How to prepare a balanced cat food. Veterinarian advice on how to properly feed your cat

Pet store shelves are full of many types of industrial ready-made professional cat food. Many of them, especially the economy and super-economy product line, can cause irreparable harm to the health of your furry pet.

Owners who sincerely want to see their animal happy for many years often think about cooking food for cats at home. Sometimes this is prompted by an animal disease, in which dry food is prohibited. Not every owner can afford to purchase expensive high-quality dry or wet canned professional premium class food for a cat based on the latest technologies. Cheap feed, abundantly flavored with artificial flavors, dyes that enhance the smell, attracting the animal, can cause food addiction, similar to a drug one. In this article, we will look at what you can cook for a cat from homemade food.

Some owners immediately feed their pets with natural food, while others come to this later, appreciating the benefits of this type of food. Products for this are almost always available in the refrigerator, they are much cheaper than ready-made purchased feed.

Many owners want to make their own healthy home menu, preferred for a cat's sensitive stomach, without preservatives, sugar, chemicals, bones, reducing the risk of food poisoning, allergies, while always being able to control the menu and pet's diet.

Requirements for natural food

Dishes prepared by the owners of fluffy beauties themselves will be useful and suitable for pets if certain rules are followed. You need to understand - a careless attitude to the issue of feeding can cause harm, lead to illness, death of a family friend. It is necessary to observe those nutritional standards that this individual is able to eat in nature. It is important to adhere to the following requirements:

  • the daily diet of a cat should contain a sufficient amount of components of animal origin, Omega 3 and 6 fatty amino acids;
  • homemade food should be complete, balanced, taking into account the physiological natural needs, age, breed characteristics, activity, sensitivity of the digestive organs, health status, gender, providing the animal with the necessary amount of energy. All this requires a certain experience, analysis. It is worth developing a natural menu under the guidance of a veterinarian for a careful calculation of the nutrients necessary for the cat, obtaining all the necessary elements in the diet;
  • necessarily weighing products, strict accounting of the volume of food. A pet does not know how much food he needs. The result of this approach is often obesity, digestive, cardiac, respiratory problems. The danger is both an oversupply and a deficiency of nutrients;
  • cat food should contain the necessary trace elements (necessarily phosphorus, calcium), including vitamins;
  • a serving of food must be completely eaten.

Nutritional needs of cats

In nature, cats lead a predatory lifestyle, feeding on birds and small rodents. Their jaws are able to tear off, gnaw off pieces of meat, but they swallow them completely, whole, because. do not have chewing teeth. Animals can eat food in pieces, eat chopped food, dishes in the form of pastes, cereals.

The feline family, like all other predatory animals, carbohydrate products are not recommended, they are not broken down in the stomach and are harmful. The preferences of a person and a cat are different, although pets can enjoy their owner's favorite dish with pleasure. There are capricious individuals who are content with a certain type of product, indifferent to the rest.

Cats need a diet high in fat and protein, the latter they need twice as much in volume as dogs. The pet's diet is carefully planned taking into account the accepted feeding. The nutrition formula for a cat is simple: half of the diet should be protein (meat), 1/4 fiber - vegetables, 1/4 carbohydrates - cereals.

Features of permitted natural food:

  • the main share of the diet (more than 85%) should be meat: lean chicken, beef, rabbit, about 8% of body weight - up to 6 months of age, after a year - about 4%. Chicken requires careful introduction into the diet, as it has recently caused severe allergic reactions. The meat is given with scalded boiling water or boiled with the addition of vegetables, a few drops of vegetable oil. Pork is strictly prohibited;
  • fish: sea, low-fat varieties - once a week, in order to avoid urolithiasis, instead of raw meat, whole or only boiled (hake, pollock, blue whiting, tuna) to prevent severe anemia, without bones. Mackerel, haddock, flounder, salmon, cod are allowed. Freshwater fish must be boiled to eliminate the problems associated with the defeat of cats with helminths, and the destruction of the harmful enzyme - thiaminase. It is not permissible to feed castrated cats and sterilized females with fish products;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, medium-fat cottage cheese, less than 5%. Milk cannot be added to the menu. Lactose is poorly absorbed by adult cats due to the lack of an enzyme - lactase, but pets that tolerate the product can be given boiled as a source of calcium intake into the body. Cheese, cream, sour cream - heavy products for the pancreas;
  • offal: liver (raw relaxes the intestines, boiled - acts as a binder), kidneys, lungs, heart (contains a lot of taurine necessary for cats) - are served raw a couple of times a week. Not all cats are able to digest them. Loose stools, vomiting - a reason to refuse this food;
  • eggs - quail, chicken are allowed, as an independent dish and with the addition to fermented milk products. Contain a lot of biotin, which strengthens the coat;
  • vegetables - almost everything is allowed, except for potatoes, cabbage, beets, fruits - except for citrus fruits, bananas. You can combine several types or stop at one product preferred by your animals. They are given raw in crushed form, as a separate dish or mixed with meat. Not absorbed, needed for good digestion;
  • cereals and bran - useful for peristalsis, help maintain beneficial intestinal microflora. You can give porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • oils: olive, pumpkin, linseed - envelop the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, normalize their work;
  • greens collected far from the city limits, sprouted rice or oats are given periodically.

A vegetarian diet, useful to humans, predators, is contraindicated, it negatively affects well-being, causing blindness, cardiac arrest, death, regardless of the addition of the necessary vitamins to food.

Feeding frequency

Kittens up to 2 weeks old are fed every 2 hours, a kitten aged 1-2 months - 5-6 feedings, a kitten 3 months old - three to four times a day, six months old - twice. For adult cats, food is left uncleaned, they can be allowed to eat as much as they want or feed 2-3 times a day. When several individuals are nearby in the house, it is necessary to ensure that they do not eat someone else's food. Sterilized and castrated animals are fed once a day.

It is important to give cat food at the same time to develop a proper diet. Meat, long-digested food, is left for evening feeding. Constant access to food is not needed to avoid overeating and obesity.

After eating, cats usually rest in secluded places, they should not be disturbed. If you refuse to feed, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, fever, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

The remains of food in the bowl are not left for a long time - souring, spoilage of food can cause poisoning of the animal. Food not eaten within an hour is thrown away.

How to accustom a cat to new food

Cats quickly get used to a certain type of food, so they may initially refuse innovations. Continue to offer a new diet to your pet, sometimes replacing it with a completely familiar food, the animal will become interested in the product over time.

You can start introducing the ingredient, gradually adding it to the usual feeding, replacing it completely after 1-2 weeks.

Self-compilation of the menu for cats begins if they are ready to correctly calculate the amount of necessary components, nutrients. If you are a busy person, travel or work a lot, who can provide proper care and nutrition for your little friend?

The animal needs not only boiled, but also raw food or ready-made food, supplying the body with important substances, amino acids, which are destroyed during heat treatment. In this case, the best solution would be to feed with industrial feeds that can provide all the vital components.

How to cook food

After studying the cat's needs, you can begin to create a menu for cats. At the same time, it is important to maintain a balance, because when using nutrients in excess, the pet may experience serious health problems. This will require a lot of time and financial resources. Feeding natural food requires a competent approach. With such a vital question, it is better to seek the help of a veterinarian.

Homemade cat food should be at room temperature or slightly warmed. Pieces are given small: the cat eats quickly, large parts may not be digested, cause vomiting.

Dishes for feeding

Better suited are special bowls intended for cats, expanding towards the bottom - they turn over less, slide. Their size accommodates a single portion of food, food does not crumble, does not smear on the walls, bottom. It is not recommended to use double containers simultaneously with water and food: food often gets into the liquid, the animal refuses to drink.

Nutrition calculation

Natural nutrition is convenient, allows you to control the weight of pets, the amount of nutrients, mineral and vitamin supplements. But it requires the correct calculation of the daily norm, otherwise the animal will not avoid health problems in the future. For different ages, the amount of food is individual.

How much food is needed

From ten weeks the baby can be weaned from the mother. Before reaching the age of 9 months of food, he needs no more than 10% of the total body weight. For example, with a weight of 1.5 kg, a kitten needs 150 g of food. It can be meat, dairy products in a ratio of 50:50.

How much food does an adult need

For a mature animal, the amount of feed is prepared at the rate of 5% of the pet's weight. With a cat weighing 4 kg, food needs 200 g, the composition is the same as for babies: equal shares of meat and sour-milk products. You can mix some vegetables (10-15 grams) and a couple of drops of vegetable oil into your food.

It is not always possible to weigh an adult cat separately. You can do the following: stand on the floor scales with the animal, then subtract your weight, as a result, the mass of the furry friend will remain.


