Communicative games as a means of social development of preschool children. Diploma on the topic "Game activity as a means of developing the communicative abilities of younger students in the educational process

Andriyanova Ekaterina Valerievna
GBOU Boarding School No. 1 named after K.K. Grot

Krasnogvardeysky district of the city of St. Petersburg

Game as a means of developing communication skills in younger children

students with intellectual disabilities

Play is the child's true social practice, his real life in the society of his peers. It is used for the purpose of comprehensive development and education, in the formation of the moral side of the personality and, of course, in corrective work.

The game acts as an activity in which prerequisites are formed for the transition of mental actions to a new, higher stage - mental actions based on speech. The functionality of play actions flows into ontogenetic development, creating a zone of proximal development of mental actions, in which more general mechanisms of intellectual activity are generated.

In the game, the behavior of the child is significantly restructured - it becomes arbitrary, i.e. is carried out in accordance with the sample and is controlled by comparing with this sample as a standard.

The game is important both for the formation of a friendly children's team and independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude towards work and the correction of some deviations in the behavior of individual children.

The game, along with the general influence on the entire course of mental development, has a specific effect on the development of communication skills.

Communication skills are the formation of communication skills, the ability to listen, express one's point of view, come to a compromise solution, argue and defend one's position.

Younger students should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using proactive speech and improve conversational, enrichment

vocabulary, improving pronunciation.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the following personality traits can be distinguished that determine the student's popularity in the class: humanity, as a holistic personal education. The main indicators of humanity are the focus of activity on helping another, a sense of satisfaction with the success of a peer, and communicative competence. Communicative competence includes an emotional component (responsiveness, empathy, the ability to empathize), a cognitive component (the ability to take the point of view of another person, to anticipate his behavior), a behavioral component (the ability to cooperate, work together, adequate in communication).

The currently identified ways of correcting interpersonal relations among younger schoolchildren represent a single system of psychological and pedagogical influence, in which a number of separate areas of work can be distinguished.

One of the main directions of correction of interpersonal relations is the use of group and collective forms of organization of joint activities. The hallmarks of collaboration are:

Spatial and temporal co-presence of participants;

The presence of a single goal that meets common interests;

The presence of a system of organization and leadership;

The division of the process of joint activity between the participants, due to the nature of the goal.

A number of scientists have developed recommendations on the use of types of joint activities of different content as ways of correcting interpersonal relations in a team of younger schoolchildren. Modern researchers of this problem suggest using the following types of collective games:

  1. Collective creative games involving isolated children (Anikeeva N.P., Vinogradova A.P., Matytsyna I.G.);
  2. Game training, the task of which is to form a value attitude towards oneself and other people, create a situation of success for each student, which allows you to consolidate the positive that classmates found in him (Panfilova M.A., Fopel K., Marchenkova V.A.) ;
  3. Dramatization games, including folk games (Ivochkina I.E., Marchenkova V.A., Sisyakina I.I.);

4. Games-competitions (Anikeeva N.P., Panfilova M.A. and others).

In general, the use of this system of games is a means of satisfying social needs for communication, recognition, and the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself and other people.

Difficulties in communicating with other people in children with intellectual disabilities are associated with the unformed age-related forms of communication, the underdevelopment of its structural components, slowing down and qualitative originality of emotional and personal development.

Children with developmental disorders are mainly children in whom, due to congenital insufficiency or acquired organic damage to the sensory organs, the musculoskeletal system or the central nervous system, the development of mental functions deviates from the norm. And in some cases, developmental disorders can also be caused by microsocial, environmental reasons, unfavorable forms of family education, social and emotional deprivation, etc.

The priority task in the education of children with intellectual disabilities is the task of their social adaptation. Social adaptation of a person is a unity of three socio-psychological mechanisms of cognitive, including all mental processes associated with cognition; emotional, including various emotional states and moral feelings; practical (guvedic), linking adaptation with social practice (A. P. Rastigeev)

The development of adaptation mechanisms in children with intellectual disabilities has its own specifics. The intellectual component does not become the leading one in the course of age development. A child with underdevelopment of the cognitive sphere does not have the opportunity to exercise full intellectual control over the emotional sphere, unlike his peers with adequate mental development (L. S. Vygotsky). However, compared with other mental processes, the emotional sphere of these children is more intact. This fact and the factor of interdependence of emotional phenomena and the processes of cognition and reflection allow us to speak about the possibility of using the emotional sphere as a workaround for the development of adaptive and intellectual abilities of this category of students.

However, children with intellectual disabilities do not experience significant changes in the state of the emotional sphere outside specially organized training, and there are difficulties in regulating behavior. In their actions, these children turn out to be unfocused, they have no desire to overcome even feasible difficulties on the way to the goal. The structure of the affective sphere paradoxically combines emotional coarseness and increased vulnerability. A number of problems are due to the low level of the ability to verbal communication. The characteristic need for communication, without developing, remains at the level of the need for help and support. These facts are confirmed by observations of the pupils of our Center. They are characterized by stiffness, awkwardness, mimic inexpressiveness. It is difficult for preschoolers to correctly express their feelings and understand what is communicated to them in a non-verbal way. Self-assessment by others is not perceived differently. Lack of understanding of the "language of emotions" is reflected in the entire situation of social communication, in the process of social adaptation and integration into society.

In order to achieve positive results in working with children with developmental disabilities, various methods, techniques and techniques are combined, both traditional and non-traditional, and psychocorrective fairy tale therapy games are being developed. Experience has shown that these games are effective in corrective activities with children of this category.

Psychophysiologists, psychologists, teachers are unanimous in the opinion that the game is an emotionally rich form of manifestation of children's activity, a way of first emotional, and then intellectual development of the system of human relations surrounding reality. Possessing special, emotional, didactic properties, the game enhances emotions, individualizes them, enriches them with shades. As an activity of mastering the "ability to be able" it gives the child specific skills and general flexibility of behavior. As a socio-pedagogical form of organization of children's life, the game contributes to the social development of children and is logically projected to achieve certain pedagogical goals. The game provides enormous opportunities for restructuring the emotional experience of the player (creating and discharging tension, releasing fear, anger, sadness, etc.). In the game, staging of emotions and feelings is possible. The ability of the child to be himself and others is realized.

