Sensitive uterus cause. The shape and size of the uterus during pregnancy: what week does it begin to grow and what does it look like in the early stages? Functional insufficiency in cervical pressure

The uterus during early pregnancy does not initially change much in size, it only changes its shape and density. You can notice a change in the size of the uterus only by the 6th week of pregnancy, that is, after 2 weeks of delay.

The structure of the uterus

The uterus consists of the body, the isthmus and the cervix, which directly passes into the vagina. The highest part of the body of the uterus is called the fundus of the uterus. It is the location of the bottom of the uterus that is one of the mandatory indicators that the gynecologist controls at each visit of the pregnant woman, starting from the second trimester, to determine how the uterus grows.

The uterus consists of three layers: the inner layer is called the endometrium, the middle one is the myometrium, and the outer layer is the perimetrium. The state of the endometrium changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. If the egg is not fertilized, then menstruation occurs, and the endometrium is released from the uterus, the mucous membrane is updated. If a fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, the endometrium undergoes changes, thickens to provide nutrition to the fetus.

The myometrium is the muscular layer of the uterus. The uterus in early pregnancy increases due to the active division of muscle cells. The myometrium grows and thickens, and after the 20th week of pregnancy, the growth of the uterus occurs due to the stretching of the muscle fibers. The walls of the uterus in the second half of pregnancy are stretched, naturally their thickness decreases. Therefore, it is dangerous to become pregnant with a scar on the uterus due to a recent caesarean section or other gynecological surgery, for example, removal of uterine fibroids. After all, the scar becomes thinner along with the entire wall of the uterus and can disperse.

The size and shape of the uterus

The uterus is pear-shaped. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is some “loosening” of the structure and ligaments of the uterus so that it can actively grow and stretch. First, the uterus acquires a spherical shape, and then begins to increase transversely.

In nulliparous women, the uterus before pregnancy has a length of about 7 cm, a width of 4 cm and a thickness of about 4-5 cm. In women who have given birth, these dimensions may be slightly increased, and the weight of the uterus is 20-30 g more. Also, the size of the uterus increases, and the shape changes if there are neoplasms in it.

How does the uterus grow

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is in the pelvis. By the 8th week of pregnancy, that is, by 3-4 weeks of delay, the uterus doubles in size. At the beginning of pregnancy, an asymmetric increase in the uterus may be observed due to the fact that the attached fetal egg is still very small compared to the entire volume of the reproductive organ.

If you imagine what the uterus looks like in early pregnancy, then in the second month it resembles a goose egg.

At the doctor

Before the 6th week of pregnancy, a doctor's examination as a diagnosis of an interesting situation is practically useless, since changes in the size and shape of the uterus are too small.

After 2 weeks of delay, the doctor can conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterus using a transvaginal probe (at this time, the heartbeat of the embryo will already be visible). In addition, changes in the uterus at this time can be palpated. An experienced doctor can determine how the uterus is enlarged in early pregnancy by touch, and suggest its term.

In the early stages, the obstetrician-gynecologist conducts a bimanual examination. To do this, the doctor inserts the index and middle fingers of the right hand into the vagina, and with the left hand probes the uterus through the abdomen, gently pressing on the abdominal wall.

It is believed that it is better not to abuse frequent gynecological examinations during pregnancy, since the doctor's actions can activate the contractile functions of the muscular layer of the uterus, which can cause a threat of termination of pregnancy. Especially harmful are frequent examinations for ICI - the pathology of the cervix, leading to its premature disclosure.

Notorious tone

Normally, the uterus during pregnancy should be soft. A woman should practically not feel the growth of the uterus, feel discomfort.

If in the early stages there are pulling pains, similar to the sensations at the beginning of menstruation, extending to the lower back, uterine hypertonicity may have occurred. After 12 weeks of gestation, if the uterus contracts, the woman herself may feel a hard ball in the lower abdomen.

A uterus in good shape during early pregnancy does not always mean a threat of miscarriage. Tissue growth, physical activity can cause natural tension in the muscles of the reproductive organ. It is always worth telling your doctor about your feelings. But only severe cramping pains, especially those accompanied by bloody or brownish discharge, require medical treatment.

We must remember that doctors are very fond of playing it safe and prescribing a lot of medications in order to avoid abortion. Moderate pulling pains may well be relieved by the normal daily routine and rest of the pregnant woman. Therefore, it is worth focusing on your well-being. If it is satisfactory, most likely, nothing threatens pregnancy.

