How to secure residual income. Why and how to open deposits so as not to lose money? Valuable property and real estate

Types of passive income - those in which the presence of stable financial income does not depend on daily work activities. Any of us have heard of people living off such income - those who do not have to go to work. They are called "rentiers", that is, living at the expense of rent.

Rent is the income that the owner receives from fixed capital placed in real estate, deposits, securities, etc. "From the same opera" - sources of passive income associated with copyright. By the way, the last option is not ordered to anyone these days. Everything is simple here: having created something once and having fixed the copyright for your own offspring, you will have such deductions for each next sale.

If you are a professional (no matter what area) - you have a real opportunity to monetize your own knowledge. Just record the training course on video or audio and release it to the market.

Why are we not a rentier

Today we will consider options for passive income and its possible sources. Its huge advantage is the release of personal time, which can be spent on favorite activities, family, vacation, household chores, or somewhere else. Anyone who works hard all day at work is almost completely deprived of such a wonderful opportunity.

Managing personal time at your own discretion does not mean spending your life in entertainment establishments, or lying on a warm beach - many people would be happy to do charity work, help the sick and homeless, or create works of art. To start making all these dreams come true, you need the most stable passive income.

Everyone has heard the expression "money to money". What does it mean? Nowadays, a situation is not uncommon when, having a generally good salary, a person "eats" it completely, buys things on credit and borrows money from relatives and friends from payday to payday. This goes on for years and decades.

But why is this happening? It seems that the main problem of such people is that the idea of ​​passive income does not even occur to them. They are not able to engage in the creation of an asset that will continue to work for their well-being. Everything that they earn, these people immediately spend, and thus deprive themselves of the only chance to ever escape from the captivity of financial slavery.

Do you recognize yourself?

Some of these consumers can be classified as "financial zombies". These are those whose asset has long been a negative value. That is, their expenses are greater than their income. Debts accompany them throughout their lives. Having given one loan, they immediately take the next one and so on.

Another category is a little more prosperous (but this does not make it any easier) - it tries to somehow correlate its expenses with the amount of earnings. They sometimes have a set of necessary goods - housing, a car, etc. Most of this was purchased on credit, which puts the owners in a dangerous and unstable position. After all, if any unforeseen financial circumstance happens, their well-being will crumble like a house of cards.

There is progress...

In contrast to the above categories, there are those whose asset can be considered positive. That is, their income is higher than their expenses. Most ordinary citizens from this group prefer not to have debts or minimize them and even have some savings, but such saved finances do not play a fundamental role, since they accumulate extremely slowly and are located either under the mattress, or (at best) on the passbook.

The most advanced of fellow citizens are those who are haunted by the idea of ​​passive income. Such people try to seize every opportunity to invest free funds and create their own additional financial source.

Let's go to the authorities

Many people know such a name as Robert Kiyosaki. This investor and businessman has written a number of popular books on the basics of financial literacy, which will not be superfluous for anyone to read. For example, one of the most interesting and most effective tips of this author is as follows: the mistake of almost every one of us is that, having earned a certain amount, we try to distribute these funds to anyone, but not to ourselves. We pay rent and utilities, but we keep nothing for ourselves. You should start just with yourself by creating your own monetary asset. Subsequently, it will become the basis for investing in a business or other source of permanent income.

Another "pro" in financial matters by the name of Rockefeller once uttered a phrase that a person who works full time has absolutely no time to earn money. For all the paradoxical nature of this saying, its wisdom lies on the surface - indeed, working in the office or in production, each of us is able to earn for himself personally only for current expenses to maintain everyday existence. For actions leading to wealth and well-being, there is neither strength nor free time left.

The conclusion is this: the main resource is time, which is well known to any of the wealthy people. The idea of ​​passive income is based on the correct distribution of this invaluable asset. And only having achieved this, you can start moving towards financial success. Everyone knows that all those who have achieved wealth initially had a specific list of goals. Well, the third, most important component for creating passive income is active, purposeful work over a number of months or even years.

The result should be a legitimate opportunity to quit a job you hate and start living on the dividends.

Passive income: examples and options

Now let's talk about the ways in which passive income is created. All its sources can be attributed to four varieties - investment (or financial), intellectual, marketing or legal (that is, one that is required by law). Passive income in Russia is no different from that in any other country in the world.

