Drawing on the theme of maintaining health. Children's creativity - Health through the eyes of a child

Health is a topic close and interesting to everyone, both children and adults. But what does the word “health” mean for children? The First International Children's Drawing Competition helped find this out. “Health through the eyes of a child”, which was organized by the Remedium group of companies as a sign of solidarity with the priority area in healthcare to protect motherhood and childhood.
The Health Department and the Public Library of the Novouralsk City District invited young Novouralsk residents to take part in an international competition, and also announced city ​​competition “Health through the eyes of a child”.
The children's works were sent to Moscow and immediately exhibited on the Remedium portal. From that moment on, all virtual Internet users could vote for their favorite drawing. And an exhibition of drawings was opened in the Central Public Library

And now, finally, the moment of truth has come.
On November 15, 2007, the results of the City Competition “Health Through the Eyes of a Child” and the awarding of its participants took place at the Central Clinical Hospital..
More than 100 people gathered for the event - these were children, parents, kindergarten teachers who helped their charges, teachers children's department No. 2 city hospital, librarians and sponsors.
Carlson came to visit the guys and told them how wonderful it was to be sick! But it was difficult to confuse the children; they gave a lot of advice on how not to get sick, after which they had fun playing games, solving riddles, remembering proverbs and sayings about health, and reading poems. There was a cheerful dialogue, which everyone was pleased with.
And finally, the most awaited minute has arrived - the announcement of the results.
M. G. Pershina, head of the medical literature department, summed up the results of the city competition. About 80 drawings were submitted. The jury, which included specialists from the Health Department, the Central Public Library, the Children's Art School, and representatives of sponsoring organizations, chose the best of the best!
All works were combined into 6 nominations: “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Health Hygiene”, “Vitamins”, “Nature”, “Sport”, “We are Against Diseases” and the best works were named in each nomination.

The winner of the City competition “Health through the eyes of a child” was Sonya Motousova, a student at the City Gymnasium.
A memorable moment was the awarding of the youngest participant in the competition, 4-year-old Plaksin Alyosha, and the most active participant, Ani Epishkina (6 years old), who was the very first to bring her works.
The winners were awarded letters of gratitude and prizes. This evening not a single participant was left without a gift. This became possible thanks to the sponsors of the competition chain stores "Pink Elephant" and the AtollPharm pharmacy chain, which took part in organizing the competition and health festival.

Long after the awards ceremony ended, both parents and children looked at the exhibition of drawings. And all Novourals residents will be able to see them on virtual exhibition of children's drawings on the website of the Central Public Library

What are the results? International competition?
More than 300 works were sent to it from various parts of our country. Most of the works were sent from Novouralsk.
On November 29, 2007, in Moscow, at the S. Andriyaki School of Watercolor, an exhibition of children's drawings submitted to the competition opened and an award ceremony took place.
Among the winners there are also Novourals residents Katyushchenko Valerie me (11 years old), Anna Epishkina (6 years old), Zyryanova Valeria(9 years old) and Mikhail Ivanov (10 years old).

All the guys were awarded diplomas and prizes. In addition, their works will be published in the magazines “Remedium” and “Russian Pharmacies”.

Participation in the competition allowed children to express their inner feelings, sensations and attitudes towards their health. This is probably especially relevant due to the fact that 2007 has been declared the Year of the Child.
Therefore, children wish all city residents: "Be healthy!"



Katyushchenko Valeria, 11 years old Epishkina Anna, 6 years old
Zyryanova Valeria, 9 years old Ivanov Mikhail, 10 years old


Winner of competition
Motousova Sonya, 8 years old
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 47

Youngest participant
Plaksin Alexey, 4 years old
Preschool educational institution No. 28

Most active participant
Epishkina Anna, 6 years old


Nomination "NATURE"

Winners in the category

Baryshnikva Anastasia, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 4

Borzunova Natalia, 9 years old


“Let our world be as beautiful as fairy tales, then everyone will be healthy and happy”
Beloglazova Maria, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 4, gr. "Connoisseurs"

“It is very important for our health that we are surrounded by clean forests, birds singing, butterflies flyingLet our world be as beautiful as fairy tales, then everyone will be healthy and happy”
Golubchikova Lera, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 4, gr. “Experts” Kuznetsova Olga Aleksandrovna, 14 years old

Dolgirov Andrey, 7 years old

Katyushchenko Valeria, 11 years old

Yulia Korkina, 11 years old

Plotnikov Daniil, 6 years old

Nomination "Healthy Lifestyle"

