research it turned out that people who drink tea with food have a lack of vitamins and microelements. The fact is that the tannin contained in tea prevents the proper absorption of many beneficial substances, thus disrupting the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, you are allowed to drink only an hour or two after eating, when most of the vitamins are absorbed.
  • With age, it is necessary to change the principles of nutrition. To maintain a healthy body weight, it is important to take into account the age-related needs of the body. For example, after fifty years, the amount of chromium in the body decreases sharply, which primarily affects the level of glucose in the blood. The higher your blood sugar, the faster fat accumulates. In addition to obesity, impaired glucose tolerance threatens the development of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is important to limit the amount of simple carbohydrates in old age. The nutritionist advises that after sixty years of age, switch to an almost vegetarian diet, reducing the load on the digestive tract.

Sample menu for the day

The author of the weight loss system herself has adhered to the presented daily menu for many years, thanks to which her weight is normal. You can vary the menu to your liking: replace chicken fillet with lean meat or lean fish, and the presented vegetables and fruits with any others (except potatoes and bananas).

Breakfast: a small portion of oatmeal with cottage cheese and frozen fruit. A cup of coffee or green tea.

Lunch: two . A cup of herbal or black tea.

Dinner: steamed chicken fillet with coleslaw. A glass of freshly squeezed apple and carrot juice.

Afternoon snack: several slices of hard cheese with a fat content of up to 45%. A glass of low-fat natural yogurt.

Dinner: a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese with chopped herbs. A cup of tea.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet from Svetlana Fus

The main advantage of the method is the ideal balance of foods and the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. With the help of this system, you can not only return your body weight to normal levels, but also maintain a healthy weight throughout your life.

Another advantage of the technique is undoubtedly the wide selection of products and the absence of strict restrictions. The possibility of a late dinner will especially appeal to people whose working day ends later than usual.

Among the disadvantages of Svetlana Fus’s nutritional system, one can highlight the low calorie content of the daily diet, which is definitely not suitable for people engaged in heavy physical labor, since it will not be able to adequately replenish their energy reserves. Also, this weight loss technique may be too difficult for people with a very high body mass index (above 30), since the body of such people will not be able to function normally with such a low daily calorie intake.

Are you desperate to fight excess weight to no avail? Then it’s time to learn everything about Svetlana Fus’s diet: 1 week of restrictions will not only move the scales downward, but will also introduce healthy eating habits into your life. The knowledge and experience of this well-known nutritionist in Russia and neighboring countries will help you restore slimness and beauty without harm to your body.

The main principles of proper nutrition from Svetlana Fus

In order to lose weight by 10, 20 or even 50 kg, you must strictly adhere to the basic rules of the diet.

  1. Eat a variety of foods. Your diet should be rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day. Coffee gourmets can afford 3-4 cups of coffee (provided they completely avoid tea).
  2. Monitor the calorie content of your daily menu (1500-2000 kcal).
  3. Follow the principle of fractional meals. Eat 5 times a day.
  4. Eat vegetables, fruits, grains and berries every day.
  5. Carbohydrate-rich foods should be enjoyed in the first half of the day.
  6. Boil or steam fish and meat. Occasionally they can be baked in the oven (in their own juice).
  7. Allow yourself light snacks.

note! You can forget about the problem of excess weight only by completely reconsidering your eating behavior. To do this, you will have to learn to eat right without breakdowns and excesses.

The effectiveness of the diet is confirmed by the appearance of its author

Diet of Svetlana Fus 1 week: main advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the diet are as follows:

  1. Efficiency . The first results of weight loss will be noticeable within a week. Following the rules of the diet will allow you to get rid of 4 to 6.5 kg per month.
  2. Safety . A balanced diet has a positive effect on the health and appearance of those who want to lose weight.
  3. No contraindications. The diet is aimed not only at absolutely healthy people. If you have a history of serious illnesses or chronic illnesses, be sure to consult with your doctor before starting a weight loss course.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. An impressive list of prohibited products. The diet is especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth and gourmets.
  2. Low calorie diet. This disadvantage of the food system is most often noted by those people who are accustomed to excesses in food.
  3. Slow rate of weight loss. To lose weight, one desire is not enough; you need to completely change your lifestyle and eating habits. Only this will help you get rid of extra pounds forever.