We will receive passive income of a financial or investment nature if we invest in a certain financial instrument, which will bring us a certain percentage of profit. Sources of such investment may be in the form of real estate, securities, bank deposits, our own business (if acquired) or equipment owned by us that can be rented out.

The second of the listed options, called intellectual, arises, as mentioned above, through the creation and implementation of any product of mental labor. The information business that is widespread today on the Internet is based on this principle. Many professionals in various fields develop and design their own training courses, then release them for sale an unlimited number of times.

"Partnerships" - an interesting topic

In the same way, it is possible to buy rights to resell a similar product, which can bring no less income. This type of income is called affiliate marketing. Other sources related to this item may be royalties, patents for perfect inventions or developed technologies.

Making money on affiliate programs is a great way out for those who do not hope too much to create their own intellectual product - because it saves time and mental resources. You just need to join such a program or acquire the right to resell (resale) the selected book, video or audio course.

Other income without investment

Marketing passive income is one in which you organize your own marketing system or several of them. An example of such a structure could be your own website on the Internet or a personal brand, the right to use which you can also sell. A combination of several of the above strategies is also possible.

What is meant by the concept of a personal brand? This is a commercial use of a famous name. An example is shooting in commercials for movie, television and sports stars. Becoming the "face" of a particular brand, they get good money.

The fourth variety - the legal income of a passive nature - includes all cases when people, in addition to a certain (sometimes not too high) remuneration for their work, receive certain bonuses from the state. This may be, for example, an early retirement with a guaranteed receipt, which is typical for the military, etc.

Going online

Creation of a website for making money on the Internet (or a blog). Nowadays, this does not require a lot of complex technical knowledge and skills. You can make an acceptable site with your own hands by mastering the minimum information that can be easily and free of charge found on the Web. There are many step-by-step instructions and video courses.

Of course, your own blog or website will bring you a monetary return far from immediately. It will take at least six months, and most likely a year or two, to promote it and bring it to an acceptable level. All this time you have to work on your own project on a regular basis, optimize it and bring it to perfection. This work will take several hours daily. However, you can count on the first small revenues in a few months from the start.

Having created and promoted a site, you can sell it, and for a very good amount. It is quite possible for a person who has mastered this technology to organize his own business for the "production" and further sale of profitable Internet pages.

How do they earn money? The most popular ways include generating income by placing contextual advertising blocks and similar articles on resource pages, of course, not for free. Affiliate links are placed on the sites and advertising space is sold, they also actively offer training courses to buyers, both their own and partners.

In a word, there are a lot of ways to use such a valuable resource as a blog or website on the Internet, and there is always the opportunity to choose something that suits you.

For those who are not deprived of intelligence

Creating a product that has the status of an intellectual (such as books, educational videos, new technologies, etc.) implies the presence of a certain talent, as well as a high level of professionalism in any of the areas.

If you are an inventor or developer of an industrial design that has become fundamentally new, then your products of labor can be safely attributed to intangible assets. This term refers to those derivatives of our intellect that generate income in the absence of a material form. Examples are trademarks, brands, or patented inventions.

Let's get down to earth

Income from renting an apartment (or other real estate - if available) is a well-known and very common option. But there are others like it: it is possible to "lease" not only buildings or retail space, but also equipment related to a variety of industries - trade, construction or manufacturing.

Yes, and other expensive items (for example, vehicles) will bring you good dividends. Sometimes it is more profitable to dispose of equipment than real estate. In particular, by purchasing tools and equipment for construction, you really organize a good and quite profitable business based on their rental. The payback of such activities is very high and in time it significantly exceeds the similar indicator for rented real estate.

Do you want to become a shareholder?

Investments in securities (or other financial instruments, which include great amount banks, PAMM accounts, mutual funds) is a widely accepted practice these days. Such activity is considered one of the varieties of business.

Replenishing the number of professional investors is not an easy task. This activity is quite complex and requires a competent approach, as well as a fairly serious training. Possession of financial instruments is impossible without a more or less acceptable education in this area, the ability to compare various information flows, take into account risks and predict the situation.