Access to clean filtered water for cats should be constant, it is important that the liquid is always in sight. Furry pets, like all mammals, need it. Often cats prefer to drink from large, deep dishes: buckets, basins, ignoring small bowls.

A large dog bowl will serve as an ideal container: the water will remain clean for a long time, it is difficult to turn the dishes over. The amount of necessary liquid the cat regulates independently, drinking the required volume. You need to monitor older animals, because constipation that has appeared may indicate a violation of the water balance. To get rid of problems with the intestines and avoid dehydration, cats are transferred to feeding semi-liquid food.

Dish recipes

Cats are even more gourmet eaters than humans. This is facilitated by their origin and habits that have developed over the years. Monotonous food quickly bothers them, a change in diet is necessary at least a couple of times a week. If it is impossible to cook often, long-term storage dishes are prepared.

What do cats eat from homemade food? It can be homemade dry food and minced meat, portioned out in portions stored in the refrigerator.

How to make dry food

This type of food is convenient to use, you can take it with you on the road, it does not take up much space. But cheap industrial feed contains a lot of dangerous chemicals that can kill an animal. High quality food is not available to every cat owner. Therefore, dry food prepared by oneself, created from high-quality natural products, dried to a certain moisture content, will be an excellent substitute for expensive ready-made food. It is also convenient on the road, has a long shelf life. Cat food can be prepared from almost many products available at home. It all depends on the imagination of the owner and the taste preferences of the pet. The main thing is that it should be useful and have good taste. Cats are happy to eat such a tasty, inexpensive food.

Recipe #1:

  • 500 g beef liver;
  • carrots, cottage cheese 500 g each;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • cottage cheese, zucchini, beets - each 100g.

Products are independently ground with a meat grinder, eggs are driven in, everything is mixed. The resulting minced meat is molded in the form of meatballs or cutlets, distributed on a sheet, sent to the oven for drying for 40-50 minutes. It is taken out, after cooling it breaks into small pieces.

Recipe #2:

  • 500 g of liver;
  • 500 g of hearts;
  • 1 kg chicken soup set;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 cup boiled cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice - you can alternate).

The meat is beaten off, finely chopped, ground together with hearts, liver, carrots using a combine. The resulting pate is evenly laid out on a baking sheet or silicone sheet, baked, dried in the oven for 40 minutes. Cut, broken into small pieces. Stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Homemade natural dishes

These recipes will take a little effort, time, which is important for busy modern people. With the help of such dishes, your pets will always be full, satisfied.

Liver with oatmeal:

  • chicken liver, beef;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • frozen green peas;
  • a little sunflower oil.

The liver is boiled or stewed. Oatmeal is boiled. The crushed liver is mixed together with peas and oatmeal.

Chicken breast with vegetables and rice:

  • carrot;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • 1 breast;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Breast, rice are boiled. The meat is chopped, mixed with rice and grated carrots.

Diet for allergies:

  • 2 cups minced lamb meat;
  • half a cup of zucchini or carrots;
  • a glass of boiled dark rice;
  • 50 g of cottage cheese;
  • a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder.

Whip the ingredients with a blender, feed warm.

Examples of a cat menu for the day

Cat food rations from cooked homemade food (based on an animal weight of 4.5 kg).

  • breakfast: 30 g cottage cheese, 1 chicken egg, water;
  • lunch: 40 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of chicken hearts, water;
  • dinner: 70 g rabbit meat, 40 g cottage cheese, water.
  • breakfast: 15 g of vegetables, 50 g of boiled fish;
  • lunch: 20 g of kefir, 45 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner: 20 g of kefir, 70 g of lean meat.

No. 3 (for all methods, write):

  • 500 g of beef;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1.5 - 2 cups of rye crackers;
  • chopped parsley.

The meat is boiled, ground with a meat grinder along with eggs, the ingredients are mixed with breadcrumbs, herbs, dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Give the cat half-baked.

What foods are dangerous

Before you go to the kitchen to prepare food for your pet, you need to consider several factors. It should be understood: foods that you like can be harmful to cats.

Cats are prohibited:

  • chocolate, products with cocoa beans - contain theobromine, toxic to animals;
  • onions, garlic, grapes, raisins;
  • tomatoes, eggplants;
  • sugar, salt, soda, baking powder;
  • sweets (sweets, cakes) cause diabetes, allergies;
  • spices, spices;
  • alcohol;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • tea, coffee, products, drugs from a human pharmacy containing caffeine;
  • dog food (dry, wet), because has a different composition:
  • pork, lamb;
  • bones, heads, tails, paws can cause intestinal obstruction, trauma to the digestive tract;
  • semolina, millet, corn porridge - useless food;
  • pasta, flour - cause obesity, constipation, colitis;
  • the remains of human food (fried, smoked, baked);
  • sausages;
  • raw eggs;
  • veterinarians do not recommend feeding cats with raw meat purchased in the markets, in stores - it often contains dangerous hormones, antibiotics;
  • pickled vegetables, fruits;
  • freshwater fish - the risk of infection with helminths;
  • seafood;
  • mushrooms - the cat's body does not digest, does not produce enzymes that can break them down, the cat can even get poisoned by edible ones;
  • nuts - are not digested, can cause a severe allergic reaction, up to respiratory arrest.

Feeding a pet with a natural menu requires a competent, attentive approach. It takes a lot of time, often a lot of money, to provide the animal with a varied, balanced menu. A cat, just like us, cannot constantly eat the same product.

It is especially important to monitor the nutrition of animals that have been ill, undergone surgery, pregnant, young and suffering from chronic diseases. In such cases, it is best to consult a veterinarian or feline health professional to rule out hazardous foods. Sometimes even healthy food is harmful if used in excess.

Before you sit down at the table yourself, you should feed the animal. A hungry cat is especially sensitive to the smells of human food, begins to intensively beg for food, then eats with increased appetite, which eventually causes obesity.

Be attentive to the behavior of the pet: a product that does not fit must be immediately excluded, replaced with another one. If your home friend has a good appearance, it is vigorous, healthy, playful, then the diet is correct. This means that food prepared by one's own hands will give your pet good health, a long, happy life, and excellent health.

Cats and cats are the most common pets in the world, but not everyone knows how to properly feed them. But these fluffy uglies bring not only joy to our lives, but also additional worries. This is especially true for feeding cats, which raises a lot of questions from owners. On the most popular of them: what to feed a cat at home? We will talk about this today.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a balanced diet to maintain the vital functions of a cat at an optimal level. After all, the health, life expectancy and normal operation of the cat's reproductive apparatus will depend on the balance and good quality of the food that the owner offers to his pet. A diet that can compensate for the need for proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and trace elements can be considered acceptable for a cat. Otherwise, there is a high risk of the emergence of pathologies initiated by metabolic disorders.

Many cat owners believe that since their pet is a predator by nature, then the ideal diet for him should consist only of animal products. Indeed, wild cats get their livelihood exclusively by hunting, tracking down and attacking mice and birds. However, meat alone will not be enough. It turns out that plant products contain in their composition irreplaceable components, without which the normal development of a cat is simply unthinkable. You have probably seen how your pet was happy to eat vegetables or just nibbling grass. Do not worry, because such actions are quite understandable. It's just that a cat thus replenishes the deficiency of minerals in its body.

A few rules for proper nutrition

Cats are very picky eaters. They start eating slowly. Cats will never eat what they don't like and a good owner should understand this when choosing what to feed the cat.

Don't make a mess in a bowl. In vain, some try to make a homogeneous mash from the individual components. The cat will still choose only what she likes. All the rest, even the tiniest pieces, will remain in the cup after dinner is over.

This circumstance does not allow manufacturers of cat food to treat their products with disdain. Only properly selected food, made from high quality raw materials with the addition of ingredients that enhance the smell and taste, will be appreciated by cats.

Cats are very sensitive to food temperature. Instincts play a big role here. Indeed, in the wild, cats begin to eat prey immediately after a successful hunt, until it has cooled down. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that cold food is absorbed by the cat's body much worse.

Experiment. The organoleptic properties of cat food are also extremely important. However, in this matter, each individual has individual preferences. One, for example, loves experiments and is happy to try the new food offered by the owner, while the other, on the contrary, is more conservative, is skeptical about everything new and prefers the usual diet.

As mentioned, cat food manufacturers add flavor enhancers to their products. However, choosing the right supplement is very difficult. After all, if, for example, dogs are very fond of sweets, and in this regard, you should not think for a long time, then cats treat such additives with coolness. In addition, even tasty, from the cat's point of view, food must have a certain size and consistency.

