On approval of the procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits. Ensuring accessibility of services in the field of sports and tourism for people with disabilities Adaptation of cultural institutions for people with disabilities



On approval of the Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 10/08/2018, N 0001201810080013).

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 09.10.92 N 3612-1 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture" (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, N 46, Art. 2615, Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 26, Art. 3172, 2001, N 1, Art. 2, N 53, Art. 5030, 2002, N 52, Art. 5132, 2003, N 52, Art. 5038, 2004, N 35, Art. 3607, 2006, N 1, Art. 10, N 45, Art. 4627, 2007, N 1, Art. 21, 2008, N 30, Art. 3616, 2009, N 52, Art. 6411, 2010, N 19, Art. 2291, 2013, N 17, Art. 2030, N 27, Art. 3477, N 40, Art. 5035, 2014, N 19, Art. 2307, N 30, Art. 4217, Art. 4257, N 49, Art. 6928),

I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Ministers of Culture of the Russian Federation in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

3. This order comes into force on 01/01/2016.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 10, 2015,
registration N 40074

Application. The procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits


by order of the Ministry of Culture
Russian Federation
dated November 16, 2015 N 2800

1. This procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) defines the rules for providing assistance to people with disabilities in overcoming barriers that prevent them from receiving services in the field of culture on an equal basis with other persons, as well as ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities:

- objects (administrative buildings, structures, structures and premises) (hereinafter - objects) of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies, federal state unitary and state enterprises, federal state budgetary institutions culture - theaters, concert organizations, cinemas, circuses, cultural and leisure (cultural and educational) and other organizations engaged in activities for the active participation of people with disabilities in cultural life (as creators of cultural works or participants in amateur artistic and cultural creativity) (hereinafter - cultural organizations );

- cultural values ​​and benefits, services in the field of culture provided by cultural organizations.

2. To ensure conditions for accessibility of objects and services in the field of culture for people with disabilities, cultural organizations interact with the owners of the objects. The organization of this interaction is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

3. Heads of cultural organizations, as part of activities to ensure the accessibility of facilities and services, instruct or train officials of these organizations authorized to provide services to people with disabilities, taking into account their persistent disorders of body functions and limitations in life activity.

The obligation of officials of cultural organizations to provide services to people with disabilities in accessible form(including the acceptance and recording of applications from people with disabilities to create the necessary conditions for the accessibility of objects and services), as well as the provision of assistance to them in this regard, is determined by the heads of cultural organizations in the regulations for the provision of services to the population and in the official regulations (instructions) of officials ( employees) providing these services.

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, in order to organize the accessibility of facilities and services, develops and sends to government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation recommendations on organizing instructing or training specialists working with people with disabilities on ensuring accessibility of facilities and services for them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation subjects of the Russian Federation.

4. The heads of cultural organizations, in accordance with the requirements established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts, ensure the creation of following conditions accessibility of objects:

- the possibility of unhindered entry into specified objects and exits from them;

- the ability to independently move around the facility in order to access the place where the service is provided, including with the help of personnel providing the service, assistive and assistive technologies, mnemonic diagrams, relief arrows and inscriptions made in relief dot font, as well as a replaceable wheelchair;

- the ability to board and disembark a vehicle before entering the facility, including using a wheelchair and, if necessary, with the help of facility staff;

- accompanying disabled people with persistent visual impairments when moving around the facility;

- instructing employees who have primary contact with service recipients on familiarizing disabled people with the placement and layout of premises, the sequence of actions and the route of movement when receiving services;

- assistance to a disabled person when entering and exiting a building, informing him about available public transport routes;

- proper placement of media about the procedure for providing the service, its design in a form accessible to people with disabilities, taking into account their life limitations, including duplication of the audio and visual information necessary to receive the service (inscriptions, signs and other text and graphic information in the format of relief graphics and signs made in raised dot Braille and on a contrasting background);

- ensuring access to the facility where services are provided or to the place where the service is provided for a guide dog if there is a document confirming it special training, issued in a form approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2015 N 386n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 21, 2015, registration N 38115).

5. Cultural organizations providing services, in accordance with the requirements established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts, are provided with:

- providing disabled people with the necessary assistance in a form accessible to them, drawing up documents established by the regulations (procedure) for the provision of services, and performing other actions necessary to receive the service;

- provision of services to the hearing impaired, if necessary, using Russian sign language, including ensuring access to a sign language interpreter, sign language interpreter;

- providing visually impaired people, if necessary, with the service of hidden direct audio commentary conducted by a professional audio commentator, including ensuring access for the audio commentator;

- the presence of an audio circuit, copies of documents, announcements, instructions on the procedure for providing services (including at the information stand), made in embossed dotted Braille and on a contrasting background;

- placement of premises in which the service is provided, mainly on the lower floors of buildings;

- conditions of access for people with disabilities to the operating cash rooms of cultural organizations and the possibility of receiving services during reconstruction, adaptation of all elements of equipment for service (including cash register windows, passages);