Investments in securities have certain advantages compared to, for example, bank deposits, in the form of a higher rate of return, but at the same time, the high risk of losing invested funds sometimes crosses out all the advantages. When you decide to dive into the world of stocks, mutual funds and PAMM accounts, remember that with the exception of long-term bonds, stable income is not so easy to achieve here, and the risk of incurring significant losses is always quite high.

Everything can be sold!

A relatively simple and, perhaps, generally available option for creating a source of passive income is considered to be participation in network marketing. The amount of initial investment, if any, is not too large and rarely exceeds a hundred dollars.

A necessary condition for those who are trying to succeed in this field is sociability, readiness for contact with a large number of people. In the future, these people - your team - are able to bring money without your participation by organizing their own network, a percentage of the income from which you will receive.

Do you need a lot of money?

The classic and perhaps the best way was and remains the creation of your own business. If this action takes place in virtual reality, that is, on the Internet, global financial investments at the initial stage, as a rule, are not required. That is, such an option is available to people with very limited material resources.

Even earnings without investments are quite real, or you can earn money on the accumulation of a small initial capital right here, on the Internet.

There are a huge number of options for starting and promoting your own business, both online and in real reality itself. In "life", of course, this requires large expenditures and overcoming many difficulties of an organizational and legal nature. In addition, the competition here is very, very high. But still, looking around carefully, you can look after your own niche, not yet occupied by rivals.

What's in real life?

For example, a very promising business with passive income in our time is the purchase and placement in large hypermarkets and other crowded places of vending machines for various purposes - from payment terminals to units for selling coffee and pies. Such a business is called vending. A person purchases and installs machines at his own expense, which then bring him a constant and stable income.

In a small article, we do not have the opportunity to consider all types of passive income - there are very, very many of them. Its options are offered to us today by the mass media, and the Internet has been and remains their indispensable source. We want to end our material with important tips.

A few parting words

  1. At all costs, try to regularly carve out the time left from the main work, which you will spend on creating your future asset. Think constantly about how you can best use it. Your goal is to ensure that earnings from your main place of work do not remain the only source of money for you. You must find sources of passive income that allow you to make a profit more than once or twice.
  2. Do not limit yourself to creating a single such source. There can and should be several options for passive income, and the more, the better. After all, there is always a risk of losing one or most of them. In this case, losses will be compensated through parallel channels. You can see the importance of this postulate by reading about multiple sources of income by Robert Allen.
  3. Don't forget self-education. Knowledge is an asset that won't hurt anyone. To understand the world of finance, to understand how money is made, where it comes from and where it goes, is no less important than coming up with an interesting idea for investing or successfully being in the right place on time.

The principles of creating passive income do not carry any special secrets. If you are determined to succeed, have the necessary minimum knowledge and a certain amount of free time, the result will most likely please you sooner or later.

This article has collected 12 of the best ideas for creating passive income from scratch on the Internet. It offers proven and working ways to earn money. Answers to popular questions about passive income are given. And also a lot of useful videos from experts.

Many people dream of doing nothing, traveling, enjoying life and still making money. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the real world. To earn money, you have to work.

But there is one activity that does not require constant work. You need to invest effort, time and money only at the beginning. And then you just need to monitor and maintain an established system. We are talking about passive income on the Internet.

What is passive income: a brief analysis of the concept

Passive income is an activity that does not require a person to work daily. That is, you don’t have to go to a hated job and carry out boring orders from your superiors there.

Creating a passive income, a person first either invests his time and energy, or hires those who will do it for him. As soon as the system is adjusted, less actions and investments are required.

12 ways to passively earn money online

1. Passive income from a website or blog

The list is headed by the most popular lately method of passive income on the Internet. Its essence is as follows:

  1. A person creates a website and chooses a suitable topic. For example, you can choose something that you are good at: repair and maintenance of computers, mobile phones or cars, construction, business, fishing, or another familiar topic.
  2. After the development of design, site pages and its settings, the resource is filled with articles. You can write them yourself or hire a copywriter for this task.
  3. After a couple of dozen articles, visitors begin to come to the site and read the published materials.
  4. Upon reaching a certain traffic indicator, the site is added to the Yandex, Google advertising networks, and from that moment passive income begins.
  5. The site owner receives money for the fact that users go through the ad units to the advertised resources and services.

Also in this form of earnings, you can consider banner advertising or the sale of links.

How much should you invest to get started?