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In pregnant women, hypertonicity (in other words, increased uterine tone) is common. Sometimes it can occur at the beginning of pregnancy, thereby causing a lot of problems for the expectant mother and fetus, as well as creating a serious threat to the bearing of the baby.

The occurrence of pathology

Unfortunately, no pregnant woman is immune from uterine hypertonicity. This dangerous condition is associated with a threat to harm the health of the baby or even terminate such a desired pregnancy.

An increase in the tone of the uterus can be observed in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this condition, the pregnant woman experiences characteristic pain in the groin. Similar sensations are observed in the first days of menstruation: the stomach pulls, everything aches and hurts in the groin area. However, signs of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy are not always pronounced, in some cases they can be determined only by doing an ultrasound.

The uterus of a woman is an organ that mainly consists of muscles. The uterus is very sensitive, even to the psychological state of a pregnant woman. Therefore, any nervous tension can cause an increased tone of the uterus.

Gynecologists believe that there are two main reasons why uterine hypertonicity can occur: psychological and physiological. The first can occur in the third trimester of pregnancy and cause complications during pregnancy.

Causes of the disease

Increased uterine tone is often provoked by frequent stress, fear, negative emotions that a pregnant woman experiences, excessive muscle tension, which is provoked by increased physical activity, and an excited state.

In addition, uterine hypertonicity is observed in women with underdeveloped genital organs, hormonal disorders, various tumors, and infectious diseases.

An increased tone of the uterus is often observed in expectant mothers who are not yet 18 years old, as well as those who are over 30. Pregnant women who smoke, drink alcohol, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, constantly experience stress, cannot fall asleep for a long time at night from - for insomnia.

The appearance of uterine tone in the first weeks of pregnancy, doctors associate with hormonal disorders in the body of the expectant mother, which, as a rule, are caused by reduced production of progesterone. During the second trimester, this condition can make itself felt because a pregnant woman works a lot and has little rest, completely forgetting about her interesting position, and also eats improperly. In addition, hypertonicity can cause inflammatory and structural changes in the body of a future mother (for example, uterine fibroids).

Also, its cause is often the stretching of the uterine muscles caused by polyhydramnios, a large fetus, multiple pregnancy. It is possible that the increased tone of the uterus will be the result of a woman who has recently had a viral infection (it could be a sore throat or flu) or a previous abortion. This condition is most dangerous in the third trimester, because then it can provoke premature birth.

Feelings of a pregnant woman with hypertension

First of all, the expectant mother may experience acute or almost imperceptible pain in the lower abdomen. Such sensations usually occur before menstruation. The belly of a pregnant woman becomes tense, it noticeably hardens. Sometimes a woman can also feel pain in the lower back and sacrum.

The tone of the uterus occurs when the myometrium, the muscular layer of the uterus, tightens. In this condition, the spasm can be localized or spread over the entire surface of the muscle layer. The larger the uterus becomes, the wider the tone is localized. At the end of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience tension in the fundus of the uterus.

A pregnant woman should pay special attention to her health, note the slightest violations during pregnancy. With the appearance of aching, pulling pains in the groin, discharge mixed with blood from the vagina, you should immediately consult a doctor, since it is possible that this is uterine hypertonicity. Immediate hospitalization is required by a pregnant woman who has pain in the form of contractions that have an interval of several minutes.


Usually, the tone of the uterus can increase after the 11th week of pregnancy, so it is not surprising that women in the position are concerned about the question of how to cure this ailment without harming the health of the baby. You can avoid possible complications from uterine hypertonicity if the pregnant woman adheres to a balanced vitamin diet, which is designed specifically for her. A gynecologist will help you make a list of products you need to eat. In addition, the expectant mother should try to be less nervous, rest more, and, if possible, adhere to bed rest. For the period of hypertonicity, a pregnant woman is not recommended to have intimate relationships.

When an increased hypertonicity of the uterus in a pregnant woman is observed for the first time, you can try to take a safe antispasmodic, best of all - no-shpu. If the symptoms recur again, the expectant mother needs to see her gynecologist.

