The cat is salivating. Salivation in Cats: Causes and Treatment

The reasons why a cat drools are associated either with a disease or with an anomaly. It's worth finding out what it is. Otherwise, the consequences can be sad. The causes of hung salivation can be divided into 2 large groups.

The first group is the reasons that are not dangerous for the health and life of the pet. The cat is drooling from the mouth, if this is due to the psychological aspect. For example, the pet will now be given an injection or has just been given a pill. This will cause saliva to flow. You can also notice something similar if you stroke a cat, caress it, give it to eat.

Just as an unconditioned reflex is triggered in a person at the sight or pronunciation of a certain product, it also happens in cats. An example of this is a lemon. When a person sees, smells or hears about a lemon, he notices that salivary secretions in his mouth reflexively begin to increase. And the cat begins to produce saliva.

If, none of the reasons is present, and the cat has saliva from its mouth, then this can cause illness.

Common causes:

  1. Foreign object in the mouth;
  2. Problems with the oral cavity (teeth, stomatitis, dental abscess, etc.);
  3. Damage to the salivary glands;
  4. Abscess;
  5. heart attack;
  6. Leukemia;
  7. Rabies;
  8. false rabies;
  9. oral cancer;
  10. Heatstroke;
  11. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  12. Nausea;
  13. Botulism;
  14. Tetanus;
  15. Insect stings (bees, wasps).

Abundant salivation is not always a signal for a cat’s illness, if, like water, however, if this symptom is detected, you should pay attention to the accompanying signs, there may not be anything.

More dangerous causes are divided into 3 types, according to the nature of origin.

Physiological reasons:

  • Reaction to feeding. Maybe an appetizing flavor or sight of food triggers reflex salivation.
  • Growth and change of teeth in a kitten. With this process, in addition to hypersalivation, inflammatory processes occur in the gums and an unpleasant odor appears, smell from the mouth.
  • The period of estrus or reaction to the caress of the owner. The most susceptible to such a manifestation of feelings are cat breeds with a long muzzle, as well as sphinxes and persian pets.
  • Response to bad-tasting drugs.


  • Overstrain of the nervous system. In a state of nervous excitement, cats automatically lick themselves, while white saliva is actively secreted.
  • Transportation. The process of traveling by train, car, plane, ship and other means of transportation causes the process of motion sickness and pet stress.
  • Stress when interacting with children.

Non-contagious representatives of diseases are:

  • Portosystemic shunt.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lesions of the oral mucosa.
  • Diabetes.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Kidney dysfunction.
  • Tumors in the mouth.

Other causes of hypersalivation:

  • Finding a foreign object in the mouth or esophagus. The inability to remove the foreign body on its own leads to frequent reflex salivation, the murka does not eat anything, drinks a lot and sits.
  • Allergic reaction of the body.
  • Accumulation of hair in the stomach and intestines after licking
  • Violation of the position and integrity of the jaw.
  • Overheating in the sun.
  • Contact with poisonous insects, amphibians and reptiles.
  • Injury to the salivary glands.
  • Worms.

It is important to determine how serious the problem may be. Factors affecting increased salivation can be divided into physiological, pathological and psychological.

In the first case, there is no reason to worry, while in others, the intervention of a specialist is required.

The general condition and behavior of the animal is of great importance. It is necessary to observe what changes in behavior have arisen, whether other alarming symptoms have appeared. These data will later help the veterinarian to determine the exact cause of changes in the pet's body.

Causes of hypersalivation in cats

If you notice excessive vision of saliva in a cat, do not immediately panic. Saliva in a slightly larger amount may appear as a result of any natural reactions, for example:

  • if the cat smelled food or saw it;
  • during feeding;
  • hanging secretion of transparent saliva can be observed while chewing food to make it easier for the animal to swallow it;
  • if you are treating your pet, then taking unpleasant and bitter-tasting drugs will also cause profuse salivation;
  • a cat may drool a lot when you stroke it. Any strong emotional experience can cause a similar reaction of the body.

But, if transparent saliva drips from your mouth for more than 10-15 minutes and you have not found any of the above reasons, you should start worrying. It is urgent to contact the veterinarian, as this may be one of the symptoms of diseases or injuries.

The reasons for the release of saliva can be very diverse. The above are natural irritants that will not cause any particular inconvenience to the cat and will not affect his health in any way. Otherwise, the secretion of clear saliva is a sign of improper functioning of the animal's body, which can have unpleasant consequences.

The only good news is that a large amount of transparent saliva is not a sign of rabies. This disease is not treated and ends in death, and if your pet has caught it, then the saliva will look like foam. The cat will be afraid of the light, become more aggressive or, on the contrary, affectionate and will behave unnaturally.

But, nevertheless, you should not relax - other reasons that cause abundant salivation are just as unpleasant. So, why can a cat have intense salivation:

  • The most common cause is the accumulation of hair in the stomach. Cats are very clean animals, and licking themselves, they must swallow a small amount of wool. Over time, all this hair is collected in a lump, which often has a fairly decent size and the animal has a need to regurgitate it. It is very difficult to do this without a lot of saliva.
  • Transparent salivation is a manifestation of poisoning. Cats are predatory animals, but sometimes what they “caught” is not entirely useful, and sometimes it is extremely dangerous for their health.
  • Lots of drool can be a sign of an allergy.
  • Another common cause is a foreign object in the mouth, stomach, or digestive system.
  • Problems with teeth, mechanical damage in the mouth - all this also contributes to the abundant production of saliva.
  • Viral and oncological diseases.

Naturally, the worst thing on the list is oncology. Therefore, if you want your pet to live as long as possible, carefully monitor its condition, and at the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor.

Hypersalivation in cats develops for various reasons. Some of them may not require a referral to a specialist, while others can have a detrimental effect on the health of the animal. The first group includes physiological and psychological causes that are not associated with diseases, the second - pathological, requiring treatment. Consider why a cat or a cat drools from its mouth.

Physiological reasons include:

  1. The reaction of the cat's body to food. The pleasant smell, the type of food enhance the function of the salivary glands.
  2. Change of teeth, their growth. Sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the gums, then the cat drools and smells from the mouth.
  3. The period of estrus, as well as the response to the caress of the owner. Excessive salivation in this state is characteristic of sphinxes, some long-nosed breeds. When stroking, scratching behind the ears, the cat literally drools with pleasure.
  4. Taking certain medications. A similar reaction can be caused by anthelmintic drugs, No-shpa, for animals they are unpleasant in taste.

The psychological causes of severe salivation are:

  1. Nervous strain. If the pet is very nervous, he often begins to lick himself to calm down. This contributes to increased secretion of clear saliva.
  2. A trip in transport. In this case, the cat is drooling because it is seasick or stressed.
  3. Active communication with children can also cause severe stress in the animal.

