The dog has poisoning, she can barely walk. Signs of dog poisoning

In large settlements cases of dog poisoning by dog ​​hunters have become more frequent. Any animal can become a victim of flayers. They scatter poisons everywhere, even on the territory of kindergartens. Therefore, pet owners need to know what dog hunters are poisoning them with, the symptoms of poisoning with the most common poisons, and methods of providing a pet emergency assistance.

Danger of poisoning

The problem of intoxication with substances from the “arsenal” of dog hunters is that they turn for help too late. The owners do not always understand that the dog is in serious condition. When an animal reacts to being touched on the back, they think that someone hit it. Treatment with home remedies leads to the fact that the manifestations of poisoning and its intensity increase.

One of the dangers of intoxication is paralysis. If it extends to respiratory muscles, then breathing stops. In most cases, paralysis progresses gradually. First, the hind legs are taken away from the dog, then involuntary defecation and urination occur. That's when they usually call veterinarian, which states far advanced poisoning.

The recovery of a dog after being poisoned by dog ​​hunters largely depends on the vigilance of its owners, attention, and patience. It must be remembered that recovery period long enough. If all the doctor's instructions are followed, the dog will recover in a few months.


The dog may be poisoned:

  1. Spoiled food.
  2. Means of household chemicals.
  3. Discarded medicines.
  4. pesticides.
  5. baits.
  6. Medicines for worms (in case of overdose).

Symptoms of poisoning manifest themselves in animals in different ways. This is due to the fact that dog hunters use all kinds of poisonous drugs. If earlier they made baits from minced meat and added poison to it, now they are increasingly spraying trees with poisonous substances. Licking them, the dog will be poisoned.

The clinical picture of intoxication depends on the structure and properties of the poison. Acute poisoning often develops at lightning speed. It is characterized by bright symptomatic manifestations. Chronic intoxication progresses slowly, over several days or weeks.

When poison enters the body, all departments are affected. nervous system, liver, heart, kidneys, skin. The main signs of an acute illness:

  • the animal is not able to stand, its head twitches;
  • grinding of teeth is heard;
  • vomiting develops, often multiple;
  • convulsions are noted;
  • fuzzy consciousness, expressed aggression;
  • involuntary urination;
  • the pulse increases significantly;
  • dogs are depressed, do not respond, try to hide in a dark corner.

A few hours later, death occurs from oxygen starvation and shutdown of vital important organs.

The most common poisonous substances

Dog hunters in their cruel work often use medicines or pesticides to control rodents.
Consider how intoxication with certain poisons manifests itself.

Isoniazid (Tubazid)

This medicine is used to treat tuberculosis in humans. In dogs, it turns off certain areas of the brain. Death occurs after 40 minutes, at most - after 5 hours (depending on the dose and characteristics of the organism). Cause lethal outcome - oxygen starvation. Moreover, the animal dies in terrible agony due to the developing paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs with tubazid:

  1. Consciousness is clouded.
  2. There is drowsiness.
  3. There is no coherence of movements, paws give way.
  4. Vomiting starts.
  5. stands out a large number of saliva, often with foam.
  6. Coma, convulsions.

Anticonvulsants do not relieve muscle spasm. Sometimes lactic acidosis develops (accumulation of lactate in the blood). If there is no lactic acidosis, then spasms do not appear.

The antidote is pyridoxine, or vitamin B6. It is sold in every pharmacy. It is non-toxic to the victim, so it is used in dosages exceeding the therapeutic ones.


So called, used for deratization. Signs of intoxication with zoocoumarin - bloody vomiting and diarrhea, bleeding from anus, lethargy, pallor of mucous membranes, difficulty breathing. The dog groans in pain, the body temperature rises.

Rat poison acts like an anticoagulant direct action. It destroys vitamin K, which is necessary for the formation of blood clotting factors. Zoocumarin damages the capillaries, so bleeding develops. If help is not provided, the animal will die from hemorrhage, hemorrhage in abdominal cavity and brain.

From zoocoumarin, a dog can die even with a slight capillary bleeding. For example, while walking or playing, she was injured. It should be noted that incessant bleeding is often one of the main symptoms of intoxication with such a poison.

After the poisonous compound enters the bloodstream, the animal does not feel symptoms for some time. This happens as long as vitamin K remains in the cells. The first signs of intoxication develop only after a few days. This is the danger of zoocoumarin: a poisoned dog is helped too late. Antidotes that act instantly are often useless.

After the onset of symptoms of poisoning with this poison, the animal can only be saved within 9–12 hours. If the poisoning occurred in the evening, until the morning, precious time can be irretrievably lost.

Other means

Sometimes doghunters use a drug for developing photographic film as a murder weapon. Lethal dose for a dog - about 5 grams. The action of the substance is based on the fact that it converts hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which cannot carry oxygen to tissues and cells.

Death from such a poison occurs faster than from. It is used quite rarely, because it is dangerous for people. There is no antidote yet.

Strychnine is a drug used to control rats. The dog has muscle spasm and twitching, it becomes difficult to stand. Convulsions are ultimately fatal.

Arsenic is used in insecticides. Symptoms of intoxication with this substance:

  • sudden loss of appetite;
  • pronounced thirst;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

Symptoms and signs of phosphorus poisoning:

  1. Anxiety (the animal hides, does not react to what is happening, does not respond).
  2. Pain symptoms in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Vomiting (the contents of the stomach become greenish and radiate light in the dark).
  4. Acute swelling of the tongue.
  5. Yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
  6. Weakness.

If an animal eats a bait containing DDT, in addition to the indicated signs of intoxication, it develops pronounced muscle contractions. Death can come pretty quickly.

