Modern practical implementation of forms and methods of sociocultural rehabilitation of young disabled people. Socio-cultural rehabilitation

Program for sociocultural rehabilitation of children with disabilities health

Passport target program

Name: Program for sociocultural rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Implementation period: 2013-2016

Program developers: GBOU secondary school No. 457

Goals and objectives of the program: sociocultural rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Participation in social adaptation and rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Organization of varied and interesting leisure activities, creative development, involving children in participating in various activities together with other children. Integration of disabled children into the environment of healthy children.

Creation of a unified information space in order to ensure equal access to information for all users.

Performers: GBOU secondary school No. 457

Program concept

Currently, the usual functions of schools are expanding. Schools are engaged in educational, educational, psychological, cultural and leisure activities, and our school also provides sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled children. this work is built taking into account the specifics of this category of students, as well as taking into account their needs for information and cultural services.

The goal of our project creating conditions for disabled children, introducing various forms of work that make it possible to organize leisure time for children with disabilities.

One of the main tasks , solved within the framework of the program - creating comfortable conditions so that children do not feel isolated from society and do not lack communication. Integration of disabled people into the environment of healthy people occupies a special place in the activities of the school.

School's mission – to help reveal and develop creative abilities in children with disabilities, promote their sociocultural rehabilitation and integration into society by providing them with information support and providing access to the necessary information, ensure accessibility of culture, education and self-education.

The modern school is a window into Big world, and for a disabled person this may be the only window.

An effective means of sociocultural rehabilitation of “special” children is to involve them in various entertainment and educational activities and clubs. By communicating together, children gain invaluable social experience and at the same time develop culturally. Literary evenings, competitions, holidays and game programs. Days of mercy, Health Weeks, theatrical performances, and charity events held by the school provide an opportunity for disabled children to feel like equal members of society and enable the child not only to reveal his or her creative abilities, but also to become a direct participant. Inclusion in the social environment helps “special” children master a set of social roles, norms and rules of community life, and overcome the feeling of rejection. The joy received from the holiday lifts your spirits and creates positive attitude, which is very important, because at first children perceive the event passively, but gradually they become more relaxed.

The program consists of the following complexes:

    Information and library;

    Theater complex “Books on Stage”;

    Creative workshops (circles)

    Computer lab equipped with specialized computer equipment and software;

    Sports and fitness complex.

Direction of work

The content of the work

Direction of work

Conceptual apparatus and content

Socio-cultural rehabilitation and support is one of the most relevant and sought-after areas of public practice of socio-cultural activities. A high humanitarian orientation, social and spiritual support for vulnerable segments of the population, concern for the social and cultural development of orphans, disabled people, elderly citizens, their introduction to the riches of universal human culture, to amateur crafts and creativity have always been characteristic of the advanced strata of Russian society.

The development of traditional and non-traditional instruments of mercy, social support and charity has always taken place in the sociocultural sphere in Russia. For a deeper understanding and comprehension of the essence and content of this type of socio-cultural practice, it is necessary to become familiar with its key concepts.

Main object socio-cultural rehabilitation and support are socially weakened and socially unprotected groups of the population, primarily children and disabled adults, elderly people and single pensioners, orphans and children in orphanages, single-parent and large families and others.

A significant portion of these people are united by the concept of social disability, adopted at the initiative of the International Health Organization (WHO), associated with impairments or limitations in life. Under the term “social failure”, or “maladaptation”, means a violation or significant limitation in a person of his usual life activities due to old age, congenital or acquired disabilities, diseases, injuries or disorders, as a result of which habitual contacts with the environment, age-appropriate life functions and roles are lost. The concept derived from it is socio-cultural deficiency, which is associated with a partial or complete inability to perform socio-cultural functions considered normal for persons of a given age, gender and a number of other socio-demographic characteristics.

Today, a significant part of the population (both adults, children and adolescents) experiences various kinds of social and physical difficulties - economic problems, loss of interest in learning, self-development and self-improvement, retardation in mental and physical development, problems in the field of communication, chronic diseases, disability . The presence of various kinds of restrictions and problems associated with aging and disability is often accompanied by a decrease in the level of a person’s cultural activity. Moreover, this applies to the entire diversity of its manifestations: legal and communicative culture, personal and social, aesthetic and moral, environmental, physical, sexual.

In a broad sense social rehabilitation is a system of legal, medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic and socio-cultural measures aimed at overcoming a person’s social insufficiency, creating and providing conditions for social integration or reintegration of a person who, for various reasons, has permanent or temporary functional limitations in various fields of your life.

The purpose of social rehabilitation is social integration - a process that characterizes the measure of a person’s achievement of an optimal level of life activity and the realization of their potential abilities and capabilities as a result of interpersonal interaction in a specific socio-cultural space and social time. Accordingly, under reintegration it is necessary to understand the process and characteristics of the measure of restoration previously inherent in the individual, but due to any reasons, weakened or lost social and role functions in a socio-cultural space adequate for him.

The process of social rehabilitation and promotion of integration is ensured by a system of measures social protection, aimed at creating conditions for the individual for his full or partial legal, political, economic, social, cultural independence and equal opportunities with other citizens to participate in public life and the development of society. Thus, social rehabilitation of disabled people is a system and process of restoring a person’s abilities for independent activity in all spheres of public life.

Social rehabilitation as a rather complex, multicomponent process includes:

1) social adaptation - the process of mastering relatively stable conditions of the social environment, solving recurring, typical problems by using accepted methods of social behavior and action;

2) social and everyday adaptation - the process of optimizing the modes of social and family activities of a person in specific social and environmental conditions and the individual’s adaptation to them;

3) social-environmental orientation - the process of structuring the most developed social, everyday and professional functions of an individual for the purpose of subsequent selection on this basis of social and family-social activities, as well as, if necessary, adaptation of the social environment to his psychophysiological capabilities;

4) socio-psychological and socio-cultural adaptation - the process of restoring (forming) an individual’s ability to effectively interact with people around him in the system of interpersonal relationships, including restoration of an adequate level of sociability or sociability, that is, the ability for spontaneous communicative activity, as well as possession of communication skills , stable types of reactions during socio-psychological interaction (characterized by role and other functions performed by the individual in small and/or large groups);

5) providing a range of various social services: socio-economic, social-labor, social-household, medical-social, correctional, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-cultural and others.

As practice shows, a decent lifestyle for people with problems of physical and mental development cannot be guaranteed by taking only adequate measures of medical or psychological intervention. To reach a level of socio-cultural competence that would allow this part of the population to enter into ordinary social contacts and interactions without much difficulty is a goal that unites both civil institutions and people with disabilities themselves.

They also apply to numerous socially weakened and socially unprotected categories of the population, including primarily orphans and children in orphanages, financially disadvantaged and large families, children and adults with disabilities (disabled people), elderly and elderly people and others. socio-cultural support and rehabilitation.

This is an extremely important area of ​​everyday practical activity of state and non-state (public, commercial, private) organizations. In this case, we are talking about a practical solution at the level of each society of many problems associated with the alienation of this part of the country’s population from cultural and spiritual benefits, the creation of a full-fledged environment for their creative self-affirmation and self-development.

When we talk about socially weakened or unprotected segments of the population, we mean not only restrictions, for various reasons, on the ability of these people to work, but also restrictions or deviations from the norms of their access to spiritual benefits, their socio-cultural functioning, permanent or temporary loss of opportunities. or abilities to actively participate in diverse types of social cultural activities. Consequently, the basis of the socio-cultural activities of society must constantly be concern for the rehabilitation and support of this impressive mass of people, for overcoming, compensating for the existing problems in their lives. Everyday life restrictions and deviations.

Socio-cultural rehabilitation and support persons with disabilities (children and adults with disabilities, the elderly and others) is a set of activities and a process aimed at helping these population groups achieve and maintain an optimal degree of participation in social interactions, the necessary level of cultural competence and satisfaction of cultural and leisure needs, which provides them with opportunities for positive change by expanding the scope of their independent lifestyle and fullest integration into the environment.

In a narrower sense, socio-cultural rehabilitation of a person with disabilities means targeted, personal assistance to this person, joint identification with him of his own spiritual goals, interests and needs, ways and means of overcoming obstacles. The search and mobilization of all the reserves and capabilities available to a person will ultimately help him integrate and function normally in the surrounding socio-cultural environment, independently achieving the desired results in his leisure, learning, communication, and creativity.

In contrast to the process of initial formation of socio-cultural skills in people with disabilities, which is called habilitation, socio-cultural rehabilitation means restoration, compensation for their lost abilities and opportunities for self-affirmation and self-realization in various types of leisure and creativity.

The social in this process presupposes the achievement of people with physical or socio-psychological disabilities to a level of competence that would allow them to enter into ordinary social contacts and interactions without much difficulty, in other words, to achieve a goal that unites people with disabilities and all numerous civilians. institutes. Cultural – implies filling the process of rehabilitation of disabled people with specific cultural content, their mastery of cultural values, norms and traditions, an indication of the quality and scope of their cultural activity, the results of their creativity in the process of their socio-cultural activities.

Following the logic of the conceptual approach to this area of ​​social practice of socio-cultural activity, which has enormous educational potential that is not fully utilized, the process of socio-cultural rehabilitation appears to us in several meanings.

Firstly, this is a vast area of ​​professional activity, which has its own intensively developing multi-subject infrastructure, a wide range of professional skills and abilities in demand here, and unites specialists in medical, social, psychological and cultural profiles. Rehabilitation activities require them to have certain knowledge, needs and interests, norms and rules of behavior, abilities and skills, and most importantly, the formation in them of conviction and a stable habit of systematic activity in a rather complex social environment.

Secondly, this is a large independent branch of scientific knowledge that affects many areas of culture, education, creativity, leisure, sports and develops at the intersection of psychology and medicine, pedagogy and cultural studies, ethics, art history and other scientific disciplines.

Thirdly, this is a set of socio-cultural rehabilitation methods and technologies with different purposes and indications, many of which are practically still to be mastered by institutions of social protection, culture, education, art, leisure, and sports.

The country has an extensive infrastructure of institutions and organizations designed for social, and in particular socio-cultural, rehabilitation of people with disabilities and disabilities and social insufficiency. It includes social protection services and social security, included in the system of municipal authorities, centers for social services and social, including emergency psychological, assistance, rehabilitation centers, centers for rehabilitation treatment and creativity, specialized boarding institutions - boarding schools and boarding houses, orphanages and specialized schools; councils of veterans and public associations and organizations of disabled people (societies of disabled people, VOS, VOG and others); public foundations and associations social support; clubs, houses of culture and libraries, literary, musical, tourist, sports and other interest associations.

Thus, the state system of social protection and rehabilitation of disabled and elderly people provides for the joint activities of government bodies, regardless of departmental affiliation, local governments and institutions at various levels to implement measures in the field of medical, psychological, professional and social, including social -cultural, rehabilitation. One of the most effective mechanisms of this system should be considered the development and implementation of packages at the federal, regional and local levels social projects and programs, including individual programs, socio-cultural rehabilitation for certain categories of disabled people, elderly and elderly citizens.