There are pathological reasons due to which a cat or a cat drools. These are contagious and non-contagious diseases. Hypersalivation may be accompanied by lesions of the nervous system, which are observed during the development of infections. Infectious diseases include:

  1. Rabies is a deadly disease that is contagious to humans. Its signs are: increased aggression, inappropriate behavior, fear of water, light. Foamy saliva drips from the animal's mouth. In most other infectious diseases, salivary secretions from the mouth remain clear.
  2. Viral leukemia (feline leukemia). Affects the hematopoietic system, affects the immune system. The main symptoms include chronic stomatitis, gingivitis, complete loss of teeth. In addition, the cat is drooling.
  3. Tetanus. It is manifested by the following signs: tension and impaired mobility of muscles, difficulty in movement, muscle spasms, convulsions.
  4. Respiratory tract infections (calicivirus, rhinotracheitis). Accompanied, in addition to salivation, sneezing, fever, discharge from the nose and eyes, the appearance of ulcers and erosions in the mouth.

Non-communicable diseases that can cause hypersalivation in cats include:

  1. Portosystemic shunt. This is an anomaly of blood circulation, in which part of the blood enters the systemic circulation, bypassing the liver. The lack of physiological detoxification leads to the development of hepatic encephalopathy, accompanied by disorders of the central nervous system, hypersalivation.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (inflammation or swelling of the esophagus, hiatal hernia, ulcers, flatulence).
  3. Diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, caries, gingivitis, tartar, etc.).
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Chronic renal failure.
  6. Traumatic brain injury.
  7. Neoplasms in the oral cavity, salivary glands.

Other conditions accompanied by salivation:

  1. Poisoning with toxic substances, medicines, household chemicals, flea drops (if used incorrectly). A cat can get poisoned by eating poor-quality products, food that is not intended for her stomach (for example, chocolate), as well as some houseplants.
  2. Foreign object in the oral cavity (bone, etc.).
  3. Trichobezoars. These are hairballs that accumulate in the large intestine. Most often, they go outside on their own, in violation of the natural process, pathological symptoms develop, including increased salivation.
  4. Dislocation of the jaw, in which the cat is unable to close its mouth.
  5. Heatstroke. It can develop in hot weather during a walk, after active games.
  6. Eating certain types of toads, lizards, insects.
  7. Some insect bites.
  8. Salivary gland injuries.
  9. Allergic reactions.
  10. Worm infestations.

The first two do not require medical attention. The third includes diseases, injuries that are diagnosed in the clinic and treated under the supervision of a doctor.


Salivation increases due to external stimuli:

Salivation normalizes 15-30 minutes after the elimination of the irritant.


Saliva is produced at moments of nervous tension, provoking factors include:

  • relocation, change of habitual environment;
  • the appearance of other animals in the apartment;
  • contact with an unfamiliar dog;
  • games with children;
  • visiting a veterinary clinic, medical procedures;
  • transport trips.

Hypersalivation resolves when the cat calms down and returns to normal conditions.


When there is no apparent reason for ptyalism, internal disorders are suspected, they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • Viral infections. Saliva is profusely secreted when infected with rabies. The animal’s coordination is disturbed, swallowing muscles fail, convulsions occur, behavior changes - the cat hides or becomes aggressive, afraid of light and water. With calcivirosis, the virus infects the mucous membranes, worsens well-being. In addition to saliva, the cat secretes mucus from the nose, tears flow, and diarrhea occurs. Ulcers spread on the tongue and palate. Body temperature increases, which provokes thirst, nausea. The animal looks depressed, loses its appetite.
  • food intolerance. The reaction occurs when changing food, in addition to profuse salivation, the cat begins to have diarrhea and vomiting.
  • foreign body. Swallowed objects, bones injure the esophagus, stomach, throat. The pet refuses to eat, constantly drinks, tilts its head unnaturally, coughs, rubs its cheek against objects.
  • Poisoning. Nausea with excessive saliva production is provoked by spoiled food, household chemicals and cosmetics, poisonous plants and insects. With severe intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea with blood begins.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, diseases of the teeth. Hypersalivation occurs in response to the accumulation of bacteria. With stomatitis, ulcers, abscesses are noticed, with gingivitis, the gums turn red and bleed. The cat eats worse, chews food slowly. There is a repulsive smell from the mouth.
  • chemical burn. Trauma occurs when acid, alkali accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, after licking iodine. The visible surfaces of the mouth swell, turn red, the tongue enlarges, areas with a whitish coating, blisters appear. Breathing and heart rate increase.
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs. Constant salivation, the smell of rot from the mouth accompany gastritis, ulcers, colitis, pathologies of the spleen, gallbladder. The cat refuses to eat, which leads to exhaustion.
  • Other diseases. Hypersalivation sometimes begins with pyelonephritis, liver pathologies, malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus, and helminthiases.

Signs of hypersalivation in cats

Salivation is a natural process that a cat needs for normal life. Such a liquid as saliva performs a number of important functions: it protects the oral cavity (in particular, teeth, gums and mucous membranes) from mechanical damage. Saliva is needed in order to make it easier for your pet to eat - to lubricate or glue it, to facilitate swallowing. The main function of saliva is bactericidal. But if transparent saliva in an animal flows continuously throughout the day, this is bad.

The process of secreting a large amount of saliva is called hypersalivation or ptyalism. This diagnosis can be made by a veterinarian. As for the symptoms, excessive salivation can be called a sign of any disease or damage to the oral cavity, stomach and gastrointestinal tract in a cat.

Only a doctor will be able to conduct a complete diagnosis of the body of your cat or cat, examine it and make a diagnosis. Do not forget that in addition to the amount of saliva secreted, other symptoms usually appear.


  • If a the cause is related to the stomach or gastrointestinal tract, then, as a rule, there are problems with appetite. Your pet will not want to eat something that he would have eaten with pleasure before, and at the same time, he will still produce a large amount of saliva.
  • Cat saliva is a symptom of dental problems, the presence of sores, neoplasms or injuries in the oral cavity or digestive system. The cat may refuse solid food, it is unnatural or unusual to hold the head, pieces of food may fall out of the mouth.
  • The animal can change its behavior.
  • Nausea or vomiting may occur.
  • If observed digestive problems or poorly healing wounds there is bad breath in the mouth.
  • The cat may often rub its muzzle.

If you see that the fur around the mouth and on the cat's neck is wet, this is a reason to worry. Take a close look at your pet - if you see one of these signs - you should immediately consult a doctor.

Excessive salivation in a pet is easy to identify. There are several visual signs of hypersalivation:

  1. The chin, throat, coat on the chest of the cat become wet.
  2. The animal constantly swallows saliva, often washes.
  3. The tongue may protrude from the mouth.
  4. The wool is tangled into icicles.
  5. Wet spots appear on the pet's bedding.
  6. The cat often rubs against the furniture.

If the cat is drooling (transparent drops like water, or foam comes out of the mouth), then this condition may be accompanied by other symptoms. Watch your pet, this will allow you to notice the developing disease in time.

Saliva protects the mucous membrane of the mouth, is involved in the breakdown of food and thermoregulation. The process of its formation is called salivation, increased secretion - hypersalivation or ptyalism.

The short-term wetting of the wool along the edge of the mouth is considered the norm, the following external signs indicate an excess of saliva:

  • gets wet chin, neck;
  • the tongue falls out;
  • spots are formed on the couch;
  • icicles hang from the mouth, on the breast;
  • the cat swallows more often;
  • constantly washes;
  • rubs his cheeks against the corners of the furniture.

The muzzle, neck and chest look sloppy, even if the cat constantly licks and washes.