How to properly feed a cat with ready-made food?

So, in order to understand how to feed a cat at home, you need to understand what choice we have. There are several types of industrial cat food - dry and wet, as well as several product classes, such as economy, premium and super-premium. Let's take a closer look at the features of each of the species and understand how to feed a cat with ready-made food.

Dry food

Feeding your cats ready-made dry food relieves the owner of many worries. This is especially convenient when moving or traveling, when there is no time or opportunity to cook something for your pet on your own. Just open the package, pour the right amount of granules into a bowl, put clean water nearby and that's it, your cat is full and happy. When feeding dry food, clean water next to the bowl is very important. After all, the moisture content in such feed does not exceed 12%, since otherwise mold will appear during storage. However, this fact does not affect the composition of the feed, which is not inferior to wet food in terms of nutritional value.

The main thing is that the cat has free access to clean drinking water, and the food that you give the cat is complete. And that's it. If your mustache likes food, feels good, looks great, then dry food is the most convenient option for the owner.

wet food

In addition to dry food on sale, of course, there are also wet ones. They can be sold as canned food for cats or simply packaged in pouches. In any case, wet food is no worse and no better than dry food - they also have their advantages and disadvantages.

In canned food, 85% moisture is considered acceptable. Before going on sale, such food is sterilized and hermetically packaged. Do not buy bulk cat food sold from open containers. Wet food is highly perishable and can cause severe poisoning in your pet.

Canned products are not affected by mold and putrefactive processes. However, when buying wet food, you should make sure that the packaging is not deformed or depressurized. The jar should not show signs of corrosion or swelling. It is also worth buying only in trusted places, because in this case you can be sure that the canned food was stored correctly and you will not buy an expired product.

Features of the composition of finished feed

The composition of cat food can be considered balanced. This includes ingredients such as meat, fish, organ meats and herbal ingredients. Further, manufacturers enrich the resulting mixture with vitamins and mineral elements. The feed is given the necessary consistency. Of course, wet cat food is the most preferred, because it looks very appetizing, nutritious, and well absorbed. Moreover, it is not difficult for the owner to feed his pet with such products.

When buying canned food for cats, you can be guided by the same considerations as when buying ordinary canned food produced for people, since they are almost identical in appearance. The jar must contain the manufacturer's data, including address and contact information. The terms and conditions of storage should also be specified.

Medicated food for cats and cats

Visiting a modern pet store, a cat owner may be confused by the range of finished products for his pet. In addition to the usual ones, medicinal foods are widely presented on the shelves, designed to help your pet in the fight against various pathologies. However, compassionate owners should be warned against the uncontrolled use of such products, because otherwise you can only harm your health. It is possible to feed a cat with medicated food only as prescribed by a veterinarian and under his supervision, since an accurate diagnosis must first be made.

Sometimes you can hear from a cat owner that he feeds his pet food against urolithiasis as a preventive measure. This approach cannot be considered correct, since, on the one hand, the composition of such feeds can vary greatly, and on the other hand, such prevention can hit the family budget hard, because feeds against ICD are much more expensive. Remember, self-treatment of a cat can cause irreparable harm to its health.

Feed economy class. Is there a savings?

When choosing an industrial food, it is important to understand the difference between classes of cat food. Sometimes cat owners go to the other extreme and, wanting to save money, purchase economy-class food, forgetting that they use ingredients with dubious nutritional value, such as meat and fish processing waste. Moreover, in low-quality cat food, you can find potentially dangerous additives for the animal, designed to somehow improve food intake.

The savings when feeding your cat an economy class food is deceptive, as your pet will eat it in large quantities and still remain hungry. But premium-class foods made from natural meat and fish are eaten in much smaller quantities and make the cat feel full for a long time.

In our age of high speeds, ready-made food has become for cat owners not a luxury, but a forced necessity. Manufacturers make sure that the use of cat food is convenient and easy. To this end, on the shelves of pet stores you can find all kinds of forms of packaging, which, importantly, are disposable. In other words, the packaging of feed is designed for one serving. Thus spoilage of a forage at storage in the open air is excluded.

In order for the cat to be active and healthy, you must follow the recommendations indicated on the container. Moreover, when consuming premium feeds, there is no need for supplementary feeding with vitamin and mineral premixes. It can be said that combined feeding, when natural products such as meat, fish, milk are used along with ready-made feeds, adversely affect the health of cats, cause metabolic disorders, and also lead to overweight.

If the owner wishes, he can pamper his pet with natural products. In an ordinary grocery store, you can buy meat and fish, as well as offal, milk, eggs and vegetables. However, before serving, such food is additionally enriched with vitamin and mineral premixes.

What food is good for cats: video

Natural feeding of cats

What to feed a cat if ready-made food is not suitable? Then it makes sense to turn your attention to natural nutrition - in other words, "from the table." Sometimes cat owners mistakenly believe that their pet will be quite enough to eat leftovers from the dinner table. And it's not about the quality of the food, but about its composition. Here, first of all, it is important to feed the pet not with everything in a row, but with an understanding of the issue - after all, if you systematically feed food that does not contain all the necessary set of trace elements, you can easily plant health for the pet. How to feed a cat with natural food?

Fish and meat

Therefore, half-measures in the preparation of a cat's dinner cannot be dispensed with. Food will have to be cooked separately, using meat as the leading ingredient, which is rich in essential amino acids, fats, vitamins and iron. Cats love to eat meat. Just be careful not to overuse pork, as it is too fatty. In addition, a meat-based menu contains little calcium, which must be replenished separately.

Fish is also quite a valuable food item for cats, but is not as attractive in terms of its palatability. Fish fillet, like meat, is rather poor in terms of calcium content.

The cat is quite capable of cracking down on any fish. However, it is undesirable to give this product to a cat with bones, since large fragments can seriously injure the intestines of the animal, up to perforation, which can result in peritonitis and death. This is especially true of purebred cats, which in the process of their development have moved quite far from their relatives from the wild and have lost many behavioral skills.

Milk for cats

Many cat owners consider milk to be the ideal product for their pet. This is partly true, since milk is unlikely to be compared with at least one other food product in terms of the balance of nutrients. But this statement does not apply to various powder substitutes.

Some individuals, due to the individual characteristics of their body, are not able to absorb lactose, also called milk sugar. Drinking even a small amount of milk ends in severe diarrhea. In this case, it may be advisable to give your pet fresh milk to drink or, in the absence of such an opportunity, use dairy products, which rarely cause problems for cats.


Cats love eggs, although owners often use this food to feed kittens. The egg is rich in protein, iron, folic acid and vitamins. However, you should know that a raw egg, in addition to useful substances, contains avidin, which is an antagonist of biotin. Therefore, it is better for cats to feed boiled eggs.

Sprouted grains are an excellent source of proteins, thiamine and all kinds of vitamins. If it is not possible to germinate the seeds of cereal plants, then you should not try to treat your pet with whole grains. Cats won't eat it.


The beauty of using vegetables in cat food is to enrich the food with B vitamins. However, this does not make sense when feeding boiled vegetables, since all the necessary vitamins will be destroyed. Despite this, the benefits of vegetables are still there, since they are rich in fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility. An adult and healthy cat eats about 200 grams of food per day. With a well-designed diet, 70% of this mass will be allocated to meat, and the rest to other additives, such as milk, vegetables or eggs. How to properly feed a cat so that the pet is full and healthy?

The daily portion should be divided into 3 parts and given to the cat at regular intervals throughout the day. For particularly picky individuals, the food can be homogenized in a blender. In this case, it will be very similar to the industrial one.

Differences between natural and prepared foods

The opinion of the veterinarian on feeding with natural and ready-made feeds on the video:

Features of feeding cats at different ages

Depending on the age, the choice of what to feed the cat at home should shift towards the age characteristics of the animal. A kitten, an adult cat or an older cat needs a different approach in the diet.

Kitten diet

An extraordinary task may be the question of what to feed a kitten if the mother cat has refused them for some reason. As you know, feeding kittens with milk usually lasts up to 5 weeks. An alternative to mother's milk can be goat's milk with the addition of a chicken egg. If goat milk is not available, then ready-made substitutes can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

As soon as the kittens begin to try to eat on their own, they can be offered a mash of oatmeal, eggs, cream and mashed meat. Gradually they are accustomed to thermally processed meat and fish.

Of course, when feeding kittens, the ideal option would be to use ready-made feeds, since they satisfy all the nutritional needs of babies to the maximum. The daily portion should be divided into 6 parts and given at regular intervals throughout the day.

