Can a dentist fall in love with his patient. Can a dentist fall in love with his patient Fall in love with a doctor

You are lying in the dentist's chair, your teeth are being changed, your incisors are being sharpened or braces are being put on. In a few months, you have already become related to the Doctor and he has become almost a close person to you. In the evening, you are tormented by erotic dreams, where your doctor is the main character. What's happening? You seem to have been married for ten or fifteen years and then there is some guy who did not make any impression on you for the first time to become close. A light light erotic or love feeling creeps up on you and goes to bed with you. Dental appointments become pleasant and you are a little sorry that they will end soon, you begin to be jealous of other patients! What the hell happened? Why?

Let's go in order. At first, they just shut your mouth or, frankly, they opened it up a lot and injected some kind of rubbish so as not to feel anything! Then they sawed, crushed, moved, sometimes the rubbish stopped working and the nerve turned out to be too close, piercing the whole consciousness, brains and bones with pain, turning out the eyes and snot. The doctor carefully wiped the saliva and took the money for the appointment.

Be patient a little more ... And you endure and waste your time ... Your time no longer belongs to you, the doctor writes you down when it suits him.

Nature did not foresee this somehow. The mechanism of the emergence of mother's love for the child is associated with pain and self-denial. First, nine not the most convenient months and then childbirth, and then nights without sleep ... Does this remind you of anything? Of course!!! Doctor! A little at first! And then once - and a mouth without teeth, an empty pocket and this story has no end! Do not sleep at night, hot and cold hurts, sick! Teeth fall off and you run to him, the savior! With a dreary and sympathetic face, he takes off the temporary hut and scratches something there, advising you to take something soft in your hands so that you don’t pierce your palm with your nails! Then he strokes his head and leaves! And the more pain and suffering, the stronger the instinct, the ancient pre-ancient, turns on! And now you are already jumping with a pierced parachute into the abyss called: DEPENDENCE!!! And fly, joyfully spreading your arms. Wave your hand to those who are still in the cockpit! Farewell!!! I fell in love with the dentist! Aaaaaa! My heart aches for Vasily Semenovich!!! How to fall in love with a dentist? Did the advice "treat him with an orbit" fail?

Is it about you? Then stop fantasizing!

Finish your teeth and the haze will dissipate!

Change uncle to aunt!

Ask where are you? Make your own appointments!

Don't take the pain! Feel free to ask for more anesthesia!

Let's have more time to relax!

In the place of a dentist, there can be any doctor with sadistic habits: an osteopath, a massage therapist, a surgeon, a chiropractor, and anyone who is capable of causing you mental or physical pain!

Doctor! Kiss me!

I can not! Medical ethics!

Well, kiss me!

I can't! And anyway, I shouldn't have slept with you either...

Two friends meet: a psychologist and a dentist.

Psychologist: "And you know, treatment at the dentist is a sublimated sexual intercourse, you are in the oral zone, in close contact, visually the form is again, the strongest stimulant of sexual desires ... Freud also noted this ..."

Dentist, wearily: "That's why I feel so fucked up after work!!!"

Hello! I beg you, give me advice, I ask you for help. I am 16 years old, and my story is probably banal, but I have it for the first time, I fell in love. The fact is that in early July I went to see a dentist and fell in love with this man. He is, of course, older than me, he is 29 years old. I went to him for the first time for a check-up, he said everything was fine with me, etc. Of course, I immediately fell in love with him. He is very nice, intelligent, from a very good family (as I found out), very kind, good as a person, an excellent specialist, he is very praised in our city. Then constant thoughts about him. It's like a snowball, it grows every day. I went to the sea and constantly thought about it. I wanted to return as soon as possible to go to him for a consultation, etc. Just depression began, I stopped sleeping at night, crying, thinking about him. Today I went to him for a consultation in the hope that he would treat me. But, unfortunately, he said that I need to see an orthodontist, my problem is small, but he does not do this. And that's all ... I hoped so much, so hoped that I would still be able to see him! And today he was sitting so close next to me, looking directly into the eyes of our entire conversation. Not looking away at all. Feelings intensified even more. I don't know what to do now. Just don't think that I'm some kind of youngster who fell in love with a man. I have been told many times that I am beautiful and interesting. Why is everything like this? Isn't it destiny? I saw support in this man, protection, or something. As soon as I remember his eyes ... Tears just flow like hail ... I am in deep despair. I have lost the meaning of life... I don't want anything at all... I am somewhere at the bottom. I so want to see him again! I'm looking forward to September so I can go check it out. I also found out that he has a wife and two children! I wrote him a letter of confession (anonymous), but he did not answer. So what's now? Why can't you just be friends? I don't want to lose this person. I don't know him at all and I understand it. Why can't we just be friends?

Ekaterina, Ukraine, 16 years old

Answer from an art psychologist:

Hello Ekaterina.

