Diet options. New standard diets for health care facilities

Currently, by order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation dated August 5, 2003 "On measures to improve medical nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation" approved a new nomenclature therapeutic diets- a system of standard diets, including five options.

The formation of variants of standard diets is carried out not according to the main nosological forms (diseases), which underlay the formation of diets (tables) as such, as described above, but in relation to mechanical and chemical sparing, the amount of protein and calorie content.

1. The main version of the standard diet, combining numbered diets No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 15. Indications for use: chronic gastritis in remission, gastric ulcer and duodenum in remission, chronic diseases intestines with a predominance of irritable bowel syndrome with predominant constipation, acute cholecystitis and acute hepatitis in the recovery stage, chronic hepatitis with mild symptoms functional insufficiency liver, chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, gout, uric acid diathesis, nephrolithiasis, hyperuricemia, phosphaturia, type 2 diabetes mellitus without concomitant overweight or obesity, cardiovascular disease with mild circulatory disorders ( hypertonic disease, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, cerebral and peripheral vessels), acute infectious diseases, feverish conditions.

2. A variant of the diet with mechanical and chemical sparing (diet nos. 16, 46, 4c, 5p). Indications for use: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, acute gastritis, chronic gastritis with high acidity in the stage of mild exacerbation, gastroesophageal reflux disease, dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus, acute pancreatitis in the stage of subsiding exacerbation, pronounced exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the period of recovery after acute infections, after operations (not on the internal organs).

3. A diet option with an increased amount of protein (high-protein diet - diets No. 4, 5, 7c, 7g, 9, 10, I). Indications for use: condition after resection of the stomach after 2-4 months. about peptic ulcer in the presence of dumping syndrome, cholecystitis, hepatitis; chronic enteritis in the presence of a pronounced violation of the functional state of the digestive organs, chronic pancreatitis in remission, chronic glomerulonephritis in the nephrotic variant in the stage of subsiding exacerbation without impaired nitrogen excretion of the kidneys, type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus without concomitant obesity and impaired nitrogen excretion of the kidneys, rheumatism with low the degree of activity of the process with a protracted course without circulatory disorders, pulmonary tuberculosis, suppurative processes, anemia, burn disease.

4. Diet option with reduced amount protein (low protein diet - numbered diets Nos. 7a, 76). Indications for use: chronic glomerulonephritis with a sharply and moderately pronounced violation of the nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys.

5. Reduced calorie diet option (low-calorie diet - numbered diets No. 8, 9, 10c). Indications for use: various degrees of alimentary obesity in the absence of severe complications from the digestive system, blood circulation, as well as diseases requiring special diets; type 2 diabetes mellitus with obesity, cardiovascular disease if present overweight body.

Along with the main standard diet and its variants, in accordance with the profile of the medical institution, there are also surgical diets (diet No. 0, diet for ulcerative bleeding, gastric stenosis, etc.), myocardial infarction, feeding through a tube, diets for unloading and dietary therapy, a vegetarian diet, etc.). The Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation provides for average daily food sets, depending on the diet option.

Based on the importance of the health of the nation for the development and security of the country, as well as on the basis of the importance healthy eating of the younger generation for the future of Russia, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (1998) approved the "Concept public policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2005”. One of the priorities of this concept is the development of industries related to the production of new high-tech drugs, including biologically active food additives (BAA). Biologically active additives are concentrates of natural or biologically identical to natural active substances intended for consumption simultaneously with food or as part of food products. Supplements serve as a means of healing the body, reducing morbidity, increasing the effectiveness of drug therapy, prolonging active longevity etc.


The general management of dietary nutrition in a medical institution is carried out by chief physician, and in his absence - the deputy chief physician for medical work. A dietitian is responsible for the organization of therapeutic nutrition and its adequate use in all departments of a medical institution. He supervises dietary nurses (dietists) and oversees the work of the catering unit. If there is no position of a dietitian in a medical institution, the dietary nurse is responsible for this work.