The informational-cognitive, educational component is characterized by the acquisition by persons with disabilities of knowledge and concepts about the real phenomena of the world around them, their awareness of the need for continuous communication with their immediate environment, the use of knowledge in practical activities in order to reorganize their way of life. At the same time, this means eliminating the shortcomings of both the existing attitude of society towards people with disabilities and the elderly, and their attitude towards society, changing morals, politics, everyday life, mentality in the sphere of interpersonal and social relations.

The leisure and creative component is associated with the organization of leisure to satisfy the spiritual and physical needs of persons with social disabilities, providing them with books, magazines, newspapers, special television and radio programs, games; assistance in organizing recreational activities, physical education and sports, visiting theaters, exhibitions, various cultural, educational, sports and other events.

Depending on individual capabilities, it is advisable to create everything the necessary conditions for creative self-realization and self-affirmation of the elderly, blind and visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing, people with musculoskeletal disorders, amnestic-intellectual disorders, children and adults with severe and complete physical impotence.

The correctional component involves the complete or partial elimination or compensation, with the help of socio-cultural activities, of limitations in life activity and personality development, overcoming possible pedagogical and educational omissions.

Here we are talking about a number of positive factors that influence improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. This is a correctional and educational impact, including instilling social norms, by which are meant rules established by society that determine stable forms of social interaction between people at the level of macro- and micro-collectives. This is a correctional and developmental impact, focused on the comprehensive, holistic development of the individual, which implies the active development of the riches of public culture and the self-development of a self-sufficient creative personality. This is also a correctional and educational impact aimed at increasing the individual’s education in accordance with the norms and requirements of the modern socio-cultural environment.

The therapeutic and health component is designed to use the cultural and creative factor to activate the reserve capabilities of the human body (auditory, visual, motor, tactile), create and maintain a positive psychological background and, through these mechanisms, achieve appropriate favorable medical and social indicators of his health.

The emotional and aesthetic component includes the aesthetic mastery of the surrounding world by a person with disabilities, the formation of his ability to create according to the laws of beauty, positive emotional impact environment and activities on his feelings and experiences, which brings him great satisfaction and significantly changes his way of life.

Legal basis

Socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for the elderly and disabled is based on regulatory framework. In a broader context, these activities require a reliable legislative framework. Socio-cultural support for vulnerable categories of the population involves the implementation guaranteed by the state economic, social and legal measures providing these categories with the protection of their rights and freedoms in the field of culture in accordance with current legislation, as well as the creation of equal conditions and opportunities for their participation in socio-cultural activities, various types of leisure and creativity with other citizens.

The methodological basis for sociocultural rehabilitation and adaptation of children and adults with disabilities is the “Standard Rules for Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities” approved and proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 1993. The fundamental provisions of the standard rules and the principles of interaction between society and people with disabilities set out in them relate to the provision of rights and freedoms to this category of citizens not only in such areas of public life as healthcare, education, social security, professional employment, but also in the field of culture.

The demands of the international community are reflected in a number of the most important legislative documents of the Russian Federation: the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Articles 7, 15, 17, 44, etc.), the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on culture (Articles 3-17), the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons” Russian Federation” and other legislative and regulatory legal acts on the problems of disability and people with disabilities, ensuring their unhindered access to social, transport and engineering infrastructure. Problems of social protection of the population, socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for certain groups are the focus of a whole series of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Among them Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Family Code of the Russian Federation, Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, federal laws “On medical insurance of citizens”, “On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation”, “On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people”, “On veterans”, “On public associations”, “On charitable activities and charitable organizations”, “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression”, “On the status of military personnel” and others. The legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is aimed at the consistent implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens with disabilities.

Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture (No. 3612-1 of October 9, 1992, as amended. federal law dated 23.06.99 No. 115 - Federal Law) proclaimed the inalienability of every person’s right to cultural activity (Article 8), the priority of human rights in relation to the rights of the state, organizations and groups (Article 9), the right of every person to all types of creative activities, free choice of moral, aesthetic and other values, familiarization with cultural values, access to state library, museum, archival funds, other collections in all areas of cultural activity, the right to humanitarian and artistic education, choice of its forms and methods in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation on education (Articles 10, 11, 12,13,14).

In accordance with Article 8 of this legislative act, cultural activity is an inalienable right of every citizen, regardless of national and social origin, language, political and religious institutions, place of residence, property status, education, profession and other circumstances. According to Article 12, older people, like all citizens, have the right to familiarize themselves with cultural values, to access state library, museum, archival funds, etc.

Open to access by elderly citizens in accordance with Art. 35 of the Federal Law “On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation” museum objects and museum collections.

The federal law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” has a significant place in the implementation of leisure activities for older people. Elderly people, like all citizens of the Russian Federation, while exercising the right to rest and freedom of movement, can travel for health, educational, professional, sports, religious or other purposes.

According to the Federal Law “On Librarianship,” older people have access to library funds, which allows them to become familiar with the values ​​of national and world culture and have the necessary information. The arsenal of provisions of this law includes the most important for social support for older people, Art. 8. It established a significant privilege for older people: “Library users who cannot visit the library due to old age and physical disabilities have the right to obtain documents from the collections of public libraries through correspondence or non-stationary forms of service, provided with funding from the relevant budgets and funds from federal programs.”

As emphasized in a number of legislative acts, it is fundamentally important to abandon the views and statements existing in theory and practice about the supposed conservatism, unambiguity and structural inviolability of rehabilitation processes. The current social conditions of life of the majority of disabled and elderly people, the practice of numerous socio-cultural centers and institutions convincingly indicate the inconsistency of such stereotypes. They give reason to talk about socio-cultural rehabilitation as a process that is far from homogeneous, extremely dynamic, flexible and mobile in its content and technologies.

Principles and approaches

The accumulated experience of socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for persons with disabilities allows us to formulate a number of essential general and specific principles that are adhered to in their activities by specialists working in this field: doctors, psychologists, social workers, specialists in the socio-cultural sphere.

General, universal principles include, first of all, the principle of a systematic approach to the socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people and the elderly. It involves a comprehensive study of decisions and actions taken, analysis of possible alternatives, coordination of the efforts of specialists in various fields, assessment of the possible consequences of the implemented cultural therapeutic and rehabilitation technologies. In accordance with the principle of systematicity, each of these technologies must have all the features of a system: the logic of the rehabilitation process, the interrelation of its constituent elements, integrity.

Another general principle is the environmental approach. It involves the creation of a pedagogically organized environment for the elderly and disabled, which would serve as a place of relaxation and communication with objects of art, peers and interesting people, conducting classes and rehearsals, personal observations and research, creative meetings and excursions.

This is, first of all, the environment of his interpersonal communication and leisure in the family, in the circle of close relatives, friends, neighbors, in production, educational or leisure teams. These are also the mediums of his extrapersonal communication with the media, with books, art, nature, animals, etc. The creation of specially organized aesthetic, environmental, valeological and other reference environments, based on a combination of the work of multidisciplinary creative workshops and studios with exhibitions of contemporary art or interactive laboratories, helps to overcome physical and social limitations, deficits in spiritual and aesthetic development of elderly people and people with disabilities.

The creation and repeated use of attractive leisure means and situations focused on the needs of these people in cognitive, playful and creative activities objectively require the use in the practice of social rehabilitation of not only traditional medical-social, socio-psychological or pedagogical methods, but also socio-cultural methods . Their effectiveness increases immeasurably if the leisure activities of persons with disabilities:

– has a longer and phased nature – from achieving collective goals to personal growth (self-actualization factor);

– focused on the manifestation and development of the creative potential of a person, his communicative and social connections (social-creative factor).

By providing conditions for communication and cognition, the environment promotes the formation of positive thinking, develops imagination, stimulates creativity, and gives the opportunity to any of them, especially children, to explore the world not only from films, books, textbooks and stories, but also, most importantly, through personal observation and participation. We will definitely include in the environment the means of culture and art, socio-cultural technologies themselves, and those who master and reproduce these technologies in the interests of rehabilitation - specialists in the social, cultural and educational spheres.

General principles include principle of differentiated approach to individuals and social groups as objects of socio-cultural rehabilitation and support. Differentiation of approaches to resolving sociocultural problems of various groups of elderly people and people with disabilities is carried out based on taking into account a number of factors. These are social risk factors affecting the situation of these groups; identifying the individual cultural needs and interests of these categories of the population; targeting in the provision of educational, entertainment, health and other services with priority to assisting older citizens and the disabled; orientation towards the development of self-help and mutual support of these population groups in the sociocultural sphere; ensuring awareness of the entire population about the situation of disabled and elderly people, about their legal guarantees and opportunities for them to receive the necessary assistance and services.

The choice of the path and methods of rehabilitation and integration must optimally correspond to the needs, capabilities of society and the specific conditions in which they are carried out. In this regard, it should be focused on individualization, targeting, continuity, consistency, continuity, complexity and integrity of approaches, and also assume the possibility of timely correction taking into account changes in the psychosomatic state of the disabled person, conditions and possibilities for implementing rehabilitation measures.

The general principles include feedback principle. For bodies and institutions of social protection, culture, healthcare, education and all specialists employed in them, it involves regular receipt of information about the results of their activities, about the reaction of the direct organizers and implementers of rehabilitation measures and those to whom these activities are directly aimed. As a result of feedback, it becomes possible to take the necessary corrective actions.

Particular principles represent the most important requirements, without which it is impossible to implement effective state policy aimed at socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for socially vulnerable groups of the population. These include a number of principles arising from the content of most legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory documents adopted by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulating the current activities of state and public bodies and institutions of social protection, culture, leisure, education, sports:

– the principle of state responsibility, which presupposes the constant and mandatory activities of municipal and public bodies to create living conditions, work, everyday life and leisure for citizens of socially disadvantaged categories;

– the principle of equal opportunities for persons with disabilities and older citizens to enjoy cultural benefits, creativity, self-realization and self-affirmation in the socio-cultural sphere:

– the principle of unity, continuity and stability of state policy in the field of socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for vulnerable groups of the population;

– the principle of social interaction of the state and society with disabled people and elderly citizens for the purpose of their socio-cultural rehabilitation and support, their receipt of additional cultural benefits and improvement of the quality of their life, everyday life and leisure through their own efforts, voluntary manifestation of initiative and activity, intellectual development and creativity throughout life.

Compliance with these principles helps prevent the causes that give rise to problems of older people and people with disabilities in the sociocultural sphere, promotes the practical implementation of their rights and legitimate interests, provides opportunities for their creative self-expression and self-affirmation, prevents their possible removal from participation in active sociocultural activities, and also ensures compliance equality of rights and opportunities for older citizens and people with disabilities in receiving socio-cultural benefits and services.

Experts from the World Health Organization remind us of the need to use extreme caution in cases where the concept of disability is used. If they say about an elderly person: “He has a decline in learning ability,” then this demonstrates neutrality and tact in relation to the interpretation of the available capabilities of this person. But to categorically declare that someone is a “person with limited life activity,” even if this characteristic is adequate to the real state of the individual, means to label the person, denying him the right to engage in any activity in the conditions, manner, and pace that are familiar to him. etc.

The correct use of terminology is one of the norms of professional ethics for specialists working among the elderly. This requirement is relevant both for the implementation of humanitarian programs and for the training of certified managers, educational psychologists, and technologists in the field of socio-cultural rehabilitation.