Winners in the category

"On holiday in the village"
Burgart Oksana, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

Motousova Sonya, 8 years old
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 47

"The sun, air and water are ours best friends»
Elena Tigunova, 11 years old

Andreeva Anastasia, 5 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 10

Yusupova Zhenya, 5 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

"Vegetables and fruits healthy foods
Burdina Sasha, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50


Kobeleva Yana, 8 years old

Elya Mrokkikh, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

“The kids are holding out their hands:
Show me and show me
Your ball bounces deftly
Well, ours rushed off at a gallop
And also on a scooter
We'll take you guys for a ride!"
Eroshenko Lena, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Chumak Daria, 11 years old

Zhakulina Alexandra, 9 years old
School No. 57

Okuneva Ekaterina, 12 years old

Zyryanova Valeria

"Let's jump rope"
Orekhova Maria, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

"On the beach!"
Starikova Polina, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

Bartova Anna, 8 years old
School No. 55

“We are friendly, which means we are healthy and joyful!”
Krivtsova Anastasia, 6 years old

"I like traveling very much"
Rybkina Anna, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Connoisseurs"

“My brother and I love to go for walks and play sports!”
Vika Nazarova, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Connoisseurs"

"Sunny weather"
Konovalova Alina, 6 years old
ODOU UEHK DOU d/s No. 28

"Why does summer laugh?
Because we are naked
Sun air and water
Our best friends!
Glinskikh Olya, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Nomination “TYPES OF SPORTS”

Winners in the category

Evstyagina Lera, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Kovaluk Roman, 12 years old

Novikova Daria, 10 years old
Novikova Anastasia, 10 years old

Fomenko Marina, 10 years old
School No. 56

Filchakova Nastya, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 50

Athletics (running)
Ivanov Mikhail, 10 years old


Chumak Daria, 11 years old

Kosmynina Tatyana, 10 years old
School No. 40

“Skating with the wind!”
Sizova Kristina, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

"Travel to Tyumen!"
Voronchikhin Andrey, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

« Sunny summer»
Ulybina Anna, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

"Dance on Ice"
Nine Diana, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

“Get ready to exercise”
Chaurina Anastasia, 7 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

Burgart Oksana, 7 years old
"We're in the gym"
MDOU kindergarten No. 9

“Sun, air and water - you will always be healthy!”
Endakova Anna, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"

“My favorite scooter helps me be strong and healthy!”
Katyushkin Ilya, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"

“I am a real athlete, a figure skater!”
Mironenkova Marina, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"

“I love cycling, so I rarely get sick!”
Surnin Nikita, 6 years old
MDOU d/s No. 4, gr. "Dreamers"


Winner in the category

Shadrin Artem, 6 years old
MDOU kindergarten No. 8

Dear teachers, having seen how many teachers are looking for pictures for lessons in schools on healthy lifestyle, I decided to help you.

I’m posting what I found worthy (from my point of view) of children’s attention in lessons about healthy image life.

This is a joke only for teachers

About healthy lifestyle for teachers

And in conclusion - a series of cartoons for children about health. Great start lesson and a good conversation starter.

Every year on April 7, Health Day is celebrated. Nowadays, being healthy has become not only useful, but also fashionable, so here are some tips on how to easily take care of yourself. For many, a healthy lifestyle is associated with prohibitions and restrictions, although people who adhere to it gain much more from life than they lose.

One of the main rules is healthy eating, but it should not be confused with constant diets or even refusing to eat. It is enough to eat high-quality food, do not eat expired foods, reduce the consumption of fried foods (replace with steamed or boiled). Drink more water: on average, you need to drink one and a half to two liters a day. Try to replace sugar with honey, because it contains a lot useful to the body substances: fructose, amino acids, proteins, micro- and macroelements, sucrose, glucose, etc. You cannot tolerate hunger, it is better to eat a little, but often. Never skip breakfast - it gives you energy for the whole day.

Walk: it’s good for your health and you’ll save money on transport. Don't be lazy to do exercises in the morning. And if you have sedentary work, do a little warm-up from time to time. Try to sit with a straight back to avoid problems with the spine. Play sports, because it prolongs life, go dancing, to the pool, to the bathhouse.

Stop smoking and force your relatives to do so. Again, save money and health. It’s also better to eliminate alcohol from your life, but if that doesn’t work, then reduce its consumption to a minimum.

Try not to get angry or worry, stress is bad for the body. If it still doesn’t work out, then don’t keep your feelings to yourself, try to maintain a good mood.

