Semolina porridge for children: benefits and harms, the right cooking recipe. How to cook semolina in milk for babies and when to give semolina

Many generations grew up on semolina. There is a category of children under the age of one year, to whom semolina can only bring harm. In order to benefit from the product, it is necessary to study the effect of semolina on the body, know the recipe for cooking and the timing of the introduction of complementary foods.

Semolina is particles of ground wheat. On the shelves of stores you can find cereals different sizes. But its composition will be the same and similar to the composition of wheat. It contains many trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, iron) and vitamins, including vitamin E and B vitamins. Semolina contains only 1% fat and 70% starch, which is so necessary to maintain energy in the body. In the process of grinding, the fiber disappears almost completely, so the product is easily and quickly absorbed by the child's body.

If you choose a recipe and cook the dish correctly, then the benefits for children older than 10 months from this porridge will be great.

  1. Folic acid normalizes the nervous system.
  2. Silicon improves the condition of the teeth, making them strong and durable.
  3. Vitamin E promotes physical and mental development.
  4. Semolina porridge, getting inside the body, envelops the mucous membrane. This relieves spasms and inflammation.
  5. Potassium and magnesium improve heart function.

The semolina cooks quickly. When it is prepared, all nutrients. But you need to know from what time to introduce the product into the child's diet, as there are also disadvantages:

  • Semolina contains a lot of phytin and phosphorus, which leach calcium from the bones.
  • Excessive consumption of semolina leads to constipation in a child.
  • This porridge prevents the intake of vitamins, especially vitamin D, into the body. Therefore, it is often impossible to feed semolina porridge.
  • The composition includes protein - gluten. Cereals that contain a similar protein are not recommended for children under one year old. Gluten intolerance (celiac disease) and allergy to it are common.
  • The protein gliadin can disrupt the absorption of nutrients by the intestines.

Semolina porridge must be boiled in milk. A child at the age of 6 months should include only cereals on the water in the diet. Therefore, you should not rush to give semolina up to 11 months.

In order to reduce the phytin content to a minimum, it is necessary to thermally process the cereal for at least two minutes.

The right time for the first feeding

Moms are wondering when to start complementary foods from semolina. Too early to give semolina experts do not recommend. intestinal tract a child under one year old does not produce an enzyme that can break down gluten (protein). As a result, the intestines stop absorbing nutrients. The child will begin to develop slowly, gain weight poorly, anemia develops and the stool is disturbed.

It is impossible to completely exclude the dish from the diet of children. In moderation, and if no allergies are detected, baby semolina will only benefit. How many times a week can you feed semolina porridge? Enough 1-2 times a week. At what age do you start giving porridge? It is best to offer it at 11-12 months, when digestive organs get used to other types of cereals. It is at this age that enzymes that can digest food begin to be produced.

Like any other New Product, semolina is introduced gradually. From how many grams do they start to give the product? You need to start with one teaspoon, in the morning. Gradually increase the dosage. As a result, the child should eat no more than 150 g per day. Only at the age of 3, semolina can be given in unlimited quantities.

For the first time, porridge for children under one year old should be boiled in milk and water in a ratio of 1: 1, or completely in water. As the baby gets used to the dish, the percentage of water is reduced and gradually completely switched to dairy cooking.

How to make a good purchase

Semolina must be properly selected and stored. Semolina is poured into a glass container, tightly closed and stored in a dark room for no more than 10 months.

  • It is best to buy cereal in a box. It shows the expiration date and the manufacturer.
  • Groats in a box should be placed in sealed transparent bags. Thus, you can control the composition and structure of the content. Loose mass, without black dots.
  • It is best to choose semolina for children made from durum wheat.
  • The white color of the semolina indicates that it is made from soft varieties wheat, and cream-colored - from durum.

Rules for preparing tasty and healthy porridge

You need to cook liquid porridge, this is how it is more easily absorbed by the body. Ready porridge can be poured into a bottle.

Recipe for semolina porridge on water for children over 8 months old

Semolina on water for babies is tasteless, but you can add other products to it, for example, raisins, dried apricots, jam.

To cook delicious healthy porridge on the water for children, you need to correctly calculate the ingredients.

Pour water (300 ml) into a container and put on fire. When the water boils, pour in the cereal (2 tablespoons). Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. You can add a pinch of salt and sugar, since without milk the taste of porridge will be insipid. If the recipe involves dried fruits, then they must first be washed and soaked in water. Then add to the mass, for example, raisins (100 g), close the lid and let it brew for 10 minutes.

