General provisions of social protection of invalids. The system of social protection of the disabled: concepts, elements, structure

Topic 17. Technologies of social work with disabled people

1. The concept of disability and its types.

2. Legal basis social protection disabled people.

3. Medico-social aspects of the protection of the disabled.

4. Managerial aspects of caring for the disabled.

Technologies of social work with disabled people.

The concept of disability and its types

A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to a disease, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limited life activity and causing the need for his social protection.

Life restriction is a complete or partial loss of the ability or ability of a person to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, learn and engage in work activities.

The crippled, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the people with impaired coordination, wholly or partially paralyzed, etc. are recognized as disabled due to obvious deviations from the normal physical condition person. Persons who do not have external differences from ordinary people, but suffer from diseases that do not allow them to work in various fields as healthy people do. For example, a person suffering from coronary heart disease is not able to perform heavy physical work, but he is quite capable of mental activity.

All disabled people different grounds are divided into several groups.

By age - disabled children, disabled adults.

By origin of disability: invalids from childhood, war invalids, labor invalids, general illness invalids.

According to the degree of work ability: able-bodied and disabled people, disabled people of group I (incapacitated), disabled people of group II (temporarily disabled or able-bodied in limited areas), disabled people Group III(able-bodied in gentle working conditions).

According to the nature of the disease persons with disabilities may belong to mobile, low mobility or immobile groups.

Depending on belonging to a particular group, the issues of employment and organization of the life of the disabled are resolved. Persons with limited mobility (able to move only with the help of wheelchairs or on crutches) can work at home or have them delivered to their place of work. This circumstance causes many additional problems: equipping a workplace at home or at an enterprise, delivering orders to home and finished products to a warehouse or consumer, material and raw materials and technical supply, repair, preventive maintenance of equipment at home, allocation of transport to deliver a disabled person to work and from work, etc.

Even more difficult is the situation with immobile disabled people who are bedridden. They cannot move without outside help, but they are able to work mentally: analyze socio-political, economic, environmental and other situations; writing articles, works of art, creating paintings, doing accounting, etc.

If such a disabled person lives in a family, many problems are solved relatively simply. What if he's lonely? Special workers will be required who would find such disabled people, identify their abilities, help to receive orders, conclude contracts, acquire the necessary materials and tools, organize the sale of products, etc. It is clear that such a disabled person also needs daily care, starting with the morning toilet and ending with the provision of food. In all these cases, disabled people are assisted by special social workers who receive wages for caring for them. Blind but mobile disabled people are also assigned employees paid by the state or charitable organizations.

Legal basis for social protection of disabled people

A social worker needs to know the legal, departmental documents that determine the status of a disabled person. The general rights of persons with disabilities are formulated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Here are some excerpts from this legal international document:

“People with disabilities have the right to respect for their human dignity”;

“People with disabilities have the same civil and political rights as other persons”;

“Persons with disabilities have the right to measures designed to enable them to acquire as much independence as possible”;

“Persons with disabilities have the right to medical, technical or functional treatment, including prosthetic and orthopedic devices, for the restoration of health and position in society, for education, vocational training and rehabilitation, assistance, consultations, employment services and other types of services”;

"Disabled people must be protected from any kind of exploitation."

Fundamental legislative acts on the disabled have also been adopted in Russia. Of particular importance for determining the rights and obligations of persons with disabilities, the responsibility of the state, charities, individuals have legislative acts:

  • Law on Social Protection of the Disabled
  • Law on Compulsory Social Insurance against Accidents
  • Decree on benefits for disabled people and families with disabled children
  • Law on charitable activities and charities
  • Disability examination
  • Rights and benefits

Social services are carried out by decision of the social protection authorities in institutions subordinate to them or under agreements concluded by social protection authorities with social service institutions of other forms of ownership.

Social services are provided exclusively with the consent of the people who need them, especially when it comes to placing them in stationary social service institutions. In these institutions, with the consent of those served, labor activity can also be organized on the terms of an employment contract. Persons who have entered into labor contract are entitled to annual paid leave of 30 calendar days.

Provided various forms social services, including:

social services at home (including social and medical care);

semi-stationary social services in departments of day (night) stay of citizens in social service institutions;

stationary social services in boarding schools, boarding houses and other stationary social service institutions;

urgent social services (as a rule, in urgent situations - catering, provision of clothes, shoes, accommodation, urgent provision of temporary housing, etc.).

social counseling assistance.

All social services included in the federal list of state-guaranteed services can be provided to citizens free of charge, as well as on the basis of partial or full payment. Social services are provided free of charge:

1) single citizens (single couples) and disabled people receiving a pension in the amount below the subsistence level;

2) elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives but receive pensions below the subsistence level;

3) elderly and disabled people living in families whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level.

Social services at the level of partial payment are provided to persons whose average per capita income (or the income of their relatives, members of their families) is 100-150% of the subsistence minimum.

Social services on full payment terms are provided to citizens living in families whose average per capita income exceeds the subsistence minimum by 150%.

The sphere of social services for the disabled is divided into two main sectors - state and non-state.

Government sector form federal and municipal bodies of social service.

Non-state sector social services unites institutions whose activities are based on forms of ownership that are not state or municipal, as well as persons engaged in private activities in the field of social services. Public associations, including professional associations, charitable and religious organizations, are engaged in non-state forms of social services.

Significant issues of social protection of persons with disabilities have received a legal basis in the Law "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation". The law defines the powers of state authorities (federal and constituent entities of the Russian Federation) in the field of social protection of disabled people. It reveals the rights and obligations of medical authorities social expertise which, on the basis of a comprehensive examination of a person, establishes the nature and degree of the disease that led to disability, the disability group, determines the working regime of working disabled people, develops individual and comprehensive rehabilitation programs for disabled people, gives medical and social opinions, makes decisions that are binding on state bodies, enterprises and organizations regardless of their form of ownership.

The law establishes the terms of payment for medical services provided to disabled people, reimbursement of expenses incurred by the disabled person himself, his relationship with the rehabilitation bodies for the social protection of disabled people.

The law obliges all authorities, heads of enterprises and organizations to create conditions that allow people with disabilities to freely and independently use all public places, institutions, transport, move freely on the street, in their own homes, in public institutions, etc.

The law provides for benefits for the extraordinary receipt of housing, appropriately equipped. In particular, disabled people and families with disabled children are provided with a discount of at least 50% from the rent and utility bills, and in residential buildings without central heating - from the cost of fuel. Disabled people and families with disabled people are given the right to receive land plots in priority for individual housing construction, gardening, farming and dacha farming.

The Law pays special attention to ensuring the employment of disabled people. The law provides for financial and credit benefits for specialized enterprises employing disabled people, as well as for enterprises, institutions and organizations of public associations of disabled people; setting quotas for hiring disabled people, in particular, for organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, with more than 30 employees (the quota for hiring disabled people is set as a percentage of average headcount employees, but not less than 3%). Public associations of the disabled and their enterprises, organizations whose authorized capital consists of the contribution of a public association of the disabled, are exempted from the mandatory quota of jobs for the disabled.

The law defines legal norms for resolving such significant issues of employment of disabled people as the equipment of special workplaces, working conditions for disabled people, the rights, duties and responsibilities of employers in ensuring the employment of disabled people, the procedure and conditions for recognizing a disabled person as unemployed, state incentives for the participation of enterprises and organizations in ensuring the life of disabled people .

Issues of material support and social services for the disabled are considered in detail in the Law. Significant benefits and discounts are provided for utility bills, for the purchase of disabled devices, tools, equipment, payment for sanatorium and resort vouchers, for the use of public transport, the purchase, maintenance of personal vehicles, etc.

In addition to federal laws, social work specialists need to know departmental documents that provide reasonable interpretations of the application of certain laws or their individual articles.

The social worker also needs to know the problems that have not been resolved by law or resolved, but not implemented in practice. For example, the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons” does not allow production Vehicle that do not have facilities for the free use of urban transport by disabled people, or the commissioning of housing that does not provide facilities for the free use of this housing by disabled people. But are there many buses, trolleybuses on the streets of Russian cities, equipped with special lifts, with the help of which disabled people in wheelchairs could independently climb into a bus or trolleybus? As decades ago, so today, residential buildings are put into operation without any devices that allow a disabled person to freely leave their apartment in a wheelchair, use an elevator, go down the ramp to the sidewalk adjacent to the entrance, etc. etc.

These provisions of the Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled" are simply ignored by everyone who is required by law to create the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of the disabled.

The current legislation practically does not protect the rights of disabled children to a decent and secure existence. The legislation provides for children with disabilities such volumes of social assistance that directly push them to any job, since a person deprived of everything necessary since childhood is not able to live on an invalid pension.