Feeding an old cat

Feeding problems are delivered to their owners by cats in old age. How to feed an older cat? Feed them, like kittens, should be small portions, offering high quality food.

An aging cat requires more attention, as it often completely refuses to eat. At the first signs of anorexia, you should immediately show it to a veterinarian, since liver pathologies may occur in the future. The consistency of the food also deserves attention, since a cat with dental problems is unlikely to be able to eat rough and hard food.

Pregnant cat nutrition

During pregnancy, the cat needs nutritious food. The developing fetus makes its own adjustments to the diet of the mother cat. During this period, the cat's body for normal functioning requires 2 times more energy than before. However, after a week of pregnancy, the diet should be reduced. The same applies to water, to which the cat must have free access around the clock.

From the diet of a pregnant cat, food that can initiate bloating is completely excluded. But the dose of vitamin and mineral supplements, on the contrary, is increased. Also, to normalize the weight of future kittens, feed rich in fat should be included in the diet. Such a measure can significantly improve the viability of babies after birth.

The appearance of a pet in the house is always a joyful event, especially for small households. In adults, however, there are added concerns, and one of them is ensuring the correct nutrition of the animal. Despite the convenience of feeding with ready-made industrial products, many cat owners choose a natural diet for their pets.

Features of the diet of cats

Pet owners who choose a natural type of feeding should be aware that such a diet does not include feeding cats with dishes from the human table. Food should be prepared specifically for the animal, be balanced and fully saturate the pet.

The natural diet for cats is not food from the human table, but specially prepared dishes.

Important components of a cat's diet

Proper nutrition serves as a source of physical energy for the animal, normalizes metabolism, promotes the formation of bones and all body systems, and hair growth. In the diet of a fluffy pet, there should be a sufficient amount of not only proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but also vitamins and useful trace elements. A healthy and active individual should receive at least 10 g of protein, 2 g of fat and 2 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of their weight. In accordance with these norms, you need to make a diet.

According to the advice of experts, with a natural diet, the amount of daily food should not exceed 7.5% of the pet's weight: if the animal weighs 4 kg, then it should receive no more than 300 g of food.


Cats are predators, and in nature the basis of their diet is meat, and this is one of the main sources of protein. Animal proteins, which are the main element of eggs, meat, cottage cheese and kefir, are better digestible. These products should make up more than half of the total daily diet.


Known primarily as a source of energy, carbohydrates are also beneficial for the proper functioning of many organs and systems. For example, glucose is necessary for the activity of the brain and kidneys, and carbohydrate fibers contribute to normal stool, help to remove toxins and give a feeling of satiety. In the diet of an adult cat, the daily proportion of carbohydrate food should be approximately 50 g.


Another source of energy is fats, which are also suppliers of vitamins, which include:

  • A - for vision, normal condition of the skin and coat;
  • D - for the formation of bones;
  • E - for the muscles and the normal functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • K - to strengthen bones, ensure normal blood clotting and calcium absorption.

The sufficient presence of fats not only improves the palatability of the food, but also contributes to better growth and development of the animal. The proportion of fat in the diet should be approximately 20%.

The lack of vitamins D and A can be filled with fish oil - it should be added directly to food in the amount of a few drops. Also in pharmacies there are special multivitamin complexes - Polidex Immunity up, Doctor Zoo, Radostin.

To ensure that the cat receives all the necessary nutrients, you can give him vitamins.

Microelements and vitamins

A balanced diet is not only a sufficient presence of proteins and carbohydrates, but also vitamins and useful elements. Premium-class ready-made feeds already contain the required amount of all important elements, and with a natural feeding regimen, food has to be further enriched with vitamin and mineral supplements. A special herb is also a source of nutrients, the sprouting mixtures for which can be found in veterinary stores.

Cat grass contains beneficial elements

In addition to fat-soluble vitamins, the animal also needs water-soluble vitamins - C and category B vitamins. Vitamin C, which is involved in hematopoiesis, antibody production, improves resistance, fights aging, the cat's body produces independently. Its deficiency in kittens and old cats makes up for the presence of fermented milk products and carrots in the diet.

The lack of vitamins of category B leads to metabolic disorders, weight loss, poor coordination and hair loss. By-products will help to fill the deficiency of these vitamins; for the same purpose, the diet should be enriched with a solution of brewer's yeast.

Trace elements also play an important role in ensuring normal life. A cat needs potassium, manganese, taurine, iron and iodine, but calcium and phosphorus are considered the most important for its health and development.

Table: trace elements necessary for cats

A lack of vitamins in a cat is manifested by various symptoms - weight loss, lethargy, hair loss, frequent colds. With any change in the condition of the pet, you should immediately contact a specialist who will give the necessary recommendations for enriching the diet.

General rules for feeding a pet

The basics of a proper diet include not only the correct selection of products, but also a competent feeding regimen. As a rule, a kitten appears in the house at the age of 3 months, when he has already mastered the skills of independent living and is accustomed to solid food. Fluffy babies need to be fed at least 5 times a day, by six months you can reduce the frequency of food intake to 3-4 times, after 6 months the pet should receive food 3 times a day, and after a year it is enough to feed an adult twice a day. The volume of the daily portion of the pet should be equal to:

  • at the age of 3 months - 180–200 g;
  • at the age of 4–5 months - 200–240 g;
  • at the age of 6 months - 200–250 g.

The calorie content of the diet for a growing and developing organism should be at least 200 kcal, and the energy value of an adult animal should be approximately 80 kilocalories.

The daily amount of food for pets of large breeds should be more. For example, for Maine Coon kittens at the age of three months, the required amount of food is 230 g. When an individual of this breed reaches its adult size, it eats about one and a half times more than an ordinary cat.

Representatives of large breeds, such as Maine Coons, need more food than ordinary cats

Following a feeding schedule disciplines your pet and promotes healthy growth and development. Eating always at a certain time, the animal is less prone to problems with the digestive tract and less prone to begging and stealing from the table. Such a regime contributes to the formation of a respectful attitude of a four-legged pet to its owner - the animal ceases to consider itself a completely independent creature and gets used to respecting the order established by man.

Strict adherence to the feeding regimen will wean the cat from stealing from the table and begging

The pet should always have two bowls - the second for water, which must be changed in a timely manner.

If after the next feeding there is food left in the bowl, it must be thrown away after 15–20 minutes so that it does not deteriorate.

The importance of a proper diet

Many owners, neglecting the rules of feeding, understand the importance of a balanced diet only when the pet begins to have health problems. It is especially important to observe the regimen and properly form the diet when the animal is actively growing and developing. Following the principles of proper feeding contributes to the health and longevity of the pet. At any age, errors in the nutrition of the animal cause various disturbances in the functioning of the body. The most common health problems caused by malnutrition include:

  • pathology of the digestive tract and joints;
  • disorders in the functioning of the kidneys;
  • problems with teeth;
  • allergy;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Rules for natural nutrition

The undoubted advantage of natural feeding is confidence in the freshness of the cat's diet and knowledge of their composition, because the owner himself buys food and prepares food. But not all owners have time to prepare culinary masterpieces balanced in composition for their pet - and this is the main disadvantage of a natural diet. In addition, animals that consume natural food are prone to developing beriberi. Therefore, in order to prevent vitamin deficiencies, their diet should be enriched with vitamin and mineral supplements. Owners who have made a choice in favor of natural food should know which foods in the cat's diet are preferable and which should be avoided, as well as follow the rules of feeding.

Table: useful and forbidden foods in a cat's diet

Any method of processing products for cat food, except for cooking, is prohibited. It is allowed to give the meat raw, but pre-frozen. It should be cut into pieces - very small for a kitten. Oil should be added to porridge or meat in 0.5 tsp. 2-3 times a week - this will contribute to the better functioning of the digestive tract. More than half - 60-70% of the total daily diet - should be protein foods - meat, eggs, cottage cheese or kefir. The other part is vegetables and cereals. All pet food should be warm.

In order to save time, the best option is to prepare nutrient mixtures for furry pets in advance, divide them into portions and freeze them.

Table: recipes

Beef meatballsFor their preparation, you will need 2 kg of meat, 200 g of rice and 400 g of vegetables - carrots, peppers, broccoliBoil all the ingredients, twist in a meat grinder - you can add 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix and form portioned balls, which should then be frozen.
Chicken patePrepared from boiled and chopped chicken offal, carrots, butter and broth. Meat products are needed in the amount of 1 kg, boiled carrots are enough for 1 piece, oil - 50 g.All the ingredients, crushed and mixed, are poured into 200 ml of broth, in which offal was boiled. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.
Chicken mixFor cooking, you need chicken fillet in the amount of 1 kg, boiled rice - 150 g, carrots - 2 pcs.Grind all the ingredients, form them into balls the size of one serving and boil. Freeze after cooling.

