Equipment for the disabled is an effective way to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Disability: some facts

The view and attitude of society towards a special category of the population, which are people with handicapped, has changed over the centuries, going from categorical non-recognition to sympathy, support and loyalty. In fact, this is an indicator, a decisive factor that determines the degree of moral maturity and economic viability of a well-coordinated civil society.

Attitudes towards persons with special needs through the ages

The literal meaning of the term "disabled person" is identified with such words as "unfit", "inferior". In the era of the reforms carried out by Peter I, former military men, people with disabilities who were injured or ill during hostilities began to be called disabled. Wherein general definition such a group of individuals, i.e. all persons with physical, mental or other disabilities that prevent normal full-fledged life, appeared in the post-war period - in the middle of the twentieth century.

A significant breakthrough in the complex journey of people with disabilities to acquire their own rights was the adoption the most important document on the international level. This refers to the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, signed in 1975 by UN member states. According to this multilateral treaty, the concept of "disabled" has come to mean the following: it is any person who, due to congenital or acquired physical or mental disabilities, is not able without outside help(full or partial) to meet their own needs.

The system of supporting the socialization of disabled people

In accordance with the law Russian Federation Today, absolutely all people with disabilities can be called disabled. To establish the appropriate group, MSEC is assigned by a specialized civil service.

Over the past few centuries, attitudes towards such people have changed dramatically. If even some two hundred years ago everything was limited to ordinary care, today things are different. A whole functioning system has been created, which includes a complex of organizations designed for the specific maintenance of disabled people, rehabilitation centers and much more.

It is impossible not to mention the well-established efficiency of educational institutions in which disabled children can receive a decent education, as well as institutions whose graduates are ready to devote their lives to helping people with disabilities. It covers not only physical, but also psychological and moral aspects.

Labor Market Problems

It should also be highlighted important point as a job for people with disabilities. Modern Markets employment of disabled people is a separate spectrum in the economy of the state, depending on special factors and patterns. It is impossible to resolve this issue without the help of the governing state bodies. Citizens who do not have sufficient competitiveness are in dire need of state assistance in finding an appropriate job.

It is possible to determine at what stage in society people with disabilities are, taking into account a number of objective and subjective points:

  • financial income and level of material support;
  • education or possible potential for obtaining it;
  • satisfaction social guarantees provided by the state.

The lack of permanent employment and unemployment among the disabled is a rather acute problem throughout the country due to the scale of the likely negative consequences.

Why are people with disabilities not successful people?

Often, the low status in society occupied by disabled people is easily explained by the lack of proper psychological rehabilitation. In particular, this applies not only to persons injured already in adulthood but also disabled children. As a consequence, such people do not pursue clear life goals, do not have specific attitudes due to the lack of professional skills, knowledge and skills.

The current situation is significantly aggravated by the fact that the majority of entrepreneurs, to put it mildly, are not ready to provide jobs for people with disabilities. Employers are reluctant to hire such people, since providing them with jobs equipped for their needs, a full package of preferential conditions is extremely unprofitable. After all, you have to cut work time and performance requirements in accordance with Russian legislation, and this is fraught with losses for businessmen. Despite a large number of current regulations governing workplace quotas in enterprises and the employment mechanism, the current heads of firms, organizations, companies, as a rule, find good reasons to refuse to employ disabled people. In general, one can distinguish single system, consisting of several factors that determine the specifics of the employment of persons with physical disabilities.

Stereotypical barriers

People with disabilities are stereotyped by employers. Most managers unequivocally believe that people with disabilities cannot have a decent professional experience they are unable to fulfill their official duties V in full and they will not be able to build good relationships in the team. In addition, health problems are fraught with frequent sick leave, instability, and sometimes inappropriate behavior. All this, according to employers, testifies to the professional unsuitability of a person, his insolvency.

The prevalence of such stereotypes has a large-scale impact on the attitude towards persons with disabilities, discriminating against them and depriving them of the chance to adapt in official labor relations.