But even if financial problems are solved, the living environment of the disabled is completely reorganized, they will not be able to use the provided benefits without appropriate equipment and devices. We need prostheses, hearing aids, special glasses, notebooks for writing texts, books for reading, wheelchairs, cars for transportation, etc. We need a special industry for the manufacture of disabled equipment and equipment. There are such enterprises in the country. They largely meet the diverse needs of the disabled. But in comparison with Western models of disabled equipment, ours, domestic ones, lose in many respects: they are both heavier and less durable, and large in size, and less convenient to use.

It is all the more gratifying to know that progress in better side started. For example, in Moscow, the disabled themselves organized the rehabilitation center "Overcoming", which not only provides moral, educational, organizational assistance, but also arranged the release of wheelchairs superior in many parameters (weight, strength, mobility, functionality) to the world-famous Swedish strollers. For a social worker, this example is important because it suggests that there are many talented organizers among the disabled.

One of the tasks of social work is to find these people, assist them in organizing their business, form a team around them and thereby help many.

Disabled people in Russia belong to one of the socially unprotected categories of citizens who need state support. Depending on the severity of the state of health, 3 groups of disability are distinguished.

Law Definition

This law guarantees all citizens with disabilities equal rights with other citizens, as well as social support from the state. Based on this law, all state bodies are obliged to act and respect the legal rights of persons with disabilities.

The law on social protection implies providing disabled people with the necessary conditions for their life, as well as exercising their right to rehabilitation.

General provisions

This law applies to people recognized as disabled. Disabled people in Russia, according to Article 1 of the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled", are those people who have been recognized by a special social medical examination.

The main parameters for determining disability is the ability of a person to independently provide himself with the necessary actions to ensure life.

Depending on the degree of independence of a person, expert doctors establish.

For children under the age of 18, the general category of a disabled child is established. The disability group is determined only after reaching the age of 18. This is due to the fact that in the process of child development it is quite difficult to determine the degree of independence based on the age of development of the baby.

The state assumes obligations to protect the rights of each group of disabled people. These obligations are prescribed in article 2 of this law, which are binding on all state bodies.

Legislative acts establish that in Russia every citizen has the right to provide him with equal living conditions, as well as to create additional auxiliary conditions, if he needs them.

These rights are enshrined in the fundamental law of the Russian Federation, the Constitution, as well as in the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled". Also, on the basis of Article 3.1 of this law, no one has the right to discriminate against people on the basis of disability and infringe on them in the rights granted to them by law.

The competences of federal bodies and local self-government bodies are distributed in Articles 4 and 5 of the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled”. Based on this distribution, all federal and local authorities are required to act.

All disabled people are listed in the Pension Fund in a certain register, where basic data about each of them is entered. This register takes into account personal data, as well as information about a person’s work activity and benefits received by him. The procedure for maintaining this register is regulated by Article 5.1 of this Law.

Article 6 of the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled" defines responsibility for causing harm to the health of any person, which led to disability. Guilty people bear criminal, material, administrative and civil liability for causing harm to health.

You can familiarize yourself with what benefits are due to children with disabilities.

Medical and social expertise

Chapter 2 of this law establishes a specific procedure for determining disability. This conclusion is issued by the social medical examination. It includes doctors who must determine the severity of the disease and its consequences, which lead to the defective functioning of a person. The definition and activities of this expert group are defined in Article 7 of the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled”.

Based on the determination of the human condition, this commission must also analyze and provide the following data:

  • rehabilitation course for the restoration of a person;
  • analysis of the causes of disability and its nature in general among the population of Russia;
  • development of general comprehensive measures for disabled people of each group;
  • causes of death of persons with disabilities in situations where the family of the deceased is entitled to receive state support;
  • the degree of disability of a disabled person;
  • conclusion about the disability group.

These obligations are specified in Article 8 of this Law. The decision of this commission is not subject to challenge by other authorities and is mandatory for execution.

Rehabilitation and habilitation of the disabled

Habilitation is understood as the process of restoring the abilities that a person lacked for everyday and professional activities. This definition is specified in Article 8 of this Law.

Public associations

In Russia, Article 33 of this legislative act allows public associations created to provide assistance to disabled people.

The state is obliged to assist them in the implementation of assistance to the disabled. This assistance is paid from the local budget of each subject.

In addition, the disabled themselves can create such associations. Their representatives should be involved in government decision-making concerning persons with disabilities. These associations may have real estate, cars and other property on their balance sheet.

Organizations whose authorized capital more than half percent consists of contributions from disabled people, and a quarter of the wage fund is provided to them; buildings and non-residential premises can be allocated for free use. In addition, such organizations participate in the small business support program.



Russian legislation provides for a wide range of state support for disabled people. According to this law, they should not need paid medical care, paid aids. In addition, they are supported in the field of education and vocational training, as well as assistance in further employment. Along with this, they receive material support from the state. But read about which disability group what benefits are due.

The entry into force of this law is regulated by its article 35, and its operation by article 36. Based on them, other laws cannot contradict this legislative act. And it comes into force from the moment of its publication.

In reality, this law does not work to its full potential, because local government agencies do not fully control the implementation of this law by all citizens and legal entities of Russia.

Federal legislation determines the state's policy for the protection of persons with disabilities. What benefits does a disabled person of group 1 have? The list of payments, compensations, the right to social adaptation is prescribed not in one law, but a list of legal and regulatory documents is being developed. The acts provide for the implementation of economic rights, civil and political freedoms, taking into account the principles and standards international law.

In Russia, disabled people enjoy the benefits provided in the areas of social security, transport, health care, employment and others. Additional privileges are established at the regional level, ensuring a decent standard of living for disabled people in accordance with the system of benefits defined by law.

Persons belonging to the 1st disability group

The Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities defines disability as a persistent impairment of certain body functions caused by injuries, developmental defects. A health disorder leads to a restriction of life activities, a loss of the ability to serve oneself independently, to study and carry out labor activities, and requires social protection from the state. Citizens with serious health problems belong to the 1st disability group and need outside help.

The disability group is established by the Institute of Medical and Social Expertise in the manner prescribed by the government. Depending on the magnitude of the violation of vital functions, a group is assigned to the disabled, and minors are classified as "Disabled since childhood". The first group of disability includes persons who:

  • serve themselves in everyday life only with the help of other people;
  • do not move without assistance;
  • feel disorientated in space;
  • do not control their behavior;
  • it is difficult to contact and communicate with others;
  • cannot get a full education;
  • can only perform certain tasks.

Aspects of social protection

Support for the disabled, their protection in society is carried out by the state system, which provides for legal, social and economic measures to compensate for the limitations of the body's functionality. The events are aimed at providing opportunities for people with disabilities to live a full social life on an equal basis with other citizens.

What benefits does a disabled person of group 1 use? The pension fund makes certain payments to vulnerable citizens. As part of social benefits, medicines are provided free of charge or at a discount to persons with disabilities. They are provided with vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium, free trips in the transport of the city or suburbs. For the disabled, benefits are provided for the payment of land and property fees. Unprotected citizens living in Moscow receive a Muscovite social card, which expands the range of standard benefits.

Activities of public services in relation to persons with disabilities

Legislation determines measures of social adaptation in accordance with the Constitutional provisions, the Federal Law on Protection, other legislative acts and regulations. The federal government carries out the following activities:

  • determines the state's attitude towards the unprotected strata of society;
  • adopts state laws in this area and amends existing regulations;
  • controls measures for the implementation of protection;
  • concludes agreements and treaties of Russia on the protection of disabled people;
  • determines the principles of the work of the medical examination to establish a group and conduct rehabilitation; decides what benefits are due to a disabled person of group 1;
  • produces standardization of social services, technical methods of restoration, establishes rules and norms for accessibility of the social environment for the disabled, determines the requirements for certification;
  • establishes the procedure and conducts accreditation of institutions and enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, helping to restore the disabled;
  • develops and implements targeted programs for the protection of disabled people, determines benefits for a disabled child of the 1st group;
  • finances and implements basic government programs rehabilitation;
  • creates and controls a network of state-owned facilities for the rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • determines the list of specialties in the field of the rehabilitation industry and is engaged in their qualification training;
  • finances and coordinates scientific and research developments regarding the problems of persons with disabilities;
  • develops methodological norms on the issues of adaptation of disabled people;
  • establishes job quotas for vulnerable groups and monitors their distribution;
  • monitors the activities of public associations of the disabled and provides assistance;
  • establishes state benefits for enterprises, organizations and business partnerships that invest in the rehabilitation of disabled people and contain contributions from the association of disabled people in the authorized capital;
  • determines what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has, establishes state assistance to certain categories;
  • calculates indicators and expenditures of the state budget on the issues of adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • contains a unified registry of unprotected citizens, develops a system for collecting statistical information on the economic and social situation of disabled people.

The work of medical and social expertise

The Bureau of Social and Medical Expertise, within the limits specified by law, examines the disabled person and determines the measures of social assistance and protection. Specialists assess the size of the disruption in the functioning of the body, restrictions on vital activity and choose an individual program for the recovery of a person.