Emergency help

Strive to help the animal as soon as possible. The effectiveness of detoxification is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to know what poisoned the animal. It is important to quickly identify possible path entry of toxins into the body.
The purposes of emergency assistance are as follows:

  • prevent further entry of the toxin;
  • evacuate it from the body by vomiting;
  • reduce concentration in gastrointestinal tract(use enemas, enterosorbents);
  • reduce the level of toxin in the blood with the help of antidotes (intramuscularly or intravenously);
  • urgently restore all the vital functions of the dog.

If signs of poisoning appear, which may indicate that the animal has eaten bad food, take emergency measures.

  1. Cleanse your stomach. To do this, give your pet more water. Induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Keep in mind that antiemetic components can be added to the poison. You can pour hydrogen peroxide into water - a tablespoon per 3 kilograms of weight. Do not use mustard, soda, it is dangerous.
  2. Give the animal adsorbents. Crush activated charcoal (tablet per kilogram) and mix with water.
  3. Urgently inject vitamin B6. If the dog weighs up to 20 kg, then it needs about 5 ml of the product. Insufficient dosages can lead to death.
  4. Do not feed the animal - this speeds up the entry of poison into the bloodstream.
  5. Give a drink a laxative solution (preferably saline - magnesium sulfate or sodium). Repeat the introduction of adsorbents.
  6. Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately!

To avoid death pet after being poisoned by dog ​​hunters, each owner needs to form a first aid kit. It must contain:

  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin K1 or dicynone (administered at the rate of one milliliter per kilogram of pet's weight);
  • unitiol (used only by a doctor);
  • adsorbents (activated carbon, enterosorb;
  • (this medicine is dangerous, it is used exclusively by a veterinarian);
  • emetics - drugs that cause vomiting (used by a specialist, self-treatment unacceptable);
  • laxative;
  • diuretic (furosemide);
  • syringes;
  • syringe;
  • droppers.

Treatment of poisoning

Therapeutic measures depend on the poison with which the animal is poisoned. significant portion emergency measures carried out in a veterinary clinic.

If a dog has been poisoned by dog ​​hunters, it should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible.


An injection of pyridoxine relieves spasms. The dog's stomach is washed, they are given an enterosorbent, Corvalol (15 drops are needed per 20 kg of weight), an enema is given. A diuretic is shown, for the speedy evacuation of a poisonous substance, it is necessary to drink the animal with plenty of water. Apply antispasmodics.

It must be remembered that an overdose of vitamin B6 for a dog poisoned by isoniazid is not terrible. Further treatment carried out only in a veterinary clinic.

Treatment with Zoocumarin

Vitamin K1 is the antidote. It's vital required drug to restore normal blood clotting. Unitiol is also considered an antidote. Give the animal an enterosorbent - activated carbon or enterosgel.

Until pet gets to the vet, wash his stomach boiled water. Enter dicynone or etamsylate. Drink the dog intensively, you can drink tea.

And deliver yours quickly four-legged friend to the clinic, bring unithiol or atropine with you.

The complexity of the treatment of zoocoumarin poisoning is that it is very difficult to purchase vitamin K1 in Russia. Vitamin K3 is not an antidote, as it acts ineffectively, and in some cases only aggravates the poisoning. In the absence of an antidote, a blood transfusion is performed.

Video: dog hunters poison dogs with cyanide dangerous to humans.


Often, poisoning by the poison that dog hunters leave is due to the carelessness and negligence of the dog owner. It is important to teach her not to pick up food on the street. Unfortunately, almost no one does this, which is why animals eat everything edible that comes across their way.

Be sure to wear a muzzle for your dog. So she will unlearn picking up food outside the house.

Animals must be constantly monitored, especially in walking areas and in parks. Try not to let the dog go, keep it on a leash, and prevent it from sniffing, let alone licking trees and grass.

All dog owners must follow basic safety rules. If dog hunters are operating in the area, take a first-aid kit with antidotes with you for a walk. If you meet suspicious people, notify the police.

Poisoning in a dog is a consequence, as a result of which toxic substances enter the body.

There are cases that poisoning occurs intentionally (when intentionally harming a dog) and accidentally.

Dangerous for the life of the animal are poisoning in acute form flowing hard enough.

Causes of poisoning

According to statistics, food poisoning in dogs in 85% of cases is the fault of the owner. It is worth considering that dogs do not sort out food. Therefore, they eat everything that the owner gives him. Also, dogs love to taste everything that comes along on a walk.

It is quite possible to notice poisoning on your own, the main thing is to correctly identify the factor of obvious signs.

In most cases, the symptoms are similar to an intestinal disorder with a slight deviation, which makes it possible to err in the correct definition of the problem.

On the initial stage dog poisoning when toxic agents just started harmful effects on the body, there is apathy to what is happening, there is no desire to eat, inactive, mostly in a supine position.

In case of poisoning in a dog, the symptoms are expressed as follows:

  • the animal cannot control the motor apparatus, the coordination of movement is disturbed in a chaotic manner;
  • feeling weak and trembling in the body;
  • saliva is profusely secreted;
  • cough, hoarseness, shortness of breath;
  • frequent and profuse vomiting, with foamy contents;
  • convulsions;
  • stomach upset;
  • the color of the mucosa changes, acquiring a yellow tint;
  • breathing is frequent, superficial;
  • depressed, overexcited state;
  • incessant thirst;
  • involuntary urination;
  • fast, slow pulse;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth.

In general, the symptoms in a dog develop quite quickly, while also rapidly aggravating. This sign characteristic of rapid poisoning.

In a chronic condition, an asymptomatic course is possible, which is quite difficult to identify not only for the owner, but also for a specialist in a veterinary clinic.

It is worth looking at the color and condition of the mucous membranes.

If the surface is pale, then this indicates internal bleeding, burgundy or yellow talks about the effects of toxins on the body.

The dog will have diarrhea with blood, the body temperature will increase, the mucous membranes will become pale, the heartbeat will increase, the pet will moan.