- conditions of access to other premises: lobby, cash register lobby, wardrobe, bathrooms, buffets, foyers, corridors and lobbies, auditoriums (theater, concert halls, cinema halls), exhibition (exhibition) halls and premises, workshops, studios, recording rooms, elevator location areas;

- creation of inclusive creative teams operating on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions;

- providing disabled people with the opportunity to send an application to receive services in electronic format by filling out a special interactive form on the websites of cultural organizations on the Internet information and telecommunications network, ensuring the identification of the recipient;

- placement of accessible information to ensure the level of accessibility of sites on the Internet information and telecommunications network of cultural organizations, taking into account the requirements of national standards;

Other conditions for ensuring accessibility provided for by the administrative regulations for the provision of services:

- providing disabled people with at least 5% of seats in theater and concert halls (3% in cinema halls), but at least three seats when providing services for showing performances, concert programs, films and circus performances for people with disabilities (including when allocating specialized areas services for disabled people in the building);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on October 19, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated June 27, 2018 N 1017.

- equipping cinemas and cinema halls with sets of equipment to provide hidden automatic audio commentary and subtitling when demonstrating digital films;

- collective access of a group of disabled people (hereinafter referred to as a special group) to objects and events held by cultural organizations, subject to prior agreement with the organizer of the visit special group - rehabilitation organization, a public association of disabled people or a social protection body (hereinafter referred to as the organizer).

6. When organizing a visit to a special group by authorized officials preliminary approval of the conditions of the visit is carried out, during which the following are determined: the category, age and number of disabled people and persons accompanying them in the group, the state of ensuring the accessibility of the object and the cultural values ​​being represented for people with disabilities, the procedure for a collective visit, ways of introducing disabled people to the cultural values ​​being presented, other issues preparation and conduct of a collective visit. The conditions for organizing a collective visit may be included in the relevant agreement.

The cultural organization notifies the organizer in advance (at least 10 working days) of the planned visit of a special group, special rules and safety requirements, and also allocates an employee (employees) and ensures his (their) training for the unhindered receipt of services for people with disabilities (including viewing performances, concert programs, films and circus performances, conducting special excursions, participating in cultural and leisure events) .

7. The assessment of the level of accessibility of objects and services in the field of culture for disabled people is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, using the following indicators of accessibility for people with disabilities of objects and services in the field of culture (hereinafter referred to as indicators):

A) specific gravity objects of cultural organizations put into operation from July 1, 2016, with conditions for accessibility of objects and services for disabled people (of the total number of objects of cultural organizations put into operation);

b) the share of objects of cultural organizations that, after major repairs and reconstruction after July 1, 2016, have conditions for accessibility of objects and services for disabled people (of the total number of objects of cultural organizations);

c) the proportion of objects of cultural organizations that provide conditions for individual mobility of people with disabilities and the opportunity for their independent movement around the building (and, if necessary, throughout the territory of the facility) (from total number objects of cultural organizations where repair and reconstruction work was carried out after July 1, 2016);

d) the share of cultural organizations equipped with assistive devices and adaptive means in order to ensure unhindered access to facilities for people with disabilities (for people with mobility impairments, vision, and hearing) (out of the total number of facilities of cultural organizations);

e) the share of employees of cultural organizations who have undergone training (instruction) on issues related to the specifics of providing services to people with disabilities and who are proficient in methods of providing the necessary assistance to people with visual, hearing, and musculoskeletal impairments (of the total number of employees of cultural organizations);

f) the share of cultural organizations providing assistance to employees who, by administrative and administrative act of the cultural organization, are entrusted with the obligation to provide it to people with disabilities (the visually impaired, the hearing impaired) (out of the total number of objects of cultural organizations);

g) the share of events of cultural organizations accessible to people with disabilities (those with disabilities, visually impaired, hearing impaired) (of the total number of events held by cultural organizations);

h) the share of cultural organizations that provide at least 5% (for cinemas - at least 3%) of seats in auditoriums equipped for people with disabilities (impaired with mobility, vision, hearing) (of the total number of organizations);

i) the share of cultural organizations that have information on the official website about the accessibility of objects and services for people with disabilities with visual and hearing impairments and people with disabilities who use wheelchairs (out of the total number of cultural organizations);

j) the number of sites of cultural organizations equipped with sets of equipment to provide hidden automatic audio commentary and subtitling when demonstrating entertainment events (including performances, concerts, circus performances, digital films, cultural, leisure and other events) (from the total number of sites of objects cultural organizations);

k) the share of cultural and leisure institutions that have inclusive creative groups operating on the bases of cultural and leisure institutions (from the total number of cultural and leisure institutions);

l) the proportion of cultural organizations that have websites on the Internet information and telecommunications network that take into account the requirements of national standards;

m) the share of cultural organizations that carry out outdoor events for people with disabilities (those with disabilities, visually impaired, hearing impaired) (of the total number of cultural organizations).