Experts prescribe an extended medical examination of a disabled person, and based on the results, they assess the state of the body. An analysis of functional abilities, social and living conditions, professional and labor opportunities is carried out, psychological examination data are taken into account. The results obtained influence the conclusions about which benefits for disabled people are the most urgent, and a program of rehabilitation and habilitation is being drawn up.

The Medical and Social Bureau is administered by the Federal Service for Social Research, which, in turn, is part of the system of social assistance to the population. Medical research and the rehabilitation system are included in the basic system of medical insurance for Russian citizens, funded by state fund and partially by regional insurance organizations of federal affiliation. Medical and social expertise performs the following work:

  • determines the degree of disability and assigns a group, determines the causes and timing of violations, identifies needs for specific types of assistance;
  • develops individual recovery measures, finds out what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has;
  • processes, studies statistical data on the level and causes of disability among the population of the region and the country;
  • develops and implements comprehensive measures for the prevention, rehabilitation and protection of the population;
  • reveals the degree and causes of disability of individuals who have been injured as a result of work or professional conditions; wheelchair users, who have been injured at work, especially enjoy the attention;
  • within the framework of Russian legislation, determines the causes of the death and provides the family with the required list of services, payments and benefits.

For all federal authorities, the withdrawal of the medical and social examination service becomes a prerequisite for work, this list includes organizations and institutions for restoration work, regardless of ownership.

The essence of rehabilitation

Restoration of a disabled person is a system of measures aimed at eliminating restrictions on life and activity or compensating them. The purpose of rehabilitation is to return the lost social status to an individual with a disability, to gain independence in material terms and to adapt in society. Disabled people are provided with free Spa treatment, financial assistance, other benefits.

Rehab with medical point vision means recovery with therapeutic measures, surgical operations, orthotics and prosthetics techniques. If we talk about professional adaptation, then the activities constitute an orientation in various fields activities, obtaining a new education for work, adaptation in the production environment, employment in armored places. In addition, people with disabilities undergo adaptation in the social environment and everyday life.

State Basic Rehabilitation Program

Wheelchair users belonging to the first group receive guaranteed benefits, rehabilitation measures are directed to them, services and technical means are provided free of charge at the expense of funds from the state budget. The Federal Program for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled is approved by the Russian government. Technical means, required services, material compensations are given to unprotected citizens in kind.

The means of technical rehabilitation include wheelchairs, chairs, crutches and prostheses. In order to get these devices for use, a disabled person draws up an individual recovery program at the regional medical and social center of expertise. After passing a set of necessary studies, a disabled person is issued a certificate of a technical device for movement or other purpose required for rehabilitation.

Repair and replacement of spare parts on equipment is carried out at the expense of the state. Wheelchairs and armchairs that have become unusable are not returned back, as was the case before 2008.

The program of individual recovery and habilitation of the disabled

An individual system for the rehabilitation of a disabled person is developed for each individual separately, taking into account the violations of the body's functionality inherent in him. The program includes information about changing the work of a particular body and includes a list of measures for its partial or complete restoration. The system of individual recovery helps the patient to determine the most in an efficient way solve the problem, find out what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has. One disabled person needs help in providing a job, another - in the organization of special training, the third one needs the help of a social worker to organize everyday life.

Habilitation is a new concept. It consists in the adaptation of a disabled person in the social sphere, includes the formation of business and social activity. The program includes full or partial independence in material terms. To do this, specific activities are prescribed with the choice of a performer, whether it is the organization of labor activity, the issuance of medicines for free or classes in a sports complex. The previously existing idea that a disabled person is a person who has lost the ability to perform normal activities is being replaced by the fact that many people do not have such abilities from birth, for example, in the case of cerebral palsy. The habilitation program not only restores lost abilities, but also teaches an unprotected member of society those functions that the patient did not have from the day of birth.

The program contains only recommendations, the disabled person refuses any activities of his own free will without further consequences. In terms of choosing the executor of training or the formation of production skills, the disabled person or his guardian determines the one who will help more effectively. The form of ownership of the institution does not matter. A disabled person is given medicines free of charge, and if an individual buys medicines or technical equipment with his own money, he is paid compensation. The complete refusal of the disabled person from the individual recovery program releases the relevant authorities from liability and does not mean receiving compensation for free activities that were not held.

Community benefits for disabled people of the 1st group

Benefits for paying for housing and services of communal organizations are provided by the state to disabled people in the amount of at least 50% of the total cost. Such benefits apply to municipal or public housing. Other forms of ownership of unprotected citizens do not fall under the category of payment for housing. As for utility bills, here the form of belonging to other housing stocks does not matter.

Heating in a private house with an individual boiler is compensated by a material amount for the purchase of fuel in the amount of consumption norms defined in the legislation. Disabled people are given the right to receive housing out of turn, provided that the person is recognized as one who needs to improve the living space. If a disabled person has a disease that prevents family members from living together with him, then he is provided with additional living space.

Benefits and compensation for spa holidays and treatment

Disabled people of the first group have the right to gratuitous sanatorium treatment once a year for three years after the registration of the group. Once a year, travel to a sanatorium or resort is allowed free of charge. If accompanying persons are traveling with him, in which there is a direct need, then they are also entitled to the benefit of free travel.

Disabled persons of all three groups and unprotected citizens without determining the degree of restriction have the right to receive rest at a resort and a sanatorium. Disabled children enjoy these benefits without restriction. Citizens receive vouchers with medical indications for such treatment in sanatorium complexes located throughout the country and included in the list of recommended resorts by health authorities and social development.

Instead of a sanatorium vacation, at the personal request of a citizen, outpatient treatment is provided at a resort without food and accommodation on the territory. Vouchers for the disabled are paid by the Social Insurance Fund of Russia. The duration of stay at the resort, the selection of applicants are determined taking into account medical indications or contraindications for treatment, data are provided by the Center for Medical and Social Research.

Retirement benefits for the disabled

Disabled people of the 1st group are paid the largest pension payments compared to the categories of other groups. The standard amount of pension provision is 9.5 thousand rubles. If the disabled person has a seniority by the time the pension is calculated, then this amount is added additional funds. In addition, all disabled people are entitled to a fixed additional payment in the amount of 4.3 thousand rubles.

Some categories are assigned state pensions, the basis of which is a social benefit, depending on the cause of the disability. Disabled people who were injured during the Leningrad blockade are assigned a pension twice as much as social benefits disabled people of the 1st group. Pensioners who lost their vitality in wartime are entitled to three times more payments.

Help with choosing a job

Disabled people have the right to work, and the state provides substantial assistance in this. Organizations and enterprises that use the labor of disabled people in production are provided with financial assistance and are provided with preferential credit conditions. At enterprises capable of employing disabled people, quotas are mandatory set for employment of citizens who are not protected in the social plan, regardless of the form of ownership of the institutions.

Reservations are being made for work places for people with disabilities of certain professions, suitable for people with disabilities, in terms of employment, certain benefits are provided for people with disabilities (Group 1). Moscow provides additional protection measures, for this a special disabled person card is issued in the city. A taxi service has been developed in Moscow to transport persons with disabilities. Half of the cost is paid by the city authorities, the rest of the cost is paid by the disabled person. It is allowed to carry one accompanying person and means of individual transportation.

Education in preferential mode

For the admission of socially unprotected citizens to state educational institutions of various categories, including higher ones, admission is provided without competition. Benefits begin after passing exams and tests. The compliance of the chosen specialty with the medical examination report and the recommendations of the social service plays a role. All disabled people enrolled in training receive a scholarship on a mandatory basis, use the necessary teaching aids.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the disabled in Russia are not left to their fate. The state without fail helps citizens with injuries, violations of the work of internal organs to recover. The care of federal services contributes to the gradual return of some lost functions, allows the disabled person not to feel like an outcast, to restore social significance and status, to improve their financial situation and personal relationships.


This work, in accordance with the goal, reflects the features of the content of social protection of disabled people. The first chapter deals with social protection as a direction of the modern social policy of the Russian Federation. In particular, the social protection of disabled people is characterized as a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing life restrictions and aimed at creating opportunities for them to participate in society on an equal footing with other citizens.

Particular attention is paid to the disabled as a vulnerable category of the population. Vulnerability lies in the presence of certain risks in the lives of people with disabilities. These risks are associated with: inability to get an education, to be employed, to exercise the right to housing, medical, social services, to the provision of benefits and compensation, financing and pension provision. Disabled people are more forced to fight for their lives, due to the unsuitability of the infrastructure of society to the needs of people with disabilities. At the same time, state activity is largely reduced to writing some theoretical programs, and not to concrete deeds to improve the lives of people with disabilities.

The second chapter analyzes the legal regulation of the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation and the main measures of their social protection. The leading legal act in terms of care and assistance to people with handicapped is the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" (1995).

The main measures of social protection of disabled people are: the creation of a barrier-free living environment, the provision of benefits and compensations, the organization of social and medical care, financing and pension provision, organization of employment and training, provision of housing for the disabled.