Control over medical nutrition is carried out by a dietitian and a dietitian of a medical institution. The responsibilities of a dietitian include correct compilation therapeutic diets, control over their correct application, advisory assistance to doctors in the optimal appointment of a dietary table, control over the menu, compliance with cooking technology diet meals, their quality and chemical composition. The dietary nurse is entrusted with monitoring the work of the catering unit and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Principles of catering for children in the hospital

The general management of the diet in the hospital is carried out by the head physician, and in his absence - by the deputy for the medical part. Heads of departments manage medical nutrition in departments.

The dietitian is responsible for the organization of therapeutic nutrition. In cases where the position of a dietitian is not available, the dietary nurse is responsible for this work.

In a multidisciplinary health care facility with 100 or more beds, a Council for Clinical Nutrition is being created.

The Council for Clinical Nutrition includes: the chief physician (or his deputy for medical work), a dietitian, heads of departments, doctors (gastroenterologist, resuscitator, transfusiologist, etc.), nurses dietary, deputy chief physician for AChE, production manager (chef). Other specialists may be involved in the work of the Council, if necessary.

Tasks of the Council for Therapeutic Nutrition:

    improvement of the organization of medical nutrition;

    introduction of new technologies for preventive, dietary and enteral nutrition;

    statement diet nomenclature, a seven-day menu, a card file of dishes, mixtures for enteral nutrition;

    control over the organization of clinical nutrition and analysis of the effectiveness of diet therapy in various diseases.

In children's hospitals, two systems for organizing therapeutic nutrition are used - group and individual. Individual It is used mainly in the organization of nutrition for children of the first year of life and in seriously ill patients of an older age:

    diet prescribed by a doctor;

    food is prepared for a particular child.

For children older than 1 year, usually used group a nutrition system in which the child, depending on the pathology, is assigned one or another type of nutrition. Each type of clinical nutrition has a letter designation that corresponds to the designations in adult dietology. This ensures the phasing of dietary treatment and its acceptance.

The concept of the physiological and treatment tables of children of different ages.

New diet nomenclature

At present, by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 5, 2003 No. 330 "On measures to improve therapeutic nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation", a new nomenclature of diets (a system of standard diets) has been approved, including five options that differ:

    cooking technologies (the main one is the principle of sparing);

    average daily set of products.

Previously used diets of the number system (1 - 15) are combined or included in the system of standard diets, which are prescribed for various diseases depending on:

    on the stage, severity of the disease;

    complications from various bodies and systems.

New Diet Nomenclature (Standard Diet System)


standard diets


standard diets in the documentation of the catering unit

Previously used number system diets

The main version of the standard diet.

1-3, 5-7, 9, 10, 12,

Diet option with mechanical and chemical sparing (sparing diet)

5p (1 option)

Variant with high content squirrel.

(high protein diet)

4a, 4d, 5p (variant 2), 7c, 7d, 9b, 10b, 11, R-I, R-II

Reduced Protein Option (Low Protein Diet)

Reduced calorie (low-calorie) diet option

high calorie diet)

Therapeutic nutrition for chronic diseases Kaganov Boris Samuilovich

Chapter 3 System of standard diets for therapeutic nutrition

The system of standard diets for clinical nutrition

Dietary medical nutrition is built on the basis of physiological needs healthy person in nutrients ah and energy, which are corrected based on the characteristics of pathogenesis, clinical course, stages of the disease, severity metabolic disorders, risk factors for the development of alimentary-dependent diseases in each individual patient.

Numerous studies on the mechanisms of food assimilation in normal conditions and in various diseases formed the basis for the development of the first concept of balanced nutrition, and then concept of optimal nutrition, according to which chemical structure diet and its nutritional, biological and the energy value must correspond functional state enzyme systems of the body responsible for the assimilation of nutrients, provided that the body's needs for basic nutrients, essential nutritional factors and energy are fully met.

It is more correct to consider the complex and essentially unified process of food assimilation in a certain sequence and at different levels of food assimilation: at the level of food perception and digestion in the gastrointestinal tract, at the level of receipt of food digestion products in cell structures and their transformations in intracellular structures and, finally, at the level of excretion of metabolic products from the body.