Choosing a profession that does not correspond to the possibilities

A small percentage of people with disabilities can correctly build a personal strategy for professional growth. The first step in this process is making the right decision about choosing a future specialty, its likely prospects. When entering universities to study in chosen specialties and areas, people with disabilities often make the main mistake here. Not all disabled people are able to sensibly assess their abilities and physiological capabilities based on the severity of their health status, accessibility, study conditions. Guided by the principle “I can and I want”, not taking into account the realities of the current labor market situation, many of them do not think about where they can find a job in the future.

This implies the need to develop an additional vector in the activities of employment services, which will give results during the preventive measures to overcome the unemployment of the disabled. It is important to teach such people to look at employment through the prism of their own potential.

Lack of working conditions for the disabled

An analysis of the statistical data of the most demanded and popular vacancies for people with disabilities has shown that such people are mainly offered jobs that do not require a highly qualified approach. These positions provide for low wages, a simple monotonous workflow (watchmen, operators, assemblers, seamstresses, etc.). Meanwhile, it cannot be categorically stated that this state of affairs is due only to the limited nature of persons with special needs.

The underdevelopment of the labor market plays a significant role in creating necessary conditions for the activities of the disabled.

Fighting for the rights of people with special needs

On this moment There are many public, charitable and volunteer associations that regularly advocate for close attention to the plight of the disabled. Their main task is to increase the level of social protection of this category of the population. In addition, over the past few years, it is impossible not to notice a positive trend towards the widespread inclusion of people with disabilities in public life, using their unlimited potential. Societies of people with disabilities go through a difficult path, breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The aforementioned Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is not the only document regulating the rights of such people. A few years ago, another international treaty acquired legal significance, in no way inferior in importance to the previous one. The 2008 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a kind of appeal to states to solve the numerous problems of this social sphere as soon as possible. Creation barrier-free environment- so you can informally call this project. People with disabilities should have full physical accessibility not only in the literal sense - to buildings, premises, cultural and memorial sites, but also to information, television, places of employment, transport, etc.

The 2008 UN Convention outlines the rights of persons with disabilities, which must be ensured in state level on the part of health care, education, making important political decisions. An important point international instrument is what he claims fundamental principles non-discrimination, independence and respect for such people. Russia was no exception among the countries that ratified the Convention, taking this important step for the entire state back in 2009.

The significance of the adoption of this international document for our state is invaluable. The statistics are not encouraging: a tenth of Russians have a disability group. More than two thirds of them are occupied by patients with cardiovascular and oncological diseases. They were followed by carriers of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the musculoskeletal system.

The activity of the state in solving the problem

Over the past few years, the main areas of support for people with disabilities have been work on regulatory, financial, organizational social security. special attention deserves the question of how to raise incomes and improve the lives of people with disabilities. Considering that the implementation social programs aimed at supporting the disabled continues, already now we can sum up the intermediate result:

  • public organizations of the disabled receive state subsidies;
  • disability pension doubled last years;
  • more than 200 rehabilitation centers for the disabled and about 300 specialized institutions for children.

It cannot be said that all problems in this area have been solved. Their list is quite long. Among them, a whole set can be singled out, namely: regular failures in the operation of the MSEC mechanism, difficulties that arise during rehabilitation measures disabled people, the presence of conflicts in the normative acts denoting the rights of disabled people to sanatorium-and-spa treatment.


The only fact that causes only positive attitude is the realization that modern Russia the course and direction for the long-awaited transition from the current social system to new principles, according to which all obstacles and barriers must be removed.

After all, human capabilities are not limited. and interfere with full effective participation in public life, accept important decisions no one has the same rights as others.

There is no need to pity anyone. We need to teach him how to deal with life's difficulties and help him find a job.

No need to feel sorry for the disabled. You need to learn how to deal with life's difficulties and help him find a job or hobby. But neither work nor life in general, as, in fact, the struggle for a decent standard of living, is impossible without movement. In people with disabilities, this is due to the difficulties of movement.