Healthy sleep restores strength, improves immunity, and improves mood. Therefore, it is important to sleep 8 hours a day and preferably go to bed at the same time.

Married people live on average five years longer, hug and kiss more often, positive emotions are also good for your health. Actively meet with friends, lead cultural life, take baths, they are good for your body.

Get yourself an apartment indoor plants, they bring aesthetic beauty, and some have medicinal properties. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Brush your teeth twice a day, and oral care is also part of a healthy lifestyle.

Keep essential medicines at home, and don’t skimp on those medications, whose shelf life has expired. If necessary, be sure to visit doctors, because self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences. Enjoy life and remember that health is in your hands.

Olga Radostina

The entire month of February passed in our garden. healthy lifestyle. There was an open review of gymnastics after sleep, a methodological seminar on teaching children to ski on skis, as well as consultations for teachers “ Modern programs and technology for preschoolers' health" It was a very fun day health". In the morning everyone did a common morning exercises, then were carried out: sports and musical leisure "Zakalyayka visiting the guys", quizzes "If you want to be healthy" And " Cheers to health!"; KVN "Be we want to be healthy", cartoon sessions on the topic. A survey was conducted with parents "Conditions healthy lifestyle in the family", consultation "It's good to be healthy", as well as a drawing competition "We are for healthy lifestyle"

This wonderful drawing was drawn by Timur and his mother

Irina and her sister drew instructive drawings

And also these beautiful drawings our children succeeded

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on a healthy lifestyle in the preparatory group “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” Topic: “What is a healthy lifestyle.” Goal: developing a conscious attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle. Objectives:.

KVN “For a healthy lifestyle” KVN “For a healthy lifestyle” 1 Presenter: We welcome everyone who found the time and came to the hall for KVN! Let the spring rain knock on...

A child's HEALTH IS the most valuable treasure that parents have. The happiest parents are those whose children are healthy. Playing sports.

Presentation “Healthy Lifestyle” Presentation “Healthy lifestyle” 1 slide I present to your attention a presentation on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”. 2 slide Preschool period.

Healthy lifestyle - lifestyle individual person for the purpose of disease prevention and health promotion. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of life activity.

Healthy lifestyle HEALTHY LIFESTYLE System of hardening measures in kindergarten. Educator: Voronina I.V. “I’m not afraid to repeat again and again:

Healthy lifestyle“Taking care of health is the most important job of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, and mentality depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.

IN last years the problem has become less acute than when we talk about the ever-memorable 90s, but it still persists. By “healthy” in this case we mean a lifestyle based not only on the prevailing role of sports and physical education and recreational activities, but also on a certain moral component (which teachers often forget about, unfortunately).

Simply put, propaganda in schools should be conducted with an emphasis on rationally organized, protective negative impacts environment, in all its manifestations, way of life. It allows you to maintain not only physical, but also mental health until old age. The simple idea should be conveyed to students that adherence to the basic principles of this technique will allow them to maintain increased quality life throughout its entire duration.

Main problems

It is no coincidence that we focus on morality. The fact is that a decline in social culture leads not only to a large-scale increase in completely wild crimes among teenagers, but also to an increase in the number of diseases (liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, emphysema), which in past years were registered mainly only in completely asocial layers society.

In principle, advertising of a healthy lifestyle is widespread in the media today, but it does not give a 100% effect, since the consequences of the last 10-15 years will be felt for a very, very long time.

Unfortunately, youth's addiction to drugs has reached completely unacceptable levels. The recent outbreak of so-called “spice” use has led to shining example. Incomplete education and complete destruction of an individual's life long before his physiological and physical prime are just the sad consequences of all this. We should not forget about light alcoholic drinks.

Doctors have long proven that the harm from beer, alcoholic cocktails and energy drinks often exceeds that from strong alcohol by an order of magnitude. Meanwhile, a condescending attitude towards this problem is widespread in society, which is completely unacceptable and must be completely eradicated. Teenagers must clearly understand that alcohol is a powerful drug and poison. Consuming it at such a young age leads to complete decline in health and premature death.

General principles

Parents and teachers often ask at what age should promotion of a healthy lifestyle begin? World and Soviet experience clearly shows that everything is laid down at the stage of conception of a future member of society, but here everything depends on the parents. As for the children themselves, the first concepts should be formed at the age of two or three years.

This process must continue throughout your life. There is no limit to human self-improvement, but the foundation of an adequate, healthy personality should be laid exclusively in childhood and adolescence.