As a result, people of the “third age” and people with disabilities, who have completely or partially lost their ability to realize life functions, receive inadequate characteristics in everyday life, which negatively affects their very uncertain social status. Social workers, for example, use the widely used term “disabled,” while in a family environment they talk about a decrease in the ability of one of its members to speak, see, hear, walk, etc. Physicians caring for elderly patients are more inclined to consider the causes and consequences of impairments and limitations in their life activities.

In any case, the main goal of socio-cultural rehabilitation has always been and remains the formation in disabled and elderly people of the desire for a self-sufficient, independent and healthy lifestyle that corresponds to the original Russian spiritual tradition and principles of ethics.

Features of socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for people with disabilities

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” rehabilitation of disabled people provides for a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic and socio-cultural measures aimed at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations caused by health problems with persistent disorders body functions. The purpose of rehabilitation is the restoration of the social and cultural status of the disabled person, his achievement of financial independence and his social adaptation, and the content of rehabilitation includes:

– medical rehabilitation, which consists of restorative therapy, reconstructive surgery; prosthetics and orthotics;

– vocational rehabilitation, which includes vocational guidance, professional education, professional production adaptation and employment;

– social rehabilitation, which consists of social-environmental orientation and social-everyday adaptation. The basis for the development and implementation of technologies for socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people on the territory of each subject of the Russian Federation is not only the necessary regulatory framework, but also a set of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations contained in the Concept of state socio-cultural policy in relation to disabled people in the Russian Federation. There are a number of other documents that consolidate and regulate the process of establishing an almost new infrastructure for the country of institutions and organizations designed to undertake the implementation of socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities using both general pedagogical and specialized technologies.

In accordance with the legislation, a state service for social protection of persons with disabilities has been created in the country. All activities of social institutions in this direction are carried out on the basis of the development and implementation of individual rehabilitation programs (IPR) for certain categories of disabled people.

Rehabilitation should ensure the restoration or reduction of limitations for a disabled person, leading to social damage to himself, his family and society. At the same time, a holistic approach to the personality of a disabled person, taking into account all his problems, individual needs, hopes and interests, and social background, is important. The disabled person turns from an object into a full-fledged subject, standing at the center of the rehabilitation process and actively participating in it.

When considering the process of socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for children and adults with disabilities, it should be borne in mind that a disabled person, like any person in society, is part of its cultural system, understood broadly: as life and customs, family life, ethics of industrial relations, leisure and traditions, commitment to certain types of art and forms of festive communication.

Therefore, when determining the ways of social rehabilitation of a disabled person, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of ensuring basic forms of life activity through the sociocultural integration of the individual.

Assessing the accumulated experience and capabilities of cultural media, capable by use of various technologies to help persons with disabilities establish social connections, identify and develop creative abilities and satisfy aesthetic interests, assert themselves in a new difficult situation, it can be argued that there is every reason to present sociocultural rehabilitation as part of social rehabilitation.

The expediency of its inclusion in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people is dictated both by the fundamental role of culture in the development and self-realization of the individual, and by the practical experience of the sociocultural activities of cultural institutions, which convincingly confirms the beneficial influence of cultural means, art, and creativity on the lifestyle of disabled people. The effective use of these means in the process of rehabilitation of a disabled person contributes to the formation of his spiritual, moral and social attitudes, a sense of confidence in life, which provide a corrective and restorative effect on health and motivation for independence in various spheres of life.

In this work, which is associated with the creation of conditions conducive to the artistic, aesthetic and moral education of children and adults with disabilities, it is categorically unacceptable to sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity and mass participation. This kind of practice leads to negative consequences, which can be expressed in a stable reaction of rejection to artistic and educational influences from the outside on the part of people with disabilities.

This pattern is most evident in children with disabilities. Only a qualified teacher can help a child with abnormal development adequately navigate the flow of artistic information and realize his creative abilities. However, there are very few adult specialists and mentors of this level among employees of rehabilitation centers, school teachers, parents, that is, all those who are called upon to provide socio-cultural support for such a child on the path to the world of art and original creativity. That is why we return again and again to the question of the vital need for an active, capable subject of socio-cultural rehabilitation in relation to children with disabilities.

The research results indicate the advisability of dividing people acting as the object and subject of socio-cultural rehabilitation into two groups. The first group consists of children with disabilities, who are distinguished by active participation in cultural life, in original artistic, technical, applied creativity, music, sports, where they intensively develop relevant knowledge, skills and abilities, and satisfy various needs and interests.

The second group includes the “cultural avant-garde” or “cultural elite”. It presents not only specialists from rehabilitation centers and cultural institutions - psychologists, social workers and social educators who are proficient in modern cultural therapeutic technologies. The most significant part of this elite, its cultural core, consists of adults with disabilities, the most active, talented, professionally advanced, creatively gifted authors and performers from a disabled environment.

The task of government agencies and the public is to create the conditions necessary for the growth and consolidation of this layer, strengthening the possibilities of its influence on the environment, especially on disabled children. The presence within the disabled community itself of an active socio-cultural axis “elite – children” objectively contributes to the creative development of a child with disabilities. Thanks to this axis, both adults and disabled children experience favorable conditions for self-realization, internal consolidation, implementation of socio-cultural functions in relation to society, obtaining the necessary moral and material support from society and the state.

Constant interaction and partnership of these groups opens up great prospects in rehabilitation work, makes it possible to more effectively use the socio-cultural environment, and introduce disabled people and their families into the real rich world of culture.

Features of socio-cultural support for older people

A significant proportion of disabilities, disabilities and social impairments occur among older people. Russia, together with other CIS countries, ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of elderly people, or people of the “third age”. The population of Russia since the 60s is considered “old” by international standards. According to statistics, 16.7% of the Russian population are people over 60 years of age. The demographic indicator of life expectancy in Russia is lower than the corresponding indicator in developed countries. Women in Russia live 12 years longer than men. The aging of the country occurs against the backdrop of a declining population, including children under 14 years of age.

This situation poses problems of economic, socio-cultural, psychological, pedagogical, moral, and sociological nature to Russian society. It causes concern and makes us think about what measures need to be taken in the field of socio-cultural policy, what should be done in Russia to increase the life expectancy of people after retirement age and improve its quality.

The uniqueness of the current situation of elderly Russians lies in the fact that the objective social risk associated with old age has increased in the conditions of a transition economy.

Hence, the issues of increasing adaptation and social security of the elderly population in the existing socio-economic conditions acquire particular significance and relevance.

In the context of assessing the health of older and older adults, the term “impairment” means any loss or abnormality of the psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function of a particular person. Note that using the term “impairment” instead of, for example, the term “disorder” is more correct, since a disorder also includes losses of an anatomical property (loss of an arm, leg, etc.), which cannot in any way be associated with the disorder.

A disorder is a deviation from the norm in the biomedical condition of an elderly and elderly person. Only medical specialists can determine the characteristics of his disorder. Only they can make a conclusion about deviations in the performance of a person’s physical and mental functions, comparing them with generally accepted standards.

Losses or abnormalities may be temporary or permanent. It is essential to state at a certain point in time the presence or appearance in the body of any anomaly, defect or loss of a limb, organ, tissue or other parts of the body, a defect in the functioning of a system or mechanism of the body, including the system of mental activity.

Considering older people as guardians and active subjects of the transmission of their socio-cultural experience and traditions, it is necessary to take into account and take into account a number of physiological and psychological characteristics this age.

According to statistics, every third person after sixty years of age is faced with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, an increase in atherosclerotic changes in the psyche, which, as is known, includes memory impairment.

Limitation of life activity in people of the “third age”, which is a deviation from the norm, can simultaneously be qualified as any limitation or absence (as a result of a violation) of the ability to carry out social, cultural, scientific and other similar activities, since this is considered normal, habitual for a person of this age. The main criterion for measuring the extent of the impairment here may be the degree of manifestation of disability.

The increase in atherosclerotic changes in the psyche is accompanied by progressive memory impairment in older people. Current events are forgotten: the so-called Ribot's law is triggered, according to which what is remembered later will be erased earlier, memories of childhood and youth, events that happened many years ago remain vivid and intense, and facts and affairs that took place the day before or even this morning , fade inexorably until they disappear from memory completely.

TO frequent disorders atherosclerosis in the elderly includes dementia, increased sentimentality or hypertrophied suspiciousness and resentment. It is often difficult for an elderly woman to hold back tears of pity for the heroine of a sentimental “soap opera” or touching emotion at the sight of a trusting child or a cute cat. Many people are familiar with the exaggerated reaction of old people to every little thing, when old grievances are recalled, and communication with loved ones turns into an endless series of mutual reproaches. It is in the “third age” that people’s inherent individual characteristics become stronger and distorted: a thrifty person becomes a miser, a cautious person becomes suspicious, a conservative becomes a grouch, a sensitive person becomes capricious.

Here it is worth mentioning the ethical aspects of the problem of assessing the degree of vital activity of persons of the “third age”. For example, an analysis of the religious situation in Russia allows us to conclude that religion for these people primarily performs a compensatory function. Important here it acquires a psychological aspect - stress relief, consolation, catharsis, meditation, spiritual pleasure, etc.

The communicative and regulatory functions are especially activated, since communication between people, as is known, occurs both in non-religious and religious environments with the help of certain ideas, values, attitudes, opinions, traditions; Usually the system of norms is of great importance - religious law, morality.

Today, the socio-cultural interests and needs of older people are focused on the need to receive high-quality individual services in various areas. The basis for the organization of both medical and social, as well as cultural services and education for the elderly population are the standards laid down in the conceptual documents of the UN and Russian legislation.

In the Russian Federation, at the regional and municipal levels, a new approach is being implemented to create a network of institutions designed to meet the needs of older people for social services. The characteristic features of this approach, which meets the requirements of civil society, are a combination of specialized social assistance with the provision of a complex of many additional, including socio-cultural, leisure services; development, along with inpatient, semi-inpatient and outpatient services for older people and expansion of the network of relevant institutions; combining the capabilities of specialized institutions with powerful socializing support from family and public organizations.

The current legislation establishes two types of social services for elderly people - stationary and semi-stationary. Inpatient institutions (gerontological centers), due to the homogeneity of the composition of clients, the similarity of their needs and interests, provide a comfortable living environment, a favorable psychological atmosphere, constant medical monitoring and care. This allows us to more effectively solve the problem of psychological and socio-cultural adaptation of older people to changed living conditions. Semi-hospital care has become widespread in Russian regions with a difficult socio-economic situation, a significant number of elderly people and a predominance of the rural population.

The task of integrating older people and especially elderly people with disabilities into society is also being solved by expanding the network of comprehensive social service centers intended for representatives of various age and social groups of the population.

In recent years, many small towns in Russia have experienced a typical change in the demographic structure of the population, accompanied by an increase in the number of pensioners with limited ability to self-care. In this regard, it is important to provide elderly people with medical care that takes into account the characteristics of such patients, which necessitates the development of a more cost-effective service for long-term care for elderly people at home, including hospice. Models of long-term care for elderly patients at home are being implemented jointly by social welfare and health authorities.

From the point of view of providing effective care for Russians of older age groups with limited incomes, integration into the social service network of medically oriented institutions (social beds, departments, hospitals, social pharmacies, social departments in a polyclinic network, sanatorium and health departments, social palliative care institutions) remains promising ).