Thus, the social protection of the disabled is an important area of ​​modern social policy. At this stage of the country's development, it has a number of shortcomings associated with various reasons. For creating effective system measures of social protection, it is necessary to work out a mechanism when laws adopted in pursuance of program acts cannot be approved until the state has real financial opportunities to implement them.


Chapter I: Social protection of the disabled as one of the directions of the social policy of the Russian Federation……………………………………………………………………p.6-13

Social protection of the disabled as a direction of the modern social policy of the Russian Federation……………………………………………………………….p.6-9

Conclusions on the first chapter…………………………………………………........p.14

Chapter II: Implementation of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.1. Legal regulation of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation…………………………………………………………………………....p.15-18

2.2. The main measures of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation……………....p.19-33

Conclusions on the second chapter………………………………………………………p.34




Disability is not only a problem of the individual, society, but also of the state as a whole. This category of citizens is in dire need of not only social protection, but also understanding of their problems by the people around them, which will be expressed in human sympathy and equal treatment of them as ordinary citizens.

The Russian Federation is a social state in which social policy occupies a priority place. Identification of the causes of social inequality and ways to overcome it is an important goal of social policy, which has turned into an urgent issue at the present stage, which is associated with the prospects for the development of the entire Russian society. Problems such as poverty, disability, orphanhood become the object of research and practice of social work. The organization of modern society is largely contrary to the interests of women and men, adults and children with disabilities. Symbolic barriers built by society are sometimes much more difficult to break than physical obstacles; it requires the development of such cultural property civil society like tolerance, empathy, respect for human dignity, humanism, equality of rights for everyone.

In a number of foreign countries and in Russia, children and adults with disabilities are portrayed as objects of care - as a kind of burden that the relatives who care for them, society and the state are forced to bear. At the same time, there is another approach that draws attention to the vital activity of the disabled themselves. It's about about the formation of a new concept of independent living while emphasizing mutual assistance and support in coping with the challenges caused by disability.

This concept is based on the so-called social model disability, which became known in the 1970s. according to publications of British scientists - activists of disabled people's organizations. At that time, the authors opposed the maintenance of disabled people in boarding schools and proved the failure of traditional paternalistic attitudes.

Many scientists are studying social policy as a science: Rakitsky V.B., Matvienko V., Mukhudadaev M.O., Mikulsky K., Sokolinsky V., Denisova I.P., Volgin N.A., Sharonov A. considers the concept social policy for a modern country, theoretical, methodological and practical issues of the essence, content, implementation, institutional and financial support of social policy, reform and development of the system social insurance and social and labor relations, as well as the development of the social services market

The problems of social protection of the population in modern conditions are considered by: Zamaraeva Z.P., Sharin V., Kukushin V.S., Zhukovskaya E.N.

Social protection of disabled people as a direction of modern social policy is studied by: Antipyeva N.V., Svistunov E.T., Rastomashvili L.V., Shelomanova T.N., Kholostova E.I., Reutov S.I.

The main regulatory legal act regarding the care and assistance to people with disabilities is the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" (1995). This Federal Law defines public policy in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the exercise of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Research controversy between the need to implement social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation and the insufficiency of developing measures for the social protection of disabled people at this stage of development of the state.

Research problem: What is the content of social protection of disabled people in the social policy of the Russian Federation?

Object of study: social protection of disabled people as a direction of modern social policy of the Russian Federation.

Subject of study: content of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Purpose of the study: to study the content of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Research objectives:

To characterize the social protection of disabled people as a direction of the modern social policy of the Russian Federation;

Characterize persons with disabilities as a vulnerable category of the population;

To study the legal regulation of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation;

Describe the main measures of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation;

Research methods:

Theoretical: analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization.

Empirical: literature analysis.

Chapter I: Social protection of the disabled as one of the directions of the social policy of the Russian Federation.

Social protection of the disabled as a direction of modern social policy of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims one of the fundamental principles of the activity of a modern democratic state, according to which the creation of conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person is not a purely personal matter of the person himself and his parents, but is elevated to the rank of national policy. In the event that a person, for one reason or another beyond his control, cannot provide for himself financially, becomes socially unprotected, the state provides him with the necessary social protection, assistance and support free of charge.

Social protection is the duty of the state.

In accordance with Art. 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

"Everyone has the right to such a standard of living, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services necessary for the health and well-being of himself and his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other loss of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

Disability, no matter how it is defined, is known in any society, and each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and opportunities, forms a social and economic policy for people with disabilities.

Over the past 30 years, stable trends and mechanisms have emerged in the world for the formation of such policies, support by governments of various countries to develop approaches to solving the problems of this social group and assist state and public institutions in the definition and implementation of policies addressed to people with disabilities.

Basic principles for the formation of social policy in relation to persons with disabilities:

The state is responsible for eliminating the conditions leading to disability and dealing with the consequences of disability.

The state shall provide disabled people with the opportunity to achieve the same standard of living as their fellow citizens, including in the area of ​​income, education, employment, healthcare, and participation in public life.

Disabled people have the right to live in society, society condemns the isolation of disabled people. To do this, society seeks to create conditions for the independent life of disabled people (a barrier-free environment).

The rights and obligations of citizens of this society are recognized for the disabled. It is within the competence of the state to find ways of recognizing, ensuring and exercising the rights and obligations of persons with disabilities as members of society.

The state strives for equal accessibility of social policy measures in relation to persons with disabilities throughout the country, regardless of where the person with disabilities lives (in rural or urban areas, the capital or province).

When implementing a policy regarding disabled people, the characteristics of an individual or groups of disabled people should be taken into account: all disabled people, due to the specifics of their disease, are in different starting conditions, and to ensure the rights and obligations of citizens of the country in relation to each group of disabled people, a set of measures is taken.

State policy currently remains the main public mechanism in the definition, categorization and legalization of disability and continues to be an essential element in constructing and maintaining the dependent status of people with disabilities.

In the Russian debate about social policy for persons with disabilities, along with the approval and acceptance of the ideas of integration, the issue of costs and benefits is raised, and the quality and range of existing social protection measures remain a secondary issue. Social legislation and programs contain the necessary requirements for accessibility and integration, but in practice it is far from always possible to talk about the readiness and ability to ensure the declared and achieve the goals set.

The systems of social protection of disabled people that have developed in developed countries include a number of interrelated elements reflected in the normative consolidation of the rights of disabled people, the rights and obligations of state bodies, public and charitable organizations, the forms and methods of their activities in this area.

The main criteria for the development of the policy of states in relation to persons with disabilities are:

Having a formally recognized disability policy.

Existence of special anti-discrimination legislation in relation to persons with disabilities.

Judicial and administrative mechanisms for the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities.

Availability non-governmental organizations disabled people.

Access of persons with disabilities to the exercise of civil rights, including the right to work, to education, to found a family, to inviolability privacy and property, as well as political rights.

Availability of a barrier-free physical and social environment.

The number of people with disabilities is increasing every year in our country. It is the state that should take responsibility for this category of citizens. Therefore, the creation of an effective system of social protection for the disabled is a priority task of modern social policy at this stage of development of the state.

Social protection of disabled people as a direction of the modern social policy of the Russian Federation should include: the implementation of the rights to work and rest of disabled people, the creation of a barrier-free environment for life, including ensuring unhindered access for disabled people to social and industrial infrastructure, social support for disabled people in the form of cash payments, provision of technical means for social rehabilitation, housing and consumer services, provision of social services, financing of social support for the disabled.

Disabled people as a vulnerable category of the population.

The social nature of the state is manifested primarily in relation to the most vulnerable segments of the population, who need support and special care and attention, including the disabled.

According to Russian law, a disabled person is “a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for social protection”.

Disability is defined as “the total or partial loss by a person of the ability or ability to carry out self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, learn and engage in work activities.”

The vulnerability of persons with disabilities lies in the presence of certain risks in their lives. These risks are associated with the inability to get an education, to be employed, to exercise the right to housing, medical, social services, to the provision of benefits and compensation, financing and pensions. Disabled people are more forced to fight for their lives, due to the unsuitability of the infrastructure of society to the needs of people with disabilities. At the same time, state activity is largely reduced to writing some theoretical programs, and not to concrete deeds to improve the lives of people with disabilities.

The International Movement for the Rights of the Disabled considers the following concept of disability to be the most correct: “Disability is the obstacles or restrictions on the activities of a person with physical, mental, sensory and mental disabilities caused by the conditions existing in society under which people are excluded from active life.”

People with disabilities have functional difficulties as a result of illness, deviations or deficiencies in development, health status, appearance, due to the unsuitability of the external environment for their special needs, and also because of the prejudices of society towards themselves. To reduce the impact of such restrictions, a system of state guarantees for the social protection of persons with disabilities has been developed.

Social protection of the disabled is a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) life restrictions and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in society with other citizens.

