How long does pregnancy last in cats of various breeds and how to find out the term? External signs of a cat's pregnancy to determine the gestational age. Behavior of a cat before childbirth

A cat in the house is a source of joy and happiness. The owners must understand that in addition to the pleasant moments of communication with the animal, there is also responsibility for its maintenance. In most cases, a furry pet becomes a mother, so it is very important for owners to know what is the gestation period for cats.

The optimal time for the birth of kittens

In order for the cat to be healthy, develop without pathologies and please with energy, it is necessary that pregnancy occurs at least once. On average, the age of reproductive readiness is observed at the age of 5-9 months, but there are other periods that depend on a number of factors:

  • body size;
  • animal weight;
  • breeds;
  • characteristics of health and development;
  • conditions of detention.

Veterinarians note that even the length of daylight hours can affect the timing of pregnancy.

Accordingly, the age when the first kittens appear in a cat can be from 3.5 months. The maximum age for first pregnancy is 1.5 years.

The readiness of the body for the mating process is expressed in characteristic change behavior - anxiety, obsession, loud purring appear, the cycle of sleep and wakefulness goes astray, appetite worsens. A posture appears, indicating puberty - the animal falls on its front paws and arches the posterior spine.

Definition of pregnancy: nuances and features

There is a nuance that owners should take into account - the duration of pregnancy in cats is on average 9 weeks, but the period is not counted from the moment of mating. The days until the moment of delivery should be counted, based on the moment of fertilization. That is why the exact timing varies and depends on individual characteristics.

Average duration gestation of kittens can be changed up or down for 5-7 days. There is nothing to worry about, since the duration of pregnancy in cats different breeds and age groups is different.

It is noted that in short-haired felines, among which are Abyssinian, Russian blue and Bombay, it is 58-68 days. At the same time, long-haired cats (Norwegian, Siberian, Masquerade) pregnancy is at least 62-72 days.

It is important to remember that if childbirth does not occur after the specified period, an immediate visit to the veterinarian will be required. You can determine for yourself that kittens will soon appear even before the moment of weight gain and characteristic visual changes - the animal becomes calm, reacts melancholy to what is happening.

Sleep takes most time, while the cat eats less, she also refuses to play and have fun in the first 7-14 days from the moment of pregnancy. In addition, there is another nuance that you should know - waiting for more than 2-3 kittens can reduce the period ( multiple pregnancy).

A domestic cat is capable of bearing offspring 1-3 times a year, but experts recommend no more than 1 time to reduce stress on the body.

Pregnancy in a cat: the first signs

The first signs of pregnancy can be observed after 20 days from the moment of fertilization. Visual changes that should be a signal to the owner:

  • the cat's nipples are enlarged;
  • nipples change color to bright pink;
  • the skin around them peels off.

At this time, the cat begins to eat more, but its activity also remains low. After 21 days, an experienced veterinarian can palpate and determine the pregnancy of the cat, as well as the approximate number of kittens. It is very important to provide the animal good care. Also prohibited self definition pregnancy by pressing on the cat's belly, as this can cause the death of kittens, as well as serious problems with health.

Conduct precise research possible under special conditions veterinary clinic– an ultrasound machine will help determine the number of kittens and their condition. On the 30th day of pregnancy, you can also determine the health of the babies. Additionally hardware research help make sure it's not a false pregnancy. At the 3rd week of pregnancy, against the background of changes in the hormonal background, the cat may experience bouts of nausea. This sign is normal manifestation a special condition comparable to first trimester toxicosis in women.

Usually, if there are no deviations in health, bouts of nausea and vomiting disappear after 3-5 days. If the pregnancy is not real (false), then in most cases it disappears without the help of a veterinarian. In the event that such “pregnancies” are noted frequently, contacting specialists is a necessity, as they indicate violations occurring in the body.

instincts during pregnancy

During pregnancy, cats do not lose sexual activity. Regardless of the gestation period, the animal may appear in heat. Usually the character becomes calmer, as there is no desire to "go to the cats", but against the background hormonal adjustment at 20 or 21 days, the cat may show sexual desire.

A similar phenomenon in veterinary medicine has a special name - superfetation. It occurs in 10% of total number pregnancies. Interestingly, if the mating process is allowed to occur, then with a high degree of probability the cat will become pregnant a second time. In this case, new kittens will develop in accordance with the norm, but between childbirth will pass 3 to 6 weeks.