Isoniazid poisoning in dogs is expressed in a different way:

  • the consciousness of the animal is confused;
  • erratic running with staggering is possible;
  • orientation is lost;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • bloody foam often appears from the mouth;
  • breathing is oppressed;
  • convulsions;
  • drowsiness;
  • coma.

Strychnine poisoning in dogs acts quickly on the body. Clinical symptoms generally occur 10 to 120 minutes after ingestion, which can lead to sudden death.

Strychnine contributes to the development of such symptoms:

  • limbs are rigid;
  • muscles tight and motionless;
  • spasms torment, which contribute to the contraction of the muscles of the neck and back, which leads to the tilting of the head;
  • seizures that are uncontrollable bright lighting, noise);
  • breathing is difficult;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • vomit.

Chocolate poisoning in dogs appears several hours after eating the product.

It is important to know that chocolate is digested very slowly in dogs, so you should not leave your dog unattended, even if there are no symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms in most cases occur within 5 hours after eating chocolate. The first manifestation occurs within 24 hours.

If the dog was poisoned by chocolate

Obvious symptoms of chocolate poisoning:

  • spasms and pain in a stomach;
  • vomiting with a large amount of chocolate mass with a characteristic odor;
  • noticeably increased excretion saliva;
  • increased thirst;
  • increased urination;
  • rarely diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rapid heartbeat and breathing;
  • disturbed heart rhythm;
  • every 4 hours the dog is excited;
  • trembling in the muscles;
  • increased perception of noise, touch, light.

Severe intoxication of the body is manifested if poisoning has occurred with toxic substances (arsenic, heavy metals, isoniazid).

Apart from common manifestations that occur with food poisoning, the following symptoms also occur:

  • coma - occurs 3 hours after poisoning. Failure to provide timely assistance can lead to the death of the animal;
  • dehydration;
  • disorders in the cardiac and vascular system;
  • severe convulsions and trembling, in the absence of help, lead to paralysis;
  • disorder of the nervous system;
  • bleeding from the nasal passage, anus;
  • bruising on the body;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • involuntary urination with blood;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • the pupil dilates or does not react to light at all;
  • the chemical and physical composition of the blood is disturbed;
  • acute renal failure.

Dog poisoning: first aid and treatment

When providing the first first aid it is important to know the cause of intoxication. In this case, one should not hesitate, due to the rapid penetration of toxic substances into the body, which lead to serious condition animal.

The first thing to do is to remove the poison from the body. This immediately raises the question: “How to help the dog, how to drink, how to inject in this case”?

If the dog has food poisoning, then vomiting is induced using a saline solution that you can make yourself (a tablespoon of salt dissolves in a glass of warm water) or purchase a drug in a pharmacy Regidron.

This tool will help restore water-alkaline balance in the body, relieve diarrhea. You can also dilute peroxide with water 1 to 1 or give water with mustard.

More ways to treat food poisoning in dogs

Another way to cleanse the body - enema. When performing this procedure, you must be careful, based on the size of the pet. Use a syringe or Esmarch's mug. You can add a small amount of salt to the water.

You can try the dry emetic method using salt or soda. One or another product is placed on the root of the dog's tongue, the mouth is closed. It will take several minutes to stroke the throat of the pet for the subsequent entry into the esophagus of the agent. Next, wait for vomiting.

In a hospital, gastric lavage in a dog is carried out using a probe. After inserting the device, the dog may vomit. Then it is necessary to lower her head for further exit of vomit, with the continuation of manipulations. When vomiting is over, activated charcoal is given, which has a binding effect on the stomach and removes toxins from it. The intake of tablets depends on the body weight of the animal, on average 3-20 tablets will be enough. It is recommended for a quick reaction in the stomach to use kaolin along with polysorb and vaseline oil.

With weakness, low body temperature, chills, you should cover the pet in order to normalize heat exchange.

In addition to a number of events and medicines there is an antidote for intoxication. This is a specific antidote, everyone available remedy pyridoxine vitamin B 6. If there is a suspicion that the dog has poisoned, you can enter it yourself. The vitamin does not Negative influence even at high doses. It must be injected into a vein.

If chemical poisoning occurs in dogs, the animal should be taken outside or in a room that is well ventilated. Inhaling vapors of turpentine or gasoline may cause vomiting and seizures. You will need to give to drink 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, a little later laxative. If chemicals are in contact with skin rinse immediately with plenty of water.

First aid This is an initial event, so after completing the required steps, you need to take the dog to the clinic for help from specialists.

Dog poisoning: treatment

If poisoning occurs:

  • if rat poison, brodifacoum, has entered the body, poisoning in a dog is stopped by introducing a dropper with vitamin K;
  • after vomiting with food poisoning, the stomach is cleaned with activated charcoal, egg white. It is given to drink strong tea, milk, a weak solution of manganese;
  • the stomach is washed with a probe;
  • put an enema;
  • a dropper is placed saline solution, which contributes to the speedy removal of toxic substances;
  • dropper with Trisol preparation, glucose solutions, cardiac preparations.

Having eliminated the poison from the body, the veterinarian may prescribe plentiful drink, the use of diuretics, diet.

Drug for a dog with poisoning

Strychnine intoxication requires emergency medical attention. You can't help your pet on your own.

The first thing you should pay attention to is to prevent suffocation, which can occur due to spasms in the airways.

If it is impossible to independently perform respiratory actions, the dog is connected to artificial oxygen.

After accepting a pet for treatment, he will be sent to a quiet room with low light, as noise and bright lighting can lead to convulsions. The doctor will wash the stomach and prescribe infusion therapy.

When a dog suffers from diarrhea, it may be a problem in a disturbed diet, poisoning with stale food. In this case, a hunger strike is necessary for the dog, drink water or rice decoction, give enterosgel.

