Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. How to help a cat give birth at home: stimulate prolonged labor, facilitate the process


Determine the date and calculate the approximate day. Knitting can be repeated within 3-4 days, and this is important to consider. Pregnancy is usually 58 to 72 days. In part, its duration may depend on the amount, as well as on the condition. In particular, stress on later dates may lead to delayed delivery. If your cat has given birth before, consider the length of her previous pregnancy, as this time it may be the same.

Pay attention to the cat's belly. Already in the sixth week, it becomes quite large, and after another week, if you look closely, you will be able to notice the movement of the kittens. This indicates the approaching. As a rule, about a week before the mammary glands increase significantly in size. Keep track of these changes to determine your estimated due date.

Watch your cat's behavior. 1-2 weeks before giving birth, the animal usually begins to look for a nest, worries, searches through cabinets, tries to get into the most secluded places. The cat lays down in a certain place, but then rises and starts looking again. 1-3 days before birth, the animal becomes inactive, sleeps a lot. Some cats begin to caress the owner more often than usual.

Keep a close eye on last week pregnancy. Measure her temperature rectally: just a day before delivery, it will drop to about 37 degrees Celsius. Mucus plug comes off 1-2 days before delivery. It can be difficult to notice this, because cats usually hide at such moments. However, you can see how the animal is worried and often licks the genitals.

A few hours before the kittens are born, the cat may begin to meow loudly and fawn on the owner, her breathing will become heavy, and yellowish or red discharge will gradually appear from the genitals. If you notice these signs, be aware that the cat will have kittens within the next 24 hours.


  • what does it take to give birth to a cat
  • Pregnancy and childbirth in cats

Many people want to know that a pet is preparing to become a mother. But this is not always necessary out of curiosity, but in order to properly care for the animal, because the cat needs to be well fed during this period. If you look closely at the changes in behavior, well-being and the size of the abdomen, then we can assume with accuracy that the fluffy one is expecting offspring.


It is possible to determine the onset at no earlier than 20-21 days. Only by this time can be observed characteristic changes. By about three pregnancy at cats nipples begin to grow, they swell and turn pink. This change is especially pronounced in primogeniture.

If earlier the cat suddenly suddenly became passive and vomits, it is possible that she is preparing to become a mother. This behavior of the animal is observed approximately 3-4 weeks after conception. The explanation for everything is quite simple - the animal has hormonal change in the body. After about three days, everything returns to normal, the pussy begins to feel better, and vomiting stops.

In the seventh week, if you put your hand on your stomach cats, then feel the movement of the kittens. If you gently feel with your fingertips, you can even feel the heads of the babies, but it’s better not to do this. If you want to know the exact number of kittens that will be born very soon, it is better to contact your veterinarian. The doctor can identify cats palpation already on the 20th day after its onset, and at a later date, the number of babies will not be difficult for a professional at all.

All 7 and 8 weeks pregnancy the cat behaves inappropriately, rushes around the rooms and does not know where to lie down. But at week 9, the expectant mother calms down and lies more time. Some cats they look thoughtfully and do not notice their owner - this is how they prepare for childbirth. The nipples at this time become very large. The belly is rounded and can interfere with kitty walking. And a few days before the cat becomes active and begins to look for a place where it will be more convenient for her to give birth to babies.

If you look closely at the behavior of the animal, you will not only be able to detect pregnancy, but also determine estimated time. The average gestation time is 9 weeks or 65 days. But babies can be born 2-4 days earlier or later - this is not considered a deviation.

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When cat matures, it is time for puberty, and she begins to ask for a cat. Many owners arrange mating for cats so that their pet can bring offspring. At the same time, the fact of mating itself does not guarantee anything. A cat can become pregnant during estrus, which happens about once a month and a half in animals, less often in street animals.


Around the fifth week, the cat begins to noticeably gain weight. From the sixth week, milk is already beginning to be produced in her body, so that the nipples increase and become very visible.

Cats that have the opportunity to go outside almost completely stop doing so. During pregnancy, they try to spend as much time as possible at home, in a calm, quiet and cozy place.