I read your letter. One would like to ask, WHOSE EYES REMINDER YOU OF HIS EYES? Who else looked at you like that? It is clear that you are fascinated by this man. You see only his good sides, while you didn’t communicate closely, everything happened at the level of a professional reception. When I write everything, it means creating an image that you fell in love with. And this image may remind you of someone from your inner circle. One of the parents. Because those feelings that rise in you when you remember a man, suffering, have nothing to do with this man. I would like to know what kind of relationship you have with your father. And my mom too, of course. What is the relationship between mom and dad. Does your father live with you, etc. You all understand with your head that you didn’t even really communicate with this man. And your feelings rise, as if you have known this person for a long time, and this person has rejected you or communication has stopped for reasons unknown to you. I want you to try to understand this: there is a specific man, a dentist - and there is an image in your memory (of another person that was formed earlier), through the prism of which you perceive this man. All this has merged in your psyche. Those. you expect love, support, support from this man, that he will not leave you, stay with you, as, for example, they could reap from dad ... or maybe from mom. Or from another significant person for you. In the psyche it works like this. In order for you to stop suffering, you need to understand who you see in this man. You can't bear the thought that you can't be with him. And even be friends. Are you sure about that. With whom in your life was contact interrupted? What other person can't you communicate with? Maybe it's a girlfriend or friend? And it’s good to write out all your feelings, desires, fantasies, resentments, expectations from this man. So you will unload your psyche. Describe the image you fell in love with. And constantly remind yourself that you love the image. Not this man. I hope that some of my words will respond to you and you will be able to free yourself from illusions and charm. Because charm, unfortunately, is often followed by disappointment. If there is something unclear in my answer, write.

Sincerely, Irina Potemkina.

I was then 25 years old, I came from a small quiet village to a huge and very interesting city. I walked along it as if spellbound, I liked everything there. And flowers in the flowerbeds, and cars running in single file, and flashing traffic lights ... The sun, the sea of ​​cold ice cream ... My rainbow mood from the city landscape ended very quickly. My teeth ached... The flowers and the blue sky with the birds were no longer pleasing. I walked and read the inscriptions: the clinic is such and such.. "Dentistry is for you!"... When the pain was already unbearable, I went to the nearest dentistry. Young and very beautiful girls were sitting there, they sparkled with their wonderful teeth and could not wait for their turn.
"God, I've never met such a guy in my life!" one of them exclaimed.
-And how gentle he is! - With a tender smile said the other.
-Girls! He's mine! - The third concluded in a tone that did not require wrangling.
The door opened, everyone was silent.

A very handsome young man looked out. He quickly looked around at everyone present, greeted everyone. And holding his gaze on my face, twisted with pain, he suddenly said:
- Please, dear stranger, come to my office!
The girls whispered, looking at each other angrily.
-And what does she need here .. hillbilly!

I went into the office, there was a pleasant smell of flowers and surprisingly clean air. Outside the open window, birds sang in the branches of the trees.
I sat in a chair, the tooth did not fall on the tooth. I must say I'm brave, but I'm afraid of dentists like fire ...

He came up, smiled and said:
- Such a beautiful girl should not walk with such a face. I will definitely help her and make sure that when she leaves the office right now, she walks and smiles, and the young men will stumble, looking at her!
No one else spoke so beautifully about me, I felt that he was not lying at all, calling me beautiful! It became so easy and comfortable, I stopped trembling and completely trusted the master!
I was smiling within 15 minutes!
I didn't want to leave the office at all. But there was a queue waiting in the hall ... I asked again if I would need to come again, perhaps to cure another tooth?
The young doctor smiled.
-You are all right now, but do not forget to look to your dentist!
I left the office inspired .. I fell in love ...

Early the next morning, I again rushed to the same clinic with the hope of seeing HIM again and finally taking the first step, asking for his phone number. I sat in line all in the same office. How upset I was when I saw an elderly woman in the office. Apparently she understood everything.
-Unfortunately, your favorite doctor does not work for us, he was practicing in our dental center, and now all the girls have lost their feet, looking for him!
-But how? Where is it?! - I was already choking with tears ... I .. even .. I don’t know his phone ..
I roared into three streams.
She hugged me and said:
- Honey, this is love, it will definitely pass. She must pass, he left, last night and very far away.
She gave me a sedative, told me that this young guy has a child and a young, very beautiful wife, he just went to them and went somewhere to the south. I calmed down. Of course, what could have happened between us .. He is such a gentle and attentive doctor, and I am a girl from the outback ...
I still remember him with gratitude and a smile.

She looked at me like a frightened animal - frowningly. She had a toothache. The doctor repaired something there, but unsuccessfully. And she hesitated to tell him. Or just scared of him. Stupid. Who's afraid of dentists? Our accountant Varya did not expect anything from anyone and clearly intended to endure the pain further. But I needed her alive, and I got her analgin.