According to many experts (E.A. Strebeleva, O.S. Nikolskaya, L.A. Goloechits, and others), through specially organized corrective play activities, children with developmental problems satisfy various needs in communication, in active actions, in opportunities to learn new things, express their attitude to what is the content of the game. In the game, emotional and volitional development is carried out, a personality is formed, its inner content is enriched, the need to transform reality develops, to assimilate the norms of behavior, and the intellectual capabilities of the child develop. Thus, the game develops something on which the success of the child’s educational and labor activities, and most importantly, the success of his socialization, will subsequently depend.

The fairy tale makes the child empathize with the characters, as a result of which he has new ideas about people, their relationships, objects and phenomena of the world around him, a new emotional experience. It is also important that the fairy tale contains simple images of animals, heroes, with whom it is easier for a “special” child to identify himself than with a real situation.

As the sphere of communication expands, children experience the action of a variety of social factors that significantly activate their emotional world. The child must learn to overcome situational emotions, culturally manage feelings. A fairy tale and a game allow you to learn this. For example, for an aggressive child, a special correctional fairy tale is selected or compiled, information about his negative aggressive manifestations and ways to overcome them is metaphorically encrypted. At the lesson, the child not only listens to this fairy tale, but also loses the ways of adequate emotional response, identifying with the main fairy tale character. In the process of such work, the child gets acquainted with his feelings of anger and learns to cope with it through the formation of new effective behavior patterns, ways to relieve stress, etc.

With the help of playing in a fairy tale context, it is possible to help each child to live through many situations that he will encounter in adulthood, and significantly expand his worldview and ways of interacting with the world and other people, that is, adapting to society.

The procedural side of games is characterized by the following points

Demonstration of correct behavior options;

Reading of emotional states by children from each other;

The possibility of using elements of the competition (for example, who better depicts how the Tsokotuha Fly got scared, how the guests had fun, etc.);

Using mechanical action if necessary (for example, leading with his fingers helps the child round his eyes, stretch his lips in a smile, move his eyebrows, attach the figurine to the magnetic board with the child’s hand, etc.).

Organizational and activity;

Emotional (formation of emotional and value attitude to the world);

Component of prosocial behavior (formation of helping behavior).

Correctional fairy tale therapy games are aimed at solving various psychological problems, the development of the sensory-perceptual, psychomotor spheres, the development of cognitive processes, the development of the communicative sphere, the harmonization and development of the emotional-volitional sphere, the development of speech.

Examples of games for the development of communication skills

polite words

Purpose: development of respect in communication, education of politeness and a friendly attitude towards each other

The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw the ball to each other, calling polite words. For example, name only words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, etc.); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, very sorry); goodbye (goodbye, see you, good night, bye).

Story in a circle

Purpose: to develop the ability to enter into the process of communication and navigate in partners and situations of communication.

This game is easy to organize, because it does not require special training. However, it is very effective for the development of children's speech skills, their imagination, fantasies, ability to quickly navigate in partners and unknown situations of communication. For example, the teacher begins the story: “Today is a day off and ...” the next child picks it up. The story continues in circles.

Situation Games

Purpose: to develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express one's thoughts using facial expressions and gestures.

  1. Two boys quarreled - reconcile them.
  2. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - have pity on him.
  3. Children play, one child does not have a toy - share it with him.
  4. You offended your friend very much - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.
  5. You have lost your car - go up to the children and ask if they have seen it, etc.


Purpose: to develop the ability to thank a comrade, express congratulations, determine the opinion and attitude of comrades in communication.

Children are invited to act out the situation of celebrating the birthday of one of the comrades. Since it is customary to give gifts on a birthday, the teacher tells the children that each of them can give the birthday boy something that could truly please him and, in one way or another, characterize the author of the gift. A "birthday boy" is chosen, he is given the task of guessing the author of the gift. Then the "birthday boy" walks out the door. The rest of the guys tell the teacher about what “gift” each of them will “give” to the birthday boy. The teacher makes a list of "gifts". The birthday boy enters. The teacher calls the first from the list of gifts and asks the "birthday boy" who can give it. Next, all the gifts are named in turn.

Game "Please"

Purpose: to identify “whether the child is acting honestly with an independent choice of behavior; how the guys will behave when someone violates the rules of the game; how their relationship will develop.

The leader gives different commands. They are only executed if the word "please" is said. A child who incorrectly executed the command, himself, without the instruction of an adult, a comrade, must leave the game.


Purpose: to develop dialogic speech, fantasy, the ability to come up with a variety of tasks for ransom forfeits, to cultivate friendliness.

The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players.

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?

From the city…

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping, etc. in the city. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly, gives a phantom. The game ends as soon as the driver collects five forfeits.

Those players whose forfeits are in the driver's hands must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. The children read poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen, and the game is repeated.


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From the first steps in creating a network of out-of-school institutions and the beginning of out-of-school educational work with children, it became necessary to develop the scientific foundations and general principles of this work, to determine the content, forms and methods of work in individual areas. Game activity as a special form of mastering real social reality is one of such areas. The game is a type of symbolic-modeling activity. As a model, it contains the “cultural code” of child development (V.P. Zinchenko). The game is an emotionally rich activity, it captures the whole child. D.B. Elkonin emphasized that the significance of the game "is determined by the fact that it affects the most significant aspects of the mental development of the child's personality as a whole, the development of his consciousness." According to L.S. Vygotsky, the game is a school of arbitrariness, will and morality.

The implementation of an integrated approach to education requires that when organizing all games, not only one core task be solved, it is necessary to highlight the ideological and moral aspect, strengthen the labor orientation in the preparation process, and the moral and educational result. It is important that any game solves a maximum of educational tasks.

Extra-curricular educational work should not be built only on the principle of entertainment, but it is desirable that it be accompanied by colorfulness and emotionality.

The success of extracurricular educational work is facilitated by the clear planning, organization, and conduct of games of various themes and directions.

The game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions received from the outside world. The game clearly manifests the features of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication. While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, to use them in different conditions. The game is an independent activity in which children enter into communication with their peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common experiences. Game experiences leave a deep imprint in the mind of the child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, skills of collective life.

The game occupies a large place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education. The child needs vigorous activity that contributes to an increase in his vitality, satisfies his interests, social needs.

In the early years of a child's life, play is the type of activity in which his personality is formed. The game is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of the personality, in the formation of its properties and the enrichment of its internal content, moral and volitional qualities.

In the process of development, usually personal significance and attractiveness

acquire, first of all, those actions and those manifestations of the personality, which, having become available, have not yet become everyday. It is the new ones, those that have just come into being and not yet consolidated, as something habitual acquisitions of development, that predominantly come into play. Entering the game and performing in it over and over again, the corresponding actions are fixed; while playing, the child masters them better and better: the game becomes for him a kind of school of life.