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If the cat’s appetite suddenly disappeared, the pregnant woman has not eaten for more than 24 hours, she has become lethargic and lethargic, her temperature has risen and there is an unpleasant smell from the vagina - this bad signs. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

Useful advice

If you understand that the cat is pregnant, find out the phone veterinarian who, if necessary, will be able to go home at any time of the day. Most likely, this will not be needed, but just in case, you need to have such information. Read about how cat pregnancy and how to take delivery in order to determine in time if something goes wrong.


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Many are ready to mate as early as 7 or 9 months of age. During estrus, they begin to demand a lot of attention to themselves, caress, rub against furniture, and emit heart-rending cries. However, it is not recommended to carry a cat to a boyfriend at this age. It is still quite small and not fully formed. Pregnancy can deform her spine, as well as adversely affect general condition health. But what if you still did not keep track of your pet? How can you tell if a cat is pregnant?

You will need

  • You will need some patience. Watch your cat. Their pregnancy lasts only 9 weeks.


So, if yours, then the first three weeks she will prefer to spend more time in a relaxed state. With a decrease in activity, the animal may also lose its appetite. Pet your cat and turn her over on her stomach. If her nipples acquired richly pink color This is a sure sign of pregnancy. Sometimes in the third week of pregnancy, the cat may feel sick. This is due to the fact that in her body is being rebuilt hormonal background.

After the sixth week, the abdomen is very swollen. There is nothing to mess up here. If you look closely at the stomach, you can even see how they move in it. After the seventh week, the cat becomes extremely agitated, she constantly climbs into dark corners, looking for future offspring.


Sometimes pregnant cats go into heat. There is nothing wrong with this. In practice, there have been cases when a pregnant cat once again experienced fertilization.

Useful advice

If you can't wait to find out if your cat is pregnant or not, then you can seek help from a veterinarian. Already on the twentieth day after mating, with the help of an inspection, he will definitely be able to answer your question.

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Cat Pregnancy Symptoms


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There are no express tests to determine the pregnancy of cats - whether your pet is expecting kittens can only be found out by her behavior and by outward signs. Owners should be aware of what symptoms might suggest that a cat is pregnant in order to provide her with proper care during the waiting period and have time to prepare for the birth of offspring.

First signs

You can suspect what awaits the kittens if the next period of estrus has approached, and the animal behaves calmly, does not meow and does not roll on the floor.

The first signs of pregnancy are swelling and discoloration of the nipples. The swelling of the nipples is more pronounced if the pregnancy is the first. Usually this symptom appears for a period of two to three weeks. The animal may begin toxicosis, manifested by morning weakness, vomiting, slight malaise. If pregnancy is suspected, discontinue use anthelmintic drugs and flea medicines so as not to harm future offspring.

By four, the cat is significantly gaining weight, her belly becomes noticeable. A pregnant cat most often eats a lot - in the early days, the appetite may decrease slightly, but the closer the delivery date, the more food the expectant mother needs.

Most often, during pregnancy, cats become more affectionate, calm, require a lot of attention and. It should be handled very carefully, you should not allow it to climb high surfaces - due to increased clumsiness, the animal may fall and get serious injuries.

An examination by a veterinarian is needed when the first signs of pregnancy appear and shortly before childbirth. On the first visit, the doctor will make sure that the suspicions are not in vain, and if necessary, determine whether the pregnancy is false, prescribe an ultrasound scan or X-ray examination.

Delivery soon

In the late belly of a cat, it noticeably increases in size, you can even see the movements of the kittens. The veterinarian can determine the approximate number of kittens by palpation. Only a doctor should feel the stomach - it’s better for the owners not to damage the placenta with a careless movement and cause a miscarriage.

If at the beginning of pregnancy a cat is usually friendly to other animals in the house, then later she may begin to behave aggressively - hiss at others, drive them away and even bite.

By the eighth week of pregnancy, milk begins to flow from the nipples. Nipples swell even more.