The drug should not only eliminate the symptom, but also get rid of the underlying cause. liquid stool caused by bacteria. Enterofuril will help to cope with this problem, having a gentle effect on the intestinal flora, without causing harm.

Prevention measures:

In order not to face the problem of poisoning, you should teach your pet that you can’t take food from the wrong hands and pick it up from the ground. Also walks should be done on a short leash and the owner should watch the dog. If it was not possible to wean the dog from eating on the street, then it is better to wear a muzzle.

It is best to feed the dog with the minerals and vitamins required for growth and health, balanced feed. Full, he will not look for something to eat and stop picking up everything on the street.

Preventive actions:

  • do not use household chemicals when bathing a dog;
  • hide medicines, household chemicals so that it is difficult for the dog to get them;
  • when planning to give an animal vitamins, you should consult a veterinarian, beriberi is possible with uncontrolled use of funds;
  • feed need to buy high-quality, proven. Always look at the expiration date, store properly;
  • walks away from garbage containers, wear a muzzle.

Video: symptoms of dog poisoning

Poisoning in dogs is common. They can be caused by both poor-quality food and toxic substances. Intoxication with some toxic substances can lead the animal to death in a matter of minutes. This article tells you what to do if your dog is poisoned, what symptoms to look out for, and when to take your dog to the vet immediately.

Causes of dog poisoning

Dogs are not very picky about food. They love to try everything, take it in their mouths and gnaw. Poisoning can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • when eating stale and poor-quality food. A dog can eat rotten or spoiled meat, some animals are even attracted to the smell of such food. A dog can also get poisoned by expired dog food;
  • ingestion of medications or narcotic substances left by the owners in an accessible place;
  • the use of dog poison or toxic substances. Now cases of intentional poisoning of dogs are very common. People who do this are called dog hunters. They lay out the poison in the walking areas of pets, they can mix it into pieces of meat and bread;
  • dog eating household chemicals, detergents. For example, an animal might drink from a bucket filled with floor washing liquid or eat a bar of soap;
  • chemical gases. It could be fumes cigarette smoke, chemical weapon. If the dog lives on the territory of an industrial enterprise, it can inhale the fumes of chemicals;
  • due to contact with toxic substances on the mucous membranes, hair or skin. This may be an incorrectly applied tick or flea remedy to the animal's skin;
  • home plants, rhododendrons, daffodils, tulips, azaleas are poisonous for animals;
  • sweetener xylitol - it is fatal to the body of the animal. Just one tablet can lead to hypoglycemic coma and death of the dog.

Please note that puppy poisoning can be caused by the wrong food for age.

Suspicious food - instant action

If you notice that your dog has eaten something on the street, it seems suspicious to you, be vigilant. This is not the case when you should rely on luck. In no case do not feed the dog immediately after poisoning. This can significantly aggravate the situation by accelerating the absorption of the poison into the body.

If we talk about first aid, then you have to take several actions. Follow the step by step instructions.

  • In each case of poisoning, the first step is to rid the body of further exposure to toxic substances. Induce vomiting in the animal. This can be done in several ways. Large quantity water (but not with a salt solution, as this can lead to another type of poisoning in a dog). You can use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Check the dosage with a specialist, as much depends on the breed of dog, its weight and age.

Some hosts are able to induce vomiting mechanically. You just need to press on the root of the tongue. But be careful! You yourself know firsthand about the power of your pet's jaws. Do not use popular methods (salt, mustard, soda, etc.).

  • Unfortunately, even vomiting is not able to fully rid the dog's body of the action of a toxic substance, so you need to use sorbents. Activated charcoal is perfect for this purpose. It is necessary to give the dog medicine at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Other sorbents applicable to humans are also suitable (enterosgel, smecta, polyphepam, etc.). All of these remedies are applicable even if you fail to induce vomiting.
  • Give the animal a saline laxative. The dosage is also specified by the specialist. Thus, toxic substances will be removed from the body as quickly as possible.

After that, you just have to watch the dog. It is better to repeat the intake of sorbents after a while. If deterioration is observed, repeat the operations. In parallel with the provision of first aid, try to contact the veterinarian.

Main clinical manifestations

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs develop during the first days after the poisonous substance enters the animal's body. Clinical manifestations depend on what exactly the dog was poisoned with, how the poison got into the body and its amount.

Below are the main signs of dog poisoning with various substances.

Food poisoning

If the dog has been poisoned by food, the first symptoms may begin to appear within a few hours after eating. In a puppy, they can develop faster.

Clinical manifestations food poisoning:

  • general weakness of the animal, it becomes inactive, lethargic, refuses to play with its favorite toys;
  • poor appetite, the pet refuses to eat food offered to him;
  • vomiting, at first there may be food debris in the vomit, and then mucus, gastric juice and bile;
  • profuse diarrhea, stools are liquid, watery, may have a fetid odor;
  • increased gas emission may be accompanied by intestinal colic, pain in the abdomen, while the animal whines and groans.

Poisoning with rat poison

  • impaired coordination of movements. The owners first of all notice their pet staggering when walking, it can fall to one side, crash into walls, hit corners;
  • the appearance of convulsions in all muscle groups. At the same time, the head of the animal tilts back, its paws are extended, convulsions may be accompanied by the release of white foamy saliva from the mouth;
  • severe vomiting and diarrhea, which may be bloody.

First aid for a poisoned dog

All owners should know what to do if the dog is poisoned. When poisoned with medicines or poisons, there is no time to think, as the pet can die in a matter of minutes. First aid for a dog in case of poisoning is provided by the owners, after which the animal should be immediately taken to veterinary clinic.

Remember that if a dog has been poisoned by acid or alkali, it is forbidden to induce vomiting in it and wash the stomach yourself! This will lead to even more damage to the walls of the esophagus and stomach and to severe internal bleeding.