8. Cultural organizations providing services in the field of culture and tourism, when preparing technical specifications and concluding contracts, take measures to ensure the design, construction and acceptance from July 1, 2016 of newly commissioned buildings (premises) that have undergone major repairs, reconstruction, and modernization ), in which the provision of these services is carried out, as well as to ensure the purchase of vehicles purchased from this date to serve recipients of these services, in compliance with the conditions of their accessibility for people with disabilities established by Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On Social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563, 2001, No. 33, Art. 3426; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2014, No. 49, Art. 6928) ( hereinafter - Law N 181-FZ), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 N 1521 "On approval of the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of the application of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law is ensured" Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 2, Art. 465, No. 40, Art. 5568).

9. Owners of facilities that cannot be fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities accept (prior to their reconstruction or major repairs) agreed upon with one of public associations disabled people carrying out their activities in the territory of a settlement, municipal district, urban district, measures to ensure access for disabled people to the place of provision of services at the place of residence of disabled people or remotely.

10. Cultural organizations providing services in existing facilities (premises) rented for the provision of services, which cannot be fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, take measures to conclude additional agreements with the lessor or to include provisions in draft lease agreements on the fulfillment by the owner of the facility of security requirements conditions of accessibility for disabled people of this facility and the services provided on it.

11. Cultural organizations providing services, in order to determine measures to gradually increase the level of accessibility conditions for disabled people of objects and the services provided on them, conduct a survey of these objects and services, based on the results of which a certificate of accessibility for people with disabilities of the object and the services provided on it is drawn up (hereinafter, accordingly - examination and certification, accessibility passport).

12. The accessibility passport contains the following sections:

- a brief description of the facility and the services provided on it;

- assessment of the compliance of the level of accessibility of objects for people with disabilities and existing shortcomings in ensuring the conditions for their accessibility for people with disabilities using the indicators provided for in paragraph 7 of this Procedure;

- assessment of the level of accessibility of services for people with disabilities, including the availability of conditions for direct audio commentary, and existing shortcomings in ensuring the conditions of their accessibility for people with disabilities using the indicators provided for in paragraph 7 of this Procedure;

- proposed management decisions on the timing and scope of work necessary to bring the facility and the procedure for providing services therein into compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Local legal acts of cultural organizations approve the composition of the commission for conducting the survey and certification of the object and the services provided on it (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the timing and plans - schedules for the survey and certification.

14. The Commission includes representatives of public associations of people with disabilities operating in the territory of the settlement, municipal district, urban district where the facility where the examination and certification is planned is located.

15. Based on the results of the inspection of the facility and the services provided on it, the Commission develops proposals for making decisions (taking into account the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 13, 2006 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 6, Art. 468) to ensure “reasonable accommodation” and “universal design”), which are included in the accessibility passport, including:

- to create (taking into account the needs of people with disabilities) conditions for accessibility of an existing facility and the procedure for providing services there in accordance with Part 4 of Article 15 of Law No. 181-FZ (if it is impossible to ensure full accessibility);

- to determine the measures taken into account in the development plans of the facility, estimates for its capital and current repairs, reconstruction, modernization, in schedules for re-equipping the facility and purchasing new equipment in order to increase its level of accessibility and conditions for the provision of services there (taking into account the needs of people with disabilities);

- by switching on necessary measures in the technical specifications for the development of design and estimate documentation for the design, construction, equipping of newly commissioned facilities where services are provided to the population, provisions providing for their full compliance with the requirements for accessibility of facilities for people with disabilities from July 1, 2016.

16. The accessibility passport developed by the Commission is approved by the head of the cultural organization and sent within 10 working days to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

17. If a service is provided in a rented premises (building) or using a rented vehicle, the Commission includes a representative of the owner of the rented premises (building) or vehicle, and in proposals to increase the level of accessibility of the facility, his proposals are taken into account, which arise from the owner’s obligation to ensure conditions of accessibility for disabled people of objects and services in accordance with Part 1 of Article 15 of Law No. 181-FZ.

18. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, taking into account the submitted accessibility passports, in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 3 of the Rules for the development by executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments of measures to increase the values ​​of indicators of accessibility for disabled people of objects and services in established areas of activity approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2015 N 599 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 26, Art. 3894) approves action plans (road maps) to increase the values ​​of indicators of accessibility of objects and services for disabled people.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Guided by paragraph 84 of Appendix No. 4 to the state program of the Russian Federation “ Accessible environment"for 2011 - 2020", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2015 No. 1297 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 49, Art. 6987; 2016, No. 18, Art. 2625, No. 24, Art. 3525), I order:

2. Activities to implement the program sociocultural rehabilitation in cultural institutions are aimed at ensuring the participation of people with disabilities, including disabled children, in the cultural life of society through the use by people with disabilities, including disabled children, of the resources of cultural institutions and the services they provide.

3. Cultural institutions implementing the sociocultural rehabilitation program provide:

Unimpeded access for people with disabilities, including disabled children, to the facilities and services of cultural institutions;

Informing people with disabilities, including parents (legal representatives) of disabled children, about the procedure for providing services for the socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children; about the sociocultural rehabilitation program implemented by a cultural institution, including by posting information on the official website of the cultural institution on the Internet, on the official websites of institutions with which the cultural institution has entered into agreements and (or) agreements on joint activities to implement the program sociocultural rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as partner organizations), at the information stand of cultural institutions, as well as information stands of partner organizations;

Possibility of submission by disabled people, parents ( legal representatives) for disabled children, applications for the provision of sociocultural rehabilitation services through the use of the Internet information and telecommunications network.