But sometimes outpatient treatment may not be effective. Then a woman with symptoms of uterine hypertonicity will most likely be offered to go to the hospital "for preservation" so that she can be under the supervision of doctors for some time. They will determine the causes of this condition and eliminate them. If a mother-to-be is found to have a low level of progesterone, it can be increased by taking medications, and high androgen levels help to normalize drugs such as dexamethasone and metipred. If the increased tone of the uterus caused stress or nervous tension, then this may be enough to normalize the condition of the pregnant woman. However, the doctor has the right to attribute to the expectant mother and medicines that will calm her nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the female uterus.

In addition to antispasmodic and sedative drugs, women during pregnancy can be prescribed such a modern method as osteopathy. It can significantly improve blood circulation in the abdomen and pelvic organs.

Suffering from uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy, the expectant mother should not self-medicate, because this is a rather serious illness. It is necessary to be treated only as advised by the gynecologist, strictly following all his recommendations. And you definitely need to tune in to a positive wave, think only about the good and not worry too much.

A woman after conception and until the moment of birth should not forget about the prevention of uterine tone. Therefore, you need to ensure yourself a good rest, lead a proper lifestyle, adhere to the prescribed diet, regularly be examined by a doctor, and if hormonal changes, inflammatory processes, infections are detected, they should be treated immediately.

Since an increase in the tone of the uterus can occur after a sore throat, flu and other colds, it is imperative for a pregnant woman to carefully monitor her health, emotions and psychological state. By adhering to all of the above recommendations, having tuned in to a positive mood, a woman can endure pregnancy without any complications, avoid uterine hypertonicity and give birth to a healthy, beautiful baby.

Pregnancy dramatically affects the state and processes in a woman's body, and especially these changes affect her uterus - the womb in which a new life grows. From the earliest dates, the structure, chemical processes and physiological characteristics of the uterine area begin to change, first from the inside, and then these changes affect the entire reproductive system of the expectant mother.

  1. The uterus during early pregnancy not only changes its size, it is transformed in many other ways. Its dimensions are modified starting from the 5th - 6th week of pregnancy. She seems to swell, especially her isthmus. The mucous surface of the epidermis becomes bluish in color, the system of blood vessels develops, the blood flow increases - hence the cyanotic color.
  2. In addition to increasing size and color, the shape of the uterus begins to change. In the normal state, it has a pear-shaped shape, and with pregnancy, it gradually takes on the shape of a ball.
  3. The tissues of the uterus themselves also undergo changes, become loose and more mobile.
  4. Noticeable changes in the size of the uterus in early pregnancy begin after 4 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the size of the reproductive organ of the future mother is comparable to the volume of a chicken egg, after another month it is compared with a goose egg, and by the 16th week the uterus increases to a man's fist.
  5. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus practically does not change its location in relation to the rest of the pelvic organs, it is still in its place and therefore the pregnancy is not yet visible externally, except that a slight rounding of the tummy is noticed in the first-born.
  6. In the first weeks, the body of the pregnant uterus becomes soft, but the cervix remains dense at the same time.
  7. One of the signs by which pregnancy can be determined is the ease of convergence of the fingers during a bimanual examination. This feature is called Horvitsa-Gegara.
  8. If the uterus on examination by a gynecologist first reacts with a weak contraction and thickens, and then becomes soft again, this is a clear sign that the conception was successful. This method of identification was first discovered by Dr. Snegirev, for which he received his name.
  9. If in one of the corners of the uterus to the touch in the early stages of pregnancy it has a dome-shaped protrusion - this indicates an implanted egg. A similar fact violates the physiological symmetry of the structure of the reproductive organ, which confirms the onset of pregnancy. This symptom was first diagnosed by the gynecologist Piskachek, therefore, in the future, the method for determining this fact was named the method in his honor.
  10. Confirmation that the pregnancy has taken place is the presence of a slight forward tilt of the uterus, which is caused by softening of the isthmus. There are cases when the anterior surface of this organ forms a ridge seal, which is called a sign of pregnancy according to Genter.
  11. In early pregnancy, a woman may feel subtle pulling pains in the uterus and discomfort in the pelvis, lower back or sacrum. These signs of pregnancy are completely normal and are explained by the following physiological changes:
  • attachment to the endometrium of the uterus of a fertilized egg;
  • global hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother;
  • active production of the hormone relaxin, which helps to relax the pelvic ligaments for the normal course of pregnancy;
  • constantly growing body weight of both the woman herself and the fetus.
  1. The hormone relaxin, which begins to be produced in a pregnant woman at an early stage, prepares the body for delivery. Tissues and bones acquire the ability to stretch, acquire friability, and the pelvic bones become more mobile and elastic.
  2. Body weight increases pressure on the spine, especially for women with pathology of the spinal column, that is, with developed scoliosis or osteochondrosis in a pregnant woman.
  3. If the pregnancy develops normally, the pain is not intense and does not have an increasing character, and the discharge is absent or there are very slight, almost colorless and odorless.
  4. Otherwise, if the pain becomes more frequent, becomes more intense with bloody discharge, there is a risk of unwanted complications. In this case, you should not hesitate to contact the antenatal clinic. Such symptoms indicate that the uterus is tense, and hypertonicity is fraught with spontaneous miscarriage.