Tools that should always be in the first aid kit

There are several medicines that a dog needs in one case or another. In order not to run headlong after them to the pharmacy after the disease has occurred, always keep them in the first aid kit:

  1. Vitamin B6 injections. It is also called "Pyridoxine". Available at any pharmacy.
  2. Vitamin K1. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Only K3 can replace it (and even then partially). Special veterinary drug not for sale in Russia (but better check, times are changing).
  3. Unithiol. This is an excellent antidote. It is quite expensive, it can be used only with the permission of a doctor.
  4. Atropine. It is only needed in exceptional cases. You most likely will not be able to buy it, and rightly so, since the drug is extremely toxic. It may only be used by a qualified technician.
  5. Medicines that can cause vomiting. They are also quite dangerous to your dog's health if you use them incorrectly. Therefore, the doctor should supervise the reception.
  6. Laxatives.
  7. Furosemide or other diuretics.
  8. Syringes.

There are several types of poisoning, and each of them requires a different approach to treatment. Below is a detailed description of how to save a dog from poisoning and what to do before going to the vet.


As soon as you notice changes in your pet's health that resemble poisoning, remove his food bowl. On the first day of illness, the dog should fast. You can start eating only after the permission of the veterinarian.

Hunger is necessary for rest and unloading digestive system. In case of poisoning and chemicals there is a high risk of developing internal bleeding, it can be triggered by food.

Gastric lavage

Treatment at home should begin with gastric lavage. To do this, you will need a 20 ml syringe and clean table water at room temperature. Enter 20-40 ml of water into the dog's mouth and press the root of the tongue with your finger. Don't be discouraged if you can't induce vomiting. Water will dilute poisonous substance in the stomach, reduce its concentration and negative impact on the mucous membrane.

Gastric lavage is contraindicated in:

  • black cough and vomiting (symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding);
  • etching with acids or alkalis;
  • disturbance of the animal's consciousness.

Do not add to gastric lavage solutions medications, potassium permanganate or decoctions of herbs. Potassium permanganate is prohibited for use in animals, even in low concentrations it can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

When your dog consumes acids and alkalis, do not try to neutralize these substances. For example, if a dog that has been poisoned by vinegar (acid) tries to neutralize the contents of the stomach with a solution of peroxide (alkali), a powerful chemical reaction, resulting in the formation of a large amount of gas. The mucous membrane of the stomach can not withstand and burst.


You can make your own dog enema. Take a small pear (volume 50-100 ml), fill it with plain water at room temperature and insert it into the dog's rectum.

Then you should wait until the animal goes to the toilet, and repeat this procedure again. Enema should be done before the appearance clean waters. Do not add drugs or other substances to the bowel cleansing solution.

Sorbents are a group of drugs whose action is aimed at binding and removing toxins from the digestive system. There are a lot of sorbents. All of them differ in dosage. We will consider the rules for taking the simplest and most common sorbent - activated carbon. This drug can be found in almost every home first aid kit.

The dosage should be calculated according to the weight of the animal: for 10 kg - 1 tablet. For example, the weight of an animal is 5 kg - half a tablet, if 30 kg - 3 tablets. You can give a little more, there will be no harm from it. For example, with a dog weighing 17 kg, take 2 tablets rather than 1.5. Grind required amount activated charcoal and stir it with 5-10 ml of plain water. Pour the resulting solution into the pet's mouth through a syringe (without a needle).

Drinking regime

The process of soldering a poisoned animal is long and painstaking. After vomiting and diarrhea, the dog is dehydrated. It should be watered little by little and often. Pour 5 ml of water into her mouth every 5-10 minutes.

Please note that in case of isoniazid poisoning, the dog must be given an antidote - vitamin B6 - within the first 30 minutes. If there are cases of deliberate poisoning of dogs in the area where you live, buy this vitamin and carry it with you at all times. If necessary, administer it to your animal immediately. Consult with your veterinarian in advance about the rules for dosing and administering this antidote.

Treatment in a veterinary clinic

Only a veterinarian can determine exact reason feeling unwell animal, make a diagnosis and tell the owners how to help the dog in this situation.

If the condition of the animal is critical, it will be left in the hospital. When mild poisoning the doctor will write out the rules of diet, drinking and appoint a schedule for visiting the clinic for injections and droppers.

Treatment for poisoning may consist of the following groups of drugs:

  • antispasmodics;
  • sorbents;
  • corticosteroids;
  • enzymes;
  • laxatives;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • solutions for intravenous rehydration;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Do not self-medicate your pet. Even if after the first aid you gave him a little better, take him to the veterinarian for an examination and consultation. Treatment at home can be carried out only after the appointment of a doctor.

Prevention of dog poisoning

According to statistics, most main reason acute poisoning in dogs is carelessness and inattention of the owners. The following are guidelines to help you protect your pet from poisoning:

  • check the date of manufacture of the products you feed your dog, do not give her expired food;
  • walk your pet in a muzzle, so you will be sure that he does not swallow something on the street;
  • wean the puppy to pick up and eat something during walks;
  • store medicines, detergents, cosmetics, alcohol in places inaccessible to the dog.

Poisoning in dogs can lead to grave consequences and lethal outcome. First aid is provided by the owners, after which the animal must be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian. Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also life-threatening for the pet.

Dogs have lived alongside humans for centuries. They give us their love and loyalty, protect us, serve on the borders and work as guides. Unfortunately, city life is becoming more and more difficult and dangerous for our pets. Walking areas are closed everywhere, it is forbidden to go out with pets in squares and parks, and if the dog gives a voice while staying in the apartment, the neighbors complain. But this is not the worst. A wave of pet poisoning on walks now and then rolls through large and small cities. Accident? Ridiculous coincidence? Or intentional destruction? What to do if the dog was poisoned, and how to prevent a tragic ending.