It's good when there is the Internet and there are people who will teach you how to use the possibilities of the worldwide network - this is online work, communication, and education. But even if a person has all the conditions for life at home, and everything is furnished with comfort, movement / movement around the apartment is still necessary. Therefore, wheelchairs are needed.

Often, for us, disabled people are people who "have no idea how they generally hold themselves." In fact, these are the flawed of us who believe that a person deprived of sight, hearing, the ability to move on his feet cannot fulfill himself. People like us all need support.

Wheelchairs are expensive, but for dear people we are always ready, fortunately, to choose the best. Exist different types wheelchairs, which vary to varying degrees depending on the needs of the person.

Be careful when choosing. The stroller will become not just a means of transportation, but a means of going out into the world, communicating with the world. And it should be comfortable - the dimensions of the stroller and the opening of the elevator, the ability to lift the stroller, fold it for transportation in the car - all this must be taken into account. And do not forget about the desires of the owner of the stroller, what he needs more - either a convenient access to the table, or a more comfortable arrangement of hands on the armrests. In this case, the type of armrests depends on the wishes - either stepped, or elongated, or a compromise option. All these nuances can be learned from consultants involved in the sale medical equipment, and read a lot of useful information on specialized sites on the Internet.

There is another point directly related to the quality of life of a person with disabilities. The question is how to improve this quality. How to give the opportunity to develop your senses, train, calm down, tune in to positive? Useful tool– visit the sensory rooms. If you have no idea what it is, then remember the centers early development Where did you take your kids?

Do you remember pieces of fabric that feel different to the touch, objects of different shapes and textures, all kinds of health paths? Sensory rooms are a more complex and technologically advanced option. There are odor generators, tactile simulators, screens with various projections, such as mirror reflection, infinity, light refraction. It is also an opportunity to swim in the shimmering pool. sit/lie down upholstered furniture different shapes. It is necessary for the prevention emotional burnout. To charge with positive emotions. For the simulator, not so much the body as the internal - emotional and mental state.

It so happens that in the world there already exists, if not a cure for a disease, then a means to more easily survive the disease. And the problem often lies in the fact that people do not know about such means. Read, seek out and give your loved ones the very best.

Paralympic athletes who, despite their illness, reach fantastic heights, cause universal admiration. At the same time, there is a feeling of a huge gulf between those who were helped by fortitude to find themselves in sports and other people with disabilities in Russia. Most of them cannot not only realize themselves at this level, but simply lead an active life.

According to statistics, now lives in Russia about 13 million people who have been assigned a disability. This is 9.2% of the total population of the country. It is believed that their number is increasing by 1 million people a year. Is it a lot or a little? Depends on how you count. For example, in Finland the proportion of people with disabilities is 32%, in the UK - 27%, in others European countries much more than ours. But this does not mean that the population of Russia is much healthier, it means that we take them into account differently.

It is unprofitable for the state to have a large number of disabled people, so administrative barriers like an annual medical examination stand in their way.

About 20% of disabled people are able to work, but less than half of them have a job. Disabled people are not seen on the streets of our cities, because they sit at home, that's all known fact. It is very difficult to leave the house in a wheelchair, go shopping, go to the office building, to the theater, to go by public transport.

No lift or ramps

How people with disabilities live in Russia, studied by an international organization human rights watch who published his report“The ubiquitous barriers. Lack of accessibility for people with disabilities in Russia” in September 2013, 117 days before the opening of the Paralympic Games. This report is based on 123 interviews with people with disabilities and their relatives conducted by the organization's staff in six Russian regions (Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Buryatia and Krasnodar region).

A Human Rights Watch report lists the barriers that make life difficult for people with disabilities.

First of all, it is the accessibility of buildings, which is sometimes limited due to the fact that there is no elevator, corridors are too narrow, there are no ramps or they are too steep. There are problems with crossing the road, because not everywhere there are descents and ascents. Not all traffic lights are equipped with audio signals for blind people. In winter, problems with movement are complicated by ice.