Depressing situation

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for children to be unable to cope even with ordinary tasks on their own. school problems, they constantly exhibit forms of neuroses that were previously diagnosed exclusively in mature people, who have worked in challenging environments for many years. Not being able to express my feelings, not wanting to deal with problems naturally, teenagers are increasingly beginning to “drown their sorrows” in alcohol or, even worse, taking narcotic drugs for this purpose.

There are often cases when registered with drug treatment clinics there are children under ten years of age. All this should be nipped in the bud by a healthy lifestyle. This topic is extremely topical, and therefore it is worth understanding the root causes, the origins of the problem.

Why is this happening?

Alas, for some reason it is not considered a problem even among specialists. Why do we ask in surprise about where bitter, embittered and mentally broken teenagers come from? After all, everything is laid precisely in this “problem-free” period! Thus, the concept of “healthy lifestyle of a preschooler” should include not only physical exercise, but also educational (but not moralizing!) conversations conducted in a light playful manner.

The success of a child in later life depends on this time. Moreover, by “success” we do not mean the psychology of unbridled consumption, which is so popular in recent years, but the education of a reasonable, educated and healthy personality in every sense. A person who can become a full-fledged participant in social relations and create a normal, strong family.

This is what propaganda should do. Pictures in healthy lifestyle textbooks are rarely taken seriously, so the teacher must convey to the children the importance proper nutrition, physical and spiritual development.

It should be clearly remembered that in the younger school age the child is especially susceptible to all negative manifestations external environment, it is at this time that children often get deep mental trauma, which subsequently poison their entire lives. They literally absorb all the information they receive, like sponges, but their psyche is not yet capable of any filtering. At this age, children are extremely receptive to everything that adults tell them.

Basic preventive work

In short, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle should be actively carried out, starting from the very junior classes primary school. Children should not even think about trying alcohol, drugs or smoking their first cigarette. During this period, the younger generation is interested in any information that they perceive extremely quickly. Important! Process educational work In no case should it be annoying. Teaching such things should not be a dry bureaucratic procedure performed “for show.”

You should know that stories about the same drugs need to be carried out, conveying only information about harmful effects which they have on the mental and physical health person. Children do not necessarily need to know about the methods of their production, where narcotic plants grow, and so on. “The forbidden fruit is sweet,” and therefore such information may well provoke them to use such drugs.

Under no circumstances should you intimidate or threaten a child by telling him about the dangers of an antisocial lifestyle. Teenagers tend to neglect safety standards, and therefore they need to understand the truly irreversible harm of drugs and alcohol. These psychological aspects adolescence Truly effective promotion of a healthy lifestyle in school must be taken into account.

Basic principles for conveying important information

We need to talk about the fact that they are completely unpredictable, that addiction develops immediately, without any “trial period”. We must not talk about abstract physiological problems which teenagers often simply do not perceive, but about the specific influence of drugs and toxic substances on the human brain.

We should not forget to tell you that taking all these drugs very soon turns anyone into a weak-willed vegetable who is not even capable of independently satisfying his own basic needs. physiological needs. They are young and very afraid of becoming helpless disabled people, so such an example will be much more effective than simple and thoughtless intimidation.

Social aspects

In general, promoting a healthy lifestyle should take into account modern fashion trends. Tell me what the reception is narcotic drugs and alcohol will quickly leave nothing behind the strength and health of young men, or the beauty of girls. It must be emphasized that a drug addict is just an empty shell ex-person, a robot driven by a passion he cannot control. Expanding the topic of drunkenness, one should give living examples of how young, successful and healthy people in the past ended their lives as extinct, having lost interest in everything except the next bottle, “remnants”.

At the same time, in no case should you focus on any personal problems of students coming from families where one or both parents suffer/suffered from alcoholism. This not only hurts children greatly, but also makes them targets of ridicule from their peers.

We need to convince teenagers that there are no hopeless situations, and that avoiding problems by injecting yourself with drugs or getting drunk is stupid. The teacher’s task is to educate “flighty” teenagers into social active people who care about other people's problems.

Preschool period

What should a preschooler’s healthy lifestyle be based on? As we have repeatedly emphasized, during this period all the foundations for a person’s future life are laid. The main tasks at this time are quite simple, but at the same time extremely important:

  • Firstly, children should be taught to have a measured, thoughtful daily routine.
  • Secondly, they need to instill a love for outdoor activities. fresh air, to active games. More precisely, to remain interested in this, since children are usually fine with games.
  • Thirdly, preschool children need to be taught to perceive beauty and beauty. Reproductions by artists should be shown that clearly show the beauty and harmony of a healthy and strong person.
  • Fourthly, it is necessary to regularly talk about strong, courageous and purposeful people who, even having some physical disabilities, always strived to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Basic preventive work in schools

All of the above is especially important in light of current realities. Many teachers shift the educational function exclusively to parents; they practically do not carry out general promotion of a healthy lifestyle at school. In general, they are partly right, but most people are now busy at work all day long, so they simply don’t have time and energy left.