4. The implementation of a sociocultural rehabilitation program by a cultural institution provides for:

Providing museums with the opportunity to familiarize people with disabilities, including disabled children, with museum objects and museum collections, including through the holding of special exhibitions by museum employees who have been trained (instructed) on issues related to the specifics of providing services to people with disabilities, including disabled children for disabled people, including disabled children, as an addition to the main exhibition, rehabilitation clubs and studios, specialized excursions;

Providing libraries with the opportunity to familiarize people with disabilities, including disabled children, with library collections, organizing series of meetings, quizzes, exhibitions and other cultural and educational events aimed at the sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children;

Providing performing arts organizations with the opportunity to familiarize people with disabilities, including disabled children, with the services they provide, organizing study groups, studio work, festivals, competitions, art shows aimed at the socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children;

Providing cultural and leisure institutions with conditions for disabled people, including disabled children, to attend events aimed at the socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people, including disabled children;

Providing disabled people, including disabled children, with cultural institutions implementing a sociocultural rehabilitation program, the equipment necessary for disabled people, including disabled children, to receive sociocultural rehabilitation services;

Rendering by employees of a cultural institution implementing a sociocultural rehabilitation program assistance to people with disabilities, including disabled children, in explaining in a form accessible to them the procedure for providing and receiving services for sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children, in preparing documents, performing other actions necessary to receive this service.

5. In order to implement the socio-cultural rehabilitation program, the cultural institution provides:

Carrying out diagnostics of the cultural needs, creative interests and preferences of people with disabilities, including disabled children;

Approval of a sociocultural rehabilitation program for each disabled person, including a disabled child, taking into account the recommendations of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled person, an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled child, as well as the cultural needs, creative interests and preferences of a disabled person, including a child - disabled person

6. Cultural institutions plan to carry out activities aimed at the sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people, including disabled children, taking into account an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled person, an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled child.

7. Cultural institutions implementing a program of sociocultural rehabilitation ensure that they conduct documentary observations of the individual sociocultural activities of each disabled person, including a disabled child, in the process of his participation in events conducted by the institution.

8. Cultural institutions implementing a sociocultural rehabilitation program provide for measures to improve the technologies used for sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children, taking into account the expansion of the list of services provided and activities carried out for people with disabilities, including disabled children.

9. Summing up the implementation of the sociocultural rehabilitation program provides for:

Preparation by the cultural institution of reporting materials on the results of each disabled person, including a disabled child, undergoing a sociocultural rehabilitation program;

Posting information about the results and implementation of the sociocultural rehabilitation program on the official website of the cultural institution on the Internet information and telecommunications network.


* Federal Law of December 1, 2014 No. 419-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of social protection of persons with disabilities in connection with the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 49, Art. 6928; 2016, No. 24, Art. 14).

** Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563; 1998, No. 31, Art. 3803; 1999, No. 2, Art. 232; No. 29, Art. 3693; 2000, No. 22, Art. 2267; 2001, No. 24, Art. 2410; No. 33, Art. 3426; No. 53, Art. 5024; 2002, No. 1, Article 2; No. 22, Article 2026; 2003, No. 2, Article 167; No. 43, Article 4108; 2004, No. 35, Article 3607; 2005, No. 1, Article 25; 2006, No. 1, Article 10; 2007, No. 43, Article 5084; No. 45, Article 5421; No. 49, Article 6070; 2008, No. 9, Article 817; No. 29, Article 3410; No. 30, Article 3616; No. 52, Art. 6224; 2009, No. 18, Art. 2152; No. 30, Art. 3739; 2010, No. 50, Art. 6609; 2011, No. 27, Art. 3880; No. 30, Art. 4596; No. 45 , Art. 6329; No. 47, Art. 6608; No. 49, Art. 7033; 2012, No. 29, Art. 3990; No. 30, Art. 4175; No. 53, Art. 7621; 2013, No. 8, Art. 717 ; No. 19, Art. 2331; No. 27, Art. 3460, 3475, 3477; No. 48, Art. 6160; No. 52, Art. 6986; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3406; No. 30, Art. 4268; No. 49, Art. 6928; 2015, No. 27, Art. 3967; No. 48, Art. 6724; 2016, No. 1, Art. 19; No. 52, Art. 7510).

*** Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2015 No. 1297 “On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011 - 2020” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 49, Art. 6987; 2016, No. 18, Article 2625, No. 24, Article 3525).

Document overview

A model program for the sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people, including disabled children, has been approved.

It is stipulated that activities are implemented in cultural institutions in order to ensure unimpeded access for people with disabilities to rehabilitation (habilitation) services; assistance in obtaining services for their sociocultural rehabilitation (habilitation); informing about available services.