  1. 1 Recipe for semolina porridge 5% in milk and water for a child about one year old

To cook liquid porridge, a glass of water is poured into the pan, a little salt is added. When the water boils, add 2 teaspoons of cereal. How long will it take to cook? Cook for at least 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Milk is heated separately (about half a glass) and added to the mixture. You can add some sugar. Bring to a boil and remove from stove. The calorie content of the finished dish is 340 kcal. The calorie content of the dish increases if you cook porridge in milk.

  1. 2 Recipe for semolina porridge 10% in milk and water

To cook such porridge for babies, you need half a glass of milk and the same amount of water. When the liquid boils, slowly pour in the cooked cereal - 1 tablespoon. The mass should be constantly stirred to prevent the formation of lumps. How long does it take to cook the dish? The time required to cook semolina porridge is about 20 minutes. Then add half a glass warm milk and a few grains of sugar. Bring to a boil again.

  1. 3 Recipe for porridge in a slow cooker

Add half a glass of cereal, sugar to the bowl. Pour in 1.5 cups of water and two cups of milk. Put butter. Set the desired mode. How long does it take to cook a dish in a slow cooker? Cook the porridge for 10 minutes, stirring several times.

You can add berries or fruits to the finished dish. At first, it is undesirable to add sugar and salt.

In order for the dish to turn out without lumps, you should use a strainer or bag made of paper. With the help of these devices, it will be possible to slowly pour in the cereal. In a boiling liquid, semolina must be vigorously stirred.

No matter how the baby loves this species porridge, it should not be given to him too often. All contraindications should be taken into account. By choosing the right recipe, choosing cereals and taking into account all the rules of preparation, you can only benefit from the product.

Porridges have always been healthy, dietary, cheap and satisfying food. Properly cooked semolina is tender, pleasant and well absorbed. You can add to it, according to age and taste preferences, fruit, berries, jam, chocolate. Everyone can eat such porridge - from babies to the elderly. Parents, grandparents of modern children grew up on semolina porridge, which was fed to infants, then in kindergartens, schools, summer camps, hospitals. But today, according to the results of research by scientists, everything is not so simple.

Useful properties and harm of semolina as a product for infants

This cereal is made from wheat, it is a kind of Wheat flour coarse grind. AT baby food semolina has both advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include energy value, it is nutritious and high-calorie (360 kcal per 100 g of cereal), contributes to weight gain in premature or weak children. This product is available to everyone, easy and quick to cook, inexpensive.

What is the strength in this dish:

  • proteins needed for growth;
  • carbohydrates (including a large number of energy starch)
  • vitamins of group B, PP;
  • micro and macro elements necessary for the child's body.

Risk of allergy to gluten and phytin

There are substances in semolina that can cause backlash baby's body:

  • gluten - a protein found in wheat (rarely, but there is an allergy or intolerance to it);
  • phytin is a salt that prevents the absorption of calcium, iron, vitamin D, which is fraught with rickets.

Why you should not feed semolina to babies - video

Allergy manifestations:

  • redness, rash, pimples, hives, blisters;
  • unexpected constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • irritability, fever.

If any of these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Newborn, 6-month-old, one-year-old baby - who is not too early to try?

At breastfeeding It is recommended to introduce complementary foods when the baby is six months old and he will no longer have enough only mother's milk. Thus, it is gradually prepared for adult food. Semolina porridge is not the product that should be introduced into complementary foods for a healthy baby. It can strengthen or weaken the child. The exception is premature, weakened, emaciated children with a lack of weight. You need to get advice about their feeding. pediatrician. Pediatricians advise starting complementary foods with buckwheat or rice porridge.

Oatmeal as a good alternative for complementary foods

There is also porridge, on which children grew up in the last century - oatmeal, the ancestor of modern instant mixtures. Oatmeal is a type of flour that is made from peeled, steamed oat grains. They are not crushed, but pushed. Oatmeal does not need to be boiled, but simply steamed with boiling water and / or milk. This saves all useful qualities. Oatmeal is nutritious and high-calorie, like semolina, contains vitamins and trace elements, as well as gluten and phytin. It also needs to be handled correctly and carefully, introduce the child into complementary foods no earlier than 8 months.