It is important to remember that the "second" offspring is at risk - during childbirth, the animal may have a miscarriage.

In case if similar problem managed to avoid, then on the 21st-42nd day will follow repeated births. Pregnancy lasts in cats, as well as the first, according to the characteristics of the breed. The main thing that the owner needs to control is that the cat has enough nipples for all kittens from two broods, and the amount of milk is sufficient for the full development of the babies.

The course of pregnancy

Usually this is a specially created box or a fenced area on a small hill. By the 9th week, the cat calms down, its activity decreases again.. The mammary glands and nipples are greatly enlarged, which indicates early delivery. There are also discharges of transparent or white color in the form of slime. If there are few of them, then everything is proceeding normally and there is nothing to worry about. Normally, in a pregnant cat, the belly begins to grow in the middle of the process.

3-4 days before start labor activity the cat is again active, her character is soft. At the same time, the body temperature of the animal drops to 37 degrees. Accordingly, the behavior that the cat demonstrates, the reactions of the body, depend on the period of pregnancy. The visual manifestations that can be observed also change gradually.

A pet can sleep up to 18 hours a day, and then her mood changes to active, playful and positive.

It is very important to remember that if an animal requires attention, then it needs the protection that it would receive in wild nature from your parent. The gestation period of a domestic cat does not differ from that of a street cat - she knows in advance how the birth will go, whether they will be problematic or fast. Owners should remember that a pregnant cat should not be given medications without permission from a veterinarian.

Methods and methods of care

Caring for a pregnant cat is very important period requiring attention and responsibility from a person. It is forbidden for a pregnant cat to give new food to avoid food allergies. Before mating, you should:

  • Perform deworming;
  • Make sure there are no other diseases.

If the pregnancy occurred unexpectedly for the owner, then all activities that involve the use of drugs should be agreed with the veterinarian. In general, during pregnancy, a cat should be surrounded by care. She needs rest and a special nutrition system.

In the case of using dry food as the main product, you will need to consult with a specialist to include in the diet additional products sources of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. It is also very important to remember that an overdose is dangerous for the development of defects and deformities in kittens.

It is best if a pregnant cat is fed according to a special scheme. She suggests that in the week before the birth, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed by the animal.

This will ensure an easy process for giving birth to kittens, as they will not have overweight body. In order for the pregnancy and childbirth of a cat to be successful, you need to protect it from any dangers.

If a cat lives in your house, you are probably worried about questions related to her pregnancy. The most attentive owners strive to learn as much as possible about the fluffy beauty's pregnancy in order to carefully monitor her health.

First of all, you need to know that for the first time a cat can become a mother at the age of five to nine months. However, this period may vary depending on the weight, health status and even the breed of the cat.

If the cat becomes capricious, loses its appetite, requires heightened attention, then, most likely, she is ready to mate. Very often, the cat rolls on the floor, arching its back and purring.

As a rule, the pregnancy of a cat lasts about nine weeks, that is, approximately 57-65 days. But the gestational age can also depend on some factors: for example, the breed of the cat and the number of kittens. So, a Siamese cat can carry kittens for more than nine weeks. A multiple pregnancy may last less.

You should not worry if the pregnancy drags on for up to seven days. If childbirth does not begin after this period, then your pet should be shown to the veterinarian. But if the birth begins much earlier than the due date, then the kittens may not survive. The general physical condition of the animal can also affect the gestation period.

Domestic cats can produce offspring up to three times a year, but this can adversely affect their health. Experts believe that normally a cat should bring kittens no more than once a year.

How to know if a cat is pregnant or not

Here are some signs that will help you find out:

  1. AT initial stage pregnancy, the character and habits of the cat can change: it becomes more affectionate and lazy;
  2. In the early days of pregnancy, cats may eat and sleep more;
  3. After three weeks, the cat's nipples stand out well;
  4. At 3-4 weeks, the animal may suffer from toxicosis;
  5. The 5th week is manifested by a noticeable weight gain, the appearance of the abdomen;
  6. At the sixth week, the cat becomes inactive, sleeps a lot, does not pay attention to cats.