A list of specific activities has been established. Thus, museums, libraries, performing arts organizations, cultural and leisure institutions, etc. will be provided with opportunities to familiarize people with disabilities with cultural values ​​and services provided. Scheduled to be provided necessary equipment for sociocultural rehabilitation; providing assistance in preparing documents and performing other actions by disabled people necessary to receive services.


Activities of municipal cultural institutions

on social adaptation of disabled people


In the city of Salekhard, according to the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of Salekhard, the number of disabled people as of January 1, 2013 is 1776 this man is3,98% ( share of disabled people from the total population). Of the total number of disabled people – 177* are children.

Rehabilitation of a disabled person is a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or, possibly, full compensation for limitations in life caused by impaired health persistent disorder body functions. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a disabled person, to achieve financial independence and his social adaptation.

The process of rehabilitation of disabled people is multifaceted and multifaceted, therefore its effectiveness is achieved through well-coordinated, systemic interdepartmental interaction.

In implementation social rehabilitation a large role is given to cultural institutions. Municipal cultural institutions carry out activities in the following areas:

Areas of sociocultural rehabilitation:




4. Improving forms of work with people with disabilities (disabled children) on the basis of city libraries.

5. Implementation of cultural events at various levels for people with disabilities.

1. Implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people (IPR)

The basis of the rehabilitation work process is individual rehabilitation programs (hereinafter referred to as IPR) for disabled people, developed by the Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”. As a subject of the IPR implementation system, the department coordinates the work of institutions. At the municipal level, a fairly clear system of interdepartmental interaction has been built according to the following scheme:

In each of the institutions, the Order identifies those responsible for coordinating the work on the implementation of the IPR;

On a quarterly basis, institutions send information about the services they provide to the city Department of Labor and Social Protection;

The department sends information about services for inclusion in the IPR to the Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”;

The Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug” coordinates with the participants and sends information to the Department of Culture of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug;

Data from the Department of Culture of the IPR is sent via a secure access channel to the department, the department delivers the information to institutions;

Institutions mark participants in events of this category in the IPR.

2. Adaptation of cultural objects to needs low mobility groups disabled people

In order to create conditions for unhindered access of people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups to social infrastructure and services, as well as the integration of people with disabilities into society and improving their standard of livingIn the municipal formation of the city of Salekhard, the municipal target program “Rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people for years” is being implemented.

As part of the activities to create barrier-free environment To date, the following work has been carried out:

· Certification of cultural institutions was carried out

· Ramps were built, lifting equipment was installed

· Entrance areas, traffic routes, sanitary facilities have been adapted, anti-slip coatings have been purchased

3. Creating conditions for creative self-realization and development of people with disabilities

In order to identify creatively gifted people from among the disabled, MAOU DOD "DSHI" provides the service "Training in the class of aesthetic development for children with disabilities disabilities health."Since September 2011, the institution has been implementing experimental program for children with disabilities"Drawing and creativity" main goal which is the social adaptation of children with disabilities, the development of their creative skills and abilities.

The program solves three groups of problems: adaptation (active adaptation of children to conditions external environment), automation (implementation of a set of attitudes towards oneself, stability in behavior and relationships) and activation of the individual (“Be with everyone”, “Be yourself”).

In 2012, 9 children with disabilities studied at the Children's Art School. Students took an active part in competitions and festivals held as part of events for children with disabilities.

In order to train teaching staff as part of the implementation of the experimental program “Drawing and Artistic Creativity”, a training seminar on the topic “Methodology of working with children with developmental disabilities” was held at MAOU DOD “DSHI” (May, 2012). The seminar sessions were conducted by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Tyumen state academy culture, arts and social technologies, member of the Russian Association of Psychotherapists, director of the Resource Center for Change “Istok” (Tyumen). 30 teachers of the municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education for children “Children's Art School” took part in advanced training courses.

Also, in order to facilitate the integration of talented young people into creative life in 2012, a student of the choir department of MAOU DOD "DSHI" Sarotetto Anfisa, teacher, nomination "piano" took part in the IV Moscow Paramusical Festival (Moscow). The competitive selection was based on video recordings sent to the festival. Anfisa Serotetto was awarded a diploma of festival participant. In 2013, in the city competition of children's and youth creativity "Polar Star" he became the winner of the title of Laureate I degree in the “Pop Vocal” nomination in the age group up to 7 years Nikolay Vasilenko.

4. Improving forms of work with people with disabilities (disabled children) on the basis of city libraries

An indispensable condition for the social rehabilitation of people with disabilities is to ensure equal opportunities for access to information and library services, prompt provision of socially significant information, and priority provision of literature in various formats.

Considering one of its important tasks to be providing people with disabilities with a full range of library services, the institution works closely with social services assistance to the population, public organizations of disabled people.

Among the list of services for library and information services for people with disabilities (including children) are:

Listening to “talking” books of various contents (fairy tales, encyclopedias, thematic publications, works of art) on audio cassettes and CDs ROM;

Providing books in Braille “ABC in pictures for children”, “ABC for adults”;

Club activities (organization of events at the “Mercy” club for the purpose of full communication and active leisure).