Most dogs have a habit of picking up things from the ground that they find attractive. Therefore, it is very important to early childhood work with animals, train them. One of the key skills is the ability to refuse food that stranger, as well as the learned prohibition to lift something from the ground. This will make your life much easier, although it does not guarantee complete security. Today, dog hunters even practice the processing of trees and grass special formulations. By sniffing and licking them, your pet will also receive a dose of poison. Therefore, it is so important to know what to do if the dog has been poisoned.

First signs

Worst of all, if the owner at the right time is not there. For example, you hastily brought your pet to the site and did not notice how he grabbed the “present” on purpose or accidentally left, after which he calmly went to work. Until the evening, the pet is unlikely to live. A case is described when public utilities worked to put rat poison in basements. Finishing work in the last entrance in the evening, they forgot the bag of poison on the bench and left. At night, the wind carried it to the grass, where it was found the next day by a dog. A tragedy that could have been avoided.

The first signs appear quite quickly, it will take from 1 to 3 hours - and the clinical picture will already be obvious. Depending on what active substance cause, symptoms may vary. Should alert:

  • Serious lack of coordination.
  • Profuse salivation, foam at the mouth.
  • Convulsions and convulsions.
  • Blue tongue.
  • General restlessness, the dog whines, howls and rushes about.

If you observe one or more symptoms, you need to act immediately. Delay will lead to the quick and painful death of the animal. Below we will look at what to do if a dog has been poisoned.

Poison for rodents

It is he who causes the death of pets in the vast majority of cases. On the one hand, this is the negligence of the owners themselves. Using means to fight mice and rats, they leave them in places within the reach of the dog. If the poisoned grain is of no interest, then sausage or minced meat is the opposite. In addition, such bait is used by ill-wishers. What to do if a dog is poisoned rat poison? Immediately run to the vet. For the most part, these toxic substances lead to impaired blood clotting and damage to small and large capillaries. That is, the dog will die painfully from internal bleeding, slowly and inevitably.

The danger of rat poison

Sometimes trouble comes from where they were not expected. A poisoned rodent does not die immediately and sometimes travels considerable distances, that is, it can come from neighbors. On instinct, your pet may catch it. The dog ate a poisoned rat - what to do? It's good if you noticed it. It's time to take measures to cleanse the stomach of food that has got into it, as well as detoxify. It is much worse if the poison has managed to be absorbed into the bloodstream and act. In this case, success will depend on how quickly treatment is started. After giving first aid, be sure to take your pet to the vet. It is best to leave him in the clinic for a day, so that he stays under the supervision of a specialist and undergoes a course of preventive measures.

It should be noted that there are many poisons for rodents. This is the main difficulty, since it is too late to conduct an examination if the dog has eaten a poisoned mouse. What should the owner do? Try to induce vomiting as soon as possible and take the pet to the doctor. Depending on the clinical symptoms the specialist can guess what kind of poison the mouse was poisoned with and take action.

Variety of poisons

There are a lot of them out today. Manufacturers add meat-flavored flavors to fight off the smell of poison. But it works for both rodents and dogs. Today, rat poison baits are laid out to destroy homeless animals. This is extremely cruel way destruction of their population, because they die in terrible agony.

But your pet can also pick up baits. What to do if a dog is poisoned? First of all, you need to assess the condition of the animal. There are two groups of poisons:

  1. Fast acting. It is not commercially available, only special services use such funds. In this case, you are practically powerless. Even if you immediately go to the clinic, damage to internal organs will be incompatible with life.
  2. Substance of the prolonged action. Preparations of this group are sold in special departments, purchased for the fight against rodents. They can also be bought by those who intentionally want to harm dogs or get rid of stray animals.

Among the substances of the second group, brodifacoum, triphenacin, krysid and a number of others can be distinguished. They are classified according to the type of toxin and have different effects. Knowing these signs will help you navigate the situation if your dog has been poisoned. What to do at home, we will now analyze, but for now a few words about the symptoms.

  • First and second generation anticoagulants affect the blood. It ceases to curl up and loses its functions, ceases to supply internal organs oxygen. You can observe bleeding from the ears, nose and mouth, from the anus and vagina.
  • Rat is very toxic. Under its influence, pulmonary edema and convulsions occur.
  • - is also very poisonous, it destroys the walls of the stomach and affects the nervous reactions.

Moreover, if the poison of the first group got into the stomach of the pet, then the symptoms can appear only after a couple of days.

Action of the poison

This is also something to keep in mind if your dog has been poisoned. What to do at home? It is required to stop exposure to the toxin as soon as possible. All these poisons are designed to kill. Once inside a living organism, they cause pathological changes blood. It ceases to fulfill its life-giving functions. All organs gradually atrophy, which causes a slow and painful death of the animal. Only a few milligrams of poison are needed for poisoning. Puppies and young dogs react faster to toxins, they develop pathologies faster.

How to save an animal

We go directly to the question of what to do. Neighbors poisoned the dog, she found bait on the street or caught a dying mouse - there will be one outcome if measures are not taken in time.

  • The first step is to induce vomiting. To do this, the stomach is washed with weak potassium permanganate. Take a 20 gram syringe. For an adult animal, you will need to repeat this procedure 4-5 times, for small ones, once is enough. After that, press on the root of the tongue to induce vomiting.
  • Wash your intestines. To do this, 100 ml of a warm solution must be injected into anus with a baby enema. After the act of defecation, repeat the procedure.
  • Give the animal diluted magnesium sulfate powder.

Of course, we are considering a simplified version. It fits if you're watching obvious symptoms and you know exactly what is to blame (for example, the neighbors poisoned the dog). What to do if the malaise is developing rapidly, but you cannot understand what is the reason? Immediately go to the clinic, where an experienced specialist can provide first aid and take tests in parallel.