Transport problems: people with limited mobility cannot take buses, trains or planes, visually impaired people do not have signs to help them navigate stations, bus stops and airports. Transportation problems make it difficult for people with disabilities to get out into the city, meet friends and lead an active life. And although in Lately laws are passed, for example, to ensure the boarding of disabled people on an airplane, these laws do not always work.

People with disabilities find it difficult to get a job and are often discriminated against in their jobs.

There are problems with accessibility medical care, since it is difficult for people with disabilities to get to the clinic, and for those who are hard of hearing, for example, it is difficult to communicate with a doctor. Moreover, they cannot even call to call, for example, a doctor or a taxi. There is a need to be able to send a text message in such cases.

At the same time, almost all the rights of persons with disabilities are reflected in federal law"On the Social Protection of the Disabled". In 2011, Russia adopted the Accessible Environment program, which aims to increase the accessibility of education, information, healthcare and transport for people with disabilities.

But there is a big gap between the declared rights and everyday practice.

The main conclusion of the authors of the report is that the rights of disabled people are ensured by law, but in practice the laws are not implemented. In order for the law to work, it is necessary to create specific mechanisms for its implementation and introduce specific sanctions for non-compliance.

In Sochi - an accessible environment

Russia held its first Paralympic Games, and this is a big step forward for our country in the eyes of the entire world community. In 1980, when Moscow hosted summer Olympic Games, the USSR refused to hold the Paralympics. In the Soviet Union, there was not only no sex, but also no disabled people ("There are no disabled people in the USSR" - that's what was said).

Commitment to ensure the accessibility of all facilities for people with disabilities has become a prerequisite for holding the Paralympics in Russia.

And such an accessible environment at the Olympic venues in Sochi was really created.

It includes wheelchair-friendly seating, accessible entry, wide doors, ramps and elevators; equipment that allows visually impaired people to listen to comments; contrasting walls. Interpreters allocated for the period of the Paralympics sign language, elevators are equipped with Braille buttons. Bus stops and various buildings are equipped. According to Dmitry Chernyshenko, President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, 2,500 facilities have been adapted to the needs of people with disabilities in Sochi.

“Our society is not particularly accepting of people with disabilities”

About Paralympic sports from the point of view of a doctor, Gazeta.Ru talked with Tatyana Batysheva, the chief pediatric neurologist in Moscow, who during the Paralympics works as a senior doctor in a mountain cluster polyclinic in Sochi.

What problems did you have to deal with as a doctor during the Paralympics? Did our Paralympic athletes have any injuries?

- Of course, when the preparations for the competitions and the competitions themselves began, there were different problems. And there were injuries. But our Paralympic athletes, I believe, they accomplish a feat almost every day: despite the pain, despite the most serious problems, they went on, they won. And I did not hear any tears or complaints from any of them: they were all aimed at victory. As a result, our team is the best in the world.

Big sport with very intense physical activity far from always good for health even for ordinary athletes, as we know. And the Paralympic athletes, even if they withstand all these loads, do they harm their health?

You know, everyone chooses their own path in life. He thinks he should do it, and he goes, and he doesn't care anymore. I cannot reveal medical secrets, but I was always surprised, because in ordinary life a person with the same clinical manifestations would be in the hospital. And here the man goes and wins. Of course, high performance sports are not always good for health. But if you have willpower, if you understand why you are doing this, you prove to the whole world that there are no limits for a person.

One of the Paralympic athletes, when asked about disabilities, said: “I am limited only by the openings of your doors.”

And here's an example for you: the doctor of the Mexican Olympic team is a wheelchair user himself. This is to the question of whether a restriction on health is a restriction on life. There are no restrictions for such people.

Of course, not everyone is capable of becoming a Paralympic athlete. But I am the head of such an amazing institution, it is called the Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology, where children with serious illnesses are treated. And I have already invited our Paralympians to a meeting at our center, and we will talk about the strength of the spirit, that everything can be overcome so that our children see the Paralympians as an example of the opportunity to live full life despite the fact that some tragedy happened in your destiny.

— How was the medical support of the Paralympic Games organized?