The successful functioning of the socio-cultural infrastructure being renewed at the regional and municipal levels becomes possible through the consolidation of budget funds allocated for culture, health care and social protection of the population, as well as at the expense of the own funds of the persons served.

The potential of promising models for organizing social services for older people will improve the efficiency of not only socio-medical, but also socio-cultural services, which is understood as the satisfaction of older people with the conditions of their leisure time, combined with higher effectiveness of treatment, care and a reduction in overall costs.

In modern society, focused on youth culture, negative stereotypes have developed towards older people and people with disabilities. These stereotypes negatively affect not only these categories of the population themselves, but also the entire society as a whole. Artificial restrictions on the opportunities for the participation of older people and people with disabilities in the political, economic, socio-cultural life of society, the education of the younger generation, have a detrimental effect on the level, quality and way of their life, preventing them from expressing themselves, their talents and abilities, moral qualities, accumulated knowledge, their social activity, directing it in the direction needed by society, and becoming worthy participants in the processes of socio-cultural development.

Tolerance in the context of socio-cultural rehabilitation

In the global context, the relationship between the idea of ​​creating a full-fledged civil society in Russia and the deployment of a system of socio-cultural rehabilitation as one of the effective tools for implementing this idea is quite clearly visible. Recognition of such a relationship requires further understanding and changes in the very functional structure of the rehabilitation process - from the goals and objectives of the activities of specialists (organizers) clearly stated in the qualification characteristics to a reliably verified diagnosis and assessment of the effectiveness of the socio-cultural methods and technologies they use.

Solving the problems of life, work, everyday life and leisure of people with social disabilities requires an integrated approach. Speaking about people who are in the immediate environment of a person with a social disability (disabled or elderly), we emphasize that the dominant place in working with them is occupied by the formation of tolerance in them - a quality that presupposes a tolerant, respectful attitude towards any dissent and other actions, as well as people who, due to their advanced age, physical or mental disabilities, differ from their environment.

As already noted, a persistent unfavorable stereotype of perception of such inevitable social phenomena as disability and old age is widespread in society. For example, some people are psychologically poorly prepared for the onset of old age and have difficulty finding mutual understanding with elderly relatives and other fellow citizens of older age groups. Hence, manifestations of so-called “ageism” - intolerance and rejection of representatives of the older generation - are not uncommon among youth and teenagers. The decline in the level of creative activity of older people and the weakening of their social adaptation is also a problem.

Such a life-active paradigm in working with socially vulnerable people goes far beyond the scope of purely rehabilitation issues. The fact is that many problems of modern pedagogy are often determined by the inability of traditional educational systems, common in modern schools, to prepare a person for the dramatic realities of life. This, in turn, is caused by the fragmentary and fragmentary nature of the image of the person himself, which is formed in the educational process, by the displacement from educational material of the most acute problems of human existence, its integral attributes - struggle, suffering, misfortune. A young person brought up in such a “reduced” problem field when faced with dramatic reality will inevitably face disappointment, cynicism and emptiness.

Researchers of the nature of tolerance and intolerance emphasize that tolerance (tolerance) and patience (patience) are far from equivalent concepts. Patience most often expresses a feeling or action on the part of a person experiencing pain, violence, or other forms of negative impact. Tolerance is the ability of an individual to openly and decisively recognize the equality of others, to renounce any dominance or violence towards dissidents or those who act differently.

As a property akin to free thinking, tolerance presupposes the awareness that the surrounding socio-cultural environment is multifaceted and multidimensional, which means that assessments of people in this environment, including those with social disabilities, cannot and should not be reduced to stereotypes.

Tolerance as an attitude towards a person is always the result of a voluntary individual choice; it is not imposed, but is acquired in the process of education, assimilation of relevant information, accumulation of personal life experience. Without mastering the “basics” of tolerance, it is difficult for a social educator, manager, or technologist to achieve solutions to rehabilitation problems, overcome obstacles in everyday contacts with disabled people and older people, and change the tactics of their behavior when necessary. It is no coincidence that tolerance has become a “hit” in the everyday practice of managers, teachers, psychologists, and technologists working in disabled or elderly environments.

For school and student audiences, experts have developed a system of tests that allow participants to test themselves for tolerance, that is, to determine to what extent each of them is able to demonstrate openness, respect for these people, solidarity and involvement with this environment in a disabled or elderly environment.

The test results made it possible to develop and analyze a special tolerance scale, which records three levels of manifestation of this quality in each of the test participants: 1) passivity, complexness; 2) tolerance, tolerance in in the full sense of the word; 3) aggressiveness, open hostility of a person towards people with disabilities around him.

Works and benefits related to socio-cultural rehabilitation and tolerance education are used in the training of specialists, staff and management personnel of social protection institutions.

It is an indisputable fact that the attitude towards the disabled and the elderly indicates the maturity, social and moral health of society. The joint activities of executive authorities at all levels, public associations, enterprises and organizations, the disabled themselves and the elderly have shown that Russians are ready to do everything possible to create conditions for a normal life for people in old age. Society is ready to overcome stereotypical ideas about representatives of these population groups and to make fuller use of their professional experience and creative potential.

The rehabilitation potential of socio-cultural activities is determined by its socializing and identification capabilities. The world-historical process has given rise to a colossal variety of particular factors in the cultural development of man and humanity, which the child finds in ready-made form. However, without internal spiritual and semantic work, the significance of these factors would remain “zero”, and the child would be an absolutely helpless creature in the face of sociocultural reality. Nature (if we consider it in the context of anthropogenesis), having removed instinctive mechanisms of behavior from the human gene pool, transferred its developmental functions to culture, which leaves its creations open for creative development by a child ( Kudryavtsev V.T. Decree. op. - P. 67.). Thus, culture creates an initial problematic development situation for a person, confronting him with the need to develop universally, i.e. develop yourself.

On different stages Ontogenesis, the resources of the sociocultural environment undergo significant transformations in the context of the child’s own activities. Transforming the resources of the sociocultural environment, the child re-constructs its new semantic fragments, proactively expanding the boundaries of his individual experience - the boundaries of that local zone of proximal development, which are directly set by the adult. Thus, the self-determination of the child’s holistic way of active life becomes the logical dominant of his being. This allows us to interpret the child’s mental development as an initially creative, creative process ( Right there. - P. 68.).

The child’s creative participation in changing reality and self-change is an internally contradictory process. On the one hand, such participation presupposes a break with traditional social experience, a certain freedom from its standards. On the other hand, it implies the child’s participation in the creative tradition.

The system of socio-cultural rehabilitation and support, which today covers almost the majority of the population, is both a means and a result of the public practice of socio-cultural activities. A large group of specialists are employed in this area - professionals from various industries and areas. All of them directly or indirectly participate in the implementation of rehabilitation projects and programs, the implementation of numerous cultural therapeutic and rehabilitation technologies. Below is a diagram that gives an idea of ​​the broad profile of employees of social services and institutions.

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Disability is a problem not only for one individual, but for the entire society as a whole. This is a problem of society’s attitude towards a specific person with disabilities, attitude towards disability as a social phenomenon, support and social protection of people with disabilities.

There is a steady trend in the world towards an increase in the proportion of people with disabilities in the population structure. The number of disabled people increases annually by an average of 10%. According to UN experts, people with disabilities make up an average of 10% of the population (with a range of this indicator from 1% to 27%), and approximately 25% of the population suffers from chronic diseases.

Currently, the problem of disability and rehabilitation of disabled people is especially acute for the Republic of Belarus. Almost 41 thousand single and living alone disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and 21 thousand young disabled people are registered with the social protection authorities of the Republic of Belarus. The state, providing social protection for people with disabilities, is called upon to create the necessary conditions for them to achieve the same standard of living as their fellow citizens, including in the areas of income, education, employment, and participation in public life. The system of multidisciplinary comprehensive rehabilitation as an independent area of ​​scientific and practical activity is intended to help restore the ability of disabled people to social functioning and an independent lifestyle. Changing public attitudes towards the problem of disability and people with disabilities, developing a system of comprehensive social rehabilitation is one of the main tasks of modern government policy.

The relevance of the study is determined by the processes of social relations, which are manifested in the development of new forms and directions of social policy in the aspects of integration, rehabilitation and support for people with disabilities. New methods of social rehabilitation require the formation of tolerant attitudes towards people with disabilities within the framework of specific social institutions and organizations.

It should be emphasized the appropriateness of the approach to solving the problems of socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities in modern conditions from the point of view of their lifestyle: identifying the main socio-cultural forms of life activity (life support, socialization, recreation) allows us to more clearly define the specifics of cultural goals and the means of their implementation in the types of life situations that are most significant for disabled people. On the basis of such goals and means, it is possible to determine in each form of lifestyle specific types of activities that should be emphasized in order to compensate for the existing defect. according to this, it is possible to determine which organizational structures and sociocultural technologies should be used for the sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities in order to integrate them into ordinary life. The most important condition for the self-realization of a disabled person is to expand the scope of his independence, which means overcoming his isolation, acquiring the ability to master and apply knowledge and skills without direct outside help to solve everyday problems. Sociocultural rehabilitation allows disabled people to use their potential not only for personal benefit, but also for the benefit of their immediate environment.

The problems of a disabled person are the object of study in sociology, medicine, philosophy, psychology, and ethics. Social stratification is presented in the works of the classics: E. Durkheim, R. Merton, R. Park, P. Sorokin. The main area of ​​the research problem consists of aspects that relate to general sociological concepts of status, social mobility, structure, social differentiation (R. Bendix, M. Weber, K. Davis, W. Moore).

Authors such as M. Baskakova, E. Naberushkina, T. Maleeva in their studies reveal the status of disabled people in the social structure of society. Professional support is considered as a condition for the social inclusion of people with disabilities in the works of D. Zaitsev, S. Stepukhovich, E. Mavrina, O. Timutsy, E. Kholostov.

Theory Researchers social work T.I. Chernyaeva, N.V. Shapkina, S.V. Stepukhovich, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova, as well as foreign scientists such as A. Kleinman, are developing a sociocultural approach to the problem of disability. The social and legal status of disabled people is presented in the works of P. N. Lyubchenko, V.V. Lyabina, S.N. Kavokina, T.M. Pushkina, N.F. Dementieva, E.V. Ustinova.

Issues of social, professional, sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people are discussed in the works of modern domestic scientists: N.V. Vedeneeva, O.G. Zlobina, I.A. Dvoryanchikova, E.V. Tolkacheva.

It should be noted that work on disability places greater emphasis on medical and social rehabilitation, legal aspects of the social protection system for people with disabilities, state policy regarding people with disabilities. Issues related to sociocultural rehabilitation remain to a lesser extent in the field of activity of researchers. It becomes obvious that there is a need to fill this gap in scientific and practical knowledge about disability, which will allow us to determine effective interaction people with disabilities with other social institutions and ways of successful socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities into society.

The purpose of this work is to study the main directions of socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people.

In accordance with the intended purpose, the following research objectives are identified in the work:

1) Consider the essence and main types of rehabilitation of disabled people;

2) Reveal the content of sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people;

3) Identify and characterize the features of rehabilitation of disabled people through cultural and leisure activities;

4) Conduct research to identify the main types and directions of socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people.