We provide assistance

If in this moment the veterinarian is not available, you do not have the opportunity to deliver the animal to the clinic or call a specialist at home (you have a large and heavy dog, no personal transport, the phone does not work), then you need to continue to take rescue measures. Now we will tell you what to do. If the dog was poisoned by dog ​​hunters, the chances of salvation, alas, are very small. They use strong drugs that kill for sure.

  • Try again to induce vomiting. To do this, use brine. Make it by diluting a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water. You can dilute 0.5 tablespoon of salt in a glass of milk or buy sodium chloride in a bottle.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride, or B 6 . Draw the contents of 10 ampoules of 1 ml into one syringe and inject intramuscularly into back paw. You can repeat the procedure after an hour and a half.
  • Sometimes the symptoms develop so rapidly that you understand: a dog poisoned on the street is dying in his arms. What should the owner do in this case? Give an injection of "Dimedrol" with "Analgin" and "No-Shpu" intramuscularly. This will not save the animal, but will ease his last moments.
  • If the situation is more or less stable, then after vomiting it is necessary to give the animal absorbents. You can use activated carbon powder at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. There are special cleansing preparations - "Polysorb", "Polifepan" and others.
  • You need to drink as much liquid as possible, literally pour in with a syringe every 5 minutes. In parallel, use diuretics, most often it is Furosemide.

If the nausea has stopped, you can give the animal a jelly-like decoction of flaxseed. It envelops the intestinal wall and prevents the absorption of toxic substances. But even at this stage, the help cannot be called complete. You need to find a way to take your pet to the vet.

If time is lost

This is a sore point, but even in this case, the owner must know what to do. The dog was poisoned with poison, which means you only have a couple of hours to clear the stomach of the deadly contents. After that, it passes into the intestines, and it makes no sense to torment the animal with useless vomiting. You can not do this with convulsions and obvious nervous lesion. Do not try to feed the animal.

No matter how much you want to help, do not start self-treatment. What to do if the dog was poisoned, only a specialist should think based on clinical picture. Doctors rarely wait for test results from the lab. They take the temperature blood pressure and pulse, after which they ask the owner about what happened. Based on this, an assumption is made about the nature of the poison and treatment begins. Laboratory research can correct the initial diagnosis and therapy. For this, the blood of the animal is examined for the presence of poison.

A course of treatment

After being docked acute symptoms poisoning, the doctor has many more important tasks. Namely: restore the body, remove toxins and poisons from it. For this, a long course of vitamin K1 is prescribed. In case of severe poisoning, a blood transfusion is performed on the first day until it is completely cleansed. This procedure restores normal blood clotting.

If strong and fast-acting poisons have entered the body, the doctor prescribes drugs to restore the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, to cleanse the liver and eliminate pulmonary edema.

The activity of dog hunters

In their cruel work, they often use drugs that are easy to get. Very often it is "Isoniazid" - a drug that is used to treat tuberculosis. For humans, it is not toxic, which cannot be said about our smaller brothers. In dogs, the drug disables certain areas of the brain. Death occurs in 40 minutes, at most 5 hours. The cause of death is oxygen starvation. Moreover, the animal experiences severe pain due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

The antidote is vitamin B6. That is why it is recommended to keep it in your first aid kit at all times. A simple and affordable remedy will help if the dog was poisoned with tuberculosis pills. What to do? It is necessary to inject intramuscularly 10 ml of vitamin, and after 2 hours repeat the procedure.


Signs of intoxication - bloody vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy and pallor of the mucous membranes. The animal groans in pain, the temperature is usually high. Rat poison interferes with blood clotting. In this case, the symptoms usually develop slowly, and the owner may notice them only after a few days. But you can save the animal only within 12 hours. Then the damage to the capillaries is gaining momentum and internal bleeding intensifies. Most often, help to a poisoned dog is too late.

Other means

Doghenters use a fairly large arsenal of tools.

  • Sometimes a drug for developing photographic film acts as a murder weapon. The lethal dose is about 5 g. It is also toxic to humans. The substance blocks hemoglobin, or rather turns it into another substance that is not able to carry oxygen. Death comes very quickly, there is no antidote.
  • Strychnine is used to control rats. In dogs, it causes muscle spasm and twitching. Convulsions lead to death.
  • Arsenic is used in insecticides. This leads to thirst and sudden loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Phosphorus. Signs of phosphorus poisoning are anxiety, abdominal pain, greenish vomit. In addition, swelling of the tongue, yellowing of the sclera and weakness develop.

Near you

Unfortunately, situations when people who love and hate animals live nearby are not uncommon. What to do if your neighbors threaten to poison your dog? Complaining to law enforcement is almost useless. They won't make any effort. The exception is if you can prove that this is a thoroughbred animal, which is very expensive. Then it can be regarded as a threat of harm. valuable property. But do not forget that you also need to prove that these threats were. Therefore, record on the recorder, invite witnesses.

Of course, it is best to settle the matter amicably. Try to minimize the contact of your pet with a neighbor, and make contact with him yourself. Go visit with sweets, find out how he lives, what he likes. Gradually, he will become more disposed towards you and indulgent towards the pet. Do not forget about training, the animal should not take anything from the ground and from other people.

Poisoning is a fairly common disease in dogs. The reason for it is most often household substances that seem completely harmless to us. It is the foods or medicines that are common to us that can become life-threatening for a pet.

What is the danger of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning differ depending on which specific substance was the trigger and how much it entered the body. Effects may include gastrointestinal and neurological disorders, cardiac and respiratory failure to whom and even death. Some toxins have a cumulative effect, and it will take a long time to reveal its signs on its own.

It means that early signs poisoning can go unnoticed, the dog is credited with a playful state of "under the fly", which are attributed to general fatigue or a temporary lack of vitamins. At the same time, the disease progresses, involving more serious consequences. In other cases, the reaction may be immediate and aggressive, showing clear signs health ills. Although cases of poisoning are relatively rare, and most victims survive, there is a lot of unsafe dog in our surrounding "safety".

