How to treat irritation in the mouth. Timely visit to the dentist

The oral cavity of an adult is associated with the performance of many functions, due to which it reflects the state of the body. In particular, the mucous membrane demonstrates various pathological and systemic phenomena occurring in the body, characterizes the strength of the immune system, health internal organs etc. As a rule, diseases of the oral cavity in adults (you can find photos and symptoms below) are divided into 3 types: diseases of the gums, teeth and mucous membranes.

First, let's find out what factors influence the condition of the human mucosa:

  • unsystematic, independent use of antibiotics and potent drugs;
  • weak defenses, presence of HIV, AIDS;
  • inflammatory processes of teeth and gums;
  • dysfunction and damage to internal systems;
  • influence of sharp temperatures;
  • poorly designed diet (predominance of too spicy or sour foods);
  • presence of bad habits (alcoholism, smoking);
  • the presence of inflammation, infections;
  • general dehydration;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • unstable hormonal levels;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Inflammatory processes of teeth and gums provoke diseases of the oral mucosa

When healthy, the oral cavity contains bacteria and other organisms that are in an opportunistic state. But under the influence of the above conditions, they provoke diseases of the mucous membrane: infectious, inflammatory, viral, fungal, lichen, as well as dysbacteriosis.

Infectious and inflammatory processes

Infectious diseases of the oral cavity and tongue (photo below) include stomatitis. They are caused mainly by irregular and poor hygiene oral cavity, and sometimes are a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases and some others (angina).

Viral diseases

These include diseases infectious nature, ulcerative necrotic stomatitis, as well as the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases.

But the most common viral “guest” in the oral cavity is herpes. When inflamed, it settles in the area around the mouth, but often spreads to the mucous membrane. Symptoms of such a lesion are erosive aphthae on inside cheeks and lips, tongue, palate.

Sometimes herpes also affects the periodontal tissues and gums, as a consequence of acute catarrhal gingivitis.

Fungal infections

Fungal disease of the oral cavity in adults (photo below) is caused by the activity of yeast-like microorganisms of the Candida group.

Such fungi live in an inactive state in most of the population. But any external and internal factors(pathological processes, weakened immunity, hypothermia, etc.) activate them. As a result, the fungus forms on various mucous areas, including in the oral cavity, which indicates the development of candidomycosis.

Types of disease:

Lichen disease

As a rule, the mucous membrane is affected by lichen planus. At the same time, it can appear on skin. It is a consequence of weakened immunity, as well as systemic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, diabetes mellitus, and hereditary predisposition to pathology.

The disease occurs in acute form(month), subacute (up to six months) and long-term (more than 6 months).

The main symptoms: redness of the mucous membrane, the appearance of blistering rashes, erosions and ulcers, plaques.


This disease is precisely a consequence of the illiterate use of antibiotics, as well as the use antiseptics local effects in the treatment of colds.

Symptoms of the disease on early stage almost invisible: bad smell from the mouth, the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips. The development of the disease is accompanied by loosening of teeth and the appearance of associated ailments such as periodontal disease. Also, plaque is intensively formed on the teeth, corroding the enamel.

The appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips is a sign of dysbiosis

If the microflora of the oral mucosa is not restored in a timely manner, dysbacteriosis can cause damage to the receptors of the tongue, affecting vocal cords and the function of the tonsils.

Above we looked at oral diseases in adults. Let's move on to diseases and pathologies of teeth and gums.

Major diseases of teeth and gums

Let's take a look at the common reasons:

  • weakened immune system;
  • improper diet;
  • bad habits;
  • diseases of the mucous membrane itself;
  • injuries and microcracks, including those resulting from dental procedures;
  • lack of microelements (fluorine, calcium, etc.), vitamins in the body;
  • allergies to dentures, types of food, oral solutions and medications, etc.;
  • the presence of infections, viruses, inflammatory processes;
  • increased deposition of plaque and stone, which leads to caries;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Introducing oral diseases in adults (photo below), which are affected by the above conditions.

  1. Periodontal disease. A rare and complex disease that leads to depletion and destruction of periodontal tissue. May be asymptomatic, without causing discomfort or painful sensations. It is often detected already at the stage of transition to a more complex form - periodontitis.