Until 2003, medical nutrition in medical institutions (HCIs) of the USSR and the Russian Federation was built according to the nosological principle in the form of dietary rations developed at the Clinic for Clinical Nutrition of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, in relation to each specific disease, which were designated by numbers from 1 to 15. The number system of diets included 15 basic diets and their numerous modifications, depending on the characteristics of the course of a particular disease. In total, more than 60 options for dietary tables have been developed. In practical diet therapy, with all the variety of nosologies, five diet options were mainly used - No. 1, 5, 7, 9 and 15. The number system was convenient for organizing group, rather than personalized (individualized) nutrition.

The basis for determining the quantitative proportions of the individual components of the diet are the physiological needs of a healthy person's body for nutrients and energy, corresponding to gender, age, body weight, energy consumption level, climatic and geographical conditions, etc., taking into account individual habits and national characteristics nutrition. In the physiological proportions of nutrients, adjustments are made taking into account the disease-modified need for macro- and micronutrients of each individual patient.

Before the approval of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.2003 No. 330 "On measures to improve therapeutic nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation", the main documents regulating the organization of therapeutic nutrition in medical facilities were orders of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 04.23.1985 No. 540 "On improving the organization of medical nutrition in medical institutions" and dated 14.06.1989 No. 369 "On changing and supplementing the order of the USSR Ministry of Health".

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.08.2003 No. 330 “On measures to improve clinical nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation” introduced a new nomenclature of diets (the system of standard diets), which combines the previously used number system diets (diets No. 1-15 ).

In accordance with this order, five variants of standard diets were included in the system of standard diets in accordance with this order: the main diet variant (ATD), the diet variant with mechanical and chemical sparing (sparing diet, SHD), the diet variant with an increased amount of protein (high protein diet, HPA), low-protein diet option (low-protein diet, NBD), low-calorie diet option (low-calorie diet, LDC). The system of standard diets is presented in table 7.

Standard diets chemical composition and energy value are adapted to the peculiarities of pathogenesis, clinical course, stage of the disease, the nature of metabolic disorders of the underlying and concomitant diseases.

Table 7

Standard Diet System

* Until 2013 - a high-protein diet for patients with IAP tuberculosis (t) (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2006 No. 316).

In subsequent years, the Ministry of Health and social development The Russian Federation issued a number of orders that amended and supplemented the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 05, 2003 No. 330. Thus, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2006 No. Federation “On measures to improve clinical nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation”, the second version of the high-protein diet for tuberculosis patients, IAP (t), was introduced into the system of standard diets.

June 21, 2013 in order to implement federal law of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 No. 323 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation issued order No. 395n “On approval of the norms of therapeutic nutrition”. In accordance with this order, the variant of the high-protein diet for tuberculosis patients (HPA (t)) was replaced with a variant of the diet with a high calorie content (high-calorie diet, HFA), taking into account the fact that this variant of the standard diet, along with a high content of protein and fat, is characterized by a high calorie content .

Table 8

Characteristics, chemical composition and energy value of standard diets used in medical organizations

From the book Nutrition for Tuberculosis author Melnikov Ilya

From the book This is delicious and useful life. Complete system of nutrition and cleansing of the body author Lamykin Oleg

From the book Therapeutic Nutrition for Children's Illnesses. Rubella, whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

From the book Art proper nutrition author Resita Lin-Gene

From the book Clinical Nutrition for Chronic Diseases author Kaganov Boris Samuilovich

From The Big Book of Nutrition for Health author Gurvich Mikhail Meerovich

From the book Dietary Secrets of the Court of Madrid author Gerasimova Natalia

Oleg Lamykin This tasty and healthy life. A complete system of nutrition and cleansing of the body Dedicated to my beloved wife, who selflessly guards me and inspires all these

From the book The Book of Health of Russian Bogatyrs [Slavic health system. Russian health, massage, nutrition] the author Maksimov Ivan

From the author's book

Exercise and our nutrition system I am a big fan of exercise and its impact on health. But I don't understand what's the point of wasting time without your family and friends when you spend hours on it thinking you need crazy weight loss exercises that create

From the author's book

Assignment of the type of medical nutrition The first option: is prescribed to patients with normal body weight in the absence of pronounced violations nutritional and metabolic status. A diet with a physiological content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enriched with dietary fiber,

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

The nomenclature of dietary tables (developed at the Clinic for Clinical Nutrition of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) Diet No. 1 Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the stage of fading exacerbation and compensation; chronic gastritis with

From the author's book

Characteristics of diets and sample menus in diseases of cardio-vascular system(developed by the Clinic of Nutritional Therapy of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) Diet No. 10 Indications for the diet. Various diseases of the heart and blood vessels with mild circulatory disorders.