At the end of pregnancy, the cat sleeps or lies almost all the time. If the expectant mother began to be active, eat less, worry, try to hide in a secluded place - most likely, the birth is already close, and it's time to equip a comfortable nest for the pet, where she could feel safe. It is best if it is a large cardboard box in a quiet place where no one will disturb the cat and her offspring. The bottom of the box can be covered with old towels or a small blanket.

Make sure that the cat cannot climb into cabinets and cabinets, otherwise it can make a nest for itself on a pile of laundry.

The instinct of reproduction is inherent in pets by nature. Males and females determine mating readiness based on the season and climatic conditions. They pick the most right time for bearing offspring.

House cats live their own lives. Sexual activity can be observed at any time of the year. 10 months after birth, cats become sexually mature. They start. There are a number of signs by which you can recognize such desires in a cat: frequent urination, a slight increase in external genitalia, colorless discharge. Cats, unlike, are always ready to mate, all year round.

The beginning of sexual hunting in a cat

During the period of sexual activity, animals lose their appetite, they ask to go outside, literally break free. Cats during this period are aggressive, they can attack owners or others and cats. An unpleasant aspect is marks all over, which smell very unpleasant, and getting rid of this “aroma” is quite difficult.

Medications for cats

The owners can natural instincts in their pets and drink medicines. There are a lot of them for sale. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before use. The easiest way is to give a cat drops that suppress sexual hunting. Tablets can be crushed and placed in food. There is no single answer to the question: do drugs affect the health of pets. All of them are aimed at the regulation of hormones in animals. It is not recommended to give drugs often, it is better as needed. Many tablets are made on the basis of natural ingredients, mint is added, which makes it easier for the cat to feed these.
Castration should be carried out if it is not planned to have offspring in the future.

Castrate or not

Owners must understand that life is very different from the natural habitat. Therefore, you must be prepared for all the hardships that the pet will bring with it. A cat must mate with a cat at least 9 times a year, while hormones can “play” at any time, and the cat will mark the territory. This method of defense against opponents in natural environment does not bother anyone, but in the apartment there will be a persistent smell of urine. It is necessary to think in advance about what life with a pet can turn out to be, and decide on its

Usually cats give birth on their own, but good host should always be ready to help in difficult times. Sometimes only gentle words and soothing strokes are needed, and in case of any complications, it may be necessary health care.

What to do if a cat gives birth for the first time and the water has broken, as she begins to give birth, the main signs

The first sign will be the animal's restlessness, refusing to eat and looking for a suitable secluded place. It is advisable to prepare a box in advance so that the cat can lie down in it and rest on its paws. She begins to moan, does not leave the owner, asking him for help. When the waters have broken, it goes to the prepared nest, lies down and begins to stretch, lick itself, push.

Childbirth takes from several hours to a day, kittens appear in a film that the cat licks off with its tongue. She gnaws the umbilical cord on her own with her teeth, but if the birth is the first, you can prepare, just in case, sterile scissors for cutting the umbilical cord and clean wipes for wiping the kittens.

The cat gives birth and got out, the bubble sticks out what to do

If the cat cannot give birth on its own, it is urgent to call a veterinarian at home. Perhaps the first kitten is too large and stuck in the birth canal. The veterinarian will C-section. This is the only way to save the life of a cat and kittens. You can’t pierce or touch the bubble yourself, as long as it is intact, the kittens have a chance to survive.

How many months does a cat give birth after conception

The cat gives birth about two months after conception. normal deviation up or down can be about a week. It is believed that long-haired cats carry kittens longer, up to 70 days. And if the offspring is large, the gestation period, on the contrary, is reduced to 54 days.

How many kittens does a cat give birth to for the first time and how many per year

In the first birth, a cat gives birth to one to three kittens. Theoretically, a cat can give birth four times a year, but in practice it will be too much stress for the body, and may adversely affect the health of the animal. Therefore, they are limited to one or two matings per year. Many breeders believe that for full recovery strength after childbirth, the cat must be given 8 to 10 months of rest. mature adult cat can carry up to six babies at a time.