How to care for a cat during pregnancy

First of all, it is necessary to provide the cat with a complete and balanced diet. If the cat eats cat food, then you can buy special food for pregnant cats. The cat's diet should also include meat, eggs, and dairy products.

It is better for the cat to spend as much time as possible at home in order to prevent negative situations on the street that are dangerous in her position.

During pregnancy, you need to provide the cat with complete rest: do not disturb her once again and do not squeeze.

It is not necessary to give the cat medicines, even the most seemingly harmless ones, as they can be dangerous for offspring.

Can support future mother special vitamins for pregnant cats.

Before the onset of childbirth, you need to equip the cat with a cozy and calm nest to resolve the burden and future feeding of kittens. A cardboard box lined with a soft blanket is well suited for this purpose.

At the end of pregnancy, it is better not to leave the cat alone, because childbirth can begin at any time.

How to determine the approach of childbirth in a cat

Before the onset of childbirth, the cat becomes restless, refuses to eat, and breathes heavily. Then she settles in her nest and does not leave it until the end of childbirth. After giving birth, the cat may also not eat for some time, but at the same time she must have water. It is better not to take newborn kittens into your hands right away, this can irritate the woman in labor.

Important! If something goes wrong during childbirth, it's best to call your veterinarian right away.

Pregnancy is a very important, difficult and responsible period in the life of your cat. How to help a pet while carrying babies and properly prepare her for childbirth? The appearance of viable strong offspring and the health of the cat itself largely depend on how the pregnancy goes.

Signs of pregnancy in a cat

Knitting is not always productive - a cat may miss various reasons. But experienced owners usually already in the first week with a high degree of probability they can assume that their pet is pregnant - it changes hormonal background, and, accordingly, behavior, the cat sleeps more and eats more. Over time, other, more accurate and reliable signs of an “interesting situation” appear:

  • toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy;
  • gradual, starting from the second or third week, swelling of the mammary glands;
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen and overall weight gain;
  • change in behavior and taste preferences;
  • mood swings;
  • increased appetite.

By the seventh week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to stir, and after another week, even completely inexperienced owners will be able to watch kittens flounder in their stomachs. future mother.

A cat can noticeably gain weight during pregnancy

Of course, the most accurate answer to the question: is the cat pregnant, you will be given at the veterinary clinic. The doctor will also help resolve doubts as to whether this pregnancy is false. However, "spoons" in cats are much less common than this phenomenon happens in dogs.

The first estrus in a cat can come very early - even at four months, although this usually happens at six months of age. And this means that the animal is already ready to become pregnant. But let it be so early pregnancy it is impossible - it can end tragically both for a too young mother and for her offspring. Optimal time for the first mating - the third estrus, when the physical maturation of the cat is already completed.

Ultrasound is the most reliable diagnosis of pregnancy

Video: signs of cat pregnancy

How long does pregnancy last

Term normal pregnancy for all breeds of domestic cats, this ranges from 62 to 68 days - this is approximately nine weeks. It is allowed to increase or decrease the gestation period by a week. Many breeds of domestic cats have their own nuances of the duration of pregnancy - its period can be a little longer or shorter than the average. For example, the longest pregnancy is in Siamese cats and their closest relatives.

Siamese cats have a slightly longer pregnancy than other breeds.

Pregnancy periods

The period of gestation of kittens is divided into three main stages, each of which lasts three weeks. The first stage is often characterized by toxicosis - a sick cat may feel discomfort and nausea, especially in the morning. If it comes to severe vomiting, it is worth consulting with a doctor who will recommend medications that can alleviate this unpleasant condition. But usually toxicosis disappears by the fourth week of gestation, when the embryos are evenly distributed over the bicornuate uterus and attach to its walls.

Your cat may have unpredictable desires early in pregnancy

The second three-week stage is expressed in the active weight gain by the expectant mother, swelling of the nipples and the manifestation of other signs of pregnancy. Do not wrinkle the cat's stomach, trying to feel or count the babies - such curiosity can provoke a miscarriage. But on the ultrasound machine, kittens during this period are already perfectly visible.

The third stage of gestation is, in fact, the expectation of childbirth. The cat becomes less active, sleeps for a long time. During this period, the attention of the owner is very important to her - in his society she feels herself reliably protected.

The main desire of a cat before childbirth is a good night's sleep.