In the third millennium, the population of the planet must realize the existence of such a vulnerable category of the population as the disabled and the need to create normal living conditions for them. According to the UN, every tenth person (more than 500 million people) on the planet has a disability, one in 10 suffers from physical, mental or sensory defects, and at least 25% of the total population suffer from health disorders. According to official statistics, there are now 13 million disabled people in Russia (about 9% of the population). According to the Agency for Social Information, there are at least 15 million of them. There are a lot of young people and children among the current disabled.

In the general contingent of disabled people, men make up more than 50%, women - more than 44%, 65-80% are elderly people. Along with the growth in the number of disabled people, there are trends in qualitative changes in their composition. The society is concerned about the increase in the number of people with disabilities among people of working age, they make up 45% of the number of citizens initially recognized as people with disabilities.

The structure of the distribution of disability due to a common disease in Russia is as follows: in the first place, the disease of cardio-vascular system(22.6%), followed by malignant neoplasms(20.5%), followed by injuries (12.6%), respiratory diseases and tuberculosis (8.06%), in fifth place are mental disorders (2.7%). The prevalence of disability is generally higher among urban populations than among rural residents.

The dynamics of the growth of disability in Russia is characterized by the following indicators:

The age structure is dominated by people with disabilities retirement age;

According to nosology, disability is most often associated with diseases of the circulatory system;

In terms of severity, disabled people of the II group predominate.

Disability is one of the most important indicators of the social ill-being of the population, reflects social immaturity, economic failure, moral inferiority of society and characterizes the violation of the relationship between a person, a disabled person and society. Taking into account the fact that the problems of disabled people affect not only their personal interests, but also to a certain extent concern their families, depend on the standard of living of the population and other social factors, it can be stated that their solution lies in the national, and not the narrow departmental plane, and in many respects determines the face of the social policy of the state.

The President of Russia signed the Federal Law "On Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" (1995). Thus, a particularly vulnerable part of our society is given guarantees of social protection. Of course, the fundamental legislative norms governing the position of a disabled person in society, his rights and obligations are necessary attributes of any legal state. Therefore, the entry into force of this law should only be welcomed.

As mentioned above, in our country there is an intensive process of disability of the population. People with disabilities are a vulnerable category of the population, so the state should take special care of the disabled, provide them with normal living conditions, equality, full participation in the public life of society. Thus, the creation of a developed system of social protection measures is a priority task of the social policy of the Russian Federation.

Conclusions on the first chapter:

In the first chapter we covered:

1. Social protection of disabled people as one of the directions of the modern social policy of the Russian Federation. Social protection of the disabled is a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) life restrictions and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in society with other citizens. The state must take responsibility for people with disabilities. Therefore, the creation of an effective system of social protection for the disabled is a priority task of modern social policy at this stage of development of the state;

2. Disabled people as a vulnerable category of the population. The social nature of the state is manifested primarily in relation to the most vulnerable segments of the population, who need support and special care and attention, including the disabled. According to Russian law, a disabled person is “a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for social protection”. The President of Russia signed the Federal Law "On Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" (1995). Thus, a particularly vulnerable part of our society is given guarantees of social protection. Of course, the fundamental legislative norms governing the position of a disabled person in society, his rights and obligations are necessary attributes of any legal state. Therefore, the entry into force of this law should only be welcomed.

Chapter II: The content of social protection of disabled people in the social policy of the Russian Federation.

2.1. Normative-legal regulation of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Modern Russian legislative acts in terms of care and assistance to people with disabilities in terms of content are approaching the laws and principles adopted throughout the world. While people with disabilities and their families still face barriers to understanding and communicating with others, there is much evidence that, in general, social attitude towards people with disabilities is gradually changing: instead of inattention and rejection, there has come recognition of their rights, dignity and full participation in society.

In Russia, the state policy towards the disabled has a long history. At the same time, the turning point was 1995, when the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” was adopted in Russia. The Law formulates a fundamentally new goal of the state policy towards disabled people, new concepts of a disabled person and rehabilitation of disabled people are formed, and changes are introduced into the institutional framework of the policy. For the first time, the goal of state policy is not to help a disabled person, but “to ensure that disabled people have equal opportunities with other citizens in exercising civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.” Thus, the new Law declared the approach to the disabled, formulated by the world community. In practice, it is extremely difficult for a state that has been guided by different principles regarding persons with disabilities for several decades to move from declaring a new political paradigm of policy to its implementation, although, of course, new legislation stimulates certain changes in this policy.

It should be noted three fundamental provisions that form the basis of the Federal Law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation"

The availability of special rights for persons with disabilities to certain conditions for receiving education; provision of means of transportation; for specialized housing conditions, priority obtaining of land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening, etc.;

The right of persons with disabilities to be active participants in all those processes that relate to decision-making regarding their life, status, etc. Now federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should involve authorized representatives of public associations of disabled people for the preparation and adoption of decisions affecting the interests of disabled people;

Creation of specialized public services: medical and social expertise and rehabilitation. They are recognized to form a system for ensuring a relatively independent life of the disabled. The law draws attention to the main directions of solving the problems of disabled people. In particular, it refers to their information support, issues of accounting, reporting, statistics, the needs of disabled people, and the creation of a barrier-free living environment.

One side, new law about disabled people led to changes in common system Russian legislation concerning disabled people. In particular, the amendment to the law on employment of April 20, 1996. Restrictions on the employment of disabled people of the second and first groups of disability have actually been lifted. On the other hand, the legislative formulation of the new policy towards disabled people has led to a paradox of Russian reality, namely, to a huge distance between the formally proclaimed goals of an open society for disabled people, the maximum involvement of disabled people in all spheres of life, and a real reduction in the participation of disabled people in social work and public life.

Law 1995 absorbed all the progressive norms of the social laws of foreign countries and international documents. Thus, as already noted, the formal legislation in Russia was as close as possible to international standards and acquired a progressive methodological basis.

However, the provisions of the law do not carry the norms direct action, they lack a mechanism for the implementation of the declared obligations of the state to the disabled, including the lack of clarity in matters of their financial support. These circumstances significantly hampered the implementation of the Law and required a number of Decrees and the President of the Russian Federation, new by-laws and regulatory materials:

Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"" dated 20.07.2000 No. No. 102-FZ.

Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" No. 195-FZ of December 10, 1995

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the formation of an accessible environment for the disabled" No. 927 dated 12.08.1994.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to ensure state support for the disabled" No. 1011 dated June 1, 1996. (as amended on April 27, 2000)

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the scientific and information support of the problems of disability and the disabled" No. 802 of 27.07.1992

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of January 29, 1997 No. No. 1/30 "On approval of the Classifications and temporary criteria used in the implementation of medical and social expertise"

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of September 8, 1993 No. No. 150 "On the list of priority professions for workers and employees, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive in regional labor markets"

In contrast to the Instructions for determining disability groups of 1956 that were in force until that time. The new Regulation determines that recognition of a person as a disabled person is carried out during a medical and social examination based on integrated assessment his state of health and degree of disability. Previously, the basis for establishing a disability group was a persistent disability, which led to the need to stop professional labor for a long period of time or significant changes in working conditions. The new provision provides for an assessment not only of the state of working capacity, but also of all other spheres of life.

Thus, the adoption in 1995. The State Duma of the law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", the development of the draft Law of the Russian Federation "On Special Education", the creation of rehabilitation centers - all this testifies to the changing social policy in relation to the disabled.

2.2. The main measures of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Creating barrier-free living environments for the disabled.

The criterion for evaluating a disability policy can be the accessibility of the physical environment for the disabled person, including housing, transport, education, work and culture, and the availability of information and communication channels. In Russia, the beginning of the transformation of the environment of the disabled, taking into account their needs, was laid on 2.10.1992. Decree of the President "On measures to create an accessible living environment for the disabled." In Russia, standard rules have been developed that take into account the needs of people with disabilities in the construction of housing and the construction of social infrastructure. However, the most important obstacle to the implementation of this direction remains the lack of a mechanism obliging to take appropriate measures.

In Russia, the federal target program "Formation of the living environment accessible to the disabled" has been formed and is being implemented. However, the legal framework is just a prerequisite for a lot of work to create an environment without barriers. The creation of such should begin as a detailed development of private mechanisms that ensure the implementation of the declared norms, monitoring the housing and socio-spatial needs of the disabled, and the policy of adapting the environment to the needs of the disabled.

The Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” obliges the authorities to create conditions for the disabled to have free access to social infrastructure facilities. At present, provisions to ensure that the interests of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups of the population are taken into account are contained in the current building codes and rules, which have been adjusted to take into account the requirements for the accessibility of buildings and structures for persons with disabilities. In the regions of Russia, local expert bodies should establish control over the quality of project documentation for the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures in terms of ensuring access for people with disabilities to buildings, structures and their premises in order to freely receive necessary complex services.