How long does a cat give birth

Childbirth in a cat in time usually fits in one day. A cat may start giving birth twenty minutes after contractions start and water breaks, or after a few hours. Between births of kittens, it takes from fifteen minutes to several hours.

When cats give birth for the first time what to do with the afterbirth

Usually the cat eats the remnants of the umbilical cord and afterbirth. This reinforces her strength after childbirth. It is necessary to ensure that as many afterbirths come out as there were kittens. If the cat has something left inside, inflammation of the uterus may begin.

How to understand that the cat gave birth to all kittens

Usually, the fact that all the kittens were born can be guessed from the behavior of the cat. She calms down, begins to take care of the kittens, feeds them, willingly eats and drinks. The belly of the cat is soft.

If the cat is restless, refuses to eat, you can feel a lump in the stomach (just don’t press hard), which means that the birth has not yet ended.

The cat gave birth to a dead kitten and no longer gives birth what to do

If after the birth of the first dead kitten, the cat stopped giving birth, you need to seek medical help. Kittens left inside the uterus for more than a day will cause inflammation and death of the animal. If the kittens in the abdomen are no longer palpable, but the animal is behaving restlessly, an ultrasound may be needed to show that there are still kittens in the uterus.

The cat gave birth in the morning to one in the evening again worries yelling what it could be

If the time of birth from one kitten to another exceeds 4 hours, and the cat is very ill, she needs medical attention. The intervals between appearances of kittens are usually from 10 minutes to 3-4 hours. Sometimes there are situations when a cat that gave birth to kittens in the morning calms down, starts feeding them, and in the evening gives birth to another healthy kitten.

A cat gives birth from one cat or from several

A cat can give birth to kittens from several cats. In a cat, ovulation occurs after each mating, and the eggs mature every day. Therefore, in the litter there may be kittens from different cats.

Procreation is one of the natural wonders of nature and the main task for every living organism. But any important process, even completely natural, is not always easy. Cat owners are faced with giving birth to their pet more than once. Some carelessly rely on nature and do not even interfere in the process. But if a cat is surrounded by caring and caring household members, she has more chances to be successful, safe delivery and healthy offspring.

Should owners help a cat with childbirth?

Fluffy angels are often born in home environment where the cat feels most safe. If the pregnancy proceeded favorably, and the cat feels well, she will cope on her own - the owner can only quietly control the process. Healthy cats do a great job even with the first birth, producing beautiful, strong offspring. But if there are the slightest risks for the cat or her cubs, it is recommended that the "mommy" be taken to the veterinarian - experienced doctors know how to minimize problems.

It's great when the owners control the entire pregnancy and know the due date for childbirth. Usually the cat's "position" lasts 60-70 days - this is enough time to read the entire important information and prepare for the birth process.

Attentive owners notice everything a week before birth important changes able pets and are already at the ready. These are the most important days in which the cat should not be left unattended. If these are not the first kittens in the pet, then the owner, who has already gained experience, easily notices the signs early delivery. But how to determine that a cat is about to give birth if she has never brought kittens? How to behave as an owner and what to do for the benefit of his pet, which will face a difficult test?

First of all, you need to calm the panic so that the animal does not become infected with nervousness and does not think that some kind of trouble has come into the house. The first signal of the upcoming birth is the cat throwing around the apartment in search of a place for kittens. Usually the pet is looking for 1-2 days, after which the contractions begin.

How many kittens can a cat give birth to once?

It is impossible to telepathically predict how many babies a fluffy pet will bring. Usually in one litter there are 1-6 kittens, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the first birth or the fifth. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly will affect the number of cubs. It could be anything:

  • individual characteristics of the cat's body;
  • health of the "maternity";
  • hormonal balance;
  • weight of the animal;
  • age.

Already at 7-8 months, the cat is considered sexually mature and can become pregnant. However, this is too early age in order to safely carry all the fertilized eggs and produce healthy kittens. Therefore, at such a young age, a cat's pregnancy can fail, and among the born cubs, alas, not everyone can be alive.