Any owner should understand that if a cat saliva flows from its mouth, this is a physiologically abnormal phenomenon, there is always a reason that is extremely important to determine.

Signs of increased salivation, scientifically referred to as hypersalivation, are:

  • Continuous swallowing of saliva.
  • The regular process of wiping the muzzle on furniture or a person.
  • Accelerated licking process.
  • Wool rolls down, loses its luster even with regular care.
  • The tongue becomes sluggish, often falling out of the mouth.
  • Wet spots appear on the bed of the pet.
  • The coat on the muzzle, chest or neck is constantly wet.

Hypersalivation in an animal quickly attracts the attention of the owner and often causes his anxiety. You can understand that a cat is secreting too much saliva by several signs:

  • the pet swallows saliva too often;
  • wet spots remain on the sleeping place of the animal;
  • the cat constantly rubs its muzzle on the corners and furniture;
  • the animal often washes;
  • untidy appearance of wool on the face, neck and chest of the pet, even with constant care;
  • the tongue periodically falls out of the mouth and looks sluggish;
  • icicles appear on the wool.

In the presence of these factors, it is worth carefully monitoring the general condition of the pet. But you should not wait long, and if there are other manifestations of health problems, you need to take action immediately.

There are a lot of reasons for hypersalivation, but serious diseases are usually accompanied by other symptoms. Often, in conjunction with profuse salivation, a cat develops bad breath, watery eyes, foam is released, snot flows, and there may be other ailments.

Diagnosis of the true causes of excessive salivation

It is impossible to independently determine why a cat has hung salivation. One can only guess. Do not self-medicate your pet. Contact a specialist. Please provide as much information as possible when contacting. Tell us about the accompanying symptoms, maybe you noticed something unusual in your pet.

Be sure to conduct a comprehensive examination of the neurological system and physical condition. This will require an ultrasound and x-ray. Ultrasound is necessary to clarify possible problems with the liver and other organs. If a concomitant disease is detected, the veterinarian will prescribe a biopsy of infected tissues.

The veterinarian makes a diagnosis taking into account the accompanying salivation symptoms:

  • Rabies - high aggressiveness, light and hydrophobia, deviant behavior of the pet.
  • Leukemia - tooth loss, chronic stomatitis or gingivitis.
  • Tetanus - dysfunction of muscle activity, lethargy, involuntary muscle contractions.
  • Infectious diseases of the lungs - ulcerative formations in the oral cavity, sneezing, discharge from the eyes.
  • Portosystemic shunt is a genetic anomaly, disruption of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system - inflammatory processes and neoplasms in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lesions of the oral cavity - dental diseases, which causes a violation of the integrity of the oral membrane.

The process of diagnosing the causes of salivation by a veterinarian occurs in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection of the oral cavity.
  2. Search for inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  3. Additional research.
  4. Analysis decoding.
  5. The combination of symptoms, in addition to hypersalivation.
  6. Establishing diagnosis.

The specialist makes a diagnosis on the basis of studies that are carried out sequentially. Sometimes this happens quickly, in other cases a complete examination of the cat will be required. An appointment with a veterinarian takes place in several stages:

  • examination of the pet, starting with the oral cavity;
  • Ultrasound of all digestive organs to exclude a foreign body;
  • urine, blood and stool tests.

Each disease requires an individual approach and careful planning of therapy. Most commonly used drugs can be purchased at pet stores. Examination of a pet by a specialist is a necessity, since it is impossible to diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment on your own.

Causes of a non-contagious nature

The following are reasons why a cat drools profusely from the mouth and which require the mandatory intervention of the owner, including contacting a veterinary clinic. An alarm can be:

  • Independence of salivation from time or any environmental conditions.
  • A cat's saliva flows spontaneously and each time in different volumes.
  • The volume of saliva secreted increases every day.
  • The attack of salivation continues for more than an hour and a half.
  • In addition to hypersalevation, other symptoms are observed that occur in parallel.

Accumulation of hairballs in the stomach and intestines

As they lick, cats gradually swallow hair by hair. As the gastrointestinal tract works, the hair accumulated in the stomach should come out, but its delays and blockage of the intestines with hairballs (trichobezoars) are possible, which is especially often observed in old animals, in which intestinal motility is weakening.

If the lumps increase in size and are not able to squeeze through the intestinal lumen, then this condition is dangerous for the health and life of the cat. However, it is not possible to determine it at home, so a visit to the doctor is required. With the help of X-ray or ultrasound, it is easy to diagnose the presence of large trichobezoars in the digestive tube of a cat.

Alternative external signs can serve as:

  • refusal of food;
  • high need for drinking;
  • flatulence of the intestine;
  • regurgitation of tufts of wool soaked in fodder masses;
  • lack of stool for a long time;
  • the presence of wool in the feces.


Adult healthy cats are rarely poisoned due to their intelligence, sense of smell and self-sufficient attitude towards the world around them. But in some cases, this is still possible, especially when the poisonous substance does not have a repulsive smell and taste, and can also lure the animal. Much less common is poisoning when a cat licks a poisonous substance from its coat.

Most often, cats can be poisoned by the following substances and objects, and in each case, the cat drools heavily:

  • Poisonous plants for their body.
  • Pesticides intended for rats and mice.
  • Medicines with a pleasant smell and taste.
  • Chemical industrial liquids and household chemicals - more often when they are licked from the coat.
  • Poor quality and badly spoiled food.
  • Mercury.

Read more about cat poisoning and first aid in this article.

Salivary gland cyst or mucocele

Mucocele of the salivary gland in cats is relatively rare due to the anatomical features of the salivary glands and the physiology of absorption and chewing of food. However, this disease does exist.

The disease is based on excessive accumulation of saliva in the salivary gland and its ducts due to a violation of the integrity of the tissues of this organ. There are cervical, sublingual, pharyngeal and zygomatic mucocele, depending on the affected salivary gland. In addition, a complex mucocele occurs if two or more organs are affected.

The saliva accumulated in large quantities presses on the boundaries of the salivary gland and goes beyond it, impregnating the nearby surrounding tissues. As a result, granulation formation is observed, which in its type resembles an inflammatory process, since saliva has an irritating alkaline environment and contains a number of digestive enzymes.

This article describes salivary gland mucocele in cats in more detail.


Gingivitis is the general term for inflammation of the gums. As with all animal species, gingivitis in cats can affect the area around one or more teeth. In the early stages of inflammation, the pathology affects the outer mucous membrane of the gums and the tissues located under it.

To learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of gingivitis in cats, read this article.

dental abscess

The development of a dental abscess is another reason why cats drool from their mouths. The course of the disease, as a rule, is more complicated than gingivitis and may be its consequence. The basis of a dental abscess is the formation of a pathological cavity filled with pus, located in the region of the alveolar process of the upper or lower jaw.

The alveolar process is the upper part of the jaw bone, in which the roots of all teeth are located. The cause of most cases of dental abscess is a violation of the anatomical integrity of the outer tissues in the region of the roots of the tooth, or tooth enamel. Microflora penetrates through the damaged areas, which causes the development of a purulent abscess either around the roots of the tooth, or in its cavity - the pulp. Salivation in a cat with a dental abscess is a reflex process that occurs in almost all diseases of the oral cavity of an animal.