Symptoms can be noticed by visual examination of the oral cavity. As a rule, exposed necks or roots of the tooth are noticeable due to changes in the shape of the gums. The papillae between the teeth atrophy, which also leads to a change in the position of the teeth.

  1. Periodontitis. It is a consequence of periodontal disease and is caused by additional factors: metabolic disorders, weakening protective forces body, lack of proteins and vitamins, concomitant neurosomatic pathologies, poor regular oral hygiene, environmental factors, improper diet (too little hard and coarse food). The disease can also be a consequence of gingivitis.


The symptoms of the disease vary: gums bleed, bad breath appears, plaque quickly appears. In advanced stages, soft tissue swelling, abscesses, painful sensations and loose teeth.

  1. Gingivitis. It occurs against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, infections, allergic reactions, or is a consequence of disordered nutrition, exposure to adverse environmental factors, hormonal changes.

Symptoms: bleeding gums, burning and itching in them, bad breath, and possible ulcers and necrotic areas.

  1. Xerostomia. It often appears in diabetics and is a consequence of an allergic reaction or other pathologies.

The symptoms are as follows: dry mucous membranes, inflammatory processes, itching, burning, decreased secretion of saliva, inflammation of nearby glands.

  1. Cheilitis. It is an ailment characteristic of the red area of ​​the lips, underlying inflammatory or trophic processes. The reasons for its appearance are as follows: violation hormonal levels, the effect of viruses or fungi, prolonged exposure to the sun, allergies, lack of B vitamins, neurogenic factors.

The main symptoms: inflamed and painful spots in the corners of the lips, hyperemia of the soft tissues and their swelling.

All of the above ailments can be treated exclusively with system doctors and dentists.

What is stomatitis and other lesions of the oral mucosa?
Oral irritations and lesions are swellings, rashes or sores in the mouth, lips or tongue. Although there is different types lesions and diseases of the oral cavity, some of the most common are stomatitis, herpes, leukoplakia and candidiasis (thrush).

What is inflammation of the oral mucosa and its other lesions?
Oral irritations and lesions are swellings, rashes or sores in the mouth, lips or tongue. Although there are different types of oral lesions and diseases, some of the most common are stomatitis, herpes, leukoplakia and candidiasis (thrush). We will talk about them below. If you have oral lesions, you are not alone - approximately a third of all people experience similar problems. However, lesions in the oral cavity, inflammation of the mucous membrane and wounds on it can be painful, unpleasant in appearance and interfere with normal eating and speaking. Any lesion in the oral mucosa that does not go away within a week or longer should be seen by a dentist. You may be advised to undergo a biopsy (tissue collection for research), which can usually determine the cause of the disease and rule out the possibility of serious diseases such as cancer and HIV.

How do I know if I have stomatitis or other damage to the oral mucosa?
Stomatitis and other lesions of the oral mucosa may be indicated by following signs:

  • Stomatitis– small white sores surrounded by redness. Although stomatitis is not contagious, it is often confused with rashes that are caused by the herpes virus. It should be remembered that stomatitis manifests itself inside the oral cavity, and herpetic rashes usually appear outside. Stomatitis may recur from time to time. It can be mild (small rashes), severe (large rashes) or herpes-like (groups or clusters of numerous rashes).
  • Stomatitis– a common disease, and it often recurs. Although exact reason unknown, dentists believe it may be due to a weakened immune system, exposure to bacteria or viruses. In addition, factors such as stress, injury, allergies, cigarette smoking, iron deficiency or vitamin deficiency, and heredity may play a role.
  • Rashes, also called fever on the lips or herpes simplex, These are groups of painful, fluid-filled blisters located around the lips and sometimes under the nose or around the chin. Cold rashes are usually caused by a type of herpes virus and are highly contagious. Herpes infection often occurs in childhood, sometimes it is asymptomatic and can be confused with a cold or flu. After infection, the virus remains in the body, carrying out repeated attacks from time to time. However, in some people the virus is not active.
  • Leukoplakia appears as thickened, whitish plaques on the inside of the cheeks, gums, or tongue. It is often associated with smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco, although it can also be caused by poorly fitting dentures, broken teeth, and chewing on one side of the jaw. Since an estimated 5% of leukoplakia cases develop into cancer*, your dentist may perform a biopsy. Often leukoplakia is cured after quitting tobacco.
  • Candidiasis (oral thrush)-This fungal infection caused by the fungus candida albicans. The symptom of the disease is creamy, yellowish-white or red plaques on the lining of the mouth. Plaques can be painful. Thrush most often occurs in people who, due to various reasons develops dry mouth or who is undergoing or has recently undergone antibiotic treatment. The risk group includes people wearing dentures, newborns, patients weakened by diseases, as well as those with a weakened immune system.