Financial investments can be minimal - payment for hosting and domain name. But this is provided that a person understands how sites are developed. If there is no knowledge in this area, then you will need to invest an average of 10,000 rubles. for the services of a web developer.

Likewise with articles. If the owner of the resource can write articles himself, then he will only invest his time. If not, then you will need to regularly pay a copywriter from 3,000 rubles. in Week.

You may have to spend money on an SEO optimizer who will select a list of suitable topics based on search engine data and advise on search engine promotion of the site. Here you will need from 5000 rubles.

To save money, you can familiarize yourself with web programming and SEO. There is a lot of free information on these topics on the Internet.

How much can you earn?

Everything will depend on the activity of the site development. Regular and daily publication of materials will allow you to earn from $500 to more than $1000 per month. With rare publications, for example, 1-2 times a week, you can receive $100.

But you need to understand that earnings depend on the chosen topic. It is better to create a site on topics such as auto, computers, construction and repair, business, finance and health.

2. Investment in a website or blog

This income is similar to the first option. The only difference here is that the site does not need to be created and promoted from scratch. It is enough to buy a ready-made resource that is already making a profit.

The price of the site can be different - from a couple of thousand to several million rubles. It all depends on the age of the resource, its attendance and the profit it brings.

By purchasing several sites at once, you can reach a monthly passive income of more than $5,000.

3. Earnings on a group or community VKontakte

Earnings on a VKontakte group or community consists in placing paid advertising posts.

Attachments are not needed to create a group, since VKontakte allows you to do this for free. You will have to spend money only on attracting participants. To do this, you can use targeted advertising, promotional posts and paid posts in other groups.

The disadvantage of such earnings is that you have to publish interesting posts every day. Therefore, either you will need to spend personal time, or money for a specialist who will do everything himself. Community administrator services cost from 3000 rubles. per month.

4. Earning on your own YouTube channel

YouTube is a well-known and popular video hosting service that allows you to earn money on your channels.

Earnings consist in the fact that you need to shoot a video, preferably high-quality, and publish it on your channel. When at least a thousandth audience is recruited and the video has several hundred views, the YouTube channel can be monetized in the following ways:

  • Google contextual advertising - an ad block that pops up at the bottom of the video on a topic of interest to the user.
  • Direct advertising in video - placement at the beginning of the video of advertising information for a product or service of another person or company. In this case, the advertiser pays for advertising the price set by the owner of the video.
  • Affiliate links - they are placed in the description of the video in order to attract, for example, referrals to a project. For each attracted person or purchase, the owner of the channel receives a percentage and thus passively earns doing what he loves - shooting videos.
  • Someone else's video - the owner of the channel does not post their own videos, but others'. After their promotion begins to earn in any suitable way. A simple example is collections of jokes or accidents.

It is difficult to give a specific amount of earnings. It can only be noted that there are people who earn $ 1,000,000 a year on YouTube.

5. Selling training courses

If a person has experience in some area, then he can create a training course and start selling it online and offline. But at the initial stage, you need to invest a lot of effort, spend time and test the created product.

Online training courses have been in steady demand for the last 15 years. But in order for people to start buying them, you need to create a personal brand and establish yourself in a niche as an expert you can trust. Therefore, the creation of a name, the course itself can take from six months to more than a year.

Earnings will depend on promotion channels, quality of education, price and much more. There are trainers who earn $100-$500 per month, and there are those who consistently receive their $1000.

6. Infobusiness: webinars, online trainings, workshops

This earnings is suitable for experts in a particular niche.

If a person is well versed in marketing, then he can train marketers and businessmen. Knows family psychology, then you can help families get out of crisis situations and improve relationships.

Webinars do not have to be live streamed. They can be recorded and offered to people recording. The same goes for online training.

The only thing that will have to devote time to is workshops, since at such an event you must be present personally and control the work of the participants. And be sure to update the programs of webinars and trainings.

7. Selling an educational e-book

This way of earning is similar and can even complement the previous one.

The bottom line is that you need to write the most useful e-book, and then receive income from its sales. However, here you have to spend a lot of time writing a book, test it for free among friends or colleagues, and only then release it to the masses.

You will have to invest here not only time for writing a book, but also for its promotion, as well as creating the name of the author and positioning him as an expert in a particular niche.