Read more about the causes, signs and treatment of a dental abscess in this article.

Stomatitis in cats

There are a lot of resources on the net that describe stomatitis in cats. The prevailing number of them, including quite authoritative ones, describe the disease in the classical way - the way it would proceed in humans, for example, or other animal species. This is not entirely correct, or rather, a radically wrong approach. At least in the context of medical practice.

Cats are one of the mammalian species in which inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are extremely rarely caused by standard causes, for example, due to physical damage to the mucous membrane. Autoimmune etiology underlies the prevailing number of cases of the disease that occur in practical veterinary medicine.

In other words, extensive inflammatory areas arise due to the rejection of the roots of the teeth by the native defenses of the body. Immune cells perceive periodontal and dentin tissues (tooth root surfaces adjacent to the gums) as foreign structures and start a “war” against them, just as they would start it against a virus, bacterium or foreign body.

This phenomenon causes extensive inflammation throughout the dental arcades, which goes deeper into the gum tissue and reaches the jaw bones. The worst thing in all this is the severe pain of the animal, due to which the cat stops eating, quickly loses weight. Fatal outcome is very common due to starvation and debilitating pain. Throughout the illness, the cat drools from the mouth - this is a characteristic sign of stomatitis.

Read more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of stomatitis in cats in this article.


Excessive salivation is a sign of a wide range of disorders in the functioning of the body. If you notice something, it is best to immediately consult a doctor, and not treat yourself by reading "tips" on the forums. Only a specialist will be able to fully assess the situation, prescribe a course of treatment and give useful tips and recommendations that will help speed up the recovery process.

All that is required of you is to be a good owner, notice problems in time and do what the veterinarian says. During treatment, devote more time to your cat, it is just as important and necessary for him as proper care.

Abundant salivation in a cat, a cat, which has developed due to the influence of physiological, psychological causes, as a rule, passes on its own. This condition does not require treatment. After suffering stress, physical exertion, it is necessary to give the pet a rest.

If the cat is drooling, examine the animal. If you find a foreign object in your mouth, try to remove it from there (with your hands or with tweezers). Then treat the mucosa with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. If an excessive amount of saliva is secreted from a cat after interacting with frogs, lizards, insects, rinse the pet's mouth thoroughly.

Pathological causes require contacting a veterinary clinic, where they will perform diagnostic tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the cat. For the possible detection of inflammatory processes, the wound doctor examines the animal's oral cavity. X-ray, ultrasound is done with suspicion of the presence of a foreign body in the esophagus.

Diseases accompanied by abundant salivation require treatment, which depends on the diagnosis. Worm infestation is treated with anthelmintic drugs. With lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, a cat is prescribed a diet and drug therapy is carried out. Diseases, injuries of the oral cavity are treated with the help of external preparations (ointments, drops). In case of detection of neoplasms, an operation may be prescribed. If rabies is detected, the pet cannot be helped, it is euthanized.

At home, it is impossible to identify the cause of ptyalism, and without an accurate diagnosis, it is impossible to cope with the underlying disease.

Loss of time threatens with complications, up to the death of a pet:

  • Rabies is not treated, if infection is suspected, the cat is isolated and monitored for changes in well-being. If this is not done on time, the virus is transmitted to others through the bites of a sick animal. A person can be saved only by a course of injections of an anti-rabies vaccine to produce antibodies to the virus. Delay with injections leads to a fatal end.
  • With calicivirus infection, a complex of drugs will be required. The disease disappears in 7-10 days, if it is diagnosed in time and treatment is started. In the advanced stage, secondary infections join, pneumonia develops.
  • When an object enters the throat, the pet's larynx suffocates. The cat is urgently taken to the clinic, they do not try to extract it on their own. A foreign body in the stomach or intestines causes tissue necrosis, mucosal ruptures, obstruction. It is detected by X-ray or ultrasound, removed only surgically.
  • Severe forms of chemical burns cause toxic shock and impair respiratory function. Without emergency help, suffocation occurs, the animal dies.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract do not go away without drugs and a therapeutic diet, exhaust the cat, shorten life. Drugs are prescribed only after identifying the cause of inflammation and making a diagnosis.
  • Gingivitis, stomatitis without proper treatment turn into a chronic form, when inflammation starts from the slightest irritant, it is not completely cured. The animal is in constant pain, because of this, the character deteriorates. In chronic gingivitis, diseased teeth have to be removed.
  • In case of poisoning, the cat loses fluid, in severe cases, dehydration occurs. Due to the wrong choice of drugs, intoxication intensifies, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, bleeding begins, toxins affect the internal organs.

Treatment is good when the correct diagnosis is made, why the cat salivates heavily from the mouth. The worst thing that can be is rabies.

During rabies, the cat should be urgently quarantined and not disturbed. Unfortunately, this disease proceeds so quickly that it will not be possible to save the pet. In addition to a large amount of drooling, rabies is accompanied by increased affection or aggression. In this case, the cat refuses to eat, drink, convulsions.

Poisoning. This does not mean at all that you are not feeding fresh foods to your cat. He could easily eat something on the street or get poisoned by medicines, chocolate, household chemicals. In this case, the discharge from the mouth is supplemented by diarrhea, fever, and weakness. If this is a severe poisoning (poison, mercury), then the symptoms will become stronger. It will be not only saliva, but also convulsions, fever, paralysis, dilated pupils.

When establishing the non-physiological nature of the origin of increased salivation, the veterinarian determines the disease and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

In case of injuries, ointments, creams and drops are prescribed. In cases of diseases of the internal organs, complex treatment is prescribed, up to surgery. With psychological causes of hypersalivation, the cat is prescribed sedatives.

For other reasons, if the cat drools heavily, treatment is prescribed on an individual basis and takes place under veterinary supervision.

Examination of the animal's mouth allows a specialist to assess the severity of damage or inflammation:

  1. 1. Lip inflammation in a cat can be eliminated at home. It is necessary to wash the affected area with an antiseptic solution 2 times a day and use an ointment containing an antibiotic. Therapy lasts until the symptoms disappear completely. If the animal has a complication in the form of periodontitis, dental treatment is carried out in the clinic under anesthesia.
  2. 2. The inflammatory process of the gums goes away from the daily treatment of the entire oral cavity with an antibiotic drug. Specialists often prescribe Amoxicillin, Oxytetracycline, Clavulanate. Any remedy can be used strictly following the instructions and only after a prescription from a veterinarian.
  3. 3. Infectious lesions of the tongue or inflammation due to chemical burns require the use of antibiotics, most often topical agents are prescribed. It is necessary to wash the animal's mouth several times a day with a weak antiseptic solution. Cat food should be soft to avoid additional injury to the mucous membrane and tongue.
  4. 4. Stomatitis in a pet is treated in a hospital under general anesthesia. The specialist cleans the oral cavity, removes tartar and diseased teeth if necessary. Further therapy involves taking antibiotics, regular oral antiseptic treatments and a diet.
  5. 5. Thrush often occurs as a complication after long-term treatment with strong drugs or from inflammatory processes in the cat's mouth. You can get rid of it with topical antifungal agents and taking high doses of vitamin B group. The drug can be selected after testing and determining the strain of the pathogen.