From the author's book

"Dieta" means "nutrition system" In Spain they say: " mediterranean diet is back in fashion." The most common advice given in recent times to the population, physicians and nutritionists - to return to the basics of a healthy diet. "How so?" the reader will ask:

And human performance.

By changing the nature of nutrition, it is possible to regulate the metabolism in the body and thereby actively influence the course of the disease. When prescribing dietary nutrition, the starting point is a rationally constructed diet of a healthy person, which changes qualitatively and quantitatively according to the disease of the organ or whole system organs.

By dietary measures, certain nutrients are either completely eliminated from the diet, or they are technologically prepared in such a way that disturbed functions are replenished. For example, in diabetes mellitus, when the violation of carbohydrate absorption changes, it is temporarily or completely eliminated from food. simple sugars limit the inclusion of foods rich in starch. In some cases, simple sugars are replaced with sweeteners. In gastritis with hypersecretion of gastric juice, food substances that are strong irritants of gastrointestinal secretion are excluded from the diet.


These techniques constitute the principles of dietary (therapeutic) nutrition, the so-called "sparing". There are three types of sparing: mechanical, chemical, thermal.

mechanical sparing It is achieved mainly by grinding food, as well as by the appropriate method of heat treatment - grinding food in boiled form (steamed or in water).

chemical sparing is achieved by eliminating or limiting those nutrients that can further disrupt the functions of a diseased organ, as well as by changing the method of cooking.

Thermal sparing- exclusion from food of strong thermal stimuli, i.e. very cold or very hot food. The temperature of the first and second hot dishes should not be higher than 60 °, snacks and drinks - not lower than 15 °. This must be taken into account, since hot dishes have a juice effect and weaken the motility of the stomach, cold ones reduce the secretion of the stomach, increase motility. Thermal sparing is used mainly for gastrointestinal diseases.

When prescribing a particular diet, it is necessary to take into account the overall effect of foods and dishes on the gastrointestinal tract. For example:

  • foods that quickly leave the stomach (dairy products, soft-boiled eggs, fruits and berries);
  • slow-digesting foods (fresh bread, refractory fats, fried meat, legumes);
  • having a pronounced juicy action - nitrogenous extractive substances (, mushrooms (broths from them), cheese, spices, cabbage, cucumbers, smoked meats);
  • having a weak juice effect (milk and dairy products, boiled vegetables and fruits, boiled meat, green pea, butter, fresh cottage cheese, soft-boiled egg);
  • laxative (prunes, vegetable oil, xylitol, sorbitol, cold vegetable dishes, cold vegetable juices, sweet drinks, vegetables and fruits, one-day yogurt, cold mineral water, wholemeal bread);
  • reverse action (hot dishes, jelly, rice and semolina, flour dishes, cocoa, coffee, chocolate);
  • possess choleretic action(vegetable oil, especially olive, vegetables rich in vegetable fiber, tomatoes, grated radish with vegetable oil, beets, sorbitol, xylitol);
  • cause flatulence (legumes, fresh bread, especially rye, white cabbage, whole milk);
  • excite the central nervous system (meat and fish broths, cocoa, strong tea, spices, spices).

In some diseases (obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.) unloading diets, the purpose of which is to ensure the most complete sparing of the affected organs and systems, to promote the normalization of metabolism and the removal from the body of an excessive amount of unfavorably active substances. This is achieved through sharp decline the energy value of the diet and the content of nutrients that burden the work of diseased organs.