- Each team has its own doctor who monitors the athletes, and if there are any problems, they turn to us. And according to the results of conversations with doctors various teams I know that they were amazed by the equipment of our consultative and diagnostic center in the mountain cluster.

We have CT, MRI, ultrasound diagnostics, traumatologists, therapists, urgent Care, we have a very precise laboratory. In general, everything that is possible in outpatient settings, works in our clinic. And if necessary hospital treatment, we have two hospitals where we can send patients.

— What can you say about the accessible environment that should be provided in Sochi under the terms of the Paralympic Games? Did you manage to create it? , who traveled to Sochi prior to opening, this accessible environment operates primarily with the help of volunteers. What is your impression?

- We managed to wander around Sochi for one day, and I noticed that almost everywhere there are ramps and lifts and a person in a wheelchair can drive everywhere. Of course, not everything is perfect, sometimes the ramps are very steep, sometimes there are lifts, but our people do not know how to use them. There are probably places where volunteers are needed. But in the center of the city, when we were walking with my friend in a wheelchair, who opened the Paralympic Games, we did not see such problems.

— Will Sochi be able to become a model city, give impetus to the emergence accessible environment in other cities?

- I hope so. If we talk about Moscow, a lot has already been done in Moscow. In other cities, of course, there is still no accessible environment for people with disabilities.

And I hope that what was done in Sochi will spread throughout the country.

– Is there a big gap between the triumph of our Paralympic athletes and how they live ordinary people with a disability in Russia?

— This is a very sensitive issue for me, because I work with such children. I want to say that our society is not particularly accepting of people with disabilities. And the life of such people is hard, and above all psychologically. In our clinic, we are doing what we are doing to have real inclusion: we invited healthy children to our clinic, and they did a concert. And you know what's interesting?

When you don't know, you are afraid of a person with a disability or you close yourself off from this problem. And when you get to know him, your attitude changes.

After this concert, I saw tears in the eyes of our guys, and in the eyes of healthy children. They wanted to be friends. Society should know more about the lives of people with disabilities, and understand their problems more, and open their hearts more towards these people who live very hard.

It seems to me that we should have a serious program in our country aimed at the development of Paralympic sports.

This is a very necessary movement, not only for people with disabilities, but also for healthy people. The worst thing is that we become callous, our mercy is becoming a thing of the past, society is becoming tough. People with disabilities make us kinder, we get up from all fours and become people. Therefore, if a decision was made to develop Paralympic sports, this would make our country and our people even stronger.

Not everyone can become a Paralympian. What needs to be done for the rest?

— I met a physiotherapist from Norway. And he said that in Norway a person, together with a disability group, receives a rehabilitation program, where in the first place is the sport that he can do.

And the state is doing everything to ensure that he can practice this sport. I think it's like this great experience, which should be introduced in our country. Sport is a very important stimulus to human life, it is the education of character, fortitude, it gives both a sense of self-respect and respect for society. We recently had a running competition, and our children with cerebral palsy competed with ordinary children. How the stands supported us! Yes, we came last, but it doesn't matter. It was a wonderful day for everyone. Our children were happy that they were put on the same line with healthy ones. So sport is also a way of socialization.