Ranosan and Levomekol ointment, Exalet hydrogel, ASD 2, Zooderm, Vetericyn spray, Migstim antiseptic solution, Alusprey are often used as healing and disinfecting agents. Before use, you need to consult a specialist.

Diseases of a viral nature in cats are quite difficult and time-consuming to treat. In this case, therapy is aimed at eliminating pathogens, strengthening the immune system of the animal's body and restoring the protective functions of the mucous membranes. The pet needs to choose the right diet that will allow the body to be saturated with vitamins and all the necessary elements.

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, apply:

  • serum and globulins: Vitafel-S, Vitafel;
  • interferon preparations: Neoferon, Camedon, Maksidin 0.4%;
  • immunostimulants: Mastim, Immunofan, Anandin, T-activin.

If treatment begins late, then these funds are not recommended for use. Doctors prescribe Gamavit and Fosprenil.

Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract in animals are quite common. Gastritis requires proper treatment to avoid complications. Specialists usually use:

  • antispasmodics: Papaverine, Spasmolitin;
  • anesthetic drug Baralgin;
  • enveloping to restore the mucous membrane: Kvamatel, Zantak, Gastrocepin;
  • Dexamethasone and other anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Synulox - an antibiotic, prescribed at high temperature;
  • intravenous drips and injections are used for severe dehydration;
  • antiemetics: Metoclopyramid, Cerucal, Chlorprozmalin;
  • sedatives: valerian or "Cat Bayun".

The animal needs rest and a strict diet. The pain syndrome is eliminated by means of dry heat, for example, a heating pad. Sometimes after treatment, the cat needs to be periodically given enveloping agents (Maalox, Almagel, etc.). They can be replaced with traditional medicine, marshmallow root, flaxseeds, potato starch and licorice help well. Treatment can be started only after consultation and examination of the pet by a veterinarian.

Cancers in a cat require timely intervention, since the last stages of their development are not amenable to any treatment. At the initial stage, the disease can be eliminated by surgery, as a rule, the animal recovers completely. Nutrition is of paramount importance, most of the pet's diet should be fats and proteins, the amount of carbohydrates must be minimized.


Preventive measures for increased salivation in cats include the following:

  1. Regular cleaning of the oral cavity, including teeth, tongue.
  2. Applying a flea remedy to places that the cat cannot reach. You can use a protective collar.
  3. Quarterly deworming.
  4. Timely vaccination against rabies and other viral diseases.
  5. Ensuring adequate nutrition. There should be no bones in the feed.
  6. Storage of medicines, household chemicals, toxic substances in places inaccessible to animals.
  7. Restricting your pet's access to indoor plants.

Keep the trash can covered to avoid food poisoning. Do not give the cat food from the table, especially sweets, pickles or smoked meats. It is necessary to regularly bring the animal to the veterinary clinic for periodic examinations. Timely preventive measures will not allow the pet to get sick.

Faced with a problem, underwent treatment, it's time to learn about preventive measures. In order not to meet a relapse of the disease and unnecessary drooling appears. To do this, you must constantly follow the following rules.

Watch what the cat eats. It's not just the quality of the food. Examine the oral cavity for damage. about the quality of the feed. If you feed your pet with purchased food, monitor its quality. In case of violation of storage, not of proper quality, there will be a hanging amount of saliva and bad breath.

Observe safety precautions when using cosmetics. If you have to do prevention or getting rid of fleas, follow the instructions. The cream must be applied strictly to places inaccessible for licking by animals.

Store household chemicals, cosmetics in a place inaccessible to the cat. Watch that he cannot get to the facilities and open them. Some animals have a desire to drink water from the toilet. Limit his access to this kind of water, as we use household chemicals there. And having drunk it, the pet will cause not only a hanged amount of drool, but also “earn” stomach problems, if they were not there before.

To prevent hypersalivation, the following measures are taken:

With regular monitoring of the health of the pet, the risk of diseases and disorders of the pet's body will be minimized.

The health of a pet directly depends on the attentiveness and knowledge of its owner. A timely visit to the veterinary clinic with abundant salivation of a dangerous nature of origin will help cure the pet and prolong its life for many years.

The most common causes of illness can be prevented with simple but regular actions. It is necessary to choose the right food for the animal, appropriate for age. Cleaning teeth and tongue with special products is necessary for a cat quite often.

It is necessary to use household chemicals and cosmetics in the absence of an animal. It is necessary to protect the cat from severe stressful situations and regularly show the veterinarian. Many problems can be eradicated at the initial stage with the right approach and responsible attitude.

Salivation is a natural process that is clearly regulated by any healthy organism. Knowing this, the owners naturally wonder why a cat or a cat drools from its mouth, and whether this is normal in principle. Let's figure out what are the causes of profuse salivation, by the way, scientifically called hypersalivation or ptyalism, and how this can affect the well-being of the animal.

It is not always possible to immediately notice that your pet is suffering from hypersalivation. Once you see a cat salivating, carefully observe him for some time. If during the day you notice oddities in his behavior that may be symptoms of ptyalism, contact your veterinarian immediately for early identification of the root cause of the disease. Signs of excessive salivation:

  • the pet constantly tries to swallow saliva;
  • in passing, the cat rubs against various protruding surfaces: furniture corners, door jambs, etc .;
  • the animal licks itself more often than usual;
  • despite regular care, the wool rolls into icicles that cannot be combed;
  • a flaccid, as if lifeless, tongue often hangs from the mouth;
  • wet spots often remain on the favorite places of the cat's stay.

Why do cats and cats drool

Increased salivation in cats can signal the occurrence of pathologies of various origins. Some of them can be dangerous not only for the carrier of the disease, but also for surrounding animals and even people. Sometimes drooling in a cat can be caused by reasons that do not in the least threaten either its life activity or the health of its owner.

Causes of ptyalism not related to diseases

Sometimes the state of profuse salivation is caused by uncomplicated causes. In such cases, it is not necessary to contact a veterinary clinic, except perhaps for complete complacency. Usually, the pet's well-being normalizes by itself, or with some participation from the owner.

It happens that a cat has profuse salivation, why you should not panic at the same time - experienced breeders popularly explain, revealing the non-dangerous causes of salivation:

Showing feelings of love and respect for the owner.

Affectionate cats and cats drool in a fit of special tenderness, thereby showing their boundless love and devotion. At the same time, some spoiled and cunning animals can purr loudly and for a long time. In this way, cats either show gratitude, or beg for reciprocal affection and more care from the owners. Salivation in this state is safe for the health of the pet, but threatens with some troubles for the owners in the form of soiled clothes and furniture.

Reaction to eating.

Sometimes a cat drools in anticipation of a meal. Ptyalism in animals in this case can be explained by increased appetite, prolonged fasting, or an unusually tasty, alluring aroma of cooked food. Some artificial foods contain additives that can cause such an unexpected reaction in pets. It is advisable to consult a specialist and, if possible, change the food if such manifestations become more frequent and are accompanied by a demanding loud meow. Most often, in this way, the stormy feline temperament makes itself felt, so increased salivation associated with food does not threaten the health of the pet.

stressful situations.

If the cat drools profusely, and no pathologies have been identified, analyze the events that preceded the problem. Perhaps the day before the animal has undergone some kind of shock, imperceptible to you. It is known that events such as the first or rough bath, change or loss of the owner, moving can provoke stress in a cat. Whatever the reason, try to make contact with the animal, give it more attention and affection.