How to choose the right cereal for babies

In the store, you need to be able to choose semolina correctly:

  • GOST, brand T or TM should be written on the package (this means that the cereal is made from durum wheat or a mixture of hard and soft);
  • it is better to take a pack transparent, it shows the quality of the product (cream shade, no lumps and black dots);
  • pay attention to the shelf life;
  • give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Why you can not give before a year

Pediatricians recommend introducing semolina porridge into complementary foods not earlier than the child is 8 months old, but preferably a year. At this age, porridge will not become heavy food for the baby and will be normally absorbed by the child's body. Before three years giving children semolina is advised no more than once a week. Complementary foods should be correct, in compliance with all the norms of the usefulness of products for a one-year-old child. Like any new product, semolina should be included in the menu little by little and gradually, watching the reaction of the child. For the first time, it is better to cook porridge in water and give one teaspoon a try. If the baby does not have rashes, the stool is not disturbed, then gradually increase its amount, bringing it to a full portion for one meal. Semolina is high in gluten and low in fiber, so it can cause constipation.

If it becomes necessary to feed the child with semolina earlier, then two-month-old and three-month-old children are fed with rare porridge, 5% (5 g of cereal - an incomplete teaspoon per 100 g of liquid). After 6 months, make it thicker, 10% (10 g of cereal - a teaspoon with a slide per 100 g of liquid). Be sure to discuss feeding the baby with the pediatrician.

When semolina porridge is introduced into the diet of a child, it can be boiled in water with milk in equal proportions. What time of day (for breakfast or dinner) - no of great importance. But sometimes doctors advise if the baby does not sleep well, wakes up at night with a demand for food, feed him before bedtime. Semolina is very nutritious, maybe he will be satisfied and will sleep peacefully.

How much to cook semolina porridge for a child

Semolina boiled in water has 80 kcal per 100 g, and in milk - about 100 kcal. Groats should always be poured in a little, in a thin stream, continuously stirring with the other hand so that lumps do not turn out. The proportions of the correct semolina porridge of medium density are 1: 5, that is, 0.5 liters of liquid are needed per 100 g of cereal. Milk or water is poured into the pan, after boiling, a small fire is made, semolina is added, boiled for 4–7 minutes, depending on the type of cereal.

The proportions of cereals and water or milk for making semolina of different densities - table

Recipes for making semolina for children's diet

You can cook porridge in milk or take it in half with water. If there is no special cooker, before cooking porridge in milk, rinse the pan with water so that it does not burn. Sugar, salt and butter are added to taste. Children intolerant to protein cow's milk, you need to make porridge on water or on a suitable infant formula. Next, consider the recipes for making porridge.

Video: semolina porridge for a one-year-old child for one serving

How to cook semolina porridge for a child with a mixture that cannot be boiled

Boil semolina in water, when it cools down a bit, add the mixture in a proportion half as small as for feeding. For example, if for 100 g of water you need 3 tablespoons of the mixture, then for 100 g of porridge - 1.5 tablespoons. Infant formula should not be heated, it will lose its qualities.

Cooking porridge with pumpkin for a one-year-old baby


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • sugar, salt to taste.
  1. Put the pumpkin washed and cut into small pieces in a saucepan, pour boiling water so that the water covers it a little, and simmer for 15 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and mash the pumpkin into a puree.
  3. Pour milk into it, add sugar and salt.
  4. Place on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. Pour semolina, cook for 7 minutes over low heat.

Semolina with carrots - a healthy and tasty dish


  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon of semolina;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon butter;
  • sugar, salt to taste.
  1. Stew peeled, washed, grated carrots over low heat for 10 minutes, adding half the oil, sugar, salt and a little water to it.
  2. Pour in milk, bring to a boil and slowly add semolina.
  3. Cook for 7 minutes until cooked, add the remaining oil.

Multicooker option


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • sugar, salt, oil to taste.
  1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, immediately pour sugar, salt, semolina, put oil and stir well.
  2. Set the function "milk porridge" for 20 minutes.

Precautionary measures

Water for semolina must be purified, and special baby milk. Some nutritionists believe that sugar and salt are unnecessary for young children.

When grandmothers object to me that grandchildren love semolina, I have no doubt, because, for sure, grandmother cooks porridge for granddaughters “our way”: with fat milk, sweet, with butter ... And such porridge is generally contraindicated for a child! Children under 1.5 years old should not add salt or sugar to food.

nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko

Dr. Komarovsky says that oil should be given to a child after a year and very gradually, as the digestive system must get used to eating fats. An older child can add berries or fruits that he loves.