How are inflammation of the oral mucosa and other lesions treated?
Treatment depends on the type of disease. Most of the typical disorders and lesions of the oral mucosa described above are treated as follows:

  • Stomatitis- Stomatitis usually goes away within 7-10 days, although repeated relapses of the disease are possible. Over-the-counter ointments and pain relievers may provide temporary relief. Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash can reduce inflammation and pain. In some severe and persistent cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics to suppress the activity of the bacteria that caused the disease. In any case, if signs of stomatitis occur, immediately contact your dentist in order to promptly diagnose the disease and begin proper treatment.
  • Herpetic rashes- If a characteristic herpetic rash appears, contact your dentist immediately. The blisters usually heal in about a week. Since herpes infections cannot be cured completely, rashes may reappear during nervous shock, sun exposure, allergies or the flu. Over-the-counter local anesthetics may provide temporary relief. Prescription antiviral medications can help treat these types of viral infections.
  • Leukoplakia- Consultation with a doctor is required. The main treatment is aimed at combating the factors that cause leukoplakia. For some patients, this means quitting tobacco. For others, this means replacing dentures with ones that better fit their jaws. Your dentist will monitor your condition, examining you at intervals of 3 to 6 months, depending on the type, location and size of the lesions.
  • Candidiasis - Serious illness, requiring diagnosis and consultation with a dentist.
    • Prevention of fungal infection is to avoid situations that lead to the disease.
    • The main cause of the disease is often antibiotic therapy or oral contraceptives. In these cases, reducing the dose or changing the drug can help avoid the development of the disease.
    • To avoid any problems with dentures, they need to be cleaned. You should also remove dentures at night.
    • Saliva substitutes can help with dry mouth.
    • In some cases, after examination by a dentist, it becomes necessary to prescribe antifungal drugs that suppress the activity of the fungi that caused the disease.
    • Careful oral hygiene is required.
Cold blisters

*Complete guide to dental care. – Jeffrey F. Taintor, DDS, MS, and Mary Jane Taintor, 1997

What causes inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth? The problem may be associated with bad habits (smoking, consumption of hard foods), allergic reactions and internal disruptions in the body. A doctor's help is required even with mild irritation of soft tissues, as otherwise the process may become chronic form currents.

Causes of inflammation

Inflammation of the oral cavity is a common problem with which patients turn to dentists. To draw up the correct treatment regimen, a specialist needs to understand the causes of the disease. Often, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity develop due to the fault of the person himself: due to poor nutrition, irregular teeth brushing, uncontrolled intake medications and alcohol consumption.

The initial visit to the doctor includes an examination of the oral cavity and a medical history. The dentist must identify the factors that provoked the disease. If necessary, the dentist refers the patient to doctors of another profile (allergist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist) to draw up integrated scheme treatment.

Other causes of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth include:

  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Allergic reactions to medications and food. Often, irritation of the oral mucosa is caused by dental care products with an aggressive chemical composition.
  • Injuries of a chemical, mechanical and thermal nature.
  • Infection with pathogenic microorganisms: fungi, viruses or infection (Candida fungus, herpes virus, helminthic infestation).
  • Insufficient saliva production.
  • Incorrectly installed dentures.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Treatment of the problem is carried out depending on the provoking factor. For example, if the disease developed due to traumatic injury oral cavity and tongue, then antiseptic treatment of the areas will be sufficient. For injuries caused by burns or frostbite, antiseptic treatment add painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. When treating a chemical burn, the main emphasis is on thoroughly rinsing the mouth and further rinsing it with antiseptic drugs.