Cervix in early pregnancy

  1. The cervix is ​​an active participant in the development of pregnancy, it is also subject to significant changes during the 9 months of gestation. During this period, like the uterus, it undergoes drastic changes and this is due to the performance of the following important functions:
  • holding the fetus;
  • providing protection against infections.
  1. With the beginning of the birth of a new life in the area of ​​the cervix, mucous clots form, preventing the penetration of bacteria into the uterine cavity, and, consequently, infection of the fetus.
  2. Only at 3 or 4 obstetric weeks, the fetal egg is finally introduced into the endometrium. All this time, this process may be accompanied by mild, creamy, pinkish or yellowish discharge, sometimes even streaked with blood. If a woman does not experience severe pain, the condition is not considered dangerous.
  3. Sometimes pregnant women have discharge with blood. Usually, such reactions are caused by old foci of erosion affecting the cervix. Such bleeding is usually minor, goes away without much pain, is not heavy and can end on its own.
  4. Upon examination, the gynecologist will determine what to do about it. You may need to undergo treatment. However, whatever the situation, be sure to let your doctor know about these symptoms.
  5. In obstetric practice, there are also cases of cervical insufficiency in early pregnancy. This indicates insufficient contractility or the condition is completely characterized by its absence. In this case, the cervix cannot cope with its functions in any way, namely, it does not hold the fetus and miscarriage becomes inevitable. Often, the causes of isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix include:
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • previous trauma to the cervix;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus and organs of the genitourinary system.
  1. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency in the early stages is difficult to diagnose, as a rule, it has no symptoms during this period. Only regular visits to the gynecologist will help to identify this kind of pathology in time.
  2. The cervix protects the fetus and provides a favorable environment for the development of pregnancy from its first days.

Uterine tone

What is uterine tone

  1. The uterus is an organ of the reproductive system, which consists entirely of muscles. It is hollow inside contains a nutrient layer - the endometrium.
  2. Muscle tissue is made up of three layers. The first or outer, which is called perimetry. The middle layer consists of muscles, which, by contracting, bring the body into a tense state. And the last layer is the inner mucous surface.
  3. Relaxed muscles are considered normal. The state of muscle tension is diagnosed as an increased tone of the uterus.
  4. Usually the uterus comes into tone, providing labor. If such symptoms appear in the early stages of pregnancy and a woman feels tension in her groin, causing her discomfort, this indicates serious violations of labor activity.
  5. If the expectant mother does not have negative sensations that cause her inconvenience, then doctors recommend not to worry. Oddly enough, but the uterine muscles contract even when sneezing and coughing, while laughing, when getting an orgasm and during gynecological examinations. Also, the state of the uterus is greatly influenced by the mental state of the pregnant woman.
  6. The main difference between the dangerous hypertonicity of the uterus and minor temporary contractions lies in the short manifestation of tone in the second case, and the complete absence at this moment of discomfort in the expectant mother. If the uterus does not leave the state of tone for a long period of time, this threatens with unforeseen complications for both the woman and her unborn child.

What is the danger of uterine tone

  1. Uterine hypertonicity is always a danger that can lead to the fact that a woman can lose a child at the very beginning of pregnancy.
  2. In the early stages, the uterus in hypertonicity rejects the fetus without any special complications, which can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. A similar situation that occurred before 28 weeks is called premature birth.
  3. Often, uterine tone is usually observed in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  4. Gynecologists sometimes diagnose cases when the muscles of the uterus tighten before childbirth. This condition is commonly referred to as training contractions. Such symptoms are not dangerous for a pregnant woman and a child, it is believed that the uterus is training at this moment.
  5. When the uterus tenses, its muscles, contracting, pinch the umbilical cord and disrupt the nutrition of the fetus. Consequently, the child receives less oxygen and substances necessary for growth, which can cause hypoxia and other disorders in the development of the fetus.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity

  1. Not only physiology affects the tone of the uterus. There are cases when the state of tension of this mobile organ is caused by various problems of deviations in the process of expecting a child. There are a lot of individual reasons for this phenomenon. According to statistics, more than half of pregnant women experience situations when the muscular body of the uterus experiences some kind of tension.
  2. After conception, the uterus may enter a state of hypertonicity as a result of a lack of the hormone progesterone. This enzyme ensures that the egg is attached to the body of the endometrium and allows the muscles of the uterus to relax. The lack of this hormone leads to a tense state of the uterine muscles.
  3. However, this is not the only hormonal deviation that can affect the condition of the uterus and its tone. An excess of certain male hormones causes the muscles to tense up. Therefore, it is the delicate balance of hormones that ensures the normal development of pregnancy without disturbances.
  4. With severe early toxicosis, when a pregnant woman is tormented by profuse vomiting and the muscles of the chest are tensed all the time, especially in the abdominal and pelvic zones, they can also touch the muscles of the uterus. Unfortunately, in this case, it is completely impossible to get rid of toxicosis, but it is possible to significantly alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman.
  5. The uterus can also be affected by various pathologies of its structure. The most common pathologies are bicornuate and saddle uterine forms. Sometimes there are other anomalies in the development of the hollow system, which also affect the conception and development of pregnancy. Such birth defects often make it impossible for a woman to bear a child on her own.
  6. It is important that a woman is aware of her peculiarities and warns the gynecologist who registers her. Such a future mother should be under especially close supervision throughout the entire process of bearing a child.
  7. There is also another reason that can most likely bring the uterus into a state of tone - this is the presence of a Rh conflict between the body of the mother and the unborn child. If a woman has a negative Rh blood, and a child with a positive one, the mother's body will try to reject the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. Similar processes in the body lead the uterus of a woman expecting a child into a state of hypertonicity.
  8. There are also cases when infection or inflammation in the urogenital organs also contribute to an increase in the tone of the uterus.
  9. Severe stretching of the muscles can also affect unnatural and frequent contractions. This happens when a woman carries a fairly large fetus or the pregnancy turned out to be multiple or high in water.
  10. There are many more individual causes, such as the development of tumors, abortions or miscarriages, intestinal disorders, excessive gas formation and other nuances that can lead to hypertonicity.
  11. The mental state of a pregnant woman also has a special effect on the state of the uterus. Strong emotional stress leads to its inevitable reactions, which are manifested by a tense state of the muscular body.
  12. The tone of the uterus is not a disease, but symptoms of the manifestation of pathologies. Only a correct diagnosis will allow you to get rid of the cause. In the absence of obvious sources of the problem, it is required to conduct a comprehensive, comprehensive examination and establish an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms: how to determine that the uterus is in good shape

  1. Signs of uterine tone in early pregnancy are:
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain similar to menstrual bleeding;
  • pain in the lower back and sacrum.
  1. At a later date, the pregnant woman, in addition to the symptoms already described, feels hardening and visually noticeable contraction of the abdominal muscles, as well as a feeling of a stone uterus.
  2. The tone of the uterus does not exclude spotting and even sometimes with streaks of blood. The presence of such symptoms requires immediate medical attention.
  3. Most women do not feel the tone of the uterus in any way and are not even aware of it, which can be even more dangerous than its active manifestation.

Diagnosis of uterine tone

Diagnosis of uterine tone can be carried out in several ways. A gynecologist can detect an increased contraction by performing a routine pelvic exam. More often, the tone is diagnosed as a result of ultrasound of the uterus. With the help of ultrasound, such a serious pathology as uterine hematoma in early pregnancy is detected. This anomaly poses a serious threat to the fetus.

Uterine hypertonicity: treatment

You can relax the muscles of the uterus in many ways. With a mild degree of tension, the gynecologist prescribes outpatient treatment. At this time, a woman needs complete rest, she is shown antispasmodics, magnesium B6 and motherwort tincture. These measures will help bring the uterus back to normal, but this is not enough, it is necessary to get rid of the cause that caused such a reaction. In each case, the gynecologist will prescribe an individual treatment.

Do you agree to hospitalization?