The object of the study is people with disabilities.

The subject of the research is the sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people.

Hypothesis: Sociocultural rehabilitation is important element rehabilitation activities, satisfying the need of disabled people to obtain information, to receive socio-cultural services, to accessible types of creativity and is the main factor in the integration of disabled people into society.

The practical significance of the study is that the main provisions and conclusions can serve as the basis for further development of ways to increase the effectiveness of sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities. The results of the study can help in preparing sociocultural rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities at the regional level.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the features of the process of sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities as special social subjects at the present stage of development of society, as well as updating the reasons for the lack of effectiveness of traditional forms of sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities and the mechanism for managing this process.

The base of the study is the “Territorial Center for Social Services for the Population of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Vitebsk”.

Research methods: theoretical - analysis of scientific literature on the research problem; empirical - questionnaire survey.

1. Rehabilitation and socialization of disabled people in the Republic of Belarus

1.1 The essence and main types of rehabilitation of disabled people

Rehabilitation is a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations caused by health problems with persistent impairment of body functions.

The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a disabled person, achieve economic independence and social adaptation. The main principles of rehabilitation are: stages, complexity, continuity, consistency, differentiated approach, accessibility, free for the most needy categories of the population, mandatory and voluntary.

The modern understanding of the rehabilitation of disabled people includes a complex of socio-economic, medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, professional and other measures, the purpose of which is the fastest and most complete restoration of certain functions, personal and social status lost by a person.

The rehabilitation process involves the inclusion of three stages - convalescence, adaptation (readaptation) and resocialization.

Convalescence is a stage of recovery with the restoration of impaired biological and psychological functions body. The process of active treatment is aimed at eliminating painful biological (physiological) pathological manifestations. But this is not always possible. At chronic disease the pathology is not completely eliminated; when the body is injured, a physical defect remains. This entails maladjustment, partial or total. With partial maladjustment, there is a partial dysfunction that extends to a specific area of ​​life. With total maladaptation, dysfunction covers all areas of life and activity - work, education, interpersonal relationships in the family and society, etc. The goal of rehabilitation is precisely to eliminate or reduce the phenomena of physical and social maladaptation by influencing residual functions capable of restoration.

Therefore, rehabilitation has a close relationship with restorative treatment with adaptation and readaptation. Adaptation is considered as the adaptation of the organism to the conditions of existence. Moreover, adaptation can occur in the form of a passive adaptation of the individual’s needs to the real circumstances of the existing situation or be active in the form of changing the environment in one’s favor or as a purposeful interaction between the individual and the environment, leading to an adaptation effect. In the process of rehabilitation, it is necessary to strive precisely for the last form of adaptation - mutually beneficial cooperation between the individual and the influencing social and rehabilitation environment.

Readaptation is understood as adaptation to living conditions at a new functional level using reserve, compensatory abilities. This is the stage of adaptation to life, work, education and other various environments.

Illness and disability change a person’s social status and confront him with new psychological, personal and social problems. A person with a disability faces the need to rethink his role and significance in life, adapt to the defect, reassess life values, possibly change his profession and establish new relationships with others. These problems pose significant challenges for humans. Assistance in overcoming them is one of the most important tasks of rehabilitation - resocialization. If socialization is understood as a special process of inclusion of an individual in society, the result of the individual’s assimilation and active reproduction of social experience, social norms and values, carried out in communication and activity, then resocialization is considered as a stage of restoration of the individual’s destroyed relationships with the macro- and microenvironment. This is the final stage, which determines the effectiveness of the entire previous period of rehabilitation and allows for integration into society. Integration is considered as the process of including an individual into Various types social groups and social structures, in all spheres of society - from everyday life to political.

In relation to children with congenital defects or early acquired disorders of body functions, the term “habilitation” is used. Habilitation is aimed at forming new and strengthening existing physical, mental and social functions, which for one reason or another turned out to be undeveloped in a growing child.

Thus, various shapes rehabilitation correspond to three classes of disease consequences (developed by WHO), which manifest themselves simultaneously or sequentially at interrelated levels:

Organic or biological, which is expressed in deviations from the normal morphofunctional status and causes disorders of organs and systems;

Organismal, causing a limitation in the ability to move, communicate, control the body or behave adequately, which leads to a decrease in performance and self-care;

Social, causing social insufficiency, disruption of connections with family and society.

Rehabilitation is a complex and comprehensive process that may include such types of rehabilitation as medical, social, labor, professional, psychological, etc.

Medical rehabilitation patients is aimed at full or partial restoration of health, at slowing down pathological process, prevention of complications, exacerbations and relapses of the disease. For people with disabilities, with already established persistent, in most cases irreversible, pathological changes, dysfunctions of organs and systems, it helps to develop compensatory or replacement functions, to achieve and maintain an optimal physical, mental and social level of activity.

The main thing that is common to rehabilitation and treatment is the patient’s personality as the highest level of integration of life activity. The goal of treatment is to eliminate the threat to the patient’s life, eliminate acute manifestations of the disease or injury, and prevent complications. In the recovery phase, the achieved treatment results are consolidated, lost functions are compensated and the patient is prepared for professional work, i.e. rehabilitation. Medical rehabilitation is the initial link in the system general rehabilitation and can continue in parallel with any other types of rehabilitation. The success of all other rehabilitation methods largely depends on the effectiveness of solving medical problems.

Socio-psychological rehabilitation involves the adaptation of sick and disabled people to the social environment, increasing self-awareness by forming an adequate attitude towards one’s illness or physical defect, increasing the ability to solve psychological problems, establishing relationships with others, in families, work groups.

Many diseases, especially those affecting the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, leading to cosmetic defects and disability, are accompanied by great psychologically damaging effects. It must be remembered that stress accompanying a serious illness or injury can lead to the development mental disorders, which worsen the condition and can aggravate the development of the disease. A person who has become disabled faces not only medical, but socio-psychological problems in the family and at work. Difficulties arise in fulfilling his usual social roles, and the need arises to solve many problems relating to his present position and future life. This also has a negative impact on the mental state and necessitates the need for psychological assistance.

The effectiveness of rehabilitation directly depends on the degree of personal interest and involvement of the individual in the rehabilitation process. Therefore, social and psychological assistance and emotional support should be present at all stages of rehabilitation.

Pedagogical rehabilitation is understood as training, developmental and educational activities aimed at ensuring that a disabled person acquires social experience, masters the necessary skills for self-care and self-sufficiency in life, and social norms of behavior. The pedagogical aspect of rehabilitation includes correctional pedagogy, education of children and adults with disabilities that impede the learning process, organization of educational courses/schools for sick, disabled people and their relatives.

In the compensatory-adaptation educational field, the specifics of the defect are taken into account. Corrective education involves the assimilation of social experience using special methods that take into account shortcomings in mental or physical development, correct these shortcomings and improve physical and mental functions and defect compensation mechanisms.

Social rehabilitation as a method of psychosocial influence is intended to increase the level of social functioning of a sick or disabled person.

Social rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at increasing the level of functional abilities in everyday life and society, restoring the social connections and relationships destroyed or lost by a disabled person due to a health disorder or physical defect.

The goal of social rehabilitation is resocialization with the restoration of the social status of the individual, abilities for everyday, professional and social activities, ensuring social adaptation in environmental conditions and society, achieving independence and material independence.

The implementation of rehabilitation measures is possible only if social protection is provided, i.e. systems of permanent and long-term economic, social and legal measures guaranteed by the state, providing people with disabilities with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) limitations in life and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in the life of society with other citizens.

Of no small importance in maintaining the standard of living of people with disabilities is social assistance, which is periodic or regular activities that help eliminate or reduce social disadvantage. It can be carried out in the form of periodic and one-time payments in cash or in kind (products, things), provision of necessary technical means rehabilitation, in the form of benefits and benefits.

Vocational rehabilitation aims to acquire a new profession or restore the professional ability of persons who have lost it to one degree or another. Vocational rehabilitation includes vocational guidance, vocational education, labor adaptation and employment, or employment. It provides for retraining or training in forms of work available for health reasons; measures aimed at professional and industrial adaptation of a disabled person, adaptation of the workplace to his functional capabilities at the previous enterprise; organization of special workshops and enterprises with easier working conditions and shorter working hours, etc.

Economic rehabilitation - assignment of pensions, benefits, cash security disabled person through payments for temporary disability or disability.

Domestic rehabilitation - provision of prostheses, personal mobility aids at home and on the street.

Achieving the main goal of rehabilitation - the restoration of a person as an individual, including his physiological, physical, psychological and social functions - is possible only by performing a whole range of multifaceted rehabilitation measures.

Thus, for a person who has become disabled, a new stage of life begins: habitual life stereotypes are deformed, the existing system is disrupted social contacts, the social status of the individual changes, barriers appear to the fulfillment of the most important biological and social needs. And this complex and labor-intensive process - treating the patient, preventing or reducing the degree of disability, training or retraining, restoring his psychological and social status - are links in one continuous chain called “rehabilitation”.

The development of social work with people with disabilities for the purpose of their integration should be facilitated by the creation of a network of rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities, where career guidance, vocational training, and counseling on psychological, legal and organizational problems would be provided; specific assistance in finding employment would be offered.

In Belarusian legislation, the rights of people with disabilities are recorded in such important documents as the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On social protection of disabled people in the Republic of Belarus” dated November 11, 1991; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons” dated October 17, 1994; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Social Services” of May 22, 2000, etc.

The Law “On the Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons in the Republic of Belarus” dated October 17, 1994 defines the basic concepts associated with the rehabilitation of disabled people, as well as their definitions. .

An important component of the state social policy regarding people with disabilities is their social services, which is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Social Services” of May 22, 2000. Social services are activities that meet the needs of elderly citizens and people with disabilities for social services. It includes a set of social services: care, catering; assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, in vocational training, employment, and leisure activities; assistance in organization funeral services and other services that are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people at home or in social service institutions, regardless of form of ownership. .

Thus, in the field of rehabilitation at the state level, guaranteed provision of legally established pensions, benefits, services and benefits is ensured. At the local level - issues are resolved additional increase level of social security above the state level.

An important direction of state social policy is to improve the system of social rehabilitation and social assistance for disabled and elderly people. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the provision of social assistance and provision of social rehabilitation for disabled and elderly people is carried out by social protection authorities, TCSON, public and charitable foundations and organizations.

1.2 Essence and content of sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people

Socio-cultural rehabilitation and support is one of the most relevant and sought-after areas of public practice of socio-cultural activities. A high humanitarian orientation, social and spiritual support for vulnerable segments of the population, concern for the social and cultural development of people with disabilities, their introduction to the riches of universal human culture, to amateur crafts and creativity have always been characteristic of the advanced strata of society.

When we talk about socially weakened or unprotected segments of the population, we mean not only restrictions, for various reasons, on the ability of these people to work, but also restrictions or deviations from the norms of their access to spiritual benefits, their socio-cultural functioning, permanent or temporary loss of opportunities. or abilities to actively participate in diverse types of socio-cultural activities. Consequently, the basis of the socio-cultural activities of society must constantly be concern for the rehabilitation and support of this impressive mass of people, for overcoming and compensating for the limitations and deviations that exist in their daily lives.