Don’t stuff yourself with food on a schedule, wait until you have an appetite

Ideal breakfast products, according to Svetlana Fus, are: porridge with dried fruits and nuts, stewed vegetables and meat, cheese or eggs. Dishes should be warm, nutritious and high in calories. This will satisfy your morning hunger. Fruits and yoghurts can be used as a second breakfast.

The lunch menu should include protein (meat, poultry or fish) and vegetables. Dishes can be prepared using a small amount of vegetable oil.

For an afternoon snack, any fermented milk product with the addition of dried fruits or nuts is suitable. During the evening meal, you can eat vegetable stew or porridge with stewed liver.

Important ! The daily energy value of food for women should not be less than 1200 kcal. This indicator depends on various factors and is individual in nature. To calculate the approximate calorie intake, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Approximate daily diet menu for Svetlana Fus (1 week):

  • First breakfast: buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese
  • Second breakfast: baked apple, nuts
  • Lunch: borscht with sour cream, vegetable stew with mushrooms and lean boiled meat
  • Afternoon snack: 200 g fermented milk product with dried fruits
  • Dinner: steamed fish cutlets, boiled vegetables, seaweed salad, a slice of grain bread

Enjoy food and lose extra pounds

Secrets of beauty and health from a celebrity nutritionist

By a person's appearance, you can judge how well he eats. Following the principles of the diet allows you to keep your skin, hair and nails in excellent condition even during a seasonal lack of vitamins and microelements. Reasonable consumption of plant foods rich in beta-carotene in the winter-spring period is an excellent prevention of the development of depressive conditions and prevents the deterioration of your complexion.

Protein foods (eggs, fish, dairy products) are actively involved in collagen synthesis. It provides muscle tone, preventing skin sagging during weight loss. Moderate physical activity can also improve microcirculation in the skin. Svetlana Fus's diet is ideally combined with a visit to a fitness class, gym, swimming pool, cycling and walking.

In addition, it is necessary to completely stop smoking, since nicotine not only worsens the condition of the skin, but also interferes with the proper absorption of vitamins.

Live vitamins will help keep your hair healthy and shiny. They are found in large quantities in fresh fruits and berries. In winter, cabbage, beets and fruits pre-frozen in the freezer will help make up for their deficiency. To avoid gaining weight over the winter, try to make the basis of your diet consist of vegetables and fruits, and not fatty foods.

Following a physiological drinking regime (about 2 liters of fluid per day) will also help maintain health and attractiveness. It is worth noting that properly organized nutrition can reduce this norm to 1.5 liters per day. If you eat dry food, then you need to drink at least 3 liters of water.

Apples are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. In winter they can be replaced with citrus fruits

Feast: you can’t refuse to eat

Should you take part in the belly celebrations or sadly chew a leaf of lettuce while watching friends and relatives gobble up the deliciousness on both cheeks? It is also necessary to monitor your diet during the holiday feast. Nutritionist Svetlana Fus recommends avoiding preparing and eating large quantities of salads dressed with mayonnaise. For a banquet, a few salads are enough, for example, arugula or cherry tomatoes with the addition of a small amount of seafood.

The ideal option for the main dish is chicken or turkey, as well as fish.

Important ! One meal should not flow smoothly into another. Meals should be interrupted by dancing, competitions or walks in the fresh air. In addition, it is better to serve dessert no earlier than 3.5 hours after eating the main course.

The main principles of eating behavior during the holidays from Svetlana Fus:

  1. Don't overeat.
  2. Observe moderation in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Remember - the World Health Organization considers the following doses of alcoholic drinks harmless to the human body:

  • strong alcohol: men – 50 g, women – 25 g;
  • dry wines: no more than 250-300 g.