8. Sale of this book

People are still buying real paper books even though they cost more than e-books. As numerous studies show, it is easier to read from paper than from a PC monitor or smartphone.

To start earning in this way, it is enough to write a useful and interesting book, find a publisher, publish your work and receive your percentage of sales.

In this case, the book does not have to be educational. You can write a novel, detective story, comedy, or any other genre. But for all this desire will not be enough - you need talent and a lot of free time.

You also need to be prepared for failures of publishers - a normal practice in the work of modern authors.

9. Selling photos in a photo bank and photo stocks

This passive income is suitable for photography lovers. Here you need to take high-quality photos and put them up for sale on special sites.

Earnings from such activities are small, but according to at least a person can combine it with another job and at the same time earn money on what he really likes.

10. Earnings on affiliate (referral) programs or affiliate marketing

This income is based on receiving a percentage of sales.

For example, there is one that sells computer equipment. A person receives a referral link and makes advertising with it on his website, forums, social networks. People follow the link, buy the product, and the person receives their percentage for this, set by the owner of the online store.

Here you do not need to have any specific knowledge. It is enough to distribute your referral link through all possible channels. The better the channels, the more transitions, purchases, user actions and profit from such earnings.

But still, it is worth noting that you should not count on high incomes here and it is better to combine this type of income with other activities from this list.

11. Selling Paid PC Software or Smartphone Applications

Such earnings are suitable only for people who understand programming.

The bottom line is to develop a useful program or application, which can then be sold to the desired target audience.

For example, you can come up with software to automate some processes of online stores. Or an application to simplify some actions of smartphone users. That is, here you need to carefully consider what software will be in demand.

You can sell programs both immediately and by monthly or annual subscriptions. It is also appropriate to make several prices depending on the incoming options. For example, the starter version might sell for $5, the pro version for $10, and the premium version for $30.

12. Earnings on the distribution of information

This implies the creation of a paid online service for sending letters. These services are actively used by entrepreneurs who, through letters, share useful information about their products, goods, services, announce promotions, discounts and various events.

You will also need to spend on advertising and promotion of the service. With proper marketing, all investments will return within 6 months or 1 year, after which passive income will go, since you don’t have to do anything else, except to monitor the correct operation of the service and answer user questions.

Earnings on such a service can be more than $ 1,000. But subject to a large number of users and a competent marketing strategy.

Answers to popular questions about passive income on the Internet

What is the difference between passive income and active income?

Most of the people are active. They go to work, carry out instructions from their superiors, receive a fixed salary and do not have the opportunity to increase their income.

Passive income is about investing time, effort or money into the future. That is, a person creates something that will bring money automatically. You don't have to work here every day. With such earnings, income is not fixed. However, the risks here are high: if a person in an official job receives a stable salary, then with passive earnings on the Internet there is always a risk of a decrease in the level of income due to a number of external factors.

Is it possible to create passive income if there is no money?

Yes, the Internet allows you to create passive income without starting capital. However, the lack of costs is initially covered by a large investment of time and effort. Knowledge in the chosen niche is also required.

How to accept payment on the Internet?

Earned money can be received on electronic wallets. The most popular are: Webmoney, Yandex.Money and Qiwi. Some services provide for direct withdrawal of money to a bank card.

How to withdraw money from electronic wallets?

All modern electronic wallets allow you to withdraw money directly to a card or bank account. To do this, it is enough to identify your data - send an application and a copy of your passport. But for this procedure you need to reach the age of majority.

Are passive incomes taxed and require sole proprietorship registration?

Any income of citizens is mandatory taxed. For non-payment or deliberate concealment of income, you can receive a large fine or imprisonment. In order to protect against problems with the tax service, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes under the simplified taxation system.

In order to sell something you don’t need, you first need to buy something you don’t need, and you don’t have money. Passive income implies a profit from previously invested assets. Here, assets are considered not only cash, but also your various opportunities that will allow you to receive passive income without money. What are these passive income business ideas? Read on.

You need to understand that in order to create passive sources of income with a constant and stable profit, you need to work hard enough, think, and actively invest in a business. However, in any case, a properly built passive profit scheme will “beat off” all previously invested funds.