As a result, he develops during the game and receives preparation for further activities. He plays because he develops, and develops because he plays. The game is the practice of development.

All aspects of the child's personality are formed in the game, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development.

For a child, a game is a means of psychological preparation for future real life situations.

Direct play in extracurricular educational work has a certain educational and educational effect on the child. First of all, it is worth determining what the pedagogical effect of the game is.

First, the game models life situations of struggle and competition.

Secondly, it creates conditions for interaction and mutual assistance.

Thirdly, it unites, creates, albeit temporary, a community. The commonality that develops during the game tends to persist even after the game is over. The joint efforts that have arisen in its process, mutual support and mutual assistance give rise to positive emotions, bring together and encourage them to preserve and reproduce

Fourthly, in the circle of the game, the laws and norms of everyday life are not taken into account.

Fifthly, the game, although carried out within the framework of the rules, creates scope for fantasy and improvisation.

Sixth, the game is fully consistent with the principle of the unity of knowledge and recreation. Along with the pleasure of the game itself, the child enjoys expanding his horizons, the ability to use his knowledge and enrich himself with the knowledge of others.

Seventh, in the game you can show those positive qualities that are not used in everyday life.

Despite the fact that play activity is the leading one in preschool age, its significance does not decrease in children of primary school age. L.S. Vygotsky noted that at school age, play and lessons, play and work, form the two main channels along which the activity of schoolchildren flows. Vygotsky L.S. I saw in the game an inexhaustible source of personal development, a sphere that defines the “zone of proximal development”. The game creates a positive emotional background, against which all mental processes proceed most actively.

All the qualities and properties of a person are formed in vigorous activity in its various forms that make up the life of a person, his social being. The vigorous activity of the schoolchild contributes to the increase in the vitality of the schoolchild, satisfies his interests, social needs. Therefore, the game disciplines children, teaches them to subordinate their actions, feelings and thoughts to a certain goal, helps to educate purposefulness. In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, to fairly evaluate the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own.

The value of the game in the development and education of the individual is unique, since the game allows each child to feel like a subject, to manifest and develop his personality. There is reason to talk about the impact of the game on the life self-determination of schoolchildren, on the formation of a communicative uniqueness of the individual, emotional stability, and the ability to be included in the increased role dynamism of modern society.

The game always acts as if in two time dimensions: in the present and the future. On the one hand, it provides the individual with momentary joy, serves to satisfy urgent needs. On the other hand, the game is directed to the future, as it either predicts or simulates life situations, or fixes the properties, qualities, skills, abilities necessary for the individual to perform social, professional, creative functions.

In the game, imagination is born and formed. Imagination is an action in the semantic field, which is the forerunner of symbolic thinking.

Imagination is the basis of any creative activity, it is it that gives impetus to the creative process, it is in the imagination that the path to finding intuitive solutions lies (A. Ya. Ponomarev).

There are various types of games and game exercises that can be used to develop communication skills. In any game there is interaction between the participants. The degree of formation of communicative skills is important in such interaction, but the game itself can develop and form these skills due to the creative nature, predetermined plot, role position.

Meanwhile, over the years, the game has occupied an increasingly less significant place in the life of groups where school-age children predominate. One of the reasons for this is insufficient attention to the development of the theory of the game of schoolchildren. The brightest example of the game position of the teacher is the activity of A.M. Makarenko. He wrote: “I consider play to be one of the most important ways of education. In the life of the children's team, a serious responsible and business game should occupy a large place. And you, teachers, must be able to play.

We can say that the game is a method of knowing reality. It is directed by internal forces and allows the child to quickly master the initial, but very extensive foundations of human culture. Perhaps the game seduces the child with its incomprehensible variety of situations that require him to actively display individuality, ingenuity, resourcefulness, creativity, and independence. The Soviet writer Vasily Belov, in his book Lad, expressed the idea: “Every child wants to play, that is, to live creatively.”

When studying the development of children, it is clear that in the game more efficiently than in other types of activity, all mental processes develop.

In pedagogical practice, collective and individual games are used (moving, plot-role-playing, intellectually developing). Most games have four main features:

  • 1) free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from its result (procedural pleasure);
  • 2) creative, significantly improvisational, very active nature of this activity ("field of creativity");
  • 3) emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc. (sensual nature of the game, "emotional tension");
  • 4) the presence of direct or indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

The highlighted features of games form the basis for the formation of communicative skills.

Play is the prerogative of childhood. Children play as they breathe. It is children's games that pay off with gold of the highest standard, bringing up generous, honest, highly moral personalities. The game is a special, sovereign sphere of a child's life, which compensates him for all restrictions and prohibitions, becoming a pedagogical training ground for preparing for adulthood and a universal means of development that ensures moral health, the versatility of a child's upbringing.

The game is at the same time a developing activity, a principle, a method and a form of life activity, a zone of socialization, security, self-rehabilitation, cooperation, commonwealth, co-creation with adults, an intermediary between the world of a child and the world of an adult. It is in the game that the experience of communicative relations with peers and adults is formed, in the game the child receives the necessary set of knowledge about the ways of effective interaction and their use in the practice of communication.

The game as one of the forms of extracurricular educational work helps to ensure the continuity and consistency of the educational process.

The game creates opportunities for closer communication and communication between schoolchildren of different classes, meeting in a favorable emotional environment, created on the basis of common interests and spiritual needs.

Chapter 3. Experimental part

The game for preschoolers is an important factor in understanding the world around them, mastering role functions, mental development of the personality, and its socialization. As a complex and interesting life phenomenon, it attracts the attention of people of various professions: teachers and psychologists, writers and artists, physiologists and philosophers, mathematicians, etc. In the peculiarities of the child's psyche, I.M. Sechenov. The sincerity and immediacy of the feelings of children in the game was noticed by K.S. Stanislavsky.

The game is commonly referred to as the "companion of childhood." In preschool children, it constitutes the main content of life, acts as a leading activity, closely intertwined with work and study. Many serious things in a child take the form of a game. All aspects of the personality are involved in it: the child moves, speaks, perceives, thinks; in the course of the game, his imagination, memory are actively working, emotional and volitional manifestations are intensified. According to K.D. Ushinsky, in the game the child "lives, and the traces of this life remain deeper in him than the traces of real life ...". Because of this, the game acts as a powerful means of education.