In the morning you should feed your pet with something light - kefir or cottage cheese, and for dinner it is better to give something more nutritious, for example, a mixture of boiled meat with vegetables or cereals (meat can be replaced with fish once a week).

How to transfer an animal to natural food

The difficulty in switching from dry ready-made feeds to a natural diet is due to the fact that store-bought products, especially the so-called economy class, contain various flavors and aromas that are addictive. It is these chemicals that lead to the development of various pathologies - urolithiasis, dysbacteriosis, allergies and others.

Transferring a pet to a natural diet should be gradual, gradually adding new foods to the usual feed. At first, natural products are added in small portions, but after about 5 days, the volume of store-bought food should be reduced to half. It may take 10-14 days to completely switch to natural food.

Another option is to reduce the portion of the finished feed:

  1. Two bowls are prepared for the pet - with store food and homemade food.
  2. Not eating a dry product, the animal willy-nilly switches to natural food.
  3. Gradually, the pet will get used to homemade dishes and will not require dry food.

Felinologists advise adding catnip to new food for faster addiction. After the cat switches to a new diet, you do not need to give a treat.

Video: how to feed cats

Having opened the doors of his house for an animal for the first time, his new owner is faced with many questions. One of them is how to feed a cat at home? The diet of kittens and a pet whose age has exceeded a year is significantly different. Consider the basic rules of feeding in the case of an adult animal.

Basic criteria for cat nutrition

For the proper functioning of the body and the elimination of the possibility of disease, the cat must have proper nutrition. The main criteria that correspond to the natural taste habits of this animal are the following factors:

  • First of all, your pet pays attention to the smell of food. This is due to a more developed sense of smell. Taste buds are significantly inferior here. Therefore, if the food or water has an unpleasant smell for the animal, it will refuse to eat. To prevent this from happening, close the food bag tightly to limit the oxidative process.
  • Water must be available. She must always be clean. It is better to pour water into ceramic or glass containers. Plastic cannot be used for these purposes, as it absorbs odors.
  • Cats are very picky when it comes to the texture of their food. Some of them like hard food, while others like soft food.
  • The animal has certain associations with food. He has pleasant memories of some food, negative memories of others. In accordance with this, it will choose food.
  • You need to feed the cat up to 10 times a day. These animals eat small portions, but often due to the nature of the digestive system. Therefore, it is better to divide your pet's daily ration into several small parts and feed him more often.
  • It is necessary to distribute the space of the pet into zones. So the playing field for him should not be combined with the feeding area. If there is a conflict between animals, it is better to feed them in different places.
  • Cats love everything new, but they won't eat what they don't like. Therefore, it is better to accustom them to feeding new food gradually.

These are the main criteria that affect the appetite of the animal and its behavior while eating. To properly feed a cat, you should take into account the characteristics of his body and the presence of any diseases. You also need to make a choice between natural food and prepared foods.

Factory feed - disadvantages and advantages

The cat's menu at home may consist of feeds that are made specifically for a particular breed. They are divided into the following classes:

  • Economy - Kitiket, Darling, Whiskas. The feed is made from recycled materials, has a low energy value. It contains dyes and preservatives.
  • Premium - Sheba, MeowMix. Consist of natural meat, offal and vegetable protein.
  • Super premium - Hills, Royal Canin. They have the most natural ingredients. These are meat, vitamins and microelements.

Depending on the choice of food, you decide how often to feed your cat at home. If you chose economy class food, then the animal needs to be fed more often.. With the improvement of the quality and nutritional value of food, this coefficient decreases.

The benefits of the finished feed are as follows:

  • Saving money.
  • No need to spend time preparing food for your pet.
  • It is a completely balanced diet for a cat at home.
  • You can choose exactly the food that matches the breed of the animal.
  • Eliminates the possibility of formation of stones on the teeth.

The disadvantages of such feeds are that it is necessary to choose them correctly. It is best to consult with a felinologist (a specialist who knows everything about cats) before giving any of them. Otherwise, the animal may develop an allergy. Manufacturers do not always write the truth about their product on packaging.

The difference between dry and canned food

The difference between dry and wet food is the liquid content. In wet it is 80%, and in dry 10%. By the presence of trace elements and vitamins, they do not differ. The choice of which one to feed should depend on the taste of the pet and its physical condition.

Dry food is given to animals that do not have health problems and water intake. Canned food can be fed to all animals. But it is better to give them to those pets whose water balance is disturbed.

Dry food lasts longer. It is good for teeth - it strengthens and cleans them.

Wet food can be left in the bowl for no more than 30 minutes. It should not be kept open for more than a day. Wet food has less energy value than dry food.

When choosing a ready-made food, carefully study the packaging. Don't forget to check the expiration date. An animal's diet may alternate between wet and dry food.. But it is impossible to combine ready-made feeds and natural food when feeding.

Natural food for cats

Feeding a cat at home with natural food is necessary in accordance with a certain diet. It is formulated according to the needs of your pet, taking into account nutrition throughout the life of the cat. The menu can only slightly deviate from what he is accustomed to. The following tips will help you feed your cat with natural food:

Food should be warm (approximately 35°C). The correct diet excludes the presence of fatty, salty, smoked and pickled foods. The pet should not be given white cabbage, beans, pasta, bakery products. Because of them, flatulence and gastritis can form. Sweets, including fruits, can damage your teeth and raise blood sugar levels. Same result with steamed cereals. It is necessary to periodically add vitamins to the animal's food in order to make up for the lack of trace elements.

Feeding a cat natural food is worth it because it is safer for him. You yourself can control the quality of products and adjust the diet in accordance with the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the animal.

Natural cat nutrition also has its drawbacks. This is a rather expensive and long way to feed a pet. Not everyone can choose exactly the set of products that a particular animal needs. Also, sellers may offer you products that are not of very high quality and that can harm your pet's health.

How to feed a neutered or spayed pet

After castration or sterilization, the animal shows changes in the production of hormones. This causes excessive appetite. Therefore, while feeding a cat after castration, it is worth resorting to such restrictions:

  • Don't overfeed your pet. Eliminate additional portions of food, even if he persistently begs for supplements.
  • After spaying surgery, the animal needs less food than before. It is worth accustoming him to smaller portions shortly before the operation. It is necessary to feed the pet in portions 10-20% less than before.
  • Eliminate fish from the diet of the animal. For sterilized cats, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, which are in this product, cause urolithiasis.
  • Food for the animal should not be salted.

If the cat, despite all the measures taken, begins to gain weight, you should play with him more often. According to the doctor's prescription, you can give the cat drugs that improve metabolism.

Diet for urolithiasis

Your veterinarian will tell you how to properly feed a cat with urolithiasis. He will prescribe a certain diet for her, which will correspond to the causes of the disease, the physical characteristics and needs of the animal. Here are the general rules for feeding pets with urolithiasis:

  • It is necessary to limit the intake of foods high in potassium. The animal should not be fed eggs and dairy products.
  • The main food is meat.
  • You can feed vegetables. But only those where there is little calcium. It's Brussels sprouts and pumpkin.
  • It is impossible to combine ready-made feed and natural food.
  • If the cat is accustomed to ready-made food, it needs to be fed with high-quality medicinal species for several months.
  • Natural food should not be monotonous.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of by-products. They contain a lot of oxalic acid.
  • It is necessary to control the feeling of thirst that the pet experiences. Water must always be available to him.
  • Eliminate foods high in salt and purines from your diet. These are meat broths and offal.

With urolithiasis, the pet's diet should include boiled veal or beef, rice or oatmeal, carrots and beets.

If you follow these tips, the period of treatment of the disease and rehabilitation will be easier and painless for the animal.

How to feed a newborn kitten

A newborn kitten is considered up to two weeks of age. If the cat abandoned him, then you will have to feed the baby yourself.. For proper feeding of a newborn kitten, you need to follow these points:

  • A kitten can be fed with a special mixture from a pet store or the one that is given to a newborn baby.
  • Food is given to the baby through the bottles intended for this or with the help of pipettes and syringes.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the kitten does not swallow air. Otherwise, his stomach will hurt.
  • Mixtures should be prepared new for each feeding.
  • The food should be at a temperature approximately equal to the kitten's body temperature. Gradually, this indicator decreases to room temperature.