In addition, many parents simply do not have enough educational level, they have no pedagogical inclinations. Because of this, it often turns out that teenagers from quite prosperous, wealthy families feel lonely and deprived, which is why problems begin. Promoting a healthy lifestyle should also be aimed at correcting this problem. The campaign program differs in some ways for each educational institution in particular, but its general provisions are the same for all.

Main areas of work in schools and preschool institutions

General work in educational institutions should be aimed at achieving the following results:

  • A decrease in the demand among adolescents for risky pleasures, the development of rejection of these concepts in principle.
  • Reducing and eliminating the incidence of drug addiction and alcoholism.
  • Improving the general social environment.

The revival of the moral foundations of society and raising the prestige of sports helps to cope with all these tasks.

Conducting extracurricular physical activities

You should start from the elementary grades. An excellent way to increase the prestige of sports can be the extracurricular event “Healthy Lifestyle”. As part of this, it is necessary to show children the benefits of keeping their body in shape. What's the best way to do this? Of course, in the form of a playful, fun extracurricular activity.

The easiest way to convey to children the importance of sports is by telling them about the history Olympic Games. This is all the easier to do because quite recently this most important event in world sports life was held in our country. What kind of scenario can you come up with? Promotion of a healthy lifestyle should include the following steps:

  • The presenter talks about Ancient Greece.
  • In an accessible and interesting way, he tells how and where the first Games were held.
  • Then you should make a brief excursion into the history of this event, from ancient times to the present day.
  • After this you need to carry out a series gaming competitions with awards.
  • Final speech about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

This is how an extracurricular event “Healthy Lifestyle” can be held. This will surely interest the children.

The importance of sports, physical education

As for sports. Many teachers of the “old school” often do not think that physical activity should be standardized not only depending on age and curriculum, but also taking into account physical development every student. It is often possible to observe a sad situation when a group of students begins to sincerely hate lessons physical culture only because the teachers do not make any allowances for their general condition.

The teacher’s task is to interest every (!) student in sports. It is important to make students understand that sport is not constant running, or a struggle to exhaustion with one’s own body. Physical education should be joyful interesting activity, and physical activity must be rationed so as to promote the harmonious development of the body. If someone cannot cope with one-time loads, they should be reduced and spaced out over time.

Other important events

The emphasis should not be placed solely on explanatory work. From time to time it is worth checking how the children have mastered the material taught. “Healthy lifestyle” drawings are perfect for this purpose. As with an extracurricular activity, it is quite possible to hold a school-wide competition of works from all students. As usual, the winners should receive some kind of reward that will stimulate them.

What general requirements should these pictures match? A healthy lifestyle is far from an abstract concept, and therefore the guys must depict in their works what needs to be done, what needs to be eaten in order to remain cheerful, energetic and full of strength until old age. We need to give them the idea of ​​comparing people who do and don’t play sports.

Thus, the complex project “Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle”, which includes both a drawing competition and an extra-curricular sporting event, will help children personally express their attitude towards the right image life, which will better cement everything in their memory important information about this concept.


It should be noted that in present time all of the above is more or less actively carried out in many schools and other educational institutions throughout the country. And there is already a positive effect. Among young people, the “fashion” for using tobacco and alcohol has sharply decreased, and the role of sports in the life of society is beginning to increase again. In most cases, the attitude towards drug addicts is purely lenient; many understand perfectly well the consequences of this illness. But it is still too early to reduce the intensity of work, since the problem remains very relevant.

Any wall newspaper should not only be meaningful and informative, but also bright, catchy, effective, and richly illustrated. And a wall newspaper or poster on the topic of health and sports - even more so. After all, this effective remedy promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, motor activity, family sports.

We have collected positive examples of such “wall media” for you in this section. Ideas for beautiful design in wall newspapers on topics such as “Kindergarten for health”, “If you want to be healthy, toughen up”, “Mom, Dad and me” -healthy family", "Our healthy team", you will find here in abundance.

“Breathing with health” wall newspapers and posters.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 203.
All sections | Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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