Play is a child's activity. Because of this, it has features that are characteristic of any activity: the presence of a goal, motives, means of implementation, planned actions, results.

Diverse in content and form, games introduce the child into a circle of real life phenomena, providing an unintentional assimilation of the social experience of adults: knowledge, skills, methods of action, moral norms and rules of behavior. The game forms the style of relationships, communication of the child with peers and adults.

Children's games are very diverse. They differ in content and organization, rules, the nature of the manifestation of children, the impact on the child, the types of objects used, origin, etc. The most widespread in pedagogy is the division of games into two large groups: creative games and games with rules. Children come up with the content of creative games themselves, reflecting in them their impressions, their understanding of the environment and their attitude towards it.

Games with rules are created and introduced into the lives of children by adults. Depending on the complexity of the content and rules, they are intended for children of different ages. Among games with ready-made rules, a large group is made up of folk games, many of which are passed from generation to generation.

In turn, both groups of games have their own varieties. The group of creative games consists of role-playing games (this is the main type of creative games), building and constructive games, in which children reflect their impressions of the life around them in a specific way, dramatization games, in which children creatively reproduce the content of literary works, etc.

Games with ready-made content and rules, according to their educational impact, are conditionally divided into didactic games, in which, first of all, the mental activity of children develops, their knowledge deepens and expands; mobile games in which various movements are improved; musical games that develop musical abilities, etc.

There are also entertainment games, fun games. The concept of "creative play" covers role-playing games, dramatization games, building and constructive games. In role-playing games, children's impressions of the life around them, the depth of their understanding of certain life phenomena are reflected. The rules are in the very content of the game - in the role , in the plot. Having assumed the role of an adult, the child acts in accordance with the logic of his behavior in certain circumstances (for example, a doctor examines a sick daughter whom her mother brought to an appointment; a driver in a car takes them home). The most general rule for children in collective creative play is the recognition by all the players of the conditional meaning of objects, accepted roles and actions. Without this, the game cannot take place.

Many researchers of children's games note the strength and authenticity of the feelings experienced by the child in the game. These feelings are rich and varied. In creative role-playing games, children experience feelings associated with the roles they play: care, mother's tenderness, responsibility of a driver or doctor, etc. In collective games, the social feelings of children (friendship, camaraderie) are manifested.

A game of any kind proceeds as a meaningful and purposeful activity. Each game has a meaningful goal for the child. Goals are not permanent. N.K. Krupskaya pointed out that as the child develops, the nature of the goals that he sets himself in the game changes: from imitative goals, children gradually move on to deliberate, motivated goals.

In order to achieve his game goals, the child selects his comrades, in the course of the game he performs certain actions and deeds, enters into various relationships with the players.

Children acquire the ability to agree on the topic and content of the game, distribute roles, and plan their game activities to a certain extent.

The whole personality of the child is involved in the game process, as in other types of activity: his mental cognitive processes, will, feelings and emotions, needs and interests; in the game the child actively acts, speaks, uses his knowledge.

The game is a free and independent activity that occurs on the personal initiative of the child, characterized by an active creative character, high emotional richness. As the personality of the child develops, the game develops.

The freedom and independence of the child are manifested:

a) in the choice of the game or its content,

b) in the voluntary association with other children,

c) freedom of entry and exit from the game, etc.

The game is characterized by self-regulation of actions, deeds and behavior of the players. The manifestations of playing children are regulated by certain requirements and rules contained in the game.

A child from preschool age needs a company as an important condition for his personal and social development, including preparation for school. The real relationship between children is the relationship between them as partners in joint play activities. Functions of real relationships include planning the plot of games, distribution of roles, game items. In the game, the role is realized, which reveals the meaning of the rule for the child, and obedience to this rule.

Game communication is very important for a child, through game communication, children learn more easily, the game liberates the child, reveals him as an independent person. It is very important to use gaming methods in preschool institutions for the more intensive development of the child, rather than just teaching methods.

Preschool childhood is a long period of a child's life, during which the child discovers the world of human relations, various activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to get involved in this adult life, to actively participate in it, which is not yet available to him, in addition, he strives for independence. “From this contradiction, a role-playing game is born - an independent activity of children that simulates the life of adults”:

The organization of work with children on the development of the communicative sphere sets tasks for the educator that require the integration of all sections, the relationship of work on communicative development with role-playing and theatrical play, musical and rhythmic movements, fiction, and so on.

The game is a reflection of social life. A game team is a social organism with cooperative relationships and communication skills. It is no coincidence that a child usually says: “I want to play with you” or “I don’t play with you anymore.” This, in essence, means "I want to be friends with you" or "I'm not friends with you anymore!".

Role-playing games are a source of the formation of the child's social consciousness and the possibility of developing communication skills. A child can develop not only speech skills, but also learn to play not next to other children, but together with them. In the game, created under the guidance of the educator, a new life situation is created in which the child seeks to fully realize the need to communicate with other children that develops with age.

With the development of the child, the forms of play communication also change. Gradually, as a result of educational influence, children develop the ability to distribute roles, taking into account the interests and desires of each of the participants. The teacher uses various game techniques to develop sociability, sensitivity, responsiveness, kindness, mutual assistance in children - all that is required for life in a team. We can say that education in the game is a school of cultural communication skills.

In the game, the ability to live and act together, to help each other, develops a sense of collectivism, responsibility for one's actions. The game also serves as a means of influencing those children who show selfishness, aggressiveness, isolation. During the game, the child learns to play not next to other children, but together with them.

Pedagogical work on game management can be presented in several aspects:

Methods of pedagogical influence on the content of games;

Help children in the implementation of the game;

Story development;

Formation of relationships between the participants of the game.

Of particular importance in the correct planning of the game is the constant analysis and evaluation by educators of their actions and the actions of children in the game. Educators in their records reflect the results of targeted observations of gaming activities.

In role-playing games, children enter into various contacts with each other and, on their own initiative, have the opportunity to build their relationships largely independently, confronting the interests of their partners and learning to reckon with them in joint activities. Thus, the role of the role-playing game in the formation and development of communicative abilities and relationships of children with each other is extremely high. It must be remembered that when organizing and conducting collective role-playing games, an individual approach to each child, depending on his interests and abilities, is of particular importance. Therefore, a necessary condition is the support and development of all the best that can be in a child.