Varya's eyes widened. She was not used to complaining: not to me, not to the dentist. And Varya had not counted on someone else's help for a long time. Somehow I got used to it. All by herself, by herself. And her mother always told her: “You are already big, come on by yourself”. Mom was busy. Business mom. And Varya quickly learned to cook her own dinner, do her homework, and wash her clothes. Then - institute, work, a dentist and a bad tooth.

I caused her to crash the program. She didn't even say thank you. I just fell into a stupor with a pill in my hand. Well, okay. At least it won't hurt. And tomorrow he will go again and try to finish his tooth. If, of course, you have the courage to answer the doctor's question "Does it hurt?" positively.

A few days later I met Varya in the corridor. She smiled shyly and guiltily at me.

- Thanks.

For help... For a pill. I didn't even say thank you. Thank you very much!


For some reason, it seemed that if I answered “nothing,” she would start convincing me of the opposite, and I would lose a lot of time. It was obvious that she wanted to say something else, but did not dare. Remembering that we are responsible for those whom we tamed, I carefully ask:

- Everything is fine? Does your tooth hurt?

She suddenly flushed like a girl and mumbled:

- Yes ... That is - no! Does not hurt...

A feline curiosity wakes up in me: in three years of working together, I have never seen Varya in such confusion. Something new.

- Come at the end of the working day. Let's talk.

She nods obediently and lowers her eyes as she returns to her invoices, calculators and quarterly reports.

Varia's story turned out not to be what she expected. It was not even Varia's story. And the story of Varya's tooth.

The next day after the story with the pill, Varya had to go to the doctor again. Something had to be done there. And the doctor was amazing. Slender, handsome - just some kind of Apollo, not a doctor. I don't know how Varya didn't get hit. Maybe it's enough. But not at once. Immediately, her tooth hurt too much, tears flowed from her eyes, and she only wanted everything to stop as soon as possible.

After an anesthetic injection, Varya woke up and saw a miracle in front of her. Miracle called her "bunny" and "honey". Varya was thrilled and shy. And the more affectionately Apollo asked her to be patient, the more she fell into nirvana. It is as if you were about to die, and an angel appeared to you and said that you would live forever.

The doctor kept asking solicitously: “Does it hurt so much? And so?. And Varya was lying on an armchair with her mouth wide open, which was already beginning to convulse, and only mumbled negatively. Apollo should be pleased! How can you upset Apollo? Varya's chest was bursting with admiration: he is so kind, so handsome, so busy! While she was at the reception, he twice went out somewhere - probably to look at other patients. That's what is in demand!

As a result, she left the doctor with a confused soul and a frozen jaw, which, after a couple of hours at work, just began to whine unbearably. Here I turned up with my pill.

The treatment was not completed. The next day she went to her Apollo - tormented by pain in her tooth and vague hopes in her heart. After all, no one had ever called Varya a “bunny” before, and this made the heart ache so sweetly. But the heart is out of luck. Apollo is sick. The clinic did not have time to cancel the appointment, Varya was the first to be booked, and she was sent to another doctor - a woman.

Sudden disappointment washed over my soul. An hour of procedures passed on the edge of consciousness. She paid and went to work. Even the fact that the damned tooth finally stopped hurting could not console her. Something more than physical pain tormented Varya.

The day passed in a blur. By evening, I wanted only one thing: to go home, to my native safe walls, to my favorite cup of cats, a book I had begun, and a cozy old bed with a quilted bedspread! And then Varya groaned... How could she forget! It is today that a grumpy cousin is waiting for her, to whom if you don’t go, such a scandal will suit that your teeth will hurt. All at once. Moreover, Varya promised. It's embarrassing not to come. And the products of that need to be bought. Will have to go. Varya sighed resignedly.

My aunt lived nearby - in another area. But it was inconvenient to go home from work, it was winter, and by the time Varya got to the store next to her aunt's house, it became dark. The store shone with showcases and bright packaging. Taking the cart, Varya slowly wandered along the rows, trying to figure out if she had taken everything. It turned out that everything. It's time to cashiers - to pay off, to the aunt and to the saving comfort of the house!

Turning to the finish line, Varya stopped abruptly. If she had not done this, she would have driven into a beauty in a flowing fur coat. Pretty woman was choosing ice cream, talking animatedly about her choice... oh my God, with Apollo!

Through the haze of excitement, Varya was surprised: the doctor did not look like a patient at all. Unless he has some fashionable illness. Well, the blues there, melancholy. Although no. He has a too white-toothed smile and a wet, shiny look for a mope. And the beauty did not look like a local therapist. Varechka felt a pang at this thought. Painkillers would be better. But even this injection had the most beneficial effect on her: she quietly drove back with the cart, turned into another aisle and quickly walked to the cash register. Get out of here!