Dr. Komarovsky about the dangers and benefits of porridge for children - video

The first feeding is an important stage in the life of a baby. From what food he will eat, depends on his health and development. Every young mother needs to know that up to a year, the child's intestines are not fully formed. The level of enzymes is not only not stable, but also not complete. Thus, the baby is not able to digest and assimilate certain products. Semolina porridge is not recommended to be introduced as the first complementary food, due to the elements contained in it, but after a year it must be on the child's menu.

If we talk about the sequence of introducing products as complementary foods, you need to follow a certain scheme:

  1. Start easy. - hypoallergenic vegetable, easy to digest and cook. Further complicate by adding other vegetables to it.
  2. Fruit purees will be the second adult meal of the crumbs. First, then - expand the diet with peaches, carrots and other fruits (consult your pediatrician).
  3. We complicate. We introduce porridge into the diet. Buckwheat and rice are the first cereals for babies.
  4. Milk products - .
  5. The last step will be the mixing of vegetable purees with meat, and fruit purees with cereals.

For overweight babies, semolina is prohibited due to calorie content

Based on this sequence and the characteristics of the baby, he is familiarized with adult food. Deviations are always acceptable, because the child may have allergies, intolerances, illnesses, lack of suitable products from the mother (out of season).

Let's get back to the manga. An exception for early entry may be a lack of infants in weight. Since semolina is quickly digested and very nutritious, it is recommended for children who are experiencing weight problems, or those who no longer gorge themselves on milk. It is very problematic to convince a child to live and swallow relatively solid food immediately after mother's milk. In such cases, liquid semolina is boiled and soldered from a bottle. But it's not the best best method problem solving.

Exception: Semolina can be given from 8 months. In this case, it should be found in the baby's menu once every one and a half weeks.

How to cook baby semolina porridge

The recipe for making semolina for babies is different from the recipe for children of 2 years of age. The adult recipe consists entirely of milk, while to an infant it is necessary to prepare, observing the proportion of water and milk 1: 1. In order to cook the right semolina porridge, you should use purchased milk, since it contains the percentage of fat content. This is important - to monitor the fat content in the diet of crumbs. Semolina is special in that it settles to the bottom and sticks to the walls, because in order to cook porridge without lumps, it must be constantly stirred.

Recipe one

For one serving you will need:

  • semolina - 2 tsp;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1 tsp

Sifted semolina, slowly pour into salted, boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat for 10-13 minutes without stopping stirring. At the end, add sugar, milk, bring to a boil and let cool.

recipe two

For one serving you will need (for children who eat from a spoon):

  • semolina - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tsp

Slowly pour semolina into boiling, salted water and cook, stirring, for 10-15 minutes. Add milk and sugar, boil and cool. You can add a piece of butter.

You can cook semolina on a milk mixture. It makes no sense for artificial people to buy milk and dilute it with water. The mixture is ideal for all criteria. But for babies who are breastfed, it is not advisable to give formula milk. They may like it much more than mother's milk, and they will refuse breasts altogether.

It is necessary to start complementary foods responsibly, because the baby's digestive system has not yet matured. From the older generation, you can hear that semolina is well suited for babies. But is this so and from how many months can it be introduced into the diet so as not to harm the child? In fact, semolina has its own characteristics that make it not the best choice for infant nutrition.

Why is semolina not suitable for the smallest?

Semolina contains some elements that can lead to undesirable consequences. These are three components:

  • gluten;
  • fitin;
  • gliodin.

Modern pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with either vegetable purees or cereals, which need to be boiled in water, and not in milk. They are especially suitable for children who are underweight. The first cereals should not contain gluten. This protein often provokes allergic reactions, since it is difficult for an immature digestive system to cope with it. With what earlier organism gets acquainted with a potential allergen, the higher the risk of getting consequences. That is why semolina porridge should not be given to the smallest. It is better to give preference to rice, buckwheat and corn.

The second reason why you should not rush to use semolina is the phytin contained in it. It has antioxidant properties and is beneficial for the liver. But at the same time, it prevents the absorption of calcium, which is of extreme importance for a growing organism. Feeding with semolina can lead to the development of rickets. At the same time, difficulties arise with vitamin D and iron.

Semolina also contains gliodin. This element leads to necrosis of the intestinal villi. As a result, nutrients are poorly absorbed. Since the intestines of the crumbs still do not work perfectly, they may not be enough for normal development organism. Some experts believe that such complementary foods lead to chronic gastritis and other diseases digestive system, and in some cases even to the appearance of oncological problems.