The theatrical game as one of its types is an effective means of communicative development and creates favorable conditions for developing a sense of partnership and mastering ways of positive interaction. At the same time, the developing potential of theatrical play is not used enough in preschool institutions.

Theatrical games are free in improvisation, not subject to strict rules and conditions. Children act out various plots, situations, taking on someone's roles. Thus, they enter into various contacts with each other and, on their own initiative, have the opportunity to build relationships largely independently, colliding with the interests of their partners and learning to reckon with them in joint activities.

Games with rules (didactic, board, outdoor games) contribute to cognitive, motor development. The rule is open, i.e. addressed to the child himself, not to the game character. Therefore, it can become a means of understanding one's behavior and mastering it. Playing with the rules develops the necessary abilities in the child: firstly, the implementation of the rules is associated with understanding an imaginary situation; secondly, despite the fact that the games are educational, the collective game also teaches to communicate.

The game must be used as a means of forming the ability to communicate, since it is with the help of the game that the teacher is able to help the child establish contact with the outside world, as well as with peers and adults.

To develop a child’s communicative culture in joint activities, you can also use various games and exercises that contribute to the development of basic communication skills, for example, such as: formation of norms of social behavior), corrective games, soothing games (allowing you to relieve tension, teach self-regulation techniques), trust games (forming a sense of unity, cohesion, mutual trust, responsibility for each other), exercises for responding to aggression, psychological relief.

The game activity organized by the educator is able to form the following communication skills and qualities in children:

The ability to recognize the emotions of others and own their feelings;

Positive attitude towards other people, even if they are “completely different”;

The ability to empathize - to rejoice in other people's joys and be upset because of other people's grief;

The ability to express their needs and feelings through verbal and non-verbal means;

Ability to interact and cooperate.

The game changes the real relationship between children and adults, they become warmer, closer, a common cause appears, thereby establishing relationships, mutual understanding, which is difficult to do later. The poverty and primitiveness of the game have a detrimental effect on the formation of the personality, as well as on the communicative development of children - after all, communication occurs mainly in joint play. It is a joint game that is the main content of communication. Playing and performing various game roles, children learn to see events from different perspectives, take into account the actions and interests of others, and follow the rules and regulations.

Conclusions to Chapter 1.

Conclusions for chapter 1

Thus, having studied the theoretical aspects of the formation of communicative abilities in preschool children, we determined that communication skills are individual psychological properties of the child's personality, providing it with conditions for personal development, social adaptation, independent informational, perceptual, interactive activity based on subject- subject relations. Communication skills are a condition for the development of the personality of children and are manifested in the process of communication. The education of the foundations of the communicative culture of children occurs under the influence of objective conditions of life, training and education, as well as in the process of playing activity. The game, as the main form of work with preschool children and as the leading activity of preschoolers, can become a means of developing the child's communicative sphere.

Chapter 2


2.1. Organization and conduct of experimental work

In order to study the characteristics of the communicative sphere of children of middle preschool age, an experimental study was organized, which was conducted in the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Bavlinsky district, the village of Tatarskaya Tumbarla "Milyausha". The experiment covered 14 preschoolers who were divided into 2 groups: control and experimental. The study included three consecutive stages.

The first stage is the ascertaining experiment. At this stage, the study and evaluation of interpersonal relations in the group, the level of development of communication skills, the determination of the sociometric status of each child, the cohesion coefficient of the group were carried out. Pedagogical observation and special tasks were used.

The second stage is a formative experiment. It was aimed at developing communicative skills in children and included the development of a system of game exercises, tasks, games, a methodology for conducting various types of games with the aim of communicative development of children.

The third stage included the completion of the formative experiment, as well as control, comparative and evaluation experiments, and the systematization of research materials.

Along with this, individual conversations were used, which contributed to the active participation of educators and children in our study, since, for example, the novelty and unconventionality of various types of games aroused great interest and a desire to play in them.

To determine the level of development of communicative abilities, we decided to diagnose the communicative competence of the child and evaluate the communicative qualities of the individual.

1. Diagnostics of the communicative sphere.

The purpose of the study: To identify the child's communicative competence in communicating with peers using the "Pictures" technique (authors E.O. Smirnova and E.A. Kalyagina). An adult shows the children pictures depicting situations of interaction with an adult or a peer (Appendix 1). The child must answer the teacher's question by choosing one of the two situations in the picture. Based on the answers of the children, we assessed their communicative competence.

2. Evaluation of the communicative qualities of a personality in children.

The methodology is a questionnaire for parents (Appendix 2), which is a questionnaire designed for expert assessment of the communicative qualities of a personality in children, as well as their relationships with people around them.

3. The study of the relationship between children was carried out in the form of the game "Two Houses" (Appendix 3) - a variant of the methodology proposed by Ya.L. Kolominsky (sociometric experiment). The purpose of this methodology is to determine the status position of children in the children's team, the number of isolated, preferred, accepted and rejected children in the group, the number of mutual choices, the level of well-being of relationships in the group, the level of development of communication skills.

To determine the game as an effective means of communicative development of preschool children, we used an analysis of various types of behavior, conditions for joint play activities using a modified methodology, which included studies of different levels of a child’s behavior in the game by criteria for ranking children according to specific types of behavior, the levels of formation of game actions and understanding essence and values, accompanied by the speech of a preschooler.

Using joint play activities, we revealed different levels of children's communicative development. They represented the following sequence of development of social relations and behavior of children (Table - 1).

Table - 1. The system of different levels of communicative development

children at play

Levels of communicative development of children in the game Action
I level The lack of ideas in children about the rules of behavior in society and desires, egocentrism, passivity, etc.
II level Knowledge of the rules of communication, understanding the need to obey the rules, but unwillingness to reckon with this need, protest against it.
III level Internal consent, the appropriation of social experience, the rules of communication, but still passive, which is not decisive in the active behavior of the child, i.e. formal acceptance.
IV level Social norms and rules of behavior become defining and regulating the position of the child in the game and relationships with adults.