Financial investment is the best passive income

Financial investment as a passive business became known immediately after the advent of money. Now, this type of passive business does not lose popularity, and is at the top of any list of passive income business ideas. This type of business is simple - invest money and make a profit. However, this simplicity also brings with it disadvantages - financial investments are a highly risky type of business, in addition to risks, passive income directly depends on the invested funds and their amount, so 10 dollars will not bring 1000 dollars in a month (unless, of course, you want to get an honest and stable income).

Among all the possible ways of investing, we highlight − investing in PAMM accounts. This is a fairly new way of investing with a stable high percentage of return on investment from 20% to 90% and minimal risks with a competent approach. You can read more details in a special article.

But, nevertheless, the author's development can cost money and bring passive income. It's not about creating a musical hit, a movie or something similar. Although, if you know how to do it ... It will be about copyright in a computer program, information business or photography.

Computer program. If you have programming skills, know how to build algorithms and solve other extensive problems, you can write a useful program that other users will purchase for money, the more popular your program is, the more you will receive passive income. We recommend that you pay attention to the creation of programs and games for popular mobile operating systems - Android, iOS, Windows. Programs and games for these platforms have extensive monetization opportunities - from buying the program itself to built-in mobile advertising. As the popularity of your mobile application grows, you will receive a stable source of passive income.

Information business. This is much easier than the previous method. You just need to apply your area of ​​expertise in the right and right direction. How it works? If you have knowledge, then you can easily sell it in the form of consultations, informational assistance and courses. You can sell them in an offline business, which denies passivity - you need to travel, answer calls, and so on. Or you can create your own information channel - paid periodic mailings, webinars, participation in information sales platforms. With a good combination of circumstances and the right approach, once the created material can be sold indefinitely, maintaining its relevance.

Read also:

Photo. Possessing the talent of photography or not, but having learned, you can sell copyright photographs many times through special exchanges. These can be thematic photos - look at photobanks with wallpapers for your desktop, event - news and so on, and spontaneous - natural events.

A lot of news projects, publishers and other writers are willing to pay for a good photo to accompany their material.

Constantly and most importantly guaranteed, getting a certain income every month is the dream of any investor. Money works without your participation and any effort and brings even more money. How to achieve this? Answer - you need to know where to invest money. Of course, the amount of profit will directly depend on the amount of invested funds. And let's say, for novice investors, the profit received from their investments will be relatively small. But you need to start somewhere. After all, the very fact of generating very attractive. In order for income to grow, you need 2 things: periodically invest additional money and constant. According to law - over time, even the most modest capital can turn into a rather impressive amount, the profit from which will give you a significant financial flow in the form of a monthly income from the placed funds.

Where can you invest money to get a constant monthly income?

We buy with different coupon dates. It is on these dates that you will accrue profit. You can build a portfolio of bonds in such a way that monthly profits will be credited to your account. Usually the duration of the coupon is 91 or 182 days. Every 3 months or half a year, the profit from the purchased bond will go to your account.

Advantages. Higher yield. Clearly predicted and fixed income. High (you can instantly sell bonds without losing accrued profits).

Disadvantages. Probability of bankruptcy of the issuer that issued the bonds. For blue chips, this probability is small. For OFZ (federal loan bonds) and municipal bonds, it is practically zero. Usually (although very rarely) the so-called third-tier companies (junk bonds) go bankrupt. Avoid buying them and you'll be fine.

4. Dividend shares . Buy, which consistently pay dividends. And not just dividends, but. On average, in the Russian market, this amount is 3-6% of the value of shares. There are companies (but there are few of them) whose dividends are slightly higher and amount to 8-10%. Judging by the latest payments, these are Surgutneftegaz, MTS and M-video.

Of course, the profitability is still small, but if you consider that you are buying a piece of a working (and successful) business, then with the further development of the company, the profit will also grow.

For example. The price of shares in the stock market is very volatile. They can "walk" within 20-30% during the year, both up and down. At the beginning of the year, the shares of SurgutNeftegazP cost almost 50 rubles apiece, then the price fell almost 2 times within six months, to 28 rubles. Considering that the yield on average is 10% per share (at a price of 45 rubles) or 4.5 rubles, buying at the “day” at 28 you would secure a future yield of 17% per annum. And if the company's profit continues to grow, then the annual yield will easily exceed 20%.