Factors affecting the gestation period

Deviations from the term of sickness ( feline pregnancy) in a few days are not a pathology and may be due to various factors:

Fluffy cats carry babies longer than shorthaired ones

It's interesting that long haired cats kittens are on average five days longer than their short-haired and bald girlfriends. Felinologists cannot yet give a convincing explanation for this fact.

Is there sex during pregnancy

During the period of sickness, a cat can not only indulge in sexual pleasures, but also ... become pregnant a second time. It is very important to avoid this because double pregnancy poses a serious threat not only to health, but even to the life of a cat. As for the unborn kittens, the second “batch” of them will inevitably die during childbirth.

What is superfecundation

The sonorous word "superfecundation" is translated from Latin as "superfertility"; this phenomenon is quite common in cats. Its essence lies in the fact that during the period of ovulation, the eggs of a female can be fertilized by the spermatozoa of several males. That is, in one litter there can be children from different fathers - it all depends on how saturated sexual life led by a cat.

Kittens of different colors in the same litter - children of different fathers

Possible Complications

If the cat is healthy, then her pregnancy usually proceeds without complications. But you should immediately consult a doctor as soon as they appear anxiety symptoms indicating problems with bearing kittens:

  • foul smell and vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general lethargy;
  • refusal of food.

Lethargy and food refusal of a pregnant cat is a reason to see a doctor

preterm birth

Carefully protect a pregnant cat from injury and severe stress- any of these factors can provoke premature birth. Premature kittens are born very weak and may not survive. But even if you manage - on your own or with the help of a veterinarian - to keep the babies alive, there is a high probability that they will grow sickly and lag behind in development. Therefore, try not to allow kittens to be born before the 56th day from the moment of mating.

Multiple pregnancy or too young cat age can also cause premature birth, which, however, usually fit within acceptable time limits.

Pregnancy of a cat at too young age should be under the supervision of a doctor


The normal gestation period for kittens should be 72 days. If during this time the birth has not begun, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor - perhaps the fetuses have frozen or the cat for some reason is not able to give birth on its own. In fairness, it should be noted that such cases are extremely rare, as is the need to do a caesarean section.

Caring for a pregnant cat

What is good for her

The cat's diet interesting position must be rich in vitamins and minerals. The veterinarian will tell you which prepared feed choose for this crucial period and which supplements will be most beneficial. If you prefer natural nutrition for your pet, please note: in the first month of pregnancy, food should be enriched with calcium, and in the second half of gestation, more protein foods should be given. Enter the following products in the menu:

  • boiled lean meat - preferably chicken and turkey;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • in small quantities - cereals (rice and buckwheat);
  • vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin);
  • sour milk (cottage cheese and yogurt).

The nutrition of a pregnant cat should be complete and balanced.

Feeding during the period of sickness should be fractional - the daily portion should be divided into four to five equal parts and given to the cat throughout the day.

Video: how to feed a pet during pregnancy

What is contraindicated

During pregnancy, a cat can become very clumsy. Do not let her climb onto the windowsill and other high places where the animal can fall - jumping from a height during pregnancy is also highly undesirable. Minimize all risks of possible injury. If a cat in the second half of pregnancy suddenly starts an attack of playfulness, distract her in any way: hyperactivity is not an appropriate state for this period.

Do not allow a pregnant cat to be in dangerous places

You can not give your pet medications without first consulting a doctor - this can be dangerous both for the course of pregnancy and for the health of the expectant mother.

In the last three weeks, try not to overfeed the litter cat - too large fruits will create a danger prolonged labor and various complications.

In the last stages of pregnancy, it is impossible to overfeed a cat

Has the birth started?

Approximately one day before the onset of labor, the cat's vulva greatly increases in size and mild transparent selection. the pregnant woman begins to worry a lot and look for a suitable, in her opinion, place for childbirth. Prepare it ahead of time.

Prepare in advance

In advance, at least two weeks before the expected birth, equip a nest for the cat and her future babies. A cardboard box made of thick cardboard is quite suitable for a “maternity leave” - not too big, but spacious enough to accommodate a mother with kittens. At the bottom of the box you need to put a soft and always clean bedding, which can be changed as needed.

A pregnant cat is looking for a secluded place to nest

Place the box in a secluded place, protected from drafts, bright light and prying eyes place. The expectant mother should get used to this cozy nest, so teach her to be here in advance - caress the cat, talk to her while she lies in the maternity hospital.