In addition, it is better to avoid cocktails, especially those that contain sugary carbonated drinks and juices.

Enzymes should be used to improve digestion and cure hangovers only in cases of urgent need.

Eat rationally and your weight will always be normal

Basic requirements for changing a person’s eating behavior with age

Age-related changes in the human body lead to a slowdown of all processes, incl. exchange. To avoid weight problems, you need to take your diet seriously. To do this, it is recommended to significantly reduce the amount of fatty and high-calorie foods in your daily diet. Nutritionist S. Fus recommends that older people adhere to an almost vegetarian lifestyle. The only acceptable deviation in the diet is the presence of fish, eggs and dairy products.

It is worth noting that in older age there is a decrease in the amount of chromium in the body of all people. This element is associated with glucose tolerance. Therefore, it is necessary to eat less sweet foods, which are difficult for the body to accept. They can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity, which significantly complicates the condition of women during menopause and menopause. Do not overload your gastrointestinal tract with homemade baked goods - your body spends a lot of energy on digesting them.

Stay in shape no matter the age stated on your passport

Try Svetlana Fus’s weight loss technique from your own experience. It will help you lose extra pounds and maintain optimal weight without strict restrictions, stress and harm to your health. Be slim, beautiful and happy!

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, weight loss are some of the most popular topics today. All kinds of diets, examples of fasting days, sets of exercises, healthy eating rules are of interest to thousands of women who want to find their dream figure.

Where can I get the necessary information? Some people listen to the advice of friends and acquaintances, others look for useful advice in magazines, books, and the Internet, because few people can afford a personal nutritionist. Fortunately, many famous nutritionists are willing to share their secrets with a wider audience.

Principles of nutrition by Svetlana Fus

Thus, the famous nutritionist Svetlana Viktorovna Fus happily talks about the principles of proper nutrition that help keep yourself in shape. This is important not only for those who want to lose extra pounds, but also for those who want to always remain cheerful, healthy and young.

However, of course, the main purpose of visiting a nutritionist is always the desire to achieve an ideal body shape.

And the main rule in this matter, of course, is a balanced diet and regular physical activity. A big mistake of those who want to lose weight faster is a sharp reduction in the amount of food consumed. Svetlana Fus, like other nutritionists, talks about the dangers of rapid weight loss and severe dietary restrictions.

For normal functioning of the body, a person needs proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as minerals. Therefore, you need to eat, but wisely, excluding unhealthy foods like fast food, fatty, fried foods, large amounts of sweets and starchy foods.

Svetlana Fus gives general recommendations to everyone who wants to get slim: eat small meals five or six times a day, drink enough water, eat a lot of plant foods containing fiber.

In addition, a famous nutritionist talks about the benefits of certain foods in losing weight. For example, beans, especially green beans, are a very valuable product for health and slimness. It contains vegetable protein and dietary fiber, the digestion of which requires the body to spend a lot of energy, which contributes to the loss of extra pounds.

Recipes by Svetlana Fus

For those who find it difficult to create their own diet, Svetlana Fus’s recipes will be a good help. So, an excellent healthy and nutritious dish would be chicken with beans and spinach, soup with lentils and ginger, steamed fish with vegetables, vegetable omelet, fruit salad with natural yogurt, homemade oatmeal cookies.

The nutritionist also advises widely using avocado dishes in your diet, which can be used in salads and sandwiches. For example, Svetlana Fus recommends tomato salad with avocado, sweet pepper and basil, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. Nutritious, tasty and healthy.

However, eating right does not mean using only dietary recipes. You can turn almost any dish into a healthy one by replacing some ingredients.

For example, it is not at all necessary to deny yourself desserts. Svetlana Fus offers a recipe for a healthy cake that will not harm your figure.