Local authorities are required by law not to issue licenses to trucking companies that refuse to equip their buses with lifts. A promising plan for the improvement of the city is the phased reconstruction of streets and intersections, when the requirements of the disabled are also taken into account. However, the provision declared by law that “organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, are responsible for failure to fulfill their obligations to ensure access for people with disabilities to social infrastructure facilities” is not in fact accompanied by implementation mechanisms; there are no clear indications of responsibility for non-compliance with the law, there are no levers of control, verification, standardization of social infrastructure facilities.

Thus, today the foundations for creating a living environment for disabled people, in which there would be no barriers, are just beginning to be developed, although the Decree of the President “On measures to create an accessible living environment for the disabled” was adopted several years ago. Those on whom the creation of such an environment depends, among the obstacles to the implementation of the developed urban planning and housing standards, financial problems are most often mentioned. However, this is a problem of prioritization and lack of control over the implementation of legislative norms.

In order for social services for the disabled to be carried out in civilized conditions, the issue of the environment requires an immediate solution. It is necessary to draw the attention of the public, authorities and journalists to it in every possible way.

Providing benefits and compensation to disabled people.

In accordance with the legislation on the social protection of disabled people, they are granted a significant number of rights, benefits and compensations. All of them are divided into groups depending on the form and frequency of provision, the category of benefits provided.

According to the form of submission:

Having a "moral" form (preferential or priority right in something).

Having a monetary form (free provision of medicines or free use of polyclinics).

Having a natural form ( free provision motor vehicles, motor and cycle carriages, provision of fuel).

By frequency of submission:

Having a one-time nature or provided with a large frequency (free installation of a telephone, major repairs or provision of living space).

Having a monthly nature (compensation of part of the cost of living space, utilities).

Having an annual frequency (free travel once a year or every two years in intercity transport, spa treatment or compensation).

Having a permanent character (benefits for travel in urban, public transport, free services, benefits when buying medicines).

For pensions, taxation, payment of benefits.

On receipt, acquisition, construction and maintenance of residential premises.

Public utilities and commercial services.

For medical, prosthetic and orthopedic care, sanatorium treatment, provision of medicines and products medical purpose.

Providing vehicles and paying for travel.

On employment, training, retraining and working conditions.

On the use of services of communication institutions, cultural and entertainment and sports and recreational institutions.

To receive the services of social service institutions, social and legal assistance.

The reality is that a significant number of people with disabilities are currently not receiving the assistance they need to return to normal work, family and social life.

In Russia, the rights of people with disabilities to participate in society and protect their interests are enshrined in federal legislation and a number of by-laws. However, the majority of disabled people, due to the fact that there are no conditions for movement in public transport, entry and exit to residential and educational buildings for wheelchairs, and also because there are no special training programs, training places are not equipped, cannot be trained on an equal footing with healthy citizens in institutions general education. For these and many other reasons, other rights and opportunities for people with disabilities are not fully realized.

The officially proclaimed policy in the field of social protection of the disabled and its implementation are very different, there is no coordination between them. The disabled are among the poorest segments of the population. The size of the pension in many regions does not cover the real costs of medicines and other benefits necessary for a disabled person and promised to him by the state.

Organization of medical care for the disabled.

In accordance with the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens No. 5487-1 of July 22, 1993, Article 27, people with disabilities, including disabled children and disabled since childhood, have the right to medical and social assistance, rehabilitation, providing medicines, prostheses, prosthetic and orthopedic products, vehicles on preferential terms, as well as for vocational training and retraining. Disabled persons with disabilities have the right to free medical and social assistance in institutions of the state or municipal health care system, to home care, and in case of inability to meet the basic needs of life - to maintenance in institutions of the social protection system.

The state provides for the provision of qualified medical care to disabled people free of charge or on preferential terms, as well as free provision of medicines and medical products. Restorative treatment and reconstructive surgery should be carried out at the expense of compulsory health insurance. The procedure for providing various types of medical care to disabled people is determined by a number of regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.

One of the stages of the process of medical support for the disabled is sanatorium treatment. The sanatorium-resort complex of our country has no analogues in the world. In general, the situation in the country regarding the provision of disabled people and people suffering from various diseases with sanatorium and resort vouchers is difficult. Disabled people and children with disabilities have the right to sanatorium treatment in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program on preferential terms. In the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence, a disabled person in need of treatment, on the basis of an application and a medical certificate, is placed in a queue for a permit. Waiting for a sanatorium-and-spa voucher for disabled people often stretches for years.

Distinguish social-medical and medical-social assistance to the disabled. The first provides care in case of illness and inability to meet their basic living needs. The second is aimed at treatment, care, maintaining an active lifestyle. In the first case, social protection institutions are responsible for providing assistance, in the second case, state and municipal health authorities.

Socio-medical and medico-social services are provided both in hospitals and at home. Inpatient facilities include hospitals or nursing units. Actually, the system of social protection is made up of boarding houses, gerontological centers, neuropsychiatric and other stationary institutions. Since 1997 at social service centers, specialized departments of social and medical care at home began to develop.

In the field of realization by disabled people of their right to health, it is necessary to coordinate the efforts of various departments and sectors, to achieve their interaction, and the primary role may belong not even to official government institutions, not to ministerial or regional government bodies, but to a variety of professional and public associations, in particular to medical associations and organizations of the disabled. They are called upon to achieve the solutions necessary for society, firmly defending their opinion in state institutions. Indeed, in accordance with international conventions, international law, civil and professional codes doctors are entrusted not only with the treatment and organization of the prevention of diseases, but also with the duty to encourage the authorities to take action.

Providing housing for the disabled.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the right to housing among the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Housing policy for people with disabilities is a key issue that affects accessible environment vital activity.

According to Article 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the poor and other categories of citizens, determined by law, are subject to housing free of charge or for an affordable fee. Such citizens, in particular, include war invalids and persons suffering from severe forms of certain chronic diseases.

Providing disabled people with living space is provided for in Article 17 of the Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation”.

The main provisions are:

Benefits for paying for housing and utilities are provided to any disabled person and do not depend on the group and causes of disability;

Disabled people and families with disabled children may be registered for the improvement of living conditions at the same time at the place of work and place of residence;

When providing housing to disabled people and families with disabled children, the recommendations of the individual rehabilitation program (IPR), their state of health, as well as other circumstances are taken into account;

Additional living space in the form of a separate room is provided to disabled people in accordance with the list of diseases approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

The provision of housing to a disabled person in the houses of the state or municipal housing stock is carried out taking into account his right to additional living space.

The problem of providing disabled people with housing in different regions of Russia continues to be very acute and slowly solved due to insufficient funding. The difficult economic situation, the difficulties that arise with the budget financing of housing construction, lead to massive violations of the housing rights of people with disabilities in almost all subjects of the Federation. And although there are a number good examples When people with disabilities receive housing or improve their living conditions with the assistance of the administration of their region, nevertheless, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, acts are adopted that infringe on the rights of people with disabilities to housing, established by federal law. The problem of providing disabled people with housing in the subjects of the Federation and with the help of the institution of gratuitous subsidies for its construction is not resolved. In many cases, the intervention of human rights organizations leads to the resolution of the problem and the assertion of the rights of persons with disabilities.

Organization of employment and training of the disabled.

Despite the fact that disability is associated with a limited ability to work, the inalienable right of a disabled person is the right to work. It is established by the Federal Laws "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" and "On the Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", aimed at creating real opportunities engage in useful, income-generating activities and provide for specific mechanisms for their implementation. The implementation of this right requires an active state policy aimed at promoting the employment of persons with disabilities, since the position of people with disabilities in the labor market in Russia remains inadequate for their potential, and their employment is unjustifiably low.

One of the main measures aimed at solving the problem of employment of disabled people at the present time is the establishment by the executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation of quotas for the employment of this category of citizens, which are given to organizations regardless of organizational and legal forms. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, in 2000. about 12,000 disabled people were employed within the established quota.

Within the framework of the federal target program for promoting the employment of the population of Russia, the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on employment issues for persons with disabilities are implementing a set of measures such as the provision of advisory and career guidance services; assistance in finding a job; professional education; job quotas.

However, new problems have now emerged in the creation of quotas for the disabled. Employers, obeying the requirement of the state, although they allocate vacancies, but not those that suit people with disabilities. The bottom line is that the wage income earned by workers with disabilities in these jobs does not cover the cost of losing their drug benefits. In addition, the vacancies provided do not meet the needs of people with disabilities, are not adapted to their special needs, working conditions are unsatisfactory, which leads to the risk of exacerbation of the disease and reduced ability to work.

One of the main areas of support for people with disabilities is vocational rehabilitation, an important part of the state policy in the field of social protection of people with disabilities. Vocational rehabilitation of disabled people with their subsequent employment is economically beneficial for the state, since the funds invested in it will be returned in the form of tax revenues as a result of the employment of disabled people.