Advantages. Having bought a "piece of business" in the form of dividend shares, you will be entitled to count on a share of the company's profits. You can find, thereby obtaining even more annual profitability. With the development of the company, profits will increase, which means that dividends will also grow.

Disadvantages. Uneven distribution of dividends. The lion's share of payments occurs in the second quarter. Some companies pay dividends twice a year. High volatility in the stock market. Purchased shares can significantly fall in price. But if you are aiming (several years), then it will give you the opportunity to purchase additional shares at bargain prices.

In custody.

It is possible (and even necessary) to receive passive income every month. There is nothing complicated about this. The listed methods are available to everyone. And don't forget. Divide your funds into several parts, and use them to make a profit in each way. So, of course, the overall profit will decrease, but you will greatly reduce the risks when investing.

What is passive income and how to create it for an ordinary person? How can you live on the percentage of your investment and never work again. Read about all this below.

1. What is passive income

Passive income- this is a constant and stable source of income that does not require any time costs (or they are minimal)

The main idea of ​​passive income is to create eternal sources of income for yourself and continue to receive profit from them on an ongoing basis. That is, we once created something and then we do nothing in order to receive money. For example, the work we are all used to is an active source of income, since payment is made only when the employee goes to work. Therefore, you need to constantly spend your time.

The simplest example of passive income is renting out an apartment. You are paid monthly rent. In order to receive this money from you, no further action is required.

The earlier you think about creating a passive income, the more opportunities you have. You will be able to accumulate funds faster and more to implement your plans. And the majority have plans: to create financial freedom for themselves and no longer work, but do what they like.

The benefits of passive income

For example, you can set aside money for a bank deposit every month and save a good amount in a year. For 3 years, this amount will be even more solid and perhaps even a percentage of it will be enough for you for some needs.

3.1. The effect of compound interest

In mathematics, there is such a thing as compound interest. Simply put, this means that over time, your savings begin to grow not linearly, but exponentially. This can be easily achieved by reinvesting the income received.

For example, if we put 1 million rubles at 10% per annum, then in a year the amount will be 1.1 million rubles. Now, putting the same money in the bank at the same 10% per annum, in two years the amount of 1.21 million rubles will be in the account. During the second year, the capital grew by 110 thousand rubles, and not by 100 thousand rubles, as in the first year.

I agree with those who say that this is insignificant. However, if we take a calculator and calculate what will happen in 10 years, in 20 years, it turns out that the effect is already huge.

I cover this topic in more detail in this article:

  • Develop your financial literacy. To do this, read books about investment, trading, the philosophy of wealth. You can start with Robert Kiyosaki and continue with exchange literature.
  • Create new assets regularly. Look for new opportunities, they are always there.
  • Create multiple sources of passive income. Relying on just one carries risks.

3.3. Rules: how to become rich from scratch

There is a basic set of rules that everyone who wants to become rich should follow. They are not difficult at all and can be done by anyone:

  1. Pay yourself. As soon as you have received a salary, first of all set aside a part of the funds for yourself (at least 10%). Usually people, on the contrary, repay debts and spend money, and save what remains. This is a habit of poor people, eliminate it from your life.
  2. Save what you put aside. This rule implies that deferred funds cannot be spent.
  3. Multiply money. It is necessary to invest money in reliable assets in order to constantly increase your capital. We will talk about the sources of passive income below.
  4. Save the multiplied. The resulting profit is best reinvested so that savings grow faster. No need to invest in dubious and overly risky assets.
  5. Create several types of assets to minimize your risks. Whatever your total reliable income, it will be even more reliable if you distribute money among several such sources.

4. Sources of passive income

There are many sources for creating passive income. Each of us has our own knowledge, skills, opportunities, wishes, therefore, only you can decide for you what exactly to do. We will only consider in detail the basic options for stable sources of money (for sure, you have already heard about many). We will focus on a mathematical basis to calculate how profitable each option is.

How many sources of passive income you will have is up to you. I can only say that the more of them, the more reliable and richer your life. Therefore, follow the Pareto principle: 20% bring 80% of the result. Put in small efforts in different industries to reap the greatest rewards.

4.1. Bank deposit - a source of passive income

A bank deposit is the most popular means for saving and accumulating funds among the population in Russia. The interest offered by banks is certainly not as high as we would like, but nevertheless it is really the most reliable way to increase your capital a little in the absence of any action.