From how many months can a child have semolina?

However, do not give up semolina, because it also has advantages. It is satisfying and high-calorie, so it is good to feed it to children who eat little and slowly gain weight. Semolina contains enough proteins, vitamins and minerals, and they are important for growing babies. It has a lot of starch, his body processes it into energy. In addition, porridge does not need to be cooked for a long time, so that useful components do not have time to lose their properties.

So that semolina does not harm the child, it should be given only after a year. By this time work gastrointestinal tract and enzymatic system getting better. Therefore, the menu can be expanded and made more diverse. When introducing any new product into complementary foods, it is necessary to observe whether the child will have a reaction. In the event of an allergy, such as a rash, the product must be removed. After a while, the baby will probably outgrow it. Semolina porridge should not be abused, so it is better to cook it no more than once a week and a half. This rule especially applies to toddlers up to three years. In some cases, semolina is also given to infants after 8 months, for example, when the issue of weight gain is acute.

How to cook semolina for babies?

Parents should know not only how many months to introduce semolina into complementary foods, but also how to cook it correctly to make it tasty and nutritious dish. In addition, it is easy to make, and it does not take much time: 15 minutes - and a hearty breakfast is ready. For babies, it is convenient to make liquid porridge, which can be poured into a bottle. One year old baby a thicker consistency is suitable, which is achieved due to more product.

To feed a baby from a bottle, the following ingredients are needed for porridge: half a glass of water and milk, two small spoons of semolina, one small spoon of sugar. Grains are added to already boiling water, stirring constantly. A little trick: semolina is covered with a thin stream, stirring thoroughly. This will avoid the formation of lumps. This can be done with a funnel folded out of paper, so the cereal pours evenly. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil.

For an older child who is comfortable to feed with a spoon, you can make a thicker porridge. To do this, add a tablespoon of semolina to half a glass of water. You need to cook a little longer: 15-20 minutes. After that, add milk and sugar, when it boils - remove from heat. The dish will become even tastier if you add a little butter.

It is up to each parent to decide where to start complementary foods and usually understand what is best for their child's nutrition. But it is important to know the features and properties of certain foods, because not all of them are useful. Semolina is not the best solution for babies in the first year of life. But if you cook it correctly, then such a dish will be a delicious addition to the menu for older children. To make food more enjoyable, you can add fruits or berries to the porridge.

Semolina porridge is not harmful to health, and it has many advantages. It is also useful for older children.

In addition, this porridge is nutritious: it contains fiber and starch. It is a fast-saturating and energy-intensive carbohydrate food. After a person has eaten it, he will be full for a long time. But expectant mothers have a question, when can you give semolina to a baby .

Doctors answer this question like this - do not get carried away with semolina until the baby is three years old. Give him this dish little by little.

Semolina is the dust produced when wheat is threshed.

Semolina is the dust resulting from the threshing of wheat. It is collected and packaged. This takes into account the marking and particle size.

The composition of semolina resembles wheat. Its composition includes many trace elements . It contains low protein and fat .

Since the cereal is crushed, it easily digestible . It passes to the intestines in transit and is absorbed only in lower section intestines.

Semolina is given to those who have kidney disease or digestive problems . Include it in your diet patients who underwent surgery .

What is useful semolina

Semolina has like beneficial features, and not very

Before you say when you can give semolina to babies, you should pay attention to its benefits. It is useful due to its chemical composition:

  • In her contain proteins and minerals . They are necessary for the child's body;
  • This porridge can be quickly welded ;
  • She is preserves useful substances ;
  • In this porridge a lot of fiber .

Why it is not recommended to feed semolina porridge to children under one year old

It is undesirable to feed semolina porridge for children under one year old, because it is heavy food for an unformed stomach. The fact is that this porridge contains gluten. It is found in wheat and oatmeal.

Gluten makes the digestive process difficult. In addition, if you often feed small child semolina, he may have an upset stomach. Also, the baby may be allergic to semolina. Often, children who are fed this porridge have diathesis.

Also in the composition of semolina is fitin . This element hinders the absorption of calcium and iron needed for growth. Then parental efforts to provide these vitamins will be meaningless. It is for this reason that Soviet children often had rickets.

Answering the question when it is possible to give semolina to babies, it is worth saying that, as complementary foods in the diet of young children, you can give buckwheat or rice porridge. However, do not forget that they can only be introduced into the diet of thin babies. If the child normally chooses weight, then it is better for him to introduce vegetable puree as complementary foods.