A different treatment regimen is prescribed if the cause of inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth is pathogenic microorganisms, activated in the background systemic diseases(flu, herpes, chickenpox, etc.). In such cases, therapy will include systemic drugs (antiviral, antiherpes drugs), local treatment of lesions and taking drugs to strengthen the immune system (immunomodulators, vitamin complexes).

If the problem is related to caries, then before drug treatment Sanitation of all foci of infection will be required. In some cases, professional teeth cleaning by a dentist and consultation with the patient on oral care will be required.

If there are ulcers in the mouth, and eating is accompanied by severe pain, then self-medication is unacceptable. Delayed therapy is complicated by infection of the throat (tonsillitis, sore throat) and respiratory system (tracheitis, bronchitis).

What causes injury to the mucous membranes of the mouth?

Is inflammation of the mucous membranes often combined with peeling? This condition indicates developing stomatitis or neurological disorders arising from prolonged mental stress, stress, and nervousness. The problem is often observed among students during a session.

Why do the mucous membranes of the mouth hurt? Another cause of traumatic injury is chemical burns. They are overwhelmingly diagnosed in people suffering from alcoholism. Constant consumption of alcohol or vodka leads to chronic irritation of the mucous membranes. Less commonly, the disease develops due to ingestion of hot or cold food.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the skin peels off in the mouth suddenly. If you have such symptoms, you should urgently contact a gastroenterologist for comprehensive examination digestive system. Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract in this case should be supported by local treatment of peeling areas to prevent their infection.

Types of inflammation and symptoms

Diagnosed different kinds lesions of the oral mucosa, but the most common of them are: periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis. All these diseases have similar symptoms, and only experienced doctor. The prognosis for recovery depends on the timeliness of the therapy.

Stomatitis is the most common oral disease caused by the herpes virus or Candida fungi. Insufficient dental care is considered a provoking factor for the development of the disease. Anaphylactic stomatitis occurs as a result of an allergic reaction of mucous structures to external irritants.

Visible signs of stomatitis are white or yellowish ulcers on the tongue, cheeks, and palate, as if the skin in the mouth is peeling off. There may be a slight increase in body temperature. Children experience the disease more severely than adults due to an immature immune system.

Gingivitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums. The problem most often affects children during teething and pregnant women due to hormonal changes. The main symptoms of the pathology are bleeding gums and itching. Patients note an acute reaction to taste stimuli.

The following symptoms are characteristic of gingivitis:

  • bad breath;
  • red gums;
  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • rise in temperature;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

On initial stages The symptoms of gingivitis can easily be confused with a cold.

Another common disease of the oral mucosa is periodontitis. The problem is associated with damage to the part of the gum located near the tooth. The disease is dangerous because it ultimately leads to the element becoming unsteady and then falling out of the socket.

The cause of periodontitis is pathogens that penetrate into the space between the tooth and gum.

If, simultaneously with inflammation in the mouth, tingling and burning of the tongue occurs, then we're talking about about glossalgia. Among the causes of pathology it should be noted: neurological disorders, leukoplakia, bad habits, lack of vitamin A in the body, genetic predisposition.


You can identify lesions of the mucous membranes yourself by examining the oral cavity in front of a mirror. During a visit to the doctor, the patient should talk about all the factors that could serve as an impetus for the development of the problem, for example, consumption of unfamiliar foods, injury to mucous structures, or recent dental treatment.

The doctor will prescribe a complex to the patient laboratory research to identify the presence of chronic diseases:

  • allergy tests;
  • bacterial culture from lesions (to identify the causative agent of the disease);
  • general blood and serum analysis.

Without these tests, the doctor will not be able to create a competent treatment plan.