It is difficult to decide whether to refuse inpatient treatment or not without knowing all the circumstances. After all, the right decision depends on the degree of risk of maintaining pregnancy. Without a doubt, only a woman can make a choice, however, if the doctor strongly recommends and sees a serious threat, you should not hesitate.

How to remove the tone of the uterus at home

  1. You can try to relieve tension in the uterus yourself at home. You can achieve a normal state with the already listed drugs, or you can use special physical gymnastics.
  2. Exercise "cat":
  • get on your knees and raise your head up;
  • make the maximum deflection of the back and stay in this position for a few minutes;
  • then return to the original state;
  • repeat this procedure 3 times, and then lie down quietly for about 1 hour.
  1. By completely relaxing the muscles of the face and neck, you normalize the condition of the muscles of the uterus, for this:
  • tilt your head and completely relax the muscles of your face and neck;
  • breathe through your mouth in this position for about 7 to 10 minutes.
  1. It is also quite effective to simply stand on all fours.
  2. Gymnastics combined with therapy will help bring the uterus and its tone back to normal. If the measures taken do not help, consult a doctor immediately.

Prevention of uterine tone

The following simple preventive measures will help to avoid unpleasant consequences of muscle fiber tension:

  • avoid strenuous exercise;
  • eat right;
  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • regularly see a gynecologist;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Taking simple precautions will help you stay healthy and safely complete the difficult and full of surprises and risks of the path to motherhood.

All women planning a pregnancy are interested in knowing what sensations arise in the early stages of pregnancy. How can you understand that pregnancy has occurred, for example, when there is no delay yet and the test is not yet able to confirm the fact of pregnancy?

It should be noted that the first sensations of the onset of pregnancy are different for everyone. Even for a particular woman in each new pregnancy, everything can be different.

Now that pregnancy has come, the body wants to prevent the infection from entering the genital tract, and therefore produces a secret, from which a mucous plug is then formed. This mucous barrier during pregnancy protects the entrance to the genital tract and prevents the infection from penetrating upward through the cervix into the uterine cavity.

sensitive chest

One of the early manifestations of pregnancy is the preparation of the mammary gland, its milk ducts, to produce milk.

It all starts with an increase in breast size. It seems to swell, especially the peripapillary part. The nipple itself becomes more sensitive, sometimes even painful.

The darkening of the peripapillary region, due to an increase in the content of melanin pigment in this zone, occurs a little later, closer to the second trimester of pregnancy.

Consequently, increased pigmentation of some parts of the body, including the peripapillary region of the breast, cannot be called an early manifestation of pregnancy.

Drowsiness, restlessness

At first, after the birth of a new life, a woman’s body turns on an “energy saving mode”. This is due to a change in the hormonal background, which contributes to the fact that all forces are "thrown" to the preservation and development of the fetal egg. Even prolonged sleep cannot help to cope with this condition. This "sleepy" period is short, so be patient))


In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience a slight malaise, the manifestations of which may be different. A variety of symptoms can be perceived by a woman as a mild SARS. Nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, feeling of weakness may appear.

The feeling of heat in pregnant women can be replaced by cold due to a decrease in blood pressure and a slight increase in temperature in the first weeks. Due to low blood pressure, some women feel bad in stuffy rooms, in hot baths.

In early pregnancy, a herpes infection on the lips can even pop up in those who are already familiar with this virus. Personally, I had it twice in the early stages of my two pregnancies.

All this is due to temporary spontaneous suppression of immunity during pregnancy. Reducing the body's defenses during this period is necessary. So the body tries to preserve the fetus, which is perceived by the immune system as an antigen (dangerous foreign agent), since it has the father's genetic material alien to the mother's organism.

Basal temperature

Women planning pregnancy can find out the date of ovulation by measuring basal temperature. By continuing to measure the temperature in the vagina, these women can even find out the date of fertilization by increasing the basal temperature above 37.1-37.4 ° C.

Usually, some time before the release of the egg from the ovary, the basal temperature decreases by 0.2-0.4 ° C, and then, when ovulation occurs, it rises sharply by 0.4-0.6 degrees.

If you continue to measure the basal temperature, you will notice another rise in temperature after the temperature normalizes, already above 37 ° C. This is a sure sign of pregnancy. Of course, if the false-positive result of the rise in basal temperature is not due to an acute infection with a general rise in body temperature.