Vocational training and vocational education for disabled people are the most important aspects of their professional rehabilitation. Special educational institutions do not provide training for disabled people at a level that guarantees their competitiveness, and some of them graduate specialists who obviously turn out to be unclaimed. This is largely due to the following reasons:

Specialists of medical and social expertise, who today carry out professional orientation of disabled people, do not have information about indications and contraindications for admission to higher and other educational institutions, focusing on the wishes of the disabled themselves;

Disabled people do not have access to information about indications and contraindications for admission to educational institutions, they know little about the chosen profession and working conditions in this professional field;

Special educational institutions of the system of social protection of the population are not prestigious and do not provide prospects for subsequent employment in well-paid positions;

Educational institutions are not adapted for people with disabilities, whose psychosomatic abilities require a special infrastructure of premises, special equipment for educational places and a special teaching methodology. Accordingly, the range of professions that disabled people can be trained in is narrowing and subjectively formed contraindications for admission to educational institutions.

The process of vocational rehabilitation of disabled people involves not only social protection agencies, employment services, educational institutions, but also, of course, employers.

In accordance with the established quota for hiring, employers are required to:

Create or allocate jobs for the employment of persons with disabilities;

Create working conditions for the disabled in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program;

Provide, in accordance with the established procedure, the information necessary for the organization of employment of persons with disabilities.

In turn, some categories of employers are guaranteed state support (providing tax and other benefits). Enterprises that employ at least 30% of the disabled have the right to preferential taxation, financial and logistical support, and if the number of disabled people is more than 50%, they are exempt from paying local taxes, VAT, property tax and payments to the Pension Fund, Employment Fund and Health Insurance Fund.

Financing and pensions for the disabled.

The weakest point of the social policy towards the disabled is the absence of its unified strategy. In fact, we are dealing with individual social measures, and not with a complex systemic concept. Laws providing benefits contradict the country's main financial law - the Law on the federal budget of the Russian Federation: they proceed from the indispensable fulfillment of the obligations of the federal budget or the budget of a constituent entity of the Federation to the recipient, however, Russian federal budget legislation establishes priorities for the implementation of various budget items and provides for the possibility of underfunding for certain articles.

As part of the reform of the pension system in Russia, in accordance with the new Federal Laws No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions" (dated December 17, 2001) and No. 166-FZ "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation" (dated December 15, 2001), there is several types of pensions for disabled people: state and labor.

The size of the state pension is calculated as a derivative of the size of the basic part of the labor pension, depending on the category of pensioner, and is, for example, for disabled people who have a disability of the 3rd degree in the event of disability due to a military injury, - 300% of the size of the basic part of the labor pension old age, provided for by the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" for citizens who have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively).

In accordance with Article 18 of the Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", a social pension for disabled citizens is assigned in the following amount:

Disabled since childhood, with a limitation of the ability to work of the 3rd and 2nd degree, disabled people with a disability of the ability to work of the 3rd degree, disabled children - 100% of the base part of the disability labor pension provided for in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 article 15 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation";

Disabled persons with limited ability to work of the 1st degree - 85% of the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension provided for by the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" for citizens who have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively), but at least 400 rubles per month.

The rest of the disabled citizens receive a labor disability pension, the amount of which is calculated as the sum of its basic, insurance and funded parts.

Disabled people receiving a social pension are in the worst position. Thus, there is a discrepancy between the pension legislation and the requirements of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”, according to which the established minimum wages and pensions, as well as the provision of the necessary state social assistance to low-income citizens, should be determined based on the subsistence minimum.

Currently, the provision of pensions for disabled people in Russia is not linked to the level of their income and employment (unemployment), and is also very weakly related to the rehabilitation of a disabled person.

Pensions perform exclusively the function of social support for the disabled, being by their nature a social benefit for those who are not competitive enough to feed themselves.

The imperfection of the existing system of financial support for the policy towards persons with disabilities leads to underfunding of certain activities, to delays in payments different types benefits and compensation.

The main advantage of a pension social type assistance to a disabled person - a legislatively fixed obligation to provide and guaranteed payments.

All other types of assistance, activities affecting people with disabilities do not guarantee mandatory funding and, as practice shows, are not funded in full.

Organization of social services for the disabled.

According to Russian legislation, social services are the activities of the relevant services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and financial assistance, carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens who are in a difficult life situation.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1995 No. No. 1151, where the federal list of state-guaranteed social services provided to the elderly and disabled was specified. This act lists the services provided to the disabled and the elderly in a stationary institution and at home: material, social, medical, legal, ritual, educational services, as well as services related to social and labor rehabilitation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1996 No. No. 473 regulates the procedure for the provision of social services. They can be used free of charge:

Lonely disabled people who receive a pension (including allowances) in the amount below the subsistence minimum established for the region;

Disabled persons with relatives who, for objective reasons, cannot provide assistance and care, provided that their pension is below the subsistence level;

Disabled people living in families whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level.

Social services for disabled people include a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, assistance in vocational training, employment, leisure activities, assistance in organizing ritual services etc.), which are provided to disabled citizens at home or in social service institutions, regardless of ownership.

Such services are provided only with the voluntary consent of the disabled, unless it is necessary to do so in order to save the life of the disabled (perhaps even against his will).

The provision of social services can be carried out at home, when placed in a special institution (hospital), which provides constant care for the persons in it, as well as in the form of semi-stationary services.

Semi-stationary social services are provided to disabled people who need it, who have retained the ability to serve themselves and actively move around, who do not have medical contraindications to the provision of such, is carried out by departments of day (night) stay, created in municipal centers social services or under the bodies of social protection of the population.

Stationary social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social and household assistance to disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and who, for health reasons, need constant care and supervision. Stationary social services for the disabled are carried out in boarding schools, specially equipped in accordance with their age, health and social status. A disabled person who chooses to live in such an institution is by no means deprived of the opportunity to lead a comfortable and familiar life. He has the right to use telephone connection and postal services for a fee according to the current tariffs, to meet with relatives, friends almost at any time. Spouses from among those living in a boarding house have the right to demand that they be provided with an isolated living space for cohabitation.

A set of measures related to social services for the population also implies compliance with the rules of law that apply not only to the disabled, but to all citizens. In particular, this applies to servicing the population in shops, ateliers, households and other organizations of this kind. True, in these cases, too, the legislation directs persons involved in the provision of such services to special treatment to citizens recognized as disabled.

This is the main content of the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Conclusions on the second chapter:

In this chapter, we examined the content of social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation:

1. We studied the legal regulation of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation. The main regulatory legal act regarding the care and assistance to people with disabilities is the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" (1995). This Federal Law defines the state policy in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in exercising civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. However, the provisions of the law do not carry norms of direct action; they lack a mechanism for implementing the declared obligations of the state to persons with disabilities, including the lack of clarity in matters of their financial support. These circumstances significantly hampered the implementation of the Law and required a number of Decrees and the President of the Russian Federation, new by-laws and regulatory materials.

2. Described the main measures of social protection of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation: the implementation of the rights to work and rest of people with disabilities, the creation of a barrier-free environment for life, including ensuring unhindered access for people with disabilities to social and industrial infrastructure, social support for people with disabilities in the form of cash payments, providing technical means of social rehabilitation , housing and consumer services, provision of social services, financing of social support for the disabled.


Disabled citizens in every country are the subject of concern of the state, which puts social policy at the forefront of its activities. The main concern of the state in relation to the disabled is their material support (pensions, allowances, benefits, etc.). However, people with disabilities need more than just financial support. Important role plays the provision of effective physical, psychological, organizational and other assistance to them.

Disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and opportunities, forms a social and economic policy for persons with disabilities. However, society's ability to fight disability as a social evil is ultimately determined not only by the degree of understanding of the problem itself, but also by the existing economic resources. Of course, the scale of disability depends on many factors, such as: the state of health of the nation, the development of the healthcare system, socio-economic development, the state of the ecological environment, historical and political reasons in particular, participation in wars and military conflicts, etc. In Russia, all of the above factors have a pronounced negative trend, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society.

Social protection of the disabled is an important area of ​​modern social policy. At this stage of the country's development, it has a number of shortcomings associated with various reasons. To create an effective system of social protection measures, it is necessary to work out a mechanism when laws adopted in pursuance of program acts cannot be approved until the state has real financial opportunities to implement them. It is important to provide for the constant development of legislation on the social protection of persons with disabilities in order to automatically fix changes in the conditions and norms of social protection of persons with disabilities contained in the legislation, following the transformation of socio-economic conditions in the country.

It should be noted that the tasks of social policy in relation to the disabled, despite all their specifics, should be considered in a complex, and not in isolation from the general context of social policy.


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Purpose of the lecture: Study of legal bases in the field of social protection, social services for the disabled in the Russian Federation.


1. Legislative acts in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

2. Implementation of the right to health by disabled people in the Russian Federation.

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation".