Diseases of the mucous membrane in children

Among the frequently diagnosed inflammatory diseases The oral cavity in children should be distinguished:

  • Stomatitis – aphthous, chronic and catarrhal. In the first case, the affected areas are numerous aphthae white and round shape. These wounds are painful when pressed. Aphthous stomatitis in children it can occur in 3 stages: mild, moderate and severe (with fever and symptoms of intoxication of the body).
  • Pyoderma. Pathology occurs due to damage to the body streptococcal infection. Pyoderma manifests itself as microcracks on the surface of the mucous membranes and lips. Babies with weak immune systems and children who do not receive adequate nutrition are especially susceptible to the disease.
  • Thrush, or candidiasis. The problem is caused by yeast-like fungi. Most often, symptoms appear in infancy, when the mucous membranes of the baby’s mouth are not able to resist pathogenic flora.


Treatment of oral inflammation includes several main stages: diet and lifestyle changes; local treatment of damaged structures; taking medications and using alternative medicine.

Local treatment

Rashes in the mouth require careful treatment to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body. For this purpose, use a solution baking soda, calcium bicarbonate. The solutions are used to rinse the mouth or make lotions based on them. To treat ulcers, use gauze swabs rather than cotton pads. Microscopic hair from the cotton pad may remain in the wound, causing complications of stomatitis.

After leaving white plaque on an ulcer, treatment of the oral cavity is carried out with antiseptics: a weak solution of potassium permanganate, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or chamomile decoction. These agents suppress inflammation and promote the regeneration of damaged structures.

During the recovery stage, patients are recommended to use drugs with a regenerating effect - sea ​​buckthorn oil or Solcoseryl ointment

At pronounced signs If pain occurs, tampons soaked in lidocaine or ointments with an anesthetic effect (Cholisal, Kamistad) are applied to the irritated areas.

TO local treatment Stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis also include the removal or treatment of teeth affected by caries. If conservative therapy is not carried out, the inflammation of the oral mucosa will become chronic.

General treatment

Systemic drugs are indicated only for complex cases inflammatory process. Patients are prescribed the following medications:

  • antibiotics (Flemoxin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav);
  • antiviral drugs (Interferon, Grippferon);
  • vitamins (Complivit);
  • immunomodulators (Likopid, Levamisole);
  • drugs to improve blood microcirculation (Trental, Pentoxifylline).

Medicines should be aimed at correcting the underlying pathology. Depending on the cause of stomatitis, the treatment regimen includes: chemotherapy, antihistamines, immunomodulators. The treatment regimen is compiled individually for each patient.

Diet for stomatitis

To speed up the healing of ulcers and eliminate redness of the mucous membranes, adhere to special diet. It excludes those foods that can irritate the oral cavity.

It is recommended to grind food with a blender or grater before eating. After eating, rinse your mouth with antiseptics. As an alternative to regular nutrition, special mixtures are used - Nutrison, Nutridrink

Folk remedies

Treatment of stomatitis is complemented folk remedies, for example, aloe-based ointment: 1 crushed leaf mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sunflower or olive oil. Ointment for stomatitis is used 2-3 times a day. Instead of crushed aloe leaf, you can use plantain.

For swelling of the gums, use rinses herbal decoctions. To create the medicine, take St. John's wort, oak and chamomile (1 tablespoon of each herbal ingredient) and add 1 liter of water. It is advisable to rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day.

For ulcers on the tongue, use a decoction of calendula: 2 tbsp. l. The ingredients are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. The product is infused for 3 hours and the mouth is rinsed every 4 hours.

Prevention of inflammation of the oral mucosa is the same as for tooth inflammation. It includes a timely visit to the dentist, diet correction, and daily dental hygiene.

An otolaryngologist, pediatrician or therapist is often approached with the problem of an inflamed oral cavity. Most often, such symptoms are characteristic of childhood, also for young people. To get rid of this problem, you need to find out the cause and undergo the necessary course of therapy.

Types and symptoms of oral inflammation

Oral problems occur due to various reasons– allergic, traumatic, infectious. Inflammation can be observed with vitamin deficiency, diseases gastrointestinal tract, serious problems with the heart, blood vessels.

The inflammatory process can accompany diseases circulatory system, serious poisoning of the body with various substances. An inflammatory process in the oral cavity is most often a sign of a serious illness. It develops after the mucous membrane has been damaged by the sharp edge of a tooth, dentures, or hot food. First, redness and swelling appear in the affected area, followed by erosion, which are very painful and can fester.

If a man for a long time a denture is used that is of poor quality, areas of the oral mucosa begin to grow, and a large number of pappilom.