Socio-cultural rehabilitation and support for persons with disabilities (children and adults with disabilities, the elderly and others) is a set of activities and process aimed at helping these population groups achieve and maintain an optimal degree of participation in social relationships, the required level of cultural competence and satisfying cultural and leisure needs, which provides them with opportunities for positive changes by expanding the scope of their independent lifestyle and the fullest integration into the environment.

In a narrower sense, socio-cultural rehabilitation of a person with disabilities means targeted, personal assistance to this person, joint identification with him of his own spiritual goals, interests and needs, ways and means of overcoming obstacles. The search and mobilization of all the reserves and capabilities available to a person will ultimately help him integrate and function normally in the surrounding socio-cultural environment, independently achieving the desired results in his leisure, learning, communication, and creativity.

In contrast to the process of the initial formation of socio-cultural skills in people with disabilities, which is called habilitation, socio-cultural rehabilitation means restoration, compensation for their lost abilities and opportunities for self-affirmation and self-realization in various types of leisure and creativity.

The social in this process presupposes the achievement of people with physical or socio-psychological disabilities to a level of competence that would allow them to enter into ordinary social contacts and interactions without much difficulty, in other words, to achieve a goal that unites people with disabilities and all numerous civilians. institutes. Cultural - implies filling the process of rehabilitation of disabled people with specific cultural content, their mastery of cultural values, norms and traditions, an indication of the quality and scope of their cultural activity, the results of their creativity in the process of their socio-cultural activities.

Fig.1.1. Components of sociocultural rehabilitation

The informational-cognitive, educational component is characterized by the acquisition by persons with disabilities of knowledge and concepts about the real phenomena of the world around them, their awareness of the need for continuous communication with their immediate environment, the use of knowledge in practical activities in order to reorganize their way of life. At the same time, this means eliminating the shortcomings of both the existing attitude of society towards people with disabilities and the elderly, and their attitude towards society, changing morals, politics, everyday life, mentality in the sphere of interpersonal and social relations.

The leisure and creative component is associated with the organization of leisure to satisfy the spiritual and physical needs of persons with social disabilities, providing them with books, magazines, newspapers, special television and radio programs, games; assistance in organizing recreational activities, physical education and sports, visiting theaters, exhibitions, various cultural, educational, sports and other events.

Depending on individual capabilities, it is advisable to create all the necessary conditions for creative self-realization and self-affirmation of the blind and visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing, people with musculoskeletal disorders, amnestic-intellectual disorders, children and adults with severe and complete physical impotence.

The correctional component involves the complete or partial elimination or compensation, with the help of socio-cultural activities, of limitations in life activity and personality development, overcoming possible pedagogical and educational omissions.

Here we are talking about a number of positive factors that influence improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. This is a correctional and educational impact, which includes the inculcation of social norms, which mean the rules established by society that determine stable forms of social interaction between people at the level of macro- and micro-collectives. This is a correctional and developmental impact, focused on the comprehensive, holistic development of the individual, which implies the active development of the riches of public culture and the self-development of a self-sufficient creative personality. This is also a correctional and educational impact aimed at increasing the individual’s education in accordance with the norms and requirements of the modern socio-cultural environment.

The therapeutic and health component is designed to use the cultural and creative factor to activate the reserve capabilities of the human body (auditory, visual, motor, tactile), create and maintain a positive psychological background and, through these mechanisms, achieve appropriate favorable medical and social indicators of his health.

The emotional and aesthetic component includes the aesthetic development of a person with limited capabilities of the surrounding world, the formation of his ability to create according to the laws of beauty, the positive emotional impact of the environment and activities on his feelings and experiences, which brings him great satisfaction and significantly changes his way of life.

Social and cultural activities in all their diversity occupy a worthy place in the complex of measures for the rehabilitation of disabled people. This allows us to consider socio-cultural rehabilitation as an independent direction in social work with disabled people to solve the problem of their socio-cultural integration into society.

Socio-cultural integration is a complex, multi-level process in which a person and a group go through many stages social development- adaptation to the surrounding world, socialization, through the development of cultural values ​​and their inclusion in the norms and way of life.

In the modern system of socio-cultural integration, rehabilitation does not cover the entire population, but only those groups of people who are in difficult situations. life situation- disabled people and others. The inclusion of such population groups in the integration system is impossible without preliminary, specially organized training - comprehensive rehabilitation. Its content includes various components (types of rehabilitation): medical, professional and labor, household, social (including socio-cultural), pedagogical, psychological, political, economic.

Rehabilitation, in our opinion, should play the role of a kind of “locomotive” or initial stage inclusion of a person in a complex system of integration. Without mastering this stage, it is impossible for a person to take the path of successful personal fulfillment. In this context, sociocultural rehabilitation is, firstly, a process, and secondly, a set of activities, the purpose of which is to assist a disabled person in achieving and maintaining an optimal degree of participation in social interaction and aimed at ensuring positive changes in a person’s lifestyle, his integration into society.

Sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people should be understood as a set of measures and conditions that allow them to adapt to standard sociocultural situations: engage in feasible work; find and use information necessary for practical activities and entertainment; adequately participate in situations of communication and use of available media, books, take care of oneself, in a word, expand one’s possibilities for integration into ordinary sociocultural life.

The concept of modern socio-cultural rehabilitation, focused on the successful integration of disabled people into society, can be denoted by the following formula: from the efforts of the state to improve the lives of the population (in our case, its group - disabled people) - to the independence and initiative of the population itself (disabled people), to conscious cultural growth of the masses, which is achieved primarily through optimization of communication activities.

The practice of applying the provisions of this concept shows: for many people with disabilities, engaging in types of socio-cultural activities, entering into communicative connections, in addition to pleasure, relaxation and development of creative abilities, is a means of life support, since production material assets and cultural products helps to survive.

Today, experimental socio-cultural methods and technologies are already being used in various areas (rehabilitation, psychological-pedagogical and others) of social work. These are gaming, recreational, developmental, cultural therapeutic, projective, creative technologies.

It should be emphasized that Murzina.T, by defining the technology of socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people, understands a system of organizational techniques and methods of influence through cultural and leisure activities and / or provision of services to disabled people, used to assist them in restoring (compensating) impaired or lost abilities to perform activities in accordance with their spiritual interests.

An important condition for the success of rehabilitation is the gradual, sometimes operational, prompt introduction of a disabled person into sociocultural technologies. To do this, you need to know the problems of a disabled person quite fully and build a program correctional assistance, select correctional sociocultural technologies according to its capabilities. According to the author, one of the main elements of sociocultural technology is an analysis of the situation that characterizes the lifestyle of disabled people, their ideals and norms of behavior, spiritual values, cultural and leisure interests and preferences.

The success of socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people is largely determined by how fully and accurately the principles of its organization and implementation are implemented. The main principles of sociocultural rehabilitation are: individualization, targeting, continuity, consistency, continuity, complexity and integrity, timely correction of the defect, taking into account changes in the psychosomatic state of the disabled person, the conditions for the implementation of rehabilitation measures.

Sociocultural rehabilitation can have a significant positive impact on disabled people of all age and social groups, but it is of particular importance for disabled children and young disabled people in general. In relation to this category of people, the main task of this rehabilitation activity is to introduce young people to cultural, spiritual and moral values, to a healthy lifestyle, harmonious development based on inclusion in the world of art and culture. The approaches are based on the idea of ​​a free, harmoniously developed personality, which is focused on spiritual and moral values ​​and strives for constant self-determination, self-improvement, as well as recognition of the important role of art and culture in the formation and development of this personality. This is a means of developing a variety of life cognitive skills, increasing individual self-esteem, the opportunity for creative self-expression and uniting individuals into a community.

Thus, assessing the accumulated experience and capabilities of cultural means that, through the use of various technologies, can help people with disabilities establish social connections, identify and develop creative abilities and satisfy aesthetic interests, and assert themselves in a new difficult situation, it can be argued that there is every reason to represent a sociocultural rehabilitation as part of social rehabilitation.

It should be noted that the advisability of including it in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation of people with disabilities is dictated both by the fundamental role of culture in the development and self-realization of the individual, and by the practical experience of the socio-cultural activities of cultural institutions, which convincingly confirms the beneficial influence of cultural means, art, and creativity on the lifestyle of people with disabilities. The effective use of these means in the process of rehabilitation of a disabled person contributes to the formation of his spiritual, moral and social attitudes, a sense of confidence in life, which provide a corrective and restorative effect on health and motivation for independence in various spheres of life.

2. Technologies for sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people

2.1 Social rehabilitation through cultural and leisure activities as a condition for successful socialization

Currently, social rehabilitation of disabled people includes a set of measures aimed at restoring the social connections and relationships that have been destroyed or lost by an individual due to health problems. The goal of social rehabilitation is to restore the social status of the individual, ensure social adaptation in society, achieve material independence, and the fastest and most complete restoration of the ability to socially function.

Understanding the process of social rehabilitation requires consideration of those fundamental, basic processes that introduce people into society, make them capable of participating in social life, or doom individuals to maladjustment and loneliness. The mechanism for including an individual into a social community is known as socialization.

Socialization can be considered as the entry of an individual into society, his introduction to social life. In this process, the inseparability of the dual nature of man, the dualism of the biological and the social, is realized. The introduction of social principles into the biological basis of the human personality includes three elements: education as a purposeful transfer social values, unconscious perception (internationalization) of social information, the formation of character, emotional structure and other personality traits under the influence of verbally expressed or implied demands of society. The prerequisite for this process is the psychophysiological constitution of the individual, including his abilities, inclinations, and intelligence. The development of such prerequisites is determined primarily by the needs of society.

The most important condition for socialization, according to T. Parsons, is the adaptation of the individual to the social environment - “adaptive mechanisms must ensure a person’s adequacy and social desirability.” In cases of violation of a person’s potential, resulting in a limitation in the perception of social influence, a deviation in socialization and adaptation is observed. There is a need for social rehabilitation - measures aimed at creating (restoring) opportunities for social functioning - (resocialization).

As part of the sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, leisure rehabilitation should, first of all, be carried out. This is not just the inclusion of a disabled person in a leisure environment, but also the formation in him of qualities that allow him to use various forms of leisure.

The use of cultural and artistic means contributes to the rehabilitation of disabled people, accelerating their social integration and increasing their labor activity. One of the tasks of sociocultural rehabilitation is to identify what types of activities interest people with disabilities and, if possible, organize their implementation. In addition, sociocultural rehabilitation helps expand the creative potential of a disabled person. The foundations of the process of sociocultural rehabilitation are multidisciplinary cultural and leisure activities (informational, educational, developmental, etc.). These activities are aimed at developing communication skills, gaining experience in social interaction, new skills and abilities, and expanding the circle of friends.

The country has an extensive infrastructure of institutions and organizations designed for social, and in particular socio-cultural, rehabilitation of people with disabilities and disabilities and social insufficiency. It includes social protection and social security services included in the system of municipal authorities, social service centers and social, including emergency psychological, assistance, rehabilitation centers, centers for rehabilitation treatment and creativity, specialized boarding institutions - boarding schools and boarding houses, orphanages and specialized schools; veterans' councils and public associations and organizations of disabled people, public funds and social support associations; clubs, houses of culture and libraries, literary, musical, tourist, sports and other interest associations.