Highly great importance in diet food has a power supply. One-time meals are increased to five. Accordingly, the intervals between meals are reduced (up to 3-4 hours). In connection with a decrease in appetite in patients, it is necessary to strictly observe the time of eating, with the exception of diet No. 1 (for gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice) and diet No. 8 (obesity). With a number of diets, more uniform distribution calories in meals. Importance has an assortment of dishes, culinary processing of food, which improves taste qualities dietary meals and provides all types of walking, preserves the biological value of the diet and optimal digestibility of nutrients.

Characteristics of the main diets

Dietary nutrition is used both in hospitals (hospitals) and in sanatoriums. In our country, a group number system for prescribing therapeutic nutrition is used. The main diets are indicated by the corresponding numbers from #1 to #15. The most common diets are #1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15.

Diet number 1

Indications: inflammatory diseases stomach (gastritis) with impaired secretory and motor functions, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The causes of these diseases are a systematic violation of the diet, consumption during long period very spicy and spicy food, very hot or cold food, poor chewing, dry eating, upset nervous system smoking, alcohol abuse.

The purpose of the appointment. Normalize the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, stimulate the process of restoration of the mucosa and promote the healing of ulcers.

general characteristics. The diet is complete. All types of sparing are applied.

Mechanical sparing. All dishes are cooked in boiled form (in water or steamed), chopping, pureed dishes, meat is consumed without tendons, cartilage, fish and poultry - without skin.

Chemical sparing. When dieting, extractive substances are excluded (strong meat, fish, mushroom broths, all sour dishes and salty, fermented foods, all types of spices, except dill and parsley). It is not recommended to use strong tea, coffee, fried foods.

Diet - 5 meals a day, with short breaks and small portions.

Diet #2

Indications: inflammatory processes gastric mucosa, gastritis with decreased secretion gastric juice, chronic inflammatory diseases of the small (enteritis) and large (colitis) intestines.

The purpose of the appointment. stimulate secretory function stomach, normalize the motor function of the stomach and intestines, reduce putrefactive and fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes causing stomach ailments are similar to those described in Diet #1. intestinal infections (food poisoning, dysentery, etc.), the use of rough food (immature vegetables and fruits), erratic eating, disorders of the nervous system, etc.

General characteristics. The diet is complete. Moderate mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing is applied.

Chemical sparing provides for an exception excess fat, which inhibits gastric secretion.

Dishes that are indigestible, irritating to the mucous membrane are excluded. gastrointestinal tract that enhance fermentation (whole milk, white cabbage, Rye bread, sweet fruit juices, sweets, etc.), putrefaction (meat fried foods in large quantities).

To stimulate gastric secretion, extractives of meat, fish and mushroom broths are used, but they must be secondary, since it is necessary to reduce the fat content in broths. The same goal is pursued by the observance of the diet, especially the strict observance of the time of eating for the development of a conditioned food reflex. The conditions of eating, table setting, organoleptic indicators of food are also important. It also matters the correct preparation of the menu, especially lunch - the inclusion of an appetizer and a hot dish.

The diet is 5 times a day, 4 times a day is allowed. Diet number 5

Indications: acute and chronic diseases of the liver (hepatitis), gallbladder (cholecystitis), cholelithiasis.

The purpose of the appointment. Contribute to the normalization of the liver and gallbladder, to prevent the formation of stones.

Most common causes of these diseases are biliary tract infections and violation of the principles rational nutrition: overeating, especially foods rich in animal fats, cholesterol (dishes and gastronomic products from fried meat, offal, goose, duck, eggs); restriction in the diet of protein, vegetable oils, vegetables with a choleretic effect, grain products rich in dietary fiber; abuse of salt, pickled vegetables, vegetables containing oxalic acid (sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, etc.), fried foods; non-compliance with the diet (eating is a stimulus for bile secretion: the less often a person eats, the longer and more bile stagnates in the gallbladder).

General characteristics. The diet is complete, but with the restriction of refractory fats, inclusion in the diet increased amount lipotropic substances. Also excluded are foods rich in extractives, purines, cholesterol, oxalic acid, essential oils, products of fat oxidation. To normalize liver function, in addition to lipotropic substances, it is necessary to include fiber, pectin substances and a lot of fluid.