At what age can children be given semolina porridge

Doctors recommend giving semolina porridge to babies only from 8 months

There is no single answer to the question of at what age children can be fed semolina porridge. Doctors recommend giving this dish to children no earlier than eight months. At the same time, she needs boil with water and do not add salt.

Often, when a child has eaten semolina, he may have an allergy - red spots appear on his face. This means that it is too early to give such porridge to the baby. Better wait a year. Then there will be no rashes, but give it to the child as rarely as possible.

How to properly feed a child with semolina

Mothers who care about the health of the child should know not only when to give semolina to the baby, but also how to properly feed her. First, give the child a five percent mixture, that is, milk and water should be in porridge in a ratio of one to one .

When the child gets used to a new dish, make porridge only with milk. Introduce this porridge into the diet gradually at the second meal. Add it in a spoon a day. A child can have a maximum of one hundred and fifty grams of this dish.

How to cook semolina porridge

In addition to when you can give semolina to a baby, it is worth talking about how to cook it correctly. To do this, you need to use the right recipe. The easiest way to cook this dish is known to all modern housewives. However, today semolina porridge is not so popular.

This dish is very easy to prepare. First, boil some milk in a saucepan and add the grits. The cooking process can be organized like this:

  • Put a pot of milk on the fire;
  • While the liquid boils, cook the cereal;
  • When the milk boils, pour in the semolina. Be sure to stir it so that lumps form;
  • Boil the porridge for a few minutes over low heat., stirring occasionally;
  • To improve the taste of porridge, add a little sugar or vegetable oil to it;
  • Serve the dish on a plate, pre-decorating it. To do this, use fresh berries and pieces of fruit.

Semolina porridge with milk and berries

To prepare semolina porridge with berries need the following products:

  • Take two hundred milliliters of milk;
  • For this dish you will need a tablespoon of semolina;
  • Also stock up fresh berries and vegetable oil;
  • Add a little salt and sugar to taste.

Prepare this dish in the following way. Rinsing the pan ice water, pour in the milk and bring to a boil. After salting and sweetening the milk, pour the semolina in a thin stream. In this case, the porridge must be stirred.

Cook the dish for five minutes until the cereal swells. At the same time stir it. Add a little oil to the finished porridge and mix it to achieve an airy consistency. Transfer the finished dish to a plate and add the berries.

Apple semolina porridge

Semolina porridge with apple juice

To make semolina porridge, take Apple juice and semolina . Also stock up egg and butter . Add to taste sugar and raisins seedless.

Cooking semolina porridge with apples is very simple. Pour the juice into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. In the meantime, stir it constantly. Next, pouring semolina, add sugar, lemon zest and washed raisins. In the finished dish, beat the egg and mix everything. Serve the porridge hot or cold with a little butter added. You can enhance the taste of porridge by putting an apple in it.

Semolina porridge with cranberry juice

Pour semolina into milk in a thin stream and stir constantly

We have already figured out when you can give semolina to babies, and now let's talk about useful semolina on cranberry juice. To prepare this dish, take a glass cranberries and two and a half glasses water. You will also need half a glass decoys and the same cream. Add a little to taste sugar and salt .

This dish is prepared like this - rinse and crush the berries, squeeze the juice. Fill the berries with pomace water, boil them and strain the broth. Pour sugar and salt into it and bring it to a boil. Dilute the grits with berry juice. In this case, there should be no lumps.

Pour boiling broth into the mixture and cook a thick porridge. Put the finished dish in a mold, cool, cut into portions and serve with cream.

Semolina porridge can be decorated with berries or pieces of fruit

Do not forget that semolina is not very useful for child health . She is only provides extra calories . So, don't get too carried away with it if you want to pair it with an artificial blend. Otherwise, the child will excess weight. The child will become immobile and lazy, and it will be more difficult for him to learn new skills. Semolina porridge must be in the children's diet for a change.

Many adults, having heard the phrase "semolina porridge", recall their childhood. Some were forcibly forced to eat semolina, for example, in kindergarten. At the same time, the teachers said that they would put the porridge down the collar if the child did not eat it. Some do not like semolina with lumps, while others like it. Everyone has their own memories. However it is better to listen to specialists and save the child's health than to say that in our time everyone ate semolina porridge.

Find out now about the most useful preparation Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). From colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.