Reaction to medication.

Not only can a visit to the veterinary clinic itself cause a stressful state in a sensitive animal, but also the prescribed treatment can seriously disturb the pet. Many drugs - painkillers, anthelmintics, antibiotics - are very bitter in taste, which explains why a cat or a cat drools after taking them. Prescribed veterinary drugs in any form: injections, tablets, infusions are hard to tolerate by them, causing alternately anger and apathy.

Noticing that the cat is drooling transparently, why this happens only before or after taking medications, the owners begin to worry. Just in such a situation, there is no need to worry: there is an ordinary reflex.

The presence of a foreign body.

Due to some structural features of the teeth in cats, in spite of the thorough chewing of food, solid particles of food or bone can get stuck in them. Sometimes an animal, playing with a foreign object, can swallow it whole or in part. The inability to remove the foreign body on its own leads to frequent reflex salivation, the murka does not eat anything, drinks a lot and sits with its head bowed. Having noticed manifestations of hypersalivation, the breeder should examine the cat's mouth and, if a foreign object is found there, remove it with tweezers. After that, it is necessary to disinfect the oral cavity with a special solution to prevent possible inflammation.

Reaction to stimuli.

Unusual substances that have entered the body can cause excessive salivation in a cat. A curious animal, studying the world around it, can chew on some insect or spider. The bitter taste, along with the toxicity inherent in swallowed victims, irritates the oral mucosa of cats and provokes increased salivation. If this is the reason, then gradually the amount of discharge decreases, and the ptyalism of the day stops after two or three days.

Motion sickness in transport.

Cats are often restless when transported. If your pet drools during the movement of transport, there is no reason for alarm.

Causes of a non-contagious nature

Some of them can be a serious reason for contacting a veterinary clinic. An alarm should be sounded if:

  • salivation does not depend on time and environmental influences;
  • drooling in a cat flows involuntarily and their volume either increases or decreases;
  • the amount of saliva secreted increases every day;
  • salivation can be continuous for more than an hour and a half;
  • hypersalivation is joined by other symptoms that cause concern.

Serious causes of non-contagious pleriasm can be:


This is the name of the hairballs that accumulate in the large intestine of the pet. Another common cause of increased salivation is the entry of hairs into the cat's stomach. A clean animal, during daily washing, licks off and swallows a certain amount of wool, which then regurgitates. Sometimes it's hard for them. Tormented by vomiting, the cat drools profusely. With a large accumulation of wool, additional symptoms join hypersalivation:

  • the pet loses its appetite, and he constantly wants to drink;
  • when probing the abdomen, bloating of the large intestine is felt;
  • constipation occurs (severe intestinal blockage may require surgery).


One of the most common reasons why a cat drools is poisoning. Pets can get poisoned by food that is not suitable for them (for example, chocolate), flea preparations (licking treated wool), household chemicals, poisonous plants.

In case of poisoning, in addition to the fact that the cat drools heavily, symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy, and fever are observed. In a serious condition, the pupils can be dilated (in case of poisoning with mercury and pesticides), fever can also develop and even paralysis occurs.

Salivary gland cyst (mucocele).

Mucocele in cats is a rare pathology that develops against the background of a violation of the integrity of the salivary gland or its ducts, in which an excess amount of saliva accumulates. This disrupts the process of swallowing and chewing food.

Among the causes of the disease, mechanical damage to the salivary glands as a result of injuries, piercing them with sharp foreign objects is most often called.

Pathology can be detected by probing the pet's neck area, where small, painless tumors slowly form. Damage to them leads to bleeding, which can block breathing. The penetration of the infection causes an increase in temperature, the situation is aggravated.

Damaged salivary glands and ducts usually have to be surgically removed.

Problems with gums and teeth.

The animal grows up, and gradually its oral health deteriorates. If, while eating, the cat slowly chews the contents and twists when touched on its head, then this indicates a disease of the teeth or gums. Most often, pets suffer from caries and gingivitis. Ulcers and various inflammations prevent them from chewing food normally, causing profuse salivation.

Stomatitis in cats.

Usually this disease is described in the classical way. The symptoms of the disease are identical to those of humans. The oral cavity is covered with sores and white coating, the animal suffers from pain when eating. Trying to alleviate his suffering, the pet opens its mouth and drools. Stomatitis is treated with various rinses and cauterizations with special means.

But from the point of view of supporters of medical practice, this approach is unacceptable. The mucous membrane in cats becomes inflamed due to the rejection of the roots of the teeth by the body's defense system, they argue. The period of the disease is accompanied by constant hypersalivation. Treatment of stomatitis is progressing slowly and often does not bring positive results. In advanced cases, you have to contact the surgeon to remove all the teeth from the animal.

When Salivation Is a Cause for Concern

If salivation is not accompanied by other disturbing symptoms and passes quickly, then there is no reason to worry about the health of the animal. But when the phenomenon drags on, you need to urgently consult a veterinarian why a cat or a cat is drooling from its mouth and how to treat a pet. It is necessary to take immediate measures if the causes of discomfort were:

Internal problems.

Ptyalism often occurs with diseases of the digestive system, most often in cats, gastritis or ulcerative lesions can be detected. In addition, pathologies of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder or spleen can cause increased salivation. Drooling can constantly flow with diabetes, while the cat will constantly be thirsty.

Oncological diseases.

The formation of cancerous tumors in the stomach or intestines is also often accompanied by increased salivation and vomiting. Unfortunately, usually cancer is diagnosed already in the last stages, when it is no longer possible to heal the animal, you can only ease its suffering.

If you notice that the cat is drooling and watery eyes, watch the pet more closely. A similar condition, with the addition of other signs, may indicate that the animal has been infected with rabies. With a disease, the cat's mood changes from playful to sharply aggressive in a matter of minutes, appetite is excessively played out, convulsions sometimes run through the body. If such symptoms are detected, the animal must be urgently isolated from other inhabitants of the house and consult a veterinarian. Alas, it will be impossible to cure the pet.

Viral infections.

Sometimes increased salivation can be a sign of a viral infection. The disease begins with a rise in temperature, the cat tries to bring it down by consuming a lot of water. Soon he begins to feel sick, the cat drools and watery eyes, appetite worsens. In addition, weakness overcomes the pet, diarrhea occurs, and discharge from the nose joins tearfulness. Sometimes the purr coughs or sneezes.

Treatment and prevention

So, you noticed that the cat is drooling transparently, why they don’t go away for a long time, and how to cure a pet - all these questions will be answered by a veterinarian after an examination or examination. Having determined the causes of hypersalivation and made an accurate diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment or surgical operation.

But, as you know, any treatment begins with prevention. By observing the following safety measures when raising a pet, you can prevent or mitigate the symptoms of ptiliasm:

  • chemicals and drugs that are harmful to health must be stored out of the reach of the cat;
  • poisonous plants are best removed from the apartment or planted in a separate locked room where the cat does not have access;
  • it is necessary to normalize the nutrition of the animal, preventing the appearance of bones and sharp particles in the feed;
  • when treating with flea preparations, put a special bandage on the pet's neck that prevents them from licking;
  • follow the schedule of vaccinations against contagious and infectious diseases;
  • undergo regular check-ups at the veterinary clinic;
  • conduct a thorough examination of the oral cavity for various inflammations.