The kitten needs food every 2 hours. Gradually, the interval between feedings increases to four hours. You can't overfeed your baby. One meal should consist of no more than 4 milliliters of the mixture. Gradually, the volume of food increases to 10 milliliters.

What to feed a pregnant cat

From the moment a cat becomes pregnant, it is necessary to gradually increase her diet. A few weeks before the expected birth, portions are reduced in size, but their number increases. Feeding a pregnant cat should follow these rules:

  • Eliminate fish from your diet.
  • Give dairy products after the main meal.
  • Vitamins and minerals are added to food in the form of medicines.
  • To enhance milk production, nettle leaves, previously scalded with boiling water, are added to food.
  • Decoctions of raspberry leaves help relieve the pet's agony during childbirth.
  • If a pregnant cat is constipated, add some vegetable oil to the food.
  • Do not give your cat sweets and table scraps.
  • The cat's diet must include vegetables, dairy and meat products.

Compliance with these rules will help the cat bear healthy kittens.

When choosing whether to feed a cat with homemade food or food, consider the needs and physiological characteristics of the pet.

Depending on this, his diet should also be made. You can make your own menu for the cat or seek help from a veterinarian. If you organize the right nutrition for the animal, it will be healthy and live next to you for many years. Do not forget that a pet in the house is a big responsibility.

Much has been written about the nutritional needs of cats. They need a balanced diet containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, with 30 to 40% of the diet should be protein - more than what dogs need.

The best way to tell if you're feeding your cat is by looking at its condition.

With a satisfactory diet, the animal looks well built, healthy, alive; His eyes are sparkling and his stomach is working normally. An unbalanced diet causes diarrhea, prolonged sleep, unexpected shedding, ragged hair, dandruff, a dull look, or obesity, although all of these signs may be associated with a specific disease or infection.

Cat food in nature
Cats are programmed primarily to eat raw meat and entrails. With fangs, they grab and kill prey, and then tear it apart.

The cat tears off pieces from the carcass and swallows them whole, it does not have teeth for chewing food. Therefore, following nature, you can give the cat either small pieces suitable for swallowing, or a larger piece, which she will be able to tear into smaller ones with the help of her fangs and sharp edges of her molars. She copes well with minced meat, as well as with liquid food. The combination of these products brings variety and interest to the feeding process. Some cats like crunchy dry food like biscuits to help clean their teeth; but when feeding them, take care that the cats have plenty of water.

Under natural conditions, cats eat small mammals such as rabbits, rats, mice, and voles, as well as reptiles, amphibians, birds, spiders, and insects, including flies and grasshoppers.

Some cats also eat fish, which they suddenly grab with their paws while standing on a rock above the water. Cats seem to know instinctively that shrews, robins and bullfinches are not good food. A cat born in the wild will be able to survive in these conditions, but a domestic cat thrown out into the street will not always be able to get food for itself. It is cruel and illegal to chase away a domestic cat, forcing it to take care of its own food.

Fresh water should always be available and poured into a clean vessel. Change the water often, even if the cat does not seem to have used it, especially if the dog drinks from the same container (dogs tend to salivate into the water). It is not uncommon to see a cat that does not drink in the house lap water from a dirty puddle. I guess some cats don't like the taste of our chlorinated tap water, and we shouldn't blame them for that. Such cats can be given boiled water or barley broth. For a lactating cat, add a sodium citrate tablet to the water.

The trouble of preparing water that will please your cat is not in vain: if allowed to drink outside the house, she can drink from a puddle contaminated with insecticides that were sprayed in the garden. If your cat does not drink water from a separate container, add it directly to the food to prevent dehydration. And it is better to give food in liquid form at one of the meals, which cats usually do not mind.

Cats need small amounts of vitamins to grow normally. Fish oil, liver, ground seaweed, wheat germ, yeast, raw or lightly cooked vegetables, and milk are valuable sources of essential vitamins and minerals. Serious lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to irreversible health consequences, and sometimes death.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A promotes the growth of body cells and helps resist infection. With his participation, vision is sharpened in light of varying intensity. Cats are unable to synthesize this vitamin, and it must be added to food in one way or another. It is found in egg yolk, fish oil, carrots, green vegetables, grass and seaweed.

Vitamin B
B vitamins include vitamins that promote growth, the normal functioning of the skin and eyes, and prevent the development of various vitamin deficiencies. Milk, wheat germ, yeast, and liver are rich in some of the vitamins in this group.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C prevents the development of a disease that occurs when it is deficient and is called scurvy. Vitamin C is found in malt extract, green vegetables, grass and seaweed. This vitamin can be produced in the body of a cat.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine" vitamin because it requires sunlight to synthesize. It contributes to the formation of healthy bones, and cats can synthesize it while sitting in the sun or under ultraviolet rays. (Be careful, however, if you expose your cat, as exposure to ultraviolet rays can bleach its coat.) Vitamin D is found in high amounts in fish oils.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E contributes to the development of reproductive functions in males and females, it is abundant in wheat germ and lettuce.

These are energy-rich nutrients found in foods such as grains and root vegetables, including potatoes. Carbohydrates are needed in small amounts, but some cats like them more than others. If your cat likes milk, you can add oatmeal to it. If she likes sardines and other fatty fish, add some porridge or brown bread crusts to it - the food will become tastier from this.

If your cat doesn't like carbs, soak the grits or bread (and the one left over from your dinner) beforehand, then mix it with finely chopped fish - this is how cats usually eat carbs. It is not recommended to mix cereals with meat, as this can upset the stomach.

Vegetables, fruits, grass
Some cats get their greens directly from the stomachs of mice they kill and eat. Domestic cats should include a small amount of vegetables in their diet.

Fruits are not essential foods, but some cats love some of them, such as melons, grapes, olives, asparagus, and avocados.

Grass has a beneficial effect on cats; it is eaten by most cats that are allowed to roam outside. Cats consume grass not because of the carbohydrates it contains, but as a source of coarse fiber and vitamins. It is not uncommon for cats to vomit, and then hairballs come out of the stomach along with the grass, which otherwise could cause intestinal obstruction.

Cats need a small amount of fat and usually get it in the form of butter, margarine, fish oil, or pieces of fatty meat that they get from our leftovers. Most cats readily lick a ball of butter with just enough yeast extract to color the mixture a light brown color. Occasionally giving such food is very beneficial.

Proteins make up the bulk of a cat's diet and are consumed in the form of lean meats, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, vegetable protein, and specialty food concentrates.

A purely protein diet, without any supplements, will lead to a deficiency of vital minerals and vitamins, as well as to the development of kidney disease. Protein should make up 30 to 40% of an adult cat's diet (about 18% in dogs). We advise against giving cats meats that would not be suitable for human consumption, but if you do feed them to animals, use a special cutting board and knife, and not the ones you use when preparing food for yourself.

Product types

1. Fresh foods, including any type of lean beef, liver, chicken, rabbit or fish, are enjoyed by almost all cats. Products can be cut, chopped or given whole so that the cat itself tears them apart. Marketed meat intended for pets and unsuitable for human consumption has been widely reported to pose a health risk to cats.
2. Canned food is probably the most convenient option for today's busy cat owner. They are varied and are made from beef, liver, chicken, rabbit and fish. The products are hygienic and are usually readily eaten by cats. It is recommended to add vitamin E to canned tuna.
3. Moist cat food is easy to use, especially when traveling. Some cats prefer these soft pieces to dry or canned food. Most pet stores have a large selection of such products for every taste.
4. Dry cat food is a mixture of cereal products with beef, liver, rabbit or fish. Some cats are very fond of such food because it crunches. When using it, you need to give cats more water or soak it overnight.
5. Frozen food for cats is easy to buy at pet stores. They add variety to the cat's diet and are easy to prepare. Be sure to give your cat a try.
6. Milk is a valuable source of nutrients if your cat likes and tolerates it. Milk must be diluted with water. As a special treat, you can add egg yolk to it.
7. Water should always be left in an accessible place, changing daily and more often (in hot weather or if cats share water with dogs).
8. Cat treats - vitamins, yeast tablets or chocolate jelly beans - are used to reward animals when they learn tricks.
9. Vegetables and cereals should be given in small quantities. These are soybean products, root vegetables, potatoes and a variety of green vegetables, finely ground or filled with liquid. Food can be sprinkled with seaweed powder - a valuable source of vitamins and various trace elements.
10. Fish oil goes on sale in a convenient package, sometimes equipped with a pipette. It should be added to fish as a ready source of vitamin A.


All varieties of lean meat with a small amount of fat are suitable. You can give beef, lamb, game, pork cooked in one way or another, kidney, heart, rabbit meat, kangaroo meat, chicken (not treated with hormones), chicken heads (raw for eating and playing), and liver.