If the animal is still worried and does not trust the impromptu shelter, try moving it to another place. Or you may have to replace either the box itself or the bedding in it - it is possible that the cat is annoyed by some unpleasant smells for it.

Photo gallery: how to accustom a cat to a birthing room

To prevent a cat from giving birth on your bed, prepare a comfortable birthing place for her An ordinary box lined with a soft and warm rug is suitable for the nest. Put the cat in the birthing room - at first the animal may be cautious and distrustful Praise your pet and talk to her affectionately - a smart cat will quickly appreciate your efforts The expectant mother liked the cradle - the problem of arranging the nest is solved

Be there

About a week before giving birth, the cat's stomach drops, and a "waist" appears - if you look at the animal from above. Two or three days before X-hour, appetite worsens, and colostrum may begin to ooze from the nipples. Immediately before childbirth, with the appearance of the first contractions, the woman in labor becomes anxious, “digs out” the bedding in the nest and seeks the support of the owner.

The first birth can scare your pet, so it is better for your beloved owner to be nearby. However, a more experienced cat will be much more comfortable giving birth in your presence. childbirth - natural physiological process, and the cat most often does not need outside help; her instincts will tell her how to act. But in case possible complications still agree in advance with the veterinarian so that he can come at the right time.

If you are the owner of a cat and let her have offspring, you need to know how many months the pregnancy lasts in cats, what determines the duration of the pregnancy, how to properly feed her, about caring for a pregnant cat, as well as about the syndrome false pregnancy- what is fraught with and how to neutralize.

The cat does not have a specific time period for how long she walks pregnant. The normal duration of gestation for kittens is 59-70 days. The more fetuses in the cat's stomach, the faster the birth will come.

Symptoms and periods of pregnancy

The pet will behave like a real woman - so you can easily see the first signs of pregnancy in her behavior in the first weeks.

1. long sleep, decreased activity.

2. within a few days (not always).

3. Good appetite.

4. Weight gain.

5. Aggressiveness towards cats.

Considering how long pregnancy lasts in cats, the gestation period is divided into 6 phases:

1. Until the 18th-20th day. Many cats show no change other than an increased appetite.

2. From the 20th to the 30th day. The abdomen becomes elastic, the nipples acquire a pink color, increase in size. During this period, the veterinarian will be able to grope the kittens. We recommend not to do this out of curiosity, so as not to injure the fragile fetus.

3. 5th week. Kittens go down in abdominal cavity by increasing the size of the cat's belly.

4. Last days 5th week and the first days of the sixth. Significantly rounded belly.

5. From the 42nd to the 50th day. Kittens grow fluff, claws grow. The expectant mother eats less, sometimes refuses to eat at all. Restless behavior.

6. From the 50th to the 70th (or earlier). The kittens are moving, moving bumps are visible on the cat's stomach.

Depending on how long the pregnancy is in cats, you can roughly figure out how many new individuals it will bring. If a cat is preparing for childbirth at 59-61 days, then there are at least 5 kittens in her stomach. If childbirth has not occurred by the 63-65th day, then she bears 2-3 offspring.

The day before the birth, the animal stops eating, becomes anxious, looks for a secluded place - where it can give birth. Put away your things, because. they can be stolen and serve as a nest. Body temperature drops to 37 degrees. The animal obsessively licks under the tail - at this time the cork leaves.

Pregnant cat care and nutrition

During pregnancy, the animal should receive a lot of vitamins and nutrients. If you feed the pussy special food- make sure he is highest quality. Cheap food harms mother and developing kittens. If feeding with natural food, try to do. Obligatory vegetables, dairy products, meat. Give extra vitamins.

Meals - 4-5 times a day. Portion should be satisfying. In count daily rate should be doubled. There should be a lot of meat: 50% of the diet.

Be sure to have clean purified water.

Caring for a pregnant cat requires only responsibility and love from you. How many months to provide Murka with special care? All pregnancy! Try to carefully take her in your arms, do not squeeze your stomach, even if it is not yet allocated. Limit her from high places in the house - do not allow jumping. Keep your cat warm, without drafts. Do not let the purr outside so that she does not pick up the infection, and the treatment does not have to be during pregnancy - many medications are contraindicated during this period and during lactation.