Diet - 5 times a day, in small portions at the same time.

Diet number 7

Indications: sharp and chronic inflammation kidneys (nephritis).

The purpose of the appointment. Sparing of the affected organ and excretion from the body excess fluid and nitrogenous slags.

general characteristics. The diet is complete, with some protein restriction. The liquid content in the diet is reduced, all dishes are prepared without salt, 3-4 g of salt are given to the patient in the hands, dishes rich in extractives, foods rich in oxalic acid, and essential oils are excluded. The diet should include foods rich in potassium.

Diet - 5-time, 4-time is allowed.

Diet number 8

Indications: obesity as a primary disease or concomitant with other diseases.

The main causes of obesity are physical inactivity, overnutrition, rare but lavish receptions write, abuse of fatty gastronomic products and flour confectionery, sweets, spices.

The purpose of the appointment. Normalize body weight, promote the restoration of metabolism.

General characteristics. The diet is inadequate. Calorie restriction due to carbohydrates (digestible) and partly fats (animals). Exclusion from the diet of appetizing foods and dishes, confectionery and sweets, limiting salty food and liquids.

Inclusion in the diet of an increased amount of seafood and rich in dietary fiber.

Diet - 5-6 meals a day.

Diet number 9

Indications: contribute to the normalization carbohydrate metabolism, prevention of violations of fat metabolism.

General characteristics. A diet with a moderately reduced energy value due to the exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats of animal origin. limited complex carbohydrates(starch) and products that burden the work of the liver, containing cholesterol, extractives.

In the diet, the content of lipotropic substances, vitamins (especially vitamin C and the B group of vitamins), and dietary fiber are increased. Pisha is cooked in boiled and baked form.

For sweet dishes, sweeteners are used - xylitol and sorbitol.

Diet - 5-4 times a day.

Diet number 10

Indications: in diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, ischemic disease heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis).

The purpose of the appointment. Contribute to the restoration of impaired blood circulation, normalize the function of the liver, kidneys, slow down the progression of atherosclerosis.

General characteristics. The diet excludes substances that stimulate the central nervous system and cardiovascular, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, meat, fish, mushroom broths, spicy dishes, smoked meats, foods rich in cholesterol. Limit vegetables. causing flatulence(radish, cabbage, garlic, onion, legumes), carbonated drinks. Products of predominantly alkaline orientation (containing salts of K, Mg, Ca) are recommended.

The share of vegetable fats increases (up to 40%). The diet is enriched with dietary fiber, vitamins C, P, E, carotenes, iodine.

Restriction of salt and water.

Diet - 4-5 meals a day.

Diet number 15

Indications: various diseases that do not require application special diets, as well as a transitional diet during the recovery period from special medical nutrition to rational nutrition.

The purpose of the appointment. Provide physiological needs in food and energy.

General characteristics. The diet is physiologically complete, rich in biologically valuable substances: essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins. Salt - 10-15 g, free liquid 1.5-2 liters. Exclude indigestible foods and dishes, spicy dishes and spices, smoked meats.

Diet- 4 times.

Order No. 330 of the MZRF

Information letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 7, 2004, in which explanations, additions and clarifications to the specified document are given. It says that a new nomenclature of diets (a system of standard diets) is being introduced in health care facilities, which differ from each other in the content of basic nutrients and energy value, cooking technology and the average daily set of food products.

Previously used diets of the number system (1-15) are combined or included in the system of standard diets, which are prescribed for various diseases, depending on the stage and severity or complications of organs or body systems.

Table 1. System of standard diets

The introduction of a new nomenclature of diets (system of standard diets) into the work of medical institutions provides for the possibility of using them in these institutions individual approach to the diet therapy of a specific patient with a specific disease (Tables 1, 2).

Table 2. Chemical composition and energy value of standard diets

The word "diet" does not always mean restrictions like "no food, no water." In a broad sense, this is any nutritional correction in accordance with certain principles. That is why there are not only hungry and rigid systems for weight loss, but also a variety of diet options for restoring performance. internal systems organism. In medicine, they were called "treatment tables" (at that time there were nine of them), but in last years have undergone a number of changes.