Instead of the usual sponge cake with sugar and wheat flour, she suggests oatmeal and bananas. A cream made from low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream with a small amount of sugar and vanilla sugar will help give the cake an unforgettable taste. You can add fruits or berries for filling and decoration.

It should be noted that all of Svetlana Fus’s recipes are quite simple and anyone can do them. She calls for giving up the usual combinations of fried potatoes and meat, tea and cakes, and diversifying and expanding your diet. After all, all the proposed rules and recipes allow you to prepare tasty, healthy and satisfying food.

Video on the topic of the article

To lose extra pounds, it is enough to organize proper nutrition for weight loss; the weekly menu from Svetlana Fus, which is presented below, will help you cope with this task.

Svetlana Fus developed proper nutrition for the “Zvazheni and Happiness” program. The results of many participants were simply amazing. What is the secret of such success? According to Svetlana, in order to get rid of extra pounds and gain a beautiful, slender figure, it is not necessary to go on strict diets and starve yourself. It is enough to normalize your diet and stick to this diet for at least 4 weeks.

Svetlana Fus’ system has a number of advantages, namely:

  • no need to starve yourself;
  • inexpensive and accessible dishes;
  • balanced and varied diet;
  • no contraindications.

The advice of a nutritionist is that you need to give up those foods that are not beneficial for the human body. Such products include fried, fatty, spicy and smoked foods, as well as baked goods, canned food and pickles. When you don't get enough calories, your body begins to break down fat cells and thereby lose weight.

However, the nutritionist system also has its drawbacks. Losing excess weight in a short period of time will not be possible. Svetlana Fus's diet is absolutely harmless and has no contraindications in the presence of diseases.

With the kilograms comes the extra centimeters. The circumference of the hips and waist decreases. If you follow the recommendations of a nutritionist, you can lose about 500-600 g in 1 day. The main weight loss occurs in the first week, so don’t be upset if your numbers become lower in the second week. You can lose 6-8 kg in 2 weeks.

As for calories, Svetlana’s diet does not exceed 1700 kcal. Due to this, the body receives all the necessary nutrients and beneficial substances.

Menu from a nutritionist

Svetlana offers an affordable menu for everyone who wants to lose weight. You need to start your day with breakfast. The body uses up glycogens during the night, so you need to replenish them in the morning, otherwise your metabolism will be disrupted. You need to have breakfast with porridge, dried fruits or cottage cheese.

If you have a sweet tooth and find it difficult to give up sweets, then try to eat them in the morning. Nutritionist Svetlana recommends replacing baked goods with dark chocolate. The daily norm is about 30 g.

For second breakfast, you can eat a small piece of cheese and drink a cup of tea or coffee. Svetlana Fus recommends introducing vegetables into the menu. They are especially useful if the work is based on physical labor.

It's no secret that the human body consists of 70% water. For the normal functioning of all its systems, this level must be maintained. Therefore, try to drink about 1.5 liters of water per day. Svetlana Fus repeatedly encountered this problem on the project, when program participants did not lose weight due to lack of fluid in the body.

For lunch, you can steam meat or fish with a small portion of fresh vegetable salad. According to Svetlana Fus’ system, week 1 is considered the most productive. Therefore, if you want to get rid of extra pounds, follow all the recommendations of a nutritionist.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat cottage cheese casserole and drink a glass of low-fat kefir. The number of meals per day should be at least 5. The final meal should be no later than 19:00. You can have dinner with buckwheat porridge on water or baked vegetables. The calorie content of dinner should be no more than 20% of the total diet for the day, otherwise the organs of the gastrointestinal tract will be under a lot of stress.

The menu of the second week is aimed at consolidating the results. You can include steamed omelet, greens, grapefruit, low-fat borscht, stewed meat and compote in your diet.

Svetlana’s diet is available to everyone who wants to lose weight. However, many, despite the simplicity of the menu, make many mistakes and stop losing weight.