Games, speaking in various meanings, are most closely related to education in the following functions:

Communicative - united groups of players, established emotional contacts, friendly relationships, formed feelings and positions;

Educational - included teaching children the elements of psychotechnics aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking, etc .;

Relaxation - relieved emotional stress, acute neurotic reactions, neutralized emotionally negative experiences and fears;

Entertaining - created a favorable atmosphere in the group of players, turned the game into an exciting, interesting, educational event;

Developing - based on the theory of L.S. Vygotsky that in a concentrated form the game contains development trends. It actively develops perception, memory, thinking, forms and develops communicative, universal qualities, skills and abilities;

Educational - lies in the fact that the game creates opportunities for the upbringing of children. These opportunities are contained in the content of the game, game and role-playing actions, relationships in the game. It brings up communicative and moral qualities, skills, abilities;

Formative - through knowledge with the systematic use of games, high-quality formations of the intellectual (cognitive capabilities, logical thinking) and communicative spheres (qualities, norms of behavior, assessment) are formed; a preschooler receives knowledge about the environment and people's lives;

Regulatory - lies in the fact that the conditions and rules of various types of games set certain requirements for the preschooler that regulate his behavior, speech communication, actions, actions, focus on the formation of communicative experience, regulation of behavior.

To study the levels of formation in play activity in order to identify the communicative development of children, a method was used to identify and fix these levels, which was based on a system of tests: an opinion test (to this group of the subject's attitudes to other persons, norms of behavior and morality, actions and views of children in the game, etc.); situational tests - they offered the creation of a certain situation, for example, the same game task is performed alone and in front of the whole group; objective tests (to study game associations, conflict situations that arise in the game, etc.).

To study the gaming communication of preschoolers in various types of independent games in order to study the relationship of preschoolers to each other, an experimental technique developed by T.A. Repina.

To study the relationship of preschoolers in play activities and mutual assessments, the methodology and choice in action were used.

All games were divided into four groups with their own goals, objectives and influence on the upbringing of the child's personality. These are the games:

1. On stories from the life of children (in the family, kindergarten, etc.).

2. For professional subjects (in a store, hospital, atelier).

3. Amusement games that develop technical ingenuity and creativity.

4. Entertaining games (verbal, mobile).

Thus, the set of methods used was aimed at studying meaningful information about the relationships of preschoolers, their level of communicative development, as well as individual and group gaming activities.

Since the concept of communicative development is quite extensive, it was considered through the quality of the formation of communicative abilities in children.

Diagnostics of the level of formation of the communicative development of children was carried out. The results obtained are presented in Table - 2.

Table - 2. Distribution of children according to the level of formation of communicative abilities (stating experiment).

As the data show, in general, the overall level of development of communicative abilities in children in the experimental and control groups corresponds to an average level of 62% in the experimental and 54% in the control groups.

Communicative development is not limited to psychological formations. This is a synthesis of properties, which also includes the level of communication skills. Therefore, periodically in each group, a diagnostic examination of preschool children was carried out.

When comparing data on the level of formation of communicative abilities in children, it seems possible to judge the relative degree of development of communicative abilities of children in the middle group. The data obtained is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Distribution of children by levels of development of communicative abilities, in % (stating experiment)

Thus, based on the results of the ascertaining experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn:

At the beginning of the experiment, the level of formation of the communicative abilities of preschoolers is the same in the experimental and control groups, which is confirmed by the closeness of the average value in the groups.

The level of formation of communicative abilities of preschoolers is mostly below the average and at the average level.

The control study was supposed to reveal the final results of experimental activities on the formation of communicative abilities in preschoolers. The distribution of children according to the level of formation of communicative abilities is presented in Table - 3.

Table 3. Distribution of preschoolers of the middle group according to the level of formation of communicative abilities, in % (control experiment)

Thanks to targeted work on the development of communication skills through play in the experimental group, the number of preschoolers with a high level of communication skills increased from 29% at the beginning of the experiment to 59% at the end of the study. While in the control group there is a decline (from 35% to 30%).

The distribution of preschoolers according to the level of development of communicative abilities in children is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Distribution of children by levels of development of communicative abilities, in % (control experiment)

According to the results of the control experiment, we can conclude that in the experimental group there is a progressive formation of the communicative abilities of preschoolers. Compared with the beginning of the study, the number of children in the middle group with a high level of communication skills increased, which was achieved through play activities.

In the control group, the process of forming the communicative abilities of children in the middle group is characterized by weak dynamics in the increase in the number of children with an average level of communicative abilities, and the absence of positive changes in children with a low level.

Game as a Means of Forming Communication Skills of Modern Primary School Students

One of the most important skills of a modern person is communication skills. Possession of them at a high level allows you to effectively interact with other people in various activities. However, despite the ever-growing need in society for communicative people, the modern school with its existing set of forms and teaching methods does not sufficiently contribute to the formation of communicative skills. It is important to gradually form communicative skills in the primary school age. The activation of the communicative activity of younger students involves the process of encouraging students to energetic, purposeful communication. Communication is an integral part of any lesson, so the formation of students' communicative skills leads to an increase in the quality of the educational process.

Communication skills are skills in the structure of communication activities, skills associated with the exchange of information. According to the teachings of L. S. Vygotsky, communication skills are among the highest mental functions, because formed during life.

Communication attracts the attention of specialists in various fields of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, linguistics, etc.

This problem was dealt with by such scientists as Andreeva G.M., Apel K.O., Herbert M.M., Gorbunova M.Yu., Mukhina V.S., Fisher B. .

However, in the works of scientists, the possibilities of the game as a means of developing the communicative skills of younger schoolchildren have not yet been sufficiently studied.

The need to develop communication skills is also understood by school teachers, who actively use for this purpose different forms and methods of work, the possibilities of the educational process. Teachers also understand that the development of communication skills is impossible without a game, but the game is often used as an educational tool in an inappropriate way. A certain part of teachers simply underestimate the possibility and effectiveness of the game as a means of developing communication skills.

We managed to identify the contradictions that have developed in pedagogical practice on the problem of the development of communicative skills in primary school age. We include the following among them:

    the contradiction between the possibilities of the game as a means of developing the communicative skills of children and the insufficient implementation of these possibilities in pedagogical practice;

    the contradiction between the need to form communication skills in younger students and insufficient methodological support for this process.

The contradictions revealed by us in the theory and practice of solving this problem determined the choice of the topic of our study: "Game as a means of developing the communicative skills of modern primary schoolchildren."

The game has long attracted the attention of not only psychologists and teachers, but also philosophers, ethnographers, and art critics.

N. K. Krupskaya considers play to be a need for a growing organism and explains this by two factors: the child’s desire to learn about the life around him and his characteristic imitation and activity. A. S. Makarenko gave a deep analysis of the psychology of the game, showed that the game is a meaningful activity.

The similarity of play is also hardly expressed in the fact that children feel responsible for achieving the set goal and for fulfilling the role assigned to them by the team.