The liver has a strange effect on the stomach: laxative when eaten raw, and fixative when cooked. Remember this, and you can successfully use the liver to correct the cat's bowel function. Since chickens in poultry farms are usually fed with hormone supplements, they are not suitable for breeding cats.


Cats living in natural conditions often catch fish and eat it. If one day you forget to close your goldfish tank, your house cat will gladly show you how. Almost all cats love fish and the consensus of nutritionists is that it is best served cooked, although many cats prefer it raw and with the skin on. So it remains only to remove the scales and remove the bones if the cat receives the fish cooked. Kittens prefer soft-fibre fish, such as flounder, while adult cats prefer tougher fish, such as pollock.
Fish food is a great opportunity to add some fish oil, seaweed (which gives the dish a special freshness), cereals, potatoes or bread crumbs to the diet. Fish oil is needed primarily as a source of vitamin D during the winter months. It is best to give fish with a small amount of liquid. It should be at room temperature, not freshly removed from the stove or taken out of the refrigerator.
Canned fish is great food for cats and most of them seem to love it. Feed your cat sardines, mackerel, sardines in tomato sauce, adding pieces of black bread, oatmeal, cornflakes and other suitable cereals. Many cats love fish aspic in chicken broth. Make sure that vitamin E is added to canned tuna (this is always indicated on the label). Herring and other fatty canned fish can be laxative, so feed them to your cat if she is prone to constipation.

egg yolks

They are rich in protein, and when mixed with milk, you get a delicious and nutritious meal, especially when you have little time to cook. A little glucose added to the mixture will increase its energy value, although it is well known that cats do not metabolize sugar.

It is a rich source of protein and cats often ask for a piece of cheese. Cheese alone is not enough for separate feeding, but it can be given in the form of a tasty supplement that all cats willingly eat. Leftover fish or chicken in cheese sauce from your table is considered a favorite delicacy.


Milk is a valuable source of protein, as well as calcium and other trace elements. However, some cats, especially Siamese and Burmese cats, are lactose intolerant of cow's milk. Try giving them goat's milk, milk substitutes, cream, or a completely liquid food. For kittens, milk should not be diluted with water, as they need concentrated food. Cats, which do not usually like milk, instinctively begin to drink it when they are carrying kittens. If a pregnant cat refuses milk, increase the amount of calcium in her diet by adding crushed calcium tablets or bone meal.

vegetable protein

Cats are increasingly eating plant-based protein foods, such as soybeans, because they are significantly cheaper than animal proteins. But because cats are naturally carnivorous, they won't be satisfied with a diet of plant-based proteins alone. Therefore, they must be mixed with other types of protein.

Ready feed

Since the Second World War, the production of cat food, which was completely absent before, has turned into a powerful industry that covers many countries of the world and turns over tens of millions of dollars. Canned food can be bought in dry or semi-liquid form (the latter was produced in response to cries about the terrible consequences of feeding cats dry food). Each of the varieties of food has its own advantages and is convenient to use, and together they create a significant nutritional diversity.
Dry food can be left out for several hours without fear of it spoiling or attracting flies, as is the case with liquid canned food. Semi-liquid food is convenient to take on the road or use when you do not have time. When ready-made food first appeared on the shelves, breeders opposed its use, because some of its forms caused diarrhea in kittens. A lot has changed since then: pet food suppliers spend a lot of money on specialty research to produce concentrates that are affordable, nutritious and tasty. And now there is hardly a house where ready-made cat food has not been used at least once a day. Modern varieties of concentrated feeds are hygienic, safe to use, save your time and labor. Among them, it is easy to find those that will be suitable for your cat. Find out what she prefers and put it on her weekly menu, interspersed with fresh meat (especially rabbit) and fish. If you notice that any type of prepared food has a negative effect on your cat, be sure to write about it to its manufacturers.

Diet supplements and treats

There have been more of them in recent years, as the commercial production of yeast tablets, chocolate dragees (some cats love chocolate), and vitamin pills is on the rise. In small quantities, they are useful, they can be used in training, but should not be given constantly, so as not to disturb the nutritional balance.

Food and etiquette

Each cat living in the house should have its own eating utensils. Since cats sometimes pull out individual pieces to tear them apart, we recommend placing bowls on special mats. This will help you keep your carpet or kitchen floor clean. Some cats are best fed little by little, but often. Otherwise, they will rush to swallow large portions of food, only to regurgitate them after a few minutes.

If there are several cats in the house, make sure that slow and timid eaters get their share of food allotted to them, and bullies cannot, having emptied their bowl, take on someone else's. If this happens, it is best to feed the quiet in a special place where no one will disturb her. Remember, however, that active cats require more food. The opinion that a cat that catches mice should not be fed is wrong: it will hunt even better if it is well fed by the owner!

As I mentioned in the "Education" section, it's not difficult to teach a cat to stand up on its hind legs and beg for food by holding a bowl over its head. She enjoys this procedure and looks forward to a little ritual performance before eating.

How much food to give
Cats, relative to their weight, have small stomachs, so they need to be fed more than once a day. They should receive nutritious and concentrated food in small portions. As with humans, there are individuals with different metabolisms among cats, so one animal needs more food, the other less. On average, 30 g of food per 1 kg of weight is enough to make a cat feel healthy, although representatives of some breeds, such as the Burmese, apparently need to be given more. The needs of a domestic cat are on average 250 kcal per day for a female and 300 kcal for a male. The amount and quality of food that cats need depends mainly on their age, condition and degree of activity.

Very young kittens should be fed 4 times a day: twice with milk and two times with meat. As a meat dish, you can give scraped beef or tender varieties of fish, primarily flounder. Dairy food should contain some well-boiled cereals, egg yolk and milk, you can also use ready-made milk mixtures in liquid or dry form, specially designed for artificial feeding of weaned kittens.

mother cat
A pregnant cat needs more food, not so much by increasing the portions themselves, but by increasing the number of meals, since cats have small stomachs. A pregnant cat should eat at least one and a half times more than usual. Before lambing, the female, as a rule, refuses to eat - the first sign of an approaching birth.
After the birth of the cubs, the mother cat eats twice as much as usual. If the litter is large, feeding the mother turns into a never-ending process, especially in cats of some breeds. When the kittens, while still suckling, begin to eat other food little by little, the mother's appetite may decrease slightly. But the cat willingly absorbs everything that you cook for kittens. She seems to instinctively feel that if she eats the same food with them, her milk will be better absorbed in the stomachs of suckers.

During the feeding period, the cat should look absolutely healthy, not exhausted. If she is too thin, she needs to be given more food or more nutritious meals. Kittens should be plump. If they look thin, it means that they are not getting enough mother's milk, in which case you should feed them with milk from a bottle and switch to solid food as soon as possible.

Producer cat
The sire cat also needs plenty of food, because procreation is not an easy task. Additional doses of protein and vitamin E improve its working qualities and fertility; In addition to meat, cats also need vitamins, trace elements and carbohydrates. Some cats always eat before mating, others refuse to eat, noticing the newly appeared female. Visiting "ladies" prefer to mate on an empty stomach, but then they have a wolfish appetite!


Write a comment

31.01.2017 20:18

03/23/2015 00:13 Ksenya

There was a purebred Caucasian, so he was very fond of eating grapes, animals also have their own preferences. Yes, and after the grapes I didn’t poison myself, but I felt very good!

31.03.2016 17:55

31.03.2016 17:55

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:55

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:55

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:55

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:55

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:54

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:54

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:54

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

31.03.2016 17:54

This is my third cat ever. The first cat in my early childhood simply did not want to move and ran away. But the second cat lived for 19 years, and would still have lived, but her friend dog (16 years old) died, all living creatures were poisoned in the area - cats, dogs, birds, only rats remained, and a month later she simply did not wake up. Now the next cat is about 15 years old. I took it from the tree as a 2 month old kitten. A terrible amount of worms for a week was brought out by garlic (it was not possible to buy pills). Sterilized a year as needed (inflammation). And about food. The first cat ate everything we ate. The second on dry food is always in the Pro Plan After Care bowl, additionally 3 times a week raw meat - beef or lamb. Sometimes he can drag tasty pieces out of dog bowls (they are straight). Vegetables and fruits of choice, loves dried melon. And when he plays with dogs (7 and 5 years old), you don’t even think about age. Three of them are worn like a kitten with puppies. And it seems to me that cats themselves know what and how much to eat. Offer everything, and she herself will choose the right one. The teeth are all white, the coat is shiny. Hope it lasts over 20 years.