The regional public organization of the disabled "Perspektiva" was established in 1997. The uniqueness of the organization lies in the fact that it works with people who have various forms disability. Employees of the organization provide support to any organizations of people with disabilities, both created by people with disabilities themselves, working in narrow areas, as well as associations of organizations of people with disabilities in any regions of Russia and organizations that unite parents of children with disabilities.
The mission of the ROOI "Perspektiva" is to achieve the full inclusion of people with disabilities in all spheres of society and improve their quality of life by:
- changes in negative attitudes and stereotypes that exist in society towards people with disabilities;
- improve work efficiency public organizations disabled people;
- assisting people with disabilities and their families in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary for full participation in public life, gaining access to inclusive education and employment;
- training of professionals, civil servants, parents, students, employers and other members of society in order to overcome the physical and psychological barriers faced by people with disabilities.
ROOI "Perspektiva" cooperates with public organizations in Russia and other CIS countries and coordinates the activities of the Coalition "Education is a right for all", which unites 30 public organizations of disabled people and parents of children with disabilities from various regions of Russia. Every year, in the regions that are members of the Coalition, more than 5,000 educators take part in educational trainings and seminars, and more than 10,000 schoolchildren participate in classes on understanding disability - "lessons of kindness".
Another one distinguishing feature ROOI "Perspektiva" - areas of activity that cover almost all aspects of the life of people with disabilities: legal protection; support for inclusive education and sports; development of the national coalition "Education is a right for all"; ensuring equal access to employment; information and educational activities; organization of the International Film Festival "Cinema Without Barriers", etc. ROOI "Perspektiva" is actively involved in replicating successful technologies and dissemination of experience among public organizations in Russia. Most of Perspektiva's employees are disabled and own experience familiar with the challenges faced by people with disabilities and their families. Perspektiva employs professionals who implement large-scale interregional projects, cooperate with international, Russian organizations and experts, speak at Russian and international conferences, contributing to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.
In 2014, the Regional Public Organization of People with Disabilities "Perspektiva" turned 17 years old. Over the years, more than 140 practices have been implemented, in which organizations of people with disabilities have become partners in more than 30 regions of Russia, as well as in other CIS countries. The number of employees in the organization has increased, they have become much more professional. During its work, thanks to the active and successful activities of the organization, great authority has been gained in the eyes of government agencies, the non-profit sector and various donor organizations.
The Advisory Council of ROOI "Perspektiva" was created. It included representatives of the management of well-known and very successful business structures. Members of the Advisory Council are associated with the "Perspective" for quite a long and fruitful partnership based on the same position in relation to people with disabilities - the desire for their full inclusion in all spheres of society. During the year of the Council's activity, a large number of recommendations, advice, consultations were received, which positively influenced both the implementation of social practices and the structure of the organization's activities.
In recent years, new areas have been added to the "Perspektiva" practices on employment, inclusive education, sports for people with disabilities and legal support - a leadership program and a joint program with the Foundation " Best friends to train leaders among people with developmental disabilities.

Important activities

ROOI "Perspektiva" was the first public organization that supported the promotion of inclusive education in Russia", it has been actively developing this activity since 2003, conducting trainings and consultations for parents of children with disabilities, teachers, specialists from schools and kindergartens, as well as numerous events for children with and without disabilities Public campaigns "Children should study together!" and "All-Russian Week of Inclusive Education" have long been calling card organizations. In addition, with the active support of Perspektiva, a coalition of public organizations of people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities is developing, which by 2015 covered more than 25 regions of Russia.
One of Perspektiva's priorities is the employment of people with disabilities in the open labor market. The Employment Department cooperates with public services, universities, the business community and potential employers by providing free employment services for people with disabilities. He consults on labor legislation, selects vacancies, encourages applicants for further employment, publishes reference literature, consultations and trainings for employers, holding a competition "Path to Career".
ROOI "Perspektiva" is the initiator of the creation and is a member of the Business Council on Disability Issues, the main goal of which is to help business structures in effective solution issues of employment of people with disabilities and adaptation of business services for clients with disabilities. "Perspektiva" has become a co-organizer of job fairs for students and graduates with disabilities, where they have the opportunity to personally communicate with employers. Perspektiva also conducts excursions to large companies for young people with disabilities. Tours give young professionals and students the opportunity to get to know the company. On the other hand, excursions allow companies to eliminate stereotypes in relation to people with disabilities, to see the opportunities and potential of young professionals, to prepare for the further process of hiring, employment and adaptation of employees with disabilities.
The annual Path to a Career competition is a unique opportunity for young professionals with no work experience and university graduates with disabilities to demonstrate their professional and personal qualities to business representatives, as well as to interest them in their candidacy.
By 2015, Perspektiva has held seven international film festivals. The "Cinema Without Barriers" festival is not only significant event in life for people with disabilities, but also an opportunity to draw public attention to their lives. After the festival best films are replicated and shown in Russia and other CIS countries.
In 2012, ROOI "Perspektiva" opened a web-school for public organizations in various areas of activity, held a series of seminars on technology transfer in the field of inclusive education and employment, published and distributed brochures and manuals, held the first forum in Moscow non-profit organizations working in the field of disability. Webinars are held on employment programs for people with disabilities, where technologies, methods, and practices are discussed. In the classroom, the activities of public organizations for interaction with educational institutions on the example of non-profit organizations that already have experience in supporting schools that develop inclusive education. Practice "Providing assistance to socially oriented non-profit organizations in the implementation of activities for social adaptation people with disabilities" was implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of economic development Russian Federation.
The forum of non-profit organizations dealing with disability issues, "Inclusion of people with disabilities in society: practice and technology" has become a platform for the exchange of information and practical knowledge on work in the regions between NGOs. Participants also gained knowledge and skills in the field of employment of people with disabilities, inclusive education, and fundraising. The activities of Perspektiva and its regional partners are aimed at destroying the myths and stereotypes that exist in society about the life and opportunities of people with disabilities, the formation of healthy and active image life, ensuring equal access to activities physical culture and sports.
During the work of ROOI "Perspektiva" it was possible to achieve worthy results in the field of inclusion of people with disabilities in all spheres of society and improve their quality of life.