An infectious disease can also affect the oral mucosa. Often triggered by infection. At the same time, the body temperature rises sharply, the mucous membrane swells and turns red, and a large number of small bubbles form.

Inflammation can be caused by severe allergic reaction, first there is swelling, then ulcers appear. The disease affects the entire surface or some parts at once. This is how the body can react to the intake medicines. The oral cavity hurts a lot, especially when a person eats, there is a strong burning sensation in the oral cavity. severe itching and dryness, in some cases atrophy taste buds language.

Due to an allergic-infectious inflammatory process, a large number of aphthae are formed in the oral cavity, which are very painful, they affect the lips, cheeks, lateral surface and the tip of the tongue. In this case, the secretion of saliva is impaired, and the The lymph nodes, body temperature rises sharply, and strong pain. Often the disease is caused by diseases of the intestines and stomach. Children and young people suffer the most from it.

In case of poisoning by various chemical elements, the inflammatory process is catarrhal. Mucous buccal membrane turns red, pigmentation may appear on the gums. Sometimes ulcers begin to develop quite quickly and persist. In addition to pain, the mouth constantly suffers from impaired salivation, the person suddenly becomes worse, weakens, and is bothered by apathy and digestive disorders.

Causes of oral inflammation

1. Due to an infectious disease - herpes virus, influenza.

2. In case of mechanical damage, the oral cavity is severely affected. The injury may be caused by an object or by the person biting slightly. At first there may be pain, after erosion, ulcers, hematomas. Sharp tooth roots can regularly cause injury.

Methods for treating inflammation in the oral cavity

It is important to completely get rid of the factor that led to the pathological process. It is necessary to treat the disease for the reason that provoked the inflammatory process; for this you need to study the patient’s history in detail.

In the event that the patient does not have chronic disease, injury, fungus, it is imperative to undergo an x-ray to find out about the internal inflammatory process of the periodontium. The underlying disease is being treated medications, which are prescribed by the attending doctor. It may be necessary to cleanse your mouth of plaque that has accumulated on your teeth.

If the ulcers become very red, swollen, and there is severe pain while eating. This way you can restore the mucous membrane. Treatment lasts up to two months.

Medical scientists have proven that the condition of the oral cavity depends on the functioning of the internal system organs. In pathological processes, it occurs severe inflammation. If the problem is identified in a timely manner, gums and teeth can be preserved. in good condition.

Prevention of oral inflammation

It is important to always contact your dentist promptly. Only a doctor will take a careful look, study your medical history and prescribe the necessary course of therapy.

Watch your diet, it should contain food rich in vitamins C, B, A, honey, calcium, fluorine. Eat carbohydrate foods as little as possible, because they can actively develop pathogenic microflora. The diet should contain a small amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Constantly train your chewing apparatus. Preventive diets no, but you should know that important rule– nutrition should be complete and balanced.

Metrogol Denta treatment is often prescribed; the drug destroys pathogenic microflora, fights infection and inflammation. The drug can cure periodontitis; in surgery, the drug is used when a tooth is removed. The advantages of the gel are that it not only relieves symptoms, but fights the main cause that provoked the disease.

For stomatitis, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed, in cases pathogenic microflora, prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy. If the disease is caused by improper brushing of teeth, you need to undergo an additional examination and get everything checked. necessary tests. The course of therapy must be comprehensive, be sure to use applications, rinses, and lotions. If the mucous membrane turns red and severe pain occurs, the child should be given an anti-inflammatory drug.

So, inflammation of the oral cavity can be triggered by diabetes, diseases of the intestines, stomach, various malfunctions immune system, in pregnant women, inflammation is caused by hormonal imbalances. Before treating the oral cavity, the underlying disease must be treated.

Inflammation of the oral mucosa is extremely unpleasant disease, every second person faces a similar illness. First of all, it is necessary to find out what the causes of the pathological process are. Only after this the doctor will develop a treatment method. This kind of inflammation key symptom at dental diseases: stomatitis, gingivitis, and mucosal injury. Similar diseases characterized by the same symptoms: pain and unpleasant sensations in the mouth, gums, lips, cheeks or larynx. Often, inflammatory processes are accompanied by suppuration if they are started without resorting to treatment.