The best age for cat birth is 1.5-6 years. During this period, the body is as strong and hardy as possible, and the hormonal background is stable."Elderly" cats sometimes also give birth, but, basically, no more than 2-3 babies once. Moreover, childbirth in older individuals takes place with complications, and the ability to conceive is gradually fading away. Already by the age of 9, many cats cross the threshold of "fertility" and no longer bear offspring.

No matter how old the woman in labor is, the owners do not just worry about the number of new household members. Not everyone can leave the kids in the apartment, and finding new owners is not so easy. Therefore, the owners fuss, not knowing how many good hands they will have to look for, and what to do next.

Signs and symptoms of impending labor

When the cat's gestation period starts to get to 2 months, tension builds in the house. The owners are worried: well, when already? You should carefully look at the pet. Only careful observation of the expectant mother will help determine what generic activity it's about to start. The signs of this are as follows:

  • Kitty starts to lose his appetite, her movements become sluggish, limited. This is the most bright sign that labor will soon begin.
  • fluffy mommy looking for a secluded place, inspects the whole apartment, sniffing corners, even opening cupboards with his paw. Some owners prepare a box with a piece of warm blanket inside for the mother in advance, but the animal may not approve of it and continue to search.
  • A couple of hours before the onset of the birth process, the cat comes out with a mucous plug, and vaginal discharge appears.
  • If you look closely at the belly future mother, you can see how the nipples are swollen, as well as the colostrum that comes out of them.

It is easier for women to put themselves in the place of a giving birth cat and imagine how she feels and how she worries. But the male owners usually have no idea what will happen and how. It is advisable for them to read special literature in advance, to get acquainted with the physiology of the cat, and then errors during obstetrics will be reduced to a minimum.

The birth has begun!

When a cat has the first contractions, she may scream loudly. This means the process has begun. But before the first newborn fluffy is born, the kitty has a lot to deal with. A lot also depends on the behavior of the owner. The animal is already helpless and frightened, and if the household will run around and loudly discuss what is happening, this will cause the cat great discomfort and suffering.

Childbirth in a cat goes through several stages:

  • The waters are leaving.
  • The cervix and birth canal open.
  • The first cub appears (each next kitten will go outside in 15-30 minutes).
  • The placenta comes out of the uterus.

Cat birth is not uncommon, but the pet must be taken seriously. loving host be sure to go to the pharmacy in advance and buy the following products:

  • sterile gauze;
  • small towel;
  • scissors;
  • pipette;
  • warmer;
  • baby cream or vaseline.

Start of labor

Even the most experienced owner must understand: sometimes unforeseen situations happen, and, it would seem, to absolutely healthy cat you have to call the doctor. This must be taken into account and have a telephone at hand, and it is better to arrange a meeting with the veterinarian at home in advance. Cat birth lasts up to 12 hours. And if this is the first birth, the pet, like a woman, will be more worried and feel pain more acutely. Plus, the process itself can be delayed.

The beginning of contractions scares the cat: she begins to fuss, breathe often, may scream in fright. The most important: in no case should you scold a cat, even if it starts to behave inappropriately. In a calm tone, you should call the pet by name several times, stroke it (if the cat allows it), try to calm it down or distract it with a toy. The animal must feel the protection of the person.

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What to do if the birth process is very weak?

If half an hour has passed after the discharge of the waters, and labor has not begun, this is a cause for alarm. The cat needs urgent help, but you can’t rush too much - careless and thoughtless actions can only cause more harm.

The owner can do the following:

  • lubricate fingers with petroleum jelly (baby cream);
  • very carefully insert your fingers into the pet’s vagina and try to pull the kitten by the shoulders with weak, helical movements (you can’t pull the head, you can inadvertently break the baby’s neck and kill him);
  • support the abdomen of the pet with the second hand;
  • if the contractions have stopped, rumple the back and tummy of the pet to stimulate a new attempt.

These measures should be resorted to only in extreme cases! If 30 minutes after contractions has not yet passed, you can not provoke labor on your own.