There are periods when the kitty deceives the owners and herself about her pregnancy.

False pregnancy in cats caused hormonal failure. All signs of pregnancy are repeated in the animal during this period: swelling of the nipples, an increase in the abdomen, increased appetite. After the 60th day, Murka prepares a place where she will “give birth” and after that milk is released from the nipples. Later, the milk burns out, which can be the cause of mastitis or oncology. Put your cat on a low-calorie diet to reduce milk production. Get a special gel for rubbing into the nipples, which reduces lactation.

The pet takes soft toys for kittens - carries them in her teeth, washes and protects from the owners. It is important at this time to give her maximum attention. Caress her, play, get new toys. Feeling loved, the kitty returns to normal within a month.


Normal term The period of carrying kittens is considered to be two calendar months. Errors of two or three days in one direction or another are permissible. Kittens born before term and are often not viable. But if the pregnancy has dragged on to 70 days, the cat may need urgent veterinary intervention. Usually, kittens from small litters are “delayed”, and multiple pregnancy proceeds faster.

Early term ah position cats hard to see with the naked eye. The presence of embryos can only be determined using ultrasound. However, veterinarians prefer not to take risks and prescribe such an examination no earlier than four weeks after fertilization.

Watch Behavior cats. In the first weeks pregnancy she sleeps more than usual, preferring secluded corners, sometimes refuses to eat, but begins to drink more. Some cats in the initial period often feel sick - this phenomenon resembles toxicosis in pregnant women.

After a couple of weeks, the animal wakes up appetite, and the urge to vomit stops. Change the feeding regime by transferring the pet to three or four meals a day good nutrition. It is advisable to give the cat a balanced ready feed for pregnant women or good food for kittens, enriched with calcium, phosphorus and protein.

In the third week pregnancy cats have swollen and pink nipples. This is especially noticeable in young animals awaiting their first litter.

Monthly pregnancy easy to identify by a rounded belly cats. During this period, the animal becomes less active. The size of the fetus reaches 25-30 mm and everything is vital important organs already developed by now.

After the seventh week, you can feel the movement of the kittens by placing your hand on your stomach. cats. On this term That is, your pet will become restless, start looking for a place for a future nest. Help her by offering a box lined with soft rags as a cozy bed.

In the last week before childbirth, anxiety cats intensifies. Her belly is getting bigger - the kittens have doubled in size in the last month. nipples cats swell strongly, a whitish liquid may come out of them. From now on, watch your pet especially carefully - childbirth may begin in the coming days.


Do not try to feel the kittens in the cat's belly, count them or determine the size. By inept actions, you can injure both the expectant mother and the cubs.

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  • how long are cats pregnant

Self-determine term pregnancy at cats up to a day is impossible. But if you observe the behavior of the animal, you can at least roughly calculate the date of the expected birth.


Show your pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will determine most accurately by making an ultrasound of the animal. At the same time, consult with your doctor about how and the expectant mother - this is very important for normal development offspring and maintaining health.

If you cannot show the cat to a specialist, try to determine estimated time pregnancy on your own. In the third week, the animal may experience mood changes and passive behavior. All these should disappear with time.

In the fourth week, you will notice other signs of pregnancy. At this time, the nipples will begin to increase and their color will change. If your pet is preparing to become a mother for the first time, then these phenomena will be most pronounced. In subsequent pregnancies, the nipples will also change, but not so much, since when feeding they become larger than they were before the first.

By about the sixth week of pregnancy, the cat's belly noticeably rounds, and already at 45-50 days you can feel how they are moving in the womb. Be careful when handling an animal.

From the seventh to the eighth week, the expectant mother begins to worry. The cat can run around the rooms and look for himself appropriate place for childbirth. But don't expect kittens to show up any day now. This will happen no earlier than the ninth week of pregnancy. A few days before the birth, the kitty will calm down, become thoughtful. If you notice these changes, then the cat can at any time. Monitor its status and, if necessary, call veterinarian.


Cats behave differently, so you may be wrong in your calculations. It all depends not only on the nature of the animal, but also on the number of offspring.


  • what is the gestation period for cats

After the onset of puberty of a cat, many owners begin to think about her first mating and the appearance of offspring. However, due to inexperience in such matters, they are worried about the upcoming pregnancy of their pet and about its successful passage.