There are a lot of offers on the market of bank deposits. Each bank offers its own line of deposits. If you spend literally 10 minutes, you can choose the most profitable for you. This can increase the yield by 1-3% per annum.

You don't have to worry about losing money. All deposits are insured by the DIA for the amount of 1.4 million rubles (including interest). That is, it makes no sense to deposit 1.4 million rubles in one bank. It is better to put a little less, so that the interest that will accumulate will be insured. For example, if we are talking about a rate of 8% per annum for a year, then it would be logical to put the amount of 1.27 million rubles and sleep peacefully.

How much can you earn

The yield on the deposit will change at each moment of time, so you should check the relevance of the information. As of 2018, you can find deposits with a maximum rate of 8%. In more reliable banks at 7% per annum. These are almost the smallest rates on deposits in the new history of Russia. Previously, there were always offers at 10-12%.

  • Reliability of investment (the amount is insured by DIA)
  • predictable income
  • No action required from the investor
  • You can invest any amount
  • There is no way to "break loose" and spend money, because. it is necessary to break the deposit agreement and then the accumulated interest will "burn out"
  • Low yield
  • It is impossible to close the deposit ahead of time without losing interest
  • You can not store solid amounts of more than 1.4 million rubles in one bank

I also advise you to partially keep money on debit cards, which give interest on the balance. These cards also give cashback on any purchase. I use these cards myself:

  • Tinkoff. 6% per annum on the balance. Amount up to 300 thousand rubles. You can transfer any amount to a special savings account at 5% interest.
  • Benefit (HomeCredit Bank). 7% per annum on the balance. Amount up to 300 thousand rubles.

Summing up, we can say that it makes sense to have some part of the money on deposits, because. it is a liquid and reliable asset.

4.2. The property

Real estate has always been and will be in trend among investors. Such purchases can be visually seen, felt. However, their profitability is extremely low, but first things first.

Real estate can be earned in two ways:

  1. Rent
  2. Resale

For passive income, the first option is considered, since the second method is more risky and requires a constant search on the market for new good offers.

There are the following types of real estate investments:

  • Residential (apartments)
  • Commercial (garages, office space, warehouses)
  • New buildings (investments in the construction of new facilities)

Large investors buy commercial real estate more often, since the yield from renting out non-residential premises usually brings more profit, and also does not need any repairs. However, this situation occurs only during favorable periods of the economy, when GDP is growing steadily and inflation is within acceptable limits.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to buy commercial real estate because of its high cost. Objects are different, but usually a good place costs as much as 3-5 one-room apartments. Therefore, many people would rather choose the option of buying 3 apartments than one such object.

Since 2014, the economic situation in Russia has been rather difficult. Real estate prices are not rising. Therefore, many who have invested in commercial real estate are now at a loss. Residential also fell in price, but with slightly less losses for the investor.

What is the yield

The yield from renting out is at a modest 4-6% per annum. This is even less than on bank deposits. At the same time, there are still risks of property damage by tenants and periodically you will have to invest in repairs (rarely, but such moments do happen).

Of course, it is worth counting on the fact that real estate will rise in price over time, but this is an extremely long process. For the growth of its value in the country as a whole, there must be economic growth. Otherwise, due to wage cuts and high inflation, no one runs the risk of getting into mortgages, even with low rates.

  • High reliability
  • Real estate can be seen with the eyes, which is very important for many people
  • Stable rental income
  • Great option for risk diversification
  • Low yield
  • Low liquidity (when selling, you will have to look for buyers for the average market value, plus another 2-3 weeks to complete the transaction)
  • There are real estate overheads
  • Large investments (apartments cost at least several million rubles)

4.3. Securities

The securities market is traditionally considered one of the most profitable options for increasing money. Yields here are on average at the level of 8% -20% per annum, provided that you act on the "buy and hold" principle. If you engage in trading, you can significantly increase these numbers and get 30%, and even 100%.

High profitability and high liquidity allow you to quickly and efficiently manage your capital. Anyone can enter the market, and for this it is enough to have a small investment. I would recommend entering the market with amounts from 100 thousand rubles.

To open a brokerage account online, you can use the following brokers:

These are leaders in the provision of brokerage services in the market. I recommend working with them. They have low commissions, a wide range of trading instruments.