If you notice profuse salivation in a cat, why such a situation arose, how it can threaten a pet, the veterinarian will tell you during the initial examination. The main thing is not to let things take their course, because now you know that hypersalivation, along with other symptoms, can become a harbinger of terrible diseases.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

From time to time, cat owners notice that their pets often have droplets of saliva hanging on their antennae or the fur on their chin is constantly getting wet. All this indicates excessive salivation in. This phenomenon is called hypersalivation. Let's figure out what it is.

Signs of increased salivation

Hypersalivation affects both the appearance and behavior of the pet. The most striking sign is the situation when he drools profusely and sticks his tongue out. But the signs of this pathology may not be so noticeable. So, a pet can wash itself too often, constantly rub its muzzle against various objects, continuously swallow, the hair on the cat’s chest and chin gets icicles, wet spots are noticeable on its sleeping place.

What makes a cat drool (excessive salivation)

Increased salivation in cats can be due to various reasons. They can be both physiological and psychological in nature. Sometimes hypersalivation indicates the presence of a pet.

Did you know?According to research, approximately 95% of owners talk to their cats.

Physiological causes

One of the common causes of excessive salivation is the replacement of milk teeth with molars in a kitten. It also happens that the sight and smell of food causes such a reaction in a pet. Hypersalivation may also be a reaction of the cat to the ingestion of drugs, such as anthelmintics.

In this case, the functioning of taste buds is disturbed, which excites excessive salivation.

The problem with salivation can also occur when transporting the animal in a car or on a train, as some cats are prone to motion sickness. An unfamiliar food can also cause the same reaction. Sometimes increased salivation is observed during estrus.

Psychological reasons

Often salivation increases for psychological reasons. Sometimes owners are surprised if their cat is drooling when petted - this may just be the animal's reaction to affection, the pet is literally drooling with pleasure. But salivation can also increase for negative reasons.

Did you know? The first recorded name of a domestic cat in historical documents was given in ancient Egypt about 3,500 years ago. The owner named his pet Nej, which can be translated as "sweetheart".

This condition is often observed in animals experiencing stress, for example, due to the large number of guests or the annoying attention of children.

Due to diseases

It happens that a cat drools due to illness. Most often this is a sign of some kind of poisoning, for example, household chemicals. Drooling can also be caused by dental conditions such as periodontal disease and caries. Sometimes saliva begins to flow profusely due to some objects or materials (a hairball, for example) stuck in the mouth or esophagus.

Hypersalivation is also caused by viral infections, due to which the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. It can also be the result of allergies, infection with worms, various inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive system.

Visit to the veterinarian

To find out the cause of salivation in a cat and prescribe treatment for a pet, you need to visit a veterinarian. A specialist may examine the oral cavity to find out the condition of the teeth and gums, to determine the presence of wounds or foreign objects.

An ultrasound or x-ray may be ordered if there are suspicions of foreign objects in the esophagus. In addition, if necessary, blood, urine or stool tests are carried out to determine the specific disease of the pet.

What to do: how to help a pet

In the case of physiological and psychological causes of salivation, no treatment is performed, the problem disappears by itself over time. If foreign objects are found in the mouth or esophagus, they are simply removed. Dental diseases are treated with appropriate medications, such as sodium fluoride or silver nitrate, sometimes the affected teeth have to be extracted.

If inflammation of the digestive system is diagnosed, e.g. pancreas(pancreatitis), then a course of intravenous drip infusions is carried out, antibiotics and various specific drugs are prescribed. When your pet is poisoned he is satisfied with a gastric lavage, unless the animal has been poisoned by acid or alkali. Drinking plenty of water and activated charcoal, which is added to the water in crushed form, also helps. In case of acid or alkali poisoning, the animal is fed with special solutions, in which case it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

Salivation is caused by excess saliva dripping from the animal's mouth. Saliva is constantly produced by the salivary glands. Excessive production or secretion of saliva is called hypersalivation (or ptyalism). Oral problems and disorders of the central nervous system are the most common causes of ptyalism and subsequent drooling. It happens that normal saliva production may seem excessive in animals with an anatomical abnormality that allows saliva to drip from the mouth. This condition is called false ptyalism. There are many causes of drooling in cats, often harmless, but sometimes very serious.

Normally healthy cats don't drool. However, some pets drool when they are stroked and caressed or about to be fed. The sight or smell of certain foods can make these cats salivate if they find the food extremely appealing and tempting.

Other pets drool when they are very nervous. When a cat feels tense, she will start to over-groom herself, as this helps to calm down. Such licking can contribute to increased salivation.

Also, some cats start to salivate when they know they are going to be given an unpleasant tasting drug or injected (it's psychological). Well, saliva necessarily begins to flow if the cat is given a bitter and tasteless medicine. For example, no-shpa tablets always cause profuse salivation, as well as deworming drugs.

Some cats suffer from motion sickness (which can cause them to salivate when traveling). Foaming at the mouth may be present in a cat that feels nauseous or vomits (particularly due to the accumulation of hairballs in the stomach).

All of these causes lead to drooling, which is usually mild and short-lived. But if your cat is drooling or foaming at the mouth for no apparent reason, if the saliva persists for more than an hour and a half, or if there are other symptoms, then it's time to call the veterinarian. If salivation is not normal and typical for your cat, and suddenly it starts, this may be a sign that something is wrong with the pet.

Causes of drooling in cats can be:

· Poisoning;

· Infection or damage to the salivary glands, salivary gland cyst;

· Dental problems (gum disease, dental abscess, etc.);

· Foreign object in the mouth;

· Leukemia;

· heart attack;

· Abscess;

· (if, in addition to salivation, the animal behaves inappropriately);

· Pseudo-madness ( false frenzy);

· ( , ), especially if salivation is accompanied by watery eyes and runny nose, sneezing, fever, loss of appetite;

· Heat stroke (hyperthermia);

· oral cavity;

· Portosystemic shunt (liver shunt);

· ;

· Poisoning from certain poisons (such as insecticides, flea sprays, or arsenic);

· Eating certain types of lizards and toads;

· Wasp or bee sting (if the cat tries to hunt and eat these insects);

· Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (inflammation of the esophagus, tumor of the esophagus, hiatal hernia, bloating, stomach ulcer);

· Nausea;

· Botulism;

· Tetanus.


As you can see, there are many different reasons for excessive salivation. When contacting the veterinarian, you will need to provide as much detail as possible about your cat's health, including vaccinations, medications used, possible exposure to toxins, and other symptoms associated with salivation. Your doctor will need to distinguish between drooling caused by difficulty swallowing and drooling from nausea accompanied by smacking and vomiting. It is also necessary to perform a complete physical and neurological examination of your cat, with particular attention to the mouth and neck. Diagnostic tools may include x-rays and ultrasound to determine if there is a problem in the structure of the liver or in any other internal organs. If an immune disorder is suspected, your veterinarian may also want to biopsy tissue and cells.


Your veterinarian will treat the underlying cause of ptyalism once it has been identified and diagnosed. Depending on the cause of the salivation, your veterinarian will want to monitor and examine your cat as often as necessary to make sure the treatment is effective.