Slight swelling

Usually, women who have recently become pregnant notice a slight swelling of the face or fingers. They suddenly notice that the ring, which was just right, leaves a mark (depression) on the edematous finger.

It's all about progesterone. This pregnancy-preserving hormone promotes fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman so that the fetus does not need it.

Short-term sharp pain outbreaks in the groin

Closer to the second month of pregnancy, the expectant mother has a new problem - an attempt to quickly get up from a sitting position, careless turning in a dream, coughing, sneezing and other movements that cause a reflex push in the body are accompanied by severe but short pain in the inguinal folds. The sensations are so intense and sudden that the mother-to-be freezes for a few moments.

So tense ligaments that hold the growing uterus in the correct position make themselves felt. If the pain dissipates within a few moments after the onset and occurs only with the next careless movement, you should not worry. However, if the pain does not subside or recurs on its own over and over again, you should immediately inform the doctor about this.

Painful "premenstrual" sensations in the lower abdomen

Aching and pulling sensations in the early stages of pregnancy are, in fact, an echo of menstruation, which was not destined to begin. According to the strength of the manifestations of pain, they can be anything: from intense discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen to almost painless scanty brownish discharge. Ideally, you need to fix the duration of your menstruation in a special calendar, then the expectant mother, through simple mathematical calculations, will understand what kind of discharge it is, and will not be very worried. But even in this case, the unplanned can happen: if the discharge is quite abundant, with an admixture of dark red or scarlet blood clots, you need to be alert and consult a doctor about this.

Persistent unilateral pain in the lower abdomen

If a woman has undergone surgery in the past, she certainly has postoperative scars. Most likely, adhesions are hidden under the scars. The longer the gestation period, the more they stretch - hence the pain. The well-being of the expectant mother will improve short-term rest in a comfortable position. You need to lie on the affected side.

If unilateral abdominal pain bothers a woman in the early stages of pregnancy, then the specialist is likely to suspect an ectopic pregnancy in the patient. After confirming the sad diagnosis, you need to act immediately - the sooner the pathology is removed, the more likely the woman is to become pregnant again and give birth to a healthy baby.

Drawing or cramping pain, which then weakens, then intensifies again

If a pregnant woman feels something like this for a certain period of time, the pain intensity exceeds the discomfort associated with menstruation, and does not tend to weaken (it hurts “on one note”), you should immediately consult a doctor! There are all signs of a miscarriage. To get rid of the fetal egg at the very beginning of pregnancy, the cervix may not fully open, and in most cases there is no severe pain, as in a long pregnancy. The sooner a woman is helped, the better - perhaps a miscarriage can be stopped.

You can officially confirm pregnancy only 2 weeks after the delay in menstruation. An express pregnancy test, ultrasound, a blood test for hCG will help to do this. But what to do if a woman trusts her inner voice, which whispers to her that she is expecting a baby? During this period, it is important to ensure a healthy and comfortable lifestyle: stop smoking and other bad habits, eat right, get more rest and not worry. If disturbing or painful symptoms of unknown origin appear (severe pain in the lower abdomen, the release of blood clots), you should consult a gynecologist.

When a woman has already received official confirmation of her pregnancy and is faced with a problem in the form of abdominal pain, she must remember the main rule: do not make independent decisions about treatment. Experiments with medicines, homeopathic remedies, herbs and folk recipes are unacceptable!

At an early stage of pregnancy, nothing is outwardly noticeable, but inside the mother's body there is a whole revolution: the internal organs and systems of the future person are laid and develop. Many drugs taken without a doctor's prescription can cause irreparable harm to the fetus, so the gynecologist prescribes medicines for the expectant mother only in case of urgent need.

Even at school, any person studies the principle of conception and the birth of a child. How does the sperm connect to the egg, through which organs does it pass. It's no secret that a child develops in such an organ as the uterus. In no other organs can pregnancy last for a long time.

But what exactly happens to the uterus, what are the features of its development, how to control the state of the uterus - this remains outside the school curriculum. Later, when the girl is already in the position of pregnancy, how to correctly determine the normal development of the uterus and quickly and accurately determine the need to see a doctor.

Today we will just talk about what the uterus should be like, and what features of its development. We will pay special attention to it when carrying a child and consider in detail what the uterus looks like during pregnancy.

What is a mother?

This is one of the organs of the woman's reproductive system, inside which the unborn child grows and develops. Once in the uterus, the fertilized egg is attached to its wall, and its development begins.