20.03.2016 06:16

Thanks for the info, great article. For a long time I couldn’t pick up food for my cat, or I was capricious, I didn’t want to eat, or I gave out an allergy. We were already thinking about switching to a straight woman, but I came across a very good food, according to the recipe of a good specialist, like their site http://nakormi.rf - Perfect fit. And it's great for kittens too. And when they decided to sterilize, they were afraid that he would get fat, but the doctor said not to change the food and continue to eat it. And voila - everything is fine. Our girl is slim and already preparing for the summer!)



12.01.2016 17:31

25.02.2015 06:30 Alla

We got a cat from our grandmother. Brought from the village and immediately transferred from natural to dry food. Of all the brands that we bought, the cat liked Royal Canin the most, he flatly refused to eat others. I think this food is much healthier than food from the table.

DAMN... POOR CAT... LOADER OWNERS... OF COURSE, IT IS EASIER TO PUT DRYINGS AND LET IT CLOSE)) and YOUR ROYAL CANIN, LIKE ALL artificial food-shit... We would try to eat the same thing ourselves, for example breadcrumbs .. You read the composition of these feeds - corn flour, bone meal .. flour is solid flour .. and synthetic vitamins ... FU .. unfortunate animals



12.01.2016 17:20

09/20/2015 19:26 Valeria

Oh, well, stop doing garbage for you .. We read all sorts of information on the Internet .. They will write such things there, they fool people's heads. All my life (25 years) I have been breeding Scottish cats, I begin to feed kittens with liquid semolina, then boiled chicken breast, then boiled chopped fish without bones, and I teach them to natural food. And for all this time, everything is fine, no diarrhea, and the kittens look great. All this "balance" of nutrition, the nonsense of artificial food manufacturers)) So there is nothing to bother and torment cats. Feed straight (preferably boiled cereals mixed with meat, or fish, or liver.)



12.01.2016 17:13

03/23/2015 00:13 Ksenya

"Fruits are not a life-saving food, but some cats love some of them, such as melons, grapes, olives, asparagus and avocados."

Damn, before you write, at least check the info, avocados are DEADLY for animals

Onion and garlic. Onions (including leeks, shallots, and all other types of onions) and garlic contain substances that can cause anemia in a cat in excess, so they should never be given in any form. Garlic and onions are poison for your cat!
Nightshade: tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes. Raw, all nightshades are deadly to cats, even a very small piece of eggplant or tomato can be fatal. Boiled, they are safe, as the poisonous toxin is destroyed during cooking. But do not rush to give boiled potatoes - the starch in it is not digested, so it is absolutely useless for a cat.
Grape. Grapes are poisonous to cats and dogs. It should not be given either fresh or dried (raisins), or ready-made.
Citrus. Most cats hate the smell of citrus, and for good reason. Oranges and lemons make cats vomit and are not good for them at all.
Legumes. Any legumes, be it beans, soybeans, peas or lentils, lead to bloating of the intestines and are not absorbed by the cat's body.
Avocado. Avocados contain the toxin persin, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, and can lead to death in cats. Do not give under any circumstances!
Fruits are generally not healthy for cats because they can cause diarrhea. Persimmon provokes enteritis and intestinal problems.

Cats, they themselves know what they eat and what they don’t .. So your useless arguments about fruits, vegetables and milk intolerance .. Here I have four cats, not everyone drinks milk .. Those who have diarrhea from milk do not drink, they just sniff and walk away. They will also not eat meat if seasonings are added to the broth. Cats are smarter than people



12.01.2016 17:06

03/23/2015 00:13 Ksenya

"Fruits are not a life-saving food, but some cats love some of them, such as melons, grapes, olives, asparagus and avocados."

Damn, before you write, at least check the info, avocados are DEADLY for animals

Onion and garlic. Onions (including leeks, shallots, and all other types of onions) and garlic contain substances that can cause anemia in a cat in excess, so they should never be given in any form. Garlic and onions are poison for your cat!
Nightshade: tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes. Raw, all nightshades are deadly to cats, even a very small piece of eggplant or tomato can be fatal. Boiled, they are safe, as the poisonous toxin is destroyed during cooking. But do not rush to give boiled potatoes - the starch in it is not digested, so it is absolutely useless for a cat.
Grape. Grapes are poisonous to cats and dogs. It should not be given either fresh or dried (raisins), or ready-made.
Citrus. Most cats hate the smell of citrus, and for good reason. Oranges and lemons make cats vomit and are not good for them at all.
Legumes. Any legumes, be it beans, soybeans, peas or lentils, lead to bloating of the intestines and are not absorbed by the cat's body.
Avocado. Avocados contain the toxin persin, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, and can lead to death in cats. Do not give under any circumstances!
Fruits are generally not healthy for cats because they can cause diarrhea. Persimmon provokes enteritis and intestinal problems.

I wonder which cat will eat onions or garlic?) Some kind of nonsense ..

20.09.2015 19:26

Everything is rightly said, the diet for a kitten is something, we selected our own, weighed the components and still did not save us from problems, as a result, we were on a specialized series of Hills food for digestive problems for a month. Then on the main diet, now they switched to food for sterilized cats, as they began to gain weight, now we are losing weight a little.

20.09.2015 19:23

05/05/2015 11:30 Lena

I read that adult cats have kidney problems from milk. So the article is not very professional.

If a cat has been drinking milk since childhood, then there will be no problems. But for adult cats who do not eat it constantly, it is better not to give it.



20.04.2015 06:59

A very useful article. As the owner of a Scottish cattery, I agree with the author of the article. The diet of a kitten is not very large and it is extremely difficult to get confused there! The main thing to remember: A KITTEN IS NOT A HUMAN!!! He has a completely different digestive system! What is good and tasty for us can become a deadly weapon for your pet! Do not feed the baby from the table! It doesn't matter to him at all. You can see my pets on our website

30.03.2015 10:31

Look at the girls here too... The prices there are just a bomb... as I understand it, they buy joint ventures from them

27.03.2015 10:37

03/24/2015 08:53 Larisa Matveeva

What kind of store, why don't I know ?! I am generally a fan of online shopping, it turns out much more profitable.

Well, it turns out that it will be very profitable for you to buy there - because there the amount of the discount grows when you buy a large one. So pack up your supplies and stock up. There is not only our favorite Bilanx food - there are a lot of other foods. and not only for cats - for other pets, too, there is everything you need



24.03.2015 08:56

03/22/2015 16:01 Alena

I agree, but I used to be somehow afraid of online stores, now I understand that I had an association with a store on the couch, and it was a complete scam for money - remember? ;) And now I don’t buy anything through the Internet, from clothes. to technology. Now, by the way, in our store where I take food ( is called) there are very good discounts - prices have decreased. So I already told all my cat lovers to enjoy the moment)))

But I know this store, my mother works there - she picks up a bunch of everything (for us, for her sister, even for neighbors :-) and you get an additional discount on the order and the only delivery. How!

Larisa Matveeva

Larisa Matveeva

24.03.2015 08:53

03/18/2015 12:09 pm Anthony

I have been buying from the online store for a long time and not only food. Sometimes in purchases comes across. All the same, it’s cheaper this way and that, in stores there are crazy price hikes, and even what you need is not always the case.

What kind of store, why don't I know ?! I am generally a fan of online shopping, it turns out much more profitable.

23.03.2015 00:13

"Fruits are not a life-saving food, but some cats love some of them, such as melons, grapes, olives, asparagus and avocados."

Damn, before you write, at least check the info, avocados are DEADLY for animals

Onion and garlic. Onions (including leeks, shallots, and all other types of onions) and garlic contain substances that can cause anemia in a cat in excess, so they should never be given in any form. Garlic and onions are poison for your cat!
Nightshade: tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes. Raw, all nightshades are deadly to cats, even a very small piece of eggplant or tomato can be fatal. Boiled, they are safe, as the poisonous toxin is destroyed during cooking. But do not rush to give boiled potatoes - the starch in it is not digested, so it is absolutely useless for a cat.
Grape. Grapes are poisonous to cats and dogs. It should not be given either fresh or dried (raisins), or ready-made.
Citrus. Most cats hate the smell of citrus, and for good reason. Oranges and lemons make cats vomit and are not good for them at all.
Legumes. Any legumes, be it beans, soybeans, peas or lentils, lead to bloating of the intestines and are not absorbed by the cat's body.
Avocado. Avocados contain the toxin persin, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, and can lead to death in cats. Do not give under any circumstances!
Fruits are generally not healthy for cats because they can cause diarrhea. Persimmon provokes enteritis and intestinal problems.