No matter how sad it sounds, but today the facts are as follows: people with disabilities, that is, people with disabilities, are the most isolated part of society. Low health scores low level education, low level of material security.

Such a deplorable situation does not depend on the limited possibilities of a person, but on a society that regards disability to rights issues. More than once it has been proven that it is necessary to solve problems of raising the standard of living together. To overcome this fact and improve the lives of people with disabilities is necessary for all together and society with its numerous governmental and non-governmental organizations, the cells of society in which people with disabilities live, and, accordingly, themselves.

According to international indicators, it has been established that 15% of the world's population, and this is more than one billion, have a disability. More than 110 million people have serious illness and this number is growing every year. This is due to aging and a significant increase in the number of various chronic diseases.

Common disability among the elderly, women, and children and adults from the poor. Failure to pay medical services, and this is 1/3 of the disabled, and all the same stereotypes reduce the indicators among the disabled in relation to healthy people. Not all disabled people can receive legally guaranteed means of rehabilitation. For example, hearing aids in Moscow can still be purchased without any problems, but in small provincial towns, good and necessary hearing aids (as well as wheelchairs and many other very necessary means of rehabilitation) remain an unrealizable dream of many people with disabilities.

It has been established that:

. receiving qualified medical care is reduced by 2 times;

Probability bad treatment increases by 4 times;

Refusal to provide medical care increases by 3 times.

The level of education received by children with disabilities depends on economic situation a country. Thus, in India, 10% receive less education, and in Indonesia already 60%. The employment rate among the adult population with disabilities is: men - 53%, women -20%. While the percentage of employed people without disabilities is: men - 65%, women - 30%.

If we compare healthy person and a disabled person with the same monthly income, it turns out that a person with disabilities lives in worse conditions. Most of their income goes to purchase medicines receiving medical care and other support.

The failure of many countries to provide disabled people receiving medical and aids(prostheses, wheelchairs, hearing aids etc.) increases performance. So for African countries in the first case, the percentage of receipt is 26% -55% in the second 17% -37%.

Taking countries from high level income such as the US, 20-40% of the population does not receive adequate daily support from family and friends.

What is needed to improve the lives of people with disabilities?

1. Provide full access to all major services;

2. Introduce investment in programs;

3. Adopt a strategy, a plan of national importance;

4. Improve the quality of education received by staff working with people with disabilities;

5. Provide funding;

6. Raise the level of public awareness of the understanding of the need to rehabilitate disability in society;

7. Expand the collection of data and indicators;

8. Enable people with disabilities to participate in programs;

9. Introduction of the concept of the rights of persons with disabilities.

The World Health Organization strives to improve health disabled people and their standard of living. Almost 150 countries of the world have signed the Concept and 100 countries have approved it.

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