The course of pregnancy in a cat

On average it lasts nine weeks. You can recognize it, starting from the third week - by the nipples, which acquire a pronounced pink color. Also, the animal may feel sick, because in his body begin to occur hormonal changes. From the fifth week, the cat begins to significantly gain weight, and from the sixth week, it will rapidly increase, filling with milk. The expectant mother begins to sleep more and completely ignores if one of them is nearby.

Usually cats during pregnancy become more gentle, quiet and affectionate, if they used to go outside, then during this period they are closer to home conditions.

Every day he eats more and more, but after a few days his appetite noticeably decreases. Also, during pregnancy, intra-abdominal pressure increases in the animal's body, as a result of which urination and defecation become more frequent. Sometimes a cat can be observed that occurs during ovulation without fertilization. The cat shows all signs of pregnancy, which disappear in forty days, however, if they cause health complications, action should be taken. With a recurring false pregnancy, doctors often recommend removing the cat's ovaries.

Care during pregnancy

First of all, the cat must be provided with proper and nutritious nutrition, rich in proteins and calcium. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to feed the cat with food that contains a lot of protein. You should also exclude all medications, including drugs for fleas and worms. Since the large one makes it difficult for the animal to wash itself, it can be helped to clean the genitals with a damp, soft cloth.

They love solitude during the time, so if there are other cats in the house, it is better to partially isolate the pregnant woman from them.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the cat should not climb closets and other high places, since the weight of the uterus greatly shifts the center of gravity, and the animal may not maintain balance, falling from a height. Shortly before the birth (about two weeks), the cat needs to make a nest - a box with newspapers or disposable baby diapers, stacked in several layers. When kittens are born, they should not be wiped with soft wipes, which can stick to and refuse to lick it. The box should be in a warm place - preferably where the cat liked to be during the entire period of pregnancy. Sometimes childbirth can last more than a day, so you should have everything you need on hand, including the phone number of the nearest veterinary clinic.

Advice 4: Why kittens move a lot in a pregnant cat

Cats are the most popular pets. In some families, the owners even keep several representatives of this family, even if they do not breed them. Planned or unplanned pregnancy a pet is a matter of concern and excitement for the whole family, because this condition in cats and the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is very similar.

On average, a pregnancy lasts 9 weeks and how soon a cat depends on the number of gestations. The more there are, the sooner the birth will take place. Usually this state is everything, even rare breeds are tolerated quite normally and do not require special veterinary supervision. Their belly becomes noticeable after 3-4 weeks, especially if the cat is smooth-haired.

2- before giving birth, you can feel how kittens began to move in her stomach. First, you can understand that there is movement in the stomach, you can only put your hand on it. The first movements - the hand will have to be held tightly pressed for several minutes before you feel them. A week later, the stomach is already moving constantly, and if the coat is short, this stirring can be seen without even putting a hand on the cat's stomach - he walks like that.

This activity is easy to explain. Firstly, a cat usually has several kittens, if one is sleeping, the second can toss and turn in its fetal bladder. Secondly, kittens, although they are born blind, compared to a child, are much more adapted to life - they begin to crawl immediately. Therefore, before giving birth, kittens ready to get out into the world move quite strongly.

Strongly massaging the walls of the uterus, the kittens stimulate the release of the hormone oxytocin from the pituitary gland, which triggers the biological mechanism of childbirth.

How do cats give birth

1-2 days before the birth, the behavior of the cat changes - sensing their approach, she begins to look for a dark, secluded and closed place where strangers cannot disturb her or the kittens. During this period, under the influence of hormones, the pelvis becomes more mobile, the abdominal muscles relax and it changes shape from round to pear-shaped.
A sign of close childbirth is colostrum released when squeezing the nipples.

A pregnant cat usually eats often and with pleasure, but before giving birth, she may completely refuse to eat, she may begin to vomit and frequent stool. But most often everything passes without such complications, and it will be possible to know about the approaching exciting moment only by the fact that her body temperature has dropped. AT normal condition body temperature is 38.5 ° C, immediately before childbirth it drops to 37.5-37.8 ° C.

Most cats are fine with giving birth to kittens on their own, even if for the first time. In this case, you can only sit nearby to insure. But just in case, it is better to read the literature to help if something does not go according to plan.