Types of poisoning

Types of poisoning are divided according to the type of substances that caused intoxication, as well as the ways they enter the body. There are two main distinguished types:

  • food poisoning;
  • non-food poisoning.

In the first, toxins enter the animal's body through the esophagus. The source of infection can be spoiled food, household chemicals, medicines, etc. In rare cases, particularly heavy toxins can enter the body if the animal simply licks them off the coat during normal licking.

Important! With non-food poisoning, toxins enter through the skin or respiratory organs. These can be poisonous insect or snake bites, inhalation of hazardous fumes, gases or smoke.

One of the most common ways of poisoning is the ingestion of toxic substances with food or drink. The variety can range from a licked puddle of antifreeze from a damaged radiator to larger volumes of another type of toxin.

Symptoms of poisoning in a dog

Dog poisoning symptoms can include any combination of the following. Depending on the severity and duration of the poisoning, as well as the type of toxin that provoked the reaction.

Loss of appetite

Changes in habits eating behavior dogs usually serve as the first signal of the development of malaise. The animal may stop showing interest in previously favorite food or even gourmet dog treats. If a dog skips one meal without showing other symptoms of poisoning, this is not a cause for concern at all. But if the pet skips several meals in a row and other symptoms appear, contact your veterinarian immediately for qualified help.

Profuse salivation

Drooling is usually a precursor to nausea. And excessive salivation can be a sign of food poisoning, which is replaced by the appearance of foam at the mouth.


Vomiting is another sign of poisoning. The vomit may contain blood. This happens, for example, when poisoned with rat poison, which provokes internal bleeding. If the dog begins to vomit, try to take a sample of vomit, in order to make it easier for the veterinarian to deal with the source of poisoning after conducting special tests. In some cases, the owners, assuming that the pet has consumed a poisonous substance, are trying. This should not be done on your own without the approval of a veterinarian. In some cases, this can cause even more harm. Therefore, the only correct solution- immediately go for qualified help.


Diarrhea may also contain bloody patches. This indicates the presence of internal bleeding. Also, the stool can take on a greenish, yellow and even black tint. It can also be provoked by the treatment process, when the consequences of poisoning were tried to be eliminated with an excessive amount of water.

Rash or irritation on the skin

Usually such a reaction is observed if the poison has entered the body through contact with the skin. For example, if a dog has been in contact with poison ivy, it can cause a rash where his body has touched the plants. You can also watch:

  • redness and irritation;
  • fluid-filled blisters;
  • swelling and rash;
  • constant itching.


Sluggish behavior may be due to the general damaging effects of the toxin, but it can also be a sign that the toxin is affecting the heart muscle as well. If the dog looks lethargic, does not want to go for a walk, play with his favorite toys and even the owners, there is an extreme lack of energy. If such weakness lasts more than a day, even without other accompanying symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian for advice, a more detailed examination and analysis. If there are other "companions" of poisoning, you also need to seek help.

loss of coordination

This symptom usually indicates that the brain has been affected by a poisoning toxin.. The dog may crash into objects around his home, fall or have difficulty moving. In fact, this is dizziness, which provokes a loss of coordination. For example, xylitol, a substance found in peanut butter, can lead to lack of coordination within ten minutes of ingestion.

Tremor or seizures

First aid at home

Many times dog owners have been slow to apply for medical care in the case of poisoning because they weren't quite sure what had happened. Timely appeal often plays for help the most important role in saving the animal and its speedy recovery. If the owner has suspicions about the health or well-being of their pet, it is important to call the veterinarian immediately and hospitalize the dog. Especially if signs of poisoning were found.

As a first aid to an animal, the only one hundred percent correct will be to collect maximum amount information. The awareness of the doctor allows him not to waste time on resolving "puzzles", but to proceed to direct assistance.

If the doctor has allowed - you can provoke vomiting in the dog. To do this, drink it with a warm salt solution. To do this, stir 1 tbsp. l. salt in 1 cup warm water. If the poison has entered through the skin through an insect bite, gauze moistened with vinegar or alcohol can be applied to the bite site. If the poison remains on the coat, wash off the residue with running water. In case of intoxication with poisonous gases, it is first of all important to bring the animal to Fresh air. In all cases, hospitalization is necessary.

Treatment and prevention

After the pet enters the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian will conduct a series of tests and analyzes to determine the condition of the animal and identify the toxin that provoked the poisoning. This is followed by a series of steps:

  • cleansing measures for the stomach and intestines (lavage, enema);
  • if necessary, the dog is given an antidote appropriate for the poison;
  • for faster release of the body from toxins, diuretics are given to the animal;
  • if necessary, supportive therapy is carried out for internal vital organs - the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • doctors are fighting to normalize breathing;
  • in the presence of convulsions - they are removed with the help of special drugs;
  • during bacterial poisoning, it is appropriate to use a course of antibiotics.

As for prevention, it is quite real. The fact is that dogs are not particularly picky in terms of food, its taste and useful qualities. In addition to the fact that they easily crush everything that the owners put on the plate, the majority also continuously gnaw something additionally, without the knowledge of people and their permission. Thus, the risk of dooming the animal to suffering increases significantly.

Important! The first mistake is to believe that a dog's stomach is stronger than a human's and is able to cope with everything in the world. It is not right. Do not feed your pet food that is already time to throw away.

Also, do not trust dog food of dubious quality. Suspiciously cheap food, if it does not become a source of poisoning, is not able to provide the body with all essential substances. With such nutrition, the animal becomes more vulnerable to disease. Don't let your dog out of sight. After all, a dog can easily feast on the "gastronomic delights" of a garbage can, dangerous insects, vegetables treated from pests from the garden, etc.