Today, the Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences offers a modification of the already known "tables" into five basic options for standard diets. All of them differ significantly both in chemical composition and in methods of cooking, its quantity and lists of acceptable and prohibited foods. All five will be discussed in detail below.

Basic Standard Diet

As already mentioned, today there are five main diet options aimed at improving the functioning of internal systems, reducing the risk of exacerbations of many diseases, and lowering their severity.

The first number is the main version of the standard diet. It is intended for people with chronic disorders of digestion, liver and kidney function, as well as heart and blood vessels. In addition, the same system is suitable for patients diabetes in remission.

Its key principles are as follows:

  • Divided food up to 6 meals per day.
  • Cooking with heat treatment steam, boil or bake.
  • Food temperature ranges from 60-65°C for hot and 15°C for cold.
  • A restriction is being created on table salt, hot spices, and smoking.
  • In diabetes, sugar-containing foods are excluded.
  • The daily proportion of proteins is about 90 g, half of which is given to vegetable. Fat - 80 g, of which 30 g - plant origin. Carbohydrates - up to 330 g, where 40 g can be simple. The total calorie content of the diet per day is 2170-2400 kcal.
  • Mandatory use pure water from 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

The main grocery basket consists of plant food, cereal crops, low-fat dairy group. The diet should be enriched with vitamins and microelements, fiber, polyunsaturated fats.

The main variant of the sparing diet

This nutritional technique is otherwise called a diet with mechanical and chemical sparing and is prescribed to patients with peptic ulcer, gastritis and pancreatitis in the acute stage. And also with gastroesophageal reflux disease and during recovery from severe infections.

The key points of this diet option are as follows:

  • Same fractional nutrition- up to 6 times a day.
  • The same amount of liquid - up to 2 liters per day.
  • Re-cooking by steaming or by boiling. But depending on the condition, the products are ground into a puree-like consistency or simply finely chopped. Cold dishes have a temperature of 15°C, hot - no higher than 65°C.
  • Refusal of spices, marinades, pickles and smoked.
  • Restriction on products that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

The chemical composition of BJU and the calorie content of the diet is identical to the main diet option number 1. The food basket is also similar, but with the exception of legumes, sauerkraut, spinach and sorrel, radish, citrus fruits.

high protein diet

A similar system is assigned to persons suffering from chronic pancreatitis and enteritis, anemia, celiac disease, with a number of suppurative processes, as well as after burns varying degrees gravity. It can also be recommended in case of diabetes, both first and second degree, and after gastric resection.

  • The central point of this diet option is calorie content. daily ration up to 2690 kcal. Where proteins are up to 120 g, of which half belongs to those of animal origin. Fats up to 90 g, and 1/3 - vegetable. Carbohydrates - up to 330 g, 40 g are given to mono- and disaccharides.
  • The diet, as well as the amount of water consumed per day, does not change. 5-6 meals and 1.5-2 liters of liquid.
  • Restriction on foods that cause irritation or excessive load on the pancreas and bile ducts. The amount of salt per day - no more than 8 g.
  • The main way of cooking is stewing, baking, boiling, steaming. The consistency is both puree-like and coarser.

Sugar is forbidden simple carbohydrates, the rest of the food basket is unchanged, but the share of products containing protein is increasing - lean meat and fish, legumes.

Low protein diet option

In contrast to the previous version of the diet, here the proportion of protein products is significantly reduced. This is required for violations of the functioning of the kidneys, in particular, problems with the release of nitrogen and the presence of azotemia. Consequently, the proportion of carbohydrates increases here, but not at the expense of their easily digestible part.

  • The main difference from previous systems is to limit the amount of sodium-containing products. In particular, table salt up to 0.5 g / day.
  • Also, the proportion of protein is reduced to 20 g, where 15 g are of animal origin. The amount of carbohydrates increases to 350 g, fats are the same 80 g. The calorie content of the diet per day is 2200 kcal.

Meat and fish of absolutely any kind are unacceptable on the menu, the bean group, alcohol, coffee and cocoa, chocolate are excluded. Restrictions on cereal dishes, flour products.4.4285714285714

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