Human intervention, his breeding activity, of course, is reflected in the appearance of cats of different breeds, but pregnancy in all of them proceeds almost the same. There is no difference between the way a thoroughbred cat bears kittens and the one that was born in the yard.


The only difference purebred cats from ordinary pets, as noted by veterinarians, is that they have less estrus, their frequency, in addition, depends on the breed to which the cat belongs. The duration of estrus averages 5 days and depends on the individual characteristics of the animal. Since it is in the power of the owner of a thoroughbred cat, which is protected from casual sexual intercourse, to control its mating, the first date with the cat should be planned for 2-3 estrus. At this age, the cat's body is already fully formed and she is physically quite ready to become a mother and bear healthy and viable offspring.

Average duration of pregnancy in pedigreed cats different ages is 65 days and is directly dependent on how many kittens she bears. If there are more than 4 of them, childbirth can begin 1-2 days earlier, if a cat bears 1-2 kittens, it can take up to 70 days. In the event that childbirth has not occurred even after this period, you should definitely contact a veterinarian - this is already a pathology.

As a rule, conception occurs 24-26 hours after mating, therefore, when calculating the gestational age, consider this. It is impossible to understand whether pregnancy has occurred in the first 2-3 weeks either by behavior or by appearance cats, her eating habits don't change either. In rare cases, 10-11 days after mating, when the embryos attach to the walls of the uterus, there may be a slight vomiting of foam and decreased appetite. Do not be alarmed - your cat has a common toxicosis.

After 3-4 weeks, young cats may experience pinking and swelling of the nipples, but older cats may not have these signs. By this time, the expectant mother has already developed an appetite, so the usual portion of food should be increased, but remember that it is not recommended to give fish during this period, since the substances contained in it destroy the B vitamins necessary for the formation of kittens. Include more dairy products in her diet, which are high in calcium.

The weight gain of the cat begins from the 5th week, when the kittens begin a period of intensive growth. From now on, the cat eats a lot and sleeps a lot, behaves calmly and peacefully. But by the end of the 9th week, she will begin to look for a place where she can safely give birth. This means that in a couple of days labor will begin. Take care of arranging such a place - a spacious box with sides 10-15 cm high or a special cat house will do. The most important thing is that the cat maternity hospital is not in a draft or on the aisle - it is best if it is a dark heated corner.

Cat Pregnancy

One of the most prolific breeds of cats are Siamese. Also Siamese cats slightly different from ordinary cats in terms of duration. If a ordinary cat on the full pregnancy it takes a little more than nine weeks, namely 63-65 days, copes with this task in a shorter period, 59-61 days. Of course, it cannot be argued that these terms are indisputable, but it is from them that one should start when determining the gestational age.

Pregnancy of a cat should be counted from the day of fertilization of the egg, but this is not always possible, and therefore the first calendar day of mating usually becomes the starting point.

External signs of a cat's pregnancy to determine the gestational age

From the first to the fourth week, the pregnancy of a cat is very difficult to visually notice. But you can pay attention to a slight increase in the weight of the cat, vomiting after eating and a slight lethargy in behavior are also sometimes possible, the cat becomes calm and unhurried. At the fifth week of pregnancy, you can visually note what begins, if you gently stroke the cat on the tummy, then small tubercles are felt, these are grown-up future ones. You can also find that the nipples have become denser, pinker and more visible among the fur. When the sixth pregnancy begins, you will realize that your cat has become noticeably larger in a very short time Literally in 1-2 days.

At the seventh week, it will be possible to visually and tactilely feel the movement of kittens in the cat's tummy. Also at this time, the cat will begin to study in detail the space surrounding her in order to determine the place where she wants to give birth. On the recent weeks pregnancy, the cat will become completely inactive, detached. If a little earlier you noticed that the cat's nipples were swollen and pink, now the enlargement of the mammary glands is clearly visible. A few days before the cat, you can notice small light or. A few hours before lambing, your cat will begin to lick her belly and genitals. You may also have diarrhea or vomiting. The cat will begin to purposefully look for a convenient place for childbirth. If at this moment you help her and offer a comfortable bed, most likely she will choose it.

It should be noted that privacy is not always preferred during childbirth. There are precedents when a cat is waiting for attention and support, the presence of the owner. Especially such tendencies can be manifested with the first litter.

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