Use of modern technical means and provision wide range information and library services - will expand the possibilities of introducing disabled user groups to cultural and public life. On the basis of the City Library, the “Overcoming” program of information services for people with disabilities, blind and visually impaired continues to be successfully implemented. Currently, special equipment and specialized literature on electronic media are used for service, and events are held using “talking books.”

As of 01/01/2013 the specialized fund for persons with disabilities amounted to 393 documents. The significantly specialized fund was replenished with new publications in 2012 due to district and departmental targeted programs - a total of 199 documents were acquired. This will allow us to carry out active work in the future to attract this category of users to the library.

In order to increase demand for library services and provide people with disabilities, the blind and visually impaired with equal opportunities to access information, since October 2012, a user space with special equipment (tifloplayer and tape recorder) has been transferred to the Central Library.

A special place in the organization of active leisure is given to children with disabilities: summer time- work with children on the school playground (day stay “Children Plus” of the social rehabilitation department at the MBU “Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens”; in winter time- on-site events (based on the Center - for children (with various diagnoses, including disabled people - wheelchair users). Activities are carried out within the framework of the agreement. For summer period 2012 17 events were held, attended by 110 people.

Information and bibliographic services for preschoolers are carried out with the MDOU " Kindergarten No. 9 “Crystalline” combined type” in groups for children with impaired vision, with a group of visual impairment (delay mental development) “Chamomile” and the speech therapy group “Gnomes” MBDOU No. 22 “Blue Bird” of a combined type). The events take place at preschool institutions.

In 2012, a joint work plan was drawn up with the 21st Century Club for youth (based on the MBU "Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens"). A cooperation agreement and an event plan for this category have been drawn up for 2013.

The main forms of work are presentations of new books, literary games for various age groups (diagnoses vary). watching videos, book festivals, themed evenings International Day for the blind, holiday and game programs,

Total for 2012 For this category of users, 27 events were held, 268 people attended, book distribution - 3098 copies.

Library Performance Indicators

Bysociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people

for the period 20


Events held

Visited (persons)










5. Implementation of cultural events at various levels for people with disabilities

Cultural and leisure activities of institutions are represented by the following types:

Musical, educational and competitive gaming programs;

Literary evenings and lounges, presentations and book premieres, creative meetings;

Organization of active leisure on weekends and holidays;

Comprehensive events within the framework of the work of summer school playgrounds, annual participation in the city event “Spring Week of Kindness”;

Organizing visits for disabled people to film shows;

Assistance in their creative self-expression (preparation of concert numbers for cultural and leisure programs);

Organization of work of interest clubs.

Participation of people with disabilities (disabled children) in cultural and leisure events held municipal institutions culture over the years:

Indicator name




Number of cultural and leisure events

Number of disabled people (disabled children) who took part in cultural and leisure activities

Among the events organized by cultural and leisure institutions for citizens with disabilities are:

- an evening of relaxation for people with disabilities as part of the closing of the Year of Equal Opportunities. The event took place at the Fakel restaurant, where 70 Salekhard residents were invited.

- game program as part of Health Day for children with disabilities. The event took place at the Salekhard District State Institution clinical Hospital"(children's somatic department). All children participated in games and relay races, and also answered questions in literary competitions (25 people)

- T traditional charity New Year's celebration for children with disabilities"Good, good fairy tale» , which has been organized since 2009 by the students and teaching staff of the Children's Art School Children's Educational Institution together with structural divisions Administration of the city of Salekhard.The 1st part of the performance - a musical fairy tale - was held in a large concert hall, the 2nd part - an interactive game program - in the foyer near the New Year tree. 120 disabled children took part in the event.

One of the most striking and significant events can be noteda social project implemented on the initiative of the Administration of the city of Salekhard with the assistance of the Yamalo-Nenets Regional Public Organization “Union of Disabled Persons “Unity”. The project is aimed at supporting people with disabilities. Within the framework of the project there was

- the first city exhibition of works fine and decorative arts by craftsmen and artists with disabilities "Territory of Creativity" . The audience was presented with works of painting, graphics, decorative and applied art, the authors of which are persons with disabilities. Participants age 7 years and olderThe best creative work The work of Nikitina Polina Denisovna “Grapevine”, made using the technique of bead embroidery, was recognized. She was awarded a Grant from the Head of the Salekhard City Administration in the amount of 30,000 rubles. In total, 70 people took part in the exhibition, and 122 works were presented.

B charity auction “Help others with your work”

The proceeds from the Auction were transferred to the authors of the works presented at the Auction and to participants in the pre-auction exhibition “Territory of Creativity”.

This project received a positive response in society and a good assessment from the authorities. In this connection, at a meeting of the Council of Heads under the Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug The heads of local administrations and municipalities of the district were recommended to use the experience of the city of Salekhard to organize charity auctions.


Social support for people with disabilities has been one of the priority areas of social policy both in Russia as a whole and in Yamal for many years. At the municipal level, there is a built-in system of interdepartmental interaction, to complex, systems approach to solving the problems of people with disabilities will improve the livelihoods of people with disabilities.