G. V. Plekhanov, proves that in the life of society, work precedes the game and determines its content.

In his opinion, the game serves as a means of preparing for work, a means of education.

The study of the origin of the game as a special type of human activity makes it possible to determine its essence: the game is a figurative, effective reflection of life; it arose from labor and prepares the younger generation for labor.

In pedagogical literature, the understanding of the game as a reflection of real life was first expressed by the great teacher K. D. Ushinsky.

A game - a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, recorded in socially fixed ways of implementing objective actions, in objects of culture and science (Psychological Dictionary \ Edited by A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, 1990) .

The structure of the game as an activity includes goal setting, planning, goal realization, as well as analysis of the results in which the person fully realizes himself as a subject. Motivation of gaming activity is provided by its voluntariness, opportunities for choice and elements of competition, satisfaction of the need for self-affirmation, self-realization.

The structure of the game as a process includes: a) the roles assumed by the players; b) game actions as a means of realizing these roles; c) game use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with game, conditional ones; d) real relations between the players; e) plot (content) - an area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game.

Considering that there are not enough methods for studying the communicative skills of younger students today, we decided to develop our own methodology, for which we introduced criteria for assessing the level of development of communicative skills.

We have introduced such criteria as 1) cognitive,

2) operational,

3) reflective.

Under the cognitive criterion, we understand the child's knowledge, ideas about the norms and rules of communication. Under the operational criterion - the child's ability to build communication on the basis of acquired knowledge, norms, rules. For example, the ability to address adults, to read the verbal and non-verbal manifestations of the interlocutor. Under the reflexive criterion, we mean the readiness of the child to objectively assess situations of communication, to analyze their own mistakes and the mistakes of their peers, those around them.

To identify this current level, we applied this technique.

It was held in the 4th grade "A" of school No. 93. There are 24 students in this class, 12 are girls and 12 are boys. All children are from complete families, of average social status.

Let's present the data obtained during the primary cut in table 1.

Table 1












Thus, we found that 54% of children have a high level of communicative skills development in all criteria, and 46% have an average level. A low level of development of communicative skills according to all three criteria was not revealed among junior schoolchildren.

We see that more than 50% of children in this class have a high level, this is due to the fact that the teacher worked on the formation of communication skills. She spent class hours on the topics: "Rules of conduct in the dining room", "Birthday Day", "School of Polite Sciences", "Behaviours", "Bad words - bad jokes." These class hours were aimed at familiarizing and practicing the ability to behave correctly in the dining room, guests, public places, and the ability to analyze one's speech.

The table shows that 66% of girls are at a high level of development of communication skills, boys with a high level of only 34%, while 58% of boys are at the average level, and only 42% of girls.

Thus, we see that communication skills are better developed in girls than in boys of this class.

Having studied the current level of development of communication skills, we selected games taking into account this level.

To familiarize children with the norms of communication, we have developed abstracts of extracurricular activities. These classes included such games as "Gift", "Closed Class", "Compliment", as well as exercises in a game form aimed at familiarizing and mastering the norms of communication.

Gradually, we introduced games that help build more complex skills, such as listening, which was carried out through the use of games such as Snowball, Running Lights, Pass to Another.

We also formed skills and abilities in the field of non-verbal communication. To do this, we used the games mentioned above, namely “Gift” and “Closed Class”, and also used such games as “Greeting”, “Handshake”, “Comfort Zone”, “Intuition”, “Eastern Market”, “ Mirror”, “Bridge”, “Theater”.

At later stages, we offered students such games as "No, I'm not going with you", "Kids - kids", "Carousel", "Who am I", "Communication in a couple", "Establishing contact", which allowed them to master skills of adequate communication, allowed to work out effective means of communication, developed the ability to behave in accordance with the principle of "here and now", and also allowed to form the skills of assertive behavior.

Completing the formative experiment, we conducted a control section in order to identify the levels of formation of communicative skills. We were interested in whether there was a positive trend in their development. We used the previously used method. Let's present the obtained data in table 2.

table 2

The level of development of communicative skills of younger schoolchildren in the experimental group.












Thus, we found that 92% of children have a high level of communicative skills in all criteria, and 8% have an average level. A low level of development of communicative skills according to all three criteria was not revealed among junior schoolchildren.

Table 2 shows that 92% of girls are at a high level of development of communication skills, boys with a high level are also 92%, while 8% of boys are at the average level, girls are also 8%.

Thus, we see that communication skills are equally developed in girls and boys of this class.

The results of the cognitive criterion are presented in Table 3.

Table 3

The development of communication skills of younger students at the beginning and end of the experiment.

By all criteria





From table 3, we can conclude that in this class, after a formative experiment, the number of girls with a high level of development of communicative skills increased by 23%, and boys by 50%, with an average level of development of communicative skills of girls decreased by 16%, and boys by 33%. A low level after the formative experiment was not revealed in the subjects.

The level of development of communication skills according to the operational criterion has increased, namely:after a formative experiment, girls with a high level decreased by 9%, while boys increased by 25%, girls with an average level of communication skills increased by 9%, and boys decreased by 17%. A low level of development of communication skills according to the operational criterion after the formative experiment was not revealed. As we can see, the development of communication skills according to the operational criterion was more pronounced in boys.

According to the reflexive criterion, the number of girls with a high level of development of communication skills increased by 42%, among boys it also increased by 42%, girls with an average level of development of communication skills according to the reflexive criterion decreased by 42%, and among boys it decreased by 34%. A low level after the formative experiment was not revealed.

Application of the criterionGshowed that the development of communication skills of younger students occurred at the end of the experiment at the 1% level of statistical significance.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of the game contributes to the development of communicative skills of younger students under the following conditions:

When selecting games, the current level of development of communication skills is taken into account

Through the content of the game, consistent and systematic familiarization of students with the norms of communication is ensured.

The game is included as a means of developing communicative skills in the educational process.

Preschool age is a unique period of intensive, comprehensive development of the child. At preschool age, the initial key competencies are laid, the main of which is communicative.

In the "Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education" special attention is paid to the development of communicative competencies in children.

The problem of communication skills is in the center of attention of social psychologists due to its importance in all spheres of life of each person.

Communication is the ability to communicate with peers and adults, understanding and self-awareness.

Communication is an important indicator of a child's mental development. A person without communication cannot live among people. Communication is not just an action - it is precisely an interaction: it is carried out between the participants.