4. The federal law of the Russian Federation "On social services elderly and disabled citizens” and other regulatory documents related to the provision of social services to disabled people.

1. Legislative acts in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Modern Russian legislative acts in terms of care and assistance to people with disabilities in terms of content are approaching the laws and principles adopted throughout the world.

In Russia, legislative documents of particular importance for determining the rights and obligations of persons with disabilities and relating to the legal protection of interests include the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the federal laws “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, and “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled People”.

The most important regulations that protect disabled people from a socio-economic point of view include: on the procedure for recognizing citizens as disabled; on granting benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children; on approval of the list of diseases that give the right to receive additional living space; on the provision of housing, payment for housing and utilities; on the provision of vehicles to disabled people.

A number of documents relate to the development of medical and social assistance to the disabled: On the State Service of Medical and Social Expertise; on the classification of criteria used in the implementation of medical and social expertise; on the formation of an interdepartmental commission for the coordination of activities in the field of rehabilitation of the disabled; exemplary regulation on a rehabilitation institution; on providing disabled people with technical and other means of rehabilitation.

Regulatory documents have been developed that secure the rights of disabled people to education, leisure and information; on the procedure for the upbringing and education of disabled children at home and outside state educational institutions; on measures to ensure unhindered access of persons with disabilities to information and social infrastructure facilities, etc.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (dated 12.12.1993) states that labor and health of people are protected in the Russian Federation, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support is provided for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, a system is being developed social services, state pensions, allowances and other guarantees of social protection are established (Article 7).

Everyone is guaranteed social Security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for the upbringing of children and in other cases established by law (Article 38).

Social support, assistance to the disabled is considered in the most detail in the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” dated November 15, 1995. The document consists of 5 chapters that regulate various aspects of disability problems. Chapter 1 of this law lists general provisions, the definition of the concept of "disabled person" is given, the grounds on which disability groups are determined are considered. According to the law, depending on the degree of impairment of body functions and limitation of life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under the age of 18 are classified as a “disabled child”.

The recognition of a person as a disabled person is carried out by the State Service of Medical and Social Expertise. The procedure and conditions for this are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

This law interprets the social protection of the disabled as a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide these people with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) life restrictions and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in the life of society with other citizens.

In addition, Part I of the law also regulates the issues of compliance with federal and international documents, establishes the competence of state authorities in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities.

Chapter 2 of the law is devoted to the concept and mechanisms of medical and social expertise. The latter is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the state of the body based on an analysis of the clinical, functional, social, professional, and psychological data of the person being examined using classifications and criteria that are developed and approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The list of functions assigned to public service medical and social expertise.

Chapter 3 of the law under consideration refers to the rehabilitation of disabled people, which is defined as a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or, possibly, more fully compensating for limitations in life activity caused by a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a disabled person, achieve material independence and social adaptation. This chapter of the law also deciphers the content of the rehabilitation process.

According to the law, the latter implies:

Ÿ medical rehabilitation: restorative therapy, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics;

Ÿ vocational rehabilitation: vocational guidance, vocational education, vocational adaptation and employment;

Ÿ social rehabilitation: social and environmental orientation and social adaptation.

Article 10 of the law regulates the guaranteed list rehabilitation measures, technical means and services provided to a disabled person free of charge at the expense of the federal budget.

This law provides for the development of individual programs for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, which are a set of optimal rehabilitation measures for him, including certain types, forms, volumes, terms and procedure for the implementation of medical, professional and other rehabilitation measures. The latter are aimed at restoring, compensating for impaired or lost functions of the body, restoring, compensating for the ability of a disabled person to perform certain types activities.

An individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, in accordance with this law, is mandatory for execution by the relevant state authorities, local governments, as well as organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

Activities for the rehabilitation of disabled people are coordinated by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Rehabilitation institutions are those that carry out the relevant process in accordance with the rehabilitation programs for the disabled. Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account regional and territorial needs, should create a network of rehabilitation institutions, including non-state ones, and promote the development of a system of medical, professional and social rehabilitation of disabled people, organize the production of its technical means.

Chapter 4 of the law is devoted to the issues of ensuring the life of the disabled. It describes state and community resources for such assistance. First of all, medical: the provision of qualified medical care for the disabled, including the provision of medicines.

This kind of rehabilitation of disabled people is carried out within the framework of the federal basic program of compulsory medical insurance for the population of the Russian Federation at the expense of the relevant federal and territorial funds. In practice, this article prescribed in the law changes: for example, the lists of medicines issued free of charge are reduced everywhere.

In some regions of Russia, the issue of providing medicines is solved in an unconventional way: “social pharmacies” are created, which have tax benefits. Prices for medicines in such pharmacies are much lower, however, in order to get the required remedy, you need to wait for your turn for years.

The law regulates issues of ensuring unhindered access to information for persons with disabilities (Article 14). To this end, measures are being taken to strengthen the material and technical base of editorial offices, publishing houses and printing enterprises that produce special literature for the disabled, as well as editorial offices, programs, studios, enterprises, institutions and organizations that produce recordings, audio recordings and other sound products, film and videos and other video products for people with disabilities. Sign language is recognized as a means of interpersonal communication. A system of subtitling or sign language translation of television programs, films and videos is being introduced. It should be noted that the proportion of such programs and films is small, even news programs are rarely accompanied by sign language translation.

Article 15 deals with the problem of ensuring unhindered access for persons with disabilities to social infrastructure facilities. According to the law, the federal government, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government, organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, must create conditions for disabled people (including those who use wheelchairs and guide dogs) for free access to facilities social infrastructure. Planning and development of cities and other settlements, the formation of residential and recreational areas, as well as the development and production of vehicles common use, means of communication and information without the adaptation of these objects for access to them by disabled people and their use by them are not allowed. Enterprises, institutions and organizations providing transport services to the population must provide the equipment of stations, airports, vehicles with special devices that allow people with disabilities to move freely. A list of infrastructure facilities and the procedure for regulating access to them are given.

Article 17 of the law describes the procedure for providing disabled people with living space. Disabled persons and families in which disabled children who need to improve their living conditions live are registered and provided with living quarters in accordance with the benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Disabled persons have the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room in accordance with the list of diseases approved by the government of the Russian Federation. In this section of the law, attention is paid to the issues of equipping residential premises for the disabled. However, a service network that would take care of the adaptation of housing in accordance with the needs of persons with disabilities is still missing. The creation of a comfortable housing stock remains a personal matter of the disabled person or his family members.

The issues of accessibility of education, upbringing and education of children with disabilities are presented in Articles 18 and 19 of the law under consideration. It declares the guarantee of education, the creation by the state of the necessary conditions for education and training of disabled people. For those who need special conditions upon receipt vocational education, according to the law, special, vocational educational institutions of various types and types or appropriate conditions in vocational educational institutions of a general type must be created.

However, the problem of integrated education is still relevant. The share of disabled people studying in ordinary, non-specialized educational institutions, is too small. Educational structure specialized schools for children with disabilities sometimes does not stand up to criticism - such a stereotypical and biased attitude towards the capabilities of disabled people. Employees of specialized schools and boarding schools have attitudes towards the segregation of disabled children, excessive control and guardianship.

Special vocational educational institutions for disabled people most often provide them with the opportunity to get a working profession. The problem of accessibility of higher education for them is widely discussed, however, the proportion of disabled people entering the university is not increasing, additional technological measures that facilitate the procedure for entrance examinations and training of disabled people with certain health disorders have not been worked out.

Article 20 of this law regulates the provision of employment for persons with disabilities. They are provided with guarantees of employment by the federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through special measures that help increase their competitiveness in the labor market, and measures that encourage employers to provide jobs to people with disabilities.

The creation of special jobs for this category of people is also regulated by law (Article 22). This implies the implementation of additional measures for the organization of labor, including the adaptation of the main and auxiliary equipment, technical and organizational equipment, additional equipment and the provision of technical devices, taking into account the individual capabilities of the disabled.

In accordance with Article 23, a disabled person employed in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, must be provided with the necessary working conditions in accordance with an individual program for his rehabilitation. Employers have a responsibility (Article 24) to provide employment for persons with disabilities.

The conditions for recognizing a disabled person as unemployed have been defined and approved by law. A number of measures have been prescribed to encourage employers to provide jobs for people with disabilities. The law regulates the material support of the disabled (Article 27). The issues of their social services, conditions of stay in a stationary social service institution are also considered.

Article 30 takes into account aspects of transport services for the disabled, benefits for travel in public transport. Citizens and officials guilty of violating the rights and freedoms of disabled people are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 32)

Chapter 5 of this law is devoted to public associations of the disabled. It regulates the right to create such associations (Article 33), tax and other benefits for deductions to the budgets of all levels (Article 34). According to Article 36, the President and the Government of the Russian Federation must bring their regulatory legal acts in line with this federal law.

Thus, the rehabilitation, restoration and activation of their abilities for an independent life becomes the foundation of social policy concerning the disabled.

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