Cultural issues were discussed at the meeting of the Commission for Disabled People

On November 26, 2014, a regular meeting of the Commission for Persons with Disabilities under the President of the Russian Federation was held. The meeting was chaired by Alexandra Levitskaya, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission.

During the meeting the following issues were considered:

On creating conditions for the participation of people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility in the cultural life of society;

About education working group on issues of creating conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in the cultural life of society;

On the formation of a plan for meetings of the Commission for 2015.

The first issue was addressed by State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Grigory Ivliev, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Veniamin Kaganov, as well as experts on cultural activities, heads of regional governments, and museum directors.

On behalf of VOG President Valery Rukhledev, the All-Russian Society of the Deaf was represented at the meeting by VOG Vice President Stanislav Ivanov. He made a report on the topic “Accessibility of cultural life and cultural objects for the hearing impaired” and made a number of proposals on this issue, including the allocation of a targeted subsidy to the Theater-Studio of Mimicry and Gesture, the use of innovative developments, special mobile applications(video guides, etc.) to ensure information accessibility of cultural institutions for people with hearing impairments. Full version Stanislav Ivanov's report can be viewed in the attachment.

Based on the results of the meeting, in particular, it was decided to recommend that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation pay special attention to the need to:

Developing a plan for the preparation of draft legislative acts in the field of creating conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in cultural life, including in connection with the ratification by the Russian Federation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, providing for their discussion with public associations of people with disabilities and experts;

Formation of an effective mechanism for interdepartmental interaction between interested federal executive authorities;

Ensuring interaction between cultural institutions and public associations of people with disabilities in the development and implementation of cultural projects and programs;

Formation annually, together with public organizations of disabled people, a calendar of cultural events accessible to disabled people.

Also, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation was instructed to develop comprehensive plan to create conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in cultural life; to work on the issue of including in the state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011–2015 activities for subtitling and audio commentary of the most outstanding films of past years.

In addition, the Commission also decided to create a working group on creating conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in the cultural life of society and develop a plan for Commission meetings for 2015.

All-Russian public organization of disabled people
"All-Russian Society of the Deaf"
Topic: “Accessibility of cultural life and cultural objects for the hearing impaired”

Dear Alexandra Yuryevna, dear members of the Commission!
State policy in the field of development of deaf culture should be guided by the norms of Russian legislation, as well as Article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which states that people with disabilities should have access to places of cultural events or services, theaters, museums, have the right to recognition and supporting their distinct cultural and linguistic identities, including sign languages ​​and deaf culture.

Currently, the system of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf includes the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture, as well as 52 regional socio-cultural institutions, on the basis of which 308 creative groups, 112 club associations operate, about 9,000 events are held annually, in which more than 611 people take part. thousands of hearing impaired people and their family members.

The main task of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf in the field of socio-cultural rehabilitation of the hearing impaired is to preserve and develop the creative potential and diversity of the cultural life of the deaf, ensuring the accessibility of services of cultural institutions for the hearing impaired.

The main tool for expressing the special cultural identity of the deaf is Russian Sign Language, the status of which as a full-fledged language is defined in Article 14 federal law“On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

In order to ensure the implementation of the constitutional right of people with hearing disabilities to participate in cultural life and access to cultural objects through state support, and to create equal opportunities for them, it is necessary:

1. Include a separate line in state and federal target programs - “development of the original culture of the deaf,” which will include the holding of annual All-Russian festivals (Russian sign language, concert programs, clowning, pantomime, children's creativity, art exhibitions) accessible not only to the hearing impaired, but also to ordinary citizens.

The main goal of the festivals is to stimulate the development of artistic creativity and art of people with hearing disabilities, as a means of rehabilitation and social adaptation.

Festivals of creativity for people with hearing disabilities are a powerful tool for changing society’s attitude towards people with disabilities in general and towards the original culture of the deaf in particular.

2. The effectiveness of the cultural institutions of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf is at a low level due to acute shortage financial resources and reducing the number of personnel specialists and creative workers with knowledge of Russian sign language, including those from among the deaf and hard of hearing.
The shortage of relevant specialists in the club institutions of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf negates efforts to develop amateur creativity, aesthetic education of the younger generation, as well as conduct cultural leisure hearing impaired people, including disabled children.

Currently, the training of specialists in the field of culture with knowledge of Russian sign language on the basis of higher professional education of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is carried out by only one university - the State Specialized Academy of Arts.

It is necessary to create opportunities, especially in the regions, for teaching creative professions and training specialists from among the hearing impaired in higher and secondary educational institutions Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with their further employment in cultural institutions.

Enter in staffing tables capital and regional houses of culture, houses and centers folk art job rates of specialists in amateur creative activities with the hearing impaired.

3. The All-Russian public organization of disabled people “All-Russian Society of the Deaf” (VOG) is the founder and owner of the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture, which has been carrying out its socially significant work for more than half a century.

The theater is unique and the only stationary theater for the deaf in the world, which employs professional deaf artists whose performances are equally accessible to both the hearing impaired and the general public.

Theater is an element cultural heritage Russia, the source of the development of Russian sign language and the main means of cultural rehabilitation of the hearing impaired both in Russia and the CIS countries.