In the initial state, when there is no pregnancy, the length of the uterus in girls ranges from five to ten centimeters. This length is influenced by many factors, one of which is a previous pregnancy. Yes exactly.

After the first pregnancy, and all subsequent ones, respectively, the uterus returns to its normal state, but already becomes a few centimeters larger.

In some Internet forums, this reason is indicated as the main reason when discussing why the stomach becomes larger after pregnancy. Although, from a scientific point of view, the length of the uterus does not affect the size of the abdomen.

During pregnancy itself, towards its end, the uterus enlarges up to four or five times, and it is about forty centimeters in length. It all depends on the height and weight of the baby.

What is the uterus during pregnancy?

Changes in the uterus are a physiological matter, so to speak, laid down by nature. But, at the same time, for all changes, increase and movement there is a norm indicator. For example, the uterus during pregnancy should increase according to a certain indicator in connection with the development of the fetus.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is sometimes difficult to determine its presence, since the increase in the uterus is very small. The same increase can be observed with the onset of the menstrual cycle or in the presence of inflammation of the internal organs.

To confirm the indisputable fact of pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist must examine using special devices called mirrors. In them, he can determine the color of an organ such as the cervix. If it changes and becomes cyanotic, then most likely the pregnancy has come. To confirm this fact, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination.

Examination at the gynecologist

We offer to dwell in more detail on the first examination by a gynecologist. Regrettably, most women do not visit the gynecologist as expected, or at least once a year. Some do not come for examinations for five years or more.

Later, when there is a delay in the menstrual cycle, and the pregnancy test shows a positive two stripes, the girl rushes to the gynecologist. He examines, as mentioned above, always with the help of mirrors, confirms the onset of pregnancy, and the happy expectant mother runs away home.

Already at home, in the late afternoon, having calmed down a little after an emotional outburst, he begins to feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen. As statistics show, more than sixty percent of pregnant women, especially young girls giving birth for the first time, experience such pain at the first examination. And twenty percent of them end up in inpatient treatment with the threat of interruption.

Many women who are pregnant for the second and / or the next time, try to come to the first examination no earlier than ten to twelve weeks. Pregnancy within a two-week fluctuation can be determined by most women based on the month in which the delay occurred (even without knowing the exact date of conception).

And, since the legislation provides for registering no later than a period of twelve weeks, by this time many fall short. Some doctors do not register before this period, since it is up to twelve weeks that there is a risk of spontaneous interruption, in other words, miscarriage.

What does the uterus look like during pregnancy?

But, back to our topic, why can pain appear after the first examination? This phenomenon is observed due to the fact that there is an increase in the tone of the uterine compartment, and the uterus during pregnancy is very sensitive to various external factors.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy can appear not only from examination, but also from physical touch or tension. It may well appear with a nervous experience. The thing is that the uterus is just muscles collected in a bag. They are not covered and protected by skin, as on the body.

When there is a touch to the body externally, the muscles tense up, in connection with which changes occur. Thanks to the muscles, we walk, jump, eat, lie down, stand up, in the end, blink, sneeze and chew. That is, there are muscles that we control ourselves. But, this concept does not apply to the uterus.

A woman cannot lift or contract the uterine muscles with the power of thought alone. However, it's still muscle. And when examined by a gynecologist, he touches them, thereby causing their irritation. Ideally, this phenomenon should be of short duration, if not instantaneous. But, as for the uterus, it does not immediately respond to the touch of external factors, it begins to tense up and tone up after some time.

With tension, the so-called increased tone of the uterus, contractions occur, which lead to detachment already, one might say, a baby. Sometimes this is accompanied by discharge in the form of blood, as in some places the placenta detaches. In such cases, girls need rest, sometimes medical intervention.

But, despite the foregoing, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor. It is very important to determine the correct location of the uterus in the early stages. There are many factors that affect the proper development and maintenance of pregnancy.

One of the common causes of abortion is uterine prolapse. With a very low location, it is very difficult to bear a child, in most cases, premature birth occurs. In the early stages, the doctor may insist on applying rings of the appropriate size to keep the fetus inside the uterine compartment.

Dangerous is also the displacement of the uterus. It does not affect the prematurity of childbirth, but when it is displaced, the rest of the organs suffer greatly. And, accordingly, their work is incorrect, which can lead to very serious problems.

Therefore, watch your health. Before planning a baby, go through the necessary examination.