And here is the baby

As soon as the amniotic sac bursts, it's time to wait for the first baby to appear. Amniotic fluid comes out first, it softens birth canal. In a few minutes, the first kitten should appear. Some pets give birth to their entire brood with an interval of 5 minutes. Others take half an hour for each fluffy angel. It is impossible to predict how much a cat will manage. But if 30 minutes have passed since the appearance of the first kitten, and the brothers still do not leave the womb, urgent action must be taken.

Childbirth should end within 2-4 hours, after the appearance of each baby, the cat, armed with natural instincts, begins to play the role of a mother. She gets acquainted with the kitten, sniffs it, immediately licks its muzzle. Then it gnaws through the umbilical cord and eats all unnecessary amniotic membranes. The placenta comes out of the uterus on its own. The owners should not be afraid that the cat eats the afterbirth. But it is important to know that if a pet has an upset gastrointestinal tract, then the placenta in the stomach may be to blame.

If not all babies were born, what to do?

If the cat’s birth is suddenly too long, you don’t need to immediately think about the bad. But it's also not worth waiting until everything resolves itself. The first births are very long. If there are a lot of kittens in the womb, the process can also be delayed. But how do you know if all the little ones have come out? Suddenly 1 or 2 remained inside, and the animal is not going to continue labor? So, when the owner should be wary:

  • The cat has strange behavior.
  • If you feel the abdomen, it is determined by a seal about the size of a kitten.
  • The cat's tummy does not "deflate".
  • The temperature has risen to 39 degrees.
  • Appeared greenish discharge from the vagina.

It also happens that mommy just decides to "rest" a little, having already produced 4-5 babies. And during the break, the cat calmly goes about her maternal affairs: she licks the kittens, feeds them, eliminates the remnants of the placenta. If the cat looks calm and content, everything is in order, after some time the remaining kittens will be born.

But if one or more of the above symptoms are present, then the presence of kittens in the womb can lead to big problems. The owner, who noticed something was wrong, urgently needs to call a specialist. Every minute is precious. Not only unborn kittens are under threat, but the cat itself.

Maternal instinct

If the birth went well, the cat is happy, and the kittens are healthy, there is no reason to worry. Nature has laid in the pet a program for the care of offspring, which the cat will carry out in the allotted time for this. No one is better at taking care of babies than a mother herself.

But it wouldn't hurt to take care of the cat. The pet was very tired, spent a lot of strength and nerves on difficult process childbirth. Now she has no less difficult task- all offspring come out. The cat needs a rich man complete diet, which contains proteins to the maximum and all useful vitamins. The pet will share all this wealth with kittens, feeding them with milk. By 3 weeks of age, babies can already eat on their own, and they can be attached to new hands.

Important Facts

An owner planning to breed offspring from his pet should know that:

There are a few tips, following which will help not only to endure and give birth to healthy babies for your pussy for the first time, but also keep you calm and nerves:

  • A cat's pregnancy must be planned. And in the preparatory period, you need to get a doctor's consultation, check for contraindications, perhaps do an ultrasound of the small pelvis and pass some tests.
  • A primiparous cat must observe good physical activity but not overburdened. The items she needs should be within reach so that the pet does not try to jump too high. Pregnant animals should not be allowed outside unaccompanied.
  • Food expectant mother should be complete and balanced. No deficit allowed important elements: calcium, proteins, vitamins. Mandatory in the diet of meat products, dairy products. Perhaps the doctor will advise a complex of vitamins. Do not neglect the recommendations if you want to get full-fledged offspring and keep your cat healthy.
  • AT last days pregnancy, purchase drugs that may be needed during labor: Oxytocin to stimulate contractions, Gamavit to maintain the body of the woman in labor, Ringer's solution to prevent dehydration.
  • If you are as inexperienced in cat birth as your pet, then think about professional help. When contractions appear, you can call the veterinarian home, this will help prevent the occurrence of unforeseen complications.
  • With self-assistance in the process of childbirth, carefully study the entire theoretical base to be ready to help and not panic at all. When health threatening and life situations, seek medical attention immediately.