Providing social rehabilitation for people with disabilities in our city is carried out by various institutions, including the TCSON of the Zheleznodorozhny district, which is the basis of our research.

Directly on the premises of the Center, social rehabilitation services are provided free of charge to 32 disabled people aged 18 to 31 years with special needs. psychophysical development. Interest classes are organized for them in arts and crafts clubs, household skills are instilled in a model kitchen, and their information space is expanded through computer training.

In total, as of January 1, 2011, there were 2,379 disabled people registered with the administration of the Zheleznodorozhny District. Since January 3, 2008, the institution “Territorial Center for Social Services for the Population of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Vitebsk” has been operating a day care department for the disabled. One of the main objectives of this area of ​​work is to create conditions for the formation of a developmental environment that promotes the identification and development of individual characteristics and inclinations of young disabled people, the disclosure of their creative potential, self-realization and social adaptation in society. The result is the preparation of people with disabilities for independent living.

The department’s specialists help people with special needs in their psychophysical development learn a variety of skills, from simple sewing on a button and relaxed, open communication to mastering a computer. For this purpose, various clubs have been organized and operate in the department:

§ arts and crafts “Lyanok” (weaving). The teacher gives the children the opportunity to try their hand at working on a loom, frames, beadwork, fabric painting, collage and other types of arts and crafts.

§ “City of Masters” (floristry), the circle is located in the village of Ruba. The teacher teaches how to work with natural materials, create beautiful things and souvenirs using waste material.

§ “The Magic Ball” (knitting, embroidery on knitwear), where the leader of the circle introduces his students to the world of literature, history and local history through the canvases of simple knitted paintings that are obtained in the end.

§ social and domestic rehabilitation “Housewife”, where young disabled people in a specially created model room “kitchen” learn to cook and use household appliances.

§ “Housekeeping”, a class in which disabled people gain knowledge on how to run a household, make purchases, carry out transactions to pay utility bills, etc.

§ computer literacy “Electronic”, where young people with disabilities acquire basic user knowledge of working on a computer.

The department does a lot of work in terms of organizing leisure activities for children. These are a variety of events: holidays, game programs, meetings with interesting people, excursions, trips to the cinema, theaters, participation in sales fairs, etc. Over the course of the year, about 40 events were held, some of which were attended by parents along with their children.

Thus, the main task of this rehabilitation activity is to introduce young people to cultural, spiritual and moral values, to a healthy lifestyle, harmonious development based on inclusion in the world of art and culture. The approaches are based on the idea of ​​a free, harmoniously developed personality, which is focused on spiritual and moral values ​​and strives for constant self-determination, self-improvement, as well as recognition of the important role of art and culture in the formation and development of this personality.

2.2 Empirical research on the problem of sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities

Sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities is a set of activities and conditions that allow people with disabilities to adapt to standard sociocultural situations: engage in feasible work, find and use the necessary information, expand their ability to integrate into ordinary sociocultural life. As part of the sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, leisure rehabilitation should, first of all, be carried out. The use of cultural and artistic means contributes to the rehabilitation of disabled people, accelerating their social integration and increasing their labor activity. One of the tasks of sociocultural rehabilitation is to identify what types of activities interest people with disabilities and, if possible, organize their implementation. In addition, sociocultural rehabilitation helps expand the creative potential of a disabled person. The foundations of the process of sociocultural rehabilitation are multidisciplinary cultural and leisure activities (informational, educational, developmental, etc.). These activities are aimed at developing communication skills, gaining experience in social interaction, new skills and abilities, and expanding the circle of friends.

We conducted a study to identify the needs of people with disabilities in the sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

The study was conducted on the basis of the TCSON of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Vitebsk. 30 disabled people aged 18 to 31 took part in it.

The survey was aimed at studying the needs of people with disabilities in sociocultural rehabilitation and identifying the main types of leisure activities that interest people with disabilities.

For 50% of those participating in the survey, after acquiring a disability, their personal lives changed dramatically, for 34% - their professional sphere and for 16% - their creative sphere of life. (Fig.2.1)

60% of respondents were helped in their initial adaptation after acquiring a disability by their family, 34% by social service workers, 6% by acquaintances and neighbors.

To the question: “Where do you find the meaning of life for yourself?” 60% of respondents answered “passion, hobby”, 30% - “family and friends” and 10% of respondents answered “work”.

The dominant part of the center's disabled people lacks the following:

Help and support - 43%;

In communication and friends - 67%;

In leisure activities - 50%

In interesting work - 10%;

In money - 16%. (Fig. 2.2)

Several questions in the survey related to free time and active lifestyle. 65% of respondents have a positive attitude towards sports, but do not participate themselves, except as observers; 20% - indifferent; 15% lead an active lifestyle themselves. (Fig. 2.3).

To the question about hobbies, the following answers were received: 28% - do not have a hobby, 72% of the surveyed disabled people have a hobby, as a rule, collecting, knitting, beading, also in this list there is: music, reading books, walks in nature, a healthy lifestyle, watching TV, chatting with friends.

Further in the questionnaire a question was asked about visiting excursions, theaters, and museums. To the question: “How often do you visit excursions, theaters, museums?” 75% answered “I don’t visit”, 10% - visit once every few months, and 15% - try to visit cultural and educational places once a month. (Fig.2.4)

To the question “What do you think is the reason for the inability of people with disabilities to often visit cultural institutions and places of recreation?” 73% of respondents attribute the inability to participate in the cultural life of the city due to the problem of creating a barrier-free environment in the city, 17% believe that the city does not have a developed cultural environment for people with disabilities, 7% attribute this to material problems and 3% due to a negative attitude healthy people to disabled people. (Fig. 2.5.)

After analyzing the answers, we can conclude that most of disabled people prefer such types of leisure as:

Relaxation with family - 66%;

Watching TV shows - 20%;

Reading books - 10%

Listening to radio programs, music - 4%. (Fig. 2.6.)

The most preferable activities for people with disabilities are active leisure activities, such as:

b walks in the fresh air - 35%;

ь trips to the theater, to exhibitions - 40%;

ь communication with friends, acquaintances - 50%;

ь going to the cinema - 20%;

ь trips on excursions - 53%.

However, they remain less realized. (Fig.2.7.)

Regarding the activities of the TCSON, the question was asked: “How do you evaluate the work of the day care department for disabled people?” 70% considered the work of the department satisfactory and 30% of respondents answered “excellent”.

Finally, the final question of the questionnaire was: “Would you like our city to have more cultural and entertainment establishments that people with disabilities could easily visit?” The overwhelming majority - (90%) gave a positive answer, the remaining 10% answered - did not think about it.

Thus, based on the conducted research, we can conclude that for the majority of disabled people, especially between the ages of 18 and 30, with the acquisition of disability, life changes dramatically, especially in the personal and professional sphere. This indicates that these people need special support, and they also need comprehensive rehabilitation, including sociocultural. Sometimes, due to limited ability to move freely, many people with disabilities cannot devote enough time to leisure and an active lifestyle, and most often the main entertainment is watching television. Society must meet people with disabilities halfway, adapting their living environment and motivating them to integrate into society. As part of sociocultural rehabilitation, the inclusion of a disabled person in a leisure environment should be carried out, as well as the development of qualities in him that allow him to use various forms of leisure.

The results of the study showed that people with disabilities in the region have the greatest need for communication and mutual understanding, employment, help and support, leisure activities, creating a barrier-free environment and free access to cultural and recreational institutions, and a developed cultural infrastructure for people with disabilities .

Based on the results of the study, we were convinced of the unlimited possibilities of people with disabilities, their active participation in the life of society, subject to involvement in cultural and leisure activities and subject to successful rehabilitation, including sociocultural ones.


In conclusion, it should be noted that for a person who has become disabled, a new stage of life begins: habitual life stereotypes are deformed, the existing system of social contacts is disrupted, the social status of the individual changes, and barriers to the fulfillment of the most important biological and social needs appear. And this complex and labor-intensive process - treating the patient, preventing or reducing the degree of disability, training or retraining, restoring his psychological or social status - are links in one continuous chain called “rehabilitation”.

It can be concluded that the modern understanding of the rehabilitation of disabled people includes a complex of socio-economic, medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, professional and other measures, the purpose of which is the fastest and most complete restoration of certain functions, personal and social status lost by a person.


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Sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people is one of those acute problems that many cultural institutions, for various reasons, do not address. Meanwhile, in the programs and plans of their activities, the following areas could be successfully implemented: work with people with disabilities, as well as children, adolescents, young and elderly people with disabilities in physical and mental development;

  • · work with the family of a disabled person;
  • · work in a labor or educational team, at a place of health improvement or recreation for a disabled person;
  • · development and testing of interactive methods and technologies of sociocultural rehabilitation.

The most important methodological basis for considering the problems of sociocultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities is the analysis of reserve opportunities for leisure and leisure activities.

The basis of cultural and leisure activities aimed at the rehabilitation of disabled people is based on three initial principles:

  • 1. the personality of the disabled person himself in its diversity;
  • 2. relationships and contacts of a disabled person with environment and, above all, with the family microenvironment, educational, labor collective, acquaintances and friends;
  • 3. cultural and leisure forms and methods designed to actively influence the personality of a disabled person, his social rehabilitation and status in society.

Cultural and leisure forms used by cultural institutions can have a significant impact on social attitudes, value orientations (worldview, moral, professional, etc.), on the structure of communication, forms and methods of organizing the lifestyle of people with disabilities and their families, and strengthen tendencies towards individualization of their lifestyle , everyday life, leisure.

It is the pursuit of art and creativity that plays here main role. Art and creativity are unthinkable without communication; they are a powerful tool promoting the integration of people with disabilities into society. If a person has not found his way on his own, he can do it in a team (amateur association, club, sports team, etc.). An element of rehabilitation here is the process of finding oneself, one’s place in the team, and realizing one’s own importance for each of its members.

The traditional approach of cultural institutions to the leisure activities of disabled people as a purely entertaining, purely recreational phenomenon is exhausting itself. It is advisable to consider leisure activities of disabled people with various physical defects as an independent sphere of their activity, thanks to which the holistic creative reproduction of the disabled person’s personality is ensured, the actualization of its intellectual, cultural, physical, and volitional potential.

Cultural and leisure technologies have characteristic psychological, pedagogical, cultural, organizational and methodological characteristics. Used among disabled people, they are mechanisms of social adaptation of a large social segment of the population. Specific features in cultural and leisure technologies, for example, holding festivals, shows, competitions, sports and leisure competitions with the participation of disabled people is different.

The purpose of leisure technologies is to help a disabled person master the communication skills necessary for adaptation in a complex sociocultural environment. There are psychological patterns that accelerate integration processes in the community of disabled people and their social adaptation. Firstly, this is development communication skills for all groups of disabled people. At the same time, the special role of the positive emotional coloring of communication with these people should be emphasized. Here it is necessary to search for the “golden mean” - an equal, benevolent tone, excluding extremes in the form of either feigned optimism or excessive sympathy and pity.

Secondly, the ability to choose and offer a disabled person an interesting activity that would not allow him to concentrate on his painful sensations and experiences. Most often, such activities are associated with applied artistic and technical creativity, as well as with more passive activities - reading, watching TV, listening to the radio, and so on. Thanks to them, disabled people feel better and their painful condition is alleviated.