Increased salivation in a cat is a process that has several scientific names: ptyalism, hypersalivation, sialorrhea. The reasons for this phenomenon are also different. Among them there are both absolutely safe and indicating the presence of some kind of pathology. Therefore, it is important to identify the cause in a timely manner in order to provide assistance to the pet if necessary.

Symptoms of increased salivation in cats

To notice hypersalivation, you do not need to look into the pet's mouth. Signs of excessive salivation:

  1. Around the mouth all the time transparent or frothy saliva. Drooling flows even in a dream.
  2. The coat on the chest, chin and throat of the cat is wet all the time.
  3. The animal often swallows saliva and washes too thoroughly and for a long time.
  4. The tip of the cat's tongue is constantly sticking out of the mouth.
  5. The animal persistently rubs its muzzle against furniture, human legs, walls.
  6. In long-haired pets, “icicles” appear on the coat.
  7. The couch is wet with saliva.

These signs may be joined by others: lethargy, foam at the mouth, nervousness, active licking of wool.

Why does a cat drool - physiological and pathological reasons

The causes of ptyalism (increased salivation) can be completely different, so you should not self-medicate - the diagnosis should be made by a veterinarian.

The duty of the owner is to notice the anomaly and show the pet to a specialist.

By their nature, all causes are divided into three large groups:

  • physiological,
  • psychological,
  • pathological.

Let's start with the safest - physiological:

  • An unconditioned reflex is a response to food. Some cats are overly sensitive - the cat drools when she sees and smells her favorite food. This phenomenon is called falsehood. It's worth it.
  • A similar reaction can be to unpleasant drugs: no-shpu, anthelmintic drugs.
  • The period of sexual hunting (). Drooling appears due to a hormonal surge in the body of the animal.
  • The growth and change of teeth can be accompanied by inflammation in the oral cavity - salivation increases, the cat smells from the mouth.

Physiological causes do not require the intervention of a veterinarian.

Psychological causes of increased salivation:

  • Reaction to the caress of the owner. When you stroke a too sensitive cat or scratch it behind the ear, it drools with pleasure. This behavior is inherent in long-nosed cat breeds: sphinx, oriental cat, etc.
  • Stressful state. The cat drools from the mouth when the animal experiences due to annoying attention, a change of residence, the appearance of a new pet or a large number of guests. It will help here.
  • A trip in transport - the cat is drooling due to motion sickness. The animal may vomit.

If none of the above causes is present, then you need to sound the alarm and contact your veterinarian.

Pathological causes of hypersalivation

Pathological causes include contagious and non-contagious diseases and other painful conditions.

Infectious diseases:

  1. Feline leukemia (viral leukemia). The disease affects the hematopoietic system, suppresses the immunity of the animal. The main symptoms: loss of teeth, chronic stomatitis, profuse salivation.
  2. - contagious to humans, a deadly disease. Accompanied by increased aggressiveness of the animal, photophobia, inadequate behavior. The cat's tongue is sticking out, the mouth is foaming.
  3. Respiratory tract infections:, etc. Sneezing, sores in the mouth, discharge from the eyes and nose are added to hypersalivation.
  4. Tetanus. Muscle mobility is disturbed in a cat, spasms and convulsions appear, breathing becomes difficult.

Non-communicable diseases:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: hernia of the esophagus, flatulence, ulcer, tumor of the esophagus.
  2. Diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, stomatitis, tartar, caries.
  3. Traumatic brain injury: concussion, brain contusion.
  4. Sugar.
  5. A portosystemic (acquired) shunt is an anomaly in which part of the blood flow is not cleared by the liver. This leads to intoxication of the body and the development of hepatic encephalopathy. The disease is accompanied by disorders of the central nervous system, hypersalivation.
  6. Benign and malignant formations in the salivary glands and oral cavity.

Other conditions characterized by ptyalism

  1. Poisoning with rat and mouse poisons, chemicals (household chemicals), drugs, flea drops, poisonous plants.
  2. Dislocation of the jaw - the cat cannot close its mouth, drooling flows from it.
  3. Ingress of a foreign body into the oral cavity: a bone, a piece of a toy.
  4. Stings of bees, wasps, bumblebees.
  5. An allergic reaction to an irritant.
  6. Eating specific food: lizards, frogs, insects.
  7. Salivary gland injuries.
  8. Blockage of the intestines with hairballs (trichobezoars).

With all these diseases and pathological conditions, accurate diagnosis in a veterinary clinic and prompt medical assistance are necessary.

Treating Increased Salivation in Cats

As we have already said - self-medication is not permissible! Diagnosis should be made by a veterinarian. After the diagnosis is made, a treatment regimen will be prescribed, which must be strictly adhered to.

If a cat is drooling, and it is completely healthy - the causes of ptyalism are psychological or physiological in nature, then this condition quickly passes on its own. Give your cat the opportunity to rest and sleep after stress or high physical exertion.

If drooling flows after interaction with frogs, insects, lizards - rinse the pet's mouth, salivation will stop. A foreign body in the oral cavity can be removed independently using tweezers or by hand. After that, treat the oral mucosa with Chlorhexidine.

Pathological causes of hypersalivation are determined only in the clinic according to the results of diagnostic studies. The doctor examines the oral cavity to identify sores, growths and wounds. If a foreign body is suspected in the esophagus, an ultrasound is done. Fecal analysis reveals helminthic invasion. To detect somatic diseases, blood and urine tests of the animal are carried out. Swabs from the mucosa, tissue biopsy - are carried out if necessary.

According to the results of the research, the doctor prescribes treatment. Helminthic invasion is treated with anthelmintic drugs: Selamectin, Milbemycin, "", etc. If diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract are detected, a therapeutic diet and drug therapy are prescribed. When neoplasms are detected, surgical intervention is required. Injuries and diseases of the oral cavity are treated with special ointments and drops.

Dental problems are eliminated with appropriate drugs: silver nitrate, sodium fluoride. Sick teeth are removed. Viral infections require the use of antiviral drugs: Vitafed, "", "".

A poisoned pet is washed with a stomach, given activated charcoal and provided with plenty of fluids. If the pet is poisoned by alkali or acid, it is necessary to take special solutions in the clinic. Rabies is incurable - the cat is euthanized.


What to do so that the problem of excessive salivation bypasses your pet:

  1. Use a protective collar when treating a cat for fleas - the animal will not be able to accidentally lick off the medicine.
  2. Observe - do not give expired food to cats, there should be no bones in the feed.
  3. Keep household chemicals, toxic substances, medicines out of the reach of pets.
  4. Give your pets anthelmintics regularly (once a quarter).
  5. Restrict access to . Avoid breeding poisonous flowers.
  6. Clean your pet's mouth (teeth, tongue). Do this on an ongoing basis.
  7. Do not skip routine vaccination against infectious diseases.
  8. Always keep the bin closed so that cats don't get poisoned by its contents.
  9. Forbid yourself and your household to give animals food from the human table. Smoked meats, canned food, sausages, pickles and sweets are especially dangerous.
  10. Don't neglect your regular checkups.

Follow these simple rules to keep your pet from getting sick.

Video explanation