Although labor activity is a natural process laid down by nature, the first time is always the most difficult, even for a cat, even for a person. After a couple of litters, your pet will be experienced enough to manage on her own. But for the first time giving birth, it is better not to be left without the support of a loving owner. And your task is to remain completely calm so that an inexperienced animal does not become even more nervous.

In these animals, it is very small, but still it is definitely not worth excluding them completely. In particular, when a cat gives birth, you need to know for sure whether all the kittens were born ... But how to do it?

So, let's start with the "truths". Pregnancy in these animals lasts (on average) up to 64 days, cases are described when a cat walked for 70 days. "Average" pets give birth to four kittens per litter, but it is not uncommon for six or even eight babies to be born.

The only way to more or less accurately know how many new pets you will have is to conduct an ultrasound examination.

The recommended period is at least 40 days of pregnancy. Keep in mind that even ultrasound does not always give full information about the number of kittens: especially “nimble” cubs can overlap others, as a result of which it can be quite difficult for a veterinarian to figure out the final number of babies.

But we are more interested in the process of childbirth itself. Contrary to popular belief, immediately after the onset of contractions, you do not need to run for the veterinarian.

  • Firstly, attempts in general can be preparatory, and they often begin three days before the “true” birth.
  • Secondly, first contractions very often last for at least 12 hours, sometimes this period is stretched to a day. True, if your pet is primiparous or, on the contrary, old (in such cases, the likelihood of complications is much higher), it will not hurt to call the veterinarian at this time.
  • Do not forget that many cats "love" to give birth at night, and round-the-clock veterinary clinics is not everywhere. So it is better to agree on the presence at the birth with a specialist in advance.

In principle, an ordinary cardboard box is suitable for this, on the bottom of which you can put a clean towel folded in several layers. If the box has a sufficiently large depth, then a hole can be cut in one of its walls, through which a pregnant animal can easily both climb inside the box and get out of it. Let your pet get acquainted with this nest - if she does not like it, then there is huge probability that she will come to your bed to give birth. If everything is in order, then put this box in a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

Approximately a day before the onset of childbirth, the cat begins to worry and intensively prepare its nest, and a couple of hours before a significant event, she calls the owner in every possible way to the place where the birth will actually take place. Be sure to sit next to the animal, stroke it, and talk to it. This will surely have a calming effect on the cat, and then she will settle down and wait for the contractions to begin.

When childbirth, the temperature rises, and her and her ears become very hot. Watch how they are born: normally, they should be born with their front legs forward. The mother cat must lick each of them, gnaw through the umbilical cord and eat the afterbirth that followed the kitten. It is impossible to predict the duration of labor in advance. Between the birth of the first and last kittens, it can take 40-50 minutes, or long hours. The owner should only talk and from time to time look to ensure that the process goes well and there are no complications.

If something is wrong, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Nowadays, the veterinarian can be called to the house, often even at night. It is possible that in fact everything is going fine, but only a veterinarian can determine this, even without being present at the same time as a cat. You can simply describe what is happening on the phone. In any case, ask permission from your veterinarian observing your cat to contact him if necessary.



cats Unfortunately, they are not always able to give birth to kittens on their own. In the worst cases, a veterinarian may even be required to save the animal and cubs. It is important to remember that if pregnancy british cat lasts longer than 60-65 days, it is likely that the kittens will be too large, and then the owner will have to accept from his pet childbirth.

You will need

  • Box, clean diapers.


Prepare the place for the birth and make sure that someone in the household can look after the cat and help her if necessary. It is desirable that at the right time you have the opportunity to take time off from work and take childbirth at your favorite.

Provide your good conditions for childbirth. Lay clean diapers in a specially prepared box. Make sure the room is warm and quiet so that strangers and loud sounds did not interfere with the expectant mother. The fact is that it is very important for a cat at the time of birth to feel protected. Otherwise childbirth may drag on or even stop until the animal calms down.

Don't worry, otherwise your pet will start to worry too. When they start, you will immediately notice wave-like movements inside the belly of the expectant mother. Gently and gently stroke the cat, speak to it in a quiet, gentle voice. Do not leave the cat alone, calm her down if she starts to thrash around and meow loudly.