At first, sticking to such a menu may be a difficult task, but after 5-7 days the body adapts to the changes. The process of losing weight according to the system from Svetlana Fus is comfortable for the body. For many people who are losing weight, proper nutrition from Svetlana, after achieving the desired result, becomes a habit that they continue to observe for the rest of their lives.

The advice of a nutritionist can be combined with physical activity. In this case, the extra pounds will go away much faster. Svetlana Fus recommends eliminating sugar from your diet, as it carries empty calories. In addition, sugar is a kind of drug. If you eat a lot of sugar, the body does not have time to process it, as a result of which the product turns into fat deposits.

Unrefined grains will help you lose weight. They remove toxins and waste from the body and prevent the development of cancer. Dairy products are also considered beneficial. Give preference to low-fat kefir, milk and cottage cheese.

According to the nutritionist, lean meats must be present in the diet.

It can be rabbit, turkey, veal or white meat chicken. It is not recommended to eat meat with bread. It will be healthier to eat meat with vegetable stew.

Don't forget about berries and fruits, especially in winter. Therefore, freeze or dry the berries in advance.

The weight loss system involves split meals, so it is strictly forbidden to snack between meals. Maintain a food break between meals of at least 3.5 hours.

Cooking methods should be as healthy as possible. It is allowed to steam, stew, boil or bake in the oven.

If you adhere to these rules, then within a week the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The popular diet from Svetlana Fus is a uniquely developed nutrition system that allows many overweight people to lose weight and feel healthy. Svetlana Fus is a professional nutritionist with a higher medical education and more than 15 years of experience. She is convinced that the issue of losing weight and dietetics in general does not need any special discovery, since you can lose weight by forming a proper diet and calculating optimal physical activity.

Most people are sure that to lose weight it is necessary to give up almost all foods and eat as little as possible. Actually this is not true. In order for a person’s body and body to be healthy and beautiful, he needs to receive certain categories of products every day. The diet must include meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, and grains. Therefore, Svetlana Fus’s diet does not imply a strict diet. A nutritionist suggests taking the necessary tests to study a person’s actual diet. A person should also keep a food diary and write down all the foods that were eaten during the day and their quantity. The author's program from Svetlana Fus allows you to evaluate the rhythm of nutrition, understand which foods are digestible and which are not suitable for a particular person. Only after such research can a nutritionist formulate an individual diet that can normalize weight and improve health.

The essence of the diet from Svetlana Fus

Svetlana Fus believes that calling her method a diet is not entirely correct, since it does not have strict prohibitions, rules and deadlines. Rather, it is a balanced diet, the observance of which should become a lifestyle. In addition, the nutritionist is sure that fasting, inherent in most diets, has a negative effect on the body. This method of losing weight does not give quick results. As you know, the faster the result, the greater the likelihood of a host of side effects. If you adhere to the method and do not overload the body with grueling exercises, you can lose about two kilograms of weight per week.

The daily calorie intake per day according to Svetlana Fus’ system is 1500-2000 units. In this case, the minimum for women should be 1200 calories. In fact, weight loss occurs by limiting the number of calories consumed in food. Svetlana Fus notes that with active physical activity, a person can increase their diet by 400 calories per day. This will provide not only a supply of energy and strength, but also allow you to strengthen your muscles.

Rules for losing weight according to the method of Svetlana Fus

Svetlana Fus has compiled a number of rules that help a person lose weight as painlessly as possible for both physical and psychological health.

  • hearty breakfast;
  • prohibition of drinks on an empty stomach;
  • fractional meals;
  • prohibition of fasting;
  • late dinner;
  • age-specific nutritional principles;
  • separate food and drinks.

In the morning, a person needs a hearty breakfast for the proper functioning of the whole body. The ideal combination is and. This could be your favorite porridge with nuts or (low-fat). You can also have eggs for breakfast; they can be prepared in any form, as long as the whites are twice as large as the yolks. Carbohydrates for breakfast can be either black bread (without). You need to learn to have a full breakfast, and before lunch there should be 2 meals (in small portions).