Varya was shaking in the subway car and thinking. Apollo didn't even recognize her! But he only saw her yesterday and affectionately called her "hare". There was a lump in my throat. Soul burned vague shame. The heaviness inside tossed and turned and looked for a way out in tears. A little more and she is at home: safe, without worries and worries. And if something gets sick and a doctor is needed, then only to a woman. Having made her decision, Varya calmed down and, with a sigh of relief and a brightened face, leaned back in the seat.

Fall in love with a doctor. System comment

The story that happened to the heroine is typical. Yes Yes! We fall in love with our doctors: so attentive, kind, so caring and reliable: professional in anal, kind in visual and ambitious in skin. But after all, neither the heroine herself nor her friend could say what happened to Varya - why such a storm of feelings towards a stranger?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan answers the questions: what happened to Varya? Did she really fall in love with the doctor? Why did this happen? And what will happen next? Will Varya want to go to the doctor again, check her feelings, perhaps cherishing the hope that he is not indifferent to her?

Varya's visual vector demanded emotions and impressions. And the anal vector - felt respect for the profession of a doctor and gratitude for getting rid of pain. But at the same time, the visual vector - impressionable and romantic - formed fantasies in the girl's head that had no real basis.

What about a doctor? And the doctor, an anal-skin-visual specialist, may have been inspired by his new novel. Visually in love with his girlfriend, trying to conquer a beautiful woman like a skin, he even gave up his work for a while, saying he was sick.

Visual girls are dreamy young ladies at any age. And when there is a little lack of emotions, they get them, falling in love and fantasizing about their love. And the confidence that is supposed in the relationship between doctor and patient very often makes our doctors the object of these feelings.

How do you know that this love is fantasy or one from which a great great feeling can grow? This question is answered by training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, where you need to pay special attention to lectures on the visual vector.

If you want to learn more, register for free introductory online classes on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using materials

Not my story, but I liked it
I was then 25 years old, I came from a small quiet village to a huge and very interesting city. I walked along it as if spellbound, I liked everything there. And flowers in the flowerbeds, and cars running in single file, and flashing traffic lights ... The sun, the sea of ​​cold ice cream ... My rainbow mood from the city landscape ended very quickly. My teeth ached... The flowers and the blue sky with the birds were no longer pleasing. I walked and read the inscriptions: the clinic is such and such .. "Dentistry is for you!"... When the pain was already unbearable, I went to the nearest dentistry. Young and very beautiful girls were sitting there, they sparkled with their wonderful teeth and could not wait for their turn.
"God, I've never met such a guy in my life!" one of them exclaimed.
-And how gentle he is! - With a tender smile said the other.
-Girls! He's mine! - The third concluded in a tone that did not require wrangling.
The door opened, everyone was silent.
A very handsome young man looked out. He quickly looked around at everyone present, greeted everyone. And holding his gaze on my face, twisted with pain, he suddenly said:
- Please, dear stranger, come to my office!
The girls whispered, looking at each other angrily.
-And what does she need here .. hillbilly!
I went into the office, there was a pleasant smell of flowers and surprisingly clean air. Outside the open window, birds sang in the branches of the trees.
I sat in a chair, the tooth did not fall on the tooth. I must say I'm brave, but I'm afraid of dentists like fire ...
He came up, smiled and said:
- Such a beautiful girl should not walk with such a face. I will definitely help her and make sure that when she leaves the office right now, she walks and smiles, and the young men will stumble, looking at her!
No one else spoke so beautifully about me, I felt that he was not lying at all, calling me beautiful! It became so easy and comfortable, I stopped trembling and completely trusted the master!
I was smiling within 15 minutes!
I didn't want to leave the office at all. But there was a queue waiting in the hall ... I asked again if I would need to come again, perhaps to cure another tooth?
The young doctor smiled.
-You are all right now, but do not forget to look to your dentist!
I left the office inspired .. I fell in love ...

Early the next morning, I again rushed to the same clinic with the hope of seeing HIM again and finally taking the first step, asking for his phone number. I sat in line all in the same office. How upset I was when I saw an elderly woman in the office. Apparently she understood everything.
-Unfortunately, your favorite doctor does not work for us, he was practicing in our dental center, and now all the girls have lost their feet, looking for him!
-But how? Where is it?! - I was already choking with tears ... I .. even .. I don’t know his phone ..
I roared into three streams.
She hugged me and said:
- Honey, this is love, it will definitely pass. She must pass, he left, last night and very far away.
She gave me a sedative, told me that this young guy has a child and a young, very beautiful wife, he just went to them and went somewhere to the south. I calmed down. Of course, what could have happened between us .. He is such a gentle and attentive doctor, and I am a girl from the outback ...
I still remember him with gratitude and a smile.
Elena Grabarnik