First of all, you need to consult a specialist in medical institution to find out the cause of the malaise. In most cases, the disease can be triggered by poor oral hygiene, leading to the formation of tartar. Risk factors include the presence hereditary diseases, such as diabetes and inborn errors of metabolism. For chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, stress, hormonal imbalances, especially in pregnant women, abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking, the mucous membrane can act as an indicator indicating problems in the body. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it begins to peel off and a downward flow occurs. An urgent examination by a gastroenterologist and an appropriate treatment regimen will be required.

Pathological processes in the oral cavity can develop due to mechanical damage to glandular epithelial cells, primarily due to incorrectly placed dentures. The delicate structure can be injured when eating solid foods: crackers, seeds and nuts. Hard and sharp fragments of the peel or shell injure the mucous membrane, causing the formation of wounds where microbes penetrate and provoke inflammation. TO pathological processes May cause oral burns or frostbite. Burns to the mucous membrane can be caused by eating too hot food and drinks, eating sour fruits, which can set the teeth on edge and corrode the epithelial covers, preventing the protective and absorption function of the single-layer epithelium. Symptoms can also appear in allergy sufferers after eating citrus fruits, walnuts and chocolate. Often the cause of the inflammatory process can be infection, for example, herpes, influenza, mumps, chickenpox.

Sometimes the cause of illness becomes popular among young people. cosmetic procedure- tongue piercing. Inflammation can occur even if this manipulation was carried out in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic rules, including preliminary intake of a complex of vitamins and minerals, and then complete sanitation of the mouth. The risk of infection in the mouth increases if there is a piercing due to accidental injuries, up to glossitis or abscess.

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Treatment of mucosal inflammation

During a detailed examination and conversation with the patient to establish concomitant diseases, test results, allergy tests, the dentist will be able to prescribe a treatment regimen.

Get rid of inflammation caused mechanical damage mucous membrane, it is necessary to disinfect the injury site. When the mouth is burned or frostbite, pain is felt. Moreover, it does not appear immediately, but the next day. Anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic drugs are added to antiseptics, since pain is clearly expressed. In this case, additionally prescribed oil solution vitamin A and rinsing the mouth with infusions of medicinal herbs.

If a person received chemical burn oral cavity, his mouth is immediately washed with neutralizing liquids and antiseptic drugs. Anesthetic applications are applied to the ulcerated areas.

With frequent inflammations of the oral cavity, the cause may lie in poor oral hygiene and the resulting formation of plaque and tartar. Dentist performs professional cleaning. In case of painful inflammation, carious teeth are filled and, if necessary, removed.

Medications are used to treat inflammation caused by pathogens.

If damage to the mucous membrane is caused by a fungal infection (candidiasis or thrush), treatment is carried out systemic drugs(Fluconazole, Fucis) and means local action: rinses are prescribed alkaline solutions And pharmaceutical product Metrogil Denta. These procedures prevent the proliferation of microorganisms.

If the disease is bacterial in nature, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed (Azithromycin, Clindamycin, Erythromycin). A smear is first taken to determine the sensitivity of prokaryotes to drugs.

If the provoking factor was viral infection, then a long-term complex therapy based on immunomodulators, vitamins and antiviral agents, such as Interferon, Cycloferon, Viferon.

Neuroses and stress, excessive mental activity, especially among applicants and students during exams, cause problems in the field of dentistry. With anxiety, the oral cavity dries out, becomes dehydrated and constantly cracks. Necessary drinking plenty of fluids and processing medicinal products, which moisturize the shell so that it becomes softer. In addition, mild sedatives are prescribed. If you are prone to inflammation of the oral cavity, take multivitamins and means to enhance immunity.

Inflammation of the oral cavity may be accompanied by more serious symptoms - the appearance of swelling or ulcers, bleeding, pain when swallowing.

If you hope that everything will go away on its own, or self-medicate, the inflammation becomes chronic and can be localized on the internal organs.

In case of complications, each patient is given a detailed individual treatment plan and treatment is prescribed using modern medical equipment with laser exposure.