An analysis of the current state of the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture, its goals, objectives, main directions of development and expected results are defined in the Concept of Long-Term Development for the period until 2020, approved by a resolution of the Central Board of the Vogue.

The repertoire of the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture includes 11 performances; this year, free performances were shown for 1,717 orphans (without hearing impairment), and about 11 thousand hearing impaired people in Moscow and the Moscow region became spectators of unique performances.

The activities of the theater and the preservation of its acting team are carried out partly at the expense of insignificant own funds of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf and partly through subsidies provided by the Vog within the framework of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. But it is important to note that this subsidy is provided to VOG to strengthen the entire material and technical base of VOG and to carry out the statutory activities of regional branches of VOG in 79 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For the theater to carry out full-fledged creative activity and its further development, the allocated funds are extremely insufficient. In addition, the technical condition of the theater building itself is close to emergency and requires major repairs. These circumstances force VOG to turn to the state for the allocation of additional financial resources.

VOG has repeatedly contacted State Duma Russian Federation and federal executive authorities with a request to provide a targeted subsidy (in any optimal size) for the activities of the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture within the framework of another resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation - No. 1135 “On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget for state support individual public and other non-profit organizations”, through which financial assistance has been provided to various public organizations, including organizations of disabled people. But our requests remain without result.

The minimum required amount for the full-fledged theatrical activities of the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture is 27.9 million rubles per year.

For a totally deaf person and disabled children, due to the specific nature of the disability, theatrical art is virtually inaccessible. The Theater of Mimicry and Gesture can provide such an opportunity to become involved in culture and creativity. The solution lies in the development of touring activities.

For the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture to operate effectively and to fulfill its most important social task, it is necessary to provide a targeted subsidy from the federal budget.

4. Also, currently, hearing impaired people do not have a full opportunity to receive information about exhibits, paintings, objects and collections that are on display in museums and exhibitions.

It is necessary, within the framework of the state program “Accessible Environment”, to pay more attention not only to the physical, but also to the information accessibility of cultural institutions, museums and theaters using innovative developments, special mobile applications - video guides for excursions (subtitles on a tablet, translation into international and Russian sign language language).

It should be noted that there are already isolated examples of creating an accessible environment for the hearing impaired in our country. At the Darwin Museum, Museum of Tolerance. An experiment is being implemented at the Pyotr Fomenko Theater in which the viewer can understand the performance using subtitles on a tablet.

We hope that our proposals and requests will find a response from the relevant ministries and departments - co-executors of the state program “Accessible Environment”.

Annex 1

Instructions for entering information about the accessibility of cultural institutions, services and events in the field of culture for people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities in the AIS “Unified Information Space in the Field of Culture”.

In accordance with the decision of the working group on the creation of conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in the cultural life of society of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2016, on the basis of the automated information system “Single Information Space in the Sphere of Culture” (hereinafter referred to as AIS EIPSC), the collection of information on accessibility was organized cultural institutions, services provided to them and activities carried out for visits by persons with disabilities and people with disabilities.

Automated Information system“Unified information space in the field of culture” (all.culture.ru) is a project of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, created to collect and disseminate events in the field of culture through various information channels.

To add information about the accessibility of the institution, it is necessary to supplement the description of places and events tagged “Accessible environment”. Information about institutions marked with this tag will appear on special maps and in a separate section of the Kultura.rf website.

A place is considered accessible if one of the following requirements is met:

1. Accessibility for disabled people of any service area in a public building. At the same time, provision is made for the arrangement of: common universal traffic routes accessible to all categories of the population, including disabled people; adapted for the needs of disabled people, all or specially allocated from the total number of service places.

2. Allocation of special rooms, zones or blocks at the entrance level, adapted and equipped for people with disabilities. Provision is made for the construction of special entrances, specially equipped parallel traffic routes and service areas for persons with health impairments.

Tagging is carried out if the place is accessible to at least one of the groups of disabled people:

  • those using wheelchairs;

  • with musculoskeletal disorders;

  • with visual impairments;

  • with hearing impairments;

  • with mental development disorders.
Instructions for setting a tag

If the location meets the criteria outlined above, you must add a tag to the description. Attention! The “Accessible environment” tag should also be used to mark events that take place in places that meet the accessibility requirement.

To add a tag to a created place, necessary:

Rice. 1 Selecting the “Accessibility” tag for the location

If a location that meets the availability criteria is not already in the system, you should add it according to general recommendations on creating a place. When creating, you must also specify the “Accessible Environment” tag.

To add a tag to a created event, you must:

  1. Go to the event page, click the “Edit” button.

  2. In the “Tags” field, open the list of tags using the button on the right side of the line and select the “Accessible Environment” tag in the “Promotions” block.

  3. Save event.

Rice. 2 Selecting the “Accessible Environment” tag for the event

If an event that takes place in a location marked with the appropriate tag is not yet in the system, you should add it in accordance with the general recommendations for creating an event. When creating, you must also specify the “Accessible Environment” tag.