Thirdly, individual self-rehabilitation programs, which include a system of various special trainings, alternating mental and physical exercise, the intensity of which increases as the disabled person’s condition improves. Even rote learning and the use of stereotypical sets of actions required in standard cultural situations give people with disabilities the opportunity to gain a certain degree of independence.

Ignoring these and other patterns in rehabilitation work is accompanied by negative consequences, inevitably leads to the emergence of barriers between disabled people and healthy people in everyday life, on vacation, in creativity, and play. The basis on which the craving of disabled people for segregation into a closed social group is based is emerging.

As is known, segregation is the result of the influence of several mutually exclusive trends: firstly, the desire of healthy people, starting from childhood, to separate themselves from daily contacts with disabled people - in kindergarten, school, and everyday life; secondly, the long-term policy of government agencies to create a network of closed production, educational, and leisure structures specifically designed for disabled audiences; thirdly, the desire of disabled people themselves with the same type of impairment to withdraw into an isolated area.

The effect of the game, as a unique phenomenon in modern sociotherapeutic practice, is completely obvious. Games cannot be divided mechanically into “disabled” and ordinary for healthy people. Any game can be adapted to the capabilities of an adult or child, taking into account the degree and type of disability. It is enough to make adjustments, facilitate or modify the conditions of the game, and a person receives new additional incentives for life, enriches his world of emotions, and makes leisure time more diverse.

Methods of sociocultural design can be successfully applied in the activities of rehabilitation institutions. The development and implementation of projects in the form of entertainment and gaming, music, artistic and entertainment, sports and recreational and other programs, auctions, vernissages and fairs, advertising projects and campaigns, the production of applied art products can significantly enrich the content of the educational and creative development activities of people with disabilities.

In cultural institutions, a disabled person acquires skills in creativity, experience in leisure behavior and culture. The activities of these institutions carry an integrative function in the public education of people with disabilities and contribute to the socialization of their leisure time.

The main goal of cultural and leisure activities in the field of rehabilitation of disabled people is the reproduction of a person, his creative powers necessary for his basic life activities. Leisure can serve as an effective sphere for the spiritual elevation of a person with disabilities, his moral and aesthetic improvement, and active participation in cultural creativity.

Rehabilitation, social adaptation and the formation of an independent lifestyle for disabled people is a multifaceted process. Its success largely depends on the participation of specialists in related fields (medics, psychologists, teachers, defectologists, social educators, cultural specialists, specialists in the rehabilitation of the disabled, etc.). This process requires interaction between scientists and practitioners, government and non-government institutions, the general public, and the media.

In general, the following main directions of sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people can be identified:

  • · educational, the purpose of which is to eliminate the shortcomings of the existing attitude of society towards people with disabilities and people with disabilities towards society, to change morals, politics, life, mentality in this area of ​​interpersonal and social relations;
  • · leisure, the purpose of which is to organize and provide leisure time to satisfy the spiritual and physical needs of disabled people by meaningfully filling the free time of disabled people and members of their families;
  • · correctional, the purpose of which is the complete or partial elimination or compensation of limitations in life activity and personal development due to health conditions, as well as due to pedagogical and educational omissions. It should be highlighted:
  • · correctional and educational impact, including the inculcation of social norms, which mean rules established by society and stable forms of social interaction between people at the level of macro- and micro-collectives;
  • · correctional and developmental impact, focused on the comprehensive, holistic development of the individual, which implies the active development of cultural wealth and self-development of a creative personality;
  • · correctional-educational, which is focused on increasing the education of the individual;
  • · cognitive impact, focused on the acquisition by disabled people of knowledge, concepts about real phenomena, awareness of the world around them, connections with people around them, the use of knowledge in practical activities in order to transform the world;
  • · emotional and aesthetic impact, focused on a person’s aesthetic mastery of the world, essence and creativity according to the laws of beauty. The emotional component allows you to receive pleasure, which significantly changes a person’s lifestyle.

rehabilitation disabled social cultural

A number of programs dedicated to the sociocultural rehabilitation of young disabled people are being conducted abroad and in Russia. Let's look at this using the example of Russian and foreign organizations. Abroad, two models of social services for the population can be distinguished - European and American. In America, the emphasis is shifting towards self-reliance, personal initiative, and liberation from the influence of government agencies. In the United States, people with disabilities are primarily provided with pensions and accident insurance. Medical care is provided. Assistance to disabled people is carried out with the help of specialized disabled organizations and funds, since municipalities attract them to provide disabled people with a significant part of the services required by law.

The main ones are: housing and household facilities, transport, provision of work, training, adaptation, payment of special benefits and compensation. The latter are intended for carrying out social and rehabilitation activities that help increase the capacity of a disabled person, as well as for prosthetics, vocational training or general education. The practice of social services for disabled people and people with physical disabilities in the UK is very interesting. There are several types of day centers, which employ teams that include not only social workers, but also psychologists, therapists, nurses, instructors and teachers. Adult training centers and social learning centers continue training with young people with learning difficulties after leaving school. Emphasis is placed on self-care and the acquisition of social skills such as shopping, cooking, handling money, and using public spaces. This allows the patient to live in society and rely on his own strength. The centers also provide classes in painting, handicrafts, woodworking, physical education, reading and writing. Problems of disabled people are solved by social workers together with occupational therapists.

The goal of occupational therapy is to correct the physical and psychological condition of people with disabilities through specific activities carried out to assist people with disabilities and achieve their independence in all aspects of daily life. The functions of an occupational therapist include: assessing the condition of a disabled person, therapeutic activity (advice, support, selection and installation of equipment, encouragement, methods of occupational therapy treatment), giving maximum independence to a disabled person and improving his quality of life. The work of an occupational therapist is multifaceted. Occupational therapists tailor assistance and support to clients specifically for each individual case. To make life easier, there are a lot of different rehabilitation companies that can provide, upon request of a disabled person (or according to a selected catalog), any equipment, tools or means to make life easier (special bath seats, circular spoons and forks, as well as various physiotherapy equipment).

The method used is occupational therapy - therapy with daily activities - a form of professional social work that exists in most countries of the world and occupies an important place in the team of specialists in social work, healthcare, and education. This therapy is an integral part of comprehensive medical, social and psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation. This is a necessary component effective assistance people experiencing difficulties in everyday situations. The use of occupational therapy is quite wide - ranging from stimulating the reflexes of a premature infant to ensuring the safety and independence of a frail elderly person.

Thus, as a direction in social rehabilitation, occupational therapy has two sides: rehabilitation, aimed at productive activities for personal care (washing, combing one’s hair), and therapeutic, aimed at restoring a lost skill using various methods and special equipment (knitting, sewing).

Occupational therapy is necessary for adolescents and young people with problems: - family and social adaptation - alcohol or drug addiction, sociopathology of behavior, appetite disorders - neurological insufficiency due to injuries, injuries of the brain and spinal cord - orthopedic restrictions due to an accident or diseases - neuropsychiatric disorders and learning difficulties

Occupational therapy for adolescents and young adults will: - improve sensory and motor skills - increase mobility, strength and endurance - facilitate adaptation to prostheses and test their functioning - stimulate healthy, productive relationships - gain pre-vocational and professional skills.

In Russia, the Yuzhnoye Butovo center for the disabled actively uses the method of nature therapy. This helps young disabled people master artistic and creative activities as part of sociocultural work, as well as a means of optimizing the entire rehabilitation process. Process optimization means improving its quality, both in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Improving the quality of rehabilitation work when using natural materials is due to the fact that all these materials themselves have powerful stimulating and activating properties. A combination of different stimuli (visual and tactile sensations), supported by active (verbal or non-verbal) interaction with a specialist, activates the child’s cognitive mental processes, regulates his emotional-volitional sphere, develops and corrects motor abilities, that is, has a comprehensive effect on his rehabilitation potential. Great importance is attached to such a form as bibliotherapy. It poses certain tasks for library staff. These include: - nurturing positive self-esteem (in young disabled people it is often underestimated), the emergence of a feeling of cheerfulness; - restoration of the individual’s adaptive capabilities, that is, the development of communication skills and interaction with the outside world; - education of feelings social significance(instead of the feeling of “social worthlessness” that L.S. Vygotsky wrote about) and building on this basis the prospects and life plans of a disabled child with disabilities; - development of literary abilities of young readers; - overcoming the feeling of alienation of a disabled child from society, overcoming the feeling of hostility of the surrounding world, caused by the inattentive and sometimes dismissive attitude of people towards children with disabilities; - restoration of the child’s activity as a subject of his life; - assistance in providing medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation, carried out through the efforts of various social institutions.

For example, in the Tyumen regional scientific library them. DI. Mendeleev. The club “Light of Hope” was created at the Novocheboksarsk city library named after N.I. Polorussov-Shelebi. An important direction in the library’s activities is mass work with readers. The cultural and leisure activities of the center are represented by the “Nadezhda” communication club. The club has been operating on the basis of the library since 1999, has its own charter, a team of 5 people, and works according to plan. The members of the club are young people with disabilities aged 20 to 35 years. The club organizes reading conferences, holidays, poetry evenings, evening meetings, " round tables", conversations and reviews. Club members are not only listeners, but also helpers in organizing meetings.

In Russia there is the Kaluga Regional Library for the Blind named after. N. Ostrovsky. The model of sociocultural rehabilitation includes the following types activities: social, cultural, psychological, pedagogical, professional, public, socio-economic, medical, physical, legal.

The staff of the regional library for the blind, together with the heads of departments of Municipalities with the support of the heads of district Administrations, annually conducts seminars and conferences aimed at improving professional level specialists from cultural institutions and social sphere specialists.

The following issues are included in the seminar program:

1. Sociocultural activities as a means of developing a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.

2. Regional library for the blind in the system of sociocultural rehabilitation of the visually impaired.

3. Leisure as a form of formation of tolerant consciousness in society in relation to people with disabilities.

4. Collection of funds is an important factor in access to information for people with physical disabilities.

5. Self-realization of the personality of a disabled person through the publishing activities of the library.

6. Technologies for the work of cultural institutions and social services with socially vulnerable people.

7. Spiritual and moral values ​​in modern society.

8. Library for the blind social institution help.

Thus, an analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the socio-cultural rehabilitation of young disabled people gives reason to say that the development of this area of ​​social protection and support is undoubtedly developing at a fairly rapid pace in almost all industrial and post-industrial countries. We see that currently in the Russian Federation there are certain types of programs that are being successfully implemented, thereby helping young disabled people acquire their status in society and giving impetus to self-development. These programs help young disabled people quickly adapt to society and make it easier for them to communicate with other people. The programs help you re-find your place in life and find a new activity and meaning in life.

For the sociocultural rehabilitation of young disabled people, both in Russia and abroad, individual and group forms of promoting the social integration of this category into society are used. But it should also be noted that Western countries are several steps ahead of Russia in terms of technology and system for organizing socio-cultural rehabilitation of young disabled people, this can be seen in the example of organization using games specially developed by scientists for the category of young disabled people. Undoubtedly, at this rate of development of this area of ​​social services for young disabled people, in a few years it will become much more modern and improved.