Research by nutritionist Svetlana Fus has proven that eating on an empty stomach can cause exacerbations of stomach and intestinal diseases. In addition, these drinks can disrupt the correct acid balance, thereby worsening the digestive system. The best option is warm, weak tea or coffee 1 hour after breakfast. If it is quite difficult to give up this habit, then you should eat toast with the drink on an empty stomach.

It has long been known that it is better to eat 5 small meals a day than to eat one meal at night. Eating five meals a day in small portions helps speed up metabolism and provide the body with the necessary energy. The diet should be structured so that the heaviest meals are the first or second breakfast, and the lightest meals are dinner. If a person feels hungry, he must eat something; it is forbidden to endure hunger. At the same time, Svetlana Fus assures that dinner can be replaced with a fermented milk product, for example, if you eat more than allowed per day.

As mentioned earlier, fasting is strictly prohibited. The body, without receiving the necessary food, experiences enormous stress and is able to perceive a hunger strike as a signal that it needs to immediately accumulate. The day after the fast, the body still receives food, but often in larger quantities than usual. This helps to stretch the stomach, which will further lead to even greater absorption of food. As a result, such actions will lead to the fact that instead of losing a couple of kilograms, a person will gain a few extra ones, causing irreparable harm to health.

According to the nutritionist, it is not advisable to torture yourself with hunger after 6 pm. You can safely eat later, the main thing is to observe the portion sizes and their calories. The best option for a late dinner is low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, baked chicken fillet or low-fat fish. The most important thing is to eat no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

In order for the result of weight loss to be truly noticeable, it is important not only to follow the rules of nutrition, but also to take into account the person’s age, and, accordingly, his needs. If an elderly person, then he should limit himself in the use of simple carbohydrates, as this threatens the development of diabetes. Svetlana Fus advises people over 60 to stick to a vegetarian diet and not put a strain on the digestive system.

The last but important rule is not to drink food. It has been scientifically proven that people who drink tea with their meals have a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. Tea interferes with the proper absorption of food, thereby disrupting the functioning of the digestive tract.

It is advisable to drink tea or coffee an hour after eating.

Diet of Svetlana Fus for 7 days

Svetlana Fus has compiled several diet menu options for the week, let’s consider one of them. It is worth noting that the meals are fractional, therefore divided into 4-5 meals.



Baked fish, egg, seaweed, stewed cabbage, a piece of bread.


Squash or eggplant caviar, omelet, bread,.

Baked apples.

Vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge, stewed

Vegetables, baked salmon, bread.

Sourdough, apple compote.


Cereal flakes, kefir, raisins and nuts.

Baked apples, cottage cheese with raisins.

Stewed cabbage with mushrooms, egg.

Sourdough, dried fruit compote.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Svetlana Fus diet

The main advantage is the absence of strict prohibitions and the ideal combination of products. With this diet, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also keep it off for the rest of your life.

The disadvantage of the technique is that for an ideal result it should be adopted as a way of life, and people who do not have willpower are unable to do such a task. It is also not entirely suitable for athletes due to its low calorie content.

This diet has no contraindications; it may not be suitable for a person only in case of individual intolerance to a certain product. But nutrition allows you to easily replace a product with a similar calorie content.

The main and useful advice is proper nutrition. We need to change our attitude towards food and lifestyle. If you get used to eating right, you will never have to go on exhausting diets or go hungry again. You should definitely add moderate exercise to a balanced diet; this is useful not only for weight loss, but also for good health. However, you can eat after training only 2 hours later. To understand what a person eats every day, you should keep records and monitor the number of calories. You also need to avoid as much as possible, since it is sweet foods that often contribute to the appearance of fat deposits.

Svetlana Fus’s weight loss diet is not about strict rules and requirements. This is a nutrition system that allows you to customize the menu to suit yourself, eat healthy and tasty, without denying yourself food. Be beautiful and healthy!