Modern society makes high demands on the communicative activity of the individual. Society needs creative individuals who can think outside the box, express their thoughts competently, and find solutions in any life situations. At preschool age, children easily acquire new knowledge, retain and retain the formed skills and abilities.

Communication activity involves:

1. Mutual enrichment of children with new learning experiences, forms of interaction.

2. Mastering by children different types of activities.

3. Establishment of emotional interaction with children and adults.

At present, the communicative development of a preschooler is alarming. It's no secret that TV and computer, computer games began to replace both children and adults communication and gaming activities. Communication and only living human communication enriches the lives of children.

Many children have impaired communicative function of speech. Such children have unstable attention, poor memory, fatigue, insufficient development of cognitive activity, a poor vocabulary, a violation of the grammatical structure of speech, an immature emotional and volitional sphere. In preschoolers, inhibitory processes are observed and they can show: timidity, stiffness. Children begin to be critical of their defects. Preschoolers are not always able to correctly formulate their thoughts, answer questions correctly, cannot ask questions correctly, find it difficult to establish contact with both adults and peers, cannot hold a restrained conversation with friends, enter into conflicts and find it difficult to resolve it peacefully and in a polite manner.

The ability to communicate is the most important condition for the successful social and intellectual development of the child. Considering that the game in preschool age is the leading activity, it has become one of the most effective and accessible ways to form the communicative abilities of preschoolers.

Theatrical game is a means of developing communication in preschool children. It is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, to nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around them, embody them, create their own artistic image of a character, children develop creative imagination, associative thinking, the ability to see unusual moments in everyday life.

Collective theatrical activity is aimed at a holistic impact on the personality of the child, his emancipation, involvement in action, while activating all the possibilities available to him; for independent creativity; development of all leading mental processes; promotes self-knowledge, self-expression of the individual with a sufficiently high degree of freedom; creates conditions for the socialization of the child, enhances his adaptive abilities, corrects communication deviations; helps to realize the feeling of satisfaction, joy, significance arising from the discovery of hidden talents and potentialities.

Theatrical activity simultaneously performs a cognitive, educational and developmental function.

The educational opportunities of theatrical activity are great, as it contributes to the development of the following communication skills:

1. Acquaintance with the outside world.

2. Formation of mental processes (attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination).

3. Speech development (vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, the sound culture of speech is being improved, coherent speech skills, intonation and expressive speech)

4. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere (the ability to recognize the emotional state of a person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, to express one's own attitude towards good and evil).

5. Formation of primary social behavior skills (kindness, friendship, honesty, courage).

6. The source of the development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, familiarizing him with spiritual values ​​(sympathy, empathy).

7. Motility, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements are improved.

8. An idea is formed about the theater as an art, there is an interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

9. Musical abilities are improved when creating an artistic word.

All theatrical activity in my group is organized in such a way that it contributes to the development of mental activity, the development of mental processes, speech skills improve, emotional activity and correct communicative behavior increase.

Theatrical performances and games in the theater optimize the cognitive development of preschoolers, introduce children to the rich world of images, human actions and relationships. The child learns to think over in advance his actions, the actions of the characters, role-playing statements, selects expressive means - facial expressions, intonation, posture. The brightness, spectacle and allegoricalness inherent in the art of the theater make it possible to bring to the child's consciousness sublime ideas about friendship, kindness, justice, and the beauty of human relations. Theatrical game activity contributes to the education of organization, independence, and communication skills in children. Preschoolers learn to consistently reason and prove their point of view.

Through role-playing statements, the dramatic development of the plots of literary works, a preschooler learns the meaning and actively experiments with the word, facial expressions, gesture, movement, masters various ways of expressing thoughts, character, and the image of the heroes of the play.

By participating in theatrical play activities, children learn about the world, become participants in events from the life of the natural world and people. All theatrical games are based on the material of fairy tales and while playing, children learn to coherently tell, feel, convey intonation, actively use movements, facial expressions and gestures.

The principles of the development of communication skills, which are formed in theatrical activities:

1. The principle of intergrativity (relationship with other activities).

2. Variety of subjects and methods of work.

3. Maximum activity of children.

4. Cooperation of children with each other and with adults (relationship between a child and an adult).

5. The competence of the teacher.

6. The principle of an individual approach to children (differentiated approach).

7. The principle of the game presentation of the material.

Types of motivation in a theatrical game:

  • Social (creating a situation of success, using praise, encouragement, the child's right to make a mistake).
  • Content (formation of experience in collective and creative activities, organization of individual work with children).
  • Pragmatic (increasing children's attention to this type of activity, the development of cognitive interest).

It is necessary to create a subject-developing environment in the group room, which provides the opportunity to simultaneously engage in different types of activities. In our group, theatrical zones are decorated, which differ from each other: “mini-museum”, “theater stage”, “in the country of the theater”, “dressing corner”. The creation of such zones pushes children to independent creative activity, to playing theater.

Theater centers are represented by a variety of equipment and the following material: books, theatrical masks and individual elements of costumes, sets of puppets, screens, various types of theaters (bee-ba-bo, shadow, table, spoon theater, finger theater, puppet theater with a "live hand" , parsley theater, variety theater, dramatization theater, saucer theater, umbrella theater, balloon theater, palm theater, picture theater (flanelegraph), attributes and scenery (model tree, house, flowers, and so on).

Principles of organization of the theatrical environment:

1. The principle of distance (communication between an adult and a child “eye to eye”.

2. The principle of activity, independence, creativity.

3. The principle of stability-dynamics.

4. The principle of integration and flexible zoning (children are engaged in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other).

5. The principle of emotionality (individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child).

6. The principle of aesthetic organization (a combination of the familiar and the new).

7. The principle of gender and age differences (standards of masculinity and femininity).

Work on the development of communication skills in children by means of theatrical activities goes through the main activities and in their relationship, it can be organized in the morning and evening hours, at any free time during the day.

All work should be systematized in such a way that the teacher would stimulate the motor, intonation, and creative activity of all children every time.

The development of the communicative abilities of children by means of theatrical activities, their frequent performances contribute to the realization of the creative forces and spiritual needs of children, the emancipation and increase of self-esteem, and overall development; the manifestation of curiosity, the desire to assimilate new information, the development of associative thinking, perseverance, the manifestation of general intelligence, emotions. Children develop the ability to combine images, intuition, the ability to improvise, develop melodic-intonational expressiveness, fluency of speech. The most important thing is that participation in theatrical games brings joy to children, arouses active interest, and captivates them.


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